Dear Chichiri,
when i meant last , i mean is the fy fame gonna end.i hope it will stay 4 ever! i don't wanna 4-get u and the rest of the suzaku seishi.
Dear usagi-pon,
I'm sure as long as our fans keep it going the FY Fame as you call it won't end anytime soon, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
AHHH Nuri-chan gomen!!! I haven't written in soooooo long!! Do you even remember me??? *sniffs* It's just I've been soooo busy with school I haven't had a chance to write! But my efforts have paid off! LOOK NURI-CHAN!!! *runs up to Ryuuen and shows him her report card if all A's and B's* AREN'T YOU PROUD OF ME?!!! ^_^ Even my Algebra grade is good! And Chiriko didn't help me either! WAI!! I'M SOOOO HAPPY!! Hey Nuri-chan! Can I get a kiss as a reward for doing sooo good? I haven't been absent to school this entire quarter I been studying!!!! (Da! I'm turning into Chiriko! No offence!!) So pleease Nuri-chan??? *looks up eyes full of sparkles* Ne?
Dear Yume,
Hai! Congrats on such good grades! *Gives her a hug and a kiss on the cheek.*
Dear Tasuki,
::Walks up and smiles:: Hiya! ::Grins and cringes:: Dun hurt me I am not a rabid fangirl I swear! I think your cool but I'm not one of those froathing at the mouth trying to rip ya to shreds for a piece. Anyway I wanted to ask you if you like Miaka at all? ::Grins:: I saw a few signs here and there and was just woundering. I know she has Tamahome but we all know he don't deserve her right? ^.^ Well talk ta ya later
Dear Dragonhawk,
I like her like a lil' sister an' that's all!
Dear Tasuki,
Well, well, well, Fang-boy, what have we here? Hmm, I guess I'll let you off about Koji; heck, I got a best friend that close to me too! ^_^ And...heh, heh, we're asked the same @$/*% types of que's about our realationship as well...but we took care of it!!! Yep, those kids ain't NEVER gonna bother no one again! >:P (if only I could add fangs to that smile! hahaha!)
A question? You? Great. Okay...I won't be mean...I'll ask you something...what do I do about a couple of killers on my tail? I'm DEAD serious, SWEAR to Suzaku. They're dog-gone MURDERERS, and I want to take care of them once and for all, but...can't tell the police. They won't belive me till I get some proof. Those guys are good, and me and my b.bud are worried sick. You see, other pals are involved too...
They're ACE martial artists, and they got a HUGE gang, and are basically night stalkers. Can't tell you how or why and stuff...but just needed to ask advice and let it all out. I'm tired of sleeping with one eye open for danger! Help?
Selina Kyle
Dear Selina,
Ya' go to th' police or yer parents if this is all happening in th' real world! From yer name, I'm kinda wondering if it's happenin' in Batman's world.
Dear Nuriko,
Hi! ::Huggles:: You are like the bomb!::Giggles::Sorry I just really think your a cool chariter in the series! I was woundering why are you kinda mean to Miaka for a bit then lighten up? Was it jelousy? If so I'm glad you got over it cause jelousy and other such emotions are very evil and you could loose poitental or existing friends over it. And also I've watced episodes 1-52,Bus trip stip,the "out take things", and OAV 1 and first two parts of OAV 2. I've also visited alot of sites dedicated to you and I noticed something...I'm sorry but your older Brother looks like a dork. I'm sorry if I offeneded you but he seems nothing like you from what I have seen in pictures and read in fanfics. Seems you had a much closer relationship with Kourin ne? Sorry if I hit a old wound,I'm a older Sister myself I think I told you that and I would feel the same way if anything ever happened to Meli. ::Huggles:: Guess that's all for now see ya later!
Dear Dragonhawk,
I guess I was a bit jealous of Miaka's relationship with Hotohori. As for my brother, he was a bit of a dork. He, like my parents, never really understood me. *Hugs her.*
Dear Tamahome,
A while back I finally got to see the first few episodes of FY and it was hilarious! You were so funny! Tamahome:(Runs off) Miaka:Oh no you don't!(tackles him)You're not going anywhere till you tell me where Yui is. Tamahome:(waves a white flag)Ok I give up. It was pretty funny when Hotohori's advisors bounced around the room as well as when Nuriko tied you up and...Oops I'm rambling..sorry. What I want to ask is in the dubs do you swear more than Tasuki? That doesn't sound right..
Lastly there is an ask the Gundam pilots page.
There aren't that many letters on the site due to the webmistress being busy with school so don't expect fast responses and don't bug her about that.
Zuna aka Saffira aka many others
Dear Zuna,
Glad you enjoyed the episodes. Nice site!
Dear Mitsukake,
How is Tama-chan? Yeah I mean your cute little kitty. =^..^= Exactly how did you meet your kitty? I'm asking cause I love animals and I have a kitty and a mouse of my own. Yes Comet the cat and Oreo the mouse get along very well thank God. Also when did you know you wanted to be like a doctor for animals as well as people? Sorry if I hit anything still healing,I know I'd feel the same if I lost any of my family,friends or my boyfriend. I also want you to know that I'm studying to become a animal doctor in Miaka's world so your efforts are spreading ^.- Also Mits. dun feel bad about the height,you are not a gaint. My Dad's 6'7 and as a result I'm a 6'2 female ^.^ Do ya think I'd be considered freaky in your world since men are usually taller than the women? Thanks for your time!
