Dear Nuriko,
WASSSAAAP!?! *glomps nuri-chan* hey, hey, What should I wear on Monday to school? ^___^ The white sleeveless blouse Tifa gave to me *holds it up* or the black dragon blouse made outta 90% nylon and 10% spandex? *holds that up too* Or this Trigun shirt which is too big for me and I'd look dorky but naturally I'd wear it with pride but it might go to my head or something... *holds up big trigun shirt someone gave to her* and I can't decide whether I wanna see Hannibal with my dad or Save the Last Dance with my best friend who doesnt have a lot of time to spend with me but knowing her she'll probably cancel on me anyway but then my other friend wanted to see it with me too, but she's gonna use all her money on AX registration. hey nuriko, wanna come with me to the movies? huh, huh, huh, do ya, do ya?? I think drinking two cans of sprite in 30 minutes right before bed isnt the smartest thing to do, dont you agree? Time for me to try to get to bed now! oyasumi! oh wait when you get this it will probably be daytime so.. Ja ne!
Dear Yuffie002,
*Smiles* I guess your choice of shirt should depend on the weather. Why not plan to see a movie with your friend and if she cancels go to the movies with your dad.
Dear Chichiri,
I was wondering what is in your kasa? I picture a feild of wild flowers. It must be cool in there. If you are a Buddhist monk what do you think you were in your past life? Why do you like fishing so much?
Why did you become a monk anyway? Weren't you "with" your fiancee? If you were a D and D character would you be a sorcerer or a cleric? And you look way cooler without the mask
Dear noda,
There is nothing really, just empty kasa space, no da. I think I was probably happier in my past life. I like fishing because it relaxes me like meditation, no da. I became a monk to have a purpose in life, no da. Arigato for your kind words, no da.
Dear Chiriko,
Will you do my physics homework? It is difficul
Dear noda,
No. You must do your own homework in order to learn the material.
Dear Chiriko,
i'm doing science this simester and i don't rally like the periodic table of elements.Is there a way that you can help me to memorize them so i can get the dang things over and done with?
Dear rene,
Try this song called "The Elements" by Tom Lehrer. It gives you most of the elements and iof you click on them it also tells you about the specific element. Ganbatte Kudasai!
Dear Tamahome,
Why do you constently love Meiaka so much eaven when she gets you into trouble "wink, wink"?
P.S. Don't be a smart @$$. I mean it!
Dear Nagako,
Becuase she's cuter and more intelligent than you and Soi put together!
Dear Nuriko,
i have really long hair and nothing i can't think of anything to do with it. Being as original as you are i was wondering if you had any ideas.
Dear rene,
Well, you can do a lot with long hair! You can wear it in braids, pig tails, ponytail, a nice bun or an upswept chignon! You can put hightlights in it, wear it straight or curled or use pretty combs or barrettes in it. Talk to your stylist and see what they can also come up with.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
i get it! you guys don't like answering my questions and coments, so you don't! well, that's very mean!! ::sits down in the corner and starts to cry::
Dear ashley,
*All the Seishi look confused...* But we DO answer your letters, no da. However, given time constrictions there may be times that we can't answer ALL the letters someone sends us. If we are sent 10 letters fom the same person and 30 more from other people, we may not answer all 10 from that one person, no da. We apologize if that make you unhappy, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Hey-ya I am writting a fanfic and it is ok now. No one has read it but I think it is so cool. You guys got reborn in our world and we meet in a bad way but I didn't know it was you and stuff like that. well I miss ya and I hope Hino chan dosen't kill ya. Ja
Hibarrano Tenshi
Dear Hibarrano Tenshi,
Good fer ya'!! But why would Hino-chan wanna kill me?
Dear Hotohori,
Please marry me! I think that you are the most handsome character in the show! I love your hair!!!!! What shampoo do you use? Also, why not Tijuana? You could dump your wife and we could live off of tequila!!!!!!!!!! Please? I'm clumsy like Miaka and I have even less common sense!
Dear Saki-chan,
As clumsy as Miaka and with less common sense? My dear child, I find that hard to believe! I love Houki and have no wish to ever leave her. I use a shampoo that was created in the palace just for me. Thank you for your kind words and offer.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
hihi minna-san!!!!! genki desu ka? anou... gakkou wa warui desu ne... ok i really don't have much else to say... but...
tamahome, i hope you're not married to moon-chan...
Dear hotaru-chan,
No! I'm married to Miaka! We are all fine thank you.
Dear Chiriko,
Where are you from? They never really explained your background. And couldn't you have bought new clothes in Konan?
Dear Me,
I'm from Western Konan. I suppose if had extra time and money I would have.
Dear Hotohori,
Greetings once more, :-) *Bows deeply to him*
I have finally gotten around to converting that medley I spoke of into midi format, and here you go. Forgive me for wrong notes; I haven't heard two of the actual songs in months! I hope you enjoy!
This leads me to an actual question about the Internet and trust: I have many FY midis that I'm dying to share with fans (What's the point in creating them if not to let other people enjoy?). However, there is always the issue of them being stolen by multiple strangers. These people take credit for my work and distribute them freely over the 'Net, which bothers me. ^_^; Should I ignore the fact that I can't avoid this, or should I keep my stuff for a close circle of friends?
