Dear Tasuki,
Don't forget Tasuki has a son who turned out to be a God! Ok, so that was weird-but not my idea...we named him Tashunu-and Kousei was his God name.... Didn't know such an old man had it in him to do something like that?
Ok, so I took him away from his parents-that was sad! You're not that old Tasuki. Well, you look cute when your older! Even though there might be a slow spot here or there...hehehe...if you keep on drinking sake, you'll get a sake belly! That would slow you down.
Want me to draw a pic of you when you are older? No missing teeth or anything! Honest! I'll be nice! Even draw you without a shirt, to please the fangirls.
Ah, I know why he didn't run off with the rest on that rpg...hehehe...he's got another child on the way and they need to find out if it's his or Nakago's! That creep! But I let you get rid of Nakago for fun. Oi, anyway-we might catch up later! Tasuki is just.... *coughs* comforting his woman since she is sad...yeah, comforting her...and his daughter is there as well. Hehehe, he still is light on his feet! You got a lot of kids in this rpg! But you are a great dad!
You know in this other rpg, you broke someone's finger? You were cool! Like a wild Mel Gibson and was pissed that this evil thing would not answer your question! So, you were mean. Ah, then you were given this drug and were nice to the lady bandit who was dressed as a guy, because it had something in it...that made do I put this...nice!
Weird...I know! But it's so much fun! And you kissed one fo your bandits to save his-her butt! Yeah, a bandit disguised as a guy who was a woman and a Ninja!
Ok, me ramble enough! Us gals like ya rough and tough!
Of course this other's done by a whole club of Tasuki fans...and Kouji gets the spotlight! Good for him! And they are about to head to the springs!
Ladies, I'll bring back pics! ^_ ~
Dear Avery,
Pictures of me wit'out a shirt??? An' I got kids???? Waht th' H*LL kinda game is this?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Dear Tasuki,
Hee hee. I got my awesome rings at a local anime store. I have ones of Mitsukake, Chiriko, Suboshi, Tamahome, Miaka, Hotohori, and the cutest one...YOU! As for going as Tomo I decided I don't feel like wearing all that makeup since I have to go to the homecoming dance later that night. With my luck it won't come off. Instead I'm going as some weird looking hindu chick. I'm going to have eyes painted all over my body and look really strange. My friend Shannon is going as the lizard girl. Heh, I love dressing up! BTW, I got a date! Woo-hoo! I still wish one of you could take me but I guess Chris(my date) will do. Wow, this is probably the longest letter I've wrote you. That's ok though right? Today I'm going to buy my dress for Homecoming. I'm so excited! I have $100 to spend on a dress. That's pretty kewl. *hugs Tasuki* Bye Tasuki!!!
Kat Winner
Dear Kat Winner,
COOL!!! Now Chichiri no Aijin wants to know where she can get a Tasuki an' a Chichiri ring! I hope th' eyes will wash off. Have a great time at yer Homecomin'!! *Hugs her back.*
Dear Tasuki,
BADDDDDD IDEA, Tasuki! And you know why?
1. He's gonna talk about me more.. but this time saying I like him or something..
2. Rumor WILL start and would NOT stop!
3. I don't wanna lose my first kiss to this loser.
4. He is kinda good looking, but.. no thanks!
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
OK, it was just an idea...
Dear Tasuki,
*woofs his cute little woof and grabs Tasuki's tessen* Arf! *starts to chew on Tasuki's tessen while wagging his cute lil` puppy tail happily* yip! yip! *hops into Tasuki's arms and nuzzles him*
Nuriko-inu *otherwise known as Keiko's hyper puppy*
Dear Nuriko-inu,
*Pets the puppy* Cute ko-inu! *Grin*
Dear Tamahome,
Da...heheheh...*looks at Obake-chan, then looks at herself* Well..there aint much difference...`cept yer a fellow, and I'm a lady. *is dressed to look like Obake-chan's femine side* O.o hehehee...I guess I'm goin` to be good ol` kawaii and kowai obake-chan instead of Nuriko-sama... :( I hafta get blue hair spray and get my hair very blue...O.o hehehe...jaaa neee!!
Keiko, AKA Obake-chan's femine side
Dear Keiko,
ok... kowai...@_@
Dear Tasuki,
In Eikou Den, you're in your late 30's, did you know that?
Dear baka-chan,
NANI??????? All them novels are supposed to take place in th' past!
Dear Tasuki,
Hehehehee..*points to Tasuki* Blueberry-man!! *giggles sweetly* Sorry, jes had ta say that. You want me to dye yer hair back, Tasuki? I can. Considering I changed it to would only take a minute. Ok? ^_^*pulls out orange-redish dye and puts it in Tasuki's hair* There! Good as new!! *runs off* Oh Kouji!!!
Chibi Keiko
Dear Chibi Keiko,
Ano... arigato!!
