Dear Chiriko,
Hi Chiriko! I've noticed that you don't get too many letters! And that's so not fair! You're an awesome character! Where would the Suzaku Seven be without you!? Hrmph! And I was just wondering: What's your favorite subject? Please, just don't say Algebra... (EVIL!) ^_^
Tasuki's Girl
Dear Tasuki's Girl,
I tend to like ancient history and the sciences.
Dear Tasuki,
Hey Cutie! I tend to have a pretty bad temper, and I've noticed that you sometimes do too. Any tips on keeping our tempers down? Arigato! *Hugs to her favorite guy*
Tasuki's Girl
Dear Tasuki's Girl,
*Laughs* I think yer askin' th' wrong guy!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey everybody! I'm just not having the best week, so I was wondering if you could just give me a cheer-up hug...? Please! Thank you so much! Luv you guys, you're the BEST!
Tasuki's Girl
Dear Tasuki's Girl,
Sure! We hope your week improves, no da. *They each give her a hug.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I just wanted to tell ya that things are going ok with my dad. He took me shopping at a really good mall and bought me clothes and anime. Yay. I'm still somewhat uncomfertable around him though. Oh well.
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
We're glad to hear that. We hope things continue to improve for the two of you.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey guys! First of all: You are the BEST! You're totally awesome! I wish you could be here right now to comfort me....I've had a *REALLY* bad week!! I need a hug from my favorite Suzaku Seven ever! ((Hug)) Thanks! Love ya guys!
Dear Kim,
Arigato for your kind words. *They each give her a hug.*
Dear Hotohori,
*pulls chocalate ice cream out of thin air.* Here you go, no da. Enjoy!! Oh yeah. You did good at guessing my age. I'm 15. How did you guess?
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
Arigato! I guess I'm just good at guessing ages.
Dear Tasuki,
Hi! I just needed someone to talk to, and I thought you'd be a great listener! I'm generally a nice, giving person, and it gets annoying! I'm getting really tired of being so nice to people and doing so many things for others and getting hardly anything back in return. I know I probably shouldn't feel this way and it makes me looks petty and selfish....But my "friends" don't even do the normal things friends should do. It was my birthday last week, and I haven't gotten a present from any of my friends yet - not even my boyfriend! ((holds back tears)) Thanks for listening, any advice? Luv ya! *Hug*
Dear Kim,
Mebbe ya' need to let 'em all know that they really hurt yer feelins' by not rememberin' yer birthday. Happy belated birthday! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Chichiri,
Nah! Just a good, little Seiryuu Tenshi, no da. I really am evil, though, no da. (Just ask any of the tenshi; I'm certain they'll agree, no da.^_^) And, I'm also a genious, no da. (though nowhere near the level of Chiriko) So, it just sorta works out like that, no da. ^_^ Actualy, Tomo's tenshi is Sorano Tenshi, no da. I'm Amiboshi-kun's, no da! ^_^ He's fun to mess with, no da! Good and angsty. Tomo's only fun if you get off canon, and I don't like to do that, no da. DA! I'm almost finished with mi health project, no da! And, I actualy finished mi bio. project a whole -5 DAYS- before it was due! Sugoi, ne? All I need to do, now, is mi espanol project, no da. I haven't even started that one, no da..... ^_^; JA!
Kageno Tenshi
Dear Kageno Tenshi,
Good for you, no da! I suppose it is time for you to get to work on your Spanish project, no da! Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Tasuki,
Hi Cutie! I just want to tell you that I've seen a lot of anime series, and you're my favorite character out of them all! *Hugs and kisses* I know you tend to not like girls too much, but do you think you could make an acception for me? ^_^ I'd love to know that I wasn't counted as one of the many girls you don't like, but as one of the few you do! And (just because I get so jealous when you hug others) could I have a hug and a kiss back? Thanks! You're the BEST!
Dear Kim,
*Grins* Thanks! *Gies her a kiss on the forehead and a hug.*
Dear Chiriko,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHRIKO, Did you have a big b-day party??? Did you get what you want??? and exactly how old are you now???14???
Dear shampoo,
We did and yes, I suppose I am 14. My birthday was fun!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
If each of you could have asked a wish of Suzaku, what would you have wished for?
Aoi Yume
Dear Aoi Yume,
Here are your answers:
Tamahome: My family alive and well.
Mitsukake: Shouka alive and well.
Tasuki: My sisters to stop givin' me a hard time an' pickin' on me!
Chiriko: I'd like to be alive and back with my family.
Hotohori: I'd like to be alive so I could be with Houki and Boushin.
Nuriko: I'd like to have Kourin back alive.
Chichiri: To have Hikou and Kouran back alive and well, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
oi oi oi! that letter was to hotohori, not you. X_x; by the way, i'm hotohori's son, crayon boushin-chan.. ora wa ninkimono!
crayon boushin-chan
Dear crayon boushin-chan,
Honma? I always heard ya' called Boushin. So, when did ya' change yer name?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Would you say the story of Fushigi Yuugi is a tragic one?
just somebody
Dear somebody,
At some points, yes. But essentially it is a love story.
Dear Chiriko,
happy birthday, chiriko-sama! ^_^ hope you have a spiffy day! and don't study too hard...*gives him a hug*
Dear Moon,
Sama? Ano... san is just fine. Arigato! I'll try to take it easy!
Dear Chiriko,
Otanjoubi omedeto gozaimasu, Chiriko!
(THINKS: Finally, I got the message right!...I think...) Here, here are some books as your presents. (THINKS: Is there any book left on this Earth that this guy HASN'T read yet?) And oh, also for you, this strawberry bundt cake! (THINKS: Why in the blue h*ll do they call it bundt cake? It sounds like something only baseball players eat......Oh, where was I?)
Oh, sorry for spacing out on you, Chiriko, but I've got too many thoughts running through my head right any rate, have a happy birthday!!
P.S. Chiriko, just one last thing....why DO they call it bundt cake anyway???
Dear Tonberry,
Arigato for the presents and the oishii cake! I tried to find an answer for you but was unable to, gomen.
Dear Chichiri,
Can you describe what your fiance was like and also what she looked like? ThaNk you
Dear Ruriko,
She was sweet and kind, no da. She was also very beautiful, no da. She had dark hair and eyes and a lovely smile, no da.
