Dear Mitsukake,
*limps in* Mits-chaaan... *points at her bruised and swollen foot* Darn light fixture.....;_;
Dear Kelli,
Have you been to the infirmary or doctor and had it x-rayed to make sure you didn't break anything??? Other than that, soak it in hot water and epsom salts, put ice packs on it, keep off it as much as you can and keep it elevated.
Dear Tasuki,
*rolls over and glomps him in her sleep*
Dear Kuro,
ACK! Ano... kid leggo of me...
Dear Chichiri,
Hai! And it makes me look about as tiny as a lincoln log!!!! ^_^
Kelli, CNA#2
Dear Kelli,
It makes you look like something Aidou throws at Tasuki, no da???
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*chases after Keiko* COME BACK HERE YOU LITTLE BRAT!!!! *draws Masamune and look lethal* WHERE DID SHE GO!?
Dear Sephiroth,
She's over here!!! But ya' gotta get through ME first ya' pansy loser!!!!!!!!!!! *Brandishes tessen and smirks...*
Dear Nuriko,
*trudges in, sits next to the seishi that she thinks is her older brother ~Aw! kawaii!~ and puts her head on his shoulder*
WHy do all the guys treat me like a...a..boy!? I mean, yeah, I have diverse interests. SURE I can beat them to a bloody pulp and kick their butts in videogames, sparring, lasertag or paintball. But..but...I'm still a GIRL. I remember me from this summer, right? I AM a girl, right?
*sighs and looks sad*
Dear Kelli,
Hai! Maybe you should consider being more nicer and maiming the boys less... ITAI! *winces as she punches him* I mean, maybe you just haven't met the right guy yet.
Dear Tamahome,
Thanks for the advice. My dad's being such a poop today! He won't go buy me lunch even though he said he would yesterday. Man, I really wanted those cheeseburgers too. Y'know what, I got this mail from one of my friends and he was complaining about another friend of mine. Unfortunently, when I opened it the friend that I was being talked about was sitting there. Now she's planning evil things to do to him. It's bad! I need to go stop her from maiming him. Ja ne.
Kat Winner
Dear Kat,
You're welcome. You should let the person that wrote the letter know what happened. Perhaps if they apologize they can avoid being maimed. Good luck!
Dear Tasuki,
Still, you are older than Iridal 11 years. tsk tsk tsk. And what ABOUT Obake-chan and Miaka? When Miaka was 15, Tama was 18, that's still legal. Besides, he was only older than her for 3 years.
Dear baka-chan,
WRONG!!!!!! Th' fact that she is UNDER 18 makes it ILLEGAL! Don't ya' people know nothin' 'bout yer own laws??? 'Che!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Ne, I really don't know what I'm gonna be for Halloween... I have long dark hair which I feel like spray-dyeing, so I of course instantly thought of the best anime out there- Weiss Kreuz! J/k- Fushigi Yuugi, of course! I'm thinking of either going as Nuriko, a Nyan-nyan (I tend to have the genkiness levels down pat) or Chichiri's little sister. Any other suggestions or fashion tips? And, Nuriko, how on earth do you get all your hair to stay in a braid? Mine keeps on falling out... =P~
Kaeli Sekran (aka Ri Kaeli)
p.s. Ne, Tasuki, I have a semi-romantic fic-in-progress about you, and thinking of making it yaoi... which would you prefer? If it's NOT yaoi, you will be matched with a kind, caring girl with a sharp toungue, twisted sense of humor, and a wide range of strange and useless talents. And a non-hentai mind, so no fangirl nightmares here. If it IS yaoi... well, we'll see. Probably won't be an original character, tho, so take a good look at the established males around you before deciding, ok?
Dear Kaeli Sekran,
Going as either me or a Nyan-Nyan soulds like a good idea. You could also go as Hotohori and not spray your hair or braid it at all. My hair stays in a braid because it is all pretty much one length. If you have little bits sticking out you can always use hair spray or gel to smooth it down. You also may want to get someone else to braid it for you. It might be easier that way. Tasuki says to tell you that he wants a NON-yaoi story.
Dear Mitsukake,
hello mr.composed doctor^-^i have 2 questions 4 u.shouldn't u b with shoka since u r ressurected cuz she should b too and how do u cure scholiosis?thanx a bunch !
Dear joy-chan,
We were not resurrected. We were reincarnated. There is a difference. And in my next incarnation Shouka and I are together. Scoliosis is an abnormal curvature of the spine and as such is usually cured through surgery and the uinsertion of a rod in one's spine to force it to become straight.
