Dear Chichiri,
Oh my, this was tough!!! Today I had a meeting with some of my teachers and my mother and big brother. The teachers talked to my mom and brother about how it was going for me in school and so and that they were very worried about me because they 'THOUGHT' I didn't have any friends!!! Can you belive that?!?! I have been beat up for about a year and they have noticed that now!!! You see, for a year ago I started to watch Anime(Tenchi Muyo and Ranma=) and my 'friends' said that it was just for kids and that it was boring. I didn't care about that and continued to watch it. The first time I got beat up I didn't hurt that much, but the second time was worse. And then it became a routine for my ex-friends to beat me up every time they were bored. When the teachers said that they 'thought' I didn't have any friends I started to cry like a maniac, screaming that they were so stupid that they haven't noticed anything until now and they FINALLY realiced that it was serious!!! They promised to talk to my ex-friends parents and that they would try to solve that I get beat up all the time!!!
My Best friend was here this weekend and she brought some new Fushigi Yuugi tapes(I haven't seen the whole series yet), so now I have tape 1-5! I'm so happy ^-^ !!! My friend was really worried about me because she saw a big bruise I have on my left arm. I said that it was nothing but my friend can read me as an open book so she understod that it was something wrong with school! Now I can mail to her and tell her that I'm going to be okay!!!
I know it's like two months left but: What do you want for Birthday?
Oh no, I forgot Chiriko's birthday also! I am so ashamed of myself! Please, do you think you could give him this *hands Chichiri a fantasy book written by Terry Pratchett and a bag of candy* I don't know if he will like it but I hope he do. Say Happy birthday to him from me ^-^ !!!
Have a good time in Japan! *Hugs Chichiri tight* I'll miss you!
Yours truly,
Enma Mizuumi (Mizu no Miko)
Dear Mizu no Miko,
I'm sure Chiriko will love his presents, no da. I'm glad to hear that your teachers and parent sare FINALLY doing something about that situation, no da! I'm also gald to hear that you got to spend some time with your best friend, no da. As for my birthday... I guess a fishing pole would be nice, but to hear that you aren't getting beat up anymore would be nicer, no da!
Dear Chichiri,
Really? wow! your hair defies the law of gravity!
Dear rose_17,
*Smiles* I suppose it does, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
So you guys are going to Japan, ne? Well, you'll just have to tell me all about it Tasuki *pouts* Or you could just take me with you! *clings to him* I wanna go too!!! *cries* plus I'll miss you!! *hugs him tightly*
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
Oh, I will! I can't wait to hit ALL th' sake bars!!!!!!!!!! Heh-heh-heh... *BIG fanged grin*
Dear Tasuki,
*Looks seductively at you and speaks in the same style* Hey there Fang-boy...*giggles* Just playin' around! ^_^ I was just wondering if you'd mind if I wrote a fanfic about you and I falling in love. You can even help write some of it if you want! Please Tasuki-sama?! :)
Tasuki no Megami ( a.k.a. Tasuki's Girl)
Dear Tasuki no Megami,
Ya' can write it if ya' want, but I ain't helpin'!
Dear Chichiri,
My boyfriend and I have been together for a long time and are very close. We get along very well except for one thing: His game obsession. He gets off the phone with me and everything so he can play his playstation and computer games! He says that games and I are "tied at first" out of all his favorite things! I'm tied with an inanimate object! I really don't like that, material things shouldn't be as important as the people you love...Should I tell him how I feel?
Tasuki no Miko
Dear Tasuki no Miko,
You are correct in that people are more important than things, no da. Unfortunately, men do not mature as rapidly as women *Looks at Tasuki drinking sake straight out of the bottle and ignoring the sake cups.*
Tasuki: OI! What th' *^%$ are ya' lookin' at?
I rest my case, no da. You can certainly tell him that being tied for first place in his heart with his computer games is demeaning and that he hurt your feelings. But don't be too shocked if he just doesn't understand why you are upset, no da. Good luck, no da.
Dear Mitsukake,
Hi Mitz! I am so glad you liked the picture for your gallery! ^^ You gave so much to all the seishi and you deserve some recognition! Know you are forever loved
Ina Chan
Dear Ina Chan,
*Bows to her and gives her a hug.* Domo arigato gozaimashita!
Dear Tasuki,
Hai! I have tried many times to hook my friend and the guy she likes up. I was successful once when they danced together a few times (without bribing him, mind you!) at a club we went to! I don't want to be in the middle of their relationship, whatever it is...but I'm stuck there! She's liked him for a little over 6 months, and he's liked me for almost the same amount of time! *Sigh*
Fire Byrd
Dear Fire Byrd,
You need to tell yer male friend to catch a clue an' have him take her out fer a soda or somethin'! Mebbe ya' can suggest th' three of ya' go somewhere an' then ya' can jus' excuse yerself an' leave 'em alone to to be on a kinda date thin'. Good luck!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*hums "Happy Birthday" song to herself*
Guess what tomarrow is! ^_^
<3 Mako-chan
Dear Mako-chan,
Hmmm... could it possibly be your birthday? Otanjoubi omedeto gozaimasu!