Dear Hotohori,
*Doc looks up sees the crowd outside the door*
Doc: speaking of headaches, you may want to find a better place to eat. We have visitors, and they seem to give the impression that Boushin and you should not eat on a wet floor.
*Boushin looks up* KOWAIIII!!
Doc: OF course the woman who is interfering with the "proper" raising of the Crown Prince is in her proper place.. Gomen ne Hotohori-kun they've been harping on me since I married Ryuuen, even with the rank I've earned. Go you two, I'll finish up here.
Boushin: I promised to clean up, Papa!! Please let me finish!!!
Dear Doc-sama,
*Smiles at her fierceness* Chichiri no Aijin taught me a saying from your world and it seems appropriate here. You certainly have your... ano... ah, Irish up! Of course Boushin will stay as will I. An Empereor does not shirk his duties or that which he has obligated himself to. This is a good lesson. *Looks at the appalled Ministers* We shall finish our sup and then We shall continue with the rest of Boushin's giri. *Raises an eyebrow.* Are We understood?
Dear Chichiri,
::sits in a corner with a blank expression on her face, staring off into space:: chichiri, my kitty ran away... ::tears start to trickle from her eyes:: ::breaks down sobbing:: my poor Gem!! what if she's lost or hurt?1 what if she got hit by a car?! what if... what if... ::stops talking out of grief::
Dear ashley,
*Gives her a hug.* I'm sure she will turn up, no da. Cats do that, no da.
Dear Chichiri,
WE FOUND HER!!! MY KITTY IS HOME!!!! yeah!! ::cries joyfully:: she was gone all night and all day!! i was so scared!!!!!
Dear ashley,
I'm relieved to hear that but you must try to keep her inside where she will be safe, no da!
Dear Hotohori,
*runs into the room and stops just in front of Hotohori* Hi, noda! I love self-insertion fanfics! My friend Tsukino Tenshi loves to make us a couple. I don't mind, but I know how faithful you are to Houki, so I'll try not to glomp you for at LEAST a month. Starting the day this letter is posted, I, Kosetsuno Tenshi, promise not to glomp you for one entire month. *falls to the ground* Oh, what have I done. Oh well, I can always use my imagination. How old do I seem to be? In your opinion, how old do you think I am? *jumps up and pulls some food out of nowhere* What is your favorite food? Feel free to take some food.
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
Arigato! I like chocolate ice cream. Your age? Hmmm... 14 or 15?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I wrote you a letter earlier and I am sorry that I wrote it. I was in a somewhat bad mood. Please feel free not to answer the letter. But I do love Hotohori and according to Hino Tenshi-chan "worship the ground he walks on." Oh well. Please forgive me for writing that awful letter.
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
Daijoubu desu, no da! It's ok. Don't worry, no da. You are certainly forgiven, no da.
Dear Tamahome,
I liked the picture. Thank you. She was very pleased. I think that Jet Li is a very good idea. I don't know how I can see it, but I can. Ja!
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
I'm glad I was able to help make her day! I think he'd be good but Jet Li has more star power! *Grins*
Dear Tasuki,
Konnichiwa Tasuki-chan!! Im new here and I thought it would be pretty cool to talk to ya. ^_^ All of my friends call me Sakura, even though my real name is Tiffany, my mom thinks Sakura is an odd name, what do you think Tasuki? Is it weird? This week has been a livin' h*ll for me, there was a test like everyday, geeze the teacher like to work our fingers to the d*mn bone. I passed most of them, but math was another story, I fell asleep during the middle of it (Now the teacher calls me Miss Slacker -.-) But I just ignore that little 'pet name' Well hey, at least its better than being called a pretty boy by our principal (Note: Im a really cute girl with short hair)
Well I got somethin' to ask ya. A few months ago I found out my friend was slitting her wrists to just 'try it out' as she says, I later found out that she was really doing it because a boy that she liked was talking about her and callin' her VERY mean names behind her back and she just hated the way she was after that. When I found out who the boy was, I confronted him and kicked his a$$. Then my best friend and I talked to the counciler and got the counciler to talk to Marissa (My friend who was cutting her wrists) and she found out it was because of depression and lack of self esteem. What do you think I should say to her?
I told my mom about it and she started yellin' at me! My mom blamed me for it because a little while before Marissa started cuttin' her wrists, we got into an argument and never made up. My mom started accusing me of making her feel unwanted and stuff and she grounded me! *Stupid woman* Then my best friend, Amber was confronted by her friend, Crystal and we both got yelled at by her because we told the counciler (I wanted to kick Crystal's a$$ so badly *sigh*) Marissa now has 17 scars on each wrist. I tried to talk to her but she keeps avoiding me, so I decided to give her some personal time and maybe i'll try again. Now I kinda feel like its partly my fault. *Looks away sadly*
Not like my problems are bad enough. Ya see, my dad just got married and my step mother is a real b**** I hate her!! My father left and cheated on my mother when I was 3 years old *Tears start to run down my face* and after a while he came back and then abandoned us again...and never came back. After that incident I was never the same. When my father got married, I was really depressed and my mom got really worried and made me talk to my school counciler once a week, geeze she treats me like im some fricken mental case. But anyway my counciler said my father is the reason im so independent and I don't trust other people so easily anymore and I fight alot. And then I have my stupid little brother who won't leave me alone. Anyway I don't really know what to say to my friend, I know what it feels like to be turned down by a crush, the boy I had a crush on was really cute but a REAL @$$hole, he knew I had a crush on him and one day to impress his friends he purposly ran into me in the hall...I got really pissed off and beat 'im down. And that was the end of crushes for me...until I saw you!!!
Heheh, don't worry, I won't go on about how much I love you, because I think that kind of thing might make you feel uncomfortable. *Wipes away the tears and puts on a really cute smile* Yesterday I got my first skirt (Yes, first, im somewhat of a tomboy) and everyone says I look really good in it because I have long and skinny legs. I feel really weird in it because im not used to it I guess, but i'll have to get used to it, heheh I wish you could see me in it -^_^- But anyway, I hope my week will be better than last week, even though my mom is really bein' a b**** to me already. I'll talk to ya soon ok, Tasuki. Thanks for listening it really helps! Wo ai ni!!!
