Dear Tamahome,
Hey! How are things going? Did you have fun in Japan? Hope everything's alright with you and the other seishi. I'm writing you on owr school computer so I have to cut this letter short.....
Well talk to you later,
Sukino Tenshi (~Bianca~)
Dear Sukino Tenshi,
We had a wonderful time and I brought back lots of things to sell in Konan!
Dear Tasuki,
Li'an your sister, chased me around then tackled meh! And and then she messed up my hair!
Dear noda,
Yeah? Welcome to th' club!
Dear Chichiri,
YOU'RE BACK!!!! *GLOMP!* *notices the very frightened look on Chichiri's face and let's him go* ^_^ Hehehee...I didn't miss you guys, really.
I hope that you and everyone else had a good time. And that you kept Tasuki from having TOO much of a good time.
Oh, one last thing: I finished the frames verision of Dress Like Chichiri! *everyone cheers* Just thought I'd let you know. ^_^
<3 Mako-chan
Dear Mako-chan,
*Smiles* I missed you, yoo no da. We had a great time and we ALL managed to keep Tasuki from drinking Japan dry, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
Hi Tasuki. I just want to say thank you for your support. It really comforted me to know that you care about me. I was reading the paper earlier today and there was an article about my cousin. He was involved in a trafic accident and the police think alcohol was involved *tears start to stream down my face* And he wasn't wearing his seatbelt and he was thrown out of the car on impact and he sustained very serious head injuries. I cut out the article from the paper and tacked it on my wall...even though I know its not something very nice to remember. He was like an older brother to me and I loved him dearly. His services are on thursday and im really nervous about it. Sometimes I don't think that im emotional enough to go to that kind of thing...yeah I cry and all...but I feel as if I don't cry enough. Doesn't make sense, eh? I wish I could talk to my mom about this sort of thing but it doesn't seem possible.
Whenever I talk about something girlish like crushes and boyfriends (I don't have one) she always lectures me by saying that I shouldn't be worrying about boys and that their horrible. With the way my dad treated my mom and left us when we needed him, sometimes I believe it....and then I think of you, Tasuki and I know your not that kind of guy and your very loving and caring, even if you don't want to admit it. And thinking of you gives me hope and confidence that I'll find my prince charming thats exactly like you. And I want to thank you for giving me that courage.
And even though my friends and I get discriminated at school all the time, I just go on living my life. Being the independent girl that I am. I hate school, but at the same time I love it on account of the so-called freedom I get away from my home. But the kids at school...are just horrible. I get teased all the time. Because of my tomboyish ways and how I only hang out with 3 friends. And sometimes I even get teased because im a virgin.... *sigh* Sometimes I think about Marissa and the way she slit her life is far worse than hers and I wonder why didn't I do the same thing. But then I pause and think that suicide is for cowards who run away from their problems... *sigh* life is so confusing for me now a days.
The way I fight with my mom all the time and I get slapped for not making my stupid brother a 3 course lunch...its just disgusting. Sometimes I just lock myself in my room and block out all of the arguing and yelling that comes from my mom and her boyfriend. We have to look for a new house because my mom's boyfriend is 'sick' of her and he wants us out. My mom is in such a bind and she wants to send me to a private school but at the same time get a house. I told her that I can just go to a public high school and rough it...thats what i've been doing the whole time anyway. * hugs Tasuki and doesn't let go* I'm just really scared whats gonna happen in the future. I wish you were here to hold me and tell me comforting things *smiles faintly* that would be really nice.
I have to stay healthy to protect my family in their time of need. Whats so scary to me is that when I sleep I always have the same dream... Everything is always black and I hear a man's voice say "She's gonna be gone by next year..." I told my counciler that and she of course said "I don't know" Tasuki, I don't know what to do anymore. Im just gonna move on I guess and I'll never give up on anything. Life is rough on me but im just gonna stand there and fight and accept the bad with the good. Thank you Tasuki for listening to me and I know this note was really long but I had to get this out. I'll tell you how everything goes on thursday, ok. *kiss* See ya later.
Dear Sakura,
*Gives her a big hug.* I know that thins' are tough now, but I'm sure iot will all work itself out fer th' better fer ya' an' yer family. Jus' remember that what don't kill us makes us stronger! Be proud of yerself! Yer a survivor! *Grins and gives her another hug.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
hi!i know that i wrote to you guys earlier but i wanted to give you guys some presents,k?Here goes:
Tamahome:a mansion full of money,jewelry and gold (did a lot of work on that)
Hotohori:10,000 clothes and hairstyle clips
Nuriko:a lifetime supply of make-up for your beautiful face ^_^
Tasuki:free sake in every and any country you like
Chichiri:100 books of casting spells for those who want to be experts
Mitsukake:50 helpers and 10,000 medicines of all kinds for the sick
Chiriko:10,000 novels and educational books
hope you like them *sigh*i'm really tired of getting all of you that stuff *blushes*i think i shouldn't have said that *bows while blushing*sumimasen....well...i hope you like them...ehehe...i'm too shy to give people well never mind!...ehehe...hope you reply soon...sore ja! ^_^
Dear Riyazuki-chan,
Domo arigato for your generosity! These are really wonderful presents!
Dear Chichiri,
chichiri-san, da! anyway, sorry, too much sugar. anyway, i've got a question for you, which of the following is scary:
a) the twins on a sugar high (one too many pixie stix)
b) soi and chiriko (you know what I mean)
c) tasuki doing a strip dance (to anyone of his image songs)
Dear Ai,
Soi and Chiriko is just wrong, no da! However Tasuki does run a close second...
Dear Mitsukake,
I know your not very popular so I'm writing you. You do play a good part in the show (cough cough) . You are just misunderstood. Why don't you stick up for your self and make your own show (cough cough).
Thank you for your kind words and support, but I'm not sure that it would be a very intersting show. *Smiles and considers the show "Konan E.R.*
Dear Chichiri,
Why don't you make your own show with your adventures ?????? It would be very cool if you could do that. Your my fav!!!!
Thank you for your idea, no da. But that is really up to Watase-sensei, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
How many honourary family members do you HAVE on this board?
Dear Dilly-bear,
I don't know anymore! I've lost count! *Smiles*
Dear Hotohori,
umm ... no ... actually you were off by two years. i'm only 14. but thank you for trying.
Blue Avenger
Dear Blue Avenger,
Sumimasen, my mistake.
Dear Tasuki,
happy belated birthday! *sorry to all the other seishi for forgetting to write . . . please forgive me!* i just wanted tah ask ya one quick thing. can you ask kouji to be my big brother? please? i am sick of my little brother (heheh . . .bother) and kouji is so much cooler.
