Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hiya, one question, What would you wish for IF YOU CAN'T WISH FOR PEOPLE TO COME BACK TO LIFE (that includes your self)?
Dear Anonymous,
We would all wish for a peaceful and prsoperous world where no one ever had to suffer.
Dear Tamahome,
If Suboshi-sama begged for forgiveness would you forgive him?
Dear rose_17,
I don't know...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
hey everyone whatssup? anywho today my brother's friend saw your picture in my desktop and he said that Chiriko,Hotohori and Nuriko looked like girls!! (actually he said Chiriko and Hotohori looked like girls and He said Nuriko as a hot babe!)so I beat him up with a shinai umm.......... was that bad? oh yeah he also called Miaka a ditz and he said that Yui was hotter than Miaka anywho I gotta go now we have to take Duo-sama to the doctor because of some head injuries
Dear rose_17,
Well it really wasn't a good thing! Did you smack Duo in the head?
Dear Chichiri,
I know the secret of your hair! *BWAHAHAHAHA* you must do it like me: wash you hair before you go to bed and then sleep on it funny! it works every time! (for me anyway). as my teacher used to say, "It took me eight hours to do my hair!" okay just kidding ;) but my teacher did say that and my hair does stick up.
Blue Avenger
Dear Blue Avenger,
*Smiles and winks* Shhh... sore wa himtsu desu, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
hey-ya I am just the right age to drink. If I can drive a car I think that is a good age to be drinking. I am going to put you on my project well got to go mom is yelling at me to clean. That is all I do clean clean clean bye
Hibarrano Tenshi
Dear Hibarrano Tenshi,
No, that ain't a good excuse to be drinkin'! What project?
Dear Hotohori,
hi! i know you are probably sick of hearing this ... but ... i heard you are really good at guessing ages. can you guess mine? :)
Blue Avenger
Dear Blue Avenger,
Hmmm... 16?
Dear Tasuki,
hmmm. i guessed wrong. i had the right instruments, but not the right people. except for you! i KNEW you would play the drums!!! :) but i had chichiri on keyboard, tamahome on guitar, and hotohori on bass. well whatever. i am a music NUT! i just quit taking guitar lessons because i had no time for them and my clarinet. my parents were kinda mad, cuz they had bought me the guitar and all but ... oh well. (now i can practice my clarinet without having to worry about the guitar. if ya practice one, ya have to practice the other. so i was not practicing either one. :P ) now i will never be able to play in a rock band *sob* i can't sing either. so by best bet now is a jazz band. i have 2 friends who play sax, one who plays keyboard and one that plays drums ... whaddya think?
Blue Avenger
Dear Blue Avenger,
Get togther an' practice, ya' jus' might have a chance!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
hi! it's me, blue avenger. i was wondering what are you guys favorite bands? i saw your response to the letter that said the kinds of music that you like, but i am really bad at matching the types to the bands. also, what do you think is the most evil thing in the world? (a thing, not a person). toodlepip!
Blue Avenger
Dear Blue Avenger,
We tend to agree that people that use and abuse others for their amusemnet and profit are evil. As for bands...
Tasuki: Shonen Knife or Glay
Tamahome: Morning Musume
Nuriko: Shazna
Hotohori: Blue Oyster Cult
Mitsukake: Beck
Chichiri: Grateful Dead, no da
Chiriko: Da Pump
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Chiriko,
Konbanwa, Chiriko-san. I've had a bad day. I knew I had failed three classes, but seeing on my report card really hurt.. but not as much as when my parents told me that if I don't do anything I'll end up working in a supermarket. So, of course, I got mad and forgot to take my medicine that evening.. That was last night. So, I refuse to get out of bed this morning and forget once again to take my medicine. I skip breakfast and go to school in time to get my report card. I didn't smile once today.
Ara.. anyway, I was in a funk the entire time. I didn't doodle or anything. I just sat in my desk with no expression and didn't talk to anyone.. I felt like I was totally pushed around in Treble Choir. Nobody likes me very well. They all like this one girl from Denmark. See, I was going to be the alto in a trio singing one song that we knew. I was standing up there, waiting for a first and second soprano to join me, but instead I was ignored and everyone wanted this other girl to do it. I don't dislike her, but I don't like all the attention she gets. She's pretty, blond, and extremely nice. Ah, anyway. I keep getting pushed around in that class, and I don't make a big fuss. I feel like I'm the only one who really takes any of this seriously (IE, I don't talk all the freaking time). Right, so I don't get to sing in a trio today because nobody really wanted to hear me, it seems.
So, I go to the Drama club meeting in a bad mood, still not smiling. I skip lunch. I'm just not hungry. And as I quietly watch everyone else screw up and not listen, I get even more angry and unhappy. Finally that's over and I go to my Japanese class... and just sit there, doing nothing. Then I went to Health class. And the teacher isn't there. That's enough, I think, and call my mom to come pick me up because I have no reason to be there.
Still angry with my parents, they pick me up and I go home. And just go to bed. I don't know why I'm on the computer, when I really shouldn't be. It's distracting, you see, and I don't get my work done. Not that I have any work ATM, so there's no point in not being on there.
Saa.. so, once again I will skip a meal and go to the first performance of our musical. I still haven't smiled, but that's not a problem. I can act like I'm on top of the world if I need to. How do we do it? ACTING! (/SaturdayNightLive)
Right, just needed to rant.. and explain if I don't show up around here for the next 10 weeks or so.
Shadra D
Dear Shadra D,
Mitsukake says you need to eat and take your medicine or you will just end up feeling worse. Do it for me onegai? *Hugs her and looks at her with big eyes...*
Dear Chichiri,
I have a wierd situation on my hands and I hope you'll be able to help me......Ok, let me set the scene up....I dated this guy for seven months, knew him for five years, so we are very close.But we had a HUGE fight, name calling, lying, all the works...Fortunately, we worked things out, and we are on speaking terms. I'm starting to fall in love with him again, but he has a girlfriend. He hooked up with this girl right after our breakup.
Recently, he called saying we should try to give our relationship another chance, he still cares, etc....I didn't respond, I kinda avoided the subject. A week later he calls saying what a terrible couple we were,
how it was great that we broke up....Nani? Does he still have feelings for me, or is he still mad, and doing a little revenge thing? I know that was pretty complicated, and I'll understand if you don't have much to say about it. Arigato anyway.
Dear Mi-Chan,
I think he's confused, no da. Did his present girlfriend dump him, no da? At this point I think you should just stay friends, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I surfed on in more so by curiousity than anything. I have never heard of the "Suzaku Seishi" before- is it an anime? Anyways, i do have a question, but i don't think it has anything to do with your site. I would appreciate it however if you could answer this for me. I have encountered the words "Byakko", "Suzaku", and "Genbu" in a couple of games for the playstation console. I don't know any japanese that well, but these words seem to be rather popular. If it isn't too much trouble, could you please tell me where the names come from or what they mean? As i stated earlier, i would REALLY appreciate it if you could shed some light on this area. Although i don't exactly know what kind of site this is, If anyone is willing to tell me, I'd like to know more about it. Thank you for any of the time you use to answer back and for simply reading my question. ^_^
Dear Darklady,
The anime is actually called "Fushigi Yuugi". The names that you mention are the names of the Four Gods. You might want to check out this site The Shrine of the Almighty Chicken of DOOM!. This site has alot of information on the anime, characters, and mythos behind the series.