Dear Sakura,
Ya' did th' right thin' tellin' th' counselor 'bout yer friend. Give her some time an' thentry to talk to her again. I'm sorry yer dad turned out th' way he did an' I'm sorry yer mom is givin' ya' grief instead of bein' supportive of ya'. Her blamin' ya' fer yer friend is jus' plain stupid an' wrong! I hope yer week gets better fer ya', too. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
Well I want to dump him because he is being very very possesive and he calls me 5 times a day if I'm home or not. One time I was talking to him and had to get off to fix dinner and he called me back like a minute later. Also he is trying to move way to fast for me. He reminds me of Barra's ex he was the same way. Any ways it really doesn't matter now because I called him Friday and told him all this. He admitted that he knew he was doing it, then he apologized to me. I told him that I thought we should break it off for a while and maybe we could try again. I don't think that it will work even if he did change but there is always that posability. Okay now I'm babbleing so I had better get offline now.
Tomodachi no Tenshi
Dear Tomodachi no Tenshi,
Well, that's a good reason! Ya' did th' right thin'! An' doin' it over th' phone is better than through a letter or email. Who knows? Mebbe ya' jus' helped him grow up a little.
Dear Chichiri,
::walks around, with a sad, lonely look on her face:: no one is ever in the chat room. i was in there all day, and a total of about nine different people came in ALL day. (including you and tauski((that was actually pretty cool.))) anyways, i'm going to put up a section about me on my site, i'm going to put it with the rest of my selections (fan art, fanfics, etc.) it should be up soon. (that and fanfics will be the only thing so far)
Dear ashley,
Now we did make into the chatroom, no da. But, real life does get in the way sometimes and so that makes it hard for us to be in there as much as we'd like to, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
This is for Kasa no Miko... A crush can easily be misinterpreted as being in love.
Dear baka-chan,
Yer right. Thanks.
Dear Chichiri,
DA!!!*growel* Kosetsuno.... *sees Chichiri and suddenly becomes very red* hehehe.... Ignore the child. She knoweth not what she speaketh of. DA! You'd better run, Kosetsuno! If I get my hands on you, I'll pull out your tail feathers, no da! Wait. Do tenshi even have tail feathers? Anou... They don't have tails, which would indicate that they don't have tail feathers, therefore makeing my threat meaningless.... Anou... Gomen nasai about that, Chichiri-san. I had absolutely nothing to do with that "message" she gave you, no da. *gets bonked on the head with the woodpecker-of-silence by Kosetsuno, who dissappears again as soon as the act is done* DA! Anou....I did tell her to give ya a message, no da... But it wasn't that! 'Sides, I didn't think I'd be able to talk to ya, myself, no da. Demo, *looks around nervously and whispers into his ear, conspiracy like* I've been sneaking over here while I was working on my projects, no da. Aren't I just the good little evil genious, or what? KEKEKEKEKEKEKE*cough* hehe, didn't mean to let that slip, no da.... uh...JA!!!!
Kageno Tenshi
Dear Kageno Tenshi,
Evil genius, no da? Are you sure you're not a Tomo no Tenshi, no da?
Dear Chichiri,
Hi! Don't know if you remember me?(I understand if you don't. There are so many people writing to you ;) !!!).
I don't have any questions, I just need someone to talk with. I'm feeling very depressed right now, and...*starts to cry* Sorry, I didn't want you to see me like this... I just don't know what to do!... You see, I have some big problemes at school. I suck in every subject, my teachers hates me, I don't have any really close friends there and some of the 'cool kids' is making fun of me and beating me up, So every morning when I wake up I just wish that it's saturday or sunday! Please...*hugs Chichiri tight, still crying* Please, you gotta help me! My parents won't listen to me and my brother just says that it will be better eventually!!! You're the only person I can talk to... the only person I trust... the one person that I love the most...
Pray for me...
Enma Mizuumi (Mizu no Miko)
Dear Mizu no Miko,
*Gives her a hug.* Have you tried talking to a school counselor, no da? Perhaps you can try talking to your parents again and perhaps show them this letter. If they still won't listen, try another adult that you trust. Good luck, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
*crawls pathetically across the floor wrapped up in the down comforter off her parents bed and plops down beside you lookin pale and tired*
Ach....I'm sick Nuri-kun. *rubs her eyes* I'm all stuffed up and tired and I've got a fever - a mild one but a fever.
I'm taking stuff but my sinuses are all choked up. I lie down for too long and I can't breathe. I've got a flu I think.
I just feel achy and sick...I could use a hug but I wouldn't want to infect you. And gundamitt if it's not the LAST day of spring break. I'll sleep crappy tonight and then have to get up and go to school with a fever and a sinus headache tomorrow. Wah! *mock sobs* This sucks. And I have to finish my french project today too....icky!
Anyhoo - at least I have my Nakago pin to cheer me up! (Arigatou a billion times over to CnA-san - I also immensely enjoyed the bubble wrap! The pose Nak is in on the pin is the exact same picture that I had on my background the day it arrived. Freaky!)
And I made a new friend on friday. Her name is Katt Yuy and she's awesome! She likes alot of my favourite Gundam Wing couples (Quatre and Trowa!)and we have some freaky similarities. Her house number is 101' - mine is 1'10, funny weird things like that. And she's hilarious! So yeah, we had a blast at my friend Rachel's party and she gave me her five e-mail adresses.... oyo.....
*thinks* Maybe I should ask you a question now, as this is an 'ask the seishi' page .....
Okay, what's the longest time you've ever been sick for, Nuri-kun? And is there anything you can recommend for sinuses and stuffed noses that is not Contact C, Dimetapp or Tylenol Sinus? It seems that everytime I try a new medication it only works for a few days, then my body rejects it as 'not strong enough' and I need something else... *sweatdrops*
Taiitsu no Miko (the sick pathetic little miko-chan)
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
Chichiri no Aijin says you're very welcome and odaijini! She's just happy he has a good home. I suppose the longest I've been ill is about a week.
Have you tried Breathe Right nose strips that have Vicks in them? They seemed to work for CnA. Vicks Vapor Rub under your nose and on your throat and chest is a might help as well.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Along with a friend of mine, I am currently writing a fanfic with Hotohori and Chichiri in it. She is so much better at writing stories than me so we are both writing it seperatly and will compare the outcomes. I haven't seen all of FY, so I don't know how it ends but in our fanfic, Miaka wishes for her and all of you to go back to her world (along with Yui of course). The four gods go too but Suzaku gets split into two halves and his spirit enters two girls who were born at the same time. It is up to Hotohori and Chichiri to find the two halves of Suzaku and release him.
