Dear Chichiri,
Hi there, Chich! I'm lookin' for a site with lyrics of 'Mizu Kagami' in english, but haven't had any luck so far, can you help?
Dear Mal,
Try, no da. They should have them, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Wai wai!*strikes a peace sign*i'm so happy cuz i got good grades!*shows the seishi a report card with 5 As and 1 B*And i owe it all to u guys for some particular reason*gives each senshi a hug*.Oh yeah...i got a question for all of u!What would u guys want for X-mas?And can any of u play football?Cuz I can't throw or catch*laughs jus like Ryoko* ^v^;;;;
Dear joy-chan,
Omedeto gozaimasu on your grades! We don't play football. As to what we all want for Christmas... here's the list!
Tasuki: Sake
Tamahome: Cooking lessons for Miaka and okane.
Mitsukake: Cat toys for Tama-neko
Chichiri: A new fishing pole, no da.
Hotohori: A mirror for his collection.
Nuriko: Hotohori pictures
Chiriko: Books
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*is shivering because her house is freaking cold* Tasuki! *glomps him and then uses his fan as a heater to warm up* .......My right hand is freezing.... *sticks it down the back of his jacket where it's nice an warm (not in a hentai way either)* Can I borrow this? *grabs Tasuki's jacket and tessen; piles hot water bottles on the top* Don't worry. I'll give it back when I leave. *snuggles temporarily warm inderneath that pile* Did you now Kuro left? Now I have to take up her duty of picking on you. I would pick on Kouji but he won't let me. Plus, he can be really intimidating. *pets Tama-neko* Cutie Tama! Well, did you know that Kuro stole Suboshi's ryuusuisei or however you spell it? Well she did and she told him to get on his knees and beg but he didn't. That happened a long time ago. *looks up and sees Chiriko* Hi Chiko! How are you doing? Ever read any Anne Rice books? I really think you would like the Vampire Chronicles and tell CNA that they're really good too. *lightbulb* Hey!
Do you know what my parents did on Friday? They came to pick me up and my crush was out at the car riders place and I waved at them 'cause I was happy to see them. Well, they waved back and kept on dri
cing so I had to chase after the car and my crush saw!!! *blushes* But I do have to say it -was- funny. How many days do you get to chase after your parents in the school parking lot? *grins* Well, then my mom pointed out that my crush was standing there cayse she had seen him before and she pointed him out to my dad. Let's just say that my dad's really cool and he's the kind of peron that can make you feel stupid in a fun way. He said, "Hey, why don't we drive by and wave at him?" I started freaking out cause I thought he was serious and then he looked at me and busted out laughin cause I really was freaking out. Well, he's really cool. I think you guys would like him. He's not much on patience though. Well, gotta go. *gives back all of the stuff* Ja!
The loney Kosei cause her best friend's in Ohio...
Dear Kosei,
I started to read "Interview with a Vampire and rather disliked it. I have tried to read several other of Anne Rice's books but I guess I don't not care fore her writing style. Gomen.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
i've never seen the seiries but ive herd it good sooooooooo!*goes all stary eyed*i completly forgot what i was gonna ask.ah!h*ll!
Dear Nuka,
That's ok. You should watch the series sometime. You'd really like it!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Who's your faverite Gundam character and why???
The Short One
Dear Short One,
Tamahome: Heero Yuy. Great fighting spirit and he has a cool voice in the Japanese version!
Tasuki: Duo. He's jus' cool! Like me!
Chichiri: Duo, no da. He haS a pleasant demeanor, no da.
Chiriko: Quatre. He reminds me of myself!
Mitsukake: Noin. She is an interesting woman.
Hotohori: Zechs. He is also of royal blood and has a very nice voice.
Nuriko: Zechs. He seems to remind me of someone...
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
How about u guys add that internet English/Japanese dictionary to your links?
Dear Eh...,
Certainly! Go to our links peeji. It's with the rest of the non-Fushigi Yuugi sites!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Do you guys EVER get annoyed at all the people who claim to be married to you or be your girlfriend or anything like that? Sudden question, but I've been reading more than writing (quite obviously) and I got pretty curious.
Anyway, next question on the agenda...
What animals are you all most like and why do you think so? Were you all at first nervous when you began this 'Ask the Suzaku Seishi' business? A very non-related question, more towards Mitskuake or Chiriko: what exactly makes one laugh? I know it's from a good joke or tickle, but why exactly do we laugh? The human kind is the only species able to, technically.
Thanks a bunch, minna-san!
Alba Aulbath
Dear Alba,
We're acutally quite flattered, no da. As long as people don't take it so seriously that they get upset about it, no da. Here are the rest of your answers, no da!
Chichiri - Fox, as I have a bit of the fox spirit in me, no da. *Smiles*
Mitsukake - A duck. Why a duck? Why not a duck?
Nuriko - A pampered cat. Why? I deserve it!
Hotohori - A peacock. It is a very beautiful bird.
Tamahome - A tiger because of my fighting spirit.
Tasuki - A wolf *grins* What else would I be?
Chiriko - An owl as it represents wisdom.
We aren't really certain WHY humans laugh either. Gomen.
Dear Nuriko,
hey there! uh...*twiddles fingers* okay, what do i ask? okay, so this is just out of in suzaku's name do you handle miaka? i know i cant (and i'm just watching her!) ( offense) another thing...i like this guy, y'see. we're acquainted and all. we even worked together (we're on the journal and spent A LOT of time together). problem is, he thinks i'm lesbian! (if you come from an exclusive school, it's either that or yer fixated on boys) i mean, okay. fine. but that was nothing serious! i mean, i did that out of curiosity. it's fine if he doesn't notice me, i can live with that. i dunno...i just feel uncomfy if people (esp. boys) think i'm lesbian. anyway, know where i can find any nurihori fics? (okay, i'm hentai. not lesbian. j/k! ^_~)
Dear qkslvr,
Well, for starters, I don't handle Miaka, Tamahome does. I say if you like him, ask him to do something with you (lunch, coffee, study a movie, etc.) and the more time you spend together, the better he'll get to know you and he'll soon realize the truth. I'm sure there are a ton of them out there, but I don't know where off-hand. Gomen.
Dear Hotohori,
*glomp* Of course you shouldn't interfere with perfection...That would make a lot of fangirls very mad...^_____^
Anyway...*unglomps Hotohori-sama...if reluctantly* I'm doing a story for the Kutou Times.... *The world notices for the first time that Mari is wearing a reporter's outfit* Just what are your feelings toward Nuriko?
