Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Harlow minna! *looks around* Hmm.... it's been like say about a year since I last visited this place and written to you.... so just been wondering how all of you have been.... Really missed ya all this time cos I haven had enough time during the weekends this entire year with the common tests every Saturday at school..... grrl.... So, that's why you guys haven been hearing from me all this time.... gomen...... u are not angry, are u? I haven forgotten you all all this time, u know?
It's really heart-warming to come back to such a familiar place after all this time...... brings back much fond memories..... say, have you pple seen Yuri around? If so, please tell her that I said "hi".... arigato! ^o^
So..... it's the holidays rite now in Singapore.... I've just finished my A levels just a month ago and now have about 6 months worth of holidays before going to a new school (university)...... I'm just gonna stay at home all this time and ya.... write to ya from time to time to make up for not writing this past year..... so sure hope that you dun find me a bother...... O_O Haven really thought much on wat course to take then.... having a hard time deciding which ones to take up.... u see, I want to take up Medicine a lot.... but in Singapore, there's a 1/3 cap on the no. of females in each year's intake, making it only 60 among the total intake of 200...... >_< and to top it all, there's an interview that I have to pass then..... *sigh* which I have no experience in.... =o( Quite a tough world out there eh? And I dun wanna give up my dream after coming such a long way in accomplishing it..... sorta like a slap across the face when one is so close....... *sigh* I'm thinking of Pharmarcy and Life Sciences after Medicine..... but still hoping that I'll get into Medicine eventually..... nevermind.... maybe I'll see 1st after receiving my results......=P
Besides, results sort of decides one's fate ultimately..... If no good results, poof there goes one's dream up in smoke.... quite a sucky world we live in eh? Any way, gomen for making you pple listen to all my crap...... take care and yah... I've brought you glutinous rice balls this time..... sure hope that you like them.... *passes each seishi a packet of glutinous rice balls* Just add them to hot sugar water and boil for a few minutes and they'll be ready to serve...... I dun really know which types u like, so I got ya both peanut and black sasame flavour..... I like peanut best.....wat about minna? Enjoy ur treat!
Baby Gwing ^o^
Dear Baby Gwing,
Welcome back!!! Arigato for the oishii rice balls! I think if your results warrant it, you should try to pursue your dream! Ganbatte kudasai in your studies at the new university!
Dear Tasuki,
*looks at the charred land that used to be her front yard* I think you went a little overboard there Tas-chan. Well, the grass will grow back, right? RIGHT?! Hee hee. Thanks anyways. Y'know I still haven't gone Christmas shopping yet. That's very much bad. I might go tomorrow though. I have absolutely no idea what I'm getting anyone anyways. I have WAY too many people to shop for. Are you getting Iri a gift? How 'bout the other Seishi? Just curious.
Kat Winner
Dear Kat Winner,
I didn't think of that!! Guess I'll hafta hit some merchants an' see what I can grab... er... buy! *Fanged grin*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
hiya minna-san! i'm leaving for vacation soon, so i thought i'd say goodbye, and also merry christmas, happy hannukah, happy kwanzaa, happy new year, happy SPAMfeste ... um, am i forgetting anything? ^^; okay, well enjoy the holidays! *hands out candy canes, green tea ice cream (^^), and sake* ja ne!
Dear Moon,
Happy holidays to you, too! Arigato for the candy and ice cream! Oishii desu!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Mitsukake,
:::blushes::: ano.. well.. He wants me to do it because my OCD had developed into trichotillomania a few years ago, and it's also causing some self mutilation behaviors no da (before anyone asks, it's not like I go around stabbing myself or something no da ¬_¬; It's just that I absentmindedly pick at scabs (EW!) and pull out my hair (I have no eyelashes no da o.o;;)). My previous psycologist never suggested it.. probably because when he asked if it bothered me all that much, I told him it didn't no da. The new guy.. well, I'm not sure if he's concentrating on the right areas no da. The only thing that's really bothering me lately is my memory no da. I can deal with the tourette's and the OCD, but I'm rapidly losing my memory na no da -_-;.
Recently we tried reducing some of my anti-depression meds (me, depressed? You'd never know no da!), but that didn't work out either. I dislike changing medications na no da!!!
::sweatdrops:: although, I wouldn't mind something to get rid of this chest cold no da -_-;;
Thanks for listening, Matsutake-san (I'm just joking, Mitsukake-san). Hope you have a nice holiday na no da!
Shadra D
Dear Shadra D,
Are you on medication for Tourette's as well? If so, is your new doctor aware of ALL your medications and any possible adverse reactions between them that may cause memory losses? It may be worth his/her checking into. Try vegetarian broth and rubbing Vick's on your chest for the cold. Happy holidays!
Dear Tasuki,
I was thinking about the same thing too!!!! I need to get more powerful GF's, I couldn't even defeat Sorceress Adel, the one that looks like an otoko(bet Nuriko likes him), heheheh. Who's your fav. character anyway? I like Irvine the best, and how do you pronounce his name? I pronounce it as Ir-vin, but my friend pronounce it as Ir-vine. And how are you managing? It seems people are still irritated with the aijin, aisai whatever stuff... *shrugs* Sooo how are things? ^_^ *gives Tasuki a kiss and a hug*
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
I'm doin' fine, but wit' th' holidays an' all comin' up we're puttin' FFVIII on hold fer a bit. I say his name is Ir-vine. An' of course ya' know we're takin' th' letter sendin' part down over th' holidays, ne?
Dear Hotohori,
Noo.... I didn't mean LIKE Nakago! I meant Like Blonde GIRLS! Or do you think that they are stupid and air-headish? Well... thanks for letting me kiss you on the cheek and...well...I LOVE YOU! Your the bestest ever I mean Who else could deal with the pressures of being emperor? I mean I know that I couldn't! Ok... I am babbling...bye! Could I come and visit you in Kounan? Send me a plane ticket!
Dark Anime Angel
Dear Dark Anime Angel,
I suppose if I weren't married I would not have a problem dating a woman with blonde hair. Ano... Konan is not reachable by airplane. Gomen ne.
