Dear Tasuki,
Alright, I know you hate all the relationship bull s***, but I'm in a real bind here. Ya see, my best friend who I'd live or die for, has hooked up with the guy I like. Normally, I'd be mad, but right now I'm confused. I don't wanna fight her, but I don't wanna give him up either. I'm ALWAYS the one to back down in situations of the sort, but it's gettin' old. Any ideas?
Dear Setsuna,
I know ya' like th'guy, but has he shown any interest in ya'? It seems he already made his decision. I think if ya' value th' friendship, ya' should back down.
Dear Tasuki,
Thanks I will do that when he comes back friday! Thanks hehe! You know that was the longest letter you wrote. One of my friends is drawing a pic of me and you. I will show it to you oky. thanks for every thing. Ja I see you haven't burned your self with the roses I gave you. lol Ja
Hibarrano Tenshi
Dear Hibarrano Tenshi,
'Course I ain't burned myself! I know how to handle fire! *Grins* I'm lookin' forward to seein' th' picture. So, has he ever showed any interest in ya'? If he hasn't given ya' any signals ya' might wanna start by jus' bein' his friend. Good luck!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I noticed something recently. Almost every time I've written in, I've been complaining about something or another. That makes me feel slightly bad. So I thought I'd complain about it! *L* Nah, just kidding.
Actually, I think that we should have an annual "Ask the Suzaku Seishi" Celebration Day in your honor. I mean, you all do so much for the rabid fan-girl (and fan-boy occasionally) community, so it's about time we give back!
I averaged all of your birthdays and came out with April 15th for the mean, so how about then? Mina, Write it on your calenders! ^_^
<3 Mako-chan
Dear Mako-chan,
Domo arigato gozaimasu! That coincides with our return from Japan, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
Oh.. I'm just moving 30 min. away to another town, but that's still sad!! I would go to a completely new school. Bahhhh
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
That sucks! No way ya' can go to th' same school ya' been goin' to?
Dear Nuriko,
Aa, Chiriko was kawaii and kirei! ^_^
Poor Mitsukake though! Why did they blur out his face? Well ja! *wonders off dancing and singing along to Twiggy Vs. James Bond by Pizzicato Five*
Dear Kaze-chan,
*Sweatdrops* Ano... let's just say that he didn't make a very attractive woman...
Dear Tasuki,
That would be so sugoi! ^_^V What would Kouji do? Would he race with ya?
Dear Kaze-chan,
Sure! If he wants to!
Dear Chichiri,
::hugs Chichiri really tight and starts to cry:: ::nods:: Hai, the police are searching for him, but they havent found him yet. That's why they think he jumped into the river. I've always called my godfather my Uncle, and I was really close to his family, and this is just so horrible...I never thought something like this would happen.
And to top it off, I was told today that a friend of a friend also commited suicide. Ugh, why do people have to do this...?
::cries harder:: I've been trying to be happy at school, but it just isn't working. The tinyest thing annoys me and sets me off spazzing on my other friends. So far I've only told one person, because she was at my house when my mom told me about it. I just feel so helpless about the entire situation...
Anyway, thanks alot. You're so patient, guess that's why I love ya. ::smiles faintly:: Ja.
Kasa no Miko
Dear Kasa no Miko,
You need to take some time off for yourself, no da. *Gives her a hug.* You should consider telling the friends you are closest to what is going on in your life as they can be there for you.
Why do people do these things, no da? The simplest answer is that they are desperately unhappy and feel that this is the only way out. However, there are many reasons why people commit suicide. Unfortunately they don't realize and never will know just how badly they have hurt the people they have left behind, no da. *Gives her another hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
:Walks up to him with a black eye: Tasuki papa I got beat up at school :sniffles: can you hug me and make me all better?? :wipes her blodd off her lips: please?
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley Chan,
*Gives her a hug.* Why th' h*ll were ya' fightin'??? *Grins* Did ya' win?
Dear Chiriko,
Can you tell me any good chiriko sites?? thanks. And happy birthday in advince because i know i'm gonna forgot to tell you later. (i forgot to wish nuriko a happy birthday. ~*SNIFF*~ and he's my fav. character).
Dear Hotohori,
*Doc-sama and Boushin hurry into the room as soon as everyone leaves*
Boushin: What do I do first Oba-sama??
Doc: Use the mop to get the water puddles into one big puddle, and I'll deal with the rug.
Boushin: anoo.. How do I use this? *picks up the mop*
Doc: I'll show you how hon... *does a short demonstration and gives it back to him, then Boushin sets to work with a happy smile on his face*
Doc: That won't last long.. *Doc gets back to scrubing down the carpet, not noticing the two men watching from the darkened dais*
Boushin: Oba-sama.. What will Papa do to us?
Doc: After we clean up? You'll get more schoolwork. He'd have Nuriko-oji deal with me. I'll get to wash the clothes that those men wore, If I know my husband. In public with them saying snide remarks about me being put in my place.. *Doc imagines herself attempting to claw their eyes out, and Ryuuen restraining her*
*Boushin quickly finishes his puddle collecting*
Boushin: What do I do now?