What do you think?
I have to admit I do have a crush on you, Hotohori (sorry Nuriko, don't be mad) and my friend used to tease me something cronic, until I found out she has a crush on Chichiri so she can't tease me anymore!
Rachel Garner
P.S: She says hi to you Chichiri
Dear Rachel Garner,
I think your story sounds quite interesting. Ganbatte kudasai! Chichiri says to say hello to your friend from him.
Dear Tasuki,
^_^ WAI!*glomp* Happy b-day to me!! ^_^ *gives Tasuki some sake* There ya go! I had a cool birthday! I got the FY OAV2 vol1...with a transparent card of Hotohori, Nuriko and some dude who looks like Chichiri and Obake-chan. -.-;; Um...well...byeeeee!!*still can't believe she is forteen*
Dear Keiko,
Otanjoubi omedeto gozamasu! Thanks fer th' sake!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I feel very jealous of the people you give hugs an' kisses to...i was wonderin if ya' could just maybe...*blush* know....please??
Dear crazy_FY_lover,
*They all gather around her and give her a big hug.*
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*runs in dressed up like a leprechaun with a big "1/'th Irish!" badge on* Top o' the mornin'! Happy St. Patties day to ye! *passes out green-dyed sake for everyone ('cept Chiriko, who gets green tea), a green-dyed flower and "Kiss Me, I'm a Suzaku Seishi" pins, then pinches everyone not wearing green or orange and runs back out*
<3 Mako-chan
Dear Mako-chan,
Tasuki:OI! Watch where yer pinchin'!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tamahome,
Erm, I don't have two ryou on me. All I can offer is two money-saving tips: when the kiddies arrive, definetely go with cloth diapers. Even if you're both laundryphobes and go with a cleaning service, it'll still be cheaper than disposables. And don't let her get addicted to the baby food herself; it's surprisingly easy to do. Those little jars of much cost a real bundle when you've only got a baby to feed, never mind a Miaka. =)
Bus Trip Special question: What did Miaka say to your attempts to... fit in, as it were? I heard general laughter from the crowd upon the appearances of Tasuki and yourself, but I was wondering if she had any specific comments. Sorry to rub in that unfortunete incident; couldn't help myself.
One Very Lucky Parent
Dear Lucky Parent,
Thank you for the advice. *Frowns...* If she or ANYONE did, I have blanked them and that "incident" from my mind.
Dear Chiriko,
Episode '' notwithstanding *starting to get teary-eyed*, having journeyed with the Suzaku Seishi, is it still your intention to continue along the career path you were on before Miaka appeared? If not, what are you interested in pursuing now?
Dear Ami-chan,
Yes it is.
Dear Chichiri,
I've been telling all my friends this so I guess I can write in to tell you too. As an incentive to saving up for my car my boyfriend has offered to have it custom painted with a picture of some sort of you on the hood. He's also getting my plates to read "NO DA". I love that boy! And I love you too! The best part is that it was his idea!!I thought he was unaware of my Fushigi Yuugi obsession. Silly me, who knew?
Can you picture yourself on the hood of a restored original sky blue 1960's VW Bug? You'll be cute! I just hope I won't be breaking copyright laws...waddaya think?
PS-I think there is another Annie who writes to you, I think she draws, I don't, and you don't want me to try.
Dear Annie-chan,
I think that is very nice of him, no da! I'm very flattered! I do hope you don't live in California though. The NO DA plates are already taken, no da. Good luck with your savings, no da!
Dear Chichiri,
Why do you wish to be a monk? What kind of monk are you? I'm buddhist and you don't seem to follow that path. Are you a wandering magician who just happens to be celibate? That kinda sounds like a monk.
Dear Betty,
I became a wandering monk because I felt responsible for the death of my best friend, no da. I do not really practice a particular reglious form, no da.
Dear Hotohori,
From one Bishounen to another, how do you keep the ladies away??? I've been having trouble with this lately. The Girls won't leave me alone...
Dear Dan,
*Sighs* I have yet to succeed in that endeavour myself... However, one does get used to it. *Smiles*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I just read the letter where you guys picked fans for each other and I was wondering if I could be with Hotohori. I mean, I'm in love with him, and you guys are picking by who has been here the longest. It isn't fair. *white chi surrounds her as she walks towards Hoshi-chan* She may be nice but Hotohori is mine. If you had to pick fans by yourselfs who would you pick?
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
We answered the way we did to try and avoid hurt feelings and conflict, no da. Although, Tasuki is STILL recovering from Chichiri no Aisai and Chichiri no Aijin showing him THEIR displeasure with his choice for me, no da! *Sweatdrops* We really don't want our fans (or us ^^;;;) to get hurt, so you will just have to accept what we said, no da.
Dear Chiriko,
*hugs Chiriko* YAY!!! Am done with the CBSTest(for now) Chiriko do you think I will get a good grade? If yes why? I really want to pass. Am haveing a family reuin in July, my birthday is in July to... mmm... *.*
Dear Deserae,
I don't know what your grades will be, but I'm sure that you did your best.
Dear Chichiri,
*runs in and hugs Chichiri* Arigatou Chichiri-san!!!! I just finally read that one letter from Sorrow no Miko thanks to Kageno Tenshi's suggestion on the message board ^^;;; *squeals happily* Just for that I'm gonna draw a really cool picture of you! and no it's not going to be a pink bunny picture, unless you want me too ^^;; *hands him one of the 10 four-leaved clovers she found*
Hino Tenshi
PS: It isn't because I appointed myself Tasuki's protecter, is it? ^^;; Not that it matters ^^;;;;
Dear Hino Tenshi,
No, that wasn't the reason, no da. Arigato for the clover and the picture, no da!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
It was a perfectly normal thursday afternoon (except for the fact that I wasn't in school, but hey, it's march break, so I don't have to be.), the birds were singing.....
annoying little sister: Tweet tweet tweet!
.... -_-;;;;;; Anyways, the birds were singing, the sun was shining, and two rabid fangirls had just settled down by the computer to look over some new images and fanfic.
And then!......
*everything holds completely still*
*for about 20 seconds*
*then, about a dozen rounds of sonic shock races across the continest, all the way to california, shattering anything in it's path*
IT'S AWSOME!!!!!!!!!! IT'S CHIBI?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
And reality in a small Canadian town was therefore changed forever.
