Dear Chichiri,
^_^ As far as I know, there wouldn't be an 'original' per say no da. Each Chichiri would be Chichiri. Original wouldn't be used in quantum mechanics, unless you decided to lock yourself in a box with spoken language no da. Language itself is the ultimate barrier to true understanding... so far it's the best we have no da ^^;
Oh well. Thank goodness for a two hour delay tomorrow ^_^_v a small break before exams is always welcome in my book no da.
Shadra D
Dear Shadra D,
A Chichiri for every fan-girl and all of them are original, no da? I think they'd LOVE the idea, no da!
Dear Tamahome,
*nods* Hai hai! Well, most of the time ya give me nightmares...hehehee...O.o;;
Dear Keiko,
Hmph! I guess that's ok since Tenchi says you give HIM nightmares! *Smirks*
Dear Tasuki,
Y'know I was thinking about babysitting for extra cash but then I realized that I hate little kids and they hate me. See, whenever I babysit things go terribly wrong. That's why I don't do it. Hmmm, maybe the local anime shop will give me a job. That'd be cool. *hands Tasuki a bottle of sake* Early Christmas gift. I'm so excited, I'm getting FF9 from my mom this year. It's gonna be cool. Do you have a favorite Final Fantasy game? Mine is 7. Ja ne.
Kat Winner
Dear Kat,
Final Fantasy VIII! We're up to fightin' th' Ultimate Machine fer Eden!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Okay I'm kinda nervous about this cuz I'm not like those other girls at all... But know what? I can't figure out which seishi I like best! That's why I wrote to all of you. I know that Tasuki, Chichiri, and Chiriko are amung my top three, Nuriko coming in fourth place. Anyways! I have been in search of FY fanfiction, do ya think you could help me? And I want it to be good no da! Opps...the love of Chichiri must be getting to me! Also, Tasuki, could you say hi to my friend tas-chan? (she loves you sooo much!)
Aww darn...I'm so nervous! I've always wanted to talk to you guys since I first learned about FY but now I have nothing to say! Oh, Chichiri, I read these really great fics with you in them...they're the best!! It told me a lot about you and that increased my love for you! Tasuki was a main character also. He hides a lot...but oh well. Oh WELL! Hah that's funny!
Kay this is getting old...I'm gonna end this now, but just one more question. Could we all be friends? I've always wanted friends like you guys and now I have the chance to get them! What do you say? Sorry if I was too hyper like all those other girls, I don't mean to be!
Dear Skya,
Of course we can be friends, no da! Tasuki told me to tell you he says "Hi" to tas-chan, no da. Have you tried Anime Turnpike for fanfic? They have quite a few sites listed. I'm sure you'll find something to your liking, no da.
Dear Chichiri,
Chichiri... ::runs up to him and hugs him for dear life:: *sob* I'm sad right now. My best friend is moving. Tonight. She came by at, like, 10pm and asked me to take some of her books back to school for her and to get the stuff outa her locker and... I wasn't expecting her to leave tonight. I knew she was leaving, but I thought we had another week together, at least. I didn't know it would be this bad. I mean, it's not like we're never gonna see each other again. Not only is she coming back down sometime after school lets out to get her stuff, but my onee-chan's most likely going to a college not to far from where she's moving. It's just... I don't know. And there's always e-mail. But, I have this feeling that we'll start to forget to write back, or not check it period. Basicly, I'm afraid we're not gonna be able to remain as close to each other as we have been. I don't want that to happen. I'm gonna miss her. And, she left too suddenly for me to tell her. I don't know. I'm kinda just outa it at the moment. Sorry to be so depressing. It's just been one of those days.
I'm glad y'all are back from break. Did y'all have fun? Who cooked the turkey? Was it good? Who exactly is the best cook among the seishi? I always wanted to know.
Chichiri... ::looks up at Chichiri with sparkly puppy-dog eyes Quatra would probably be proud of:: Can you get rid of the mosquitoes? PLEEEZE! I don't like them. They're mean and they suck (excuse the lame pun) Well, I gotta go. JA! And, thanks for listening.
Kageno Tenshi
Dear Kageno Tenshi,
*Gives her a hug.* If you both try your best to keep in touch you should remain friends, no da. Chichiri no Aijin has had the same best friend since High School and they ended up living on opposite ends of the country, no da!
Thanksgiving was great, no da! Chichiri no Aijin and Nuriko did all the cooking (Nuriko is the best cook of all of the Seishi). As for the mosquitoes, have you tried Citronella candles or oil? They seem to dislike the scent, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
*Doc-sama pops up SD'ed behind Ryuen*
Missed you Ryu-chan. ^.^ Whatcha sewing? :) *Doc touches the piece of red and gold fabric*
I take it CnA told you about my idea. So Ryu-chan do you need a good aisai? Hehehe I get very blunt sometimes, it runs im my family. ^^ *wraps her arms around Ryuen from the back, and hugs him* My girls say hi, and they wish you and minna happy holidays. :D
Dear Doc-sama,
*Blushes* Hai! You can be my aisai of you want but you still have to share me. Is that OK with you? *Turns around and gives her a hug back.* Give your girls a hug fom us and tell them we wish them happy holidays, too!
Dear Tasuki,
Oi, my first one didn't send no da....
Oh well! :::gives Tasuki a big hug as she secretly takes his necklaces:::
Glad to see ya no da! What are you doing for the holidays no da? :::polishes them and wraps them in SD Nakago wrapping paper:::
I'm taking EXAMS no da ¬_¬; But that's ok na no da! I also have to make a kimono and hakama for my class over the break no da. I bet you don't know what to get for Ko-- err, Miaka no da. :::pats him on the back while pickpocketing the tessen::: I know how you feel no da. I have no idea what to get for my parents or my friends no da. :::disguises the tessen as a menorah and places it on the windowsill:::
Speaking of my friends, no da, my poor friend Sam didn't pass his marksmanship test in bootcamp, so he has to stay there over the holidays and train no da. Poor guy :/ :::can't find anything else to steal so she gives up::: Oh well. I have some art to work on. Happy holidays! :::gives him a present wrapped in SD Nakago wrapping paper:::
Shadra D (NIGEMASU!)