Dear Tasuki,
Wow. Haven't seen ya in awhile! *takes white lotus out of hair* Ya remember meeh...? *laughs warmly* I certainly remember you! Wow...I really missed you.... *smiles* I've been rather preoccupied lately... but I'm here during my spare time share a sushi and sake dinner with you :) ...just like old times.. *tosses him a jug ..and winks*
..Really missed ya, Fang-boy ! :)
Dear Megara,
Hey! Welcome back! Thanks fer th' sake an' sushi! Let's eat!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi hi! I decided not to bother Tasuki today! Well, technically I'm still bothering him, but I can bother all of you now. Anyhoo, I have insomnia tonight so I'm just kinda sitting here, bored. Ok, so here's a question: How can I talk my dad into letting me download AOL instant messanger? I have MSN and all my friends are on AOL. I really wish I could IM them on my insomnia nights cause I know they're online too. I know that's probably a completely pointless question but I can't think of anything else to write. Hmmm, let's see...Mitsukake, can I borrow Tama-neko from you for a few days? My friend Kitty Kurry Kat wants to see him. I'm kinda sleepy now...oyasumi...
A very tired Kat Winner
Dear Kat,
You could let him know that AIM is a free download and that it can be setup so you aren't meeting anyone that you DON'T already know. In other words you wouldn't be getting AIM and then talking to strangers. Unfortunately Tama-neko, like us, can't travel to your world. Gomen.
Dear Mitsukake,
hiya mitsukake-sama! (heh heh. gomen, i'm hyper) anyway, what's your favorite type of cat besides the kind tama-neko is?
Dear Moon,
I don't really have a favorite breed of cat. I like all types of cats.
Dear Nuriko,
*screams* Sorry, felt like doing that. I'm hyper and very happyhappyhappy! Okay, you know that guy that I was telling you about before school started. The one that I had no idea what to say to him and was very nervous about meeting him at the beginning of school?
Well I saw him at the dance at my school last night and I danced with him like four times! The first slow song that came on this guy I'd seen before but hadn't met, called Alex, asked me to dance. Then I found a bunch of my friends (whom I refer to as Hilary and Company) and I danced with them a while and then I found my fave guy (David)and we kept dancing to all the slow songs that came on! It was so awesome! *twitches and jumps around and hugs you*
The only downfall is that now I'm hyper and I can't get rid of all my energy. It feels like when I went to the anime con for the first time and had all that fun with my friends and I was so excited - only it's now way cooler!
*hugs tight* I am so happy! But can you recommend something to release all this hyper energy?
(A Bouncy and Happy) Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
*Hugs back* Maybe you can try exercise or writing about it. I know you're a good writer. I'm so happy for you! *Hugs her*
Dear Tasuki,
*frowns* Noooo...he aint in his boxers! I jes asked him one simple question and he blushed. Then I got a picture of him like that and he started chasin` me!! -.-;; I aint no pervert, ya know!!
Dear Keiko,
Ya' ain't a pervert??? Then how did ya' manage to make Sephy blush??
Dear Tasuki,
*sweatdrops* That is kinda none of yer bussiness...heh heh...or you can go to the Dragon's Lair ask the cast and read some letters to Sephiroth from me..then you'll find out. Cuz Tenchi is kinda watchin` everythin` I type...*hears a loud explosion* ...BAKA KAMEDAKE!!! Uh...bye-ee!*bops Tasuki with her sword fer callin` her a perv an runs off*
Dear Keiko,
This is all about a puppy??? 'Che! Sephiroth yer such a LOSER!!!!!!!
Dear Tasuki,
Oi, Taaaaaaaaaas-chaaaaaan...+_+ I am sooo tired.....and I slept in today and was late for school to prove it. ^_^;;; Anywho, you're lucky I'm tired and cant really gripe about anything because it requires too much thinking or else you would probably have a headache by now. *yawns* Well,...uh...-_- I forgot what I was gonna say. Hmmm...*yawns again* Did I tell you that I'm tired? Yeah...I'm really tired........*thud* Z_z
Dear Kuro,
*Picks her up and places her on the couch. Tiptoes out of the room...*
Dear Nuriko,
heya nuriko!*grins and waves* i've had the same hairstyles for the past couple of years, and i'm wondering if it's time for a change. i have to keep my hair out of the way during the school year(it's not good to have long hair getting in your face while you're using saws!), so i've been wearing it in two braids. but i've had the two braids since sophomore year of highschool! do you have any ideas for what else i could do with my hair, or do you think i should stick with the style i have?
Dear Saralady,
Have you tried putting it up in a bun or wearing on braid instead of two? If you are truly ready for a hairstyle change you could discuss cutting it relatively short with your hair stylist and see if she has any suggestions for a cute style that won't get caught in a saw.
Dear Tasuki,
how in the world did you get to be so hot? i really wish i could use your fire fan. i'm a bit of a pyro...hehe ^_^;; oh well. my friend has gotten me hooked on you, and now that I've found this, you can bet i'll be coming back, if only for more pictures of you!
Dear Krazie-chan,
I guess I was jus' born that way!! Heh-heh-heh... *Fanged grin* Glad ya' lik th ' site!
Dear Chichiri,
I'm sorry if you've already been asked this, but I don't think I could retain my sanity if I tried to find it in the Archives...@_@ anywho, my question is: How do/did you write your name, Ri Houjun or Chichiri, in Japanese? When I could find *any* Kanji with you, it is always "sho" and a ssymbol used for "lodging" that has no relation to Chichiri or Ri Houjun. I'm very confused, but that seems natural with Fushigi Yuugi, ne? I only want to know for the purpose of knowing it, so no pressure. ^_# Arigato gozagimasu!