Dear Hotohori,
*Doc comes up to Hotohori while her Ryuen stands there with hearts in his eyes*
Anou... *Doc grabs Ryuen by the hand and starts dragging him away*
Hotohori, when he does this again send him to me okay? *Doc drags Ryuen away for a little re-education*
Dear Doc-sama,
Alright, ano... I don't think he can help himself...
Dear Hotohori,
How do you deal with all the squealing fangirls? ^^; sheesh!
What do you look for in the ideal person to marry? just a random question ^^; have a lovely day!
oh, by the way, have you seen the rabbit in the moon?
katelynne, the cute bunny girl of the moon
Dear katelynne,
I just let them squeal. I suppose I looked for beauty as well as kindness and intelligence. That is why I married Houki. I have seen the rabbit in the moon and he is pounding mochi.
Dear Mitsukake,
Aaaaaaaaaw! You're not boring at all, you big noble hunk of healing, you! After all, I like reading up on medicine as well, and it's very interesting, so YOU must, therefore, be a very interesting person! I'll ask you if I have any problems understanding stuff, 'kay?
Hmm. Mom's calling me...gotta run, Mitsukake-san. Merry Christmas and Happy new Year! ^_^
Oh...and tell the other seishi not to get offended...I'll be back tomorrow with THEIR christmas messages! *leaves singing 'tis the season to be jolly, falalalala, lalalala!) Byeeeee!
Dear Kat-Chan,
*Smiles* I'll let them know. Merry Christmas! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Chiriko,
Wondering why I said that? Well, why shouldn't I, after all, my exams just finished, and with all the research I had to put in *phew!* no wonder I came out a lot more wizer! ^_^
Oh little Chiriko-chan, you remind me sooooo much of Mal! The voice, the way you talk, the 'littleness' about you two! Hahahaha, maybe that's why I like you as one of my favorite seishis! Hmm. Come to think of it, ALL of you are so nice, it's hard to pick out a favorite...but I think Tasuki wins with an additional point due to his fangs! ^_^ I have them too, you see! >:D=
I was just on a Christmas-wishing spree, kid. So Merry Christmas and a happy new year! ^_^ Chi-Ching!
Dear Kat-Chan,
Well, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you, too!
Dear Hotohori,
Ah, Hori-Sama! I have looked aaaaaaaaaaall over for your song "Legacy", abd...NO LUCK!!! ;_; Do you know where I can find it? Unless...ofcourse, if you'd sing it to me in person! *SIGH!* Anyway, I wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas along with the rest of you seishi, there such a thing as Christmas in the u.o. the four gods? Hahahahaha, who cares, Happy Christmas, seishi saaaaaaaaaaaaaans! Arigatou and Sayonara!
Kat-Chan (THE ORIGINAL!!!)
Dear Tasuki,
*hugs back* That's okay Tasuki, I'd rather have you as my compainion on my nights of firey passion and lust, then nine months later I give birth to a black felt tip outlining pen!! You just can't do that with an older brother! I'm glad you're here for me though, thank you so much ^_^
I'm meeting with Rey and some of the other guys today, there's talk that they might invite me into the Rage! Yeah! And I'll be the only girl! *laughs* And with my parents, I'm just going to do whatever I think is right, they won't understand and they're narrow minded about everything, so I'm just going to relax, kick back and enjoy my time in my cage until I'm eighteen and I'll be able to break free from my bindings ^.^
I'll be getting my liscense soon too so I can drive around! I'll come up and see you, CnA and the seishi sometime! Thanks for letting me explode at you!
Dear Jean,
Not a problem! A black felt tip pen??? *Looks confused...* So, yer gettin' yer license, eh? Guess th' rest of th' drivers better watch out!! Heh-heh-heh... Chichiri no Aijin says tell Rey-Rey "Hi" from her!
Dear Tamahome,
WHy do you like money so much? Why Are you just ilke me? huh?! answer me coz I like you very much!!!
Dear Misao,
I suppose it comes form growing up dirt poor.
Dear Tamahome,
*blinks* Ok, you win, Obake-sama. *pokes his head* Why would you hurt an innocent girl like me? I didn't mean anything! I hafta tease someone! And you're the one who's most like my oniisan! T.T I'd actually try and tease Nagi...but she'd try `n hurt me...saaaaaaa...well, ja ne!
Dear Keiko,
OK. *Puts his hand out...* Friends?
Dear Tasuki,
*blink blink* You don't wear underwear?! WHAT KINDA SICKO ARE YOU?!*shakes head* Tsk tsk...
Dear Nagi,
OI!!!!!! I NEVER said that!!!!!!! I wear fundoshi!! Look it up an' then get back to me!
Dear Chichiri,
HI!!!!!! ::glomp:: Gommen, but what would a chat with my fave seishi be without a good, ol' fashioned glomping? DAAAAAAAA!!!! I'm so, well, I guess releived would be the word I'm looking for, no da. Today was the last day of exams, and I only had to go to 3rd period! YATTE! I'm really liking this whole exemptions thingy, no da. I only wish I didn't have to take that bio exam. It's kinda worrying me a bit. ANYWAYS I was going through the archives (I was BORED, no da! >_<) and I noticed that a lot of the tenshi have dropped by. Yet, I remain the only seiryuu tenshi to make her presence known. I think. I guess the other peeps could be using different names. Oi! Speaking of tenshi! Guess what! I typed up the first two chapters of my tenshi fic and sent it to Hino-chan so she could post it on her site. And, I'm getting a scanner for X-mas, so i'll be able to send her my pics, too, no da! Sugoi, ne? Wish I could scan them now, but I'm not suppose to know that I got a scanner. Damn my common sense! I hate it when I figure out what I'm getting for christmas. But, my parents just aren't any good at hiding stuff, no da. It's not like I go looking for the presents (any more), I just tend to stumble upon them. hmph OH, WELL! DAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! I'm going CRAZY! ABURRIDO!! (And, I'm learning Espanol, tambian ^_^) I'm so bored, it's not even nearly funny, no da. Hey, I got an idea.... ::looks up with extremely pitiful puppy-dog eyes:: Chichiri, will you sing Mizu Kagami for me? PLEEEEEEEEEZ! I have the 6th OAV2 cd and that has the kareoke version on it, so just say the word and I'll play the accompiament, no da. PLEEEEEEZ! Hibarra-chan teased me this morning by playing a snatch of it then changing it cuz I couldn't study while listening to it, and now I really, REALLY wanna hear it, no da. PLEEEEEEZ! I won't glomp you for a month! Or, at least I'll try not to. Think it over. JA! ::glomps him before leaving:: Just in case.