Hoshi, your overly-musical page lurker
Dear Hoshi,
Thank you for your lovely interpretation. I enjoyed it quite a lot. You can deal with theives in several ways. You can create a password protected place on your website where the midis would reside and just give the password to a few trusted friends. You could try to encode the midi so that it always says that you created it at the end of playing. Unfortuntately, stealing happens on the Internet and there is little you can do to stop it. Thank you again.
Dear Chichiri,
DA!! Chichiri! I'm stuck, no da! I know exactly what I wanna do with my ficcie, but I can't think of how to write it. grrrrrr....>.< This always happens, no da. That's why I can't ever finish any of my stories. DAAAA!!!!!! Not to mention, I have a comic strip thingy due tomorrow... Actualy it was due this morning, but my sensei said I could turn it in next class time, cuz really it was due before class ended. But, I don't think she'll mind much 'bout it being late, since I did go above and beyond the call of duty, no da. She said it had to be 5 panels, and so far I've got 5 pages...^_^; But, It's all Hibarra's fault! She gave me an idea, and I went with it, no da. ANYWAYS The deal is, I'm stuck on that, too, no da. And, I know everything I wanna do with it, too! This is really becoming a bad habit, no da...-_-; Help me! Onegai! I don't exactly know how, no da... But do something! Por favor! Onegai! PLEEEEEEZZZZ!!!!! JA!
Kageno Tenshi
Dear Kageno Tenshi,
It sounds like you have a bad case of writer's block, no da. Perhaps you should try to relax, clear you mind and meditate a bit and see what floats in, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
why am i too young? please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please pleaseplease please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please tell me what's in a nuriko special!! ^-^
Dear ashley,
Because you're only 13 and that is too young!
Dear Chiriko,
GACMAPS!!! I messed up in the city spelling bee! Here's the story. I didn't misspell it, Mr. W. misSAID it. He said sheepshear, and I was supposed to spell sheepshearer! And when I messed it up 'cause I forgot the -er, I asked the judges, and they said he said sheepshearer. It's a case of dumb bad luck. And I had all this luck too! I had my lucky science medal, I made sure not to have a number with a four in it (I had my personal lucky number of 17), and I had the character "sakura" written on my'cause it's cool! Yeah. But science luck, 17 luck, and sakura luck didn't outlucky bad pronouncer unluck. -_- I'm the best speller in the county, too, 'cause I won last year's county spelling bee and made the newspaper. ^_^ I have all sorts of stuff to be doing, too, like Science Olympiad (which is how I got my lucky science medal), and Mathcounts (which I didn't wanna be in 'cause I don't like math, and I only went to the tryout so I could miss third hour Tech), and my school swing choir (which I always miss Saturday practice for because I'm doing aforementioned other stuff). I don't need spelling taking up my time. ...but I wanted to win! Is this messed up or is it just me?
Komadori Mari
PS: Are you sure your hair does that naturally?
Dear Komadori Mari,
Perhaps it is Fate's way of saying you need to honor your prior commitments. Yes, my hair is very thick so it does that when it is bound up that way.
Dear Nuriko,
(A trashcan scoots into the room and shouts "Hello, Nuriko!" The lid pops off, and a cute girl in a dress jumps out)
Don't ask about the trashcan. It's because I'm e-cosplaying as Tsubasa Kurenai from, a bazillion-and-three of Ranma 1/2, and he always hides by disguising himself as things. And yes, I know I'm e-cosplaying as a guy. But he dresses like a girl! So I'm crossdressing as a crossdresser. Yeah...if that makes sense at all.
So, how's it going? Are you gonna get Hotohori anything for Valentine's Day? ^____^ If y'do, I can do some spying and tell ya what to get for him.
Hey, what's up with all these people calling you gay all of a sudden? I mean, can't these people pick up on the Miaka-thing that wasn't? *to all the people* Hello? He's a crossdresser, not gay! (Nothing against Tomo.) Okay? *to Nuriko* That should clear things up.
Komadori Mari
Dear Komadori Mari,
Thank you. Actually, I was going to give him a pretty hand mirror and some chocolate ice cream.
Dear Chichiri,
About this post:
<"Dear Chichiri,
I once heard that you use magic to achieve your "gravity-defying" hair. Is this true? and if so, I think that beats gel or styling products any day.
"Dear Avacado,
No, my hair just naturally grows that way, no da.
That's not true! Your hair wasn't always "gravity-defying" In ep. (I think) 26, when you were telling Miaka about that accident with your friend, they showed a shot of you with your friend and fiancee and your bangs where hanging down. Also I've seen pics from one of the OVA's where they go into more detail about your past and your bangs are down then too!
*blinks at what she just wrote* Yep, Krystina's right I am obsessed. Well anyway, thought I'd just mention that! *hugs*
p.s. You have the cutest singing voice out of all the Suzaku Seishi.
Dear 'Kaze-chan,
Arigato for saying you like my singing voice, no da! *Sweatdrops* I think your tomodachi is correct, no da... *Smiles*
Dear Mitsukake,
hello ^^ hey i have no idea why iam asking you this but oh well i thought it would be kind of interesting to talk to the wonderful Mitsukake^^ well anyway lets get to the point *cough cough* me and my friend really dont have much to talk about lately and i was wondering if you had any ideas ^^
get back to me as soon as you can OK? ^^
Dear keni-ohki,
Have the two of you just grown apart? If so, perhaps you just need to find a new common interest. Good luck!
Dear Hotohori,
Doc gets up and pulls Hotohori's hair out of his way*
Don't want to get your hair in your food, you'd have to wash your hair all over again.
