Dear Chichiri,
^__^!!! I wanted to send you mail now, because i'll be gone on my washington d.c. trip with my school for the rest of the week. I have found a new hobby!! i LOVE to make plush anime dolls!! i's so much fun, and the results are amazing!! Almost half way through wearing my cast... maybe i'll have it off for eigth grade graduation dance!!! ^-^ if it's not, i don't think too many people will ask me to dance. T_T i leave on my trip on wed. morning at about 2... i'll probably be up all night tomorrow night!! i'm so excited! T_T but the one boy that i don't know if i like or not isn't going... he got kicked off first quarter. ::sigh:: oh, well!! ::hug:: i gotta go, tell ya 'bout my trip when i get back!!
Dear ashley,
I saw the picture of my doll. It was very good, no da. I hope you had fun on your trip, no da!
Dear Chiriko,
Do you know anyplace where I can order a Trigun outfit? ^_^ I've saw a bunch of people cosplayin` at Sakura-Con, but I didn't get `round to askin` em. ^^;;; Um....well...BYE!!
Dear Doc-sama,
Thanks! *Fanged grin*
Dear Nuriko,
*Doc helps Ryu to unpack his luggage*
Looks like you enjoyed yourself. :) *Doc pulls out something made from black leather*
Anouuuu.. is this for me?? Ryu sweetie, I do have black leather in my closet..
Dear Doc-sama,
I did! *Smiles* Ano... the leather is for me. But, you are welcome to it if you want it!
Dear Tasuki,
hey sweetie, is me amy B.! so uhh... are we ok with the g/f and b/f thing? cuz like i said "no kidding im not a fan lover! this is for real!" well i got you a super later birthday gift!*amy gives you a 12 pack of sake* ^_^
my drawing skills of you is doing really good! just like my best friend willowchan,i have a binder shrine of you! but it dont feel the same without you,cuz you are not there for me to hug me,to kiss me,to snuggle and cuddle with me,and be there when i need you! but hey im trying to manige it!
so... uhh... can i be your own personal miko? oh thats kinda like being g/f and b/f! oops all well! ^_^ well if we do we can go as slow as you want as you are ready for each step away! ^_^ i dont mind that!
well ill talk to ya soon babe! love always your little sweet wing ^_^
amy borghard
Dear amy,
Look, we can be friends, but that's it. Take it or leave it.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Thanks for the sugessions, Tama-san, but the girl thing won't work because there isn't any girl in perticular that he likes. He's my older brother BTW. So, any thing else you could tell me?
Dear fed-up,
How old is he?
Dear Mitsukake,
I have drawn a really good tribute picture to Miss Shouka. Would you like to see it? Do I send it to the feedback email?
Dear Rachel,
I would love to see it. Yes, you can send it through the Feedback address.
Dear Chichiri,
what blood type are you?
Dear ashley,
I don't know, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi, I'm new at this whole questionaire thing, but I just gotta know. How much are you paid to do the Malicious Plays? They're soo funny, abusive yet funny none the less. They must pay you a fortune to do them, huh? And if you do for free, then you should charge them! I mean the one where Tamahoome and Hotohori lay dead beside the already dead Miaka, having tried to save her life with the other one's, was just worth at least a week's paid vacation in the Bahamamas.
Next question, well, it's more of a joke, but I saw it in Anime Otaku Quizbook, so I thought I'd ask. If anyone says "Tama" do both the cat and Tamahome turn around? Just curious. (Please don't get offended Tama or Tamahome -_-;;)
Third question, why do you guys fight the Seiryuu Seishi? Why don't you just sit down, (in nuetral territories), have some tea (no poisons!), possibly some sake to loosen the tongues (but not too much!) and have some peace discussions? Wouldn't it be better for both of the nations as a whole? I'm aware that you probably have, but I just don't know because I can't get my hands on any mangas or tapes(that don't belong to someone else already), so this may have happened but, can you please tell me anyway?
And finally, I know it's a stupid question but I just had to ask: What was it like to do the Malicious Play of the Hot Springs, when you guys and the Seiryuu Seishi went to some hot spring, and had to dress up as women there. (It was sad [but reminded me of the Slayers episode called 'They're Talking About a Girl Named Zelgadiss?', or something like that]; they blurred Mitsukake's face from the TV. I mean it couldn't have been that bad, could it? Good Lord, I hope not).
