Dear Tasuki,
*smirks evily* Well, well, well. If it isn't the ever so popular member of the Suzaku Seishi. Very nice to meet you. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Tokyashima-sama *she hisses gently as she points to a figure gagged and tied up behind her* and I have one of your miko's and am about to kill her.
*Alecia-chan gets wide eyes and looks at Tasuki-kun with fright shining in her watery emerald eyes*
*Tokyashima turns and points a sword to Alecia-chan's throat* If you do as I say, she might be spared. But if my wishes are not carried out, the girl will be slowly killed.
*Alecia screams in a muffled voice from beneath the hanky gagging her: Help me Tasuki-kun! Help!*
*Tokyashima throws Alecia-chan over her shoulder and grins insanely at Tasuki* Farewell for now...until we meet again...*Tokyashima dashes off into the dark shadows of the unknown with Alecia screaming: TASUKI--!*
Dear Tokyashima,
Ya' know I jus' got no respect fer evil thins' that pick on fangirls...
Dear Chichiri,
CHICHIRI! *glomps the startled monk* I can glomp ya, now, no da! Did ya miss me, ne? I missed you, no da. And, I was only unable to write for a week, too! *sweatdrop* I'm pathetic, no da. I wasn't ever able to get the net long enough to write, then I come in with time to spare, and y'all are closed to move. It ws a sad time for Akuma, no da. (BTW I forgot to tell ya that that's my RL name. You know, like Chichiri and Houjan.) ANYWAYS Guess what! I drew he absolutely most cutest piccie of you and *cough* me. I'm so proud of it. I showed everybody. Even the people that I know from wa~y back in elementary who don't remember my name. Most of them just looked at me like 'Yeah, ok. That's nice. *to the side* freak' But, that's ok, no da. I'm happy! Today is a nice day, no da! It wasn't earlier, but it is now. Don't ask me why. I'm kinda fickle like that, no da. And, I wrote more in my ficcie! Ok, I admit it's only 3 pages, but after 'bout a month of writer's block, it's something to be proud of, no da. BTW I need your help with something. In my ficcie, Korino, Amiboshi, and I go on a sorta expedition, (I guess that's the word for it), and at one point, Boshi-kun wips out some food( we gotta eat some time, no da.) The problem is, I don't know what I should have him cooking. I mean, what kind of food would an ancient Chinese person take on a long, toilsome journey?(actually, it's only 3 days, but you get the drift, ne?) And, how long do you think it would take to get to taitskun's mountain(I can's for the life of me remember the name, no da) traveling from the palace in Kutou? Well, that's all, really. I guess. I don't wanna go! But, I get to go to an astronomy meeting with Kosetsuno Tenshi, so I gotta go. JA! *glomps him once more, then runs of to go look at the stars*
Kageno Tenshi
Dear Kageno Tenshi,
Hmmm... perhaps some uncooked rice, water, dried fish or you could catch fresh fish, no da. It may take a week, perhaps longer to get there, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Well, it seems all of you aren't very eager to get Tasuki's little miko back, are you?
*Alecia is seen chained up and gagged (still), giving Tasuki and the rest of the Seishi scared looks*
All I ask is for something important. If I receive it, the girl will remain unharmed. I am asking for the Shinzaho, nothing more, nothing less. If I don't receive the Shinzaho, the Tasuki no Miko Alecia-chan will be killed merciless.
*Alecia screams after ungagging herself: Don't do it! Don't give her the Shinzaho, forget about me, get outta here guys! I was just an annoying Tasuki fangirl, it might actually be good if I'm dead because Tasuki won't have as many girls latching onto him anymore, being annoying or getting him d*mn near killed! Don't give her the Shinza-(is cut off after being punched in the stomach by Tokayshima and is knocked out)*
Your choice. If I don't receive the Shinzaho in three days, the girl gets it. *smirks evily* Good luck, time is ticking Suzaku Seishi.
Dear Tokyashima,
As much as we'd like to comply, we no longer have the Shinzahou in our possession, no da. The Seiryuu Seishi stole it and used it to call Seiryuu, no da. Perhaps we can come to a different arrangement before we resort to violence, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
WAIII! I CAN WRITE TO YOU AGAIN! *huggles him* Ohhh, I missed talking to yoooou! Ooooh! As for your reply...
How could you THINK that!? Why would I write a yaoi english assignment about you and Chichiri-chan!? No way! It's about a battle! It's about you, me, Kouji, Katrina (a Nuriko look alike in my story...she's my own character and she kicks BOOTY! ^^), and Chichiri fighting the bad guy...bad news is, one of the characters dies >XP You'll hate me for who I make go *CROAK*! But you'll get over it. You better, at least :P
So, I'm your other miko? Okey day, I can share with Amy-chan! ^^ We'll take gooood care of ya...won't we?...heh heh...*hands him a bottle of sake* Made ya some last night! I bet it tastes yummy. I can't try it, I'm not 21 :P Try it! If you like it, I can give you more.
By the way, more on my fanfic subject, I'm gonna post it on my Tasuki site and give you the link. I'll give you directions how to get there, okey day? Okey day. I hope you like my fic, I think it's rather good. *huggles him again and kisses him cheek* Daisuki yo! *then turns her face so he can kiss her cheek as well* If ya love me, you'll kiss my cheek too! (no pressure ^^) Hee hee, I'm done here. Next time I write to you, it'll be with the link to my site and the fic! Ja ne! Wo ai ni! ^^ *turns and leaps off, taking his tessen with her* hee hee hee! >XD
Dear Alecia-chan,
Sounds good to me! *Takes his tessen back and gives her a kiss on the forehead.*
Dear Mitsukake,
Konnichiwa, Mitsukake-san! Hajimamashite! I'm Kageno Tenshi, no da! Well, I was just wondering... Are tomatoes good for nekos? 'Cuz, my two kitties like tomato soup and make me give them some whenever I eat it, and I was just making sure I wasn't gonna kill them, no da. That's all, I guess. Gomen. I figured you might know since you are a dr. and you were acting as avet for some time, no da. JA!