Blue Avenger
Dear Blue Avenger,
Thanks fer th' birthday wishes! I'll ask 'im but I don't think it's a fair trade fer th' bandits.
Dear Nuriko,
Anata!! I'm home!!! *Doc drops her pack and heads for the couch*
The line box on the telephone pole was 30 years old. The phone company just replaced it. I've adapted a few garments from my world into things that the ladies here in Konan can understand. *hugs Ryu* I'm glad you're back home..
Dear Doc-sama,
Sa am I! It was fun but tiring! *Gives her a hug and a kiss.*
Dear Chichiri,
hi! i missed you guys soooo much! i checked almost every day to see if you were back! did you guys have a fun time in Japan? i had a week off from school but all my friends were away. well, i will write again when i have something worth saying.
Blue Avenger
Dear Blue Avenger,
We had a great time! Thank you, no da!
Dear Chichiri,
It's hard being a Miko -_-$ I got my first seishi! Yatta! But he's so rude! His name is Maloun and he is 16 years old, kinda cute, has long blonde hair in some kinda pony tail or something like that. He has a strange knife looking weapon too and he show's NO respect to me! I found him, or rather, HE found ME when I was taking a bath in a spring in the woods. His hoarse was running away and when he ran after it he fell in the spring, RIGHT ON ME!!! And he hasn't even apologized yet! So rude...! Anyway, I can only hope that my next seishi will be more nice and polite...
*Maloun sticks his tounge out at his Miko*
Maloun(*wisper*): I would be more polite if you wasn't so stubborn and selfish! *leaves the room*
I HEARD THAT MALOUN!!! *Sob* What am I gonna do with him?
The teachers at my school knows that I'm getting beat up, and they watch over me when they can, but it's when I'm alone in the school-corridor and my ex-friends see that I'm alone that they take their chance to beat me. I try to stay in the classroom the hole day, but sometimes I have to get out too! I'm sure they will stop soon! *smiles*
My best friend will come to me next weekend again! She has a new Fushigi Yugi tape for me(tape 6)! She heard that it's pretty much SD with you in episode 18, is that right? I like you when you're in SD-form, but you're cute when you are in normal size to!
I wonder, could you show me how to take of your mask? If you want to that is? *hug's Chichiri, takes a step backwards, holds his hand and kiss it* I don't know if I dare to really kiss you. Their are a lot of Chichiri-fangirls that are after me for that kinda things!
Say hi to Tasuki from my friend(she really likes him, hihihi)!!!
Yours Truly,
Enma Mizuumi (Ginkuma no Miko)
Dear Enma Mizuumi,
*Takes off his mask and smiles at her.* Have you ever considered taking a martial arts class such as Aikido or Karate, no da? It might be helpful for you to take such classes. Not only do you acquire more self-confidence, but you also learn how to defend yourself and others. It is also great exercise, no da. I will tell Tasuki that your friend says hi, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Did Kouji give you the brownies? He took some said he was going to give them to you. One of them was a sake brownie I made specially for you!!! ^__^
Dear noda,
What brownies? OI! Kouji!!!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
My problem is my brother. He's got this thing of burping all the time. He burps at the dinner table, he burps infront of me while I'm working, he does it when ever he can. It's very annoying. And he does that just to irritate me. I've asked him to stop politely, tried beating him everytime he does it, and pleaded for him to quite it but he wouldn't. I don't know what to do. How do I make him stop burping like that? I'm really exasperated.
Dear Fed-up,
How old is he? Have you tried having your parents talk to him? If he is old enough to be interested in girls, perhaps you can threaten him with a girl he likes. Or surprise him by having her over so she can see his rude behavior. That should stop him! Of course, after that he'll probably want to get revenge so be careful! If he's still pretty young you can console yourself with the thought that he'll probably grow out of it. Good luck!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Okay, I have three dares for all of you. First, who do you like among the Seiryuu seishi? Oh! and rank all of them in a scale of 1-7. Second, describe the Seiryuu seishi. And lastly, say something nice to each of them. Thank You!
PS: Have you guys ever played strip poker?
Dear CDT,
The only one of the Seiryuu Seishi that any of us like is Amiboshi. He wasn't so bad. Gomen, we don't really have much to say about any of them. Here's our desriptions and ranks of them.:
2. Soi: Confused and used
7. Nakago: Evil, abusive, manipulative...
6. Miboshi: Evil and creepy
4. Tomo: Twisted and he has NO fashion sense! (Nuriko's observation)
3. Ashitare: Pathetic creature
5. Suboshi: Mentally unstable
1. Amiboshi: The only decent one of the bunch!
Dear Nuriko,
*sobs uncontrollably* Aaaahhhhhhhh. *deep breaths* *calms down*
After spending a very lovely weekend watching the entire series of Fushigi Yuugi for the first time, it wasn't very difficult to spot who the best character was right away. :) *wink wink* So, naturally, after I finished watching it, I immediately ran to geocities and started up a Nuriko Shrine! ^_^ HOWEVER...I wanted the midi of Kaze No Uta to play on one of my pages, but *gasp*, I CAN'T FIND THE BLOODY MIDI ANYWHERE! *begins to cry again* I've been searching for a week straight, and still no luck!!
Anyway...err...*clears throat* Know of anywhere on the internet where I can find some of your wonderful songs in midi form?? I've found Perfect World just about everywhere, but I can't find ANYYYY of the others! It's such an injustice! *sob* Any help would make me evvvvver so happppyyyy. ^_^ oooooo, Nurikoooooooooooo!!
( ^_^
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
a friend and i had a fairly large discussion on these two seiyuu's, so... out of the seiyuu's koyasu takehito and midorikawa hikaru, which do you each prefer?
(koyasu takehito did hotohori, zechs, seishirou(tokyo babylon one), mosquiton, etc) (midorikawa hikaru did tamahome, heero, zelgaddiss, etc) tamahome, hotohori, please don't judge with too much bias... much appreciated if you could answer
Dear houki,
We really have no preference. They are both excellent seiyuus. By the way, have you ever heard of Seki Tomokazu or Hayashi Nobutoshi? They are the seiyuus for Chichiri and Tasuki.
Dear Chichiri,
Chichiri-kun, I just noticed something...
1. In the manga, your hair is light brown, almost blonde.
2. In the anime before your eye gets scraped up (I couldn't think of a better way to say it, sorry...) your hair doesn't stick up, and it's brown, (at least in a picture of you, your best friend, and your fiancee).
