Dear Chichiri,
*snuggles in*, I just ruined another attempt at my own supper, I shan't try and kill yours! *smiles*
No, I'm just lonely, I guess. The opera is really taking a toll on me...I never see my friends...I'm so stressed out I just want to curl up and stay there...
Kelli, CnA#2 (aka "Valkyrie...don't ask me, Ifurita gave it to me...)
Dear Kelli,
Gomen ne, no da. *Gives her a hug.* I know CnA will be calling you today from the doujinshi con, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
*bounds over to Tasuki and gives him a hug* Hi Tasuki-chan! I missed you!!! I've been bugging Tamahome but now I'm back. Y'know what? I tried out for our school play...but I didn't get a part. *pouts* Hmph! They never give Freshman good stuff. *brightens up* But I'm sure I'll get a part in the spring play cause my drama teacher told me I did a fabulous job on my audition. Our next play is Godspell and it's better anyways. *Yawns* I've been working too hard at school. *cuddles closer* Can I nap here for a bit...? *falls asleep*
Kat Winner
Dear Kat Winner,
*Places her on a couch and quietly leaves the room...*
Dear Tasuki,
Mou... a pot head can be nice, right?
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
I dunno, but I s'ppose he can be. BUt he can still get ya' in trouble! So be careful! I don't want YA' turnin' into a pot-head!!!
Dear Nuriko,
*grabs your arm* Nuri-papa, Nuri-papa! Come shopping with me please!?!
Hotohori and Houki took the babies out with them today so Hotokimi and I can rest!
Kimi-chan spent the morning with me but then Khuriki-san showed up and they went out for lunch so I came to see you! I wanna have FUN today! Cmon! Let's go buy lots of things that we like but don't really need!
A Very Excited And Free For The Day Kourinish
Dear Kourin,
Hai! *Takes her hand and goes off shopping with her.*
Dear Tasuki,
You'd better be nice to my imouto! She hasn't been able to get her messages through, so she's extra hyper and exciteable! So be nice, even if she annoys you no end! And don't be surprised if a rant about a newspaper article comes up. There was something in Ann Landers' column yesterday from some dork who REALLY generalized teenagers as very less-than-complimentary things. Anyways, One and I were both fried when we read it, so One's gonna rally the teens on the msg board to write Ann and mebbe she'll end up dedicating a column to the subject =D Ja ne!
Dear Firefury,
I saw on th' message board! Interestin' idea!
Dear Mitsukake,
what should someone do to keep cuts from getting infected? and how do you get really sore muscles to heal up?
an ouchified saralady
Dear saralady,
Wash them with soap and water and then put an antibiotic on them such as Neosporin, Bactine, iodine, etc. Putting bandaids or a dressing of some sort is also a good idea and will help them heal faster. Rest and a soak on a hot bath as well as taking some aspirin or Tylenol will help your muscles. What happened to you???
Dear Tasuki,
*starts giggling*u r so funny Tasuki!try'in to open the guardians just b-cuz they look like sake barrels ^O^ha ha ha...lookie! i wanna introduce u to something!
Mokona:PUU PUU^^ it's name is mokona and i didn't steal it from the magic knights^^;
Mokona:PUU PUU*gives Tasuki a hug*PUU!!
okies, gotta go!
Dear Usagi-pon,
*Looks at Mokona* Heh-heh... it's kinda cute!
Dear Chichiri,
*wakes up from fainting**looks up at Chichiri*really?wooooooooooooooooooww!at the dokidokistation,i only found plushies of tamahome and mits-chan( anything about fushigi yugi was mostly about them^-^;;;).how do u stay soooooooo adorable?ok ,thank u and see ya Chichiri-chan!
Dear joy-chan,
Arigato, no da. *Blushes* I'm sorry they didn't carry what you wanted, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hiya! Well, I'm too lazy to write seperate letters to each Suzaku shichiseishi, so I decided to put all of my queries into one letter. ^.~
Firstly, I was at the "Ask the Seiryuu Seishi" site and found a question (that someone else wrote), that I'd like you to answer (seperate answers from everyone please). "Okay, Miaka and Yui are working together to organize a 'team work' assignment, and the Seiryuu side is involved, along with all of you seven, the name drawing is completely random. I want each of you to name the four people you wouldn't mind working with, remember you're only paired up, and the seishi/miko you name can't all be from your side."
Okay, onto individual questions!
Tasuki, why do you and Kouji have such similar hairstyles? While I'm thinking of it, could you say "Hi" to Kouji for me, and tell him I think he has the grooviest eyebrows in all of animedom (seconded only by Treize from GW)?
Second question, do have any idea why Kouji answers his own questions? Thirdly, are you scared of all water, or just large bodies of water? I was wondering because a friend suggested that you drank so much sake because you had a natural aversion/fear of water. I don't agree with her because that would mean you would avoid _all_ types/forms of water, and I couldn't believe that such a cute guy wouldn't wash. *^.^
Nuriko, when you dressed as a girl, did you find it difficult to be the only "female" seishi? Just for curiousity's sake, did you still love Hotohori at the end of the series? I mean, if you were both reborn and Hoto told you he loved you, would you consider him? This isn't complete speculation. Look at his wife's face for heavens sake!
Chichiri, how do keep the mask on? And how does it change expressions? That's had me puzzled for a while.
Hotohori, if someone offered to copy you, say make a full grown clone of you, would you want them to or not? Why?