Dear Tasuki,
*rolls eyes* You're old-ER in the RPG. Like nearly hitting 40. Old enough that you're starting to go grey, but not so old that you need your cane or dentures or anything... So you have no excuse for slacking off...other than being a big ol' slacker. ^_~
Iridal, the silver Aisai
Dear Iri-chan,
I ain't a slacker! Mebbe I gotta secret thin' I gotta do...
Dear Chichiri,
na no da?
Dear kya,
Na, no da!
Dear Nuriko,
*sniffs* Yeah, I have a locker, but I still need to bring the books home for homework!!!! Arrrrrrrggggh!!!! Also, I'm starting Anime Club this year, and this time for sure, it's gonna happen! But our school ASB told me and me co-prez that we have to have a BUDGET to begin the club!!! >.<;;;; We're thinking about having an Anime Film Festival and charge admission and stuff.... got any other suggestions to raise moolah?? Wuv ya all!
Jeanie, the still flat pancake
Dear Jeanie,
How about getting your mom's to make baked goods and having a bake sale? Maybe you can have a small anime convention and sell space to the local anime merchants so they can sell stuff there. How's that for ideas?
Dear Tasuki,
Ooh ooh ooh! Tasuki, Tasuki, Tasuki! Guess what? Guess what? Guess what? I thought up a slogan for meeee! I have a slogan all for my widdle fantwastic sewf!
And my slogan is (distant drumroll sounds)...
"I didn't come here to be admired. I came here to ask stupid questions, do irrational things and annoy the cr*p out of all of you!"
Taa daa! Isn't it great? Isn't it just so me? Well, wadda ya think?
Taiitsu no Miko (asker of pointless questions, do-er of pointless things, oppressor of all that is sensical and real)
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
I think it fits! *Fanged grin*
Dear Hotohori,
Anou... Hotohori-sama, I've never written before, but I have a horrible horrible problem!! I'll try to make this sound more like an explanation than a rant, but that might be just a lil' hard ta do! ^^;;
Okay, here we go. There's this certain girl on my cheer team. Just so you know, I'm a freshman, but I'm captain of varsity. Anyway.. o.o;; She just isn't all that great, she messes up her routine a lot, and that makes us look bad during the games! I know it's because she skips practice quite a lot, and when she does attend, she dun pay any attention! Ack!
So the thing is, I told her very nicely, because I'm a nice person, if she could possibly come to more practices. She asked me why, and I told her that just one member performing incorrectly can throw the whole team off. Then, she swore to me that she isn't doing anything wrong, and she called me a "stuck up *insert four letter expletive here*". Now, she feels the need to go around saying things that aren't true about me? I wasn't mean to her at all, and no matter what I say to her, she says I'm all these horrible things and that I think I'm better than everyone else.. Which just isn't true!
Do you think there's anything I can do about this..? My reputation isn't hurt, but I don't want any kind of enmity to form. ::hands Hotohori-sama a dozen red roses tied up with a purple silk ribbon:: Arigatou for listening to me, Hotohori-sama...
Dear Tukuyoumi,
Arigato for the roses. *Hugs her* You said that you were the captain of the team, I can then assume that you are the leader, ne? If so, being the leader is quite difficult and not everyone will like you. It is a tough job, I know. However, if she is not coming to practice and fulfilling her obligation to the team, you might want to consider discussing this with your team's coach/teacher/faculty advisor. The team may have to ask her to leave and get someone more dedicated to take her place. I know you don't want any kind of enmity to form, but it may be unavoidable in this situation. Perhaps your team's coach/teacher/faculty advisor can have a talk with her and tell her she must uphold her obligation or she will be dismissed. I know this is difficult for both of you, but this is good experience for the real world outside of school. Good luck.
Dear Tasuki,
Today there was a pep rally, it was okay, and after it, I saw the blonde. So I walked up to him and told him he suck! At first he looked confused, then he smiled. What a stupid guy! And I heard from one of my friends that he was talking about me during gym. And he said MAD WEIRD stuff. He called me childish names and all.. but that isn't the strange part, he said he wants to fight me... *_*; he said this before.... but it's stranger this time. 'cause I wasn't there when he was talking about me. I mean, what's the point of talking bs when I'm not there? I thought the whole point was just to annoy me, but why talk about stupid stuff when I'm not there? I'm confused. I asked my friend this, and she was like, "he probably wants to amuse his friends," So I thought that's it! But then my other friends were like, "HE LIKES YOU!" I don't know...
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
I agree wit' yer friends! Now if ya' wanna REALLY freak him out... next time ya' see him get right in his face an' then when he least expects it... KISS HIM! That oughta shut him up! Of course he may think ya' gotta crush on him then...
