Dear Mitsukake,
HEY!! I passed my test! Thanks for the advice. It really helped thank you so much *hugs and smiles* arigato arigato arigato!!!!!
ina chan
Dear ina chan,
Omedeto gozaimasu on pasing your test! I'm glad I was able to help. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
You guys like the Matrix too?!! Sugoi! I have that movie and it is VERY cool. My fav. scene is the one where Keanu Reeves dodges all those bullets on that rooftop.
Rainbow Butterfly
Dear Rainbow Butterfly,
We liked the Metal detector to the elevator scene! We're looking forward to the sequels.
Dear Tamahome,
When you found out about Nuriko how did you feel that you'd been kissed by a guy?
Dear Me,
Like I needed a hot bath and a gallon of mouthwash!
Dear Tasuki,
Is Kouji avalible, as in is he not dating anyone? Oh oh! I like Slayers too! Who's your favourite character from there?
Epp! My sister just came out of her room. Onegai, don't come over here. Onegai! Whew! *wipes her brow* Do any of your sisters have really high voices, that they tend to squeal and whine a lot with?
*drinks some Chocolate Bubble Tea* hmmm...On a scale from 1 to 10, (1 being highest and 10 lowest) rank the Seiryuu seishi on which you like the most and least. None can have the same number. Ja!
Dear Kaze-chan,
I think Kouji may be kinda datin' my sister Aidou... poor guy...
My favorite Slayers character is Lina! Heh-heh-heh... that oughta annoy her! *Fanged grin*
Alla my sisters got annoyin' voices an' whine a lot!
Amiboshi - 1, Soi - 2, Tomo - 6, Miboshi - 7, Ashitare - 8, Suboshi - 9, Nakago - 10.
Dear Tamahome,
yo ^_^ I've been watching the ova's and I'm slightly confused. So at the end of the TV series, you (or at least a look a like) found Miaka as a freshman @ Keisuke's college with memories from a past life (sounds like Taka, ne?) But then the first ova starts as you, pure and simple Tamahome with Miaka in modern japan...o_o wakanai.... It's almost as if the first ova was from a completely different story...
Animelily (Miaka-wannabee #578)
Dear Animelily,
It was. It's kind of an in-betweener to go from the end of the series to the second OAV. O guess they just wanted to extend the story.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
So, *grin* you guys asking anyone to be your special Valentine?
Dear Mal,
*Peeks out from his hiding place.* Actually, we're jus' hidin' from th' crazed fangirls. Except Tamahome, he's got Miaka.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi, all of you Suzaku Seishi! You may think that we like you better than Seiryuu or vice versa, but did u know that we like you both? Both sides have 2 reasons why. Suzaku - good-natured and cooperative, Seiryuu - powers and they're so pitiful. Ok...we were wondering about many things.
1) Who is your fave Seiryuu seishi? (Besides Amiboshi, because we all know you'll answer that. Duh.)
2) Does Tamahome hate Tasuki?
3) Will Boushin grow up to be a seishi? ('Cause my classmate told me Boushin would grow up to be a Byakko seishi)
4) What about Houki will she be a seishi? (My classmate said she would be a Genbu).
5) Will Tamahome and Miaka have children? If yes, how many? Boy(s) or girl(s) and what are their names?
Okay...I guess that's all. BYE gotta go and do science homework already. It's about the moon. That was tough! You're lucky you don't need homework.
Mimi, Alyssa, Dione and Minerva
Dear Mimi, Alyssa, Dione and Minerva,
We have no favorite Seiryuu Seishi. Amiboshi is the closest to being a favorite. Contrary to popular belief, Tamahome and Tasuki DO NOT hate each othere's guts. They just like to annoy each other and sometimes get carried away. We don't know if Boushin will grow up to be a Seishi. But if he does, he would be a Suzaku Seishi as that is the God whose land he lives in and will eventually rule. Houki??? No. If Tamahome and Miaka have kids I'll let you know then.
Dear Chichiri,
hi! i have a problem. i really like this guy from school. last year, we treat each other as girlfriend boyfriend but we're not really that because we don't want our parents to know. this year, we didn't talk to each other much. i thought he was mad at me. then i suddenly heared that he has a girlfriend! i really like this guy. but he likes his gf more than me. i pity him because his girlfriend treats him like her servant. i don't want him being pushed around. now, the school year is about to end and we sorta talk to each other. i really like him but i don't think he does. my friend asked him if he wants his girlfriend to be his valentine. he said no. then my friend asked him if he wants me to be his valentine, he sort of smiled. so i can take that as a yes. the next day, he was like, not talking to me. i asked his brother why he got mad in the first place. he said he thought i was mad at him! i can't believe what's happening to me! wantthis feeling to stop, but it wouldn't! i don't even know why i like him so much. there's no reason. tell me what to do now!
Dear trixee,
I think this is all a misunderstanding and that you and this boy need to talk to each other and get things straightened out, no da. Good luck!
Dear Chiriko,
Chiriko, I was wondering. Do you know any good anime online stores? I'm looking for the cd, Wo Ai Fushigi Yugi World, cuz I loooove the song Kimi Ga Hohoemu Nara by Hikitsu and Tomite, whom I both just adore!! I've tried Anime and House of, but they don't have it. Any suggestiongs?
Dear Mitsukake,
*is still wrapped in her sleeping bag* I am now pretty sick. Last night I passed out in the hallway. *sniffs* It was scary. I ended up crawling back into my bed because I was so dizzy. I hate being sick! :(
Dear Keiko,
Stay in bed and get plenty of rest and fluids. Have you seen your own doctor yet?
Dear Nuriko,
*Doc-sama sings softly to one of her CDs*
You're the million reasons why
There's love reflecting in my eyes
Ooh, I love the way you
Love the way you love me
There's nowhere else I'd rather be
Ooh, to feel the way I feel with your arms around me
I only wish that you could see the way you love me
The way you love me
The way you love me
Ooh, the way you love me
The way you love me
*Doc plays the song again, not noticing her amused aisaika*
Dear Doc-sama,
*Smiles and whispers...* Happy Valentine's Day to you, too.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
My mate and I were watching pokemon the other day, and they showed a large, phoenix-looking creature, at what time my mate exclaimed "Look, it's Suzaku!"
As it turns out, the creature's name was "ho-oh", which means that it was, in fact, an incarnation of Suzaku.
My question is: the next time Miaka summons Suzaku, could one of you please trap it in a pokeball for me?
