Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Tamahome,I'm Richard Andrew Paredes from the Philippines.I'm 16 years old. I am really a Fushigi Yuugi addict and,as a matter of fact,I watched the 52-episode series for 2 times now.I just wrote to ask about some questions:
Tamahome,how long did you grow out your hair? How did you ponytail it? Did you include the front part of your hair(I.e. the bangs)? I'm asking because I also wanted to ponytail my hair.By the way,I also wanted to ask advice from you.Long hair is forbidden from our school but I really wanted to grow it.What should I do? Should I cut it? or just let it grow?
My cousin Carol is also asking if there are any complete vhs tapes of the 52-episode series of Fushigi Yuugi together with the 2 oav's.How much would it cost? You know,you're my favorite character. Oh,well,by the way,what do you tie your ponytail with? Thanks and good day!
Richard Andrew D. Paredes
Dear Richard,
It took me several years to grow my hair that long. When I tie it back I do not include my bangs. I use a 3-4 leather thongs (thin strips of leather) to tie it back. If long hair is forbidden at your school, I suggest that you follow their rules until you are no longer a student there and can do as you wish. It would be a shame to take the time to grow your hair long only to be found out and have to cut it off!
Pioneer has put out the complete VHS (and soon DVD) 52 episode set of Fushigi Yuugi. I don't know how much it would cost in the Philippines. I have heard rumors that they will also put out the 2 OVA series as well. Thanks for saying i'm your favorite! *Smiles*
Dear Tamahome,
I really, really like you. You're the best When I first saw you I already knew there was something inside of you. Something i thought that i would never find. Tamahome of mine. Thogh you're just a cartoon character, I really fell on you. Even my best friend Cleniza have a crush on You. Tamahome, you're my obsession. Even if i can't watch all the episodes of Fushigi Yuugi because we don't have cable anymore, I just ask my fiends what happened. Anyways, I just want you to know that I love you. I like both of you(Miaka). You are really compatible. Even if I get jealous a little bit.
Dear Alexa,
Arigato for your kind words. It's not too often that one of my fans actually LIKES Miaka! *Smiles*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*cough cough* Ahem... *eyebrow twitches in fury* after hours of going through your archives (unfortunatly, I was stupid enough to start from the first letters you recieved from 1998 or who knows when), I finally found the link to the "Ask the Gundam Pilots Page" only to find the link *eyes glow with fire" BROKEN!!! And so, with my wisedom of all ages, I went to the google web search, hoping to find a similar page, and low and behold *eyebrow twitches again* the only one was the EXACT same link... I need that link! I feel so vulnerable... *looks around, eyes land on Nuriko* YOU! WHAT ARE YOU LOOKIN' AT?! *runs over to Hotohori and hugs onto him* Oh, Zechs... I feel so... Hey, YOU'RE NOT ZECHS!!! *sobs* Oh, my head... Everything's spinning around so fast... *sigh* Sorry. *clamps onto Tasuki's arm to atempt from falling down, but instead, when she falls, she drags Tasuki with her* ouch... *sits indian-style on the ground, right o
n top of Tasuki* Chichiri, maybe you could help transport me to a similar page... *goes kawaii SD* pweez??? *pouts* And in all the "Ask the" pages I've been to, they don't update... Um, I guess I better give you a heads-up about my friends who also go to the "Ask the" pages that I do, just in case you see them so you'll know who they are (keep in mind that they are all different people, we just have a similar name loop so we recognise eachother):
Kayoria/Neko-kay: (me) seen at Ask the cast of Final Fantasy VII, Ask the Suzaku Seishi, Ask the Seiryuu Shichisenshi, and Ask the bandits of Mt. Reikaku (married to Zechs Merquise)
Zechs Merquise: seen at same pages as above (afraid of Tasuki, married to Kayoria)
b>Wai wai Kayoria: seen at Ask the cast of Final Fantasy VII (likes Reno, fight's with Neko-kay over who'se better, Cloud or Reno)
Kayoria's ghost: seen at Ask the Suzaku Seishi (Neko-kay's best friend, likes to pick on Tamahome ^^;)
Tomo no Miko: seen at Ask the Seiryuu Shichisenshi (likes Tomo)
NKai-chan: seen at Ask the cast of Final Fantasy VII (buggs Sephiroth about being her man)
I hope this clears up any confusion between you and the rest of the seishi.
Dear Neko-kay,
If the Gundam site is down there is nothing we can do about it. Gomen. Thanks for the warning, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
I was so so so so so stupid... you know what I did? It was during biology class, and this girl was having this make-up test, and she asked me to help her. And I actually did! I even looked things up for her.. because I couldn't say no.. And mine helping her was almost so very obvious to the teacher, but she just didn't say anything about it.. what do you think this means? I just feel so stupid for helping her. I feel.... so guilty. Grrr.. and then my friend saw me helping her, she was like, "Why'd you do that?" I said.. "I am just really dumb." She said, "no," and thought for a second, "you couldn't say no right..? You're too nice."
Dear anonymous,
She's right! Yer too nice! Stop that!
Dear Tasuki,
'Ello there you! Guess who? Yes, it's me again! I have a request to make of you: One of my friends, Geo, doesnt believe me when I tell him that you are, in fact, a guy. He believes the opposite to be true (I dont even dare say it) Could you please try to convince him otherwise? Thanks! *kiss* I love you!!!!
Dear Krazie-chan,
An' jus' how am I s'pposed to do THAT??