Dear Shadra D,
*Pulls tessen off the windowsill, checks package and makes sure his necklace is in there...* Thanks! Good luck on yer exams! *Gives her a hug and takes her drawing pencils...*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey long time no see! Anyway I made a website about ya! BUT it sucks,-_- to me! if ya want to And sign the guessbook please!~*~
Dooms Day
Dear Dooms Day,
Dear Mitsukake,
I feel this heavy force upon me lately.. and like I would fall anytime? What could this be?
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Dear Chichiri,
CHICHIRI-CHAN! :::runrunrunrunjumpHUGGGGGGGGGGS Chichiri!!::: Glad I can finally write no da! Yosh!
I'm a big quantum theory fan, and I spend a lot of time meditating about the philisophical aspects of the field no da. One of my favorite aspects is the theory of the multiverse, or the 5th dimension no da. This theory explains that if there is a chance of something happening, it will/did happen in one of the parallel universes no da. This being 'true', it means that anything we think up in our minds exists somewhere no da.
It's just a matter of getting there that's a problem no da. I believe that the spirit/mind/consciousness can travel freely through these dimensions, but are anchored to their destined path by the physical body na no da. I think the soul exists in the 5th dimension na no da. It's difficult to break free of the body except by much training and meditation no da. You seem to be able to do it in a limited fashion, that is, teleportation within your own set path/universe no da. I bet with more training, you could travel freely to Miaka's world, or even this one na no da!
Does this sound like it could work no da?
Shadra D (Side benifit is that I can find a Chichiri that doesn't have an Aisai or Aijin and be with him, and you won't be unfaithful no da!! )
Dear Shadra D,
It does make some sense, no da. It's a very interesting point, but which Chichiri be the original one, no da?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Heya! I'm the same Shadra D that's been harassing the MB with my art and troubles no da ^_^ Glad to see the site is up and working no da! I guess Chichiri no Aijin is doing well no da.
This question is similar to one I asked the Seiryuu seishi na no da: How would you feel if your guardian god was a slug na no da? I'm really curious to see how you'd feel no da.
Shadra D(aa..)
Dear Shadra D(aa..),
A god is a god, no da. The form doesn't matter, no da.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
Are you sure you want just sake for Christmas?I mean,you get sake almost every day :P Ano...a pyromaniac is a person who likes fire...u don't like fire Tas-chan?!
Dear joy-chan,
I dunno. Why don't ya' surprise me? I had Chiriko look up "pyromaniac" in th' dictionary an' it said it's "a person that has an irresistible impulse to start fires" An' I ain't like that!
Dear Mitsukake,
I think you are one of the coolest suzuku senshi to ever roam anchient china.I also find it very offensive that people call you boring because really you're not.You can't help that anyway it's just your dark mysterious disposition,but it makes you extremely sexy if you ask me.Besides i would't be happy either if a loved one dies in my absence. I have a really stupid question and i don't expect you to answer,how big are your hands?see i told you it was a stupid question.oh well,thanks anyway.
Dear rene,
Since I am over 6 feet tall, bigger than yours.
Dear Chichiri,
Why must you be so cute and loveable but so far away? (No offence to the rest but..)You are the cutest Suzaku Senshi!!!!!!!
you are the it true you're a BUDHIST monk? It said so on Please respond....
I live in Canada so i'm trying to learn Japanese so i won't need all the english absolutely rock Chichiri!!!!!!
Dear Marlo,
Arigato for your kind compliments, no da. *Blushes* I do carry the items of a Buddhist monk, but I am not a Buddhist monk since my god is Suzaku and not Buddha, no da. I really just consider myself a wanderer, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
I'm about to EXPLODE!!! I get so much (#$%*@$%) from my parents!! They don't like my new friends! They don't like Rey, Ramon, Ben, the other guys from the RAGE anime group FOR ONE EXTREMELY STUPID REASON: THEY ARE OLDER THAN ME!!!!!! They won't even meet them!! I hate it! I hate it! I'm so rebelling now!!! ;_;
*begins to cry*
I've always wanted an older brother, and now that I have ones that are real, I can't even get close to them! I'm so stressed out and mad, I'm fighting them a lot... and I hate fighting them.... what should I do Gen-chan??
*cries some more*
Dear Jean,
OK, calm down an' take a deep breath. Ya' jus' gotta realize that yer parents are NOT Westernized like ya' are an' that they are jus' tryin' to protect ya' because they love ya'. An' don't ferget in 2 years you'll be able to do what ya' want an' see who ya' want since yer gonna be 18.
Have ya' tried talkin' calmly to 'em an' askin' 'em what they have against Th' RAGE an' Rey 'sides their age. Chichiri no Aijin met 'em an' she said they were nice guys. An' that Rey was a sweetie (HER words NOT mine!!!!)
If it makes ya' feel better, ya' can be MY Imouto an' I'll be yer Aniki. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I would first like to say I love all of you very much and am so proud of you! No one else could have saved both worlds the way you did and we are all very lucky that you are the Suzaku seishi! I would like to ask all of you the following:
If you could take part in any other anime, which one would it be and why (because of a certain other character, or because of the time period, the life style etc.)?
I would also like to know why Miaka is not involved in this service, is there a particular reason? Thank you for taking the time to reply and I wish all of you the best of luck in the future!
Rei Ryuuzaki
Dear Rei Ryuuzaki,
Arigato for yor kind words, no da! It was decided in the beginning of this peeji that it would just be for the Suzaku Seishi, no da. In fact there have been several "Ask Miaka" and "Ask the Rest of the FY Cast" peejis run by other people in the past, no da.
Here are the answers to your anime question, no da:
Chiriko: Clamp School Detectives - It would be fun to talk to other geniuses close to my age.
Tamahome: Hana Yori Dango - So I can be one of the F4. They are SO wealthy! $_$
Hotohori: Ruroni Kenshin - It would be interesting to meet a swordsman with that skill level who is that honorable.
Nuriko: Ranma 1/2 - I want to find the "Pond of the Drowned Girl"!!!! Tee-hee...