Kageno Tenshi
Dear Kageno Tenshi,
I am not a veterinarian. I would say as long as it was no more than a drop or two and there was no garlic or onion (they can both kill cats) they should be ok. The best thing for you to do is ask your cats' vet about this.
Dear Tasuki,
Tas-chan! I had midterms this week! My brain hurts. Make the owies go away....*pouts*. I did ok on most of them but I'm pretty sure I blew my algebra one. I hate that class anyways. Studying hurts my head. I have such a full weekend too. I have to go to a concert, do choreography and show up at a party. I guess it's not that bad though. Heh, it's simple compared to school.
Kat Winner
Dear Kat Winner,
Sorry to hear 'bout yer Algebra test. Try takin' somethin' fer yer headache an' go enjoy yer weekend!
Dear Tasuki,
*pouts and sniffles* Kelli's teasin' me and bein' mean... *sniff sniff* Make her stop!
Chibi Iri-chan
Dear Chibi Iri-chan,
*Looks at her and pouts...* All th' fangirls are pickin' on me over YA'!! Make 'em stop!!!!!!!!
Dear Nuriko,
*Doc glomps Ryuen and gives him a deep kiss*
I loved the dinner you cooked for me on my birthday. The Nuriko sundae, was especially oishii :D
So am I still a hakucho to you? ^.~
*Doc winks and grins at Ryuen*
Anou... you should be used to this by now.
Dear Doc-sama,
*Blushes and sweatdrops...* You're very welcome! Hai!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Before all of you were born,did the people of Konan have beliefs in Suzaku or were there other Suzaku seishi before you guys.If this is a stupid question, jus say so -_-
Dear joy-chan,
Actually, that was one of the more intelligent questions ever posed to us! People in Konan have always worshipped Suzaku as their God. As for other Seishi before us, I'm not positive of the history, but I wouldn't be surprised if Seishi are not born into a generation unless they are needed. Does that make sense?
Dear Tamahome,
i kinda don't agree with u when u said that Luna and Aeka sound alike Tama-chan.y'see, Luna sounds like an older English woman...and Aeka...well,her voice is too high pitched than Luna's.hee hee hee hee...their voice is a tiny bit alike(like 1% in my opinion).
Dear joy-chan,
Everyone is entitled to their opinion.
Dear Chiriko,
Firefury! Not Fire-Fury! *turns SD* Just curious anyways =) Thanks though ^-^ We've been wondering about that for awhile.
Dear One-chan,
Sumimasen! So, who were you two planning on gutting?
Dear Hotohori,
*Doc sits in the chair that was offered*
I hope you enjoy the food. Now you do realize that I've cooked for teenage guys before, and it became a complement to my cooking when it's eaten fiercely. You don't want to insult me by being delicate about it hmm.. ;D
*Doc pours out some of the tea into cups*
That huge bowl is all yours, I had some while I was cooking it. ;)
*Doc nibbles on a loaf of bread while Hotohori eats*
Dear Doc-sama,
Arigato, I am rather peckish.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
hi for drama finals *snif* i had to write a play....mysterious play hee hee well your all there and it's rilly neet it's about the closetest i'll ever get to the real thing. though i am working on geting sucked into the english comic book hee hee. o.k. love you all bye bye
Dear macoto,
So, what grade did you get on the play?
Dear Tamahome,
Oi. ... Well, ya seem t' be the one who could help me th' most.. See, I got some problems.. err... Well, there's this girl... but.. she's so COLD, man! I mean, nothin' gets through t' her. I don' think she's ever really smiled. She's just bitter and cynical about everything. Ya'd think everyone hated her or something like that. And.. well, I dunno.. I guess.. I guess I like her, but ain't got any experience in that field.. ya know, with.. girls. What can I do t' get through t' her?
Lovestruck Cat-demon
Dear Lovestruck,
Be her friend. She sounds like she may have had a rough life, so just be her friend and do your best to not hurt her or betray her trust once you gain it.
Dear Hotohori,
^_^ Glad to help no da! I know how difficult naming characters can be no da. Finding the right one is not easy no da @_@ But usually, as you flesh out the character's personality, the naming comes easier no da :3
Saaa.... I'm really very bored no da. I haven't been inspired enough to draw any good pictures recently no da! I better think of something quickly so I can use my manga supplies when they arrive no da!
^_^ Hope things are going well for you no da. :::yanks at her hair::: I wish my hair was as pretty as yours no da. Whenever it gets long, it gets really nappy and frizzled, so I cut it really short most of the time no da. I also don't have the patience to take care of it properly na no da @_@
Oh well ^_^ Ja!
Shadra D
Dear Shadra D,
Have you tried deep conditioning your hair and getting a layered cut? It might help. Good luck on your artwork.
Dear Hotohori,
*looks at him with dreamy eyes* Hotohori-sama? How can you be so pretty? Did you inherit it from your mother or father? Oh, how rude of me! I am Alecia-chan! It's nice to meet you Your Highness! *bows respectively* I'm very flattered you'd read my letter! Arigato! *smiles and her emerald Miaka eyes sparkle and gleam* You're my third favorite Suzaku Seishi! No offense, but I like Tasuki first and Chichiri second because Tasuki is like me in alot of ways and Chichiri is just cute! But you're the prettiest of them all! I was wondering...could I maybe find a place to live in there? *points to the palace* I really need a place to stay, I'm on the streets. I was thrown out of the boarding school I was attending, so I'm kinda homeless...if I can, I'll thank you and love you forever! Arigato Hotohori-sama! *bows again and smiles warmly at him* Ja ne! ^^
Dear Alecia-chan,
Of course child! Why were you thrown out of school and where are your parents?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey..... I am sure that you peeps have heard of the Gundam Boys......Such as Quatre, Duo, Heero, Trowa, and Wufei..... If you peeps had to choose one of them to spend a whole week with NON-STOP....who would you pick...
