Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki do you still not like girls? Thats such a shame because I think you are so cool, cute , and funny. Oh well I was just wondering. I thought maybe you changed a little bit.
Dear Sakuya,
Nah, girls jus' get me in trouble!
Dear Tasuki,
@#$*&42$%@$!@$%@$$^%&^*$* my nerve's freakin out i have a friend here who (at unknown reason)and now he doesn't talk to me already! i wanna kick his but!!!!!$@#&^#$(^%&(%*(^%^%@$ what will i do?
Dear genroufan,
Calm down 'cos ya' ain't makin' no sense!
Dear Chiriko,
hi chiriko, what does kurama means? do you watch yu yu hakusho? it's also a great show like FY right?
kurama and chiriko fan
Dear kurama and chiriko fan,
I believe that it is just a name. I have seen some YuYu Hakusho OAV's and really liked it!
Dear Hotohori,
hello there, i have a little problem concerning my management on my classmates (i'm their president), you see i really don't wanna be a pres. but they nominated me and i won, now i think that i can't handle my job well, i'm afraid it might end in a misunderstanding or what. you're the emperor right? may be you could tell me what to do... i'm freaking out!!! help me...
hotohori jr.
Dear hotohori jr.,
You will need to give me some specific examples of where you are having leadership problems before I can advise you.
Dear Chichiri,
Hi no da! My site looks better than what I started want too see it no da?
Dear Deserae,
Hai, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
***runs and hugs tasuki so his eyeballs pop out***, Hi!! BTW, in the site of anime romance dedicated to you and Miaka >.<, if you go to the music hall, then to the song there is a link to the lyrics. Ohhh and what is an aisai? not sure on the spelling. My japanese is quite limited. You have a very sexy voice, Tasuki. wo ai ni
Dear Foenix,
Aisai means beloved wife in Japanese. Thanks fer th' nice complement!
Dear Hotohori,
Seriously, I don't think you can love Houki as much as you have loved Miaka or even more than that. You have known Houki in an extremely limited of time. First of all, being a friend to someone takes time, and if you're talking about love, love takes longer I think... But except for love at first site.
Dear baka-chan,
... There's always love at first sight... *smiles*
Dear Hotohori,
Hi!!!!!! It's me again!!! I know it's scary. Could you please keep Hino-chan away from me? She scares me. Well, gotta go. Love ya lots. Tell Hoki hi!
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
Which Hino-chan and why?
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki! They're following me! People that are in my fanfic. Hibarrano Tenshi and Kosetsuno Tenshi --; Hibarrano Tenshi(if you couldn't tell) likes you, and Kostesuno Tenshi has some sort of grudge against you (Don't ask me why) ^^; I finally posted the first chapter of my fanfic on my website. Tell CnA if she wants to read something hilarious to check it out ^^;;;;;;
Tasuki guess what! It's been almost a year since I started to come to this site! *jumps into his arms, blows a party horn, and throws conffeti in the air* Do you remeber one of my first questions? It was do you think I'm weird and you said you didn't know me well enough, well how about a now? *turns SD and hugs Tasuki*
YEAH!!!!!! Saturday I'm gona go to the Ren. fest.!!! and tomarrow I get to wear my costume to school because we're gona have a Halloween pep-ralley(not that I care about the pep-rally)Whoa, I've writen a lot, well see ya later *kisses him on the cheek*
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
*Gives her a hug.* A year?? Omedeto! Yeah, yer weird but in a good kinda way.
Dear Chichiri,
*going in suit with Yumi* And Maze has a good voice too, ne?
Shrinemaiden Keisei
Dear Shrinemaiden Keisei,
Hai, no da! *smiles...*
Dear Tasuki,
Suki, Tasuki, Leki and Noki wwere their official names. They're the olympic mascots for nagano!!!! Hmmmmmm, let's see...... The snOWLets look like they've been drawn like a 6-year-old, and are very cute!
*looks through notes* Waiddaminute..... NANI?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! THIS CAN'T BE!!!!!!!!!!! I WAS WRONG?????????? WHAT THE $*%w#) IS UP WITH THIS???? MY TEACHER TAUGHT ME WRONG??????????
Okay, this is strange...... Taiitsu no Miko, my teachers, and every kid in school said that the snOWLets names were Tasuki, SUki, Leki and Noki... but this article say that the names are "more or less, Toshio, Zendo, Akiro and .. *looks puzzled* Lenny?" WHAT THE #^)$'s up GUNDAMNIT!!!!!!
Shrinemaiden Keisei
Dear Shrinemaiden Keisei,
I dunno! Yer th' one that told me I was a mascot!
Dear Tasuki,
What! You mean I can't hope to see mini-Tasukis running 'round with a paper fan?
Dear Ellis,
Only in really warped fan-fics!
Dear Tasuki,
Seriously, why is Iridal your aisai? Why did you pick her from all the other fan girls?
Dear baka-chan,
Actually she picked me. An' I decided I was happy wit' her decision.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I have a bit of a problem and I was hoping that you might have a little advice to lend. It's kind of a long story, so get ready!
**sigh** I have a friend who I've known for many many years. We got along really well back when we were in high school. Well, I moved to college and am working part time and he didn't. We still talk some (especially on-line, as it is cheaper than long distance phone calls) but it's getting harder and harder.
You see, it would be fine and dandy that he didn't go to college. Except he can't seem to keep a job either. This is not good for his self-esteem. It makes it really hard to talk to him as it is always depressing. He also wants to blame the rest of the world for his problems and that's hard for me to deal with. It also makes him mad (I think) that I am going places (doing school, working, ect.) though he may not realize it. It makes me busy, so I can't talk to him as much, so when I do he makes sort of harsh comments ("You have no life and you never answer your d*** e-mails!). He puts up angry away messages sometimes. Some of this might be his weird sense of humor, but I can't tell. What he doesn't realize is that if I weren't so busy and if he weren't so down it would be easier to talk to him.
At this point I find myself isolating myself from him because it is SO draining to talk to him. But I want to help him! I want him to feel better but I don't know how to do it without being totally spent, becoming depressed myself, and feeling increadibly low in general. What should I do?