3. But the whole rest of the time, it's the blue, sticky-uppy Chichiri hair we all love!
What's up with that?
I hoped I'd get an answer from you, since, well, you're Chichiri! ^_# <--Chichiri smiley
Dear Mishiko,
My hair is described as the "color of the wind", no da. So I guess it's just been left open to interpretation, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
$60.00?! Geeeeeesh! I'd be broke after that! Geesh, that lil wussy Tamahome...*has a good mind to show him what's what, but decides not to waste her time* Well, I'm glad you had a good time and I hope you can have more fun soon, too. *smiles and hugs him tightly, kissing his cheek softly*
It sure was quiet around here without you guys. I had enough time to perfect my Tasuki-drawing skills! (er...not to mention lose my magic touch to my Chichiri drawings in the process T.T') Ano...everytime I draw now, I give everything Tasuki eyes, though. Even girls! ><;; Female Tasuki's.........THAT'S A GREAT IDEA! *eyes light up* In can go in the Seishi of the Week thingy-ma-bobber! Wai! *grabs a pencil and piece of good paper and coloring pencils in delight to begin working on it* Tee hee! I'm such an insane lil genius! *fang grins then decides to work on it later when he's not looming over her and chewing her out ^_^;;*
Hee heeeee...*evil grin* While you were in Japan, did you meet any nice girls? *grins at him and winks* Mwa-haaa! If so...OOOOOOOOO!!! WHAT'S HER NAME?! *bounces up and down, practically having a fit to find out*
Last question! Ya know how I'm your miko? Well...can you be my aniki instead? I mean...hey! Why not give the others a chance to be the handsomest most wonderful Shichiseishi's miko?! *fang grins and hugs him* Please? *gives him large puppy dog eyes, batting her eyelashes adorably at him, waiting for his answer*
Welllll, I better get goin. *yawns* I'm tired, and we're gonna be doing sprinting tomorrow in PE (I should consider taking track! I came 2nd in every race, and I was against some of the fastest people from track! ^_^ Wai! Wai!) and I have to listen to my substitute drone on...and on...and onnnnn...*begins to fall asleep just thinking about it, but is woken up by his laughter* Ano...^^;; Er, I'm off now! *hugs him tightly, gives him a kiss on the cheek, then waits for him to kiss her forehead, then skips off...only to not have an accident this time...until she gets hit by the hippie van that's heading to Woodstock -.-;;*
Alecia-chan...itai, no da...
Dear Alecia-chan,
Sure I'll be yer aniki! I got to meet CnA's friend Eiji's boss. Her name is Lisa-san an' she's pretty nice. But, I ain't lookin' fer no girlfriends!
Dear Tasuki,
Could you tell me what the translation is for your song, "Setsunakutemo...Zutto"? I can't find it anywhere! And, could you please ask Chichiri what the translation for _his_ song, "Ochanoko Saisai Hengen Jizai"? I've looked and looked and looked and looked and looked and looked and looked....Please help! Domo Arigatou! *Kisses Tasuki's forehead and gives him a biiiiiig hug* Glad you guys are back from Japan! I missed you so much!
P.S. Tasuki-kun, my health teacher, Mr. B., says that too much alcohol is bad for your heart, or something like that...*hands Tasuki the tessen*..Just don't flame him too badly, Tasuki-kun, Mr. B. needs to be at school on Thursday for the anime club!
Dear Mishiko,
We're glad to be back! Ya' can find my translation here. I'm soory but we couldn't find any fer Chichiri's songa. Minna-san can ya' help wit' this one?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*Mishiko runs in to hug all the Suzaku Seishi but trips and falls off a cliff* Itai...Help, anyone?
Dear Mishiko,
*Grabs her hand and pulls her back up.* Daijoubu desu ka? Are you related to Alecia-chan, no da?
Dear Mitsukake,
*giggles* I know you went to Japan, silly, I meant like any place in particular? Like a shop, store, bar, restaurant, anything along those lines? My, I'd love to go to Japan...*sighs* Gomen ne Mitsukake-sama, my scanner is brokedidid (I know it's not a word -.-;;) and I can't scan my beautiful fanart until then! Yaaa! *beats up her computer* DIE YOU PIECE OF JUNK, DIIIE! *looks at his disturbed expression* ^^;; *clears her throat and regains composure* So, you had to keep Tasuki out of trouble, ne? *smirks* Poor guy. I heard that when he gets drunk he talks to squirrels and that true? *gets sake bottles thrown at her from her lil Tasuki* Ack! O.O;;
As for the cursed part...*looks around frightened* Ano...I haven't the slightest! >< It just kinda...started! *watches as Tama-neko falls into black paint then walks in front of her* AAAAGGHHH! MORE BAD LUCK! *clings to him and hugs him* Eeek! ><;; They're out to get me! I dunno who, but they're out there! *buries her face in his sugoi shirt* Help! it alright if I stay with you? I hate to keep on running off and falling down, getting zapped, lit on fire, drowned, suffocated, sucked up by tornadoes, tossed out into oceans and being tossed around by hurricanes, and getting paper cuts! *sweatdrops...* It's scary out there...
Well, I'm gonna turn in. I'm so tired *yawns loudly and stretches, then curls up on a futon she brought along with her and blows a kiss to Mitsukake-sama* Nighty night, Mitsukake! ^^ *falls asleep only to have dreams of falling, getting zapped, lit on fire, drowned, suffocated, etc., etc., etc...* Oy! ><...
Alecia-chan ^^
Dear Alecia-chan,
We went to a lot of places in Tokyo and Kyoto as well as Nara and Nagoya. The entire trip was funa nad interesting.
Dear Tasuki,
60.00 for 6 drinks?!?!?! that's expensive... was everything else in Japan that expensive? and did you find lots of cool anime/manga stuff??
P.S. nice picture in seishi of the week! you look sooooo cute in that bunny suit!! ^_~
Dear Moon,
Thanks! >.<;; Nah, only mixed drinks in Japan are that bad! We went to four different anime stores! One of 'em was like an anime mall!
Dear Tasuki,
Awh! You and Obake-chan look sooo kawaii!!! ^_^ Are you going to do that every Easter?
Dear Keiko,
Che'! Don't go givin' CnA any ideas! Yeah, I think she'll use this picture every Easter ...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Will Chichiri go out with me?
Dear Alluna,
He is unable to come to your world, but I'm sure that he would if he was able to. At least as a friend.