Team Rocket
Dear Team Rocket,
Lemme think 'bout this... NO!!! Gods don't go into Pokeballs ya' baka!
Dear Chichiri,
hello! how are u? no "duh!" got any plans 4 valentine's day? well 4 me,were gonna have r prom.guess wat m gonna wear?i guess i shouldve ask nuriko?!!well,im gonna tell u .a purple line of chest w/ is strapples.. gorgeous isn't it? ct.wat do u like in a girl? hitomi-chan says hi and how r u, and ASHITEMASU!!!!!!!!!!!!dis is r da 1st time 2 wrote 2 u so pls. answer this very kindly
Dear samantha,
I'm fine no da. I spent Valentine's day with Wandering Mage Chichiri and Chichiri no Aijin, no da. Chichiri no Aisai (CnA#2) was otherwise occupied, no da. Tell hitomi-chan I said hi and Happy (late) Valentine's Day to both of you, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
well...tis season 2 b jolly..its..valentines!!an',ive got a couple of special somethin 4 u,in dis "ooh la la" it is..
im your angel...
ill b your cloud up in da sky
ill b your shoulder wen u cry
ill hear your voices wen u call me
i am your angel,
and wen all hope is gone im here
no matter how far u r im near
it makes no difference who u r
i am your angel(lab u!!)
back at 1...
1 your like a dream come true
2 jst. wanna b w/ u
3 boy its plain to see
..dat ur da only 1 4 me,and
4 repeat steps,1 2 3
if ever i b-live my work is done
den ill start back at 1!
(hope ur smilin already,jst smile da while)
nothings gonna change my love 4 u...
nothings gonna change my love 4 u,
u ought 2 know by now how much i love u
1 thin u can b sure of ill never ask 4 more dan ur love
nothings gonna change my love 4 u
u ought 2 know by know by now how much i love u
da world may change my whole life through
but nothings gonna change my love 4 u!
(yup its definitely true!!!!!)
thank god i found you...
i would give up everythin,b-4 id separate myself from u
after so much sufferin,ive finally found a man dats true
i was all by my self 4 da longest time
so cold inside..and da hurt from da heart it wouldnt subside
i felt so hopeless..until u save my life
thank god i found u,i was so lost w/o u
my every wish and every dream somehow b-come reality
wen u brought da sunlyt completed my whole life
im overwhelmed w/ gratitude but baby im soo thankful i found !!
qoute:lots of lovin wishes fill dis valentines 4 u ..da wishes r 4 valentyns day da love is 4 all yr. trough..happ cupids day!I LOOOOVE YOUUU!!i hope u great me 2,it would mean a lot!
rowie lynne
Dear rowie lynne,
Arigato fer th' sweet poem! *Gives her a hug.* Happy (late)Valentine's Day!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Dear Tamahome and Tasuki,
I hear you guys liked the fight scenes in The Matrix....That's like ALL of the movie! Did you each have a favourite fight scene?
I liked the whole-metal-detector-to-elevator sequence. *grins*
And have you ever seen the Mad Magazine parody of The Matrix called The Faktrix? It's so hilarious. My friend Riley brought it in and showed it to me today and I killed my self laughing at it! It's so great!
Morpheus: I'm MoreForUs. I specialize in giving longwinded, pretentious non-answers to simple straightforward questions. And if you don't have a question I can supply one!
Neo: Actually I only have one question for you MoreForUs. Do you ever shut up?
Also, I'm going to scan in the Tamahome-in-canary-suit-and-various-other-funny-outfits picture tomorrow! *evil smile* Are you ready for it?
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
Tamahome:That scene was the best! It's also MY favorite!
Tasuki:I'm ready fer th' "Tamahome-in-canary-suit-and-various-other-funny-outfits picture"! Heh-heh-heh... So, does a giant Nakago kill him by singin' "Blue Eyes Blue" While Obake-chan is wearin' th' canary suit? *Fanged grin*
Tamahome: *Sweatdrops and goes SD...*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I didn't have anybody for Valentine's's so sadddd. Mah boyfriend dumped me for a pastor's daughter :;WAILS:: I'm sorry I'm bugging you guys, but I figured writing you guys would make me feel so much better. Will one of you please be my...late Valentine? Alsoo...I know I'm probably one of the most annoying people you'll ever meet....
Hotohori-You are cool, man! You make such a wonderful bishonen and you have a nice caring attitude. You are so cool!
Tamahome- You're funny, ne? You say the funniest things and the way you interact with Tasuki is kawaii. You two really are great friend, ne?
Mitsukake- I'm sorry about Miss. Shoka, she was a very pretty lady and she seemed very nice! By the way, what was the experience like with fighting with Miaka over a fish?
Tasuki- You fanged bandit, you, I wrote you, but heehee I forgot to tell you how great you were. You are sooooo cool. ::Holds up tessen:: Heehee!
Chirko- WAII!! I wish I could huggle you forever whenever I felt sad! You are sooo smart, can you help me with my math...e.e;
Chichiri- I wrote you too but...I CAN'T RESIST! You and Tasuki are like THE BEST (No offence to the rest of you lovable guys!) Oh yeah, you look very handsome without the mask.
Nuriko-Heehee I love you, you are just so lovable! You're really nice too, and you did all that for your sister, AWWWW.
GOMEN! I didn't realize how long this was...GOMEN GOMEN!!
Dear Rik,
Hotohori - Arigato for your kind words.
Tamahome - Yes we are, but don't tell him I said that! *Smiles*
Mitsukake - It was bizarre in a rather patheic way.
Tasuki - *Takes back his tessen.* Th' tessen stays wit' me.
Chiriko - You really must do your own studies if you are to learn your subjects.
Chichiri - *Blushes* Arigato for your kind words, no da.
Nuriko - *Smiles*
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Hotohori,
*Doc-sama gets hit on the legs on the way out the door and looks down* Boushin-chan? Are those mean people chasing you again?
*Doc picks up the little boy and carries him inside*
Hey sweetie, would you like to learn something fun? It's something all children should experience as many times as possible. It's called playing in the mud. It just so happens that there is a good size mud puddle at the picnic grounds. Sound fun to you sweetie? *Doc grins at Boushin's wide eyes and many sparkles* I take it that's a yes.. ;)
Shall we invite your papa? They got him pretty good too, and your grandmother made sure he never got to play. I think he could play if you asked him to.
Hotohori-kun, care to play in the mud with your son? All you need to do is find some clothes that you don't mind getting filthy in. Afterwords, you and this little handful can take a bath together ;D *Doc hugs Boushin*
Let's go get you changed out of these fancy robes, maybe we can get one of the servant kids to let you borrow some clothes.
