Dear Hotohori,
I love you soooooooo much!!!!! It sometimes makes me mad that I can't marry you.*sniff* But, as Kosetsuno Tenshi, I'll always be ready to protect you and do whatever you say. If it means that I must stop gazing at your beautiful face, then I will!
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
You needn't stop gazing at me if that is what makes you happy. Arigato for being there to protect me. *Smiles*
Dear Tasuki,
Oh, let me explain.
The 'fourth wall' is term used when refering to avatars and fanfic characters, or story chars in general. It's basicaaly what we call the barrier of the world that the characters live in, their own reality. Think of the story reality like a room, 4 walls.
If the fourth wall is broken, that means that the charcter or avatar will know that they are simply a character or avatar, and that their reality is make-beleive. Kind of like what happened to Tamahome when Yui told him he was 'just a character in a book!' When a character finds out that they're truthfully non-existant, and can be controled, that's not a good thing. I hope I've clarified things. If you need a clearer explanation, let me know.
Shrinemaiden Keisei
Dear Shrinemaiden Keisei,
It makes sense to me.
Dear Tamahome,
Once I get it scanned I'll send it in for seishi of the week! I drew it up and coloured it last night, displayed it to Rachel at Anime Club today and I'm going to scan it onto a disk at school tomorrow!
Tomo - I'm sorry (coughyeahright)to say - won't be featured. The pic is for a fanfic series I'm doing. In one installment myself and my lackeys are in the Sakura universe and we get to be the equivalent of different characters.
At least three lackey's (or me) must be 'equivalents' of chars in the universes (which is why I have seven or so lackeys). As equivalents we basically get the costume, status and sometimes power of the individuals we are copying. (ie: I got Yui's dress and status as the miko when I was her doppelganger in the first installment - Open Onto Insanity)
In the Sakura universe I am Lei (my fave, yay!), everybody's favourite mazoku, Xelloss is Tomoyo, and Sakura!
There is very Lason-esque caption on the pic -
Feverently hoping that Soi would not choose THIS installment of the fanfic to rescue him Nakago's eyes fell on the 'other' crossdressing lackey. "Damn Xelloss, looking so comfortable." he thought. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! (I so eeeeeevil!)
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
We can't wait to see it! And to read the fanfic it goes with! Oh yes, Chichiri no Aijin wants to know if Xelloss is in the picture or if you have him drawn separtately. ^^;;;
Dear Nuriko,
NURIKO! I meant that Guy's were flirting with ME! not flirting with them! *blushes*'d you know it was me I was talking about?
Relena who's been away from this Website for a week?
Dear Relena,
I'm good aren't I?? Tee-hee... ~_^
Dear Tasuki,
I got the ring you sent me! Thank you SOOO Much! so, when's our wedding? I do so hope it's in April. Maybe the 18th? Then you would never forget the day...and we would always celebrate in a very special way!!
I love you!!
Dear Krazie-chan,
RING?!?!?!??? WHAT RING????? I never sent no one a ring!
Dear Tasuki,
Have you ever read Pride and Prejudice?
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Nope, but I've heard it's a classic.
Dear Chichiri,
can amiboshi be a suzaku seishi
kristine codename: amiboshi
Dear kristine,
I don't think so, no da. His destiny was to be a Seiryuu Seishi, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Aiyah, I was skipping through the archive don't think of Kouji and yourself as lovers? Why not? Since you don't like women, some people assume...things.
Inari, I sound like a baka (Don't you comment on that!).
To get to the point before I ramble endlessly, Tasuki, you don't think you'd been in a yaoi relationship?
Dear Tasuki,
...*glares at Tasuki and coughs up some smoke* -.- How dare just made a big mistake making an enemy of me , Fang boy. humph. Taiitsu no miko...send for Chesta...I'm in dieing need of slapping someone. -.- *sets Tasukis hair on fire*
Dilandou Albatou
Dear Dilandou,
*Puts his hair out and hits Dilandau in the face with the fire extinguisher.* Fang boy THAT ya' freak!
Dear Chiriko,
what does 'oro' mean?
Dear ccs,
I have heard it likened to the Yiddish "oy vey". Sort of like "oh my!"
