Dear Mitsukake,
HEY, Mitsukake-san! Yeah, yeah. I know your not a vet. But, I still got another question to ask ya 'bout my neko, no da. Have ya ever heard anything 'bout black cats having bad health? Ya see, my kitty Luna (yep, Luna) Has had to go to the vet twice already, and she's only 9 months old, no da. Both times were because she had an absess, or something like that, no da. Now, she can't play with any of the other kitties, cuz we're afraid they're just playing to rough with her and that's hurting her, no da. But, the other cats actually take care not to be too rough with her, as strange as that may seem. I was just wondering if her frailnes could be genetic. But, ya probalby don't know, ne? Gomen for bugging ya, no da. Oh, and Hibarrano Tenshi is doing much better, no da. She can even sing in choir! Usually when ya get strep, you can't sing for a while, no da. But, it don't seem to be bothering her. That's a good sign, no da. Just thought I'd tell ya. Pass the word around, if anyone else was wondering, kay? JA!
Kageno Tenshi
Dear Kageno Tenshi,
Arigato for the good news. I've never heard of black cats being more prone to illness than cats of any other color. However, it is possible that if she gets scratched and it isn't treated that it will be come an abscess.
Dear Nuriko,
Hi sweetie!!!I'm back!!!!I missed u so much!!!!!Genki?!!*hugging him and giving him a kiss*Aishtemas!!!Aishtemas!!!It's been a long time.Did u miss me 2?*giving him his favorite perfume,bracelets,clothes & chocolates*I dedicate this poem for a nice,sweet,handsome guy like u.
I love to see you smile
And I love knowing that I caused that smile
I love to see you happy
And I love knowing that I caused that happiness
I love to look into your beautiful eyes
And I love the way I fall into them
I love it when you hold my hand
And I love having the courage to grab and hold yours
I love to tease and torment you
And I love it when you tease and torment me
I love it when you touch me
And I love to touch you
I love rediscovering how beautiful you are each time I see you
And I love realizing how attractive you make me feel
I love wanting so badly to kiss you
And I love the way you want to take things slow
I love the fact that you still want to be my friend
And I love that I want to be yours
I love so many things about you
But the most important thing is:
I Love you!
heres another one.
He is beautiful, so very beautiful
Just like a winter's shining landscape,
As delicate as the petals of a daisy,
And as freely as the eagle soaring against the blue
His eyes are as mysterious as the calm sea
Everything about him is so very precious,
More precious than all the gems in the world
His sole is the essence of the sky and earth,
His feelings are a volcano that is yet to explode
His smile is the smile of lost innocence.
Pain vibrates deep inside of his gentle heart.
A lock shuts in the disturbed thoughts of his mind,
A mind with as many roads as the world has.
I look at him and I see a pure truth,
Like looking at a clear night sky,
Millions of stars twinkle within him.
He is beauty as I defined it,
He is perfect, his imperfections make him so.
He is my best friend, and I love him,
I love him although, not because.
And I would give up all the things which I think are pretty
If only I can hold his beauty within me,
For he is everything in this world,
And I have found a world in him.
About ur info.
Real Name: Chou Ryuuen
Age: 18
Birthdate: 3/10 (Pisces)
Family: Father, Mother, Older brother (Rokou), and younger sister (Korin)
Birthplace: Eiyou, capital city of Konankoku
Height: 166cm
Bloodtype: B
Hobbies: Dressing up in female attire, being fashionable, flirting.
Location of symbol: Just above the heart
Symbol: "Ryuu" willow
Power: Superhuman strength
Notes: He adopted his sister Korin's name to live a portion of her life after she died. His constellation corresponds with "Hydra"
Voice Actress: Chika Sakamoto
Nuriko, the *man* of all men, even when dressed as a woman. I don't know what's WRONG with Miaka but to give up this guy is like a shame. It's a huge shame that he probably died a virgin. A man that good looking just had to be gay. Well, correcting that almost near the end they attempted to make him BI, but I'm sure that was yet another fan service thing. When questioned on if Hotohori and Nuriko were supposed to get together, Watase instantly replied, "But they're both MEN!". She also commented on how if she were to make a Yaoi Dojinshi with her characters it wouldn't be with Tasuki and Nuriko, as some have seen, but rather Tamahome and Tasuki. For some reason I think the woman really has it in for Tamahome
That's all!Take care!!Arigato!!!Ashtemas!!!
P.S.Ur my favorite seishi
Dear Ayumi-chan,
Domo arigato gozaimasu for your lovely poems! *Gives her a hug*
Dear Chichiri,
*watches as Chichiri pets Luna* She likes ya, no da. See? She's purring. Careful, though. She might fall asleep then refuse to move when you wanna get up, no da. And, who could resist such a cute face, ne? Actually, I had a question regarding her. Well, not her exactly. I was gonna ask Mitsukake-san, but since you're here, I might as well ask ya, too, no da. Is it true that black cats have really bad health? Or, at least a lot of health problems? 'Cuz, she's not even a year old yet, and we've had to take her to the vet twice, no da. We've never had to take any of our cats to the vet, other than to get them fixed, no da. I don't even know why I'm asking, no da. Ya probably don't know anything 'bout nekos, ne? ANYWAYS About my ficcie... A WEEK! Daaa... I don't know if I could drag it out that long, no da. Oh, well! It's my fic, I can alter reality as much as I please. Ya know why? 'Cuz I'm the evil fan-fic author! KEKEKEKEKEKEKEKEKE! Oops! Where'd that come from? ummm...heheh^^; ANYWAYS When exactly is the rainy season in Konan and Kutou? Winter or Spring? And, what kind of trees are very common in that part of the world, ne? Preferably big, sturdy trees that would really hurt if ya knocked your head on them and are good for professional climbers. And, do ya think it's logical for a rivine to be in the middle of the Konan wilderness, just north-east of Mt.Reikaiku (spelling?)? Da! But, why bother with logic, ne? I don't think anyone would mind if I messed with peoples' heads for just a bit, no da, seeing as it is a hobby of mine, and everyone knows a girl's gotta have a hobby, no da. Oh, well. *looks down at the little black neko who did indeed fall asleep in Chichiri's arms* heh. Looks like you're trapped now, no da. Need some assistence, or do ya not mind the extra company?
Kageno Tenshi
Dear Kageno Tenshi,
No, let her sleep, no da. Our rainy season is in the late summer/eraly fall, no da. We hava a lot of maple trees, no da. I suppose that a ravine could be out by Mt. Reikaiku. I've never heard of black cats having worse health than other cats, no da. You may wish to check out his url:
Dear Nuriko,
:::stumbles in:::
OHAYO GOZAIMASU, HOTOHO-- ah. You're Nuriko no da! ^_^ And it's 8:56 PM no da ^_^;;;;;;;
Ahh. I think I'm losing my mind no da. Yep. Thoughts just go RIGHT OUTTA me head and disappear no da. Can't concentrate well or even speak no da :> ee hee hee hee. Failing two classes to no da! :D Yep! I'm so crazy I'm laughing about it no da. Methinks I won't be laughing for long.....
