Dear Tasuki,
*runs up and starts pounding the crap out of Tasuki with her math textbook* NAKAGO IS NOT A HEARTLESS B*ST*.... *pause*
Okay, he IS a b*st*rd ... but he's not heartless! *points at the glaring example of anything and everything pertaining to Soi*
Taiitsu no Miko (Nakago's Obsessed Fan)
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
Yes he is! *Points at Tamahome's family as a glaring example.* He jus' kept Soi around fer her bocchu magic!
Dear Nuriko,
*Doc blushes and feels very beautiful from the look Ryuen gives her* Arigato.. I made lunch as well. I hope you don't mind.
Come back to our room in a few minutes, okay? *gives Ryuen a kiss to daydream on* See you soon Aisaika.. *heads back to change into the dress*
Dear Doc-sama,
*Smiles and blushes...*
Dear Tasuki,
Drinking and cursing are horrible habbits. And you're so young, my goodness. Please stop it!!
Alternate Universe Tasuki
Dear Alternate Universe Tasuki,
Ya' know, ya' need to loosen up an' live a bit! *Drags him to the nearest inn...*
Dear Tamahome,
Why did you kill me??
Dear Suboshi,
You slaughtered my innocent family and you DARE to ask me such a STUPID question? Besides, your own yo-yo's killed you. Not me!
Dear Nuriko,
he he.... what do you meen by "i belive chichiri is singing about his girlfriend or fe-yan-say?" sory about that iam such a losy speller -_-;;;;;;;;;
Dear keni-ohki,
You asked about Chichiri's song "Mizu Kagami". I said I beleived it was about his best friend and his fiancée.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
If you could be any kind of vegetable, what would you be and why? (No, tomatoes do not count as vegetables)
Dear Me,
Tasuki: A Scotch Bonnet pepper! 'Cos they're hot like me! *Fanged grin*
Tamahome: Actually wouldn't Nuriko be a fruit and not a vegetable? Hahahahahahaha... ITAI!!!
Nuriko: *Punches Tamahome through a wall...* I'm not gay! I'm a crossdresser!
Hotohori: *Sweatdrops at the whole mess...*
Chiriko: *Giggles*
Mitsukake: *Heals Tamahome*
Chichiri: *Sweatdrops* I think that's all you're going to get for an answer, no da!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Hotohori,
My mom is a nurse, which is why I haven't seen my family doctor. The school doctor, my aunt, and my mom diagnosed me, so I'm quite aware of my condition. My soccer teamgot third place in a tournament and I went as manager. Hehehehe. I'm writing a story with Hino-chan and Tetsuno-chan for a contest in which we could win money. Wish us luck. Love ya!
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
Ganbatte kudasai! Odaijini!
Dear Tasuki,
hey hey! My friend came over today before superbowl and we played N64 and stuff it was great. What were you grinen about mr? I was just thinking! *smiles and blushes* I am going to the mall soon some time and get more CDs so I can here you sing. hehe ^_^ I just got in from playen basketball.
You know what I bet I can out drink you any time haha! Say yellow to yer wife for me ok. ^_^ *lucky woman* hehe Well got to go I am getting in troubel Ja
Hibarrano Tenshi
Dear Hibarrano Tenshi,
Ain't no female yet that can outdrink me! I'll tell Iri-chan ya' said hi.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Heeey! Nuriko, Chichiri and Obake! You guyz are my rolemodel. Yep!! I am sorta like ya guyz cuz I A) Crossdress, B) Say "No da!" and C) I loove and would like to have money!! Hehehee...^_^ JA!
Dear Keiko,
Arigato! I hope we can be good role models for you!
Dear Tasuki,
I'd just like to say a few things:
a)Where to get fushigi yuugi music videos????? My ffriend Kikyo has ... lots of them ...
b)Beat up Kouji for me 'k?
c)Beat up Tamahome for me 'k?
d)If you see Yui, tell her to be nice to the Genbu Shichiseishi,
Okuda Takiko-san
Dear Okuda Takiko-san,
One, ya' can find th' music videos on th' Seiryuu DVD Boxed Set. And I ain't beatin' up prople jus' fer fun! I'll tell Yui.
Dear Chichiri,
Not to be mean or anything I just wanted to know, how do you get your hair to stay up like that? And I think you look a lot cutter without your mask on.
TempesT:: *wink win nudge nudge* Ohhh... she thinks your a cutie.
La Rosa:: Omae o koruso Tempest!
Tempest:: Ahhhhh! HELP ME!!*runs to hide behind Nuriko *points to La Rosa* My only fear in the Universe...
La Rosa:: Anyways, *looks at Tempest from corner of eye* I'll get you later Tempest, that's all I wanted to know...
La Rosa
Dear La Rosa,
Arigato, no da! My hair just naturally grows that way , no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Hey man wassup? I see the mess you've been going through with the girls and all no wonder you don't like girls. I'm not saying your gay. But I understand what your sayin' about bein' attacked by a whole bunch of fangirls. I hope you have better luck with 'em.
Dear Tempest,
Thanks... I think...
Dear Nuriko,
And to Kelli to, cuz Kelli is cool like that.Thank you so much you two, I really feel a lot better now. *gives both of them hugs* Hehehe you like hangin' around Trowa so you can sing, eh? I think that everyone should get quiet, you have such a beautiful voice Nuriko. So Nuriko did you have any luck with getting Trowa to talk? Or did you not want them to? Hehehehe.. to make a note, my friends pretend that the GW boys are really there. Anyway, my friend Sarina and La Rosa every morning agrue over Trowa and Heero. La Rosa likes Trowa and Sarian likes Heero. This is usually how it ends up::
La Rosa- At least my guy doesn't try to kill himself every five seconds!
Sarina- At least mine isn't a circus freaK! And goes crazy everytime he hears "do do do do do do do" aka Circus music.
La Rosa- *takes out tape recorder then begins playing "mission impossible."*All watch Heero start diving around the room until he jumps out the window with gun in hand*
La rosa- Maybe you should start Leaving your window open Tempy-pooh.
Tempest- "THAT IS THE 6th TIME I'VE REPLACED THAT WINDOW!!! I AM NOT MADE OUT OF MONEY! WHO DO I LOOK LIKE BILL GATES?! stop callin me Tempy-pooh.... *cowars in a corner*
Yep, that is what usually happens.... what can I do to make them stop? Not to mention Trowa stop getting mad at me when Sarina calls him a circus freak? *hugs*
Dear Tempest,
*Looks bemused* That was actually rather entertaining! Why make them stop?
Dear Tamahome,
You've probably already answered this question but I'm new so I wantedto ask it anyway, What do you think of Tasuki? And how deep do your feelings go to Yui and Miaka?
La Rosa
Dear La Rosa,
Tasuki's my friend. Yui is a nice girl and of course I love Miaka!
