Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Ye'r right, wrong Ryan.
Shrinemaiden keisei
Dear Shrinemaiden keisei,
That's OK. GCNM appreciated th' advice anyway.
Dear Hotohori,
Hello Hoto-Chan!!!!!!!!!!!! I have one question.... Can I have your box hat? you know you want me to have it, hahahahah
love ya!
Dear Kitty-Chan,
Gomen, I have no intention whatsoever of giving my crown away.
Dear Nuriko,
First things first, I want to say that you are one of my fave bishounen!!!!!!!!!
I have a few questions,
1. Are you still in love with Hotohori?, i think you'd be happier with me, but i'm not a guy, gomen.
2. have you ever had a popsicle? YUM!!!!!
3. Did you really love Miaka? I'd rather if you love me instead.!
thats all!!!!! I'll write you again soon!!!
Your girl,
Dear Kitty-Chan,
Hotohori and I are just good friends and I'm happy with that. I've never had a popsicle and yes, at one time I really was in love with Miaka.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Anou...hullo. I haven't written in a while because of my rehearsal and work schedule, but I have an itty-bitty problem. If you remember, I got cast in my school's fall play...only, I didn't realize it was set in French society in the 1700s. Nobility. *sweatdrops* That means I have to wear a corset, powdered wig, and heels...and do a whole lot of physical comedy. HELP! How can I do it if I can't breathe and can't raise my arms?!
a sore Katsumi
Dear Katsumi,
You'll get used to it. Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Nuriko,
*runs in crying and wraps arms around Nuriko's waist* Why...why did you have to _die_ Nuriko-chan? Why? *sniffle*'re so pretty, and strong, and nice, and...why...?
Rabbit, who has just seen ep. 33
Dear Rabbit,
*Hugs her and holds her.* Gomen! I'm sorry that I made you so sad.
Dear Tasuki,
*walks in swearing in english, french, and japanese* *falls onto couch* I am tired as hell.. ..and i think i shattered my wrist.... *starts chuggin' sake* -- o hi long have u been here? *takes lotus out of hair and starts picking out the petals* ...*drinks more sake* ya know, i've never actually cried because of pain.. like...if someone were to walk up to me and accidentally break my arm or somethin' ... i'd laugh and i wouldn't be angry .. and then later i'd be like.. 'oi... i'm kinda injured' ... i that a little strange to u..? *pauses to drink more sake* ........well go on and say it... I haven't changed a bit...*drunken giggles* ..i'm tired. and i hope u dont mind if i just fall asleep rite here.. i'm under a lot of stress u see.. .......and now i need to go find myself a new lotus.. *tired sigh* ...g'night
Dear Megara,
D*mn! Ain't we jus' in rare form today? What bee flew up YER kimono? *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Mitsukake,
Ok dude, do you know what FY is? Cause I know about all of the characters and pokemkon in fy
Dear brian,
Of course I know what Fushigi Yuugi is. However, there are NO Pokemon in it.
Dear Mitsukake,
konnichiwa Mitsukake!! How are you? I just wanted to know if I could have your autograph? It's not for me, 'tis for my brother. Being the loving sister I am, Ihave made him watch all the FY tapes. And according to my brother you're "The coolest seishi!" I love ya too(just not as much as I love Chichiri, Gomen!), but my brother adores you. Anyway, Arigatou! *bows* Ja ne!
Dear Aenne,
I'm fine thank you. I cannot come to your world but if you want, you can send me your brother's name and real world address (it would not be posted) and I will send him a card. If this is for a special occasion, please let me know that as well.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Today while sitting in my ever boring room, I wanted to listen to my stereo, a CD to be persice, my Blink 182 CD. SOOOO I walked to my stereo and pressed the button that read "open CD" because it holds five and my Blink CD wasn't in there...and all of a sudden it starting opening and closing and turning on and off, so I hit it. and it stopped. And so after doing this several times and rescuing my CDs, I continue hitting it, thinking I fixed it. Finding I didn't I hit it one last time with all my might and then relented, pulling the plug on my new stereo...and now my hand hurts, can you give me some advice on how to make it stop hurting?
Lots and Lots of Love and Hope for My Hand to Stop Hurting!!
Dear Cari-chan,
Stop hitting the CD player, put some ice on your hand and take some Tylenol or ibuprofin for the pain.
Dear Tasuki,
Kuro: *stares at him* I DID NOT glomp you!!!!!! ....Did I? Well...gomen for hitting you anywho. ^_^;;; Soooooo...*has run out of things to say because her brain isnt working at the moment* ....................*sweatdrops* .......Oh! *chibifys* SEAMONKEYS!!!!!!! SEEEEEEAAAAAAAMOOOOOONKEEEEEEYS!!!!!!! *grabs him and starts running around in circles(this is what happens when I dont get enough sleep...)* WHEEEEEEE!!!!! SEAMONKEYS!
Neko: ^_^;;; You'll have to excuse her...she', -kuro-, what do you expect?