Dear Dragonhawk,
Tama-chan is fine. He actually found me after Shouka passed away. That was about the same time I decided I'd rather deal with animals instead of humans. I suppose you would be imposing but not freaky.
Dear Tasuki,
I should start hittin some books eh? What wise advice to come from a bandit leader (a very handsome bandit leader though)Anyway, I just wanted you to know that i did get a good grade on one test but a 67 on another which kinda sucks. I had two tests, a paper due, and a false fire alarm all in that same week though so i thing the 67 is saying i find this all unfair. I will do better though - otherwise my parents will kill me :)
INACHAN: suddenly sees dragonhawk: excuse me:: sneaks up and pounces
Dragonhawk:Moves away in time::Ha ha I've learned your ways since the last letter Nee nee
INACHAN: oh man! :: skids into the wall:: damn that wall:: how am i supposed to study when walls keep attacking!!
Dragonhawk:Well first of all you sit your bottom down at your desk and acutally open your notebooks and book if subject has one to study
INACHAN: yeah okay dragonhawk. anyway tasuki, we were wondering if it bothered ya with the rumors about you and kouji. since dragonhawk and i are really close friends there's some hentaii rumors going around the campus.
Dragonhawk:Yeah most people think we're much more than friends >.<;;; We're just really close buds like you n' Kouji ya know what I'm saying. And so you know we're both female so you see our simaliar perdicerment to you and Kouji
INACHAN: yeah i guess some people are just immature but we'd appreciate some imput. of course that advice is totally up to you:-) well dragonhawk i'd say we'd better get back home to um *shudder* study and stuff
Dragonhawk:Awwwwww...*pouts*I'm all caught up with my homework and Tasuki is such a cool guy to talk to!
INACHAN:: well...i'm not...i have notes to type, questions to it just sucks. but tasuki if you could give us some advice on that we'd appreciate it :-) ::grabs dragonhawk and goes back to college::
Ina Chan
Dear Ina Chan,
Probably th' best thin' ya' can do is jus' ignore th' bakas that say that kinda stuff. Good luck wit' yer homework an' studyin'!
Dear Chiriko,
How are you doing? I dunno if you remeber me but I'm a college student that wrote to ya awhile back. School is going fairly with all the tests,papers,and other stuff. You want challenging just wait till you get to college ^.^ Anywhoo I wanted to ask you if you had any Miaka's world counter parts cause my little Sister really likes you,she has a shirine to you in her room. So you are loved kid and dun ever forget that when you feel like your worthless since your the youngest. ::Hugs and kisses from my little Sis::
Dear Dragonhawk,
Arigato! If I have a real world counterpart I am unaware of him.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
It's over! The world's worst (or weirdest) production week is over! *hugs* Last night was closing night for my last high school play ever, and the only one I have ever had a significant role in...I don't know whether to be happy or sad. All I can say is that the play was fantastic! I got stuck in my costume on Wednesday though, because the arms were too tight. They cut of circulation to my arms, and they swelled up so I had to ice my arms for about an hour before I could pull the sleeves off...I have bruises on my arms and my torso (from the corset). *sweatdrops* So how was everyone's week?
Dear Katsumi,
Busy! Congratulations on your first performance!
Dear Mitsukake,
Mitsukake-san, when did you first find out you could cure others?
Dear Melissa,
I suppose I was a young boy when I discovered it.
Dear Nuriko,
Guess what? For the first time ever I am having relationship problems! And I'm not even in a realtionship yet! Waugh!
I went to dance at my school for the first time a while ago and I was all exicted afterwards because it would up being the evening of the first time I slow danced with this guy I like.
Well, my problem is with my 'first dance' guy David and this other guy Riley. Riley is this boy in grade nine that I've met just this year - he's a friend of a friend. Over the first months of this year I started talking to Riley at lunch alot. (he's writing this Evangelion fanfic and spoiling all of it for me when I read it - he won't shut up about it)
Now lately Riley has been a real bugger. He just won't stop following me all over! I am scared to go to my locker at lunch because I don't want to run into him! He's not being mean or anything, just annoying. I am so embarassed to be seen with him sometimes. I'm trying to practice my math before third period (it's my worst subject and I need to study) and he is standing here yabbering on and on and just won't shut up! I'm trying to get him to leave me alone without being rude - then my math teacher comes in. Riley starts talking about something disgusting. I tell him that I don't want to know but he goes 'I'll be done in a sec' and I am sitting here with my fingers in my ears, with Riley talking about something disgusting to do with pimples and all I can think about is how weird Mr. Roberts must think my friends are!