*pours more juice into Hotohori's glass, then gets up and washes her hands in a basin nearby*
Hotohori, I hope you don't consider this rude. I was wondering has Houki-chan ever met Seishuku-kun yet? I know that last time you saw him was before you were put on the throne.
It's not like you're the only seishi with three different identities.
Dear Doc-sama,
Seishuku is dead as far as I am concerned. He was a reminder of my mother, whom I would rather forget.
Dear Tasuki,
HAHAHAHAHAHA ^~;;;;;;;;;;; iam sssssooooo sory about my giri no imoto(little step sis)(the girl hwo claimed her self to be korien#2^~;;) but she is a little crazy and i apoligize for any thing she did that was kind of stupid ^~;;;;;;;;;
Dear keni-ohki,
Oh, ya' mean like this? *Points to letter below...*
Dear Tasuki,
Dear KORINE#2,
1) Ya' don't gotta yell at me! I ain't deaf! 2) Yer eye color don't make a difference, I already got an Aisai an' that's enough fer me to handle. Why not jus' be my friend? By th' way, keni-ohki warned me 'bout ya'. *Points to letter before hers...*
Dear Mitsukake,
MISTUKAKE!!!! *drags One-chan, who is holding a spray bottle and a rag, in by the back of tank top* You! Do something about this! *points at One-chan*
One-chan: Hi, Mitsukake! ^-^
SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH HER! When she took down all her Tasuki pictures to make room for posters, she actually cleaned the walls! HER! Clean! She must have a fever or something! THEN! Oh and then! She MADE HER BED! It's been lying unmade (and unused) for goddess only knows how long since she's been sleeping in her sister's room. SHE NEVER MAKES HER BED. She hates making beds! What's wrong with her!? Is this some tragic result of her taking down all of Tasuki pictures!? Could it have been something in all the sticky-tac that held them up? Or just boredom?? MY AUTHOR IS ACTING OUT OF CHARACTER! ;-;
One-chan: Keetia, have you seen the feather duster? I'll be needing it in awhile to clean my shutters. They're awfully dusty. ^-^
O.o; FIX HER!!!!!!
Dear Keetia,
There's nothing wrong with her. She's just growing up. Although Tasuki might be a bit distressed to learn he has one less crazed fangirl... *Smiles*
Dear Chichiri,
How should you make the pain of missing someone hurt less? I miss my friends whom I might not see for so long (or maybe never see)SO much.What do you do, Chichiri-san? And how do you manage to act so jolly from the outside when you're so sad from the inside? I've tried, and keep trying, but it's so difficult. I feel a strange kind of ache whenever I try it, and it seems to cut me from the inside.
I really admire you for your courage. You're a great person. *gives him a sisterly hug* Is it okay if I call you Oni-san?
Dear Mal,
*Smiles* Yes you may, no da. You should try to keep in touch with your friends in whatever manner you are able to. And you should also try to make new friends as well, no da. Also, please remember that we're here for you if you need us, no da. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Mitsukake,
Are you very sad that you are not among the "loved" seishi, or do you feel content in knowing all that you've done for the group although not recognized at much? ( I think you are really cool^_^)
Dear Roxanne,
Not really. I feel that the fans know my worth as do my fellow Seishi.
Dear Tamahome,
Tamahome... I think I'm sick or something. I'm... I'm... No hungry! Help please!
Dear Miaka,
*Gives her an Inn and Out 5x5 cheeseburger, large fries and a chocolate shake.* Is that better sweetheart?
Dear Tasuki,
Creating a romantic relationship is much better than just running off with some woman every once in awhile (and don't hide it 'cause I know that's what you do...)
Try settling down with someone. You'll be a very happy man. In my world... it's Nuriko!
Alternate Universe Tasuki
Dear Alternate Universe Tasuki,
ACK!!!!!!!!!!!! Nuriko???????? Yer nuts!!!!!!!!!!!! NOT A CHANCE!!!!!!!!!!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Abrupt and crazy change of focus at hand people... WHO HERE LIKES THE MATRIX!?!?!?!?!?!?! *waves hand in the air like mad*
I re-watched it with my dad last week and I love it even more than I previously did. Laurence Fishburne...*swoon*
Oh yeah, Keanu Reeves is cute too but.....Morpheus! Geez! And Carrie Ann Moss! Wai!
I heard they're making sequels to the Matrix, two more movies - which makes me so happy I could scream! Cheers - so who else likes that movie? If you like it whats everybody's favourite parts? Huh, huh, huh?
Personally I'm in love with Trinity's - Dodge this. *bam* - thing. *grin*
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
We enjoyed it, too! Tasuki and Tamahome really loved the fight scenes. Go figure...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Yay!!! I started playing today!!! *jumps up and down for joy* Hehehehe I love my little fanfic. I would be more than happy to write that fanfic that Kageno Tenshi was talking about. Well, gotta go. Oh yeah. I decided that I would go see my dad. Well, ja!
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
Good luck!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hello Seishi! I'm a curious fic writer... I want answers from ALL of you, ok? ^_^ My question is, if you were all born in Miaka's world, what do you think your professions would be? My friends and I were kind of interested... We thought up a few, but we were kind of lost for ideas when it came to Chichiri, Tasuki and Tamahome... We figured Nuriko would be a hair dresser or in something that dealt with fashion, Hotohori would be a model, Mitsukake would be a doctor, and Chiriko would be getting a higher education for whatever he would be. We also kind of thought that Tasuki might own a bar, but that doesen't seem quite right. What are your opinions?