Dear Hotohori,
Konichi wa Hotohori-dono ^_^
My name is Kuriko. I was just wondering...would you like to go out with me...not as in date but just to hang out, as friends. Let me tell you about myself. Again my name is Kuriko, I like anime, drawing, singing when no one is around, practice the piano, swords, guns,and unarmed combat. What about you...tell me about yourself. I almost forgot ::reaches in her pocket, pulls out a necklace with a wolf pendant:: I want you to have this. As a symbol of our friendship. Please take good care of it. Thank you Hotohori-dono ^_^
Dear Kuriko,
Arigato. Of course we can be friends! My interests lie in politics, singingm and swordfighting.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*huggles each and every seishi and gives Tamahome two ryou cause she feels nice today*
Yay! Guess what Nuriko!?! *hugs Nuriko tight* I got out my my group of idiots in tech class!!!!!!!(Did I already tell you this?) They were goofing with the camera equipment so I finally said to Mr. P - 'I don't have the patience for this, please put me in another group.' - AND HE DID!
Yay! *dances with Maracas* I-have-a-new-tech-group! I-have-a-new-tech-group! Hurrah!
I also have satallite TV, a new love for my teddy bear (Dilandau-bear), a Collalition of Enemies against my avatar Lady Zip, a friend with his poor little heart broken by a french girl he may never see again and a painting to do........
Augle! You see this is all the stuff that happens that you miss when you go away on fun trips - not that you don't deserve a vacation! I hope you had a blast in Japan......also.....
What did each of you like best about Japan? And what souvenir did everybody bring home (or want to bring home)?
Arigatou and Welcome Home!
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
We had a great time! CnA brought back all kinds of goodies for her family and to put on eBay. So, what did we each like about Japan and what did we each bring back, eh? OK, here goes:
Tasuki: Th' bars are open late an' I brought back sake! What? Ya' thought I was gonna brin' back a *(^%$#@ kimono?
Tamahome: The prices were pretty good for most things so I bought a lot of stuff to resell in Konan. *Grins*
Nuriko: Harajuku, which is a fashion district was great! I brought back some sacchi socks, a Goth Bo Peep outfit, and some really kawaii sneakers with shiny heart-shaped inserts and 5 inch platforms!
Hotohori: The Imperial Palace in Kyoto was quite lovely and the landscaping was beautiful. I would liked to have brought home the weather in Tokyo. It was perfect!
Chichiri: I enjoyed hanami, no da (flower viewing). All the sakura were so pretty and all the other flowers were equally beautiful, no da. I wish I could have brought some sakura trees back, no da.
Chiriko: The food was so delicious! Kyoto cooking is wonderful! And the fruits in the foodhalls are like nothing I've ever seen before! I brought back some ocha nad some banana chocolate teas.
Mitsukake: I too enjoyed the beauty of the flowers. I brought back a yukata. It is a light summer kimono that both men and women can wear.
Dear Tasuki,
How did Chichiri no Aijin speak to the people in Japan? Did she speak Japanese to them? Or are her friends bilangual?
Dear baka-chan,
Both kinda. Her tomodachis were over here learnin' English fer 2 years an' she's been takin' Japanese classes fer 3 years.
Dear Hotohori,
*smiles* Daa!!!! I'm about to go weak at the knees. The smile is just to much for me. Da!!! You are to cute. Yeah, the MB talked me out of fighting. I'm glad they did. I don't have any flame proof clothes. *laughs* Did you get my gifts? If so, I hope you liked them. Love ya!!
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
I did and they were much appreciated, thank you!
Dear Tasuki,
OI, TAS-CHAN! You're back! *glomp* hehehe... Just sending ya Hino-chan's regards, no da... I'm writing on here behalf, BTW, demo don't get the idea that I don't like ya, or anything! See, *looks around and whispers secretively into his ear* She's grounded from the net for a while, for reasons only she, herself, is capable of revealing, at the moment, no da. *evilgrin* ANYWAYS She says she's very, very, very...etc.,etc... happy that you're back, she's sorry she missed your B-day, and... Anou, she wanted to know if y'all left Japan in one piece, or not, no da... (actually, I added that bit, cause I can't remember what she wanted me to say, no da... ^^;;) ANYWAYS I'm glad y'all are back, too, no da. And, HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY!! JA!
Kageno Tenshi
Dear Kageno Tenshi,
Thanks! Tell her I said "hi an' to stay outta trouble"! Japan is still in one piece... but a couple of bars are well... *Fanged grin*
Dear Chichiri,
CHICHIRI!!! *GLOMP* You're back! You're back! YATTE!!! I missed ya, no da! Did y'all have fun? Man, y'all were gone for a LONG time, no da! I was actually starting to worry 'bout ya, no da. *BIGsmile* But, I was just overreacting, again, no da! *mumble* Thank Suzaku... *looks around nervously* No one heard me say that, did they? ANYWAYS Did y'all get to vist the shrine in Asuka (that's the right name, ne? You know what I'm talking about, if it isn't, no da.^^;)DA!!! *hugglez* I'm so glad y'all are back, no da. I didn't get here in time to write ya before ya left, and then I even missed y'all's reply to my message on the mb...*pout* I was very sad, no da... Demo, now I'm happy, happy, HAPPY!!! I'll write ya again, later, k? (Mi kaasan is griping at me for kicking her off to write you. I think she needs to get her priorities straight, no da. Writing you is much more important than throwing her money away on online gambling, ne? *innocent grin*) BTW *evilgrin* You planning anything for your B-day next month? Whatcha want, ne? Tell me, and I'll get it for ya early, so it want be late like Christmas, no da...^^;; ANYWAYS Ya gotta tell us EVERYTHING y'all did in Japan, no da. I hope y'all had fun, no da. JA!!
Kageno Tenshi
Dear Kageno Tenshi,
Japan was a lot of fun, no da! BUt I think minna-san would be bored hearing EVERYTHING about it. We were unable to make it to Asuka to get to the temple but we WILL do it on our next trip, no da. What do I want for my birthday, no da? Hmmm... a new fishing pole would be nice, no da. Arigato, no da!
Dear Tamahome,
Anyway...Do you have a place I can store my sister?I now owe a local pub $890...Grrr...Just...put..her in storage...I need money...I really do.I have bar/pub owners sending tall,ugly people to my house.So...just store her here...*dissapears in a flash of rose petals,leaving behind a gagged, roped, squirming girl, cursing muffled words*
Ceilah,Mystical Dragon!
Dear Ceilah,
*Sweatdrops...* Ano... TASUKI!!! I got something for you!