Shadra D
Dear Shadra D,
*Looks concerned* Are you ok?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hello my name is keni-ohki, the dauughter of ryo-ohki and ken-ohki but you prabably dont know hwo they are so lets move on ^^;
have any of you ever felt like your best friend,the one you get along with the best, the one you can reliy on till the very end, is sssslllooowwwlllyy drifting away from you?
well thats hwo i feal. my friend, mizu kakami and i get along like two peas in a pod. or... we used to. in the begining of the school semester we where just learning about you guys and now she know EVERYTHING 0.0 we dont have much to talk about any more and i feal like we will not be friends any more. please help me!!!!!!!!!!
Dear keni_ohki,
It's a sad fact of life that people, even best friends, grow apart. If you do value the relationship, try to find other things that the two of you can do together and talk about that are of interest to the both of you. Good luck!
Dear Tasuki,
Okay, I'll try and leave masks to Chichiri then! *Smiles* I wasn't that my friends didn't understand when my cat died, actually, they were all really mad at me 'cause I didn't tell them right away. I will try to work on expressing myself better. And I'll make sure to stop blaming myself for everything, too! Thanks for the advice! *Runs up to give Tasuki quick hug* You're awesome!
Dear Kaigara,
Yer welcome! Hope I was able to help ya'!
Dear Mitsukake,
Thanks for helping out one of the Tenshi Understand my sickness. *smiles and hands him a flaming rose* sorry it isn't nothing great but thanks. Ja
Hibarrano Tenshi
Dear Hibarrano Tenshi,
Thank you for the rose. I'm glad I was able to help.
Dear Chiriko,
Hey don't worry about Barra now I am just fine. I am glad you ask how I am feelen. So did you put up a dance yet because I gave you a book about dances and thought you might of had a dance? Here *hands him a flaming purple rose* I still remember. well Ja
Hibarrano Tenshi
Dear Hibarrano Tenshi,
Arigato for the rose! Sumimasen, I haven't done any dancing yet.
Dear Nuriko,
Hey ya haven't talked to ya in a while how are you? Are you still looken for a mna or are you looken for a woman now? I missed you. I was the sick Tenshi the other Tenshi are talking about, but I am all better now. I missed singing when I was sick but now I can sing again yeah. well nice chatting with you Ja
Hibarrano Tenshi
Dear Hibarrano Tenshi,
I'm actually not looking for anyone right now. I am glad that you're over your strep throat.
Dear Tasuki,
Hey I am BACK. I got over the sickness I am so Happy I can sing again. Jumps for joy. My friends were worryed about me. I miss ben' myself you know. I am very happy that you are happyly married *thinks to self "but i wished I was his wife oh well at lest he is happy"* oh sorry just thinkn' *looks up at him* oh *smiles and blushes* Well I better leave you alone you have better things to do Ja
Hibarrano Tenshi
Dear Hibarrano Tenshi,
Glad yer feelin' betetr! *Grins*
Dear Chichiri,
that was mean!!!!! i don't wanna stop annoying my sis!!!! she's so easy to annoy!!! (just like tamahome and tauski, heheheehehe) today i went to the scholastic olympics!! it's when you compete in your chosen catagory for your school to win medals. i was chosen for the computer team. I GOT THE SILVER!!!!!!!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!
p.s. please write a lot back. thanks!!!
Dear ashley,
Omedeto gozaimasu, no da! Congratulations on winning a medal, no da!
Dear Chichiri,
Before you cross this bridge, you must answer me these questions three!
WHAT- is your name?
WHAT- is your quest?
WHAT- is the air-speed velocity of an unladened swallow?
Dear Yoshi,
Chichiri, I'm just a wanderer, no da. African or European, no da?
Dear Tasuki,
*hits him* If we wanted ta trick ya dumb*ss we wouldn't hide about it! Sheez! Now get yer lousy, useless, scrawny butt to some good work! *hands him some potatoes to peel* NOW!
Dear Mai,
Why am I puttin' up wit' this??? I ain't peelin' potatoes! *Walks out*
Dear Chiriko,
Hai, hai. We know. We're crazy, not stupid ;p Now if you'll excuse me, i must resume being traumatized due to my friend Kia. *sits perfectly still and stares at nothing, a look of abject horror on her face* o_o
Keetia: Ano... *pokes One* One? ... One? ONE! HEEEEEELLLLLLLOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! Wake up! *poke* ... Oh well, can't say I didn't try. *vanishes*
*traumatized still* o_o
One-chan (and Keetia)
Dear One-chan (and Keetia),
Why? What did she do to you?
Dear Tasuki,
Tomorrow is Chinese New Year's!!!! Aren't you excited? ^_^
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Yeah, but not as excited as Tamahome! He keeps hopin' fer red envelopes of okane! So, how ya' feelin'?
Dear Chiriko,
Only in Rurouni Kenshin do swords do what? Deflect bullets?
Dear Tonberry,
Hai. Kenshin does seem to be able to rush into gunfire and emerge unscathed.
Dear Tasuki,
I've been sick since last Friday... and now it's Tuesday. >_< But atleast I get to miss school! ^_^
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Hontou ni? What's wrong wit' ya'? Odaijini!
Dear Hotohori,
aaaaah... boushin-chan!!!!!!!!! kawaii... ano, hoto-san, boushin wa nansai desu ka? <-3 kawaiiiiiiiiiiiii................. ^_^V
gomen! ^_^;;;; hoto-san, is miaka behaving herself? no? yes? probably not... (oops don't tell tama that ^^;;; he might get mad at me) lately i've been getting into fights with some sempai... x_x not physically cuz i know zero martial arts (hint hint hint maybe you could teach me, hoto-san! ^_^V). ano... one of them called me a hen-kohai. of course then i called him a henTAI-sempai... ano ^_^;;; then i got kinda chased after... and the other one keeps glaring at me and moon-chan all the time cuz we called him a hen-sempai. ^_^V anyway... honto ni daijoubu desu ne...
btw, moon-chan sez hihi! ^^ (oh wait maybe mayonnaise-warehouse-chan wants to say hi too ^^) ja ne!
Dear hotaru-chan,
Perhaps you all should consider NOT pestering your senpai. Unless you have a crush on him... *Smiles* Please give moon-chan and mayonnaise-warehouse-chan my regards.
Dear Tasuki,
ne, tas-chan. genki ka? on saturday i watched lots and lots of anime! ^_^V it was pretty funny but then it got kinda... kowai. o.0 ano... there was eva #20... x_x and devilman lady, which has lots of chiiiiiiii... x_x ano, sake o nomimashou! ^_^V ja ne!
Dear hotaru-chan,
Genki desu yo! Hai! I'm ALWAYS up fer sake!
Dear Tasuki,
Konnichi wa!!!my i really miss u. hmph! i wasnt able 2 write ( i was suppose 2 yesterday!) b-coz u know , Exams r fast approachin' : my okasan wouldnt accept it if i have failin marks. sorry bout dat ok? aishtemas!!aishtemas and aishiteru!!