Dear 'Cera-chan,
What an interesting question! Here are our answers:
Tamahome - Banker or stock broker
Tasuki - I'd be a *(^%$#@ BANDIT! What th' h*ll else would I be?
Hotohori - Euro-trash
Nuriko - Fashion designer
Chiriko - Politician
Chichiri - Counselor, no da
Mitsukake - Doctor
Dear Nuriko,
*pops in after she put her programs back into her PC* gomen ne Ryu-chan. I hope you enjoyed the food, I got nailed by a PC virus. *sits down next to him* now I'm depressed. *plops back* Oh Ryu-chan...
Dear Doc-sama,
Why are you depressed? *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
*hands him a bento and chopsticks* i made salmon teriyaki for you! ^^: i get nervous when i do fancy stuff, so i thought something more informal would be better. the bento has the salmon, broccoli, omelet-thingies (^^;), rice, and a mandarin orange in it! ^^; i used my spiffy "cafe japan" cookbook. enjoy, hope it tastes good! ^^
Dear Moon,
COOL!! Oishisou desu! *Tries some* Oishii desu yo! Arigato!
Dear Nuriko,
Hi again. I'm 23 and he's 30. We've know each other for about 3 years. I left my job, family and friends to move out with him.
Dear Hurting,
Gomen nasai! *Gives her a hug.* If he isn't sure after 3 years he may never be sure. Chalk it up as a learning experience and move on. I know it sounds cliche but time does everntually heal all wounds. Also remember that living well is the BEST revenge! *Smiles*
Dear Tasuki,
Konnichiwa, it's me again! *waves*
One quick question in ep. 14 after Kouji does his Osaka act what does the paper on his back say??? *stops to dance to a song from GW* Okay! I'm done. Better send this before another song starts up. ^_^ Ja!
Dear Kaze-chan,
It says, "We love you Yoshimoto TV Tokyo."
Dear Chiriko,
Hey there, small smart one! I was wondering what all of the other countries' seishi's names are. I'm writing a fanfic and just haven't found time to look them all up yet.
Dear Nikki-chan,
Since I'm sure yiy are already familiar with us and the Seiryuu Seishi I shall leave them off this list. The Byakko Seishi are: Tatara, Subaru, and Tokaki. The rest are not known. The Genbu Seishi are: Hikitsu and Tomite. The other five are not mentioned. You might want to try some search engines and do some further research on your own.
Dear Chichiri,
Ano.......not really, We decided to have fun with the whole idea and put Nakago as Scrooge. Of course he doesn't turn's really funny though. Tama-kun is Mr. Bob Cracthet(i hope i spelled it right) 'cause Katrina couldn't make him old and mean. (She just wanted to be Mrs. Bob Cracthet!) Miaka is the ghost of Christmas present. *mysterious evil laugh from Katrina* Ano....nevermind. Katrina asks "Do ya wanna read it?" I'm sure you'd love to, ne? Ne? Ne? I was wondering if they sell Chichiri Pj's? 'Cause they should.....(i put that in our ficcie. Hehe!) Kawaii!! That would be so kawaii if they have Chichiri Pj's. Anyway, i must leave and go back to school. JA! *hugs Chichiri* *katrina-chan hugs Tama-baby*
Aenne and Katrina-chan
Dear Aenne and Katrina-chan,
We'd love to read it once your're finished and have posted it, no da. So, is Chiriko Tiny Tim, no da?
Dear Tasuki,
I didn't really MEAN MEAN to yell at you or Tonberry. >_< sowwie.
BTW, how are you? And I think I taste lotion in my mouth but I didn't eat any, do you know what happened? 'cause I don't. lol
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
I'm fine. Don't worry 'bout it. Mebbe ya' licked somethin' wit' lotion on it?
Dear Tasuki,
tasukiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!! genki desu ka? etto... @_@ ehh.......... gakkou ga kirai desu. x_x rekishi to suugaku to taiiku ga DAI KIRAI desu... x_x mouu... taiikutsu... nee...
i really don't want to run in pe today. tasuki, can ya come and interrupt pe and teach us all how to use your fan? ^_^ onegai... i'm really sick of pe. ano... i don't think moon-chan is ready to be a mommy. and i'm not one of her children, thank goddess. maybe you can propose to her so she won't have to put up with weird children. okies ja ne!
Dear hotaru-chan,
Propose?!?!?!?!? NO WAY!! I ain't proposin' to no one! Jus' fer that... gimme 10 laps 'round yer gym!
Dear Tasuki,
Since you're his bestfriend, is Kouji avalible? Can I have him? ^_^ *smiles hopefully*
Oh and would you ever let anyone consider borrowing your tessen for a little while? ^_^ *smiles hopefully again*
You probably think I crazy, because of that letter (email, whatever) that 'Cera-chan, 'Cado-chan and I sent before. I'm not crazy! I swear. I'm just very weird when I'm tired and have just watch 9 hours straight of Fushigi Yuugi (Not that I'm complaining about that!), and had just finished sobbing over Nuriko dying. ,~_~,
Well Ja! My sister is watching me! *whispers* She does it all the time, I think I should be scared.
Dear Kaze-chan,
My sister's used to do th' same thin' to me! Kouji ain't mine to give away. But I bet if ya' asked Tamahome he'd try to sell 'im to ya'! *Grins* Sumimasen, th' tessen stays wit' me!
