Dear Nuriko,
YOU ARE COOOOL!!! BUT... why are you so evil?? I mean... Why are you so not-nice? You look nice!!!
Dear Mihoshi,
EVIL?!?!?!? NOT NICE?!?!?!?!? I'm VERY nice!!!
Dear Chichiri,
If a Qute girl named Enma Saotome Would ask you for a DATE, wath would youre answer be!?
Dear Ken-kun,
I don't know, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Yo, Doc!!! My friend Kiyone REALY likes ya!!! Don't ya think she is Qute too!?!
Dear Mihoshi,
As I have not personally met her, I cannot say what I think of her.
Dear Hotohori,
I'm a mad sientist and I'm just gonna ask you if it is okay if I'm creating a clone with DNA mixed up from you and Tama-chan!?! I've plande to name him HOTOHOME!!! Waddaya thing huh?!? ^,~
Dear Sarah-san,
I think you are a scary little human and I would prefer you left my DNA alone, thank you.
Dear Chichiri,
ummmm... ya know, you really look much better without the mask, ya know. i know that you wear it to hide the scar you don't want to get rid of, but can you please not wear the mask as much, ya know? can you also appear in more fanfics, ya know?... yeah... the no da is cute... but i'm american and that's how it's dubbed for us, ya know. (hehehehe! i can talk lije that too! ^-^
Dear ashley,
Arigato for your kind words, no da! I will try to wear it a bit less, no da. *Takes his mask off her and smiles.* As for the fan-fics, saaa... that is up to the fans, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
*huggles him and gives him a huge super long kiss as more tears stream down her pale face* Arigato Tasuki-kun, arigato! *smiles weakly at him* I'm so glad you helped. Well, things have been talked over and I told my friends once more how I felt and they listened. I even showed them the letter I sent you and they said "gomen" so many times, I can't begin to count 'em! ^^ Arigato! I love ya soooo much! It's good to know that at least you care (er...slightly.) at the very least.
I'm glad ya liked yer gifts! I was gettin kinda worried...I hope I got the right size. Er...just now I only have one more problem. Maybe yeh could get Chichiri or Mitsukake to help?
I kinda am REALLY sick (my tummy is killin me ><) so could yeh maybe have them heal me? I'm feelin really icky. *kisses his cheek gently and smiles at him, still pale from being sick* Well, thank you again for helpin me. I took your advice and got rid of the no good guy. Arigatooo! Daisuki yo! ^^
P.S. I never give up! I shall write again! >XD *fang grin*
Dear Alecia-chan,
Glad I was able to help ya'! *Fanged grin* Now, ya' gotta go to yer own doctor if yer feelin' sick! He or she is th' only one that can heal ya'! Odaijini! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
I've always wannde to talk to you, you see, I REALY like you!! I'm a SOO VERY BIG FAN, you know!!!! so, I wanna ask... just WHY are folks always wrighting Fan Ficktions with YOU and CHICHIRI doing Dis-n-Dat and stuff...? *looking down* Do they have any special... thing... jusst WHY!!??!! *looking up angry* And one more thing; Wo Ai Ni!!! ^.~
Dear Dusumi-chan,
I dunno why either! It's pretty disturbin' ne?
Dear Tamahome,
Ano...did you know when Miaka sings this one song, think its called Still, she sounds like Aeka's dubbed voice in some parts?
Dear Ryoko,
Honto ni? I nvere noticed! You mean she sounds like a stuffy Princess?
Dear Chichiri,
::sweatdrops at Chichiri::
Daaaa... The Chichiris are all the same no da. You let 'em look at a game console and you have to pry 'em off with their own shakujou no da. Hrmph.
:::yells to the back again::: Don't forget I have to return it next week no da!
:::yell from the back::: That's why I have to play it as much as I can now no da!
¬_¬; See what I mean no da? Saa.. back to the drawing board (literally no da!)
Shadra D
Dear Shadra D,
*Sweatdrops and goes back to playing Final Fantasy VIII on the PS2.* DA!
Dear Tasuki,
(In response to an earlier reply) Me thinks Tasuki doth protest too much
Dear Me,
I DO NOT!!!!!!!!! OI! Tell Betsy to go to th' forum.
Dear Tasuki,
Are we allowed to cuss in these things?
If you and Koji were alone together on a desert island, would you:
A: Say "Hey!We're alone together on a desert island!"
B: Call for help
C: Start talking to a coconut
Dear Me,
Not really. Ya' can use symbols if ya' jus' gotta *(^%$$##@ say somethin'. I'd call fer help, Kouji would talk to th' coconut.
Dear Tasuki,
*circles around Tasuki* Is it true you love Kouji? Is it true you hate all women? Do you deny that you wanted to kill Suzako in the last episode?*Sticks her face right near Tasuki* Huh?HUH?HUH?HUH?!!!!! IF IT IS I'M TAKING YOUR TESSEN!!!! *grabs tessen and runs away laughing like a maniac*
Stephanie the almighty girl of death!!!!
P.S.: Your trench coat's cool
Dear Death-chick,
Here's yer answers! NO! I hate th' way they always seem to get me in trouble or d*mn killed! An' yes I deny that, 'cos I dunno what yer talkin' 'bout! Are ya' on a weird sugar high or somethin'?? *Grabs her and takes his tessen back.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I'm very glad you're back from your break minna. Was it good and relaxing? Did you get everything you wanted for Christmas? I did! I got a letter that I'm a semi-finalist for a major scholarship! WAI!