Neko: *prys her friend off of poor Tas-chan and drags her away* Sorry 'bout that! She forgot to take her pills...
Kuro: *frantically tryng to glomp her fav. bishonen again* What pills? I'm supposed to take pills? No I'm not! SEMONKEYS!
Neko: *sweatdrops* Okay, It's time to go, Kuro-chan...
Kuro: @_@ SEAMONKEYS-Oi, I'm tired...
Neko: Well, I know of a place where there are lots of seamonkeys that you can sleep at...
Kuro: Seamonkeys? Seamonkeys...
Neko and Chibi Kuro
Dear Neko and Chibi Kuro,
*Sweatdrops and looks confused....*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
OK, um...does anyone else think that Relena needs to die...? Just a thought.
Dear me,
She's quite hyper, but I don't think she needs to die, no da!
Dear Nuriko,
Hey Baby! How 'bout going on a date with me?!!! *leeerr* *wiiinnk* We can have some FUN! So whaddya say! *nudge* ^_~
Dear Carrot,
I'd say... I'M A GUY YOU BAKA!!!!!!! *Punches him into next week.*
Dear Hotohori,
Konnichiwa. *bows deeply* I have a minor question to ask of you, Emperor. Ahem, *whispers* how do you get another man to stop liking you? Unfortunately I ask this out of personal experience..>_<; Arigatou gozaimasu..
Dear Marron,
Is Gateau bothering you again? You should explain to him that you really just want to be friends and if he keeps pushing that he risks losing your friendship.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
What do you guys do when you're bored?
Dear Moon,
Chiriko: Study
Tamahome: Practice Martial Arts/Workout
Tasuki: Drinkin' an' brawlin'
Chichiri: Meditate, no da.
Mitsukake: Read medical books
Nuriko: Shop
Hotohori: Practice sword fighting
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
You should really try out the Final Fantasy games!!!! There are really fun!!^_^ The music is good too. Aeris's theme makes me want to cry...... don't make fun of me, it's soooo sad!!! You are a lot like Cid but he's a old man!!!! I have nothing more to say sooooooo BYE BYE!!!!!!^_^
Dear Kirsten,
If I had a PlayStaion I would!
Dear Tasuki,
I just want to thank Keisei for giving me that generous advice. ^_^ I'll just try my best to stay out of trouble will be all.
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
I'm sure she'd say yer welcome!
Dear Tasuki,
what do you think of my website!? sorry, lack of better questions, im one of the founders of the Sexy Kouji Lover's Romance Leauge, tasukitty. i did the reirei shrine on there and was wondering if you aprecitated an obsessed fan! okay, im really bored. this is a neat site, keep up the good work!
tasukitty ;)
Dear tasukitty,
I always appreciate my fans! As long as they don't abuse me wit' strip poker an' food products! Cute site! Arigato! Do ya' want us to add it to our Links Peeji?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey, just wanted to say we got that site up and running! We decided to call it "Ask Mt. Reikaku" Kouji, Rei-Rei, bandit #1, and Mt. Reikaku itself is there. So, just wanted to tell you all! All us co-founders are excited and ready! Hope ya like? We made sure to link back to you guys as well! ^_^
Kora, Avery, & group
Dear Kora, Avery, & group,
I saw it! Good luck! I already sent my bro' a letter. I'll have Chiriko add ya' to th' Links Peeji.
Dear Tasuki,
Guess you didn't watch Tenchi Universe. Kamedake is a dead warrior from the planet Jurai. He's one of the big wood things. He's the young one. And cute one. ^^ hehehe...Kamedake is trying to plug in my amps so we...I mean all of us, can hear the TV better. And I have no clue why Washu locked herself up...maybe you can talk some sense into her...*throws Tasuki into Washu's lab and walks off*
Dear Keiko,
I don't wanna talk to some crazy woman! Get me outta here!
Dear Nuriko,
*knocks on his door* Hello, Nuriko! I'm here to pick up Gen-chan's clothes for the picnic thing...Doc-sama said you'd have them ready...
*sighs* I think she said something about me helping with the cooking...
Think you all would appreciate it? (Think that I can keep Kelli-chan from killing anybody with hers? O.o)
Dear Iridal,
Hai, hai! *Walks her over to the barbeque that Kelli is already at.* Kelli-chan! Iridal has come by to help you out. Isn't that sweet of her?
Dear Tasuki,
*looks at Tasuki's answer to Keiko's question*ummm Tasuki,Kamedake is one of Ayeka's guardians in wooden have no interest in women at all,ne?oh well,thanx 4 the advice though!
Dear aiko,
Yer welcome. If I said had ANY interest in women, th' fangirls would be plastered all over me!!! ^^;;; So Kamedake is that thin' that looks like a giant sake barrel? Cool!!!