... um,Tasuki we r friends right,?! well can i ask an advice from u.... u c i have dis , friend;and um hes da 1 my okasan entrusted me 2... well, hes mark kenj takeda, SO u c he acts as my sort of chaperone,.. practically EVERYWHERE i go!! and hes becoming a sort of a pest, REALLY but i jst caant tell him 2 get lost.. coz it would surely hurt his feelings. i was about 2 tell u dis yesterday, but uc; even when im writin 2 u... hes still beside me! (remember, da guy who interrupts us.) but now, 4 da 1st time, he HAS 2 leave me,ALONE,hes gonna have 2 stay at home as punishment; hes grounded 4 arriving late athome due 2 kim's party (thanx 2 kim !) im quite happy... but itll end.. hes gonna b back 2 stick w/ me again tom. GOSH!! pls. help me...! u r da only 1 i truly trust! how can i tell him 2give me sometime alone , not dat i dont want him coz hes really nice- buuut so over protective and hes already invadin my PRIVATE life (everybody needs atime alone, right..?) *ARIGATOU GUZAIMASu!!* 4 listenin' 2 my problem! :(. .):: ; : im jst here! ok?---from:R0Wie lynne
rowie lynne
Dear rowie lynne,
Jus' tell him nicely that ya' need some private "girl-time" to yerself. Hopefully he'll understand.
Dear Tasuki,
...*walks up behind him slowly* ....*pokes him in the back with a tray of sushi and sake* *clears her throat* .. *laughs a little* *reaches into the pocket of her red kimono and pulls out a white lotus* *sets in on the side of the tray* ... *smile*
Dear Megara,
ACK!!! Yer back! So, how ya' been?
Dear Nuriko,
*Brings Ryuen's hand up to cup her face*
You've heard older people say that they can tell when bad weather is coming by the way their bones feel? It's something like that, but mine is from an old operation and not from old age. ^^;;; It's the winter season up here, and the snow is melting. Hon when your body is used to the seasons changing drastically, then the weather isn't right. One can get sick from it, because the body's resistance is dropped.
hehehehe Here I am being clinical again.
Oh I have some good news, Hotohori may start eating more. *_* I hope he does, I know you hate to see him so drained like that.
*crawls into Ryuen's embrace*
hold me? Aishiteru Anata :)
*falls asleep*
Dear Doc-sama,
*Smiles as he listens to her breathe and snore...*
Dear Nuriko,
Thank you for the advice, i'll be sure to talk to one of his friends i honestly don't know what he's thinking. I just worry about him, he does need help and will never admit it. *sigh* oh well...
Hey, i just wanted say i love you hair, mine is fairly long but i wish it were much longer, like yours, but i guess mine's okay, but i still like yours better ^_^
Dear Agahali,
Arigato! I'm glad I was able to help!
Dear Mitsukake,
Mitsukake-san, do you know how to get rid of a cold? I've heard the "orange juice and rest" thing before, and I have the sinking feeling that's all you're going to recommend, but I'm asking anyway. Are there any other remedies?
Komadori Mari
Dear Komadori Mari,
Orange juice, chicken soup, hot tea, and rest are all good remedies for a cold. But rest is generally the best one.
Dear Chichiri,
Konbanwa, Chichiri-san. ...promise me you won't think I'm weird for this, okay?
Have you ever been to It's the best virtual pet site on the whole Internet, so go there. Anyway, there's a pound there that has Neopets that people abandoned. I was looking there for another Neopet as a friend for Aikotori (she's my pet Aisha) and somehow I accidentally adopted two Neopets I didn't want. So I had to go take them back and abandon them again. Not that there aren't worse things you can do to your pet, but when you're trying to get rid of your pet, you have to click on the button several times, and it's like your pet is saying "No, don't go!" "Please don't leave me here!" and things like that. That's just evil, things like that mess with my mind. I took back the two pets that I didn't want, and it's been guilting me for the whole afternoon, even though I didn't want to ever have to abandon any pets. It's not like they're REAL! I mean, why is this getting to me like this? But whenever I think about it, I hear the little Shoyru and Tuskaninny pleading "No, let me stay with you!" *cries* Someone will come and get them! They will!
Is it over-emotional of me to be so attached to a virtual pet? I've always been easily attached to characters in books, movies, anime. But now I really don't know what to think. One one hand, they're not real, just a figment of my overactive imagination. On the other hand, pets are pets, virtual or not! *sniffle* I hope someone comes and gets them. Maybe I can find them and be friends.
Maybe the reason I'm like this is because I have a cold. I hear people are more emotional when they're sick. Or vice versa. I think it's the other way around.
I adopted a Kougra named Chailong after I took back the other two. He's sweet, maybe if I hadn't abandoned the other two I wouldn't have found him. What is, is, right?
I still feel weird about being sad for a virtual pet that's going to find a new owner anyway, though.
Komadori Mari
Dear Komadori Mari,
It may be because you are ill right now that you are overly emotional, no da. But as you pointed out the "pet" isn't real, just virtual, no da. Give yourself an emotional break and enjoy the one you adopted, no da.
Dear Mitsukake,
No fun...Do it for Shoka!! ...The way she looked at you, you KNOW she wanted you to do it!! "C'mon, Juan! Dress up as Nuriko!!" ^.^
Dear Sami-chan,
I DON'T think so!
Dear Nuriko,
Oh guess what Nuri-chan, I found a place where you can have a cyber-wedding. Will you marry me please? It would also make me so happy, though I act happy most of the time. *gets down on knees* Please Nuriko, please please *starry eyes*
Dear Washu-Chan,
A wedding? Gomen ne, I already have one aisai. How about you and I be friends?
Dear Chichiri,
Hmm, maybe I'll try. Thanks for the suggestion Chichiri-sama.
Dear Washu-Chan,
You're very welcome, no da! Good luck!
Dear Nuriko,
This is for Tempest (and anyone else who ever been in our situation). As you know, Nuriko-kun, I am very MUCH a tomboy, and yes, my voice is deeper than alot of girls. That, of course, doesn't mean I am weird, or gay, or a boy. It means I'm different. Which, might I add, is a heckuva lot cooler than bein' part of the 'gap crowd'. It's better to follow your own herat rather than the masses. Otherwise you're just a lil' lemming. I wear jeans and tshirts almost everyday, and because of my height have to buy them in the boy's dept (I'm 6'1''). I love videogames, anime, paintball, lasertag....y'know anything crazy. So don't worry, Tempest. I've survived partway thru college. *nodnod* You will too. The other people can go straight to Hades.