Ja Hotohori-kun!!! *Doc looks both ways outside the door and seeing no royal advisors. Heads for Boushin's room*
Dear Doc-sama,
MUD???? A-a-a-noooo... hai. I shall see if I can find suitable attire.
Dear Mitsukake,
Mits! Ya gotta help me! I can't seem to stay in my usual charc- *snap!* Hehehehehehehehehehehehe, I wonder if Neko-chan would like to play with Deliah... *snap* No! I can't bring Deliah here! The Hawk hates men, and I'm just borrowing him from one of my stories!
*snap* Then again... *snap* Must stay good! I can't turn evil! *snap* Hey Mits, why haven't they draw any valentines pics like that one of Chichiri for you? *snap* EEEPness! Sorry! Help meeeeeeee!
Shrinemaiden Keisei
Dear Shrinemaiden Keisei,
I don't know if your problem is something that needs to be healed or that you just need to eat less sugar.
*Sweatdrops* They DID do a picture of me in the red sheets. And I'm sure that if she hasn't already out it up Chichiri no Aijin will put it up eventually.
Dear Chiriko,
Do you know any good anime mp3 search engines? I can't find any of the devil hunter yohko themes. Too bad about what happened to napster<.>
Dear Me,
Actually I was able to find LOTS of Devil Hunter Yohko MP3's on Napster. However, you may also wish to try Anime Turnpike or Anime PitStop and see what their search engines can find for you. Good luck!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
um... ah.. ::looks down at floor and blushes:: i just wanted to say happy valentines day to you guys. ::smiles:: i was kinda wondering, sience it is valentines day and all that... ::continues to look at floor blushing:: if i could get a small kiss from everyone? please?
ashley ::who is blushing, of course) (hey! when is she not?)
Dear ashley,
*All the Seishi look at each other and smile. Then they each give her a kiss on the forehead except for Chiriko who gives her a kiss on the cheek.*
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
Who's your Valentine?
Dear baka-chan,
Iri-chan! *Ducks for cover from angry fangirls...*
Dear Nuriko,
WAIII! Nuriko-kun, I'm so happy no da! I got to record a song with my friends at the School of Science and Math on saturday no da! It's an original song, and it's so pretty no da! ^_- I didn't sing in the final version ( I was guarding the doors so people wouldn't slam them no da. We were in a hallway with good acoustics no da!), but I had fun singing the other times no da. We recruited a drummer, bass player, and maybe a violinist! I think Nuri-chan (Nuri is named after you no da ^_^) and Scribe-chan (Nuri-chan wrote the song ^_^ Scribe-chan made up the piano chords) have someone to do the lead guitar parts no da. See, Nuri and Scribe have a little singing group called the LYLAS, I think, and though I'm not an official part of it, they said I could have a cameo in a song no da n.n They'll be recording a CD at a recording studio around here when they finish creating the music for all the songs no da ^_^
Whee, I'm so excited no da! It turned out very well (we spent an hour trying to record the vocals in the hallway @_@)
Hope you are doing well no da ^_^ Oh, I finally figured out how to apply eye-liner without drawing on my eye >.>;;)
Shadra D
Dear Shadra D,
Excellent! I hope I can hear it someday. Congratulations on mastering eye-liner! *Smiles*
Dear Hotohori,
WAGH @_@ How DO you do it, Hotohori? I went to my great aunt Roberta's concert, and afterwards, we went to a private reception no da... but all the food was so WEIRD no da! Red caviar, salmon ravioli, salmon slices to put on little bagels, little leafy things with herb cream cheese... @_@ All this fancy food was so strange to me no da. I did, however, enjoy the bread pudding (it had hot white chocolate sauce... mmm oishii deshita @_@)
But getting dressed up was fun.. until I had to stand around in there horrible high heeled shoes for an hour or so no da. My feet are aching no da!! But I did meet a lot of very nice people no da! I met the president of the University of Richmond, and many many high-class people no da. They all thought I was in college no da O.O When I had lots of pictures taken of me with my aunt, and when I get one of them back I'll post it no da ^_^
It was fun, but I don't think I would ever like to live the high-life. I'm perfectly happy with frenchfries and a salad and having my own personal time no da. I admire my aunt for her tolerance no da! She's a people person, and she'll stop whatever she's doing and talk to anyone no da! ^_^
Anyway, I need to finish some things and get to sleep. No, I can't no da.. I have to wait for CnA#2 to wake up so I can get her address. I need to send her the signed program and the CD no da! She'll love it n.n
I hope you are doing well, Hotohori-san. Keep sparkling no da ^_-
Shadra D
Dear Shadra D,
How lovely for you! I'm glad that you had a good time and got to meet so many influential people. Arigato for being so kind to Kelli-chan!
Dear Tasuki,
Does Ranma 1/2 give you nightmares? If not what are you scared of?
Dear noda,
Nope! But drownin' does.
Dear Tasuki,
when it comes to D and D, what class would you be? Would you be a rouge or a fighter? Or maybe both? And what level do you think you would be? And no fair saying you are over 20! You are good but not that good! ^-^
Dear noda,
I'd be a theif! What th' H*LL else would I be? I'd be a rouge! I'm th' leader of th' Mt. Reikaku bandits AN' a Suzaku Seishi... of course I'd at a high level! What level d'ya THINK I'd be at???
Dear Tamahome,
*gives Tamahome some money* Um I was wondering. Could you hook me up with Tasuki? I don't mind a man with a fowl mouth. And he can't hate women forever! I hear he has been to a brothel... so could you? I will give you more money! Please!!! PLEASE!
Dear soap,
Hmmmm... *Smiles and considers it...*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
PLEASE HELP ME CONVINCE HOTOHORI TO MARRY ME!!!!!!!! I wish to marry hotohori, but he has refused me on a boat and has refused me with a goat. He won't go to Tijuana, and he refused me with don't wanna. He refused me with tequila drinks, and refused all of my winks. Please tell him to marry me, and not refuse matrimony.
Dear Saki-chan,
He's already married so that jus' ain't gonna be happenin'!
Dear Chichiri,
Can I have your hat?
Dear Me,
Gomen, ne, I need my kasa, no da. Perhaps there is a Chinatown by you where you can get one of your own, no da.
Dear Chichiri,
Is it true noda? that you and Tasuki are a couple now noda?
happy girl
ps. Dont mind the noda's noda.
Dear happy girl,
No, no da!