Kageno Tenshi
Dear Kageno Tenshi,
OK, no da. I'd be honored, no da. *Starts singing to her.*
Dear Chichiri,
*walks in*
Knock knock!
Who's there?
It's Orien!
Orien who?
Orien! The brave and wild daughter of the great mountain bandit Kouji!
Do come in!
Why thank you!
Don't mention it!
Hey Chichiri!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations! I'll bet You and Keisei're really happy!
Hey Kourinish, I do recal hearing something about Khuriki getting married a while ago, but noone told me who!
Lemme guess, Mitsu, ne?
Dear Orien,
NANI???????? What's this about me and Keisei, no da???????? *Looks extremely confused.*
Dear Nuriko,
Am I that transparent Ryu-chan? Well your nose is right, and I'll have to take care of it while I work with Kelli-chan on a fic. *snuggles in Ryuen's arms* It's about Chichiri-kun, I'm sending him home..
The idea is a good one, I think you'll enjoy it. :) Aishiteru Aisaika ;) *kisses Ryu-chan*
Dear Doc-sama,
*Grins and kisses her back.* I look forward to reading it...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*points to Nuriko* NURIKO NO ECCHI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *grins* Nuriko and Doc-sama sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!! First come love them comes marriage then comes the ...... fanfic? ^^;; Hey Tama-kins!! I have a question for ya! When did you first find out about your seishi power? I mean before the Kaki-man (Tokaki) found ya? *mumbles about something at school* You wanna know an evil thing? I have a problem at school. This boy's a total ass and he's so much bigger than me so I really can't do anything about it except take it. He's such a total gaspole. He teases me about my a certain physical feature. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr~!!!! *face turns red* I hate him so much!!!!!! Someday I'm just gonna pop and he's gonna regret it! I swear! *storms off without saying good-bye*
Dear Kosei,
Nuriko: Ecchi??? Boku???? *Blushes*
Tamahome: I suppose it was the first time the Oni shone on my forehead and my father told me the legend of the Seishi. As for the young man that is harrassing you, perhaps you can report him to the teacher or princpal for harrassing you. They tend to take that kind of thing seriously.
Nuriko and Tamahome
Dear Tasuki,
:::giggles stupidly::: I already have one, no da ^_^ You can give me to him, if ya like. Just be sure it's the right one no da. There could be a lot of confusion ^^;;
My Chichiri is in Universal branch 23A478c. Be sure to use the KasaSpace discount no da!
::coughs:: I might suggest, however, that you use wrapping paper that isn't covered in SD Mitsukakes no da....
Shadra D
Dear Shadra D,
Eh-heh... *sweatdrops...*
Dear Tasuki,
Maybe you will see the movie soon. I am going to a d&d game tomorrow yeah. *gives him a hug* I wished you could play. Well roday is the last day of school till jan. 3! If you could play D and D what would you be? well got to go. *walk up and gives him a kiss on the lip* Ja
Hibarrano Tenshi
Dear Hibarrano Tenshi,
I'm a bandit!! What d'ya THINK I'd be???????
Dear Mitsukake,
I KNOW she needs to see a doctor but she wont! She hasnt even told her mom...And she told me that she broke the habit, but food still makes her kinda sick. :( I'm really worried about her...
Dear Kuro,
It sounds as if she may be suffering from bulimia. If that's the case as her friend you need to tell her parents what's going on. Bulimia and anorexa nervosa can both be fatal ailments.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
ARGH! My computer isn't recognising my modem! You won't be hearing from my friends and me for a while, since we all use the same computer... *their parents don't have the internet, so they use it at my house since they all live right around me* N E waiz, I'm helping obakii study, so I'll c u all laterz. *gives everyone a tight hug and a kiss* Byerz!
Dear Neko-kay,
That's very sweet of you! By the way, could you also try to keep her from hurting herself?
Dear Nuriko,
I think it would make it far more enjoyable to share you! You're definitly too much for one girl to handle alone anyways. ^.^ *batts her eyes and smiles* And my nose is fine now. It was bleeding for about an hour. *grins* It was SO FUNNY! I passed out and woke up to see my chihuahua looking down at me, so I got surprised and fell off of the couch. *kisses Nuriko* Well, I gotta go and do my homework. Ja ne!
Dear obakii,
I'm glad that you and your nose are both ok! Odaijini!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
You guys lie, you only update about twice a week, not 3 hours per day!
Dear louva,
Where th' h*ll didja' get THAT idea?????? We have seid in the past it takes us about 3 hours or so a day to update th' peeji but we NEVER said we update EVERY 3 hours!! 'Che!
Dear Chichiri,
I just wanted you to know that I think you are the best seishi out of them all. When I first saw you, my heart leapt, and my pulse raced. That was half a year ago. I know this sounds stupid, but I really love you for all the things you've helped me with by just existing. I've had to tough out a lot of problems, and when ever I saw your face, it felt like the huge burden I carry was lifted from my back. I cried the first time (on the inside, like you do) when I heard Aoi Jyuu, Shiroi Nozomi and Mizu Kagami. I wanted to tell you that you shouldn't be so sad, and that people love you, no matter what happens, even though we've never met you, and probably never will. Wo Ai Ni.
Dear Hikaru,
*Gives her a hug.* Arigato for you sweet words, no da. They mean a lot to me, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*licks paw* DO you guys know your god tastes just like chicken? *picks teeth*
The Nekojin who ate the Canary
Dear Nekojin,
Sumimasen ga... but if you just ate a canary then you may have eaten Nakago's pet. *Lucky bird... doesn't have to hear him sing "Blue Eyes Blue" anymore...* Our god is represented by a phoenix, not a canary.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
As the shrimp flies through the air, so will skinning cats remain a curious thing to do!