Dear Kelli,
Arigato Kelli-chan! Well said! *Smiles at her*
Dear Tasuki,
*walks in crying and latches onto him* YOU SAVED ME, YOU SAVED ME, ARIGATO! ARIGATO! ARIGATOOOO! *gives him a huge deep kiss* DOMO ARIGATO TASUKI-KUN! *huggles him tightly* I was so scared of that tart, she was a few fries short of a full Happy Meal! And she was starving me...I didn't have food for four days! *listens to her tummy grumble and trembles all over* I need FOOD...warm, fluffy, scrumptious, FOOD! *whines* I'm so hungry and tired and thirsty...*falls into his arms and weakly looks up at him, pale and shaken up* Arigato again, Tasuki-kun. *smiles* So, ya love yer lil Miko? I'm glad! ^^ Makes me happy knowin my lil Tasuki-kun CARES about ME! *fang grins weakly* Thanks Tasuki...tell the others I say thanks...and...I hope...I can re...repay them.......soon........*goes limp in his arms and faints from hunger and exhaustion*
Dear Alecia-chan,
*Sweatdrops and carries her into the kitchen... grumbling...* 'Nother Miaka.... >.<
Dear Tasuki,
Hi again! Sorry I took so long writing back! Yeah, I know Kouji's not annoying... If you can catch whatever logic I used on this concept, Jam Tart can be an insult or a compliment depending on what we want it to be. Kouji is awesome, therefore Jam Tart is a compliment in this situation ^-^; By the way, you never really answered our question, do you think the english translation of Kouji's name would come out as Jam? Just curious.
Ya know what? We're doing rat dissections in Biology and today I had to do most of the work because my partner was too grossed out to help much with 'Lumpy' (Don.t ask, she decided he needed a pet name) It was soooo disgusting! ;_; Can I maybe have a hug to make me feel better? Please?
Dear Kaosu,
*Gives her a hug.* Here's a piece of advice... don't ever name yer food or anythin' yer wither gonna kill or dissect! Actually, Kouji in English means orphan.
Dear Tamahome,
Sorry I'm broke but I'll ask you anyway! What DO you see in that dippy little bimbo, Miaka? Hmmm? And you better answer too. Make it an I owe you. K? *Wink*
Kuroi Tenshi
Dear Kuroi Tenshi,
No money, no answer. And Miaka is NOT a dippy little bimbo!
Dear Chichiri,
You are my god! I am madly in love with you, you are HOT! I drew a picture of you without your mask and it looked really cool! *GRINS PROUDLY* In the two bottom corners are pictures of you all chibi and you're SOOOOOOOOOOOOO cute! I put the picture on my wall and look at it all the time cause you're soooo HOT! I have a picture of Tamahome too but it was when they were going to see Taitskun so he looks like a drowned rat. But anywho I was sorry to hear about the history of your scar... that HAD to hurt! TTFN G2G
Midnight Rose
Dear Midnight Rose,
It did, no da! Arigato for your kind praise, no da!
Dear Tamahome,
Uh....actually they're English, History and Math exams - but I'd love to have taken a class on tormenting you! That woulda been sooo cool! A's across the board for me! *grins*
I'll have an exam in the middle of my second semester you know. It's for my lifesaving course I'm taking. Three hours of mock rescues, indentifying types of shock and 'treating' very good actors every Sunday night.
Also, I'm working on my Filia costume for going to Anime North 2001 with the P.C.V.S.(my school's)Anime Club. I'm taking my Mom's seam ripper to an old curtain to get the fabric for Filia's cape/mantle thing I have to make. BTW - do you have any suggestions as to what would be a good way to make Filia's mace? I was thinking of using a big styrofoam ball on a stick (that way it would be light enough to tie to a real garter!) and maybe paper mache-ing it - but if you can think of a less messy or even lighter way to do it I'm up for suggestions!
Anyway *hands you a towel* Arigatou!
Taiitsu no Miko (asker of questions)
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
Domo. Your styrofoam idea with styrofoam spikes and pinted black sounds good.
Dear Tasuki,
New to the FY thing... Koji?
Dear ME,
What about 'im?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Ok peeps. I gots a question for you. All of you. I know you have to have heard about the Sailor Senshi. Also known as the Sailor Scouts. Out of all 9 of them (Moon, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Neptune, Uranus, Pluto, and Saturn) who is your favorite and why. (Sorry Nuriko, no Sailor Starlights... In case you didn't know they're guys that transform into girls) ok so response would be nice. THANK YOU!
Twilight Angel
P.S. Don't ask where that came from it just kinda popped in my head.
Dear Twilight Angel,
Tamahome: Usagi
Tasuki: Rei
Chiriko: Ami
Mitsukake: They are all too young to interest me.
Hotohori: Uranus
Chichiir: They are way too young for me, no da!
Nuriko: Saturn
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tamahome, one of my Shun'u's friends, aren.t you? *stops shaking him and bows* Gomen, I forgot to introduce myself. I am Kou-san, mother of Shun'u -- Tasuki, as you call him. Forgive me for my panic, but I was supposed to meet my son here. When I got here to find his room empty of both him and his possessions, what was I to think? You see, even as a boy, Shun'u and his things would end up mysteriously at Mt. Reikaku . I don't know why those bandits took such an interest in kidnapping him. When I saw this empty room, it all came rushing back. I thought I'd lost him again. Gomen nasai; I didn't mean to shake you so hard.
You say my Shun.u is on business? Will he be back soon? No matter. waited this long to see him; surely I can wait a while longer. And how sweet of him to move out of his room to make space for us! That's my son, so thoughtful! *beams proudly*
*pinches his cheek* How cute you are! And so strong-looking! Are you available? I have eligible daughters, all very pretty and capable. *looks expectantly down the empty hallway* They should be along any minute.
Dear Kou-san,
Ano... *Swaetdrops and looks for the nearest exit...* I already have a special someone in my life. Arigato.
Dear Tamahome,
*three women appear just in time to hear the last few words, carrying luggage*
Li'an: Eligible?! Okaa-san, we're married! Happily! *bows to Tamahome* Gomen nasai if she offended you. Okaa-san's a bit forward when it comes to matchmaking. . .
Kou-san: Only because my daughters have husbands unworthy of them.
Li'an: *icily* We're quite happy with our husbands, okaa-san. You're the only one who finds them unworthy.
Pa'liu: Don't fight, you two, please. *smiles at Tamahome* You must be Tamahome-san. I am Pa'liu. Arguing with okaa-san is Li'an, and the one with the protruding belly is Mai.
Mai: *beaming and patting her belly* The baby's due in a couple of months. Jiang would have loved to have come, but she came down with a heavy cold just when we were about to leave. And Aidou decided to take a side trip -- she wouldn't say where.
Pa'liu: *glances into room* I see our dear brother has fled.
Kou-san: This young man says that our Shun'u's on business. Wasn't it sweet of him to clear out his room for us?
Li'an: *chuckles* Very.
Mai: I don't know if there will be room for all of us . . . *to Tamahome* Is there possibly another room we could use? If it's not too much trouble?
Li'an: And do you know when Shun'u will return? *smiles, revealing two fangs* We can't wait to see him again.
Shun'u's sisters
Dear Shun'u's sisters,
I really don't know when he'll be back. Here, let me show you to your rooms! *Takes their bags and leads them to other rooms.*
Dear Nuriko,
Konbanwa! It's that girl with the friend who rivals Tasuki in bad manners... You'll never believe the latest story. It all began Thursday, in Spanish class... *cue the flashback*
I was sitting in my desk, minding my own homework, when the friend walks up and challenges, "I bet I can get a better grade than you on tomorrow's test!" I look up from my paper and inquire, "How much are you betting?" She looks caught off guard, and asks, "Well, how much?" I tell her that if she's the one making the bet, she has to pick how much... (duh?) She says, "Okay, if I get a better score, you have to spend the night at my place." I accept, and as I'm gathering up my stuff as the bell rings, I tell her "I hope you know I have a running streak of never missing a question on my Spanish tests." It's true, too, I'm making an excellent Spanish grade because of it. And do you know what she does? She cracks up! She explodes into hysterical ear-grating laughter! I was about ready to punch her. I am known throughout the school as one of the smartest students, and she has no room to talk about Spanish test grades! Seeing as she once got one question right on a ten question quiz... She knows I always get 100% on my quizzes, I show them to her. So what is so hilarious about the fact that I have never missed a question on my Spanish exams? I think that was a prime example of just what is wrong with her, but I can't place the word...