Anyway, thanks for your time. I know some of the questions are probably super easy for the devoted otaku, so I'm sorry for any stupid questions. Oh, I was curious, did Amiboshi fully go over your side, or did he kinda play half-and-half? Sorry for the dumb question, but just curious!
With greatest respects and honors to each and every one of you,
Akira Imawano
Dear Akira Imawano,
The Omake? We were paid and and yes Mitsukake WAS that bad! The cat NOT the Seishi answers to Tama, Amiboshi was on his own side. Unfortunately, Nakago and the rest of the Seiryuu Seishi weren't interested in a peace discussion.
Dear Tasuki,
No, Her name is Ceara Reieter.Tamahome has her right now.She has this really kawaii picture of you though.Although im more interested in someone else^-^,if I play your voice over and over again, she'll fal into a trance.
Soooo fun.Her room is covered in Tasuki.She manages to bring Tasuki into every damn sentence!(I.E. Oh,I failed geography...Tasuki is Sooooo kawaii!)
Shes driving me crazy.Just get her away from me.BTW, Would you SERIOUSLY just check into her,please!?!She is starting to make Tasuki dolls.Oi... Make sure Tamahome keeps her....And Flame him, if ya can...(AFTER he pays me $890)
Ceilah, Mystical Dragon!
Dear Ceilah,
I KNOW he has her! *Grins* THAT'S why I'm outta here!!!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey I just thought that snce no one had written a question in two day I will keep u Seishi on your feet! First I wanna say I LOVE U HOTOHORI!!!
Any another thing..what is up wit the Tasuki and Lina Universe. Someone just told me that Tasuki doesn't like her but why? Oh well....hmm..Buh-bye
Dear Akari,
I think he does, but he just won't admit it!
Dear Nuriko,
Hiya, *BIG HUG and a kiss on the cheek*
How is my favorite girl doing these days? I am glad you had a wonderful trip to Japan. Ya'know my mate (Anya) and I would have loved to have hit a few taverns with you and the guys. [And honestly, we don't want to discuss just *how* many years over the "Old enough" age we are. ^-^;;]Anyway, we are glad you had a safe journey; and we are very happy your back.
I was wondering if you could help me with a fashion question? Do you know where I could find a shirt with your picture on it. If at all possable, one with only your pic on it. I have been searching eBay and a few of the online anime store; and when I do actually find any FY shurts, my lovely goddess Nuri-chan is mostly obscured. Any help you can give is deeply appreciated.
Here's something I have been meaning to tell you for awhile. Did you know that there are two really cool mailing lists on devoted exclusively to you? One is Nuriko4All, which is a discussion of "all things Nuriko" (obviously); and the other is NurikosYaoiPalace, which is a place to post risque pics and fanfics, and have general Nuriko related shounen ai discussion. One night when Tasuki and Hotohori are out of view of the screen, you might want to peek in for a giggle...or a blush.
Dear Neko,
*Giggles* Arigato for the information! As for the shirt have you considered printing out a color iron-on transfer and making your own shirt?
Dear Tamahome,
you are good firends with tasuki and you know about LOVE since you got miaka so... watch over tasuki to see his secret experetions and see if he readly loves me! it feels like hes not amiding it! thanx tamahome!
amy nickname: wing
Dear amy,
OK, but as we all keep telling you, he isn't in love with anybody!
Dear Tasuki,
The guy I like was recently introduced to an eighth-grade girl by his friend.. GOSH! I can't be beaten by an eight-grader. *sulks*
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
What grade is he in? If he's older than th' 8th grader he probably won't be interested in her.
Dear Tasuki,
Hey Tasu-chan! Just to let you know, I've been feeling alot better lately and I guess there's nothing like a good cry, eh? But anyway, thanks for the kiss *Blush* =^_^= My grandmother and cousin came from CA for the funeral and since my mom said I couldn't go cause it was a school day >.< They came and visted me (Im taller than my 15 year old cousin! Nyah!) Hehehe!
But anyway what sux right now is that we just came back to school from the strike and....MAY DAY ISN'T CANCELLED!!!!!!!! Let me explain.... May day is a stupid @$$ thing that my poverty school celebrates by dancing "Hula" *Hawaiian dance* In front of the entire school! *NNNOOOO* And we have a number of girls and boys being "Island princes and princesses" and they have to say this long @$$ hawaiian chant in the beginning and its so boring then the "queen" is "crowned" with a stupid crown made of flowers and she dances for what seems like an eternity. *sigh* Me and Vulpixgirl (Tamahome no Aisai) are really pi$$ed off about the whole thing....ya know why? WE GOTTA DANCE HULA IN TEA LEAF SKIRTS!!! *blushes with embarassment* Geeze, saying the chant in the beginning of the dance is bad enough, but LEAF SKIRTS!?!