Dear Mitsukake,
first off I'd like to tell ya I love ya and if I could draw I'd make you the hugest fanart shrine in the world! unfortunately even my stick figures look deformed and really need help. (not only my drawing but my everyday writing is sloppy too. i think it's cute but I tend to skip n's in my ands so they end up looking like ad's but thats off subject so anyway..) i'm having a big problem.
well actually its not MY problem but it's my best friend's, therefor mine too. you see.. marriage is one of those shining moments that will be special only once. Well atleast with the nice wedding and stuff. My best friend's parents set her up with some dude that's 10 years older than her (she's 15) and when she turns 17 she has to marry him (he'll be 27 eww) and the reason is cuz they want the green card and stuff so after two years she could just divorce him but her parents didnt tell her. (Yes they are jacked up I say) instead the GUY'S dad informed her and she pretended not to know (for two days till she could tell me) and well she's one of those babes that wanna have fun and goof around and if she gets married she wants it to be to someone she loves. She said this guy isn't even handsome and his little brother is and he's her age but he's allready an american citizen. So what should she do? I have to talk her into discussing this with her parents. She said they might kick her out of her house (i'd love to have her stay at my place if that did happen but my dad doesnt have the $$$) and they don't joke. (mean folks, huh? the scum! oh well some people are just ...tsk *shakes head*) So um yeah.
Crazy Blue Streak
Dear Crazy Blue Streak,
Well, to begin with, I do not believe that being married to a United States Citizen for only 2 years will grant them a United States citizenship automatically. I am assuming that this is all taking place in the United States of course. If it is, I suggest that your friend check out this website: what her parents are forcing her to do is not only wrong morally and ethically, I believe it may also be downright illegal. Good luck to both of you and don't worry about the picture.
Dear Tamahome,
*comes running in* Obake-chan!!*crashes into him* Oh yea! I was wondering if you would like to try a stunt fer me. *hands him an apple* Ok. Put this on your head, and stand still!! Oh, and this is what I'm using. It's my boomerang I made myself...and I need to test it on somethin`. ^_^; *runs a few yards away* Now stand still, Obake-chan!*slowly gets ready to throw...*
Dear Keiko,
*Sweatdrops* ... I think I hear Miaka calling me! *Runs away...*
Dear Hotohori,
Hi! *waves* You said your good at guessing ages, so guess mine!
Dear Kaze-chan,
Hmmm... 14?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I'm having a bad day some kid in class stole my book when I was out of the room ot go talk with the counseler and I didn't notice till almost 2 hours later because I was still in the same room for my next class. When I did notice I had about 2 minutes to look for it before I had to run to my next class so I wouldn't be tardy (I felt like Miaka ^_^). So then after almost an hour of worring(if I had lost the book I was going to have to pay for it and I probably would have gotten ground from everything for like a month because I also lost another book from that libary *shudders in memory* my mom payed but I felt so bad about that. Anyways the kid who took it had hidden it in that classroom and he went back to get it. He said it was pay back because I told him I didn't have any money he could borrow (like Monday) because I wanted to save it AND he still owes other people money. I didn't talk to him for the rest of the day and I still won't tomorrow either. I know it'sa little tough on him but it was really mean and he won't admit that he was wrong to do it.
Okay I'm done ranting now I feel much better. You don't have to reply to this on I just felt that I had to tell someone what had happened. I thank you for listening to me it really helped just to right this out. *Loves and hugs to all*
Tomodachi no Tenshi
Dear Tomodachi no Tenshi,
You're welcome! *Smiles*
Dear Chichiri,
hi! this is my first time writing to you. you are my FAVORITE seishi. i think you are the best of the best (no offense to the other guys). oh yeah, i have one question for you. which song do you like better, mizu kagami, ochanoko saisai hengen jizai or kachou fuugetsu? ttyl!
Blue Avenger
Dear Blue Avenger,
Arigato, no da! *Blushes* I really like all three of them, no da. But I guess my favorite is Kachou Fuugetsu, no da.
Dear Chiriko,
What's the definition of 'Supercalifragilisticexpialadoucious'?
Dear Mishiko,
AS far as I know there is none. It is just a nonsense word. Perhaps you should ask Miss Mary Poppins.
Dear Tasuki,
[Mishi runs in wearing her Tasuki cosplay costume, complete with big black coat and tessen, orange hair and fangs]
Hello, Tasuki-kun! *kisses* Ummm...what was I going to say? You have a very *sexy* singing voice. *Blushes* DAAAAAAAA!!! Did I say that out loud? Cr*p monkeys.... But you do!! You, Chichiri, Hotohori and Tamahome sound sooooo much better than Backstreet Boys or N*Sync. (Who, incidently, suck!)
Oh yeah, may I have a kiss? I know, I know, you don't like girls, and they don't play fair, but please please please???? Arigato!!! [Picks up cardboard tessen and whacks Tamahome with it] [Then runs away before Tamahome starts to geat her up..]
Dear Mishiko,
Arigato! Now we both know Ol' Obake-chan here ain't gonna hit ya'... *Gives her a kiss on the forehead.*
Dear Tasuki,
Does your hatred of women (yeah right!) have anything to do w/your sisters?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
What is each of your favorite perfume for girls? And what is your favorite candle scent? What is each of your favorite kinds of music? And what do you think of the pop icons? (Hanson, BSB, Britney, *N Sync, Cristina, etc...)