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I had so much fun! As for your question, I didn't even see ANY Seiryuu seishi there! Gah. However I DID get my pic taken with Nuriko and Tamahome. Chichiri was there too! ^_^ No Tasuki, Mitsukake, Hotohori, or Chiriko though. *sniff* There were a lot of Miaka's though. ^.^ I'd have to say that the Chichiri costume was best. It would be difficult to do his bangs though! It was just lots of fun! I dressed as Duo from Gundam Wing! I was surprised there were only 2 other Duo's there. Lots of GW characters. Wufei hugged me! O_O Scary... But there should've been more Fushigi Yuugi characters! Hmmmm... *is plotting her next costume* A vote! Who do you all think I should be? ^_~ I wonder if I could get my bangs to stand up... X_X
Dear Inuyasha,
I'm glad that you had a good time, no da! How about Chiriko, no da? The hair is easier to do, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
Hi Nuriko-san! I decided to write you today. Ok, so I'm sitting in school right now and I'm bored out of my mind. We're supposed to be typing up papers but I've already finished mine and now have nothing to do. I wanna go home. I'm so tired today. Guess what, I'm in a fight with my ex-bf. Yup yup. It's been a month since we broke up and now he's starting things with me. See, I kinda didn't tell him everything when I broke up with him. It was only one thing that wouldn't hurt him if he didn't know. Anyways, one of my friends who knew the whole story though I had told him and it was one of those "Oh, I thought you knew" things. Well, he wrote me a mean note and is just being a jerk now. What should I do?
Jeeze I still have 25 minutes left of class. Y'know what sucks? Our school computers won't let us go to personal websites so I can't access most of my fanfic sites. No fair! Ja ne!!! *gives Nuriko a hug*
Kat Winner
Dear Kat,
If he's your ex-boyfriend why not just ignore him? Unless you were still friends and want to remain friends? In that case, the two of you need to talk.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
If you can go any to a place you dream of but you know you can't go there where wil it be? *smiles*
Hibarrano Tenshi
Dear Hibarrano Tenshi,
Nani?!?!? *All of them look confused...*
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
*walks slowly out of the darkness and into the warm sun* Hi *smiles* So you think I am a little kid hu! well ok ... Hino Tenshi Is in better luck than me.... *walks right by and keeps walking till She is in darkness*
Hibarrano Tenshi
Dear Hibarrano Tenshi,
OK, my mistake. I guess yer all in High School, right? But yer all still younger than me! So that still makes ya' all kids.
Dear Chiriko,
I am waiting for my friends come over to my house before we go to school. They take so long. If you can go any where where would it be? I would like to be with you guys. bye Je Na
Hibarrano Tenshi
Dear Hibarrano Tenshi,
The Library at Alexandria. But, unfortunately it no longer exists.
Dear Nuriko,
HI I want to know what you said what does Kirei hana desu ni! mean? What do you do for fun when you can get out side and do things? I love going outside I don't like be inside all day. ok Je Na
Hibarrano Tenshi
Dear Hibarrano Tenshi,
I like to get out and go clothes shopping. "Kirei hana desu ne" means "it's a beautiful flower".
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
hi u guys!i baked some pecan tarts for all of ya^_^*gives the seishi pecan tarts*u guys can give this to Cna also and don't worry cuz my baking specialties aren't inherited from Miaka ^.~
Dear Usagi-pon,
Oishii desu yo!!! Arigato!! Can you teach Miaka to bake like this?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*Doc-sama looks up after hearing horses and wagons coming through the woods* It looks like someone finally decided to join the fun!!! Kelli!!!, Iridal!!! Houki and Boushin are here!!!
*Doc walks up to Houki's wagon* Good Evening Imouto, I'm glad you've dressed in working clothes for this. Boushin-chan, I'm glad to see you again. You look like your Papa in those clothes. ;D Guess what hon, on this land your Papa's solid ;D Go ahead baby, glomp him good..
*Boushin runs to his Papa, who is currently talking to his Uncle Tasuki, and glomps onto his Papa's solid leg* PAPA!!! You're here!! You're really here!!!! *Boushin tears up with joy*
*Doc looks back at Houki who is tearing up herself* C'mon Sis let's get these tents set up, I'll talk Ryuen into some babysitting for a few days. You can spend some time with your Hori.. *Doc gets a look from Houki* Girl, you gave birth to his son, and you're ruling Konan until he's old enough to do it on his own. You have the same right as Watase-sensei and her assistants have in calling him Hori...
Hey Ryuen!!! Juan!! Could you guys help us unload this camping gear??
Dear Doc-sama,
Hai! *Nuriko gives Doc-sama a kiss on the cheek and then he and Mitsukake start unloading the wagons.*
Dear Hotohori,
*sigh* It is so hard being royalty, ne? All your loyal fangirls running at you from all sides just to get a taste of what it's like to be royal. So many of them think that I don't already have a love of my own. *sigh. nodds towards bed where Neko-kay is fast asleep* She's only fifteen, but I love her so much. I apologize if she is a bit annoying, but she loves all of you like the brothers she never had. I guess that's why I'm writing to you, Hotohori-sama. You must be one of the few bishonen out there who really understands what it means to have the responcibility of rule on your shoulders and still have the duty of caring for a beautiful wife. *sigh* I envy you. Neko-kay has been a bit wild lately. Fortunatly for you, your wife is less hyper then my dear Kayoria... (unfortunatly there are two Kayoria's, her and her best friend, so for the organization of things, the Kayoria who stole Tamahome's okane will be now known as Kayoria's ghost...) Ah well. I actually did have a few questions for you. Let's see if I can remember all of them...
1. Since Neko-kay and I don't yet have children and you do, could you give me a bit of help? Are children all that much of a nucence? My mother-in-law certainly thinks so...