Dear Tamahome,
Sorry,I'm always broke but you're nice.You'll answer me anyway.^.~ If it came to money and Miaka who would you choose?If you choose money I'll get Nuriko to wack you really hard!Also,uh where'd you grow up?I know where but not what it's called.
Dear Willow,
I would choose Miaka. The name of my birthplace is Jusou-ken, Hakukou village
Dear Mitsukake,
Who do you feel closest to out of all the seishi?And how old is Tama?(not Tamahome)Where'd you find him?How come you can only heal every 24 hours and then what other kinds of powers would you have?What's the difference between your healing power and the advancement Tystkun(..ok that's spelled wrong..sorry)gave you?Thank you!
Dear Willow,
Chichiri. I guess Tama-neko is about a year old. He actually found me. Healing uses my ki and weakens me. Taiitsu-kun gave me holy water. Using it does not tire me out.
Dear Chichiri,
Chichiri!I'm sorry to hear about your past!I had bad things that happend to me to so I know how it feels.You feel all alone and then it just feels worse and worse,but there's a belief that I have.Your luck always evens out in the end.That means that if something bad happens your liable to have alot better later on in life no da.I've been betrayed to and it hurts but I never run away like you did.It's hard to run away when your as stubborn as me.But I don't blame you.I love your songs as much as I love Nuriko's songs!My friend totally adores you but I don't know what to do whenever she thinks of how you were betrayed.She has a really bad grudge against them and I'm wondering about what I should say to her to let her understand that they didn't want to hurt you.How do you do that chibi thing?I love that.It's soooo cute!Where'd you learn that one from?What are your other powers?Why does your kasa go away?It's not in any of the later episodes.Thank you for listening!
Dear Willow,
My powers include spell casting, teleportation, communication, and shape illusion, no da. She shouldn't hate them! I don't, no da. I just left my kasa at the inn, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
Ohhhhh...Nuriko!I don't know where to begin....Uhhhh well you are totally my favorite!I used to be a total tomboy but now....I'm officially considered majorly girly.I have no idea if you influenced it but anyway.Did the other seishi have problems with your little crossdressing habit?I think it's nice that you defended your older brother.I defend my younger brother from bullies.Did you tell everyone about Kourin?Also you shouldn't have died first.If you waited for Mitsukake you would've made it.
"points the finger at him"Some people are mean and blame Chiriko for not enough flares but how would he know?He's a genius not a phsicic.Don't let people blame anyone else but yourself k?Do you still fool people about your gender even though your hair is short?I bet you do.Also,how do you guys get horses so much?Like outta nowhere they appear and dissapear!I know that's not your fault but whatever.You should take martial arts lessons with Tamahome.You'll be alot less vulnirable right?
I'm sick right now.Come to think of it, I'm sick alot even during the summer, I should ask Mitsukake some health tips.I love all of your outfits!I have a website dedicated to you and I had an icecream cake that I got, and I drew you on it!It's hard to draw you with gel.I also have a binder shrine of you and I like to draw you to!You are great!Who are you closest to out of Suzaku seishi?Some say you love Miaka in a love love way but I think of it more as a brotherly way.I'm sorry I made this soooo long.2 more things,uhhh..darn head not working right...being sick sucks..oh yeah!The OVAs are confusing me what r they about?And uuhhh...I forgot..I'm kinda feverish sorry..That why I no give you a big hug!Oh yeah!I celebrated your birthday!Sounds weird but I did!Happy belated b-day and if I knew about this site earlier I would've told you sooner sorry!^.~
Dear Willow,
I'm sorry you're feeling under the weather. None of the Seishi object to my cross-dressing. I really don't blame ANYONE for my early demise. It was simply my fate. Arigato for your birthday wishes.
Dear Tasuki,
Hi Tasuki! I have to say you are one of my fave seishi and I was wondering; because your fan is made of iron, is it heavy? It certainly doesn't look it.
By the way, I think it was very noble of you to protect Miaka when Tamahome was under Nakago's influence and you fought really well. Also, which of the seishi do you get along best with?
P.S: I love your hair colour! It definatly suits you.
Dear Rachel,
It is but I can handle it! Tamahome an' Chichiri are th' two I'm closest to. Thanks!
Dear Tasuki,
Hey Tasuki-chan!!! I just noticed you were goin' to Japan! Sugoi!! I hope ya have a FANTASTIC time!!! Heheh, I don't blame ya, I would wanna hit all the sake bars too!! But im only 14 but I only got 4 more years! =^_^= Im gonna miss ya!!! But PLEASE do me a favor and don't drink and drive alright, I don't want ya gettin' hurt or anythin', so please take care of yourself and have a terrific time, I'll write to ya when you come back and you can tell me all about it, ok ^_^ *Give Tasuki a good-bye kiss and hug* Love ya!!
Dear Sakura,
I promise! *Fanged grin*
Dear Mitsukake,
Tee hee! You worry so much about me! Can't blame ya though...anyways, well, my grades are just fine now. I have an "A" in English and an "A" in history, too! ^^ I have straight "A"'s now, so I can finally focus on everything I like so much. My parents made sure I learned my lesson, and I did. Studying wasn't the was just...*sighs* I'm lazy. I lied to my parents and said I was done, and I wasn't, and my mom caught me in the act. I just wouldn't do the work. I became a Tasuki, no da!
*Tasuki looks up from his sake: What th' h*ll are ya lookin' at?!*
...My point is, I knew my teachers gave us extra time, I took advantage of that, and it all became a huge mess. Demo, now I have all my stuff turned in and "A"'s in every class, so no need to worry. I am studying, too. I study History every night (except over Spring Break...I left my book in my locker, so I can't get it until Monday ><;;) and review over it and sometimes take notes on it if I think it's a hard topic and really need to get it down for the test at the end of the week. We're doing Ancient Rome...Holy-Worn-Out-Spandex, Batman! They REALLY knew how to torture people! Forget the whole whipping scene, they would saw people in half, rip off unmentionable places, stretch them until their limbs ripped from their sockets...ewies! *shudders* Icky-poo! Meany-beany faces, weren't they? Anycr*p, my grades are fine again and I've got all my privliges back! ^^
Well, your first picture will be done soon. The first two will be copied ones from images from, like, video covers, but then the rest will be my own of you and Shoka chibi-like! ^^ I like drawing kawaii things, especially SD chibi drawings...I just think it's fun and soooo adorable!! ^^;; Er...anyways...
Oh! I do look like Shoka-sama?! SUGOI! ^^ *dances around in her kimono, her Shoka hair bouncing up and down as she prances around* Tee hee! Wai! Wai! >XD <~~~(fang grin) Er...*notices him sweatdropping at her* ...*straightens up and laughs nervously* Eh...hee hee hee....gomen ne, got carried away, hee hee hee hee heeeeee...^~^;; Ano...I better be off. It's kinda gettin late. *notices the sun has already set and sweatdrops again* Ano...write back soon! I should have that picture done soooooon! *hugs him tightly and lifts up her cheek so he gives her a kiss, and when he does she takes off into the sunset dramatically with the corny love-sick music playing.......only to ruin the moment by falling flat on her face when she's almost out of view. When she starts to get up, a tiny cloud suddenly flies down, zaps her with lightning, then rains on her for a good 2 seconds, then flies off back into the clouds* ...itai, no da ...O.O;; *lies in a crumpled heap on the ground....*
Alecia-chan ^^
Dear Alecia-chan,
I'm glad your grades have improved. Please try not to let them fall again. Arigato for doing the the pictures. *Looks at her laying on the ground...* Kowai so...