Tasuki: Slayers! Any of th' series! That way I can REALLY annoy Lina! Heh-heh-heh...
Chichiri: I'm actually quite happy where I am, no da.
Mitsukake: Pokemon - I could help take care of the injured or sick Pokemon.
Dear Tasuki,
CNA passed all her exams right? ^_^
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Heh-heh-heh... We hope so! One of her tests she won't know 'til Feb. 2001! WE'll let ya' know!
Dear Nuriko,
Nuriko-sama! I have a problem! See, there are rumors going around my school that I kissed a girl. Well, I kinda did but no one needs to know that. I'm really afraid that other bad rumors are going to start. Plus, it was only a little peck on the side of her mouth that I did on a dare. What should I do? By the way, if you haven't guessed already, I'm a girl. That would seem obvious though, ne?
Dear Lunee,
Ignore the rumours. They will eventually die out.
Dear Tasuki,
*bounds into the room* HELLO! Tee hee, I'm in a very good mood right now. So far this month has been absolutely fabulous! See, my crush asked me out on a date twice. One of the guys at my school that I really wanted to get to know called me. I'm first in my class in American History. Plus, I got asked to perform my monologue in front of all my drama teacher's classes. Sugoi! Y'know Christmas is coming up soon but I only have $50 to spend so far. I don't know what I should do to get more cash. Oh well, I guess I could always make things. Hmmm, I think I'll go share my good mood with everyone else. *Jumps onto Tasuki and gives him a kiss* Ja ne! *skips out of the room*
Dear Kat,
*Gives her a hug.* I'm glad to hear yer doin' so good! Mebbe ya' can get a weekend job or do babysittin' to earn that extra money.
Dear Tasuki,
oh my goddess!!! TASUKI-SAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *gives him a hug and a kiss on the cheek* sniffsniff ... you were gone for so loooong and i missed you! ^^: well ... i don't really have anything to tell you ... except that there's a really cool picture of you in the november issue of animerica. ^^: and my friends want to know why you are always pulling off your necklace in those manga pictures. okies, that's it! ja, Tasuki-sama! *hug*
Dear Moon,
Which manga pictures? *Checks AniAmerica* Ya' mean th' ad fer th' Pioneer Fushigi Yuugi OAV release in November? Yep! Yer right! *Fanged grin* It's a cool picture an even Obake-chan don't look too bad in it!
Dear Tasuki,
Hey-ya I missed you. *jumps up in his arms and gives him a big hug* Can't I still be a kid at heart? *gets down from his arms* Sorry about that just so happy to see ya that's it. Do you know what DND is? It is such a cool game. You should ask for your stuff frist before you did any thing. well Je
Hibarrano Tenshi
Dear Hibarrano Tenshi,
Sure ya' can! *Grins* What's DND? Dungeons an' Dragons?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*prances around hugging each of the seishi and giving Chiriko and extra big hug cause he's so cute!* YOU'RE BACK!!!!!!!! *hugs them all again* Well, do any of you watch Digimon. I do, and you know the Evil Digimon Emporer Ken? well, ...
(Heh heh,I just wanted to do that. I've never done it before)
Well, he's not bad anymore and he was a past Digidestined. You would know what that was if you watched the show. Anywho's I think he's really cute bu ya know, that's just me. I like his hair better when he was the emporer instead of straight like that. well, I gotta jet. I have other fish to fry. Ja!
P.S.- I missed you guys! *looks at Chiriko squeals and gives him a kiss on the cheek before she hops away*
Dear Kosei,
Sumimasen ga... we've rarely, if ever, watched Digimon. *Blushes at the kiss.*
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki Papa what should I do? Someone I really really really like hates me and has me on block, and refuses to talk to me. I want to tell them I like them, but I am scared I will be rejected and laughed at, plus the fact that they dont get along well with any of their ex's terrifies me...I dont know what to me onegai?
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley Chan,
OK. Take a deep breath an' back up a bit. WHY do they have ya' blocked? WHY do ya' think they hate ya'? I can't help ya' if I ain't got th' WHOLE story.
Dear Chichiri,
Wai! I'm listening to Mizu Kagami! You have such a great voice! *grin* Did you all have a good thanksgiving? No one choked, I hope. No one in my family did either...which is good. Well, Merry Christmas, Chichiri-sama!
Dear Keiko,
Arigato, no da! We did have a good Thanksgiving and no one choked... *Sweatdrops* Unless you count Tasuki and Tamahome fighting over the last drumstick, no da. Merry Christmas, no da!
Dear Tamahome,
*hides behind Obake-chan* KOWAII!!! Tomo's dubbed voice is #@^%@& gay!!! My bro rents da dubbed version and I don't think I'll look at dubbed the same way ever... It was very scary!! If I kept watching the dubbed version I would of had nightmares... `Course, you, Obake, give me nightmares sometimes. *snickers*
Dear Keiko,
*Steps aside so Tomo can find her...* I give you nightmares?!?!?!?!? Gee! Thanks a lot!! >.<
Dear Chiriko,
YAY! After some 5-4 months, I've finally gotten in touch with my friend Reikaku!! I wasn't on AIM in such a long time... *sigh* I was afraid that she wouldn't remember me or something, but she did! And she wasn't angry at me either! YAY! I wish I knew her in real life! She's lots of fun! I missed her, but after a few weeks I was afraid to IM her. I was sure she'd be angry! She's a really really good friend! The bestest friend I got online! ^_^ *hugs Chiriko* I'm so happy!
Inuyasha (Inuchan)
Dear Inuyasha,
I'm glad the two of you finally found each other again and that she wasn't angry with you. *Smiles*
Dear Tasuki,
Yay!!! Your back!!!!! *hugs* Ya know what Tasuki, a lot of things have happened since I last wrote you! I got my first taste of Pocky!! Yummy.
And I am now a proud member of the DTFC *glomps Tasuki* There is a big badge on my webpage that proves it ^^;;; Well, Ja ne *kisses Tasuki on the cheek*
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
DTFC??? *Sweatdrops and checks her for hidden jello, chocolate and whipped cream...*
Dear Nuriko,
Ok, now I'm more confused. I got some lyrics I could learn off a site, then learned them, and then saw the song of "Perfect World" on another site and some of the lyrics were different. Maybe you would know since it is your song...