Tamahome, how much money would I need to offer you to get you to dump Miaka? *evil grin* Sorry, just joking. But for a completely hypothetical question, if Miaka was dying and Nakago had the cure (assuming dear Nakkie-poo was still alive) would you be prepared to live with Nakago for eternity in order to save Miaka's life? Would you do it if you had to be Nakago's lover?
Questions for everyone (individual answers would be appreciated ^.^):
What do you think about the FY fanfic phenomenon? Who is your favourite firl/boy couple? (Chiriko, you don't have to answer these questions if they're too mature for you.) What do you think of yaoi fics and who is your fave yaoi couple? If you had to be in a yaoi couple, who would be your three top choices for your partner?
Well, that's about it. Thanks for listening to just another fan who thinks you are all gorgeous! ^.~
Dear Annie,
My! So many questions! Well, here are all your answers! The answer to your first question about the team work assignments can actually be found in our June 10, 2000 archive. Search on the name Ai-chan.
Tasuki: I dunno, guess he likes my style! *Fanged grin* 'Course I'll tell him ya' said hi! Who else would answer his question? If ya' mean th' door thin' it's called "Osaka Humour". Of course I bathe!
Nuriko: It was only difficult because I had to hide the truth from everyone.
Chichiri: It's magical, no da!
Hotohori: No, I prefer to be unique.
Tamahome: I don't know... that's a very difficult decision... ITAI!!!!!!! *Miaka smacks him* HAI HAI!! Of course I would!!! Anything for you darling!!!
We enjoy the fanfics. However, yaoi is NOT a favorite of ours so we have no favorite yaoi couples. But we do think Tomo and Nakago deserve each other... *innocent grins...*
:Male/female couples:
Yui/Nakago (Yui gets around a lot doesn't she?)
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
Oi, Tasuki~! Have you ever considered NON-flamable a challenge?
Dear Kuro,
Are you kidding? Walking and chewing gum at the same time are a challenge for HIM!!! *Gets fried by Tasuki* ITAI!!!!!!!!
Dear Tasuki,
I'm 15 and a month old. That guy isn't that old... But I have always liked older guys. Can't help it.
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
An 18 year old pot-head is still bad news!
Dear Chichiri,
*Doc walks over to Chichiri* Konnichiwa Chichiri, it's been awhile. *hugs him* Have you noticed the healing magic in this place yet? I hope all of you can experience something good here. Care to help me stake out the rain shelter?
Dear Doc-sama,
I would like to help you, but I think I am needed elsewhere, no da. *Points over to Kelli*
Dear Chichiri,
*is sitting by a lake in the area and sniffling*
Isn't fair...not my fault i can't cook well...
*brushes hair out of face, which, as CNA knows, is comletely useless because Kelli's hair has a mind of it's own.*
Dear Kelli,
*Walks over to her and wraps his arms around her.* If it means that much to you I could ask Doc-sama to let you cook or we could just stay here for a bit, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Is Doc-sama a guy or a girl? Just wondering
Dear baka-chan,
She's a woman.
Dear Chichiri,
*Jumps on Chirichi* Hi!!!! My friends tried to meditate once and they said they floated up in the air. Is that possible? Ok Bye!!!!!!! I'm a little hyper right now... *hops out the door*
Stephanie or in the post board Sakura
Dear Stephanie,
If you have been studying under a master for many decades it MAY be possible, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Okay, well, like GCNM, i have guy problems. Infact they're three roled into one nice little package marked 'Explosive'. Okay. I like this guy Mike #1. He's a REAL jerk and all of those bad names, but yet i still like him. This is REALLY bad. Then I sort of like Mike #2, whom i sexually harass almost everyday. I grab his 'man breast' and he says that he likes a weird way... and then i like this guy who i'll dub Teddy Bear, he's in my Yearbook class and we're on the same team and that stuff.
Okay, i told Teddy Bear that i like/liked Mike #1. He feels really sorry for me because he hates the entire family (which i can COMPLETELY understand). And i even told T.B. about my near to close porno dream with mike #1 in it.
Okay, here's how today went....
Mike #1 sits behind me in History and completely was saying how much he likes me and loves me and was sort of feeling up on my hips/side when i jumped out of my seat because chris poked me (i'm VERY jumpy). Then he asked me if i love him. I said that i don't necessarily hate him. The thing i have with this is a) i don't know if someone told him i liked him or not b) he was high/drunk/had a hangover. c) he was really serious and likes me. This was VERY confusing to me. I put my hair up, and then i'd take it down and shake it a little, he'd say how much he loves my hair and if i could do it again because that was so sexy of me.
Then in the break between 5th and 6th i was dropping a story off in Jeannie-san's class, and Mike #2 was there. He grabbed his man breast and i asked him if he was asking for it. He said yes and i told him that he actually likes me doing it. After i 'felt him up' i was tired and it turned it a hug and me resting on his shoulder. So he goes into saying how much i like him and that's why i can't stop it or something like that, i think i actually fell asleep.
Thirty minutes ago, my lil' sis tells me that T.B.'s little sister told her that he likes me. And i REALLY like T.B., he's really nice, sweet, smart, funny, etc. and we get along great together. So i'm all happy that i've learned this right. I ask my friend sean what should i do. i say i could
A) completely act as if i don't know anything, (fat chance)
B) tell my little sis to tell his little sis that i like him
(which sean endorses somewhat)
C) or i could start being more 'friendly' towards matt, like hugging him and tell him how much i appreciate sean's words gettin' closer you sly dog you....
I would like to know which one looks good to you guys or if you have any new suggestions i would LOVE you for it. Thanks!!!
Spazed out Mary
Dear Mary,
Use Plan B and go for Teddy Bear! He sounds like not only the nicest but the most normal of ALL of them!