Dear Tasuki,
You know,you'd be a perfect match for my sister.She has nothing better to do than to brawl and drink...Oi....I've currently gagged and tied her, so, you might want to look into that. But watch out...she uses almost as many curse words as you...
Ceilah,Mystical Dragon!
Dear Ceilah,
Is her name Lina Inverse?
Dear Chichiri,
I forgot to tell you. You were worth 41 dollars at the auction at the convention I went to. It was you on a pencil board!
Dear noda,
Honto ni, no da?? Don't tell Tamahome or he'll try and sell ME, no da!
Dear Chichiri,
I'm so glad you are taking good care of midnight! do you like him? is he staying out of trouble? i got a new puppy, and he is a major handful! especially because he's acting like my other dog. (they are both labs, one black, the puppy blonde)my cat is kinda angry, but such is life. I have lots and lots of homework, plus, we are supposed to get severe thunder storms... (maybe even a tornado! O.O) this will be an interesting evening. gotta go! bye! ::gives him a quick hug::
Dear ashley,
He is, no da. How is your hand, no da? If you pay more attention to your cat she should be happier, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hellooooo! Willow here! I'd love to congradulate you all on the wonderful job you guy's have done! And as soon as I get a scanner I'll give you guy's some nice pictures! I'm a goode artist tooooo! Oh and believe it or not, people actually DO go to the chatrooms so you guys should visit them more often! One of the people that I met in that chatroom says she never saw anyone there! Of course, still others say they see you guys all the time! I'd like to see you guys in the chatroom! Oh please would you guys all consider that? Ok thanks you guys!
Dear Willow,
Arigato! We'll do what we can about being in chat more.
Dear Tasuki,
Hi! It's me! Thank you for my hug *blushes*. I have to ask, how comes you're so good at singing? I'm listening to Setsunakutemo Zutto now, it's one of my favourites. It's so sweet it made me cry yesterday. I wrote in a while ago telling Hotohori about a fanfic I was writing with my friend and we've been doing sequals to it. My favourite part is in the second one, where there's a knock at Chichiri's door, and who should bound in but you! Oh, and don't worry about not being able to swim, I can't either.
Dear Rachel,
Glad ya' liked my song. I guess it's jus' from a lotta practice!
Dear Tasuki,
me and moon were argueing, so i decided to consult yu: Who do you like better, moon or reirei?
Dear Me,
*Looks confused* Ano... better 'n what?
Dear Chichiri,
....... still love me? You never responded to my message about my engagement on the board....Chichiri mad? *quizzical look*
AH! Tell Mom and Dad that I got my birthday gifts today! KAWAII DESUYO! The Eeyore keyring was SSSSOOOOO CUUUUUUUTE! And the Amano stuffs....*faints*
Oh....and today I am going for a voiceover audition...for...guess! Cowboy Bebop's english dubbing! *victory sign* Pray to Suzaku for me!
Kelli, still your aisai!
Dear Kelli,
I still do, no da! We were in Japan remember, no da? Ganbatte kudasai on your audition, no da! *Gives her a hug and a good luck kiss.*
Dear Chichiri,
First, I just wanted to say that you are by far the coolest, most talented and best looking of all the seishi. I don't care WHAT Tasuki and all his crazed fans say, he doesn't need any more ego-boosting ~.^ (no offense meant to Tasuki ^.^;) I would like to be friends with you, if you think that's okay *smiles*
My question is: What are all the seishi's favortie foods, and who is the best cook among all of you (if any of you are ^.^)? Maybe it sounds like a stupid question, but I can't help being curious! Well, that's it! *gives him a quick hug and dissapears in a flare of blue flame*
Dear AquaFlame00,
Arigato for your kind words, no da! Of course we can be friends, no da. The best is Nuriko, no da! Our favorite foods are me - fish, no da; Tasuki - steak; Tamahome - Whopper with cheese; Hotohori - Chocolate ice cream; Mitsukake - Fresh fruits and vegetables; Nuriko - Chocolate; Chiriko - Green tea ice cream.
Dear Nuriko,
Why is your brother such a wuss (I wanted to give him a hug. I feel bad for him)? Its like you are the older one ^_^.
Dear noda,
*Sighs and sweatdrops* I have no idea!
Dear Chichiri, friend was disappointed but I told him to play tic-tac-toe on his own knee and he didn't say anything else so I think he did ^^;;;. Elections for next year in the anime club are tonight. I am up for president! I am nervous I never been nomiated for anything before. I am nervous!!! AAAAAA!
Dear noda,
Ganbatte kudasai, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
heyya I missed you. So what was the coolest thing you did? I hope you had a great b-day as well. Here *hands him a gift* I made it myself. *a pair of boxer with flames* well I have nothing realy to say. Ja *Gives him a flaming rose and a hug*
Oh well, The project was to make a Flag and I put you and me on it. I can Send you a pic of it and you can see it. When I get it back from the teacher. Tell every one hi for me I don't want to write them all. You like the boxers? I hope so *looks evily at him* I took forever to make them.*smiles again* well got to get going Ja Ne
Hibarrano Tenshi
Dear Hibarrano Tenshi,
Thanx fer th' presents! *Blushes* I think th' coolest thin' we did was hang out in Shibuya in Drunkards Alley till 3:30 AM! *Grins* Sure! I'd love what ya' did!
Dear Chichiri,
Helloooo! Ok, if ya' read my last letter, please forget about it. If you haven't... errr... Don't read it... ANY HOO! How was your trip to Japan? Did ya' have fun? How many bars did ya' have to prie Tasuki from? How many things did Tamahome try to sell to get money? And how many restorants did Miaka put out of comition? I have a question for ya', where do ya' think I can get one of those tunics of yours? I just loooove it! I WANT ONE!!! (sniff, sniff...) ANY WAY! I'd better go, tell everyone I said hello, and tell Miaka to tell Yui I said hi too. ~.^
Wuvs and huggles,
P.S. How's Hoki and Boushin?
Dear Shara-chan,
Houki and Boushin are fine. The trip was a lot of fun, no da! How many bars... ? *Thinks about it and sweatdrops...* Daaaaaaaa... Tamahome wanted to buy everything in sight to sell back in Konan, no da. Well, even Miaka wasn't able to eat her way through Japan, no da. You and Chichiri no Aijin both want my tunic, no da! If she ever finds one we'll let you know, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Welcome back guys!hows the trip?hope it was great.It has been awhile since i've written a letter to all of the way,a lot of chaters are dying to talk to you guys.Why don't you appear once and awhile for us...i mean...we are your fans ya know ^_^.well....i guess it's sort of short but that's all i can say for now.hope it's okay....i'll be waiting for your reply.ja ne!