Is it: kizu tsuite yowaru teoi no KEMONO... OR: Kizutsukite yowaru ??
Kizutsukite yowaru OR kizutsuite ???
I always sung it the first way, but then saw this other way...
Dear A-J,
Gomen this has taken so long for me to get back to you. I was finally able to put the words and the music together and they are as best as I can recall and make out: kizu tsuite yowaru teoi no KEMONO de mo
ikiru no ka nigeru no ka subete jibun shidai. I hope that was helpful.
Dear Chichiri,
Hey, how was you're break?
Anyway, I'm really into spirituality and meditation and all that kind of stuff. I study it and am even teaching myself how to meditate and am proud to say that I have succeeded in focusing my thoughts on my chi and feeling it rise and all that (meaning I've learnt the basics).
Could you give me any pointers that I should keep in mind that would help me in meditation? (I'm serious, please don't take this as a joke or anything)
Dear Mal,
Our break was great, no da! Thank you for asking. We will be taking another break thru the Christmas and New Year's holidays, no da.
Well, for starters meditation is about more that raising one's chi or sitting in the lotus position and floating above the ground, no da. It is about focusing your mind and looking inwards to yourself instead of looking out into the world. It can be a very calming and peaceful ritual. Try to just clear your mind and don't worry about raising your chi. That is not the goal, no da. The goal should be for you to be calm, relaxed, peaceful, and to feel at one with the world, no da. Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Tasuki,
What are Chichiri no Aijin's measurements? *blushes*
Dear Chichiri,
Well, if this is REALLY Chichiri, she's YER *(^%$#@ Aijin so ya' already know! An' if this AIN'T really Chichiri, I ain't sayin'!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi-ya I just wanted to know who you favorite sailor senshi are. Ok *hugs Taski and kisses Chichiri on the lips* Bye Bye
ami- chan or Tomodachi Tenchi
Dear Tomodachi Tenchi,
Tamahome: Sailor Jupiter
Tasuki: Sailor Mars
Chichiri: Sailor Moon, no da. Ano... someone has to like her, no da...
Chiriko: Sailor Mecury
Nuriko: Sailor Uranus
Hotohori: Sailor Neptune
Mitsukake: Sailor Venus
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Konnici wa mina! I just want to say that I love Fushigi Yugi and I have a few questions.
1. Why does every one think Tamahoma is cute Taski and Chichiri are much cuter then him.
2. Chichiri where can I get a staff like yours?
3. Taski are you a pyromaniac?
4. Nuriko I think being bi is okay why do you hide it? (I'm not but I know someone who is)
5. Chiriko how can I be as smart as you?
6. Hotohora (is that how you spell it?) I never heard how you met you wife and what was her name again?
7. Miskaka (okay I know I miss spelled that one) how big are your hands in inches? (my friend wants to know, not me)
Okay that is all Sayonara mina
Tomodachi Tenchi (angel of friends)
Dear Tomodachi Tenchi,
Here are all your answers:
1) I don't know, no da! Beats th' h*ll outta me!! I KNOW I 'm th' better lookin' one! *Fanged grin*
2) I made my staff. Gomen, no da.
3) NO! Ano... what's a pyromaniac?
4) Well, some people just aren't as understanding or as kind as you.
5) Study, study, study!
6) My name is spelled Hotohori and my wife's name is Houki. She was one of the noblewomen sent for me to choose a wife from.
7) It's spelled Mitsukake. How big are my hands? Ano, do you mean across or in length? *sweatdrops*
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
*wobbles in* I slept wrong last night, Mits., can you do the honors of helping my back? It hurts and when I try to stretch it out...OUCH! It hurts more when I yawn and breath deep!
Anyway, had a freaky dream I was flying in a snow-storm from Colorado to Washington D.C. in my dream and argued with the pilot that the landing was off, and we would be coming in too low and forced him to change. So unlike me, weird. Then...I was right and then someone stole my seat in the dream and was eating shrimp...never watch Saturday Night Live before going to bed...
*shakes head*
Then the dream showed me what would happen if I never did, and our plane flyed into the snow storm in VA. and landed in a river of ice and snow...weird, ok, need to lay off the pie before bed too. This just shook me up, cause sometimes I dream something and then it happens. Once, dreamed this girl from our beauty school a long time ago, when I was a teenager, hehe, I was home and sleeping during the afternoon-don't ask why, and then dreamed she had the same time, my bud was at school and when I called her, I told her about the dream, and she freaked! Around the same time, the same girl fainted and hit her head on the table and was like in the Hospital! This don't happen a lot, just a few times, rare in the past, then had one a few nights ago had one that Gore took the White House and won...
Ok, if that happens, then I will be freaked. If ot, oh well, nothing biggie...
Anyway, how are ya' Tasuki? Everyone always gives you sake, you should start auctioning them off on ebay or something with all that sake. Don't tell drink it all? I never had a dream about you Tasuki, but one someome stole your tessen and like was flaming everything, and everyone for some reason had no shirt on, including me-weird, (I dream a lot where I have no shirt-too much anime influence, or that rpg I am in with my friends...) ...but anyway I stole the tessen back and saved the little girl and beat the ^%&%$#% out of the person who did... Didn't see you in it though! Oh, and now I am confused. I know every culture has different views on Heaven and Hell, but read Tasuki no Miko's translation and Taiitsukun was talking about their heaven. That is what I wanted to know. Every culture or religion might have a different Heaven or what they see as heaven is. Forgot what the gaiden novel 7 said about that...but Taiitsukun mentioned heaven was, heck, anyway...
I opened up my own Tasuki shop on the net! I also have my Tasuki cel gallery up! It is called: "Tasuki's stronghold of FY goodes"
My cel gallery is there! My new "Possessed" cel of you is in there! and will have my poster collection up soon! I collect posters, and have two of you and Kouji now, and some others as well...
Have a good week!