*sigh* Alright, alright, I'm not a reporter. Tomo sent me. He wanted to know if there were any potential yaoi relationships on the Suzaku side. Note the "potential", 'cause I'm not implying anything.. Personally, I think you'd be cute with Nuriko...but that's my opinion. And any good journalist knows to keep their opinions out of their stories.
*chewing on the end of a phoenix-red gel pen* So now I have no story. Now what am I gonna tell Tomo? ...that the lack of a you-and-Nuriko thing makes the him-and-Nakago thing that much"special".... Great. I'm gonna get feather-stabbed. *hides behind Hotohori* This is what I get for trying to get a story for the Seiryuus...
Dear Mari-chan,
I thin kyou should stick with telling Tomo he's special. It will make him feel good. Especially if you tell him that Nakago said it. *smiles...*
Dear Tasuki,
*drops in and lands on Tasuki* Hiya! Hey, why do ya think all women are out to hurt ya? huh? *looks down at a flattened Tasuki* oops ^^; goooomen! *helps him up and sweatdrops* I didn't mean to land on you, heheh. --; I maybe able to fly but I need to work on my landings huh? ^^; School is so boring, hey could ya ask Kouji where he got the Tasuki-pj's, cause I want some, heheheh. Well, I gotta go, bai bai! *hugs Tasuki and flies away*
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
ITAI!!! That's why! I asked him an' he ain't sayin'.
Dear Tasuki,
Demo ne ... how is it that you've never gone to school and you can't write kanji ... and you can read? okay, okay .. too many questions! ^^; so anyway, do you like thanksgiving? and do you guys in Konan have a holiday like it? okay, ja
Dear Moon,
I do like Thanksgivin'. WE don't got nothin' like it in Konan. I never said I can't read or write! I said I don't write kanji real well.
Dear Hotohori,
you read ayashi no ceres? ^_^ cool. and... have you ever heard of this japanese rock group named L'arc~en~Ciel? they're good, aren't they? hehe. anyway, hope you're well. :)
Dear Wenwen,
I have seen the first 2 episodes of the anime series and I was rather impressed! I have heard of that musical group, but I have never listened to their music.
Dear Tasuki,
If all your fans asks to be your aijin, what would you do? Accept them all?
Dear baka-chan,
I got an aisai an' she's enough to keep up wit'! If I accepted 'em all, I'd be dead from exhaustion!
Dear Tamahome,
Ano... did you forget that Usagi is as bad a cook as Miaka.. or worse? In one of the movies, Usagi and Chibi-Usa were making cookies, Usagi's one came out nice looking, but tasted horrible!!!! And Chibi-Usa's were ugly but tasted great! And Miaka eventually did cook better, so don't tease her :P
Dear baka-chan,
That's right! I remember taht movie! I guess she got better, too.
Dear Tasuki,
*POUNCE!* Me? Get out of the house.... TO DO SOMETHING THAT JUST MIGHT BE CONSIDERED FUN!? Ahahahahahah! That's funny. *ahem* Nope. And by the time this gets read CnA will probably have already gone and come back ;p It's 12:02 AM (Saturday now) at the time I'm writing this!
Hahahahahahahah! Me! Getting out of the house! Ah... That's a riot! ^-^
I haven't been out much with the exception of a doctor's appointment and a trip to the post office. Not much at all... It's not showing, is it? ^-^;;; *sweatdrops* In other words... nope... not going. I probably don't have enough to pay for a pass anyways.... WHICH REMINDS ME..... I need to collect my october and november allowance still.... Not to mention the 62 dollars I'm still owed.... Let's 20 a month (it's easier than just givingme 5 a week ;p) so that's 40, plus 62.... 102 dollars.... I always keep track of what I'm owed (and quickly pay of anything I owe anyone) ^-^; *walks off*
Me! hehehehe! Getting out of the house! HAHAHAH!
The ever nocturnal One-chan
Dear One-chan,
Too bad! They had a GREAT time!!! Jean was there, too!
Dear Mitsukake,
Mits-chan,i thought ur aisai is/was Shouka.i guess that means Nuri-kun and Chriko-chan are the only Suzaku Seishi that don't have aisais.oh well,ja ne.
Dear Usagi-pon,
We were never married. But I do still love her.
Dear Tamahome,
Could you please name ten outfits (excluding canary suit, geisha girls dress, card captor sakura costume, miaka's clothes and an 'I like Nakago' shirt) that you would rather die than be seen wearing?
*sits expectantly with pen and paper poised*
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
*Looks at her like she's lost her mind.* I don't know! Sailor fuku? Anything polyester? A ballet tutu?
Dear Tamahome,
I'm Richard Andrew D. are you? I hope you're doing fine.Well,how is Miaka,Hotohori,and Nuriko?
Tamahome,I have some quetions for you to answer:
1.I watched the Fushigi Yuugi oav2.I was really sad because the Fushigi yuugi story ended but,nevertheless,I was still happy to see you and the rest of the gang in that last episode of Fushigi Yuugi.I saw you,Miaka and your son looking at the stars.But I'm really curious about what happened to you after that? I'm really really curious.Have you came to be in the real world together with Miaka and your son? By the Way,what happened to Yui,Keisuke and tetsuya?
2.Who is Yosui in the 2nd oav? Is he a part of you?
3.How old are you? Miaka,Nuriko,Mitsukake,your son(is he already studying? :=)),yui,tetsuya,Keisuke,Shoka,Hotohori,
4.I watched episode 34 when you went to Black mountain to get the shinzaho.But I'm really wondering about this question: who is hikitsu and tomite?
5.Is it true that all of the suzaku seishi died 50 years after you summoned Suzaku? I hope they're going to reincarnate again.
6.Is there really a 3rd oav coming?
7.Do you know yuu Watase,the creator of Fushigi yuugi? Does she have a mailing address? Does she accept letters from her fans? I'm asking because I really wanted to write her and tell her that i like Fushigi Yuugi.
8.What happened to the rest of the gang after the 2nd oav? Would you please tell it to me?
9.What is a manga? Are there any books about Fushigi yuugi?
Well,that's all for now.I hope we'll become friends.Send my greetings to everyone including Yui,Miaka and Hotohori.Thank's and good day!
Richard Andrew D. Paredes
Dear Richard,
Here are all your answers:
1) There's a new Japanese novel out that answers all those questions.
2) Yosui? Who was he?
3) I am 17, Miaka and Yui are 15, Nuriko and Hotohori are 18, Mitsukake is 22. I don't know how old Shouka, Tetsuya, and Keisuke are offhand.
