Dear Nuriko,
*gives you a big gentle hug*
Thank you Nuriko.
I'm so glad someone has intelligent suggestions. My dad's solution was just to have no music in class...
I think I may write my teacher a note to read - let him know I didn't appreciate it. I WILL keep tabs on who he bothers though. The kid he applauded was some guy and he was reluctant to play my stuff as opposed to his.
I'll bring him some Savage Garden next week and see how he takes it. If it turns out to be just a grudge against foregin languages I may just call him 'The Insular Philistine' behind his back for the rest of the semester...
He seemed to have some serious thing against kareoke too. He'd hate to go the con with my in May - they're having a Kareoke Contest that my friends are going to enter!!! *grin* Anyway - Domo Arigatou Gozaimasu!
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
You're very welcome! I'm glad I was able to help you. Let me know how it goes.
Dear Tamahome,
*big wide eyes* Really!?!?!?! She has a Nakago pin she doesn't want!?!!?!? I'LL TAKE IT, I'LL TAKE IT, I'LL TAKE IT!!!!!!!!! COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! grins*
Also, a quick question. Would you think it self indulgent for me to marry my avtar Lady Zip to Dilandau Albatou from Escaflowne?
Taiitsu no Miko (Nakago's Obsessed Fan)
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
Indulgent? Maybe... Crazy? Yes! So, where can she send the pin to?
Dear Tasuki,
Okay, my friend and I just got done watching an episode with goodie- toe-shoe Tamahome. *stisks her tounge out at Tamahome* Hey let's get together and make the ultimite Tamahome hate shrine, how 'bout it Tauski-Chan?
Dear Mika-Chan,
Nah, I don't hate him.
Dear Tasuki,
WHY THE FAN?! I mean the fire is cool and all, don't get me wrong, but isn't the fan, just a little, dare i say, femine?Also, are you a natural red head?
Dear Mika-Chan,
No it ain't an' yes I am!
Dear Chiriko,
Hi Chiriko! You're sooo cute, you look like a girl! Oh, yeah. I wanted to know how smart you are. Try to answer these puzzles.
1) Henry's mother has four children: Spring, Summer, Winter, and...?
2) If you have a rock and an egg, and you threw the rock, what did you do to the egg?
3) How many dwarfs are there in Cinderella?
4) Once upon a time, there was a princess who could melt anything in her hands. Her father, the king, decided that the man who could present anything that didn't melt in the princess's hands could marry her. Everyone failed to do so except for a young prince. What did he present?
5) My name is Minerva. Which goddess am I named after?
Dear Minerva,
Here are my answers:
1. Autumn
2. Nothing, I only threw the rock.
3. None
4. M and M's?
5. You are named after the Roman counterpart to Athena.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I was wondering if you might know what the name of that article of clothing tasuki wears is called...the thing that looks rather like a very long jacket. I know most of those don't look like that, but I like them, and I am trying to find one. I didn't know who else to ask.
Dear Anya,
As far as I know it is just a coat. It doesn't seem to have a particular name.
Dear Tasuki,
What is on your pendant? That's really bugging me. I can never tell. so... what is it?
Twilight Angel
Dear Twilight Angel,
It's jus' a gold piece. Nothin' fancy.
Dear Hotohori,
Hello, it's really nice to be here. I just found out about this site a few minutes ago, now let's see how good this works... Well, for starters, what kind of music do you like?
Dear Etoile,
Welcome to our site. I like all kinds of music. Classical, rock, and J-pop are some of the things I like to listen to.
Dear Mitsukake,
Ah, Mitsukake-san! *bows* I'll get right on drawing that picture of you! Yes, yes I will! You are LOVED! *frantically looks for her sketch pad* I'll be back real quick, okay?
Dear Shuurei,
Hai. Arigato. *Smiles*
Dear Nuriko,
Konnichiwa! Just wanted to help you out. Someone named Keiko asked you for an english translation for Kaze no Uta.
Tell her to go to: They've got translation in english and romaji. ^_^
Dear Kaze-chan,
Arigato! *Gives her a hug*
Dear Tasuki,
I need your help!! I remember I had a particular video of you with Chinese subtitles and you were behind a door with Koji...and throughout the video you were setting Tamahome on fire (heh heh)..and at the end he throws you up in the sky *laughing*. Whoops!! Gomen. I was wondering if you knew where this video was on the internet..cause I'd like to download it again, and of course only YOU would know where your videos are, ne? ^^ Except those hentai ones....*runs away*
Dear Kloot-chan,
Not a *(^%$#( clue! OI! Anybody out there know what she's talkin' 'bout?
Dear Tasuki,
I'm glad you liked the Zelga-bunny ^^; Zelgadis wasn't to happy about it. I've been on a kick about drawing my favorite anime characters and my friends in bunny suits...My friend, Tetsuno, requested a picture of Quatre in a bunny suit, so I gave it to her. I haven't drawn you as a bunny yet, but you won't escape from it for very long ^^;;
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
*Sweatdrops...* Why don't ya' pick on Xelloss or Chichiri instead? H*ll pick on Tamahome! Everyone else does!
Dear Tamahome,
I don't have a real Nakago pin yet. I'm going to make one for my teddy.
You see I'm going to an anime con in May and although I'm dressing as Filia of Slayers my plan is to make a Kimono for my teddy - Dilandau Bear -and then make a 'Nak for World Leader' pin and stick in on him and carry him around at the Con!
I'm gonna make a 'Vote Nak' poster for the door of the hotel room too. Hopefully I can goad the rest of the Anime Club into making a little poster of their own to identify who's who in what room.
With psyodenums of course. Mine will say Taiitsu no Miko my best bud's will say Infi-chan or something. Hmmmmm I should make one for my mom. She's chaperoning us you see so she'll be sharing the room too!