Dear Chiriko,
hey i ment washu, from tenchi muyo! shure she's 20,000+ years old but she can make her-self look any age she wants! and she always makes her-self look like she is 12 years old because she hates adults. and your 13 right? hey she fooled me untill i found out she was a godess!
Dear keni-ohki,
Actually, I believe she is a slightly crazed scientist, but she is no goddess.
Dear Tasuki,
Oh, yeah, since Tama is married, HE'S supposed to GIVE OUT red envelopes instead of receiving them. So all in all, he's going to lose a fortune! HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA! *continuous laughter*
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
*Thinks about it and busts up laughing...* I tthink I'll send Chiriko to collect from 'im!
Dear Tasuki,
Well, don't worry. Me and Hibarrano-chan are friends alright. Plus I'm your Tenshi! I'm suppose to protect you!......Do ya need any protection? ^^;
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
From all th' fangirls? Why not? *Fanged grin*
Dear Chiriko,
Kon'nichiwa Chiriko! Hajimemashite?
I'm really shy, but so excited to be talking to you... Could you posibly recommend any episodes where you appear more than usual? *blushes* It's just that...*stammers* you're my hero and the only reason I watch Fushigi Yuugi. Arigatou Gozaimasu!
Dear Kane-chan,
Hajimemashite, douzo yorushiku onegaishimasu. Arigato! I come in towards the end of the first season and stay part way through the second season.
Dear Chiriko,
Your intelligence impresses me very much,but every time I look at you, you seem to remind me of a chipmunk (I mean that not in a bad way).
Dear Miyu,
And how would resembling a small, furry, woodland creature be a good thing?
Dear Hotohori,
I think that you are the coolest of the Suzaku Seven! I just love the way you are good at using the sword! I think that... um... you have a ...well... very nice voice. Well... I am Yui, not the Priestess of Seiryuu. Hope to hear from you soon.
Dear Yui,
Thank you for your kind words.
Dear Hotohori,
*Doc pushes a cart full of food into the royal study* Okay a test of intentions. I've got vegetable stir-fry, wonton soup, eggrolls,steamed rice, green salads, and a light fruit drink I just made :) *rolls it by the table* I got Ryu-chan to let me borrow his bracelets ;) *Picks up a set of lacquer chopsticks and hands them to Hotohori* Okay, the bowls and plates are stacked here, this'll be a self serve lunch. *pours out the fruit drink into glasses*
I just made it out of some fruits I found in the kitchen, your cooks were quite angry at me about it. Something about me being a highclass lady and that I was cooking. My father's mother insisted that everyone in the family learned how to cook, men and women alike. Dad is home by the way, and he's getting better. *_*
*Doc serves herself some food after Hotohori finishes filling up his plate* I suggest you try to find a halfway point between you and Miaka. That would be the best way to go. *Doc starts into her own lunch*
Dear Doc-sama,
Oishii desu. Arigato. Although I'm not nearly as starved as you seem to think. *Wolfs down the first plate and goes back for seconds...*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Just out of curiousity, could each of you tell me which Cowboy Bebop character is your favorite and why no da? If you haven't seen it, don't worry about answering, but I recommend that you do see it no da.
On sadder news, Houjun's dimensional transport license expired today and he had to go back no da X.X I'm trying to work out a more permanent plan with the interdimensional transport company, but it's not easy na no da @_@
Shadra D
Dear Shadra D,
We have seen very little of it, gomen.
Dear Mitsukake,
Hihi! Yep, tis me again! ^_^ Anywho, I dunno why I just decided to write you... Oh, well. You're cool. Even though ya didnt get too many lines in the anime...^_^;;; So how's it goin? Hmmm...ya know, it's not fun bein sick...-_-;; At all. I think I have the flu, but I dunno. All I know is I feel awful. ;_; And I've been sick since freaking Moday and now it's freaking Saturday! Woe is me...yes it is...........I wish I'd hurry up and get better! I dont think I can take much more time away from school...*gags at the thought of having to go back to that evil, evil place...* Then again, if I dont get any better, I -cant- go, right? I mean, you cant go to school with a fever right? *sits there and glowers thinking about the evilness of having a fever* *five minutes later* Uh...I'm gonna end this now...I'm runnin low on words an' freezin my freaking booty off! I feel kinda dizzy, too...Holy Hana...Mits? I cant move my foot. *giggles* It wont move. I think I sat on it too long...ummm...bai. ^_^;;;;
Dear Kuro,
Perhaps you should see your family doctor. Odaijini!
Dear Chichiri,
Please, don'e ever, ever turn into Nakago again, you are so cute and adorable, and he is one of the sickest people I know. When I saw you "disquised as Nakago", take Miaka, and then show her where you and Tasuki were supposedly "tied up" I started yelling at the screen, not knowing it was you. That projection you did of you tied up was so realistic, I thought someone had hurt my lil' no da man, I was shouting and crying at the same time! But when you changed back, I hugged my TV, because I was so scared you had been hurt! Don't worry me like that, okay? Because I love you so much, alright?
* kisses him*, Nakago is ugly, and you're so cute, don't do that, I know you were trying to sneak around the Kotou palace unnoticed, but just don't do it again, please? One last thing, can I have a hug, because I've had a lousy week...
Extreme Bosher
Dear Extreme Bosher,
I'll try not to, no da! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Roll of questions:
1) Tamahome, who would you rather be friends with if you absoulutely had to pick: Nakago, or Suboshi? Answer before I call my Ryuseisui out on you! No offense, I'm so sorry your family was killed. I'm being honest, and I cried my eyes out too. I'm trying to be nice b/c Amiboshi is standing over me, making sure I say good things. I will, Ammi, I will. (I'm a Bosher!)
2) Hotohori, if you had one wish(besides to be with Miaka), what would it be, and why?
3) Nuriko, I was thinking about this theory the other day, and wanted to know if it was true. When you became your sister *cries :( *, did you start to show feelings for, and become a part of the emporer's harem so you could say you lived a good life for your sister (b/c if Kourin married an emporer, she'd be pretty lucky, and she would be considered to be someone who led a full life.) Or did you just like him b/c you thought he was a hunk?
4) Mitsukake, your Shoka-san is so pretty, especially with her hair down. If you could be with her again, and have things all better, would ya'? (like I already don't know the answer to that question...)
5) Chichiri, *drools over him b/c she knows he the hottest seishi of all*, I love Mizu Kagami! It's one of the bestest songs ever! But one part, when you're singing, it sound like you're about to cry, ( it's around the time of the song between 3: 45 and 4: 15. Sad. I dunno what the words are to this great song (but I seem to know all the words to Kachou Fuugetsu), where can I find them, no da? You're so cute, no da. *blushes as she runs up to him, kisses him on the lips, and runs off* Bye bye, no da.