Dear Riyazuki-chan,
We are doing our best but we have to juggle letters, the message board, Message Board, Chat, CnA's real life. We will make an effort to be in chat more.
Dear Hotohori,
Someone HELP! <~~~totally lost. A friend, Willow< told me about this site so I cam here and I dont understand a thing. What was this trip everyone is talking about? Grrrr, I am so lost! Well, I wanna at least say U, and Nuriko r my all time fav anime* characters..And I absolutly love u both. I am in the midst of getting up a sire for some anime show and Fy is one of them! IT still looks bad but it will get there. One more thing, doesn't "seishi" mean life and death...and "senshi" mean Worrier?
Dear Akari,
Welcome to our humble site! The trip that eveyone speaks of was of us and the webmistress, Chichiri no Aijin, going to Japan for two weeks. Depending on the kanji that is used seishi and senshi have many different meanings.
Dear Nuriko,
Thank you so much Nuriko. Ohhh....I'm glad you signed my guestbook....I just found out my hamster died. I love him so much. It's hard to deal with this since I'm so sensitive.It would be anyway..I'm happy that you signed my g/book....He's the 2nd hamster that we owned for a long period of time. I had to see both of them die first....I wish it didn't happen...You probably have nothing to say about it though.I'll link you guys as soon as I feel well enough to deal with stupid homestead.What do you think a symbol for Chiriko would be? I hope that one day, I'll catch you on the chatroom thingy!I bet you're constantly busy with this site.I'm tired sad and sick....NO FAIR.....Well I bet you could relate huh..I feel like I lost a part of me.Some people would say, "it's only a hamster" but he was the nicest hamster and I've had enough hamsters to relize that they do have different personalities. He was nice...Well, good bye favorite seishi of mine.,^_^.
Dear Willow,
I'm sorry to hear about your hamster. *Gives her a hug.* It's always sad to lose a pet you care about. I hope you feel better soon.
Dear Tasuki,
-in a corner- Tasuki papa...terrible things have happened while your mom is on life support and getting worse every day and tomorrow (4-24-01) we are gonna have to take her off life support and just let her go....and I just dont know what to do...I wrote this yulijie for her and I'd like you to read it:
My Mother Anna Marie Chisum was one of the most gentle people on earth, and had a heart of pure gold. Standing here, telling you about her today fills my heart full of sadness, but also with pride that I can tell you what an amazing mother, daughter, wife, sister, and friend she was to us. I feel much sadness losing her because I thought my mom would be around forever. I had wanted so much for her to see my graduate from higschool and college, to see me get married and see her first grandchild, this is all lost to her. But I know this: My mother is up in hevean as the angel she always was here on earth and always was meant to be. I love you mom and I miss you
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley Chan,
We are all very sorry to hear about your mom. Yer eulogy for her is beautiful. *Gives her a big hug and just holds her.* If ya' need me or any of us we'll be there fer ya'. *Gives her a kiss on the forehead.*
Dear Tasuki,
Hi Tasuki. Today has been a really bad day for me. I just found out this morning that my closest cousin was killed in a car accident last night *starts to cry* Gomen nasai, I didn't want you seeing me like this but I just wanted to talk to someone I can trust and that seems to care about me. *sigh* I know I should accept it and just move on but it just hurts so much. Less that a year ago, his older brother (my other cousin) was killed in a motorcycle accident and I was pretty close to him also. *sighs and wipes away the tears* Im sorry, Tasuki if I made you feel depressed in anyway. I just feel like going to sleep right eyes hurt. *Gives Tasuki a hug and kiss* See ya later.
Dear Sakura,
*Gives her a big hug and a kiss on the forehead* It's ok, I know it's hard to lose people ya' care 'bout. So ya' jus' go ahead an' cry on my shoulder if ya' need to. OK?
Dear Tasuki,
TASUKI IS BACK!!!!!!! *runs up to him and gives him a big hug and kiss* I missed ya so much!!! How did it go in Japan? I bet ya had a blast didn't ya? When I get older im gonna go to a manga/anime college in Japan and become an animator/manga artist! ^_^ Anyway, did ya drain Japan of its sake? (I bet ya did, eh? Or at least left a dent here and there ^_~) But anyway I've been home for 3 weeks because our stupid teachers are on strike all over the state of Hawaii..and if it goes over 20 days...which I believe it has, we go to summer school *NNNNNOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!* *ahem* Anyway we don't have karate practice either cause of the stike, but thats ok I just practice on my little bro >:) Anyway, im ~*SO*~ happy your back and I'll talk to ya soon ok! ^_^ Love ya!!
Dear Sakura,
An' I'm glad to be back! Japan was great! Yeah, I think I drained a couple of sake joints... *Fanged grin*
Dear Nuriko,
Hey! your back! I really missed you y'know! *hugs Nuriko* so how's your trip? hope nothing bad happened. Anyways since your back let's celebrate!!*brings out a botle of sake and glasses* Let's drink!!!
Dear Rose_17,
The trip was fabulous! Ano... are you sure you're old enough to be drinking?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
How are you and describe each of the Seiryuu Seishi?
Dear Alynna,
We are all fine thank you!
Describe the Seiryuu Seishi... hmmm...
Soi: Confused and used
Nakago: Evil, abusive, manipulative...
Miboshi: Evil and creepy
Tomo: Twisted and he has NO fashion sense!
Ashitare: Pathetic creature
Suboshi: Mentally unstable
Amiboshi: The only decent one of the bunch!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Here's some gifts for you!!!
Tamahome - 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 gold ryo
Tasuki - 20 boxes of sake
Nuriko - 100 year's supply of cosmetics
Chichiri - 100 year's supply of candy and chocolates
Hotohori - 1000 mirrors
Mitsukake - 400 year's supply of healthy food
Chiriko - 400 year's supply of books
Dear Minerva,
Domo arigato gozaimasu for the wonderful presents! *They all give her a hug.*
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
taaaaaaaasuki-samaaaaa!!! *glomp* you weren't here for your birthday so all of us couldn't talk to you.... sniffsniff.... ^^;;; gomen, i'm just a little hyper! ^^;; well, glad you're back, hope you all had a wonderful time in japan! how was the alcohol there? any good sake? ^_____^
Dear Moon,
Th' sake was great! But mixed drinks are jus' stupidly expensive! When CnA went to Shibuya wit' her husband an' her tomodachi they had 6 drinks between th' 3 of 'em an' th' bill was $60.00!!! But they still had a great time. Although, when Tamahome saw th' bill he ran off so they couldn't hit him up fer any okane.