Dear Tasuki,
*looks mournfully up at Taiitsu no Miko* Mo...e...chae....Gatti...where... *eyes light up* *laughter* *grabs a convenient flamethrower and lights up*
Dear Dilandau,
*Shields himself with the tessen and then uses a fire extinguisher on the flame thrower... Frys Dilandau again...* 'Che! Some freaks NEVER learn! Heh-heh-heh... I learnt that one from CnA... th' HARD way! *Fanged grin.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*runs into the room and hides behind Tasuki, SD* Hell~oooo, peeps! *giggles* I took Suboshi's yo yos from him and now he's after me! *holds yo yos up* See? See?
Dear Kuro,
So, can I fry 'em??
Dear Tasuki,
Hahahaha, hey Tas, do you know that in our language Kouji means 'ugly'? Heeheehee (sorry, didn't mean to insult Kouji or anything) (I'm from Pakistan)
Dear Mal,
That's ok. It means "orphan" in Japanese. So I guess he jus' an ugly orphan! Jodan dayo!! Heh-heh-heh... *Grins*
Dear Hotohori,
Um, your highness, you don't get my point. What I mean to say is that any way you look at the costillation, it's just not how Hydra is supposed to look like.
Kay/Mal (same person)
Dear Tasuki,
is Duo,Heero,Quatre,Trowa yaoi?kay thinks so....he also thinks Wufei's a loner.
kay:THEY ARE SO GAY!!!!!!!!
*looks at kay and sweatdrops*--;i'm asking u this b-cuz there is no such thing called "ask the Gundam Wing cast".i don't tink they r gay though >.<
joy-chan and kay
Dear joy-chan and kay,
NO! NO! NO! They ain't gay!! 'Che! Some people... >.<
Dear Tasuki,
Ok, me have calmed down. Woo, guess one can get obsessed over a show? I love it anyway, saw some of Trigun, but got bored easily in the first episode. Tell me it gets better. Please say it does. And someone is playing Ranma in a rpg with my Jubei characters and Sm and FY Seishi and then got me interested in seeing that show. Do you guys watch that one? Anyway, ok, done with the hug! Me got to go snuggle Koinosuke! *goes and snuggles her Koinosuke*
Dear Avery,
We've seen Ranma. Trigun gets LOTS better as ya' watch it!!
Dear Tasuki,
*POUNCE!* I'm traumatized! ;-; Tasuki! There's so much yaoi out there it's scary! ;-; There's no escaping it! ;-; It's everywhere! ;-; *hides*
A traumatized One-chan
Dear One-chan,
I know!! *Sweatdrops...*
Dear Tasuki,
Hello. I am a pychopath, sociopath, a wierd, odd, a satan worshiper, a Jevoah's witness, a slut, prudish, split sided, odd, fat, and have a really bad hair-do.
Think that would be good on a T-Shirt? (With the misspelled words correctly spelled.)
Mrs "Please do not give my God peanuts" Witch
Dear Witch,
NO! Why not try "Let me introduce myselves..." instead?
Dear Hotohori,
Do you understand Serial Experiments Lain?
Dear Queen,
Better than I did Evangelion! Which, I suppose, isn't saying much... ^^;;;
Dear Mitsukake,
Konnichiwa! I wanted to thank you for letting me use you as a hiding place from Tasuki. He's very scary when he yells like that. (bows and gives you a flower) Domo arigato for your patience and generousity!
(sees Tama-neko on your shoulder and lights up) Ara, may I pet him? I love cats.
Dear Alina,
You're welcome! *Hands her Tama-neko to pet.*
Dear Tasuki,
(peers out from behind Mitsukake) Is it safe to come out? I've been hiding here since July when you blew up at me about my question about your fangs and your gene pool.
Gomen, I didn't mean it as an insult. You are nothing like Ashitare (except perhaps for fierce in battle, ne? :) ). It's just that usually fangs aren't found on humans, so I was wondering where you got yours. (I still am. :)) Arigatou to Ai-sensei for the translation!
Dear Alina,
I was jus' born wit' 'em!
Dear Mitsukake,
Happy! I got a super cool hair cut! It's all spikey `n stuff, kinda like yers. Hehehe...O.o Now I get ta freak out people...ta ta!
Dear Keiko,
And why would that freak people out?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Ai! *Big hugs to everyone* Thank you for replying! ^.~ I didn't think to check over the archives for that question. *^.^
Out of curiousity, what _is_ "Osaka" comedy?
Just curious,
Dear Annie,
You're very welcome! Osaka comedy is similar to American slapstick.