Dark Anime Angel
Dear Dark Anime Angel,
Tamahome: Duo
Chichiri: Wu Fei, because he needs help, no da.
Chiriko: Quatre
Hotohori: Quatre
Nuriko: Trowa
Tasuki: Heero. He really needs to go out an' have some fun!
Mitsukake: Heero. He really is in need of serious counseling.
Dear Chiriko,
arigatou chiriko san for answering my previous question, but page isn't up yet. thank you for letting me put a link up though.
*g ives Chiriko a year 2001 kitten calendar* ^_^'
on another note, what did you mean by answering "shi" to my question of whether you could speak chinese? erm... i take it you kinda know some chinese volcabulary then?
Dear houki,
Arigato for the kawaii ko-keko calendar! Hai, "shi" as best as I could make out, is Chinese for "yes".
Dear Tasuki,
How do you know all the others aren't good cases too? Or BETTER?!?! You didn't let them be your aisai to even see the chances!
Dear anon,
*Sighs, puts his head in his hands and shakes his head...* Ya' know, Chichiri has Chichiri no Aijn, Wandering Mage Chichiri, AND Chichiri no Aisai!! Nuriko has Doc-sama as an aisai an' Inori as a handmaiden! So why th' H*LL am I gettin' all th' *(^%$#@ grief?!?!?!?
Dear Mitsukake,
*bows shakily* Arigato gozaimasu for your kindness, Mits-kun. I haven't been to the health clinic or anything, but I am finally going out to buy food tonight, so I'll stock up. I start my diet on Sunday officially, so I have to get good food. *Sigh* the most annoying thing is the inability to breathe, y'know? and the hearing. On top of the resp., it looks like I may be getting an ear infection from the illness combined with the cabin pressure on the plane. *pets tama-neko* ANd the Nyquil is making me a biiiit nutty. Hence the long letters. Hope ya don't mind. ^_^
Dear Kelli,
*Looks down at her and frowns...* Get to a doctor and get some antibiotics! You don't want to land in the hospital with pneumonia do you? >.<
Dear Tamahome,
*stares at the dustcloud; eyes grow wide* What do you mean? What's happened? *begins shaking him in panic* Where is my baby?! Has he been carried off by those evil bandits?! WHY AREN'T YOU DOING SOMETHING?!?!
Dear Kou-san,
Are you talking about Tasuki?? He wasn't carried off! I think he had some *coughs* business at Mt. Reikaku.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hello i want to say that... i love you guys, your all so wonderful, okay here is what i wanted to ask you about. is it true that Nuriko's older brother crys a lot? *just finding that strange* I was just wondering about that one... i have to ask you about a real life problem though, i know why would someone ask you guys. well i would.
My friend recently met this girl, they get along great and all but she's constantly running him around to the point that it's affecting his health and school. He won't listen to me when i try and convince him that it's not good for him, but he says he loves her and doesn't care. I don' know how much longer he can take it, she doesn't seem worried about him at all. I was wondering if you had any idea's he's a really good friend and i only want to help him out.
It's okay if you don't have anything to say about it, after all no one else wants to get in it at all.
Dear Agahali,
Yes, my brother is a bit of a wimp. She seems to be very selfish from what you are telling us. Unfortunately, love can be blind as well as deaf and if she is treating him poorly she probably won't respond well to a female friend of his telling her that she's being selfish and mean to him. Can you perhaps get one of his male friends to talk to him about it? Sad to say, but he is more likely to listen to another guy. Take care and good luck!
Dear Mitsukake,
(sits down beside him) Life is so stressful. I'm not sure even a cat can help. May I escape here for a while? (peers over his shoulder) What are you reading?
Dear Alina,
Sure. You are welcome to stay as long as you like. I'm reading letters.
Dear Tasuki,
I have to miss school for 3 days because I am so sick. I went to the hospital yesterday and waited in the waiting room for 4 hours. When the Dr did see me he took some of my blood and that hurt. They put my frist IV in me. I had the IV in for 2hours. It was cold. I stayed in the hospital for 7 hours I was glad tp come home. I wished you were there with me. I know other people have it wrost. well I got to go Ja
Hibarrano Tenshi
Dear Hibarrano Tenshi,
Gomen ne! I hope ya' feel better soon! Odaijini!
Dear Nuriko,
::poke poke:: Hellu! I like the color of your hair!! I want mine purple too! *blink blink*Is that your natural hair color or did you die it? *Giggles*
Aneue Otohime
Dear Aneue Otohime,
Arigato! It's my natural hair color.
Dear Tasuki,
TTTTTTAAAAAUUUUUSSSKKKIIIIII!!!!!!! ::glomps on to his waist not letting go:: Your hott, ya know that?! ::giggles:: I'm a pyro too ya know that?! Hehe whats your faveroite animal? Mine's a wolf!! ::lets go of him and pulls out her camra talking about a million pictures of him then giggles:: Not I'll remember you forever!!! ::kisses him on the cheek then runs away her face a crimson red:: Bai Bai!!!!!!!
Aneue Otohime
Dear Aneue Otohime,
*Looks confused* What th' H*LL was that??? Wolves are my favorite animals, too.
