Dear Nuriko,
Wai-ness! *Waves her medal about proudly* I'm gonna wear this forever an ever! (or at least all of march break)
*runs up and hugs you* I got my Bronze Cross Nuriko! *dangles her cool little medal thingy in front of you - of which she already has two; a Bronze Star and a Bronze Medallion*
I'm an officially qualified lifesaver!
Now I can go on next fall and earn my badges to teach swimming and lifesaving! Next winter when I turn sixteen I can take my NLS (National Lifeguard Service) and get jobs guarding pools and stuff in summer! Yay!
*beams* I'm so proud. There was a girl in my class that was taking the course, with the same teacher, for the THIRD time. (She passed this time, good for her.) Yay! Happy day!
And I got my progess reports back. I got three A's and C - the C in a class where the teacher has had nothing of mine to mark so everyone with no stuff in got a C. My Science teacher said I'm a 'gem to work with' and my art teachers, though rushed to complete reports said I was very creative and had a good sense of drawing. I've got an 86 in French though - not as good as the 92 I had last year but I'm moving up from applied Nine to academic Ten French so it's not bad.
I got my final reports back from last year. A 66 in Math! *sobs* I went in to my exam with an 81! I didn't fail but I'm going to take the course again in Summer School and Improve my grade. I KNOW I can do better that that! My math teacher is going to arrange a time to look over my exam with me so I know what to focus on in summer school. *sigh*
Oh well...... *hugs* While I'm here, give CnA a big Arigatou for the Nakago pin! I'll watch for it!
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
Omedeto gozaimasu on your medals and grades! We're all very proud of you! *Gives her a hug.* Chichiri no Aijin says, "You're welcome and he is already on his way to you."
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Well I certainly havn't written here in a long time, but I need advice.
Ok, I know I sound terrible when I say this, but I ended up falling in love with my best friend's fiancee. I figured it was no big deal, because I was just going to keep it quiet and never tell anybody. I wasn't going to do anything to break the two of them up. Somehow he found out, and ended up proposing to me as well. *sighs* He had fallen in love with me too, and my friend said she'd respect his decision. I won't go into all the tricks she pulled to get rid of me cuz i don't want to bad mouth her. He ends up dumping me because of some lies she told him, and he doesn't even give a d@mn, and has pretty much been treating me horribly since then. He can't stand the fact that I'm still in love with him. I don't have any idea what I'm supposed to do to get over him.
Reikaku no Miko
Dear Reikaku no Miko,
You need to get out with your friends and meet new people! Get on with your life! He's not worth it! I know it hurts and it may for awhile, but you are better off without him. *Gives her a hug.* Good luck!
Dear Tasuki,
Whats up, bandit-boy? Steal anything good lately? ......Besides all the Tasuki fangirl's hearts ^_^
Do ya know when the next Anime Convention thingy is? I've never been to one......and, obviously, I would like to. Especially if Yuu Watase(who is my GOD) will be there. I live in New Mexico, so, will any be near there? Please? Onegai!!!!
Also, another question.....Here it comes......Ok, "Fushigi Yugi", takes place in China, right? May I ask why your clothes look so...Western? I mean, you're wearing a trench coat thing for crying out loud...Not that I'm complaining, you are quite sexy in it....Just wondering.
Dear Yukiko,
I think it's Anime Expo 2001 in Long Beach, CA. Have ya' tried Anime Turnpike? Ya' mighht find one there. Actually Konan LOOKS like ancient China, but it ain't ancient China. I don't think my clothes look all THAT Western!
Dear Chichiri,
How ya doing, monk-boy? *gets smacked by Chichiri fans for being soooo disrespectful* Gomen, Gomen!
May I ask, what does "Ri Houjun" mean, if it does mean anything. I was just curious......Chichiri means "Well".......Do you know why? I always wondered that. I'm sorry, I just love finding out the meaning and
origin of names. For instance, my name, Yukiko, means snow. And luck. Some other things too. The Japanese language is hard. Well, I'm off to go play ping pong, while drunk, in a tub of jello. Ja ne, Kawaii Chichiri-chan!
Dear Yukiko,
I believe that it translates out to "fragrant plum", no da. Playing ping-pong while drunk in a tib of jello...? Have fun, no da?
Dear Tasuki,
Konnichiwa! Genki desu ka? I'm bored!! It's lunch but baka that I am, I forgot to ask my mom for money, so now I have no lunch! ~_~ Kaze no baka! I should really start working on my fanfics. That'll make Neo-chan happy. Well, I better get off before a teacher catches me. Ja ne!
p.s. Wai wai for fangs! ^_^V *wonders if Neo will come on here and see that, since she's the only one will understand that completely*
Dear Kaze-chan,
Genki desu yo! Kimi wa genki desu ka?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Easter is coming soon. What are you guy's favorite candy? I hope Miaka doesn't eat all the candy so you can't get any!