Dear Nuriko,
*Finishes up on the extra pockets and tool loops* Here Ryuen try yours on, to see if it all works out :)
*tosses Ryuen his blackberry pair to try on and turns around* I won't watch ;D You should be able to do a full squat with fabric to spare.. *starts pulling out shirt fabrics*
Dear Doc-sama,
Sure you won't... ~_^ Pinku Doc-sama! Hee-hee... *Steps behind a bush and changes.* So, they seem to fit. What do you think?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Dear kay,
wasbei!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *hic*
Dear Chiriko,
So, you like Duo Maxwell's Gundam? You do realize its name is 'Deathscythe', right? A youngster like you has nothing against a name such as 'Deathscythe'?
Dear Tonberry,
It is a weapon. If it were named 'Kawaii Neko' that would not change what it is.
Dear Chichiri,
ARIGATO!!! I did tell my Journalism teacher all of that stuff, but she wouldn't listen. When she announced that "due to unfortunate circumstances" she might have to remove me from the Editor position, a good number of the students said they would quit if I wasn't editor. I have such nice staff members!! She's upset, but I hope that when she sees that I can do just as much work as she needs me to do, I'm hoping she will get over her problem.
Dear Amena,
So do I. Have you tried to get your video teacher to talk to her, no da?
Dear baka-chan,
Saw it!!! I'd thanks but now Chichiri no Aijin is probably gonna wanna to Little Tokyo an' look fer 'em! 'Che! Good thin' she's workin'...
Dear Chichiri,
*a young woman walks in, dragging Shrinemaiden Keisei by the scruff of her neck.*
Strange girl: Okay Master! Explain this to me, you created me to do what?
Sheinemaiden Keisei: Now Keisei, I thought you liked your roll in my fics! What's wrong with it now?
Keisei: Nothing, I just wanted to ask you if you've informed Chichiri about his roll in your story. You did think of that, didn't you?
Shrinemaiden Keisei: *twiddes thumbs* Ummmm.....
Keisei: I didn't think so. *sigh* Master, you've gotta remember to do these things, and ask permisson to do these things! *hands Chichiri something that looks like a script. is actually a scene from a story*
Shrinemaiden Keisei: *gets and idea before Keisei can lecture her anymore* Okay! I'm putting you back in character mode! I shouldn't have let you out of the character closet!
[note: I do that a lot of the time. That's why my character on here is so confusing and inaccurate. Keisei is a Shrinemaiden, and I named myself after her, but she's the one with the nyan nyans. SHE dated Nakago, SHE's the one Taiitsu no Miko works with (with my permission). I'M the one who's the guardian.]
Keisei: No! I'll be good! Honest! Just let me out of my fic for a bit, please, I need a vactation, and Khuriko and the Nyan Nyans are a handful!
Shrinemaiden Keisei and Keisei
Dear Shrinemaiden Keisei and Keisei,
*Starts to read the script..* Ano... what is this about, no da?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
is it 'sichiseishi' or shichiseishi'?
Dear ccs,
It's 'shichiseishi'. Seven warriors.
Dear Tasuki,
so Tenchi's aijin dyed your hair blue ,ne?want me 2 dye your hair back 2 its original color?*pulls out red dye and orange-red dye*which 1 do u want?
Dear joy-chan,
Thanks but I think I hear Nuriko callin'... *Runs off to find Nuriko...*
Dear Chichiri,
ohayo!did baby-blue write 2 u ?gomen 4 what she said cuz she thinks your a... FREAK.but your not ugly, your cute^-^ummmm...what does ganbette kudasai mean ?.?i'm still working on my japanese.u don't have 2 answer this stupid question.k,bai bai!
Dear Usagi-pon,
"Ganbatte kudasai" means good luck or do your best, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
ne, i have another question. which of the seriyuu seishi(and amiboshi doesn't count) do you like the most? why? arigato
Dear mariko,
I guess after Amiboshi, Soi is probably the most likable, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
i have nothing to do in my health class, cause the teacher just writes a list up on the board, and talk about it the whole class, so i write fanfics in health, and i need to know- if you could be paired up with anyone from any anime, who would it be and why? thanx minna!
Dear mariko,
Here are your answers:
Tamahome: Miaka, because I love her.
Tasuki: Lina, so I can annoy her! (Tasuki-kun, that's Xelloss' jopb, no da!)
Nuriko: Hotohori. Fanservice, tee-hee....
Mitsukake: Megumi fromKenshin. She too is a healer.
Chiriko: Ami from Sailor Moon! She's smart AND pretty!
Chichiri: Belldanday, no da! She's very sweet and kind, no da.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*hands out lollie pops*you know what i miss? those really nummy rootbeer dumdums! in any event, do any of you have any ideas for how i could get myself a male model? lady needs help with boy hips...needs LOTS of help with boy hips...
Dear Saralady,
*ALL the Seishi sweatdrop...* Boy hips??? @_@;;; Kowai!!!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
Ok, when I said FY rings I meant rings that you wear on your fingers. Maybe I should've been clearer on that one. Y'know, Tomo's symbol would be good but I don't know what it looks like. Heh, maybe I should just dress up like him since he's so freaky anyways. Of course I don't really want to frighten small children...