Dear A-J,
Nice lookin' site ya' got there! An' some pretty bizarre dreams, too! Mebbe ya' better lay offa th' sake before bedtime! So, wqas it Dilandeau that stole my tessen? *Fnaged grin* Since I ain't been to heave or hell I really can't tell ya' much about 'em. Gomen.
Dear Tasuki,
Hello. I just came back from the homecoming dance. And it was BORING!!!!! First of all, I can barely dance it's sad.... ~_~; and then there were these two freshmans that kept on looking at me and whispering to each other... So I tried to not notice and look away. It was creepy, then one of them came up and asked me to dance -_-;;;;;;;;;; I was like, "uh.. no it's ok!!!" And he looked disappointed which made me feel somewhat bad.. what would you have done if you were me? ^_^
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
I dunno! I guess if I was ya' I'd have said yes if I knew him an' he was a nice guy.
Dear Tasuki,
I think you are the greatest of all the suzaku ('cept maybe chichiri) is it true you have 5 sisters? I'm your secound biggest fan, my friend is your biggest, and I really think you are very cute and you have a nice butt. Gomen I had to say that ^_^ okay, sayonara watashi no kao ga il (ggod bye my good looking man)
Tomodachi Tenchi (angel of friends)
Dear Tomodachi Tenchi,
Arigato fer th' nice compliment! *Grins* Yeah, I got 5 pains in th' bu... ano... sisters!
Dear Chichiri,
geez..its not fair!my teachers still give us homework even though me and my class have vacation.Did you go to school?If you don't ,i think your smart ^_^.And what does aijin mean?is it the same as aisai?thanx.
Dear joy-chan,
Not formally, no da. I did train for several years with Taiitsu-kun to hone my abilities, no da. Ano, Aisai means "beloved wife" and Aijin means "lover or mistress", no da.
Dear Chichiri,
*tackle hugs Chichiri* Guess what!!! I did do well on my Chemistry test! Hurray! *reluctantly let's go of suffocating Chichiri*
We had our first Anime Club meeting today at my school and we watched "Bio-Booster Armor Guyver" ...or atleast we TRIED to, because our sponsor teacher was late and he had the keys to open the file cabinet that had the VCR...~_~ We got to see some of it, anyway. Have you ever seen Guyver? It's not very well known...and there are only 12 episodes out in English, so that makes it even less watched. -_- It's pretty cool though, even with the blood and gore...hehehe, it says "Not Rated" on the box! ^_~
Yay! It's Thanksgiving Holiday! I get Wednesday through Friday off! Woohoo! ^_^ I'm not hyper, really...
Well, I gotta go. I'm making the club webpage. ^_^ Should be interesting...Ne, Chichiri, how would you like to be the club Anime representative? Hehehe, I wonder what everyone would do about that...but I'm Vice-Pres. and secretary, so I think I could maybe get away with it. I got it, you could be temporary Anime sponser until we get our mascot set up! ^_^ No one will argue with me on that one! Yay! *pulls out a badge that says "Anime Club Temporary Sponser" in big red letters and puts it on Chichiri's kesa* Omedetou!
Ok, now I *really* have to go. Ja ne! *big hugs!*
<3 Mako-chan
Dear Mako-chan,
Arigato, no da! No I haven't seen that anime series, yet. Omedeto gozaimasu on doing well on your test, no da! *Hugs her back*
Dear Tamahome,
ummmm, hey ***whispers in Tama-chan's ear***. I think Richard meant to say Yousui, the villian in ova 2 that took all of Taka's sphere's and became um, you, tama.**^___^** regarding his question about yosui. Geesh, don't ya remember or has Tasuki flamed your brain too many times. hehehe
Dear Foenix,
Ah! The evil fake me. That might have been a bit hard to explain... I guess Tasuki is starting to effect my long term memory. *Sweatdrops and grins*
Dear Chichiri,
*smiles at Houjun* We have so much to catch up on, don't we darling? *sniffles then starts to cry* But I can't believe I'm leaving you soon.... And crying just isn't gonna change anything right now.. What should we do next? *pecks Houjun's cheek with her lips*
Dear Kouran,
*Puts his arms around her and sighs...* I suppose you already know I have an Aijin and an Aisai, no da... I have truly missed you, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I have some Thanksgiving questions! So what are you guys really thankful for, and why? Do each of you have a favorite Thanksgiving dish and what is it? By the way, Have a happy thanksgiving and don't burn the turkey! ^.~ *gives them all a hug and kiss on the cheek* Ja!
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
We are all thankful for all the wonderful friends we have made through this peeji, no da! We all like turkey! Tasuki is especially fond of stuffing, I really like Chichiri no Aijin's sweet-potato banana puree, Tamahome likes the pumpkin pie, Chiriko likes mashed potatoes, Mitsukake, is fond of acorn squash, Nuriko likes the Cesar Salad, and Hotohori likes apple pie, no da.
Dear Mitsukake,
*sobs* We had to get Snowball, the old dog, put down...I still feel sad about it. I closed my Tenchi site for a while...*sniffles*
Dear Keiko,
That's OK. I'm sure everybody will understand. *Hugs her*
Dear Chichiri,
Konnichi wa I have psy powers ,too. How can I make my self teleport like you do?
Tomodachi Tenchi (angel of friends)
Dear Tomodachi Tenchi,
Years of practice, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
Blah to you! >_<
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
An' a PPPPPPPFFFFFFFTTTTTTTT right back at ya'! What's th' matter?
Dear Tasuki,
Well... there were MANY people way before Iridal that asked to be your aisai, why didn't you accept them then?
Dear baka-chan,
I guess Iridal just made th' better case!
Dear Tasuki,
Learn? Whassat? O.o I don't think so...Well, I learned not to let my brother take a detour when driving at night...He drove us clear to the local Air Force base!! -.-;;
Dear Keiko,
'Che! Dropped on his head much as a kid? *Grins*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Can someone please tell me the word for sky in japanese or chinese or any cool language? i want to get the most words for 'sky' as possible. Thanks! If anyone has any suggestions, my email is
Dear Krazie-chan,
The word for sky in Japanese is 'sora'. In Danish, German, Swedish, and Norwegian it is 'himmel', Portuguese it is 'ceu', Dutch it is 'lucht', Finnish 'taivas', Italian 'cielo', Afrikaans 'hemel', Greek 'oupavoc', French 'ciel or nue', Romanian 'cer', Turkish 'gok'. How's that for variety? *Smiles*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
You know it's kinda unfair that some of us send you guys such long stuff and ALWAYS get such a tiny reply from you.