Dear Chiriko,
Waah!!*runs up and glomps him, huggling him* Mine!!!!! *Blinks* Ahem...Any ways HELLO!!! Will you be my little brother?? your just TOO Adorable!!! Hehe, Who's your faveorite person out of the FY cast? And you know the shorts on the ending of the FY where Miaka goes back to your world, when you made all the guys dress up like girls, did you like dressing up as a girl?? >^.^< Well, thats all....Bai Bai!! ::patpats::
Aneue Otohime >^.^<
Dear Aneue Otohime,
Of course I'll be your ototou! *Smiles* No, I really did not enjoy dressing up as a girl. My favorite person out of the Fushigi Yuugi cast? Hmmmm... Miaka. SHe always treated me as an equal.
Dear Chichiri,
can i be your student? please a charry on top i already have the hat and the cape,but i think i have the wong hat it's noy working o.k. thats all for now i have to go to school and study for finals *sniff* bye bye ^_*
macoto ^_*
Dear macoto,
I would say yes, except it is not possible for me to visit your world, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
hi um did you know your english vocie actor is in outlaw star? but you are so much more beautiful fy.
Dear macoto,
Arigato! Really?? Which character?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey... if I was mean or uncivilized to ANY of you ....I AM DEEPLY sorry.... Look... I was on drugs or something.... So... If you please will you have the heart to forgive me.... Look... I have alot of things on my mind...and If I trip out on you me through it all....Alrighties...
Dark Anime Angel
Dear Dark Anime Angel,
'Course we fergive ya'! That's what friends do!
Dear Mitsukake,
*walks in rather miserable-looking*
Mitsukake-saaaaaaan.....I have an upper respiratory infection. *makes an evil face* Oh, would that thou were near me so thou couldst remove it from my body!!!! o.O Gah, I sound like Kuno.
Dear Kelli,
*Looks concerned* Yes, you do. But as I'm not there... Have you seen your own doctor or at least the college health clinic? Did they give you antibiotics? Are you taking them? Are you drinking lots of warm fluids (tea, soup broth, etc.), getting some sleep, and keeping warm? We're just worried that it might develop into bronchitis or pneumonia. Odaijini kudasai!
Dear Tasuki,
hihi tasuki! the bell just rang, so i have to go to orchestra and play west side story....x_x .... have a nice day! *gives him some sake*
Dear Moon,
Thanks fer th' sake! Have fun!
Dear Chichiri,
Chichiri...when HITOMI-CHAN said 'mahal kita' in her letter,it means "I love you" in tagalog~~~>a filipino language.i jus wanna tell u that if you wanna know ^.^
Dear joy-chan,
Honto ni?? Aw... that is so sweet, no da!
Dear Hotohori,
*sneaks up behind Hotohori and braids his hair secretly when he is asleep ... *smiles and leaves
Shy Minako-chan
Dear Minako-chan,
*Smiles and continues to sleep.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
My friend...broke her wrist...she's in so much pain now! And to make things worse, little kids attacked her the whole day! WAAAH!
*starts to cry in chibi form I FEEL SO SORRY FOR HER!!!!
Kawaii Scary Yuki-chan
Dear Yuki-chan,
Gomen ne! Did she go to her doctor? Why did children attack her? Is she a teacher? Maybe you can do something nice for her. It will make both of you feel better.
Dear Tasuki,
Moshi moshi! Ohayo! Konnichiwa! Konbanwa de gozaru yo! Nihao! Bonjour! Hola! I feel international today!! Kyaa kyaaa kyaa! I never thought of you and Chichiri as a couple before until I saw responses that said stuff like that. First of all, I don't think you guys are exactly the type to do such things with each other if you know what I mean. Well, ja ne!
Kawaii Scary Yuki-chan
Dear Yuki-chan,
Yer right!! We ain't!!
Dear Hotohori,
Ohayo Emperor...*sigh* yeah, I'm still depressed, and as usual, have been eating too much to get rid of tht empty feeling I have...*double sigh*
Anyway, I wanted to ask your opinion abotu colors: would white and red look better, or black and white, or white and purple? I have to design the godess's dress, you know! *_* And who better to ask than our very own Emperor with the good taste! ^_^ Mal wants white and purple, and I want black and white, and the red and white is just another option. Personally, I don't care which ever one we choose, I just wanna get started on the coloring bit! ^_^
Thankyou Shadra and Hori-sama for answering the previos name waali query, but I'm afraid I missed out yours, Hori-san, though I got Shadra's, since I've FINALLY gotten connected *by some miracle* today after EIGHT days!!! Yai! Wah, and my poor site hasn't been uploaded because of that, or I'd have it all done in a jiff! ;_; Yeek, I guess I'd better get to it...tomorrow's Monday, and I had Mal-chan over today...NICE! ^_^ We made chocolate muffins together! ^_^
I'll stop bugging you now, Hori-sama *royal vassal comes into room carrying mounds of official paperwork, nearly falling over with their weight* I see you haev work to do...see you! ^_^
PS:- *from doorway as Hori-san begins to pore over a confused paper-covered vassal on the ground* HEY! Well whaddya know! You cheered me up, Hori-sama! *throws him a small box* A thankyou present, kingy! Thanks again! Bye! ^_^ *skips down the royal hallway, footsteps echoing*
Dear Kitty-Kat,
I'm glad I was able to help you. Why are you depressed?
White and purple sound like a nice combination. What do you think of black and fuschia?
Dear Mitsukake,
Hmm. Are you a REAL doctor?...heh, heh, to elaborate on that question, I mean to ask whether the person who's gonna be ANSWERING this (ie, you) are a real doctor? Huh, huh, huh? ^_^
Plus, I was wondering, do our hormones and body temperatures have to do anything with our depression and mood swings? If so, which ones? I could find otu by researching as I usually do, and no, this isn't homework, just my hobby, but I'm feeling lazy AND depressed. NOT a good combination for research-work, I can assure you...!