Dear Nuriko,
Hey! What's up, Nuriko?! I have some beauty questions, being you're the beautiful Seishi (Don't tell Hotohori, he'll get mad at me!!) Where do you get purple hair dye? Ja ne!
Dear Mishiko,
Arigato for your sweet compliment! I shan't tell Hotohori, so don't worry! Actually this is my natural color. However, if you wish to dye your hair purple you might want to try the Sally Beauty Site. They tend to carry unusal colors. Good luck!
Dear Tasuki,
Hi Tasuki, happy birthday again ^_^! I missed you!! *hugs* How was the trip to Japan? Tell CNA thanks for sharing the pictures with us!
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Arigato fer th' birthday wishes. Japan was a blast! Chichiri no Aijin says yer welocme an' she's glad ya' liked 'em.
Dear Chichiri,
Hi Chichiri-sama! *the Priestess comes running in again, grinning. She hugs him tightly and kisses his cheek* How was da trip? Run into any other monks? *he probably did since monks mostly live in Japan....-.-;;* Did you get anything while you were there? Oh, I got ya somethin ^^ *made the wish to Suzaku to bring Kouran back* There ya go! She's back at Hotohori-sama's palace, okey day? Alright, well, I better let you go. *hugs him* Stay well, write back soon! ^^ *runs off...only to fall onto her face, etc., etc., etc...*
Dear Alecia-chan,
Arigato for your wonderful wish, no da! Chichiri no Aijin bought a lot of anime things and we did see some monks while we were there, no da. *Watches her fall and wishes he had gotten her an anti-klutz charm at one of the temples...*
Dear Mitsukake,
Mitsukake! Ahhh! I missed you! *glomps him like she did to Tasuki* Did you have fun? I'm sure you did ^^ Did you find anything interesting? Where did you go? *is busting with questions* Oh, by the way, I got a fanart done fer ya! WAAAAAAI! I'll send it as soon as I can, okey day? I'm sorry I didn't get more done, but there was lots of homework, no da! I still love ya as much though! ^^;;
Ano...did you keep everyone out of trouble? Of course ya did! Beings how you're Mr. I'm-So-Tough-And-Macho-So-You-Better-Step-Back-Before-You-Get-Squished-Beneath-My-Manly-Biceps-You-Puny-Girly-Man-You-That-Doesn' not -.-;; *clears her throat and looks around uncertainly* Erm...well, midterms come out this week. I'm so sure I'm gonna have A's. I better, at least. Doom doom doom...Ano...*looks around then hands him a bag of candy* Here ya go ^^ I hope you like it. I took out all the coconut ones, though. But if you like coconut, I'll give 'em back. Well, I'm off! *kisses his cheek, then runs off to torture Chichiri...(MWA-AHAHAHAHAAAA!)...then falls over on her face again, and gets zapped by lightning, lit on fire, and the fire is put out by a raging flood. Lies in a crumpled heap on the ground, twitching* ....itai....
Alecia-chan ^^;;
Dear Alecia-chan,
*Watches her getting zapped, etc. and wonders how she became so cursed...*
Arigato for the candy. We went to Japan. It was most interesting. I didn't have to keep anyone out of trouble. Well, except for Tasuki...
Dear Tasuki,
*pounces on him and glomps him* YOU'RE BAAAACK! *wails* I MISSED YOOOU! Tasuki-kuuun! *huggles him more then backs off* Eh...gomen ne ^^;; Did you enjoy your trip? How many sake bars did you hit? *imagines him beating up a bar with a label reading "sake" with a mallot....* Er...*sweatdrop* Bad pun. Oooookay, so, how are you?...*can't think of anything else to say...* Oh yeah! Happy belated Birthday! ^^;; *hands him a bag of rum candy and a box that has new dusters, boots, and "sister away" repellent* Hope ya like it >XD Did you see anything particularly interestin'? Like some drunk guy who hit on his own mommy at the sake bar? *is on something, if you couldn't already tell* love ya? *kiss on cheek* Well, I better go. Write back SOON! Oh, by the way, I've got fanart for your already plentiful gallery! Wai! Okey day, ja ne! *hugs him, fang grins, then skips off only to fall on her face (but of course)* Itai....@.@
Dear Alecia-chan,
I hit a BUNCH of sake bars an' I even went to a whiskey bar wit' Chichiri no Aijin, her husband an' her tomodachi Eiji-san. Th' whiskey bars are REALLY expensive! It was around $60.00 fer 6 drinks! 'Che! When Tamahome saw that he RAN outta there! Thanks fer th' presents an' good wishes! *Picks her up, dusts her off, and gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
hi its me Amy Borghard again! sorry if i didnt write you back. i got very busy. anyway.
i read the letter you sent me when i first wrote. i know you are not looking for lovers but i really really deeply love you! NOT like those baka fans but for real ! NO KIDDING! please give me a chance! i will go slow for you! i will give you all the sake youwant! please! i mane, who knows we might be meant for eachother and we dont know it! we can go one base at a time when you are ready! and i dont care even if it takes 1 or 2 years to grt to home plate " if you know what i mean "! please give me a chance! please! i really really love you! * huggs you and stats crying for hopeness * i will do what ever you please if you give me a
chance! *looks at you with a tear coming down* please!
amy borghard nickname: wing
Dear amy,
Easy girl! Look, why don't we jus' start by bein' jus' friends. OK? Friends is always a good thin' to have! Ya' can't have too many of 'em. So, are we ok on this?
Dear Nuriko,
Hello, do you even remember me? With all the mail you already recieve probably not. Tis ok though. I'm forever the sick one. I think it's the 20 something'th time this year and it interferes with my school work sometimes. I like your songs so much. So I went and bought the cds instead of just the MP3's.
Also The OVA's are finally beginning to make sense to me now that I saw the first one. So the 2nd 1 I heard, has alot of you in it???? I MUST have it then! I'm sure I'll find some way to get it. Some way. I will. ^____^. Oh that reminds me, I thought of symbols for most of the suzaku senshi and there miko. ^_^. Nuriko $_$ Tamahome :)=Tasuki -_- =^.^= Mitsukake and Tama(I had trouble with that one) -.\Hotohori(He was hard):P~ Miaka(she's drooling for food) ^_# Chichiri And I'm trying to figure out one for Chiriko.