Dear Mitsukake,
Congarts. on the picture. I think its sugoi. Hehehe, have fun in Japan.
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
Ariagto, I will.
Dear Hotohori,
Have fun in Japan. What do you plan to do? Just try to keep Tasuki away from the bars and you guys should do fine. Well, just wanted to wish you luck and fun in Japan. JA!
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
Arigato! We plan to visit with Chichiri no Aijin's friends as well as visit Takamatsu-Zuka tomb in Asuka, Nara (it is the same one that Miaka saw Suzaku at in the manga) and the shrine to the Shinsen Gumi in Kyoto
Dear Hotohori,
Hiiiiiiii, Hotohori-sama! ^_^ How are you? I found a neat anime Mp3 site with anime music videos. One of them is a Fushigi Yugi one, with the song called "Dreams Come True" by SES. I saw it a few months ago, and was sooo excite when I found it. The addy is:
Ta! ^_^
Dear Keiko,
I did find the peeji but, the video was no longer there.
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki-chan!!!! I missed yooouuuuu! I haven't been at this site for so long! Heh, do you even remember me? *batts eyes* Tee hee. I've been so busy lately. I'm the head of the costume crew for our school play so I've been super-busy. It seems the closer we get to the actually performance dates the later I'm stuck at school. Last night I was there till 9pm! Ah well, it'll be worth it in the long run, ne? I'm really tired though.... *dozes off momentarily* ...zzzZZZZzzzz..... *falls over and wakes up* Ow...heh, oopsies. ^_^
Kat Winner
Dear Kat Winner,
Ganbatte kudasai on yer play! *Grins*
Dear Nuriko,
Erf. Dear little NeonTiger things it was I who subscribed her to 41+ mailing lists. Which, unless I'm developing split personalities I can't control and have no idea as to what they are doing, I did not =P
It's died down much quicker that I'd expected it to. I assumed Esper Net War III was going to start ( Esper Net War I occured in 1997, which I was part of, and Esper Net War II occured last year and I was part of that too. I'm getting a bad track record...)
o.o;; *glomp/cling* Saaaaaaavvvveeeee meeeeee from Nova Striiiiiiiiiike!!!!!! o.o; She picks the strangest guys as bishounen o.o;; Then vehemently lays her claims on them x.x; (Yet always asks to share bishounen when somebody else in our group lays claims upon them...) CHAR AZNABLE IS NOT A BISHOUNEN! ><; He is ugly and he doesn't age well ><;; I don't care if she says he has a good voice! He is not a bishouneeeeeen!
Dear One-chan,
So he's another Gundam character, ne? He certainly doesn't look like much. I agree with you, not bishounen!
Dear Chichiri,
*A chibi girl in a long red Suzaku kimono dress suddenly comes skipping up to him with a jump rope. She looks up at him with her large emerald eyes, blinks, then fang grins* Chichiri! Chichiri! *suddenly hugs his leg tightly* Chichiri! ^^ *looks up at him, looking exactly like Miaka in the red wedding Suzaku dress from the main page of Ai No Yuugi, only with auburn hair streaming down from two meatballs (not like Sailor Moon's, just simply hung down without the noodles) and no Birdy hat* Hiya Chichiri-sama! Guess what? I'm the new Suzaku no Miko! ^^ See, I'm sorta a new Miaka girl type thing, but, hey! *suddenly snaps her finger and in a puff of red smoke and a corny "BOOOOOM!" sound affect appearing and is no longer a chibi but a taller more slender and pretty girl than before, still in the dress. She fang grins* I think I'm fit for the job, ne? Since Miaka isn't here anymore and is in the other world with Tamahome, Suzaku needed another miko to protect Konan here, so he chose me beings how I'm alot like Miaka, too. *looks around* Looks like I'll be living here...*smiles at him warmly* So tell me, you're the wandering monk, right? I heard about you from Suzaku. *smiles and gets a slight blush* But I didn't know he would be such a cutey! *laughs gently* I know, flattering my way into things isn't my specialty, is it? Well, I wanted to know if I can travel with you and Tasuki-kun? I mean, I have nowhere else to go and I did bring a bunch of extra clothes and shoes *points to her backpack upon her back that appears to be empty and then grins at him* So can I?
Oh, how rude of me! I hear your birthday is coming up. *hands him a bag of chocolates she brought along for a snack* Here ya go! This is just for starters. What would you like more than anything else for your birthday? And don't say a fishing pole, because I know you're just being humble! Ask for anything! Anything your lil heart desires! *pokes his chest above his heart as she says that last sentence then fang grins* Remember, whatever you want. *smiles* And don't be humble on your decision! *mumbles* So modest...
Alecia-chan ^^
Dear Alecia-chan,
Arigato, no da! How about letting Kourin come back to this world so we can talk, no da?
Dear Tamahome,
If you would get married, and Miaka and Yui aren't there, who would you choose, Miiru or Soi?
Dear Tenkou,
Neither. I don't love them. I love Miaka.
Dear Tasuki,
What is up with these pics I see of you trying to awful things to Miaka???????? Are you possesed by something at the time? Or eeeewww.... another one falling for Miaka. Like not only kissing but other stuff against her will...>.<
Dear fushigigw04,
I was under an evil spell.
Dear Chichiri,
:: sees chichiri fishing alone out on a big rock.:: sorry to bother you, but do you mind if i join you? ::if yes, she sits down a few feet away and casts her fishing line into the water. if no, she walks to the opposite end of the lake and fishes there:: i love to fish, but it can get really lonely...
Dear ashley,
Hai, but in the quiet one can meditate and contemplate one's thought's, no da. Come and sit by me, no da.
Dear Chiriko,
:: starts to glow purple:: ::grabs chiriko's hand:: chiriko, i'm bringing you to my world. you are missing some great opertunities at this time and place. this is an experiment, and it will only be for a couple of days. i'm going to teach you all i can about the tecnolegy, science, math, litiriture, etc. of 2001. this will be a great learning experience. and no fan girls to bother you! ::they start to dissapear in a purple light:: (the events that occur will all be written down like a fanfic.)
Dear ashley,
*Looks surprised* Nani?
Dear Nuriko,
You wanted me to explaine my project for capp well we all have a multiple intelagence a way we think and I think musicly. For our project we have to talk about our M.I. and descride it useing our M.I. and I don't know how to use music to talk about it.
Bondage no Miko
Dear Bondage no Miko,
Hmmm... that IS a hard one! I guess he means things like; Do you think in 4/4 time? Are your thought pianissimo or forte? OK, I really am not sure on this one and have pretty much run out of musical terms. I hope I was able to help.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
What is each of your favorite sport and sports team?
Dear Virginia,
Tasuki - Boxin'
Tamahome - Martial Arts
Hotohori - Fencing/Kendo
Chichiri - Fishing, no da.