Dear B,
Perhaps next time you are in town you can make time to see him and hang out with him. If you already know when you'll be home include him in the planning of your time at home.
In the meantime, maybe you can just reassure him that he hasn't been forgotten. Send him an E-card or just call him up to say hello and to chat for a short time. Good luck!
Dear Chiriko,
Hey, I Have to go to scool today but I look forward to it. No I haven't seen that show, but I have to because you said it was good.I hope we become great friends. Have you ever been to a dance? I am going to one this week. What is your fav. flower? well got to go *gives a kiss on the top of your head* bye
HiBarrano Tenchi
Dear HiBarrano Tenchi,
I've never been to a dance. I hope you have fun at yours! I like purple roses.
Dear Tasuki,
I AM NOT A KID! well youknow HIno Tenchi yeah she goes to my school and we are yeah. See I am a Tenchi too but I am a outsider Tenchi. Hino is mad at the other Tenchi because she asked if you whould marry me. oh well in my dreams. *sits and looks up at tasuki.* What do you like people calling you? well got to go to school. :( bye I won't give you hugs you don't like them I will stay right here maybe you like that.
HiBarrano Tenchi
Dear HiBarrano Tenchi,
Ya' are to me! I like to be called either Tasuki or Genrou.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Yo, what's up Seishi? Boy, me watching too much football lately and thinking of making a Seishi FY football team! This is what happens when you can not sleep! Anyway, me like the Jets! Hahaha! Did you happen to catch that game?
Ok, I should get some sleep! But I can't get my mind off the Seishi playing football! Anyway, when you, if you ever visit Miaka's world, have you watched football and if so, who are your favorite teams?
I always go for the Redskins, but I'm liking the Jets! Anyway, if I do some sort of fic or pictures, maybe the Seishi would be the Konan Pheniox-or the Suzaku Pheniox-
The Seiryuu Dragons? Ok, me have too much time on my hands!
Just want to know if you have any favortie teams? I really am not into football actually, just came back from Colorado and that's all we did...was watch football! So I have football on the brain! I'm sort of sick of it, but just needed to ask you all! *gives Tasuki a hug* Hey, I missed YOU! *takes out her home made sake and hands it to him and Chiriko* I think you need some hair on your chest Chiriko! *takes a sip*
Oi, don't mind me, no sleep, can't sleep and felt like writing you all! So, what's up everyone? Is Hotohori ever going to leave his chicken suit or is he liking it more every time he wears it? *snickers*
I thought maybe Nuriko would dress up like Hotohori, Tamahome like a dollar bill, Mitsukake dresses up like Tama, Chiriko dresses up like Tasuki-can never have too many Tasuki's running around! ^_______^
And for Miaka, she can dress up like a donut? And Yeah, Chichiri would drive the white van and dress up like a secret agent?
That's what I had in my weird mind! And Nakago like Shirly Temple? *takes another sip of her sake* Anyone want any cake? *pulls out five-layered cake
Dear Avery,
Gomen, we don't watch football. Hotohori didn't seem to appreciate your copmment about his costume. It wasn't his choice, it was the artist's! Arigato for the cake, but if you're giving Chiriko sake we think it's time for you to get some sleep.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki! I'm happy now! I found a great show that fits my creepy personality!! Its on Fox Family Channel, and it's called The Scariest Places On Earth. Course, the scariest place on earth is my bed room.(I'm serious) It talks about haunted places...such as the Pine Berrans, a haunted light house, a big fortress outside of England(or was it Scottland?), and how it was where people were killed and stuff. (grin) It's a bomb show!! Hehhee...It may be a bit scary for someone like you, Tasuki. (just kiddin`!!)
Dear Keiko,
Sounds interestin'. Mebbe I'll try to watch it.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*Doc cleans up after Kelli had her venting episode* I had a few of those in school, at least none of the other foods were damaged. I hope you enjoyed the dinner nevertheless. *After she finishes cleaning up, Doc pulls out her plans for the main building* It'll be a multi-purpose room, from a picnic rain shelter to a refuge.
*points at the drawing* The foundation will be of stone and mortar of course. Since some of you gentlemen have previous experience. *Doc grins at the farm boys* I don't think you'll have much problem with the walls and roof.
Chiriko has brought a book on woodworking, so if you need an idea of what's going on you can read that. Then deal with applications later. Any questions?
Dear Doc-sama,
The dinner was great, no da!
Tasuki: But th' jello hurt like H*LL!!
Chichiri and Tasuki
Dear Chiriko,
No need to yell! I don't know of any sites off-hand. Minna-san, do you know where to find FY movie downmloads?
Dear Nuriko,
i really, realy like you! your so beautiful and handsome at the same time (which do you prefer), i wander if you could give me picture the one with your hair was already cut? please... you a great singer too!!!
Have you checked out Myrna-chan's site below? She has a wallpaper of me with short hair. Ariagto for your kind words!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
My goodness, is it October already? @_@;
I haven't been able to come here much because of high school. High school is very, very, VERY evil. But there is someone in my homeroom who loves Fushigi Yuugi! :D I have her phone number, but I have bad luck with phoning so when I tried to call her, her non-English-speaking grandmother picked up the phone and didn't understand a word I said. :P Not even mentioning her granddaughter's name. o.O;
Anyway, unfortunately, because of my bad luck with phone calls, I've only made one really good friend. Her name is Hanna. I'm sort of disappointed with her because she's always talking about her boyfriend, always going out nights, and is always going out on weekends. My mum keeps pressuring me to ask her to come over, but she's always busy. She told me we may be able to go out three weeks from now. -.-; The worst thing about it is, after December, she's moving to Colorado. I have talked to her about it, but she doesn't seem to try to make out some time to spend her remaining months with me. What do you think I should do?
On a lighter note, I re-started the Temple of Nuriko after shutting it down temorarily. I'm very proud of it. It's my prettiest page yet. ^_^;
So, sayonara, I'll try and keep up with the messageboard, and I'll keep overloading you with questions! *hugs and stuff* Hopefully this'll be the last break I take from this place. o_o
Dear Myrna-chan,
Don't worry too much about it. I'm sure you'll make other friends, no da. Welcome back! Nuriko really liked y9our site, no da!