Then the other day, to top it all off, Riley is walking down the hall talking at me. I'm actually making an effort to listen and then I see David. I wave to him and smile big and say hi. He waves back and gives me a smile, but as I walk past him I see the look on his face just crumble, and he looks so dissapointed. His expression was just screaming 'oh great... she's busy'
I am almost sure that he thinks I'm dating Riley! Augh!
It's not that Riley's not an okay kid but he's driving me nuts. I need a break! I don't want to be mean or rough to him. (I don't think he's got that great a home life and I want him to know I don't mind being a friend -just not a 24 hour tell-you-about-my-fanfic line!)
I need to get this guy off my back and let David know we're not hooked up! Hopefully I can talk to David at the next school dance. (he's not in any of my classes this semster - *sad face*) Riley on the other hand is hard to deal with. I told him I was busy at lunch and he insisted on following me anyway! I actually hid from him and Rachel at lunch that day because I was so sick of him. I had to wait till after school to scan the picture I wanted to. I am so sick of him I can't stand it!
Any suggestions as to how to get him off my back polietly and straighten things with David? My friend Rachel offered to talk to David for him but I'm sorta iffy on that beacuse Rachel's barely encountered him before. She just really doesn't know him well at all!
Help Nuri-sama!
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
Well, first off you need to sit Riley down and explain to him (nicely) that if he wants to continue being your friend, he needs to give you some breathing room and to stop following and bugging you all the time.
After you've done that, find David and let him know that you and Riley are just friends and that you are available if he is interested in pursuing a relationship. Good luck!
Dear Hotohori,
Hi!!!!!!! *smiles widly and shrieks at the site of her love, the most beautiful man alive!!!!* So how do you feel about being admired by a bunch of women who absolutly adore you???? Hino-chan is writing a fan-fic(yes,another obssesed fan-fic writer, just like me.) about girls(Hino_chan and I) go to your world and we protect everybody there while becoming Tenshi and face evil people like Nakago.*shudders at his name* Well, I gotta go and do other stuff*sniff* gomen ne. *looks at Hotohori with longing in her eyes and throws herself at him, determined never to let go*
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
Arigato for your kind words. I am quite flattered by all the the attention. *Gives her a hug and then tries to peel her off of him.*
Dear Chichiri,
I think you are soooo cute as the SD version of Hotohori!!! Dont tell Hotohori, OK?
Alex and Kimberly
Dear Alex and Kimberly,
Arigato! I won't tell him, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
I feel like crying...
franny chan
Dear franny chan,
*Puts an arm around her* Why?
Dear Tasuki,
They're not gay! They're not gay! They're not gay! Um, I mean, uh... the G Boys I have proof! Um...well no, not really... but they aren't! So, yeah. And you are a cool person- fanged- thing because you don't think so either! So all the more power to ya'! By the way, why exactly DO you have fangs? Just wondering.
a GW fan
Dear GW fan,
Thanks! I was jus' born wit' 'em.
Dear Tasuki,
i read that "a little warmth" talking bout you and chichiri and i found out that your always involve in yaois relationship, tell me (don't take it too personal) what are you a gay?
Dear genroufan,
I ain't gay! Don't go believin' every fanfic ya' read!
Dear Chichiri,
you ask me what do i want from you for free right? can i have a fy scroll, c'mon please, please, please or may be anything it doesn't matter as long as it is a fushigi yuugi item, 'coz you know we don't have anything like that in our area...
Dear louver,
That is a bit difficult as scrolls are expensive, no da. Also sending things to your world is hard for us, no da. Gomen, no da.
Dear Hoshi,
Wow; 2001 isn't too far away, if you think about it. :-)
Now I'm questioning about the Suzaku constellations as you think yours is part of an old Hydra form? Or maybe Watase Yuu likes kites?...^^; *lol* Or I'm turning into Tasuki in that I can become more easily irritated than before? *gasp!*
*Points to a bulky telescope behind her* There are some *beautiful* stars outside your palace. I believe I can spot Hydra from here and see this for myself! You may come too, if you wish. ^_^ *Picks up the telescope and stumbles out the door with it*
Dear Hoshi,
I do believe that it is part of the Hydra constellation. However, I'd be pleased to join you stargazing.
Dear Tasuki,
*after being away for a few days and having to scroll like heck* Whatta ya MEAN, "NO"?! ...Ne, are you afraid (¬_¬;)?
Dear Ellis,
Eh, heh... what was th' question?
Dear Tasuki,
oro..someone else is using my name. buts its ok cuz i won't let my blood pressure skyrocket over that^-^jus hope u and the rest of the seishi won't get confused.
Dear aiko,
They are? I think I'm already confused!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I loveeeee the picture of the sieshi of the week!!! How did you guys pick your costumes? Love ya(except Tasuki)!! I'm not afraid to sign my name Tasuki!!!! hahahahahahahahaha!!!!!! Happy Halloween!!!!!
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
Arigato! The artist picked them for us.
