Dear Hotohori,
i think your hair is too long. it's longer than mine! but, than again, you do KINDA look good with long hair. i just think it might be a good idea to cut it and see how you like it from there.
Dear ashley,
Thank you for your suggestion, but I like my hair the way it is.
Dear Chiriko,
Hey little guy...*towers over him at 5ft7"* *exaggeratedly bends over to look at him* I wanted to ask you something: who's your best friend amongst the seishi? Chichiri-san or someone else? *shrugs* Just wondering. Chichiri seems to be the best candidate to ME anyhoo...*pats him on the head happily and settles down to hear his answer*
Dear Kitty-Kat,
Tasuki is my best friend amongst the Seishi.
Dear Chiriko,
hi. my name is ashley. i'm 13, in the 8th grade, and i live in the U.S.A.. do ya think ya can tell me what some of those words mean? (the ones that are commonly used in answering questions.) thanks! *kisses him*
Dear ashley,
*Blushes* If you tell what the words are, I can tell you what they mean.
Dear Mitsukake,
how did you get your cat?
Dear ashley,
Actually, he found me.
Dear Hotohori,
I wanted your opinion on something, your Highness...see, Mal and I are up to something *sneaky smile* and I need to name her something related to cats in Japanese. She's supposed to play a really important cat-goddess in your universe, and we were both kinda puzzling over what name to use for her...*chews on lip thoughtfully* Oh well.
Hey! *slaps forehead* I nearly forgot to give you this! *approaches throne and bows as she hands over a scroll smelling distinctly of roses* It's from Mal...*evil grin* She was too chicken to give it to you herself, so I "BORROWED" it from her room and here you are! *rubs hands in anticipation and mumbles something like, "now THIS should have interesting results!..."* And might I add that the contents might me a little early for valentine's day...hehehehehhehehe!!! >:P
(message to Mal: I TOLD you I was EVIL!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!)
*over shoulder as she skips out of throne room* Goodbye Emperor-san, happy reading! *lightening crashes as I laugh evilly again and run put of the palace*
Dear Kitty-Kat,
Well, neko is cat and megami is goddess in Japanese so perhaps you would like to use a color or hmmm... how does this sound... rakki-neko megami? It means lucky cat goddess. It is only a suggestion. Arigato for th gift. *Holds scroll but hasn't opened it yet.*
Dear Nuriko,
i think you are better as a girl than a boy.
Dear ashley,
*Sweatdrops...* Ano... arigato?
Dear Tamahome,
i think you and miaka make a perfect couple! one question, though. don't you 2 get tired of saying eachother's names ALL the time?
Dear ashley,
Eh-heh... *Sweatdrops...*
Dear Tasuki,
hi tasuki! i think you are cool! *smiles prettily.*
Dear ashley,
Thanks! *Fanged grin.*
Dear Chichiri,
hiya! because you are such a nice person, i'm giving you a present! you can see anyone you want in the world for a while. the limit is 24 hours. you can even see and talk to dead people! i hope you like it!
Dear ashley,
Arigato, no da! *Wishes to see Kouran.*
Dear Tamahome,
Yeah... I mean Tasuki... if that's what his name is..... see.... I lost my memory...and all that I remember is going to a party with this guy with red hair and this questionable looking fan and then him giving me some SAKE and then I woke up and I was in the PALACE covered in a blanket with the SAME red haired guy sitting over me looking at me strangely....He's he single..... *looks at him sweetly* ....and are YOU single!? Can I kiss you again!?
Dark Anime Angel
Dear Dark Anime Angel,
Well, Tasuki seems to have both an Aisai and an Aijin and I KNOW he wouldn't be giving you sake! He'd want to keep it all for himself! Me, I'm married.
Dear Tasuki,
I am.... really..... I am an No No don't take me to him....he scares me....*shudders in fear and starts to cry hysterically* PLLEEAASSEE don't take me to him.....*gives him the puppy dawg eyes* pwweeaassee.....and could you pwweeaassee give me sommore sake....please..... If I kiss you will you give me sommore....*looks at him sweetly and a little bit slyly* huh....will you!?!? *starts to get closer and closer to him* pleeaasee...more sake....just a little...
Dark Anime Angel
Dear Dark Anime Angel,
No more sake fer ya'! An' Mitsukake ain't scary! He can help ya'!
Dear Mitsukake,
Might I ask your favorite color? *comes closer and whispers confidentially* I'm making a shrine to you...^_^ Actually, I've chosen beige and cream together and lots of bamboos painted in Chinese style so's that? Would you like it?
Besides that, could you lend me Tama-neko for a couple of days? It's gonna be the worst of winter now and it'd be nice to have the lil' sweetie in bed with me to keep me warm! ^_^ Don't worry: I've slept with cats before (all 32 of mine!) and never squished a one! ^_^;;; So, how 'bout it?
Hmm. I'll need some info about you as well, though I have some already, but it'd be nice to have it from the REAL person rather than all the otakus out there, huh? *smiles* Could you mail me then? I'll give you my address next time if you say yes.
I guess that's it then...ta!
Dear Kitty-Kat,
Yellow is my favorite color, but your color scheme sounds lovely. If Tama-neko could come to your world I would say yes. As for mailing you personally, gomen but we don't do personal emails.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
My friend doesn't seem to know the difference between fantasy and reality for quite some time now...we share new articles and srorylines for the stuff we get priinted in the school paper, but it's beginning to bother me. She's left, er, rather noticeable loopholes in her 'plans' these days of making me believe her stories, and I think I'm beginning to either get paranoid or disturbed by her. I CAN'T talk to her about it, nor can I tell her that she may be going a bit too'd hurt her too badly. She's been down THAT road before when her LAST best friend deserted her becasue of her stories, and I don't want to touch a raw nerve, so to speak. Besides, I don't want to be suspicious of my best friend. I need help, and QUICK.