6) Chiriko, I think you are so adorable! And so huggable. Plus, I also think anyone who wears large clothing is cute because you just wanna' hug them b/c they look so soft and cuddly. How do you get your hair to stay up like that, it's so cute!? Is there hairgel in ancient Konan?
7) I saved you for last, Tas-chan! Wait a sec.. 1.. 2.. 3, Yeah! Last! You are so funny when you're drunk! How did you get those bowls to balance in your eyes? Bandit magic? Drunk power? Wolf strength?
Well, anyway, it doesn't matter. You really are a QT. *hugs him*, I think you are the second best out of Suzaku's seishi. *winks at Chichiri, who has a kiss mark on him*. I saw something from a fanfic about Koji, you make think it's funny, but chances are you'll kill me.
(Ps, I don't remember who wrote this, s odon't sue me, I give you all the credit!) *The following is sung to the "hoedown" from Who's Line is it Anyway?*
I know that Koji,
and Tasuki are great friends,
even though they fight,
they always make amends,
Being a bandit,
Must bring in lots of wealth,
but I don't think it's healthy to be talking to yourself!
Funny, huh? Ano... Tasuki, don't beat me, kay? At least I didn't ask about you and Koji! (I know you are just friends) And if I can think thoughts about the twins without being weird after they kissed, you guys are definitely just friends!
Roll question done. If you'll excuse me, I have to go with my boys. * walks out from her computer with Amiboshi on one arm, and Suboshi on the other, smiling broadly *
Ultimate Bosher
Dear Ultimate Bosher,
Here's your answers: 1) Nakago, 2) To live to see my son rule Konan, 3) I did for my sister's memory, 4) YES!, 5) Arigato! Have you tried, no da?, 6) No, my hair is just thick and so it does that., 7) What bowls? When??
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
It's me, Steph again, I've been reading your responses to yer' letters, and I think you're so cute! You type like you talk! Aww, *pinches his cheeks, but not too hard b/c it would piss him off.*
I love you Tasuki. Wo Ai Tasuki. Yo amo Tasuki. See, I can say I love you in English, Japanese, and Spanish. Sorry, but I have to go now, I love Tasuki and Koji! You two are so cute when you do that lil' dance. C'mon, do that lil' jig? Please? I brought Koji. * holds Koji up suggestively* Dance fer' me? * kisses him on the lips and runs over a dozen fangirls to get the heck outta there.*
Stephanie, the overly obsessed girlfriend of Tasuki
Dear Stephanie,
*Looks confused at retreating fangirl...* What th' h*ll was that?
Dear Mitsukake,
You didn't know I could talk?
Dear Tama,
I had suspected it...
Dear Nuriko,
I'VE GOT A GIRL QUESTION TO ASK YOU. HOW DO YOU GET EYELINER ON RIGHT? I'VE TRIED AND TRIED, BUT IT WON'T WORK. WHERE'S THAT D*MNED CAPS LOCK KEY??? OH, HERE IT IS, sorry about that. (Ashitare can burn in H*ll, with the flame of the hottest bishounen, Tasuki!) You're so pretty. Well, you are!
Genrou no miko
Dear Genrou no miko,
Close the eye you want to line and pull the eyelid taut to the side. Gently apply your eyeliner (you might want to use pencil it isn't as messy as liquid). If that doesn't work, try going to a department store with a cosmetics section and ask one of the counter people who's makeup you like to do a makeover on you.
Dear Hotohori,
Hey, how ya' doin' emperor dude? I just wanted to know what your "box" is all about? What is up wit' dat'? What's it called? I dunwanna be rude, but I dunno' what else to be callin' it. OK, um keep up da' good work rulin' your country and all. BYE!!!!!!!! BYE!!!!!!!!!
Genrou no miko
Dear Genrou no miko,
My "box' as you call it is an Imperial Crown.
Dear Chiriko,
Zup? Lil' Chiri-chan? I just wanted to know if you know anything about the British Isles, and Scandinavia. I've got a killer test cummin' up and it would be really helpful if you could help me out here! *pulls hair in frustration* Arghh.... I'm not dumb, but the British Isles are really boring. I wish we could study chibi, kawaii lil' bishounens like you, but we can't. Studying gives me a headache. @ . @ (Miboshi can go to h*ll... soppy fur' da' language.) Bye bye, lil' Chiri-chan.
Tasuki's overly obsessed lil' follower/girlfriend
Dear overly obsessed,
They may be dull, but you shoukd do your own studying. Ganbatte kudasai on your test!
Dear Tamahome,
I think it would be so kawaii, if you and Suboshi would join in a great big hug! I already asked Suboshi, and he said no, but I can always drag him kicking and screaming, right? So if you're up for it, I'll be glad to be the audience of this once-in-a-lifetime experience! So, how 'bout it, Tama? (And I don't care if you hate it when people call you that, b/c you beat up Suboshi, and killed him!!!!!!!! >: ( So, you up for it?
Mother Love (ooh, child...)
Dear Mother Love,
Dear Tasuki,
My sister Stephanie thinks you are the hottest of all the seishi, and though I argue for Chichiri, she still holds her own opinion that you are litterally the "hottest". Anyway, Stephanie wants to know if you would be her boyfriend. She claims she'll take good care of you, feed you and cuddle you everyday, and clean your tessen for you. She says she'll be really nice (most of the time >: )=, and she says she'll cry if you don't come home with her. She says Wo Ai Tasuki.
(From Stephanie): Sorry about my sister's crazy ravings, I saw you on an episode and I said you were cool, and she mistook it for me loving you. You rule!
(From Natalie): My sister just in denial about her affection towards you, Tasuki. In reality, she has a picture of you coming out of the shower, and a picture that reads, Tasuki loves you, with an SD'd form of you underneath.
(From Stephanie): I am so sorry about that, I'm not a weirdo like my sister thinks *knows* I am. In reality, she drew those pictures herself.
(From Natalie): One last thing, can my sister have one kiss from you? She'd be soooo happy if you would, and she would never stop bragging, "I was kissed by Tasuki!"
Natalie and her psycho sister Stephanie
Dear Natalie and Stephanie,
Ok, but jus' remember, we're jus' friends! *Gives Stephanie a kiss on the forehead.*
Dear Tasuki,
Arigatou *hugs* I ate dinner last night, yay for me! ^^; Normally I skip dinner. Firefury finally got ahold of Nate and explained to him, of course, I don't know the details of the conversation ;p I'm feeling much better now ^-^ Probably because okaasan and otousan left for Carson City today. Okaasan and I had a bit of a spat Thursday. It's nice having the house to myself, well, and Firefury, although okaasan is a little paranoid about leaving us home alone I think. Especially lately. A couple weeks ago there were three gunshots fired around here, Rachel's house was broken into, as was somebody that my mom knows @.x; Thanks for listening to meee! ^-^
Dear One-chan,
Yer welcome! Be careful out there! So, how's 16 treatin' ya'?