Kat Winner
Dear Kat Winner,
Frighten small children, eh? Ya'd probably frighten th' BIG kids too! Heh-heh-heh... *Grins* So, where'd ya' get th' rings?
Dear Tasuki,
I honestly don't think Workman's Comp would work for ice and a band-aid or two. Nice thought, though.
It's too bad you voted 'nay' on the milk. You'd look so kawaii with a milk mustache...and you could be relaxed without hangovers!! Anou...hope you're having a great day. I'm off to call-backs for a play...I just hope I don't screw up my monologue too badly. Ja!
Dear Katsumi,
Heh, it was worth a shot... Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Nuriko,
nuriko will you be my big brother? pleeeeeeeeeease? so you can protect me from my so called friends when they won't stop pulling my braid *looks at nuriko with big shiny shimmery eyes* please?
Dear mariko,
Sure, but you do know I am unable to come to your world, ne?
Dear Hotohori,
ne i have two questions. 1. how old are you? and 2. what's your favorite color? arigato
Dear shingami,
18 and Suzaku red.
Dear Nuriko,
UGH!!!!!!!! I don't like people!!!!!! Its not fair! My Suzaku, why are sooo many IDIOTS in my school!!!!!!!!!!Grrrrrr *sigh* *calms down slightly* *hugs Nuriko* People are so stupid. Just because I'm quiet in school and not interested in guys that I'm a lesbian. ARUGH!!!!!! I don't like people!!!!!! *sniff* Its not fair.
Psychic Sora
Dear Psychic Sora,
Gomen, but some people can be ignorant bakas. If they're lucky, they eventually get over it. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
really?yay^v^u r so nice!if i'm annoying ,just say so.hee hee^-^this is 4 u *gives Tasuki 4 bottles of sake*uhhhhhhhhh.....see ya!
Dear Usagi-pon,
Arigato fer th' sake!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Who are all the seishi's favorite visiors of this peeji?
Dear baka-chan,
All of them, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
*huggles him* Yup! You're all old and grey in this RPG...and (for some odd reason) you've stayed behind while practically everyone else went off to find a cure for the curse poor Houki-sama is under. Tsk tsk...slacking off on your seishi duties there, Gen-chan. ^_^
Damn my evil sister! >.< (You gotta watch out for those silver haired chicks...they're sneaky ^_~)
Iridal, the Oracular Aisai
Dear Iri-chan,
I'm OLD! Why would I wanna go runnin' all over th' place?
Dear Nuriko,
Hai! He's very cute! *tickles his hands* Kimi-chan's asleep. She's completely exhausted, not that I blame her, so I took Kensune-chan over to meet his brother and then brought him to see you.
I think Hotohori's stopped being quite so resentful of you, you know. He seems to adore his grandsons in any case.
*sweatdrops* Of course he has been flattering how young he looks for being a grandfather of two, ne? *sighs* I'd tell him about all those curly grey hairs sprouting out of the back of his head but I'd rather keep the peace and let Houki-sama tell him.
*grins and strokes Kensune's head* He's small though, alot lighter than Gen-chan was firstborn. He seems like he'll be one of those frail children, the kind that get colds easily, you know?
*sigh* Ah well, I guess that just means we get to cuddle him more when he's sick, eh? *winks*
Kourin and Kensune-chan
Dear Kourin and Kensune-chan,
Now why would Hotohori resent me? Have you shown Kensune-chan to Tasuki yet?
Dear Tasuki,
School's been pretty good lately! *smiles and hugs Tasuki* I will keep on trying my best. But in Geometry and Science, it's easy as CHEESE!! I swear! Gosh! But U.S. History seems pretty tough, but the rest is okay. ^_^
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Glad to hear it! Guess yer jus' gonna hafta study yer U.S. History harder. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
I KNOW that Watase Yuu wrote the Ayashi no Ceres manga, but there also are 2 ayashi no ceres novels!!! The first one came out... somewhere this year, I forgot, and the second one came out August 2000. Just to let you know, I have to go to sleep now, byes.