Dear Eesha,
If she's been through this before, perhaps she needs to sek professional help. Have you tried discussing this with a school counselor or a trusted teacher? You might want to consider this course of action. Generally, when one can't tell the difference between reality and fantasy that is called "psychosis". Please consider what I have suggested.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Mina-san! I just got some free webspace and have my gallery online no da! It's simple, but it works no da! No banners, no other windows, nothing no da! I'm so happy no da! Soon I'll post the gift/fanart gallery as well as the commission request form no da ^_^ I should put some more FY fanart up there, right no da? ^_^ Tell me what you think na no da!
Shadra D
Dear Shadra D,
Nice fan art! Nice layout.
Dear Chichiri,
¬_¬; right then. He's going to be very disappointed when I have to return it no da.
:::grabs Houjun's kesa, kasa, and shakujou out of her closet and puts them on (Carries the shakujou o.o;) :::
::yelling to the back:: FINE THEN! You can stay at home and cook dinner while I go out and do seishi stuff no da!
::yell from the back:: Douzo na no da!
Shadra: ::sweatdrops::
Shadra D
Dear Shadra D,
*Looks up from his PS2* Now THAT'S not very Seishi-like, no da! You don't want her to get hurt, do you, no da?
Dear Chiriko,
Lately, I am slacking off in my studies because of the boring motonomy of my daily life. So, any advice?
Confused Being
Dear Confused,
Do something different to get out of your rut. Exercise, go for a walk, study in a different place like a coffeeshop or the library. Do something you enjoy doing and then go back and start studying.
Dear Tasuki,
Whhaaaaa!!! Oh my, Tasuki are you a hentai? I was waching an OAV and saw you with Miaka....never mind.
Dear Aya,
I AM NOT!!!! I was under an evil spell!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
What do you do in your spare time??
Dear Aya,
What spare time, no da?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I have a problem and I know that you guys give good advice. I haven't seen my dad since I was 3 1/2 years old and he called my house a few days ago wanting t see me. I have asked my friends and they have all given me good advice. I just want to know your opinion also. Please help. *looks at the sieshi and starts to cry from stress and falls down to the ground and starts to beat the ground; starts to yell out to the stars WHY WHY WHY??? HELP HELP HELP!!!!!*
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
Well, do YOU want to meet him? If you do, you should certainly arrange to meet with him. If it will make feel more comfortable, have friend or a relative go with you. Good luck! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
I'm curious. Were your fangs from your father's side or your mother's side. And who is the speical person in your life now?
Dear Ro,
I dunno. Iri-chan is my aisai.
Dear Tasuki,
Hey! Sorry ealier for bugging you with that baka question earlier... Someone spiked my geen tea. *man whoever did that was slick* but anyways, my friends and I are working on an online manga, and do you or the others have any advice for us? *blinks innocently* oh please tell Kouji I said hi.... he is so cool (but he's second to you)! ^_^ Ja ne!
Dear Bet-chan,
I'll tell 'im! Well folks, anyone wanna help 'em write an online manga???
Dear Hotohori,
Hi! I don't know if you have seen my first letter to you but it's okay even if you didn't it's okay. Well maybe i'll ask it again How old are you guys?If you don't want to answer this question it's okay.
I hope i didn't sound too boring or too rude with this letter. Anyway please say "Hi" to everyone for me.Oh! you can use either two of this name: Hime or Princess which you would rather prefer.
Dear Hime,
Is that the one you posted on the Message Board? It seems the people on the board have been answering you. Anyway, Nuriko and I are 18, Tamahome and Tasuki are 17, Mitsukake is 22, Chichiri is 24, and Chiriko is 13.
Dear Tamahome,
Yea, Miaka sounds like that! Ya poor guy! I realized that when I snatched Keiko's new FY cd. I jes `bout passed out cuz of the voice!*WHAP WHAP WHAP*
Aeka: Who's a stuffy princess?!
Ryoko: See?! Now you should listen to the song and compare voices!!
Ryoko (and Aeka)
Dear Ryoko (and Aeka),
Did you ever notice how much Aeka and Luna from the Sailor Moon dub sound alike?
Dear Tasuki,
Ano... Rei-Rei is like a little sister to you, why would you wanna go out with her?
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Because if I said "Lina Inverse" she'll try an' drown me!
Dear Tasuki,
My former dearest... yes, that's right, FORMER! Bwahaha! Tasuki, remember me? the one who you sent a ring, then adamantly denied ever doing so to? Well, I'm back, and I just wanted to say that my mission has been accomplished: I found a real life Tasuki! He has red hair, fangs (really!), is 6'5", and VERY muscular! haha, I think he looks aLOT like you! (all other Tasuki-obsessive girls out there- hands off my man or I flame you to death *snap snap snap* *laughs*) He is SOOOOO wonderful! He has no flaws that I can find...and he thinks I'm his fairy tale princess come to life! He said when I'm with him he "feels so special, so wanted, so loved..." and I love him so much, I feel like my heart is going to burst! *big grin and hugs self*
I hope you aren't too terribly angry with me, but I really believe I love him, truly with all of my heart. Could you find it in yourself to possibly forgive me for leading you on when there's another for me in this world? I didn't know about him at the time...*sighs* Even if you don't, I love my real life tasuki, and I shall remember you forever for the inspiration to look for someone like you... *places small kiss on cheek*
a much subdued Krazie-chan
Dear Krazie-chan,
Are ya' kiddin'??? I think that's great!! I'm happy fer th' both of ya'! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
So, have you beaten Ultima Weapon yet? And remember, just wait till you get to Omega Weapon if you find him. At least his level isn't dependent on your characters' levels... it stays at 100 no matter how low your guys' levels are. Anyway, good luck to ya...