Dear Mel,
We don't really have favorite perfumes. We do prefer either something with a clean citrusy scent or a spicey scent. As for candles:
Tasuki: Cinnamon
Chichiri: Lavender, no da
Chiriko: Vanilla
Hotohori: Sandalwood
Tamahome: Spice
Nuriko: Rose
Mitsukake: Green tea
As for music, those particular artists are not really to our tastes. Here are the types of music that we enjoy:
Tasuki: Rock
Chichiri: Lite rock or jazz, no da
Chiriko: J-Pop
Hotohori: Classical
Tamahome: Rock
Nuriko: Jazz
Mitsukake: Classical
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Can I call you Eric?
Fushigi Hina
Dear Fushigi Hina,
Ano... no.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
What is your favorite name for a boy? For a girl?
Dear Mel,
Tasuki: Kengo fer a boy an' Kana fer a girl.
Tamahome: Eiji for a boy and Haruko for a girl.
Chiriko: Ueki for a boy and Mikki for a girl.
Chichiri: Hikou for a boy and Kourin for a girl.
Hotohori: Boushin for a boy and Yoshie for a girl.
Nuriko: Hotohori for a boy and Kouran for a girl.
Mitsukake: Makoto for a boy and Shouka for a girl.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Chichiri,
^_^ Long time no write, ne, Chichiri? *L* For the past several letters it's been to everyone. And those 2 for Tasuki...*shudders at memory of "incident"* Anywho, I'm in this really great mood now! ^_^;; unlike always, really...*laughs* No, but I'm happy for a reason today!
My school arranges a trip to Germany every other summer for 3 weeks for anyone that wants to go (mainly those that take German, but some non-German speakers like to go too). We have a "partner school" in Germany that we exchange with; we go to Germany, they come to US, etc. You are set up with a host family and go to school with your host-partner, take trips with the group, and do all such good fun things. Well, once you've signed up to do this you fill out a profile form and they partner you up with someone that has similar interests as you.
Well, not too long ago I got the profile of the girl I would be staying with and was a little worried because the things she had listed weren't very ... descriptive. A little general. And then for the question: "I hope for a pertner in Atlanta who:" she wrote only "is a girl and likes pets" and for the quest. "He or she should not:" all she wrote was "smoke." Needless to say, I was a little afraid that I would have to be very careful and not act "weird" or scare her. ^_^ Me, scare people? Nah...*rolls eyes*
Well, Wednesday I got a letter (snail mail) from her! Both sides of one page, and German paper is inbetween Letter and Legal paper size. Well, she wrote some things about what I had said in my profile, stuff like "You like reading, writing, and spending time on the computer?" (yes, I did write that) and then what she thought about those things, mainly that she liked doing all of those things too. Then we got to the back side. On my profile I said that I liked "Japanimation", mainly because most people in the US will recongize that faster than "Anime". And I quote: "What's Japanimation? Is it the same as Anime? I like Anime!"
I went berzerk. Literally. My mom thought I'd broken a bone or something, I was yelling so loud. That was what I was most concerned about: My anime obsession and how she would handle it. Too bad German VCRs are different from US ones. I wanted to show her some FY. oh well.
Anyway, I wrote her a lengthy e-mail (about a page and 1/2, all in German, so it took me about 1.5 hrs to write) Wednesday, going into a little more detail about myself than I did in my profile. And then, during lunch when I went to check my e-mail on the school comps... there was a letter for me. From Martina.
I went berzerk again. I mean, she replied in less than 24 hrs! And said all of these really great things (in English, which is near perfect, unlike my German...^_^;;;), and even sent me a poem she wrote! Ah, that made the rest of my day. I met one of my friends in the hall afterwords (I'd shown her the handwritten letter earlier that day) and told her that I got a reply to my e-mail already and she said "You're going to be like sisters when you leave Germany!" I smiled and said "We're going to be like sisters before I even get there!"
I'm so excited. I mean, Germany was going to be great anyway, but staying with someone that, as another one of my friends said (and to which the others agreed) "sounds just like you, Mako"...that'll make it better than I could possibly imagine! Ach, ich bin so begeistert! [Oh, I'm so excited!]
Sorry for the long letter, I just had to tell *yet* another person. ^_^
<3 Mako-chan
Dear Mako-chan,
I'm very happy for you, no da! I'm sure you'll have a great time, no da! *Gives her a big hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
You know what's so cool today? Well, the guy I like didn't bring his bio book, so he sat next to me and we shared my book!! But you know what surprised me? The guy(his friend) that sits right next to him HAS a book, but he wanted to share with me instead ^_~
But I was soooo very nervous the whole time, he was so close to me. I was flustering practically the whole time. heheh
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Good fer ya'! Mebbe he likes ya' back...
Dear Tamahome,
Did you know there's a cosplay version pair of your earrings on ebay selling for over $70 right now...! ;)
Dear Virginia,
Yeah, guess someone beat Tamahome to it, eh?
Dear Mitsukake,
Our friend is depressed a lot. He is very negative about himself, and it hurts to see him like that. His mom died when he was little, and we understand how that could be very depressing. He is dating Caitlin and has told her a few times (and told Virginia once also) that he wanted to die, that he might kill himself. We told the counsler, (his parents were told also) so he talked to him and it seemed to help for a while. But now he's back to his negative self. It's awful that he's so upset, and his suicidal talks sound serious....It scares us, and we don't know what to say to him.