*Doc quickly moves the rug into the puddle*
Doc: That soap will dissolve all dirt on this rug. *tosses Boushin a towel* Now we wipe up what's left. *begins wiping the floor with Boushin next to her*
Dear Doc-sama,
*Walks in and watches them clean. Smiles* I understand what you are trying to do for Boushin. Perhaps you can find a less "destructive" wasy to let him be a normal boy. I know that you are trying to help. But understand that he has his duties and responsibilities as well as the next Emperor. There will ne no further punishment for either of you. However, I might caution you to use better judgement in the future. Do I make myself clear?
*Takes the rag from her and helps to clean up the mess.*
Dear Chichiri,
Your my favorite character first of all. You're really cute! Are sure you're not wearing that mask to keep tons of women away? Anyway, what's the name of that staff you carry around? My freinds are tired of me calling it the jingly staff. To many wrong ideas, they say. ^-^ Arigato in advance!
Dream(cause thats all I do)
Dear Dream,
Arigato, no da. *Blushes* My staff is called a shakujou, no da.
Dear Chichiri,
WAII!!! You'll never guess what happened before school today! So we was walking down the hall to the room my school swing choir practices in. One of the boys who were walking there was wearing a hat that had a kanji on it. I looked at looked awful familiar....I thought about it a little...then it hit me. His hat said NEKO! ^_^ I was so happy that I knew what the kanji said! I'm so smart... I had half a mind to walk up to him and tell him, "Did you know your hat says cat?" but I didn't wanna look weird. Isn't that great? Neko neko neko... Well, have a good day, and here! *hands Chichiri a green-tea and plum double-scoop icecream cone* Ja ne!
Mari K.
Dear Mari K.,
Omedetto, no da! That's very good! Perhaps you can ask him if he knows what the kanji means and if he doesn't, then you could tell him. You would look smart then and not weird, no da. Arigato for the ice cream!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Greetings, guys! And girl, if Nuriko would so prefer. Hope all is well with you. And fear not, I'm not here to declare undying love/stalkership. ^_^ My apologies, but I actually have two questions. The first is: after all is said and done (i.e. end of series), what do each of you think of Yui-chan? The second is: which do you think takes more courage- resisting fate or accepting it? Thanks a bunch for your time. If you ever need a long-distance hug, drop me a line. =) Ja ne and zaijian!
Dear Midori,
We all feel that she was victimized and used by Nakago for his own means. Both take courage, depending on what your fate is.
Dear Tasuki,
Thanks for the advice. He is just being a poo-poo head (edited of course) Yes I am legal and in college too. No drinking for me again tho. But you aren't legal so why are you drinking ~_^?
Dear noda,
I am fer Konan! *Grins*
Dear Hotohori,
*Doc and Boushin look through a window into the main audience room*
Doc: Are you ready for this Boushin-chan? You do realize we'll have to clean this up. It wouldn't be fair to the people who clean the palace to have to pick up our mess.
Boushin: Hai.. But Papa looks bored, he needs a good laugh.
Doc: Okay hon, got your mop ready?
Boushin: HAAAIII!!
*Doc and Boushin tug on a rope, which tips over three thoughs that they managed to suspend from from the ceiling, drenching the advisors and courtiers in cold soapy water*
Doc and Boushin: WAI!!
*Men muttering*
Head Advisor: It seems that Lady Chou is influencing the Koutaishi. Heika, please order the woman away from the palace.
*Boushin grabs his Oba-san tight* NO!!
Dear Doc-sama,
*Tries to hide his amusement...* I will not order her away from the Palce. However, she did encourage my son to create this mess, she will be the one to clean it. Afterwards, we will speak...
Dear Nuriko,
my hair is really curly and frizzy and long. I wanna get it straight. Can you do something with it?
Dear noda,
No, but you can! There are products on the market for frizzy hair that take the frizz out and there are shampoos and conditioners that are formulated to relax the curl in your hair. You can also blow dry it straight by bending at the waist and bushing or combing it straight as you blow it dry. You also might want to see what your own stylist suggests. Good luck!
Dear Tasuki,
Tasssuuukkkiii.... A friend of mine said I had problem because I drank a lil alcohol. I didn't even get drunk! Okay but I wasn't sober either. But I stayed in my room and made fun of all my friends who drank too much (they didn't make breats out of tea cups or anything. Did you remember that? ~_^) and I didn't go out driving or anything. I drank responsably yet my friend "laughed at my stupidity". I assured him I like the taste of sprite better (and I do) but now he things horrible of me now just because I wanted to see how it tasted. Can you tourch him to his senses please and tell him not to be a...Seiryuu Seishi? Cuz he really *^%$ed me off. And he won't listen to me anymore.