Dang. I also wanted to read up on the cranial nervous system, but I haven't even looked up that stuff yet...darn...oh well, the night is young, and I am ready, so I take my leave, Mitsukake-san!
PS:- Could I borrow Tama-neko? I miss havnig a cat these days? *tear trickles down cheek, but I brush it away* I don't like touching humans, but an animal would SURE make me feel alot better...ta.
Dear Kitty-Kat,
No. That's why we always refer everyone to their own physician or suggest that they seek professional counseling. As to your question on hormones, yes they can effect our moods and so can the weather. S.A.D. (Seasonal Affective Disorder) is an example of the weather effecting our mood. You can certainly "borrow" Tama-neko, but you both must stay in the humble cyber-abode.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Ladies and gentlemen, I have an alarming new discovery to present to you today:
Most of the people who visit this site are girls, correct? Logically so, I belive, ie, since the seishi are all male,, let's not go into the yaoi details, hmm? *deadpan stare* Anyway, I've noticed the ladies have begun to get a TRIFLE out of hand with their worshipping...THAT IS TO SAY THAT YOU GALS ARE BEGINNING TO FREAK ME OUT WITH YOUR DROOLING AND KISSING THE POOR SEISHI!!! AAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIYAAAAAAAAAH!!! GET A GRIP!!!
And YOU, seishi brethren, have also begun to annoy me because you humor these girls so much with hugs and MORE kisses!!! AYAH, would everyone PLEASE quit it?! FINE, so I'm not the type who encourages huggy-touchy-feely relationships, BUT, I CAN bear them, people, THIS is a LITTLE beyond CUTE now!!!
And *pouts* for all you Tasuki-lovers otut here, is this a fad of giving him SO much darn sake that he's liable to croak from alcohol poisoning or liver cirrhosis?! YAAAAAAAAAAI!!!
Then again...okay, maybe you deserve the drooling. Maybe that5's the only way you can express you love for them...maybe I'm wrong...
*fanged grin* NOT!!! Hahahahahahahahah!!!
PS:- Please...this letter does not mean to annoy touchy maidens who allegedly 'want-their-seishi' (oboy...), though it's contents, I agree, are a little extreme, but I was beginning to char at the ears because of all this open MUSHINESS *sticks finger down throat and gags* I'm sorry. I still mean it though...^_^
Dear Kitty-Kat,
Saa... just call it fan-service, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Yer right 'bout them feme's, man. DANG, they nearly ALWAYS get ya inta trouble...or like you put it, d*mn near killed. WHY do they have to be so...fluff-headed?!
O-kaaay, maybe I'm betraying my gender, considering I'm a girl too, but...nah. So I agree that we're smarter than males (chew on THAT fer a while, men!) but then again, mostly we're not known fer USING our limited brain power, and when we DO, it's fer bad purposes...MOSTLY, mind you...
Ferget 'bout makin' sense of all I'm saying right now, 'cause it'll be a wasted effort...I babble when I'm depressed, like I am right now *BIG black cloud of gloom over head* Sigh...
Sorry girls, 'specially you, Mal-kun, I know how touchy you are about the feme-male subject! *_* I officially apologize to all the females I might have offended...
*But's TRUE!!!*
Dear Kitty-Kat,
Ya' know, somehow I jus' KNOW I'll get in trouble fer this...
Dear Hotohori,
Hi ! Genki? *starts to cry *. Why did'nt you answer my letter? Do you hate me ? But me you maybe will like my gift to you. *a teddy bear w/ a red ribbon and a card written "MISSED YOU!!!!!" Hope you like it * hoping* Please answer my 1st. letter and 2nd. ! Always remember watashi koi anata!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear Shinigami-chan,
Arigato for the teddy bear. Kawaii desu. Gomen nasai, I don't know why that letter got deleted before it could be answered.
Dear Nuriko,
Hi! Genki? I'm Shinigami-chan i'm so heartbroken why did'nt Hotohori answer my letter? *cries * Maybe he does'nt like me at all? Or he don't like to read and answer my letter ? By the way , i'm Marie's bestfriend ! Oh! I almost forgot I have a present for you! *a notebook * . In this you can write all your beauty secrets! Hope you like ! I have a hard time thinking what's the best gift I can give you. Oh please answer me back ! *hoping* Well my letter is up to here, got to go ! Sayonara! Watashi koi anata !
P.S. Nuriko wa bishounen/bishouju desu!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear Shinigami-chan,
Genki desu yo! Arigato for the note book. Gomen ne, I don't know why that letter wasn't answered.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*cries* People were being mean to me for liking to draw crosdressers and finding crossdressers interesting! There's nothing wrong with plastic rubber duckie's feelings are hurt!
Kawaii Keiko
Dear Kawaii Keiko,
Of course there isn't anuthing wrong with drawing crossdressers. But you might want to broaden your horizons a bit.
Dear Tasuki,
I have a strange suspicion about you right now. I saw somewhere that you say its because of fangirls that you are shirtless in many pictures of yourself. However, you smile like you're ready for the fans out there in the pictures of you. It also looks like that's what you feel like doing to get comfortable. Are you followed by fangirls that take your pictures secretly when you know they're there? Or do they force you to take pictures? Err...I think I confused myself when asking this, I can't say this in words well.
Kawaii Scary Yuki-chan
Dear Yuki-chan,
Fangirls draw what they want. Ain't nothin' I can do 'bout it!
Dear Nuriko,
I need help for my drawing of Tasuki crossdressing. He'd look so adorable! Anyway, do you have any suggestions for my fanart of a crossdressing Tasuki? I have a mission to draw my favorite bishounen, of course in crossdressing form. So far, I made a drawing of the Gundam Wing guys crossdressing and a drawing of Phibrizzo and Xelloss crossdressing. ;p Ja ne!
