Dear Tasuki,
So Tasuki, you have five sisters right? You ran away from home at age 15, am I correct? So, how old were your sisters at the time you were 15? Were any of them married before you ran away? You are the youngest in the family right? Just want to know how old they were at the time of your disapearance.
Dear Avery,
All of my sisters 'cept Aidou are married. Th' oldest one was 23, then th' next one was 21, th' next one was 19, an' Aidou was 17 when I left.
Dear Chiriko,
konnichiwa!this is my 1st time writing 2 u.anyways...this is my question...can u translate these words 4 me? thanx a bunch^_^ 1.baka2.sugoi3.che4.domo see ya!
Dear Usagi-pon,
1. Stupid, idiot, or jerk; 2. amazing; 3. Shucks! or d*amn; 4. Thanks.
Dear Tasuki,
hi=^..^=um...did u meet tama-chan(not tama neko)b-4 u met miaka?cuz i saw a picture of u and a guy that looked like him in Genrou -den,kay?
Dear joy-chan,
We might of run into each other...
Dear Keiko,
It was pretty funny 'cept fer th' "flame boy" an' "fang boy" stuff! Chichiri no Aijin REALLY liked it!
Dear Nuriko,
I've seen the whole TV series of Fushigi Yuugi...And I was wondering...are you still gay? Because If you are are, will you be my friend? If you aren't, will you be my friend? I've heard gay people make really good friends, and you are just so I'd like for you to be my friend!!! Ja ne, Nuri-chan!
Dear Itchan,
I don't really consider myself gay or straight, but I'll still be your friend.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I was just wondering-- What is everyones favourite colour? Animal? I was just wondering... Arigatou gozaimasu!! By the way, I love you guys! I have a picture of all of you on my binder for school!! ^_^
Dear Aura-chan,
We are all rather partial to cats although Tasuki seems to favor wolves as his favorite animal, no da. Thank you for you knod words, no da! Our favorite colors are:
Chiriko: Green
Nuriko: Purple
Chichiri: Blue, no da.
Tamahome: Gold. The color of okane!
Tasuki: Flame red!
Hotohori: Suzaku red
Mitsukake: Yellow
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I was just wondering if you could point me in the direction of an anime with possibly mythical tendancies such as with elves, druids (sorcerers), werewvolves, withces, warlocks, unicorns, dragons, you know. Mythical. Or one that conects with a legend or something.
P.S.- I wuv yoo Tas-chan! Psst.... where's Kouji?
Dear Kosei,
At least I know how to spell yer name! *Grin* I'd recommend th' entire Slayers series includin' Next an' Try, Gestatlt, an' Ruin Eplorers. How's that fer a start?
Dear Nuriko,
Well Nuriko-sama, his girlfriend was away at college last year and came back this summer and has decided to stay. So she's working in town, has an apartment or something like that. Anywho, she said that they had been going out for over two years.
I called Adam in early july and he said he just broke up with his girlfriend of a little more than a year and a half, and he spent a lot of time at her house the previous night explaining to her why he wanted to break up with her. I don't know if this girlfriend is the one who called me or is a different one. I would like to know, but i don't know if i should call up adam and ask him.
The current girlfriend could have gotten my number at his house in an address book, from the big packet thingie that the conference gave us or it could have just been lying around. I have no idea. She could have snooped to get it, or asked him for it. But she told me that when she told adam that she'd call me, adam got really upset/mad.
I'm really caught in the middle here, and i'm not sure if i deserve all of the blame. I think i'm partly responsible, but i don't want to be for anymore than i have to be. I want to tell Adam that she called me, but she said that she would really prefer it that i didn't tell him at all. But i have made up my mind that if he calls or writes and asks if she has, I will tell him the truth. My thing is that if i call adam up and tell him that his girlfriend called me, he'll get mad at her, then get mad at me for talking with her, then she'll get mad at me for telling him, then she'll get upset with adam that he should tell her what goes on with him so that she doesn't have to snoop around like that. It's a dilly of a pickle and i like cucumbers! What do you advise? Should i call up Precious and warn her that some pyscho-girlfriend of adam's called me and asked about her and 'her and adam's relationship'? Please help me with this one. I don't want to make it more of a mess than it already is....