Dear noda,
Hmmm... OK. fer starters, how old are ya'? If yer under th' legal age to drink, then I gotta go wit' yer friend on this one. An' is this yer FIRST time drinkin' an' gettin' drunk? If so, he's probably jus' concerned 'bout ya' an' if ya' don't drink anymore, he'll get over it. If ya' make gettin' drunk or high a regular habit then I gotta go wit' him an' say ya' got a problem!
Dear Tamahome,
"I think just publishing your plan could get you kicked out and banished!"
Huh? What's that mean? I don't get it?
You see it's for a story I'm doing...
My avtar - Zip - needs to get kicked out of Konan so she can go on and cure the ills of the Seiryuu seishi in Kutou.(I'm aiming to cure Nakago of his fetish for beating the crap out of you and licking the blood off your face.) I've been temporarily accepted into Konan and Hotohori, in return for me getting the Seiryuu Seishi off your backs has offered me the payment of one day with the Suzaku Seishi.
I need to do something so wild and evil that he'll say "Not even freedom from fighting the seiryuu side is worth putting up with this fangirl for another 19 hours."
Taiitsu no Miko (asker of questions)
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
Ah, now I understand! Hmmmm... this will require a bit of thought. Why don't you put Tasuki in the courtyard so you can chuck the brick at him, hit him in the head and knock him unconscious. That way you can nail him with the love stones you have. Although I think you should make Tasuki ga-ga over Chichiri and have Hotohori chasing after Nuriko and have Nuriko chasing after Tasuki! As for me, I'd just like to sit back and watch it all unfold... *smirks*
Dear Nuriko,
Konnichiwa! ^_^ I just thought of this and decided to ask you. In the first OVA when all of you guys had to dress up like women, who do you think made the best looking women? (with the exception of yourself and Hotohori, that's just too obvious) Personally I think it was Chichiri! ^_^V
Dear Kaze-chan,
Well, Chichiri's was magic so I don't think that should count. *Gets a sad look from Chichiri.* So, I'd have to say Chiriko!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Konnichiwa! ^_^ You've probably been asked this before, but I'm too lazy to go though *all* the archives and look for it. I'm also too lazy to go around and look for it on fan sites. Not that I have the time since I'm in school right now and probably not supposed to be on here. *shurgs* Oh well!
I know that Hotohori is the Sea Serpent. What are the rest of you? Doomo!
Dear Kaze-chan,
Actually, if you scroll down the peeji you'll find your answer (I assume you mean our Constellations) in the letter we answered that was written by someone calling themselves "me".
Dear Chichiri,
::runs to hide behind Chichiri:: They're all gonna laugh at me!!!!!
::blushes:: Why did I send in my art no da?? I knew it gets put up for seishi of the week! Oh, why did I send in my picture!!! ::blushes harder:: work is so bad. I'm probably being laughed at right now.
::tries to make herself invisible:: ::sighs:: This just isn't working.
Anyway, I actually did want to talk to you. I kinda have a problem. My Godfather's brother has been missing for two weeks, and they think he commited suicide. They believe he jumped off the bridge into the river. I just don't know what to do...I've been really depressed and confused lately....I'm sorry to burden you with my problems...well, anyway, Ja ne.
Kasa no Miko
Dear Kasa no Miko,
I'm sure no one is laughing at your fan art, no da. I do hope things will be ok with your godfather's brother. I would think by now they have called the police and they are searchiong for him right, no da? *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
Doomo! You can't be a frat guy forever because eventually you'll have to grow up (as sucky as that sounds). I've already come to terms with that, I'm going to be a History teacher!
Why don't you be a Hell's Angel ^_~ That would be so cool! You'd look good on a motorcycle! And a motorcycle won't beat you up like a horse will. *G*
Dear Kaze-chan,
That sounds cool! Or I could jus' race motorcycles! Whaddya' think?
Dear Tasuki,
oi oi 'tou-san! 'member me? ora wa ninkimono! i'm not related to crayon shin-chan, but i AM related to you! 'tou-san! 'tou-san! gimme a big hug, wontcha? and then we can go out and fly kites!!! and play dress up with 'kaa-san's clothes! whatdayasay?
crayon boushin-chan
Dear crayon boushin-chan,
Which one of my pesty sisters are ya'? I don't play dress up! That's Nuriko!
Dear Tasuki,
All that i will and can say is that
1. your EXTREMELY goodlooking
tasuki no shoujo
Dear tasuki no shoujo,
Heh-heh-heh... thanks! *Fanged grin*
Dear Tasuki,
No, this guy I realy like is going sking tomorrow, and won't be back till friday nooooooooo. *has tears in her eyes.* I love him and you. You guys are both in my heart. *looks up at him with a tear rolling down her check*
I am glad you are here to talk to me for a week to make me better. *runs up to him and hugs and starts to cry* I was going to tell him I love him but I couldn't do it. *looks up at him soft eyes* sorry I didn't mean to do that. I am a big girl I don't need to cry. * moves back* thanks Ja Ne *hands him a barra on flams* A barra from a Barra. *flys away to the darkness*
Hibarrano Tenshi
Dear Hibarrano Tenshi,
Don't worry 'bout it! *Gives her a hug.* So, when ya' see this guy ya' like I think mebbe ya' sould tell him ya' like him, not love him. Th' "love" word generally scares most guys an' he might run away! Let HIM tell YA' that first! Good luck an' thanks fer th' rose!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
How did you guess?? you are correct!!!
sorrow no miko/ashley
Dear sorrow no miko/ashley,
We're jus' THAT good!! *Fanged grin*
Dear Mitsukake,
Stormi chan:Konichiwa! My friend and I feel realy bad for you, Mitsukake!
culitsu chan: Ya, you had no pics what so ever!