Dear Tamahome,
Gomen ne, Tama? I only stole your money because I need to buy a UFO catcher doll of you. It's cute! And expensive as heck. But I'll give it back *hands Tamahome his shiny okane and his eyes get huge and shiny* Can I also make it up to by torturing Tasuki by hiding his lil fan for a while? he he he...
Dear Thief,
*Thinks about the offer and smiles...* No that's OK but thatnks for the offer!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
HIIIIIIIIIII SEISHI!!!!!! How our my first and favorite people in all of the great, neat-o country of something like that right? Something that starts with a "k" at the end of each little country/province namey thingy......*long pause* Anywho! How have you guys been holding up? I hope you're doin' pretty good. How's about you CNA? You holdin' up alright? Well, I'm just rambling right now because I really don't have anything to say..... OH YEAH!!!!! *suddenly remembers something and a little light bulb barely flickers over her head* Me gonna be an auntie again! My sister-in-law, her name's Jessica and she's soooo cool and she's Korean! Anyway, she's gonna have a baby!! She and my brother Chris are going to get a ultrasound on Nov. 27!! I hope it's a boy! I already have *counts on her fingers* four nieces!! Only ones related by blood and the other three are from Bill's (brother-in-law) other marriage. My sister likes black men. My blood neice is a mulato. She's the prettiest little thing too!! Her name's Melika. Bill isn't her daddy though, some dude named Tillman Dunbar is.
Anywho's I'm getting off track. As I was saying, Jessica and Chris, did I mention he's my half-brother? ^_^;; confusing family, ne? Heh, heh, wait a while longer until I get really into my family history! Anyway, Jess and Chris said that if it was a girl they were gonna make her the prettiest little girl to walk the planet! (I'm gonna spoil her so bad! *giddy laughter*) And if it was a boy,.... I'm gonna spoil him anyways!! Plus, I'm gonna help make him into a heartthrob! Anou...would being 300 miles away have and effect on that? *sweatdrop* Ya see, I live in TN and they live in CA (lucky people!) Well, anywho where wass I? Oh, yeah! On with my family!! Hee hee hee! My mom's father, Dale, was married to her fraternal mother, Anna Ruth. They got divorced (absolutely devistating on my mom. Her parents weren't too nice to begin with) And Dale married to Lorenza (she's Spanish) Then Anna Ruth got married to Thoedore (Ted). Anna kept my mom and her 3 brothers (Rick, Teddy and Mike) in the divorce so they grew up with Anna. Dale, on the other hand, had two girls with Lorenza, Thereasa and Luara Lynn. They're really nice! Anywho, I could go on and make a autobography but I kinda exhasted my stay so I'll see ya later! *pats Tama-neko on the way out* Would you guys mind of I came back later and extended my Family Tree' branches out here. I just feel like talking sometimes. Well, ja!
Dear Kosei,
WOW! You're family's almost as confusing as the Amahira family!! I guess so. Or if you want you can post it to the message board.
Dear Mitsukake,
(takes Tama-neko from you and cuddles him) Arigato, Mitsukake-san. He's very kawaii. (settles Tama-neko in her lap and begins to stroke him) I've read that petting cats is a great stress reducer. Do you find that to be true? Maybe for stressed-out people you could prescribe a Tama-neko. :)
(listens to Tama-neko purr, closing her eyes and smiling with pleasure) At any rate, it works for me... (purring causes her to slowly doze off)
Dear Alina,
Yes it is. Now if I could only get Tasuki to pet a cat instead of brawling...
Dear Hotohori,
Highness! I saw in a response to one of your letters that there was no longer a "Ask the Cast" for the FY cast.'re wrong! My friend, Chiisai Ryu, and I are re-creating one. It will probably be up in a few days. soon as it is up and working, we'll let ya know! Also, we are goin` to put Houki `n Boushin. Hehehe..bye!
Dear Keiko,
Thank you! That's GREAT news!
Dear Tasuki,
(sweatdrops) Excuse me, Tasuki-san, that doesn't really answer my question. I mean where did fangs originate in your family? On a side note, do your sisters have fangs too? I'm such a genetics nut ... :)
Dear Alina,
I dunno. Sometimes I think Aidou has 'em!
Dear Chiriko,
Awh, are people pickin` on ya, Chiriko? Don't worry. I hafta live with jerks who do it all the time. Course, if people keep makin` fun of you, get a dart gun. *grins* I have one, but if I use it, my mom'll break it. Oh well. *remembers somethin`* Oh, yea. Chiriko, if you `n the guys see Washu wandering around...stay away. She is kinda grouchy and is about to close down our Tenchi site...O.o um...okie...bye...
Dear Keiko,
OK. Why is Washu grouchy?? What did you do to her?
Dear Tasuki,
*is about to cry* On Sailor Moon, they jes killed off the coolest baddies!! The Amazon Trio!! WAAAAAAA!! Curse them! They are evil!! EVIL!!!!! How could they?! They were the best!! Hawks Eye was the first to go and it was sad!! sniff...Okie...I gotta go and be a Vash The Stampede lookalike...bye..
Dear Keiko,
*Looks confused... eyebrow twitches...*
Dear Tasuki,
*bounds in with bag full of 300 halisens. *starts to glue them together* HI! I'ze making a really big halisen so you and me can have a battle. Mine dosen't shoot fire, but if you hit someone with it, it makes a okii "shlap" sound! *alter ego runs in in SD form and hides behind me*
Oi, Neko-kay-chan, that freak Dilandau is after me again! Could u pweeze summon the spirit of Allen Schezar to protect me???
*Dilandu walks in with torch just as Allen's spirit appears* ALLEN SCHEZAR! MOERU!