Tasuki, have you ever gone through anything so embarassing before?! Then I gotta scream this chant in the beginning: "Ai kalakaua ka pua mae'ole i (pronounced e) ta la" dang I had to say it so many times its like imprinted on my brain or something.... But anyway enough of the horrid events to come....
Im going to Kona tommorow and me and my family and Tamahome no Aisai are gonna stay in a hotel and walk around town and go see a movie (Probably Pokemon 3, we wanted to see that to see if Ash and Misty finally kiss or somethin'...DO YOU KNOW?) Anyway, I gotta go, and thank you for everything *Gives Tasuki a nice kiss* It really helped me alot. Oh Tamahome no Aisai sends Tamahome her love and kisses *Tell him hi for her ok?* Anyway, I'll getcha somethin' in Kona. Next tuesday (May 1st) Im gonna turn 14 offcially! ^_^ So I'll talk to ya soon, Tasuki-chan!
Dear Sakura,
Sorry it took so long to get back to ya'. Yeah, I had that experience when we all had to dress in drag to get onto that stupid island of women! >.< Happy birthday! *Gives her a hug.* I'll give Obake-chan th' message.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi!!!!!!! i think i have a crush on this boy at school, but i don't know. i think i like him, and i did like him seince first quarter. the thing is, it got out first quarter, and he avoided me. now we spend so much time togetherat school, and i think i fell for him again. if i don't see him in the classes i normally have with him, i worry! and i miss him! i'm actually glad to be at school when he's there! i can't be falling for another guy! ::groans:: i thought i was through with guys after i dumped my last boyfriend! what do ya think? does it sound like i like him? what should i do?!?!?!?!
Dear ashley,
You might. Why don'y you take it slow and just be friends with him for now? Good luck!
Dear Nuriko,
Nuri-chan...I need to ask you a very serious question. I don't know who else to talk to. You seem like the best one to talk to when you have issues. And I'm sure everyone goes to you for advice and I know how annoying that can be. If you find this annoying feel free to ignore me. But I was just wondering if you have any advice on being more likeable... My BEST FREIND just told me she's sick of "putting up with" me. She's not only my best friend but she's pretty much my only friend. We've been fighting more and more lately she never tells me ANYTHING anymore... I don't know what to do. I guess it serves me right for not being friendly to everyone else but everyone is always teasing me and mocking me so I tend to be defensive.
I'm also a rather violent person. I try to be nice but it never works. I'm 15 have NEVER had a boyfriend(and probably never will... let's face it I'm ugly), have a total of about 8 friends half of which know absolutely nothing about me, am the most hated person in the school, am failing high school and am about to move away from everyone I've ever known or have to live in my mom's car. I just don't know what to do.... I need some adivce if ya don't mind, Nuri-chan. Actually I shouldn't call you that. My few friends complain about me being obsessed with FY but when your life sucks of course you're going to want to get out. Hell I've written sooooo many self insertion fics it's not even funny. ok well I'm done complaining about my cr*ppy life. I heard you went to Japan. I hope you had fun.^^ Ja ne!
Dear Niki-chan,
I'm sorry that you are going through so many difficulties at once. *Gives her a hug.* Where you arfe moving to, will you be attending a different school? If so, then you should see this as an opportunity to turn your life around, If not, then perhaps you should talk to your school counselor about your school life and about handling your self-esteem issues. I'm sure that you are neither ugly nor annoying. You must learn to realize that and to love yourself for who you are. You are speacial in this world. Theere is no other like you. Please take care. Good luck!
Dear Chichiri,
Chiri... seeing as Hikou forgave you in the OVA's why don't you use your magic to heal your scar. I mean you're sexy with or without it but you have such a pretty eye color... (imagines Chiri with both eyes)(SIGH) While we're on the topic of appearence how do you get your hair to do that? Do you use Trowa's hair gel or is it maigical.
Twilight Angel
Dear Twilight Angel,
I suppose that I need to forgive myself as well. My hair just grows that way, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
GEN-CHAN!!! (GLOMPS GEN-CHAN) AISHITERU!!! ^^ (SNUGGLE SNUGGLE) Can I visit you and Kouji and everyone on Mt. Reikaku? Please!! I really want to see that place. ONEGAI GEN-CHAN!! ONEGAI!!!!! (Gives Gen-chan her irresistable puppy eyes) Onegai, koi?