Dear Mako-chan,
My name Ri Houjun in Japanese kanji looks like this: , no da. And Chichiri in hiragana looks like this: , no da.
Dear Chichiri,
Yep, My video/computer design teacher did talk to her. Now the journalism teacher thinks that I can advertise the newspaper and yearbook for her, so if it makes her un-mad I can do a 30 second thing for her. The radio is going well! I love it so much. We even have a lunch period that only plays anime songs. ^v^!!<3! My lunch period doesn't though because not enough people like anime then. Oh well, we play classic rock for them.
Dear Amena,
I'm glad that everything worked out for you, no da! I knew it would!
Dear Chichiri,
CHICHIRI!!! *runs over and hugs him*
I was so scared today. *cries into his kesa* There was a bomb threat at our school. And it was so very frightening. *slowly stops crying* Luckily nothing happened, and the school is ok. And we got out of school early. I was in the library printing off FY pics and the teacher suddenly told us to get out of the library. At first I thought it was just a teacher meeting, then my friend Katrina-chan told me there was a bomb squad outside. And about an hour later they evacuated school. I think I’ll be fine but I had to tell you. Thank you for listening to be. Ja ne!
Dear Aenne,
*Hugs her* I'm sorry you were frightened, but I'm glad that you and your schoolmates are ok, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
(This message was brought to you by: The Suzaku Seishi's powers, lending you their power since 1995!!)
-Nuriko's strength
-Chichiri's hope
-Hotohori's kindness
-Chiriko's wisdom
-Tasuki's courage
-Mitsukake...thank you
I think my side's gonna bust!! *on floor laughing* It's so hilarious! Mitsukake...thank you! *still laughing* At first I didn't find it funny...but after a while, it was really funny! I mean.. I don't get it. @_@ Tama-chan, what did you mean?
Dear Maki-chan,
When did I say that? I suppose it should be -Mitsukake's healing.
Dear Tamahome,
*hands him 8 gold ryou* Hi! ^_^
I have a question..If you were a neko-chan, would your name be tama? ^^; and and.. what kind of neko-chan would you be? and would you be a naughty neko and steal people's okane?! And, if you WERE a neko, could I adopt you?! ^0^ You'd make a kawaii neko-chan! Um..ok...well anyways...That was a pointless question ^^;;
Dear Maki-chan,
I suppose I'd be called Tama ^^;;; Nah, I wouldn't be the thieving cat, that would be Tasuki as a cat! I suppose if Miaka hasn't adopted me, you could.
Dear Nuriko,
My math teacher is starting to scare me alot!! He was playing disco inferno while we were doing our homework today! (and other scary disco songs) O.o; And...every single day...I mean EVERY day, he wears these insane hawaii-ish/strange shirts! And...he's really scary! Demo...he's even SCARIER when he's in a bad mood! (Which is most of the time..) Not to mention.. I don't do so well in math..... o.O;;;
Dear Maki-chan,
Perhaps you need to study harder or get a tutor. You might want to politely tell your teacher that his musical choices are more distracting than they are helpful as far as studying during classtime goes.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hello. Umm, I have a problem and I thought since you all seem to work together quite well, unlike the Seiryuu seishi, I ask you.
My best friend and I stared up this Anime Club a while ago, she begin a little pushy, okay really pushy, is president. I am vice-president. What I do the gods only know. Anyway all was going well until she started dating some of the guys, one of which was MY brother, and some of my best guy-friends, which really ticked me off. I am overprotective of them. And when she dumped, ahem, 'broke up' with them, she being a hot-head, kick one of them out. I tryied coming to his aid got a red face from a screaming match with her. Anyways, its been awhile and she has calmed down a bit but she still refuses to let him back into the growing club. I was wondering if there was any advise you could give me to calm these situations which verbal or physical confrontations becuase I am really no good at either.
Kouten Tenso
Dear Kouten Tenso,
First of all, you need to stay calm and rational yourself. Secondly, your friend needs to realize that this is an anime club and NOT her personal dating service. She should put her personal feelings aside and let your friend back in the club. Try taking a deep breath before you get into that kind of situation. It will relax you and also give you time to calm down and think about what you will say before you say it.
Dear Chichiri,
*Waves him down and jumps up and dwon hyperly* CHICHIRI-CHAN!!!!!! If you could live in our world or in the book? I hope you chose our world, you are a really gorgeous and I want to be near you and learn the way of the trade.
Dear Yudi-chan,
I would like to be able to live in and visit both worlds, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
HI HI HI HI HIIIIII TASUKI! *runs over to him* ^^ So, any fangirls chase you around like mad today? If so, can I tell them where you are? >.> Well, gotta go now! Baii!!
Relena, the still ever-annoying cheerful person
Dear Relena,
Shhhh... can't ya' see I'm hidin' from 'em?!?!?