2. If it's a boy, were planning on naming him Hotohori, but if it's a girl, were planning on naming her Kourin. Would you or Nuriko mind at all?
3. Kayoria's sixteenth birthday is on April 24th, and I'm trying to plan ahead so, do you think maybe you could help me to do something special for her, if it's not too much trouble, that is...
4. This question is actually for Tasuki, but he kind of scares me, but, does Tasuki know any good jem dealers? Him being a bandit, I thought maybe he would know.
5. Have you ever concidered becoming a royal ambassador for your country? I hear someone in your time is considering holding a few meetings about stuff like that, and I thought I would give you a heads up.
6. I completely didn't understand the episode Wolves in the Stronghold. Could you or another seishi explain that one too me?
Thank you for your time and patience...
*sigh* Oh, and please don't think it's sick that a nineteen year old prince married a fifteen year old girl. We had a pre-nuptual agreement made...
Zechs Merquise
Dear Zechs,
Here are all your answers:
1) I don't think that children are that much of a nuisance. Of course, Houki does take care of Boushin as I am unable to.
2) Not at all. We'd be honored.
3) I suppose. It depends on what you have in mind. Please remind me when it is closer to her birthday.
4) Not really. You could say that Tasuki is an "independent gem dealer"... *sweatdrops*
5) It is not my place to be an ambassador. I already have ambassadors.
6) What is it you don't specifically understand about the episode?
Dear Hotohori,
well ,Ytoushi does have a shrine 4 u but i dunno if it is real or maybe he dreams to make one.i might tell him much later cuz he'll be really crushed and i have to pay if i ask him a question.he might not believe me.
Dear joy-chan,
OK. I'd hate to have anyone hurt because of me.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*pops up* Glad ta hear you guys took good care of CNA! Tell her I'm glad she's feeling better! *hugs them* Oh and, *gives Chichiri an extra hug* Give that to CNA for me! Ja!
Dear Kosei,
Arigato!! I'll make sure she gets it, no da!
Dear Mitsukake,
Dear Neko-kay,
HAI! HAI!! No need to yell at me.
Dear Tasuki,
How's CNA? Is she still coughing and sneezing a little? Tell her to rest more, 'cause if you get sick, then get better, then do regular stuff, you get sick again real easily. Okay, bye now.
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
She's feelin' much better now! Thanks fer askin'!
Dear Chiriko,
A..ano.. ano.. neko is pronounced as "neh-ko"
Dear baka-chan,
I've also heard it pronounced that way. I would guess both ways are valid.
Dear Tasuki,
~_~; Me and Ryan haven't talked for almost a week now, thank god, I guess we both got tired of each other. And I never liked him, my friend thinks he has no heart....
So tell me, what gender do you like better? hehe. ^_~
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Fer what?? *Grins*
Dear Chiriko,
I knew what Hiroshima was about, but I just wanted to know if you knew anything about it was all.
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Oh! I guess I did.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
any ideas on how i could find myself a muse? i really really need one.
Dear saralady,
They usually appear when you least expect them...
Dear Chiriko,
How are you today? I am glad you like the Rose! ^_^ Here is something I thought you would like *hands him a book about dancing and Dances* You told me you never been to a dance. Maybe after you are done reading it you hold a Dance there. Just saying you know. well Bye
Hibarrano Tenshi
Dear Hibarrano Tenshi,
Arigato! I shall read it right away!
Dear Tasuki,
I am not 13 or something Hino Tenshi Is as old as me maybe a year older. AAAaaaaaaahh! I can't stand it I can't tell you but I can't stand it. It is breaking my heart. *walks away not looking back*
Hibarrano Tenshi
Dear Hibarrano Tenshi,
Gomen, I thought ya' were both kids.
Dear Tasuki,
*pouts* u didn't answer this question >>>r u really really Iridal's husband or are u both joking/fooling around(either way).*starts a giggling spree*gomen about asking u if u are 39.i jus added 19 and 20 and the sum was 39 :p if u are 19, isn't ur "aisai" 2 years older than u(she said she is 21 or was it 22?hmmmm)?anywayz it doesn't matter how old u are ,it matters how much u love each other.did what i jus say sound stupid*shrugs*^-^*holds up two fans*hooray 4 Tasuki^o^
Dear joy-chan,
Check my answer to Foenix.
Dear Hotohori,
*Blinks* You know...there's some things you don't say even if you're joking. I just thought of something. o.0
WHEE!!! Anywhoo! Hotohori? What would you do for a Klondike Bar? O.o Dun ask..i'm bored...u.u;;...
Dear Relena,
Ano... what's a Klondike bar?
Dear Mitsukake,
^-^ Hello there Mitsukake!
I haven't started working on any Fushigi Yuugi fanfics lately, so don't worry! I'm in the middle of Ranma 1/2, Gundam Wing, and a huge Fanfic project at the same time, so I don't really have time to torture you guys yet! *laughs* Kidding... Or am I? *grins evilly*
Brrr! it's getting cold inside! x-x
I love fleece jumpers *.* Anywhoo... Gotta go bug the other Sei! (Seishi)
Relena the annoying yet again
Dear Relena,
Ano... have fun?