Dear Hotohori,
First of all let me just tell you you are my favorite Seishi!!!!! I think tthat you are the nicest sweetest guy ever!
OK before I sound like another crazed fan girl let me just ask my questions
1. Who do you really don't like in the Suzaku seishi
2.Who do admire in the Suzaku Seischi
3.Of all the girls in FY would you most like to date
All of the above
4.Why do you keep referring to the "gods" in the series? (just really curious)
*gives Hotohori flowers she's been holding and hugs him one last time and runs out*
Dear Stephanie,
Arigato for the flowers and your kind words. *Hugs her back.* On to your questions... There is no one in the Suzaku Shichiseishi that I do not like. I admire Chichiri for his ability to keep calm in dire situations. Miaka is who I would date if I weren't married and she wasn't with Tamahome and the gods that we refer to are the Four Gods of our world: Suzaku, Seiryuu, Byakko, and Genbu.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I just saw Episode 33.
I haven't cried in years, but I'm weeping now. I can't tell this to anyone else- the only person in the vicinity is Dad, who would probably ban my anime use if he knew I was crying over "some drawn character". He doesn't understand- my reality is inclusive enough to believe in you all as real people. How can I stop the tears? Oh, please, gods, how can I stop?
Ri Kaeli
Dear Ri Kaeli,
Must have been the Nuriko episode. *Gives her a hug.* We've all grieved over his passing. Unfortunately, everyone gets over things at their own pace. You just need to grieve and go on like we did. I'm sorry though that it made you so sad. *Gives her another hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
*POUNCE!* Yay! My letters are getting through again! I have to make up for lost pounce time! *POUNCE!* And ya know what? There's a race this Saturday! MWAHAHAHAH! And did you know you make a cute kitty??? Go here to find out. ^-^ Chichiri and Nuriko make cute kitties too! Mwahahaha! They're got kitties from other series too =) *POUNCE!* So did you miss getting letters from me??? *POUNCE!* And Nate and I will have been together 7 months as of the 13th ^-^ And people say 13 is an unlucky number! Bah! *POUNCE!* And... um... Oh yeah! I made some graphics for my friend Makou for his page and he likes them so that's cool XD I can't run the LAKC site because I don't have A) The room to store all the images on my harddrive, B) An ISP that will stay connected when downloading all the images onto my harddrive, and C) and ISP that will stay connected to upload the site and updates! *POUNCE!* Okay, I'm done *hugs* Lova ya, byes! ^.~ *POUNCE!*
Dear One-chan,
Welcome back! I was wonderin' what happened to ya'! Chichiri no Aijin REALLY likes the Kitty peeji. Congrats to ya' an' Nate! *Hugs her*
Dear Hotohori,
How do I get a guy to talk?
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Try talking to him first.
Dear Tasuki,
*runs in, ducks and hides behind Taski*
Help! I put Keisei back in the Character Closet, but when I did, Kyoto (Keisei's dark evil clone who was on here fighting hotohori with a sword a while back) got out!
Nyan Nyans! I must get to the character closet and grab Sakura, Ayeke and Ashi! SHe can't stand the utter cuteness of Keisei's student!!! Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!
Shrinemaiden Keisei
Dear Shrinemaiden Keisei,
'Che! Not again...
Dear Tasuki,
I just heard the songs sung by all the good and bad guys and even though Obake-chan's my fav you have the sexiest voice i've ever heard and you kick @$$ Thanks to your lovely voice i have made two new Fushigi Yugiains just from hearing you singing ^_^
Oh and i really would like to ask you a question if you would be so kind as to answer it...
I was reading a book off the internet called Genrou's Den and the last two parts are not there i was wondering if that stupid bad guy bandit leader died? If so did you kill him? i hope so i hate him... and i hate Akin he sucks i hope he die's horribly the weasel...
Well your just so cool and i understand how you felt with five older, bossy, mean sisters... Their just a bunch of mean lazy peices of cr*p!! Well take care and if you ever need a girlfriend i'm there for you heck even if you just need a friend but you already have leagions of them huh? well just know that i'm there for you all the way ::Hugs:: ^_^
F.R.No Miko
Dear F.R.No Miko,
I don't wanna give away a big spoiler so I can't answer yer question 'bout th' book. Gomen. AS fer my sisters, they may be mean bit they are still MY sisters! So be nice, ok? 'Che! Who'd ever thought I'd say THAT???? Don't tell 'em! 'Specially Aidou!
Dear Tasuki, think your good with fire,huh? Well well. I've done more damage in one day then you have your whole life! How many towns can you say you burnt down? *psychotic laugh* It seems that I would come out the victor in this little game. Not to mention I'm the head of my own little army of DragonSlayers....who are almost as beautiful as I am. Lets see you beat THAT, fang boy.
Dilandou Albatou
Dear Dilandou,
*Looks at Dilandou, looks at his tessen...* LEKKA SHIENEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Flames Dilandou extra-crispy...* Heh-heh-heh... how'd ya' like that girly-man?
Dear Tasuki,
I like this new guy in school... he is 18 I believe, but he is only a junior. And he is extremely quiet. So how do I get him to talk? BTW, he's a pothead.
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Ya' don't! He's 18 an' yer what? 14... 15? He's too old fer ya' an' ya' don't need to get involved wit' a druggie.
Dear Tasuki,
For the last time, fang-boy, we are NOT, repeat, NOT sake barrels! I'm sure that Washu, whenever she comes out of her little lab, will provide you with sake! *glares*
Dear Kamedake,
*Goes after them with a can opener...* Yeah, right... NOW STAND STILL SO I CAN OPEN YA'!!!