4) They are Byakko Seishi.
5) You need to watch the first OAV all the way through again. That's not what happened.
6) I don't think so.
7) Gomen, that is information that I don't have.
8)See question #1.
9) A manga is a Japanese comic book. There are Fushigi Yuugi mangas, novels, and artbooks out.
Dear Chichiri,
Houjun, Taitsu-kun-sama granted me to live again!!!!! But only for a limited amount of time, just one month... ~_~ What should we do in this month? I really miss you. I love you.
Dear Kouran,
*Takes her hand and walks her over to a bench.* Why don't we talk, no da...
Dear Tasuki,
What would Lina do if she finds out you have an aisai?
Dear baka-chan,
She'd probably be jealous that she it ain't it! *Fanged grin*
Dear Nuriko,
I've managed to sneak on during lunch, at least I can keep lunch down now. *Doc-sama snuggles into Ryuen's arms* This was gonna be a surprise to everyone, I was going to have a bonfire party after the building was done. You see I don't know how to describe it, just that it'll be very sensual. *Doc-sama blushes a light red* In some circles it would be considered a wedding ceremony...
Dear Doc-sama,
*Blushes, sweatdrops, looks confused, and stammers...* A-a-a-a-no, wedding? Who's?
Dear Tasuki,
*runs and hugs and kisses him* Geeezzz, you would not believe all the trouble we had at the DTFC"The Drooling Tasuki Fan Club" over you getting married!!! ^^ I am glad it is only on this peeji, so are all the other fans. Thanks for answering my question a while ago. You have made every Tasuki fan dream come true!! Gomen Iri, but hopefully the real (Watase's)Tasuki will be a bachelor forever so girls can swoon over him a long time. I still think yer sexy, so what if your married here ^^ ***kisses him again and runs away with the rest of the DTFC***
Dear Foenix,
Glad I was able to clear thin's up fer ya'!
Dear Chichiri,
Wai wai! I just got done with a chemistry test and I think I did fairly well on it...although I'm kinda worried b/c I was the first one done and there was about 20 minutes left in class...*nail bitting suspense* I think that I did ok, but that always means I didn't. ~_~ Then again, I got back an Algebra II test back and I did well on it (and I thought I did well too...). Eh, who knows.
I went shopping for winter stuffs yesterday and got this really great coat for about half its original price...but my mom wouldn't let me wear it to school because she thought something might happen to it. Oh well, I'll just be cold for the day. *shiver*
Ack, I gotta go, Break time is over! Ja ne!
<3 Mako-chan
Dear Mako-chan,
Omedeto, no da! I hope you did well on your test too, no da!
Dear Tamahome,
Well, you won't believe the day I had today.
Did you know that every girl in my school has a crush on you? I mean, really, really bad. Just earlier-- a classmate of mine, who prefers to be called Miaka- than her real name was arguing with someone who also wants that name. (I just call her Yui-- she glares at me...)
It first started with them and then next thing you know-- WHAM! half of the girls in my class are fighting over you... I came in one day and girls were flicking each other.
I guess you're okay really. I thought you just needed to know.
Dear Ayume,
Arigato!! *Sticks his tongue out at at Tasuki.* SEE!!! I TOLD you I had fans!!!
Dear Tasuki,
*POUNCE!* This is your friendly reminder that...
Thank you and have a nice day! ^-^
.. Ano... I really ought to consider getting my glitter back (I might be needing it a January) from CnA, shouldn't I? ^^; And that poster from AX.
Dear One-chan,
Yes it was an' yes ya' should! Are ya' goin' to Japan Expo Saturday 11/18/00 at th' LA Convention Center? Chichiri no Aijin is gonna be there.
Dear Tasuki,
That's all you have to say??? ~_~
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Ano... get well soon??
Dear Chichiri,
Heya Chichiri! ^_^ He, I'm in a good mood because school just got out for the day. Thank goodness. I am betting so lethargic now a days. I mean, I'm having trouble concentrating. *shrugs* Senioritis attacks early (seeing as how I'm a sophomore). ^_^
I get to go shopping with my mom today and I'm really looking forward to it...*eyes brighten at the thought of possibly finding some FY stuff...mwahahaha!*
My friend recently gave me a FY stamp and card set, and I've heard that the cards are supposed to be used for fortunes, but I can't figure it out at all. O.o My dictionary is a little...*word...all I can think of is German (the word is 'altmodisch' in german!)*...old-fasioned! That's the word. I think it's a business dictinary. -.- Got any idea about it?
Oh, I've converted another person to Japanese culture! I started calling this guy "Mitsu-kun" b/c he looks a lot like Mitsukake, and he started saying "ja ne" after hearing me say it millions of times, but I corrected him to "ja na" and he's constantly using it now. And he's part of the Anime club that's at my school (^_^ I'm vice-pres ^_^)
Ok, I'm done for now! ^_^ *hugs and waves* Ja ne!
Dear Mako-chan,
I'm not sure about the cards, no da. But you might want to consider investing in a new Japanese dictionary, no da. Random House makes an excellent one in paperback. It's about $12.00, no da. The ISBN number is 0-679-78001-7 and the full title is The Random House Japanese-English English-Japanese Dictionary, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
*walks in, frowning and mumbling something about big brothers* Nuriko-kun, you're a big brother. Is there something in the job discription that says "Big Brothers must at all times be a pain in the @#% to their younger siblings* ???
My brother, who is a senior, drove me to school on Monday. 'We're going home at 3:00 today' he very clearly ORDERED *no, of course I don't need a tutorial! Heck, I know I'll just ace that math test tomarrow, even if I don't go!* and me, being the generous, wonderful and understanding person that I am (I know he just wants to get home, so why not?) said "Ok". At 2:55 I got out to the car, 5 minutes early *just in case* and waited...and waited...and the rain!! I couldn't get into the car because I don't have a key, so I had to stand outside, in the rain, looking generally stupid to all passerby-ers. THIRTY minutes later he shows up (meaning that I could have gone to tutorial! ~_~). Does he say "Sorry I'm late" or "We were supposed to meet at 3:30 you idiot" or "Hello" ? NO. Not a single thing! He didn't say anything to me at all! Not then, or the ride home, or the rest of the day! I wouldn't have minded (as much, I'm still human) being left for a half hour in the rain if he had at least *said* something! ~_~
What should I do? Whenever I approach him about anything he's done, he always blows me off. The only way I can get anything to him is through my parents, and that always ends up worse then if I hadn't said anything at all! ~_~
It's so depressing to me when people say "your brother is soo cool!" I mean, he is really funny, but he's just a plain jerk to me! And no, it's not one of those "brotherly love" kinda things. When your brother sees you coming towards him in the hall and then *goes another way* just to avoid you, it's not brotherly love.