Thank the gods that she was absent today. Although part of me wants to see our test grades and watch her face as I get yet another unscratched 100%...
Komadori Mari
Dear Komadori Mari,
Odd is a good word for her. But I still don't understand why you would associate with someone who is such an irritant AND call her your friend...
Dear Tasuki,
What qualities do you look for in a girl?
And tell CnA that there's something wrong with the pic of you and Miaka..
it says hosted by angelfire but no pic!!! Oh and is it true Tamahome swears more than you in the dubbed version?
Princess Saffira
Dear Princess Saffira,
One that won't get me in trouble or killed. OI!!! GCNM!! Did ya' hear that?? Yer link's busted! I dunno. I never heard th' dub. But people said that he did.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Why is it always the girls that get the powers? Not that I have a problem with it. I'm just curious. I mean it's always the priestess of Suzaku. The priestess of Seiryu, etc. Why isn't it ever the priest? HMMMMMM??? Is it just cause Yu decided that's how it should be?
Twilight Angel
Dear Twilight Angel,
Well, for example in Slayers Rezo and Xelloss are both priests and Zelgadis has magical powers. Even in Fushigi Yuugi Chichiri and Nakago both have seemingly magical powers.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
first of all i really admire your show how you wounld give up your life just to save your beloved MIAKA and i think you all could have a nice vacation to relax and have time for your self and Hotohori,Nuriko and Tasuki no hard feelings you guys that MIAKA choose TAMAHOME well i think Hotohori is happy cause well... Houki just gave birth to his child right Hotohori well as for chirikokeep on stuying TAMA and TAMAHOME you two are just the same ok mitsukake well i know your feelings right now are hard to explain but remember your love for HER is very strongso just hope that even your both apart you'll both will not forget each other chichiri i have just few things to say well your a very good adviser to the others even when you yourself have your own promblem so for tasuki and nuriko you guys are like bubble gum just don't fight you guys are funny when you fight i think that's all for now be HAPPY....... ALWAYS
Alaina Louise
Dear Alaina,
Arigato for your kind words!
Dear Tamahome,
i have been admiring you and your beloved MIAKA you guys are so sweet the probem is there were so many things that you have to past before being completely happy together, well i hope after your second OVA i hope you counld make another show were you will show your new born baby and how yui and tetsuya are and if ken has a girlfriend already and do let me know if you guys as in all of you are going to have a big celebration on your reunion day that is if there will be a reunion and if you can send me an image where all of you are there with your baby! untill then on my next letter.
Alaina Louise
Dear Alaina,
Arigato for your kind thoughts. Unfortunately there are no sequels or reunions planned for us.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
happy Chinese New Year minna^_^'
*gives all the seishi a hong bao.* (translation, lit. red bag.) spend it on something nice! (Tamahone-san, you got extra)
Dear Tasuki,
I was wondering if you could help me with a little problem I have? You see, I tend to have a really sensitive personality would probably be the best way to explain it. I am easily saddened by small things like people getting hurt, even if they are total strangers, and on top of that, I also tend to blame myself for everything that goes wrong, even if it.s clearly not my fault.
This itself is a problem but what makes it worse is that my close friends don.t understand at all! They mock me about caring too much when I let my emotions show. I know they don.t mean it but it still hurts. So, I started covering up my sadness with a mask of happiness whenever I was down. gotten so good at it that when my 20 year old cat died two weeks ago my friends didn.t have a clue I was sad until I told them what had happened.
I.m really not sure what to do. I want to tell them to stop bugging me so I can work on getting rid of my mask, but I know that whenever I.m depressed it upsets them. I don.t know how to tell them to stop and then show my true emotions without hurting them which is the last thing I want to do right now. Do you have any suggestions?
Dear Kaigara,
Masks are really Chichiri's thin'. Ano... Yer very compassionate an' that's a good thin'. But ya' also need to learn to express yerself appropriately. When yer cat died ya' should have cried an' grieved fer her an' yer buds should have understood. If they couldn't undestand why you were so sad, then there's somethin' wrong wit' them.
As fer blamin' yerself fer everythin' that goes wrong, STOP THAT! It ain't gonna get ya' anywhere an' it'll jus' make ya'
feel bad! If ya' really do somethin' wrong, apologize to th' injured party and' then get on wit' yer life.
Dear Tasuki,
Can I keep you?
Kiara Tenoh
Dear Kiara Tenoh,
Keep me? Do I look like a pet to ya'??
Dear Hotohori,
*Doc nods*
That explains why you get so listless, you aren't getting enough food.
Those palace dinners are really rich, and they're trained you to barely eat. I'd bet they taught you not to eat in public ne? And you have to sneak bites, when they're not looking? *fumes at the advisors highhandedness* Ano.. I'm gonna talk to Ryu-chan about this problem. What?? You've never seen a high sprited woman before?
Dear Doc-sama,
I have, but Nuriko has nothing to do with this. So I see no reason for him to be involved. Perhaps I can just start eating more... *Smiles and sparkles*
Dear Hotohori,
*sweatdrops* Oh gee...well Your Highness, ya see...
I was there and it was the horrible test week. I was very nervous and irritable and someone chose that moment to make fun of me and the fact my parents were killed when I was only a wee tot and had to live on the streets of Konan. I, blinded by rage, accidentally knocked 'em out, so I was kicked out of the boarding house. I've been wandering around for quite the time, then I found the Imperial Palace, and thought "Hmmm...well, ya never know! If this guy is as nice as they say he is, he might take me in!" so I approached you in person without permission, and, well, here I am!
Arigato, Hotohori-sama! *bows again and throws a backpack over her shoulder* Are there any vacant rooms I may sleep in? Oh, I also request that in return for being a guest in your splendid palace that I may be your servent as well! I am very good at house keeping, and I would be deeply thankful if you would let me serve you. Domo arigato Hotohori-sama! *smiles at him warmly and sweetly, and boldly kisses his cheek but makes sure Tasuki-kun isn't around first so he doesn't catch his lil miko kissing another Suzaku Seishi's cheek, he might get the wrong ideas*
Alecia-chan ^^
Dear Alecia-chan,
Until such time as more suitable arrangements can be made you are welcome to stay here with us.
Dear Tasuki,
Look, the real Tasuki would NEVER have a girlfriend. An aisai is just out of the question. Also he would never kiss and hug girls just like that..
Dear anon,
How d'ya know?? Whaddya' think I am GAY like Nuriko or somethi...ITAI!!!!!!!! *Gets punched through a wall by Nuriko.*
Nuriko: I'm not gay! I'm a crossdresser!