Dear T\,
If it were possible fer ya' to come to our world, I'd say yes.
Dear Nuriko,
Nuri-chan!!! (Glomps Nuri-chan)Do you have any tips on a cheap way to get an outfit like yours?? I'm going to be you when I go to the comic convention but I still need to get an outfit. I DON"T KNOW WHAT TO DO!!!! My hair will look soooooooo cute but after that I'm lost. :::TEARS::: HELP ME!!
Twilight Angel
Dear Twilight Angel,
Perhaps your mother or a friend can sew one for you. Good luck!
Dear Tasuki,
TASUKI!!!!!!! *glomps* I found a way to get online! Yay! *pouts* I missed your b-day! Gomen nassai!!! *hugs him and hands him a belated bottle of ssake gift* You know what! Someone's birthday we all know and love is coming up soon *big grin* In fact on next thursday, May the 3rd *grins and hugs him* So whatcha gonna get this special person, huh? ^___^
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
I dunno. Who's th' person? *Grins*
Dear Nuriko,
I have a problem You see one of me friends introdused me to one of her guy friends and we toatly got along and we relly liked eachother. My friend had told me many times that she didn't like him at all. They were just friends she would never got out with him. So after we met we started talking on the phone a lot and he asked me out I told hime that I had to Talk to me friend frist and when I talked to her she said that it was ok now she is pissed off at me
bondage no miko
Dear bondage no miko,
Did you ask her why she is so angry? She was the one who introduced the two of you and said she had no interest in him. Try talking to her again.
Dear Hotohori,
hey hotohori, do you think tasuki loves me? keep a good eye on him just incase!
Dear amy,
I think I can in all honesty say that Tasuki is not in love with anyone.
Dear Mitsukake,
Heelloo. How r ya? Believe it or not I'm sick again....I thought that once it was spring I'd be ok but my momgave me some flu a week ago and it came back...I hate making up school work for being sick and stuff!! I swear I get sick at least 3 times a month...Is that even normal?? Would having pnemonia when I was in 6th grade make me weaker to disease or something!! Waaa!! I've always been this way... You could ask Nuriko...I'm always sick!! My hamster Coaco is never sick.. My hamster Peanut was a runt and he died last Sunday...*sniffle* Oh well I bet he's happier now! Can u heal me PLEASE? Ha ha....Any suggestions on how I can get sick less often?? I hate being sick I hate it! Maybe it's all in my head...I wouldn't be suprised. Except I don't want a headache and I got one. I wish I could travel to Japan. I'm planning to once I get a job and save up enough money and when I'm in colledge(like spring break er something)then I will go with my boyfriend. ^_^. He wants to go to um what was it? Some place in Europe...^-^ He thinks it's romantic...But that is many years ahead of us. I'm in 9th grade...Dern it! only 3 years of highschool to go though!^_~. Thanks for listening to my rambling! On to Nuriko..
Dear Willow,
I am fine, thank you for asking. My condolences on the loss of your pet hamster. I'm sorry to hear that you're sick again. Perhaps you need to eat a healthier diet and take vitamins. Odaijini!
Dear Nuriko,
Hello Nuriko*hugs him* I won't breathe on you ok? I'm sick again....Wa! No fair...*yawn* I can't believe I'm sick again! I love your songs and I'm listening to them right now..I memorized all three..Except I sometimes have trouble with Otome Ranman. I like the lyrics to it toooo.Eew postnasil drip! Grr... My stupid flu thingy is making this all so hard! I'm hot to. Um What would you do if your friend was doing somthing kinda dumb,and he's humiliating himself and you tell him but he keeps on doing it anyway? *sigh* I'm feeling alot better now about my hamster..The songs r hurting my head now...*sighs in frustration as she turns them off but waits for Perfect World to finish* I hated doing that...Now it's all quiet cause I'm sick home alone....*sniffle* Maybe I should take another nap.*yawn* I'll have a yummy grape pop and go and nap then. I know what Mitsukake would say:"Yes sleep is very good for you and it will help you feel better" Okee buhbye*hugs him goodbye*
Dear Willow,
You're right, sleep is sa good thing. But you might try to hot tea and orange juice instead of grape soda. Odaijini!
Dear Tasuki,
Why do you have fangs? And do you really hate women?