Dear Chichiri,
Arigatou! ::::runs up and gives Chichiri-kun a big hug then runs away:::::
Dear petra,
*Looks confused* You're welcome, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Do you think girls should be strong or weak? I know you dont like girls, but your opinion would be appreicated. *hugs Tasuki* I love u no matter what!!!
suzaku's protector
Dear suzaku's protector,
Strong! Weepin' weak women drive me nuts!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Is Suzaku a man or a bird? How powerful is he? Is he more powerful than the other gods?
Alex and Kimberly
Dear Alex and Kimberly,
Suzaku is a god and as such can appear as a man or a phoenix if he so choses, no da. All the gods are equally powerful, no da.
Dear Mitsukake,
who is your love?
kian protacio
Dear kian,
Dear Tasuki,
Why are you so mean to Tamahome? Will you let my friend Mandy be your wife?? She has blondish-red hair and loves you very much. Please???? thank you. Oh yeah, I don't think your very cool. (sorry all you deluded Tasuki fans, I wish I could make you see how handsome Hotohori is.)
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
It's fun fightin' wit' ol' Obake-chan! I already got an aisai, Iri-chan!
Dear Tamahome,
Why do you like Miaka soo much? I like you more. Why do you always fight with Tasuki? My friend likes Tasuki. Can we double date? I am 8 and she is 7. Is there a problem with that? ^_^
Alex and Kimberly
Dear Alex and Kimberly,
I love Miaka for a lot of reasons. She's sweet and caring and unselfish to name just a few. As for fighting with Tasuki, it's fun. Since you and your friend are so young we can't date you, but we can be your friends if that is ok with you.
Dear Tasuki,
*appalled* I DO NOT LIKE THAT IDIOT! NO way in h*ll!!! *sticks tongue out at Tasuki* Anyways, I am glad I'm reading Pride and Prejudice on my free time.
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Suuuuuuure ya' don't... *Smirks*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*sees the sake and grabs it before oyaji can*
heehee....I need it to fortify me for rehearsal....and for dealing with all the wackos in Greenwich Village. Y'know, guys,I went down there with my friend Brian (the one I was with while talking to CnA) and we both looked gorgeous, and the guys were making all sorts of disgusting comments.
*takes a drink*
I wanted to go kick their butts, but Brian said no. Guess it shows I'm my father's daughter, eh, oyaji-kun?
*grins at the rest of the seishi*
Ya don't have to worry guys. The only thing I made was the jello, and there's NO way to screwup jello, right?
Kelli, CnA#2
Dear Kelli,
Yes you are! *All the Seishi sweatdrop...* J-J-J... JELLO??????????
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Nuriko,
do you love hotohori?
kian protacio
Dear kian,
As a dear friend and fellow Seishi.
Dear Chiriko,
chiriko who is your crush! your so cute and smart!
kian protacio
Dear kian,
I don't have any crushes on anyone.
Dear Tamahome,
Which do you like better, cream soda or root beer? Sorry, I really want to know that ^^
Dear Melissa,
I've never had either of them so I don't know. Gomen.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
What is said in the THTC song "Metcha Hajikete Guts Tobashite" by Tamahome, Hotohori, Tasuki and Chichiri inbetween the verses? I've looked but haven't found this info...
Oh, also, I wanted to alert everyone of something I just posted on my web page "Dress Like Chichiri" A song called "Konan," a parody of Will Smith's "Miami". Check it out @ (Nuriko, I appologize in advance: I mentioned all of the seishi but yours was very short. Gomen!)
Dear Mako-chan,
Cute site! We checked and checked but we couldn't find a sute that has the complete lyrics and spoken translation of "Metcha Hajikete Guts Tobashite" either. If we find it we shall add it to our links peeji.
Dear Tamahome,
your so cute! i love you so much that i will give you anything! do you love me?
kian protacio
Dear kian,
Arigato for your kind words. I love Miaka but, I will be your friend.
Dear Chichiri,
chichiri are you uppset when you killed your bestfriend! arigato! gomen for the question
kian protacio
Dear kian,
Of course I was, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
Ooohhh! Look at the cute little owl!!!!! *pats tasuki on the heard* My what a pretty owl!
SHrinemaiden Keisei
Dear SHrinemaiden Keisei,
OWL?!?!?!? I ain't no *(^%$#@ owl!! I think ya' need yer eyes checked.
Dear Hotohori,
i have a question can we be friends? my nickname is kian! no ofense i really like you and i love you! i know you love houki so much that you will give anything for her but i really like you
kian protacio love yah!
Dear kian,
Arigato for your nice words. Of course we can be friends.
Dear Tasuki,
I thought you were supposed to hate women, then how come you can stand all the hugging and smooching these fan girls do to you and then actually hug back?
Dear Mal,
I got two words fer ya! Fan Service!
Dear Chichiri,
just like the way your chi works! your chi is likes nakago's chi! pls. answer the question if it's true! arigato
Dear kristine,
Every individual's chi is different, no da.