Dear Nuriko,
I'd be doing the...WHAT!!! DO YOU HAVE A DEATH WISH, NURI-KUN?! *grabs him by his shirtfront*
Dear Kelli,
Of course not! But we ARE Seishi! So we can take more abuse than normal humans. Besides we have all survived Miaka's cooking...
Dear Tasuki,
ohhhhhh....-.- i'm soooo tired of school!most of my teachers r old hags,i have to take 2/3 f@#*ing tests every week, i have tons of homework and i have to carry to many books!!!soooooooo tired ....need sleep...i wish school EXPLODED!!hee hee...ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh......zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Dear Usagi-pon,
Well it ain't gonna explode so get used to it.
Dear Chichiri,
hello .do u know a peeji that sells plushies ?and how old is everybody now?thanx a bunch!
p.s.u r kinda cute .wanna be my friend? ha ha ha ha ha ^o^ (i have a little bit of Sakuya syndrome 2day, but it'll go away!!)
Dear joy-chan,
You might want to try DokiDoki Station, no da. Sure we can be friends, no da! Our ages are as follows: me - 24 no da, Chiriko - 13, Tasuki - 17, Tamahome - 17, Hotohori - 18, Nuriko - 18, Mitsukake - 22.
Dear Tamahome,
O-HOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO! BAAAAAAII!!! And if you hear anything from Tasuki, I swear I didnt do it!
Dear Relena,
I think someone needs to cut down on the pixie stix... ^^;;;
Dear Tamahome,
*looks at the tv* Wai! Obake-chan has nothin` on! Wai Wai!! Hehehehee...*sweatdrop* Nyan Nyan's insane!! WAA! heheehee...*has had to much soda* heheheheh...ja neeeeeeeeeeeeee!!
Dear Keiko,
*Looks at the TV...* What are you watching?!?!?!? I'm NOT nekkid!
Dear Chichiri,
Nahh...that doesn't sound good enough!!! WAAII! I dont care though! CHICHIRI-SAN! HOW ARE YOU?! ^-^ Waaiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I should write a fanfic where you end up really happy or something, oh wells, i'll plan that later! O-hohohohohohoho!
BAI NOW!!! MWUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! oh..btw...the fangirls haven't come yet because They haven't payed me enough to tell them where you are. *smiles* Like they could ever pay enough for me to tell where you and Tasuki are!!! Don't tell Tasuki I said that, I wanna keep annoying him >.>
Dear Relena,
Eating a lot of sugar I see. I'm fine, no da. A non-yaoi fanfic would be nice for a change, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Did you you would make good friends with Cid?? You know from FF7!!!! Have you ever played's very cool^_^ You should try it!!!! Bad Andy,Good Pizza.........ummmmmmm sorry about that!!!!^_^ Tasuki you're are one of my favorite seishi!!!!!!^_^ Maybe my favorite.... have some sake and some cookies I made!!!! Hope you like them!^_^
P.S. Why were you in my toilet?(My friend said you were)
Dear Kirsten,
Arigato fer th' cookies an' sake! I never played ANY FF games. I'm glad I'm yer favorite, but why th' h*ll would I be in a toilet? Yer friend's nuts!
Dear Mitsukake,
HI MITSU-MITSU-SAN-SAN! Strange Nikkiname, but I like how it sounds? Waii! im so hyper i'm bugging you all now! O-HOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO! One letter for Tamahome, and one letter for Chichiri to go!!! I think... Oh wells! If i got that wrong, I'll just have to write Chichiri again!!! O-HOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO! Hi Mitsu-mitsu-san-san!!! How are you today?!
WAIII!!!! Want me to write a fanfic where your love gets all fixed up and you live happily ever after or something?! WAAAII!!! IM SOO HYPEERRRR!!!!!
Dear Relena,
That kind of a fanfic sounds nice. I am fine, but I do prefer to be called Mitsukake. Gomen.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Why do some of you wear bandages around your wrists, waist, and ankles?
Psychic Sora
Dear Psychic Sora,
I don't believe that we were wearing bandages unless we were injured. I do know Sanosuke from Kenshin is bandaged. I think it is like armor in that it enables you to take a punch and throw with minimal damage to yourself.
Dear Hotohori,
Hi Hoto-sama!!! I thought of a nikki name for you! Hot-sama! And that's not flirting, I just like thinking of nikki names for people! Tasuki's is Tasu Tasu shish boom ba. >.> Strange, but Hopefully it'll tease him enough to get annoyed! *laughs, turning chibi-sd and skips up and down in front of Hoto-sama* HOW ARE YOU TODAY?! How's Houki? How's your son? How's Nuriko--wait, I can ask myself. WAAII!! Im sugar happy! Which I mean by Hyper!!!!!!!!
Relena the now hyper
Dear Relena,
We are all fine thank you. You "nicknames" are... interesting... So, how much sugar have you had?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
To Gen-chan No Miko:
Hmmmmmmmm, a blond Ryan......... this guy sounds farmiliar... would he, by any chance be on the SAC (Student council)? If so, I might know him. Unless he's seriously creeping you out, I'd just let things slide for a bit. If he's looking at you, and unless you get that 'woman's intuition' thing against him, then I think he's just being a normal guy and to not worry tooo much. My friends say I'm a perfect match for almost any guy they think would look cute in a photo with me. ^^;;;;; Even one of my friends.