Dear Chiriko,
I really have a big problem about school I HATE STUDYING! ( no offense)I NEVER study and I spend ost of the time watching Fushigi Yuugi than doing my homework! the only subject I'm interested in is Science and History and yet everytime I get my grades I end up average. My mom always say that I the smartest one in my family (and my brother and sister are really really smart) but I HATE STUDYING! can you please help me?
Dear Amiboshi_17,
Try breaking up your study time into smaller chunks. Study for 30 minutes, take a 5-10 minute break and then go back and review what you just studied. Do NOT watch any more anime until you have studied a total of 2 hours for that day and are confident that you have indeed learned your subject. Then, the anime viewing can be your reward for all your hard work.
Dear Hotohori,
Hi!!!!!! Hello!!!!!!!!! Happy Valentine's day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!So here's a little present(WAIT!!! U know we really have a big prblem about ur Clear Form button,We always press iT!!!!!)
While flowers turn to face the sun, and birds fly whe the nigt is done.
While rivers run to join the sea,andtides must change eternally.
While season change like fashions do , this heart of mine's reserved
just for you!
Well that's all, K! do you want to say something 2 Haniyouka?(SURE!!He wants 2!!!!)arigato for reading my letter! aishiteru!!!!!!!(Maybe'u mean ur nice and sweet letter?!!!)stop ! sippin' at me!, I may become thin! *starts to cry* joke only!!!(Is dat a joke*started becoming chibi*)sayonara!!!! I LOVE YOU !!!!!!!!!! ...a lot *shouting on top of Konan's palace*(I LOVE U 2!!!!!!!)
:) Shinigami and Haniyouka-chan
Dear Shinigami and Haniyouka-chan,
Arigato to the both of you for your lovely Valentine's poem. *Smiles and sparkles*
Dear Nuriko,
*A crying girl rushing in da room and hugging Nuriko*I have jst come home and I found out dat my cat is missing!!I love him so much and now his gone what should I do*sitting beside Nuriko and very exhausted*I'm sick.My body aches so much.*started crying again*I miss Sugar already,were is he?????!!!!!!He has blue eyes and he's so cute I love him*crying loudly,lying down on Nuri's laps*Can I sleep here I'm really sick and I'll not be able 2 go 2 classes tomorrow.Arigato,Gomennasai I can't help it I'm really sorry.Go.. men...nasai.....*started sleeping on Nuri's lap*
Haniyouka chan
Dear Haniyouka chan,
*Gives her a hug.* Habve you put up posters with Sugar's picture on them? Have you tried looking in the local animal shelters and pounds? Does Sugar wear a collar with a name tag? Try searching your neighborhood as well. Good luck! I hope you find him!
Dear Tasuki,
tasuki-sama wa bara ga suki desu ka?! kawaii!!!! ^^:
Dear Moon,
Hai! Bara ga suki desu yo!
Dear Mitsukake,
I would like to state that it is unfair for people to consider you the most boring character. It is obvious that "honor" belongs to Tamahome/Taka.
Dear Anya,
*Smiles and looks bemused.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
How can I make my wonderfull mate, Neko, feel special on valentine's day?
Dear Anya,
Tell Neko how special she is to you and how you feel about her as your mate. Chocolate and jewelry are also good. *Smiles*
Dear Tasuki,
TASUKI-KUUUUUN! *tackles him and gives him a huge hug* Gen-chan, I missed you soooo much! I'm sorry for not writing! I'm a naughty miko. T.T I've just been busy catchin up in school so I don't fall behind again and have to be grounded from the net again. Oi, that was torture! I couldn't get on the computer at ALL! *grumbles* Stupid sister kept rubbin it in...*sighs heavily* Well, Valentine's Day is comin up...and nobody to share it with *wipes tears away* I wish I had someone special to share it with. You have someone special, so forget that...*sighs and hands him a bottle of wine and a single golden rose* For you and your loved one. May you two at least have a cherished Valentine's Day...*slowly walks off to spend another lonely Valentine's Day with the-too-busy-for-her-family*
Dear Alecia-chan,
Arigato fer th' presents! *Gives her a hug and a kiss on the cheek.* It was really sweet of ya' and I don't think Iri-chan'll mind.
Dear Chiriko,
Do you know any good Chiriko shrines?
Dear Me,
Hai! Try Chiriko no Miko's Shrine to me. She has links to other shrines to me on her peeji. I have a Miko??? WAI-WAI!!!
Dear Chichiri,
NO DA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!It's my turn to say No Da, No Da!
Dear Me,
No da? Hounto ni, na no da???
Dear Chiriko,
I read somewhere that you DO speak Chinese, but with the power of the Shijin Tenshisho, you were able to understand Miaka, and she was able to understand you. You guys BOTH do speak Chinese, it's interesting. And I know that Konan just resembles China, but the Universe of the Four Gods IS in Chinese though. Interesting huh?
Dear baka-chan,
Yes it is.
Dear Mitsukake,
*Doc pops her head in Mitsukake's office*
anoo.. can I make an appointment just to verify something? It's a good thing :D
Dear Doc-sama,
Hai. Douzo...
Dear Hotohori,
How do you keep your hair so rich and full?
Dear Me,
Iget it trimmed regularly and I have a special shampoo and conditioner made just for me that I use.
Dear Tamahome,
ohayo, this is response to 'Cera-chan's accusation that everyone is hard on Amiboshi. She does the same for Suboshi too, but that is a little more warranted. She thinks all of us (her friends) think he's evil too. She's very defensive about that subject. Although I suppose I'm a little defensive about when you being evil. Oh, I admit you were evil, but you were redeemed and she doesn't agree :P.
Dear 'Cado-chan,
Then she'd be wrong. I was under the influence of a drug. It was Miaka's love that brought me back. Amiboshi was also redeemed. Suboshi, however is another matter...
Dear Hotohori,
*Doc-sama nods*
I understand. Someday you'll take him back from her. Hotohori-kun I'd bet you never had a chance to play when you were little. Always studying, and dealing with these crazy advisors. Hmmm?
*Doc-sama stands up to leave*
Since you're quite angry right now I'll leave you alone. At least it's not totally directed at me. Hotohori, when your mind clears find Boushin and play a game with him. It'll be a start..
*Doc-sama bows then leaves the room*
Dear Doc-sama,
*Calls after her as she leaves...*
Gomen nasai! There is no need to leave. I would prefer the company.