Chiriko - Ice Skating
Nuriko - Weight Lifting
Mitsukake - Basketball (The Lakers)
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
Knock Knock, Who's there, is me Koji, Koji who, Genrou's buddy thats who, oh great come on in, Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yo Genrou when are you gonna come back? Me and the boys are waiting for ya. It's hard being leader y'know. The boys are always getting restless. But we did steal some good things. Yesterday i stole 200 big ones from some @#$%idiot. If that tamahome guy is reading this with ya, tell him he ain't getting nuthing! Someone just rode by, i can't wait to rob them. i guess being boss ain't that bad. You would like it. It is always fun to @#$% up people's lives.
See ya,
Dear Koji,
Yo' bro'! Ya' ain't s'pposed to be *^%$#@* people's lives up! I'll be back soon fer a visit! Jus' make sure ya' remember that ya' only rob th' people that can afford it an' that th' poor people in th' village get a cut of alla th' loot!!!!!!!!
Dear Tamahome,
Hey big brother, Do you miss me? How are you and your wife doing? Daddy says you should make him a grandfather real soon. *heehee* Everyone is very happy here. Chuei was never good at growing crop. *heehee* Anyway I hope to see you soon and when you come please bring us something. I love you big brother and please don't leave us or get your self killed. ~*sniff*~
Dear Yuiren,
We're both fine. I miss you all very much! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Chichiri,
hi! what are you up to? right now i am eatin cereal and supposed to be doin my homework. too bad for that. when my mom gets home, we are going to my conference thing at school. then i can get my report card *woooooooooooo* finally. i hope i got some good grades. something smells like cat food here ... anyway, today during lunch, the jazz band played (out in the hall though, so nobody could hear. :P) i was soooooo sad because i really wanted to hear them play. :( they are going "on tour" to play in Boston tomorrow. i wanna go! the music teacher says the clarinet part is too hard so *sniff sniff*. ok i figured out what smells like cat food ... it is the SPOON I AM EATING WITH! *suddenly is not hungry anymore* (yes, this is really happening to me. i'm not making any of it up.)
yesterday my mom bookmarked some sites about japanese clothes, and she wanted me to look at them with her. so she showed me this one site that had something about a priest's robe on it. she clicked on it and ... "The Buddhist priest's robe, or kesa ..." ... i was screaming and stuff (i am so weird). we also saw some clothes that looked like Hotohori's, so i was pretty excited about that, too. (but not as much as the kesa.) i can think of nothing else to tell you, so i will talk to you later!
Blue Avenger
Dear Blue Avenger,
Good luck on your report card, no da. Keep practicing the clarinet and maybe next year you can go on tour, no da!
Dear Chichiri,
My cousin had her baby this morning (Tues.) @ 6:30 am!!!! On MY Birthday too!!!! ^_^ And my 16th! ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^
Not only that, but the following good things have happened today:
1. My two ... most disliked teachers aren't here today, but are instead out of state at seminars
2. Krazie-chan made me a gallon sized freezer bag filled with Chocolate chip cookies that were really great (and my homeroom really liked them; what, I can't eat all of those by myself! No matter how wonderful they were...)
3. I got out of class early to go to lunch...which was nachos! ^_^
4. My other friend brought cupcakes (and these wrestlers were asking for the left overs...hehehe...*^_^*)
5. My german partner that I'm going to be staying with in Germany sent me this great e-mail saying happy birthday along with a scanned picture that she drew saying "Happy Birthday, Les!" (another nickname) and with a picture of you and Sailor Jupiter on it that she drew...and she's never seen FY, so she must've looked up what you looked like...^_^ ^_^ ^_^!!!!
Well, I gotta go. ^_^ Today's been such a great day!!!
<3 16 yr. old Mako-chan
Dear Mako-chan,
I t sounds like you had a wonderful birthday, no da! *Smiles* I'm glad to hear that. *Gives her a hug and a kiss on the cheek.* Happy Sweet 16, no da!
Dear Hotohori,
It's late, Hori-sama, and I'm having trouble even SEEING the keyboard. Annual eye-infection time, you know. It's really bad today, my eye-lid was bleeding, and...yech, why tell you my sick sob-story, huh? ^_^; Imagine taking up an emperor's precious time! Gomen. Me stick to ze point. I just wanted to tell you that there's a huge sursprise coming your way; a joint effort with me and Mal-chan. You'll like it, hopefully, because it's a dedication to you. *squirms* Hope that came out right and didn't sound mushy or anything. Bleah! *stick tongue out in disgust* Other than that, I had to do a bit of research to find out more about the Forbidden City and ancient Chinese style palanquins and God knows what else today just for the secret project! And with my eye this way too! >_* <--me with my eye-infection... you get the picture! *sigh* Other than that, life's not that challenging any more: a math test on Thursday, Thursday the deadline for submitting a painting for an art competition for the Commonwealth, Thursday also being the date I have to hand in my abstract painting, Saturday with guests, and Friday with more guests...ah, but you are an Emperor and can probably relate with all this. *ears droop*
*perking up* Hey! Tell you what! Since we BOTH need to get out of a rut, can you take some time out some time and teach me how to use a sword? I've been practising with ninja-stars, but a sword would be beautiful...oh, wait, I only have a getana at home...will that do? How about it? In for a good workout, your Majesty? ^_^ Drop me a line!
Dear Kitty-Kat,
Certainly! I look forward to seeing my surprise. I hope your infection clears up soon! Odaijini!
Dear Nuriko,
You're pretty. Pretty hard to draw, that is! ^_^ Seriously, you're the only anime character besides Shishio-sama I've had trouble making! And Shishio's BANDAGES are the things that make him You have a tough face to draw, that's all. Wow. Watase Yuu is one HECK of an artist! Wow-wow-wow-wow-wow...I think I'll give you another try now...wish me luck! Bai!
P.S. Please reassure my good cat-loving friend, Mitukake-san, that a huge portrait of him is on its way...soon as I get a scanner by next week...! Tell him not to be depressed; help is on the way! *flies off in superhero costume*
Dear Kitty-Kat,
I think she is, too! Tee-hee... Good luck! I'll let Mitsukake know!
Dear Hotohori,
Hullo, Hotohori-sama. ^^; I have a teeny question--my best friend is in love with you, so do you think you could take her out on a date? ((LOL, goodness, I feel so silly...)) Demo... um... |
Dear Kattchan,
If I weren't already married and I was able to come to your world I would be honored to join her for a soda. Arigato for your kind words.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
How come you don't have an "Ask the Byakko Seishi" site, or "Ask the Genbu Seishi", or "Ask the Other Characters"? I suppose that would be cool if you had one. Imagine, you get to ask Tatara (cutie pie), Tokaki, Subaru if you go to the Byakko site (also the other B(yakko) seishi) , then Tomite and Hikitsu and the other G(enbu) seishi, and you get to ask the other characters! Wai wai!!! Wouldn't that be FUN? Oh, by the way, has my best friend Minerva been writing to you lately? Is she annoying? Also, I'm trying to pick a web alias. Would "Buttercup" be fine, considering the many Powerpuff Girls fans out there?
Dear Ella,
Well, for starters we don't have those sites because we are the Suzaku Seishi. Those other sites did exist at one point in time but I guess the people running them shut them down. Minerva has written to us but we don't think she is annoying! Buttercup sounds like a nice alias to me.