Dear Tonberry,
Not yet. Chichiri no Aijin's shujin (husband) is makin' us take a break while he works on his costume fer AX01,
Dear Chichiri,
Na....nani? She wasn't supposed ta show you that....*bluuuuuuuush* Not like I was very comfortable running around like that......*blushes and pulls a blanket over her head*
Kelli, CNA#2
Dear Kelli,
You certianly LOOKED comfortable, no da... pillow-chan... *Smiles and then runs for his life*
Dear Chichiri,
*turns white, then red*
Someone better call in a case of impending domestic violence to COPS...
Kelli, CnA#2 and Piro-chan
Dear Kelli/Piro-chan,
*Dives into his kasa to escape the wrath of Piro-chan...*
Dear Chichiri,
*dives after him into kasaspace...after all, she has kasa privileges*
*stomps her foot*
You're wearing me out, and I gotta DDR tonight!
Dear Kelli,
DA!!!!!!!!!!!! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Chichiri,
Why did you marry off to many more women? I thought you loved me.. If you love someone deeply, you can't just go off and love somebody else... *runs off crying*
Dear Kouran,
Gomen ne, but you are dead, no da. I do still miss you every day, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
well at long last i "finally" got 2 reach u. 1st of all my name is *rowie lynne*....Did u get it? well i think u did! .... um I have a question 4 u/ dont worry its not da "HENTAI" one. ....i am just curious who Rei-rei is 'cause some1 told me, that if u will choose; u would like this "Rei-rei" 2 b your g-friend.
I've got 2 admit i was quite jelous. but it dosen't matter now, i jst wanna know who she is, that's all! um, by da way a friend of me wanna know how Yui is ? i would also wanna send my regards 2 u ! Youre defin -etly da best! and , um well,i LOVE u soooooo muuuuuch!!!! i hope thats enough . SORRY if my letter is long, its b-ecause** its my 1st time 2 b writin' 2 u, I'm glad my boyfriends inform me 'bout this page.oh!by da way, dont take da word "boyfriends" that i have used earlier deliberately; its jst that i have Many friends, and dat they always browse on da websites.4 me u will ALWAYS b my MAN, 4ever and ever!!Ahh, about YUI if u have heard 'bout her' PLEASE ,if u can,my friend JANE would also want 2 send her regards 2 her and 2 u also. see; there r lot's of us who are admirin u.So, i will jst. wait 4 your response. i hope dis will arrive 2 u when u r in da BEST mood! ONCE MORE I LOVE YOUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!! and jane 2. u will b hearin from her 2. ARIGATOU GOZAIMASU!!!!!!!!!!!! dats it ,so long, iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii LOVE uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, ONCE MORE!
Rowie Lynne
Dear Rowie,
Rei-Rei was a sewwt girl I knew who died several years ago.
Dear Tasuki,
Hey..... I just saw your music video and I saw you crying in the beginning.....why were you crying..... I always thought that "Boys Don't Cry"
Dark Anime Angel
Dear Dark Anime Angel,
Men do cry! I guess it was 'cos someone had died.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
HI!!!!!.It's me again "marie".NURIKO I missed you so much. Everybody "HELLO!!!! AISHITERU!!! especially NURIKO.I've got some questions for all of you.
For Tamahome,but wait,*approaching him and giving him two GOLD BARS.Now are you contented.Ok!Let's start.
1.What is love?
2.If you didn't exist in this world,Who do you think is the rightful man for Miaka?
3.What is your son's name?(I forgot his name)
4.What are your hobbies?
5.Describe or who is NURIKO for you?
For Emperor Hotohori:
1.How id you met Hoki?
2.Why do you like Miaka?
3.What is your dynasty?
4.Describe yourself?
AH!!! Atlast my favorite NURIKO.*Kissing him on his cheeks and hugging him.
1.Describe u r self?
2.Is it true that you have relationship with Tasuki?(Love)
3.Why do you like Miaka that much?
4.Well,I'm one of your biggest fan.Do you like me even if you don't know me?
5.Do you consider yourself a gay?(I'm not insulting you)
For Chichiri(DA!!!!):
1.What's your girlfriend's name?
2.Do you also like money?
For Tasuki:
1.Who is Rei-Rei?(I really don't know her)
2.Describe yourself and your sisters?(Please tell their names.)
3.What can you say about NURIKO?Would you love her is she was a woman,because you two look like a perfect couple.
For Mitsukake:
1.Who is your closes friend among the sichi seishi?
For Chiriko*Huging him and kissing him on his cheeks*
1.Why would you like Yui to be your girlfriend?
2.Describe yourself?
And for all of you:What are your New Year's resolutions?
Well that's all and thank you very much.Hope I can that you could tell me your answers as soon as you can.Well that's all and once more AISHITERU AND ARIGATOU.