Dear baka-chan,
I didn't know that! Thanks!!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Guess what! I'm turing 16 on the 13th!!!! And i just got my ears pierced! *eyes go watery* AND I LOVE IT!!!!*dances around like a nut ball*
The Sweeter Mary
Dear Mary,
Ontanjoubi omedeto gozaimasu!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
Infact I made a B on my essay, and the teacher said I had a wonderful thesis, So there! *sticks out tongue* *suddenly starts to cry* Remember that play I told you about? ;-; I didn't make it ToT *sniffles* I need a hug ;_;
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
Congratulations on th' "B"! Gomen 'bout th' play... *Gives her a hug and a tissue.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
^_^;;; Heh, heh, heh... I know how to spell my name! Really! I do! Heh heh heh.... *sighs and gives up trying to leave with one tiny shred of dignity*
But anywho, lately I've been hating this guy I really like. It's an I do but I don't thing. Because he like avoids me like the plague in the hallway but, I've got his e-mail address and I IM him whenever he's online but he never talks much to me. But when we're like alone and no one he knows is around he'll talk to me like I'm an old friend! Are those mixed signals or what? Earlier I just found out that last year he yakked about my e-mail address and personal stuff to his buds. He makes me so mad but I can't be mad at him because, well, he's Jeff. that's just him. WAAAAAAHHH!!!!!! *cries on Tasuki's shoudler* It's not fair!!! And my friend Brandy like set me up with this dude named Johnathan. A blind date thingy. He's supposed to be cute but, I haven't seen him yet. Brandy's been told that he looks just like his cousin and she says his cousin is FINE! Well, just recently I found out that Johnathan wants to go out with Brandy and, get this, Brandy said Johnny-boy smokes mj. *sigh* before I wished I had a love-life and now you could barely call this one. Help me! Onegai! Somebody! I wanna talk to Johnathan but he won't talk to me unless Donny's there (Brandy's cousin) and I don't like Donny so Brandy has to be there with me! Tips would be nice. Ja ne!
Announcer: Stay tuned in for the next exciting episode of-
Hey! Get outta here! My life is not a soap opera! i can act way better! Argh! Get out!
Announcer: But I-
Announcer: *mumbles* Fine. Geeze, must have PMS or something...
Dear Kosei,
Well, I would drop Jeff if he doesn't start acting like a man and acknowledging your existence publicly! As for Jonathan, I wouldn't waste my time on anyone who is interested in dating someone else. By the way, did you know that kosei in Japanese means individuality or personality?
Dear Tamahome,
Um...Tama-chan? Can you, maybe, hit me in the nose? Back in July, at camp, my friend kinda smashed a tether ball into my nose and I couldn't feel my has been almost two months and I still can't feel it! I told my friend that and she kinda freaked, wondering if she really did do somethin` to it. I told my mom, and she really hasn't done anything `bout it! So...will you punch me? Don't worry! You won't kill me or anything. I had to deal with three older brothers...O.o heheheheheheh...
P.S. Tell Miaka-sama that I said hi!
Dear Keiko,
I'll tell Miaka you said hi, but I won't hit you! If your nose is still numb after 2 months you need to see a doctor!
Dear Nuriko,
Konbanwa, Nuriko-sama! ^^ I was wondering if you'd read the Darkangel trilogy. It's by Meredith Ann Pierce. If you haven't yet, you should! It's sooooo cool ... and it has lots of mushy stuff for us gir- um ... I mean ... it has lots of mushy stuff! ^^;;; heh heh ... gomen, I'm hyper cuz I have a math test tomorrow ... ack ... Wish me luck!
Dear Moon,
I haven't read it. But I am on book #4 of the Harry Potter series. Ganbatte!
Dear Chichiri,
hello^_^ u may not look so handsome but u r o-k.
baby-blue u have a girl-friend that looks preety?be nice enough to tell me her name and send a photo to me and my friend ,usagi-pon . u must b lucky.
Dear baby-blue,
Arigato, I think... I don't have a girlfriend, no da.
Dear Chiriko,
Hi Chiriko!! Am ok ^-^! Ok Q time... What's your favorite gundam wing and have you ever been ahot spring? If you had to be a sailor scout which one would you be? How do you say food and sweet in japnese? What's your favorite food and color? Also I put my hair up like yours. Can I have a hug? Bye ~*~
Dear Deserae,
I think Duo's Gundam is really neat! Ano... I have never been a hot spring, I've always been me! *Frowns* Tasuki says I should be Sailor Chibi-Moon...
Food in Japanese is tabemono and sweet as in sweet flavor is amai. My favorite food is green tea ice cream and my favorite color is green.
Dear Tamahome,
I thought platinum is worth more than gold, tamahome-kun... i forgot what i was REALLY going to ask you -_-" anyway, here's a gold statuette of some girl *can't read chinese characters near the girl's foot* you can probably melt that down to coins. that should be enough for another 2 questions i'll bug you about later.
Dear AnimeLuva1,
What's platinum? Arigato for the statue! It's too pretty to melt.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi! What's everbody favorite flower/game and book?
Dear Deserae,
Favorite flowers?? Whadda' we look like? Weiss Kreuz? As fer books, Tamahome likes books on money (what else?), Chichiri-Philosophy, Nuriko-Fashion, Hotohori-Biographies, Mitsukake-Medical books, Chirko-ALL kinds of books!, and' me I dunno... I ain't much fer readin'. We don't have any favorite games but we do play Go an' Chinese Checkers sometimnes.
Dear Chiriko, that school has started fer minna, me `n my parents have been considering of getting me into high school fer my sophmore year. ^_^ There is this one high school near where I live that is huge! It's built near the waterfront of Puget Sound and its cool! I've been into it cuz we saw a play there. My second choice was the super-crowed high school that my oldest brother went to. My aunt sometimes works there. O.o
Well, how have you been doin`? Don't get sick. That would suck. *nods* It's that time of the year fer kids getting sick. Not that I'm saying yer a an I are around the same age. Heheh, me `n my buddy used ta think you were a six yearold girl. Hehehehehe...Gotta go, bye-ee!!