Dear Mitsukake,
But, Mitsukake, you would look soooo cute as a sailor scout! I can just see you in those little mini skirts and knee-high boots! *giggles* ~_^
Dear Kosei,
Gomen, but I just don't have the legs for that outfit.
Dear Tasuki,
Guess what! I'm the only student in my Biology class right now because everyone else just left!! Why? Because we just had a bomb threat, that's why!! Don't get me wrong, I'm not excited by it, and just because they declared it safe, it isn't. But I'm not allowed to leave because of the play rehearsal after school. Oh well, ja ne! *hugs* Talk to you later if I'm not blown to bits!
a rattled Katsumi
Dear Katsumi,
Good luck and be careful!
Dear Chiriko,
Chiriko.....Miboshi called you a pink haired weenie. THAT EVIL LITTLE OOMPA LOOMPA CALLED YOU A -PINK HAIRED WEENIE'!!!! A WEENIE! The NERVE..
Dear >:O,
All things considered, I guess I can understand his animosity towards me. After all he was bested by a 13 year old. *Smiles*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*Doc finishes reading the archives* I'm gone for a week and all heck breaks loose. *Doc brings out a schedule* Iridal and I will cook, Kelli you can help clean and make sure the guys have enough nails and stuff for the construction process. *Doc pulls out a bottle of Daiginjo sake*
Tasuki-kun this type of sake is the finest ever made, if you can last through this project without drinking a drop of alcohol I will give this whole bottle to you. *places the bottle in a safe place*
*Doc gives Ryuen a huge hug and a kiss* Gomen Ryuen, He needed incentive.
Will you help me bring the food in? I brought large doses of the basic food groups. ^^ The BBQ is going to be very hardy that's for sure. ;)
*Doc catches sight of Hotohori and waves to him*
You got him to come :D I'm so glad Ryuen, arigato *_*
*Gives Ryuen another kiss*
He's definitely behaving like a male now, eh Tamahome-kun ? ;)
Hi I'm Doc-sama. *offers to shake hands*
Dear Doc-sama,
hai, except around Hotohori... *Sweatdrops and whaps Nuriko upside the head...* I'm Tamahome! Nice to finally meet you! *Shakes her hand and takes off running, with Nuriko chasing him and yelling at him...*
Dear Tasuki,
:runs to Tasuki Papa and hugs him: Tasuki Papa! I won! I won! :holds up her two awards: I got two awards in the masq.!!!!!!! Arent you proud of me?!?!?!
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley Chan,
Hai hai!! *Gives her a big hug.* Chichiri no Aijin is looking for a spare tape to transfer to so you won't have to send her any money. Omedeto!
Dear Hotohori,
Thank you for the advice i was wondering if you could answer a question for me How many brothers and sisters do you have and what are their names and ages?
I have a Really large family and i like to talk about them all the time i also love to hear about other peoples
And i already know about the other Shishei (I think) but i have heard that you have many brothers and sisters i have eight half boys half girls (Not including me ^-^)
And only one of them is from a differnt mother the rest are same mom and dad
Anyway see i like to tell people about them like you, because your nice ^-^
Oh speaking of family one of my sisters asked me a question about you to which i couldn't answer Do you cut your hair, because you have bangs but do you cut it that way or are those just short hairs??
Strange question huh?
Oh and another one what did you do to those guys who made that building topple onto Miaka in the Ep. where Nuriko first appered?
Anyway thanks for even bothering to read my letter because i know it must be hard to rule over a country but your doing a great job ^-^ Thanks again No Da!! ^-^
Dear AnimeHeart,
My apologies that it took so long for me to get back to you. I had several half brothers now deceased thanks to my ambitious and rather ruthless mother. Two of them were Hougyoku (he was older than me) and Kotsuki (he was younger than me). Because of this I prefer not to discuss my family of siblings. Gomen. As to your other question, I have someone that cuts and styles my hair for me. My hair is styled the way you see it. Arigato.
Dear Mitsukake,
*stands on a stool and hugs him* gomen for not writeing... Oh and my was hurting from my class I took it was something related to karate,but it's ok now. Also heheeh.... if you had to be a sailor scout which one would you be? k bai bai ~*~
Dear Deserae,
Your what was hurting from karate class? I would prefer to NOT be a Sailor Scout.
Dear One-chan and Firefury,
Hai! Consider it done! Nice sites, by the way.
Dear Tamahome,
Heh heh heh...On thursday, I'll get to look like you!! Hehehehee!! I'll make sure I get a picture...I jes hope it may scare some people...I do intend to frighten them little brats in the group. you have any tips for keeping little kids under the age of ten off ya? Because, the party I am going to, like, all the kids, *Except four of us*, I think are all under the age of nine. And they will probably attack us! O.o Any tips?? *looks at Obake-chan, and then at her pocky* Guess I shouldn't be rude...Want some pocky?? It's really good! ^^ heh heh heh...
Dear Keiko,
Thanks for the Pokcky! If you REALLY want to scare them, dress like Tasuki! Ha-ha-ha... *Grins*
Dear Tasuki,
*sighs and whacks Tasuki* Leave the guys alone! And it's true! You are a bad influence on them! *glares*
Dear Keiko,
AM NOT!! Besides, they ain't guys! They're sake barrels!!! *Fanged grin*
Dear Tasuki,
Azaka: Hey!
Kamedake: What the $#%@ are you doin`?!?!
Tenchi:*sweatdrops* You, Tasuki, are a bad influence, you know...