But, I also had a little problem over break, too. I was wondering if any of you might try and help me sort it out. This friend of mine went away to college in early August, and I haven't seen him much since then. I had a major crush on him last year, but I thought my feelings were just as a friend by the time he went away. We've been e-mailing each other and getting along really well. I like him so much, I even tried to keep him and his girlfriend together by helping to work out their problems!
Well, they broke up, and aren't even on speaking terms anymore (which is not the problem). The problem is, when he came back for break, I was so happy, and I thought I had a crush on him again! But, I couldn't talk to him at all...I just kind of blew him off. I'd really like to be his girlfriend, but I don't want to mess up our friendship...and now I think I have because I think I came of like I didn't want anything to do with him. Does that make any sense at all...? @_@
a confused Katsumi
Dear Katsumi,
Omedeto on being a semi-finalist for a scholarship! *Gives her a hug.* Ganbatte kudasai!!
Yes, you are making sense. You were trying so hard to not show your feelings for him that you ended up coming off as a bit aloof. Have you tried to contact him since then? If not, you should and apologize for you behavior (you were having a bad day) and see if you can mend this relationship. Good luck!
Dear Hotohori,
Ever since you been young you have been given the training to be emperor and were always under a lot of pressure because of it, right? Well, imposible as it might have seemed at that time, did you ever feel like breacking free? Running away and living a new and independant life, on your own? Did you ever make an attempt to do so? Just wondering, sorry if it was a little personal and brings harsh memories back.
Dear Mal,
I may have briefly considered it, I did not want to let down my country nor my family.
Dear Chiriko,
What's your real name?
Dear Mal,
It is Ou Doukun.
Dear Hotohori,
I have a BIG confusion about your name. Is it Saihitei Seishuku, or Seishuku Saihitei? And from what I've read, Seishuku is kinda like your milking name, and Saihitei is your emperor name, well what's your family name? And ordinarily, when not being called Emperor or your highness, would you be addressed as Saihitei or Seishuku?
One more thing. Sei means star in Chinese, and I read that Sei-shuku is written the same way as your constellation name, Hotohori. How come? Is it that the way it is written it's read Seishuku in Chinese and Hotohori in japanese, or something like that? Sorry for getting on your nerves so much with these questions about your name. Bai bai
Dear Mal,
My given name is Saihitei. I beleive that Seishuku was used for all the Seishi as it pertains to the constellations we represent. I prefer to be called Hotohori.
Dear Chichiri,
What does this mean? : DOMO ARIGATO GOZAIMASU!!
Dark Anime Angel
Dear Dark Anime Angel,
It means "Thank you very much", no da.
Dear Chiriko,
What's 2+2 anyways.... could never figure it out.... Naw.... j/k well... I just wanted to say that you were a cutie...
Dark Anime Angel
Dear Dark Anime Angel,
Arigato! *Smiles*
Dear Tamahome,
1. Make Miaka hunt for her food...
2. What do you see in Miaka anyways?!!?
3. Who is the cutie with the red hair anyways!?! Is he a freind of yours?!
4. May I kiss YOU!?!
* Smiles and kisses him on the lips then hugs him like a teddy bear * I like you!?!?
Dark Anime Angel
Dear Dark Anime Angel,
1. I do. In the grocery store!
2. Her sweet, unselfish nature.
3. Are you talking about Tasuki?
4. Ano... *Sweatdrops* I think you just did.
Dear Tasuki,
Ok.... thank you... who am I ??! Who are you!?!? Give me somemore sake!?!? *Trys to stand up but falls, landing on her face* Itai! I have a me.... tell me who I am and where I am... and for god in heaven give me somemore SAKE!??
Dark Anime Angel
Dear Dark Anime Angel,
Yer Dark Anime Angel, I'm Tasuki, an' ya' ain't gettin' no more sake! *Takes her to Mitsukake*
Dear Tasuki,
No, you just haven't had enough to drink yet. *fang grin* Eh..heh...heh... -_-; Nenenenenenene, who are Chichiri no Aijin-sama's current favorite bishonen? oiya oiya oiya, I want my first kiss of the new year! >_- *beeps Tasuki's nose* ~_~; I'm only so genki when no one is around at 4 am.
Dear Amy-chan,
Her favorite bishounen are Chichiri, Xelloss, an' me! *Gives her a hug and a kiss on the cheek.*
Don't know what she sees in that stupid Mazoku though... *Xelloss pops in and hovers in front of Tasuki waving his finger in Tasuki's face...* "Sore wa himitsu desu!" *Xelloss disappears...*
Get back here ya' rotten Mazoku!!! *Tries to grab him as he disaapears and misses.* ARRGGHHHH!!!
Dear Tamahome,
You're back! Just in time when I need your help, too ^_^ What colors do you think would go nice on a website about Fushigi Yuugi and you kawaii suzaku seishi? If you help me you can be on the front page. *wink wink* But no, you can be there no matter what :) Please say hi to Tasuki, Tama-chan, tell him I'll write to him soon! Ja ne!