Dear noda,
Dear Chichiri,
hey what's up? remember me? I am so excited for this anime convention I am going to. I am gonna go as you. I made my kesa the other day. I had a lot of fun painting it. I am curious. What are those symbols on your kesa? Also, any suggestions on how to get my hair to stick up like yours? Granted that my hair is already wild and goes where it wants *sigh* why can't my hair behave like Hotohori's or something. Also I hope I haven't pissed off Tasuki TOO much ~_^. Well toodles, I need to study.
Dear noda,
The design on the kesa is just a design and has no meaning, no da. I suppose hair gel and a super freeze spray would work for you. Tasuki is just fine, no da. Have fun at the convention, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
Okay I am a lil confused. In yer reply to me you said you were the leader of the bandits which i am aware of. However leader of the seishi? I thought there was no leader. You can't be the leader. I thought it was a King Arthur deal ya know with a round table with no heads. If there was a leader I would think it would be Hotohori or Chichiri basically because Hotohori being all emperor and such and Chichiri just being older and more responsible.
Btw what ever happened to your horse? The one that gave you a rough time. Also could I try your tessen? I think its such a cool weapon ^-^ and I am not mocking either!
Dear noda,
I don't remember sayin' I was th' Seishi leader. I left th' horse in th' real town we finally made it to. *^%$#@) thin'! Thanks, but th' tessen only works fer me. Watch! LEKKA SHIENEN!!!!!!! *Bar-b-ques Tamahome...* See? *Grins and starts running!*
Dear Nuriko,
Ohayo!! thanks alot for the advice! and Trisha said thanks for the hug!(she actually cried when I hugged her for ya!)she said your the most handsome person in ancient China and advance Happy birthday to ya! (hands her a bouquet of flowers) we love ya!
P.S. but I love Duo more!
Dear amiboshi_17,
You're both very welcome! Arigato for the lovely flowers!
Dear Chichiri,
Can I have your hat?
Tomodachi no Tenshi
Dear Tomodachi no Tenshi,
Sumimasen ga... no, no da!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Help! My ex-boyfriend who dumped me back in January just called me Sunday. What should I do? I think I still have feelings for him but he dumped me for one of my friends who in turn dumped him a week later. To make matters worse was she went out with him only 2 or 3 months before I did. Even worse still is that I'm now going out with someone else!!! Why is life so comfusing?
Tomodachi no Tenshi
P.S. sorry I haven't written in a long time I lost the URL for the site.
Dear Tomodachi no Tenshi,
If you are happy with your new relationship, stay in it! He dumped you for someone else, why put yourself through all that again?
Dear Tamahome,
Hey tama-kins who is a better kisser rink each from 1 being the worst and 10 being the best:
Nuriko, Nakago, Yui(did you kiss her i don't remember), miaka. I think thats all the people you kissed right?? Oh yeah. SHAME on you for cheating on miaka with all these people (not counting miaka).
Dear Shampoo,
Miaka - 10; Nuriko - 3; Yui - 2; Nakago - -1
I wasn't cheating! Yui, Nuriko, and Nakago all forced themselves on me!
Dear Nuriko,
Hi Nuriko. Do you still love hotohori?? Did you ever have a girlfriend (or boyfriend) when you were alive?? Are you ever jealous of houki (hotohori wife) or miaka (i know you were jealous of her a before but are you still jealous)??? and do wish you haven't kissed tamahome?? *GAG* (at thought of nuriko kissing tamahome) Thats all for know. also HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY how old will you be and what do you want for your b-day???
Shampoo the cutie kitty
Dear Shampoo,
I care about Hotohori as a dear friend. I never had anyone like that when I was alive. Oh no! I encouraged her to marry him! I'm no longer jealous of Miaka. Nah, kissing Tamahome was fun. If for nothing else thatn the look on his face when he found out I was a man! *Grins* I'll be 19. Clothes are always nice.
Dear Tasuki,
I have completed my part in the latest chapter of an Improfanfiction, MTCFF Ultra na no da! You, Tasuki, were added last episode, and the author had not written you well at all no da! Well, I fixed THAT! Unfortunately, you still lost to Iori Yagami, but that's not my fault no da. Really.
*gives him a big hug, mud and all* I know what stress and hardship is like, Tasuki-kun. You just have to keep in mind a few important things:
1) Things will get better. Just believe that.
2) There are many people who love you, even if you don't think they do.
3) Mud is very good for the skin.
I hope you feel better soon, and don't damage too much property na no da. Saa... I wish people had come and told me what I just told you when I was going through a lot of troubled times no da. I probably wouldn't have believed them either, but it still would have helped...