Dear Hotohori,
Ow ai ne! The emperor of konan! *swoons* Allow me to introduce myself. I am known as Kurai no Tenshi ^_^ You may know my friend Kosetsu no Tenshi or Hi no Tenshi. Well Kosetsu no tenshi, i'm sure you know, has a crush on you. But it can't compare to my adoration ^_^ *blushes* I hope i've not been too forward... But Hi no Tenshi told me of where i could find you, and here you are... Well i'll not embarass myself or you any more.... ^_~
Kurai no Tenshi
Dear Kurai no Tenshi,
Arigato for your kind words. *Smiles at her*
Dear Tasuki,
ergh . . . do you have good handwriting?? i'm having a lot of trouble with my kanji lesson tonight . . . hmph. hotaru-sensei is mean! ^^ j/k. oh, wait. i think you told me before that you've only been in a school once, right? *snicker* *looks back at her kanji lesson* *sweatdrops* you're really lucky, ya know. ^^;
Dear Moon,
I;m a *(^%$#@ bandit!!! Whaddya' think? *Grins* Here ya' need to do it like this... *Makes a horrible kanji-fied mess...*
Dear Tamahome,
No! When you were going to go rescue Miaka and whoop Suboshi! You were jumpin` through like, a highway! What were you thinking?!
Dear Keiko,
That her life was in danger and I needed to save her.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
How do you get a guy to kiss you? (short of asking him I mean) (I'm asking to know how a girl would tempt you into kissing them, not implying that you all kiss other guys or anything!)
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
*They all sweatdrop and look uncomfortable...* Ano, we really don't knwo, no da. I suppse we'd just have to like her alot, no da. Or she would have to let us know by her smile and body language that she WANTS to be kissed, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey her this is for every one *hands them a rose and gives them a hug* Ok, have you ever liked some one you talked too? You know like you wished you can see them and spend time with them , but you can't. I wished I could. *smiles and blushes* opps *waves red blond hair in face* well bye.
Hibarrano Tenshi
Dear Hibarrano Tenshi,
Well, ew wish we could meet ALL of our fans and spend time with them in the Real World. Arigato for the roses.
Dear Mitsukake,
Hello Mitsukake! *wave* How are you doing? Remember me, the psychopath who just LOVES to bother the love of my life, Tasuki? *bats eyes and falls out of seat* well then, now that we've reestablished that connection... ^_^;;;
A guy asked me out!!!!!! Remember me saying that i didnt think any guy could ever like me? Well, this one apparently does...You wouldn't happen to have any potions to scare away guys, would you? Just out of curiosity...not that I would necessarily, er, use it or anything...teehee... *merrily frolicks into a nearby shrubbery and dies* *revived by kitty* Tama?... *blacks out* (yet again!) *invisible friend grabs a bottle of sake and goes to get drunk in Krazie's place*
the ever invincible, Krazie-chan
P.S. Please excuse the fact that the last part of this makes absolutely no sense whatsoever, as I am high on life at the moment
Dear Krazie-chan,
*Smiles* Omedeto gozaimasu on your first date!
Dear Hotohori,
Bush or Gore?
Dear baka-chan,
Dear Tasuki,
*halflcrying* I'm soooooo sorry Tasu-chan!!!! I honestly thought that you had an olympic mascot!!!!!!!!
WAAAAHHH! *sniffle* oh well, the red/orange one is still gonna be Tasuki as far as I'm concerned!
Shrinemaiden Keisei
Dear Shrinemaiden Keisei,
Don't cry! Don't cry!! It's ok!! I fergive ya'! *Grins and hugs her*
Dear Hotohori,
*Points her telescope at the moon and zooms in* Look quick; the moon travels fast. ;-) Did you know that Hotohoriboshi is a moon station? The seven "moon stations" of the south were determined by the position of the moon in the night sky. Could be another reason why your constellation's stars are not all part of Hydra. Ooh, I'm starting to sound like a teacher. -_-;
Dear Hoshi,
But, I find it very interesting, arigato. *Smiles*
Dear Tasuki,
Neko-kay: Um, I'm very sorry for gettin' upset at Irichan. I'm sure she's a good person. I guess I simple started hangin' 'round this site at the wrong time. Maybe I shoulda come earlier so I wouldn't be so confused. Oh, and tell Irichan that since I'm married to Zechs, maybe I could learn to be her friend. ^.^ *sighs as Zechs drags her away from the sight for temporary insanity*
Zechs: Sorry, Tasuki. This girl's letters are gonna be preread by yours truely before they're sent to prevent any... *shlap!* OI! How the Deathscythe H*ll did you get out of your chains?
Neko-kay: *fanged grin. simontaneously enters Xellos mode* Now that is a secret!
Zechs: *sweatdrop* Whatever...
Zechs Merquise, temporarily writing on behalf of Neko-kay
Dear Zechs,
Heh-heh-heh... Looks like ya' got yer hands full... *Smirks*
Dear Mitsukake,
Ah, Mitsukake-san, will you heal my "ow-ie"? @_@; It stings real bad, and the band-aid Chichiri suggested didn't help. I even washed it with peroxide, but it still hurts... (from now on I'm gonna handle my hailisen with gloves)
Dear Neko-kay,
Paper cuts always do. You really need to be more careful. I can heal you but it won't carry over into the Real World.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Ano, gomen minna. I can't help but love writing to all you guys... And guess what!? Kayoria and me was talkin' 'bout teeth at lunch (although I don't quite understand how we got on that subject), and all o' a sudden she sayes I have fangs like Tasuki's! OK, so what if my K-9 are longer and pointer that normal... Ah well *fanged grin*. You may not get written to as much now, since I've discovered (thanks to you) Write to the Seyiuu (shimatta, I hope I spelled that right) Seishi and write to the Mt. Rekkaku bandits! WAI WAI GENKI! I feel like a little rat, writing to the entire cast of Fushigi Yuugi. And I made sure to clear up with Nakago that he is an @$$.
Dear Neko-kay,
We're glad that you're having fun with the rest of the FY cast!