Anyhoo... If Chichiri no Aijin would like a Nakago pin I could make her one! It'll be kinda silly though. (Nak giving thumbs up signs? 6.9!)
Taiitsu no Miko (Nakago's Campaign Manager)
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
Actually, I think she wants to send you a Nakago pin. She has one and doesn't want it. Personally, I don't blame her.
Dear Chichiri,
*looks at this picture, then looks at Chichiri* Ano...Chichiri-sama? you, right? @_@ If it is you...WOW! ^_^ Bishonen! You look like you did when you were younger..the hair anyways. I also saw the episode when you fought Hikou. That was sad. I felt like crying when you were holding his hand...I'm a sucker for touchy things like that...I also almost cried when Nuriko and his oniisan were chatting about being bros `n stuff. (I also did feel like screaming though, Cuz It was dubbed!! KOWAII!) Ummm...well..byeee-eee!!*glomps Chichiri and goes off looking for a FF7 guy to torture*
Dear Keiko,
Gomen ne, no da! I think that is Tamahome-kun on the cover, no da.
Dear Chiriko,
Dear Chiriko,
":: looks at chiriko with one eyebrow raised::
keep reading...
\ /
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
um... ah.. ::looks down at floor and blushes:: i just wanted to say happy valentines day to you guys. ::smiles:: i was kinda wondering, sience it is valentines day and all that... ::continues to look at floor blushing:: if i could get a small kiss from everyone? please?
ashley ::who is blushing, of course) (hey! when is she not?)
Dear ashley,
*All the Seishi look at each other and smile. Then they each give her a kiss on the forehead except for Chiriko who gives her a kiss on the cheek.*
Suzaku Seishi
:: looks at chiriko with one eyebrow raised::"
Dear ashley,
Ah! Sumimasen! I wasn't able to reach your forehead... *blushes*
Dear Chiriko,
I need some answers to my Geography homework. How are the all the seas utilised?
Kitsune, the fox
Dear Kitsune,
You mean besides as a home for aqautic life? I would tend to think that all life would perish without them. Perhaps you can do your own research on the web? Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Tasuki,
I have a problem, I have a big crush on this guy but I don't think he notices me. A lot of guys asked me if I could be their girlfriend but I only want him. So one day while I was in the library I saw HIM!!! He was carrying a buch of books, so I went closer to get a better view. I think he tripped or something coz he dropped a notebook with LOTS of papers inserted in it. So I helped him pick it up and...HE SMILED AT ME!!!! I thought that I can die happily then and there. He thanked me and asked if I free in the afternoon, so I said yes. When he left I noticed he forgot an envelope so I picked it up to give it back but I couldn't find him anymore. I looked at the envelope and I noticed hearts all over the thing I don't know why I didn't notice it before, and it wasn't sealed so (I know is bad but) I looked inside. Guess what I saw??? Pictures of MMMMEEEE!!!! He has more pictures of me than my whole family and friends all put together! I was shocked. Later that afternoon I felt akward talking to him, I don't know why, I kept on resisting when he tries to hold my hand. This went on for a while, then as if that wasn't enough weeks later he asked if I could be his girlfriend. I still like him and all but I feel kinda funny when I'm with him. This is the chance I have been longing for but now, well, I don't know what to think anymore. What should I do? *crying hard*
Dear Angel,
Mebbe ya' should come clean 'bout seein' all them pictures of ya'. That's what's botherin' ya' an' I don't blame ya'! Either he's one sick stalker type or he REALLY loves ya'!
Dear Tasuki,
Konnichiwa!!!! I hate guys especially the ones that think there so darn cute YUCK!!!! How should I deal with the BIG FAT MORONS? Deep fry or paper flat?
Dear Mae,
Neither! Why not jus' leave 'em alone an' then they'll leave ya' alone.
Dear Tasuki,
Weeeellllllll...I'm depressed. *sighs* Never EVER watch Chichiri's friend come back and die again (OVA) after listening to "My Heart Will Go On" (I was torturing my was fun for awhile.) I started crying T.T I'm such a pathetic lil weakling...BUT IT WAS SO SAAAAD! *hugs him*
*sniffle!* Oh well...
How was your Valentine's Day? I hope it was good. Mine wasn't too bad...I had fun slipping prank valentine's into people's lockers! *fang grin* >XD It was fun...I slipped one into some guys locker and signed it "From your secret male admirer" and he totally freaked! I love Valentine's's a jokster's paradise! Tee hee...well, I got lotsa valentines and candy, so it was pretty cool. Well, I DID post my fanfic. It's sorta...wrong. I put down Suzaku was God of the West on accident........and we all know he's God of the South. My bad. -.-;; So, my warning is that some information is inaccurate. Okay? Okay. The link is and it's the only document under "articles". Have fun reading it! ^^
Sooo, have your sisters done too much damage to you social life? (refering to the whole Tamahome and Aidou thing....) Hope not. Hate to go beat em up. I like Aidou's hair T.T So sugoi. Er....*dodges his smack directed at her for saying good things about his log throwing sister* Aggh! ><;; Anyways, I was gonna say, I wanna talk to Aidou. I think we'd get along. Hmmmm...but, she's too busy with Tamahomo-baka, sooo I dun see it happening anytime soon. *itches the end of her nose* Darn cold. Ooooh, by the way, in my Art I class we have this sketchbook and we have to sketch real life stuff, so I sketched you! Mr. Conrad, my art teacher, really liked it (NOTE: This real life thing was a poster I made of you.) You're famous! ^^ Well...more so than before. Tell me whatcha think of my lil fic! *kisses him and hugs him* Ja ne! Be good! ^^ *runs, then falls and lands flat on her face once again* ....itai, no da.....T_T;;
Alecia-chan ^^
Dear Alecia-chan,
I spent Valentine's Day hidin' from th' fangirls. Since when is Aidou busy wit' Tamahome? Kouji I can unnerstand but Tamahome? I read through yer fic. It was interestin', but ya' really need to format it to make it easier to read. *Shrugs* So, I'm famous, eh? *Grins* Do I get to see yer fan art?