Shrinemaiden Keisei
Dear Shrinemaiden Keisei,
I don't think ya' know him unless ya' live in New Jersey. But thanks fer th' advice! I'll pass it on to her.
Dear Chiriko,
Im writing a fanfic of Snowwhiteandthesevendwarfs/FushigiYuugi. Umm...which kawaii chibi (dwarf) do you wanna be Chiriko? ^-^
The lover, writer, and dreamer of Fanfics: RELENA!
Dear Relena,
How about Bashful? I suppse that Mitsukake will be Doc, Chichiri - Happy, Tasuki - Grumpy, Tamahome - Dopey, and Hotohori as Prince Charming (He made me say that ^^;;;). Now Nuriko is insisting that if Hotohori is Prince Charming he MUST be Snow White. *Sweatdrops...*
Dear Tasuki,
BOO! Hello! Im trying to be cheerful! ^-^ Sooo... Why can't I tell those fangirls where you are when they're offering me millions of yen!!! *.*
Soooooo...Im still in the process of writing that fanfic where you get the best of Tamahome! Nononlnonono, I don't mean in the yaoi way you bad readers! **kicks the ones that get bad thoughts** BAD! Now, SHOO, before I hit you with my shoe!!! *hops back over to Tasuki* Sooooooooo,
One just offered me 999,999,999,999,999,999,000,000,000 yen! GEEZE! They're DESPERATE! I've never had such a high offer to go find Tamahome! (The answer to why they find him so easily. O-hohohoohhohoho. >=D )
Dear Relena,
NO! But ya' can tell 'em where Tamahome is hidin'! Heh-heh-heh... *Fanged grin*
Dear Tasuki,
*opens her eyes and blinks at him for a minute* .........AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! *WHACK!* HENTAI! ECCHI! GET AWAY! longer sleepy
Dear Kuro,
ACK!! ITAI! YER th' one grabbin' an' glompin' ME! So hentai an' ecchi yerself!!!
Dear Nuriko,
Could you give advice on this situation? let's say, a girl is chased around and flirted with several guys, but she doesn't have any "special" interest in any of them, because to her, they're just her friend. And the guy she likes she hasnt seen for over two month's...
Relena, the girl who's beginning to have troubles...~.~
Dear Relena,
If the guys you are flirting with are just friends then you are doing them a great disservice by flirting with them. You don't want to lead them on, it's not nice. Why ahven't you seen the young man you like in over two months? Has he moved?
Dear Nuriko,
*Doc grins at Ryuen's reaction* If you have a reaction that strong, maybe I should wait until I get back before I give you another one. *Finishes up her packing, and prepares for major stress*
Would you give the guys their clothes while I'm working? Kelli and Iridal may be picking up Chichiri's and Tasuki's sets.
ACK!!!! I gotta go, wish me luck!!!! *hugs Ryuen tight* See ya Oct 8th :)
Dear Doc-sama,
*Hugs her back* Try not to get too strssed! Good luck!
Dear Tasuki,
if i can't borrow the tessen, can u pleez give me advice on how to keep that idiot away from meeh?umm...i know u r not yaoi but there are rumors that u love either Chichiri,Tamahome,Nuriko,Miaka ,or Kouji(people who think that r just eww!).okay...if u r not yaoi do u have any interest at all in women ? mata ne!
Dear aiko,
Try tellin' him to leave ya' alone! I jus' got interest in brawlin' and drinkin' wit' my buds.
Dear Nuriko,
*Floats upside down, wings out* Hiya, Nuriko-san! How are you? Hey, Homecoming for me is coming up, and I have a little question. *Flips over* Whee, blood rush. Well, Homecoming theme is Mardi Gras. Do you think a small black mask pinned in my hair (In my normal mode, it's blonde and permed) would look good? Well, ja ne!
Silver Angel
Dear Silver Angel,
It might as long as it's REAL small or you could get a really pretty feathered one to wear as a mask to Homecomeing. Have fun!
Dear Tasuki,
Actually... it gets more complicated. You see, one of his friend, Ross, who is also my friend sorta, told me that some guy name Eric puts him up to it. So it's like Eric tells Ryan to do all this stuff... I'm just confused.
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Sounds like Ryan ain't got a mind of his own! Mebbe ya' need to tell Eric to leave ya' alone...
Dear Tasuki,
I kinda like this new asian dude at school, and I think he's REALLY hot! But I don't even know his name.. How could I get to know him?
Dear anon,
Hmmm... how'bout walkin' up to him, smile at him, introduce yerself, an' ask him what his name is?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*walks in looking kind of out of place*
Um...Doc-sama said she needed help with some sort of picnic... *ruffles her hair embarrasedly* Umm...well..*observes the seishi in their cool clothes, then looks at her jeans and tshirt* Looks like I came underdressed...