Gomen, I'm venting. Do you have any suggestions, though? I'd like to make the situation better, but I've tried everything I can think of (being nice, being mean back, etc.) and nothing works.
Ok, enough complaining. *hugs* thanks for listening!
Ja ne,................
Dear Mako-chan,
maybe you need to have a family meeting between you, your brother, and your parents. Making you stand for 30 mnutes in the rain with no excuse or or apology is really unacceptable! He needs to learn to take responmsibility for his actions. Perhaps if your parents suspended his driving privileges as a punishment he will learn. Good luck! *Hugs her*
Dear Tamahome,
Ohayo Tama-chan!i finally taught Miaka how to wasn't a sucess the 1st time....cuz her baked goods were more like rocks and were used as door stops ^.^heeheeheeheehee*gives Tamahome the pecan tart Miaka baked*try this one!i think she improved with this one.ok,ja!
Dear Usagi-pon,
*Eyes it suspiciously... then takes a bite.* Not bad!! And I didn't break any teeth! Domo arigato gozaimashita for teaching Miaka how to bake! *Gives her a hug*
Dear Chichiri,
CHICHAN NO DA!!!!!! ::tackels him and looks with starry eyes:: I've waited my whole life to meet you ::winning smile::!!!
I just wanna say that even though i have a shrine to you, two pairs of jeans with you all over them plus a T-shirt not to memtion any item of you that can possibly fit in or on my bullitian board no da and that i dyed my hair your exact color and memorized all of your songs and no da have a screen saver and website and screen names and computer and no da a purse and keychain so you can go everywhere with me not to mention a blurb of MIZU KAGAMI on my lilo 20 sec recorder no da and bought anything with you in or on it or somehow associated with it that i could possibly by or recieve or steal no da and i say no da and my friends call me chichiri or "chi-chan" and i won't stop cosplaying you and improving your costume until it's COMLETELY LIKE YOURS doesn't mean i'm obsessed no da. That's about it. ::kisses him , gives him a hug and calmly walks out:: ja!
Chi (I'm not obsessed) chiri's chick
Dear Chi,
*Sweatdrops* You're certain you're not obsessed, no da?
Dear Nuriko,
-.-; ya know what..that little hug made me feel better. Let's see.. The name's Naruke..wah.. I bet you I typed it wrong all the time. Tell everyone else it's Naruke...with an e...-.-; I feel like an idiot *beams* do you love me Nuriko? O.o;; woo-hoo hyperness *slaps him on the back* ya ever tasted 'em watchamacallits.........they're good...hahaha dammit! watch..I'm going to regret sending this. But of course, I've nothing better to do with my time. Bwahaha. Dammit! I didn't want to be like this. But no..I couldn't resist temptation. Nummy..chocolate *chomp* This tastes weird o.o *notices she's chomping on Nuriko's arm* oooooh *grabs her candy* ya meany. >=P Nummy Creamy creamy chocolate creamy creamy chocolate chocolate creamy. NURIKO! I love you...I need a good bonking on the head..hyperness. Have you ever had one of 'em days? huh? huh? here! I QUIT! *shoves the choclate to his face* YOURS! meany!
Naruke..the regrettable..
Dear Naruke,
*Backs away slowly fom the sugar crazed fangirl...*
Dear Tasuki,
Embarassed about what ya sleep in, huh? *Imagines Tasuki running around in a frilly pink nightgown, then shakes her head violently* ICK! Or do you even wear anything to bed? *grin* Tasuki no hentai!
Dear Neko-kay,
I ain't embarrassed but it still ain't no one's business! An' yes, I do wear SOMETHIN' to sleep in!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I am the Tomo no Miko, Neko-kay's friend, here to invade your web space... N E waiz, at the Ask the cast of Final Fantasy VII peeji and the Ask the Seiryuu seishi pages, they haven't updated since I found them! *turns red* It makes me so mad! *explodes leaving a small burnt mark on the floor*
Tomo no Miko
Dear Tomo no Miko,
Well, what can we say, people have busy real lives, no da! You just need to be patient.
Dear Nuriko,
I was talking to my older sister who HATES anime, and she knows how much I LOVE you. So she decides she's gonna tork me off and says,"Nuriko's a byatch." So I said (matter-of-factly),"Ahem, byatch refers to female, and Nuriko is a MAN..." Then she mumbles something about me being a lezbo or something and liking a girl. She's never watched Fushigi Yuugi, that uneducated little... *hugs onto Nuriko and burries her face in his cloak and cries* I thought I was gonna die! She makes me so mad... *blood drains out of Obakii's face and she faints*
Dear obakii,
*Catches her and places her on a couch.* Gomen, not everyone can like the same things you like. That is just the way of the world. Think of what your poor sister is missing out on...
Dear Tasuki, more questions about you and Kôji, hmm? So what do you and Kôji do on the weekends?! HAHA! *slaps him on the back* Ya know, 'Suki-baby...
*silence overcomes*
You're an idiot and you're no fun. *kicks him to the floor* Now where the hell's your wallet? *searches in the wrong...areas...of course..being as /prude/ as she is, she kicked him again* Ecchi!
*Pokes him* Yo, Tasuki..It was time someone made fun of ya, you know... *dumps a bucket of water on him* Dammit..I'm mean..*sticks her tounge out at him* BE GLAD YOU GOT ME ON A GOOD DAY.. >=/
Dear Naruke,
We drink an' brawl. *Dumps a bucket of water on her.* HMPH! See how ya' like it!!
Dear Chichiri,
Yo Chichiri! Yah, it's me again. I'm going to comment on something. You can take it either way. Negative, dark or positive, effulgent or even a variant of both. I wouldn't care. What I'm going to say is...*leans her elbow on his shoulder while standing at his side* You wear that mask because you're denying yourself, don't you? I don't see why people would be uncomfortable. You're not bad looking anyways. It's quite contrary. Who cares about the people, anyways. If you were like me, you'd just kil-- you'd...*cough*
What I'm saying is..*punches him lightly on the cheek* Wouldja answer that fr me? Are you trying to make ignorance comfortable or is anger, despair, and fear being comforted by your mask?
By the way..tell everyone else...ii ni shi kagen
Dear Naruk,
Perhaps a bit of both, no da...