Caitlin, Virginia, and Lucy
Dear Caitlin, Virginia, and Lucy,
Let him know that you are there for him and that you all care about him. But you must also let his parents know so that they can get him professional help. Perhaps he should have some bloodwork and other physical tests run on him as depression sometimes has an organic cause and can be treated with proper medication.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Thank you so much for answering my 'many' letters! : ) You really cheered me up! I'll try your suggestions out, and I'll let you know how things work out, 'kay? **hugs** (Ah, Chichiri, you figured it out! Yeah, I'm Rainbow, too. I sent the same kind of question twice because for some reason I thought it didn't work the first time....)
Dear Kim,
You're very welcome, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
Um...*looks behind Tasuki to see Nakago slinking away* O_O... I'm scarred for life.
<3 Mako-chan
Dear Mako-chan,
Yer scarred???? How th' h*ll d'ya think I feel?????????
Dear Tamahome,
I think you are so cute.
Dear Laurie,
*Smiles and blushes* Arigato.
Dear Tasuki,
I think you should go easier on your sisters and not harp on them so much. I used to really despise my sister. She always acted like such a mom; never left me alone for a second, giving me advice I never asked for in the first place and stuff like that. Then she left for college two years ago and I realized how cool she'd been all along. It was only a few days before I started to really really miss her. Now she's studying abroad in Russia, and I barely get to talk to her once a month. The point is, I'm sure you really love your sisters after all, and you should try to enjoy their company and attention before they start new lives of their own.
Dear David,
Don't say nothin' to 'em but I DO love 'em. Besides, I bet yer sister didn't beat th' sh*t outta ya' on a daily basis! An' I had 5 of 'em doin' that!
Dear Chichiri,
This is for Sorrow no Miko:
I agree with Chichiri in saying that if watching anime is distracting you form your schoolwork, then you should cut back...
On the other hand, liking anime is hardly a sign of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder no da! O.O Now, if you had to watch the FY opening sequence 16 times before you could do anything else, then that might be a sign no da ^.- But simply watching it a lot doesn't mean anything except that you're a big fan no da n.n And believe me, I know what I'm talking about as far as OCD is concerned no da! *holds up a badge that says 'OCD Is For Me!'*
Now, I certainly hope that you, Chichiri, have gotten over your Video Game obsession and are acting as a full-time Seishi/Letter answerer na no da ^.-
Shadra D
Dear Shadra D,
Hai hai, no da! Arigato for the advice, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
What do you know about someone named LINA ?!!!
Dear Annaleiha,
I know she's a loud-mouthed, bad tempered, bratty sorcerceress! *Grins*
Dear Mitsukake,
Hey. I'm sick. Do you think you can heal me? Thanks.
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
I wish I could, but I am unable to come to your world. Odaijini!
Dear Tamahome,
what is this thing about you dumping miaka? i read a story by nui chan that yui and you fell in love with ach other and you simply dumped her off!!!!! grrrrrrr!!!!!
Dear alexis23fy,
It was a fan-fic! Fiction, not real! I'd NEVER dump Miaka!
Dear Tasuki,
*sniff* My best friend Trichan can't go to Japan with me. Actually she might be able to, if she would just ASK! It's good that she's finally learned to worry about money, but she picked the WRONG TIME! Grrr. I want her to go. *sigh* Her family has more money than mine does, yet I'm going. Maybe she just doesn't care about it as much as I do? If that's true then we'll end up drifting apart like I always think we will. Japan is my life and the only thing that I really like, so it's sorta important for her to like it too so that we can stay good friends. Otherwise we wouldn't have anything in common anymore. What can I do? I don't have any extra money to give her to let her go with me. This is a very rare thing for me to be able to do. My family is rather poor, so the money might not be there next year!
Inuyasha (Inuchan)
Dear Inuchan,
Try talkin'to her 'bout it calmly. But I can't believe th' two of ya' are basin' yer friendship on jus' one similar interest! Friendship is LOTS more than jus' that!
Dear Hotohori,
you are the most beautiful man i have ever seen in my life. I believe you are perfect in every way. you have the most loving, warm heart i have ever known. your swordsmanship is like that of no other, and your voice is like the sound of a gently whispering wind. And your narcissism is so adorable!
Dear Annaleiha,
*Bows to her.* Domo arigato gozaimasu for your sweet words. *Smiles and sparkles.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Guess what? My friend said that she would give me a cat for my birthday. I was thinking of lots of names for my cat. I thought it would be easy because my friend said it was a female cat. I thought of the following names: if it was kinda orangey, Ginger; then I thought of the Powerpuff Girls: Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup. Then I thought of Kitty, Fluffy, Caramel, and Candy. Help! Pls. help me think of a good name for my kitty, OK? And give me some tips on caring for cats, please? Thank you!