Dear Marie,
MY! You certainly ask a lot of questions, don't you! Well, here are all your answers:
1. Love is a very special, wonderful thing!
2. Hotohori
3. I don't believe his name was ever mentioned in the OAV and in the new novels the baby isn't even born yet
4. Martial arts training, rescuing Miaka, and answering letters.
5. He is a good friend and like a big brother to me.
1. We met through Nuriko at the Imperial Palace.
2. She is sweet, caring, and unselfish.
3. We do not follow the Chinese Dynasties.
4. I would say I am kind, compassionate, and have a decent sense of humour.
1. I'm very nice and almost as beautiful as Hotohori-sama!
2. NO!!! I have much better taste than a scruffy bandit!
3. She's very kind and sweet.
4. I don't see why not. *Smiles*
5. Not really.
1. Are you talking about Chichiri no Aijin, Wandering Mage Chichiri, Chichiri no Aisai, or Kouran, no da?
2. It has it's uses no da.
1. She was someone I cared alot about that died several years ago.
2. I'm COOL! An' their all pains in th' @$$!!! My sister's are: Aidou, Jiang, Li' an, Pa'liu, an' Mai.
3. He's a great guy an' a h*lluva a Seishi! An' NO we DON'T make a perfect couple!
1. Chichiri
1. She's smart and likes to study.
2. Studious but fun.
All the Seishi:
Gomen, we didn't make any resolutions!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Mitsukake,
1. I DO NOT think that you are boring?!?!? And that's ALL that matters anyways...
2. I can't go to sleep... well.. I can... it's just that I don't go to sleep until like 4:30 or even 5:45.... and I start school on Tuesday..... WHAT DO I DO?!?!?
Dark Anime Angel
Dear Dark Anime Angel,
Ariagto. *Smiles* Have you tried cutting back on your sugar intake and having some warm milk before bedtime?
Dear Nuriko,
Hi! *blush* This is my first letter to you and... I just wanted to let you know how special you are to me. I'm so happy you gave up on living as your sister Kourin and found the real you... I love the real you!
Would you remember to give me a hug when we meet in person? *blush* Oh yeah, I love your hair short...but I wanted to know which hair style you prefer and if you like your hair long or short better?
I have a little shrine dedicated to you on my Fushigi Yuugi page, would you visit it? Oh, and here's a fanart I made of you...hope you like it. I'll never forget you Nuriko... *hugz*
Mari "Flame"
Dear Mari "Flame",
Arigato for your sweet words and for the lovely shrine and fanart! Chichiri no Aijin also visited your site and thought it was very well done. You site is now on our Links peeji and you can certainly go ahead and link to us if you wish! I now prefer my hair short as it is easier to take care of. I'm sure that if I was ever able to make it to your world and meet you I would give you a hug.
Dear Tamahome,
Tamahome-sama... wo ai ni...
Dear Yukari,
That's so sweet... Arigato. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Hotohori,
Have you ever considered crossdressing for fun? I think you would make a great crossdresser. *laughs evilly*
Kawaii Scary Yuki-chan
Dear Yuki-chan,
No, that is Nuriko's speciality. But thank you, I think.
Dear Chichiri,
Hai Houjun-kun. At least there are no rabid fangirls to scare her at home, No DTFC at all.
Been trying to give my imoutos an idea of the difference between being in love and being hentai. You've experienced both with the fangirls, that I know. Poor man all that fan service. ;)
ano.. I need to change her diaper, I don't know if you want to leave or not. *pulls out some supplies from her bag*
Dear Doc-sama,
I'll stay. It can't be much worse than natto, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
*woman rushes into the room, arms flung wide* Shun'u, darling, we're here at last! Come to okaa-san!
*notices that room is empty, void of everything including her son* Shun'u? *looks confused* Perhaps I'm in the wrong room?
*wanders back into the hallway, troubled* I sent him the letter -- surely he was aware that we were coming ... *calling* Shun'u? Shun'u ... ?
Dear Okaa-san,
*Points at dust cloud... * Ano, I think he was last spotted heading for Mt. Reikaku...
Dear Nuriko,
I admire your crossdressing skills! It is of utmost superiorority...I can't spell that word... *turns chibi and starts crying recovering in a matter of seconds* Ogenki desu ka?
Kawaii Scary Yuki-chan
Dear Yuki-chan,
Boku wa genki desu yo. Arigato.
Dear Mitsukake,
Do you talk to your kawaii Tama-neko? I think your cat can talk...yes...I hear your cat...TALKING.... And....I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOUR KAWAII NEKO SAID! ^.^;; *laughs nervously* Your cat is kawaii! However, I'm guessing that's probably what most people say to you anyway. So what was being with Shoka like? You and her are such a kawaii couple!
Kawaii Scary Yuki-chan
Dear Yuki-chan,
Tama-neko and I do communicate but I don't think I've ever heard him speak. Being with Shouka was wonderful. Arigato for your kind words.
Dear Tasuki,
*pokes Tasuki repeatedley have fangs... *gives a serious stare KAKKOII!
*hops in circles around Tasuki in her chibi form and starts drinking sake from out of nowhere on the way WAII! WAII! Fangsh...are...kewl!
*Steals Tasuki's Weapon while in a drunken state(the special fan that can manipulate flames) and laughs insanely.
KAA! KAAAAA! KAAAAA! KAAAAA! KAAAAAAA! Fu fu fu fu fu! Ohohoho! *partially faints with some consciousness*
Darn...Shake (sake) and caffiene do NOT mixsh...misshion incomplete...
Kawaii Scary Yuki-chan
Dear Yuki-chan,
*Takes tessen back and lays her down on a couch to sleep it off.*
Dear Chichiri,
Will I ever find love?
Dear Anon,
I'm sure you will, no da.
Dear Chichiri,
do you ever think you wil get your scar healed?