And on the plus side, I have an AP History test tomorrow and i forgot my folder AND my book in my locker at school! Isn't that just peachy? But i'm gonna call up jean and bug her about it.
Cucumberless Mary
Dear Mary,
AS Adam is your frined and you're not dating him, I don't see why you should get ANY of the blame. If she has already told him that she intends to call you, then he can't get any madder at her and he may have given her your number (Suzaku only knows why...). If he asks you, you SHOULD tell him the truth. I don't understand why he would be mad at you for talking to her unless he is trying to hide something... And by all means, you should call "Precious" and clue her in to what is going on. Have fun bugging Jean! *Hugs her*
Dear Chichiri,
Thank you for answering my question and when i asked if Tasuki is availble i ment if he was avalible for a date Cuz i think he's cute and i really need a boyfriend ^-^
Do you think i have a shot or does he really hate women that much still?
Anyway your one cool dude umm.. i haven't seen the whole show okay so i was wondering did you ever have any fights with any of the other Shieshi? I yes and there aren't too many who and why was it with
Also if your not the one who most everyone can get along with who is? Oh and one more how was it liveing with that old lady for THREE years i can't imagene (She didn't cook or make you eat any of her food did she??) Sorry if they seem like dumb questions but the've been bugging me so i thought i would at least ask Thanks again ^-^
F.R. No Miko
Dear F.R. No Miko,
Tasuki-kun is available, but I don't think he is looking for either a girlfriend or a date, no da. Gomen. I don't recall ever fighting with any of my fellow Seishi and I would ahve to say that aside from Tamahome and Tasuki's running brawl *sweatdrops* that we all get along just fine, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Today I saw the blonde. And he was creepy!! I was just walking down the hallway to my locker, minding my own business, and then I saw him, and then he saw me, so I tried to edge away slowly, and he kinda walked slowly too, and he just stared at me and gave me this totally weird smile. It freaked me out. So I walked away from him real fast. During this whole thing, we didn't say a word to each other. phew... what do you think Tasuki? ~_~
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
I think th' baka has a crush on ya'!
Dear Nuriko,
*Doc walks over to Ryuen with a bunch of leather cords* I hope these will work better than regular drawstrings. Wow these are coming along really well. :D *pulls out her scissors and cuts out extra pockets from the leftover fabric* I'll stitch these on what you've already finished..
*Doc threads her needles and starts on the pockets and tool loops*
I brought some food.. I have some Shrimp Tempura, steamed rice, some salad greens with a light rice vingarette, and some peach juice :)
*pulls out the food as she speaks*
Shall we?
Dear Doc-sama,
*Starts eating* Hai! Arigato! Oishii desu ne!
Dear Tamahome,
Yup. And proud of it
Dear Mariko,
I just don't understand the appeal. I mean why have two bishounen... you know... when there's a cute girl around? I guess it's just not my thing. Gomen.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
(nuriko, tasuki, and chichiri)
hihi! well, hotaru-chan and i just wanted to ask you ... do you guys like milky way candy bars? heh heh ... well, we used your names in our math project and said you liked them. ^^;;; we were bored. ^^
nothing else better to do with our time. ^^
but anyway, i just wanted to tell you i have pictures of both of you on my locker! (the one of nuriko-sama and miaka with all of the butterflies, and a manga picture of tasuki-sama pulling off his necklace.) ^^;;; and hotaru-chan has a KAWAII picture of you, chichiri-sama! okay, well class is about to start, so we have to go!
Moon and hotaru-chan
P.S. do you guys hate suboshi as much as we do? *spoiler* (not for killing tomo ... for killing the OTHER people ...)
Dear Moon and hotaru-chan,
Well... YES! But probably not as amuch as a certain other Seishi does...
Dear Chichiri,
konnichi wa chichiri-sama!!!!!!! i had music next hour but after that i have pe so i hate pe so i'm not looking forward to it. x_x ah well. basically same schedule today. ickies. ano... ja ne!
Dear hotaru-chan,
Ah, ok no da.
Dear Chiriko,
School sucks, yes? ><| Any tips on how to save my algebra grade? Arigato in advance...