Kawaii Scary Yuki-chan
Dear Yuki-chan,
*Thinks of Tasuki crossdressing and laughs.* I think black and red are good colors for him. Pink would clash with his hair. Chichiri no Aijin woukd like to see your Xelloss when you're done.
Dear Chiriko,
Hi! I came to say hello! Thanks! I'll keep your previous advice in mind. For the meantime you should take a break, you seem to be busy often with replying and everything else... *looks around suspiciously for any signs of a hungry Miaka and hands Chiriko a bento* It took me a while to cook. Enjoy!
Formerly Confused Being
Dear Formerly Confused,
Arigato!! *Starts eating it...* Oishii desu!!
Dear Tasuki,
Hi Tasuki! How much sake do you drink a day? Just wondering about that...demo... *grins evilly and becomes an extremely genki*
I think I'll draw you crossdressing now! Thanks for being my inspiration, I need that because I'm very bored right now. I'll have to ask Nuriko for suggestions though. I wish you well, ja ne Tasuki-san! Oh and one last thing... *glomps Tasuki*. I assume that you fear a bishounen's common fear of glomping... *laughs evilly* Ja ne!
Kawaii Scary Yuki-chan
Dear Yuki-chan,
Not as much as ya' might think!! Crossdressin'??? ME?????????? NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I ain't no crossdresser!!! That's Nuriko's deal!
Dear Nuriko,
A friend of mine claims that she is a crossdresser crossdressing as a crossdresser. Isn't that wonderful? And Arigato gozaimasu! You give me inspirations for my drawings (of course the people I draw end up looking like you)! The strange thing though, is that whenever I try to draw a guy, it turns out to be a girl in the end. Whenever I draw a girl, it turns into a guy at the end.
Kawaii Scary Yuki-chan
Dear Yuki-chan,
I'm glad I'm your inspiration! *Smiles*
Dear Chichiri,
Chichiri? Chichiri, wake up! I think she's another alternate-universe storyline person......not that it's any of my business....nosy nosy me! ^_^ Anyway, you dropped this...*hands him back his kasa*
Komadori Mari
Dear Komadori Mari,
*Opens his eye.* Arigato, no da. This alternate universe thing is very confusing, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
Hey, I'm writing for Bondage no Miko, because she is at a skating test out of town.
No, Mike is not in jail for what he did to her. When she told the police, they didnt believe her, and Mike got to go free. For the past four years, every time he comes to town, he tries to either kill her or abuse her again. All of us are worried about her, because she's afraid to tell the police again.
Second, she did figure out the Alex problem on her own, but she would still like to thank you for the advice.
Thank you Nuriko!
Dear Demitri-chan,
Tell her she's very welcome. Her parents or another adult need to go to the police for her if he continues to threaten her and make them believe her and do something about it.
Dear Hotohori,
Ano, could you explain to me the plot of OAV 1? I watched it several times and the only conclusion I got was that Tomo was nuts...And the whole Taka thing? It wouldn't have happened if Tomo hadn't done the trick/illusion/ making people think tama was nakago thingy!!! *cries* I'm so confused!!!! ~.~;; *holds up a bucket hat with little flowers on it* another gift for you, Hoto-sama! ^____^
Dear Sami-chan,
Ariagto! How kind of you! Actually, you summed it up quite well.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi!!! I just wanna know where i can go to ask the seiryuu seishi. No offense ok. I really like you guys you're sooo cool. But I really really wanna ask Amiboshi a question. Coz he's just like you guys, cool & cute. You do like him right? *sweatdrop*
Dear sylvaine,
You can check our Links Peeji. There should be a link to each of the "Ask the Seiryuu Seishi" sites there.
Dear Nuriko,
Moshi-Moshi!!Well, I understand so....FRIENDS only?*Pouting and started to cry)BUT,dont worry I'm not angry it's only I was hoping ur answer was yes.Well I just wanna tell u that I will not send u letter for only a short time but I'll try.Gomenne.*pouting again*It's because I don't have money anymore. That's all!Take care always.And always remember I Love U!! Arigato!!Aishtemas!!!Don't forget me!!
Dear Marie,
I won't forget you! *Smiles*
Dear Chiriko,
Chirikooooooo...... Do you know if it's illegal to carry a sword in public? You know, where everybody could see it and it wouldn't be a concealed weapon?
Dear One-chan,
Yes, at the Renaissance Faire in April. And even there they must be sheathed and peace-tied. So you and Fire-Fury need to leave them at home until then.
Dear Hotohori,
OOOOooooooohhh, you want a NAME name no da! I can help with that no da! Here is a list of possible possibilities no da (I am too wired on caffiene no da):
These are totally original names that sound like they could be used for a cat goddess no da. To make your own, use only the sounds that cats make (ss, rr, mm, nn, a, i, e, o, u, y, ff, w, pr) no da!
Hope this helps no da! If anyone reading this letter likes a name, yer welcome to it no da!
Shadra D
Dear Shadra D,
Arigato Shadra-chan, that was very kind of you!