Dear Melody,
Why not? I find 'em *()^%$# annoyin'!!
Dear Chichiri,
How do you get your hair to stick up like that?
Dear Melody,
It just does, no da.
Dear Mitsukake,
I don't think you're boring! You're one of the coolest seishi!! I mean, you save the other sieshi, and solve problems, you're hot, too! Go Mitsukake! *Hugs Mitsukake and runs off*
Dear Mishiko,
Arigato for your kind words. *Smiles*
Dear Tasuki,
*POUNCE!* Ah, long time no pounce. Anyways... Hi. Yeah. Topic of discussion.... Nate. Right. Okay now.
What is up with that!? Where is the logic in that!? WHERE!? *slams her head on her desk* Nate has not talked to Rachey about her little stunt two or three weeks ago...
THERE IS NO LOGIC TO THAT! And ignoring it is not going to help things! Grr! *slams her head on her desk again*
In other news, I am no longer 5'1 1/2" something. I am an amazing 5'2 1/2"! Taller than my sister..... 5'7" when I'm wandering around in my 4 1/2 inch heeled boots.
*slams her head on her desk once more* It's not that I think anything is going on between them, it's that Rachey is using him!! And he's LETTING her! Augh!
Ranting One-chan
Dear One-chan,
*Looks at her and sweatdrops...* Yer not gonna ge needin' any *)^%$#) bells if ya' keep slammin' yer head onth' desk! Congrats on gettin' taller than yer sis! *Grins* I dunno what to say 'bout Nate, 'cept sometimes guys jus' do stupid stuff...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*poofs into the room* Greetings! ^-^ I have a bit of a random question for y'all!
If you had to ever crossdress... would you be happy or annoyed? (Btw, I'm sure I know Nuriko's answer already =P)
Oh yes, and here's a not-so-random question... what would you do if you had a chance to beat up Nakago when he's powerless?
*pauses and mumbles something about NEEDING to buy some tapes* Ja mata ne! *poofs out and somehow in the distance, a crash sound is heard...*
Kia Purity
Dear Kia Purity,
Tasuki and Tamahome: Annoyed!
Chichiri: Not terribly bothered, no da. I suppose it is a disguise for self-defense, no da.
Chiriko: Depends on why we had to do this.
Hotohori: Not particularly affected one way or the other. Besides, I make a stunning woman!
Mitsukake: Annoyed...
Nuriko: VERY Happy!
We're not certain that it would really be a fair fight, but Tasuki and Tamahome said they'd be up for it.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Please tell me each of your Seishi powers and your favorite food.
Dear Sei,
You don't know our powers yet? I really don't want to spoil it for you then. As for our favorite foods... we have posted several letters on that. Have you checked the archives?
Dear Tasuki,
so, what do you think of Lina Inverse?
personally, I think that she's more like your long lost sister. But whatever.
so, about that rumor about you and Kouji....? Is it true?
Xellos no Miko
Dear Xellos no Miko,
NO IT AIN'T!!!!! I guess Lina's ok fer a loud mouthed bratty girl... *Grins*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
DAAAAA? Where can I get some pictures of Suzaku in human form? He's a Hottie, no da!
Suzaku's Rabid Fangirl
Dear Rabid Fangirl,
Have you tried checking either Anime Turnpike or Anime PitStop? They are both good resources for such things. Good luck!
Dear Tasuki,
*keeps a safe distance just in case he saw her comment about his bunny suit on the message board :) )
Mai-chan's baby is coming soon, otouto-san! Not much longer now ... I was just wondering ... what are you going to do if it turns out to be another girl? ;)
Dear Pa'liu,
*Fanged grin* But it didn't! So there!!!!! *Sticks his tongue out at her.*
Dear Nuriko,
I feal so bad Nuriko, Today in science class we wernt doing anything because it was "bring your child to work day" I had my fushigi yuugi tape with me so we wachhed it. At leat half the class liked it be those inoying boys said it was agents the "school rules" coz it had a "sexsual inconter" in it. *AHEM tamahome and miaka is the opening/ending them song* so my teacher said not to bring it in any more. but I dont see anything wrong with it and the boys always so stuff like that to get people in trouble! I feel really bad so I ASKED MY SCIENCE teacher if he could punish me (my friend thought i had gone crazy) so he gave me a week of lunch duty (because I asked for that and I wouldnt leve him alone untill he did) I told my friend i wouldnt worry any more till i was punished but i stil feal bad! There pabably going to tell the dean and ill get expelled!!!!!!!! what to i do!!!!!! I feal so misrable i should just cry my heart out and get it out of my system but i dont like to cry infront of people i dont want to look like a little girl hwo crys easy. *eyes get all watery crys silenly* help me, Nuriko, what do I do?!?!?
chibi ami mizuno
Dear chibi ami mizuno,
Jaa... I don't know if I would have ASKED to be punished... However, if you are worried that you may be expelled, then you need for your parents to talk to your teacher and principal! Getting expelled for something as innocuous as the opening credits of our show is ridiculous!