Dear Nuriko,
Ive got this friend and her name is Trisha and she really loves you ALOT!!!!!!!!! anyway recently after the episode when you died she's really depressed! and she started acting weird, really weird and the other day I foung out that she likes another girl named Crisel who hates her guts!!! I can't stand it anymore!!! Crisel keeps saying bad things about her and yet she LOVES her!?! Give me some advice here will ya? or I might just loose my sanity and strangle Crisel!!! for hating my best friend guts!!!
ps: I really like your hair!! its so cool! Too bad I like Duo Maxwell's braid better ^-^
Dear amiboshi_17,
Perhaps that episode really disturbed her. Try talking to her and please tell her not to be upset for me. *Hugs her* Please give her a hug from me and let her know that I am ok.
Dear Chiriko,
*hugs Chiriko* I missed you too chiriko along with the others!! mmm... the SAT are so diferent and unfair if you get a 74 and lower you have to redew the test and go to summer school for 6 hours for the whole month of july... I can't go to summer school my birthday in july! Plus am really bad in math I got a 0% on my math quiz... that was my frist time geting a 0 in math I usually get 39 or 50% at least.There haveing math on the test tooooooo..... hmm....
Dear Deserae,
0%!!!!!!!! You MUST study more and try harder! Or perhaps you can get someone top tutor you. Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Mitsukake,
*hugs Mitsukake than crys* I missed you so much!!! I was doing all this school work... I feel so sad I miss you so much(and tama-neko)Also, dont worry i'll draw some pictures of you!
Dear Deserae,
We missed you, too. However, your studies are far more important than we are.
Dear Tasuki,
Yeah! I'm trying to be his friend so hard. But I'm awfully shy!! Seriously, out of everyone I liked, I have never been SO shy! It's weird.. Why?? And I don't know if he likes me. But one time, my friend was trying to get me to say hi to him in bio, and she was pushing me but I just turned back the other way, and then my friend called me over and whispered to me, "He was looking your way and smiled!!!" @_@
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Yer so shy 'cos ya' like him! Jus' try to be yerself an' ya' should be jus' fine. Good luck!
Dear Hotohori, you think you could teach me to sparkle like that? I believe I have reason to learn...*Smiles* Perhaps it's a natural talent? *Is impressed anyhow*
Dear Hoshi,
Arigato. *Sparkles* It just seems to be a natural talent.
Dear Mitsukake,
Is there a cure for Senoritis? *Sweatdrops* I sure hope so, but then I'd die from stress. ;-)
Dear Hoshi,
Yes. Graduation.
Dear Nuriko,
Nuri-san I need help! My tech teacher is evil! Okay, not 'evil' but he's being real demeaning!
Friday's are music days in my tech class and the teacher plays CD's of his and that kid's bring in for the class all period. Well, the teacher brings in some really nasty sounding guitar stuff that I don't like at all - but being the nice person that I am I don't complain.
For the songs that kid's bring to be played there are rules. No swearing or sexist or racist or gay-bashing stuff. (good rule) Must have more than five notes. (okay rule)
Well, I brought in a CD of mine with some awesome Japanese tracks on it. Some songs by WeiB and Megumi Hayashibera for a few examples.
Well, they met his criteria but the whole time my songs played both the teachers present grinned and joked about how crappy it was! They called every song I put on torture and joked about how people don't develop taste until they're 16. (I am fifteen) I put on an english song and group of boys (who seem to hate me) started calling out that it was sexist. (All Star by Smash Mouth is sexist? Hello....?) The teacher grinned and said "Yeah, there was some sexist Japanese word in there." He insulted every song I played and when he took my CD off he told me to burn it!
All this after he got the class to give another kid (who brought in some gross heavy metal crap with one word for lyrics) a round of applause! I am so thoroughly insulted and so mad at him! I feel totally demeaned and I don't even feel like listening to my CD(which I loved all week)anymore!
What should I do, Nuri-san?
Taiitsu no Miko (who used to like fourth period)
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
Well, you could privately tell your teacher you didn't appreciate his demeaning treatment of you and leave it at that. Or you could see if he treats other kids the same way and also document whether he only picks on the girls. If he IS doing that it's a subtle form of harrassment and he should be reported for it. Or, you could just ignore his snide uneducated comments because they are coming from an ignorant philistine who can't see past his own culture. *Grins*
Dear Tasuki,
Ohayo! I've come to bug you again! ^_^
I'm a little ticked off at one of my sisters. Actually I'm alot ticked off at her.
Wanna know why? I'll tell ya anyway! hehe!
I was rp with some friends of mine *grins* I was playing you! hehe! Anyway I send a pm to everyone to tell them that I had to go. My friend Neo who was playing Nuriko was taking a long time to reply to me in the main chatroom (I think she was working on her wonderful comic strip again ^_~)
My sister comes out of her room and says "Get off." So I say, "Just a sec, I can't leave in the middle of a conversation. I'm not rude." Then she starts bitching at me about her getting off the computer early so I can go on and talk to my friends. That's not my problem *I* don't tell her to do that! Then she says "How would you like it if I went into your time?" I said "Fine! Monday take a half hour of my time! Now leave me alone and stop bitching." I don't see what her problem is! She can stay on as late as she wants. Not like she does anything during the day! I however have to go to school.