Tasuki: Whatever... If I didn't know better I'd say yer one of my sisters tryin' to piss me off!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hmmm...bit of a problem there, aye?
*Alecia-chan is seen in the background whining pitifully: I'm hungryyy...can ya just untie me for a sec so I can at least have something to eat and a spot of sake?*
*sweatdrops* You're a hostage, baka! I'll starve you to death if I must!
*Alecia-chan raises an eyebrow: But now that the Shinzaho are gone, you can't keep me hostage anymore! There's really no purpose so maybe you better let me go so I can go back to glomping Tasuki-kun, hmmm?*
SILENCE! Geesh, I'll find something to keep you hostage for...I GOT IT!
*Alecia-chan: What? A rubber ducky?*
*bops her over the head with a huge mallot* SILENCE, YOU FOOL! I demand a dozen chili dogs, seven hunky lifeguards, a basket of oranges, three squirt guns, and a new kimono or the girl gets it!
*Alecia-chan smirks: Gee, how dangerous. oooh, watch out! She might TICKLE me to death! Ohhh noooo!*
*scowls* I'm new at this...give me a chance!
*Alecia-chan sighs and turns to the Seishi: Just get me outta this nut-house, this lady should be locked up in the funny farm! Just get me outta here and FAST!*
Tokyashima-sama and the irritated Alecia-chan
Dear Tokyashima-sama and the irritated Alecia-chan,
Now THAT we should be able to do! * The Seishi raid Miaka and Tamahome's refrigerator for the food.*
Miaka:WAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! You can't do that!! I'll starve to death!!!!
Tamahome:Hey! Stop that! You know what it costs me to stock this thing??? *Points to ENORMOUS fridge*
*They bring her the squirt guns, the kimono, and the Seiryuu Seishi. They grab Alecia-chan and run out of there.*
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Chiriko,
Ano... *sweatdrops* Aneki and I aren't plannin on gutting anyone! ^-^;;
Firefury: We just wanna get strange looks from people. I mean, what IDIOT would pick on a chick who's carrying a four foot piece of sharp steel? ^-^
Speedy-chan wants to run around in public with a 10 foot long naginata. ^-^;;
Actually, we'd like to stake out Rachel's house and see if anybody else tries to rob their house again ^-^ Though they did FINALLY get an alarm system ;p The last two times it was amatuers looking for stuff to sell for drug money, according to the police. Anyways, ja ne ^.~
One-chan (and Firefury)
Dear One-chan (and Firefury),
Saa... there are a LOT of bakas in the world... And staking out your friend's house while a noble idea is not a very good one if the robbers were armed with guns. Only in Kenshin do swords do that...
Dear Mitsukake,
See? You are SO boring!!!Um...Dress up as Nuriko and flirt with Hoto-sama? I don't think that would be so boring to watch...hehehe...
Dear Sami-chan,
*Looks at her as if she's lost her sanity...* I don't crossdress...
Dear Nuriko,
HEY geuss what? i look like you!!!!!!!
i did my hair purple!!!! it's soo fun!!! I haven't been on here in a long time!
Dear Conundrum,
Welcome back! How have you been?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hmm, okay what I wanna know is....WHERE CAN I WRITE TO THAT SUPER KAWAII BISHOUNEN, KEISUKE??!! Tell me please *puppy eyes* Or I'll....*thinks quickly* Throw Chichiri to the miliions of fangirls he has *fox smile*
Dear Anayomous,
NO, no da! We have searched but we can't find an "Ask the FY Cast" peeji anymore, no da! Perhaps a Seiryuu Seishi would appease you, no da?
Dear Nuriko,
Konnichiwa Nuri-chan! You are my favorite suzaku seishi because you are so entertaining. I cried alot when you died, then when you came back I was so happy I danced around the room. *hee-hee* I'm writing a poem about you. Would you like to see it when it's done. I'm also gonna cos-play as you at a ani-con this summer. It'll be fun. Talk to ya later Nuri-chan. Love ya!*blows him a kiss* Bye bye now!
Dear Washu-Chan,
I'd love to see it! So you'll cosplay as me? I'm very flattered! Arigato!
Dear Chichiri,
Join an afterschool club? I would, but the only thing I like is anime and we don't have any clubs for that. *sigh* Guess I'm outta luck. Oh Chichiri-sama I drew a picture of me and you. :) I also wrote a song about you (kinda) It's on on Flame's FY Corner in the fic section. Tell me what ya think of it okay. I have others to write to so I'll go now. Sayonarra!(sp?)
Dear Washu-Chan,
Arigato, no da. What about starting your own after school Anime/Science-Fiction Club, no da?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
From what I understand she has strep throat. I hope it doesn't hurt her singing voice!
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
As long as she is under a doctor's care, she should be fine. But since strep is contagious you may wish to keep away from her until she is all better.
Dear Nuriko,
*Doc limps in the room, then finds a chair to sit on* My knee is swelling because of the change in the weather, I'll be okay. Ryuen, I'm so sorry I've embarrassed you. *Doc flushes a deep red, as she is a very ashamed of herself*
Dear Doc-sama,
*Goes to her very concerned.* Why would the weather do this to you? Is there anything I can do to help? *Takes her hand and smiles.* Don't worry about it.
Dear Chichiri,
hiya chichiri!! sorry i haven't written in a while. i keep getting grounded for my short temper. i'm at the library, and they don't have ANY anime!!!!!!!!!! aaahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! i still might find an ancient book and get transported to your world though. I hope so!!! i'm going to annoy my twin sis. i'm getting lots of chinese and japenese literature books and cds from the library. we have to share a room, so if she wants to go to sleep, too bad!!! she has to listen to the music and watch me read!! bwahahahaha!!!!!
woah! gotta be careful about those evil streaks, ne? I have to do an english report. it's a research paper. guess what i'm doing? anime!!! that's my topic!!! and sience the library doesen't even know what it is, i have to buy my resourses and i can keep them forever and ever!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh shoot! i'm running out of time!! gotta go!! ::kisses him quickly turns crimson and disappears.::
Dear ashley,
Good luck on your report and stop tormenting your sister, no da!
Dear Tamahome,
Hey man, 's me again. I tried what ya said, about bein' her friend and all... She opened up a l'il bit and you were right 'bout her past. It's worse than Nakago's by a long shot. She's gone through stuff that I woulda never even thought possible! I think th' reason she's so afraid of a relationship 's 'cause she's always moving along. Like, she don' know when she's gonna move out next, and I don' think she wants to be close ta someone 'f she's gonna have t' say goodbye.
I dunno what I can do 'bout that. I wanna get close, but I'd end up causin' her more pain. I'm really stuck.
Uncertain Cat-Demon
Dear Uncertain,
Stay her friend. It's the best thing for her and most likely it's what she needs now more than a boyfriend.