Dear Tasuki,
You should date Chichiri-sama! Forget Kouji, you don't need him! By the way, Aishiteru! You are the cutest bandit in the whole wide world!!!!
Dear Mi-chan,
Thanks, but I DON'T date men!
Dear Chichiri,
Aishiteru Aishiteru Aishiteru, Chichiri-sama!!!!! (sorry, had to get that out of my system ^_^) I really think you should get with Tasuki-sama (drools at the thought) You two get along really well, astrologically you get along really well, and Yuu Watase seems to hint that you two are together that way. You two are always set up together in situations, you're both so cute together, and you are the two last surviving seishi (not counting Tamahome/Taka, who is too busy with Miaka) And besides, there are many Yoai fan fics of you two! (holds up a hand full of papers) Just think, you would make so many yaoi fan girls so happy!! You should! Yes no da, you should go date Tasuki-sama!! ..........or maybe you already are, heh heh...
Mi-chan A.K.A Chichiri no miko
Dear Mi-chan,
NANI?? I have NO intention of doing any such thing, no da!
Dear Chichiri,
Where can I get a kasa like yours, and how does it work?
Dear Avacado,
You can get one in your local Chinatown, no da. It doesn't work, I do, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Where did you learn the bandit dance, and are you and Koji the only ones who know it?
Dear Avacado,
It's jus' somethin' we made up.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi minna i just want to say that...
PEOPLE NEED TO STOP TELLING MITSUKAKE HE IS BORING. its mean, and Mitsukake, you dont deserve it because you ROCK!! You are so awesome and NOT boring at all. those people don't know what theyre talking about.
I like all you seishi the same and not one of you is better than the other. You all have your own special qualities and faults and that is what makes each one of you so interesting! But you already knew that ne? hahahaa im just telling the people that criticize you all the time. wow. i sound really annoying dont i?? oh well...:::kisses each seishi on the cheek and runs away blushing:::
Dear bekuki,
Arigato! *Smiles*
Dear Tasuki,
Yo my sister Alecia-chan is grounded from the computer and shes curled up in a ball in the corner saying "I hate you all, I hate you all!" *sighs* Poor girl. I won't latch on you like she does. ^_^ I'm enjoying this.(hehehe)
Alecia-chan's sister Alecia-chan's sister Rebecca
Dear Rebecca,
Yer evil! Are ya' related to me?
Dear Chiriko,
Hi! ^-^ Everybody is telling me all the different ages you are. Some people have said that you are nine and some say you are fourteen. How old are you?
Dear dragongal,
I'm 13.
Dear Tamahome,
*gives ya some gold ^-^* Hi! I was looking at some of my old vidios of Fushigi-Ugi and I saw one of the early episodes where you -really- hurt Miaka's feelings. She told you how she felt about you and you just pushed her away. Did you really feel that way about her or were you just scared?
Dear dragongal,
Perhaps a bit more confused than scared, but scared was definitely in there!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey alla you! ^_^ I never write, always read, but was wondering if you could answer some riddles my friend thought up. Not even my english and ROTC (army class) classes could figure these out! ;D
(1) Three parts of farm, anotomy is the key. What is it?
(2) What is 1 of 26?
(3) When humans see, they owe it to this. When the vowels as sung, they are incomplete without it. During a rageing storm of winds, it is a safe place to be. But as it moves, the heavens claim fatalities in threes. What is it?
(4) A debt means you do this, a revelation makes you say it. What is it?
(5) What goes up, must come down. It is the law of all. When it comes down, it has a name. What is it?
(6) There is a fire in the fireplace. A man is murdered in a cabin in the middle of winter. The cops find him later that day. There is no evidience of a weapon inside the man but there is a hole. What is the weapon?
(7) In the tunnel of darkness lies an iron beast. His attack is commanded by another and he's easilly replaceable. What is he?
(8) This thing, all things devour, birds, beasts, trees and flowers, gnaws iron, bites steel, grinds hard stones to meal, slays kings and ruins towns, and beats high mountains down. What is it?
(9) My life is measured in hours..Fat, I am slow; thin, I am quick. My greatest enemy is the wind. What am I?
Good luck! ^_-
Dear Cally_Kari_Shokka,
Here are your answers. I hope they are correct...
1. Arm
2. The letter A
3. An eye (I)
4. Owe/oh
5. Rain/reign
6. An icicle
7. A bullet
8. Time
9. A burning candle
Dear Nuriko,
*Doc walks up behind Ryuen at his desk doing some letters* Ryu-chan, How are they coming along? *wraps her arms around his shoulders* Need to take a break Aisaika? I could put on that silk wrap you gave me for a present. :) Maybe for a dance or two ;) *waits for him to finish*
Dear Doc-sama,
Well, I still have a ways to go but a break might be nice...
Dear Tasuki,
Hi! I heard yo didn't like girls 'cause of yer sisters. Are they older than you or somthin'? If you were the leader of the bandit gang couldnt you have just killed 'em or somethin'?
PS: Your my fave char!
Dear dragongal,
Yes they're ALL older than me! An' I can't have 'em killed! Their my *(^%$$# SISTERS fer cryin' out loud! 'Che! Whaddya' think I am? A heartless b*st*rd like Nakago?!?!?
Dear Nuriko,
As an aspiring drag-queen myself, you are my hero and roll model. Thanks to you, I am adding some purple into my still-mostly-black wardrobe. Will you marry me; or at least give me some fashion tips?
Love ya,
Dear Neko,
I'm not looking to get married but I'd be happy to give you some fashion tips! *Smiles*
Dear Chichiri,
i am making a site, well of course in your tribute and honor, i'm currently looking for the best profile and background about you but nothing so far satisfies me. my site is at Face of the Monk can u visit it please and can you give me what i am looking for? please. please help me. by the way i'm louver the one you helped and turned his christmas a happy one.
Dear louver,
How have you been, no da? I visited your site and I have several suggestions, no da. The color of the font you use on your front peeji is #CCFFFF and is unreadable on a white background, no da. Perhaps #0066FF or #0033FF would be a better choice. The fade ins and fade outs are great but a bit slow. I would adjust them depending on the feedback you get from others, no da. And all of the picture links seem to be broken. I know they were working when I was there earlier, no da. As for a profile on me have you checked either or The Shrine of the Almighty Chicken of DOOM!, no da? However, before you "borrow" any information from these sites about me, you should ask permission of the webmasters, no da!