Shrinemaiden Keisei
Dear Shrinemaiden Keisei,
8They all look at her as if she has losy her mind and stand protectively around Tama-neko.*
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Chichiri,
Wai wai!!! School's out for Mako-chan!!! *does a little happy dance* *deep breath* Ok, I'm better now. ^_^
So, Chichiri-san, what'cha up to for the holidays? Going anywhere with the seishi? Be careful, roads are crowded now adays. ^_^
Hey, what do you want for X-mas? And don't say "nothing" either. ^_~
Ok, Seeing as how I can't seem to think of anything to say...ah yes, the main point of my writing:
I have a new feature on my website: a Noh/Nou play that I wrote entitled "The Masked Monk" (wonder who it's about...^_^) for English recently. *smiles* I got a 90% on it too...just goes to show that Suzaku shichiseishi do get you good grades. Anyway, it's right here. My teacher wrote at the end of the play "Very creative". ^_^;; hehehe, right...^_~
Alas, I must be going. For those who don't know what a Nou play is, there is a description before the actual play. Ja matte ne!
<3 Mako-chan
Dear Mako-chan,
I read a bit of it and visited your ite, no da. It was quite good, no da! A new fishing pole would be nice, no da.
Dear Chichiri,
Um, I have never written here before. I found this place and it made me smile. I think it's very nice of you to offer some good advice to the people who write to you.:-) I don't mean to be intruding on anything private, but some people say that you were once engaged, if you don't mind my asking, is it true? Just curious. I think your a very creative and kind person. I also think your bishounen!;-) Well, thank-you for your time. I guess I'll talk to you later...bye!
Dear Esvee,
Arigato for your kind words and welcome to our peeji, no da! I was once engaged but she passed away, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
What is your real name?
Dear Tama,
It is Chou Ryuen.
Dear Chichiri,
How are you now?
Dear Tama,
I'm fine, and yourself, no da?
Dear Tasuki,
Ummmmmmmm...Can you tell me which page is the Fushigi Yugi ad in Animerica?
Anime angel
Dear Anime angel,
It's page 18.
Dear Hotohori,
Ho-ri-sama!! I haven't written to you yet, no da ^^;; Well, I was in a mexican restaurant, no da, and I was finished eating. The nice waiter came by and asked if he could take my plate. I let him, and then my father gave me a wierd look no da.
He said, "Hai?"
I looked at him and said, "What?" no da.
He said, "You said, 'Hai, douzo' to him..."
I stared at him no da. "What? no!"
He said, "Yes, you did!"
I felt so wonky no da! I mean, why in the world would I respond to his inquiry in Japanese no da? I didn't even realize that I did no da! How strange!! Anyway, I guess it comes from studying for my Japanese exam (which I did well on, no da.. well, except for replacing 'ikura desu ka' with 'ikutsu' for some weird reason no da... and mistaking 'uma ga' for 'umaga'.... Shadora no baaaaaaaaaaaaka!) Oh well. :::replaces Ho-ri-sama's bucket hat with a gingerbread house ::: baibai!
Shadra D
Dear Shadra D,
*Takes off the gingerbread house and passes to be eaten.* It seems your nihongo studies have had a tremendous influence on you! *Holds out his hand...* My crown please...
Dear Mitsukake,
ugghhh! I think I may be getting sick no da! I'd drown myself in chicken soup if I weren't a vegetarian no da... Hrmph. It figures that it would happen just as winter break starts (and I still have one more exam to go no da!) :::jumps around, waving her arms wildly:::
And I have to sing to the cute little elementary school kids on Friday! I can't do that if my throat is sore no da!
:::stops suddenly and looks out the window::: It isn't snowing, either! BAH!
:::strings christmas tree lights around Mitsukake and puts Tama-neko (wearing a little star suit) on his head::: Kram.
Shadra D
Dear Shadra D,
Try some Swanson's Vegatarian Brith and some Zinc Lonzeges.
Dear Nuriko,
Hi Nuriko-kun *hugs* I'm sad cause a friend of fact she is your tenshi in my story...has moved away ;-; I didn't even get to say good-bye to her *sniffles* and you no what, she owes me 20 cents for a book fine ^^;; *sniffles again* I'm gona miss her...sayonara Hoshino Tenshi.
Hino Tenshi *the sad little fire angel*
Dear Hino Tenshi,
*Hugs her* Gomen yer bud moved. But I'm sure th' two of ya' will try yer best to keep in touch.
Dear Tasuki,
Ah! Tasuki! You think I'd become hentai just cause I joined the DTFC? --; *nugdes the whiped cream and stuff way* ^^;; But I did find some funny and incriminating pictures of you!
Tasuki! *hugs* all the other Tenshi are calling me mean!(Except Kageno Tenshi, she calls me evil, but look at her, SHE is a Seiryuu Tenshi --;;) I'm getting really tired of it --; just cause I tease them a little bit ^^;;
Yay!!! Tasuki I don't have to take the semester tests for all the classes that I can be exempt from. I'm so happy! Less studying for me! But I still have to take History, English, and SAT prep (like that is even considered a real class --;)
I know I have a question for you......oh yeah, how do you say "Merry Christmas" in Japanese? Hope you guys have a happy holiday! And wish me luck on my tests....I'll need it ^^;;;
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
Merii Kurisumasu is how it is said in Nihongo. Ganbatte kudasai on yer tests and have a Merii Kurisumasu!!
Dear Nuriko,
*grumbles and squints at Nuriko* Why the @!%& are my eyes hurting? I wear contacts, do you think that's it? ^_^;; My eyes were shot last night... ;.; paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaain...
Dear Keiko,
Perhaps you need to remove tehm and clean them or get new ones.
Dear Hotohori,
I have some questions for ya':
1. Are you and Nuriko REALLY gay together?
2. Would you ever date an American?
3. Do you really like Tamahome?
4. What did you EVER see in Miaka?!?!
5. Do you like Blondes?
Well....that's about it! Your my favorite Suzaku Seishi! Could I kiss ya'?