Kelli, CnA#2
Dear Kelli,
Don't be silly! You look just fine! *Walks her over to a barbeque pit.* Doc-sama said you'd be doing all the cooking for us! I can't wait to taste your cooking! Have fun!
Dear Chichiri,
Did you ever have a little sister? Or were you an only child? And, and- If you could have a sibling now, which would you prefer? Older, younger, sister, brother?
Did you ever get tired of living with Nyan-nyans or was part of Taiitsukun's training patience with the little genki girls?
And, when you and the rest landed on the island of the Amazons- manga 8, I have the Japanese version. Is it an original illusion you're using or are you making yourself look like someone else? If the latter, then who?
I dunno why I'm asking all this- just curious, I guess. Demo, do you ever get curious about your fangirls? Or would you rather not have so many questions?
*bows* Kita de doumo arigatou gozaimasu. Demo ne, Chichiri-san... Hitori ga ski ka?
Kaeli Sekran
Dear Kaeli Sekran,
I didn't have any siblings, no da. However, a younger brother (or is that bother?) like Tasuki would be nice, no da. The illusion was just an illusion, no da. I don't mind all the questiosn. If you are asking iof I like being alone, I would have to say I have gotten used to it as a wanderer, but I do enjoy the company of my fellow Seishi, no da.
Dear Chiriko,
Ne, Chiriko, have you ever seen Tenshi Ni Narumon? The main character, a girl with a genkiness level higher than all the Nyan-nyans combined named Noelle, sounds exactly like you. Kowai, ne. Oh- and what does "gokuraku" mean in English? Sensei translated it as paradise, demo that didn't really fit in with the context I heard it in.
--Kaeli Sekran (aka Ri Kaeli)
p.s. The other really strange thing about Tenshi Ni Narumon is that Gabriel, Noelle's oniichan, could be Tasuki's evil twin. Right down to the fangs. It's *really* weird to hear Tasuki's voice playing the overprotective brother role.
Dear Kaeli Sekran,
I've never seen this show but it sounds interesting. Gokuraku DOES mean paradise.
Dear Nuriko,
Nuriko i just wanted to say i love your hair it's so pretty i my eyes it the best in all of FY!! it's 'cuz i want hair that long and purple is such a nice color^-^ I wanted to tell you that i know how you feel about Hotohori and the way he just breaks your heart
I thought that was cruel and mean of him to just ignore you for a whole year! And when Miaka told him how you felt he didn't care at all i mean sure he looks good but that's just plain mean Ahh... i also have felt the pain of a lovely young man doing that finaly i worked up enough guts to tell him how i felt and he got made at me and still will never speak to me Shortly after that he started dateing this real nasty dumb blonde (Bottle Blonde that is her black roots keep showing up) with claws and WAY too much make up She is so nasty and ugly and i hate her now they recently moved away togather it hurt just seeing them togather but i'm okay now that their gone
Also if it wern't for you the other Sheshi would be dead after all those times you saved them and also finaly got Miaka and Tamahome to go out with each other Anyway i just wanted you to know how great you are and that i know how you feel !Hugs!
Dear Fruey-Chan,
Arigato for all your kind words!! *Hugs her* I'm sorry things didn't work out for you, but if your young man fancies cheap women, then you are better off without him! Hotohori and I are close friends and I'm happy with that.
Dear Chichiri,
*shivers* I'm turning into a freaking POPSICLE up here, no da!!!!! It's so COLD!!!!
Kelli, CnA#2
Dear Kelli,
*Poofs in and hugs her then hands her a cup of hot chocolate.* Is that better, no da?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi i just want to say that you guys are cool (Except Tasuki he's HOT hehe Jokeing get it?) okay here goes
My friends ALL of my friend and relitives for that matter say i am obssesed with anime and are constantly getting on my case just for being a animeNut
They are bent on seperating me from it by insaults or just makeing fun of it (Yes they even made fun of you guys!!) ::Sob:: i try to defened my anime but sometimes it gets to be too much What do i do to get them to leave me alone and stop insaulting the AniPeople i love so much?
Oh and i heard that Tokki (That guy who is one of the Byokko warriors) Was Tamahome's teacher umm... If he was when was he like when Tamahome was little or like he is now?
And my final question goes with Tasuki,Tasuki if you had known that Akin was at fault for Reirei's death would you haved killed him right after it happened? Or any other time for that matter? i hate him and i wish thing's haden't turned out that way between you two you made a great couple ::Hugs:: take care you guys and thanks ^-^ No Da!!
Dear AnimeHeart,
I know it may be difficult, bit perhaps you could try not discussing anime around your non-anime friends and family. That way they may think they've succeeded and leave you in peace.
Tokaki was in fact Tamahome's sensei when Tamahome was a young boy.
Tasuki says, "HAI!!!"