Dear Thief,
Hmmm... I'd say black and red but that might make things hard to read. Maybe a light colored background so that your text can be read easily.
Dear Chichiri,
*Doc-sama takes the blanket off, showing Chichiri a beautiful little girl with dark red hair and emerald green eyes* Her name means firelight. She loves her papa very much, and he doesn't know her here. I'd take her home, but her mama and papa are out getting some time to themselves.
*Doc shifts Hiakari's weight* Hia-chan is growing strong aren't you honey? *Hia-chan coos*
Wouldn't Taiitsukun have Hia-chan and Shun'u meet just to shake him up? *Doc bundles Hia-chan up just in time, before Tasuki comes by a few feet away* I'm heading for the royal nursery.. ja ne!! *Doc heads off the find the royal nursery*
Dear Doc-sama,
Aw... kawaii, no da!! I guess she is another alternate reality baby, no da?
Dear Mitsukake,
Mits-San, I was wondering if you would marry again if you found the right one?
Dear Mew01803,
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
What time do you usually answer questions??!?! Is it every day or every other day or every second of every day!?! Or is there a special time when you peeps answer questions?!?!
Dark Anime Angel
Dear Dark Anime Angel,
We answer and post the letters when we have access to the computer. As Chichiri no Aijin has a full time job we do it when it is convenient for her. We try to answer and post at least once a day.
Dear Hotohori,
Did you get my friend's letter?!! Her name was 'Hotohori must Die' ? She was wondering if you got it or not... sooo please write back so that I can tell her that you didn't write her back because you were a sissy and you are afraid of her OK!?!!? Well... soooo how was your vacation?!Good I hope
* kisses him on the lips, smiles sweetly and skips away*
Dark Anime Angel
Dear Dark Anime Angel,
WE did receive it. It was not the sort of thing we would print on this peeji. That is why it was deleted.
Dear Chichiri,
*in near tears* Chichiri-san!!
My computer was acting weirdly, so we took it to get fixed and the guy there said that he would have to do some reformating (after telling us that he had no idea what the heck was wrong with our computer or how to fix it!) but that nothing would get deleted. Well, apparently, he was wrong. VERY WRONG.
All of my school work, all of my songs, all of my fanfic files and fanart...all of my stuff for the Anime club, all the stuff for the web pages that I have running! I didn't have second copies of that stuff anywhere! ~_~
Gomen, I guess I'm just a little mad at the guy who told us to not worry because "nothing would get deleted." I mean, I'm not too worried about the, for instance, Fanfic files, because I can re-type all of that (as much of a pain as that will be) and the songs I can download again, and the pictures I can go looking for again, etc., but things like my school work and the stuff for the web pages are really important! I mean, I was plaining a MAJOR upgrade on my webpage and now I don't have any of the files that I had started with! And my school work...I don't have ANY CLUE what was there and what I needed later on! I mean, I had notes typed up from this semester that I might need! ~_~
I'm sorry. I needed to vent that anger a little. I'm not completely lost without my computer, it's just that we trusted this guy when he said that our files would be safe. I'm just angry that I expected to be able to get some of those files when I signed on and then found that I couldn't even do that because my entire directory was deleted. And it doesn't help that this is the last day I have before school starts up again...*deeep breath* Ok...I'm better. *smiles* Thanks for listening!
<3 Mako-chan
Dear Mako-chan,
Chichiri no Aijin, who is a PC tech, almost went ballistic when she read this, no da! *Sweatdrops* She can't believe tha the technician didn't back up your data before he reformatted your hard drive. Personally, I think if it was her she would pound him into a pulp and then sue what was left, but she does tend to have Tasuki's temper, no da.
Gomen all your hard work was lost, no da. I assume you searched the drive for it and asked the tech if he made a backup of your data and where he might have restored it to, na no da? It's just a thought but it might be worth pursuing. I'm sure from now on you'll make sure that important data gets backed up, no da. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Nuriko,
*giving him a large christmas present*sorry its too late for me to give this to you.well you know the reason i write this letter is for you to know that I *hugging him and kissed him on his cheeks* AISHITERU,what I mean is I LOVE YOU very much.ARIGATOU for letting me hug you,well how are you?what's youre favorite color?how is korin and everybody?dont be angry but do you still want to be a woman?also I'm very sorry for saying your a gay the first time I saw you.will you forgive me?who is your best friend among the star warriors,they said it was tasuki.OK I have to say bye-bye now.every body merry christmas and a happy new year.*kissing him again on his cheeks*love ya
Dear marie,
Arigato for the present and your sweet words! I'm fine and Kourin and minna are also fine, thank you. My favorite color is purple and my best freind of the Seishi hmmm... I would say Tamahome. Of course I forgive you. I think I am just happy being me!
Dear Tasuki,
*POUNCE!* Happy birthday to meeeeee, happy birthday to meeee! Or it will be in less than 3 days =) (January 5th be me birthday) My okaasan finally came home from Neveda, and my grandma has decided she doesn't want any more treatments or anything. I WAS going to bake my own cake (yes, bake from a recipe in a cook book. Me. Bake. Scary) but okaasan was really against it so I didn't go out and get any of the stuff for it, but earlier Firefury had bought some frosting tubes. Waaaaaant some?? (Sorry, DTFC side has been speaking freely lately. I've converted, or rather, contaminated Firefury with my frosting jokes now. She's started making them too because of me.) Anyways =) I really ought to come by CnA's sometime and get my glitter and poster back.