Dear Tamahome,
Tamahome! I'm asking you this question because well, it seems more like you'd answer it better.
I tried to throw this snowboot at my friend, and before I could he kissed my cheek and asked me if I really wanted to hit him with it. ...Well, I was shocked so I tried to throw my other boot at him...but he left...umm...was that okay?
Relena, who hopefully hasnt lost a friend ~.~
Dear Relena,
I think you may have not only NOT lost a friend, but you may have gained an admirer/boyfriend as well... Good luck and stop throwing shoes at him!
Dear Chiriko,
hihi chiriko-sama! ^^; we have a question for you. you know your seishi symbol on your foot?? well, what does it mean? and how do you say it?
Moon and hotaru-chan
Dear Moon and hotaru-chan,
The symbol on my foot is pronounced "cho" and it means stretching.
Dear Tasuki,
You are God which is better the blue or green m and m's?
Dear sarah,
Iie! I'm Tasuki! Suzaku's a god! I don't know what th' h*ll that old bag Taiitsu-kun is! An' what's an m and m???
Dear Tasuki,
Heh...*holds up a picture of Sephiroth* He's after me jez cuz of this picture!*Sephiroth's blushing in da pic* And now he's after me and goin` to kick my @$$!! Want a copy of it? It'll kinda of cost ya. Either 10 gold ryu, or you let me get a picture of you in yer boxers...heh...yer choice...
Dear Keiko,
Is he in HIS boxers??? If so, no wonder he wants to kill ya'!! An' no, I don't want a copy. But ya' might wanna ask Kelli-chan if SHE does... heh-heh-heh...
Dear Mitsukake,
Uh... (*HUGE sweatdrop*) what gives around here? I just found out about a girl who was in love with Tomo.... And she's completely shattered because of YOU? She died because you didn't? Wait, let me try this again...
1) She loved Tomo...
2) In order for her to marry Tomo, you had to die??
3) But you didn't, so SHE did??
Uh, hmm... what's wrong with picture? I mean, why would she want Tomo? And what did she have against YOU? What is going on???
Dear Tonberry,
I have no idea. It's all just very tragic.
Dear Nuriko,
Ano... keeping a shirt on your back also prevents sunburn ^^;; I'll make them baggy with short sleeves. *Doc has a giggle fit from Ryuen's antics*
You're crazy.. acting like that in front of an old maid. Have you any idea how dangerous that is? ;D *Doc starts cutting fabric* Better get these done so we can get to the actual project.
I'm going to be glad to see you guys working to create something good, instead of having to destroy things. This will be good for your hearts :) You'll even inspire Boushin to learn how to build things, and that training will help him to rebuild Konan.
I see you've used all the colors here, Tamahome and Chiriko have agreed to this project as well? Good thing I'm prepared to feed a bunch of hungry men. I think I should get enough supplies for a few days, just in case you men decide that it's way to much fun to stop after one day. ;) *blinks*
I'll definitely have to ask Houki-san to help me, I think she remembers how to cook massive amounts of food.
How does that sound?
*starts threading needles*
Dear Doc-sama,
Sounds good to me! *Flexes once more and grins at her.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
My hamster is dying and it is hard for me to stop crying at times. I would like some advice on controling my emotions.
Kimika Metallium
Dear Kimika Metallium,
What you're going through is perfectly normal, no da. Perhaps you can put your mind on something else, so that you don't cry as much. *Takes off his mask.* I know this is a hard for you, but if your hamster is dying, perhaps it might be best to take him to the vet and have him euthanized so he doesn't suffer. You might want to do a nice memorial in your hamster's memory such as donate a toy to a children's ward in your local hospital. I'm very sorry for your loss and that you are so sad, no da. *Hugs her and holds her.*
Dear Tasuki,
Thanks for caring Tasuki. I have so many tests this week! I've already had a biology test, a math quiz, and an english test. Plus I still have a history test this week! My brain's gonna explode! Well, I have to go study now...again.
Kat Winner
Dear Kat Winner,
Keep at it! I'm sure you'll be fine!
Dear Nuriko,
Wai! Nuriko-sama, you're the best! ...Even though I've only seen one volume of Fushigi Yuugi (the second one, dubbed...) and read one volume of the manga (the first one). I've printed out a bunch of pictures of you and Hotohori-sama and put them on my closet. ^_^ It's really amusing when I have friends over and they point to either you or Hotohori-sama and ask, "Now, that's a girl, right?" and I have to tell them, "No, they're both guys." That applies to all of the other pictures on my closet too... ^_^ But I digress. I just wanted to tell you that you're wonderful and great and absolutely fantabulous and a bunch of other adjectives that I can't think of right now... :) It's Wednesday. Don't ask me to think. So... just keep on being awesome (which I know you will), and I'll keep cheering for you whenever you make an appearance in the series/manga! *waves little fans with Nuriko's face on them*
Dear K-chan,
Arigato for your kind words and wishes! *Hugs her*
Dear Chichiri,
Dear Irichich,
Kowaii... no da...