Dear Nuriko,
Exactly! She really has no sense of tact. She occasionally has her nice moments, but they're usually ruined by a fit of Usagiwhining (that's one word, mind you) or writing Usagi Tsukino on another dang Spanish paper. If it weren't for her handwriting, I swear, those worksheets would go in the trash... Plus, when she tries to draw Sailor Moon, it looks like something my little brother drew. You know, all angular, eyes always closed because she can't draw anime eyes, no depth at all, scribbly...and she has the nerve to tell me my drawing is terrible. (I happen to have been PRACTICING my anime drawing...I'm not up to the challenge of drawing one of you guys yet...'course, I can't tell you who I'd draw, he might be around, y'know? *looks around*)
The thing is, she reminds me of myself in the fifth grade. I was into Pokemon then, and I would sign all my papers as "Raichu" (but I made sure my teacher knew so she wouldn't throw them out...). And I may have had my share of annoying vocal traits. But I thought we all got over that immaturity in the three years between fifth and eighth grade! Now that I'm almost in high school, I'm not up for these childish taunts and challenges... (Although if she starts it, I'll just volley another back, y'know? Any of my better comebacks will be wasted on her and I will be left to boggle at a lame comeback showing complete lack of comprehension for what I just said... I'm too competitive...)
It's common knowledge around that we have a definite conflict of personalities. I'm getting some of the best grades in the school, she's barely passing Spanish (don't know other grades). I try to only mention things to people once, she Usagigiggles (that's one word, mind you) all day about the Hey-Mari-guess-what-I'm-getting/doing/whatever-that-you-should-care-about. (Go ahead. Ask me. Ask me if I care.) I avoid judgmental views, she is the most stereotypical person I've ever met. I take care not to nag people about their faults or insult them unnecessarily, she's always "Your locker is a disgrace!", "Wassap, scrub?", "I bet you don't know what THIS means, Miss Know-It-All..." (Note that in the last scenario, I usually know what it means, and she usually has a flawed definition. Like the time I said she was stereotypical, and she said "No I'm not! Stereotypical means you want to be like everyone else!" I believe that you would be a conformist if you wanted to be like everyone else, thank you...)
Thank Suzaku that it's a three-day weekend. I can stay away from her, kick back, and fold origami cranes for the school project...the school project! I forgot to tell you! We're trying to fold 1000 cranes as a show of support for all the kids at my school who are disabled. I absentmindedly folded 15 little tiny cranes while working on classwork today and I took them to the teacher in charge. She said that brings it up to a grand total of 45. I single-handedly folded 1/3 of the cranes? Good thing I have another 50 (all different colors) in the works! I'm not sure we're gonna get them all done!
Do you know what the word for 1000 cranes is? I know there's a word for it! And sorry for the long message. I promise not to rant so much next time.
Komadori Mari <3
PS: Since Tasuki has so much better manners than the aforementioned friend, can you send him to my school in the place of her?, wait. Just send him, he can Lekka Shinen the Serena wannabe...
Dear Komadori Mari,
Tasuki's better behaved??? *Smirks at the thought...* I believe that sen means 1000 and tsuru is crane.
Dear Chichiri,
I was a flop, I completly chickened out and I'm still quite and un-outgoing. I really have few friends, the ones I do have go to a different school. See, I'm kind of a loner. Because alot of friends have betrayed me in the past or moved away, so I don't wanna get to close to people on that fear. :( *cries* Oh Chichiri-sama!*hugs him tight* I don't wanna be alone, I don't like it! Please, come stay with me! *cries more*
Dear Washu-Chan,
*Gives her a hug* Are there clubs or after school activites that interest you that you could join, no da? If there are, you should consider joining one. That way you'll meet people with similar interests and make new friends, no da. Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Chichiri,
I am asking for a friend of mine, Cloe. Can she marry you? She's truly obsessed..... she made prayer beads, and "The Magical Staff That Is Chichiri's".... Really.... can she? Mabye that would make her shut up temporarily. Oh, and the school of Kealing Jr. High would like to say that you and Tasuki are obviously the best seishi. (Sorry Hotohori! ^.~ We love you anyway.... and same for you, Nuriko! Ian would like to propose......Mitsukake! watch out for Tama neko.... Shea's got his eyes on 'im.....Chiriko. You're so kawaii, do you come in powder form? 'Chiriko Power Powder... more bounce to the ounce!' sorry, Tamahome, but after what you did to Suboshi......unforgiveable.)
Rekka Shi-nen, The Kealing Jr. High Anime Club ^.^ (whose logo is: So What if I'm a Fangirl? ^.^;;;;; we've all got little T-shirts with you on them, chichiri!)and Naki-chan, specifically...
Dear Naki-chan,
I'm quite flattered, no da. But I would prefer that she and I just be friends. Gomen, no da. What did Tamahome ever do to Suboshi, no da?
Dear Tasuki,
So, you and the "ask the" peeji's are all linked together?! KUSO! I didn't know that! Daijou... now I do. Well, that's REEEEEELLEEEEY cool!!! *hands him some more sake* ^^;
Dear Neko-kay,
Arigato fer th' sake! But we really aren't linked or in a ring. We jus' have 'em listed on our Links Peeji.
Dear Tasuki,
Oi!*runs in all happy `n genki* Wai! I found da coolest place! Near the end of this wilderness class I take, I spotted this tree that was on top of the hill and it had roots that made it look like a little den. IT WAS SOOOO COOL!! I was da one who spotted it, so I gotta name it. I named it Reikaku. This little bratty boy insisted he got to name it too. ÷.÷;; Baka!! was yer day?
Dear Keiko,
Not bad. Yer's sounds like it was pretty good, too!
Dear Tasuki,
Ok.... fine.... I just hope that you won't feel guilty when your responsible for somebody else's DEATH.....goodbye Tasuki-chan forever.... maybe I'll see you around some other time.....don't expect to see me in a LONG time....I May pop in sometimes....but just to read other people's the way.... I 'DID' love you truly.... with ALL my heart and soul......or at least now what's left of it.... *turns around and walks away with 1 single tear sliding down her cheek*
Dark Anime Angel
Dear Dark Anime Angel,
I'm sorry ya' feel that way. Although, I gotta say I don't like bein' guilted by ANYONE! An' I ain't responsible fer anyone's death! So if ya' REALLY wanna be my friend you'll stop wit' th' guilt trip, 'cos real friends don't do that to each other!