Ah, New Years Eve/Day was pretty boring. Rachel's grandmother has throat cancer so her mother left so they didn't have their normal New Years Day party and Rachel slept over New Years Eve and we played... Trivial Pursuit. AND I WON! Mwahahaha. So what did you all do for New Years? And do I at least get a hug or a kiss for my sweet 16? ^.~
Dear One-chan,
Sorry to hear 'bout Rachel's obaasan. But I'm glad yer mom is back to celebrate wit' ya'. Ya' know, I don't know yer email address! If I did I would have sent ya' a card! >.< Yer right! Ya' should stop by an' get yer stuff. Mebbe on th' 6th?
We stayed home an' watched th' Iron Chef marathon. Sure ya' get a kiss fer bein' 16! *Gives her a hug and a kiss on the cheek.* Happy Sweet 16!
Dear Chichiri,
Hiyahiya honey~~! *smooch* I's so HYPER! Take me out to DDR or something!!
Dear Kelli,
Were you in another play, no da? Chichiri no Aijin showed me the picture, no da... *Smiles*
Dear Tasuki,
Have you ever read the book Daddy-Long-Legs? It's WONDERFUL ^_^!
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Gomen, never heard of it.
Dear Chichiri,
You're BACK! **runs up to him, but stops short and begins to mutter something that sound suspiciously like, "Can't glomp...must..control yourself...can't glomp for two more weeks..."** SO! How was your vacation, ne? Did y'all have fun? Tasuki didn't burn down any houses while y'all were gone, did he? I had a GREAT vacation, no da! I got to go up to Chicago right after that blizzard they had, so the snow was up to over two feet by the time we got there, no da. The snow banks were almost twice that high, no da! SNOW! SNOW! I love the snow! ANYWAYS So what'd y'all do for Christmas, ne? And, New Years? Did you partake in the festivities along with Tasuki? How much did y'all two hoolagans drink, ne? **nudges him in the shoulder** grrrrrrr...... I have to go back to school tomorrow, no da..... I don't wanna, no daaaaaaaaaaa. But, I must go. It is my duty to myself to further my education. **throws herself on him** Please don't make me go, no da! Onegai! I'll go Thursday, but I don't wanna go tomorrow, no da! I wanna SLEEP! **picks herself up, stands up strait, and brushes imaginary dust off her clothing** Sorry about that, Chichiri-sama. I will go forth to the horrible doom which awaits me in the halls of that prison, uh, I mean school, no da. And, I will make it through yet another day of geometry and geogpraphy and Spanish and all the rest, no da. Some how. Some way. I will survive. I will survi~ive! Hey! Hey! **breaks out into song, then realizes she has an audience and stops** heheh Don't ya just admire my martyrous nature, no da?(Really wish sarcasm could be transfered through the computer, no da) Kay! I'm gonna leave you alone now, no da. JA!
Kageno Tenshi
Dear Kageno Tenshi,
Well, Tasuki did drink a bit, but no houses were destroyed in the process, no da. Our vacation was busy but we enjoyed it. We got to meet Chichiri no Aijin no tomodachi Kana-chan no kazoku, no da! They were visiting from Sapporo. So Chichiri no Aijin had a chance to practice her nihongo, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Kosetsuno Tenshi: Cocoa? Cocoa! Yatte!**Struggles out of Tetsuno Tenshi's grasp, runs up to Hotohori, grabs his hands, and starts swinging around, and around, and around...@_@ proclaiming in a very merry sing-song voice** I get to drink cocoa with Hotohori-sama!
Tetsuno Tenshi: **Sweatdrop****Turns around and is faced with two sets of puppy-dog eyes which could rival CLAMP in cuteness****multiple sweatdrop entails****turns back to face the seishi with a shrug** Well, now that you've mentioned it, there isn't any means of posibly holding them back.
Kageno Tenshi: In other words, bring on the cocoa, no da! **Kageno Tenshi falls to the ground with big @_@ in her eyes. Tetsuno Tenshi walks forward, smoothly replacing a large and efficient looking WoodPecker (the ever mighty Wood Pecker of Silence{Tm}) back into hammerspace**
Tetsuno Tenshi: We'd be honored to partake in your offer. **looks at Kosetsuno, who is still spinning a dizzy-looking Hotohori****sweatdrop** Kosetuno-chan, leave that poor emperor alone for just one second, will ya? How do you expect him to be able to drink cocoa if he can't even see strait?
Kosetsuno Tenshi: **stops spinning and throws a bemused look at the leader** Huh? Oops! You're right! **Looks over at the dangerously unsteady Hotohori** Eep! I'm sorry! Me fix! **Runs him over to Mitsukake, who is standing with a slightly amused look on his face.** Can you fix him so he can drink hot chocolate with me? PLEEEEZ!
Tetsuno Tenshi: **bops her on the head with the ever efficeint Wood Pecker of Silence(Tm)** Leave those two alone. He can still drink hot cocoa. And, that's all he's going to do. We're going to drink the cocoa these nice men have offered, then we're going to leave without glomping any more emperors. You got that?