Shadra D
Dear Shadra D,
Arigato fer th' advice! *Grins*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
@.@... hiya everyone, ::loses balance and falls over:: i'm not feeling so good...::tries to steady herself:: i think i might have caught the flu...::gives up trying to keep her balance and sits down on the floor.:: anyways, here's my web address...::blinks, trying to keep everyone in focus:: only the fanfic library is up, but please go look anyways. i had a picture that i drew to get into the site, but i can't get it to work for me...::stands up very shakily:: i might be able to fix it soo...::passes out on the floor::
Dear ashley,
Odaijini! You are off to a good start. You do need to format your stories so that they wrap and don't trail off the edge of the screen. Might I suggest you get the book titled "Teach Yourself Web Publishing w/HTML 4.0 in 21 Days" by Laura Lemay. It helped me a lot! Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Tasuki,
*Rebecca and Jerica giggle in the background*
*gets humongous head with fangs* IT'S NOT FUNNY, NO DA! *is suddenly in the rain biting a tissue dramatically while sad violin music plays in background (Chiriko? O.o;;) with huge watery eyes* Onegai! Tasuki-kun, help me get back to being YOUR miko, not Chichiri's, no daaa! He has enough already, but you! You only have 1 besides myself, no da! I love kawaii Chichiri, hai, but I wanna be YOUR miko, no daaa! *cries*
*Rebecca sweatdrops: Maybe we should give her her Tasuki stuff back...*
*Jerica is seen at the fireplace burning something. She turns around and gets a blank look* What?
*Rebecca: O.O;; Ano...ano.....*
*huge eyes* DAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! *cries louder* TASUKI-KUN! SAVE MEEE, NO DA! *is dragged off by her sisters to be caged up and locked into a room full of nudey Chichiri pictures* OO;; DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! WHO SAYS OLDER SISTERS WERE JUST EVIL, NO DA?! LITTLE SISTERS MUST BE WORSE, NO DAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!...
*Rebecca turns and grins, snapping ropes: You're next, Tasuki!*
*Jerica opens the door to a room full of icky Tamahomo-baka pictures*
*muffled voice from Chichiri room* HEEEEELLLLLPPP, NO DA!!!...
Petrified O.O;;
Dear Alecia-chan,
Nudey Chichiri pictures? Yer too young fer that an' so are they! Cover yer eyes! OI!! LEMME GO!
Dear Chichiri,
*screams from the room full of nudey Chichiri pictures* DAAAA! HELP! *see's Chichiri* CHICHIRI-SAMA, NO DA! GET ME OUTTA HERE, NO DA! Wait...Tasuki-kun is sposed to, no da...*sighs* Could you at least come in here, no da? *watches Chichiri walk in slowly with huge horrified eyes and hesitantly walk over to the caged Alecia* *sighs* I know...some people, no da. They cut these out from a Chichiri x Tasuki doujinshi and pasted them all over my room, no daaa! But that's besides the point. I wanted to ask you a question, no da.
Well, ya see, I am creating a Chichiri cosplay outfit, no da. I have a Dragonball Z Juunanagou one, and I want one of my second favey character, Chichiri-sama, no da! ^^ Well, I have everything I need, cept for one thing, no da. A cosplay Chichiri staff, no daaa! I've seen them in almost every cosplay picture, but I can't find one, no da! Any idea where I could get one, no da? *sighs and looks at her surroundings* My my my, could people imagine you doing this stuff, no da? *looks at all the doujinshi images pasted on the walls and shudders* Ugh...nice figure, but, I mean, really, no da!! A little respect for your privacy, no daaa! Oh well. I'd hug you, but I'm trapped in this cramped up cage. So, I'll give ya this, no da! *pokes her face through the bars just enough so she can give him a kiss on the cheek* Well...*sighs and puts her blindfold back on* please reply soon, no da. I wanna wear my kawaii outfit as soon as possible, no da! ^^ *smiles and goes to sleep in the cold cage*
Alecia-chan -.- zzzzz....
Dear Alecia-chan,
*Unlocks her cage* People just make their staffs, no da. That's what Chichiri no Aijin did, no da. *Looks at pictures and sweatdrops.* Don't let Chichiri no Aijin see this room, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
I told the guy I like him, but then got afraid and said I was joking...
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
When ya' said ya' liked him, what did he do BEFORE ya' said ya' were jokin'?
Dear Mitsukake,
*Doc-sama leads Boushin into the palace grounds*
Doc: Sweetie will you wait a few minutes so I can tell Mitsukake-oji what's going on with Tasuki-oji?
Boushin: Can he help out, Oba-sama?
Doc: He'll want to know Sweetie. Trust me. *Boushin nods and searches too*
Boushin: There he is with Chichiri-oji!!! *Boushin points in their direction*
Doc: Arigato Boushin-chan :)
*Doc steps up to where Mitsukake and Chichiri are talking at*
Doc: Gomen ne, something just happened a few minutes ago that you both need to know. The infection of bad feelings and misunderstandings between Tasuki and his sisters has come to a head. It's like an emotional boil Chichiri-kun and it's going to have to be drained soon. Maybe the precise story of what happened during the war with Kutou and the seishi's deaths will provide the sharp knife Mitsukake-kun. Please forgive me for interupting your discussion.
*Doc bows to both and leaves to continue hunting for Hotohori*
Dear Doc-sama,
Chichiri: So, should we interfere, no da?