Tenchi, Kamedake an Azaka
Dear Tenchi, Kamedake an Azaka,
Me? I'm jus' defendin' myself against these vicious sake barrels!! *Goes back tp trying to open and drink the Guradians.*
Dear Nuriko,
*sniffle* Well, it's the rule that during a parade and a game, you must have your hair either tucked in your *grumble* stupid *grumble* hat or under your jacket. Because I can't put my hair in a bun and no one I know can either (I also can't stand having my hair up!), I tie it back and put it under my jacket. After the 5 hours like that, it is matted! Even if I put it in a braid, it just unravels and becomes drives me crazy! Luckily marching season only lasts another month.
PS: *LOL*! Sorry, I just felt like confusing someone there...but the basic translation was: "Hi! How are you? I decided to write to you in Spanish even though I know you can't understand the language". Then I gave him a mirror, said something else, and left. O.o Altavista could have translated it semi-decent, but that's okay. ^^; Don't mind me...
Dear Hoshi,
Maybe there's something you can wrap around your hair that will keep it from matting and tangling. Gomen about the otehr letter... ^^;;;
Dear Tasuki,
*reads Bianca's entry* ......ano..??.. I am...just fine..what does that stupid twin think she's talkin' about.....? hmm....well...anyways... it's good to be alive..again, i guess.. that's weird... i wonder why Bianc-- *dark figure comes in* Meg is gagged, tied up, and kidnapped*
Dear Megara,
Bianca! Stop it! What's she ever done to ya'?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Did you think you'd gotten rid of me?! Did you?!?! You'll never get rid of me! NEVER!!!!!!! (laughs maniacally until she runs out of oxygen)
Now then, to make up for lost time.
*pours slime over Tamahome and throws Miaka a porkchop to avoid her wrath*
*sticks pink bows in Tasuki's hair*
*kisses Nuriko on the cheek and hugs him*
*borrows Chichiri's kasa to send her #*@%$^$ Grade Ten Literacy test straight to the depths of h*ll!*
*kisses Tama-neko and gives Mistukake a letter from Shoka's Ghost on the other side*
*huggles Chiriko and gives him the pages from her History text on World War One because she never wants to hear of it again - is a very sad girl from reading so much about mustard gas and trench warfare and such - sigh*
*Shows Heika the new laws she made for Kutou - Candy for all, Anime for all, Optional School for all, Low taxes, Free alcohol, that sort of stuff -big grin - even a no hurting self-insertion authours clause!*
Yay! I have returned! Arigatou!
Taiitsu no Miko (asker of pointless questions, do-er of pointless things, oppressor of all that is sensical and real)
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
*All the Seishi sweatdrop as Tamahome and Tasuki run after her yelling about slime and pink bows...*
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
do you know that if you make a red paper crane, and rubber cement a crest on it, that it looks like suzaku? hotaru-chan made one this morning ... (kowai ...) it was cute, though! hee hee, we're hyper at school! okay, well we gotta go to class ... and we have fitness today ... (our pe teacher is SO sadistic!) okay, ja!
Moon and hotaru-chan =P
Dear Moon and hotaru-chan,
That sounds interesting, perhaps I'll try it sometime... (the origami, not the P.E.)
Dear Tasuki,
Thanks for the advice Bro! Came in real handy! The page has been fixed up-sesh, you know women! Always re-arangin' everything around! Now we got our weird bandits answering questions, and tell Hotohori to stay away caus' out bandit will glomp him! An' I can understand'ja know Genrou! These fangirls ar' crazy!
The great Kouji!
Dear Kouji,
Th' Weird Bandits, eh? Why not th' Almost Normal ones? Heh-heh-heh... Good luck bro'!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hrm.... perhaps this letter will get through? It's just a test to see if my letters will actually get through again.. so =) Just say "hi" or something if you get this!
Dear One-chan,
Dear Tasuki,
Weeeeeee! Animagic is only a couple days away! Weeeeeee! I was wondering Tasuki Papa, could you possibly get CnA to bring a video camera to animagic so she can tape our act?? One of our friends is ill and cant some nad would like a video copy. Thanks! Oh ya if CnA wants to look for me friday, I will be Wakaba school girl (just look for a girl in a BIG red bow hanging with a girl in a white uniform w/ a long pink wig)
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley Chan,
Chichiri no Aijin doesn't own a video camera. BUT she did ask a friend to borrow theirs an' he said yes! So if he don't ferget she'll have it on Saturday (it's th' only day she's goin' to be there.) it's a Hi8 camera an' takes them lil' tapes so if ya' can't use them bring a VHS tape wit' ya' fer her to transfer it on to fer ya' an' mebbe pay her fer th' hi8 tape since she has to buy one fer ya'. See ya' then!
Dear Chiriko,
*blink blink* Wha's brine shrimp?
Chibi Kuro
Dear Chibi Kuro,
Dear Tasuki,
*walks in limping on her left leg* Tasuki for some reason I think I'm prone to injuries this year ^^; I was at a soccer game last Sunday, and I played goalie like always. Well, three girls triped over my leg (The same leg I hurt at camp --;) and one triped over my neck and went flipping through the air.....or so I was told. My neck hurts! ;_; *sniffles* So, how was your weekend? ^^;
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
Safer than yer's was obviously! Did ya' go to yer doctor an' have him check out yer neck an' leg?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
YEAH! Mitsukake is cool!!!!! heheh! I play both soccer and the piano! Tasuki.....I don't think brawling is a sport, Oh well I love you anyway! *hugs* How about boxing instead? ^_^ Chichiri and Chiriko, how about something like chess?