Dear Tasuki,
**Walks in wearing her favorite shirt which just happens to have a picture of you on it** Tasuki! I have a problem... **Looks down and slowly shuffles her way to you** I've been having some trouble with my so-called "friends"...I was home sick from school yesterday (Don't worry, I'm not sick anymore!) and I found out today at school that one of my "friends" had been saying all these really mean things about me, calling me things that I'm not, and saying I do things that I don't...again. She did it before, too, but we seemed to be getting along better now. Guess not, eh!? Most of the things she said weren't even true, and she said them to everyone! I thought people were acting weird when I came in this morning... **tries to hold back her tears** I want to ask her about it, I just don't know what to say.
And my other friend is mad at me because the guy she has a crush on likes me, and he knows she likes him. It's really not my fault, though! I don't talk to him nearly as much as she does, he knows I don't like him anymore than as a friend, and he knows that she's my friend and I wouldn't do that to her anyway! She's so upset and lonely all the time...I try to cheer her up and let her know I'm always there for her, but it doesn't seem to help. She gets mad at 'me' because of 'him', like it's my fault he likes me and not her, like I made this happen. I don't think that's right...I would never do that! I don't think people can 'make' other people like them, anyway. I just don't know what to say to her anymore. **falls into your arms and holds you tight** They really hurt me...What should I do, Tasuki...?
Fire Byrd
Dear Fire Byrd,
Ya' need to talk to yer first friend and find jus' what th' h*ll she was thinkin'! Tellin' evil lies is NOT what real friends do to each other!! as fer yer second friend, is there anyway ya' can fix her up wit' that guy? Even if it's jus' as two friends goin' out fer a snack. She may decide she doesn't like him or he may decide he DOES like her. Good luck!
Dear Chichiri,
tomorrow i have to go get blood drawn to test for allergies. (remember, when they tried to test me the other way, i fainted) i'm scared, but i will think of you. i'll be brave. i'll think of all the seishi, and i'll remember how brave everyone had to be through tough times. i'm scared, but i'll go through with it. i'm a brave girl. (i hope) wish me luck!
Dear ashley,
Be brave, bo da. I'm sure you will be fine, no da. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*runs in, screaming franticvally and dancing around like an excited idiot* YATTA!!!! I got in! *runs around, jump-glomping peoples* I got in you guys! Ceritfied PCVS Approved art student! YATTAAAAAA!!!!
Shrinemaiden Keisei
Dear Shrinemaiden Keisei,
Omedeto gozaimasu! *They each give her a hug.*
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
do you like miaka and can we be friends?
Dear saturn617,
Of course we do! Certainly we can all be friends. Hotohori and Tasuki both send their regards.
Dear Tasuki,
hi there tasuki can we be friends?
Dear Chiriko,
Considering this little problem, you're the best one to ask. My sister read a fanfic that she said was really bad. I asked her what it was about. She desrcibed a fic I had written - and worked really hard on!
I attempted to strangle her with her own braid (OK, I'm sensitive!), but, sadly, it didn't work. Is there anything I can do to improve my writing skills, not to mention control my temper?
I can write stuff like essays and poems, but not fanfics! I have a few other concerns, but I'd rather not get into them right now.
Midori Ryuu
Dear Midori Ryuu,
Perhaps you can get your sister to tell you what she so disliked and work on those points. Remember, spelling and grammar go a long way to making or breaking anything you write.
As for your temper, perhaps you can try counting to 10 in a foreign language or try taking a deep, relaxing breath beofer you say anything or react. Ganbatte kudasai.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
HI!!! ok *drop down on her knees* I need help!... I need you guys to visit my website because me and my sister are having this thing where umm... we have to have as much people on our website as can be! And who ever get the most people get to have all the cute guys FY. And she has 405 people to visit her website, and i have 286 people. Please help me out!!
Dooms Day
Dear Dooms Day,
We did, but we will try to do so again.
Dear Chiriko,
*Doc sneaks in behind Chiriko and gives him a hug* Hey hon it's been awhile :) I've got some good news, I've finally posted the stories from the MB on my peeji. :D it's at
I've linked to this peeji too :D Hey when you're done with this care to join Boushin and I on a science project? We're going to help him grow flowers for his mama ;D
Dear Doc-sama,
I saw! Certainly! What kind of flowers?
Dear Chiriko,
Hey Chiriko! How are you? I was just wondering...*blushes* what do glomp and 'kaasan mean? *feels quite stupid* Arigato!
Dear UN-informed,
A "glomp" is when a crazed fan girl grabs and hugs one of us really tight and won't let go. " 'Kaasan" is Japanese slang for mother.
Dear Mitsukake,
Hi Mitsukake! How has life been treating you? *Huggles*
Tasuki's Girl
Dear Tasuki's Girl,
*Sighs* I'm still waiting for someone to submit a picture a picture of me for my gallery...
Dear Tasuki,
Hello love! **Hugs and kisses you** How are you? I was just wondering if you've heard of the Dragonlance book series? I'm reading one of the sagas now! I have a bookmark with your picture on it keeping my spot! ;)
Tasuki's Girl
Dear Tasuki's Girl,
Sorry, never heard of it.
Dear Chichiri,
Do you believe in angels? The kind with wings and all? Some might say that a Nyan-nyan could be an angel. O_o;;
Inuyasha (Inuchan)
Dear Inuchan,
I don't think that Nyan-Nyan are all THAT angelic, no da! I believe that people that do kindnesses without any thought of reward are angels, no da.