Shrinemaiden Keisei
p.s. 'Granola' Hills?
Dear Shrinemaiden Keisei,
She got the pin, eh? Close! Granada.
Dear Mitsukake,
mm... Synthroid? No, not as of yet no da.. If I don't feel super duper once the switch is finished, I'll probably be put on something like that no da...
Just for and update, I crashed pretty badly Tuesday night, Wednesday, and Thursday.. but with the other medication going up, I'm feeling a bit better no da. It goes on and off.. Not to manic/depressive levels, but I feel really hyper and genki, and then I feel tired and depressed no da. I'm also failing English <.<;;; saaa.. too much to do, too little time and energy to do it na no da.
*gives Mitsukake a big hug* I'm feeling inbetween right now. n.n
Shadra D
Dear Shadra D,
I do hope you arfe feling better soon. *Hugs her back.*
Dear Nuriko,
its your birthday!!!!????? I had no idea! T.T well happy birth day.... I dont have any thing to give you but will a hug do?
chulitsu chan ^~
Dear chulitsu chan,
Hai! Arigato!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
How come there isn't a "ask the miko" page around here??
Dear rose_17,
I suppose that is a question best asked of Miaka, no da. There was an "Ask the Miko" a few years ago but it went away, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Recipe For Future Disaster:
1 online relationship (1 online girlfriend, 1 online boyfriend, who doesn't want to leave his online girlfriend)
1 real life, ex-girlfriend turned friend who, about two years later has decided she loves ex-boyfriend again. Who spends time around online girlfriend in a chat room.
Stir well.
*sweatdrops* Need to get this out to somebody.
I feel like I'm walking on a tight-rope while trying to balance spinning plates or something! Rachey, who is(was!?) Nate's ex turned friend has decided she loves him again or something (he waited a year for it to happen and then gave up) and he's not sure what to do because he doesn't want to leave me.
AT LEAST this held off till the 15th, rather than surfacing on the 1'th and ruining our one year anniversary. @_@;
WHAT IS WITH THE LOVE TRIANGLE!? AUGH! Anyways.... I'm not sure if I should talk to Rachey, she's very sensitive, even though I can kinda relate to what she's going through. In conclusion, anybody have any suggestions or advice or just a hug or something??
Somebody? Anybody? @.x;
Dear One-chan,
*Gives her a hug.* Well, if Nate is happy with you, then HE needs to tell Rachy that he only wishes to be her friend. She had her chance and now he has moved on with his life and is in a relationship with you that he does not wish to leave. Good luck!
Dear Chichiri,
hiya!! it's really cold down in my basement. (where the computer is) ::drapes the shawl her mom made for her over her sholders:: that's better. do you think i'm a better fanfic author or fan artist? i'm so glad tomorrow is friday. i can't wait for a day off. one question; how did you guys really know i was sorrow no miko? and did you know it was me before i wrote the second time? ::shivers:: i was so hyper and happy when i wrote you guys earlier, but now, i'm just tired.yep, as soon as the fanfics i found stop printing, i'm gonna go to bed. did i tell you i was on the fyfanfiction mailing list? ::looks over at printer to see how much has been printed:: bummer! there is still lots to print! o well, i guess i'll just look around online for a while. ::wearily begins to leave::
Dear ashley,
I don't really know as I am not a very good judge of talent, no da. We knew it was you because the writing style was similar, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I'm FREE!!! i'm off grounding!!! yeah!!!! ::deep sigh:: it feels great to be back at the keyboard again. plus, i got all caught up on my homework from the 3 days of school i missed last week!!! yeah!!! ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ oh!!! i have to go check on otaku world!!! did you like my drawings? most of them were first time sketches, not very good. i'm gonna get better at it though!! next friday is the end of the third quarter already!! here comes the report cards!! i can't wait till may!! the eighth graders get out two weeks earlier than everyone else!! next year, high school!! and NO UNIFORMS!!! soon, i'll get my learners permit for driving!! ^_^ i reminded my dad of that and that was the closest i've ever seen anyone get to sweatdropping!!! oh yeah!! i forgot!! :: gives all the seishi a hug:: thanks for being so awsome!!!
Dear ashley,
You're very welcome! Your sketches were pretty good for a first time sketch.
Dear Chichiri,
Chichiri-san... I think I may have made a mistake on Friday no da..
See, we were doing a speakeasy at our school, and one of my friends (whom I've known since I was 6) asked me if I wanted to go into the other room and dance no da. We were both in character, he a french immigrant, and I an actress from New York no da. I declined as my character, so he went over to the buffet to get food no da... it was then that I realized that I might have really hurt his feelings! I'm not used to guys liking me, and I'm bad at reading people no da..
Anyway, I'm just really confused.
Shadra D
Dear Shadra D,
Why don't you just tell him that you were in character and that you didn't mean to rebuff or insult him, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
we'll at least I dont do drugs or crossdress!! and besides, Ive been drinking sake since I was ten!
Dear rose_17,
I don't do drugs! And you shouldn't be drinking at such a young age!
Dear Chichiri,
*blink* Miss me? *hugkiss*
Dear Kelli-chan,
Hai, no da! Great Suzaku! She lives, no da! *Gives her a hug and a kiss.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Far away in the distant land of southern Ontario a scream of joy - similar in volume to a sonic blast - echoes across the land all the way to the southwestern United States. The words that this scream is composed of sound vaugely like 'kawaii nakkie-chan'.
The blast is followed by several duller shrieks in a different voice of 'kawaiiness' and 'cuteness' and the like.
Then finally, there is heard a childlike giggle and the sound of bubble wrap being joyously popped fades away on the wind.
Dear ?,
We take it that Taiitsu no Miko has received her Nakago pin... *Grins*
Dear Hotohori,
Do you believe in love at first sight? ^_~
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Dear Tasuki,
I want to go to the same school, but it's not in the same district, and also if your parents works for the school you can... >_Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
I dunno what to tell ya' 'bout him, 'cept good luck an' keep in touch wit' him. Besides, yer young an' ya' may find someone at yer new school.