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
I don't think Chess is considered a sport. However, Chichiri does love to fish and that IS a sport! Tasuki liked your boxing suggestion.
Dear Tamahome,
oh, friends Jazzi and SailorMelissa think you're hot.can u pleez give them a hug/kiss?i'll give u 400 gold ryo ^-^i'm doing this b-cuz i'm being nice!*tosses him the 400 gold ryo*thanx and bai bai!
Dear usagi-pon,
*Checks to make sure Miaka isn't watching and then gives Jazzi and Sailor Melissa each a hug and a kiss on the cheek.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
You're welcome, Gen-chan no Miko-san.
I hope I was of some help. (Amazing.... i with no romantic experiance at all seems to be able to help.)
Shrinemaiden Keisei
Dear Shrinemaiden Keisei,
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
heeeeeey.......if you guys are in another world how do you get our letters? do you have a computer? how can you have a computer if youre in another world? just a thought
Dear ccs,
We get the letters through the humble cyber-abode. It's sort of a dimensional interface between your world and ours.
Dear Hotohori,
*quietly walks into the room and stands next to you* Psst! *nudge*....Psssst! *nudge nudge* Neko's B-day is Oct. 4th! TOMORROW! ^_~ *quietly turns to leave and then remembers something* Oi! SEAMONKEYS! *races outta the room giggling like she just cracked a joke...*
SEAMONKEYS! *sweatdrop* ...I mean.....Kuro
Dear Kuro,
As I have no way to send her a card I hope this will suffuice... Otanjoubi omedeto gozaimasu Neko-chan!
Dear Tasuki,
HEY!!! I have an idea! I'm gonna pretend I like ryan and say I like him so he'll be freaked out!!! What'd ya think?
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Be careful... he may decide he likes ya' back! Or worse... ya' may decide ya' REALLY DO like him!!
Dear Tamahome,
I am just here to wish you and your wife Miaka a great time together and that you both will be together forever and ever!
O' well, If you need any help at all tell me and I will help. Ohhh yeah please please! Love Miaka as much as you can! She is a really good friend of mine and I don't like seeing her get hurt. You both were ment for each other,You and Miaka look so cute together too.... May happiness be in you and others.... As the next letter of happiness for you and the rest...
To you, from me...
Hakari Itashi
Dear Hakari Itashi,
Arigato! I promise to always take good care of Miaka.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Konnichiwa minna-san!! ::bows::
I didn't know which of you to ask this question to, so I'll ask all of you!
Last year, me and a good friend both really liked Fushigi Yuugi. (I still do! You guys are da best! ^.^) Anyway, this year we both entered High School, and now whenever I talk about you she rolls her eyes, and groans or she's too cool for it now. T-T She really liked it before... ::sniffle:: I dunno what happened! Please help me... Arigatou! Also.... What is each of your favourite Ranma 1/2 character? A really random question... ^.^;;
Dear Aura-chan,
Sometimes as we get older our interests change or we change our interests to what we think is "cool". This sounds like what your friend is going through. Perhaps she has met some people that she likes that have told her that anime is "uncool" so that's why she's acting that way. You might want to ask her why she's behaving that way.
Ranma Favorites:
Chichiri: Genma, no da.
Tasuki: Ryoga
Tamahome: Nabiki
Chiriko: Akane
Nuriko: Ranma
Hotohori: Mousse
Mitsukake: Kasumi
Dear Mitsukake,
I dun think you are boring!! ^.^ ::hands him some home-made cookies and some fish for Tama-neko:: I hope you like them! :::pats Tama-neko::: Well anyways...I wanted to know, are you sad that Shouka is... well... deceased? Will you ever love someone else, or will Shouka be the only girl in your heart? ::blushes and looks at her feet:: Gomen, that was a very personal question...
Oh yea! I was wondering...what is your favourite food and your favourite colour? Arigatou!
Dear Aura-chan,
Arigato for your kind words, cookies, and fish! I'm sad that Shouka has passed away and I don't know if I will ever find anyone else. My favoerite food is fresh fruits and vegetables and my favorite color is yellow.
Dear Hotohori,
hotohori-sama! hee hee ... hotaru has a sugar high ... ^^;; (we're testing cherry soda in science o_O) anyway, you look SO CUTE in your bucket hat! and your duck shoes, too ...^^;; i mean, i KNOW i shouldn't call them your duck shoes, but ... hee hee, it's even cuter that way! okay, well, we have got to get to class, so we'll talk to you later!
Moon and hotaru-chan =P
Dear Moon and hotaru-chan,
Ano... arigato... I think...
Dear Tamahome,
*cuddles with Tamahome* Thank you Tama-san. Well, it's been a while and S and J aren't fighting anymore. Y'know I'm on our school's computer right now and it sucks. It won't let me check any of my emails or let me see my website. Man, my life still isn't going well. I'm having some realationship problems but I don't think I should go into them where everyone can read this. Jeeze oh bob, my life is way too tragic. Ja ne.
Kat Winner
Dear Kat Winner,
Gomen that things are tough right now. *Gives her a hug.* I'm glad that S and J aren't fighting anymore. I'm sure things will start getting better soon.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*looks slightly hurt*
More abuse you can take, huh? She's come to help me, huh? Let HER cook it!
*stalks off....not really upset at those two, just furious in general at the moment*
Dear Kelli,
Ano... I didn't mean it THAT way!!! Gomen!! *Looks at Chichiri...* She's YOUR aisai!!! DO SOMETHING!!!!