Kageno Tenshi: AWWW! Come on, Boss-lady! You know the only reason you wanna leave early is because you're afraid we'll use this oppritunity to get you and Tama-kans under the misteltoe which Hibara-chan just happened to have along, no da. Ne, Hibara-chan? **Looks over to see Hibarano Tenshi suspiciously holding a sprig of mistletoe abover her head and standing next to Tasuki****sweatdrop** Hibara-chan! I thought we were gonna use that for Tetsuno-chan, no da?
Hibarano Tenshi: Don't worry. **Grabs multiple handfulls of the stuff from hammerspace** Plenty more where that came from! **Tosses a handful to Kageno Tenshi**
Kageno Tenshi: Perfect, no da! **Runs forward, pushes Tetsuno Tenshi, who is now red as a beet for some reason, next to Tamahome, and holds the mistletoe above their heads** KISSIE!KISSIE!
Tetsuno Tenshi: **blushblush**
Kosetsuno Tenshi: **Wlks up with a over-exaggerated innocent look on her face** Can I borrow some of that for a little while?
Kageno Tenshi: **Eyes her over suspiciously** Nani? What for, no da?
Kosetsuno Tenshi: Oooh, nothing. **Nods her head toward Hotohori and winks REAL big**
Kageno Tenshi: OOOOOOHHHH! WAKARIMASHITA! Here ya go! **hands the reamaining sprigs of mistletoe to Kosetsuno Tenshi**
Kosetsuno Tenshi: NOT! **pounces on the unexpecting Kageno Tenshi and drags her over to the even more unexpecting Chichiri. Kosetsuno Tenshi picks her up and places her firmly in front of him, holding the handful of mistletoe high above the two** You planned this whole seishi caroling thing and made me seem overly genki, though that is exactly how I would react to the whole situation, but that's beside the point. The point is, you're not getting away with this scott-free. Now, **big mischevious smile spreads across her face** KISSIE! KISSIE!
Kageno Tenshi: Daaaaaa....**blushblush**
Tetsuno Tenshi, Hibarano Tenshi, Kosetsuno Tenshi, and Kageno Tenshi
Dear Tetsuno Tenshi, Hibarano Tenshi, Kosetsuno Tenshi, and Kageno Tenshi,
*All the Seishi sweatdrop.*
Mitsukake: *Pointing at Hotohori* He'll be fine in a minute or two. *Smiles*
*Tamahome gives Tetsuno Tenshi a kiss on the cheek, Chichiri gives Kageno Tenshi a kiss on the cheek, and Tasuki gives Hibarano Tenshi a kiss on the cheek.*
*Hotohori recovers from his spinning bout and gives Kosetsuno Tenshi a kiss on the cheek.*
*Nuriko comes out with a tray of hot cooca and mini marshmallows.* Cocoa minna?
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
So what about you and Koji?
Dear Me,
We're jus' goods friends an' that's ALL we are!
Dear Tasuki,
Have you noticed that you hardley ever see zippo lighters anymore? Explain
Dear Me,
Ano... what's a zippo lighter?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Why did you peoples shut down your question links for?!?! I had VERY important questions for ALL of you...
Dark Anime Angel
Dear Dark Anime Angel,
So, ask 'em now! We gotta take breaks, too ya' know!!!
Dear Tamahome,
Oops...sorry... *takes back the 2 gold ryou* thank you!
Dark Anime Angel
Dear Dark Anime Angel,
Hey! Hand those back! I have to feed Miaka you know!
Dear Tasuki,
* Wakes up with the biggest hangover imaginable * Uggghhh.... what am I doing here!? Where am I?! Hey you...over there! You with the red hair.... where am I!??!
Dark Anime Angel
Dear Dark Anime Angel,
Yer in th' Imperial Palace at Konan! *Hand her a glass of water and a glass of orange juice.* Told ya' yer too much of a lightweight fer that kinda drinkin'!
Dear Tamahome,
*grins* You have a very very very nice singing voice!! Better than N*Sync or Backstreet Boys!! ^_^ Ja!!
Dear Keiko,
Arigato! *Smiles*
Dear Chichiri,
Haiii, Sesshoumaru is known as Fluffy by most fangirls no da o.o;;
Anyway. I'm rather annoyed at the rest of the cast of the musical we are doing at school no da. They are extremely immature and unprofessional no da! They simply cannot stop talking and being stupid no da! I got very irritated today and feel rather ill because of it no da. GRRR. Also, I've been uninspired since the new year began no da (Akemashite Omedetou, by the way)
Saa... I borrowed my friend's Dreamcast and Houjun hasn't stopped playing no da!
:::yells to the back room::: Stop and eat something no da!
:::from the back room::: DAAA! Just let me finish this one--
Shadra: NO! -_-;; Anyway. Let me return to prying him away from the controller no da.
Shadra D
Dear Shadra D,
Akemashite omedeto gozaimasu, no da! Good luck getting him off the Dreamcast, no da! *Goes back to playing FFVIII on the PS2.*
Dear Tasuki,
Level 100, eh? I don't know how to tell you this, but that's actually the problem. You see, in FF8, as Squall and his associates level up, so do the bad guys. Sux, don't it?
Dear Tonberry,
YES IT DOES!!! >.<;;;
Dear Tasuki,
Hilo! ^_^ *HUGS*
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
*Hugs back* Hi yerself!