Dear Tasuki,
Well vacation was fun. I think that it made me a rebel tho. i am having problems keeping to my studies. I shoul have written to chiriko to have him give me a beating. we had a firedrill while i was tryin to study fer my test yesterday. Too bad you weren't here - probably would have made it a somewhat funny situation. I ran out with no shoes on cause it scared me! anyway, I hope all is well with you and i promise to try and do better with my school habits. *hands him some fine sake* enjoy!!!
ina chan
Dear ina chan,
Arigato fer th' sake! An' start hittin' them books!!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
hello my friends! (sike, i WISH) I always go to the chatroom but nobody is in there when I go. I don't think they like me ^.^ Oh well it's great to write letters to you even if I can't talk to you. Oh ya, my friend and I have an (unofficial...did i spell that right, Chiriko-sensei?:::blushes:::) oh well we have an RPG. I made up my character, she is Nakago's younger sister. (Don't worry she isn't like him ^.^;) I'll tell you more about it if you want to know. Oh yes, I have a question. Would any of you like a girl even if she wasn't very pretty? Just asking because all anime women are beautiful and I wonder if there was ever one that wasn't very pretty some guy would like her. (oh yeah all anime men are beautiful too) Oh yes, one last thing. This week is spirit week at my school and although i have NO spirit the rest of the year, during Spirit week I go nuts! I have a wig fetish, and I'm wearing my long, fuschia wig on Weds. and my Silver one on Thurs.
P.S.(I think Chichiri, Mitsukake and Chiriko are as beautiful if not more beautiful than Hotohori. Don't let him see that! ^.^;;;;;;;)
Dear petra,
I won't tell him, no da! Chiriko says that you did spell unofficial correctly, no da. I personally believe that it's what's inside a person's heart that makes them beautiful, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
Konbanwa Nuriko-Sama!!!!!
I'm back, it's been a while though..... Guess what, there's this guys in a few of my classes (his name's Brady) and he is such a total cutie, his hair is red, it reminds me of Tasuki, hehehehehe.... I wanna ask him out, but I don't know if he like's me.
another thing, I'm gonna try to get purple contact lense, so my eyes can be like yours, my friend, Darci, has them, she doesnt like anime though, so its not as cool.
plus, when i go to college, in like a long time (i'm only in 8th grade) I'm getting a kitten and I'm naming it Nuriko if its a guy, or Kourin if it's a girl..
I dyed my hair today, it used to be a light/medium brown, and now its a 'chestnut'/ reddish brown color... it looks really cute, maybe Brady'll notice me now.
I gotta CHOW, see you later! love always and forever! @~/~ @~/~
Dear Kitty-Chan,
Maybe you can ask Brady if he would like to study with you as you have some of the same classes together. Good luck!
Dear Hotohori, Look what I found! Isn't this the coolest site??? *_* Just scroll down to "Star Charts" and below it you'll find your star name, symbol and a map of where the constellations are located. I love this stuff...
Dear Hoshi,
Fascinating site! Arigato! Chichiri no Aijin now has plans to visit the tomb in Asuka!
Dear Tasuki,
Ano... for the seishi of the week, is Mitsukake supposed to be a butcher? heheh, and who is the chicken? Tell me it's not Hotohori...
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
He's a doctor... >.<;; And yes, that's Hotohori in the Chicken of Doom suit.
Dear Chichiri,
how do u breathe with your mask ?is it magical also?and how do u order your name?is it Ri Houjun or Houjun Ri?why r u and Tasuki soooooo sexy(i can't believe i just said that --;)?just curious ^-^.
Dear joy-chan,
My non-Seishi name is Ri Houjun. The mask is magical, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
*stops shaking Tasuki and looks blankylt at her computer.* Waiddaminute........ Kyoto's just a character! I can simply show her my true omnipotence and show her how I can controle her!!! Bwahahahahahaha!
Oh sh*t....... I forgot something I heard.... when interacting with characters and avatars, act like you are a character or avatar yourself... otherwise the 4th wall will be shattered and that can be a *very* bad thing...
Shrinemaiden Keisei
Dear Shrinemaiden Keisei,
*Looks confused...*
Dear Tamahome,
What comes to mind when I say this?
Nakago dressed as Card Captor Sakura.
Also, if I drew a picture of this and sent it in would CnA-sama post it on the Seishi of the Week?