Dear Nuriko,
Alright? what no da? Nah, probably not, but that's just because I'm crazy no da. Yep. Looney, bats in the belfry, two fries short of a supersize, etc etc etc na no da. And ya know what? I don't get any sympathy or understanding for it no da! No, it's just 'Stop acting silly and do THIS!' no da. I've got a good mind to go over this teacher's head and talk to the school board no da. I've got the IEP (Individual Education Plan) for a reason, and I ain't afraid to use it na no da!
Oyah. Tonight at anime club we get to watch episode 33 -_- My friend Nuri started crying at last weeks showing of 31 and 32 no da. DAAAA! Yeesh, why'd ya have say such ironic things no da? ,_,
Aaaanyway, nice talking to you no da!
Shadra D
Dear Shadra D,
Sumimasen! I certainly didn't mean for her to cry!
Dear Mitsukake,
kore wa neko no haiku desu. ^_^
You never feed me.
Perhaps I'll sleep on your face.
That will sure show you.
You must scratch me there!
Yes, above my tail! Behold,
Elevator butt.
I need a new toy.
Tail of black dog keeps good time.
Pounce! good dog! good dog!
The rule for today:
Touch my tail, I shred your hand.
New rule tomorrow.
In deep sleep hear sound
Cat vomit hairball somewhere
Will find in morning
Grace personified,
I leap into the window.
I meant to do that.
Blur of motion, then --
Silence, me, a paper bag.
What is so funny?
The mighty hunter
Returns with gifts of plump birds --
Your foot just squashed one
You're always typing.
Well, let's see you ignore my
Sitting on your hands.
My small cardboard box.
You cannot see me if I
Can just hide my head.
Terrible battle.
I fought for hours. Come and see!
What's a 'term paper'?
Kitty likes plastic
Confuses for litter box
Don't leave tarp around
Small brave carnivores
Kill pine cones and mosquitoes
Fear vacuum cleaner
Want to trim my claws?
Don't even think about it!
My yelps will wake dead.
I want to be close
To you. Can I fit my head
inside your armpit?
Wanna go outside.
Oh, poot! Help! I got outside!
Let me back inside!
Oh no! Big One
has been trapped by newspaper!
Cat to the rescue!
Humans are so strange.
Mine lies still in bed, then screams!
My claws aren't that sharp ...
Cats meow out of angst
"Thumbs! If only we had thumbs!
We could break so much!"
Litter box not here
You must have moved it again
I'll poot in the sink.
The Big Ones snore now
Every room is dark and cold
Time for "Cup Hockey"
We're almost equals
I purr to show I love you
Want to smell my butt?
hen, ne? ^_^ does tama-chan ever do that?
Dear hotaru-chan,
*Smiles* Those were quite amusing as well as true! Arigato!
Dear Hotohori,
nee! hoto-san! chigau! sempai-tachi suki wa nai! zettai suki wa nai! kirai desu yo! *sniff* o.0
Dear hotaru-chan,
Sumimasen. I was just asking.
Dear Nuriko,
Airagoto gozamasNuriko- san ^^ I feel better now but... do you hve any ideas on what mizu kagami could talk about? I'am thinking hard but it makes my head spin @_@
keni-ohki ^^
Dear keni-ohki,
I believe that Chichiri is singing about his fiancée and best friend.
Dear Chichiri,
How do you manage to keep that 1 foot lift in your hair!?
Dear Take-chan,
It isn't one foot, no da. And it just naturally does that, no da.
Dear Mitsukake,
In response t' an earlier question, I'd like ta point out that black cats ain't any more likely t' get an illness than any other cat. Abscesses are caused by infections of un-attended cuts 'n scratches, as well as infections in general. Most likely, yer kitty's getting beat up by th' other cats. Not t' worry, tho. If th' cat's a new one, the heirarchy 's just bein' established between 'em. They'd never seriously hurt th' other cat unless they were REALLY stressed out.
Now, fer treatin' the abscesses, ya should get some iodine disinfectant 'n wash th' wounds with that. Be sure that ya get the kind that's able t' be digested, as yer cat's gonna lick it off.
Now, 'f things get really serious, which they shouldn't, ya should try separating them fer a while. After that, start lettin' them play together under supervision, so they get used t' eachother again. Also, cut yer cat's nails. This's important. It ain't that hard, and it's a MUCH better approach than declawin'. If this don't work, and declawin' seems ta be the only alternative, talk t' yer vet about a new procedure that's an alternative t' declawin. It involves severing th' tendons that control th' extension of th' claws. It's more humane, but should still be reserved for a last resort. Remember, it ain't that hard t' cut the cat's claws, 'n after a while, they get used t' it.
>F 'f anyone else got a question 'bout pet care, jes ask me.
And Mitsukake! People 'r complainin' that yer boring? I don' think so. Ya say th' most outrageous things sometimes...
Experienced Cat Demon
Dear Experienced,
Thank you for your suggestions and advice. *Looks confused...* I say outrageous things??
Dear Tasuki,
MWAHAHAHAH!!!! Tamahome ain't gonna get much money!!! 'cause he's married!! Did you know that if you're married, you only get money from your elders? Like your parents and old people.
I'm feeling alright now. I think I had the flu for the last couple of days. So I only had 2 days of school this week. ^_^
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Glad yer feelin' better! Yeah, he was a bit disappointed but I'm sure he'll get over it. *Grins*
Dear Chiriko,
Then I guess you've never seen Outlaw Star, have you? I honestly don't really remember that much about the plot, but I do remember this female assassin named Suzuka who shows up several episodes into the story. She can use her sword to deflect a steady stream of machine gun fire at nearly POINT BLANK range. I've seen her! Let's see Kenshin do THAT!
Dear Tonberry,
I have seen Outlaw Star so I remember Suzuka. I bet Kenshin could do the same thing. Oh, by the way, we finally defeated the FFVIII Ulimate Weapon! *Smiles*
Dear Nuriko,
"For The Sake of Suzaku no Miko"
"Itooshi Hito no Tame ni"---FILKED!
Shichi otoko, each with a red moji
Their power's nearly open to infinity
(But their miko is a baka) Tamahome, obsessed with o-kane
(Hotohori is Kotei-Heika) He's a bishonen
And he knows it too...Kawaii
For the sake of the Suzaku no Miko
How the heck could we feed Miaka now?!
He's so kowai, that blonde guy Nakago
I wish I could fix Taiitsukun's face
(Instead of that goosebumps-causing trumpet music, hum that part or play it on a kazoo)
Nuriko is a kakkoi cross-dresser
Chichiri is a monk with kick-@$$ powers
(Tasuki is Mountain Fang Boy) He has the almighty flame throwing tessen
(Mitsukake aka Myojuan) Chiriko also known as Ou-Do-Kun...Kawaii!
Watase Yuu created this addictive thing
Fifty-two episodes, plus the OAVs
Oh why the heck is it so d*mn addictive
We're all hooked on it
It's so kawaii (repeat CHORUS)
Lots of bishonen....Ureshii!