Mitsukake: *Looks in direction of Tasuki's room and sees a hand poking through the door...* That may not be a bad idea. It will probably be easier on the surrounding Palace walls and furniture, too.
*They head off to Tasuki's...*
Dear Hotohori,
*Boushin sees his Papa and Nuriko-oji coming out of his Papa's room, and runs up to them*
Boushin: Papa you were going to come!! :)
Doc: Tasuki's Ane Li'an threw Tasuki into the mud with us. There was a lot of shouting and cursing and then they both ran off. I decided to come back here before Boushin-chan would get hurt. I've told Mitsukake and Chichiri what was going on, and I hope the family ties will be repaired soon.
Boushin: Ano.. the mean men are staring at me..
Doc: That means you need to take a bath. ;) Hotohori, is that bath appointment still open for him? I got the worse off at the pond.
*Doc shoos Boushin off with his Papa* Ja ne Boushin-chan
Boushin: Ja ne Oba-sama!!!
I need to clean up too, Ryu care to come with me? I need my back washed ;)
Dear Doc-sama,
OK! *Smiles*
Dear Hotohori,
I though that I should tell ya this. My friend Tsukino Tenshi (yes another one) is writing a fanfic(yes another fanfic. Well, this wasn't my idea. But she placed us in the closet making out and then you blame the whole scandal on me! I can understand the need to keep the emperor clean of all scandels and all, but it wasn't my idea. Besides, I've given up on the hope of any romance between us. You have Houki and I have....*starts to sniff* Nobody!!*starts crying anime style.* None of the guys like me!!!! I'm so lonely and none of the other tenshi understand. Only Hibarra-chan understands. The others haven't had boyfriends yet. *falls on the floor crying then burst out laughing.* I have started a fanfic and am writing it with Tsukino Tenshi, Kageno Tenshi, and Hibarrano Tenshi. It is strange. Mulder and Scully from "X-Files" are in there. And (again not my idea)you and I are lovers. Not that I mind, but, there is always the knowledge that is cannot be in the back of my mind. In a way I wish that we could be together, but, it can't be. I'll let it rest at that. *grabs a bag of sunflower seeds from nowhere and starts eating them. Stops, looks at Hotohori and the other Tenshi as they walk in and bursts out laughing and can't stop.* Hehehehehehehehe. *starts laughing so hard that she starts turning blue from lack of air.*
TETSUNO TENSHI: Get the O2 mask. She'll need it. Breathe, Megan, Breathe.
HINO TENSHI: What are you laughing at you baka! *looks at Hino-chan and burts out laughing even harder.*
Kostesuno Tenshi
Dear Kostesuno Tenshi,
Dear Tasuki,
Hate to break this to ya Tasuki, but all my bunny pictures have pink suits ^^;; I don't think you've ever been in a pink bunny suit, have ya? ^^;;;
I asked Zelgadis if I should draw you in a bunny suit, and he said and I quote, "If I have to suffer, than so should he." ^^;;; That's what he said! I don't see what there is to suffer about, he looks so cute ^^;;;
Hino Tenshi (the pink bunny artist)
Dear Hino Tenshi,
I have! Amy an' Mulan did an Easter picture. OI! What's th' golem got against me?!?!?!?!? Tell him to pick on someone in his OWN anime! Like Xelloss or... LINA! *Grins*
Dear Chiriko,
Hey, I have a question for ya. What does nibiki no yuki mean? Someone said that to me in an e-mail and I would like to know what it means. Thanks. Ja!
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
The closest I could find was biki = beautiful maiden and yuki = snow. Gomen...
Dear Mitsukake,
Hey, I haven't written you that much before, sorry. I just wanted to let you know that you are loved. One of my friends has a crush on you and likes you better than the other seishi. Just wanted you to know. Well, sorry that this is so short and all, but I would like to finish my homework. *gives him a hug and kisses his hand as she can't reach his face.*
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
Arigato for your kind thoughts. Tell your friend I said hi.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*hugs back and starts to weep* Arigato. That means so much much to me. Wow. I am honored to have the friends that I do. Thanks a lot. Wish me luck. I have my last major soccer game tommorrow. I hope I do good. So, what are you guys going to do for Spring Break? I get to spend the week with my friends down in South Texas. Well, gotta go. Oh yeah. I get to meet my dad again on Wensday when my church youth choir sings. Yay! Asta-la-bye-bye. JA! *hugs all the seishi and gives Tama-chan a kiss on the cheek.* Tell Obaki-cahn(Tasuki) over there that you do have fans. I like ya better than I like him. But nobody beats Hotohori-sama, no da! JA!
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
Arigato! Ganbatte kudasai on your game! We have plans to go with Chichiri no Aijin to Japan to visit her tomodachi.