Dear Chiriko,
What's the square root of 564,988,234,9876? Thanks! Hard Algebra homework tonight! ::wink::
Dear Kuno-Baby,
2,376,948.116783 and you should start doing your own homework!
Dear Hotohori,
Do you still think about Miaka romantically even when married? Be honest!
Dear Kuno-baby,
No. But I do still care about her as she is not only my miko but a very dear friend as well.
Dear Tasuki,
Hey man, what's up? OK... got a question for ya that I have to know. First of all, all the seriyuu seishi seceretly make fun of all the jewelery you wear! Don't you think that all the necklaces and earring are a tad feminine???
Dear Kuno-Baby,
So, who th' h*ll cares what THEY think?!? They're ALL DEAD anyways!!!! Besides, th' jewelry is easy money if I need quick cash!
Dear Chichiri,
*looks at him* It won't drive YOU insane, it only drives ME insane. I watched that tape like, five times this week. did drive Ryoko insane. She's now afriad of skulls...hehehehee..byeeeee
Chibi Keiko
Dear Chibi Keiko,
Poor Ryoko. That wasn't very nice of you, no da.
Dear Chichiri,
*walks in rather painfully* You know, this weight training and circuit training and weight lifting and...and...@_@ Anyway, it's HARD!!!! But..*strikes pose* I SHALL LOOK GOOD FOR THE OPERA!!!!
Ne, aisaika...poof yourself here to see your aisai perform! And be nice...I have to wear a corset. ;_;
Kelli, CnA#2
Dear Kelli,
Hai, no da! A corset, no da? I'm sure you will be stunning, no da!
Dear Nuriko,
Nuriko-sama! *waves* I stopped by to say bye! I'm going to attack the laundry monster now! It'll be darn cool...*_*! Ne! Ne! Do you think Mitsukake'll let me be his buddy? Ne, you and I are buddies right? Right?! WAAAI! ^_^;; *is happy cause she passed her test well* I feel...joyous...^_^; Can I...have a piggyback ride? *_* Pleeease?
Dear Inori,
I'm sure Mitsukake will be your friend. Omedeto on passing your test! *Picks her up and places her on his shoulders for a ride...*
Dear Mitsukake,
*comes in dragging Hoshi* Mitsukake! Please heal young Hoshi here! She says she has a bad cold and can't breathe out her nose and is just plain sick! Please heal her! ;_; Oh! By the way! Can I be your buddy? ^_^ It just occurred to me the other day...I was just sitting there and suddenly I said "Gee, I wish I was Mitsukake's buddy!" So can I, huh? ^_^
Dear Inori,
*Heals Hoshi* Of course I'll be your friend. *Smiles*
Dear Chichiri,
Shrinemaiden Keisei: Wadda ya mean "My What?" I said it. Your daughter. Don't worry, I don't think ou have to worry about her showing up here any time soon, I'm not sure where she is in fansapce at the moment, she might show up to see you someday, but only if I can catch her. (she's got your magic, and her mother's looks, but she's reeeeeeaaaal short and real hard to track down. )
Keisei Tenjo: I'll be sure to get my master to do move her lazt fingers off the ICQ and back to her story. As is I want out of the scene she left me hanging in the last time she worked on it. *sarcastic* Oh yes Master, it's reeeeeeal fun getting beat up by Soi!
Shrinemaiden Keisei and Keisei Tenjo
Dear Shrinemaiden Keisei and Keisei Tenjo,
This should be interesting, no da.
Dear Chichiri,
*hugs you* Thank you! *yells across the room* YA HEAR THAT TOMO! I TOLD YOU SO! NYAAH! *blows Tomo a Raspberry*
*hugs you again and gives you a cookie* Peanut Butter. Very Yummy. Arigatou!
Dear Soi,
*Sweatdrops* You're welcome, no da. By the way, could you inform Tomo that one of his admirers died for his love. It was very sad, no da. Arigatou for the cookie, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Ya know what? I think ALL guys are evil, seriously!!! They PRETEND to be nice. This thought comes up to me once in a while.. *sighs* I wish I never meet or talk to one! Except if there's one that's seriously nice that is...
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
We're not ALL evil! Yer jus' mettin' th' creeps! I'm sure you'll meet some nice guys soon.
Dear Tasuki,
Avery's right, I meant you were in your early 30's. hehe, so you're an old man, eh? so you still love Iridal even though she's 18 or so... that's child molesting... jk.
Dear baka-chan,
OI! At 18 she's LEGAL!! Anyway, look at Obake-chan an' Miaka! She's only 15!
Dear Hotohori,
*hugs him* I guess I've recovered from that jerk of a guy I used to have a crush on. Anyway...finals begin in 16 days?!?!? *almost passes out* Helphelphelp! ><| I'm so afraid of getting bad grades and going to a lousy stream... ^^;;; I hate algebra. I know it's going to get me, I know it is... well, better go study and do some more practice sums then...byebye!