Dear Chichiri,
hi. ::smiles prettily:: how's it going? i just thought i might write, because i like it when you answer back. ::kisses him and runs and hides in a corner::
Dear ashley,
It's fine, no da. *Smiles*
Dear Tasuki,
*shakes her head* tsk tsk tsk, stop lying, A LOT of people asked WAYYY before Iridal..
Dear anon,
*Sticks his tongue out at her...* She was th' one wit' th' best case!
Dear Mitsukake,
I'm human. ^.^ Aren't you happy?
lil' living girl.
Dear living,
Actually, I'm Mitsukake. Happy, I believe, was one of the Seven Dwarfs.
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuuuuki! Why haven't you visited us yet?! Your gonna make Aidou mad! And if Aidou gets mad at you, then I get mad at you. GOT THAT? *'s face takes a gentle turn.* I...I'll think you hate me if you don't come visit!
Dear Jiang,
GAH! I HATE it when ya' guilt me and threaten me wit' our nutcake, log throwin' sister!! *Sighs* Fine, I'll come back but only fer a SHORT visit! Got that??
Dear Tasuki,
*walks in crying silently* Tasuki, My mom just took my dog to the vet to put her to sleep. I'm going to miss her so much *stands there crying*
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
Gomen ne. It's hard to lose someone we love. *Gives her a hug and a tissue.* Ya' might wanna consider doin' a memorial to her on th' web.
Dear Hotohori,
Hiya Hotohori-sama! I really must abject to Kosetsuno Tenshi being the sober one. If there is a sober Tenshi it would be Tetsuno ^^;; Though I'm pretty much worried about Tetsuno's sanity because she has to deal with us everyday at school ^^;; But hey! Tetsuno Tenshi is first in our class, Hooray for her!....Um....what was my point again....Oh yeah, Kosetsuno-chan is just as silly and crazy as me! Bye-bye now....
Hino Tenshi
PS: *sniffles* My mom had to take my dog to the vet to have her put to sleep today.....*cries*
Dear Hino Tenshi,
Well, she did say she would not drink the spiked cocoa. *Gives her a hug* My condolences on the loss of your dog.
Dear Tasuki,
ooooh . . . I like red! i took the 'what color is your aura' test at, and my aura is crimson! sugoi, ne? (crimson means that i have a short temper, and stuff like that. ^^;) okay, enough rambling! i must go and work on my science research paper on bio invasions! mwahahahaha!
Moon, who's just a little on edge
Dear Moon,
Chichiri no Aijin's aura was crimson, too! Hmmm... that sure explains a lot!! *Fanged grin*
Dear Kelli,
Well it was broken, no da. This link seems te working, no da.
Dear Hotohori,
*gasps while reading Kat's last message to Hori-sama* OMEGOSH, HOTOHORi-SAMA I DIDN'T WRITE THAT SCROLL! I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT'S WRITTEN IN IT! I'M SO SORRY. KAT DID THAT AS REVENGE TO PROVE THAT SHE CAN BE EVIL AFTER I MADE FUN OF HER SAYING THAT! *catches a glance of her scarlet reflection in the mirror* Oh, no. *clenches fist* WHY YOU, KAT. I'M GONNA GET YOU FOR THIS.
The only thing that did belong to me was the perfume of roses...and it is NOT there for that purpose!
a very embarresed Mal
P.S: BTW what was written in that scroll anywayZ?
Dear Mal,
Hands her the scroll...* I haven't read it yet. Douzo...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Konnichi wa!!!hi der again do u still remember me?well i'm here again,HITOME-chan.thank u 4 replying 2 my mail.i hope u can send me a memorabilia of urs 4 being an idol of mine send me at my e-mail as in all of the cast ...(*_*).
TAMAHOME: is ur son doing fine?how old is he now?how MIAKA is even though i don't like her.
CHICHIRI: do u know what is mahal kita ? pls. know it. its a filipino language I'm sure that u will be flattered.
CHIRIKO: how is ur studies?HOW about YUI is she okay pls. say HI 2 her 4 me.
MITSUKAKE: do u think i can b a succesful doctor someday
NURIKO: r u still in2 fashion?pls. send me a picture.
HOTOHORI:Im speechless!i don't know what 2 say but thanks anyway.((((((_(*_*) how's wife and ur son?
TASUKI: do u still love REI-REI?AND do u know RAI from sailor moon I heard uve met each other?
hope u can reply again.AISHITEMASU!!!! (((*>
Dear HITOMI-chan,
Tamahome: We're all fine, thank you.
Chichiri: No I don't, no da.
Chiriko: My studies are going well. I never really get to see Yui-chan but wehn I doI shall give her your regards.
Mitsukake: If you study hard and apply yourself, you should be able to be anything you wish.
Nuriko: I am still into fashion. Gomen, we do not send out personal emails.
Hotohori: Your're welcome and thank you for your kind words. Houki and Boushin are doing well.
Tasuki: I don't remember meetin' Rey from Sailor Moon. An' while I'll always miss her an' be sad she's gone, I don't know who I feel 'bout Rei-Rei.
Dear Tamahome,
Hi, Tama-chan :-) How's your money doing? Hehe... I just thought of something while bothering Tasuki with a question... you are Taka, right? But when Taka doesn't have your memory stones he's not really you... is he just you reborn without your memory? Or is it something else? Your personalities seem pretty different to me, too different for your memories to be the only thing that separates you. Does that change after he gets all the stones? Well, thanks for taking the time to read this, hope my question isn't too hard.
Dear Thief,
We really are the same person, just different sides of that same person.
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