Dear Chiriko,
ya know, there are some pretty hentai fan girls out there! ugh! it's just gross! don't you agree? some people are just scary. ::goes and cowers in a corner:: ::suddenly spins around:: would you mind if i made you the protector of my fanfic library on my new site? i'm trying to go for some original characters, but besides me, i don't think i would trust the job to anyone but you! please? ::gives chiriko a quick hug, and blushes::
Dear ashley,
Ano... Ok, but what are my duties?
Dear Hotohori,
Hello! I'm Mishiko, and I'm back after writing to a couple of the other seishi. Did anyone tell you that you are extremely beautiful? (Other than yourself, I mean ^_^;;) Well, you both the manga and anime!! *^_^* You're also not afraid to fight anyone for Miaka the Baka. You're one of my favorite seishi.
Also, did anyone ever tell you that you have a _very_ nice singing voice? It sounds very nice w/the song that you sing with Chichiri, Tasuki, and Tamahome (yuck). Well, stay beautiful!! *Hugs Hotohori and kisses him on the cheek and runs away* Ja ne!! ^_^
Dear Mishiko,
Arigato for your kind words. *Smiles and sparkles.*
Dear Chiriko,
Your birthday is comming up soon... what can I get you?
Dear Kane,
Either books or green tea ice cream. Thank you for thinking of me!
Dear Chiriko,
Anou... Chiriko-san, you didn't get the first question correct no da o.o If Henry's mother had 4 children, one of them must be Henry, and since the other three were named... the correct answer is Henry na no da n.n
And a possible answer for the princess question is : Nothing n.n
Shadra D
Dear Shadra D,
Sumimasen, I guess I was having an off day. But I still think M and M's make a better present than nothing. *Smiles*
Dear Chichiri,
im other words, you don't want to read the fanfics i write. i understand. no one wants to read them. no one is in to anime. no one knows anything past sailor moon or dragon ballz. try talking about fushigi yugi, and people stop you at the name. i tried doing a research paper on anime, and people still don't understand. this is what makes me an outcast. a loner. i have only one friend who shares my intrerests in anime, and it took me forever to get her off of pokemon. now, she's stuck on sailor moon. (the extremely dubbed version. it went from a rating of 13 and up, to 2 and up.) ::ashley dries her eyes as she walks out of the room::
Dear ashley,
*Sighs* That is NOT what I said, no da! I am flattered that you have chosen to share your stories with me, but I also feel bad because they are not being posted, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
hey Do you know how many countries belong to WAGGGS if you don't does not matter just felt like asking so see ya.
Bondage no Miko
Dear Bondage no Miko,
136. So, how have you been lately? Things going ok for you?
Dear Tasuki,
Ohayo! Genki desu ka? ^_^ Tottemo tottemo kuuruna anata ni! hehe! ^_^ An an sukkari muchuu! *giggles*
*sings* Uttori nettori. Haato go dokkiri.
*blink blink* Damnit Neo! That's the last time I beta one of your fics!
Gomen! Oi, Tasuki...If you lived in the real world what would you do career wise? and don't say bandit! >_<
Pappara Funi-Funi,
Pappara Hoe-hoe,
Pappara Funi-Funi Tamago!
Pappara Funi-Funi,
Pappara Hoe-hoe,
Yaitara kegechatta!
Pappara Funi-Funi,
Pappara Hoe-hoe,
Pappara Funi-Funi O-imo!
Pappara Funi-Funi,
Pappara Hoe-hoe,
Yudetara Togechatta!
*mutters about Neo and the stupid things that get stuck in her head because of the white fox* Well Ja!
p.s. tell Chichiri I say Douitashimashite for sending that url for the dancing Chibi Chichiri. (all my friends love it! ^_^V)
Dear Kaze-chan,
Genki desu yo! Genki desu ka? I think I would be a FRAT guy! Yeah! Live in a house wit' a buncha rowdy guys and drink beer all th' time! *Grins* I'll tell Chichiri. So, were ya' watchin' Dragon Half? I think that's where that song comes from ...
Dear Tasuki,
You know what? Since I fell for Tasuki, I've been downloading a bunch of songs by Hayashi Nobutoshi, and tried to watch all the animes he's in. heheh. I even got the video games his voice acting in.
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Cool! I think CD Japan carries his CD's.
Dear Tasuki,
Hey Tasuki! Guess what? I just got my marks from three of my provincials (Biiiiiig, biiiig, final exams) and my final course percentages back on Thursday and I passed math! I passed! I tried really really hard, but I was still so worried, but I passed!!! And to make me feel even better, I managed to bring my English mark up to an 'A'! Wai! I'm sososo happy! Um, could I maybe have a hug? I haven't seen my friend Cory 'cause I got sick and had to leave before lunch Thursday (the only day he decided to come up on a surprise visit to see me and my friends in the last few months, of course) so I haven't been able to get one from him yet. Oh, and I hope you have more fun on Saint Patrick's day than you did on Valentine's day! *grins*
Dear Kaosu,
Omedeto gazaimasu! *Gives her a big hug* Keep up th' good work! Ya' bet I'll have more fun on Saint Patrick's Day than I did on Valentine's Day! *Fanged Grin*
Dear Chiriko,
Yea! Thank you sooo much, Chiriko! One of those sites had a good picture I could use so now I have enough material to work with for my project! *Gives him a hug* Btw, I wanted to tell you that you're a real sweetie! Oh, and a friend of mine read somewhere that you have a brother, is this true? (They should have gone a bit into your and Mitsukake's backgrounds in the OVAs as well as the other's!) And if it is, is he older or younger then you are?