Dark Anime Angel
Dear Dark Anime Angel,
Thank you for saying I'm your favorite. *Let's her kiss him on the cheek.* Here are you answers:
1. NO!
2. I don't see why not.
3. Yes I do. He is a loyal subject and an excellent Seishi.
4. Her sweetness and unselfishness. The hope that she would rescue me from my lonely life.
5. Like Nakago???
Dear Tasuki,
Ah...right. Now that I was thinking about it..I was wondering something. Being that I've such a perverted mind I'm driven to ask this question:
What do you mean by Aijin? Do you mean Fan Aijin? Obsessive Aijin? Or Bed Aijin? If it were bed Aijin you know damn well most of us will /have/ to hurt you for that, ne?
Well you and your Aijin...ii ni shi kagen! Tch...ja..
Dear Naruke,
Aijin means lover or mistress. I ain't got an Aijin I got an Aisai. But thanks anyway!
Dear Chiriko,
Chiriko-san, i have a few questions that i might as well ask you:
1.who is your favourite author, and what does he/she write?
2.are you a cat person or a dog person?
3.what tea do you like most?
4.can you speak chinese?
5.are you older than me? this year i'm 16 according to chinese count, 15 western. i'm born in august.
sumimasen for bothering you with so many questions, i'm taking a sickie from school and have nothing to do for a day ^_^'
merry christmas, remember to swim in between the red and yellow flags ^.^
*gives Chiriko a christmas card and an electric fan. (it runs of two batteries) it'll be fried egg pavements again soon^_^*
Dear houki,
Merry Christmas and here are all your answers:
1. Shakespeare. He seems to have written on pretty much everything.
2. Cat
3. Ocha (Green)
4. Shi!
5. I'm younger than you.
Dear Chiriko,
*starts crying* ~*~ My teacher said I was the first person to get a 48% on the test. I study so hard for it. It's not fair! *cry harder* And then she said I was the one who wasn't going to 9th grade! ~*~ Thats not right, is it?
Dooms Day
Dear Dooms Day,
That is up tp your parents and your teacher. Perhaps you can get a tutor, study, and take a make-up test. Or maybe you can go to Summer School. Good luck! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Chichiri,
Hi-yah! My birthday is in two days, fear it. Or send me presents. And I d*mn well better get school off tomarrow for getting that fever in the middle of the day *Grumble* Did I make absolutly no sense?
Dear Witch,
You made some sense, no da. Otanjoubi omedeto gozaimasu! Happy Birthday, no da!
Dear Chichiri,
Jsut how ~do~ you do those imitations?
Dear Phoenix-chan,
magic, no da! *Smiles*
Dear Tasuki,
My sister L-chan loves you. She claims to be Tasuki no miko II. Personally, I think she lost her marbles when s(::ack:: being strangled, literally) ahem... I hope you understand, Tasuki. I like you too but probably not as much. I drew a picture with Chichiri, Chiriko, Mitsukake, and you in it. Chichiri was hard to draw right, but you were the easiest!
Dear Nurika,
That's ok. I unnerstand. Tell yer sis I said hi!
Dear Tasuki,
Yeah, FF8 is nifty too. We had a snow day today! It was great. I was so happy 'cause my crush came over and we watched movies. It was great. I had to shovel snow though. That kinda sucked. I think from now on I'm going to con my male friends into doing that for me. Good idea, ne? Oh! Even better idea. Why don't you just melt the snow for me? Please?
Kat Winner
Dear Kat,
I can try... LEKKA SHIENEN!!!!!!!!!! *Melts the snow and fries the ground underneath it, too.* Ano... I gotta go!
Dear Tasuki,
Ultimate Machine for Eden??? Ara... What disc are you on???? I'm on the 4th disc of Final Fantasy 8, and my brother is on the 3rd disc of Final Fantasy 9, and he's playing the Japanese version, cool, huh? And he reads it real fast too, I wish I could read Japanese. >_<
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
So take Japanese lessons. Then you'll be able to read Japanese. We were on Disk 4, Chichiri no AIjin made us go back an' get a buncha GF's that we didn't get before, so Ultimacia won't kill us so easy. We also found out we can get Eden from Tiamat if we can't beat th' Ultimate Machine.
Dear Chiriko,
Hi Chiriko! I just find out we're the same age! But I am taller than you, why is that?
Dooms Day
Dear Dooms Day,
*Looks a bit dejected...* Because girls grow faster than boys...
Dear Nuriko,
*hugs* Hey Nuriko! Have ever seen Weiss Kreuz? If you have, who's you favourite character? Personally, Crawford gets me, then Schuldich close second. Out of Weiss, Aya and Ken! *grins*
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
Hai! I've seen it and Aya-kun is MY favorite.
Dear Chichiri,
Chichiri! *jumps into view in front of him* I got a question for ya. Did you make that pretty prayer bead necklace of yours? Can I get one like it? *smiles, shakes his hand and hands him a blank business card* Ja ne! *vanshies into the shadows where she will ALWAYS be watching...* (feeling paranoid yet?) ^_~
Inuyasha (Inuchan)
Dear Inuyasha,
I did, no da. But Taiitsu-kun replaced it with one of her own making and magic, no da. I'm sure that if you can find the wooden beads, that you could make it, no da.
Dear Mitsukake,
Gah... I'm not feeling very well. I need to see a doctor sometime soon. I've been feeling sick for the past few months. I told my mother but she isn't doing anything about it.
Inuyasha (Inuchan)
Dear Inuchan,
Your mother has a duty to you as your parent to take care of you and make sure you're healthy. Tell her again and be specific in your ailment and complaint. I'm sure she'll take you to a doctor.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Wai wai!!! YOU'RE ALL BACK!!! *huge hugs for everyone* Make sure that CnA stays healthy and happy during the holidays, k? Arigatou! ^_^
Well, I have exams this week...:P But that's ok, because after this Thursday I'm out for the holidays!! YES!! And I get to go shopping for presents today. Lot's of fun. But I have AP World History today, and I'm not sure if I've studied enough...oh well. Too late now! ^.^
Actually, it probably isn't too late now. I'm going to go study...there are some of the most random people on our list of terms...ALL FIVE HUNDRED OF THEM!! Literally!!! *glares @ teacher* And man, fill in the blank lectures are hard to pay attention to...My teacher will say something like this: "And he was the...*grabs some of her hair**waits for class to fill in answer* heir" *rolls eyes* Not annoying, really.