Dear Mitsukake,
How are you? This is my first time on this website, but I decided to write to you anyway.....I just learned about Fushugi Yugi about two months ago. One of my friends(Sukino Tenshi) started me on th series. I've seen nearly all the videos. I'm at the part were you just died (sob sob)......
Well , it's a good thing you're not realy dead....I don't know what I'd do. I hope I will get to watch the remaining videos soon. I'm planing on getting some videos of my own.^^ Well, got to go. Talk to you later.
Hope to hear from you soon.
P.s: Did I mention that your the most sencible and charming guy out of all
the seishi.^^
Dear Christie,
Arigato for your kind words. I'm glad that you have been enjoying our adventures. *Smiles*
Dear Chiriko,
In my (almost) neverending quest to learn how to write in japanese, I came across a problem. In neither the katakana or the hirigana alphabet, there isn't a symbol that begins with 'J' on any of my charts. How do I do this character, or is there any symbol that can be used to replace it? I thought like it might be like R and L being the same or something like that. Can you help me?
Dark Lady Amahira Charrion
Dear Dark Lady Amahira Charrion,
Here are some websites for you to refer to: The Kana Guide, Japanese Alphabet Table, and Japanese Alphabet. I hope you find these sites helpful. Actually, you would use a ten-ten next to the kana for shi to make ji. But these pages will show you what it looks like. Good luck!
Dear Hotohori,
Do you think Sigmund Freud might have something to say to you for marrying a girl who looks so strikingly similar to Nuriko? *grin* thought I'd ask. :)
Dear Tsuki,
Perhaps... he might also say that sometimes a cigar is just a cigar...
Dear Nuriko,
Hi how is it going did yoou have fun in Japan guess what I'm 15 it was brithday on April 24 haave to go to class now.
I was tryin to tell you what I got for my brithday when the bell went so I can tell you now. I got a been bag chair 450 mintus of tanning the shagy C.D. money and clothes. My mom is also making me some clothes for summer. I hope you had a good time in Japan Talk to you latter.
Bondage No Miko
Dear Bondage No Miko,
Otanjoubi omedeto gozaimashita! Sorry I'm wishing you a happy birthday so late! But it sounds like you had a very nice birthday. *Smiles* We all had a wonderful time in Japan!
Dear Chiriko,
I have some exams coming up and I was wondering; do you have any revision tips? What did you do while studying for the Kakyou? (Pardon the speeling if I got it wrong!)
Dear Rachel,
Revision tips? Do you mean study tips? As for the government exams I read everything I could and studied as hard as I could. Ganbatte kudasai on your exams!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I just wanna know some "STUFF" about you... that's all! Like why do Tasuki sleep w/ Koji? (I know he will just say because of lack of room in the headquarters but I'll ask anyway)Why do Tamahome like Miaka and money? Why do Hotohori-sama like to remain beautiful? (When he knows Nuriko is prettier? Hahaha!) Why do Nuriko have to die? (And she..... I mean he is my FAVORITE character *sob*) Why do Chichiri....... I dont know exactly. Why do Mitsukake remain soooo silent? Why do Chiriko die early? Stuff like that. And oh yes! Why is Miaka such a big baby? Not to mention a big, stupid, idiot of a fool, glutton, dummy? (No offense Tama... or should I say OBAKE-CHAN!Thats all!
Dear Erika,
Tasuki: I DON'T sleep wit' Kouji!!! >.<
Tamahome: I love Miaka because she is sweet, unselfish, and kind. Why do I like okane? *Laughs* Who DOESSN'T like okane???
Hotohori: Nuriko...? Prettier...?
Nuriko: It was my fate.
Mitsukake: ...
Chiriko: I suppose it was my fate as well.