Dear Kaosu,
I do and he is older than me. I'm glad I was able to help you. *Smiles*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hehehe, I have another question for you guys. What do you when no matter how good everything you do is, yet it always gets overshadowed by someone who has lower goals than you? Reason I asked this, is cause I recently got my letter jacket for cross-country running and my sister got her truck. Everyone is going nuts over her car, but hardly pays attention to the fact I have a letter jacket. What should I do?
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
Gomen ne, sometimes people overlook true accomplishments for material things. I'm sure that your family is proud of you. I know WE are! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Hotohori,
*Holds up 31 decorated bucket hats* Here ya are, Hoto-sama-chan!!! I wanted to make you 1 bucket hat for each day of the month! ^.^ JA!
Dear Sami-chan,
Arigato! *Puts one on and models it for her...*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*Doc-sama sighs and picks Boushin out of the mud*
Doc: Gomen ne Boushin-chan that this fun time was ruined for you..
Boushin: Oba-sama what happened to Tasuki-oji? You said that family is a precious thing, that it's love makes you strong.
Doc: Oh honey, when you don't know how to talk things out anymore this kind of stuff happens. Let's go back home, maybe I can teach you how to play tricks on the royal advisors that'll cheer your Papa up ;D
Boushin: WAI!!!! Ano.. May I see Tasuki-oji after we get cleaned up?
Doc: If he'll let you in.. Li'an-san, Mai-san Ja Ne. Tamahome-kun.. gambatte desu. *bows to minna-san and heads to the royal bathhouse*
Boushin: Ne.. Oba-sama? Will papa still take a bath with me?
Doc: I don't know if he can outside of the healing grounds. *Smiles as she knows his next question* The healing is a choice, sometimes in order to heal you have to clean out old sores. Your Mitsukake-oji will tell you that as well.
Boushin: I hope they'll find a way to work it out.
Doc: So do I sweetie, so do I. Let's go find your papa, and maybe he might be able to stay with you in the bathhouse :)
Boushin: HAI!!!! *sparkles*
Dear Doc-sama,
Thanks! I'll need it! *Goes off after Tasuki...*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I was just wondering what your peeps favorite flowers were?? Because I am writing a fan-fiction and your fav flowers are going to surround your living places!!!! So, what are they???
7:*(Dark Anime Angel(*:7.
Dear Dark Anime Angel,
Chichiri - Gentian
Hotohori - Rose
Nuriko - Lavender
Chiriko - Mums
Tamahome - Chrysanthemum
Tasuki - Red Roses
Mitsukake - Iris
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Mitsukake,
Awwww...Mitsukake-sama! *hugs him tightly and gives him a kiss on the cheek* I'll be nice and draw you a picture, too! You make me feel so guilty for being Tasuki's lil miko T.T Ah, well. *huggles him again* I love ya, too! You're awesome! You're the one who is always so quiet and calm and is always saving Tasuki's butt. *dodges flying objects from Tasuki* O.O;; Er...anyways. I'll draw cute picture of you and Shoka-san, okay? It'll be really pretty! ^^ I'll draw lots o pretty pictures of the two of you, okey day? Alrighty then! I must set off to work! *kisses his cheek and fang grins* I'll keep writing to you, too! Consider me...your miko, too! ^^ You have a miko, hoorah! Hoorah! *grin* Well, I'm off with a whoosh! *skips off merrily, but falls flat on her face* ...I gotta quit doin that!!!! ><;;
Alecia-chan ^^
Dear Alecia-chan,
Daijoubu desu ka? Arigato! I look forward to seeing them.
Dear Tasuki,
Eh, gomen, gomen! I know I need to format it, when I copied and pasted it from my file to the articles section it was kinda...screwed up, no da. Not my fault! I'll do that today. Do you ever read the other letters? Your sisters are pesterin Tamahomo-dork. Ah well.
Fanart, eh? Sure! I'll send em in. Warning though, 3/4 of them are Chichiri drawings, sooo...I'll work on Tasuki one's tonite! *grin* I'm a really good artist (if I have my own manga, I should be...) and I don't mean to brag but I think I'll do a REALLY good job of drawin ya!
Well, I'm sick again with a cold, so I better get some rest. *hugs and a kiss on the cheek* Ciao from yer lil miko! ^^
Alecia-chan ^^
Dear Alecia-chan,
Hope yer feelin' better! Odaijini!