Stormi Chan: Well,you see, we where looking around in the fanart and saw that you have no pics!
Culitsu chan: so we desided to draw you really cool looking^^
Stormi chan: We'll work on it and send it to ya as fast as we can!
stormi chan and chulitsu chan: see ya latter^^
chulitsu chan and stormi chan
Dear chulitsu chan and stormi chan,
Doumo arigatou gozaimasu! I look forward to seeing it.
Dear Hotohori,
I was wondering if you got into a sword fight with Kenshin, who do you think would win? Both of you are so good with the sword.
Dear noda,
Kenshin, as he has 10 years more experience with swordfighting than I do.
Dear Doc-sama,
Hai! I'm sure it will. *Bows to her* Doumo arigato gozaimashita.
Dear Tasuki,
heheheh, he's not my boyfriend.. But you know what's bad??? I'm gonna move soon!!! At the end of next month, can you believe that? Leaving everything behind.. I've lived here for about 8 years. *sighs*
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
I'm sorry to hear that! I hope yer gonna still keep in touch wit' yer buds at yer school. So, are ya' movin' far away?
Dear Tasuki,
Okay, thanks for the advice! I'll take a bit of time to try and figure out just how I feel about this entire thing. Maybe I can even get N-chan to realize that she is really making us all feel worthless and that she may end up paying way to high of a price for popularity. I hope she'll listen to me... And I'll see what I can do about getting everyone to be there for everyone. You're right, it can be quite a drain to support an entire group emotionally but I never really thought of it as that, I just always tried to be there for everyone all the time. Hmmm, you're right, that does sound like a noble idea. *Laughs at self* Oh boy, better not let this get to my head, my tiny pea-sized ego might just grow!
Dear Kaosu,
Yer welcome. I hope yer friend comes to her senses! Good luck.
Dear Tamahome,
You didn't know that he licked you?! O.O
Wow! You have a worse memory than I do!
I think it was the last ep (or second to last) of the tv series. He said "You excite me. Not like a women excites me, more like a new toy or (something. I can't remember that part)." Then he licked you and I proceeded to scream "NOOOOOO!!! YUCK!!" and hid my head under my blanket.
Soi's that good, eh? ^_~ *giggles*
Dear Kaze-chan,
Kissed me or licked my face either one was disgusting! Well, she was better than Nakago. Hmmm... I guess that doesn't say much for EITHER of them!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
What are your signs? (Give greek AND chinese)
Dear Me,
Since Chinese signs are now based on your YEAR of birth we will give you our astrological signs and the constellations that we represent.
Tamahome: Cancer and the constellation of Cancer
Hotohori: Aries and constellation of Hydra
Nuriko: Pisces and constellation of Hydra
Chichiri: Gemini and constellation of Gemini, no da.
Tasuki: Aries and constellation of Crater
Mitsukake: Taurus and constellation of Corvus
Chiriko: Pisces and constellation of Hydra
Dear Chiriko,
Can you tell me about the Byakko and Genbu seven and their powers??
I also heard there was another 6 seishi for tai-itsukun or something. Can you tell me more about that??? Thank you so much Chiriko. Love ya.
Dear Y-chan,
I believe this site can do a better job of it than I can.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*eyes spin* miss a lot of posts when you are gone for 9 days.
*ties on headband (ya know, the one Miaka has on when she's thinking about using one of her wishes to get into any school she wants (ep. where she meets Hotohori and he asks her to be Miko))(yes, I actually DO have one of these. ^_^ And I love it too! And for anyone who wants to know, the headband says...umm...*pulls out her handy-dandy Kanji dictionary, cause she forgot (the silly)* "Sure Victory") and claps her hands together, determined look set on her face*
Yoooooshi! Formatin' time! *rushes off to format a frames version of her "Dress Like Chichiri" page*
<3 Mako-chan
Dear Mako-chan,
I guess you go. Sumimasen... Saa... Formating? Ganbatte ne!
Dear Nuriko,
*looks about* I think I'm late but - HAPPY BIRTHDAY! *cheers and throws streamers*
*hugs* I'm pretty sure that this is belated and gomen nasai but, here's you present. *hands you a pack of Mars bars*
These things are so unbelieveably delicious... I love em! And they're chocolate! So I got you some! *grins* Have an awesome day!