P.S. did ya read my fanfic, "The Ogre"? Tasuki said he liked it, `cept fer the names, "fangboy" and "flameboy". O.o
Dear Keiko,
Yes I did and I enjoyed it! I'm fine and certainly plan to stay that way. However, if I do get sick Mitsukake will take care of me.
Dear Tasuki, you didn't like the "fangboy" and "flameboy"? Sorry, but I thought it was cute. And my mom did too. Hehehee...And I actually did die Nakki's hair pink. He was mad at me...hehee..I said I could change it to green or somethin`...*gets an idea* *pulls out some blue hair dye* May I? *dye's fangboy's hair blue* Hehehee...*yawns and huggies her stuffed doggy toy* I haven't been feeling well today...and yet my mom made me wake up at 7:30 a.m. to go to church. I came home after sunday school though, cuz I was tired and someone stepped on my toe... >.< Itai! It hurt!! O.O Da...well, gotta go. Bye-ee!! *yawns again and limps away*
Dear Keiko,
Ya' dyed Nakago's hair pink??? *Falls over laughing...* OI!! Whaddya' think yer doin' to me??? Dye it back!!! I ain't (*^%$$#+ Chichiri ya' know!!!
Dear Chiriko,
You changed the title thingie! It looks soooo cute!!!!!
Happy Mary
Dear Mary,
I'm glad you like it! One-chan made it for us!
Dear Tasuki,
AHHHHHH!!!!! HOMEWORK!!!!!!!! *runs and hides* Boring! Evil!! Besides, I did write a good essay! Doesn't mean I had to enjoyed it!
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
Glad ya' wrote a good essay! Sorry yer homework sucks!
Dear Nuriko,
*Kourin shows up from nowhere to revive a dead message string* (read: her wun got busy with highschool beginning and all that crap and forgot totally about Hotokimi! - Waugh! Gomen!)
*huggles Nuri-papa from behind, attempting to scare the pants off him* Hey, Nuri-papa! I got someone who wants to meet you. *holds up the bundle in her arms* This is Kensune-chan. I don't know where Hotiki-chan thought up that name but that's what she wanted to call him. *cuddles the baby* It's so strange. He feels so much different to me than Chibi-Gen-chan, but he's still the sweetest thing. He's quite a complainer though. He cries alot sometimes and he seems to like his own reflection quite a bit.*eyebrow twitch* Sounds like his royal grandpapa... *grins* You want to hold him?
Kourin and Kensune-chan
Dear Kourin and Kensune-chan,
HAI!!! KAWAII!!!!! He looks like Hotohori-sama!!!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi! I've never posted here before, but I'm having some problems. Its nothing bad...
My Journalism teacher hates me. I'm Editor of the newspaper this year, so all was going well... but then my video/computer design teacher decided to come along. He thought that Jose and I know everything that he is going to teach us, so in his class we are creating a radio station. *Just me and Jose so far* Now my journalism teacher is mad. She thinks that I'm going to get it to where no one reads the newspaper since they can hear the stuff at lunch. I write the scripts for the talking part of the radio, and I was going to stay away from the school news and stuff. ^-^6... She's even thinking about taking the job of editor away from me!!! What should I do? I love working on both...
Dear Amena,
Is it possible to have your video/computer teacher meet with your journalism teacher and explain that you're doing both things is not a conflict of interest, no da? Have you tried telling your journalism teacher that you will not cover what is in her class in your broadcasts, no da? If not, you should. Good luck, no da!
Dear Nuriko,
Nuriko-san! I decided to write Adam with the help of our mutual friend who april (the pysho-girlfriend) also asked about. Anywho, the letter went like this:
last wednesday morning i recieved a call from your girlfriend april. she said and asked some things that were very confusing and some what upseting. some of the things she told me raised some deviations from you have told me in the past, and i would like it if you wouldn't mind clearing those up, when you have the time and energy. at the end of our conversation, she asked me (very politely) not to tell you, but considering the circumstances, i thought it might be right of me to tell you. i'm really sorry if i cause or have caused any trouble in your relationship, but i just thought you had a right to know that she called.'
What do you think? The mutual friend liked it and know i'm praying psycho lady doesn't call me up and chew me out. But at least he knows, that's the point right? Oh well, and about that history test. I went back to school to get the book and folder and studied for 2 hours! And i think i did okay on the test, but i failed the essay thingies. I hope i did better than that though...
The Stressed Out and Stalked Mary
Dear Mary,
It sounds good. Good luck! Sorry to hear about your essays. I hope you did better, too!