*everyone sweatdrops*
Well, I guess I should go. This letter thing has become an addiction, and I'm starting my self help classes for it tonight. By the way, I hope you don't mind that I warped that OVA picture of you giving Miaka (the b*tch) CPR so it looked like you were giving ME CPR. Gomen. I couldn't help myself. The temptation was too strong. I wish that pleasure was reserved strictly for me, but knowing how you feel about whats-her-face... *starts to cry* Oh, Tasuki-sama, how I wish... *sobs and crys some more*
a very disturbed, sad, AND confused Neko-kay
Dear Neko-kay,
Gomen that ya' feel that way. But it's OK ya' did that to th' pic if it makes ya' feel better.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Have any of you seen Shoujo Kakumei Utena? It is a really GREAT anime. And one of the characters has the same seiyuu as you, Hotohori-sama! That's why Kate-chan suggested you go as Touga Kiryuu for Halloween, because you've got the same voice. And you're both gorgeous, of course...Anyway, get back to me on that! And if any of you other question-writers have seen Utena, write in! Thank you! ^.~
Dear Mari-chan,
We have the first four tapes and we've seen the movie as well, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Tis going to be a long day... I must watermark all of my graphics to protect them and I must find the java script to disable right clicking on my page. It's going to take forever to re-upload all the images after I make the changes! Oh well...
I shall not make it so easy for my images to be used by people like NeonTiger. ¬.¬
*kicks Paint Shop Pro and Digimarc* Or at least I'm TRYING to watermark all my graphics! *twitches* Piece of junk -.-;
It doesn't seem to like watermarking my images. *@$@*&$^@^&!@#
The Ghost of One-chan
Dear Ghost of One-chan,
'Che! Calm down already! Don't ya' got PhotoShop? I thought that did watermarks automatically... Try askin' Kelli-chan fer help. She's a whiz wit' this stuff!
Dear Hotohori,
My friends just got this really beautiful, pure bread, male kitten. Since he's so valuable (he cost ALOT), lovely and rather stuck up, they've given him the name of Hotohori ^_^
Huh? Oh, here he is *holds the tiny guy up on her palms* What do you think? ~_~ Show 'em to Mitsukake-san,I'm sure he'll like him as well.
Dear Mal,
Ah, what a magnificent creature! He is truly worthy of my name! *Pets the kitten and shows him to Mitsukake.*
Dear Hotohori,
Hello Hotohori-sama, I just want to ask you a few questions.
1. Did you ever know that you and Nuriko-kun look so cute together?
2. Do you know anyone named Aya Fujimiya?
3. Would you have really married Miaka if you had the chance???
4. Did you know you have a great singing voice?
Well that's all, please say hi to the Seishi and your family for me.
Dear Ayume,
I will give the Seishi and my family your regards. Here are your answers:
1. NANI?????? We do???
2. Hai! He has a great singing voice!
3. Possibly, but I have come to realize that Miaka is not equipped to be a Empress.
4. Arigato! *Blushes*
Dear Chichiri,
hi! its me again kian! i have this problem with this guy! i really like him but his married! what shall i do to make him fall in love with me? arigato!
kian protacio
Dear kian protacio,
If this is in the real world, leave him alone, no da! You don't want to get involved in something that heartbreaking and messy, no da. If you are referring to Tamahome or Hotohori, then you need to set you sights on a boy from your world as they have no intention of leraving their spouses, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
Hey! Nuri-sama, How 'ya feeling today?
anyway, I just wanted to ask you something. I've wanted to know this for a long time now. What is you had met Houki? would you have liked her? what would you do?
Well, that's all. Thanks for your time! (kisses his cheek and runs off)
Dear Ayume,
I did meet her when I was still Princess Kourin at the Imperial Palace. She's very sweet and I like her. I'm glad she married Hotohori.
Dear Tasuki,
*looks at Gen-chan no miko's letter*ur not a jerk.none of the suzaku seishis are jerks.sure you burn Tamahome and cus a lot but thats what's so good about you.besides...ur too much of a hottie 2 b a jerk ~_^
Dear V-babe,
Thanks! *Fanged grin*
Dear Chiriko,
Hey, do you know anything about Hiroshima?
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
It is a city in Japan tha during World War II was leveled by an atomic bomb dropped by the plane called "Enola Gay". What else did you need to know? Try this site:
Dear Hotohori,
Neko-kay: Gomen, Hotohori-sama. I am so bad. I was sitting in my room reading some funny fanfics when I realized: Zechs Merquise and Emperor Hotohori look a whole lot alike! Only you have brown hair and he has blonde. I like both of you, but there's a connection that I just didn't see before. And you know what really scared me? Both of you have the same voice in the Japanese subbed version, and you're both royality, and you're both noble, and you... okay, I bet that's starting to scare you. >.<; N E wayz, I was wondering if you are in any way an ancestor of Zechs, cause that would be cool.
Zechs: No it would not! You're gonna abandon me for that royal pain aren't you?
Neko-kay: Nobody calls Hotohori a royal pain, even you! *glomps Zechs* (after twenty minutes of brawling, Tasuki decides to get his own shot at Zechs)*Tasuki's fan has a freak accident and he burns Neko-kay into bitty ashes, then runs off screen screaming about how horrible his aim is* Mitsukake-san, help... *cough*
Zechs: Oops.
(injured until healed be Mitsukake-san) Neko-kay
Dear Neko-kay,
*Sweatdrops at the entire mess...* There's a reason we sound alike. Koyasu Takehito is the Seiyuu for both of us. *Has Mitsukake heal her.*
Dear Tasuki,
My friend has met a bunch of guys who look like anime bishonen (Duo Maxwell, Treize Khushrenada, she tried to hook me up with Quatre Winner) and I know a handsome bishonen who looks like you, only with brown hair. He knows I like him, and knowing how persuasive you are, could you give me some tips on how to have him ask me out? I know relationships aren't really your league, but with all the luck you've had with girls, you've gotta know somethin', right? Gomen if this is kinda weird having girls ask you stuff like this. Tell that bashin-fu of a girl Miaka that she dosen't know what she was missin' when you tried to kiss her, and give Tama-chan a good burning for me. If you ever wanna party, I've got a cellar of sake waiting for you and the rest of the senchi. ^.~*
Dear Neko-kay,
Why don't ya' ask him over to study if he's in one of yer classes? Or suggest th' two of ya' meet somewhere fer a burger or a soda? Kinda like an informal date. Good luck!
P.S. Lay offa Iri-chan if ya' wanna stay on my good side!