So anyway, sorry about that. I needed to get if off my chest. ^_^ I feel better now. My rp group is great! 'Cera plays Chichiri (unless she's feeling evil then she's Ziros, not that you know who that is and trust me you don't. when I'm feeling evil I'm Xay'ran Ziros' brother). A friend of ours plays Tamahome, but he hardly ever comes on and last night missed our Miaka, the baka! She kept asking about him.
*thinks* Wait a minute!...I'm going to 'Cera's tonight! Wai! I get to play with her tessen! Woo hoo! *dances around the room*
Well I'm off now! Ja!
Dear Kaze-chan,
I dunno what to tell ya', 'cept sisters are a PAIN! *Glares at his sisters...*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*Doc sweatdrops at Tasuki's language*
Doc: Tamahome-kun would you watch Boushin please?
Boushin: What does $#^& mean Tamahome-oji? *Doc plows through the mud and pulls Tasuki to his feet*
Doc: Relax Tasuki-kun, It's okay.. Boushin's here you baka, stop swearing!! *Doc helps Tasuki drag himself out*
Boushin: Tasuki-oji? Daijoubu?
*Doc warns Tasuki with her eyes to wait until he's out of the boy's earshot before cutting into his sister*
Doc: Li'an-san, we're trying to keep Boushin-sama's swear vocabulary down at least a few more years. *Doc points out the young emperor to the woman*
Doc: Tasuki-kun, when you feel stable enough, would you introduce your seishi nephew to your sisters?
Dear Doc-sama,
I'm fine thanks. ITAI!!!!!!!! *Gets whacked by Li'an.* Why ya'(_*(_*^%^#^@#)(@#(@%^*#%@!#)(*^@(#@!)#*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear Tasuki,
*hauls him back on shore, whacks him to make him spit out the water, and promptly beans him with a water jug* Better?
What d'you mean "why'd I do that"? You never visit, you don't come t' my wedding, and you make okaa-san cry. The whole #$%$* family comes all the way down here on %^#$@(*^$, farting mules t' see you and you run off like chicken-boy! Shun'u, you baka, I've had it with you! *whacks him with an enormous vase and heaves him back into the pond*
*notices Mai and Tamahome approaching* D*mn.
Dear Li'an,
Ya' try an' *(^%$#@ KILL me an' ya' wanna know WHY I leave???????? Yer th' *(^##$@#% BAKA!!!!!!!! *Flings a mudball at her and hits her in the face...*
Dear Tasuki,
Mai: *furious* Li'an-chan, stop that! *pulls Shun'u out of the water* He can't swim, you'll drown him!
Li'an: I know he can't swim. I was the one who tried t' teach him. But he probably doesn't remember *that*, either. *half to herself* Doubt he remembers that I fished him out every time, too. *leans close to her coughing brother* You dead? Iie? Good. *pushes him back in*
Mai: *pulls him out* Stop it. You're splashing the little one and the lady. At least let otouto-san explain ... !
Li'an: *calling to child and lady* Gomen nasai! Please don't let us interrupt your play. *shoves Shun'u back in* Okay, shrimp. What d' you have t' say?
Li'an and Mai
Dear Li'an and Mai,
I ain't got nothin' to say to 'ya!!!!!!! *Storms off and yells over his shoulder...* I ain't no shrimp an' I hope ya' got to see th'@$$ end of that fartin' mule Li'an!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Pushes Tamahome out of his way and stomps into his room and slams the door.*
Dear Chichiri,
hiya!! i keep getting in trouble! i was just grounded again!! double grounded! by both parents!! that's no fun!! so what have you been up to lately? whould you like to read my latest fanfics? my computer got sick (a virus) and we had to reload all of the systems. i think i can still find them... yep!
Dear ashley,
Gomen your computer got a virus, no da. You must learn to be more careful in the future no da. We read your fics and they were nice, but you really should try submitting them to a place that archives fanfiction as we do not, no da.
Dear Chiriko,
:: looks at chiriko with one eyebrow raised::
Dear ashley,
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
All of you have to answer this, if you want. If you choose not to please state why. It is somewhat mobid and sick, so don't sk why I came up with it. I am known as the weird tenshi, so that might explain it a little bit. Ok: If you were left alone with only you and Soi and you were the only two people alive and there was dagger, poisen, and/or someother weapon(of your choosing) what would you do? Enjoy! Ja!
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
We all agreed that we'd hide all the weapons and poison for our own safety!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Hotohori,
Thank you for the help. Everyone here was very interested in helping me find a name for the high school. So, in honor of the help, I will dedicate the entire fanfic to this site. I will be posting it around various fanfic sites, so I'll tell you when it is posted. Also, I have a question. It is kinda morbid, so I will understand if you choose not to answer it. If Houki was dead and there was only you and Soi left in the world, what would you do? Don't ask why I thought of that, but I did. Also, the meeting with my dad and two half-sisters went good. We have their e-mail addresses and phone numbers, so we can contact them when we want to. Well, gotta go. *kisses and hugs him, then leaves* Ja!
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
Arigato for honoring us. I would probably ignore her existence. I am glad that things are going well with your father and step-sisters.
Dear Mitsukake,
*gives Mitsukake a hug* Poor Mitsukake-sama. He doesn't have any pictures. I'll hafta draw a kawaii chibi picture of you. ^_^ That really is the only thin I can draw. Chibi!! ^_^; Heheheh...umm...byeeee!!
Dear Keiko,
Arigato, I look forward to seeing it.