Dear Chiriko,
*Minerva listens to one of her fave CDs*
Well hey
So much I need to say
Been lonely since the day
The day you went away
So sad but true
For me there's only you
Been crying since the day
The day you went away
Oh! Hi, Chiriko! How come you look so young? I mean, you're thirteen right? To me you look 7 or 8 or perhaps younger than that. I am eleven going on twelve this August but how come I look older than you? And you look like a girl! But hey I'm not insulting you. I'm complimenting you! You're absolutely cute. So bishonen-like. Also have you ever been in love? We have plenty in common too, you know. I'm considered smart for my age. Umm...OK, I've got to go now, bye! And also, there's this song by Larusso (which is my favorite) called On Ne S'aimera Plus Jamais, which is French. Would you mind telling me what that means? Thanx a lot. :P
Dear Minerva,
I guess that it's because boys and girls mature at different rates. The song title seems to translate into "Will Never Like More"
Dear Tasuki,
She's very pretty sweet an' I guess she's ok, fer a girl.
Dear Tasuki,
Hey tasuki!!!!!!! DId you ever go back and lead the mountain bandits???????? Do you like being leader???? ANd will you kill that acken dude (the one who tried to rape miaka when the banits caught her) For me?? please????? also tell me about Reirei is that her name or is it LeiLei ??
Dear shampoo,
Yes I did fer awhile. If I ever see Eiken again I'll be sure to give 'im yer "regards". Rei-Rei was someone very dear to me.
Dear Hotohori,
How come YOU got to take the throne of konan. You did have brothers older than you right?? Why didn't anyof them take over the country?? Where are they now?? ANd who ruled the land when you died???
Dear Shampoo,
Thay are all dead. I was the only one left. Houki will rule until Boushin is of age to ascend to the throne.
Dear Mitsukake,
Have you ever tried to cure Nuriko's pervertion?? heehee
Dear Shampoo,
No, but I heard that some Nyan-Nyan did ane were sent into orbit...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Do you guys have jobs??? I know hotohori doesn't cause he is emperor, Nuriko's family runs a cloth store, and chiriko is to young to work. What about the rest of you. How do you make money?? Tasuki probley steal things huh??
shampoo the cutie kitty
Dear shampoo the cutie kitty,
Everyone pretty much stays at the palace. However, Chichiri is out wandering and Tasuki is either with him or back at Mt. Reikaku. Of course Tamahome and Miaka are back in her world.
Dear Tamahome,
Hey tamahome, how much do you spent on food for miaka per month?? It must be a lot. Do you still have an obsession with money??
Dear shampoo,
It is and I guess I still do.
Dear Chiriko,
Hey Chiriko, exactly how many books have you read??? How come you joined the seishis late. Why don't we see you playing your leaf more?? And Where did you learn to play a leaf?? Or was a natural born talent?? Also how come you look younger then 13???
Dear Shampoo,
You certainly ask alot of questions, ne? I really don't know an exact number of books. I guess I lost count. As for the rest of your questions I guess everything happened that way because it was in the script.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
ya know what? i think i'm gonna have to restart my web page. i don't have any of my images in my computer anymore. they are mostly all on a cd, but we don't know if the cd is infected with the virus that killed my computer. that means that i can't play with or make any KiSS dolls. at least i get a new computer program.
it has four programs that will teach me japanese and all about japan. i can't wait to get started! oh, by the way, i made it through my blood draw without any problems. at first i was SO scared, but my doctors and all the nurses were in there fighting over who got to talk to me. i am slowely on the path to recovery. i probably need to have sugery on my sinuses, soon, though. the doctors have tried a lot of things, including abot twelve weeks of antibiotics, testing, various treatments, etc. oh well, i knew i would have to have sugery eventually, anyways. i found out a couple of months ago that i have a palup in one of my sinuses. i'm just sick of being sick all the time. the doctors believe that once my sinuses get better, i might not have my depression problem anymore. we think that i have had sinus problems all my life. i hope i get better soon. i also found a hobby that i am good at: doll making. it is something that is fun and relaxing. i have been much happier lately. please keep me in your prayers.
Dear ashley,
*Gives her a big hug.* We will Ashley-chan. Odaijini!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I was wondering, have you ever seen the "Ask the Seiryu Senchi"? (I hope I spelles that right), and if you have I was wondering what you all thought of it.
Dear Seika,
We actually have have alink to them on our Links Peeji. We've visited the site before. In fact, Tasuki likes to go there just to annoy Nakago about his singing!
Dear Chichiri,
HI!!!!! i missed you so much!! my computer crashed, so we got a new one!! i made a little chichiri doll! it is so cute! i was suprised at how good it came out! i took it to school, but everyone thought it was a voodoo doll. i'm working on lots of new fanfics!
Dear ashley,
That must have been some crash, no da! Welcome back!
Dear Nuriko,
Hai I can... *Doc takes Ryu by the hand and leads him out to the gardens*
I was trying to find a good spot for Boushin's rose garden, when they first stopped me. They told me that they should show me how a real man "services" a woman, then they started touching my legs. I managed to give the leader a bad scratch on his face..
*stops short and points to a group of 9 men lifting up a servant girl's skirts, while she tries to fight them off*
That's them, they're rutting animals... Oh Ryu help her!
* sits on the ground and cries, having a delayed reaction*
Dear Doc-sama,
*Gives her a hug and his shirt falls open revealing his glowing Seishi symbol.* What did they do to you? Please don't cry. I'll help her and take care of them once and for all...
Dear Nuriko,
I had an evil day........ *sweatdrops*
I wrecked my friend's day and tech class is h*ll....
First my morning was okay, except that my teachers in art were grouchy because a whole box and a half of graphite sticks were missing. I went to lunch, met with my friend Rachel and forgot to tell her happy birthday (after the mentioning that her sister's b-day was tomorrow!) and proceeded to thank her for generously giving me her bus fare to buy lunch because the caf smelled like bacon and I had measly rice pudding. Then I bought her a donut and me a cookie when the caf was all out of bacon cheese burgers. The funky chocolate stuff on the donut broke a spring thingy on her braces! Ack!
Then - when she reminded me that it was her birthday - I felt horrible and made up a lame excuse about telling her happy birthday complete with glomping when we weren't in school. She still looked sad (because she had a math test that morning that she forgot about and bombed)and I felt so horrible.
So I wrote her an amusing birthday fic in science class, gave her a ride home (cause I spent her bus fare) and bought her a truffle egg on the way to her house to play and politely flame an Anti-Duo site.
Do you think she'll hate me forever and ever? *lip quivers*
Oh yeah, and Mr. P (my tech teacher) is still being a baka jerk. I was away for three days sick (unable to work on my project at lunch) and he opens the lab for the LAST day on the same day that I have already arranged to review my exam for math. Now I have to reschedule my exam review (with a teacher I LIKE) to go finish a project I am so sick of I could puke! I will be so happy to leave Comm Tech early on Wednesday for my doctors appointment!
The worst is, I have commitments to a large group of people and a pre-registration form for a convention at Anime Club on Wednesday; plus a Science test in third that day to skim notes for last minute.
(I will study, it just helps me to review right before.) I can't move my exam review to then. I'll have to wait till Thursday.
Mr. P still hates me. Being absent ill that I was I have now been placed in a group of totally immature boys - which will jeopardize my grade which is already cr*ppy... Gawd how do I do this to myself?