Dear Mal,
I'm sorry that you feel that way. Sometimes a short answer is in order even if it is a long letter. Besides, a lengthy letter does not always require a lengthy reply. Please keep in mind that we receive an average 15-20 letters per day and we spend an average of 3-5 hours a day (that's 21-35 hours a week) on your letters as well as updating and archiving the peeji. That is a lot of time that could be spent on other things...
Dear Tasuki,
I KNOW WHAT YOU WEAR, I KNOW WHAT YOU WEAR, AN' I'M GONNA TELL EVERYONE ABOUT IT!! *evil grin* Why am I acting this way? I donno, I guess I'm just too excited on finding out the secret that everyone's so curious about. Yes folks, it's not frilly pink nighty,it's not his outfit without the trench coat, (and it's not a pair of blue pajamas with bunny faces on them either, heehee) it's...nah, I think I'd rather keep everyone in suspense, So, want me to tell them what it is Tas?... I think I'll go to Mount Leikaku and bring Kouji here first *Mwahahaha* Well, gotta go. Bai-bai
P.S: Don't ask how I found out, I have my own ways...*sing-song voice* Oh, Kooujiii...
Dear Mal,
Have ya' been peekin' at me when I'm sleepin'????? HENTAI!!!
Dear Tasuki,
*goes wide-eyed and stares at Tasuki's flmae-producing fan* Mo....Moechae...
Dear Dilandau,
*Smacks him* Hands off girly-man!
Dear Tasuki,
so desu. ^^0 okay, then. so anyway, what's your favorite western holiday?
Dear Moon,
July 4th! I LOVE a good barbeque!
Dear Mitsukake,
*looks at the picture on the main page*Why are you crying?
Dear Usagi-pon,
I'm not getting any food and Tasuki just flame-broiled our turkey...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi!Is it way way way too young for 7th graders to go out or have boyfriends/girlfriends?cuzzzzzz....almost all the 7th grade boys i know are talking about hooking or breaking up and even some of the guys i know are already dating.i dun care if i don't even have a boyfriend --; but is this dating stuff okay or not(their parents don't know about this cuz one of my friends told me that)?*stares at Mitsukake*didn't u say that ur gonna be with Shouka in the next reincarnation or something like that?is this peeji gonna cloce for Thanksgiving and/or Christmas?see ya later!
Dear Usagi-pon,
We were together as children. I thnk 7th grade is a bit young for SERIOUS dating and that parents should know what their children are doing. By the way, we will be close for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's.
Dear Tasuki,
Are you SURE that your rabid fangirls won't hurt me? o.o I mean, they seem to be eyeing the whole Aisai position with alot of...hunger...
*is scared that the DTFC would gang up and hurt her* ...... *is ALSO scared that the DTFC would revoke her membership* think I wear you out, huh? ^_^ I'm not THAT I? ^_~
Dear Iridal,
Heh-heh-heh... ya' can be... *Fanged grin* I'll protect ya' from 'em! But then ya' gotta protect ME from 'em, too!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*glomps Nuriko* You didn't like that book? *sighs* Well, I guess everyone's entitled to their own opinion, ne? Well, ask CNA if she had fun at the convention. Well, gotta go. Bye! *unglomp*
Dear Kosei,
Hai! I asked her and she did! She got to eat Morimoto-san's cooking, speak to him in Japanese, and get his autograph!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
how are you? I hope you're fine.Where do you live in Tokyo? I'm asking because I might be studying there after my high schol(2 years to go and I'm there :=) )How's tokyo? is it good to study there? I also know different languages such as Indonesian,Chinese,Japanese(a little bit :=) ,and Russian.Just tell me if you want to learn any of those languages :=) I can teach you and Miaka :=) Well,how's your son? Is he already studying by now? how old is he?
Tamahome,I want to ask some questions for you to answer:
1.what lessons does Fushigi Yuugi teach to the viewers aside from love?
2.What is the latest novel about Fushigi Yuugi?
3.Tamahome,I'm sorry because I wasn't able to watch episode 37 of the tv series because I have classes the whole day of Tuesday(it was played on that day.).Please tell me what happened.
4. how do you study Japanese? I'm asking because I am planning to study Japanese :=) what are Kanji characters? Hiragana and katakana?
5. I was really depressed because my teacher told me to cut of my long hair that I've grown for 6 months now or else my parents are going to be summoned by the principal.So I had no other choice but to cut my hair :=( What should I do now?
6. Where can I get Fushigi Yuugi posters,stickers, and if there's any,stationaries?
7. Have the other suzaku seishi's reincarnated into Miaka's world? How's nuriko,my second favorite character after you :=)
8. Is there really a 3rd oav after the 2nd oav? I have heard rumors that the 2nd oav was continued :=)
9.who sang the japanese songs of fushigi yuugi?
10.what are "spoilers"? I don't understand them :=) you have any job right now in Tokyo? what's Miaka's job? :=)
Tamahome,you're really my favorite character.The scene that I liked most was that when Miaka was sleeping,your ponytail was swinging through the air and you kissed Miaka :=) I hope I were you :=) ha! ha! ha! well,I still have some other things to do.If I have time,I'll write you again.Take care of Miaka and also take care :=)Thank's and good day!
Richard Andrew D. Paredes
Dear Richard,
My, you do ask a lot of questons! *Smiles and sweatdrops...* Some of them seem to be the same as before... But I will try to answer them the best I can.
1) I suppose besides love conquers all, it also teaches people about friendship, loyalty, courage in the face of overwhelming odds...
2) I believe it is called Eiken Den.
3) Try this website: Fushigi Yuugi Episode Guide.
4) There are many ways to study a language. Chichiri no Aijin goes to night school twice a week for her Japanese lessons. Some people like to purchase books and sel-study. It depends on the person.