Dear Hotohori,
I guess I really love my dog then. ^^; I went through dog withdrawal.. I'd see a dog on campus and went ZOOM to the dog ^^;; I didn't know you weren't supposed to pet seeing-eye dogs... but I made a friend that way, so it's all good I suppose..
Do you like violins? I'm taking lessons every week. ^_~ Maybe I can play the sailorstars theme for you? Or play and you sing one of your songs? I think you have a gorgeous voice. ^_~
Kate-chan, the cute bunny girl of the moon
Dear Kate-chan,
Arigato. I do like violins and I would love to hear you perform.
Dear Chichiri,
Can you teach me how to meditate? ^^ Please?
Dear Moon,
It is difficult without being there, no da. Basically, you should be in a quiet, dimly lit room where you can sit comfortably on the floor. Then just clear your mind, no da. You might want to do an internet search for meditation, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I'm sorry to bother you guys again...I know you get many letters, and I've sent you one already (and one to Tamahome too) However...another problem has sprung up in my life..And I really need some help..
I've been crazy about this guy Shigeru for awhile now. We had roleplayed our characters as a couple, and thus we were constantly talking to each other out of character..and I just kind of fell for him. I think I really care about him too, but I get crazy sometimes when he says cold things, or does some kinda flirty action with another girl..Plus, what's worse is he has a girlfriend where he lives (who supposedly can't even speak english!) ...Yet he still likes me, and he's online more then he's offline, so obviously he spends more time with me.
Tonight we talked on the phone for two hours. We had spoken before, but never for that long. When we spoke for one hour he said it was more then he had ever talked to any girl on the phone before. And he told me that he was actually 18 and a freshman in college, when I had been believing he was one year older in each. It's not the age that bothers me, it's the fact that he lied to me. When I asked him what college he was in, he wouldn't tell me because he "wants to be secretive". It's the same response he gave me to why he lied.
I'm really bothered...My heart still feels that something could happen with us, but my mind is telling me to get a life...Please, someone knock some sense into me, because I can't seem to think sensibly right now.
Arigato Gozaimasu for your time...
Ginny Seta
Dear Ginny Seta,
Listen to your brain! He's lied to you and wants to be secretive about himself. That should tell you someting right away! Roleplaying is fun but you have to learn to seperate Role Playing from Real Life. My advice to you is get off your PC and get out in the real world. There are plenty of guys out there that won't lie and be secretive to you.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
konnichiwa, again....i always come here,.......*needs more sugar...candy* does any of you know if miaka has inproved on her cooking yet? i could give her some pointers... I love you all (i love tamahome, hoto-sama, and nuriko the most, but i still love you all to!!!!!!!!!!)
love always and forever,
Kitty-Chan *needs sugar*
Dear Kitty-Chan,
I don't think so, since Tamahome does almost all of the cooking for them.
Dear Hotohori,
okay, Hoto-sama, you can keep your crown.........i understand why you want to keep it, it is so coool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thats all,
love always and forever,
Dear Kitty-Chan,
Arigato for understanding. *Smiles*
Dear Nuriko,
Wai! Nuriko-sama! I got a picture of my puppy, Nuriko. Isn't he adorable?? Feel free to show the other seishi! ^^ Ja ne!
Dear Keiko,
Kawaii ko-inu!!!
Dear Tasuki,
*frowns* Who ya callin` insane, fang-boy?! *captures him* Now I shall use you for experiments! WAHAHA!
Dear Washu,
I'm callin' YOU insane ya' half-pint whacko! *Brandishes tessen and points it at her computer equipment...*
Dear Tasuki,
*evil laughter* ha!! ha ha hahahaa!!!! I would like to inform you that i have murdered Megara so dont blame me if she doesn't write to you for ...awhile... hehehe...Here. you can keep the lotus! *grin* see you around, babycakes!
Yours truly,
Dear XBiancaX,
I ain't yer babycakes! Why'd ya' do that to Megara??? She wasn't so bad!
Dear Tasuki,
I thought suzaku was a peacock. Well I trust that you know your own God. Anyway, things have been going well. All that studying has paid off with good grades ((good thing huh chiriko))Yeah but I have always loved phoenixes. Anywhoo - I have a vacation coming up soon. One of my friends is goin to an anime expo in georgia - I hope she has fun. Well, I hope ya have fun. Say hi to kouji fer me :)
ina chan
Dear ina chan,
I'll tell Kouji ya' said Hi! Have fun!
Dear Tasuki,
*sits down with a little raincloud over her head.* Hiya Tasuki. Ya know what I've decided: It's a baaaaad idea to create characters that are older than you!!!! That's what I've decided!!!!!!
I bring Keisei here for a break from her story and she's not lettihng me have any sake! Sure *SHE* can drink it if she wants because technically she's 21, but nooooooooo, I can't have one drop!
She even confiscated the bottle I grabbed! Like what the heck's *SHE* gonna do with it?????? She's a shrinemaiden for *krunk*'s sake!!!!!!!!!!!!! She's not supposed to drink!!!!!!!!!
So, any good ideas for what to do to her?
SHrinemaiden Keisei
Dear SHrinemaiden Keisei,
Put her back in th' character closet? Give her to One-chan? *Shudders at THAT thought!* Put her in a fic where she's in love wit' Tomo or Nakago? How's that fer suggestions?