Dear Tasuki,
Hiya Tasuki!!! *runs in, jumps into the air and hugs him kinda like the way Ryoko does to Tenchi* Don't worry, I'll draw that ol' obake-chan as a pink bunny too ^^;; I just got home from the Forbidden City exibit. It was soo cool!! I could so see Hotohori living in a palace like that. They had a whole bunch of neat stuff in the gift shop. I bought a new pair of really pretty chopsticks and a beautiful white and blue necklace, that my mom says accent my eyes *grins* May all Irish angels smile on you on St. Patricks's Day! ^_^ *hands him one of the 10 four-leaved clovers she found in one day*
Hino Tenshi
PS: And if you don't believe I found them all in one day, ask Kosetsuno Tenshi, cause I gave her one too! ^^;;
Dear Hino Tenshi,
Cool!! Thanks!! *Pictures Tamahome in a pink bunny suit and laughs.*
Dear Tasuki,
Hi again, thanks for helping Barra though you only said the things I've already told her, lol. However I need help, too. I want to break up with my boyfriend but I'm not sure how everone keeps telling me I should do it over the phone, but I think that is kinda cowardly.On the other hand I'm afraid to do it to his face because I know he is going to say a lot of mean things. What should I do????? *wanders away talking to herself about her boyfriend*
Tomodachi no Tenshi
Dear Tomodachi no Tenshi,
Why d'ya wanna leave him? Tell me that an' I'll try an' help ya' out.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Howdy guys! I figured it's about time for me to send you guys another Irish blessing seeing as Saint Patrick's Day is comeing up again and all.
May joy and peace surround you, contentment latch your door, and happiness be with you now and bless you evermore.
Arigatou for putting up with me and the other Tenshi. *flashes a peace sign* Oi, and don't worry,I'll finish the picture of Tasuki and Tamahome as pink bunnys soon! *grins* then I'll send it in to CnA ^^;; And remember, May your home always be too small to hold all of your friends!
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
*All the Seishi sweatdrop over the idea of bunny pictures.* Arigato fer th' blessin'! *Downs a green beer.*
Dear Nuriko,
Hi I need some help if you can. For a school project we have to do a presintation on a Multiple Intelligence. I have decided to do mine on musical because that is the one that I am most like. But the problem is I don't know how to present it. So if you have any ideas on what I should do for it I would greatly thank you. I do have a classical C.D. set and I was thinking of useing that but I don't know what to do with it. So hope to hear from you soon.
Bondage no Miko
Dear Bondage no Miko,
I'm not sure I understand what the project is about. Gomen, would you like to explain it to me?
Dear Hotohori,
::Walks in with a chib purple kitten curled up and asleep on his head:: ::Excitedly shakes hands with Hotohori::
I've always wanted to see what it's like to actually meet someone AS handsome as myself.
::Stands beside Hotohori and holds out a mirror. Flashes his dazzling smile (we hear girls swoonig in the back ground):: So waddaya think? Do we look alike, Hori-sama?
Dear V-chan,
We are of a much nobler bearing. However, your looks rival Nuriko's.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*singing* 3' bottles of beer on the wall, 3' bottles of beer, take one down, pass it around 99 bottles of beer on the wall.
33 bottles of.....
*sigh* Okay, I am starting to get really kinda bored!
Charrion's away in Tennesse for all of the week, it's march break up here for us, and I'M STARTING TO MISS HER!!!!!! It's weird, I'm starting to lose my focus when she's not around! I'm supposed to be nice, and good, and kind! I'm supposed to guard the lifegate!
Just the other day, I found myself useing the 'mock anger' voice a lot more than my 'cute voice'! We're like yin and yang! I think that without my twin nearby, I'm starting to change to balance out the powers of 'good' and 'evil'! Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!!!! *curls up into shrimp-like position*
I don't wanna be evil! I even took a pot-shot at Seed with a booty arrow! Taking shots at Seed is what Charrion always did!!!!! *wimpering* ' days until Charrion returns.... ' days until this is over....
*continues singing* 33 bottles of beer on the wall, 33 bottles of beer, take one down, pass it around, 33 bottles of beer on the wall. 32 bottles of beer on the wall, 33...
Shrinemaiden Keisei
Dear Shrinemaiden Keisei,
*Gives her a hug* There, there... just concentrate on being good and you'll be ok.
Dear Tasuki,
What do you most regret about your life? Put another way, what's the one thing you most wish you had or hadn't done?
On the lighter side, why do you pick on Tamahome? I can probably venture a good guess, but I'd like to hear what you've got to say. =)
Dear Freia,
I wish I had hot Nakago wit' th' sword an' not Soi! I pick on Tamahome 'cos it's fun!
Dear Mitsukake,
Ethical question for you, Myou-sensei: is there anybody you wouldn't heal? I know you healed Konan and Kutou soldiers with the bystanders upon your death, but if you had the chance to heal a murderer, or Nakago, or the Emperor of Kutou etc., would you do it?
Dear Kira,
It's my job and who I am so yes.
Dear Tasuki,
YAY!!!!!!!!! My letter was first on the thingy. ok sorry my letter has never been first before. Thanks I will do that. Yes, he has shown interest, yay. I am having D and D at my house today, It will be fun. I ahve to go clean ok. I will write you back. May that be a waring to ya. hehehe bye
Hibarrano Tenshi
Dear Hibarrano Tenshi,
Have fun and good luck!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Ohayo gozaimasu! @^_^@ I'm Mako-chan's friend. (I also like Star Wars, hence the Leia smile.) She's show me a little bit of FY, but I've only seen the first couple episodes. (Miaka likes food more than Usagi! O_O)
You guys are cool! Chichiri, I like the staff (the.. uhm... ohwhatcyacallit..... *Mako-chan reaches over and types* "S-H-A-K-U-J-O-U") and the hat (kasa... right? Makochan went to history so now i can't ask her!) and ya look kinda like Rayden from Mortal Kombat!
Ya'll are really great to run this site and answer questions and stuff. That's just so cool. ^_^ Have a good day!
Dear DarkBlade,
Arigato for your kind words, no da. Welcome to the site! We hope you have a good time, no da!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
MWA HA HA HA HA HAAAAAAAAA....Cower at my feet, mortals!! *holds up a tessen* LEKKA SHIEN!! *sweatdrop* Cr*p, it didn't work. *shrugs* I guess I can't expect much from my cardboard tessen, huh? *tosses tessen and it hits Tamahome on the head*
Tamahome: Oww.... *Tamahome smacks Mishi*
*Mishi picks up the _real_ tessen and yells* LEKKA SHIEN!! *and burns Tamahome to a crisp*
Tamahome: Owww.....