This guy is the first teacher I have genuinely disliked on all levels since my grade three teacher told me I'd fail if I didn't do all my math work by the end of the lesson. Even my hyper-opinionated "now, children" teacher from fourth last semester wasn't hateable. Of course, Ms. Gib was overtly annoying and stand-offish. Mr. P just subtley dispises me!
Aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh! *runs screaming in circles clutching her head* THE SKY OF MY LIFE IS FALLING!!!!!! IN BIG DANGEROUS CHUNKS NO LESS!!!!!! *screams*
Taiitsu no Miko (the lame present-giver)
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
I'm sure your friend will forgive you! Maybe you should wear your Nakago pin to school and when Mr P starts to anny you just smile, stroke the pin, and think of what Nakago would do to him for you...
Dear Nuriko,
Wai!! Konnichiwa Nuriko-sama!
I can't believe I found this page! I've been bugging Suboshi-sama at the Ask the Seiryuu Seishi for a while,and I always wondered if there was a Suzaku Seishi one!! *sweatdrop* You're my favorite anime character of all time,and I would like to ask you some questions!
1)I've had this idea for a while now,about why Hotohori married Houki.See I think Hotohori really wanted to marry you,Nuriko-sama ^-^;;;,but you were gone...*cries* so he married Houki,because she looks like an uglier version of you! *sweatdrop* What do you think? (gomen-nasai Hotohori ^-^;)
2)This isn't really a question,but...It was you that got me watching Fushigi Yuugi! I love your voice,and I collect anime where Sakamoto Chika plays a character in them,and "Perfect World" is my all time favorite song!!
3)What did Miaka do to get you to like her so much?? And why didn't you just let Tamahome go up to Mt.Roku(I forget the name ^-^;;) and get killed instead of you? *sweatdrop* Sorry,I'm not the biggest Miaka and Tamahome fan...I know your probably going to answer that you didn't want anything to come between Miaka and Tamahome,so I don't even know why I'm asking...
*bows down at Nuriko-sama's feet and hands him a check for $1,000,000 dollars* **hopes that Suboshi-sama doesn't find out** Ja! ^-^;;
Renee,Insane Nuriko fangirl
Dear Renee,
Hmmm.. I never thought he cared for me in that way. Houki isn't ugly! She looks like me! Only thing she's missing is the beauty mark under her eye.
Ariagto! Have you ever seen "Here's Greenwood"? Sakamoto Chika is in that one as well!
I suppose it was my fate. Besides Tamahome could NEVER have moved that boulder! Once I got to know her I realized how sweet Miaka was and that she WASN'T after Hotohori-sama.
*Takes check and hides it from Tamahome...* Arigato!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Konnichiwa minna! Genki des ka? Ano...How come we cannot ask Miaka-san any questions? Or the Seiryuu Shichiseishi? Just curious......
Question. I have the Fushigi Yugi mangas, but they are in Japanese. Are they going to sell translated versions soon? In the local areas? I prefer not to buy online..... In the manga, there's a part where it looks like Tamahome ditches Miaka for someone who looks just like her. Huh? Please explain...
I heard Chichiri tried to commit suicide after the "incident". And then runs into a young girl who looked like his fiancee. Hontou? Ano....And is it true that Tasuki had bad memories of his mother breast feeding him? Nani?! Arigato, for putting up with my ridiculous questions! Ja ne!
Dear Yume,
Genki desu yo!Yes the mangas are now available translated by Viz and they ahould be available through your local comic book dealer. If they aren't he or she should be able to order them for you.
If you mean the point where there is a mirror and Miaka is trapped in it then that girl is a demon.
You are correct about Chichiri and Tasuki. That's why Tasuki hates milk!
There are "Ask the Seiryuu" sites check our Links Peeji. As for the others, those sites have come and gone as there is a lot of work to maintaining a site like this and I suppose that the people decided that other things had to take priority.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Just wanna check something really quick here...........
Miaka - Taurus
Tamahome - Cancer (Me too!)
Hotohori - Aries (acts like a Leo *mutters* lions, so stuck up..)
Nuriko - Pisces
Chichiri - Gemini
Tasuki - Aries (how fitting ^_^)
Mitsukake - Taurus
Chiriko - Pisces
Yui - Libra
Nakago - Scorpio
Soi - Scorpio
Boshi Twins - ?
Tomo - Libra
Miboshi -?
Ashitare -?
Keisuke - Capricorn
Tetsuya - ?
*Looks at the long list of characters, sweatdrops* Ano....I know this is alot of trouble, but could you tell me if I'm right, and for the "question" marks could you tell me the answer? Arigato minna~!!!
Dear Himitsu,
You were correct, except Yui-chan is a Scorpio, no da. The twins are Virgos, Miboshi is a Sagittarius, Ashitare is a Scorpio, and Tetsuya is a Virgo, no da.
Dear Chichiri,
I'll try to make this short, since you guys get so many letters. I hear( and praying for) that PlayStation 2 is coming out with a Fushigi Yugi video game. I am addicted to playstation, and to be able to play my favorite anime would be a dream. Hope to hear from ya soon! *crosses her fingers* Oh yeah, have a good trip to Japan!!
Dear Otaku,
Arigato, no da! I hope it's true too, no da!
Dear Tamahome,
:( Meanie. It doesn't hurt getting hit by a boomerrang! Well...I haven't gotten hit yet...^_^;; But I'll hit the apple, not you. And Miaka can get the apple when we're done. Please?
Dear Keiko,
Sumimasen, I don't think so!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Ok.. I know I wrote already to Chichiri but'a.. I need help with this, guys!! Last night my friend was trying to kill herself. She had told me she took 14 pills that were 500 mg each. I know she won't find this message anywhere.. well, she doesn't know what anime is.. but, I wanted to know, how can I help her? She said she did it because no one would listen to her and she wanted to get away from everyone at the Behavior Hospital. But, I was listening to her on the phone with my friend Steve. Neither him or I wanted to go against her.. because she has all these reasons. It takes her about 30 minutes to stop yelling at us. Sometimes I think she thinks she has worse problems than anybody. Because if someone says, like my friend Rob did, "I got kicked in forehead by a horse when I was 12." She just goes on how she was FOUR when the same thing happened. Not seeming to feel the least sorry. Woaa.. I'm glad I got that out. ^_^ Do you know of anyway I can help her?? Because she hates to be confronted.. like me. But worse. *sigh* Ja ne! ~Soar high, Suzaku.~
Dear Faith,
Do her parents and physician know about this? If not, they should! You cannot allow her to bully you about this! She needs serious help and could end up succeeding if you don't stand up to her and help her get the treatment she needs.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hiya~! This is my first time writing to you guuuuys! So, I want to ask you individual questions, it'll be a lot easier than writing to you guys individually ^_^
Hotohori- *pats him on the head* You are the sweetest seishi ever!! Anywho...The first time you met your wife did you think she looked like Nuriko? I don't think they look that similiar.
Nuriko- I loooove you Nuriko! *hugs* Besides Hotohori and Tamahome, who is the cutest of the Suzaku Seishi? How about the Seiryuu Seishi?
Tamahome- Do you reeeeally hate Suboshi? Because he's my favorite of the Seiryuu seishi..I would think you would hate Nakago or Tomo more, they're mean! I won't hug ya since I don't want to make Miaka mad =).