Dear Tasuki,
*big cute eyes* Tasuki-saaaaan, can I mess with your hair? I can make it all pretty! Or...are you still mad that I made your hair blue that last time? This time, though, I won't use hair dye! I'll use gel and spike it up like Vash the Stampede! I do that to my hair and it looks strange. hehehe...*holds up a bottle of gel* Weeeeeeeeeeeell?
Dear Keiko,
NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! *Runs away screaming...*
Dear Tasuki,
Are you in love/have a girlfriend/married? If not, I'm available.
Kayoria Katsunami
Dear Kayoria Katsunami,
I already got me an aisai, but thatnks fer th' offer!
Dear Mitsukake,
Hi Mitsukake!!I hurt my back from something like karate.... but am ok now Mitsukake *smiles* You really was worried about me???? *crys* Thank you!!
Dear Deserae,
Well of course I was. I'm glad you're better now.
Dear Tasuki,
Dear kay,
Hointo?? I ain't th' one arugin' wit' an anime character... *Sticks his tongue out at kay.* Heh-heh-heh...
Dear Chichiri,
*glomps him* I haven't written to you in a looooooong time! You're so cute! Hey1 Have you ever heard of a anime/manga called Inu Yasha? Because there's a monk dude in there, I don't remember his name, but he has a staff just like yours and he has a little worm/black hole thing in his hand that I -think- he uses in battle against his enemies and he's obssessed with pretty ladies and he asks them if they'll have his child! *bursts out laughing and rolling on the floor*
Dear Kosei,
Yes I have, no da. It's an interesting series although I think that monk gives us all a bad image, no da.
Dear Hotohori,
*finally lets go of him* How can you stand being around a fool like Tasuki? *smiles* sorry I shouldn't insult people. I just wanted to know. love ya.
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
Excuse me?? Tasuki is NOT a fool! He is loud and crass but I believe that is more from his upbringing than his level of intelligence. He's a very brave man that fought for his country and his Miko.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey hey hey! I want to know something for all of yall! ^_^ what kind of girls are interesting to you? *smiles at them all* I am going to a Homecoming Dance Saturday, If one of yall could who would take me?
I just want to know! Did you know about the Tenchis? Because I am one of them I am HiBarra NoTenchi It mean Angel of Flaming Roses! I am an outsider I have no one to portected. *brushes red-blond hair out of face and smiles at Tasuki* sorry getting out of hand I am so happy that I can talk to all yall. well I better go I might be boring yall. ^_^
HiBarra NoTenchi
Dear HiBarra NoTenchi,
I would have been happy to be your escort to the dance. We all like young women that are kind, nice, intelligent, etc.
Dear Hotohori,
I loved escaflowne, but i felt that Van was a bit male cheuvanistic. He was MUCH better in the movie... I've never seen the anime you mentioned.. I'm sure you'd look good in any costume tho ^_~
Folken was my favourite character.. but that's just me. ^_~
I just got into a play in college (and i was really excited about it!) but i missed the first rehearsal and now i feel like everyone is staring at me like i'm horrible or something. i don't have any lines, and all we did was read through the play... i didn't miss rehearsal because of that (i didn't know where rehearsal was! ^^;) anyway.. i just feel like everyone hates me ^^; i'm also supposed to find something about how girls in boarding schools played games and what games they played and what they did on vacation.. and i can't find anything ^^;;;; and i think the director is going to kill me.. ;_; what should i do?
kate-chan, the cute bunny girl of the moon
Dear kate-chan,
Make sure the director knows WHY you missed rehearsal and don't miss anymore rehearsals. Next go to your library and ask the librarian where to find the information that you need for your part in the play. Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Nuriko,
Nuriko, I'll help you with the Riley problem.
I mean, i dun wanna hurt 'im, but enough is enough! Oh, and TnM, if ya dun want me ta tawk ta David fer ya, dat's fine wit me.
I've been tryin ta keep him away from TnM (NOW ya see why I said you wanted his head on a platter for something, Taiitsu no Miko?) because I know he's annoying the heck outta her!
I just kind of kept sayin' "I DON'T WANNA HEAR ABOUT IT!!!!!" To him enough times, and he shut up about his Eva story. (FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!)
I mean, I don't wanna hurt him, but he's really annoying at times, and I don't want people ta think I'm going out with him (People have accused me of this and it's seriously getting on my nerves.).
But he's a friend from years ago, so I don't want to hurt him, he doesn't have many other friends. Wadda ya think I should do, Nuri-bird? (Nuri-bird. I call ya that because you seem to take us under your wing when we have problems like this.)
Shrinemaiden Keisei
Dear Shrinemaiden Keisei,
You and TnM need to sit this boy down and have a serious talk with him. He needs to know that his behavior is totally damaging his friendship with you and that unless he knocks it off he's going to be short 2 friends. Perhaps the two of you can introduce him to some new friends so he will spend less time chasing after the both of you. Good luck!
Dear Mitsukake,
*is all healed and very hyper* Arigato Mitsukake-san! *Jumps into Mitsukake's arms and gives him a kiss on the nose* Thanky thanky! I'm all better now. That was very nice of you. Well, I have to go harass Tasuki-chan now...
Kat Winner
Dear Kat Winner,
You're welcome! *Smiles* Have fun!
Dear Hotohori,
You would?? Really? :-) Great, there are a bunch of stars outside...I might move out onto the message board if there is too much light pollution here. ^_~ *Motions for Hotohori to come outside* What shall we find first, the moon, galaxies or your constellation (so we can finally see what it's supposed to be)?
Dear Hoshi,
*Follows her outside.* Why start close by with the moon?
Dear Tasuki,
Well... I suppose not ALL guys are jerks... but most of them are though... *shrugs* How about you? What'd you think? You like guys more or girls? *smiles*
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
OI!!! That's a trick question!! I get messed wit' no matter what I pick!!
Dear Tasuki,
Why did you pick Iridal to be your aisai instead of anyone else???
Dear baka-chan,
Actually, she picked me. But I'm glad she did! She's a great aisai!
Dear Krazie-chan,
Thanks... I think... @_@;;;
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
If you thought Tasuki's doll was good, take a look at this one! It's everyone's favorite loveable...well, you can find out for yourselves! One hint: He's (on the doll, it says 'her', but we couldn't change that) not one of Suzaku's Seishi (you're all safe...for now!) Go here ( and put in the following code:OES485 Enjoy!