Dear someone,
Perhaps, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Neko-kay: *lets out a giddy grin* HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!! *glomps Tasuki and runs out the door, leaving a small gift box full o' sake behind for fang boy*
Dear Neko-kay,
Thanks fer th' sake!!!!!!!!!
Dear Chichiri,
Sugoi, no da! Was she nice? Sounds like y'all had fun, no da. Not too much, though (evident by the fact that Tasuki never got to burn down any houses, no da ^_^;) Daaaaa... I don't mean to sound whiney, or anything, but CnA-san is SOOOOO lucky, no da! She gets a chance to practice her Nihongo, no da. I'm going bonkers trying to find a means of sticking all the prattle I hear every-which where together, no da. My town sucks, no da. There's absolutely no other way to learn Japanese except for paying close attention to subbed anime and digesting everything you can off the net. There might be a course at the college, no da, but they don't really advertise much to freshmen, no da. I'm whineing, aren't I? Gomen. But, I really wanna learn, no da. I don't suppose you know of any good sites or programs that could teach a dedicated student, do ya, no da? Oh, well. It was worth a shot, ne? So, really don't got much to say, no da. Hn. I actualy had a good question to ask you, too, no da. grrrrrr... >.< I forgot it, no da. ^_^ Oh, well! Talk to ya later, ne? JA!
Kageno Tenshi
P.S.Guess what today is. It's my onee-chan's B-day! She's 18 now, no da! Just thought I'd spread the word, no da. JA!
Dear Kageno Tenshi,
Check our Links Peeji, no da. We added a bunch of Nihongo learning and general information sites just for you, no da! Please wish your oneesan a happy birthday from us, no da!
Dear Nuriko,
Neko-kay: I wanted to write to all the seishi, but NOOOOOOOO! Obakii INSISTED we write to you...
Obakii: Hi, Nuriko. I've kept myself from loosing blood... *smile* I really can't help it that I'm a walking health insurance target...
Neko-kay: You can say that again...
Obakii: I really can't help it that... *Neko-kay whaps her with that good ol' immense hailisen*
Neko-kay: We finally figured out how to fix my modem, so everythings gonna be okay again. We've gotta totally re-connect my wires an' stuff... O! I almost forgoted... *tosses a bit of confetti into the air* Happy New Years! I've already completed my resolution for the year... (to finally find Vincent Valentine in Final Fantasy VII) Ano... Speaking of Vincent, Zechs has been bequeathed unto Tomo no Miko, since Tomo is... ahh... umm... emotionally incapable of liking her... So she has Zechs-sama now. I have... (drumroll) VINCENT VALENTINE! WAI! *hops happily around the room*
Obakii: Geez... She shuffles guys like cards! I, on the other hand... *batts her eyes at Nuriko* Am TOTALLY faithful...
Neko-kay: I DO NOT shuffle! I was just too blind to see that the one I've really liked was Vincent! Anyways, I just think it's fair for everyone to have a turn...
Obakii: Hmm... Maybe I should sell tickets. Get your tickets to be liked by Neko-kay here! Only five dollars! *rolls her eyes* Anyways, back to the amazingly intelligent conversation we were persuing... Oh no! The comp...(buzz)...ter! It's break...(buzz)... Must...(buzz buzz)...Nur...(buzz)...ko-sama...(buzz)...tell him that he's...(buzz)...handsome and...(buzz)..mighty...(buzz) *screen fizzles out*
Obakii and Neko-kay
Dear Obakii and Neko-kay,
*Looks VERY confused...*
Dear Chiriko,
do the slayers ever get bored?
Dear daniel,
With Xelloss and Lina around I doubt it!
Dear Tasuki,
A purple monkey has gone off and has kidnapped one of my friends! can you help me?! Please?!
Dear Bet-chan,
*Feels her forehead for signs of a fever...* Don't tell me, it was a Grape Ape, right?
Dear Chichiri,
*sweatdrops* Um, well...about the computer deleting-of-profiles...*cough cough*
My brother who, for once, is much smarter than little old lets-freak-out me, called up the computer place and told the guy what happened. He said that he did save our hard drive and then copied our profiles onto a CD for us...I retract anything that I said about him. *blushes and looks EXTREMELY embarrased*
Although...I guess that he could have told us "and if there's anything wrong, I have your hard drive saved and you can come and get it" when we picked up the computer...but still, that's not his job... I was too quick to blame on this one. *blushes vivid red all over again*
<3 Mako-chan
Dear Mako-chan,
I'm glad to hear that cooler heads prevailed and that you got all your data back, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
~_~; that was a one liner...
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
So was yer letter...
Dear Tasuki,
Dxo you know who p-chan is? Don't you agreee that he is the worst anime character ever created? Oh course you do!
P-chan hater
Dear P-chan hater,
Yes I do an' no I don't! Ryoga's cool jus' disoriented.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*pokes fingers together* I turned 15 on the 21st of December. May I have kisses on account of that? *blush blush*
Taiitsu no Miko (One year till I drive! Muahahaha! I want Yoji Kudou's car!)
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
Sure! *Each Seishi gives her a hug and a kiss on the cheek.*
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
I have been feel'n sick latly. I am still going to school at least today is the last week of school. So what are you up too? I wished I was around you on new years ^_^! Are you going any where this weekend? I got a picture of you that I carry around with me every where I go! ^_^ well got to get going ya know. Ja
Hibarrano Tenshi
Dear Hibarrano Tenshi,
Hopr yer feelin' better! I'm jus' gonan be answerin' letters this weekend. But we did go to see "Crouchin' Tiger, Hidden Dragon" on Friday. It was awesome!!!!!!!!