Dear Tasuki,
Hey pal (if you don't mind me callin ya that). It's been a while since we talked last. Ah but the pains of college life are back and i just had my internship all summer. i never really had access to a computer over the summer being that I stayed with my tomodachi ((and had one hell of a time)) cause she was closer to the internship. We both were at the same place which was cool. I worked in a laboratory with mice and rats (mice more often). It was so terribly momotanous after a while >.< If only I could have been a seishi intern or something. Now that would have been fun. I am actually being a rebel and taking a break from all the studying I should be doing ((i know chiriko is probably cross right now). But I need a break now and then. Tasuki - my question is do you like phoenixes? i thought you might because of their element but I could be wrong. I love them for their portrayal of new life. Well, it's been good to catch up on things. I hope all has been well with you and the gang. i will try to write often if the perils of schoolwork don't take me away kicking and screaming :) Talk later
Dear Ina-Chan,
'Course I like phoenixes! That's th' symbol fer Suzaku. Glad to hear from ya'! Take care!
Dear Tasuki,
will you marry me? PLEASE?! I'm madly in love with you!!! It's either me or Koji... ^_^;;;
Dear Krazie-chan,
I ain't marryin' ya' Kouji, or anyone!!
Dear Hotohori,
*blush* Thanks for the hug ^_~
I have a question to ask.. Is it normal to miss your dog more than your family or friends when you go away from home for long periods of time? Or should I pursue psychiatric help? ^_~ Arigatou in advance!
Kate-chan, the cute bunny girl of the moon
Dear Kate-chan,
You're welcome. I suppose it depends on how close you are to your dog as opposed to your family and friends.
Dear Hotohori,
Hotohori.. my tummy hurts and my back hurts.. :( *stares at Hotohori with sad eyes* But atleast I get to skip school today.
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
*Gives her a hug.* I hope you feel better soon.
Dear Tasuki,
How come CNA doesn't go on AIM much anymore? She doesn't like me? :(
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
She's REALLY busy with work, karate class, helpin' us answer letters, an' school! She ain't had much time lately fer AIM or breathin'! But she does say Hi!
Dear adorable,
Very pretty peeji! Nicely done! Arigato for invluding a link to our peeji! Your peeji has been added to our Links Peeji.
Dear Chiriko,
how do u put your hair up?
Dear max,
I bend over and pull it all the way up and then bind it in a stiff wrap to hold it in place.
Dear Chiriko,
Hi Chiriko! *hugs him* Gomen for not writen but homework in the way... anyway look at my page so far Chiriko's Page well bai bai Chiriko ~*~
Dear Deserae,
Arigato for putting up a peeji for me! Although I belive you "missed" me not "messed" me. Gomen...
Dear Chiriko,
When you went to save Miaka and the other seishi from Amiboshi, just HOW DID you get into that heavily guarded palace? I mean, after all, the SERIMONY TO SUMMON A GOD, was going on, I'd *think* the security around that place would be a little *high*. ::points to Hotohori:: or was it you that thought you didn't need a lot of security..?? If so.. then it is really *your* fault Chiriko got in there and saved the day!!!! ::chuckles:: juss kiddin. Now Chiriko please answer my question with more then two sentences.
P.S: I looooove you so much.. in a totally younger brother.. type way... ^ ^
Dear Rachel,
I am a genius! *Smiles* Actually, as the youngest person to ever take the Civil Exam, I was known to the Court and the guards as well.
Dear Tamahome,
Tama-chan!!! It didn't work! *fling herself into Tama's arms* The friend that got talked about(we'll call her J) still attacked the one who was talking about her(we'll call him S). See, S came over and we were hanging out but then J showed up and they started fighting. J even picked fights with our other friends! And it's all my fault!!! *cries* What should I do!?!
Kat Winner
Dear Kat Winner,
It's NOT you fault! "S" wrote those things and "J" chose to read YOUR email! The two of them need to just keep away from each other until they both cool down.
Dear Tasuki,
Well, it sorta can have somethin` to do with Nuriko-inu. *is holding Kamedake by the neck* Also, can you kindly explain to Kamedake to not touch the TV? Heh...he's trying to plug in my speakers into it and he connected a wrong wire...And Washu has locked herself up and won't help fer some reason...-.-;; Well, bye-eee...
Dear Keiko,
Who or what os a Kamedake an' why is he pluggin' speakers into yer TV? So, did yer kawaii lil' puppy pee on Sephy? Is that why he's so ticked off? Heh-heh-heh...
Dear Tasuki,
*sweatdrops* He's still after me...huh? *glomps Tasuki* Thanks fer protecting me! ^^
Dear Keiko,
Yer welcome! 'Sides I llike messin' wit' Sephy!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hiya guys! I finally thought of a couple of questions for ya'll ^^;
1.If you could play any insturment, what would it be? and
2.What's your favorite sports?