Dear Mitsukake,
*has her sleeping bag all wrapped around her* Mitsukake-samaaaaa! My throat is startin` to hurt! I think its cuz I went to Mt. Rainer today and was stuck up there for about three ours. *death glare to the Silver Bullet* You got any suggestions to make it feel a bit better?
Dear Keiko,
Hot tea with lemon and honey should soothe your throat. Also keep warm and get some rest.
Dear Tamahome,
Mai: *laughs* Don't be embarrassed, Tamahome-san. You're right; Shun'u *did* have quite a childhood. Picture being a boy trying to grow up in a house with a father who spends most of his time away at work, an extremely affectionate, domineering mother who fawns over you as her "baby", and five wild sisters who insist on tying you up with daisy chains and shoving you into the public baths. Picture trying to be macho and gain a reputation among the village boys with all of that. *grins* I would've run away too.
Li'an: *crossing her arms* I don't care. Not even all of that excuses him from ignoring us all these years. Whether he's Genrou or Tasuki or whatever he's calling himself these days, he's still Kou Shun'u, my baka little brother. It still gives him no right to have forgotten me!
Mai: *glancing at Tamahome* Li'an-chan, not here, please ...
Li'an: Why not? Okaa-san's not here and I don't have to put on my act. When our own brother goes deliberately out of his way to avoid me -- all of us -- it hurts. And I'll say so if I d*mn well please!
Mai: Couldn't we talk about this in private, Li'an-chan? You're making Tamahome-san uncomfortable, I'm sure.
Li'an: *more softly* My apologies, Tamahome-san. If you'll excuse me. *stalks away*
Mai: Li'an-chan ... ! *turning to Tamahome* Gomen, please don't think that this was your fault. Li'an's been like this ever since Shun'u failed to show up at her wedding. The rest of us have moved on from it, but she can't. *sighs* Gomen nasai and we didn't mean to burden you with our family problems. Domo arigato for sending that message and for your kind words. I hope Shun'u returns soon; I think Li'an needs to hear your words from his lips. *thoughtfully* I wonder if we'll even recognize him; it's been so long ...
Li'an and Mai
Dear Li'an and Mai,
*Looks a bit uncomfortable and embarrassed.* Gomen ne ladies, but we may have been to blame for his not coming to the wedding. He was helping us fight a war against Koutou as were the rest of the Mt. Reikaku bandits and well... ano... has he EVER told you about any of his adventures with us?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*collapses on the nearest person's shoulder and cries* I'm such an @$$! Why am I such a stubborn @$$-headed jerk? *sits in a beanbag and cries* I made my best friend cry! Some friend I am... I feel so miserable. I was so cr*pped up in being mad at her that she needed me and I wasn't there. I feel so bad. I feel like a jerk and ........... I hate when I'm pig-headed. She won't even talk to me. She sent me an e-mail today that said 'don't bother calling'. When I left her house I didn't even say bye. She said bye to me but I didn't even say bye!!! Lord, I think I'm depressed. I wish you guys were real. My family doesn't seem to understand. *moans and cries on Chichiri's shoulder*
Dear Kosei,
*Gives her a hug and a tissue.* Can you go back to her house and apologize to her, no da? Perhaps you can write her a letter and explain why you did what you did. The most important thing is to let her know somewhow how sorry you are, no da. Good luck.
Dear Chiriko,
*comes running down corridor of palace* Chiriko! *grabs his hands and dances around with him singing* Chiriko, Chiriko, Chiriko! *lets go of dizzy little boy and sets him on a table to look at him and grins* I aced a Bio test!! Wai, wai, wai!!! *has an impulse to hug him, but remembers her 'hug' might not leave anything of him, so backs off* Oh, I'm sooo happy! *gives a Soujiro smile* I'm now going to go bake everyone some wheat crackers to celebrate! *looks around confusedly, then whispers* Er, I'm still a bit new here...which way was the Royal Kitchen? Was it this way, or am I confusing it with the Royal Bathroom? *giggles* Could you take me? *holds out hand to be led*
Dear Kat-Chan,
You're Mal's friend aren't you? Omedeto gozaimasu on passing your test! *Gives her a hug.* The kitchen is this way. *Leads her down the hall...*
Dear Chichiri,
Hello Chichiri-kun! *looks at his patient expression and gives a quick sheepish smile* No, no, no, I'm not gonna (ahem) 'glomp' you or amything, just here to ask you a smiple question and to ask a favor of you. The question is why I'm the ONLY one who has trouble with her website; and the favor is to zap the person in charge of Geocities upload area off the face of this universe and into Nakago's camp in YOUR universe so that my old friend can 'take care' of him/her, so that I can finish this @*^$)# project. Domo arigatou. Nakago-sama is waiting at the other end with his soldirs and a comfy torture chamber, so could you please hurry? He gets kinda cranky when kept waiting too long...*bows and waits for reply*
Dear Kat-Chan,
Gomen, I can't "zap" people as you put it, no da. Perhaps you can explain EXACTLY what the problem with your website is, no da.
Dear Mitsukake,
Oi, Mits-san! I gotta a wierd question for ya, no da. Hope ya don't mind, no da. ANYWAYS If you were a college professor, what subject would you teach and what would your students call you? In other words, what would your last name be, ne? Arigatou! JA!
Kageno Tenshi
Dear Kageno Tenshi,
I would teach medical classes and I don't really know what my last name would be. Smith maybe?
Dear Tasuki,
Hey Red! Look what I found! *holds out little lizard which has been freshly painted red with cardboard spikes going down it's little tail* It's Mushu!!! ^_^ *pokes lizard with finger, making it run halfway up her sleeve leaving tiny red paw-prints* Awww...come 'ere, ya little cutie! *grabs it before it can run firther and pats it with her pinky* Ya want it, Tas-Chan? You can then check ta find out whether Nuriko's afraid of lizards liek most women are! ^_^ And then BUG him about it for the rest of eternity! Heheheh!
*pokes lizard again* C'mon, Mushu, say you cute dialogue again! The one where you shout, "DID AH HEAR SOMEONE ASK FOR A MIRACLE?! LET ME HEAR YA SAY AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!"...*goes on quoting from Mulan and coaxing lizard into doing the ending song from the movie*
Dear Kat-Chan,
*Sweatdrops and feels sorry for the lizard.*
Dear Chichiri,
Hey, Chichiri! Guess what! We set up the scanner, no da! Sugoi, ne? Did I tell ya this already? If I did, you can just ignore this letter, no da. ANYWAYS And, once I send my piccies to Hino, she's gonna figure out how to post them and post them on her site, no da. YATTE! YATTE! I'm happy, no da! She can't post the ficcie, yet, but she says she can figure out how to do jpgs, no da. You wanna see some of my piccies? Actualy, I was wondering about that, no da. How do ya send you guys piccies, ne? And how do ya get your piccies on the seishi of the week thing? Not that I have anything that good, but I was curious, no da. *sigh* That's all I have to tell ya, no da. I'm bored now, no da. WAIT! I got a question for ya! I need to ask Mits-san, too, but I'll ask ya first, since you're here, no da. If you were a college professor, what do ya think you'd teach? And, what would your last name be, ne? OK! JA!