Chichiri- Hi no da! *gives him a hug* Out of all the Suzaku seishi who were you closest too? Because it looks like you're close to Mitsukake and Chiriko...And I think that you could so woop Nakago's butt when it comes to magic and the such! hehe.
Tasuki- Tasuki you're my favorite! *gives him a hug and kiss on the cheek* Weren't you pissed when Miaka used all your paper thingies..I would be! But all those cakes did look good...Oh! and when you lost the powers of Suzaku did you lose the power of the tessen to? I wasn't sure about that...
Mitsukake- *hugs him* I loved it when you fought Miaka for the fish! That was sooo funny! I was wondering how long have ya had Tama? *hugs Tama too* good kitty!
Chiriko- You're sooo smart Chiriko! Will you take my exams for me pllllease? *gives him a hug* Do you think that Yui was a good priestess? I thought that Miaka did a much better job...
Thanks for listening to me!! I love you guys!! *blows kisses*
Dear Kitty-chan,
Hotohori: I really hadn't noticed...
Nuriko: In MY opinion ME! Tee-hee... I suppose Amiboshi rates a cute. But NOT Suboshi! Psycho yo-yo boys are NOT cute!
Tamahome: Yes I really do. Although Nakago is certainly on that same "list"...
Chichiri: I would have to say Mitsukake, no da.
Tasuki: Yeah, I did. I guess it was because Taiistu-kun made it so that only I could use it.
Mitsukake: I guess about a year.
Chiriko: Well, she was good enough to call down Seiryuu. No, I won't take your exams for you. You must take them yourself.
Suzau Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
WHY ARE YA' YELLIN'??????? Nothin'. Why? Whaddya' see in it?
Dear Chichiri,
How come your so old and you look so young. Mitsukake looks older then you and he isn't
someone somewhere in internet world
Dear someone,
I suppose I just age better, no da. *Smiles*
Dear Chichiri,
i was SOOOOO happy when i read your response to my letter (the one about the songs). Kachou Fuugetsu is my favorite song too! (and i'm not just sayin that cuz you like it.) i listen to it every day. i just can't get enough of it!
my music festival is this weekend *dadadadum*. i am really dreading it because i cannot play the music very well. (it's REALLY hard) but at least i get a day off from school to go to it. :):):)
Blue Avenger
Dear Blue Avenger,
Have fun, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
hi! my friend keeps calling you "cutestest Genrou". it's driving me nuts!!!!!!!! i like to say the word "cutestest" cuz it sounds funny, so when i say it, it makes me think of "cutestest Genrou." then i start singing setsunakutemo . . . zutto. aaaaaaargh it's driving me crazy!!!!! so anyway, on to the real question. if you, tamahome, chichiri and hotohori were REALLY in a band called THTC, what instruments would each of you guys play?
Blue Avenger
Dear Blue Avenger,
I'd play th' drums, Tamahome would be on keyboards, Hotohori on guitar, an' Chichiri on bass.
Dear Hotohori,
Incorrect! You're off by three years. Which in actuality is a lot. I'm seventeen and according to me European History AP Teacher, I'm one of the elite, but I digress. *smirks* Gotta love that man. ^_^V
Dear Kaze-chan,
Gomen ne. My mistake.
Dear Chiriko,
*Doc smiles and hands him a list*
Reine de Violettes
Cardinal de RIchelieu
Red run around
Sweet Chariot
Sliver sterling
Purple Tiger
Le Cid
Baby Fauvax
Fon Taine
They are all purple rose breeds, I think it'll be a wonderful rosebed. The lessons from caring for roses, will last him his whole life. You might want to looks those names up ;) *Doc kisses Chiriko's forehead* Thanks sweetie :)
Dear Doc-sama,
Arigato! I shall research them as soon as we return.
Dear Hotohori,
My friend (blue avenger) told me that she heard/read that your mother poisoned your older siblings to ensure that you would reign as emperor. Is that true????
crazy FY lover
Dear crazy FY lover,
*Looks a bit disturbed...* It is.
Dear Chichiri,
My friend has written a song for you and I thought you might like to read the lyrics;
*Brown eyed dreamer,
What is in your thoughts tonight?
My brown eyed dreamer,
Why do you cry out in fright?
Why do tears fall down your pale face sometimes?
I need to know so that I can replace
Your tears with light,
My brown eyed dreamer
Do you remember the fight you had
When she said she was in love with him?
Do you remember how she made you sad
When you saw your love in his arms?
* Chorus
Can you still see the raging flood
Which swept your friend away?
You tried to hold on but let him go
And the guilt of his death stays
* Chorus
So you wander alone, my friend,
Praying for the day's long end,
With a mask to hide your tears,
And a scar that never heals
Always a smile to hide your pain
But you cannot escape the shame
So you keep on wandering
On your long, long journey
* Chorus
I can understand if it is a bit upsetting *Gives Chichiri a BIG hug*. Have a nice holiday, and remember we all love you!
Dear Rachel,
Arigato. It was very sweet of her to think of me, no da.
Dear Chichiri,
Konnichi wa! I was wondering.... I have not seen this anime, demo..have heard of it and I am looking all over for places that have it. Is it worth looking into? That was, I bet, a dumb question, demo.... I am still asking it. ^_^ Also, what is it about? Domo arigatau (I know I spelled it wrong! Gomen!)
Jen, Otaku
Dear Jen,
Which anime are you asking about, no da? Fushigi Yuugi? If so, it is certainly worth checking out, no da! It is essentially a love story, no da but a lot happens in between.
Dear Tasuki,
hey-ya. I missed ya. I am his girlfriend now(the one guy I told you about.) hehe, you know you are always going to have part of my heart. Well I am going to school in like 10 mins. I am waiting for 2 tenshi to come over here and 1 tenshi to pick us up. hehe ^_^ I had a winecooler on saturday. It was good. Do you like them? well I got to let you go now, but I will talk to ya later.
Ja *small peck on the cheeck, smiles and blushes*
Hibarrano Tenshi
P.s. one of the Tenshi just got here, and Kageno Tenshi says Hi No Da!^_^
0_o oh
Dear Hibarrano Tenshi,
I never had one! Tell th' Tenshi I said hi! By th' way... ain't ya' guys too young to be drinkin'?
Dear Chichiri,
umm why can't you say anything without noda? is it somekind of curse or something? and how can you see with your mask on?
Dear rose_17,
No, it is just how I speak. My mask is magical, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Guess what?! I just started a fushigi yuugi fan club in my school!(even though were only seven) We have codenames and our codenames are based on F.Y. characters! and the weird thing is that they have something in common with the character their codenamed after! Here are their names,codenames and the things that they have in common:
Name |
Codename |
things thay have in common |
Jen-san |
Tasuki |
She can't swim just like Tasuki |
Hanna |
Chiriko |
she loves studying |
Roxanne |
Tamahome |
one word:OKANE |
Dastine |
Chichiri |
her bangs defy the law of Gravity |
Emelin |
Hotohori |
she's quite vain |
Trisha |
Nuriko |
very strong but doesn't look like it |
Rose_17 |
Amiboshi |
loves music,also plays the flute |
We'll that them...i mean US you'll notice there isn't "Mitsukake" there.No offense ok? there WAS a Mitsukake but she droped out because I kinda had an argument with her (she called Amiboshi a dorky good-fornothing jerk!) so anyway I have to go now! Sayonara!