Dear Mitsukake,
*sniffles* Mitsukake, I have a question for you. Can you heal a broken heart? I'm so sad... I got a ring from Tasuki, a gold one with a fire-red garnet as an oval backdrop for a small diamond, I thought as an engagement ring, but when I asked him about it, he said that...*sniff*...he never... *sniff* sent me a ring! *sobs hysterically* I'm so depressed. I think I made him mad at me, and all I can do is think about him, with all the pictures I have and memories of all the times I've seen him. Is there anything you can do to heal this broken heart of mine? Please, I ask you in all humility. *kneels and bows head*
Dear Krazie-chan,
Gomen, the only thing that heals a broken heart is time. Tasuki isn't angry with you, but we cannot send anything to your world except for cards. So I tend to think that someone besides him sent you the ring. Perhaps you have a secret admirer in your world.
Dear Tasuki,
I found out more about the pothead guy... it turns out he's more grown-up then I ever thought.. he drinks, goes to bars... and such. @_@ I was like, whoa dude.... *shrugs* And he skipped school the other day.
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
I think ya' need to leave him be. He's too old fer ya' in too many ways!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
is the fy fame gonna last?i hope not >_<
usagi-pon acting all reporter like
Dear usagi-pon,
I hope it lasts, no da!
Dear Mitsukake,
It would frighten people I know because everyone I know are used to seeing me with a ponytail. So gettin` it all hacked off surprised a lot of people. Hehehe...
Dear Keiko,
Ah, I see now!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*clears throut* Ahm....
Resently a friend of mine, Kosetsuno Tenshi, sent Hotohori a letter saying she would protect him. Just incase you were wondering what she was talking about, I plan to explain.....
Last year, I started to wirte a fanfic, heheheh *blushes* It's about the Suzaku Tenshi (me, Kosetsuno, and 5 other girls) each are assigned to protect one of the seishi...
Testsuno Tenshi (angel of iron) protects Tamahome,
Kostesuno Tenshi (angel of snowfall) protects Hotohori,
Hoshino Tenshi (angel of stars) protects Nuriko,
Kuraino Tenshi (angel of darkness) protects Chichiri,
Hino Tenshi (angel of fire) protects Tasuki *hugs Tasuki*,
Korino Tenshi (angel of ice) protects Mitsukake,
and Ameno Tenshi (angel of rain) protects Chiriko,
Oi, heheheh, I hope guys can kinda understand now, heheheh, *blushes* hopefully I'll have my fanfic up on my webpage soon, but If you want to learn anything about more about Suzaku's angels check out my website It's my first site, and I'm not done yet, Oh well, see ya guys later! *hugs minna*
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
Nice website! Although Tamahome wants to know why he has the Angel of Iron instead of the Angel of Okane. *Sweatrops*
Dear Tamahome, can you stand Miaka's eating habits? Or anything else about her?? And how do you get your hair that color??
Yasashii the Agressive Kitsune
Dear Yasashii,
My hair has always been this color. As for Miaka, I love her and that is reason enough to deal with her small faults.
Dear Tasuki,
*runs in with Chesta and gives Tasuki the shin-kicking of his life*
Taiitsu and Chesta: Dilly-sama!
*Taiitsu no Miko ties Tasuki up above a lake*
Taiitsu: You struggle you soak, fangboy!
Chesta: Dilandu-sama? Are you okay? *dusts you off and calls up the other Dragonslayers to help Taiitsu no Miko guard Tasuki* Is there anything you would like sir? Are you alright? Would you like me to get Alceides for you to stomp on this bandit?
Taiitsu no Miko and Chesta
Dear Taiitsu no Miko and Chesta,
*Hangs over the lake and curses a blue streak!*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
hihihi no da! know who this is? *GASP!* Orca! no dun run away! ;.; Hehe, I'm really hyped today, so forgive my bouncing off the walls ::bows:: Actually I popped on real quick just to make sure everybody's doin' good and that ya'll didn't get into (too) much trouble no daaaaa! Gah! why do ppl on icq like to randomly show up with hentai cr*p? ><* no matter.. ::clicks off:: right, anyways yeah, i might UL some fanart n' stuff this weekend, i can link ya if ye like. ::smiles:: i gotta go now (yeah.. again, i know) and- before i take off- visit my dear friend Very Wicked Lady's page,! it's sooo nifty! and sign her guestbook!! ::chuckles:: hey if she wont promote herself, *i'll* do it for her! ^_^! Jaja no da!!!
~Orca, says 'no da' a lot o.O
Dear Orca,
We would have visited her peeji but the redirect was down for it. We would like to see your fanart though.
Dear Tasuki,
*Stephanie runs in grabs Tasuki's fan*
If you want your fan thingy back you got to go to the Seiryou and fry Nakago cause I HATE him! i won't give this back until you do!!!!!!
Dear Stephanie,
Gimme that!!! *Grabs tessen away from her.* I can't fry him if I don't have this!
Dear Tasuki,
*floats on in* Okaaay... I have unfinished business before I can rest in peace. *eyes kay*
The pictures kay presents as proof are probably from yaoi doujinshi, therefore, unofficial. Well there is a POSSIBLITY of yaoi pairings in Gundam Wing, it is never verified that there are any. It's mainly left up to the interpretation of the viewer.
And two guys hugging doesn't make 'em yaoi. Also, while I don't like Wufei that much, he's a pretty cool character ;p And there is nothing wrong with being a loner.