Dear Nuriko,
I'm in a bit of a beauty dilemma nuriko-san. for a good part of my life i've dressed up like a tomboy. only recently i've started wearing more feminine clothing. (i'm even starting to wear makeup!) i've been considering wearing tighter clothing and baby tee's. what's the problem with that? well, i'm a bit on the, er, "pudgy" side (and that's an understatement). on top of that, i like keeping things comfy, especially my wardrobe. (tight shirts cut the circulation offa my arms...-_-")
any advice would be great. my best friend insists i try wearing tighter stuff. so should i?
Dear AnimeLuva1,
Dressing more feminine does not mean wearing tight, uncomfortable clothing. If you are a size 14 or above you might want to check out the Lane Bryant store closest to you. They have very nice, stylish clothes. Check them out!
Dear Nuriko,
Okay okay! I'll do that!
But...he still will give me dirty looks ya know. I don't like that! How about you talk to him for me *gives a smile* but I try to avoid him. One prob though: my locker's right outside his class. I ain't allowed to share either, and yeah, I'll stop skipping just cuz Nurikosama told me not to! Thanks for the advice! I'll talk to the counselor about that! Ja na! Hey hey! What's your favourite food?
Dear Mia,
Dear Nuriko,
Hello Nuri-chan!! ^_^ I'm back! sorry I haven't written in a while! high school sucks! But whatcha gonna do right? *winks* Ya know there are a lot of people at my school with purple hair! HA! They are not worthy of the almighty purple hair right Nuri-chan? Uh-oh I have homework???? grrr I have a test! I don't wanna study!!!!!! *looks at Nuriko and grins* Nuriko......If I study and get a good grade.....will you give me a kiss?? and possibly a hug? Pleeeeeaaasssse! I'll go study right now! *pulls out several books and begins to study*
Dear Yume,
I will, but you better get an "A".
Dear Nuriko,
*is crushed under her heeaaaavy backpack and the forces of gravity* GET ME OUTTA HEREEEEE!!!!! NURIKO!! PLEASE SAY YOU'LL COME TO SCHOOL WITH ME AND CARRY MY BACKPACK FOR MEEEEEEE!!
Jeanie the pancake
Dear Jean,
*Lifts up the backpack and Jean.* Why so many books? Don't you have a locker?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi everybody I Miss ya all!!!! *give them a hug*
Dooms Day
Dear Dooms Day,
Welcome back! *Hugs back*
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
Hi,Do you have any bandit as cute like you? ^-^ Did you miss me? I missed you a hole lot 'cause of SCHOOL geting in the way!!!
Dooms Day
Dear Dooms Day,
Nah, unless Kouji counts. 'Course I missed ya'!
Dear Tasuki,
Ne, actually I was thinking of a different phrase. Something that would really help you milk? Tryptophan reaaaaaaaally works wonders, ya' know.
As for me, I'm thinking "Got Shiatsu?" would be a nice catch phrase. Falling down those stupid concrete stairs because I twisted my ankle on a broken chain that I couldn't see because of a broken light hurt. I'm trying to convince my friend to give me a massage. Oh, and my boss is a cheap b*st*rd.
So, milk. Yea or nay?
Dear Katsumi,
Milk??? NAY!!!!
Ya' know if ya' hurt yerself at work yer boss is legally liable to pay yer doctor bills. It's called Workmen's Comp.
Dear Tasuki,
*blushes* Arigato! Y'know what? Well, I have all these awesome FY rings that I wear and someone asked if they were Pokemon!!! CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT!?! *calms down* Heh, sorry. I'm so angry about that. In fact I made a harisen and hit them over the head with it. But, other then that my school days have been relatively pleasant. Our Homecoming theme is circus and my drama group is going to dress up like freaks for the Homecoming parade. I think I'll paint a seishi symbol on myself for it. Which symbol do you think would look coolest? Ugh, I gotta do my home work now...
Kat Winner
Dear Kat Winner,
Well, if yer goin' as a freak ya' can always use Tomo's symbol! What's an FY ring?
Dear Tasuki,
*grins* Of COURSE it's just a game! I would of flirted with your character, but you're taken (and old O.o...grey hair on Tasuki does not appeal to a still young Iri-chan). Besides, the thought of possibly being both an Empress and married into Hotohori's family is kinda intreging.