Krazie and Mako-chan
Dear Krazie and Mako-chan,
Yes, I think I can see the resemblance... *Falls over laughing...*
Dear Tasuki,
Yeah, I know it was a joke baka!
*punches Tasuki in he face* Hahha, miss hittin' ya' Genrou! ^___^
Yeah, I am the leader. No hard feelings, heck it can be a pain, but are you ever going to come back? Sort of boring lately. O' anyway-I'm not getting all Eiken on ya'! Just sort of boring here.
*sigh* If ya' came back, heck I'd let ya' be leader again. *grins*
Anyway, that would give me more time to spend at the...well....
I didn't know ya' had a wife? Hehhe, wonder what the guys will say? That doesn't sound like ya' at all Genrou! What happened?! All these women soften ya' up or something?! You...changed...what the heck happened to ya'?
Genrou, has a wife? That's not like ya' at all! must be getting old to have a woman change ya' like that. *sweat-drops* Guess I got to tell the guys this! Probably laugh our #$$#% off!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! *laughs his #$$% off* *continues to laugh* Genrou has been tamed! Hahahahahaah!! Just kiddin'! Sort of.... *continues to laugh and smacks him on the head* Ah, feels good to hit ya' again Genrou!! Hahahahaha!
Kouji the great
Yo' bro',
*Punches Kouji into next week.* I ain't been *)^%$#@ tamed ya' ahou! She jus' kinda declared herself to be my aisai an' I went along wit' it an' well... I guess I kinda like it. That's all there is to it!
So, wanna hit an inn an' get some sake? Or did I hit ya' too hard? *Fanged grin.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi! ::Gives each one a hug:: I need some help...::Sighs::it's about me and my boyfriend of 2 years. The problem is I really love him and he feels the same way but his Mother doesn't like the idea of her son having a girlfriend in general. Both my parents are okay with it an encourage it and have tried talking to his Mother but she won't listen. I mean for God's sake my boyfriend even passed my Grandparen't test,whom I should mention are hard to please and the only man they liked that dated my Mother is my Father. I'm not sure what to do here since I don't want to be apart from him and he feels the same. Any suggestions? Anything at all? Please I really need help here Thanks
Dear Dragonhawk,
He needs to talk to his mother and find out what her objections are. If she truly feels threatened by him having ANY girlfriend then she needs to seek professional help.
Dear Nuriko,
I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!! (was that too sudden? Gomen! ^_^;) I mean, you've inspired me, like, SO much, I want to have my hair dyed PURPLE just like you! (not PERMANENTLY...though that IS a thought! ^_^) Should I or shouldn't I?...Tell! ^_^
Dear Nuriko-wanna-be,
Depends... How old are you? And would purple be a good color for your complexion? Would your parents let you do this?
Dear Mitsukake,
Hello, Mitsukake-San! O great healer, I am here to ask you a question about the flu.
And don't tell me "asprin and bed-rest". I'm fidgity and CAN'T stay ion bed, and the asprin doesn't suit me...HALP!!! *sniff, sniff, HONK!* Oops, sorry... *blush!*
Dear Snifferella,
Gomen, but aspirin, bedrest, and lots of fluids is the best way to go. It is a virus and unfotunately needs to run it's course. Odaijini!
Dear Hotohori,
Hori-Sama? I admit I never watched FY, but my b.freind tells me you and the guys are GREAT! 'Specially Tasuki and you and Chiriko! ^_^ I wrote to Tasuki...heck, I tried. I don't get it. I TOLD him I could'nt call the cops, they cant do ANYTHING about it. Like getting beaten up in school. Your parents can't do much about it and you get into worse trouble if you tell on the bullies. He STILL told me to go to the police. I'm not even OLD enough to get them to believe me!!! (I'm going to turn thirteen next month, I'm the youngest of our eight member group) I'm worried. I think I'm using you guys more like a diary than bnything else, but...I heard you were the gentlest and most sensitive of the lot (when you want to)so...I came to you, Emperer-san. And the nick I used, the "Selina Kyle" thing, well, yeah, I like Batman, and I'm surprised Tasuki knew about him (ha, ha!) but all this is REALLY REAL. I don't want any one to be bullied around anymore, 'specially since they use me as a threat, saying they'll do something to ME if the others don't coperate. Bummer. :'( If only you could come to this world and take care of this for me...*_; Could you give beter advice?
Sader Selina
Dear Sader Selina,
I wish I could be there to help you. But your parents or a teacher that you trust are far better suited for the task. If you and your friends are being threatened, then your parents NEED to KNOW so they can address the issue and go to the authorities on your behalf. Keeping this quiet will only result in someone getting hurt. Good luck.
Dear Hotohori,
I really love your wife (cool it, I'm a female); she's so caring, sweet and looks like Nuriko. I'd like to know all you can tell me about her *drags a stool and sits in front of Hori-sama with an interested look on her face*, and is there any way I can talk to her?
Secondly, er, gomen if this is personal but I don't understand one thing. I thought you loved Miaka and couldn't love anyone else the way you loved her.
So how much exactly do you love Empress Houki, I mean, is your love for her as strong as hers is for you?
Dear Mal,
Our love for each othe ris equally strong. Houki is quite a wonderful woman. She is beautiful, intelligent, kind, and loving. She will make a worthy Empress. Unfortunately there is no longer an "Ask the FY Characters" peeji.
Dear Chiriko,
Awww....quit it. Just ask CnA, people have said a lot worse things than that to me. *hands him a kleenex* People will make fun of your intelligence because they feel totally incompetant around you, ne? I was just kidding you, I think you're an equal. *wink*
Dear Kelli,
You do?? *Brightens up and hugs her.*
Dear Tasuki,
I guess my comment about Kouji's name meaning ugly got some people too steamed up, er *laughs nervously* sorry for gettin` ya in trouble Task. And to all the Kouji fans, come on guys, it was only a silly joke, the kind that keeps going around in friends. We didn't mean it in the rude or mean sence. Still, 'ugly orphans' sounds so...*tumbles to the ground, laughing her head off*
Dear Mal,
Yeah, yeah, easy fer ya' to say! Ya' ain't th' one bein' abused!