Fushigi Yuugi
well hope u like it.I made it.Aishtemas!!!!
Dear Ayumi-chan,
We did! It was very good. Although, since these aren't exactly questions, we may start posting them to the message board, if you don't mind. Arigato! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Chichiri,
How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop? *hands him one so he can find out* have fun!
Dear Vessy-chan,
I believe the answer posted on the Web was just over 1500, no da. Thank you for the oishii candy, no da!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I have a different question for each seishi!
Tamahome - If you had all the money in the world what are 3 things that you would buy to make yourself happy?
Hotohori - Even though you're married and have a son, do you still have some feelings for Miaka? Your love for her was very strong...
Nuriko - You're such a kind-hearted person and you care and love your fellow seishi! I love you (a nice message from my friend who worships you). That's it!
Chichiri - What were some of the things you did during your training with Taisujin? (don't know how to spell her name, gomen but you know what I mean)
Tasuki - Who are the seishi you get along with and are friends with. And do you regret killing Soi? It was a freak accident....
Mitsukake - How old are you?! And how do you feel about Miaka, honestly.
Chiriko - Do you realize that your pig-tail is sticking straight up?
That's it! Ja ne
Dear Take-chan,
Here are all your answers:
Tamahome: Food for Miaka, and the I really don't know what the other two things would be.
Hotohori: I still cherish her as a dear friend.
Nuriko: Arigato! *Smiles*
Chichiri: I learned how to focus my ki and use my gifts, no da. I also learned how to tolerate Nyan-Nyan, no da.
Tasuki: I along an' am friends wit' all th' Suzaku Seishi. My only regret was that it didn't kill Nakago.
Mitsukake:22. She is a sweet girl.
Chiriko: Yes I do.
Dear Chiriko,
Now HERE'S a question!
Is it possible that there would be a PRIEST of one of the God's and not a Priestess?
We've seen the occasional diversity in the sex of the seishi (guys, one or two girls, crossdressers...) so would there be such diversity among the summoners of the Gods - or is it always a 'girl from another world' as the book says? If the gods got desperate would they take a guy dumped into the book as a 'miko'? Or do you have no idea whatsoever? Arigatou!
Taiitsu no Miko (asker of questions)
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
I don't see why not. But he wouldn't be a miko. A miko is specifically a shrine-maiden. He might be called a "bonsou" which is an ordinary or unranked priest. He also could be "kozou" which is a young Buddhist priest or "saishi" which is just a priest.
Dear Tasuki,
Thanks! Yeah, don't worry, I won't ever name something I have to dissect again! Actually, I had to finish poor Lumpy today -May he rest in peices in his garbage bag casket- but it was a little better than the other day. Probably a good thing 'cause I want to go into Biology, ne? *Grins*
Orphen, huh? I think I like the english meaning of Genrou better. Kouji still sounds pretty kewl though! Btw, have either of you ever tried Canadian beer?
Oh yeah... My littlest brother Luke-kun would like to tell you guys that you, Tama-neko and Chichiri are his favorites out of everyone from your cast!
Dear Kaosu,
Cool! Th' cat rates higher than Obake-chan! *Points at Tamahome and laughs...*
Dear Mitsukake,
Ah, Konichewa. You don't get asked questions often, do you? OK, here's something: If pandas live in mountainous regions of Japan, then why do they eat bamboo, which is a subtropical plant? Oh, and another thing- I missed the 3rd volume. Is guard neko yours or Chichiris?
Dear Chichiri,
Hello, Chichiri!! You can think I'm weird now, 'cause I do! *hyperly bounces around the room* Anywho, I'm going to make an otaku scrapbook and put all my best anime pictures in it! And I'm gonna have a big FY section! And all sorts of anime, like Gundam Wing, and Shoujo Kakumei Utena, and X/1999....wait, that's a manga....WHATEVER! Most of the pictures are going to be manga pics anyway 'cause I like them more....^_^
*bounces around more* Aikotori the Aisha and Chailong the Kougra say hi.
Komadori Mari
Dear Komadori Mari,
Tell your friends I send my regards, no da. An otaku scrapbook... interesting, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
I call her my friend for lack of an appropriate term that would also be easy to type quickly. Also, I haven't the courage to actually tell her off and have her leave me alone. And besides! She's one o' those persistent weirdos who will shadow you even if you say you never want to see their ugly face again, trying to get you to reconsider! I told her to go away and leave me alone one time, but she mumbled to herself "She likes me...she just doesn't wanna express it." Denial ain't just a river in Egypt... She just won't go away! It's like....It's like RELENA PEACECRAFT!! Except without the small bit of intelligence that Relena possesses....
She gave me this note trying to make up yesterday, but she's given me notes like this before saying she's gonna change and she never does. I'm not exactly a third chance person, and I'm pretty stubborn about my decisions. And my decision is she annoys the heck out of me! Now if only I could tell her so she understands and leaves me alone....she IS Relena, isn't she...maybe I should try some Heero ideas...
*Mari imagines herself at her locker wearing a green tanktop and black shorts, when the annoying friend runs up with the note exclaiming "MAAAARIII!!!". She looks at it, then tears it in two. However, unlike in the episode, Mari does NOT try to get her to stop crying, just threatens her, Heero-style...* HAHAHAHA!!! That is so hilarious! Maybe that would work! But, of course, before I get rid of the Relenalike, I should ask if she has an older brother...=9 *laughs and runs off to find her green tanktop*
Komadori Mari
Dear Komadori Mari,
An older brother, eh? ~_^ But what will you do if he's as annoying as she is?
Dear Tasuki,
*laughs a little* i cant believe you remember me..!! *blinks* That's some memory you've got.. So ... I've been wunnerful... whatcha been up to lately?? Did i miss.. uh.. much?
Dear Megara,
Yeah, ya' probably missed all kinds of stuff. Why can't ya' believe that I remember ya'? Ya' think th' sake has pickled my brains?
Dear Nuriko,
You don't wanna marry me? To bad, I already did *hee-hee* But the Nuriko I have here with me seems to like it. You must be an imposter, ha-ha!
Dear Washu-Chan,
Or HE is the imposter... Perhaps you should stick to chasing Tenchi.
Dear Tasuki,
I think u r really gorge. However, i'm having trouble with someone who looks exactly like you, well sorta, acts like you and a thief (literally) like u. He is my boyfriend-to-be. So i need advice. Would u be kind enough to help. Oh yeah, do u have a girlfriend???