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
*Forms a mental image and falls out of the computer chair laughing...* I can guarantee she'll put THAT one up!!! How about Tomo as Sakura's rich friend that's always giving her outfits? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki! *flies in and hugs him* I happy! ^_^ My local mall finally got a clue, and now we have a place that sells video games (not to mention some anime videos too), and there is a new place that sells a bunch of pictures, and they had at least three different Fushigi Yuugi wallscrolls. And they were different from the one I already have! YAY!!! ^_^
Oh yeah, I did go to the docter about my leg, and he took some x-rays........and of course he said I was fine ^^; Nothing wrong with Hino, just complaning like usual ^^;
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
*Hugs her back.* Glad to hear yer OK!!
Dear Hotohori,
lol!! ytoushi is cute... don't you agree? ^_~ i like your reaction..hehehe. :) urgh. i think i'm going to fail my maths exam..and get retained or something. >< friday the 13th brings NOTHING but bad luck. :( do you pronounce 'ytoushi' anyways? XD XD
Dear Wenwen,
I think Ytoushi looks like Amiboshi... I believe that you would pronouncehius name eetoeshi.
Dear Tasuki,
Here's a major help on chemistry flame tests minna :) *hands Tasuki a set of Lithium, Sodium, Barium, and Copper Tessens*
Lithium turns red, Sodium turns gold and yellow, Barium turns green, and Copper turns blue. Light 'em up hon ;) *gets out of the way, just in case*
Mits can tell ya, I never struck Ai-chan!!!
Dear Doc-sama,
*Looks at Mitsukake for confirmation. Mitsukake nods to confirm what was just said.* Cool tessens!!!!!!! Arigato!! *Grins*
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki Tasuki! I have not written to you in a while! Hahaha!
Ok, me just watched second volume of Jubei chan! Have you seen that show? I'm so obsessed with it, I even got a site up! I chose to watch that over Weiss Kreuz, weird, I know! Kreuz is oay, but I'm obsessed with Jubei! It's totaly a excellent show and just wanted to tell everyone!
Do you know they don't have like any sites on anipike for that show? I know it's brand new, but everyone needs to know the greatness of Jubei chan! They have two in different languages though, but none like in English! Well, I hope to get more on my site!
*distracted grin*
Oi, it's Avery but my other name is...etc...etc....
Ok, so it's a Japanese samerai male's name, I still like it!
I got me a new snuggling anime guy too! Ok, so you and Kouji are still my number one, but you have competition! Ok, so he's 300 years old, but he's droolable and ok, so he dries up into a rotting corpse from time to time, but he's adorable! Koinosuke rocks! He's soo cool! Hahaha, you guys have to watch the show! Anyway, how's it going and the site seems to have been down for a while. Is there any other good shows out there you guys like?
^.^ Can I still have a hug though? ^_____________________________________^
Koinosuke Odago (AJ)
Dear Avery,
*Gives her a hug* Calm down!! We saw an episode or two. It was interestin'. Right now we're into Trigun, Lost Universe, an' Outlaw Star.
Dear Tasuki,
:runs up to Tasuki papa in a looooooong blue sparklie dress with rime stone straps and curled hair: Tasuki Papa I am going to the homecoming dance!! Do I look okay?? I am nervous :sniffles:
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley Chan,
Ya' look beautiful! Have fun an' stay outta trouble!
Dear Chichiri,
*looks at her reply**blink blink* arigato 4 what?
Dear joy-chan,
*Blushes* You said I was adorable, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
^_^ I won't turn into a pothead. He's actually really nice. But I decided I don't like anymore. *shrugs* I still talk to him though. And Ryan blushed when I said hi to him... so now is the first time where I'm really doubting if he does like me. My friend said he was probably lying to his friends. 'cause he can't tell his stupid friends stuff like.. Sorry if I bored you!
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Nah, ya' ain't borin' me. But yer friend's actin' normal fer a guy!
Dear Tamahome,
SailorMelissa:your so fine and genuine!in other words...u r soooo sexy!HA HA HA HA !!!
Usagi-pon:*sweatdrops**points to SailorMelissa*don't blame me that she's ALWAYS weird!
SailorMelissa and Usagi-pon
Dear SailorMelissa and Usagi-pon,
Ano... arigato?