Dear Tasuki,
umm, genrou, since when did you get married, seeing that girls would get you into trouble and all. A wife would really get you into trouble. And is this your real wife or am I behind in my FY knowledge and missed the manga or book where you got married??? Still think yer sexy though.
***kisses tasuki on the cheek***
Dear Foenix,
In th' reality of th' humble cyber abode an' on this peeji Iri-chan is my aisai. Thanks!
Dear Nuriko,
HI !! It is all my pleasure to talk with you.I am the one of the fans of the FUSHIGI YUUGI and among the many characrters of this animation ilke you very much. Because of the same type of the living style.Almost of my friends tell me that I'm quite look like you but I don't think its true because you are so beautiful and you had a great master THE EMPEROR HOTOHORI aren't you? But there is only one thing that I can't understand is in the animation , didn't you die!!??WOO, its very surprise that you are reading my email ,I mean massage.BYE THE WAY, U'm your fan and iwant to make afriend with you.
Lynx Freecss
Dear Lynx,
Arigato for your kind words! Of course we can be friends. *Smiles*
Dear Tasuki,
Oi oi, I found the 'Ask the Gundam Pilots' link and it said they couldn't find the page. *pouts* Darn. Ok so I was wondering, what do you want for Christmas? I figure since I'm your fangirl I should get you something. Odd question, ne? Also, is there a website where you can become official an aisai? Did I even spell that word right? Oh well. My, my, I'm full of questions. *gives Tasuki the rest of her Halloween candy* Here, I can't have this. I have a dentist appointment tomorrow and I can already tell that he'll just make me stop eating chocolate. *gives him a bottle of sake* Heh, just in case you're not a chocolate person
Kat Winner
Dear Kat,
There ain't no official site that taht I know of. Whadda I want fer Christams?? Hmmmm.... *Thinks about it...* I dunno!! How about a jello-free 2001? Thanks fer th' sake an' chocolate!
Dear Tasuki,
*peels himself off the floor and grins* I'm fine Genrou!
*stands up and takes out some sake* I already brought the goods! *hands a bottle to Genrou and patts him roughly on the back* So...what ya' been up to?
I know how ya' feel sort of! All these women all hangin' all over ya'! I had to capture about five different girls who like came upon the stronghold! One even wanted to be captured! Nuts! Man, what happened when life was easier.... *reflects and takes sip*
Hey, remember when you first came to the mountain, and I kicked your @$$ a lot? *chuckles as he pinches Tasuki in the cheek* Remember now??!
Kouji the great
Dear Kouji the smashed,
I see ya' STILL can't hold yer sake like I can! *Takes a drink... Whacks him in the head with the tessen.* I sure do bro'! Those were th' days, ne? *Punches him hard in the arm.... fanged grin...*
Dear Nuriko,
Nuriko-sama!!!!! *runs in exitedly and trips and lands on her face* Owie! *gets back up and hugs Nuriko* Remember me? ^_^; I feel so guilty for not writeing to you more often! But anyways, I found a girl who did this really kawaii drawing of you!!!!! Check it out! Look at her other drawing, the're so great! *hugs Nuriko* Well, my work here is done, See ya later! *runs out makeing sure not to trip again*
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
Careful! I tried to view her pictures, but he link is broken, gomen.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Yay! I went to my first anime convention! It was fun! I got my picture taken with a bunch of seishi too! ^_^
Dear Inuyasha,
We're glad to hear you had such a great time! So was it Suzaku of Seiryuu Seishi you posed with?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
WAI WAI, YOU GUYS ARE BACK! COOL COOL COOL^_^ So how's CnA? Is she better? Why don't you help her get well, Mitsukake-san?
a happy Mal
Dear Mal,
Chichiri no Aijin is doing MUCH better. The reason I didn't heal her is that she refused it, since it drains my life energy and all she had was the flu, nothing life threatening.
Dear Hotohori,
should i tell Ytoushi that you have a wife and a son cuz i don't think he knows dat yet and he's in looooooooooooooovvveeeee with u!or do you like the admiration he has for u*shrugs*i jus need your opinion if i should break the news or not.
Dear joy-chan,
If you think it will help him get on with his life, then by all means, please do so.
Dear Tasuki,
Do you like guys more or girls more? ^__^
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
More than what? More than you like Ryan? *Winks and grins.*
Dear Chichiri,
Do you think in "No da"s?
Dear Hoshi,
*Looks at her with a bemused smile...*
Dear Tasuki,
Oh....i see... so.. you aready have a aisai hum?.. *sigh* O.k..just want to know.. *Look alittle disappointed* Is she nice???Is she nice to you?Is she cute?
Franny chan
Dear Franny chan,
I think so! *Fanged grin*
Dear Chiriko,
Hi! How are you doing? Remember me? I'm the one who came up behind you and then kissed you ^.^;;;; sorry, i know it was....uncalled for.I'll just give you a hug this time. Oh yeah! and here's a little Mizuno Ami plushie for you! A while back you said she was your favorite sailor senshi. I wish I could be as smart as you and Ami. ^.^ well, see youlater! :::hugs him and blushes::: bye
Dear becky-chan,
Arigato! *Hugs her back*
Dear Tasuki,
TAS-CHAN!!!hello!this is my really really stupid question 4 u but who cares!anywayz...if Iridal WASN'T ur aisai, who would u like or loooooove(like that's gonna b possible)?r u really really Iridal's husband or are u both joking/kidding(either way doesn't matter).but.... u 2 r such a kyute couple if u 2 are not kidding................kay called u an @$$?!i'm so sorry 4 dat*bowbowbow*and wat's ur age now?r u 17,19,20,39 ^o^(u don't look old if ur 39 now but i'm jus kidding about dat)?pleez don't tell me ur age in the manga or OAVs cuz i already know.PLEEZ ANSWER THIS LETTER CUZ MY INSANITY WON'T LAST ANY LONGER!!!!!