Dear Mitsukake,
Mitsukake-sama...:::bows:::: ::::Looks up all teary eyed::: I read a fanfic about Chiriko-sama's 1st love...and it wasn't me! Not that I EXPECTED it to be me...I don't know Chiriko-sama or the person who wrote the fanfic! :::tries to smile::: It was a good fanfic...but...but...oh well....Well I gotta be on my way...arigatou for listening to me whine...^.^;;;
P.S. You are my favorite seishi (after Chiriko ^.^;;) because you're so calm and devoted to Shouka-sama..oops...gomen for bringing that up....Gomen Mitsukake-sama! :::runs away:::
Dear WoAiChiriko,
Arigato for yoru kind words. I wouldn't worry about romance fics and Chiriko. He's still a bit young for that right now. *Smiles*
Dear Tasuki,
Hellloooo Tasuki! Long time me no write! I've been soooooo busy lately with school, work, and my birdies. So much has happened with my birdies. My eight year old parakeet just recently had a tumor removed from her backside. The results came in and it turned out it was not cancerous. All my birdies are now on a diet to get them to eat a better food. ;_; Doesn't look like I'm winning that battle. AWA is this weekend. I'm looking foward to it. My department manager was shocked to find out that I attend Anime conventions. I'm taking my vacation pay while I'm at AWA. He said he wanted pictures when he found out I was dressing up as a character. This is going to be so much fun. Well, I will now leave you with some sake and red rice. Write to ya again later!
Dear Heenker,
Ariagto! Sounds like thins' are lookin' up fer ya'! Have fun at AWA!
Dear Tamahome,
I just got a job babysitting! Of course...I blew my first paycheck on an FY artbook (that I should have bought YEARS ago but just never got around to it) this Evangelion gag manga, and my imoutou-chan Jen's birthday present...It was all worth it, but now I have no cash for the week. Any advice on how to better budget my money? Arigato!
Ginny Seta
Dear Ginny Seta,
Why don't you open up 2 savings accounts? One for the future and one for anime. Put 10% of your paycheck into anime and the rest into the future.
Dear Mitsukake,
*looks at Mitsukake up `n down* So, you must be that doctor Keiko likes so much. *grins* She was right. You are cute. ^_^ *leans up against his shoulder* So, what are you doin` tonight? Hm?
Dear Nagi,
*Looks at her, sweatdrops and blushes* Arigato, but as this si Tasuki's night out on the town, I fear I shall be spending my evening healing him once he gets back. My, you are tall aren't you?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*holds up a batch of cookies fer da seishi including CnA* These are really really good! They are halloween cookies with sprinkles! I already gave the FF8 cast some, but Zell and Irvine ate them all.*sweatdrop* Well, enjoy. Bye!
Dear Keiko,
Ariagto! Oishii desu!
Suzaku Seishi and Chichiri no Aijin
Dear Tasuki,
*grabs Tasuki's shirt coller* WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?!! I aint no sake barrel!!*looks at Azaka* He's the barrel! *grins and walks off and Azaka tackles Tasuki*
Dear Kamedake,
*Looks at Kamdake and grins.* Yes ya' are! An' so is he! *Tries to open Azaka as he's getting tackled.*
Dear Nuriko,
*Grabs a small fistful of her own hair, (which is tangled and matted half way down) and shows it to Nuriko* It won't come out! I hate marching band uniforms!!! ;_;
Dear Hoshi,
How did your uniform do this? *Starts to gently untangle her hair...*
P.S. None of us read or speak Spanish. Gomen.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi eveyone its been a very very very LONG sends I wrote! I miss eveyone!!!
Dooms Day
Dear Dooms Day,
OI! How're ya' doin'?
Dear Chichiri,
What does 'no da' REALLY mean? i mean, no one knows!!! it is so frusterating... arigato gozimasu! ja ne!
hikarino sayuri
Dear hikarino sayuri,
"No da" is a form of "no desu" which basically means "it's obvious", no da.
Dear Chiriko,
*stares at him with big chibi eyes* Do yoo like seamonkeys?
Chibi Kuro
Dear Chibi Kuro,
Brine shrimp? I don't really ahve any feelings one way othe other for them.
Dear Tasuki,
hi hi hi^v^i'm fully awake now so i don't have to talk about exploding school and other cr*p^_^;;;u r my friend ne?anywayz do u hate people that say "Tasuki is mine so you might as well give up on him"or "Tasuki only loves me "cuz i heard 2 fangirls said that b-4 and i'm not 1 of them.i wonder what sake taste like on shaved ice...*trys it*hey ,this stuff isn't bad^-^want some?
Dear Usagi-pon,
Sure I'm yer friend! Arigato! Oishii sake! I don't hate 'em, but they got no clue what they're talkin' 'bout!
Dear Chichiri,
dats coo!!!wait a minute...didn't Tasuki say he is 20 years old?!oh great !!now i'm confused @_@*faints in front of Chichiri*
(the now confused but genki)joy-chan
Dear joy-chan,
*Catches her.* In the OAV's we are all 2 years older, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Why do I end up on the Yui side of the love triangle? Or maybe its the Hikou side....With my best friend and the guy I have a crush on going out together? I don't want to tell my friend how I feel because I don't want to upset her...... What do I do?
One Of Your Regulars
P.S Please don't think of this as a joke. It isn't.
Dear Regular,
I've been through this, no da! I don't know if I would have wanted to Hikou to tell me he was in love with my fiancée, no da. Telling your friend really depends on the relationship between the two of you. My suggestion is that you move on and be happy for her, no da. I'm sure there is a special young man out there waiting for you. I know it's hard but it is probably best for all concerned, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
How the h*ll do you get girls off your back?! (No I'm nothing talking about Momopi and Miyu) Just in case you read this...
Dear Larva,
A crowbar works wonders... heh-heh-heh... *Fanged grin*
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