*Tasuki yells at Mishi for stealing his tessen and starts chasing Mishi around the room* *rest of sieshi sweatdrop*
*Ahem* Anyway, I wanted to ask you guys something. (Yet again!) Do you watch Survivor? I've been watching Survivor lately, and I thought about if you guys (Suzaku Seishi) and the Seiryuu Seishi were two opposite tribes (Suzaku and Seiryuu respectively) who would each tribe kick off first? I was guessing for Suzaku it would be Miaka, and for Seiyruu would probably be Yui or Soi. What do you think? Also, what are your favorite animes?
p.s. Arigato for posting my previous emails!! *hugs all the seishi*
Dear Mishiko,
*Grabs the tessen back and taps her on the head with it.* This ain't a toy! An' ya' know Tamahome may be a bak but he'd NEVER smack a girl! We'd all kick Chiriko offa th' island fer his own safety. He's jus' a kid. An' th' Seiryuu side would either get rid of Tomo or Soi would fry his sorry @$$ fer tryin' to sleep wit' her Nakago. They're a sick lot ain't they? ^^;;;
OK. Onto anime:
Tamahome: Fist of the North Star
Chiriko: Gundam Wing
Chichiri: Slayers Next and Try, no da
Mitsukake: Here's Greenwood
Nuriko: The Tenchi Series
Hotohori: Kenshin
Tasuki: Outlaw Star and Lost Universe
Dear Chichiri,
Hey, no da! I am writing on behalf of Kageno Tenshi. She wants to glomp you, so *glomps Chichiri.* She loves ya and wishes that she could marry you. (I didn't tell you this,ok. I thimk that I'm messing up the message). Anywayz. She loves ya. I gotta go. Asta-la-bye-bye.
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
Arigato for the message, no da!
Dear Tamahome,
Tsukino Tenshi wants me to tell you some stuff. She loves you alot. Also, We are making a list of people to play the seishi and Jet Li with the eyes of Freddie Prince Jr. and the humor of the guy on Dungeons and Dragons is you. She wishes that you were hers and she wants me to glomp you for her. *glomps him* There, I did it. Yay! Anywayz, I gotta go. Bye
A Tenshi
Dear A Tenshi,
Your ahem, "request" was done. *Smiles* I hope she was happy. Jet Li, ne? Hmmmm... Chichiri no Aijin says her friend Eiji should play me. Here's another picture. What do you think?
Dear Hotohori,
*runs in and glomps Hotohori* Da!!! I've missed you! I spent about four days without seeing a picture of you! *lets go of him* Did I scare you when I started laughing for no reason last time? I do that sometimes. Don't ask. Well, gotta go. I have to deliver messages to your fellow seishi. Asta-la-bye-bye.
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
Four days! Oh my! Perhaps you should visit my fanart gallery...
Dear Mitsukake,
hello its chulitsu chan stormi chan isnt with me now but she did draw you and you look like shingi's dad T.T is that ok?
chulisu chan
Dear chulisu chan,
I suppose so. But doesn't Shiji's father Ikari from Evangelion haave a beard and wear glasses?
Dear Mitsukake,
Mitsukake-sama! I have a peice of art of you!! I um...just need to scan it in...O_o;;; But...don't worry! It'll be on the way in a day or so! ^_^ Ja!
Dear Keiko,
Arigato! *Smiles*
Dear Hotohori,
*Doc smiles at Hotohori*
Doc: I understand what you're saying, but he knows his duties all to well. Boushin-chan should we tell him that you wanted to use mud?
*Boushin blushes a deep red*
*Doc gives Boushin a hug*
Doc: It'll be alright sweetheart. :)
*After a few more minutes of cleaning*
Boushin: Papa...Oba-san... I'm hungry..
Doc: that sounds normal doesn't it. I'll go get the basket of food.
Boushin: Papa.. Oba-san made some good food :D
*Doc carries the basket of food over to the guys*
Doc: Boushin will you thank Suzaku for the food?
Boushin: Hai!!! Great Suzaku, I thank you for the health and happiness of the people of Konankoku, I pray that it will grow for years to come. Please grant Papa the blessing of wisdom to rule our people. Please Bless the Miko, Tamahome-oji, Nuriko-oji, Chichiri-oji, Tasuki-oji, Mitsukake-oji, and Chiriko-oji. And please bless this food for us today. Onegai Shimasu !!
Doc: Am I a bad influence on him?
Dear Doc-sama,
*Smiles* Not in all ways. But no more messy/destructive pranks. Especially on the Ministers! They are enough of a heaaadache without any help from the two of you. *Has some of the food.* Tabemono wa osihii desu! Taberu!
Dear Chichiri,
DA!! CHICHIRI!!! *GLOMP* I missed you, no da! I haven't been able to write you in such a _long_ time, no da! Did you miss me? Do ya remember me? DA! I finally get to write you, and I don't have anything to say, no da. Mou... I just got back from a really, REALLY fun, though ultimately short, Spring Break vacation. It was so sugoi, and I got to practice mi Esanol, though I was a baka and ended up speaking more Nihongo, instead. *sweatdrop* Pathetic, ne? DA! *glomps him again* I _REALLY_ missed you, no da! I really like the fan art gallery, but I'm happier that you're back, no da. DA! Speaking of the fan art, there are some really good piccies on there, no da! Poor Mits-san, no da. Did he ever get any pics? (I came immidiately to write you, so I haven't checked yet, no da) I wanna draw him a piccie, but I gotta figure out how to draw him first, no da. So far, you and Tas-chan are the only ones I can draw...relatively well, no da. Speaking of which, it is ok if I send ya some piccies, ne? Anou, I know you're gonna say yes, but I just thought I'd ask, no da. Actually, I think I'm just stalling, no da. I don't wanna stop talking to ya, yet I don't really have anything of immense importance to say. *sigh* Bueno, I guess I'll just have to write you back when I do have something to say, ne? *glomps him _again_* JA!
Kageno Tenshi
Dear Kageno Tenshi,
*Smiles* I missed you, too no da. Of course you can send me a picture. You can send it through the Administrative address on the front peeji, no da.