Dear Nuriko,
Is getting your hair bleached kinda painful? All I want is streaks, cuz that is the only thing my parents'll spring fer. Alsoooooo, Nuriko-sama! Do you know where I can find the english translation to Kaze no Uta? I looove that song!! I have a music video of that song, and it shows the best scenes of you from the TV series. I had a Chiriko one, but I deleted it...and I regret that!!*glomps Nuriko* *goes off humming Perfect World*
P.S. In three weeks this saturday, I'll be 14! ^_^ I can't wait! Hehee...*goes off looking for Sephiroth and Hikitsu...*
Dear Keiko,
No, bleaching isn't painful, unless the person doing it does it REALLY wrong! Here is a webpage with Kaze no Uta translated into romanji. Gomen I wasn't able to find it in english.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
No...I am not madd at him....I wrote this when I was was trying to figure out who I was missing....Sowwie...
For Tamahome:How's Miaka? And has she eaten you out of house and home yet?
Again...sowwie for not remembering you Tamahome...your still loved.... *kisses his cheek*
Dark Anime Angel
Dear Dark Anime Angel,
I'm certainly glad that you aren't mad at me! *smiles* Miaka is fine and she hasn't waten me out of houe and home, yet.
Dear Mitsukake,
Hello. I saw that you were upset because of the lack of fanart. Fear not!
My mate (the lovely Neko) discovered Not only did it have a fan art section, it had links to *other* Mitsukake fan sites as well.
So don't be sad. Just because they haven't flocked here yet doesn't mean no one loves you.
By the way, I like you cause you spent all that time healing animals, and you looked real cool before you shaved your face and cut your hair. You oughta let yourself go, get into that natural vibe thing again...we could go camping and eat oat-bran in the woods and feed squirels and stuff...
Anya: gothic hippy
Dear Anya,
Arigato! Minna-san, please visit my site, it is a nice site although it is still a bit under constuction. Tell Neko I said thank you.
Dear Tamahome,
I've noticed that the TWO pictures in your fanart gallery are both making fun of you. They also both feature you in women's clothing. So..........BWAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! *continues to laugh her head off at you for five straight minutes*
But I do feel a little bad - so I'm going to consider drawing Tasuki in a bikini for you! *winks*
*hugs you* Have Nakkie-fun day! *pins a button on your shirt with a picture of Nakago giving a thumbs up sign that says 'Vote Nakago - World Leader 2001' on it* *grin* Soi, his mother and I are his campaign managers! See you at the polls!
Taiitsu no Miko (Nakago's Obsessed Fan)
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
Yes, anad YOU drew one of them! *sighs* I really fail to see what's so darn funny about it! Chichiri no Aijin wants to know if you already own a Nakago pin.
Dear Tasuki,
Konnichiwa!! Remember me?
I bored and in school right now so I decided to bug you! hehe!
Saw the fanart page! *snickers at the one of Tamahome in a bikini* I tried drawing a pic of you, but it didn't come out good so I chucked it across the room. I can only seem to draw Nuriko any good. My friend Neo can draw you well though, she's making a comic strip (I came up with the idea for it, you don't wanna know what it's about! *evil smile*)
The computers here are sooooooooo slow. *glares at computer* At least I don't have any sisters here! *shudders* Well I gotta finish eating my lunch! Ja!
p.s. give this url to Chichiri! It's sooo cute! Doomo!
Dear Kaze-chan,
Sorry th' picture of me didn't come out well. But that's ok! Chichiri said to tell ya' "Arigato, no da! Kawaii, no da!"
Dear Tasuki,
i dunno. i'm not smart in the area of networking. ^^; anyway, yesterday it was restored, so i'm back online! (after wading thru 300+ messages in my inbox... o_O) so have a nice day, see ya!
Dear Moon,
Me neither! *Grins* Welcome back!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*Doc-sama and Boushin end up at the picnic grounds barely avoiding the royal guards and advisors*
Boushin: mean people.. want to play and they say I can't because I have to study.
Doc: You're a little boy and should have a chance to play too. Here's the mud puddle
Boushin. :D
Boushin: What do I do? It looks strange Oba-sama.
Doc: First things first. :) *picks up a handfull of mud and puts it in Boushin's hands* It's only dirt and water.. and it makes a good treatment for your skin ;D *picks Boushin up and plops him in the shallow end* *Boushin sits there just blinking, trying to figure out what to do now*
Doc: Now as a guy you won't put up with this so you pull me in after you. Grab my wrist and pull..
*Boushin grins and pulls on Doc's arm, she plops in face first into the mud*
Boushin: You look funny!!! :D:D:D
*Doc sits up spitting out mud*
Doc: Glad you think so.. now for that..*picks up a handfull of mud, then scrambles out of the way as a body flies by her then splats into the mud*
Doc: I give that a 8 on the dive scale!!!
Dear Doc-sama,
Li'an!!!!!!!! Why th' *%$^ did ya' do that!?!?!?!?!? Yer so *^%$#)% dead!!!!!!!!!! Ya' know I can't swim!!!!!!
*Tamahome and Mai come around the corner just in time to see Tasuki floundering in the deeper part of the mud puddle...*
Dear Chichiri,
what is the meaning for NO DA?
Dear Tasha,
It comes from n desu which means "that's obvious". It is used as an emphasizer, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
This is a question about Kouji, but not you *AND* Kouji, ok?? Ok. Since he's your best friend I thought that you might know; WHAT ON EARTH DOES HIS NAME MEAN!?!
Dear Kouhei,
It means orphan.
Dear Mitsukake,
neee... mitsukake-sama, i saw on the fanfic gallery page that you didn't have any fan art... ;_;.. that's so sad *sniffsniff* so i made my friend john draw a picture of you, and it was really good, but our german teacher took it away because he was working on it during class... ;_;... so once he draws another picture, i'll send it in! okies? you're not unloved! ^^
Dear Moon,
Arigato! I look forward to posting it! *Smiles*
Dear Hotohori,
*runs in and stops short of her fave character* DA!!!!!! I've missed you so much!!! I like your gallery, so I can't complain. Oh, you woudn't happen to know the name of a Japanese high school, would you? And who does your subbed voice? I would like to use it in my little fanfic story I'm writing, if it is ok. Well gotta go. My sister is being a major pain. Oh, I get to meet my dad on Thrusday! yay! and my two half-sisters. JA! *gives him a kiss on the cheek and then runs out of the room where the other tenshi are waiting with food. Turns around* yOu're welcome to have some of course.