Dear Chichiri,
Ano, Chichiri-san... My father was listening to my Misc. Anime song CD, and he liked Kachou Fugetsu... demo... He thought you were a woman no da >.>;; Do you get that a lot no da? o.o
Shadra D
Dear Shadra D,
No, I don't no da. Usually Nuriko and Chiriko usually get that, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Hey Tasuki! I know what she's talkin' about no da n.n
It's one of the FY special music videos, this one happening to be the third one. You can, I believe, find it at Phoenixfeather's MP3 Horde in the FY video section.. lemme dig it up no da. well darn it. I can't access it ATM, no da. I did get the address, though: You can find that special clip under the 'Fushigi Yuugi Video Clips' section, or something like that no da. Hopefully the link will work soon no da n.n
Shadra D
Dear Shadra D,
Thanx fer th' info!
Dear Tasuki,
Oh yeah, I meant to give you a hug, Tasuki-kun.
I'm sorry you don't get along with your sisters no da. I know what that's like no da. Just go somewhere quiet and relax, ne? You'll feel better later no da.
Shadra D
Dear Shadra D,
Thanx. I think I'll go fer some sake now...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Wwwaaasss-uupp!! Everyone! ^.~ I miss everyone! *hugs everybody* Oh yeah,hmm I guest you've already know my litte siser Deserae got a ZERO on her math test. ~*~ I never had gotin' any thing like that. On my math test I got an 95%. Making me the only person in my math class who got an 75% or higher! Well anyway what's been happening around here? ByB Byb For now!! =^.~=
Dooms Day aka TwinKitty2
Dear Dooms Day,
Why don't you help your little sister with her studies? I'm sure if you tutored her she would improve and pass.
Dear Tasuki,
*Pa'liu is curled up sleeping on Shun'u's bed as he storms in. The door slams behind him and she jolts awake.*
Eep! You scared me ... Otouto-san! *laughs with delight and runs to hug him, stops when she notices his scowl and mud-covered clothes* What happened to you? You're a mess! *fishes a towel out of her trunk and hands it to him* Have you been brawling again? Or did you get run over by a horse cart? *teasing grin*
Dear Pa'liu,
No.. it was *^%$#@! Li'an! What th' *^%$#)+ is her +)*%$#@$ problem??? She jus' don't know what I went through! None of ya' do! *Punches a hole through the door, narrowly missing Tamahome's face...*
Dear Tasuki,
Hey there.....I was considering sexually harassing Chichiri....but decided it would be traumatising for him.....So, I'm gonna do it to YOU! You won't mind too much, since you already are such a hentai. ^_^
Any who, does this site accept fan art? I have some drawings of you, some Chichiri ones, some of you AND him, some of you and him cuddling, etc..... *hears swearing and protesting and several "DA" 's in the backround*
fine, fine, I will only send in the "acceptable" drawings. D*mn, you people need to be more opened minded. Just look at Nuriko. But I still love you~!!! *clings to Tasuki's leg* Hey, nice boots...
Dear Mi-chan,
Yeah, we accept fan art but it's gotta be PG-13 an' not hentai. An' I ain't no hentai!! Who said I was hentai??
Dear Chichiri,
How much would you mind if I sexually harassed you? ^_^ j/k I would never do that to you, you are much too precious and pure, And thats why I love you so! But Tasuki on the other hand, heh heh...
So, what exactly happens to you after the OAV's? Continue to wander around I guess. Make sure to stop by at Tasuki's.......Are you absolutly positive you would never, ever, even consider to date him? You two would be so cute together!!!... Ok, heres your chance to smack me upside the head with your staff *waits in silence, nervously*
Dear Mi-chan,
I continue to wander, no da. I would never date a man! It's not in my nature to do so, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
*hugs Tasuki* But they're not my favorite! You are! ^^;;
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
OK... But I'm already in a *(^%$#@ bunny suit fer th' Easter picture!
Dear Chichiri,
Konnichiwa! How have you been? I have to tell you something,I can't stand it any more... I LOVE YOU!!! I don't know what to do, what should I do?! HELLLLP MEEEEEEE! I have a favor to ask of you to help me get over you... Somewhat anyway, he, he. Actually, I don't think I ever will! Would you go on a date with me?! PLEASE! Or at least a good DEEP kiss, uh, without the mask on of course. ONEGAI! ARIGATO CHICHIRI-SAMA!!
wuvs and huggles,
Shara-chan ~.^
Dear Shara-chan,
Arigato, no da! Gomen ne, I cannot leave the humble cyber-abode to go on dates, no da. *Gives her a hug and a kiss on the forehead.*
Dear Tasuki,
I was watching "Bewitching Nazomi" yesterday, and it was pretty cool, 'cause you know why? Your voice actor was acting the voice of the main character, I went ballistic. When I first heard the voice I was like, "THIS HAS GOT TO BE HAYASHI NOBUTOSHI-SAN!!!" and it was when I read the credits. The anime itself is really good too, of course! ^_~
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Heh-heh-heh... he gets around, don't he? *Grins*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
i'm building my own web page! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!! is it alright if i link to here? (it might not be up for a while, i have to learn how to make one. it should be up pretty soon, though.)
ashley ^_^
Dear ashley,
Of course you may. Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Tasuki,
Why is your hair orange?