<3 Mako-chan
Dear Mako-chan,
Ganbatte kudasai on your tests, no da! We'll try and keep her healthy and happy. Or at least make sure she gets some rest, no da! *Smiles*
Dear Tamahome,
Remember me from when I stole a couple of gold ryou form you? ^_^ Hey, I gave 'em back! I just wanted to say hi :) How you been, Tama-chan?
Dear Thief,
I'm fine and yourself?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
This is early, but still...MERRY CHRISTMAS SUZAKU SEISHI! ^-^
I have some questions now...
1. If there was one thing you could have changed this year, what would it be, and why? >.> Marrying Miaka is a choice here, ya know. <.<;; *laughter*
2. If there was one thing to never change, what would you want it to be in your life? (No picking living.)
3. What do you want for Christmas, and why? (You can pick ANYTHING.)
4. If you could bash one of the seiryuu seishi, but not kill them, to shame, which one would you choose to humiliate, and why? (Tamahome, I already have my guess on this one.)
5. If you had to spend the next year with one of your fellow seishi in a cabin on a mountain just you and him?(No! I am NOT meaning Yaoi, I mean without going insane >.>)
6. If you were transported to not Miaka's world, but me and the other people who mail you's world, do you think you could stand being around us? >.> I won't take offense, really. (Is joking anyways.)
7. Last, but not so least, if one of your fellow seishi was your father, which one of them would you rather have as one? (Ex. Tasuki as Tamahome's son......>D *laughter*)
Relena ^.^
Dear Relena,
My you ask a lot of questions! Here are your answers but please be aware that they do contain SPOILERS.
1. Chichiri: Hikou and Kouran's deaths, no da.
Tamahome: The loss of my family.
Tasuki: I'd change gettin' possessed to NOT gettin' possessed.
Mituskake: Shouka's passing.
Chiriko: I'd like to live.
Nuriko: My sister's untimely death.
Hotohori: My death. So Boushin would know his father
2. Tasuki: My attitude an' good looks!
Tamahome: Being with Miaka
Mitsukake: Being a Seishi
Hotohori: My beauty
Chiriko: Mi intelligence
Nuriko: My strength
Chichiri: My speech pattern, no da!
3. Tamahome: Okane!
Tasuki:Sake an' fer Aidou to be nice to me!
Chichiri: A new fishing pole, no da.
Chiriko: The Collected Works of Shakespeare.
Nuriko: To find and swim in the Pond of the Dronwed Girl!
Hotohori: A really nice hand mirror
Mitsukake: Some nice toys for Tama-neko and some more medical books for me.
4. Tamahome: Suboshi
Tasuki: Nakago! He started it!
Chichiri: Nakago, no da.
Hotohori: Nakago
Mitsukake: Nakago
Nuriko: Ashitare and Nakago
Chiriko: Miboshi, but I already defeated and humiliated him.
5. Chichiri: Mitsukake, no da.
Mitsukake: Chichiri
Nuriko: Hotohori *Hotohori sweatdrops*
Tamahome: Tasuki (At least I wouldn't freeze to death...)
Tasuki: Chichiri
Hotohori: Chichiri
Chiriko: Tasuki
6. It wouldn't be a problem! It would be very interesteing to meet all of our fans in your world, no da.
7. Tasuki: Chichiri
Tamahome: Chichiri
Mitsukake:None of them.
Chiriko: Tasuki
Chichiri: None of them.
Nuriko: Hotohori
Hotohori: Chichiri
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Mitsukake,
What do you know about Cognitive Behavioral Therapy? Supposedly it helps with Obsessive Compulsive disorder no da... my psychiatrist thinks I should do it, but most of it involves placing myself in uncomfortable situations and just dealing with it no da. ¬_¬;; I just don't deal well with that kind of stuff at all no da. I mean, I am a very lazy person no da, and doing things for myself is generally not what I like to do na no da. I find getting myself to do things to be terribly difficult, and doing something for myself that won't get immediate results is usually harder -_-;; I don't like this new doctor very much. My old one was much better, but he moved to DC no da. I don't think this new one really understands no da :/
I'll see if I can deal with it for much longer. I don't like changing doctors because I feel like I'm going to hurt their feelings na no da. I'm such a dork na no da!! ^^;;;
Shadra D
Dear Shadra D,
I do know a bit about it. I also know you need to feel comfortable with your therapist. You won't hurt their feelings by changing therapists. This is about your mental health, not their feelings after all. Why does your doctor want you to do Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?
Dear Tasuki,
oh dear. i think i'm annoying tasuki-sama. gomen! ^^;; anyway, i searched for a loooooong time for the picture i'm talking about, and i couldn't find it ... x_x ... i have a copy of it on my hard drive, but tripod is being evil and won't connect ... so i'm going to move on to a new topic! ^^;;;; does it snow in Konan???? i wouldn't want to be caught in a seishi snowball fight ... hee hee ...
Dear Moon,
Doc-sama told me which picture it was. I guess I didn't want 'em broken. It sometimes snow in Konan. But not that much.
Dear Hotohori,
Hi again... I don't know if you got my last letter, but i never saw a response... I just wanted to ask if you wanted to see some pictures i drew of you a while back that i recently found.... *slight kiss on cheek*
Also, i wondered if any of the Suzaku Seishi have been to the Anime Web Turnpike? You all have several shrines there...
Kurai No Tenshi
Dear Kurai No Tenshi,
I would love to see your work! Arigato for asking me! We have been to AniPike. It is a most interesting place.
Dear Tasuki,
Boxers or breifs?
Dear Faith,
*Smirks* Neither! Fundoshi!!
Dear Chichiri,
if i were to live in canada(and i do)where would be the closest place to get a kasa becase my friend marlo wants one and won't pipe down about it. PEASE HELP!!
Dear rene,
The nearest CHinatown, no da.