Dear Chiriko,
Hey whats up, man? I have a question for ya, I'm in great jeoparty of not passing the year of high school I'm in, and no matter how hard I try, I can't keep my attention on studing then I get frustraded and don't do anything at all. What do I do...? *dramatic music*
Dear Tempest,
Get a study buddy or a tutor to help you study and help you concentrate so you can pass. Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Nuriko,
I asked my friend Dark Anime Angel about this problem that I have. Then she told me that I should ask you. This problem thing, you see whenever I answer the phone, or meet people for the first time, they think that I'm a guy, I mean as first I had no problem with it, but now I get made fun of the fact that I have a natural deeper voice then most guys and act well... not girly at all. Because I detest make up ( no offense to the people who like make-up!) But when people make fun of me for liking anime and everything then that I'm a tomboy with a guy's voice. I think you can guess what else I'm called. So now I have been having to using a fake voice and wearing girly cloths that make me so uncormfortable, and wearing my hair down. (Then it's always in my way!!)I'm scared that that guy I like will think that I'm some kind of psycho-path or something because when people get on my bad side I can't calm myself down before I end up yelling or doing psychical damage to them. I don't know what to do! Rahhhh!!!
*P.S* By the way, I love your hair.
Dear Tempest,
Well, you have to be true to who you are. If you have a husky voice and like to wear jeans, then so be it. It's also possible that as you get older your voice will change and get less deep/husky. I know it's hard, but just ignore the small minded people who say things about you. They don't know you and obviously have no lives of their own to tend to.
When people start to bother you, count to 10, take a deep breath, and remember that they are saying those things because they have no self-esteem and need to tear someone down so that they can look good. Sad, aren't they? *Smiles and gives her a hug*
Dear Mitsukake,
If I do, will you come visit??
Actually, I'm getting better. It's mostly going away, I just still have this nasty cough. Thats annoying. I promise on my offtime on Monday I'll go to the clinic and get some medication. Will that make you happy, Mits-chan?
*hugs him*
Dear Kelli,
You going to a clinic and getting proper care will make me happy.
Dear Tasuki,
*Doc walks by a mentally suffering Tasuki*
Too many women want ya ne? I guess many of them want to have what it takes to be a she-wolf, and capture your heart. Try to remember that you're helping them from making huge mistakes in this world.
*kisses Tasuki on the forehead*
CnA and I are here to help if you need us :)
Dear Doc-sama,
*Grins* So you'll yell at 'em an' pound 'em fer me??? Seein' as how I don't hit women an' all...
Dear Tamahome,
*a short brunette tenshi walks in singing a strange tune that sounds vaguely like "Tama-gachi! My little Tama Tama-gachi!" Sees Tamahome, pulls out a piece of paper, and marks his name off the ever-growing things-to-do list* Hiya, Tama-homeboy! Nice to meet ya, no da! I'm Kageno Tenshi. You remember me from caroling, ne? ANYWAYS I really only came here to tell you that I really like a song that you sing. I think it's called Soshite, Yamino Saki ni, no da. It's so suigoi, no da! Just thought I'd tell ya that, no da. Oh, and Tetsuno Tenshi says hi, no da. JA!
Kageno Tenshi
Dear Kageno Tenshi,
Thank you! I'm glad you liked my song! Please give my best to Tetsuno Tenshi.
Dear Chichiri,
Chichiri! *runs up and holds two CDs in his face* Looki! I finally got to burn Hibara-chan's FY CDs! YATTE! YATTE! YATTE! There's some really good songs on them, no da. You sing four of them. Ochanoko Saisai Hengen Jizai (I think that's what it's called, no da) is such a KAWAII song! Aoi Jiyuu Shiroi Nozomi is also on one of them. I LOVE that song, no da! You and Tasuki sound so good together! Y'all should do duets more often, no da. And, the ultimate addition to the collection...*drumroll* MIZU KAGAMI! I finally got Mizu Kagami! You are an absolutely fantastic singer, no da! Better in person *blush* You have such an awe inspireing voice! I love it! I could sit there and listen to ya sing for ages! I'm listening to Mizu Kagami right now, actually. *sweatdrop* It's been playing for the last two hours. Ever since I got it burned, no da. Soon I'm gonna have it memorized. heh... *a little black neko-chan jumps into her arms out of nowhere* Oi! Oh, it's you. *Shows her to Chichiri* This is Luna, no da. Don't look at me like that! Yes, I named her after the cresent moon bald-spotted kitty. ANYWAYS I think she wants to say hi to ya. You wanna hold her? Her sister, Sabel the wrestlerette, has a crush on Tama-neko, no da. She really does! I showed her a pic of him once, and she started purring!
Kageno Tenshi
Dear Kageno Tenshi,
Arigato for all your kind compliments, no da! *Picks up Luna and pets her.* Kawaii neko, no da!
Dear Chichiri,
I forgot to mention it earlier, but...
The guy I was talking about? The one that was flirting with me? Well, his birthday is two days after yours. O_o Creepy... Well, mainly because your my fav. seishi and all. Don't worry, I'm not another rabid fangirl. I just like you best. *Gomen ne to all other seishi and fangirls.* So yeah. May 23. Frankly, I was a little creeped out. That and the fact that today my parents were badgering me about going on errands with them and said that I could go to the mall to go shopping (which for once I didn't want to do), and then seeing that my horoscope said something about romance and then "Go shopping!". Life's been creepy recently. *smile* Ok, gotta run. Ja matte ne!
<3 Mako-chan
Dear Mako-chan,
Perhaps someone is trying to tell you something, no da. *Smiles*
Dear Chiriko,
*looks at Chiriko* ...I gotta question, and ya seem smarter then my oniisan. Ok, what is school? I've heard of it, I think I've been to it before, but I jes don't get
Dear Keiko,
It's the place one goes to to learn about the world and to socialize with friends and peers. *Looks at her oddly...*
Dear Tasuki,
Hiya Tasuki! *hugs* You would not believe all the insperation I've been haveing lately!! I've been writeing all these Gundam fanfic (nothing yaoi, I think thoughs things are evil....)Anywayz um....about me scanner...heheh...It won't work on my computer -.-;;; %^#&@!^%! computer, oops, heheheh, so it might be a little longer before I'll have my really good pictures up *sighs* Oh well, everyone will just have to wait! *hugs Tasuki and kisses his cheek*
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
That's ok. Don't ya' worry 'bout it.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey! So how are you giys doing? Guess what?! I'm in the top 25% of my class! Yeah!!! *jumps up and down for joy* Ummmm..... I was wondering if Mitsukake could heal my buddy Hibarrano Tenshi. *looks at Mitsukake with her puppy face* I didn't know Hino Tenshi had a dog. Oh well. Gotta go! Bye!
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
The top 25%? Omedeto! That's great! What is wrong with Hibarrano Tenshi? Nothing serious we hope.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Wai wai! Atashi wa genki genki genki desu!! ^_^ Still, not much of a change from usual, ne?
*grinning widely from ear to ear* I have to tell someone and I know this is one place that he won't visit, soo....
This really cute guy started majorly flirting with me the day before yesterday (Thursday evening)! Wai wai! He's also good friends with my best friend, and after I had to go he started asking her all of these questions about me, the main one being "how does she feel about me?" !! Daaaaa....