Dear Hotohori,
Konnichiwa! *waves*
Genki desu ka? Do you know any sites with pics of Houki?? I haven't seen many of her, that were any good. Which sucks because I didn't get to see Vol. 1' of the series and missed the eps when everyone finds about her being your wife. Well anyway, I have to go,
Dear Kaze-chan,
Genki desu. And yourself? I wasn't able to find a Houki perhaps you will have better luck. Here is the link to Anime Turnpike's Fushigi Yuugi sites.
Dear Tasuki,
Firstly,you're really cool and My 2nd favorite seishi!(My first being Chichiri^-^) Anyway, two questions:
1. What does Obake-chan mean? You've called Man-slu..,err, Tamahome that,and it sounds like an insult.
2.I hear ya don't like milk why is that?
Arigato,in advance! Peace! ~.^
Dear Dream,
Thanks! *Grins* Well, Obake-chan means lil' ghost. It's cause th' symbol on Tamahome's forehead sorta means, ogre/demon/ghost. It's what th' kids used to call him when he was lil'. Heh-heh-heh... Thanks fer th' info Tokkaki! *Grins* An' th' reason I hate milk has to do wit' my 'kaasan!
Dear Tamahome,
When did you first realize you were in love with Miaka?
Dear April,
I don't really know. But I think it was when we first met in town that I started to realize just how special she was.
Dear Tasuki,
Did you know there is a Shrine to Your Horse on the net? I lost the address, gomen. Its pretty funny tho.
Dear noda,
Yeah, I know. I've been to th' site.
Dear Chiriko,
Hi! Guess what? We have so many things in common! We both love books and we both are geniuses, though I am not quiet at all (I'm only quiet in school ^_^). I must admit that I am kinda outgoing. I like to play with my friends and taunt boys who taunt me. Oh btw, I was gonna ask you, have you ever read Sweet Valley Senior Year? At first I didn't like it, but now I'm hooked on it! Do you like it? And if yes, who are your fave characters? If you haven't read it yet, you should check it out! It's a fad in our classroom. Girls bring Sweet Valley Kids, or SV High, SV Jr. High, Senior Year or SVU. One more thing. We'll be going to Hong Kong this year. Are the FY novels available there (especially in Kowloon)? What particular stores have them?
Lady Jewel
Dear Lady Jewel,
Gomen, I haven't read any of the "Swwet Valley High" books. As for our novels, you should be able to find them in any bookstore that carries Japanese books. They may be available in Hong Kong, but I don't know for a fact. Have you tried checking Kinokuniya or Asahiya bookstores?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
What the heck happened to the Ask the Seiryuu Seishi site?! Last time it was updated on March 1! Right now written on top of the webpage was "Last updated on Feb. 2!" There is something waaaaaaay weird going on here. Did you sabotage the page (Just kidding, ^_^)? 'Cause, heck, I really wanna see my d*** letter/s posted over there!
Lady Jewel
Dear Lady Jewel,
Gomen, we don't know as we don't run that peeji. Perhaps they are recovering from listening to Nakago sing, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Are you guys getting paid for answering all these questions us fangirls ask you guys? if yes how much? if no well you should be!!
Dear rose_17,
No we don't. But, you know, that's a great idea... *Smiles and rubs his hands together greedily...*
Dear Nuriko,
The Nuriko special taste great!! I admit that the first tile I tried it I turned green but after I got used to it it tastes GREAT!!! and Im not really 18 Im just turned 13 last Feb. 25
Dear rose_17,
Shame on you! You shouldn't be drinking and you shouldn't fib to me either!
Dear Mitsukake,
saaa.... I'm feeling really down, and I know it's only going to get worse no da. See, we're gonna switch medications... see, I'm currently on a drug that is VERY hard to get off of (very intense withdrawel, even when you do it slowly). We've tried to lower to dosage in the past slowly (like over a few months), and even then I would get headaches, mood swings, irritability, and fatigue no da... but this time...
.. We're doing the switch in one week. I started last night, and I can already feel the effects. I'm afraid that everything is going to come crashing down on me and I won't be able to stop it. It's also happening at a very bad time as far as deadlines and schoolwork and the rest, but it's best that we do the switch as soon as possible. I've been taking the medicine for 8 years, so it isn't working as well as it used to. I'm just not sure if I can get through this with these essays and applications and stuff I have to do.. I just seem to avoid doing the work I need to, and I have no willpower to do anything (including getting out of bed in the morning). Oh yeah, and I have a thyroid problem too. So, I'm not looking forward to this week, or the next three or so...
Eh, sorry this isn't a question, but I needed to rant somewhere. I hate being depressing. I don't like it when other people complain and are depressing, but here I am doing it myself. Saaaa.........
Anyway, I hope you are well. Maybe if I can get the drive to do some art I will do some for you ^_^
Shadra D
Dear Shadra D,
I hope your new medicine works out for you. Are you also taking Synthroid? I'm just curious. Odaijini!
Dear Chichiri,
o.O;; I have another problem. On a slightly better note....I think I'm in love. The only problem is, I have no clue if Kevan (*sigh*) likes me at all. I met him at a Youth Group party last year in April. I left the party with a small crush on him, but forgot about it until I began attending his Youth Group in October of 2000. I have been attending the said Youth Group for six months now, and without even realising it, I'VE FALLEN IN LOVE WITH HIM!!!
I've been reaaaaly depressed lately, but seeing him just brightens my day. He can always make me smile and laugh even if I'm having the worst day imaginable.
I don't know why, but I couldn't get him off my mind today at school, I couldn't concentrate on anything, and then the notion hit me that I was in love with him. Which really shocked me, because I've never liked any guy this much before. I'm still pretty skeptical about the whole thing.
*slams her head into a wall* It sucks, I'm either depressed or amazingly confused and frusterated. How did this happen!? I have no ^$%@ing clue! He's the perfect guy; he doesn't drink, or smoke, do drugs, he doesn't ever swear.
I really have no clue about what to do, I asked him to go to Snoball (formal winter dance) with me in December, but he had a prior Drama commitment. But back then it was only an innocent, HE IS DRIVING ME INSANE!!! And he doesn't even know it!
I'm too shy (and slightly discouraged) to ask him again. It took me weeks just to ask him to that dance. Plus I don't know if he likes me or not, though I'm sure he at least suspects that I like him...
*sighs* I could really use some help on this one.....
Ja ne!
Kasa no Miko
Dear Kasa no Miko,
Ask him again, no da. Even if it is just to have coffee, no da. But first... take a deep breath and calm down, no da!
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