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
Arigato! *Eats a Mars Bar...* OISHII!!! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
ok, everyone, i want you to guess who i am. i've written here quite a few times, but i've only used this name once. oh and by the way, the island match up answers were funny! ^_^;; now to get down to business, ::brushes light brown hair away from her almond shaped brown eyes:: anyone want to guess?? come on!! eveyone guess!! oh! waitaminute!! did you guys pick someone for chiriko? (refering to my previous question)
sorrow no miko
p.s. for some very odd reason, my mom really likes my new pen name. she says it really suits me 'cause i go to our lady of sorrows school. @_@;; i thought it suited my personality, but, i guess that works too. (not what i was thinking!!) ^_^;;
Dear sorrow no miko,
Hmmm... we think you might be Ashley. Are we correct? They picked Annie for me.
Dear Tasuki,
*hugs Tasuki* HI ^_^! I missed you! It seems we haven't really talk talk in a reallyyyy longgg time.
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
That's true! But I thought ya' had yerself a new boyfriend! How's it goin' wit' him?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
YaY!! ^_^ *jumps around in a circle* You guys posted my emails! Arigato!!! I have a couple of questions for you guys:
1. DO you ever watch episodes of you guys in FY?
2. Chiriko, have you ever met Tenjoh Utena?
3. This is random, but, Nuriko, would you ever go to Scotland, 'cause all the guys where skirts there anyway?
4. Yesterday was my birthday, I got a FY manga (#3),and I got a FY tape from my friend, and my buddy Naoko made me a Hotohori necklace!! It's so adorable!!! I just had a very Fushigi Yuugi filled birthday, huh?
5. Does Tama-neko ever open his/her eyes?
6. Why is it that Chichiri takes off his mask a lot more in the manga than the anime?
7. In a beauty contest, who would win, Hotohori or Nuriko???
8. Where can I get those killer yo-yos of death Suboshi uses? (No, I'm not trying to kill anybody. At least, not today!)
9. For my birthday, my friend, (who got me the FY tape) designed a stand-up electronic bishonen that looks like Hotohori! He even says "I love you." He's so kawaii!
10. How much food can Miaka consume before she explodes? (Sounds like a lab I'd do in Science class O.o)
Thanks for reading this!! Ja ne!!!
Dear Mishiko,
Here's all your answers:
1. Hai!
2. No, but I have seen her anime and movie.
3. They don't wear skirts they wear kilts made of wool. But I would still like to visit Scotland, I hear it is a beautiful country.
4. It certainly sounds that way! Otanjoubi omedeto gozaimasu! (Happy Birthday)
5. Yes, he does.
6. I guess the manga and anime are written a bit differently, no da.
7. Hotohori!
8. I suppose you will have to ask Suboshi that.
9. That sounds very kawaii!
10. We don't know. But, she hasn't exploded yet!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
Hey, Tasuki I really need your advice on what to do. After facing the Week and a Half of Eternal Monday I'm rather worn out and confused.
What happened is that one of my best friends decided that it's been her eternal dream to be popular (Our group is not really classified in the school hierarchy, but we're not really popular) and since she's made all her dreams come true so far, it was this one's turn. I have not problem with the dreams bit but starting a week and a half ago she basically ditched us at school to try and hang out with the 'popular' group.
Thus, several others from our little group of friends felt rightly betrayed, and the rest of us are just totally confused and hurt. She claims that she's not ditching us, but I always thought that being someone's (in this case three someone's) best friend meant hanging out with those people. Then the Hell on Earth really started when those who felt betrayed started trying to get revenge on her, which hurt the rest of us even more 'cause I don't agree with revenge of any sort, being a pacifist... and well, yeah, things went straight down from there.
On Wednesday she called everyone to apologise, and so things have reached an uneasy truce. But she's still trying to be popular and there are still some serious betrayal feelings floating around... and... I just don't know... We were with her, supported her, were there for her when she needed it, and gave her our all for more than a year and a half... and she's practically ditched us and thinks that she can just fix it with words and telling us that she 'hasn't ditched us and still wants to hang around with us', just not at school.
I also have another friend who's facing some serious self-confidence and depression issues to comfort and convince that she's not worthless. And now on top of that I have to help patch up the rest of my friends emotionally and comfort them all, and I have absolutely no clue what to do myself. I don't know if I should be mad or sad or feel betrayed or just ignore the entire situation and work to help the others... *sigh* Can you help? Any advice at all would be muchly appreciated.
Dear Kaosu,
I think yer firned needs to be told that she is payin' too high a price to be "popular" an' hang wit' th' "in crowd"! If she truly values her old friends, then it jus' ain't worth it! As fer ya', I think ya' need to step back an' jus' deal wit' yer own feelins' before ya' start tryin' to help others. It's a noble idea but ya' gotta take care of yerself first! As fer yer tomodachis, I think ya' all should be there fer each other an' give each other support. It's too drainin' fer one person to be th' emotional support fer th' group! Ever'one should pitch in! Good luck! *Gives her a hug*
Dear Tamahome,
Miaka only got a ten on that kissing rank thing cause you love her, didn't she? *eyes you suspiciously*
And by the way...