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
Koyasu Takehito does my voice on the subtitled copies. As for High Schools in Japan we looked on the web and found 2. Seiryo Commercial High School and Nagari High School. I hope that was helpful. Good luck on meeting your father and half-sisters!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey you guys what's happening??? Here is a question:
If you were stranded on a island(what a weird word island is) anyway so your stranded on a island and you can only have one thing with you and you can have one other person with you(can't be fellow seishi or miaka) who would that person be and what would that one thing be. Another thing there is no way off the island not even with Chichiri's kasa (sorry NoDa-chan). The person you choice can be from Fy or any other anime.
Dear Shampoo,
Tasuki: Kouji an' sake!
Tamahome: Keisuke and matches
Hotohori: Houki and the Imperial Pantry
Mitsukake: Shouka and a futon
Chichiri: My late fiancée and fresh water, no da.
Chiriko: Ami from Sailor Moon and sunscreen.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tamahome,
*hands him some money* Ok why are you so mean to Nuriko?? Just because his a little gay doesn't mean you have to be mean to him. I'm still mad at you for beating up tasuki that was sad ~*SNIFF*~. Also what happened to your mother?? and do you still like money even though your family is dead and miaka has her own money (so you don't have to buy her food). Which world do you like better yours or miaka's?? If you don't answer my questions i'll take back my money so there :P :P
Dear Shampoo,
I'm not mean to Nuriko! And that whole "beating up Tasuki" incident was drug induced and Nakago's fault! My mother passed away when I was younger. Of course I still like okane! I think I prefer Miaka's world.
Dear Nuriko,
*Doc-sama passes by Ryuuen on the way back to her chambers with Boushin in tow*
Ryu-chan would you teach him how to put these clothes on? *holds up some peasant boys clothes* I'm taking him out to play in the mud, you remember that ne? I need to go change into my swimsuit ;) Mind your uncle Boushin-chan.. :)
*Doc hustles to her closet to change, and after a few minutes comes back out with her purple onepiece swimsuit /w sarong*
Oh Ryu-chan care to join us? The picnic grounds has a wonderful mud puddle to play in. Nice and gooey. :D Hotohori said he'd come too, if he can find some proper clothes for it. ;D See Boushin-chan it isn't so hard ne. Ready sweetie? Let's go :D
*Doc gives Ryu a light kiss* I know you well love, you'll help him with his clothes selection. I'll see you later hon ;) *Doc takes Boushin by the hand and starts walking toward the picnic grounds*
Dear Doc-sama,
A mud puddle? Hmmm... *Smiles as he pictures Hotohori splashing in the mud...*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
HEY!!! Did you peeps miss me?? I haven't written to you peoples in a long time....
To Tasuki: So...when are you going to share the supply of Sake??
To Nuriko: Well....I watched you die yesterday.... *crys* It was soo sad!!
To Hotohori: are you and your family doing???
To Mitsukake:...ummm....will you ever find another girl like the one you lost??
To Chichiri: Where can I get a hat like yours??
To Chiriko: Read any good books lately??
Well....I just wanted to know how you peeps were?? Ja Ne...
Dark Anime Angel
Dear Dark Anime Angel,
Tasuki: NEVER!
Nuriko: Gomen! I'm sorry that I made you cry!
Hotohori: We are all fine, thank you. *smiles*
Mitsukake: I don't know.
Chichiri: Your local CHinatown, no da!
Chiriko:I have started on another set of books that are supposed to be similar in nature to the Harry Potter series. We are all fine. But, I noticed you didn't ask Tamahome anything. Are you mad at him?
Dear Tasuki,
*runs in and huggles Tasuki* Oh Tasuki! It's been so long since I have written to you!!! Tell CnA I love the surprise! I'll just have to send her my pictures of you guys now! I do have one of you and Tamahome scanned, but I messed up on one of Tama-chan's eyes, you look good though ^^;;; *smiles* Kageno Tenshi isn't as bad as she seems..(I can't believe I'm saying this about my mortal enemy --) Well, she has a scanner and will scan my stuff for me! You should check out my gallery at Elfwood
If you do go, please leave comments *eyes get sparkely with tears* No one ever leaves me any comments ;-;
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
We went an' I saw yer Zelga-Bunny! *Laughs* It was great! So was th' rest of yer stuff! I'll try to go back an' leave some comments.
Dear Tasuki,
What can I do when I like this guy? ^_~
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Depends... Does he like ya' back? At th' very least ya' can get to know him better by bein' his friend. Friends is always a good start!
Dear Tamahome,
I don't think so either. Shun'u can be a thoughtless baka sometimes, but he's not cruel. But to hear conformation from you ... that means a lot to me and it will to all of us. Now if I can just convince Li'an ...
*bows* Tamahome-san, domo arigato gozaimasu. You've been so helpful and kind and patient. I know you must have many other things to do and can't afford to spend half the day listening to the inter-family problems of the Kou clan. *smiles ruefully* I didn't mean to tell our whole lives.
Is this my room? Well, then, if you'll hand me my bag, I'll take my leave of you. I'd better go find Li'an and I just hope I find her before she finds Shun'u. There isn't any water nearby, is there?
*there is a heavy splash in the background, followed by heavy cursing and growling by both masculine and feminine voices* *Mai winces, then sighs and sweatdrops* Which way?