Kageno Tenshi
Dear Kageno Tenshi,
You can send your pictures to the email address on the front peeji, no da. If I were a college professor I would teach Philosophy, no da. I like the last name of Lee.
Dear Mitsukake,
This is purely on a dare, Mistukake-kun...don't be angry, kudesai...
I'm supposed to ask you to put these on *hands him an Elvis costume complete with wig* and then rip off your shirt on stage and sing 'It's my Life' in front of the entire crowd of fangirls out there...gomen nesai, but *puts silver glasses on his face* you'll have to do this for me...or I'll be forced to jump in the Mt. Reikaku lake...PLEASE, YOU GOTTA HELP ME!!! *looks over her shoulder to see smug fangirls holding a swimming costume and sweatdrops* I'M HYDROPHOBIC!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! *escapes from dressing room then sticks head in door again* You're on in three minutes! *ducks out*
Dear Kat-Chan,
*Tries on silver glasses and flexes in the mirror. Smiles...*
Dear Tamahome,
Did anyone ever tell you that you look EXTREMELY kawaii in a nightie as a baby? The frill on the collar was a VERY chic touch, though the puffs on the sleeves did bring back some nostalgia from the old mideival England era...might I know the name of the genius behind the creation? I have some notes to compare with him/her about the cream colored stokings you wore, though...not a very nice combination with the snowy white linen the rest of th outfit was composed of...*tucks ballpoint behind ear and walks off into studio to get on the phone*
Hello?...Nobuhiro residence?...Yes, may I speak to teh lady of teh house, please?...
Dear Kat-Chan,
NANI?!?!?!?!? *Looks confused as he has no idea what she is talking about.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
hey guys! please read and respond to this fanfic!! plus, do you have any ideas on convincing my parents to let me git my own web page?
Dear Ashley,
Gomen ne that it has taken me so long to read your story, no da. I enjoyed it, no da. We have been very busy trying to keep up with all the letters we get, no da. Your internet service provider should provide you with some minimal web space and you can certainly tell your parents that html coding is a valuable skill to have, no da. You can also check out Anime Turnpike or Anime PitStop for sites that will host your fanfic, no da. Also, you might consider running your fics through a spell checker and a grammer checker before submittting them, no da. Good luck!
Dear Nuriko,
Konnichiwa!!!Genki datta?!!Well I want @ tell u dat Haniyouka chan is actually me'Marie,Ayumi and Haniyoukar jst one(hope dat you'll remember always)What can u say abot my new code??!!!I want @ say sorry for not informing u where I've been,Gomennasai,I've gone 2 tokyo japan w/my big brother.I missed u a lot!!!Well,I want 2 give dis 2 u*getting something from her bag*Here take it,It's a valentine's card!(and it say's like dis)
Dearest nuriko,
Take's 4 bein a nice and good tomodachi of mine.It is really hard 2 find a friend like u.Finding u is areal treasure,Treasure dat cannot be bought nor sold.I know dat I can only see u,I cannot feel u but I can feel u in my HEART.Hope that u and Doc sama will have nice days together(always)Best wishes 4 u 2.
Remember always take care and always remember dat I'm always here 4 u and Aishtemas!!!!!
Haniyouka chan
I know dat It's too early 4 me 2 give dis 2 u,because I'm excited 2 see u again.Did u miss me?OKIDOKI!!AISHTEMAS and promise me dat you'll always remember dat ayumi,marieandhaniyouka r only one andpromise me dat you'll always take care!!!!IIIII LOOOOOOOOVE YOUUUUU!!!!
Haniyouka chan
P.S can i ask afavor if u could post my letter when i wrote 2 u with a song,the Nuri no uta and the other songs,i did not see your responses guys*begging *PLEASE*...
Dear Haniyouka chan,
Arigato for the lovely and sweet card! *Gives her a hug.* As for reposting your letter, all letters that were originally posted end up in the archives. You should be able to find it there. There is also a possibility that since it was a song and not a question we placed it on the message board for everyone to enjoy. Unfortunately, the message board does not retain things for more tan several days. Gomen nasai. If you want you can always post it back on to the message board.
Dear Tasuki,
Hiya Tasuki! It's me, your self appointed protecter ^^; DA! I'm soooo happy! Tasuki, Your looking at the newest otaku on the TokyoPop offical otaku list! I'm so proud of myself! *hugs Tasuki* One of the questions was who was your best friend ^^; No way to miss that one! *does a happy little dance* Ok, so I'm hyper --; But I have a right to be. Kosetsuno and I just one another soccer game ^^; *gives Tasuki another hug* Well, I better go to sleep now, Ja ^^;
Hino Tenshi (offical otaku: even has her name on the list!)
Dear Hino Tenshi,
Congratulations on bein' an official otaku!
Dear Mitsukake,
Hey! I've been wondering this for a while now. How the heck did you cut your hair so fast when you met the other seishi? I just can't figure it out!
Dear Skya,
I used a very sharp knife.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Konichi wa, minna! Umm..for some reason I've been having problems with getting my letters to go through on the "ask so-and-so" peejis, so I'm going to see if this one works. Let's see, I need to come up with a pointless question...hmm...I know. What's your all-time fav. movie? Well, that's it (for now) ~ja ne!~
Rainbow Butterfly
Dear Rainbow Butterfly,
That's a hard one! We don't really have a favorite movie, but we all agree that we really like The Matrix!
Dear Tasuki,
Konnichiwa! It's me again! ^_^
If I had money I might buy Kouji from Tamahome, but I don't, and anyway all the money that I'm going to get is going to the Anime Convention that I'm going to in Sept.
You never did answer one of my questions, is Kouji avalible?
Epp! *watches cautiously as her sister comes out of the room* *watches her sister go into the bathroom* *sighs* Wai! No torture! *dances* That is one scary person. This has probably been asked before but what's your fave anime other then FY? and do you like Pocky and/or Yan Yan? Ja ne!