Dear Mitsukake,
lady had a sculpture critique on thursday, and she was presenting some bronze pieces she cast. well, all the wood i assembled to make the stand to hold the bronze stuff was WAY too heavy, and i pulled some muscles while assembling it. then when i got my bronze out of the investment i sliced myself up on the chicken wire and some sharper parts of the bronze. just remind me to never do another bronze casting as long as i live*laughs*
i'm going to try and make some nice fans this time around, i just hope i have better luck with them than i did with the last project!*laughs and hands mitsukake some candy before scampering off*
Dear saralady,
Arigato for the candy! Take care of yourself!
Dear Tamahome,
Well, I am bizzare...heheheh...And I am not offended by it. O.o Later!
P.S. I'm workin on a shrine ta you! When I'm done with it, wanna checkie it out?^^
Dear Keiko,
Sure! Arigato!!
Dear Chiriko,
Konnichi wa!! Do you know a good site to buy Fushigi Yuugi manga for a low price? ::ish as stingy as Tamahome:: ^.^;; I only have the 1st Volume. Do you know a site where you can buy animé plushies too?
Dear Mitsukake,
Is Tama-Neko a male or a female?
cat-crazy Mal
Dear Mal,
He is a male.
Dear Hotohori,
*blushing* Of course I'll play my violin for you, but right now I sound pretty horrible ^^; What's your favourite song?
By the way, if you could be any animal, what would you be, and why? I'd be a bunny... probably because they're so cute and cuddly and bouncy and.. well.. ^^; i'm quite bouncy :)
Take care :)
kate-chan, the cute bunny girl of the moon
Dear kate-chan,
Gomen, I don't know of any songs for the violin. I shall let you decide. I would be a cat since they are generally pampered and treated like royalty.
Dear Hotohori,
who is your lovelife?
Dear Samantha,
Just fine, thank you.
Dear Tasuki,
TASUKI!!>.<*HIDES BEHIND HIS BACK* r the guardians mad at me?!i dunno if i started the sake barrel thing! all i did was say the guardians r in wooden things!help me!!oh yeah ,i have one question 4 joy-chan,usagi-pon,or meeh annoying?thats all i wanted 2 ask u.
Dear aiko,
I don't think they are. Ya' might wanna ask them. An' ya' guys ain't annoyin'.
Dear Tasuki,
*beats the crap out of Tasuki*
HOW DARE YOU FRY MY DILLY-SAMA!!!!!!!! JERK!!!!!! *hugs Dilandu's ankles and dusts him all off* My poor Dilandau-sama! Are you okay? You want anything? Alceides? A Flamethrower? The Dragonslayers? If I can get you anything just ask! *kisses*
*kicks Tasuki in the shins and scrambles off waving at Dilly*
Taiitsu no Miko (the raving Dilandau Albatou fan)
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
OI!!!!!!!!! KNOCK IT OFF!!!!!! HE STARTED IT!!!!!!
Dear Hotohori,
Konnichiwa, Hotohori-sama! And how are you doing today? I'm doin pretty good. I've been working on a picture of you. Did you know that you are increadibly hard to draw? Well, I'm not really just -drawaing- it, I'm doing a sketch. It's a pic from one of the movie jacket thingies that I have on a card...It's not very easy to sketch a picture from a card, ya know? But, I think I'm doing pretty good on it...I wish I could send it to ya so you could see what I've done so far...*sweatdrop* But...I dont exactly know how to give it to ya. Sooooo....Oh, yeah, I forgot to tell ya WHY I'm drawin it! ^_^ It's a late B-day present for Neko! I think she'll reeeaaaally like it, dont you? Of corse you do...well, that's really all I wanted ta say, so, Ja!
Dear Kuro,
Arigato. If yu can scan it, you can always send it to me through the administrator's address on the index peeji.
Dear Tamahome,
*looks at Keiko's letter and Tamahome's answer*dat's a mean thing to say !Tasuki doesn't look scary!at least he has more fans than u!i bet your just jealous!j/k about u being jealous
Dear usagi-pon,
Nha, I just like to annoy him...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Oi, could you guys give me the link to the ask the cast of FF8 peeji? My fav. places thingy got screwed up and I lost it...
Dear Kuro,
Check our Links Peeji. It's there towards the bottom.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I am obbsessed with both Fushigi Yuugi (ehehe... unhealthily obsessed) and Gundam Wing... So, i decided that i would write a fan fic about the cast of Gundam Wing going into the world of Fushigi Yuugi... who do all of you want to be good friends with? domo arigato! ja ne!