Dear Hotohori,
If there wasn't that big war thing with Kuto, Do you think you two would have trade (like in food and Sake *looks at Tasuki and giggles*) and do you think you'll ever cut your hair? I think I like it long, but a friend wants to know.
Hugges and kisses
Kathy (that girl who wants to be Yui)
Dear Kathy,
I may get my hair trimmed on a regular basis, but I doubt I will ever cut it short. There was always a possiblity of trade with Kutou until the war started.
Dear Chiriko,
how do you make your hair do that *looks at Chiriko amazing hair* Is it the way you but it up, or just the way it is??
Hugges and kisses
Kathy (that girl who wants to be Yui)
Dear Kathy,
My hair is very thick and not as long as Nuriko or Hotohori's so when I put it up it just does that.
Dear Hotohori,
Hello, Great Emperor. Did you have a good vacation? I hope so. I've been wondering, in the song Legacy you say:
"There is a country I want to protect,
And there is a person I want to support"
Who is this person you're talking about? Miaka? Houki? Boushin? Please tell me it's not Miaka. I don't have anything against the Miko or something. I just think that family should come first. And also, that why it would sound sweeter ^_^
Dear Mal,
I had a nice vacation, thank you. It would really apply equally well to any of them but it was meant for Houki.
Dear Nuriko,
how did you get your hair so long and shiny?? *hugges Nuriko* Your my faverit transvestit!! (not trying to be rude!)
Hugges and Kisses
Kathy (that girl who wants to be Yui)
Dear Kathy,
Arigato! *Gives her a hug.* I let it grow and get it trimmed regularly as well as shampoo and condition it daily.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
It's GREAT to have you all back. Did you enjoy the vacation? How was your Christmas and New Year? Well, gotta run. Bai and a HAPPY 2001!
Dear Mal,
We had a fun but busy break! Happy New Millenium!
Dear Tamahome,
Why are you always so mean to Tasuki?! He's so cute and so are you, and two kawaii bishonon ahould not be fighting like that! (enless its for me!!)
Hugges and Kisses
Kathy (that girl who wants to be Yui)
Dear Kathy,
Why would you want to be Yui-chan? Tasuki and I aren't very serious when we fight. It's more like when brothers fight.
Dear Chichiri,
Gomen Ne Houjun-kun..
*shows off the little bundle* Her name is Hiakari, she's my new niece from my ML.
We were just playing a bit... *Hia reaches out to Chichiri* She asking for some fruit to gnaw on, she loves pears so far.. *pats Hia on the back* I have to make sure Shun'u doesn't see her.. Have any ideas Houjun-kun?
Dear Doc-sama,
I could take her Taiitsu-kun and the Nyan-Nyan, no da. She'd be safe there. Ano... why can't Tasuki see her, no da?
Dear Tasuki,
How did such a kawaii red head ever endup in China?? And is Kouji single?? *sweat drop*
Hugges and Kisses
Dear Kathy,
Konan was jus' lucky I guess! *Fanged grin* Yeah, Kouji's single.
Dear Tasuki,
Oops ^^;; sorry about the Miaka question...Gomen! I'm a baka ^^;; *forces a smile* Merry late Christmas, hee hee *hands him three boxes with three different pairs of boots and a large bottle of sake to kick* There ya go, it's late, but I tried...Tasuki...*looks at him with watery eyes* I've got a problem and maybe you might help...
Lately all my friends have been having problems. Well, I went out of the way to help them and gave up some things to help. After that, one of my friends I haven't seen in a looong time logged onto my MSN Instant Messenger. He came on and we talked for awhile. He's loved me for a while, see, and I don't feel the same way about him and he knows. Well, when I told him this again he blew up in my face after I got mad at some of my friends and got snappy. I apollogized but he laid down the guilt trip heavier and heavier until I was on the floor crying. He then told me he was terminally ill and was going to give up on life because of all that I did. He said I was the reason he was alive and kept him going. I was devistated. He then did the lowest of low and he blamed me for not loving him. He blamed me for feeling the way I do!
Things couldn't get much worse when all my friends started yelling at me at once and began back stabbing me. *tears stream down her face* I feel so hurt...I logged back on this morning and another one of my older friends logged on. We began talking and since this guy was the best friend of the guy I told him about how Mr. Ill was going to die and he went "NANIYO?! He's not dying, I was talking to him last night, he's fine!" and I felt horrible all over again. I felt mad...sad...I wanted to curl up and die! Tasuki, they all betrayed me...all my friends back stabbed me after I gave and gave and helped them and I got repayed like this.
Tasuki-kun, what should I do? I tried talking it out with everyone, but they brushed me off. I tried expressing myself to them, they brushed me off. I tried talking to my RL friends and they didn't have anything. Tasuki-kun...*latches onto him and cries into his shirt* I feel so torn up inside, what do I do?! *wipes her eyes and steps back ashamed* Gomen nasai...I just feel bad...Anything I can do? Arigato Tasuki-kun...daisuki yo...*forces out a weak fang grin* Happy New Year and Merry late Christmas...tell everyone hi for me...Tě@
Dear Alecia-chan,
*Gives her a hug and some tissue.* Don't feel ashamed! If this guy is gonna treat ya' like that, drop him! He AIN'T yer friend! An' th' same goes fer th' rest of 'em! Friends don't treat each other like that! I think mebbe it's time ya' got yerself some new friends that are gonna treat ya' wit' th' respect ya' deserve! *Gives her another hug.* Thanks fer th' presents! They're great!