Dear Nuriko,
Ohayo again! ^_^
I know you can't tell anyone who's 13 what's in a Nuriko special, but can you tell me?? I'm 17 and that's how old Tamahome was when you let him drink one! So onegai! I wanna know. ^_^ If you don't believe me that I'm 17, just ask 'Cado-chan or 'Cera-chan. They'll tell ya! Ja
Kaze-chan (aka Kamikaze Wolf aka The Corruptor of 'Cera-chan)
Dear Kaze-chan,
It is a special blend fo sake, plum wine, and sho-chou.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
If you peeps could have American names....what would they be? And Did you guys miss me when I was on my cruise!? I missed ALL of you (yes, including you Tasuki)
Dark Anime Angel
Dear Dark Anime Angel,
Of course we missed you! We hope you had a great time on your cruise, too! Here's your answers:
Tasuki - Dirk
Tamahome - Tom
Chichiri - Cory
Chiriko - Phillip
Mitsukake - William
Hotohori - Richard
Nuriko - Roxanne
*All the Seishi sweatdrop at Nuriko's answer...*
*Nuriko looks at all of them...*
Nuriko: WHAT???????
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Chichiri,
is it normal to have dreams that sometimes predict the future? and also to know what people are thinking without them saying it, as if you are looking right into their mind? and when you got a twin, is it normal to talk between eachother, without talking? (this only happens at certain times, like when i least expect it. for example, my sis was talking on the phone, telling me what was going on, and i just started telling her what she was talking about! really! she gets so annoyed at me when that happens! it is so weird!)
Dear ashley,
These things happen, no da. As for what is normal, well normal can be hard to define at times. But with twins, what you are describing is normal, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
hello,der u sexy thin..?hmm,.. it isnt very nice 2 hide durin dis (ooohlala) occasion, an besides wats da reason 4 hidin? u shouldnt hide 4 as 4 me u have da most handsome "FACE". ahh so wat else am i gonna tell u!?! *tinks hardly* EAURIKA!! der.. umm but b-4 anythin else, i love you!
dekiru watashi kiku anata somethin? will u ever miss me if i wont b able 2 write 2 u 4 a couple of days..?huh? coz u c watashi kazoku gozaru e mairu e 2 go 2 jamaica....dis trip was planned a long time ago, and honestly i am x- cited BUUT suddenly i went back 2 my senses and c dat by dis trip, i wont b able 2 write 2 u! my otosan so shi te my okasan has a business asociate 2 meet der. now, i dowanna go but dey r soo insistent dat i cant do anythin!
if i can only put u 2gether w/ my luggages,ooh if only my okasan wouldnt take da laptop w/ her.. im gonna borrow it! i hate doin nothin!!i especially haate goin on loong trips.. y cant it b dat instead of takin da planes jst take a trusted horse an GIDDIYAP towards jamaica.. at least its "MORE" adventurous(or at least it would distract me from tinkin of u)
TASUKI im gonna miss u!hope youd miss me 2..!yoku shirimasen*clings on2 da arms of tasuki*i love u 1000x der dat ought 2 make up 4 da long days, im gonna miss u!!so sayonara(only 4 awhile!!)
rowie lynne
Dear rowie lynne,
It'll be ok. I'll still be here! *Smiles and hugs her.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi minna! I e-mailed the picture of crossdressing Xelloss and Phibrizo and if you don't recieve it, feel free to tell me. Oh my, I have to work on Tasuki soon. Don't worry Tasuki! I'll draw you crossdressing in a whole other way! Nuriko, Doomo Arigatou Gozaimasu for the advice! Well, I guess I mean to say arigatou to everyone.
AHAHAHAA! eyes are still puffy from staying up too much to do troublesome homework and stuff. My schedule is too full. *sigh -_- . It's one in the morning. I guess I'll have one hour of sleep tonight. I have to study more in the morning.
OH, and my friend's wrist is better. Somehow she attracted kids to her at a kid's birthday party. This one toddler managed to get the lighter for the birthday candles, but nobody was hurt. Then the toddler got a plastic cup and poked my friend. She was also assaulted by a kid who kept hitting her head with a balloon. Anyway, I call her daddy now!! MWHAHAHAAAAAAAAA! (strange inside joke huh?)
Kawaii Scary Yuki-chan
Dear Yuki-chan,
We got the picture! Arigato! Phibrizo looks a bit... ummm... "disturbed". A cross-dressing Tasuki? *Snickers* Now THAT would be disturbing! You're very welcome and I'm glad your friend is getting better.
Dear Nuriko,
How are you so beauriful? I really want to know.
Dear kittykatie14,
I guess I was just well drawn...
Dear Tamahome,
Mai: *laughs and blushes a little* Arigato. Though Li'an-chan is pretty scary when she's angry . . .
Li'an: Hey!
Mai: My sisters and I were very wild children. We loved to play with Shun'u, but we often got carried away and played a little too roughly with him. No doubt this why he depicts us as "frightening".
Li'an: *snorts fondly, eyes distant* He was a touchy little squirt.
Mai: *softly* We never meant to drive our brother away, Tamahome-san. We do love him, even though we pick on him.
Li'an: Even if he doesn't care a rat's rear about us. *quietly stating* Shun'u's not on business, is he, Tamahome-san? Okaa-san's not here -- please tell the truth.