*devil kitty*
Dear devil kitty,
Oh no another obsessed fan-fic writer!!!!! Run away!! Run away!!!
Nuriko: Releena
Hotohori: Zechs
Chiriko: Quatre
Chichiri: Heero
Mitsukake: Trowa
Tasuki: Duo
Tamahome: Wufei
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
HELP! It's Friday the Thirteenth!!! Something's gonna happen, I know it will! Something ALWAYS happens to young women who are by themselves on Friday the Thirteenth!!! All the weird ghosts and stuff come out on Friday the Thirteenth!!! And it's October, so that makes it worse! Help! *hides behind Hotohori*
Mari-chan, who swears she did not watch that all-night monster movie marathon
Dear Mari-chan,
I'm sure everything was ok, no da. Perhaps you should cut down on the scary movies, no da.
Dear Chiriko,
Hey i'm looking for Char pics know of any good ones?
Dear Jinka,
Of who?
Dear Tasuki,
hallo again!it's almost kay's b-day and i need your advice on what 2 give him cuz u r his fav. seishi(he even likes your dubbed voice in the OAVs!).he doesn't like a Tasuki plushie b-cuz he says it looks like it has an afro but i think it's so kawaii!!hee hee u go Tasuki*hands him 17 sake bottles*hope u don't get drunk and i didn't poison it or anything!i swear!!i tink this is the longest letter i've written 2 u ^-^ okies mata ne!
Dear usagi-pon,
How 'bout a poster of me? Or a CD wit' me singin' on it? If ya' send me his email address I can send him an e-birthday card.
Dear Tamahome,
hi Tamahome!*hugs him*i absolutely adore u!i know u have Miaka but i love u so much *blushes*=^-^=thank u sssoooo much for the hug and the kiss.see ya
Dear SailorMelissa,
You're welcome!
Dear Chichiri,
hi cutie pie(hey that rhymes!!)^v^ since "no da" basically means "its obivious"and 4 example u say "gomen no da", does it mean "sorry its obivious"?thankies*gives Chichiri a hug*and see yas!
Dear usagi-pon,
No. In that case it is used as an emphasizer, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Can I add ya in my bishounen harem? ^^;
Dear lol,
A harem???? I dunno...
Dear lol,
4 no da. Ano... shouldn't this be a question for Gourry, no da?
Dear Tamahome,
Tama-chan! How have you been lately? Well, I hope ^_^ I just wanted to ask you for some advice on how to tell a friend that I don't want to visit her (on a trip ), not because I don't want to see her but because I just don't feel like being away from home right now, even though it's only for a few days. I'm finding this tough because she's generously offering to pay for my plane ticket and it seems like she really wants to see me (though I will see her if I don't go on the trip in any case, since she will visit me at some point, but she wants me to go visit her too). Sorry if this is confusing, but the bottom line is I really don't want to go and can't find a way to tell her :( Any advice on good excuses? ^_^ Sorry for the tough question... maybe I'll give you some okane to make up for it next time, since I'm broke right now :) Well, take care and thanks!
Dear Mary,
Perhaps you can thank her for her generous offer and ask that it be postponed for a more convenient time. Good luck!
Dear Tamahome,
Heh...I think I did frighten some people. Lesse, I had a paper fan that my friend let me use...I looked pretty nifty. Then I walked into the room like I broke my back or somethin`, cuz I was mad that I forgot my belt...And some guy asked me how many people I have killed. I told him one. And he thought I was serious so I told him not it was actually pretty interesting. Heheheh...I actually looked pretty cool once I put on these strange glasses...O.o heheheh...well, I probably should stop scaring you...ja ne!
Dear Keiko,
*Looks at her and sweatdrops...*
Dear Tasuki,
*shaking Tasuki* "not again"????????? "Not Again"??????? One of my characters is trying ta kill me and all YOU can say is 'Not again"??????????????????
Watch it or I'll just not let Chichiri stop Keisei from whacking you in the crotch! (story thing)
Shrinemaiden Keisei
Dear Shrinemaiden Keisei,
Well, whaddya' want me to say?!?!?
Dear Tasuki,
Guess what???? Ryan really doesn't like me!!! *relieved* He told one of his friend, who told his friend, who was my friend, who told me. He also said that he's confused!!! He's not sure if I really like him or not!!! SO this time it's MY turn to mess with his mind!!! MWAHAHAHAH!
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Cool! Heh-heh-heh...