Dear Wenwen,
Ganbatte on your tests! *Hugs her back*
Dear Chichiri,
Wah! Today everyone was staring at me like I was some kind of phyco at school! Maybe it was 'cause I was wearing knives in my hair..but but but!! That's no reason to stare at someone like a looney! Samu always wears forks in her hair! And Clara wears SPOONS in hers! And Gwen has this obsession with sticking chopsticks in her hair and...everyone thinks us looney! Or...maybe we are looney? Naw, I think it's them. Don't you? I mean geez! They were PLASTIC knives fer cryin' out loud! >_< And people were constantly asking me about it and then stealing one of my knives and bending it in cruel ways!! ;_; Andandand..This one girl that smells like creamy chicken ramen stole my knife and wouldnt return it!! So I stole about 12 more from the caf. ^.^ ..Some of the teachers thought it was funny though. ^^; Especially my math teacher..but then again he's insane so what can ya expect? Ah, anyway I've probably bored you half to death! Gomen! *hugs him* ja ne!
Dear Maki-chan,
Ano... one generally doesn't wear eating utensils n one's hair, no da. I can understand why your classmates questioned your sanity, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
What country do you cheer for in the olympics? ^_^
Dear baka-chan,
Olympics??? *Looks confused...* Konan!
Dear Hotohori,
*grins* *sighs* You have such a beautiful voice...*is listening to Sadame no Hoshi* Sadame no Hoshi, Wakatte Itahazu and Akai Iitsutae are so far my favorite Fushigi Yuugi songs...hehee, I'm recording the songs off my computer and onto a I can listen to your voice when ever I want to!! ^_^
Dear Keiko,
Arigato. I hope your enjoy them!
Dear Tamahome,
*hands him 2 gold ryu* K...I was wondering....when you finally got the chance to go to Miaka's world......did you...did you....*coughs slighty* did you prefer the yen coins to the gold Ryu or vice versa?
*blinks* whatda think I was gonna Hentai!!! *blinks*
just wondering about money
Dear just wondering,
Yen was interesting but NOTHING beats good old gold! And I am NOT hentai!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
hello again. been a long time!
if miaka hasn't shown up yet, what did your ideal miko look like? i mean, what did you imagine her to be?
Dear adorable,
We really can't say as she was just described as a girl from another world, no da.
Dear Chiriko,
hey there. made a story about you. it's about your first love. hope you will like it. please try to read it at thanks for some of the questions you've answered.
Dear adorable,
I would have loved to have read it, but your link is not working.
Dear Nuriko,
*Doc checks Ryuen out ;)* If you keep wearing clothes like this, Tasuki won't be the only one with rabid fangirls. You can stop posing now, I only have so much self-control. ;D *Doc pulls out the light purple shirt material and holds some by Ryuen's face* This shows you off really well.
*Doc spreads the fabric across Ryuen's back touching his bare back in the process* Breathe Ryuen. You'll be alright, it's a normal reaction.
Alright, you'll be able to have long sleeves. what we could do it leave them loose enough the roll up and tie back. *looks up from the fabric*
Daijoubu? Ryuen you're still flushed, relax okay?
Dear Doc-sama,
Hai, daijoubu desu. If we're doing manual labor, do we really need long sleeves on the shirts? Perhaps short sleeves or no sleeves would be better. Or we could just wear no shirts at all... *Flexes his muscles...* What do you think?
Dear Chichiri,
ARIGATOU CHICHIRI!!!!!! *runs over and gives him a huge hug*
Ok, let me explain myself. In religion class(ethics) today, our teacher told us to write a thank you note to anyone we wanted to. And I chose you! I just wanted to say thank you for making my life a little happier everyday. You’ve truly touched my heart. Thank you for being you, and never change. Domo Arigatou for being so kawaii, for being so hot, for saying no da, and for being the coolest monk ever! That’s about all I can think of for now. Ja ne!
Dear Aenne,
*Blushes and hugs her back.* You're very welcome, no da! Arigato for all your kind words, no da.
Dear Chichiri,
Shrinemaiden Keisei: Oh.......that..... Ehehehehehe.... It's a story I'm writting, that's all, no need to say anything.
Keisei Tenjo: Fine, since my author seems too embarased to talk about this, I'll tell you. It's a fic, yes, but it's an action/adventure/bit of a mystery fic to the begining, but it turns into a bit of a manipulative/traitorous romance for me and Nakago, and then it's basically Chichiri to the rescue.
Shrinemaiden Keisei: *like she can't stand how unbluntly Keisei's doing, and avoiding stuff.* Okay!!!!! I'll say it!!! Happy!!!! *whacks Keisei over, and into Chichiri's arms.* It's a romance okay!!!!!!! Not a lemon, so please don't kill me for it!!!!!! Khuriki is a character crated by Taiitsu no Miko! She's your kid!! There! You now know all! (except for the details of your relationship, but hey, I'll let you read the fic when it's done to find that stuff out.)