Dear Tasuki,
Hiya Tasuki-chan! *flies in and hugs him* ^_^ How are you? *puts hands on hips and glares* What's with this thinking I'm a kid junk? I'm not a kid! I bet I could drink more than you.....but then, you won't let me drink anymore so maybe not --;;;; Oh well, You better be nice to me and Hibarrano Tenshi *mischievous grin* We have been known to think up some really weird things together ^_^; Oh poop! I can think up really weird things on my own (like my fanfic) *jumps into Tasuki's arms* So you think I'm a good weirdo huh? *gives him a kiss on the cheek and acts silly* *has been eating to much Spree and Fruit Rollups* Kuraino Tenshi got me addicted to Fruit Rollups *gives Tasuki one* Try one! They're good! Even better than sake! PEACE! *disappears*
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
*Tries it* Not bad, nit better than sake...
Dear Nuriko,
*sniffles* I wanted to show you that pretty picture ;-; Now I'll just have to find another --;
Guess what! I have a Nuriko shrine on my webpage now, with a bunch of pretty pictures of you! And in the Hotohori shrine (Which is deticated to Kuraino Tenshi and Kosetsuno Tenshi by the way) there is a picture of you and Hotohori-sama together. It's one of my favorites! ^_^ It's not fair!!!!! you have such a beautiful singing voice! It's not fair! *has been listening to Perfect World to much*
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
That's ok. I do appreciate the thought. *Smiles* A shrine for me??? Arigato!!
Dear Tasuki,
*peeks in* Hiya, Tasuki. How are you? Warm? Warm enough to kindly allow me to set my high school on fire with your tessen to serve as kindling for a "little" bonfire in order to get ME warm?! *big shoujo eyes* Pweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeze?!! *turns chibi and glomps his leg* I'll give you my flute! I don't need it, my director said only 4 flute players were good enough to be in Symphonic Band after our audtions...and I don't think it's going to be me! Now, warmth. School on fire, please? *innocent smile*
Dear Katsumi,
I'm very warm but I ain't loanin' ya' th' tessen!
Dear Tasuki,
hihihihihi tasuki-sama!!!!
moon-chan told me to call you that. i was originally going to call you tasuki-chan but oh well. heheheheheh. hey guess what. i told my friend sarah that i wanted rob thomas (whom she's sooooooooooooooo obsessed with) to die, and she then said she wanted you to die.... *sniff sniff* ah well. heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. hyper. just had some peanut butter m n m's. do you have those in konan? ^^0 ja!
Dear hotaru-chan,
No we don't. An' why would ya' want someone named Rob Thomas to die?? That ain't nice!! Besides, now yer friend wants ME to die!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey, you guys like RK? (I sure hope so)
Well, who are your favorite people in it? (I'll bet everyone a 100 bucks that Tasuki's fav is Sano!)
Dear Mal,
Ruroni Kenshin? HAI!! You're absolutely right about Tasuki, too!
Tamahome: Sagara (Sanosuke's old leader)
Hotohori: Kenshin
Chichiri: Seijuro, no da
Chiriko: Yahiko
Mitsukake: Megumi
Nuriko: Karou
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tamahome,
Hi again Tamahome.I'm Richard Andrew are you? Oh,well,how old are you? I'm 16 years old.I have watched the fushigi yuugi oav but,unfortunately,I haven't seen you,your son and miaka clearly since you were looking over the stars.I really really liked the closing song of of the Fushigi Yuugi oav.What's the title of it? You know,I'm really looking for Fushigi Yuugi merchandise but I can't find any here.There was an anime exposition here but,I was really busy at that time so I wasn't able to go there.Tamahome,do you know that Fushigi Yuugi is translated in our national language(Tagalog)?
Do you know Yuu watase's mailing address? I really wanted to write and tell her that I really liked her anime.Does she accept letters from her fans? I watched the 32nd episode just a while ago and I saw Nuriko being beaten by Ashitare.Poor Nuriko :=( I wish I was also a suzaku star warrior! :=)
Tamahome,I would like to ask you a question: Is Fushigi Yuugi being written into a novel just like other american Fiction Books? I also wanted to ask you this question:After the oav episode,what happened to you,your son and Miaka? What happened to the others like Hotohori and Nuriko? I hope they could also reincarnate too :=)
Do you have an e-mail address so that I could e-mail you? If you have really reincarnated into the real world as Taka,Where do you live right now? I'm now in 2nd year high school.Maybe in 2 years timwe,I would study in Japan and meet the creator of Fushigi Yuugi :=) The oav has a really sad ending but its rerally great.I hope the story would still be continued :=)
I watched episode 32 a while ago and I saw you and the boy in Tolan.You were teaching him some bravery.Fushigi Yuugi really gives the viewers a lesson to live by in life such as bravery :=)
How many oav's are there in Fushigi Yuugi? I really hope that the story would still be continued.What are manga books? I am really an addict in Fushigi Yuugi.I watch it 3 times since the television station AXN shows and replays it.
I have to go now.Send my greetings to Miaka,Yui,and the rest of the Suzaku star warriors.I treat you as an older brother because you give advice to me everytime.I need friends like you :=)I promise that I'll write you again.Thank's and Good day!
Richard Andrew D. Paredes
Dear Richard,
It was? That's cool! I wonder what other languages it has been translated into? I guess you could say that I live in Tokyo now. Unfortunately I do not have Watase-sensei's mailing address, although I'm sure she accepts letters from fans. I too have no separate email address. You may be able to write to her in care of either Shogakukan Comics or Flower Comics. But, I don't have those addresses either. Gomen. Minna-san! A little help onegaishimasu!!! Viz is putting out the Fushigi Yuugi Manga in English. There are new novels out in Japanese that answer your "what happened next" questions. There are 2 OAV series. OAV 1 has 3 episodes and OAV 2 has 6. The closing song for the OVA is called "Star". Ariagto for your kind words!
Dear Tamahome,
I'd love to have your picture
Dear melanie,
There are a lot sites you can go to that have pictures of me. Have you tried our links peeji for starters?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Ok, now I am confused, so I had to ask one of your guys here. I had a discussion on if there is a heaven and hell in FY. Some folks said no, then a friend of mine, had to go and remind me that Tasuki said about heaven in the OAV's. Tasuki thought he had died and gone to heaven, remember? Now, I'm totaly confused! Just want some imput on this and see what you all say! Thanks!
Gomen I have not written in a while! I am currently working on a script and novel, and another romance novel. Hehehe, found something I'm good at, so I decided to begin writing romance-twisted with epic fantasy adventure novels.