Dear Tasuki,
joy-chan:hiya Tasuki!*gives him a big sake barrel*you were right ...sake is the best thing to give to you as a present *sweatdrops*and there is one more thing to give you*Aidou pops outta nowhere*
Aidou:Merry X-mas and Happy New Year baka ^_^ *gives him a hug and a bottle of sake*Jus because I'm actin' nice to you now doesn't mean I'll be nice to you forever*grins evilly and gives him a little bop on the head with her log*
joy-chan:Ano...sorry about turning the presents late and see ya later!
joy-chan and Aidou
Dear joy-chan and Aidou,
Don't worry 'bout it! Thanks fer th' sake!
Dear Chichiri,
Since Miaka always comes to you for advice, I felt you would be the best person to talk to. I go back to school on Monday, and I've changed alot over the holiday. I'm more outgoing. I'm worried that people won't like this, or I'll get a bad reputation. So Chichiri, what do you think I should do?
Washu Kobayashi
Dear Washu Kobayashi,
Outgoing is good, no da. You just might want to temper your new found exuberance with a bit of discretion so you don't upset your friends, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
*scrambles in, hugs Nuriko and pulls out a box* This is a really really really late Christmas gift but here ya go!
*hands him the box* It's a sort of special joint gift thing from Hotokimi and I - to thank you because you are such a fantastic help to both of us!
*in box is a charm bracelet, with little red feathers all over and one peice in the middle that's Nuriko's 'willow' Kanji*
Kimi and I had it made special. Sort of lucky you guys close for the holiday's since it wasn't ready till New Years Eve! Hope you like it!
By the way, how was your new years anyway? Kimi and I stayed up till midnight and cheered with the rest of our friends. The entire group of next gen seishi turned up for the celebration.
I heard about so much new stuff I didn't know had even happened! And I'm so happy for Orian! She brought her new girlfriend to the party. *grins* I feel better knowing she's sort of gotten over me... I think she's copying me though, this lady she's dating is a merchants daughter - of those high classers, like Kimi only not royal.....
Kensune and Gen-chan had a good Christmas. Kimi and I got alot of very helpful things for them and (Thank you, Suzaku for grandparents!) Kimi and I actually got to spend an evening alone over the holidays! *dances exuberantly*
Anyway, I'm just happy. Arigatou very much and late Happy Holidays!
Dear Kourin,
Arigato for the beautiful bracelet!! *Puts it on and admires it.* I'm glad you all had a great holiday! Ours was a quiet New Year, even for Tasuki thank Suzaku! *Smiles*
Dear Tasuki,
If I send in a Seishi-of-the-Week pic of Tamahome dressed in a bunch of stupid outfits to appease the Anti-Cardcaptor-Nakago gods (namely: Nakago, Soi, Tomo and probably the NRC...) would Chichiri no Aijin post it and would you or any of the other seishi enjoy it?
It's not an ecchi drawing or anything. (I save my touch of perversion for the Weiss Kruez cast thank you...) Basically it's six SD's of Tamahome dressed in clothes that make him look like and absoloute idiot!
So yeah...anyone interested in seeing it?
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
Sure!! I'm ALWAYS up fer embarrassin' ol' Obake-chan! Heh-heh-heh... *grins*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Kosetsuno Tenshi: Yatte! **Jumps for joy and lands in Hotohori's arms** Hotohori-sama? Do you like your's with or without marshmellows?
Tetsuno Tenshi: **Quickly recovers from the extreme blushing bout she was enduring and bows down to Nuriko** Arigatou, Nuriko-san. You're a life saver! **Turns to face the other tenshi** Ok, minna! Let's hurry up and drink the cocoa these nice men have been gracious enough to grant us, and get out of here. We have a lot more places to sing to... **Notices the condition of Kageno Tenshi(Who was currently melting into a blissful puddle of happiness)****sweatdrop** Well, she isn't going to be doing much of anything for a while. **Turns back to face Nuriko, only to notice Hibarano Tenshi spiking the cocoa from behind his back****SWEATSWEAT** This doesn't look good.
Hibarano Tenshi: **sees Tetsuno Tenshi watching her and stops pouring the sake. She smoothly relieves Nuriko of the tray and begins to pass the drinks out to everyone** Kay, everyone! Here's your drinks!
Tetsuno Tenshi: Hold it just one second there! ** steps out in front of Hibara as she begins to hand Mitsukake a glass** I don't think so, young lady.
Hibarano Tenshi: **flshes the ever-powerful, CLAMP-rivaling puppy-dog eyes**
Tetsuno Tenshi: **caves in under such heavy artilary** OK! OK! But, at least warn them. And, save one of those that didn't get any sake in them for Chiriko.
Hibarano Tenshi: Of course! What do ya think I am, ne? Inhuman? 'Sides, they all saw me do it. And, it was Tasuki's idea! There are plenty left withouth any sake. I poured most of the bottle into mine and Tasuki's glass.
Tetsuno Tenshi: Which glasses would those be?
Hibarano Tenshi: **Looks down to point them out, hesitates, then looks back up with a bemused look on her face** Well, what d'ya know? Luck-of-the-draw, I guess.
Tetsuno Tenshi: **sweatdrop** It's your risk. **turns to Nuriko** I'm sorry to be a bother, but could I just have some hot tea, please? I'm not the biggest fan of sake mixed with chocolate.
**Suddenly another tenshi pops up out of nowhere**
Hino Tenshi: Sake?! Did I just hear someone say sake?! And, chocolate?!