I want everyone to answer......please! ^_^; Thanks guys, Ja! *gives minna a hug*
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
I think we may have answered these before... but here are our answers anyway.
Tasuki: Taiko drums an' brawlin'!
Tamahome: Guitar and all Martial Arts
Chichiri: Koto and I don't have any sport I particularly care for, no da.
Hotohori: Samisen and Fencing
Nuriko: Anything I can sing to and Weightlifting
Mitsukake: Piano and Soccer
Chiriko: Lyre and I prefer studying to sports.
Dear Tasuki,
can i pleez borrow your tessen ?pleez*eyes go shimmery*cuz there is a baka at my school that makes fun of me(mostly everybody)and said that we're getting married *starts crying*he's not even my type!!!i only go 4 a cute potty-mouth bishonen!oh great! now my little brother is making fun of me!help T.T oh yeah i have 1 more question 2 ask old is everybody?!thank u so much !*hugs Tasuki and tosses him a bottle of sake*enjoy and see ya^.~
Dear aiko,
Gomen, ya' can't borrow th' tessen. 'Sides it only works fer me! In th' anime, I'm 17 an' so's Tamahome. Hotohori an' Nuriko are 18, Chiriko is 13, Mitsukake is 22 (I think) an' Chichiri is 24. Thanks fer th' sake!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I thought that, when talking about or to ones friends, a person could say '-chan' to a girl and '-kun' to a boy (Ex: Mako-chan, Mikiyo-kun); however, there are times when people say '-chan' to guys: "Tama-chan" was Nuriko's pet name for Tamahome when annoying Miaka, and (I know this isn't FY, but it was the only other example I could think of) Tsukino Usagi (Sailor Moon) calls Mamoru "Mamo-chan". Could you clear this up for me? Arigato!
Dear Mako-chan,
If the boy and girl are VERY close, she may call him "chan". Generally speaking, "san" is the safer bet, but you can all your female friends "chan" and your male friends "kun".
Dear Tasuki,
By the way, the blonde's name is Ryan, I always forget to mention that. He always makes weird eye contacts with me. ehg. Sometimes, it almost feels like he's following me down the hallway. Another thing, I kinda notice this guy staring at me. I'm not sure. And it feels like he always follow me too.. *shudders* now what?
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
I dunno. Maybe they BOTH gotta crush on ya'!
Dear Tasuki,
What's with the you/Koji thing?
The mysterious one
Dear mysterious one,
We're friends! That's it! Get them hentai thoughts outta yer head!
Dear Tasuki,
*snuggles up to him* ...teddybear...mmmmmm...
Dear Kuro,
GGRRRRRRR... I ain't no *^%$#@* teddybear!!! *Sits and fumes...*
Dear Nuriko,
*Doc finishes up with Ryuen's shirt and tosses it to him* Try it on and tell me how it feels. It should be really loose on your shoulders.
*starts cutting up more fabric* Oh you may want to tuck it in, or it'll get in your way. I wonder if Kelli and Iridal want to get in on this project, I'm sure they'd enjoy it. Especially if it's gonna take a few days. They'll be able to spend time with their men. ;)
*Gets up, looks Ryuen over, then kisses him on the lips*
Gomen coudn't help myself.. *^^*
It really suits you, I swear it does. You'll have to wear heavy soled boots of course. When this project is over I'm gonna make you a matching jacket. You'll be beating off the girls with a stick ;D
So what do you think about the clothes? :)
Dear Doc-sama,
*Blushes and stammers...* Ano... nice... eto... the clothes, too...
Dear Mitsukake,
Hello! We already asked Tamahome a similar question, but we need to talk to you. We need Shouka to come to AX2001. For more information, see the letter we wrote Tamahome. Thanks!
the Seiryuu Twin Cosplayers
Dear Seiryuu Twin Cosplayers,
I'd love for her to be there, too! Minna, do we have any Shouka cosplayers out there that will be going to Anime Expo 2001? If so, please contact the twins at the address in Tamahome's letter below. Arigato!
Dear Tamahome,
Hi. You may recognize us as Amiboshi and Suboshi from those AX pictures Chiriko put on the site. Some friends of ours are getting cosplayers as the entire cast of Fushigi Yuugi together for AX2001. We're still in need of cosplayers as your little brothers and sisters and your father. We were wondering if you'd be so kind as to encourage them to come to AX2001. If you want more information, we have a website at Thanks for paying attention to our request!
the Seiryuu Twin Cosplayers
Dear Seiryuu Twin Cosplayers,
Not a problem! Minna, anyone out there that wants tp cosplay as one of my siblings or father at AX2001 in California? If, please let the 'Boshi twins know!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Could you guys please give me your suggestions on who to be for Halloween! I'm undecided and I look the most like Nakago(yuk) so I can't really pick by who I'd look the most like. (please do not hurt me) Some of my favorite FY characters are Mitsukake, Chiriko, Suboshi, and Tomite. Help me please!!!
Dear Rowena,
Why not either Chiriko or Amiboshi? They're both nice characters, no da.