Dear Hotohori,
NURIKO!?! Hey! Sure I've got very pretty, oh-so-cool and stunning looks that make me a bishounen like him. But I do NOT look like a girl!
::chibi kitten looks up from his head lazily and then goes back to sleep:: Yikes! Mustn't wake her up. These little kits are so delicate; it's hard to take care of them. ::holds the kitten and hands her to Hotohori::
Could you give her to Mitsukake and ask him to baby-sit her for me while I'll be gone for some time? ::chibi kitten notices that she's not on top of V-chan's head anymore and starts meowing loudly while V-chan walks away::
Where am I going? ::tries not to let his sadness show. Smiles:: I'll tell you everything later, Ta for now. ::chibi Mal crawls on top of Hotohori's shoulder and then sadly sees her friend leave::
Mal: *Sob* Meow!
Dear V-chan,
Gomen ne! My mistake! *Cuddles Mal-neko so she won't cry.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Wohoo! Good news minna! I'm going to Japan! For a whole month over the summer. I'll be staying with a host family with the rest of my group along with a translator. I'll also be going to a Japanese public school to take a few class in the language and culture. It'll be so much fun! It's only done by the schools in my area though and it costs $2,300.00 meals included. I can't wait!!!!
Inuyasha (Inuchan)
Dear Inuchan,
WAI WAI!!! We're very excited for you! Have a great trip and a wonderful time there!
Dear Chichiri,
*A very sad, very soaked, very beat up girl with long brown hair and darkblue eyes that's crying stands before Chichiri*
It's raining... and I got beat up at school... *smiles* Nah, it dosen't matter anymore now ^-^ !!! My best friend(who lives very far away from me) mailed me a little while ago and said that she is coming to me next weekend! Wai, wai, wai!!! I'm so happy!!!
School still sucks and nobody listens to me exept you(and my best friend)! I got real mad today. I tried to be nice to one of my teachers, so when I saw him I smiled and said 'Hi!' but he didn't say 'hi' back to me, he just stared at me as if I were sick or something!!! That makes me so angry!!!
Thank you for beeing so nice to me and giving me advices and so! *hugs Chichiri tight* You know, I really like hugging you ^-^ !!!
Oh, by the way, I got something for you. *Gives Chichiri a big box of chocolates and some green tea* The green tea is for you and the chocolate is a very late birthday present for Nuriko! Say Happy Birthday to him from me, and say Hi to the rest of the Suzaku seishi from me!
Yours truly,
Enma Mizuumi (Mizu no Miko)
Dear Enma Mizuumi,
Arigato, no da! I shall give the chocolates to Nuriko. Why don't you have your parents talk to the school administrators about you're getting beat up? The school ignoring this is not right, no da. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Why is it I can't go ONE day without lookin' at pictures of your guys?? ALL OF YOU!! I have to know because I'm running out of pictures to find!! (oh an' Tasuki, I made this beautiful canvas painting of you....I LOVE IT, my dad is buying a frame for it ^.^ !! It's so kawaii!! ::hugs all the seishi and thanks them for their time and hugs they gave her in the last letter::
crazy FY lover
Dear FY lover,
We don't know why. However, Tasuki says it's because he's so cool... *Rolls his eyes.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
GAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!! *Runs around in a circle* Uh..I have a couple of things to say to you bishounen. (As usual. ^_^;;)
First of all, I'm on colorguard at my school. You know what colorguard is, right? Well, if you don't, you have a group of people, and they perform routines to music using sabers, rifles, and flags. It's a lot of fun!! Except, people make fun of me. It's so annoying! I guess I should just ignore them... Uhmmm...let's see...
During episode 21, Miaka writes something in Japanese on a piece of paper. You see a shot of it, but I could only recognize one character, "ku". What does it say??
Please visit my webpage, Domo Arigato!! Ja ne!
Dear Mishiko,
Interesting site, no da. I checked episode 21 and the only thing Miaka writes is "sayonara", no da. Omedeto on becoming a colorguard, no da!
Dear Chichiri,
WAAHHHHHGGGGG!!!! Chiriko! I have such a problem! *is all ridgid because of so much stress* I been having a lot of trouble in physics. I study a lot for it and have a tutor and everything! But I got a 43 on the last test, a test I studied 2 days for. *breaks down into sobs* I have a new test coming up and I don't know what to do. I think I understand the material. My tutor thinks so too but I dunno! I am so worried for it. I can't fail or I'll loose my scholarship!!! WAAAAAAAAAAAA
Dear noda,
If is a test on the same subject as you got the 43 on perhaps you can try to study the material you didn't do well with in that test. That way you can try to strenghthen your weak areas, no da. Ganbatte no da!