Tetsuno Tenshi: **sweatdrop****points to the tray Hibarno Tenshi is passing around the group**
Hino Tenshi: **rubs hands together mischeviously** ooh, goody! **Walks over to Hibarano Tenshi and carefully choose a glass** Thank you! Don't mind if I do!
Kageno Tenshi: **Quickly recovers from meltingness and walks over to Tetsuno Tenshi** This isn't good, no da.
Tetsuno Tenshi: Why do you say that?
Kageno Tenshi: Two Tasuki-addicts in the same vacinity with the bishonen of their dreams... I've got a bad feeling, no da.
Tetsuno Tenshi: Don't worry. They're friends. They won't hurt each other... too badly.
Kageno Tenshi: Who said I was worried about them? I'm worried about what will happen to poor Tas-chan when they get through with him, no da. Not that I know from personal experience, no da, but being glomped simultaneously by two overwhelmingly powerful tenshi could really hurt a man, no da.
Tetsuno Tenshi: You got a piont there. Maybe we should keep them away from the sake spiked cocoa.
**Both turn to intercept the two Tasuki-loving tenshi, only to be faced with the scene of two obviously drunk-and-loving-it fangirls. They couldn't tell if Tasuki was drunk, too, because it was impossible to see him behind the glomp-aholics.**
Tetsuno and Kageno Tenshi: **sweatdrop**
Tetsuno Tenshi: Too late.
Kosetsuno Tenshi: **Runs up carrying three glasses of cocoa. She hands one to Tetsuno-chan and two to Kageno Tenshi** Her ya go! *HICCUP* Might as well enjoy yourself! **Sees them eyeing the glasses suspiciously** Don't worry! I grabbed those two from the ones that weren't spiked.
Tetsuno Tenshi: **shrugs and takes a big gulp**
Kosetsuno Tenshi: I think...
Tetsuno Tenshi: **Spits it out quickly and glares at Kosetsuno, but she was already back to twirling Hotohori-sama**
Kageno Tenshi: Oh, well! **hands the extra glass to Chichiri and throws her arm around his shoulder. She snifs at her drink.**
Tetsuno Tenshi: Think it's ok?
Kageno Tenshi: **looks up and flashes a peace sign** Only one way to find out, no da! **downs the entire glass in one gulp**
Tetsuno Tenshi: **eyes her expectantly**
Kageno Tenshi: Daaaaaaa...v=^_^=v
Tetsuno Tenshi, Kosetsuno Tenshi, Hibarano Tenshi, Kageno Tenshi, and introducing the newest member of the troup, Hino Tenshi!
Dear Tetsuno Tenshi, Kosetsuno Tenshi, Hibarano Tenshi, Kageno Tenshi, and Hino Tenshi,
*The Seishi sweatdrop as Tasuki is "glomped-mauled" by his two Tenshi fangirls. He can be heard yelling, "Uso!! This was NOT my idea!!! Tasukette!!!!!!!!!!!!"*
Nuriko:Ano... I'm glad you're enjoying your cocoa...
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki! *sniffles* Kageno, Kosetsuon, Tetsuno, and Hibarrano went caroling with out me ;-; I can sing pretty too! And I was the one who found this site and bugged them to get on and write you guys ;-; It's not fair! No es Justo! *Hino can complain in Spanish ^^;* you gave Hibarrano Tenshi a kiss, but not me! T.T ...I feel so left out...
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
*Gives her a hug and a kiss on the cheek.* Feel better now?
Dear Tasuki,
what is glomping?
person asking question (ashley)
Dear ashley,
*Sweatdrops* It's somethin' that ALL anime bishounen fear!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
how come so many people get kissed by their favorite suzaku 7 member no da? i mean it's nice, but i don't want to be hinting or anything, no da?
Dear ashley,
Because they ask nicely or it's a special occasion.
Dear Tamahome,
sorry mr. tamahome, i don't have any gold ryou, how about $4,000 instead?
Dear ashley,
Arigato! That should keep Miaka fed for a couple of days!
Dear Chichiri,
lately, i haven't been doing so great on tests. i usually get A's and B's, but lately i have been getting some F's. i try to study, but the more i try to study, the harder it is to consintrate. i thought you might be able to give me some good's just that... well, you seem so kind and understanding... ::blush:: oh never mind. sorry i bothered you. you probably got enough fan girls already, eh? oops... forget what i said!! these are just the mumblings of a 13 year old... us kids usually don't get paid much attention to anyway. ::sigh::
Dear ashley,
Chiriko recommends that you study for 30-45 minutes, take a 5 minute break, and then review what you just studied. He thinks this may help your concentration, no da. You are NOT a bother, no da! Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Tasuki,
Guess what! My birthday was like, 2 days ago! Yay! Now I'm all old and stuff. I got tons of cute things. I kinda don't like that my b-day is so close to Christmas though. I only get gifts once a year instead of twice like most people. Oh well. How was your Chistmas Tas-chan?
Kat Winner
Dear Kat Winner,
Happy late birthday! My Christmas was pretty good. How was yer's?