Anyway, is there a karaoke version of the Nuriko song: "Perfect world"? I sing that at conventions, and have perfected it some, just wondering. I got the karaoke version of Kaze no Uta though, but the other song is my best. Nuriko's songs are the best and are in my voice range, and I tried to sing Tasuki's heart song, but I went dizzy! I just learned "Freckles" from Kenshin, and thought I could master that, but I had to think again, maybe when my Japanese gets better! Just wanted to chat with you all! Hope you all are doing well!!
*hands out her sake upside down cake* Hehehe, I made it extra strong for Tasuki!
Dear Avery,
Well, Tenkou was said to reside in hell in the OAV's, no da. But I don't think it is the same heaven or hell as the Judeo/Christian version. If Nuriko has a character single, then I suppose "Perfect World" would be on it, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
I do I do! *rubs head and grins* For comedy purposes, and she paid me well, I posed for her... *grins and whistles innocently*
*laughs more after the head lock*
Ah... *gasp-choke* Ah, really? *choke* Don't get after me, the girls ask, I'll tell! Hahah-ah... *choke*
*stomps on Genrou's foot and takes another swig of sake*
Kouji the great
Dear Kouji,
ITAI!!! Why ya' rotten... *Takes his sake from him, finishes it off and starts brawling with him...*
Dear Tasuki,
1. What the h*ll is an aisai?
2. Are you really married?
3. Is she nice?
4. I thought you hate girls/women, WHAT HAPPENED!!!
Well thats all I hope the answers are the ones I want to hear, coz if not, If only looks could kill...
Dear angel,
1) Aisai means beloved wife.
2) I'm an anime character, whaddya' think!?!?!?
3) VERY!!! *Fanged grin*
4) She chose me! I decided I liked th' choice.
Dear Tasuki,
Hi, well I just want to ask if you like Reirei even just a little bit.
Dear sam,
Of course I did!
Dear Chichiri,
hallo^o^something jus strucked my mind for a moment...*looks at Rei Ayanami and Chichiri shaking her head back and forth about 17 times*are u related to Rei, Chichiri-chan?u both have blue hair and red eyes.and u both are attractive but have different personalities.
Dear V-babe,
No, we're not related, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Can you read? Seriously, can you read?
Dear Moon,
I'm readin' an' answerin' yer letter ain't I??
Dear Tasuki,
Yeah, yeah, I know Chiriko will grow but...he's just so darn cute! Ugh, I was at play rehersal until 7:00 tonight. Luckily I only had a little bit of homework. Well, ok, actually I just kinda skipped part of it but I didn't understand it anyways. Y'know I've been writing some pretty long letters lately. Maybe I should stop now and give you a break.
Kat (and if you don't know it's Kat Winner by now then I'll cry)
Dear Kat,
Ya' need to do yer homework more an' letters less. We'd hate to have ya' get bad grades 'cos of us!
Dear Chichiri,
CHICHIRI! ::runs and effectively glomps Chichiri:: Hi, no da!(sorry for using your line, but watching you on all those tapes got me into the habit of saying it, no da. It's a conspiracy, isn't it? Trying to make the whole world say 'no da'. It's very sneaky of you. I like it, no da!) heehee Guess what. I'm another tenshi. My name's Kageno Tenshi and I'm Amiboshi's tenshi (yeah, I know it's Serryu, but it's Amiboshi, so that's gotta count for something, no da. I'm not completely evil. Besides, everyone's already taken the Suzaku positions, otherwise I woulda tried to be your tenshi, no da.) I was wondering if you could be reeeealy nice, and teach me how to do that nifty little sd-transformation-thingy. I got tenshi power, so it could work with that. It's just sooo KAWAII, no da! OK, I'm gonna leave ya alone now, no da. ::reluctantly discontinues her glomp-fest:: JA!
Kageno Tenshi
ps: SOOOOOOO.... does that mean YOU'RE not married?
Dear Kageno Tenshi,
I wish I could teach you, but it would take years, no da. I have an aisai and an aijin, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi everybody!!! I'm baaaaaaack! Didja miss me? Huh, didja? Anywho, I'm back with a volley of random annoying questions! Everybody answer these, unless your attorneys have advised you not to comment...
1) If you could change anything about your physical appearance, what would it be?
2) If you could change one thing about your personality, what would it be?
3) If you were stranded on a desert island with one food, one book, one random object, and one other seishi, what/who would it be?
Okay, three is enough annoying questions, and besides, y'all have to answer them and I don't wanna annoy y'all TOO terribly much....laters!
Dear Mari-chan,
Of course we missed you! Here are all your answers:
1) Tamahome: Grow my hair longer
Tasuki: Nothin'! I like me jus' as I am!
Nuriko: I'd be taller.
Chiriko: I'd be older!
Mitsukake: ....
Chichiri: I'm happy as I am, no da.
Hotohori: Why should I interfere with perfection? *Gazes in a mirror...*
2) Tamahome: Be less greedy.
Tasuki: Not be so d*mn nice to everyone! 'Specially women! It jus' gets me in trouble!
Nuriko: I'd be more assertive.
Chiriko: I'd be tougher.
Mitsukake: Not talk so much.
Chichiri: I'd have more fun, no da.
Hotohori: Not feel so burdened by my beauty.
3) Tamahome: Whoppers with cheese, local maps, a raft, Tasuki
Tasuki: Sake, book????, raft wit' a sail, Chichiri... Aw h*ll, jus' Chichiri! We can escape in his kasa! Heh-heh-heh... I'm smarter than ya' are Obake-chan!!!!
Nuriko: Chocolate, romance novel, matches, Hotohori... tee-hee...
Chiriko: Edamame, How to Build a Boat, tool chest, Mistukake in case I got hurt
Mitsukake: Edamame, Gray's Anatomy, a raft, Chichiri
Chichiri: Rice, a fishing pole , philosophy book, Tasuki
Hotohori: Steak, Ayashi no Ceres, my sword, Chichiri
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Nuriko,
I received my answer yesterday from admissions at Johns Hopkins Medical School in Maryland. It's the top medical school in the country. They said No.. ;.; When it rains, it pours hard. I was crying so hard, my immunity dropped and now I have Gastroenteritis. *curls up and tries to stop the nausea* So much for the bonfire party I was planning.