What could I do to get myself kicked out of the Konan palace and banished from the country forever? But to make it interesting, here's the scenario I need to work from...
I have to start from the top of a tree in the palace courtyard. Any of the suzaku seishi except for you can be in the court yard and I am accompanied by Nuriko - although he does not have to remain with me.
I want to avoid direct contact with Hotohori at all costs as I am in possession of his robes and cool shoes which he is liable to grab back from me if I come within 10 feet of him.
Opposingly, I want to get near to Tasuki - supposing he is there - since I am trying to set him up with Nuriko via use of cupid arrow type things called 'Love Stones'. I have a slingshot, the love stones, a pencil, a handkerchief, my clothes(which are Zechs Merquise's Oz uniform) and a brick. Not all of these items have to be used, but they are at my disposal as is anything within arms reach depending on where I am in the courtyard or palace, but I can't use a seishi's magical items without their permission. I am also known to be a fangirl.
What can I do? *grins*
You may want to enlist Chiriko or someone to help you here, Tama. All the seishi are welcome to suggest things! Arigatou!
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
I think just publishing your plan could get you kicked out and banished! Why would you want to do such a thing?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I have seen every episode of fushigi yuugi and I love it with all my heart I my self can relate and understand the emotins, feelings, and power that was shown in this movie/ series. I have but one question can you give me the character of suzaku I need to know what it looks like I want a tatoo of it on the back of my neck. I have searched and searched. You are my last hope. Thank you for your time.
Suzaku sheish's friend
Dear friend,
Gomen nasai that it took so long for us to get an image to you! I hope this is what you are looking for!
Dear Nuriko,
Konnichiwa, Nuriko, and happy birthday to you! I have this chocolate ice cream cake for you to enjoy. Oh, and I didn't really know what present to get you, so I got you a couple of silk shirts here. One light blue and one dark violet. So, have a great birthay, Nuriko!
P.S. I keep forgetting how to say "Happy birthday" in nihongo. Is it "omedeto gozaimasu" or something like that? Any help??
Dear Tonberry,
WAI!!!WAI!!!! *Gives Tonberry a big hug.* I LOVE chocolate!!! And the shirts are fabulous!!! Doumo arigato gozamashita!!!!!!!!!!! You would say "Otanjoubi omedeto gozaimasu."
Dear Nuriko,
*glomps Nuriko* Happy birthday! ^_^ How old are you now? Aren't ya 19 or somethin`? Weeell...ja!
Dear Keiko,
Hai! I'm 19! Arigato!
Dear Tasuki,
Hey-ya What have you been up too? I haven't written in a long time. Have you missed me? If you say no I will hakai suru anata. Hehe I couldn't do that. well here I brought this for you *pulls out a flaming rose and hands it to him* There hehe. well Don't burn yourself. Ja ne *runs up and gives him a kyodai and a kisu and flys away in the sunset*
Hibarrano Tenshi
Dear Hibarrano Tenshi,
Course I missed ya'! Thanks fer th' rose. It's pretty. *Smiles*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I've been looking for the music scores for piano of the Music in Fushigi Yuugi. Do you have any idea where i might find them? Arigatou!
Dear Yuiren,
We have never seen or heard of such a thing. Minna-san, anyone out there ever come across this?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*walks in with her drawing pad and starts her sketch of Tasuki in a cute chibi bunny suit* *looks up from whats she's doing and grins* After I'm done with Tasuki's bunny picture, who's next? *looks from one seishi to another...*
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
*Points at tamahome who's laughing at him...* DO HIM NEXT! DO HIM NEXT!!!
Dear Chichiri,
Hi Chichiri-sama! How are you! Know what? My principal looks like Taiitsu-kun! Uh...just thought I'd share that with you *smile* Here's something I've always wanted to fangirls scare you? Especially the hentai ones with whipped cream? And would you..uh...ever consider dating/marrying anyone else? (I think I'm to young for you) Just some things I've been wondering...
Dear Kami,
I'm sorry to hear that about your principal, no da. The fangirls do disturb me a bit, no da. I already have an ajin and an aisai and they are quite a handful, no da! *Smiles*
Dear Tasuki,
Well, he smiled for a very long time... ^_^ But things are okay now though! I told him I wasn't joking after all on-line. And he's real nice to me! But at times I get real paranoid that he might avoid me.. which isn't quite true. At school one time, I even said to him "I meant it.." And he blushed real bad!!! I was overjoyed! I thought that was soo cute. And I think he even stopped or lessened talking to the girl he likes! I even got to walk with him down the hallway today ^_^, and he explained why he wasn't on recently when I asked. It's funny, he reports it.
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
*Grins* Told ya' so!!!!!