5) Cut your haor so you won't get in trouble. It's only hair and once you are out of that school, you can grow it as long as you wish.
6) You should try using the Internet Search Engines such as Lycos, Alta Vista, Excite, etc. to find online anime stores. You can try Drooling Anime Fan Sales for your anime needs.
7) Not in the series or the OAV's. There is a CD drama series out and they do reincarnate in the real world.
8) Not that I am aware of.
9) Either our voice actors did or different Japanese singing groups did.
10) Spoilers are where certain information relating to a series or episode is given away that would spoil the story for someone.
11) We are both students.
Dear Tasuki,
ACK!Shunu-sama(can i call that now?)kay is furious cuz he lost his wallet!he's gonna kill me with a ball and a big @$$ mathbook b-cuz i dun wanna help him and it's his fault >.<
pleez help me!
joy-chan and kay in an evil mood
Dear joy-chan and kay,
KAY! Yer a baka! Go find yer own wallet! JOY! Try bein' nice to him an' help him! He seems to need all th' help he can get! *Fanged grin* An' I still prefer to be called Tasuki.
Dear Chichiri,
DAH! That woman, the one who said you look like Rei Ayanami?! 'Che, she probably didn't realize what she waz really saying, no da. You CAN'T be related, Rei was created in the Nerv Headquarters. She was created JUST to be the one who created the new world. ;P KYEAH!!! Related, whatever... To a girl who's arm BUBBLES back into place?! EWW!!! I didn't really like the series... It was very insulting to my religion. Angels and all those crusifictions and Adam... Ouch for Roman Catholics everywhere... ITAI! *slaps the little dolly of Rei that Masuno gave her* Those Japanese really do like to insult our religion... They certainly don't realize what they're gettin' themselves into... "Hello, I think I'll insult the religion with the most members and not worry about anyone getting mad..." DUH! Um, AWESOME music though... I didn't mind it much, I mean, I'd watch it again...
Dear Tsoukyo,
I really don't think that Neon Genesis Evangelion was meant as an iinsult, no da. True the Christian symbology was there, but if you watch other anime that involve magic, such as Slayers, you will often see a Jewish Star of David used as a magical symbol, no da. Evangelion was interesting but it left too many questions unanswered, no da. And by the way, Buddhism has the most members, no da.
Dear Tamahome,
Have I ever written to you? ^.^ Oopz. Sorry Tamahome... Sorry about what my friend did with your ryou... She's currently working on getting every cent of it back. Guess what?! You were my first Fushigi Yuugi love, unfortunatly it wasn't because I like you (you're a great guy and all, just nothing for me to drool over), it was because I look like Miaka... I did the odangoes yesterday and had nightmares last night about Miaka taking control of my body and me morphing into her... *shivers in horror* I act a bit like her too... Ya know, putting my heart on a silver platter for all the guys I like... BIG mistake! I eat alot, but I DO manage to keep it all off, somehow... Well, it was nice chattin' with ya! Ja ne, and give Miaka a friendly hug for me!
Dear Neko-kay,
I will! Take care!
Dear Nuriko,
*walks in holding her nose. there's blood all over her hands* Hullo. *turns around quickly to put two band-aids across her nose and turns back* ^^ Um... ah... How should I say this... Um *clears her throat* Nuriko-sama? May I please be your aisai? If you don't want to, I understand... ^^; eh heh... Now, onto a lighter subject... *points to her nose* I tripped today and facefaulted. It's nothing big, really... Just a little bloody nose. Unfortunatly the loss of blood has made me weak, so I can't be my normal hyper self until my blood count rises to normal again. *pulls a little canary from a cage she brought* Lookie! This is my new pet! I'm allergic to cats, but I wanted one SOOOO bad so I could name it Tama, but instead I got a bird *pauses* named Tama... ^^
Dear obakii,
I suppose as along as you don't mind sharing me with my Handmaiden Inori and Doc-sama. Hmmmm... perhaps Mitsukake should take a look at you...
Dear Tasuki,
hey-ya. Kekekekekeke...... Yep Hino and me are thinken of some weird $!% hehe WE ARE NOT KIDS AHHHHHHHHHHH! *Jumps high in the air and does Around house (that Tamahome would be proud of) and stops right in front of Tasuki's face* If you don't stop calling Hino Tenshi and me kids or thinking it I will go all the way. *sittes down looking up at Tasuki's necklaces with a Evil grin on her face* Korino Tenshi might get mad if I steal her trademark move , but I can't resist. *jumps up in his arms give Tasuki a big kiss on the cheeck, and while he is still in shock she steals his necklaces and fan and runs off* LOVE YA Je Na
*stopes lookes back at him lovingly and throws him a flaming rose and takes off raning again* *yells* HEY HINO CHAN HERE *throws a necklace to Hino Tenshi* kekekekekekeke ^_^
Hibarrano Tenshi
Dear Hibarrano Tenshi,
*Grabs her bythe back of her shirt, lifts her off the ground, and takes back his stuff.* Fer someone who ain't a kid ya' sure act like one... *Grins and puts her back down.*
Dear Tamahome,
Taaaaama-channn!!! Konnichiwa!I just thought I'd say hello to you and the gang, since I came to read this week's responses. Well, have a nice week! ^^
Dear Mary,
You too! Have a nice holiday!