We all get the feeling that you do not care for our miko, no da
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*grins* thank you Chichiri for answering my letter ^.^ Since I'm new here, here are gifts for everyone! *gives everyone a dish containing their favorite foods* I prepared it all myself. I hope you like it ^.^ My food shall become legendary here soon...heh. Also, here are sopme gifts that will last longer. ^.^ for Chichiri, a magical fishing pole. ^.^ with this, you can always catch the biggest and best fish. For Nuriko & Hotohori, a ticket for a one day pass to a spa (ooh, I could use that too) For Chiriko, here are some very imformative (and a few fun) books that I enjoyed, I hope you do too ^.^ For Tamahome....*fishs in pocket* 100 gold ryu. Spend it wisly. For Mitsusake(I hope I didn't spell it wrong) I give you a healing kti I came up with....I hope it helps.^.^. Forgive me if I forgot anyone, I am tired today. ^.^ ;;Okay then, I'm off! *dissapears in a flash of blue flame*
Dear AquaFlame00,
*All the Seishi bow* Doumo arigatou gozamashita for the wonderful presents and the oishii food!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
I am glad you like your gift. I like the pic that Hino-chan did. She has alot of good pics she did of you, But I think the bunny one was cute. *grins evily* I did to talk to Hino. Here I think you need this. *case of sake* There you go. *gets one for herself* haha this is real good. well enjoy. Ja
Hibarrano Tenshi
Dear Hibarrano Tenshi,
Thanks! *Looks at his pink bunny picture and sweatdrops...* I think I need it too!
Dear Chichiri,
Da... Me and Hibarra-chan went to a choir competition today, no da. DA!! We made a 3! On concert! I thought we at least made a 2, no da, but we made a 3!!! grrrrrrr....>.<
Anou, you probably have absolutely no idea what I'm talking about, ne? Well, every year we go to this UIL competition where we do two things: perform three UIL approved songs on stage for three judges and whoever else just happens to wander into the auditorium, which is what we call concert, and then we go to another room where there's no one except three different judges and our director and we have to sight-read a song we've never seen before. Both things are scored seperately on a scale of 1-5, 1 being the best, no da. And we got a 3!
*pout* Baka judges... They went harder on us than anybody else, no da... Just cuz we were one of the first choirs to sing, no da... Though we really didn't do very well, no da... I know I screwed up quite a bit... And half the choir failed, so they couldn't go to competition, no da... Anou, we kinda did deserve either a 2 or a 3, no da... But, they coulda had mercy and given us a 2!
Good news, though! We made a 2 in sight-reading! I so thought we were gonna get a 3, but they gave us a 2!! YATTE! Usually sight-reading is the worst part of the entire thing, demo our director told us afterwards that we almost had a 1! SUGOI!! Last year I was horrible at sight-reading. My director is absolutely amazing, even if I am the only one who thinks so, no da. *sagelynod*
Anou... That's all, really, no da... Demo, I did wanna know what happened to the MB while y'all were gone, no da... So? It was weird, no da. I'd go in there to see if anybody'd written anything in the past 2 days, and it'd always be empty...O_o I was beginning to think either I was freaking out, or I had missed something REALLY important, no da... ANYWAYS JA!
Kageno Tenshi
Dear Kageno Tenshi,
The message board collapsed under all the threads, no da. We reset everything when we got back, no da. Omedeto gozaimashita on your scores, no da!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hello! I appreciate this site so much and I'm glad you guys like to make an effort towards this site and stuff! Umm......What are all your weights? I never saw it before....hmmmm...Gee that was a weird question. Anyway, I'm glad to know this site, and the nice people in the chatrooms!Good bye!
Willow ^_~.
Dear Willow,
Arigato for your kind words! Our weights (approximations) are as follows: Tamahome - 160lbs, Tasuki - 155lbs, Hotohori - 165lbs, Chichiri - 155lbs, Nuriko - 110lbs, Chiriko - 98lbs, and Mitsukake - 220lbs.
Dear Tasuki,
hey, tasuki baby it me amy once again! did you read my second mail i gave you? what i said about you on the second mail it true cuz i do love you! just give me a chance please! ill give you all the sake you want! anyways i had a bad relationship with duo maxwell! i found out he was cheating on me with hildi shniker! im really a sweet person! is just i've been under a lot of stress lately and i just hope you would just give me a chance! *blushing beet red* so what do you think! i mean who knows,we might be soulmeats! cuz i really really love you! to my pure heart! *huggs you and starts crying for hopeness and stress* *looks up at you with tears coming down* just give me a chance. please! if thats not enough then i will write a report on what i look like(just in case you forgot),how sweet i am and how much i love you! all this love to you is very true! i have to go to sleep now. i got school tommrow. buh bey sweetie. *huggs you and kisses you on the lips good night*
amy borghard nickname:wing
Dear amy,
I read yer letter. Now lissen up! I'm only interested in bein' friends! Can we jus' do that?