Dear Nuriko,
I just wanted to tell you that you've got such a lovely voice! Perfect world is such a beautiful song!
Dear Yumi,
Arigato!! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Chichiri,
I was just wondering if you've ever heard of anyone named Hidaka Ken.
Dear Yumi,
Hai! He has a great voice, doesn't he, no da? *Smiles*
Dear Nuriko,
*cuddles up to Nuriko, mumbles something about midterms being evil, and falls asleep on his shoulder*
Kelli, CNA#2
Dear Kelli,
*Gently carries her to a bed, tucks her in, and summons Chichiri...*
Dear Chichiri,
I'm NEVER mean....pffffffft. I am going to be in San Diego for Thanksgiving. Nifty, eh?
Kelli, CnA#2
Dear Kelli,
Now, now Kelli-chan you know how he gets when his symbol disappears, no da. So be nice! Never mean, ne? *Looks at a bruised Tasuki...* Tasuki says you hit him with the jello you made, no da. KOWAII, no da! I hope you will be able to come out to L.A. over the holidays and join us for Nihon Expo, no da! *Disappears into kasa before he can get smacked with jello...*
Dear Hotohori,
I was just wondering, your Majesty, as a child growing up into the emperor of such a great kingdom, you must have had to go through a lot of training. What kind of training did you receive? Was it very hard for you?
Dear Yumi,
It was lonely. I received training in swordsmanship, politics, religion, Palace Protocol, and mother tried to teach me the art of poison, but I had no interest in such things.
Dear Tasuki,
I just got into an argument with a friend of mine who claimed Hotohori is better looking than you. I disagreed with her vehemently. What have you got to say?
Dear Yumi,
*Checks that Hotohori and the rest of the Seishi aren't nearby...* Heh-heh-heh... I say I'M better lookin'! *Fanged grin*
Dear Chichiri,
you can't give me a scroll right? i understand eventhough i'm a little bit disappointed (somehow). forget about it. 'coz it's too expensive and difficult to bring it in our world maybe my next request wouln't be that much difficult or what. can i ask for an autograph of the suzaku seishi with their pics on it and with a little dedication or message for me? how i wish i'm one of you, unfortunately it's impossible. so with the autograph, i could somehow feel all of you are with me... i would really appreciate it... i'm looking forward to that... please....
Dear louver,
I'll see what I can do, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Where is she?! *serches for Kosetuno Tenshi* When I get my hands on her.....Oh ya, Hi Tasuki! I can't believe that baka Kosetuno asked if you would marry Mandy....grrrrrr.... ^^;;; She did it just to annoy me! I swear! Oh well, I'll see her at school , heheheh ^^;; Oh yeah, tell Tamahome that Testsuno Tenshi choose her own name, and she likes it :P
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
I'll tell Obake-chan fer ya'.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
If you can b 1 of the resident evil cast, who would you be?
Dear kay,
We've never played the game so we can't tell you that. Gomen.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
Do you like my name? It mean Angel of Flaming Roses! ^_^ I love FIRE kekekekekeke! Guess what we have alot in common like, drinking, yelling (bad words, FIRE FIRE hehehehe (burn), Red Hair! yeah but I am not a guy. I will not say this but umm... never mind...... hehe. *#@%#@ it. @%#^#$^ all most %@#% said it. opps sorry I am a potty mouth! ^_^ well I better let you go yeah umm bye... Better right back or I will steal your fan hahahahahahaha.
HIBarra Notenchi
Dear HIBarra Notenchi,
Ya' ain't makin' a whole lotta sense but yer a cute kid. *Pats her on the head.*
Dear Tasuki,
TASUKI!!!*starts crying* kay called me an old lady!i'm not old >.< i'm jus a year younger than Keiko .do i look old?waaahhhhhhhhhhh*sob weep*
Dear joy-chan,
No! Besides he's yer bro' an' so he's s'pposed to be a baka pain. So why let him upset ya'?
Dear Chiriko,
Hi, Some one drew you when you are 16 and you are so HOT! I like ......... never mind. well I hope you talk to me soon I realy like...... okok I can't say it well bye. Do you like my name it means Angel of flaming roses! I love roses and fire hehe
HiBarra Notechi
Dear HiBarra Notechi,
It's a very pretty name. Have you ever seen Rose of Versailles? It's an older anime but a very interesting one. I'm glad you liked the picture of the older me.
Dear Tasuki,
Awwwwwww! But you Make suuuuuch a kawaaaaaiiii owl Tasuki-chan!
Actually, I was looking through my olympic portfolio (all my stuff I've collected from the past few olymplic games: bandana from nagano, articles, magazine clipings, hat from Lilihammer....) and I remembered that you're an olympic mascot from Nagano!
There were 4 owls! 4 (very colourful) Snow Owls! Their names: Leki, Noki, Suki.... and TASUKI!!!!!!!!!!!! Seeeeeee! You're a kawaii little OWL-CHAN!!!!!!!
Shrinemaiden Keisei
Dear Shrinemaiden Keisei,
NANI?????? Didja' name 'em that or were they already named that? What's th' Tasuki owl look like??
Dear Tasuki,
*facevaults* *mumble incoherently* Ge~n-cha~n! The question was (ah, pooh. I guess I should've explained it the last time I wrote), are you afraid of a yaoi relationship or are you just in...*mischievous smile* denial?
Dear Ellis,
Neither! I jus ain't into that sorta thin'!
Dear Tasuki,
GO AHEAD AND BELIEVE THE GHOST OF ONE CHAN !I DONT CARE !*eyes on one chan* I still just think that the G-boys are yaoi mmmkay.>_<
Dear kay,
Ya' might be joy-chan's bro', but yer one weird kid!
Dear Mitsukake,
*Wakes up from where Tasuki left her and realizes she has a cold* Mitsukake-san, I'm sick! Will you fix me?
Kat Winner
Dear Kat,
Hai! *Proceeds to heal her...*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I know you guys don't know who the Mets and the Yankees are but I really wanna say to my friends that more people said Yankees then Mets so pick one!