Dear Mishiko,
It ain't. It's like fire. So it has orange highlights.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hello seishi-san. I've got this problem I really need to share with you guys, but is there some way I could write to you guys privately? I mean, I don't exactly want everyone visiting this site to read it. Please?
A girl
Dear Girl,
Gomen ne, we don't do private emails. However, you can certainly change or leave out names, places, etc. if you wish to remain anonymous.
Dear Tasuki,
Hi Tasuki!!! *Glomps Tasuki*
Guess what! My friend Naoko and I are going to an anime con! She's going as Chichiri...and....I'm going as you!! I already have the *pretty* necklaces you wear, and a tessen, (it doesn't work *snif*)and that awesome trench coat you wear!! My gramma made mine..did your Grandma make your coat?? *smiles sweetly* I'm also getting some fangs to wear..and I'm going to make my hair orange just like yours..^_^...I'll send a picture of us..afterwards...
Also, tell Chichiri that Naoko's prayer beads smell like kiwi...we painted them with kiwi nail polish...
And one more thing, well, a couple more things, please flame Tamahome for me, and tell Nuriko that his hair is pretty, tell Chiriko that it's not fair that he's so dang smart, tell Hotohori that he's very beautiful...tell Mitsukake that he's very cool..and I'm going to draw a picture of him very soon....
I also want to congratulate you and Chichiri on that awesome song you sing, "Aoi Jiyuu Shiroi Nozomi". I love that song!!!
*Hugs Tasuki and kisses him on the cheek*
Dear Mishiko,
I bought th' coat. Cool! Have fun at the con! I'll tell everyone what ya' said! Glad ya' liked th' song! *Grins*
Dear Tasuki,
The video may be "Hang on Nakago, Part 1"??
Dear baka-chan,
Honma? Never heard of it!
Dear Chiriko,
know what? i'm gonna start talking to you more often! won't that be neat? i'm gonna talk to you because i bother chichiri. so now, i'm gonna write a fanfic about you! maybe i'll even draw a picture of you!!
Dear ashley,
Arigato, but you really aren't bothering him.
Dear Chichiri,
i take it you don't want to see my fanfics. i send them to you so you can read them. i don't care if they're posted or not! i just want you to see them!! but i won't bother you any more!!! ::runs away crying::
Dear ashley,
I do read them, no da. You are not a bother, no da. However, by sending them only to me and NOT posting them no one else will ever get to read them, no da. I just feel that you should share them, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
great!!ur golly i miss u!!umm 1st of all..notteru? im gonna ask u u still remember me?or better yet did you miss me too?
i miss u lyk crazy even more dan words can say,
i miss u lyk crazy evry min.of evry day,boy im
so down wen ur loves not around..
badaway..umm,do you have an internet cam? so dat i can send u my pic.. i loooove you!!
rowie lynne
Dear rowie lynne,
An internet cam? Iie. Gomen...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
hi hello is everybody doing fine.Its a very long time since i wrote 2 u guys i miss u all.i hope u still remember me.i have a very bad day i've lost my friendship necklace a while ago and i feel very very bad.bye
Dear Hitomi-chan,
I'm sorry you lost your necklace. Of course we remember you!
Dear Tamahome,
*screams after Shun'u* I was *not* trying to kill you! It wasn't *that* deep! And what about what you've done t' me these past years? You made my life h*ll too! Was that nothing?! *face crumples, and she bursts into tears* Ignore me! Just like always! Why not continue? Baka! You baka!
*turns to see everyone staring at her and breaks down, voice a harsh whisper* Gomen nasai. Boushin-sama, Lady, Mai-chan, Tamahome-san ... I'm so sorry ... *wipes the mud from her cheeks* I never should've come.
Mai: *softly, reaching out for her* Li'an-chan ...
Li'an: *squirms away* Don't touch me! Don't mother me! He hates me. I always knew it. *swipes fiercely at the mud* D*mn it, why can't I just say "I love you and I'm sorry for what I did" and talk things out without grinding his face in the mud? He's right. I am a baka ... *runs away*
Mai: *looks determined not to cry herself* Now what, Tamahome-san? Should I try to talk to one of them? Both of them? Leave them alone? *turning to Boushin and Doc-sama* Boushin-sama, Lady, I'm afraid that we've ruined your play. Please accept my apologies for this and for my sister's outburst of temper. She has not yet learned to control them. I'm sorry that you were caught in the fray.
*rubs at her eyes* What a mess.
Dear Mai,
*Pats her on the back.* Don't worry about it. You talk to her and I'll talk to him and maybe we can talk some sense into them. If not, we'll just get them drunk and lock them in a room together. *Grins*
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