Dear Hotohori,
if all the other emperiors on this earth were as hot as you life would rock! well,anyway where would i go to get a hat like your's because it is sooooooooooooooooooooooo cool!
i just figured i'd ask cause there's no such thing as stupid questions right?
Dear Rene,
I don't know if you can get one as it is an Imperial Crown. I suppose if you wanted to, you could commission someone to make one for you.
Dear Chichiri,
Yes, Fangirls would be *VERY* happy, I'm sure na no da ^_- I know I am ^_^ Oh, the wonders of modern physics (theoretically...). Well, I hope you and CnAs #1 and #2 have something special planned for the holidays! ^^ I'll talk to you again after my exams tomorrow. Baio! ::bigHugs::
Shadra D
Dear Shadra D,
Arigato, no da! Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Tasuki,
:::blinks as she is wrapped up::: a-ano... Are you planning something for later, or are you going to give me to someone no da? (::prays a little::)
^_- Oh well. My manga came in the mail today no da! ^_^_v ... demo.. I have to wait until Hannukah until I can read it no da ¬_¬; ^_- Talk to you later ^_^_v
Shadra D
Dear Shadra D,
Oh, ya' didn't wrap ya' up? *Looks confused* I s'ppose I could give ya' to one of th' other Chichiri's ya' say exist out there...
Dear Chichiri,
Goooooooommmmennnnn for saying that you look like Rei Ayanami.I only said that you have alike hair and eyes.Now that that's over!*give him a new fishing pole wrapped in sd Chichiri wrapping paper*its a little too early for Christmas but i decided to give it too you before the peeji closes down for the holidays *^-^* see ya later!
Dear V-babe,
*Unwraps gift...* Arigato, no da! *Smiles*
Dear Tasuki,
**runs and kissess him on the lips*** Hi, sexy fanged-one. Saw the dubbed Ova from Pioneer today. Your are so cute on it. I must say though as a member of DTFC, you will have a hard time sounding as seductive as Hayashi in the second ova. Do ya think you have it in ya, I could help you rehearse, **shyly smiles and winks one eye**
Dear Foenix,
*Blushes* Thanks, but I think I got it.
Dear Tasuki,
Oi Shun'u!!! the pics moon was talking about is in manga 17, page 88. Hikou's spell hon. Oh if you can manage to sit still for a few minutes, I'll remove the stitches I put in your scalp. Ja hon
Dear Doc-sama,
Ah, right I was tryin' to ferget that ever happened... Thanks fer takin out th' ITAI!!!!!!!! 'Che! Be gentler would ya'?
Dear Tamahome,
*shakes finger at him* Don't make fun of a girl who twitches all the time! *eyes twitch* $#@&!!
Dear Keiko,
*Looks at her and then points at his forehead.* Then don't make fun of the man with "ogre" emblazoned on his forehead!
Dear Nuriko,
Oi! Nuriiiiiko-papa!
*hugs tight* Konnichiwa! How are you!?! *dances about excitedly* Wai! Ken-chan and Chibi-Gen's first christmas is soon! *stops dancing* I have no freaking idea what that makes me so excited. It just does. Anyway, my only problem is that I can't decide what to get Hotohori-san for Christmas. I'm trying to think of something that he'll really like. We seem to have a rather - well - 'stressed' relationship. Can you suggest anything besides sake to get him?
Also, what sort of things are good baby shower gifts and how does one graciously get themselves out of being asked to babysit?
That darn Khuriki - I just get someone cute to show off that the whole of Konan doesn't bow down to on sight and she goes and copies me! Ah well... *huggles Chibi Gen and Kensune-chan*
These two little guys are growing like weeds. Kimi-chan can barely hold both of them together anymore. *grins* So lucky she's got me isn't she?
Kourinish, Chibi Gen and Kensune-chan
Dear Kourin, Chibi Gen and Kensune-chan,
Hai! You can get him some chocolate ice cream and a pretty hand mirror. He'll love them! Baby shower... hmmm... things the parent scan use are always good. Diapers, bottles, rattles, pacifiers, onesies, a diaperbag, etc. You can always point out that you have two of your own to take care of an dthat one more is too much for you.
Dear Tasuki,
*runs in wearing a Santa hat and POUNCE!s Tasuki* HELLO!!! ^-^ Just finished putting up the fake tree-
Firefury: 1:1 SCALE MODEL OF A TREE!!!
.... MODEL of a tree... ¬.¬ up. =) I think okaasan is regretting leaving it all to us again this year =) Firefury put up 1:144 scale Wing Zero Custom model for the tree topper =) (My suggestion was Deathscythe Hell Custom, but black isn't very christmasy, now is it? ^^;;;) My SD plush Quatre keychain is up, the SD Sandrock and Deathscythe models are perched on it, and... My Tasuki plushie is up!! XD (Now if only I had a Tasuki keychain)
Really contrasts with the hand blown glass ornaments, but hey, if mom can have the Wicked Witch of the West ornament up on the tree, we can have bish and mecha on it!
Anybody want some fresh mistletoe? >=) (Okaasan and otousan mutilated wildlife to obtain mistletoe while they were out yesterday at some camp ground O.o;)
One of these years I'll figure out how to use that menorah grandma gave us as a tree topper. (Being technically half christian and half jewish and non practicing of both can result in weird ideas for mixing religions...)
*tiptoes towards CnA's Tasuki keychain*
One-chan in a Santa hat
Dear One-chan,
*Grabs her hand.* Back away fom th' keychain! Ya' know we still got yer glitter, poster, an' hair tie. Th tree sounds really cool!
Dear Mitsukake,
No... I mean I feel like I might faint any minute... too much tension maybe?? My high blood pressure is 118 and low pressure is 101, and pulse is 92, is that bad or normal?
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Without actually doing tests on you, I wouldn't know for certain. You should visit your own doctor.
Dear Chiriko,
Hey-ya I see noone is writtoing you. Did you like the book I gave you? Miised you. well how are things going over there? well got to jet JA
Hibarrano Tenshi
Dear Hibarrano Tenshi,
It was very good, thank you! Take care!