Dear Chichiri,
::walks in crying:: i stayed home sick for 3 days! today i watched the second to last OAV story, it was so sad!!! it was also so beautiful!!! ::still crying::
Dear ashley,
Gomen ne that you were ill, no da. I hope you are feeling better, no da. I'm sorry if my story made you cry, no da. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Nuriko,
*Doc wakes up first, and grins at her aisaika's sleeping face* Happy Birthday Anata :) *Doc proceeds to wake him up the best way she knows how* It's only right that I give you your first gifts of the day ;)
*hands him a package* You'll think of me when you wear it I know. :) It's your counterpart for the wrap you gave me, but it's a fundoshi. *hugs and kisses Ryu* Aishiteru Ryu.. Now you better get going, there are things for you to do today. *heads for the dressing room*
Dear Doc-sama,
*Follows her to the dressing room and gives her a hug and a kiss...* Arigato! I'll try it on now. *Goes to his dressing area...*
Dear Nuriko,
Hey every thing is going fine for now tanks for asking. You know the pictue of the week my best friend drew i. Thank you for the info on WAGGGS it was very help full. Talk to ya latter.
Bondage no Miko
Dear Bondage no Miko,
Did she really? Kakkoii! I'm glad I was able to help. Take care!
Dear Hotohori,
'tousan! 'tousan! ora wa ninkimono!!!
crayon boushin-chan
Dear crayon boushin-chan,
Sumimasen ga, donata desuka? Are you releated to Crayon Shin-chan?
Dear Chichiri,
I have a qusetion. How did you get to be the most popular seishi? What is the secret behind your success? I would like to know.
Dear Washu-Chan,
*Looks confused* I am, no da? I always thought that honor went to Tasuki, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi hello im here again.arigato 4 answering my letter.i love u guys ur great sorry if im not writing 2 u 4 a long time .dont think that i already dont need ur advises or anythin but really i love when ur giving me answers. i really appreciate dis.Thank u 4 all of this.ASHITEMASU!!!!!!!!!!!!ARIGATO GOZAIMASU!!!!!!!!!!!BYE-BYE
Dear Hitomi-chan,
You're very welcome! I'm glad we can be here for you.
Dear Chichiri,
I just want to say that you are my favorite seishi and that I love you ^-^ *blush*!!!
Anyway, I wanted to ask you something. I have been ill in almost a week now and I'm getting really tired of it, so do you think you could send a Nyah-nyah to me? Pretty, pretty pleeeease!!! I would really appreciate it!
One more thing. Could you take off your mask for me? You shouldn't hide that beautiful face of yours! *hugs Chichiri and starts to cry* Please... take the mask off...
Ai shiteru!
Enma Mizuumi (Mizu no Miko)
Dear Mizu no Miko,
I wish I could send you a Nyan-Nyan, no da. Arigato for your kind words, no da! *Takes off his mask and gives her a hug.* Odaijini, no da!
Dear Nuriko,
hihi nuriko-sama! happy early birthday! i'm going to be in south carolina without internet on the actual date, so i'll congratulate you now! ^_^; have a wonderful birthday, nuriko-sama! *gives him a kiss on the cheek* ja ne!
Dear Moon,
Arigato! Have fun in South Carolina! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
How do you keep your hair so nice and shiny? Oh, and has anyone ever hit on you cuz of your cute fangs?
a curious fan
Dear a curious fan,
I jus' wash it every day. *Sweatdrops* Ever'one an' all th' time!
Dear Chichiri,
uh, sorry^^ watashi wa mostly non-nihon speaking baka. translation please?
Dear me,
A translation for what, no da?
Dear Chiriko,
*looks like she's gonna cry* I think my math teacher thinks I'm dumb...;_; I suck at math soooo much...and I even go to tutoring for it! The best grade I've gotten in math all year was a C!!! And the rest of them are D's!!! I hate math...*sigh* Well, arigatou for listening to me...
PS: You're cute! Cutie-Chiriko-Baby! ^_^
Dear Kuro,
I'm sorry to hear that you hate math. Perhaps you need a different tutor? Ganbatte ne!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
hey! if u guys had to be on a island with one fan that writes to you here, who would it be? no repeats, no not answering. (this is not supposed to be a hentai question)
sorrow no miko
Dear sorrow no miko,
*All the Seishi look at each and sweatdrop...*
Tasuki: Ya' know that no matter who we pick, we're gonna p*ss someone off!
Chichiri: Hai, no da! I don't want to hurt ANY of our fans, no da!
Tamahome: What do you suggest we do?
Chiriko: Perhaps we can pick a fan for each other. In other words, I think Taiitsu no Miko should be with you, Tamahome-san.
*Sweatdrops at the thought...* But she hates me! >.<;;;
Tasuki: *Laughing* Yeah! I like that idea! I think Chichiri should be wit' Ashley. *Fanged grin* ITAI!!!!!!!!! *Gets punched by Chichiri no Aijin and Chichiri no Aisai for suggesting that Chichiri NOT be with either of them.*
Chichiri: *Sweatdrops* Ano... I think Tasuki should be with Hino Tenshi, no da.