Dear Mai,
*Grins at the familiar sound of Tasuki being heaved into the pond...* I think she's found him! The pond is this way. Ikimashou!
Dear Mitsukake,
Aw! *hugs* If I could draw I'd draw some fanart for your gallery! Maybe I can at least work on a SD sprite for you sometime! (Sprites are generally small images. Like in SNES games like Chrono Trigger. The images of the people are called sprites.)
Dear One-chan,
Arigato! That is very kind of you. Hopefully I will someday have something to put in my gallery.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
hi minna-san! i've always wanted to know what anata-tachi think of the other seishi. as in seiryuu, genbu and byakko.
hotaru-chan, who is feeling actually non-genki today
Dear hotaru-chan,
I'm sorry you aren't feeling well. Please take care of yourself. We have alwys feltthat the Genbu and Byakko Seishi were very honorable and dedicated to their Mikos. The Seiryuu Seishi, well...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi, minna! Um, I really need some help. I've been given a assignment for an art course I'm in to make a biographical portrat of someone famous, and I wanted to do Watase Yuu. My proplem is that for this assignment I need high resolution, good quality scans, and though I've really looked hard I haven't been able to find any good pics that I could use anywhere! If you know of any I would really appreciate it if you could tell me where! If you don't it's okay, I just thought maybe this would be a good place to ask. Thanks for your time!
Dear Kaosu,
I assume you are asking for pictures of Watase-sensei? Try these sites: EX and Fansview. I hope these sites are helpful. Good luck with your assignment! Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Tasuki,
tasukiiiiiii!!!!!! ohayo! atashi wa genki! glad you are back! (same to the other seishi and CnA-sama) demo... i'm sad because i can only use the internet at school... my dad is on vacation, and someone installed another internet line while he's away, and this is confusing. okies, ja ne!
Dear Moon,
I'm glad we're back, too! So, don't th' other line work? Mebbe ya' can get someone to show ya' how to use it.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
It's not fair!!! *pout*
You know that cute guy that I was telling you all about earlier? The one that was flirting with me? Well, at the end of this week he's comming up near where I live (he lives kinda far away; not too far, but far enough that he can't come up where I live very often), and I was really excited about it...
I realized that the end of this week is the beginning of Spring break, meaning that I would not be here, but in another country instead! Garg! And to top it off, he won't be able to make it back here for the rest of the year! GARG!!!
I've already tried to talk my parents into letting me stay with a friend (the girl that introduced me to this guy, in fact) but they won't let me because my brother is a senior so this is going to be our "last vacation together". -_- I don't wanna go!!! *pout* I didn't even want to go in the first place!
Sorry, just felt like complaining to someone new. ^_^ Eh, I'm sure that there's some reason for all of this happening, but that doesn't make it easier! Oh well.
^_^;;; sorry for the long letter!
<3 Mako-chan
Dear Mako-chan,
Gomen ne! I really don't know what to tell you. Perhaps you can work it out so you can leave later and join your family or come home earlier so you can see him. Good luck! *Gives her a hug*
Dear Chichiri,
You...Kouji...Seki Tomozoku...*faint*
<3 Mako-chan
Dear Mako-chan,
Daijoubu desu ka? What about us, no da?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
whats your weight? and how tall are each one of you? In pounds and inches because I'm a stupid american! HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY EVERYONE
Dear Duo-kun,
Nice braid! Yer not THAT stupid! At least ya' ain't tryin' to die alla th' time like yer bud Heero! Anyway, here's yer answers. Th' weights are approximations. Tamahome - 5'10" 160lbs, Tasuki - 5'10" 155lbs, Hotohori - 6' 165lbs, Chichiri - 5'9" 155lbs, Nuriko - 5'3" 110lbs, Chiriko - 4'10" 98lbs, an' Mitsukake - 6'6" 220lbs.
Dear Chichiri,
Waiii ChiChiri!! You are soo kawaii!! ::Huggles:: I have a question for was probably asked before, so I'm sorry if you're annoyed by it ::Animedrop:: How do you get your hair to stick up like that..and...why is it blue. Not that there is anything wrong with blue hair! Anyway, you are so kawaii!! Na no da! ::Winks::
Rik(Not Rick, it rhymes with bike) ^.~
Dear Rik,
It really just grows that way, no da.
Dear Chiriko,
Well, out of pure curiosity, I wanted to find a list of FY English-dub voice actors. Well, here's the page:
Anyway, now you and the other seishi will get to know which English voice actors you guys had.
Oh yeah, Chiriko, one more thing -- I'm writing this note specifically to YOU to tell you this: You might want to click around the site to find out what other performances your English-dub voice actress has done. Believe me, you'd be quite surprised.
Dear Tonberry,
I was! Thank you for telling me about her! She has done some interesting things.
Dear Tamahome,
Tama-chan,what's ur son's name?
Dear Rini,
Our child has yet to be born and so is still unnamed.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
How long did the whole thing take from when miaka first showed up to the time she summoned suzaku?? Like how many month in you time?? Also how long in miaka time is 1 month in your time???
Dear Shampoo,
Giid question! I believe that while it took many months by our time, Miaka was only gone from her world for only a couple of days. I think that 4 hours in Miaka's world equals about a month in our world.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
1) how come all of you have really sad pasts or presents????
2) How come Nakago killed Ashitare, isn't he suppose to not kill his own seishi's??? That would be like Tamahome killing Mitsukake or something??
3) Who is your fav. Seiyuu Seishi? (no Suboshi and Amiboshi does not count everyone love those two)
4) If you kill any Seiyuu seishi who would it be? (I know you already killed them all -amiboshi, but lets say you didn't kill them.)