Dear Tasuki,
Hey you are right D&D is Dungeons and Dragons. I am always a Rogue. That is kind of what you are. *grins* I went and saw the movie yesterday. It was good but it could of been better. Well I better leave ya alone don't want to bore you Ja *gives him a hug and walks toward the sunrise looks at him and blows him a kiss*
Hibarrano Tenshi
Dear Hibarrano Tenshi,
I wanna see that movie, too!! *Smiles at her.*
Dear Tasuki,
How do you feel about some people thinking that you ACTUALLY hate Tamahome (tell Tama-chan I say hi!)? Or am I wrong to think you guys are buds and like brothers (you DO think of obake-chan as a kind of brother, right? Don't worry, I won't tell him what you said). Well, talk to you again soon!
Dear Curious,
They think what they want. We are jus' like bros'! Jus' bros' that like to brawl... A LOT! *Fanged grin*
Dear Mitsukake,
Mits? I need a little bit of help see, I'm worried about my friend, Neko. Just recently she told me that whenever she eats something, even if it's just a little bit, she cant keep it down. She's not sick or anything, she fine except for that one thing and I was wondering if you might know whats wrong with her. Well, arigatou for listening! ^_^ Bye!
Dear Kuro,
Many things can cause that reaction. She needs to see her doctor ASAP!
Dear Hotohori,
Do you have any suggestions for taking care of hair? The ends, specifically? I'm getting more split ends and my parents want to take off a couple inches of my hair. o.o But I don't want my hair cut! I feel stupid running from it. ^^;
Hmm...I haven't made you listen to any midi files in a long time...*Grins evilly*...shall I make you listen to Legacy (that darn midi will never be perfect though), Mizu Kagami, Perfect World, or an arranged medley of all your songs? *Sweet smile*
Dear Hoshi,
The arranged medley sounds like a lovely idea. A good deep conditioning or hot oil treatment might work on your split ends. But, if your ends are REALLY bad, then you should ge them trimmed.
Dear Nuriko,
*Hangs mistletoe above Nuriko, then grabs Inori and shoves her under it. Then runs for her life*
Dear Hoshi,
*Kisses her on the cheek.* Inori-chan! Osashiburi desu ne! Long time no see! Ogenki desu ka??
Dear Tasuki,
*gives Tasuki a hug* Happy! Da local anime store that I rent my videos at has da first FY OAV tape! *sweatdrop* `Course, people rent it every time it's out. ^.^;; what's been up? Ya know, I'd really rather have you for a aniki rather than my other three older bros... :( They are sooo mean!! *clears throat and holds up a bottle of sake* Here ya go!*hides it* If ya do me a big favor...*whispers somethin` in his ear* Stand on yer head shirtless and sing "I'm a little tea pot" for the WHOLE day. Heheheh...*raises eyebrow* Well?
Dear Keiko,
*Looks at her as if she's lost her mind.* There ain't enough sake in th' world to make me sing THAT!!
Dear Tasuki,
I told them they have a really nice singing voice and that I hope I can level my voice like them for Karokee at AX (yes I am already starting to pratice) and after that they just put me on block, for no reason, and it just hurts and it's making me cry and really misrable
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley Chan,
Since ya' ain't sayin' WHO it was, can ya' at least tell me yer AIM name? I'm assumin' yer usin' AIM, of course.
Dear Nuriko,
Oh Ryu-chan, are you sure you can handle more than one female? ;D I know I'd have to share you, the other girls have to share their men as well. I'd bet Hotohori-kun will be happy for you. :)
CnA said I should write a fic about this, something about some girls being vicious. They don't know I'm a grown Wolverine.. (shows off her maize and blue.)
Ano.. Ryu-chan I've heard a rumor lately about you guys. Something about your kanji being very sensitive..shall I test that rumor? ;D *Starts unbuttoning Ryuen's shirt*
Dear Doc-sama,
*Blushes and takes her hand...* Ano... this IS a PG-13 board... *Smiles and winks* A fanfic, eh? Hmmm... do I smell something lemony fresh? *Grins at her.*
Dear Chiriko,
CHIRIKO WA KAWAII!!! *runs up and glomps Chiriko*
I guess it's a good thing you didn't do my algebra homework, Chiriko-chan, 'cause I'm getting an A already! *spins Chiriko around so that he's off the ground* I'm so happy 'cause last year I got a C+ in math! ^_^ And now I'm in the advanced math class 'n I'm getting an A!
Did you know that if there was a Chichiri and Nuriko fusion fanfic, it looks like he would be named Chiriko. ^^;; I suppose I could name the character Nurichiri.......but it's just not the SAME!!! *half-glomps, half-cries-on Chiriko* I can't THINK!!! And I need to think 'cause there's an exam coming up! And I don't know which subject! And I didn't study~~~~~~~!!! *sniffle*
...wait! It was the math exam! And it was Friday!!! WAIIII!!! *dances around with Chiriko, like he were a doll or something {and it's pretty darn easy, considering she's way taller than he is! ^_^}* I'm free, no exam!!!....wait!!! That thing I had to have my parents sign...and it's in my LOCKER!!! WAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!
Dear Mari-chan,
AHHHHHHHH!!!!!! Sumimasen.. guruguru desu! (Dizzy) *Staggers a bit...*
Omedeto gozaimashita on your excellent grade! See! You didn't need me to do your work fot you after all! *Smiles*
Dear Tasuki,
haaaaaai. that picture! *drools* ^^: i also saw the actual ova tape, and it has that same picture on it. you look gorgeous, tasuki-sama! ^^: okay, i knew i had a question to ask you . . . but i forgot. ^^: atashi wa baka desu!!!!!! ^^
P.S. you still didn't tell me why you pull of your necklace in those pictures!!!!!
Dear Moon,
Ya' still didn't tell ME which manga pictures...
Dear Tasuki,
:::grabs her drawing pencils::: hee hee hee. Good for you ^_-
's too bad that I have to do a presentation on the last day before exams no da ¬_¬; I gotta get this visual aid thing done tonight, and I don't have any ideas no da. Art during the depression... what about art during MY depression, no da? ^_-
:::hands him a bag full of wrapping paper::: better get started early no da.
Shadra D
Dear Shadra D,
Ok... *Starts wrapping her up in paper and ribbons...*
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