Dear Kaze-chan,
Is Kouji availbe fer what? Other anime I like? Hmmm... Trigun, Slayers, Kenshin, an' Outlaw Star fer starters. I like Pocky!
Dear Tasuki,
wow!i really (10x) miss u!!my, do i have lots of thins 2 tell 1st i told u dat da trip will b borin,ryt..? i was wrong, da place was like a mini- paradise!
2 start w/.. so well da trip wasnt soo long,it probably was about 6-7 hrs(im not so sure)..but der wasnt many thins 2 do in da plane so i jst daydream bout u.den da nxt thin i know were headin towards mandeville.der we rent a hotel and so after unpackin r stuff i drove all da way 2 kingston and visited da institute of jamaica ,i dowana b an alien in dat anomalous country,of course i need 2 know somethin about deyr history.after dat i was famished and headed towards a smallfood chain.i ordered broiled lobsters an' a couple of other stuff,luckily i bought moms credit cards(do wanna wash da dishes..hehehe!)my, jamaicans,rily have superb meals.(yum-yum)
on da 2nd day..we went 2 tobago,coz were celebratin da approval of my kazokus proposals..r business was a succes!HOORAY! now back 2 wer der,my da beach here was soo cool,an it has white corals w/ white sand! whew!wish we never left but im also x-cited in goin home..coz ill b able 2 write 2 u 1nce more..lab you!!we stayed der 4 5 days,da rest of da days we jst went on a mad shoppin session(ha der goes 1 of my best abilities-shoppin!) i remember ders a chic lil store der,haven of,its great i bought a couple of native items,clothes and ooh badaway i have somethin 4 u*gives him a monovalent heart shaped locket dat can b divided in2 2* 1 4 u an 1 4 me!hope u like it take care of it, dats da end of my cruisine allegory..nice wasnt it?!now ill have more tym 2 write 2 u(wait 4 my nxt letter,ok?)1nce again I LOOOOVE YOUUUUU!!!
rowie lynne
Dear rowie lynne,
I'm glad ya' had a great time! Thanks fer th' present!
Dear Nuriko,
Umm, just wondering, uhh, what do YOU do about PIMPLES??!! Have you ever had any? If you haven't, why not? Do you know?
Dear Skya,
I don't have them. I'm an anime character. But I've been told that Oxy-10 can work wonders.
Dear Chiriko,
I dunno if anyone's ever asked this before, so I'll just say it. If you all are in ancient CHINA, why the HECK do you speake JAPANESE?! I just don't get it!
Dear Skya,
We are in a place that resembles ancient China, NOT ancient China itself. That is why we can speak Japanese. Besides, how else could we communicate with Miaka? Babel-fish?
Dear Tamahome,
Forgive me if I offend you, but what exactly do you see in Miaka? I mean, of coarse, I'm a girl and I'm not going to actually like her like THAT, but she seems a little...I dunno. No offense though. Just wondering.
Dear Skya,
Miaka is kind, sweet, unselfish and cares very deeply about other people. That is what I see in her.
Dear Chichiri,
Hi again! Well, you might not remember me, but... Anyways! I have this really really really big problem and I need a little advice. I'm not going to tell it now though!
But here's the deal: I've been getting very depressed lately. I'm keeping secrets from my family and it's hurting me. I have no one to talk to except you. Please, PLEASE help me!
Don't get me wrong though. I'm not doing anything illegal or something that could get me in big trouble. I just need a little advice. And I chose you because you're wise and kind and you've had your share of problems, too. Thanks!
Dear Skya,
Well it is hard to advise you without knowing the problem, no da. However, if you are keeping secrets from your family I would say the first thing to do is have a talk with your parents and come clean about all the things you've been hiding, no da. You will feel better and if they need to get you help they will be better equipped to do so, no da. *Gives her a hug.* Good luck, no da.
Dear Tamahome,
What's Miaka's favorite dish?
Dear Take-chan,
Anything that won't eat her first!
Dear Nuriko,
*Gives him a hug back* You're right he'll probably never be sure. It's a painful learning experience but I'm starting a new life without him and it's going pretty well. *Gives him a kiss on the cheeks*
Moving on
Dear Moving on,
Thank you! I'm glad I was able to help if even a little. Take care! *Gives her a kiss on the forehead.*
Dear Nuriko,
Um....Nuriko, you might not have noticed, but by telling the 17-year-old what's in a Nuriko Special, you also inadvertantly told my fellow 13-year-olds. ^^;; They'll quit asking, though! They'll just go back to asking Chiriko how he gets his hair to do that! (which I never asked, mind you) Happy early Valentine's Day! *hands Nuriko a big purple rose*
Mari K.
Dear Mari K.,
*Realizes what he did and sweatdrops...* Ano.. gomen? Arigato for the lovely rose! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Hotohori,
Shrinemaiden Keisei
Dear Shrinemaiden Keisei,
I am after all one of the beautiful people... *Sparkles*
Dear Chichiri,
It's the red blankie pic again!
Ya know, that pic's gonna haunt you for years to come now! *salute* That's for all the fangirls out there who indulge themselves in such beautiful fanarts! *snap* Eeeeeeeepness! The red blankie pic's back for another go at it! *snap* *puts you in a headlock and gives you a noogie* So, how'd they get you to pose for *that* pic?
*grin* *snap* No, I can't turn into a hentai fangirl! You have enough admireers that way already! *snap* Then again, it is a rather *niiiiice* picture!
Shrinemaiden Keisei
Dear Shrinemaiden Keisei,
*Sweatdrops* DAAAAAAAAA... Nuriko's picture is up now, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
^^; douitashimashite! i'm glad you liked it. sooo, do you like valentines day?? hee hee, chocolate and roses...!
Dear Moon,
*Grins* 'Long as I'm gettin' 'em!
Dear Tasuki,
*A big pure black gundam /blood red wyes and a silver cross-like streaky logo on the breastplate starts stepping around you, trying to step on you (well, trying to make you think I'm gonna step on you anyways)*
So, ya like Nightshade Bandit-Boy?
Know any good weapons to put on it? So far I've just got the Pinacle Traker thingy and the Banshi(the sonic schield/weapon)!
*keeps trying to step on him*
Okay, see how ept you are! How do ya think he'll feel if I hunt him down with this, hmmmmmmmmmmmmm?????? He'll freak, have a heart attack and I'll get blamed! Besides, I want this guy to come back to anime club! Not feel threatened by me!!!!!!!!
*a dark hawk comes swooping in and starts pecking at you*
Deliah: Scree!!!!!