Shrinemaiden Keisei and Keisei Tenjo
Dear Shrinemaiden Keisei and Keisei Tenjo,
Our WHAT, no da???? I look forward to seeing this story when you're done, no da. *smiles*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
hey!i got an idea!!!!but i think it's really stupid y'know.anywayz ,why don't u guyz make a peeji called "ask the mikos"/"ask Kouji"/"ask the Byakko/Genbu senshi"?it might b interesting y'know (y the h*ll am i talking like the dubbed chichiri >.!)okies ,bye!
Dear joy-chan,
There used to be sites like what you're suggesting out there. But they no longer exist. Besides, THIS peeji is quite enough work! ^_^ Gomen.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Why don't those adorably adorable Seriyuu Seishi answer questions? After all my Subi-kins and Ami-kins would be fun to talk tooooooo...
Dear ShinigamiKender,
They do! Ask the Seiryuu Seishi - Here is the first of two sites where the Seiryuu Seishi will answer your questions. This one is run by Suboshi. Ask the Seiryuu Seishi - Here is the second of two sites where the Seiryuu Seishi will answer your questions. This one is run by Tsutsuji.
Dear Chichiri,
*glomps Chichiri with giant watery puppy-eyes* I-I-I'm likable? *sparkles with hope*
Dear Soi,
Well, hai, no da. *Sweatdrops* I mean you didn't kill anyone and you even let Miaka go free and tell her where to find Tamahome, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
What is all of your dream girl?
Dear baka-chan,
Tamahome: Miaka
Tasuki: I dunno... someone who's sweet an' kindhearted?
Chichiri: Someone like my late fiancée, no da.
Hotohori: Houki
Nuriko: Hotohori... hee-hee...
Chiriko: Ami from Sailor Moon
Mitsukake: Shouka
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
I kinda made a new friend in school.. she's really pretty, she has blonde hair, blue eyes, and seems really nice. But... I'm not sure if she really meant to be my friend or if she's just making fun of me.. 'cause I'm sorta plain. I even talked to her about it sorta. And we shook hands on it. Saying we're "REALLY" friends. But I'm still not too sure. Help.
Dear anonymous,
Don't be so insecure! Take her friendship at face value. An' remember that looks ain't everythin'!
Dear Mitsukake,
why you @&*&%$#@@!@#$%&*(&^$%#@! BAKA!!!!!!!! you can't heal your self!!! it's not fair!!! if i don't kill you then Tomo wont marrie me!!!*grabs his hand and stabs it into HER stomic* good bye world!!!*falls down dead*
Tomo's girl
Dear Tomo's girl,
*Feels for a pulse, finds none and looks sad yet stoic.* Poor child, why would you waste your life for him?
Dear Mitsukake,
*runs in picks up Tomo's girl* you killed her,you you, BAKA!!!!!!!* looks at the hole in his shrit* well now we all know you can do THAT. and This *looks down at the body in her arms* I'M not bugging you no more!!!
the cross dresser from a galaxy far far away!!!!!!
Dear cross dresser,
I didn't kill her. Her love for Tomo is what did her in. Gomen for your loss.
Dear Tasuki,
In Eikou Den, it's about what happens afterwards, like Miaka being pregnant and all. It's really interesting. Read it here!
Dear baka-chan,
Arigato! We will!!
Dear Tasuki,
I thought Tasuki was 29 in that novel? He's actually in his late thirties? *barely faints* Gomen Tasuki, but yo are so much cooler when you are older! *stary eyed* The pic of you and Kouji when older is great!!
Dear Avery,
29-30??? I GOTTA see that novel!! I thought all th' novels take place in th' past! So how can I be THAT old???
Dear Nuriko,
Nuri-sama! Hi! ^_^ Did you miss me? I haven't written in ages. ^^;
Anyhow, ya know what? The back of my binder is covered with just pictures of you! ^_^;; Cause I was bored so I was printing off all my fave Nuri-sama pics and plastering them on my binder ^^; I have 147 pictures of you. ^.^
Dear Maki,
147!?!?!?!! WOW!!!!!! Arigato!!! *Hugs her.*
Dear Chichiri,
Daaaa!! Guess what no da? I've been writing no da in hiragana ALLLLLLLLLLLL over EEEEEEVERY white board in the school na no da! (=^0^=) I'm so proud of myself no da! ^_^ But the suckie thing is, all the teachers are like "What's no da? What's a Chichiri?" no da! And so I've explained it to like 20 million teachers no daaa! @_@ Oh yeah and I almost got my school photo taken with my manga..but they wouldn't let me no da! ;_; They were all: "HANDS IN LAP" no da! And it was very mean no da! ;_;
Maki, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
Oh, oh, gomen nasai! I havent written to you (or any of the other seishi either) in...uh...a really long time! Did you miss me? ^_^ Ah, I've been really busy with school and all...It really sucks, school is booooooring. But I actually got my japanese class that I wanted really bad! wai! (=^0^=)
Dear Maki,
Yes we did. Cool! Ya' got th' class ya' wanted! Gambatte kudasai!
Dear Chichiri,
*latchs onto Chichiri's leg* Keep them away!! Keep the Gumbi shorts away!!