Dear joy-chan,
I dunno if I would have an aisai if there were no Iridal. But, I'm glad ya' approve of her! *Grin* I'm 19 now. Where'dya get th' idea I was 39???????
Dear Chiriko,
hello agian *hands him a purple Rose* It is your fav. I missed talking to you. Why does Tasuki think I am a kid? oh well. I hurt my foot realy bad on Friday and it still hurts I am going to the doc soon to see what it is up with it! Have you ever hurt you foot before? *waves in Sd From* Bye
Hibarrano Tenchi
Dear Hibarrano Tenchi,
I'm sure I have injured my foot sometime in the past. I hope you'll be ok. Arigato for the rose! It's beautiful!
Dear Chiriko,
how do you say 'neko'?
Dear ccs,
Cat? It's pronounced 'nay-ko'.
Dear Nuriko,
Thank you so much for saying you would take me to the Dance! *gives him a hug, and hands him a rose on fire* It won't brun you. *smiles* Thanks again
Hibarrano Tenchi
Dear Hibarrano Tenchi,
You're very welcome! Kirei hana desu ne!
Dear Tasuki,
I've missed you so much!*Gives him a hug* Why do you think I am a kid?*lookes at him with the death look* What is you fav. Flower? I love Red roses. Hino Tenchi wants to kill someone. *looks around for her* ok I will go now.*gives him a big smile and waves in SD from*
Hibarrano Tenchi
Dear Hibarrano Tenchi,
I don't have a favorite flower. I dunno why I think yer a kid. I jus' do. Ain'tcha' like 13 or somethin'? Thanks fer th' rose!
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki! Now Kosetsuno Tenshi is makeing Hotohori think I'm mean and evil! It's not fair! I'm nice and sweet and loveable, arn't I? *eyes get big and sparkely*.........heheheh ^^;;; Besides she was the one who wanted thoughs stupid wings anyway, Oh well. How is CnA? Is she feeling better? I heard you guys didn't get to go trick-or-treating *hands Tasuki a big bag of cheap Halloween candy* Make sure you share with everyone! ^^;
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
Arigato! I will! CnA's feelin' better. Thanks fer askin'. I'd say yer a nice tenshi... *Ruffles her hair...*
Dear Tamahome,
Tsk tsk. When you were in Miaka's world, you sure were causing lots of car crashes! What do you hafta say fer yerself, Obake-chan?!
Dear Keiko,
I was? I don't remember driving... You mean the battle? Talk to Nakago! It's his fault he started it! He invaded Tokyo!
Dear Chiriko,
*raises eyebrow* Riiiiight...*grin* I forgive ya! ^^
Dear Keiko,
You do? Arigato! *Smiles*
Dear Tasuki,
well, if it's any consolation, i didn't go trick-or-treating either. i stayed home, dressed up as a fairy, and handed out candy to all of the 9 people that came. can you believe that?? only NINE?!?! *cough* ^^: okay, well anyway, 3 of them were some of my guy friends from my old school ... ^^ i was wearing my fairy costume (just a really skimpy snake-skin pattern dress and wings) i felt so stupid. oh well. ^^: but we had a lot of fun at school, cuz they actually let people dress up!!! *evil grin* and we had a contest for the best costume, and my friend got 2nd place! he went as a bag of leaves! :)
Dear Moon,
Sounds like fun! A bag of leaves! Now, THAT'S creative!
Dear Tasuki,
*Doc checks for open cuts on Tasuki's scalp* You've got a pink spot, but it should go away soon. Be careful when you tick off Kelli.. bad things can happen to you.
Shun'u I have a favor to ask you. I've invited Houki and Boushin to this little party. I'm hoping for Boushin to learn that it's not shameful to learn how to connect to his people. I was hoping you could teach Hotohori how to become a master craftsman. Yes I know he has higher status than you..Or HAD higher status. He kinda lost the throne when he died on the battlefield. If you tell him that it's to improve the lives of the people of Konan, he'll do it. Okay.. I'll talk to him about it.
Thanks Shun'u :) *gives him a hug*
Dear Doc-sama,
ITAI!!! Be careful wouldja'? "che! Crazed woman an' her stupid jello... Sure I'll talk to Hotohori fer ya'!
Dear Tasuki,
Ok, so I read a letter from Iri to you and she said she afraid the fangirls might gang up on her. Well, just to make both of ya feel better, I won't. Well, just so long as she doesn't infringe on my 'Tasuki's official fangirl' status. Good compromise, ne? I wouldn't want you to be upset with me anyways. See, I'm a GOOD fangirl. Well, most of the time anyways. Oi, do you know if there's any 'Ask the Gundam Wing pilots' sites? I wanna go bug Q-chan and Tro-kun.
Guess what? I gots to babysit today and the little girl is a complete maniac. I don't even get paid for it! See, my mom is in a play with the girl's dad and he needs a babysitter for when they do the play and stuff. My mom, being the kinda-hearted woman she is, said I'd do it for free. *pouts* No fun. Oi, I sent you another letter but it never got posted. I guess with so many letters you can't post 'em all though. I really wish I could remember what I said. Oh well.
Hey! This is really long! Well, too long probably. Anyhoo, I guess I'll stop now. *hugs Tasuki* Ja ne!