Dear rose_17,
Omoshiroii desu ne!
Dear Chiriko,
Gomen! I totally forgot your birthday because I was busy preparing for my graduation(it was on march 21)anyways here!*hands Chiriko a gift* its a science book! since your a genius I figured your won't need it but a friend of mine insisted on buying this book for you (i think she has a crush on you.Her nana is Hanna)
Dear rose_17,
Arigato! *Smiles*
Dear Mitsukake,
Thanks! But I really didn't need any medicine after all! I kinda forgot to eat breakfast and lunch thats why I had a head ache Anyway thanks for the advice!
Dear rose_17,
You're welcome and try to remember to eat. Starvation is bad for you.
Dear Nuriko,
Well im really sorry if I made the wrong impression on you but im really not that bad if you strart to know me a little better...It actually all my brothers fault!*points to Heero Yuy who is currently polishing his gun*
Heero:Hn..Omae o korosu!
rose_17:See? he's not exactly a good role model!
Dear rose_17,
I see... a bit obssessive is he?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Thanks! Heard that Heero? Dou Maxwell is NOT GAY!
rose_17:Hey Bro! yah listening two me?
Heero:Omae o korosu!*exits room*
rose_17:Oh I almost forgot! I have a few questions for you guys!
1.Who's your favourite Gundam pilot?
2.What do you think of my brother Heero?
3.During Miaka's stay in your world is she annoying?
Well that all for know because I gotta return Heero's laptop or he'l really kill me!
Dear rose_17,
Our favorite Gundam Pilots are:
Tasuki: Duo
Chichiri: Trowa, no da
Tamahome: WuFei
Chiriko: Quatre
Nuriko: Duo
Hotohori: WuFei
Mitsukake: Heero
We really don't know him but he seems to have a one track mind. Perhaps you should be careful around him. And no, Miaka was not annoying.
Dear Tasuki,
Konnichiwa Tasuki! I just came back from my dad's house *sigh* geeze, im so tired, I had about a five hour sleep considering how hot it was and sleeping in a REALLY uncomfortable bed. My stepmom doesn't know how to keep her d*mn mouth shut, she always has to tell me how screwed up her life is and how we are so lazy (Damnit she should talk, Summer and I did all the fr*cken cleanin', che) and she can go on and on and on...
But anyway, we went to the beach today and I got a great tan, but me and Summer got sunburned too...d*mn it hurts, when I got home, I wanted to take a nice soothing hopes were shattered when my mom tells me to take a shower *cringes* it really hurt and was VERY uncomfortable on my back *yawns* and it stings too.
But thank the gods its spring break, we have a week off. The teachers are goin' on strike on April 5th and then we might have a month offa school! But d*mn, its gonna REALLY p*ss me off if I gotta make it up durin' the summer.
Oh and about what you said about my mom and my dad gettin' married to my stepmom, I didn't really understand about what you mean, but if its like you think my mom is jealous, thats not true, ya see, my stepmom is my mom's FORMER best friend, she was married to my mom's cousin first, and yes, Summer is my second cousin AND my step sister (D*mnit, its sounds like some fr*cken incest sh*t or somethin') And my dad started foolin' around with her and eventually he left my mom and me *sighs sadly* and my mom totally hates my dad and my stepmom now. A few months ago, Summer's dad died and its been a really bad time for everyone. Alot of people are fighting and my stepmom is takin' Summer's stepmom to court to get all of her dad's things back, f*** like she deserves any of it!!! Everything is just screwed up even more. But I don't think ya wanna hear my troubles so i'll just leave it at that. I'll talk to ya soon ok, Tasuki! Have a great week! I love ya! *Falls asleep*
Dear Sakura,
hope yer sunburn feels better. Sorry to hear 'bout yer family! I didn't mean thatyer mom was jealous, I meant she was jus' upset an' angry 'bout all th' cr*p yer dad's done.
Dear Chichiri,
WHY ARE YOU SO KAWAII!?!?! I love you, Chichiri.. Oh yes I doooo-o-o!! Anyway, my question.. Where can I get those awesome beads ya have!? They're so cool! *Dances around in her Chichiri outfit, swinging around a banner that says 'Got Monk?'* Ouuu!! I LOVE YOU!! I said that.. hmm.. Is it possible to make everyone in FY say 'no da?' Mwhehe!! DAAA!! I should stop ranting, huh? Take care, no da!! ~Faith~
Dear Faith,
*Blushes* Arigato for all your kind words, no da. You might find a set for sale on eBay or you might try making a set for yourself, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
How tall are you? In feet and inches please...centimeters or meters take too much time to figure out! :)
Dear Virginia,
I'm 'bout 5'8".
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
What are your favorite books?
Dear Bookworm,
Here's the types of books we like:
Tamahome: Financial
Mitsukake: Medical
Tasuki: Books?
Chichiri: Philosophy, no da!
Nuriko: Fashion
Hotohori: Political
Chiriko: Anything!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Mitsukake,
MITSUKAKE-SAMA!!! *runs over and glomps him happily* Agggh! I've been gone from here for soooo long! I was grounded for the grades on my report card, no daaa! *looks at the D and F in English and history O.O;;* Ano, I'm back now though! ^^ *hugs him and kisses his cheek*
Ahhhhhh, waiting for the drawings? Gomen nasai! I've been grounded for the past 2 weeks from everything, sooo...they'll come in soon! Trust me! I won't let ya down! Scouts honor! *fang grin*
Mitsukake-sama?...ano...*looks at her Shoka hair and kimono* Ano...does this look good on me? Shoka was so pretty, I was wondering if I captured her in the least in this pretty kimono! ^^ *giggles and spins around it, stops, looks at Mitsukake, and then smiles and blushes* Eh...gomen ne! I wish I could make ya happy like Shoka did...*evil fang grin* I got an idea for your gallery...
Lemme see, if I'm not mistaken, the person who has the most fanart is Tasuki, hai? *grin* Well, I'm gonna draw more pictures than he has in the gallery. I am a super good artist, so you will be proud of your gallery, no da! *hugs him and smiles* For one of my favey anime characters, anything! *playfully ribs him with her elbow and smiles warmly and cutely up at him* I spoil all my favey's, no da! *leans up and gives him a soft kiss* Well, I'm gonna head off and start my SMP (Save Mitsukake Project :P) and beat all dem other galleries! *fang grin, quick hug* I'll write back as soon as you send a response! *grins, bows, then scurries off to her drawing board* Yer new insane lil miko...
Alecia-chan ^^ (Da Shoka Clone!)
Dear Alecia-chan,
A "D" and an "F"??? I can understand why you were grounded. Instead of filling my gallery I would rather you take that time to study and improve your grades. That would make me happy! *Smiles* You do look a bit like a young Shouka.
Dear Nuriko,
Ryu? Anata, I need to talk to you...
There is a group of men at court that have been harrassing me. That I should find a real man to be at my "service" and that they'd do the duty for you. I don't know their names, they make sure not to speak them in front of me. *sits down and shivers* Look at me I'm shaking, I'm stronger than this. ;.;
Dear Doc-sama,
Would you know them if you saw them again?
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