Dear Chiriko,
Hi!!!!! I think you are soooooooo cute will you come home and be my pet? Pleeeeeeeeeeeeease??????? *takes Chiriko and drags him to the door.Then comes back and gets Hotohori*
Dear Stephanie,
Gomen, I am a person not a pet. I will be your friend though.
Dear Chiriko,
*Doc places a cup of Harvest Tea by Chiriko's hand* You look thirsty. :)
I'm Doc-sama, I'm glad you came for this. *glances at the piles of scrolls*
A comprehensive guide to Woodworking. That'll help. May I make a suggestion? Try studying the section on building tables and chairs. Because that will be your job on this project. Someone has to do it, and if it's your handiwork we can be sure nothing will fall apart. :)
Dear Doc-sama,
Arigato! Oishii! It's nice to meet you. I'll get right to reading these.
Dear Nuriko,
*Doc looks up from checking on the food* I see you're finished Ryuen, Is Tamahome alright? *stirs the vegetables and adds more lemon juice*
Hey Iridal, check on the bread will ya? So many hungry people and so little time. *sits down on a rock* Ryuen, I hope this will help everyone.
It hurts my heart to see so much pain. ;.; This from a woman whose profession demands the sharing of the soul. Even when I'm on vacation I still try to heal. Guess it's my nature. :) *Brings out a bottle of Harvest Tea* Care for a cup Ryuen?
Dear Doc-sama,
Hai! Arigato. Tamahome will be just fine. Mitsukake is healing him now. *Smiles*
Dear Chichiri,
I read your reply to another person's question that 'no da' means something like 'obviously'. Doesn't it seem weird to add 'obviously' in the end of every sentence?
Dear Mal,
When done that way, it is considered an emphasizer, no da.
Dear Hotohori,
Er, there's something I don't understand. Your constilation is supposed to be hydra, right? Well, It looks like exactly an inverted Big Dipper. How do you explain that? The contilation Hydra looks completely different then yours.
Dear Kay,
I believe it may depend on where you are viewing the constellation from. Northern hemisphere vs. Southern hemisphere for example.
Dear Tasuki,
Well, I'm not blown to bits. Konnichiwa!! *hugs* We figured it was a rival school that we're playing for our Homecoming game since it's tomorrow...they were trying to pysch us out. But you can't scare a BANDO!! (that's me, by the way) So, how are you? Oh, and I got you a present on honor of my school's Homecoming...KAMEDAKE!!!! *hands Tasuki a giant can-opener that is as tall as her* ^____^
Dear Katsumi,
That's good to hear! So did they catch th' people makin' th' threats yet? Arigato fer th' can opener!! *Goes in search of Kamedake...* Heh-heh-heh...
Dear Hotohori,
0o!! tomorrow's friday the 13th...and i have my finals. math. which i suck, suck, absolutely suck at. geez. is it a bad omen..that i'm going to fail? hope not. *looks scared* you know that ytoushi of the 'ask mt reikaku' page likes you... a lot?? ^^;;; go write him a letter...and..make him happy! XD ano.. i'm spouting nonsense. going to study now..byebye. :)
Dear Wenwen,
Ytoushi? Him?? Ano... *sweatdrops...* Ganbatte kudasai on your test.
Dear Tasuki,
*glares at Tasuki* Don't you even think about touching MY computers. You do that, and I get Nagi to forget about hunting down Ryoko, and get her to come after you. *realizes that she just spoken* Baka...*kicks Tasuki out of her lab and slams the door*
Dear Washu,
Dear Tamahome,
Going as Tasuki wouldn't scare the kids...going as myself would scare them. heheheh...Next year, I thought of gettin` a straight jacket thing and wear it, and have my friend behind me with a leash on me. that would be creepy...O.o
Dear Keiko,
If not creepy, at least it would be bizarre.
Dear Tasuki,
Well, the weekend of AWA is now over. Things are back to normal. I still keep with me the memories of the weekend. I just so happened to dress and none other than... YOU! For two glorious days Heenker was the one and only Tasuki-san! It was lots of fun! I was surprised to find out just how many Tasuki crazed fan girls there were at the convnetion. It was all to much fun. Untill later.
Dear Heenker,
Glad to hear ya' had a good time! How's yer birds? *Smiles*
Dear Tasuki,
*sweatdrops and zaps him* Now will you leave us alone?!
Dear Kamedake,
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