Tamahome: Gen-chan no Miko is going to get you for that, you know. I think Chiriko should be with Annie! She does such nice artwork of him!
Nuriko: I think Hotohori should be with ME! *All the Seishi sweatdrop and make a face at him...* NANI??? I'm a fan! *Sighs* Ok, how about Hoshi is with Hotohori?
Hotohori: And Doc-sama should be Nuriko.
Mitsukake: And what about me?
Tasuki: I think ya' should be wit' One-chan! *Grins*
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tamahome,
Konnichiwa, about that "Kissing rank" Shampoo made you do. When did Nakago kiss you?? I know he licked you, but I don't remember any kissage. And she forgot Soi! What would you rank her?
Dear Kaze-chan,
He did, yack! Soi? Hmmm... 8?
Dear Nuriko,
whats in nuriko special? can you tell me? im 18 years old.
Dear rose_17,
Sure you are... *Sighs* OK, special sake and special Japanese liquor.
Dear Mitsukake,
:jumps and huggles Mitsukake: Mitsukake san...I'll draw a fanart of you, it wont be really good but I will draw one just for you!!
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley Chan,
Arigato for your kind thoughts. *Smiles*
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki-samaaaaa!!*glomp* On St. Patricks Day, I'll be 14 years-old! O_O I was wondering...*big grin* If I gave you some sake as pay...would you give me a birthday kiss? *slightly blushes* It gotta be nothin` fancy. Just a kiss on the cheek'll do.*grins and looks for Reno* The serious stuff is incase I find Reno-san. *waves bye* Ta ta! Hehee...
Dear Keiko,
Sure, but only if ya' write back on yer birthday.
Dear Nuriko,
*Doc comes into wearing a terrycloth robe, and drying her hair with a towel*
Oh Ryu, looks like I've got two cases on my hands. Hotohori has to bring his Seishuku self back into his life, to keep Boushin-chan from being touched by his Grandmother's poison. And now Tasuki and his sisters. *Doc sits next to Ryuen*
Ryu-chan, I know you enjoy teasing me with the cross-dressing stuff, always trying to get me to do something outrageous to you. Darling, this is going to take alot of energy, I won't feel like playing much. Gomen ne. *Doc gives her Ryuen a goodnight kiss then heads for bed* Oysaumi :) Don't stay up too late ;) *Doc crawls into bed and falls into a deep sleep*
Dear Doc-sama,
I understand. *Watches her sleep and then goes off to Hotohori's room to checkl on him and Boushin.
Dear Tasuki,
Genki desu! Doomo! A frat guy, eh? You can't be one of those forever.
That's probably what the song was from, but no I wasn't watching Dragon Half. My friend Neo wrote a Dragonball GT fic, it's a big massive crossover and when Trunks is walking to the Son's house for Goten's birthday he's singing that. I beta'd the fic before I put it up on our site, and kept saying those damn lines in my head over and over.
Other then her getting things stuck in my head Neo-chan's great! *glomps Neo* ^_^V She's an awsome arist. I'll try and get her to send her fan art here. ^_^
Well gotta go update,
p.s. when you see Kouji give him a hug for me!
Dear Kaze-chan,
Why ain't Frat Guy a full time job? I'll give Kouji yer regards.
Dear Tasuki,
Why do you dislike women so much?
Dear Sclubber777,
Because they always get me in trouble or d*mn near killed!
Dear Hotohori,
How do you fit all of that into that tiny crown?
Dear Sclubber777,
Practice... *Smiles*
Dear Chichiri,
never mind. let's just be friends ok? just forget what i said. i am now posting my fics, so when i send them to you, i just want you to read it, ok?
ashley ^_^
Dear ashley,
Hai, no da! *Smiles*
Dear Chiriko,
you just need to watch the library. just make sure no one goes in and makes a mess or breaks anything. you can read everything you want!
Dear ashley,
OK! Arigato! *Smiles*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*smiles* Just a question, what do you do if life gives you a second chance at something you want, and you fail again? I've just recently taken another stab at something I failed at, but I don't know what'll happen this time. I don't know what I'd do if I get rejected a second time around. I'll never hear the end of it. *snuggle* Any suggestions?
At least the only person who knows about it is Barron, a good dear friend of mine, and possibly Charrion (I don't know if she's figured it out yet. Charrion, if you have, you will say nothing.) and my friend Beans.
On the subject of Barron, how do you know if a guy wants anything more than friendship? I mean, I love spending time with him. Just the other day, he said he wished I got accepted, just so i could be with him. Then he almost blushed, and said "I mean, I wouldn't want you to have to go through the rest of my clas, but I'd like you with me." Then mom came into the room and I had to leave before she found out about my plans. Any suggestions? Was he just saying stuff as a friend and it came out wrong, or what?
Shrinemaiden Keisei
Dear Shrinemaiden Keisei,
Go for it! You'll never know if you can do it and succeed unless you try! I think he REALLY likes you! Good luck! Ganbatte kudasai!
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