Furthermore, this viewer only acknowledges that possiblity for yaoi pairings as just that, a possiblity. This viewer doesn't believe in yaoi pairings in Gundam Wing. However, people are welcome to believe what they want. It just annoys me no end when opinion is stated as fact when it's just an opinion.
Now that I've said my two cents so to speak, did I clear things up somewhat for anybody who was getting confused? =P
The ghost of One-chan
Dear One-chan,
Made sense to me! I don't know 'bout Kay though...
Dear Nuriko,
I've noticed that even though you're a man you have really cute girlish eyes (Gomen if I've offended you)How do you get your eyes to look sooooo big (I've noticed that anime guys usually fall for that and odengo, so I figured its worth a shot)?
Aiko, ChibiMeow no Miko
Dear Aiko,
I don't do anything special. I'm just drawn that way! ^_^
Dear Hotohori,
How do you fit all your hair into that little hat?
Yasashii the Agressive Kitsune
Dear Yasashii,
*Smiles* Quite well, don't you think?
Dear Chiriko,
what does daijobou and onegai mean?
Dear aiko,
Daijoubu means "It or I am OK." Onegai is the shortened form of onegaishimasu and it means "please". You would use it when asking a favor of a friend.
Dear Hotohori,
*Eyes widen* CnA might go to the tomb in Asuka someday? *Blinks at her* Take me with yooooou!!! ^^; Or bring back pictures...or something. That would be very cool. ;-) Glad you enjoyed the site!
Hoshi, who was known for nothing but astronomy until present day. O.o
Dear Hoshi,
She'll try to take pictures of it if she can get in. She's planning on going to Japan in April of 2001.
Dear Tasuki,
Konnitchiwa!!! Hey Tasuki, I was wondering, how much sake do you have with you at any given time?? Could I have some? *drops to knees and begs* PLEASE??? Could you tell me how Miaka became so accident prone?(because you so sexy, smart and beautiful I know you know why). Do you know how to make an armadillo out of oragami? How did your all-mighty tessen come to be? Do you think Hotohori is pretty? Toodles.
Aiko, ChibiMeow no Miko
Dear Aiko,
I usually have a bottle wit' me. I think Miaka was jus' born a klutz. I ain't very good at origami, so no. Th' tessen was th' symbol of leadership at th' bandit stronghold. Taiitsu-kun made it so only I can use it an' it's more powerful, too. I guess Hotohori's ok lookin' fer a man.
Dear Hotohori,
You love me?
Dear Jeni,
Actually I love Houki, my wife.
Dear Tasuki,
What do you MEAN "what ring??????" I'm obviously talking about the engagement ring you sent me! The gold one with the fire-red garnet (my birthstone, by the way. how did you know?! You're so thoughtful!!) with the diamond in the center. You know you remember asking me to marry could you forget me and all the times we've shared??? Even with your minor bought of forgetfulness, I still love you, forever and ever!
Hugs and kisses... :-*-0-<
Dear Krazie-chan,
I didn't do no such thin'!!!!!!!!
Dear Chichiri,
Wai wai!!! We just had Taiko drumers come to our school! I'm so happy I can barely type! They had three players and five drums, one of which was a HUGE festival sized one. I went to a Japanese language camp about a year ago and there was a Taiko class, but I didn't get to do it. *pout* Still, one of my friends did it, and she would always come back exhausted from playing for about half an hour or 45 minutes. And not nearly as intense as these guys. I was amazed. And everyone around me was too...which is a very new thing for the people at my school because they are all critical of new things and I doubt any of them had seen Taiko before. Yoshi, ne?
Man, I'm starting to write here every day now...^_^
Oh, could you tell Tasuki that Krazie-chan (Yes I know her personally, in fact, I was the one who showed her FY in the first place) *does* have a ring and is rather mad at him for lying about it. Arigatou!
Ja ne!
Dear Mako-chan,
I'm glad you enjoyed the Taiko drumming. I like it too, no da. Some of Chichiri no Aijin's friends do Taiko performances around Los Angeles, no da.
Gomen ne, I told Tasuki about the ring but he insists that he never gave anyone a ring and I believe him, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Ryan is ignoring me now!!!!!! GRRRRRR... I am so pissed. I should be the one to ignore him. What can I do now?
Pride and Prejudice is somewhat similar to Hana Dan.. it's very interesting, hey, people of what grade usually read it???? Just wondering.
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
I dunno. Get over yer crush on him?? I think that High School Seniors or College students usually read it.
Dear Hotohori,
*just saw the seishi of the week picture*
Anou.. didn't you say you'd be a cat? ^^; then why were you dressed as a chicken??? that was just *wrong*!
as for being pampered... ^^; i didn't think you liked being pampered, that's why you liked Miaka-chan, b/c she treated you like an equal rather than a superiour.