(P.S. if you wonderwhy i'm asking this i'm from NYC)
Dear Stephanie,
I guess we will all pick the Yankees then. Although Tasuki wanted to pick the Mets just to be contrary... >.<
Dear Chichiri,
Gomen for making you confused! :::bows::: I was thanking you for saying "what's inside a person's heart that makes them beautiful, no da." You're so cool. Why can't everybody(in my world) be like you? (im just saying that because I'm ugly! ^.^) I just wonder if the other seishi feel the same way...and if they only liked pretty girls, they would be lying
because they have never seen an ugly girl because all anime girls are
beautiful! I think i confused you again....>.<
Dear petra,
You're welcome, no da. But I'm sure you aren't ugly! And yes, the other Seishi do feel the way I do, no da. I mean Miaka is cute I suppose but let's not forget that she can't cook, is a glutton, and is also a klutz, no da. Yet Tamahome loves her dearly! And why? Because she is also caring, unselfish, and a very loving giving person, no da! It really is what's in your heart that counts, no da!
Dear Nuriko,
First of all I just wanted to say Your just so cool Nuriko I love you!!!! Oky anyways I wanted to know If you still love Miaka or have you found someone new?
Jamie Lynn
Dear Jamie Lynn,
Thank you for your sweet words! I no longer love Miaka like that nor have I found someone new.
Dear Tasuki,
Who is iri chan?
Dear ryoko,
Iri-chan is Iridal, my aisai.
Dear Tasuki,
Well.. unfortunately, it might be too late. 'cause me and the pothead are already friends.. I can't just not talk to him one day, right?
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Well, that's true. Jus' don't let him influence ya' an' try to make ya' do anythin' yer not s'pposed to or don't wanna do.
Dear Tasuki,
Ano.. this is for Mako-chan, the site Wo Ai Fushigi Yuugi-has the lyrics and translation for Metcha Hajikete Guts Tobashite. And BTW, I don't like any guys. They're all jerks.
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Thanks fer th' site! Sorry to hear ya' think we're all jerks...
Dear Mitsukake,
Thanks for giving me a little hope! I guess I just wanted to believe the ring was from Tasuki... I found it at school and wanted to believe that he had sent it there to make sure I found it, as it was in a place only I go. Maybe I do have a secret admirer in this world... Do you really think so?! *smiles* That really makes my day that you think so! I do have a crush on this guy and I think he might like me...At least, I hope so! He doesn't have bright red hair and fangs, but he might work!
a more subdued Krazie-chan
Dear Krazie-chan,
It's not the fangs or the hair that make the man, it's the attitude. And who knows he might be your Tasuki!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*Big hugs to all the seishi* Hi, just wanted to tell you that the words to THTC can be found (with what is said between the phrases) on under the Tasuki and Miaka section. This is not my page, but it is absolutely beautiful and full of great music from Tasuki. He is such a wonderful singer!!! *hugs Tasuki* Anyway, if you haven't seen it, go. Actually it is under http://anime-romance/Tasuki.and.Miaka/ The translator for THTC is not Tasuki no Miko, but Yui chan. Anyway the site gives the credit. Wo ai Tasuki
Dear Foenix,
Thanks fer th' site reference! Ano... I couldn't find th' words but I'm others can...
Dear Hotohori,
I must agree w/ you that the chicken costume was bad ^^; I would have put you in bunny ears, but that's just me ^_~ Or in a Spike Spiegal costume.. or Touga Kiryu (spelling?) garb ^_~ (Spike is from Cowboy Bebop, Touga is from Utena) I think a friend is mailing me kitty ears so I can dress up for Halloween. ^_~
Have you seen Tenkuu no Escaflowne? What did you think about it, and who was your favourite character? Just curious... :)
Kate-chan, the cute bunny girl of the moon
Dear Kate-chan,
I could also dress as Aya from Weiss Kreuz for Halloween. I have seen Escaflowne but it is not a favorite of mine. I do like the characters of Allen and Van as well as Mearl.
Dear Kelli,
Domo arigato gozaimasu Kelli-san. Brainboy??? *Symbol disappears from his foot and he starts to tear up and cry...* Chichiri-san!!!!!!! Your aisai is being mean to me!!!! *Pouts and cries in the corner...*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Well, since I wasn't sure which one to write, I'll just write all of you! I found a site that has the translations of the dialogues in Metcha Hajikette Guts Tobashite (by following many links to links to links...O_o)! Wai wai! Ok, so here it is:
*blink blink*
NANI YO!?!?! I didn't bookmark it!?! *hits herself in the forehead* ~_~ one sec...
Ok, I've got it:
It's part of the "Wo Ai Fushigi Yuugi" page. To get there from the original page, you have to go through the english translation of Metcha and then go to the "Lines in this song (With translation)" link at the bottom of the screen. Enjoy!
Dear Mako-chan,
Domo arigato gozaimasu!!! That's the site I was looking for!
Dear Tamahome,
oooooooooooooiii, tama.... I stole a few gold ryou from ya when you weren't looking.. *evil, annoying laugh*
Dear Thief,
Well... GIVE IT BACK!!! Tasuki put you to this, ne?
Dear Tasuki,
joy-chan:i agree with one-chan!even though i dont know one-chan ,the g-boys aren't yaoi at all(not even one percent!).THEY ARE NOT YAOI, THEY R NOT YAOI!gomen!i'm not screaming at u ^-^ don't worry about kay.he's my *drum roll*BROTHER!!!!i'm serious so don't think i'm joking .i have 2 face his insanity every day and he has a LOT of yaoi pics.he also has a lime pic with Ryoko and Ayeka(he even scared the cr*p outta me when he was showing it 2 me O.O)y am i talking about the G-boys?(u dun have 2 answer that question)kay is ALWAYS insane!Wufei isn't a loner ,he just likes 2 work alone.hugging the same gender doesn't mean your yaoi ,ne?
aiko:since u r confused i'll just change my name 2 V-babe,kay?
joy-chan and V-babe
Dear joy-chan and V-babe,
Hai! He's yer BROTHER?????? An' he has lots yaoi pics???? *Wonders about kay...*
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