Dear Iri-chan,
They made me OLD AN' GRAY?!?!?!?!?!!?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*bounces in on a major sugar-rusgh type thingy except it's from tha lack of sleep within 24 hrs.* guess what guess what guess what?!?! *motor-mouthrunning 100 miles an hour* I went to the fair last night at eight and didn't get home till one and I rode this ride called the FireBall and it's like a rollercaoster except it's just a big loop and you go around and around and around and you hang upsidedown for a couple of seconds except it feels like forever and you look like a troll person becuse you're upsidedown and I went on a ride called Phaorohs Fury and it's just one of those big rocking rides and it's shaped like a boat and it rocks back and forth and you go up really high in the air and I went on a ride called the round up and you're like in this big circle thingy and you are swung around in a big circle and you get pressed up against it really tight and you start spinning and then the conductor guy makes the thing go side ways and you can see the whole fair grounds from up while your spinning and there's another ride called the Rock 'n' Roll *insert deep breath here* and it's really fun because sometimes they'll run you back wards and you go up and down and up and down and up and down and up and down oh yeah, and when I got offa the Fireball i was feeling really sick and Kuro could hardly walk and she had to lean on me and i was really giddy and there's another ride called the Orbiter and it's hard to descirbe but iyt's reall really really really really fun and you can barely lift you hands up because it goes really fast and a bunch of kids threw up on it but I didn't and neither did Kuro! *another deep breath8 Oh yeah, you remember how my dog had puppies? Right? Right. well there's a boy and he looks like a bandit and he's not too bright so me and Kuro named him Genrou-puppy! And then there's another girl pup and she's really pretty and has an all white face and is really sweet so i named her mai because I like the name and since she's Genrou-inbu (inbu is dog right?) sister i named her mai and there's another girl and she's black and she beats up on genrou-inbu all the tima so i named her Aidou! Tee hee hee! Byas! *bounces out of the room*
Dear Kosei,
No more sugar for you! That was one LOOOOOOOOOONNNNNGGGGGGGGG run on sentence!! @_@;;; By the way inu is Japanese for dog.
Dear Tasuki,
:stands a little bit away from Tasuki Papa: Tasuki papa I am really really sick. I have a high fever and I have took my med. I got over 18 hours of sleep..I did everything the docotor told me and I feel worse!! My fever is 102.6, I am very very dizzy...I dont feel like I can eat anything and I am sneezing like 20 times in a row. What should I do? Nothing is working and I *WANT* to go back to school on monday!
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley Chan,
Mitsukake says to rest and drink lots of water an' juice! By th' way, Chichiri no Aijin found some pics of ya' at AX2000 on th' web an' needs yer email address so she can send 'em to ya'. Feel better!
Dear Tasuki,
Really??? She didn't write it? THANK GOD! But anyway, who wrote it then? And is that person the same one who wrote the 2 Ayashi no Ceres novels too?
Dear baka-chan,
I don't remember th' name of the author of th' FY novels. But Watase-sensei DOES write Ayashi no Ceres.
Dear Hotohori,
Why is love always so painful? *collapses and cries*
Dear Wenwen,
*Hugs her and holds her.* I'm soprry you are so sad. Is there anything I can do to help?
Dear Tamahome,
What's your impression of Miaka when you first saw her?
Dear Amiboshi,
Cute but strange!
Dear Mitsukake,
*puts her arms around his neck and wispers in his ear....* Hey hot stuff. *runs a feather down his body...*
I just want to know one thing..... *pulls closer... then stabs him in the gut with the feather...* Can you heal that, you baka????
Tomo's girl
Dear Tomo's girl,
*Looks at the wound, looks at her, and smiles.* Actually, yes. *Heals himself and backs away from her.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I HATE MEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
they are soo stupid all the guys that i like pay no atention to me and the guys that do are always butt ugly. i can't staned it i think i'm going to take after Tasuki i'll hate man but i am NOT gay!!!!!! but oh man there is this guy in my art class that has the coolest eyes they are like soo blue but when i try to talk to him i feel like an ideot!!!! MEN ARE THE WORST THING PUT ON THIS #%&*^%$#@!@#$%^&^%$$#@!!!@$#$%^&&^%$#@!~!!@##$%^&**&^%$#~!@#$%&*~!@#$%^&*~!@#$%^&~!@#$%^&@#$%^* PLANIT!!!!!!!
Dear conundrum,
Ano... nice rant!! So, who was th' ahou that ticked ya' off?
Dear Chiriko,
Quick question. You haven't seen the US broadcast edited version of Card Captor Sakura, have you?
Dear Tonberry,
Some of them, yes.
Dear Tamahome,
:::gives him 2 gold ryou:::: I was talking to Suboshi, and he said that he is very sorry about killing your family, so will you ever forgive him?
Dear becky-chan,
I don't know...
Dear Chiriko,
Gomen, but i think i love you!
Dear becky-chan,
*Blushes* Arigato!
Dear Tamahome,
Can I ask you a question which has a
Never mind, here's 5 gold ryou, so just let me ask you anyway :-) At the end of the TV series, after you see Nakago's past and your eyes are filled with tears when you look up at him, are you just PRETENDING when you tell him you're crying because you're happy about your victory and not crying for him? Cause for (more than) a second, you seem truly, truly sad for Nakago (and you look really, really cute too ^_^ ). It's probably a dumb/obvious question, but I thought I'd just check with you (plus it gives me a chance to bug ya).Thanks, Tama-chan (here's 10 more gold ryou so you'll let me call you that ^_^) ::hugs::
Dear Mary,
I'd have to say it was a bit of both with a big chunk of relief that it was finally all over thrown in!
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