Li'an and Mai
Dear Li'an and Mai,
*Sighs and looks down...* No, he's not. He took off in a panic to Mt. Reikaku. We've already sent word that while you and your okaasan are here, Aidou isn't. Perhaps that will make him show his sorry self. Gomen nasai. If it is any consolation I know for a fact that he DOES care very deeply for all of you. Heh-heh... I guess he just must have had one heck of a childhood! *Scratches the back of his head, sweatdrops, and looks a bit embarrassesd.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
If they don't have computers and the internet in ancient china how do you answer these questions??? and since when do you guys know how to read and write english?? Is Tamahome kind of the leader of the group???
Dear Shampoo,
We answer our letters from the Humble Cyber-Abode. Shhh... it's magic... *winks* Tamahome may THINK he's the leader but he isn't. *smiles*
Dear Chiriko,
Who do you like better Mitsukake, Chichiri, or Tasuki (you have to chose one) ??? How come you look like miaka?? are you two related??? How do you get your hair to do that?? and last how many books have you read (a number please)??
Dear Shampoo,
Tasuki! He's like a big brother to me. I don't know why you think I look like Miaka, but we aren't related. My hair is very thick and so it just does that. I guess I have read 100's of books.
Dear Chichiri,
Hiya chichiri, I have 3 questions for you all about your hair.
1) I though monks were bald like miboshi.
2) How come you have blue hair?? since when do people have blue hair???
3) Finally how do you get your bangs to do that???
Dear Shampoo,
Here are all your answers, no da!
1) No, they just have close-shaved heads, no da.
2) Why do you have purple hair and turn into a cat when splashed with cold water, no da? Since when do people do that, no da?
3) They just naturally do that, no da.
Dear Mitsukake,
How did you die?? I thought you died by using you power to save a baby or something. But why do that even if the child was named shoka??? Another thing. How did you meet shoka???
Dear adios,
I did. I ffelt the baby was her reincarnation. We lived in the same village and I tended to her father when he was ill.
Dear Chichiri,
did you guys read my story? it was my ver first fic. I'm writing a sequel now!!! I love to write!!!!this is waht i got so far. (typed, anyways) do you guys know of any links about suzaku? thanks!! by now, do you realize that i write to you almost ever day? i write almost every chance i get!!! why? because you answer! it is nice having someone to talk to for once!
Dear ashley,
We did. It was good no da! Are you planning on putting it on the web, no da? You can also submit it to a fanfic site, no da. *Smiles*
Dear Chiriko,
No it didn't. You stabbed yourself. That takes guts. Nuriko was just badly wounded
Dear Me,
Perhaps. But neither is a particularly pleasant way to go.
Dear Tasuki,
If you are seventeen aren't you under aged to drink?? Can you tell me how Koji got that scar of his?? Is koji spelled koji or kouji?? When you blast your tessen do you say "Rekka Shinen" or "Lekka Shinen"??? By the way I think you are one of the coolest characters EVER!!!
someone ^_~.
Dear someone,
Not in Konan!! Kouji got th' scar fightin' a demon. Ya' spell it Kouji. It's spelled Rekka Shienen (no L's in Japanese) but it's kinda said "Lekka Shienen". *Grins* Arigato!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Gokigen ikaga desu ka?i miss u again.hope u can answer my questions,all of u.
1.nansai desu ka?
2.doko ni sunde imasu ka?
3.itsu umaremashite ka?
4.gokazoku wa nannin desu ka?
5.anata no tanjobi wa itsu desu ka?
Dear Hitome-chan,
Kore wa anata no kotae desu yo.
Tamahome and Tasuki are 17; Hotohori and Nuriko are 18, Chichiri is 24, Mitsukake is 22, and Chiriko is 13. We all live in Konan unless we are answering letters, then we are in the Humble Cyber Abode. Nuriko's birthday is March 10th, Chiriko's is March 19th, Hotohori's is April 2nd, Tasuki's is April 18th, Chichiri's is May 21st, and Tamahome's is June 28. As for our families:
Chichiri's family all perished in the floods. No one knows the name of Chichiri's birthplace and he seems to like it that way. Mitsukake's family also perished in those floods. Mitsukake was born in Northern Konan.
Hotohori has several half-siblings but he isn't certain if they have all survived into adulthood. Both of his parents are deceased. He was born in The palace of the capital of Konan, Eiyou.
Tamahome has four younger siblings and his father. He was born in Konan country, Josou-ken, Hakukou village.
Nuriko has his parents, and an older brother. His younger sister died when Nuriko was a child. He was born in Eiyou, capital of Konan.
Tasuki has 5 older sisters and both parents. He was born in Konan-koku; Kou-shuu, Taito-shi, at the base of Mt. Reikaku.
Chiriko has an older brother and his parents. He was born in Western Konan, Jouzen-shi.
Dear Nuriko,
Are you gay??? you seemed gay at the begining, and i thought you got over it. Do you love miaka because you said you did?? I hope you don't love miaka because I love you so much.
p-chan ^_~.
Dear p-chan,
No. I am a cross-dresser. I do love Miaka, but she is better off with Tamahome.
Dear Chiriko,
Why are you always wearing the same outfit?
Dear Me,
I didn't pack anything for my trip. I just went to Konan.
Dear Chichiri,
What does no da mean in english?? the dubbed say is you know. But i read somewhere it doesn't mean you know.
Dear confused,
"No da", derives from "n' desu" which means "it is obvious". The way in which I use it, it is more like an emphasizer, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
Konnichiwa! I just wanted to point out that you were wrong in one of your answers to HEIKA-CHAN.