Dear Tasuki,
*evil bell tolling sounds* dum dum dum dummm.... *maniacal laughter ensues*
you thought you'd gotten rid of me, didn't you, tasuki? ~_^ well, have I got news for you... *flashes cheesy game show host smile and jumps into your arms, throwing her arms around your neck* I'm BAAAACK!!!!! Hey, surprisingly enough, I'm still with my Tasuki-look alike boyfriend and he is SO amazingly, impossibly sweet... *gets starry eyed...sounds of mako-chan slapping her* oi. anyways... *glares at half-crazed fan girls with their mouths watering at her boyfriend* Hands off, ya chickens! He's MINE! *hugs picture to self, suddenly releases tasuki from grip of doom*
so...whatcha been up to, flame-boy? *checks around* I assume that things have ~naturally~ been boring without me around to liven them up, eh? *jumps up and kisses ya on the cheek* hey, i got my rights! even if i haven't been here for a long bit o' time... *blushes and grumbles at angry tasuki fan girls* It's just a friendly kiss anyways, right? bwah, anything else and I'd have to sue myself for harrassment of a tiddly wink! *has no clue what she's talking about* anyways, happy to be back!
the one and only, krazie-chan
Dear krazie-chan,
*Sweatdrops at the insanity...* So, aon't yer boyfriend jealous of me yet? *Grins*
Dear Tasuki,
Thank you very much for your last response I feel much better about what I did. I just felt guilty that maybe I was just being selfish ya know? I hope you are right that he might grow up a little from this because he is 15 and needs to realize that life is more then just some game were you can catch imaginary dragon spirits or be some big bad tough guy acting like Ken from digimon.(do you watch that show?) And he really actes like that to Hibbarrano Tenshi was there when that happened. Lol okay, I gtg Ja na.
Tomodachi no Tenshi
Dear Tomodachi no Tenshi,
I'm glad yer feelin' better 'bout yer decision. Nope, I never really watched Digimon. Can ya' tell Hibbarano Tenshi hi from me?
Dear Nuriko,
*hugs* Thanks @_@; Recently, Rachey was depressed around him the 16th, the 17th she quit anything having to do with Nate, and yesterday she called and they talked, and made a little progress I believe, but I'm currently being framed for subscribing somebody to 41 MAILING LISTS. Specifically, that somebody is NeonTiger, which has caused a minor uprising of things on IRC and resulted in my computer being nuked via IRC and I think being hacked to get around my Nuke Nabber program which alerts me when somebody's trying to nuke me (I've got it set to shout baka at me everytime something happens) and shuts down the port that the attempted nuke is directed at. So now I've got to download another program (ZoneAlarm) to hopefully stop that from happening.
Oh, nuking on IRC basically lags you to death. Until you're connection gets reset or you "ping out". A really bad nuke can result in the lovely blue screen o' death, or just make you have to close almost everything because your computer is low on resources.
Of course, if I can prove NeonTiger or one of her cronies is nuking/hacking me on IRC, she can kiss her connection to IRC's EsperNet GOOD BYE. Which means all her cronies will probably follow her to whatever new pitiful IRC server she heads off to and I'll be rid of her forever...
Dear One-chan,
Ah, it's nice to see things are back to "normal" for you. *Smiles* So just what is Neon Tiger's problem? Why is she so nasty to you?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
You guys are beautiful people!
Tasuki's Girl
Dear Tasuki's Girl,
Arigato gozaimasu! How kind of you to say so! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
In my bio class, this girl touched this guy I like's "thing"!!!!!!!!
Dear monkey-chan,
NANI?!?!?!?!? I don't wanna 'bout stuff like that!!!
Dear Tasuki,
*Runs up and gives Tasuki a big hug* Hi Tasuki! Guess what, I got a 100% on my social studies final exam!! =^_^= Im really happy about that! I deserve a kiss don't ya think ^_~ lol just playin', Today was a pretty good day today, a whole bunch of girls told me that I look really cute in a skirt! I never wore a skirt to school before and I got my first one on saturday *blushes with embarassment* And I made up with my friend too!! She's doing great, except that she's sick and her mom won't let her stay home. My mom is givin' me a hard time too. (Che, when is she not) But h*ll, I won't let that ruin my day! Thanks for the advice Tasuki and you don't have to be sorry about my dad, its his fault and I guess I gotta move on with my life, Oh that reminds me I have to go to his house that weekend AWWWW MAN!!!!! Now I gotta put up with my stupid half sister, and my b**** step mom....she always bugs me and forces me and my step sister (Who is the same age as me) to clean the house and do all of this other s*** *sigh* Oh well, i'll cross that bridge when I come to it, I guess. Well i'll talk to ya later ok, Tasuki!! Have a good day! *Gives him a kiss and runs away blushing* Wo ai ni! Ja!
Dear Sakura,
Omedeto on yer final!! Keep up th' good work! I'm glad to hear ya' an' yer friend made up an' that she's doin' better. Sorry yer mom is still givin' ya' grief. But did ya' ever stop to think it might have somethin' to do wit' yer dad gettin' married? Mebbe ya' should try to see stuff from her point of view. As fer yer stepmom... good luck!
Dear Chiriko,
Tanjoubi Omedetougazaimasu!
Here, have some green tea icecream, I have heard you like it. You can have this too! *hands you a thick-paged book with shiny rapping paper* Birthday present...^_^
Sorry for wishing you a late birthday, Chiriko... I feel so very bad *bows*
Anyhow, I hope you have a wonderful day, and an even more wonderful Birthday. *bows again*
Dear Kane-chan,
Arigato gozaimasu! Please don't feel bad and thank you again for the presents!
Dear Mitsukake,
Hi Mitsukake! I saw your empty photo gallery! You poor boy! *hug* I would draw you something...I'm just not very good...Sorry! I hope someone who can draw does soon! Cheer up! We love you Mitsukake!