Shrinemaiden Keisei
Dear Shrinemaiden Keisei,
*Pulls out tessen and swats annoying bird out of the way.*
*Gives Gundam a hotfoot and runs out of the way...*
Dear Tasuki,
Oi, Tas-chan! I was just wondering. Does your family even know you're a bandit and a celestial warrior? And, they're ok with it!? (the bandit thing, no da.) Oh, and what's your dad like, ne? I always hear ya talking 'bout your mom and sisters, but you never mention your dad, no da. Just wondering, no da. JA!
Kageno Tenshi
Dear Kageno Tenshi,
Not really My 'kaasan tthinks th' bandits keep kidnappin' me. My 'tousan is very quiet an' laid back. I think he's scared of my 'kaasan.
Dear Chichiri,
DA! *shiver* It's cold in mi casa, no da. ANYWAYS We figured out why our computer has been acting all screwy for the past few months or so. I ended up waisting 6 hours to find out, but I did, no da. Apparently, the copm. had somehow got infected with the love bug. Yeah. Wierd, ne? The thing's been in there so long, it's almost infected the entire thing, no da. I'm kinda worried, no da. I mean, none of my family has gotten any of those I love you e-mails, so that means someone must've hidden it on something else so we would download it. But, I don't know what! We were trying to download McAfee's upgraded virus-scanner when we found out, no da, so we still don't got anything that can detect it. I just hope it's not on any of the sites that I go to, no da, cuz I just got a new computer, and it's officialy mine, so I've been putting all my anime stuff on it, and I REALLY don't wanna lose it all, no da. Course, I did make back-ups, but you understand, ne? Da... Bueno, I kinda gotta go now, no da. Not only do I still have geometry homework, but I gotta study for that stupid sub-saharra Africa test in geography, no da. JA!
Kageno Tenshi
Dear Kageno Tenshi,
Good luck on your test, no da! The Love Bug virus can only be gotten by receiving and opening an infected email attachment, no da. Have you read the data on it, no da? Check out this site, no da:
Dear Tamahome,
*grin* Ya know what I noticed? In da first OAV, when you are looking for Mt. Taikyoku, and you are yelling for Taiitsukun? Ya sound like you're yelling, "TIGHT SKIRT!!" Well, to me anyways...^_^;;
Dear Keiko,
I wasn't. I was yelling Taiitsu-kun.
Dear Nuriko,
Hiya Nuri-chan!! My mommy likes the song Perfect World and wants to know if you know any sites with the translation...Arigatou, and ja ne! ~.^
Dear Mitsukake,
i just wanted to write to you because i think you are one of the nicest characters :) Anyway, i have been working really hard in school and i am worried that i may not have passed a test. I probably should have written to chiriko, but i felt more drawn to you at the time. I am just so worried - i broke myself studying for that test and i think i wore myself out. well thanks for listening. ummm...wish me luck and if chiriko has any advice i would appreciate it! Say hi to your cat for me *hands you a small bag of fish for tama-neko* talk later - i will let you know how things turn out!
ina chan
Dear ina chan,
Arigato for the fish. Perhaps next time instead of cramming for a test you may wish to break up your studies into smaller bits. Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Nuriko,
Hi. Thank you so much for all your advice it has been a real help if ever you or anyone else thinks of any other advice for me please feel free to e-mail me at
Bondage no Miko
Dear Bondage no Miko,
You're very welcome. I hope all goes well for you. Take care and keep in touch! *Gives her a hug*
Dear Chiriko,
So, uh, who gets more letters asking how the hair defies gravity like that? You or Chichiri??
Dear Tonberry,
Dear Tasuki,
Hi again! Man, I haven't written you for almost a week. Oh well, I'm super happy again! I survived my finals last week and my new classes are going great. Yea! *does a little happy dance* And to top it all off a new transfer student has decided to join our little otaku/freak/outcast group at school! Hehehe, sorry about this little ramble, I.m just extremely happy... anyway, how are you doing? Oh, and do you want some sweethearts? *Holds out a handful of candies* My friends have been giving them out but I have way to many! Enjoy!
Dear Kaosu,
I'm doin' fine. Glad to see yer in such a good mood! *Takes some candy* Arigato!
Dear Mitsukake,
I've had it with humans. They're so self-centered and mean. Even my own family's like that. Why are humans concidered more superior when they're not? Sorry if I'm being so harsh but I couldn'r help it.
Dear someone,
I don't know, but I am sorry you feel that way. What happened?
Dear Nuriko,
IIIIIIIIIIIII LOOOOOVE UUUUUUUUU VERYYYYY MUUUUUUUUUCH!!!!!!!Missed ya!I've change my codename.Guess wat my old name was or eles!!!!
Haniyouka chan
Dear Haniyouka chan,
Dear Tasuki,
welll,ok guess who i am?! do you know a young lady takin a trip,and wasnt able 2 sleep 4 a couple of days coz she is thinkin of u in da plane, ....wel dat "GIRL" is me!i told you i was takin atrip 2 jamaica ryt? well here i am..BUT i was quite dissapointed 2 c dat da letter i send 2 u dat asks u if youll ever miss me, if i wont b able 2 write 2 u, 4 a couple of here i am in a comp. rental lookin 4 your response 4 dat letter i was blaberin bout and LUCKILY, i didnt found it.. y, tasuki did u ever or wasnt able 2 read dat.u c i really am x-cited upon readin your response,coz i really am anxious if youll miss me..honestly da very 1st thin i do upon arrrivin here in jamaica is 2 search 4 a comp. rental besides munchin on da jamaican delicacies..*gnarls,buut den smiles* tasuki i do hope u understand me tellin u dis... dont worry im not mad or anythin jst really got my hopes too high, upon touchin da comp. my heart was already jumpin 4 1nce more im gonna write 2 u...i even look on da archive coz if ever my response 4 da letter i sent 2 u was der ...buuut i found nothin.look..watever your reason is 4 not bein able 2 response 2 me i understand u...b- coz of dis very esp. thin...ROWIE LYNNE LOOOVES YOUU SOOO MUUUCH dat she cant b mad at you 4 anythin*gives him a hug*miiis ya!
rowie lynne
p.s but still i need 2 know did u ever miss me huh?coz i did!um wait 4 my nxt. gonna tell u my adventures here in jamaica ,if ever ill have any..bye-bye 1st..looove ya!
Dear rowie lynne,
Ya' know, ya' really need to calm down over me. Yer letter did get read an' answered! Have fun on yer trip!
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