Gumbi: Mother, may we have a glass of milk?
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! I think I have been watching Mystery Science Theatre 3000 waaaaaaaaaaaaay to much...hehehee...The Screaming Skull!! *hands a copy of the tape to Chichiri* Watch this and you will go insane...O.o
Chibi Keiko
Dear Chibi Keiko,
*Looks at her, looks at the tape...* Ano, why would I want to watch something that will drive me insane, no da?
Dear Mitsukake,
Is there a cure for song-stuck-in-my-head-won't-go-away-itis? ^_^;;; The other day I tried bashing my head against a wall repeatedly to get Ravel's "Bolero" out, but it doesn't work! (Kidding...)
Dear Hoshi,
Put another song on and take 2 aspirins for your head bashing headache?
Dear Chiriko,
Hi its me again...don't worry i'm not gonna sneak up on you and kiss you this time...Gomen!!! So your favorite Sailor Scout is Ami-chan? That's nice I like her too because she's so smart and kind...just like you! Have you ever written her a letter on the Ask the Sailor Scouts peeji? I bet she would love to hear from you! When I was in 5th grade my friends and I pretended we were Sailor Scouts at recess, I was Sailor Venus (not that I look like her u.u) but wouldn't it be nice if I did??? I look more like...say...Taiitsukun! No, just kidding! Oh well nevermind about that. I just got back from camping with my Girl Scout troop it was really fun, my sister and I (oh yeah, how do you say "younger sister" in Japanese? Arigatou!) were talking about you and the othere shichiseishi the whole time, no da! Anyway, I'll let you go now...there's probably a huge line of girls waiting to talk to ya!!!! Bye!!!!
becky-senpai, formerly known as becky-chan
Dear becky-senpai,
Imouto is Japanese for younger sister. I've never written to Ami. Perhaps I should...
Dear Nuriko,
(Kourin's wun is a horrible typist....gomen)
No no! I meant he's starting to resent ME less! Ugh. I gotta teach that crazy wun of mine to type straight. Gomen Nuri-papa. *hugs*
Tasuki-papa hasn't seen him yet. I should take him over there to say hi. This one doesn't seem to have any powers really, except that he can cry louder than any baby I've heard in my life! *grin* I'm going to go visit Tasuki-papa now. I'll see you later. Bai!
Kourin and Kensune-chan
Dear Kourin and Kensune-chan,
OK, have fun! You know, he may be a great swordsman like his ojiisan!
Dear Tasuki,
*sneaks up on Tasuki* Hey Tasu-papa!
*seats herself down beside you* Hey, I got someone here for you to meet! *lifts up Kensune-chan for him to see*
This is Kensune, Chibi-Genrou's little brother. I figured I'd bring him other to say hi before I took him home. Very cooperative little guy but seems like a very tired little one too. *tickles Kensune's hands* Whadda ya think?
Kourin and Kensune-chan
Dear Kourin and Kensune-chan,
He's cute! Looks kinda like Hotohori don't ya' think?
Dear Nuriko,
YAY! It's okay that you can't come to my world. My friends'll stop being mean anyways. Thanks!
Dear mariko,
I'm glad that they'll stop being mean to you. Take care!
Dear Tasuki,
Hi hi again! I'm back from shopping and got my dress. It goes down to my feet and is deep violet. It has this really pretty sheer cover that's violet with glints of silver. I'm gonna look so pretty! Plus, it was only $40. That means I have cash to spend on more anime. Yay! Sorry, I'm a bit hyper right now. Please forgive me.
About the rings, well, I'd say where I got them but I don't wanna give away my location. Minor paranoia, sorry again. I'm sure you can get them at any anime specialty store. Actually, they're like the size of a small child's finger so I wear them in a weird way. I put them on the middle of my finger instead of the bottom. I can't really explain it well.
Y'know what sucked about today? My friend Kristin and I went dress shopping but we had to take her little brother with us. He said he wanted to go but the minute we got there he started whining. Poor us. Plus, I caught Kristin's cold and now I'm all sniffly. I think I've talked long enough now. Wuv ya Tasuki!
Kat Winner
Dear Kat Winner,
Th' dress sounds pretty! I ain't senn th' rings but I'll tell Chichiri no Aijin to keep an eye out fer 'em! Hope yer feelin' better!
Dear Hotohori,
HOW CAN U B 18 ?.? Tasuki is a year younger than u but he's already 20(sorry Tasuki^-^;;;)!!!shouldn't u be like 21 right now?
Dear joy-chan,
I should be but things happen that we have no control over.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*runs/skips in and hugs all the seishi* I did it! I got cast in the play! "The Imaginary Invalid"! "Le Malade Imaginaire"! JE SUIS BELINE!!! I have a part! I have lines! I have a husband! I have motivation! WAI! WAI!! I'm soo excited!!! *stops and sweatdrops* That also means I have to memorize more stuff, ne?
the actress Katsumi
Dear Katsumi,
Hai! Ganbatte kudasai!!
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