Dear Aya,
I already got an Aisai an' a couple of Mikos! That's 'bout all I can handle! I think ya' need to get a different boyfriend! He sounds like he's nothin' but trouble!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I'm very grades are dropping and I don't know why. My accounting teacher is very mean and called someone a dork. She makes most papers I hand in late, took off 10 points from everyone's next test because nobody would answer a stupid question lied that something would be extra credit when she gives the test back with no credit for that question...and to make things worse, my Oceanography teacher gives good grades mainly to the preppies in my class, always smelling like alcohol or beer. My grades are dropping everywhere no matter how much I try to study, sorry that I bothered all of you. I needed to get that out.
Dear Hotaru,
I think you need to talk to your guidance counselor, no da. You teacher doesn't sound like a very good teacher. Perhaps your parents can discuss this with the principal or your counselor for you, no da. Good luck!
Dear Mitsukake,
where you in love with shoka? you two look soooooo good tgether one ofmy fav copples if so^^
Dear keni-ohki,
Yes I was. Very much so.
Dear Nuriko,
hi did you know you are my favorite caricter^^ you chiriko and suboshi are my favs^^ buti want to ask......whar is your little sister like? ive tried so hard to on the net but i just cant find any thing!!!!!!!!!!!! get to me soon^^ as soon as you can take your time dont worry^^
Dear keni-ohki,
My! You certainly do write a lot, don't you? Anyway, arigato. That's nice to hear. My sister was a child when she passed away. She was a very sweet girl and I loved her very much.
Dear Tasuki,
hhhhhhhiiiiii^^ i just want to know if you got really mad at tamahome for killing koji in the OVA series. i know you two are....... FRIENDS reel good friends ^^;;;;; i was just wondering if you would be mad at him^^;;;;;;;;;;;
Dear keni-ohki,
I would if it had been fer real.
Dear Chiriko,
hey i just cant help but wonder do you want a girl friend? is soooooooooo i know just the girl for you^^ she is really smart(the greatist sientific geinus in the hole universe^^) she is just you age and the cutist red head youll ever lay eyes on^^ her name is *drumroll* WASHU^^
let my know if you want to meet her^^ ill set you two up i just think you teo look sooooo cute together^^
Dear keni-ohki,
I know who she is and she is WAY too old for me. Thank you.
Dear Hotohori,
whats it like being the emporer of konan?
Dear keni-ohki,
Lonely and stressful.
Dear Tamahome,
does Miaka ever annoy the he... er crud out of you?
Dear keni_ohki,
Dear Chichiri,
hey do you have a girl friend?!?!??!?!?!?! not that i want to be your girl friend your not my favorite car....*turns aroud Chichiri looks like he could cry* er dont take it that way i lov you too just like every on the sukaku side ^^;;;;;;;;;; i was just wondering *sweetdroop*
Dear keni-ohki,
I have an Aijin, an Aisai, and my dear friend WMC. They all keep me pretty busy, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
Poor Tasuki... Just tell them that although I'm your aisai, that doesn't mean that you're prohibited from having mikos or aijins or other forms of fangirls. I'm not THAT jealously possessively of you...
In fact, tell them that you're free for glomping on Valentine's Day. ^_^ Aren't I nice? (Cause I'm sorta *cough* doing something else then...)
Dear Iridal,
Ya' are huh? Is it wit' Vioncent Valentine or that real world guy Kelli was tellin' me 'bout?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Arg! I don't understand guys!!
Ok, you know how this guy was flirting with me? Well, just yesterday he started ignoring me completely! It's so wierd! I've been talking with him on AIM, and just now he put up an away message and didn't tell me he was leaving in the middle of a conversation! Grrr!!! Any advice for me? 'Cause I can't think of a dagum thing! It's so wierd!
<3 Mako-chan
Dear Mako-chan,
Get used to it. We just do stupid things sometimes. Have you spoken to him since? It may just be a misunderstanding.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I am very curious in how you guys feel about the Seriyuu Seishi. So get together and tell me which Seriyuu Seishi you guys feel is the most:
1. Scariest
2. Evil
3. Stupid
4. Psychotic
5. Interesting
and finally...
6. Weak
Thanks :::waves good-bye and blows kisses to Tasuki and Nuriko:::
Dear Take-chan,
In order of askin'... None of 'em, Nakago, Tomo, Suboshi, Amiboshi, an' Soi.
Dear Tasuki,
Mrrw... *flops down on the ground* I'm tired @.x; Nothing is going riiiiiight. I'm tired, I'm depressed, I don't feel good, I'm not eating much at all, I've got writers block, my grandmother is dying and my grandfather is a realy jerk (my parents are heading to Carson City to see them four a couple days this weekend), I'm cold, and I'm probably going to end up with a domain name for Valentine's Day present unless oneesan talks to Nate. I don't know anything about domain names how they work with servers, and while I'm sure Nate could teach me, we just took down out last server notice on our site and JUST FINALLY submitted the updated link to Anipike. I don't want a domain name now, and I definately don't want one for Valentine's Day... I'm a GIRL, I just want some flowers ;-; No guy has ever given me flowers before.
And my stomach hurts, which probably connects to the not eating, so I could fix it by eating, however, I'm not inclinded to eat anything, which, logically could be connected to being depressed, as would being tired, though I'm getting sleep, and even remembering my dreams sometimes (I used to hardly ever, ever, ever remember my dreams). It's a vicious cycle. @.x
I need a hug. ;-;
A very worn out One-chan
Dear One-chan,
*Gives her a big hug.* Sorry to hear 'bout yer Obaasan! Mebbe yer sister can give Nate a hint as to what ya' REALLY want fer Valentine's Day! Or ya' can jus' show him this peeji... *Grins* Here... *hands her a hamburger* eat somethin'. You'll feel better.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Ummmm..... just a few questions and then I'll go.
1. Once you get a concussion, does it ever go away?
2. Would you guys like to come to my world and commit randam acts of kindness while invisible?
3. What is your name?
4. What is your quest?
5. Who do you like better? Jar Jar Binks or the Nakago?
By the way, all of you HAVE to answer these questions. If you don't then I'll throw eggs and rocks at you guys. Hehehehehehe *rolls on ground laughing and then holds hand to head.*
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
Here are your answers:
1. Yes
2. It might be fun!
3 and 4. Tasuki - To find sake!; Chichiri - I'm just a wandering monk, no da!; Tamahome - OKANE!; Chiriko - To seek knowledge in general; Mitsukake - To be happy; Nuriko - To find that "Cursed Pond of the Drowned Girl"!; Hotohori - Protect Konan and my family.
5. Neither! They're both annoying!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Hotohori,
Gomen ne, that I haven't written to you lately. Homework and other stuff keeps me busy. Yesterday while practicing soccer, I got hit on the side of my head with what else, a soccer ball. It hit my left ear, and now it turns out that I have a slight concussion. *starts to cry from all the headaches and dizzy spells.* Why me? Why me? Oh yeah, Hibarrano Tenshi is back at school and is better. Yay!!! *quickly pops two Tylonal in her mouth to stop the headaches and then falls over laughing from the room spining so much.* Sleep, must get some sleep.