Dear hiya,
I guess that is what fate had in store for us. Nakago killed Ashitare because he's an evil b*st*rd! We have no favorite Seiryuu Seishi. Actually, WE didn't kill ALL of them. Tomo and Ashitare were done in by their fellow Seishi and Amiboshi survives. Everyone agrees it would be Nakago, except Tamahome, who picked Suboshi; Chiriko, who picked Miboshi (oh wait, he did kill him), and myself, who would have liked to have finished Ashitare.
Dear Nuriko,
How come you were so mean to Miaka at first and then all of a sudden you stopped being mean to her???
Dear Shampoo,
I decided she wasn't so bad and then I came to love her.
Dear Chichiri,
::sigh:: today was the most horrible valentines day ever! we had a dance after school, and no one asked me to dance! the boy i wanted to dance with, i talked the girl he likes into dancing with him! i got no valentines, and to top it all off, when i called my boyfriend, his excuse for not calling me was he was addicted to this new computer game he got! i am not having a good day.
OH! the other day, i found this song in japanese that i don't know what it means, but every time i listen to it, it makes me cry. it is called Mizu Kagami. do you know what it is about? it seems really sad, but i think the person's voice that sings it is nice.
i might not be able to write for a few days because i'm moving to a new house, and the phone company won't be out there for a couple of days.
::sigh:: sorry for bringing these problems and questions to you. ::passes out from exhaustion from the stresses of moving, school, dealing with a older male cousin that is annoying (remember, no brothers!), and always seeming to get in trouble for the smallest things::
Dear ashley,
Mizu kagami is sung by me and it is about the loss of my fiancée, no da. I'm glad you like my song and my singing voice, no da. Gomen that you had such a bad day, no da. *Gives her a hug and some chocolate.*
Dear Nuriko,
Hey Nuriko my friends and I are trying to make a manga. But we are having trouble with coming up with names, hair color and cloth(color and design). Do you think with you being a sharp dresser and son of a cloth shop owner can help my friends and i with our problem??? Please..???
Dear Y-chan,
I can help you, but you need to provide me with some information. When and where does the manga take place? Are the characters male, female, or both? What are their personalities, body types, etc.?
Dear Chichiri,
Shampoo has Purple hair because stupid kids in shampoo's village put purple hair dye in shampoo's shampoo. So now shampoo has purple hair. I turn in to a cat because stupid grandmother made shampoo train in curse spring area and shampoo fell in spring of drowned cat. Now TELL ME WHY YOU HAVE BLUE HAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear Shampoo,
I am supposed to have hair the color of the wind, so that's how it was drawn and colored, no da.
Dear Hotohori,
I know you're from China so you probably wouldn't know about a Japanese folktale thingy, but do you know the story about the guy that makes plants and stuff bloom? *suddenly thinks of blue seed* o.O hmm.. um well... anyway.. if you know about it, could you tell me about it?^__^;;
Dear Yuffie002,
Gomen nasai, I am not up on all my Japanese folktales. You can try searching the web for "Japanese Folktales" and see if you are able to find that one. Minna-san, can you help her?
Dear Hotohori,
*A brown-haired girl in a dark green dress walks in and hands you a red rose* Happy Valentine's Day! *The girl smiles and runs off.*
Komadori Mari
Dear Komadori Mari,
Arigato! *Smiles and sniffs the rose.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Just wanted to say, Happy Valentine's Day minna!!! *hands everyone boxes of chocolates and roses, hands Tamahome an extra box of chocolates* it's for Miaka *grin*. See you all later! >^.^< and don't eat too much candy!
Rainbow Butterfly
Dear Rainbow Butterfly,
Domo arigato gozaimasu! I'm sure we and Miaka will enjoy the chocolates. Thank you also for the lovely flowers.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Happy Valentine's Day!!!!! ^_^ *hands out chocolate and gives each of the seishi a kiss on the cheek* enjoy this spiffy day!!!
Dear Moon,
Arigato! Are ya' bein' good to yer kids?
Dear Tamahome,
Personally? Not really. What we know about Shun'u after he became a bandit is filled with holes, pieced together mostly from what information we happened to hear. Because of the nearness of Mt. Reikaku and its bandits, not many people come to visit our village. Bards and messengers stay away for fear of getting robbed or worse. Therefore, unfortunately, we are either far behind the news or just get bits and pieces of it and not always the truth. We know that Shun'u was found by the Suzaku no miko and that he is the seishi Tasuki. We know the part he played in the war against Koutou. *grins* You should see how okaa-san lights up with pride whenever she hears the stories. We are all proud of him.
Sadly, communication has been as poor between members of our family as it is between our village and the rest of Konan. It has caused misunderstandings before; it seems to be causing a misunderstanding now. After Shun'u left, he did not write to us. We sisters knew why he had left home and never questioned the absence of letters. We had teased him to the point of cruelty; why should he write to us? But as the months grew by, some of us (mostly Li'an) grew bitter. The Kou family has always been considered to be tight-knit; how much longer would the splitting up and "punishment" of our family go on, she asked? She began to take it as an insult and grew resentful. Every celebrated family occasion or gathering that Shun'u was not there for stung like a slap to her cheek. I truly doubt that was how Shun'u meant it, but that was how she took it. *sighs* Li'an can be very irrational at times. His absence at her wedding pushed her into fury.
When did Shun'u become involved in the war, Tamahome-san? I am thinking that perhaps the message she sent him never arrived or he may have been on the move and unable to be located or the messenger may have been killed. I always found it strange that he never answered ...
Dear Mai,
Well, he was in it right from the start. I really don't remember any messenger coming to the palace for him. After the war, those of us still alive, ended up in Miaka's world for a bit and time does run dfifferently there than it does here. While minutes pass there hours and days can pass here. I don't think he meant to hurt his family. I just don't think he ever got the message.
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