Kat Winner
Dear Kat Winner,
I don't remember th' address fer th' Gundam Wing site but it was in one of th' letters in th' recent archives. Ya' might wanna check there. Thanks fer not pickin' on Iri-chan! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Hotohori,
Hello Hotohori! ^-^ You know, there's a webpage shrine for you and Miaka together called reverent Passion that's a sister link to Ai No Yuugi. n.n Just felt like telling you that? 0.o ^-^
Relena the ever bugging >.>
Dear Relena,
Arigato for informing me of the site.
Dear Tasuki,
HI HI TASUKI!!!! ^-^ Guess what? I'm writing this fanfic with you, miaka, and Taiitsu-kun in it! But it has tons of other fanfic characters too! Wheee! ^-^ And hehehehehe...I'm the hostess of the show you come on in the fanfic... n.n
And I wrote a You Know You Love Tasuki Too Much When list thing for fun cause I was bored one day! And I'm going to write one for Chichiri too soon n.n Tell him that ^-^
The site it's on is :
Go to Fushigi Yuugi: Character Shrines: Tasuki Shrine: and then the YKYLTTMW list n.n
And I have a second webpage now too, that I'm going to put all of my fanfiction on now! ^-^ Wheeeee!!! Sorry...I'm hyper Tasu Tasu Shish Boom Ba! YAY! new nikki name for ya! *laughs*
Dear Relena,
Interestin' peeji's ya' got there. An' can ya' jus' call me Tasuki or Genrou???
Dear Mitsukake,
Don't heal her!
Dear Neko-kay,
Too late... *Smiles*
Dear Mitsukake,
You have to help me! Neko-kay gave me a deathlock and I think she broke my neck! This was after I told her I would return Tamahome's money, but... Well, I kinda lost some of it, and the rest I spent on sake.
Kayoria's ghost (not related to Kayoria Katsunami)
Dear Kayoria's ghost,
*Cures her*
Dear Chiriko,
I'm sorry, but a friend of mine had a question for you. She goes by the name of Kayoria, mirriored after Kayoria Katsunami, and stole Tama-chans okane, which she is regretting right now. *nodds towards the friend she has in a deathlock* It's a science question about geneology. Can a single gene skip a generation? Like, say, for instance, Tasuki had 12 children, and each of their children had children, and so on, until the 5th generation, and none of them had red hair or had children with someone who had red hair, but all of a sudden, one of the kids born in the 5th generation has red hair. Is that possible? If not, that means my friend was adopted, 'cause, after 5 generations, she's the only one with red hair. Either that, or she really IS related to Gen-chan... *evil smirk*
Dear Neko-kay,
I do believe that it can skip generations. I also think that the gene for red hair is recessive and not dominant.
Dear Tamahome,
I stole your money. I'm one of Tasuki's old bandits. Bwahahahahaha! Moeru! Bwahahahahah! And I hid it on the internet so only I know where it is!
Kayoria's ghost (not related to Kayoria Katsunami)
Dear Kayoria's ghost,
Well, give it back!!!!!
Dear Chichiri,
Neko-kay: I'll answer yes or no da. Wai wai genki. *goes up to her shijun Zechs and slaps him over his brunette head with her immense halisen, which makes an okii 'shlap' sound*
Zechs: Oi, na ni?
Neko-kay: Hey, Zechs, dosen't Chichiri have the cutest voice?
Zechs: Yeah, whatever. *thinks to himself "just as long as she dosen't mess with my hair again...*
Neko-kay: Oi, Zechs, dosen't Chichiri have the cutest outfit?
Zechs: Yeah, whatever. *starts to get nervous*
Neko-kay: And dosen't he have the cutest hair 'do?
Zechs: EAAAAAAAAAAAAGH! *runs off screen screaming*
Neko-kay: Hn, I wonder what got into him! Oh, yeah. I've got a few questions for you...
1. What could you have been thinking when Hotohori scolded you for not looking as beautiful as he when you took his place? Were you a little upset at his narcicism?
2. Do you think you could get Mitsukake to heal my paper cut? I got it from my halisen...
3. Are you stronger/weaker/the same as Nakago as far as power goes? (Personally, I think you're stronger)
4. Where can I get a hat/cloak that will warp me places?
5. Do you know where I could buy some Fushigi Yuugi stuff? Preferable other than
Domo arigato gosiamus! *runs after Zechs with the Chichiri outfit she made him*
Dear Neko-kay,
*Watches the two of them and shakes his head...* Poor Zechs, no da...
Here are your answers, no da:
1) I wasn't pleased with his criticism, but that is how he is, no da.
2) If you were able to come to the humble cyber-abode I'm sure he would be able to, no da. Otherwise, use a band-aid, no da.
3) I am weaker, no da. But thank you for saying otherwise.
4) You can't no da. It's my powers that allow me tro travel not my kasa or my kesa, no da.
Check our links peeji for a link to an online anime store, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
hi!how are ya Tasuki,i'm just going to ask you a few questions:
1)do you have feelings for Miaka?
2)do you have a girlfriend in series 1?
3)what relationship do you have with Chiriko?
4)did Chiriko became a girl?
5)if she turned into a girl,would you have feelings for him?
6)do you really hate girls that much?
7)if no,what type of girl do you like?
these are all me questions so please answer them soon bye!^_^
Dear Leia-chan,
Here's all yer answers!
1) I love Miaka like a lil' sister!
2) I don't have no girlfriends at all.
3) He was kinda like th' lil' bro' I never had I guess. Other than that, he was a fellow Seishi.
4) I think ya' got him mixed up wit' Nuriko... *Gets punched into a wall by Nuriko...* ITAI!!!!!! 'Che! Some people ain't got no sense of humor! Anyway, Chiriko never became a girl an' neither did Nuriko.