Dear Hotohori,
*an extremely hyper girl bounds in and squezes Hotohori* Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!! I'm hyper hyper hyper hyper hyper hyper hyper hyper hyper hyper!!!!!!! *starts twirling Hotohori really fast in a circle* I love YOuuuuuuuu Hoto-sama yeahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I'm nuts I'm nuts I'm really really nuts!!!!!!! O.k. I'm not that hyper anymore *faints cause she got a caffine high and crashed*
Dear Hyper-Stephanie,
*Places kowai, unconscious girl on the couch and backs slowly and quietly out of the room...*
Dear Chichiri,
KUNNICHIWA! ::runs and glomps Chichiri:: Sorry, can't help it. You're just so KAWAII, no da! Speaking of no da...::stops glomping, looks around suspiciosly, then whispers conspiracy-like:: Your plan is progressing well, grasshopper. ::gives him a good slap on the back:: You made Nuriko say no da, no da! heehee^_^ And, about the sd thing, don't worry. I understand completely. Beside, I don't think anyone could look as KAWAII doing that as you do, no da. Guess what. I just read a summary of your Shorryo(spelling?)-den, compliments of tetrisno-miko I think. It was so sweet. And, why didn't you realize that Nyan-Nyan's home was with Taitskun? After all, you told her to think about her home, and you transported there, no da. BTW Do you know a place where I could buy a copy of it? I can't wait 'till they're all animated, no da! Apparently, Watase-sama officialy stated that they were gonna be. So far, your's and the boshitwins are my faves(but I haven't read Genrou-den's translation, yet, so that might change, no da.) BTW could you ask Chichiri Chick(I think that was her name) where she got all her Chichiri parafanillia? I really want some Chichiri stuff, no da! But, I'm stuck with pictures printed off the net and drawn by my friends(::hinthint::HI, HINO-CHAN!) It's not as if I'm ungratefull, or anything, no da. It's just that... well... I WANT A CHICHIRI SHIRT, NO DA! :< heheheh ^_^; Sorry 'bout that. Kay! I gotta go now, no da.::glomps Chichiri once more just for good measure:: JA!
Kageno Tenshi
Dear Kageno Tenshi,
*Smiles* I guess I did, no da! But when he discovered it he corrected himself, no da. Chichiri no Aijin goes to various online and local anime sites to get her Fushigi Yuugi and other anime goods. I don't know about the young lady that calls herself "Chichiri's Chick", no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Oi, I've been doing my homework, don't worry. It's just that in my algebra class our teacher has been out for 2 weeks. None of the subs know what to do so no one in my class understands whats going on. They just keep saying, "Read these pages and do problems 1-246". Well, ok, not that many problems but it kinda feels that way. I'm getting one of my friends to tutor me but it isn't working out very well.
The play is finally over but I'm going to miss it alot. I got to meet tons of new people but I don't think I'll ever get to hang out at school with them anymore. I went to the cast party last night and it was really odd. I mean, instead of drinking or something everyone was singing the music from last year's musical. I thought it was really funny. That usually doesn't happen at parties, ne?
I only have 2 1/2 days of school this week because of Thanksgiving. It's so spiffy! Oh, I went to the local anime store today and bought a pin that has you on it. It's so cute!!! Heh, another long letter. *jumps into Tasuki's arms and gives him a kiss on the nose* Ja ne Tas-chan!!!! *skips away*
Dear Kat,
Glad ya' had a good time wit' yer play! Have a GREAT Thanksgivin'!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
GUESS WHAT!!!! I went to Galvestion Island for a church retreat and I bought a blue whale and named him Hotohori!!!! Don't ask me why, I just did. *looks at Hotohori and glomps him and kisses him all over his face* Anywayz I have a few questions for ya. *stops her glomping festival of Hotohori to write the questions.*
1) If you had to work with any of the Seiryu seishi, who would you work with?
2) What are your fave animals?
Well, got to go. Ja ne!
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
I would work with Amiboshi as he is the most peaceful of the Seiryuu Seishi. I would have to say cats are my favorite animals.
Dear Mitsukake,
WHO dares to say that you are boring?!?!!?
Dear becky-chan,
*Sweatdrops* I don't have names... just some fans I suppose...
Dear Tasuki,
*runs in and tackles Tasuki, knocking him to the ground* I'M SO HAPPY!! I'M NOT GROUNDED ANYMORE!!! Last week I was grounded fer going to see a movie without telling them...that was a mistake. *stands back up* O.o Hehe...well...byeeee!
Dear Keiko,
Great!! But did ya' learn anythin' from this?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi no da! iI'ts the crazyaboutchichiri girl. The girl who thinks that she could read a story for the talent show should definatly do it! We have talent shows constantly at my school and my friend oragnizes it. You jsut have to keep it short and remember who your audience is and remember, HAVE FUN!!! If you are, they will! ::kisses chichiri on the side:: ^.~
Chichiri's chick
Dear Chichiri's chick,
Ganbatte kudasai, no da!
Dear Tamahome,
Tasuki has fans too....he's got a big metal one and you're toasted Tamahome if you don't stop sticking your tongue out at him.... Just a fair warning...
Dear Mari-chan,
*Smirks* It wouldn't be the first time...
Dear Chichiri,
*runs in and tackles him*
I SAW YOU, CNA AND CORY OVER AT US JAPAN EXPOOOOOOOOO!!!!! You lucky dogs were sitting at the Morimoto VIP tables while we had to STAND!!! I was bouncing up and down and waving at you to get you guys attention!!!! I was mad jealous, I wanted to eat yummy mochi food too!! T.T When the lady was asking us if we had questions, my friends and I were yelling "YEAH! CAN WE HAVE SOME TOO?"
Anyway..... I need some advice too, there's a guy that likes me, he's a friend of a good friend of mine, Rey. We met over at Ani-Magic, and he IMed me saying that I'm cute, nice, sweet, whatever... veery flattering, but very embaressing ^^;;;;;; The problem is I don't want to go out with him, I'm too busy for dating and I don't like him more than a friend! He went straight out and asked me out, but I told him that I didn't know him that well, so we should get to know each other first... so he e-mailed me a question/answer sheet.....
I don't know what to do! I don't want to be mean and just tell him flat out that I don't like him like that! PLUS I do like someone at the moment... but I know that I shouldn't try hookin up with him because he's not a minor ^^;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; WAAAAAAAAAAH! WHAT SHOULD I DO NA NO DAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! *shakes him*
Dear Jean,
*Still shaking...* DDDDAAAAA!!! You could let him know that while you're flattered you don't really have time to date anyone, but you still want to be friends, nod a. As for the other guy, I get the feeling your parents would kill you if you were dating someone older than you that wasn't still a minor, no da. You can always stay friends with him, no da. Friends are VERY important, no da!
P.S. The food was delicious, no da! Did you get some soup and his autograph, no da?
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