Dear Tasuki,
arigatou for the kind words Tasuki Papa, I must say I loved the Japan pictures, do you guys have anymore of Euro Disney? :o)
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley Chan,
Yer welcome! How're ya' holdin' up kiddo? Are we gonna see ya' at AX'01? We have LOTS of pictures of Tokyo Disney (mostly parades an' stage shows) but we didn't wanna bore everyone to death.
Dear Tasuki,
Welcome back, Tasuki-san (and that goes for everyone else, too!)
Much has happened since you left, no da. My last letter was kind of unhappy, but things are much different now! I have been in a wonderful mood for a month or two, and have not missed a day of school in a week and a half, no da (You may think that it is not very difficult, but when you have missed at least one day a week for four months straight, you can see why it is a big improvement ^_^;;;)
Also, I was accepted into the Savannah College of Art and Design Rising Star program! It's a 5 week full college course on the beautiful campus of SCAD, and I am very excited, no da!
My art has improved, and I am going to Florida on Friday for a choral contest, no da! I can't wait! I hope my trip goes as well as yours must have, no da ^_^
Now, I need to get back to work on my multiple projects that are due when I get back (Oh my goodness, I'm doing homework! How freaky is that, no da?)
Hugs for everyone!
Shadra D
Dear Shadra D,
We're all gald to hear yer doin' so much better! Omedeto gozaimashita! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I need a hug... Could you guys give me a hug?
Dear Mishiko,
Hai! *They all gather around her and each give her a hug.*
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Nuriko,
hello! i'm having a dilly of a pickle of a problem now, and since you're the coolest seishi of all, i hope you can help me.
i'm going to a concert with a male friend of mine, and i just now found out that these girls he talks to on the net are going too. they don't seem to be the kind of girls i would want to meet, much less hang out with, but i'm worried that he's going to hit on them the whole time and completely ignore me. cr*pple! what do i do?
Dear nuriko_is_kewl,
Try talking to your friend before you go and tell him that you would appreciate it if he didn't ignore you infavor of these other girls. You can also let him know that besides hurting your feelings it would just be rude. Good luck!
Dear Mitsukake,
I have a friend who is dying of cancer. He is not a close friend, but I would like to send hima card to lift his spirts in these final months, as the cancer is now fatal, and to let him know that I care--many people care. Yet I do not know what to say in a card. Would it be inappropriate to say "Get Well Soon" or something of the closeness because he won't be getting well? I hope that he does, but I know that being too optimistic in this case will not change the fact that the cancer is in-operable and he will probably only live for a few more months.
Dear Kangbai,
I was saddened to hear about your friend. You can certainly let him know that you care bout him by sending him a friendship card. You can either find a blank one and write your own message or perhaps make one yourself and give that to him. Either way, I'm sure he will be cheered by your concern.
Dear Chiriko,
I read this riddle, and I was hoping you could help me figure it out: There are only three words in the english language that end with "gry". Two of them are angry and hungry, what is the third? Arigatou Gazaimasu, and good luck!
Your Worshiper,
Dear Kane-chan,
Click here for your answer!
Dear Tamahome,
You WILL adopt my sister.I dont care what you say, she is now your adopted daughter.And I will NOT come to visit her.There,you have a daughter.Be happy,and dont follow me.
Dear Ceilah,
I'm not adopting anyone! I have enough mouths to feed already with Miaka! *Tries to hand her back.* Gomen.
Dear Tasuki,
..Did I tell you this yet?I am FORCING Tamahome to adopt my sister.You can marry her, kill her, I dont care.Just get her AWAY FROM ME!!!*leaves behind a cursing, gagged girl*grrr....slang....dirtyness..Augh!*dissapears*
Dear Ceilah,
*Looks at gagged furious girl...* I don't want no part of this!
Dear Hotohori,
Da! *hugs you* i've missed you ^_~... I was wondering, if you could have anyone play you in a movie who would it be? *small kiss on the cheek* Suki da yo....
Kurai no Tenshi
Dear Kurai no Tenshi,
Koichi Dohmoto from the KinKi Kids. He is bishounen enough to portray me.
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