<12) Genbu never killed Genbu no Miko she survived and went back to her own world and died many years later as an old woman.>
Byakko no Miko was the Miko that survived and died years later. Genbu no Miko was murdered by her father because she was in so much pain from being devoured by Genbu.
*grins* Just wanted to correct you!
Oh and you're so pretty! I had a fight with a guy in one of my classes on whether or not you're a guy. He didn't believe. *grumbles* My friend Neo-chan thinks your a great as I do! Say "hi" to all the others for me. Ja!
Kamikaze Wolf
Dear Kamikaze Wolf,
Arigato. I guess I was just very sleepy that day! I will give everyone your regards.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey, why don't you guys put up sites like this for the other seishi? And what about guard neko? He should have his own site
Dear Me,
If you go to our Links Peeji you will see sites listed there for the other Seishi. As for Guard Neko it seems his site is no longer around.
Dear Tasuki,
I've seen pictures. You make an ugly woman. (That's ok in some respects, you make a good lookin' guy ^.^) Ever consider taking lessons from Xelloss?
Dear Val,
That purple-haired, pesky Mazoku??????? NO! Besides, I DON'T want to look like a woman!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Okay, I'm not sure if I have any questions yet. I just have multiple things to say. First of all, you were all too hard on Amiboshi. It was Nakago's fault (like a good many number of things... if he was killed early on... ). Second of all, Emperor Hotohori, your crown DOES look like a toaster. Third of all, Chichiri, your impersonation of Nakago was really great, and funny (and the fact that Tasuki was tied up twice in the process doesen't hurt either ~^) And I suppose I have no more questions. I just have one thing more to say. I commend all of you (Mitsukake, Chiriko, Chichiri... Tasuki is iffy...) who didn't fall in love with Miaka like EVERYBODY ELSE, or try to rape her, or something...
Oh yeah, and I have chocolate for everybody *gives a big tin of chocolate to the seishi* have fun!
Dear 'Cera-chan,
Ariagto for the chocolate! But why do you say we were hard on Amiboshi? He was a spy, he was caught, and we chased him. That's all.
Dear Tasuki,
weeeeellll.... since YOU asked, tasuki-sama....i'll try to get them a pony, and i'll put them on welfare. (what weird requests...o.O) but if they start calling you tasuki-daddy, it's not my fault! ^^;
i can cook sakana for you any way you like it! ^^
Dear Moon,
Tasuki-daddy??????? *Groans and sweatdrops...* Well, at least I'm still lookin' forward to a yummy fish dinner.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
How do you make people grow up and behave themselves? It seems to me that common respect and courtesy have been forgotten lately. As the proprietress of an Ayashi no Ceres webpage, my Dreambook has been vandalized by nameless cretins who get laughs off of insulting me and informing me that I have no rights to have an opinion. It would have been may more polite to just e-mail me and say so which brings me to my query; where did society fail in produce such bold and petty criminals? It is a sad, sad thing that I had to take my Dreambook down to prevent any further commentary. My first webpage too. Geez, ya think this could have waited until I at least got 1500 hits ...
Dear Omni82,
Gomen that you have had such a bad experience. *Gives her a hug.* Perhaps they were not well disciplined as children. Or perhaps they are just unabvle to accomplish what you have and so in jealousy of your accomplishment they feel the need to insult you to make themselves feel better. Either way, they are not worth your time.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Why are guys scared of commitment? I've been living with my boyfriend for a while now. Now he says he's not sure if he wants to be with me anymore. He said he's not sure that's what he want anymore. What should I do?
Dear Hurting,
Fear of commitment alot of times depends on age and circumstances. How old are you two and how long have you been together? These are both important questions as my answer will depend on your answers.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Can you guys please tell me if there's any web-site from where I could get songs of the very old anime Robotech/Macross.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi Everybody!!! I like to say a few things.
1.)I miss ya!! =^*^=
2.)Q: What is ya afrid of?
3.)Q: Who your favorite seishi beside yourself?
4.)Q: If you could you have anything what will it be?
5.)Q: Why are ya afrid to kiss your fans on the lips? (^-~)
That's all 4 right now! Bybyb!
Dooms Day
Dear Dooms Day,
Welcome back! We missed you, too! I guess you could say we fear the crazed hentai fangirls (as well as all their bizarre food products!) The reason we don't kiss our fans on the lips is that it would be inappropriate. Here are the rest of your answers:
Tasuki: Chichiri an' I'd like my sisters to stop abusin' me!
Tamahome: Chichiri and I'd like my family to be alive and well again!
Chichiri: Mitsukake and I'd like Hikou and Kouran to be alive and well again, no da!
Hotohori: Nuriko and I'd like to be alive and well again!
Mitsukake: Chichiri and I'd like Shouka to be alive and well again!
Nuriko: Hotohori and I'd like my sister to be alive and well again!
Chiriko: Tasuki and I'd like to be alive and well again!
Dear Tasuki,
I know you say you can't swim because you are mountain man, but does it also have something to do with your sisters?
Dear 'Cado-chan,
Ya' mean 'cos they kept tryin' to drown me???
Dear Chiriko,
CHiriko why did you have to die? you were by far the coolest character. And doesn't it p*ss you off that when Nuriko died he got 2 episodes to himself and when you died everyone was just like, Oh no, he's dead. Oh well, time to move on? And Nuriko died in a much nicer way, too
Dear Me,
It was my fate as a Seishi. I don't think he had a better death. Death is death. And his looked far more painfiul than mine!