I'll wait a bit longer before playing for you ^_~ I'm working on the Sailor Stars opening theme (the violin version).. it's SO pretty ;) I hope one day I can play like Kaioh Michiru.. that's why I named my violin Haruka. (you're somewhat familiar w/ sailormoon, ne?)
take care,
kate-chan, the cute bunny girl of the moon
Dear kate-chan,
I didn't say I wanted to be a cat for Halloween. Besides, the costume was not MY choice. >.<;;; I am familar with the Sailor Moon storyline.. *Smiles* Cats are pampered in that if they are in a loving home, they are well taken care of & have no worries.
Dear Tasuki,
Knock knock! Who's there? Why it's Kouji! Kouji who? Kouji, the sexiest, hansom bandit with arms of steel! Oh, Kouji, the hottest guy ever, please do come in! Thank you!
*walks in*
Boy, me going to say a lot in this one letter Tasuki, because for some reason, the last week has been a hassle for me to get on this site really! I keep hitting the link and it says it can't be opened, but then again, if I try like twenty times I finally get on! this is frustrating!
*grabs sake and chugs it down*
Oi, needed that! Anyway, hey....
WHAT DO YOU MEAN UGLY ORPHAN! I CAN'T HELP IT MY WHOLE ENTIRE FAMILY DIED FROM THAT PLAGUE AND THEN I HAD NOWHERE TO GO! What is wrong with orphans, and don't make fun of it! I had to watch my sister die in my arms dude! And Genrou was a stupid runt who I beat the living $%^% out of all the time, hehe.
*calms down before poping a vein*
What do you mean ugly? From what I hear, Chichiri said your face scared the &^%$# out of some kid when you were looking for that $#%#&&^ rooster-shino-egg thing or somethin'? Hehehe, your the ugly one, so don't call me ugly! All the women flock to me anyway. Actually, I think that is why you SAY you don't like women, because you can't get a date!
*bursts out laughing*
Oh, the boys and me are going on a raid, so our site will be off limits for a while. And we got some keeping guard from the MT. Kaou bandits someone saw roaming around. Being leader is hard work, hey Genrou? Oh yeah, me forgot! I'm the leader! *dances around*
Kouji the Great
Dear Bro',
Yer only th' leader 'cos I LET ya' be th' leader! So don't gettin' all Eiken on me! An' I never said ya' were an ugly orphan! Well, yeah I said it but it was a JOKE!! So get over it!
Dear Tasuki,
I must say, thank you for asking about my little birdies. They are doing well now. Nothing scary going on with them. I'm still not anywhere near winning the battle against them eating a better diet. They want seeds and my vet says they need pellets. They are nothing but a bunch of two year olds in a cage. They hold out until the two times I give them seeds during the day. All the rest of the day it's pellets. Yum! I think they taste good... On another note... one of my goldfish passed away today. I noticed he had an illness known as dropsy about a week ago. I got some medicine for him but it didn't work. I'm kinda sad cause I bought him for one reason. He was the little deformed fish out of all the others in the tank. He had a fin that was bent backwards. Any ways... I got my pictures from the convention back. I might just scan one and send it to ya. Until later. **hands him some sake**
Dear Heenker,
Arigato fer th' sake! Glad to hear yer birds are doin' good. Gomen 'bout th' fish though...
Dear Chichiri,
There's no need to yell, no da.Have you tried searching on Otaku World, no da? I fear that Nakago is more powerful, no da... >.<;;;
Dear Chichiri,
If any question involves your mask ,are you always gonna say "it's magical"?
Dear kay,
Well, the mask IS magical, no da. So logically, yes, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
I HAVE PROOF THE G BOYS ARE REALLY YAOI!*puts picture of Quatre and Trowa hugging each other and Heero and Duo scamming in front of Tasuki's face*i didn't draw this and it's true.BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
P.S.if u don't believe me i'll show MORE yaoi pics of the G boys!heh heh heh heh heh heh heh ^_____________________________^ Wufei is still a big @$$ loner
Dear kay,
That picture don't mean nothin'!
Dear Tasuki,
like i said... i don't think heero,duo,quatre,and trowa r gay but kay thinks so.
Dear joy-chan,
I agree wit' ya'!
Dear Chichiri,
i want to ask the over view of the second ova of fushigi yuugi. and i want to know if there's something i can have for free from you, coz you know you're my fave fy character...
Dear louver,
The 2nd OVA is from book 13-18 of the manga, no da. I prefer to not give away spoilers so I really can't give you a decent overview, no da. Gomen. So, what is it that you wanted from me for free, no da?
Dear Tasuki,
Keetia: *taps One on the shoulder* You wanna know what's worse than all that yaoi?
.. Not... really...
Keetia: I'll tell you anyways.
Fine... What? ><;
Keetia: ^.^ What I do with Yan-Tora.
O.O; ...... X_x; *Dies. Horribly.*
Keetia: oops! ^.^
A very deceased One-chan (and Keetia)
Dear One-chan an' Keetia,
I DON'T wanna know!!!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*still SD, looks at the yo yos, then Tasuki* I'd let ya fry 'em, but then Suboshi would kill me. And we dont want that to happen, now do we? Nooooo, we dont! Good! ^_^
Dear Kuro,
I suppose that would be bad, no da. We already have Dilandau trying to fry Tasuki, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
*whacks him upside the head* Kouji is NOT and ugly orphan!! O.O *runs for cover when he gives her a death glare*
Dear Anonymous,
ITAI!! I see ya' were too chicken to sign yer name! I SAID I was jokin'!! 'Che!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Tasuki1 You said you were into Outlaw Star? WHOO HOO!!! *gives the victory sign* GO TASUKI!!!