Dear Doc-sama,
Zahnen desu ne! *Gives her a big hug and holds her...* Is there anything I can do for you?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Yo...I have a problem. I can clearly and honestly say that I'm a Nuriko/Tasuki/Tamahome mix of a person. That's not the problem..and I can't say that's good either. But, anyways, the problem's that I always have a F***in feeling of lonliness. Solitude. Isolation. I feel unloved, I am unloved...I thought maybe you could help. ...Or...I could always keep one of you as a present. You Suzaku Seishi are nice, you know...a Present...please? *stares with that ever so innocent countenance*
Dear Naruk,
Gomen all I can give you as a present is a hug. *Hugs her*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*Walks in chanting: I'm writing the seishi! I'm writing the seishi! While giving each one of them a big hug* Oi Taaaaaaaas-chan!! Guess what? I'm helping out yer ol' buds at the stronghold! I clean and do the dishes and sew- O.o as a matter of fact I'd better get on that. Do you think Kouji would mind if I snuck out during the day to go to school and stuff? I hope not. Otherwise things might not work. Oi! Did ya know I got to go on a raid with them too? That was fun in the scarey 200 mile and hour carnival ride sorta fun. I wouldn't mind doing it again but only if I got to stay on the horse this time.... Anyway, I have to go. I got dishes to do and pants and jackets to sew so, Ja!
Dear Kosei,
Have fun! Tell Kouji I said not to work ya' too hard!
Dear Tamahome,
You are one cute cookie. Hehe...If you hadn't met Miaka...Would you even think about women once you had enough money to provide your family?
Dear Jaed,
I'm sure I would eventually.
Dear Tamahome,
kay said that u are a Matrix wannabe in episode 47.4 some reason ,i had to tell u that.of course i can teach Miaka how to bake pecan tarts .lets jus hope she can follow the directions and doesn't eat some ingredients:P
Dear Usagi-pon,
Tell Kay that Neo ripped off MY moves. *Grins*
Dear Hotohori,
I'm writing a story about yourself and Houki, but I have a question. What made you decide to marry Houki? I mean, out of all the women in the harem, why her? What made her so special to you? Was it because she looked so much like Nuriko, or was it because there was something about her that reminded you in some way of Miaka, or was it simply because of her own special qualities?
Whatever it was, she certainly IS lucky to have won you. A shame I myself can't find someone like you in my own life. I've decided that men like you, with such pure inner-beauty, just don't exist. Of course, looking that good on the outside doesn't hurt either. *smile*
A rare, non-rabid fangirl ^_~
Dear fangirl,
Her own special qualities, her sweetness, intelligence, etc. I'm sure that there is a special someone out there waiting for you.
Dear Tasuki,
I got sick again... -_-; *shrugs* so what's up? How's it going? ^_^ I miss ya! *hugs*
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Nothin' much! Sorry yer feelin' sick. *Hugs her*
Dear Chiriko,
How come we never hear anything about your family. Tell me about it. Who were your mom and dad? What happened to them? Do you have any siblings? Are they geniuses like you too?
And to all those people who occasionally bring you to tears: STOP PICKIN ON THE GUY, OR ELSE! *cracking knuckles*
Besides, he's so sweeet, how can you do that?
Next time someone does that, Chiriko-san, call me, I'll stand up for ya!
Dear Mal,
My parents as well as my older brother are still alive. I was the only genius in my family. *Blushes* Arigato!
Dear Nuriko,
Mou, Nuriko-chan....I don't know what to do with myself for Thanksgiving!!! I mean, it's OBVIOUS I have to look good....*frets*
Dear Kelli-chan,
I'm sure you'll look fabulous! Just remember that it will be cold on the beach, so dress warmly. Have fun! Tee-hee...
Dear Nuriko,
Hi. *runs in and gives Nuriko a nice, big kiss*
Dear obakii,
OH!! *Looks surprised* Arigato!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Heya minna-san!! *hands out complimentary tickets to the opera*
It's REALLY funny, even Tasuki would like it! AND it's in English, with dialogue...more like an operetta...besides, my character is the comic lead. You HAVE to come!! Ya get to see me in a maid's outfit too...*winks and poofs out*
Dear Kelli-chan,
I'd love to come! A maid's outfit, eh? Hee-hee... ~_^ Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
YOU GUYS ARE BACK (again)!!! (teehee)
So, how was the vacation? Hope you all had a great the way, do all of you, besides Chiriko and Mitsukake, have aisais? (I already know about Hotohori and Tamahome)
Dear Mal,
Cory-san (Chichiri no Aijin's husband) was too ill to go anywhere so we stayed home, no da. He's better now. Nuriko, Mitsukake, and Chiriko don't have aisais. As you know Tamahome has Miaka and Hotohori has Houki, no da.
Dear Chichiri,
DAAAA, aisaika! The opera opens on THursday. ^^ Excited I am. Also excited that I may get to see you all over Thanksgiving! WAIWAIWAI!~
Kelli, CnA#2
Dear Kelli,
DA!! I hope to see you soon, no da! Break a leg, no da!
Dear Wenwen,
Sugoi! I LOVE it!
Dear Tasuki,
*rubs his arm* Yeah, sure was Genrou! *whacks him in the cheek* Anyway... *glares at him* How would ya' know what I wear to bed?! >_<,
What that chick did was cause for a joke, got it? *takes a chug of sake and gets a bit dizzy* Fan service my @$$!!!!
Anyway, I wear what I always clothes, sometimes without a shirt, does that help that chick who asked? I just whear what I have on! Why change? Hmm, I can tell you fangirls what Genrou wears to be when he sleeps. *huge grin* Just come and ask me! Hahahaa... *takes a swig*
Kouji the great
Dear Kouji,
*Smacks him upside the head.* OI!! Have some *(^%$#@ respect fer Watase-sensei! If it weren't fer her YOU an' me wouldn't be here!!
As fer what I sleep in... *Puts him in a headlock...* ya' do, ya' die...
Dear Mitsukake,
I finally figured out who you and Chiriko remind me of. Tien and Chaotzu from DBZ!!! Just get Chiriko a little of Tomo's makeup, paint a third eye on your head, and voila! You're Tien, and he's Chaotzu! I'm sure this makes no sense whatsoever, but HEY, who cares!
I just realized this is the first time I've ever written to you. You're the seishi that most people underestimate. But, any good adventuring party needs a healer. Suuuuure, the fighters get all the credit, but if they get their butts kicked and you're not around to heal 'em, they're sunk. The seishi would be lost without you, Mitsukake. And besides, your cat is cool.
PS: Do you know if there is a site that has "Ask Tama-neko"? ^_^
Dear Mari-chan,
Arigato for your kind words. I don't know of an "Ask Tama-Neko" site. But I'm sure that someone will be inspired to do one sonce you have suggested it. *Smiles*
Dear Deserae,
Arigato! I've already visited it, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
Could you tell me what Kouji wears to bed..?! *_* Oooh, Kouji-sama...