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
Gomen ne you got hurt! Odajini! Did you see your doctor yet?
Dear Tasuki,
why do you hate women?
Dear padfoot,
'Cos all they do is gimme grief!
Dear Nuriko,
Genki!!!I've made asong 4 u sweetie*blushing* Nuri no Uta
'Otome no Ranman' ---- Filked!
We have never seen a better cross-dresser
Hori-chan was even shocked when he found out the truth
"Masaka, there's a man who's as beautiful as me"
That's what he said, he's so kakkoi,ne?
Somebody wants to be the keeper of your braid
Another person wants to be the protector of the mole
Not too shabby for a former Princess of the Realm
You have touched the hearts of many viewers of Fushigi Yuugi
Nuri, you're so kawaii
Your strength is just so impressive
You had your own little fanclub even before Hotohori
Nuriko, you're subarashii
My fav'rite Suzaku seishi
You always stood up for Miaka, your baka miko.
We have never been touched as much by a character
Hori-chan had no idea of what he missed
You kept your cool when someone called you o-ka-ma
You deserve to have much more than one miko
You were friends with that super bishonen Tasuki
Insulting Nyan-Nyans you sent into orbit
You understood Miaka more than the other seishi
You also understood Hori's loyalty to Miaka
You found time to find Miaka's better qualities
Always the peacemaker
The motto is LOVE, people
Peace and love, people
That's all!Any comments?Do u like it?Could u say something about me?Aishtemas!!
P.S.Promise me that u will remember that ayumi-chan and I,Marie,are only one.Okidoki!!
Dear ayumi-chan,
Ariagto! I loved it! I promise I won't forget. *Gives her a hug and a kiss on the cheek.*
Dear Tasuki,
How dare you be mean to my sister Dark Anime Angel! Do you know how much pain and agony you put her through? And all that she wanted is to be your girlfriend, miko, asai, or something like that,just to feel love from you. And then you tell some other girl that she CAN be your MIKO, is just WRONG!? What INJUSTICE?! So now what do you have to say for yourself Mr. High and Mighty!?
Ai-chan (Sister of Dark Anime Angel)
Dear Ai-chan,
She wants to share Miko with a least two other people fine! Personally, I'd think she'd rather be my friend! Then th' rest of th' fangirls won't wanna gang up on her.
Dear Tamahome,
*Doc takes pity on Tamahome, and gives him a map of her interdimensional refrigerator*
The meat locker is here, the fruits and vegetables are on the second floor, and here are the junk food items... When you step through the door, don't forget to put on the Parkas. They're hanging up in the warm room, then you turn the wheel to get inside. I suggest you only use it for emergencies, Though I have enough food to feed Miaka for years. And yes it's the size of a huge warehouse... Ja Tama-kun :)
Dear Doc-sama,
Arigato! *Heads straight for the junk food section to stock up for Miaka.*
Dear Tasuki,
Unfortunately I won't pound them for ya.
*pulls out a high pressure waterhose from another dimension and turns it on, forcing the fangirls back a few yards away*
Anou Tasuki-kun maybe you should consider a list of accomplishments the girls should do before they try to get that close to you. It's a thought..
*hands Tasuki the waterhose*
just keep it pointing in their direction :)
Dear Doc-sama,
Thanks! Heh-heh-heh... *Fanged smirk* I jus' wanna know when I got voted "Best Seishi to Abuse"... Mebbe we can have a recount?
Dear Tasuki,
GUESS WHAT!? I get to go on a cruise on FRIDAY!? YES....Friday the 26th of January..... Aren't you happy for me?! Oh....and AGAIN.... I am soooo sorry for the inconvinence....Now EVERYBODY is picking on you.....and you won't get anybody to "beat me down" as you put it in a letter to Doc-Sama alrighties...I have ALOT of friends in this place.... I just wanna be your friend.....*grabs him by his collar*.....are we quite clear?! Thank you. *kisses him on the cheek and then skips away happily*
Dark Anime Angel
Dear Dark Anime Angel,
Firends? Good! Have a great time!
Dear Nuriko,
*hands him a tape recorder* might need this honey....Oh, and when you do get Mr. Trowa to talk.....let me know....and you can give me the tape too.... But...why didn't you pick somebody like Duo.... you guys both have alot in common.....Like: 1: you both have long hair 2: You both LOVE to talk alot.....and 3: You both are really strong Ok...well...just tell me WHY you picked Trowa....and make sure to give me the tape of when you happen to get him to talk......Ja Ne...
Dark Anime Angel
Dear Dark Anime Angel,
*Looks at Trowa...* Ah, I hear you're just like that Squall guy from Final Fantasy VIII.
Trowa: ...
Thought so! *Looks at Squall.* Don't you think so, too Squall?
Squall: ...
Good! Then neither of you will mind if I sing!
*Trowa and Squall look at each other and sweatdrop...*
Dear Tasuki,
*sniffles* you don't like it that me and Hibarrano Tenshi are in love with you? I've been reading all thoughs letters were you say so! *points a finger at him acussingly* We can help that weree crazy about ya! It just shows we have good taste ^^ *hugs Tasuki happily*
Hino Tenshi
PS: You know you like the attention! ;P
Dear Hino Tenshi,
I didn't say that! I jus' don't want alla ya' fightin' over me! That's why I figure if we're all jus' friends no one gets hurt.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi der again!!!!!!!miss me? bcause i miss u guys 2.understand if u can't mail 2 my e-mail address.
CHICHIRI:Well i'm very shy 2 tell u da meaning of"mahal kita"means but i want 2 tell u dat it came directly 2 my heart "I LOVE U"very very much.
CHIRIKO:hello!!!again i'm speechless.DO u got any honors in da present?if so congratulations!!!!!!!!!!1
TAMAHOME:hi!!!ur so cute.and i like ur hair like Tasuki's.
MITSUKAKE:arigato 4 ur suggestions,u really inspired me a lot.
NURIKO:ur responses 2 MARIE envy so much,they r so sweet.wish u can say that words 2 me also.
TASUKI:what do u think about YUI?and also NAKAGO,AMIBOSHI,SUBOSHI.
HOTOHORI:i don't know if i can follow ur suggestion about fencing/kendo school bcause that school is rare here but give my love 2 ur family.
Dear HITOME-chan,
CHICHIRI:Arigato, that's very sweet, no da!
CHIRIKO:I guess I don't.
TAMAHOME:Thanks, but hair looks nothing like Tasuki's.
MITSUKAKE:You're very welcome.
NURIKO:You shouldn't be jealous. We're just friends.
TASUKI:Hmmm... Th' words nothin' much come to mind.
HOTOHORI:I will. You're welcome.
Suzaku Seishi
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