Dear Neko-chan,
I did... ^^;;; It's bizarre! Tell Moon I said "Hi" back!
Dear Mitsukake,
How did you get Tama?? I mean how did you get such a kawaii cat?? And how do you make your hair stand strat up? I think its so cool!
Hugges and Kisses,
Dear Kathy,
Tama-neko actually found me, not the other way around. I keep my hair very short so I guess that is why iot looks like it does. Arigato for your kind compliments.
Dear Tasuki,
I missed you so much! What did you do for the new year? Tomorrow we start school on the 3rd, and yes that is my B-day. :( We never started on the 3rd before but now we do GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. Oh sorry about that. I just woke up! I hope you have fun this year! *blows him a kiss* Ja *fly away in the sunrise*
Hibarrano Tenshi
Dear Hibarrano Tenshi,
Heh-heh-heh... I already knew it was yer birthday! We jus' hung out at th' Humble Cyber-Abode wit' Chichiri no Aijin an' her husband an' watched th' Iron Chef marathon. Ya' know, after 5 or 6 bottles of sake cookin' gets kinda interestin'!
Dear Chichiri,
how did you get soooo kawaii??? *hugges Chichiri* your my faverit Bishonon!!!
Hugges and Kisses,
Dear Kathy,
Arigato for your kind words, no da! I suppose I was just made that way, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
*yawns* Hiya Tasuki-chan. *looks really tired* I just got back from a New Years Eve lock-in thingy that Tetsuno-chan, Kosetsuno-chan, Kageno-chan, and I all went to. It was fun *yawns again* but I'm so #$@%&*!( tired ^.~
Oh yeah *pulls out a late Christmas present* You would not believe how hard it is to find sake around here ^^; *yawns once again* hope you had happy hoildays *hugs him and falls alseep*
Hino Tenshi (the sleepy little fire angel)
Dear Hino Tenshi,
Arigato fer th' sake! *Places her on a bed and covers her up.*
Dear Chichiri,
Konnichiwa! I have a bit of a problem - *throws a Nyan-Nyan off her leg* The other day I put my hair up like the Nyan Nyan do theirs, and now the won't leave me alone! They insisted on staying even after I took it down, and now they keep trying to put it back up and dye it blue! *in the background* "Heal heal! Fix fix!" Could you give me some ideas on how to make them leave? Onegai?
Dear Shouri,
*Smiles in amusement* See if you can summon Taiitsu-kun, no da. She knows how to deal with errant Nyan-Nyan, no da!
Dear Mitsukake,
Oi vey! O.o;; I was just reading the responses and it seem me and you have a lot in comon ^^;; according to one of the letters you said your an ox and a Taurus, so am I ^^;; And on on of the letters I wrote before you said your favorite sport was soccer, and your favorite instrument was the piano...I play both ^^;; Cool, ne? Well, say hi to Tama-neko for me and have a Meri Kurisumasu!! ^.~
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
That's very interesting! I'll pet Tama-neko for you. Meri Kurisumasu and Akemashite omedeto (Happy New Year)!!
Dear Tasuki,
Hey-ya! I hope you have a merry Christmas. *hands him a gift* It is what you all ways wanted I hope you like it. *Looks deep in his eyes* I have some friends that are making me feel bad. I will get over it because I had that happen to me before. *the wind blows and my red blond hair dances* Thanks for writting to me and all your fans. Ja ^_^ *walks up to him and gives him a kiss on the check* For good luck *hands him a flaming rose*
Hibarrano Tenshi
Dear Hibarrano Tenshi,
*Gives her a hug and a kiss on the forehead.* Thanks fer th' rose. It's pretty. I'm sorry yer friends are bein' such bakas...
Dear Chichiri,
Dude Like my freind is like in LOVE with you! She would like kill for you I am Serious! Would you ever date a Mexican/Short/Evil/Irish Girl?
Dark Anime Angel
Dear Dark Anime Angel,
I suppose if I were dating at all I would consider her, if for no other reason than to keep her from kiling anyone or anything, no da!
Dear Nuriko,
Konichiwa! *gives Nuriko a biggy hug* ^o^ So, how have you decided on how you are going to celebrate the upcoming Christmas? I'll probably be staying at home to watch TV cos it's not my family tradition to celebrate Christmas at all.... Well..... at least they are showing sth nice on cable this time round..... like the movie of Rurouni Kenshin, Blue Submarine No. 6..... hehe! =P Now, that's sth to brighten my holidays anytime.... ^_<
Time really passes very quickly when you are busy, doesn't it? Wat do you think? As I've mentioned earlier..... I'm gonna have a long long holiday this time round.... and time passes so slowly as compared to when I was busy rushing about with my school work not too long ago then.... O_O not that I'm missing those days already.... Heh heh! =E
Yah.... no guy problems this time round.... I'm currently enjoying blessed singlehoodness.... haha! Maybe for a long time to come.... until the right one comes along then.... I think that I've lost enuff friends or rather potential friends to such stuff already.... isn't it a sad thing that you run the risk of losing friends when you voice out your feelings? *feels sad for a moment* Yah.... I guess that I'll just have to see wat fate throws in my face the next time round then.... =o)
Any way, here.... *gives Nuriko a box of chocolates and a bear hug* thanks as always just for listening and also for not finding me a bother all this time.... Enjoy your Christmas holidays k? Merry Christmas and aishiteru! ^o^
Baby Gwing =o)
Dear Baby Gwing,
Arigato for the presents! *Gives her a hug.* We spent Christmas with Chichiri no Aijin and her family and her tomodachi Kana-chan and HER family who were visiting from Sapporo, Japan.