Dear Tasuki,
Tas-chan! You're good, no da. Hibara-chan told me she got the card, no da. She was pretty happy 'bout it, too, no da. Good going! I didn't even think you'd get my letter with her addy in time to send it to her for her B-day, no da. Arigatou, no da! That was real sweet, Fang-boy. You little softy, you. Just so you know, you've risen a bit on my sugoi bishonen scale, no da. Just thought you'd might like to know that, no da. Oh, and as a thank you **produces a piccie she drew of a bottle of sake** Gomen. It's not exactly what you wanted, no da, but not only would those baka liquor places not sale me a bottle of sake, I didn't have enough money to buy one, no da. I need to get a job, no da! >.< I'm still trying to make a handmade fishing-pole for Chichiri-sama so I can give it to him as a late X-mas present, maybe even an early B-day present. But, you better not tell him, no da! BTW Do you know what his fave color is? I wanted to paint it before I gave it to him, but I can't figure out what color to make it, no da. Oh, well. JA! And, arigatou again, no da.
Kageno Tenshi
Dear Kageno Tenshi,
Yer welcome! Glad I could help make her day! Chichiri's favorite color is blue.
Dear Mitsukake,
I was thinking about manipulating my close friends then tossing them away in my sinister plan to take over the world. Is this wrong?
You shall not know
Dear You shall not know,
In a word, yes!
Dear Chiriko,
Wath are youre powers, realy??
Dear Ken-kun,
My intelligence.
Dear Tamahome,
You my know that I - A mad Sientist- is planing to do a clone with youres and Hotohoris DNA!!? Have you?? Any way, it'll be named Hotohome!! Nice huh?? "Hotoh" from Hotohori but also "home" from you!!!
Waddaya say??
Dear Sasrah-san,
STRANGE!!! Why would you want to do that?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hiwoooo! *fang grin* 6 of you peoples haven't met me yet, but Tasuki knows me! *grins and huggles his arm cutely* Hey, I was wonderin, what didja guys get for Christmas? Silly question, really, but I'm sick so I'm kinda light headed @.@;; daaa...><
Yay! Now I have a question for each and every ONE of you lucky folks! *drank too much sake to kill off her nerves so she doesn't feel her stomach pains*
Tamahome: How come yeh have the ponytail? Doesn't it get in the way when you fight?
Hotohori: I love your hair, but what shampoo do ya use? I look just like Miaka IRL but my hair isn't as fine as her's, so if I use the same shampoo as you, maybe I'll have PRETTY hair! *grin*
Nuriko: Er...this is a rude and personal question (gomen nasai! gomen nasai! ><) but how didja become gay in the first place? (GOMEN! I'M JUST A CURIOUS BAKA! ><;; *gets shot at with shotguns by all Nuriko fans*)
Chichiri: How come yer soooooo cute? *huggles his leg tightly* Yer adorable! Oh, and how come ya say "No da" at the end of every sentence, no da? Doesn't it get annoying, no da? What exactly is a "no da" anyways, no da? Da da no da daa no, no da?..... *rambles on with the joke intended "no da" at the end of every sentence...)
Tasuki: What's it feel like teh be PERFECT in EVERY way and be loved by such a cute lil thing like me?! >XD (Are yeh single?! ^^)
Mitsukake: How come you wear those head band thingies?! Are yeh hiding something under 'em? *grabs his headbands and checks out what's under them...see's a tiny civilization of SD chibi tribal Miakas O.O;;)
Chiriko: How can you stand STUDYING so much? I haaaaate school! But that's probably because my teachers sound like the teacher from Charlie Brown *sweatdrops and listens to her science teacher: "Mwuh mwuh mwuh mwuuuh?"*
And to all of ye ole Suzaku Seven!: If you could choose any girl in the world to go out with, who would it be?! (Tasuki, you better answer this one RIGHT!!!)
Have I fried your brains and humiliated you guys in public yet!? *laughs evily* DA HAHAHAHAHAAA! I'm glad! ....what's that? "Obsessed"? "Maniac"? "Insane"? "Nutcase"? What does THAT all mean? I dunno the meanings to those words! *looks up every word in the dictionary and finds her picture under every one word definition: Alecia-chan* Grrr! *Rekka Shinen's Webster and his family* @#$% WEBSTER! ><;;
I think I'm finally done rambling...oh, by the way, I'm writing an english assignment starring me, Tasuki, Kouji, and Chichiri! >XD I'll send it to yeh guys later when I'm done, okey day? Okey day! Arigato minna! *bows respectively* Itte irrashai! ^^ *cute grin at Tasuki*
Dear Alecia-chan,
Here are all your answers:
Tamahome: I have the pony tail to keep my hair out if the way when I fight.
Hotohori: I use a shampoo that is specially made for me at the Imperial Palace in Konan.
Nuriko: I'm not gay. I'm a cross-dresser. There's a difference. Besides, I decided to give it all up for Miaka.
Tasuki: *Sweatdrops...*
Mitsukake: There is just my forehead under there!
Chiriko: I suppose I have always loved learning new things.
Tamahome: Miaka
Tasuki: Rei-Rei
Chichiri: Kouran
Mitsukake: Shouka
Hotohori: Houki
Nuriko: Hotohori... hee-hee...
Chiriko: I'm too young to date.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Mitsukake,
OHH! My friend Kitone REALY LOVES you, Doc-sama!!! T_T REALY!!! Would you go out with her!?! Will ya?? Will ya!!?? *grabing Mits* She would start CRYING if you not!!!
Dear Mihoshi,
I really don't know. Perhaps...
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki I love you!!! You are sooo QUTE!!! *huggs Tasuki* OOOh I'm soooo HAPPY!!! *droooling* I am a member of youre Drooling Fan Club!!! We, on the clob, wanna play POKER with you!!! Waddaya say? huh!?!
If We will give you free SAKE!!?? *holding a botle of sake*
Dear Dusumi-chan,
POKER?!?!?!? *Remembers that last time he played poker with the DTFC and runs for the hills.*
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