Tasuki's Girl
P.S. Did you ever notice the way your name sounds if you pronounce it the way it's spelled? Mit-su-cake! It's so cute! :)
Dear Tasuki's Girl,
I also hope that someone draws and sends me a picture soon... *Sighs*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Guess who cares for you guys a billion times! who me? noooooooooo because............................... I care for you guys more than that!!
Dear rose_17,
Arigato! That was very sweet of you to say!
Dear Mitsukake,
what's a good medicine for a headache? I feel like the world is spinning!
Dear rose_17,
Both ibuprofen or Tylenol are good for a headache. However, if the room is spinning I would suggest you see your doctor to rule out any serious ailments.
Dear Chichiri,
Do you use hair spray with your hair?
Dear rose_17,
No, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
hi guys! this is my first time writing. i only found this page about a month ago, but i LOVE coming here :) fushigi yuugi is my favorite manga. oh do any of you guys know where i can buy the gaiden novels online? i heard that tokyopop had them on sale (but only genrou den was in stock). my friend "crazy_fy_lover" told me this, so who knows how reliable THAT is. (j/k CFYL, you know i <3 you {gag}) don't get mad at me, it's all in fun! i did have some other questions for you guys, but i forgot what they were (!!!). so this letter is basically pointless.
Blue Avenger
Dear Blue Avenger,
Have you tried either eBay or Kinokuniya. We're glad to hear that you like the site!
Dear Hotohori,
Do you know of a site where I can find the lyrics (and translations if possible) to your songs? You are a great singer by the way!
Rachel Garner
Dear Tasuki,
What does "glomp" mean?
Dear Rainbow,
*Sweatdrops* It's when one of ya' fangirls grabs one of us an' holds on tight an' won't leggo no matter what!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
do you think Duo Maxwell is gay?
Dear rose_17,
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
why was it removed? and I really meant "ask the miko" page (y'know! yui,genbu no miko, biako no miko)
Dear rose_17,
We really don't know. However, it does take a lot of work and time to maintain and update a page like this. They just might have decided that their priorities lay elsewhere.
Dear Nuriko,
Well excuse me Mr.Crossdresser of the year!!! whoa! did I jusy say that outloud? damn! my bestfriend is gonna kill me if she found out out I called you "Crossdresser of the year"!! and oh yeah where was I? I remember now! My brother accidently put sake in my drinking water when I was young and I kinda liked its taste so I started drinking sake but I only drink on special occassions like on birthdays (especialy yours! belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY!),weddings,Ashitare's death etc...
Dear rose_17,
Well, that's very different! You made yourself sound like a teenaged alcoholic!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
hello! i wanted to ask:
1- If you could be anywhere i the world where would it be?? (other that the spot you are in now!)
2- HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHIRIKO!! (i know thats not a question!)
3- can each of you give me a hug?? *blush*
crazy FY lover
Dear crazy FY lover,
Tasuki would like to be in Las Vegas; Nuriko would like to be in Paris; Hotohori in Japan; Tamahome in Fort Knox; Mitsukake in Vienna; Chiriko would like to be in the Library of Congress; and I'd like to be in Tibet, no da. Chiriko says thank you fopr th birthday wishes, no da. *Each Sedishi gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
*blinks and looks confused* Ano, Tasuki-kun...I didn't pinch you... *points to the green in his necklace*
<3 Mako-chan
Dear Mako-chan,
*Looks confused* Then who th' h*ll did?
Dear Tamahome,
What do you think of Soi? I'm talking about the Bouchuu magic, her attitude, and everything about her. ^_^
Dear Allyson,
I don't have much of an opinion on her aside from her being used by Nakago. I suppose I feel a bit sorry for her because of that.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
hi. my parents think that it is unhealthy for me to like anime so much. they think i have an obsessive problem. (obsesive cupulsive dissorder) and they don't want me spending to much time liking one thing or another. they are thinking of making me stop going on the computer and stop reading manga, watching anime, and spending time and money on it. it's like they want to crush my dreams. (o by the way, i'm writing another fic) being a problem child is hard. (at least that's what i've been called) heck! just being human is hard! i have my bio page done on my site, if u guys want to see info on me and a pic, just go have a look see.
sorrow no miko (notice how i didn't put ashley this time; definatly a sign there.)
Dear sorrow no miko,
Well, if your love of anime is interfering with your studies, friends, and real life in general, then your parents may be right, no da. Perhaps you need to cut back a bit so you don't end up having to give it all up, no da.
Dear Chichiri,
Hi Chichiri! You're one of two favorite characters from Fushigi Yuugi (Tasuki being the other), so I figured you could help me out.....
I'm beginning to feel like my friends are taking advantage of me. I'm always doing tons of nice things for them, and they don't even thank me. For example, they don't bother to save me a seat if I'm late, and my birthday was last week and I haven't gotten presents from them or anything yet... I know it seems little, but sometimes I get so tired of giving and giving and getting very little in return. Any advice on how to tell my friends how I feel without sounding too petty and selfish? Arigato! ((Hugs))
Dear Rainbow,
You're also Kim aren't you, no da? I think what Tasuki said was correct. Don't focus on material things, but tell them that by not remembering your birthday they hurt your feelings, no da.
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