5) NO!!! What are ya' weird or somethin'????
6) They're a big pain an' always get me in trouble!!
7) I guess I'd like a girl that wasn't weak, that wasn't whiney, an' that didn't get me in trouble nearly killed all th' time!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
TEE-HEE!!! TASUKI TASUKI TASUKI! *runs up to Tasuki and hugs him* GUESS WHAT!!!! HE LOVES ME!!!! *Dances around (NOT meaning Tasuki)* HE DOES HE DOES HE DOES!! I'M SO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*cackles insanely, then goes and hugs everyone* whee! Don't worry! You dont get picked on! I'll protect you with my author powers! I'm in such a happy mood today I feel like jumping off a skyscraper and flying! But then I'd fall, and well...
That wouldn't get me anywhere! SO WHEEE!! *hugs all of them again and gives them all a friendly, happy smile*
Dear Relena,
*All look confused...* Ano... is this Heero Yuy or a Real World young man you're talking about? Either way, we're happy for you, too!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
How does one kidnap a person who can forsee the near future. (note: time travel is not an option)
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
Very quickly, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Geez seem to be getting alot of flak about me lately... I'm afraid your fangirls might gang up and attack me one of these days...
Dear Iridal,
Don't ay' worry 'bout it! I'll protect ya'! *Fanged grin*
Dear Tasuki,
TASUKI!!!!!!!! *glomp* *turns toward CnA-sama* Daijoubu desu ka? I think all of you need some vitamin C! *hands oranges to CnA and the seishi* okay, so how was your halloween, tasuki? did you get lots of candy? or did you ask for sake at peoples' houses? heh heh heh ...
Dear Moon,
Arigato fer th' oranges! We would have but somebody was too sick to let us out... *Glares at Chichiri no Aijin who smacks him for being mean...* ITAI!! Guess she's feelin' better!
Dear Hotohori,
Hi!!! I'm sorry if I made you mad. I didn't mean to call Tasuki a fool. Anywayz, you should see what the Seiryuu seishi are saying about you guys. It's horrible. Hino Tenshi is following me and she gets mad at me a lot. So could you please protect me from her? Thank you. I would fight her myself but her wings of fire melt my wings of snow. Well, got to go. *Hugs and kisses him and then runs off*
Kosestuno Tenshi
Dear Kosestuno Tenshi,
I'll ask Tasuki to talk to Hino Tenshi. Gomen if I snapped at you earlier, but Tasuki is my friend and a fellow Seishi. AS to the Seiryuu Seishi... well I suppose they are a bit bitter... all things considered.
Dear Tasuki,
Hun?Who's your aisai?*Look at him with worry eyes*
Franny chan
Dear Franny chan,
Iridal is my aisai. I dunno why yer worried though.
Dear Chiriko,
*looks hurt* What do you mean, "What did you do to her now"?! I didn't do nothin` ta Washu! Even ask her!! Hmph!
Dear Keiko,
Gomen nasai! I didn't mean to hurt your feelings! I was just joking!
Dear Tasuki,
Neko-kay: Ano, Tasuki-chan, um, how would I ask him over for a study session when the only class we have together is PE? "Kurisu-sama, will you help me with my push-ups? I don't quite understand the concept of the whole thing..." Oh, guess what? I'm now officially Zechs' oku-san (yet another way to say wife)! If I can't have Hori-san, then I get the next best thing! *adds more brown hair dye to Zechs' scalp*
Zechs: You are all so lucky. This woman is a lunatic!*hangs head in defeat* The pain... Oh well. At least she's a good kisser...
Neko-kay: Zechsu-sama! That isn't for the senchi to know! Well, maybe one or two of them... *evil grin spreads across her face* Genki...
Zechs: Yeah. Tasuki, I was wondering, do you think I could borrow one of those little magic papers of yours, you know, to keep Neko-kay out of my hair... *drop of brown dye falls onto his nose* literally.
Neko-kay: It's your fault for mocking my love of Hotohori-san. Besides, because of you, I was burned by Tasuki. Poor boy. I bet he felt pretty bad. Besides, I think it's high time you tried something new with that mop of hair...
Zechs: Hey, Tasuki's the one with terrable aim... And I wasn't the one who made his tessen go berzerk! Of course, maybe I should tell him what I did to it earlier...
Neko-kay: Ano, Tasuki-chan? Zechs was very bad with your tessen, but please forgive him. He's the only husband I have...
Zechs: Oi, Tasuki? Ever wonder why your tessen has been smelling like grape jell-O? Hee hee hee...
Neko-kay: *whaps Zechs over now brunette head with her immense hailisen. Zechs is immediatly KOed.* So there. Gomen, Tasuki, for Zechu-sama's bad behavior.
P.S. About Kayoria Katsunami, she's, well, ME! That's right! We are one and the same...
Dear Neko-kay,
*Looks at her and Zechs and sweatdrops...* I think ya' two deserve each other. As fer th' guy in yer school why not jus' ask him if he'd like to join ya' fer lunch one day. An' if yer lunches ain't at th' same time time see if he'll go wit' ya' on th' weekend.
Dear Tasuki,
So, you liked the dolls? can we make MOORRREEEE?!?!?! Personally, I want to make all the seiryuu seishi. is there a site for asking the seiryuu seishi questions so we can send the dolls to them? what is it?
Dear Krazie-chan,
If ya' wanna make more, be my guest! Check out our Links Peeji fer th' link to th' Ask th' Losers... er... Ask th' Seiryuu peeji.
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