Dear Kosei,
*Fanged grin and a victory sign.*
Dear Hotohori,
i like your style i just wanna be your friend! i really love you
Dear kristine,
Arigato for your kind words! Of course we can be friends.
Dear Mitsukake,
*sniffs* How does one get rid of a cold? My eyes are itchy...I have been sneezing...and coughing...And I think that Tenchi and the others are starting gettin` sick...And I have been really tired lately...*yawns* *sweatdrops* *looks at Tama-Neko and gives him a pat on the head* Kitties are evil creatures...I screamed bloody murder cuz my cat scared me. Heh...Um...bye...
Dear Keiko,
Cats aren't evil. Try drinking lots of fluids including hot tea and chicken broth. Take Vitamin C and get some rest. It's a virus so it just has to run it's course. Gomen.
Dear Tasuki,
*sighs* Man...I cant believe I've gotten this far without my mom...I know it's a bit early to be talkin about this, but, Thanksgiving is going to be sooooo different without her cheerful voice there being thankful with us...I really miss her..
At least I'll be able to spend Thanksgiving with Neko, though...Gods, it's been somewhere around 3 months sinse the last time I saw my other best tomodachi!
And even longer since my mom...;_; I'm so not going to be able to live through CHRISTMAS!!! Ya know, I had to spend last year's Christmas in the hospital. My mom got really sick then. So we had to spend Christmas in that cold clammy horrible prison we all know and love as the 'hospital'.
I cant stand that place. We had to go there so many times...
*smiles slightly* I dont even know why I'm suddenly pouring this out to you! I mean, I dont even think I even told you guys what happened...Well, I guess it's pretty obvious, ne? My mom died. There. I said it. She had cancer, and she died. *hangs her head* I havent even cried about her....being gone and all...Is that wrong? I mean, I feel the sorrow, but, no tears come..
*sighs again* And a little while after my mom passed away, Neko moved. I really miss her. I'll bet you miss Kouji too sometimes, ne? Best tomodachis should always be there for eachother. And even though Neko's miles away, we can still talk on the phone and be there for eachother on our bad days... ;_; I cant talk to Neko till next Monday, though. She's in Canada right now.
Well, Halloween is right around the corner, isnt it? Are you gonna be doing anything for Halloween? I'm not. I'm probably gonna be asleep. ^_^;;; It'll be the first Halloween that I dont really go out and do all of that candy collecting, but, I think I can do without that for now.
I'm going out to AZ for Christmas for two weeks, and I'm really exited about that.(not as exited about seeing Neko, though) My dad's coming out a week after I come out and my auntie Carol isnt coming at all. ;_; She says Christmas is too depressing, and plus, she has to stay home and care for the animals. (5 dogs, 6 cats and a handful of chickens) I think the main reason why she isnt coming is because my mom's not gonna be there. That's gonna be really hard...My first Christmas without my mom OR my aunt...*looks like she's gonna cry* I'm really starting to miss my mom...
a very sad Kuro, who's letting the depressing hollidays get to her
Dear Kuro,
*Gives her a hug and holds her.* I'm sorry ya' lost yer mom. Yer not wrong fer not cryin'. When yer ready th' tears will come an' when they do, here... *hands her a piece of piece of kesa cloth* Don't tell Chichiri I took this from him. *Fanged grin*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I am soo happy!My teacher finally blew the top! My English teacher has been being treated very badly by the kids.They steal the candy she brings for us and they mess up her room and treat her like well she's just another kid.They have no respect at all for her.One girl even stuck Pokemon stickers on her car windsheild!Well today she was telling us to sit down and no one was paying attention.Then she just screamed SIT DOWN!!! and everyone finally listened.She said to just get out all of us and we didn't have to do out homework.And she talked with the principal.But this won't last thats the sad part.I really want to help this teacher.I just don't know how.
Aragtou for listening
Dear Stephanie,
You can certainly tell her that you respect her and that you hope she continues teaching you. If she has helped you in some way let her know & thank her for it.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*Doc, Iridal, and Kelli set out the groundcloth, dinnerware, and glasses*
Okay time to put the food out ladies, remember to keep them covered. :)
Okay we have the slow cooked prime rib and salmon, braised vegetables-konnyaku, lotus root, burdock root, shiitake mushrooms, carrot and snow peas in dashi broth., steamed rice, chicken rice soup, a salad with rice wine vinegarette, and some loaves of molasses bread.
*takes out a few bottles of her harvest tea, some tropical punch, and that
expensive bottle of sake*
Ready Ladies?
*Doc takes in a deep breath* DINNER'S READY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear Doc-sama,
*All the Seishi come running*
Suzaku Seishi
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