I've had a crush on him since...oh, about a week after I met him, but he had a girlfriend at the time. Well, now he's free (having broken up with the girl) and I am nearly too happy for words! ^_^ See, I switched schools four years ago and my current school is...well, let's just say that the cute guys have a horrid (or no) personality. I don't have much time to go out because of school work, so...I finally meet this one cute guy who has a personality (a rather nice one, I might add) and he actually likes me too! Needless to say, I'm happy.
Ok, enough of me blabbering. ^_^ *does a happy little jumping dance and waves goodbye)
<3 Mako-chan
Dear Mako-chan,
Yay Mako-chan!! Good luck and let us know how it gies! *Smiles*
Dear Tasuki,
Halt! Thee who wishes to cross the bridge of death must answer me these questions 3, there the other side he see
WHAT-is your name?
WHAT-is your quest?
WHAT-is your favorite color?
(right, off ya go, then)
Dear Me,
Someone's been up watchin' WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYY too much Monty Python an' th' Holy Grail! Alright... Tasuki, to go out drinkin' wit' my bros, red.
Dear Tamahome,
I was just wondering, What were you thinking when you first found out Nuriko was really a guy. I mean cause of that kiss an all. Well Thanks for your time you are waaaaaay cool.
Dear Jamie,
"YACK! I was kissed by a guy????" I think that about sums it up. Thanks for saying I'm cool!
Dear Nuriko,
Ano...where do I send the Xelloss crossdressing picture to Chichiri no Aijin? Doko?
Kawaii Scary Yuki-chan
Dear Yuki-chan,
If you send it to the administrative email address on the front peeji she will receive it. She says Arigato gozaimasu!
Dear Tasuki,
Halt-He who wishes to cross the bridge of death must answer me these questions 3, there the other side he see
WHAT-is your name?
WHAT-is your quest?
WHAT-is the capital of Assyria?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
hihi minna-san! today mayonnaise-warehouse-chan spilled mr. pibb under moon-chan's chair in english class... ^_^;;; it was funny.
i would like to write to boushin-chan... ^_^ kawaii na...
Dear hotaru-chan,
How interesting for mayonnaise-warehouse and moon-chan... Ano, Boushin is still too young for letters but I shall give him your regards. Arigato.
Dear Mitsukake,
mitsu-san! my cs teacher fowarded me a cat haiku... and it was funny... ^_^ would you like to hear it? oh yeah, and did you know that cats are elevator butts? heheheh. ja mata!
Dear hotaru-chan,
Yes, I know all about "elevator-butt" as you call it and cats. *Smiles* I would certainly like to hear the cat haiku. Arigato.
Dear Chiriko,
Darn...tesselations are soooo hard to make...but I somehow managed to make one!! WAI! I don't like geometry...but I have to do the work blah... -_-;;
Kawaii Scary Yuki-chan
Dear Tamahome,
Wow it's been a while since I've annoyed you Tama-dork! *dumps water over your head* DRIP! *giggles*'s Miaka? And how's Chichiri no Aijin? (BTW- Arigatou to CnA for the non-posts and forwarded letters! *hugs CnA*) Guess what exams I've got this semester Tama. *looks him up and down - still dripping wet* You want a towel or shall I jsut get Tasuki to dry you off?
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
A towel would be fine! You're welcome. We're all fine, just very busy with letters. Exams, eh? I bet they are tormenting heroic anime bishounin and drowning me. *Grins*
Dear Tamahome,
tama-san, okane ga suki desu ka? daisuki desu ka? *waru egao*...
Dear hotaru-chan,
Hai! Okane ga suki desu! Demo Miaka ga daisuki desu yo!
Dear Chiriko,
chiriko-sensei... i'm doing much better on my research project and now at least i'm not screwed beyond belief. ^^;;; 34 notecards isn't bad... and i'm not failing science! ^_^V! hehehehheh... ja ne!
Dear hotaru-chan,
Ano, please don't call me sensei. I'm not a teacher, I'm just a person. But I am glad that you're doing well in school! *Smiles*
Dear Chichiri,
hihi chichiri-san!!!!! genki no da! kinyoubi no da! ja ne no da! ^_^;;;
Dear hotaru-chan,
Genki no da! Nichiyoubi desu, no da!
Dear Hotohori,
*presents hotohori with his cup*
ne, hoto-san, sake o nomimashou! ^_~
Dear hotaru-chan,
Hai! Arigato gozamasu! Nonde kudasai!
Nuriko wanted to know if you meant shashin and not sashi. They are both very different things. He does not remember either giving out a photograph (shashin) or a sashi (which can be either a sandbank or a sharpened tube for testing rice in bags depending on the kanji) to anyone.
Dear Tasuki,
ne, tas-chan, moon-chan's aura's crimson, but my aura's sapphire. hen da ne...? ano... aoi no keeki ga suki ka?
Dear hotaru-chan,
Hai! Boku wa aoi no keeki ga suki desu yo. Ano... aji wa nan desuka?
Dear Tasuki,
*wacks Tasuki on the head* You deserve it.. BTW, I'm NOT a fangirl of yours! I just wanted to clear justice!
CNA tries to please her friends so much, but tends to make others miserable. I say you should act your character.
Dear anon,
An' jus' what in yer opinion is my *(^%$#@ character s'pposed to be?? We all try hard to please ever'one but ya' jus' can't! Gomen...
Dear Tasuki,
*pats him on the head* It's ok, Tas-chan. I think you and Iridal make a cute couple, no da. Course, I don't know what she looks like, but that's beside the point. Don't worry 'bout all the grief those peeps are givin ya, no da. If you don't got nothin 'gainst the arrangement, than just don't worry 'bout it. *pulls out a bottle of sake from hammerspace* Here ya go. To make ya feel better, no da. Oi, at least ya know they all luv ya enough to fight for ya, no da. Course, if they thought 'bout it they's realize they'd be better off dropping the subject and jus' bein' your friend, but they're only human, no da. JA!
Kageno Tenshi
Dear Kageno Tenshi,
Chichiri: Truer words were never spoken, no da!
OI! Get outta here! This is MY letter! *Rereads letter and Chichiri's response.* Oh... yeah... what he said! Ya' got a lotta good sense there. Thanks! An' thanks fer th' sake! After all th' grief I been gettin' I NEED it! *Grins and chugs the bottle...*
Dear Chichiri,
I have heard 2 different stories about your past and how you got the scar. I would REALLY like to know what the truth is. PLEAsE PLEASE PLEEEEEEEEAAAAASSSSEEE!!!!!!!!! Thanx!
Twilight Angel
Dear Twilight Angel,
*Takes off his mask and looks sad.* I was once engaged but before I was to be married my best friend admitted to my fiancée that he was in love with her and then he forced a kiss on her. I witnessed this unbeknownst to them. When my fiancée told me she was no longer worthy to marry me I flew into a rage and my friend and I fought on the banks of a flooding river. He fell in and I lay on the gound and grabbed his hand. A broken tree limb was carried past me and gouged my eye out and in my pain I let go of his hand and he died. The food killed my fiancée and the rest of my family. *Places mask back on his face.* That's how it happened, no da.
Dear Mitsukake,
Hmm...You're boring...could you do something interesting for me? ^.^;
Dear Sami-chan,
Such as...?
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