Koumari Itsuko
Dear Koumari Itsuko,
*Sweatdrops and looks uncomfortble...* Watase-sensei once said he wears Tasuki pajamas fer fan service... Other than that I dunno an' I don't wanna know!
Dear Tasuki,
Guess what, I'm on make-up/costume crew for the school play! Yup yup. The director just came up to me and asked if I wanted to. Spiffy, ne? Unfortunately, I kinda don't know what I'm doing. I hate being a freshman cause I'm always confused and everyone else isn't. Hmmm, about a jello-free 2001, I don't know if I can do that for ya. I'll try though.
I think I'm going to start a new internet campaign. It's called "Short People WILL Rule the World!". See, I'm sick and tired of people picking on short people like me. I'm only 5'1 and it sucks. I think either Vegeta or Hiei will be the mascot. Did ya ever notice the likeness between those two, by the way? I mean they're both short, cranky, and very powerful. Well, better go start rallying the short people. *runs and kidnaps Chiriko, Miboshi, Vegeta, Hiei, and Krillin* Hmmm, who else is short...?
Kat Winner
Dear Kat,
I dunno 'bout th' rest of 'em but th' kid *points to Chiriko* ain't short. He's jus' a kid! I'm sure he'll grow!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*huggles whole cast, even the flaming bird god - missed you guys*
1)Is there a day of rememberance in Konan or Kutou for those who died in the wars?
2)Are all the seishi purposefully made so damn attractive or is it coincidence that you're all so sexy?
3)Do you find it pathetic that I am nearly fifteen years old and have yet to be kissed?
4)Who likes Bakaretsu Hunters?!? *waves her hand in the air, bounching and grinning in 'ooh, me! me!' fashion*
5)Am I crazy to go and read a story I wrote in the talent show instead of singing or dancing or anything else? (I don't play any instruments...)
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
Here are all your answers:
1) There isn't but there might be now, no da!
2) *They all blush and sweatdrop* Ano... we're just drawn that way! Ask Watase-sensi.
3) No. Why are you in such a hurry to grow up?
4) We all do!
5) Well, can you sing or dance? We don't think you're crazy but a fanfic might not go over well. It all depends on your audience. Hmmmm... what about doing some stand-up and telling jokes?
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Chiriko,
I really don't like doing math homework but my teacher assigns it anyway and I wanna turn it in and get a good grade, but I don't wanna DO the homework! I mean, I COULD get a good grade if I did it, but I don't want to! So, the point is......will you do my algebra homework, Chiriko? ^^;;
Dear Mari-chan,
If you don't do your homework, you won't learn the subject matter. So in a word, no .
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Bless you all, even silly little Tasuki. *tears up* WAI!!! *gives everyone kyodai (huge) kisses and sobs* I'm gonna have a child! Zechs and I have talked about it, and were ready for a little Hotohori or Kourin of our own. Ano, yes, I AM fifteen, but am very well-to-do as far as funds for this goes, and since I'm MARRIED to Zechs, it's perfectly legal. *sob* I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH!!! *grin* We're currently expecting the little one to be born sometime in August next year... *eyes grow stary* I'm so happy! You know, Zechs and I met at an anime convention. I was dressed as Miaka and Zechs was Hotohori, and we just clicked, so I must really thank you. If it wasn't for you guys, we may not have met! *happily waves to Houki, then changes her mind and gives her a friendly hug* You are such an inspiration for me! *bows deeply to the seishi* Until next time, ja ne!
Dear Neko-kay,
You are both so young, no da. Do you think that's a good idea? Fifteen is extremely young to be a mother, no da. We may not agree with your decision, but we do wish you the best, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Neko-kay: *sweatdrop as Zechs holds on to her arm* Yeah, Zechs... I'll tell 'em. When I said that the little one is due next August and were ready and it's legal, I kinda forgot to tell you that were, um, doing one of those support things for teens my age that are pregnant and are expecting. We get the child on week days to take care of it, but the young lady we're sponcering wants us to choose the names. She likes our choice. So I'm not gonna give birth or anything, but will be more of a caretaker and will help Maurica (the teens name) in her funds and other things like that. I'm going to treat her child as though it was my own. But when I'm old enough to have a child of my own, the names will be Kourin or Hotohori. I hope that clears some stuff up for you, cause it sounded like you thought I was going to get pregnant! Ha ha... No, not yet. I think I'll wait a while on that one.
Zechs: Neko-kay might be a wonderful girl, but she tends to leave out all of the important facts of a conversation... Gomen for any misunderstandings. I would never put my wife in a position where she would have to choose between pregnancy or waiting to start that kind of active relationship.
Neko-kay and Zechs
Dear Neko-kay and Zechs,
Ah, that's very different then! But, if you get the baby on weekdays, what about going to school? Or is this something your entire family is participating in? Either way it sounds like a nice idea. Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Hotohori,
Zechs: I don't understand why the bad leader was able to use Tasuki's tessen even though he wasn't one of the seishi. It sort of confused me, and *looks around nervously* with the tessen and the wolves summoning, it sort of seems that his talents are, um, borrowed...
Neko-kay: *jumps into Zechs' arms and throws up some confetti* My husband is so smart! He has quite a good sense of logic... *thinks for a moment* ...but that may not be too great of a thing for Tasuki...
Zechs Merquise and Neko-kay
Dear Zechs Merquise and Neko-kay,
Tasuki's natural Seishi ability is his speed, stamina, and agility. Eiken was able to use the tessen because it was before Taiitsu-kun changed it.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*runs in, a big black cloak on her with duck-tape leters on the back!* YAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA!!!!!! With all the election talk, I'd figure this is a pretty good question!
Any ideas for how I can win the election for grade 9 rep????? So far I have my 'Keisei the walking billboard' idea with this cape. But other than posters, what'll I do?
Shrinemaiden Keisei
Dear Keisei,
Well, how about having campaign buttons made with your picture and slogan on them? You will probably have to give a speech so you should work on that, too. Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Tasuki,
oh, Tasuki-sama ... I saw the Exorcist a couple days ago ... o_O KOWAI! sniffsniff and now I have to sleep with my lava lamps on cuz I'm afraid of the dark, but I'm still so tired cuz I'm freaking paranoid ... so ... tired ... Tasuki-sama ...*falls asleep*
Dear Moon,
That's whatcha' get fer goin' to see scary movies. *Tucks her into her bed.*
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