Dear Mitsukake,
Do you think you could come visit me soon? I haven't been feeling very well lately and I've missed two days of school.
When I was little I was afraid of doctors. Going to the doctor's office still makes me a bit nervous. (you are my favorite Suzaku Seishi anyways!^ ^) Your cat Tama is really cute. My family has three cats, Anabel, Timmy, and Tiger. They'd probably like you a lot. I thought you'd like to know I carry your picture in my wallet.^ ^;
That's all I guess. (XOXO)^^ -could I please have your autograph^^
Dear Rowena,
Unfortunately I can't come to your world. If I could, I would certainly visit you and give you an autograph.
Dear Chichiri,
Do you by any chance know Xellos? ^_~
Dear hoshiko,
Hai! We have a special someone in common, no da.
Dear Chichiri,
Is that smell going tp go away?
Dear Us,
Ano... what smell, no da??
Dear Tasuki,
Actually an 18 year old can't date a 14 year old or under. You got it wrong.
Dear baka-chan,
Why would ANYONE wanna date a 14 year old if they're 18?? An' they can still probably date, it's th' other "stuff" they can't do!
Dear Hotohori,
I know how it feels to be lonely because I'm a college student who is deprived of her normal group of friends (you know, the kind of people who'll roll down grassy hills w/ you, play in fountains, jump around wearing bunny ears)-- I mean, here all people want to do is get drunk on weekends. ^^; Anyway, the reason why I wrote you was to actually give you something that's made me extremely happy (my friend gave me one for my birthday the other day b/c i was feeling cruddy and i could use a self-esteem boost every now and then)... it's a Steve from "Blue's Clues" who talks to you and tells you how smart, amazing, etc. you are... it helps out when you're having a bad day. (Blue's Clues is this really cute tv show... erm.. how do i explain it (the concept of a tv show ^^;)? um.. anyway, this guy named steve runs around w/ a dog named blue, but since blue can't talk, blue leaves paw prints on 3 objects and steve asks you how to figure out the puzzle.. anyway, it's really cute and it makes you feel smart :) ) I thought you'd like it. ^_~ I hope you have a wonderful day and just know that you're my favourite heika in the world :) ^_~
Kate-chan, the cute bunny girl of the moon
Dear Kate-chan,
Arigato! *Gives her a hug.* That was very sweet of you. I hope things improve for you at college.
Dear Tasuki,
For the record, since everyone is speculating on my age (and it's NOT 18), my REAL age is 21, with a birthday RIGHT around the corner. (hint, hint). *cough*October14th*cough*
Your of-age aisai,
Dear Iridal,
*Thumbs nose at baka-chan...* I tol' ya' she wasn't underage!!! A birthday!!! *Grumbles...* Gotta get a present...
Dear Tamahome,
What's your second favorite color? (if that color is somehow ALSO okane-related (hehehe, you know it is...), then what is your favorite color unrelated to money? Hehehe... Is there any chance it's blue or purple? Juuuust wondering.
Dear Vanessa,
Let's see... gold, silver, green... Ok, how about black? I look good in black.
Dear Tamahome,
Ne, Tamahome-kun, where in China did you get all those cute clothes of yours? ^_^ Did you buy them made or did someone make them for you? I just ask because they're very cool (and they make you look oh so cute *blush*)
Dear Mary,
Arigato! I got them from a tailor in my village.
Dear Mitsukake,
aww, that's sweet. i like all kinds of cats too. but i really hate it when people bob cats' tails. there was this stray in my yard yesterday with a bobbed tail, and the poor kitty freaked whenever i touched it's tail . . . or stump . . . or whatever you call it. ^^;;; sniffsniff . . . i can't have a cat because mum's allergic, so i always feed strays. (and don't tell me i shouldn't, because i already know^^)
Dear Moon,
Bob a cat's tail?? Why would anyone want do such a cruel thing?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*runs in, looks around....* has anyone seen any Vrummy pics???? this is making me crazy both me AND my friends can't find more then two face shots and i want a Vrumnegen pic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that's VRUMNEGEN from slayers!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear Conudrum,
Gomen, we haven't seen them either. Have you checked the Ask the Slayers site?
Dear Tasuki,
will you tell your friend Kouji that he is a bad influence on me!!!!!! i was running the outter day and i relised i was talking!!!! to ME!!!!
Me, Myself and Mindy
Dear Me, Myself and Mindy,
*Snickers* Sure! *Tries hard not to laugh...*
Dear Hotohori,
*holds up a small baby* Hoto-sama,#baby waves her hand in his face# i would like you to meet Asuka...
Dear Tenchi,
Kawaii child, is she yours?
Dear Hotohori,
Asuka is the newest member to your family, your grand child (you think i would sleep with the emperor. as if) so now i have to go tell Boushin and try to prove that she's not Kouji's. so see sa(ya)!!
Dear Tenchi,
And what universe does THIS take place in???
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