Dear Mitsukake,
*chibi Purple-kitty jumps on top of Mitsukake* Mew meow? Mrown meeeeow meow. Meooun mouwn mew. Meow meow meow.
*looks down sadly* Meao, Kat meeaow mown. Meown meeeao mew. Meow meaaaaow. Mew!
*starts to leave and then turns around saying something in human language* Reply quick, please.
Dear Mal,
*Raises an eyebrow.* Omoshiroii! Another talking cat! *Picks it up and pets it.*
Dear Mitsukake,
I need your help, Mitsukake-san: I need to borrow your tubby little compadre so that I can lend him to someone and keep my kitten to myself. I promise it's only for a little while! And besides...I'm a staunch cat-lover! ^_^ Will you? *holds out hands*
Dear Kitty-Kat,
I'm not in the habit of loaning out Tama-neko. However, this kitty is quite kawaii. Will she do? *Hands her the purple kitty.*
Dear Nuriko,
I rrrreeeaaallllyyyyy need some beauty tips. guys think you are so beautiful how do you do it?!?!?!?!
Dear ryo-ohki,
I wear very little makeup, but I do eat a healthy balanced diet and get lots of regular exercise punching Tasuki and Tamahome through walls. Hee-hee...
Dear Tasuki,
my name is Korien the 2. And I have the BIGEST CRUSH ON YOU!!!!!!!! because you are ssssoooooooo hot^^ get back to me soon *run up to Tasuki and kisss him on the cheek* by bye hot stuff ^^
Dear korien#2 ,
*Looks confused...* Ano... what th' h*ll was that???????
Dear Tasuki,
ohayo! erm... or.. konbanwa... I haven't slept yet, and it's two in the morning. It's still night to me. ^_^
'Cado-chan: that gets my vote
'Cera-chan: *glares* you have no experience as a nightowl. A few more late nights could do you two good.
'Kaze-chan: We're listening to one of your songs! And its PRETTY!
'Cera-chan: Hotohori's songs are prettier.. and then there's Amiboshi... darn it, he's NOT evil! he was just made to do evil things! it wasn't his fault!
'Cado-chan: You always think about Amiboshi.
'Cera-chan: well, he's a cutie ^_^ and besides, all the good Suzaku people were claimed. Mostly by 'Kaze-chan.... Yes Tasuki. That means you too. People are willing to fight her for you... ~_~ I know of... three... well, be happy. *stares as others go off to bed*
'Kaze-chan: the bed is calling me, but I don't know where it is... I don't know where I'm sleeping... why....
'Cera-chan: um, right, this is 'Kaze-chan on sugar. *ignores other blabber* hai, it is scary. So is caffiene.
'Kaze-chan: Not as scary as our little Zel/Xel love child! that's what happens when I'm tired and bored!
'Cado-chan: That is very scary. I think I'm going to bed now. Nighty night Tasuki! ^.^
'Kaze-chan: Sweet dreams *yawns, blinks* I'm going to bed now, night night.. Now where is that bed... and why are there McDonald's bags here? you're not writing that down are you?
'Cera-chan: *snickers* okay, now, I have no questions. I just have to say, I sympathize with you. I can't swim either. I wouldn't go on that boat... boats like that crash! it's one of the mighty rules of the universe. If it was a yellow life raft you'd be ok, you'd just be sitting in the ocean for awhile.
'Cera-chan, 'Cado-chan and 'Kaze-chan
Dear 'Cera-chan, 'Cado-chan and 'Kaze-chan,
*Looks at the three of them as if they are insane...* KORE WA NAN DAYO?????????????
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
What are your favarotie colors and hobbies? Coz I might put them in my home page, if it's ok. Thanx! *Gives each of the seishi a quick hug*
Dear purple14,
Tasuki - Red - Brawlin'!
Tamahome - Black - Okane!
Hotohori - Red - Watching over my family.
Nuriko - Purple - Clothes shopping!
Chichiri - Blue - Fishing, no da!
Mitsukake - Yellow - Reading
Chiriko - Green - Studying
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Chichiri,
Hi! Ummm...I just have this little problem. You see, there's this person I like, we were classmates last year. Then he told me that he likes me. So we became very close. But this year, he doesn't seem to notice me at all, just because we're not classmates anymore. He once told me that he'll never leave me, but now, it's like I don't even exist. I know this is cheeeeezy but...I need advice and I know you're the best when it comes to those stuff. Domo arigato gozaimasu, Chichiri-san! *gives him a peck on the cheek*
Dear purple14,
Have you tired getting him to come over or go out for some food and just talking to him, no da? It may be that he has just gotten very busy, no da. Good luck!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hello! How are all of you!
I was jus surfing about, looking at different Fushigi Yuugi sites, when I stumbled across this one! ^-^
I jus wanted to say that I think this is the sweetest idea, and to say that what your doing is great! It must take alot of time and patience, as well as motovation! ^.^
Anywho! just a note to say I think what your doing here is amazing, offering help or just to answer questions, giving people ideas and inspiration!
All of you are so kind! Thanks, and best wishes! (I loved the censorship to down Tasuki's expressions... ^-^)
Dear Teylin-Cait,
*Bows to her and smiles* Domo arigato gozaimasu for your kind words! We hope you will come back and visit us soon!
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