So um like where could i find this comic about you before Miaka even came? I'll find a way to that one to. Well the English one I mean. Or some way just to see what is in it? I know what it's about. I think I'll go now I need my rest to get better so I can go to school and not miss any of it. I have a site dedicated to you and it's gonna just get better. I hope you see it, but I know you are absolutly busy answering our messages and stuff, plus you have your own life, so I understand if you don't visit it. If you do sign my guestbook please??????? And i will link you guys to my site if you do! I promise! Oh yeah and why do some people call you Ryuen and some Ryuuen? Is it the same reason as for fushi Yuugi's long u thing that would be translated into English as uu? K, luv ya buhbye!^_~.
Dear Willow,
I hope you're feeling better! Odaijini! The symbols are kawaii! As for the Fushigi Yuugi novels, you can usually find them in a Japanese bookstore or sometimes on eBay. I visited your site and Chiriko will put a link to it on our Links Peeji. You're right about the spelling of my name. *Smiles*
Dear Mitsukake,
WAAAAAI!*glomps Mitsukake* Welcome back! ^_^ Just to make you feel better...I have a peice of fanart for you! It's all ready to be scanned in and everything!! ^_^ I'll send it to you soon! ^^ Taaaa!
Dear Keiko,
Arigato. It's good to be back with my friends. *Smiles*
Dear Hotohori,
*runs in to glomp Hotohori and then stops short.* Daaa!!! I forgot. I can't glomp you for a month. Oh well. I can still hug ya. *hugs her fave seishi*. So how was Japan? Did ya have fun? Well, while you were off enjoying yourself, we were becoming very bored here. Oh well. Glad you are back safe and sound among us, the crazy fans.
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
Ariagto. Weren't you the tenshi that was trying to pick a fight with Tasuki? I see from the Message Board that you are feeling less inclined to fight. I'm glad. *Smiles and sparkles at her.*
Dear Chichiri,
...Chi...Chichiri... CHICHIRIIIII!!!*holds Chichiri tight and cries* I missed you so much Chichiri... I missed you so much, so much!!!*smiles* How was it in Japan? Did you have to drag Tasuki from all the sakebar's?*grin*
I was on an Anime-fair yesterday with my best friend, my brother and his friend! We had so much fun! We got to see some new anime and they had a cosplay contest! My brothers friend joined the contest and dressed up as Nephlite disguised as Tuxedo Kamen! He looked really good but he didn't win. To bad for him. And I joined a drawing contest, but I didn't win eather. I understand that, the guy who won was really good! But the best thing is that I got your vocal collection with "Kachou Fuugetsu" and "Ochanoko saisai hengen jizai" with you singing AND karaoke!!!
Sooo Happy!!!
When you were in Japan I only got beat up two times and not very bad! It's an improvement at least!
Tomorrow is my birthday! YAY!!! And my brothers friend has promised me that he will draw seven seishis to me! I'm going to be a real Miko!!! I got a picture of my first seishi in an envelope so tomorrow I will 'find' him and I will become Ginkuma no Miko!
And I wanted to ask you... well... since it's my birthday tomorrow and so... Is it okay if I ask you to kiss me? *Blush* Y-you don't have to kiss me on the lips, I-I'll be happy if you just kissed me on my forehead or my cheek! *blush, blush*... Mayby I shouldn't have asked...
Yours truly,
Enma Mizuumi
Dear Enma,
Omedeto otanjoubi gozaimashita, no da! *Gives her a hug and a kiss on the cheek.* I'm still worried that you are being beat up. Isn't there anything your school can do about this? Good luck being a Miko, no da!
Dear Chichiri,
I finally got my friend to watch Fushigi Yuugi. He enjoyed it fully. But he wanted to know if he could play tic-tac-toe on your knee ^^;;
Dear noda,
I'm glad he enjoyed our adventures, no da. But I don't think playing tic-tac-toe on my knee is a good idea, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*smiles* Hullo, I suppose these would be more like statements and not questions.
Taka: You are so much cooler than Tamahome. Yeah you claim to be the same people, but you're not! ^^ Taka is the more mature person... *eyes Miaka* But then again, I can only quess at to _why_ you're more mature! *goes up and pats Miaka's stomach* Is there a little Taka Jr. in there?
Chichiri: You are just so cool. Lets leave it at that. OH and I have a friend that would just die to meet you some time. You're her God.
Nuriko: *hug* WAI!!!! YOU ARE SO COOL!!!! Can you be my older brother!! I've never had an older brother!
Hotohori: You look beautiful. If I say that, you know it has to be true so stop lookin in the mirrors! ^__^
And the best for last!
Tasuki-kun: *glomps* I would have been your Miko, but there is already one! You are so cool!!!!!!!!!! Hey... ever heard of a girl by the name of Lina Inverse? I think you have a sister you never heard of... or if not you could be my brother tooooooooo!!!!!!!!
Xellos no Miko
Dear Xellos no Miko,
Arigato for all your kind words! Tasuki has heard of Lina Inverse, but the two of them do not get along. I would be honored to be your oniisan.
Dear Chichiri,
HI!!!!!!!!! i missed you!!! welcome back!!!!!! did you hear about my accident?
Dear ashley,
I did, no da. I'm still caring for Midnight, no da. How is your hand, no da? Odaijini, no da!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
YAY!!! It was my 16th birthday the day before Tasuki's and I got a great FY art book! You all look so cool in it! Can I have a hug please? Gee, I need to calm down.
P.S: Did you have a nice holiday? I missed you! (especially Hotohori, hee hee)
Dear Rachel,
We did! Glad ya' liked th' book! Happy birthday! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
hey Tasukikins, its Amy Borghard! do you love me? im not a fan lover,im a lover! so you dont have to worry about me being one of those geekie fans that love you as a fan-lover. i have no boy-friend so im free!yeah so you not like women but im one of those rear nice,kind,loving,sweet women! if you want i will take our relationship slow for you!
im 16 years old,brown hair,blue eyes,5ft.1in.,fav.color is blue,black,and red! i have experienced many b/f so you can ask me anything! if you want to know any more things about me let me know. ok! did you know you are the same height as my dad,he is also 5ft.10in.! if you are woundering what i like about you is:i love your hair,your fangs make you look sexy to me,i like suzaku and nuriko kind cuz sometimes he scars me but hey gotta like him,i like fire,and you're pretty hot! i have to hit the hay! its late! buh bye sweetie!
Amy Borghard
Dear Amy,
Thanks... I think. But I ain't lookin' fer lovers. Gomen. If ya' want we can jus' be friends.
Dear Mitsukake,
I'm doing better now. Yay! I really do think you're cool.
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
Arigato! I'm glad to hear you are doing better.
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