Dear Tasuki,
Araaaa! Geeen-chaaaaan! Taaai-daaa-maaaaaaaa! ^_______^ *glomps onto his leg, and huggles, rubbing it amply against her cheek* Sou sou sou sou sou.. I got a B- in chemistry. Aw yeah. Take that to tha' bank! XD
Now we can go have a sake picnic together,and-drink-and-drink-and-drinkanddrinkanddrinkanddrinkkkandthenwakeupmarried.heheheheheheheheheheehe... o.o;;;
*blushes and nods innocently, still doing the odd leg...rubbing thing*
Sou daaaa, tell Chichiri no Aijin-sama Happy Birthday for meee (tell her to mail me! Mail me! MAIL MAIL MAIL MAIL)! ;-; I wish I had more time to draw a birthday present for her. Maybe I'll have time to do one a little late...considering my month off! *cackles like Taikoubou* KAA KAA KAAAA KAAAAAAAAAA ((Not Tomo kaka, Taikoubou kaka! x_X *falls over*))
Sooou! Its snowing! ^-^ Yatta~
Oh yeah... ^_____^ Heh-heh-heh... u.u *hides a piece of paper behind her back with a piccie she's working on for a Christmasy update* ^_________^ I'm really genki at 7:20 am after staying up all night. ^_~
Dear Amy-chan,
'Che! Hyper ain't ya'? *Grins* I already told her to email ya'. Hope ya' had a nice Christmas an' that you'll have a Happy New Year! Congrats on th' good grade!! *Gives her a hug.* Wake up married?!?!?!?! I think you've had enough to drink!!!!!!!!!!!! >.<;;;
Dear Tasuki,
You`re so cute. I haven`t got a question to ask you actually. Just that if you could have a cross-anime girlfriend, who would she be? And don`t feed me that crap about hating women buster... You kissed Miaka!! Even if it was under the influence of evil.
Dear Mayuka,
Heh-heh-heh... Lina Inverse!! Jus' to piss her off!!! *Fanged grin*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
would it be ok if i put your page on my links page?
Dear houki,
Yes please! And if we haven't put you on our links peeji, please send us your URL and we will. Arigato!
Dear Nuriko,
*Doc giggles* I don't mean now silly. But I made you think about it. ;) Forgive me?
Dear Doc-sama,
Hai! *Smiles*
Dear Tasuki,
I got a job! ^_^ Isn't that cool? I work at the board of education office! I answer phones, mail letters, file files and do all kinds of easy paper work! And I'm very happy, everyone is soooo friendly there.
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Omedeto!! I'm really happy fer ya'!! Happy New Year!! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Nuriko,
I know I haven't written to any of you guys in a really..long ..long time. and I know It might seem weird for me to be writing to you out of the blue...but I'm in need in some help right now or just some listening to.. ....My cousin was just put in..something of a..mental hospital/ counciling center. She's been really sick for over a year and her friends haven't been helping her much. Every day she would skip school and go off an party and get drunk somewhere..and she wouldn't come home for days..weeks, and at first everyone was all like " oh no! She ran away!" but after a while it was like.." Oh..again? *shrug*" . This ..annoyed me to no end. Once when she left...*I* went everywhere to try and find her, and this was only but 4 days ago. You know where I found her? In her so-called ' best-friends' house suffering from alcohal poisioning. so *I* was the one who took her to the hospital. Her Mom and dad were contacted but they were too busy working to come and see if their daughter w
as okay. The rest of my stupid family...excluding my other two cousins...didn't and STILL doesn't give a crap about her. They figured they would just shut her in some stupid mental hospital and let other people deal with her. The thing is now...that only her mom and dad can see her. I can't see her for a really..really long time. A year..maybe longer. I'm upset at my family, and I refuse to talk to anyone but my mom and my other two cousins. And knowing that I can't see my own cousin who is like my sister makes me even madder. *sighs* I'm sorry Nuriko-san. I just needed to let that go because I have so much anger inside right now and I want to release it in words and not something that will hurt others or me. Thank you very much for just listening It really helps..*bows*
Dear Momoko-chan,
*Gives her a hug.* Not a problem! Is it possible for your mother to speak to her parents and get you special permission to see her in a supervised visit? It's worth a try... Good luck!
Dear Tasuki,
Ha Ha Ha Ha! Woo....ok.....Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha..Woo......Ok.... I don't know what is the matter with me I think that I drank tooooooo much Sank.....Ha Ha Ha Ha...Woooo....Ha Ha HA HA *: Looks at Tasuki and smiles then passes out at his feet smiling :*
Dark Anime Angel
Dear Dark Anime Angel,
'Che! I told her she was too young fer sake! *Puts her on a couch and covers her up with a blanket.*
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