Dear Wenwen,
No! I LOVE school! You should makje sure that you study hard and do your homework. If you need it, get a tutor or ask one of your classmates that excels in this subject to help you out. Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Tasuki,
hallllooo Tasuki*hugs Tasuki*i think i've written to u b-4.guess what?i agree with u^_^Escaflowne isn't my thing either(no offence escaflowne fans)aaaaannnnnndddd did i ever tell u that u r so hot?i mean ..u and chichiri are so cool!!!!but u are my #1 fav!umm...can u b my friend?*blush*cuz your such a hot senshi.pleez answer my letter.arigatou and dewa mata!^.~
Dear Usagi-pon,
Sure we can be friends!
Dear Chichiri,
konnichiwa ^^ i'm sorta depressed cuz school started and i'm not in 1 of my best friend's classes *sob tears tears* then ,i'm stuck in a gym class with alot of older people i don't even know o.O y'know, come to think of it ,your staff looks so similar to someone elses in ronin warriors.i don't like ronin warriors or anything but i was channel surfing that time.oh yeah ,my friend thinks your a freak but i think your very kawaii(even tasuki)with or without the mask^.^pleez answer back.gomen if i talked to much^_^;kay,see ya!
Dear Usagi-pon,
Try to think of those classes without your old friends in them as an opportunity to make NEW friends, no da! Ganbatte kudasai, no da>
Dear Nuriko,
I'm back! At school and at asking questions. Actually, I'm here just to say hello to the bestest Seishi in all the world!
Eto...Nykee told my secret! Okay okay, so I skip SOMETIMES but not all the time! It's just cuz I know the stuff already and I missed the exam which was like 60% of the course so I had to take the course again. Technically, I know the stuff so alls I need to do is take the exam. If I pass it, then I pass the course. Anyway, it's not boring or anything, it's just that I know the stuff. But I go a lot to review. But's started again and I'm back with my....MATH SENSEI...I talked to Chichiri-onni-sama already about that. I don't know what to do. He keeps giving me those faces. I might punch him out for real.
Other than that, I get along fine with everyone else. My other sensei's are really nice. And I took Chichiri's advice and it worked for my other classes but not this one, so I skip alot to avoid it. If I skip any more then I'll fail but I don't want that kind of crap from him - I don't need it. So...what should I do? I mean, he might fail me just cuz I'm in his class....
Dear Mia,
Beating your teacher up is NOT an option! Talk to your school guidance counselor and see if you can either drop the class as an incomplete and take it next semester with a different teacher or switch classes to get a different teacher. But, STOP SKIPPING CLASSES!!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Gomen Nasai for not writing for awhile! Actually, I bet you probably enjoyed it!! ¬_¬ Heeeey, dont even THINK about saying yes about that.
SOooooooo, What've you guys been up to with these crazy fangirls while I was away writing Fanfics with you guys in it!?! I WANNA KNOW!
**Grins at Tasuki** And I think I should advise you to read my Gama Saga fanfic series on my webpage when I post them! I think you'll like 'em the best Tasuki, mainly because well....**whistles** You like annoying Tamahome to death right? **looks innocently at Tamahome** Whaaaaaaat?
Mitsukake! I must inform you that in my new Fanfic series that i'm in the process of writing (game saga) Has you in it! ^-^ and dont be scared Suzaku Seishi! ^-^ Author-chan is watching over ya! Well...'cept Maybe Tamahome **sends a look at Tamahome that looks like Lina's@Tasuki.** btw, Tamahome, I dont have anything against you actually, it's just fun! ^-^ **glares at him s'more**
Dear Relena,
I get to annoy Obake-chan??? ALRIGHT!!!!!!!!!!! *Fanged grin* So, what's yer URL?
Dear Tasuki,
Yup, I'm related to Quatre. I'm one of his sisters. Anyways, I can't remember where I became your official fangirl but there's a link on my website: Kat's Lovely Site heh, and that's also a shameless plug for my site. Oh yeah, I started school 2 days ago and all my teachers are either really cool or major freaks. Kinda sucks, ne? Heh, I have a question for you as well. Actually, I have two. One: If you could come here would you consider being my date for Homecoming? And two: Can I please have a hug? Ja ne.
Kat Winner
Dear Kat Winner,
*Gives her a hug* Cool site!! Sure, if I could make it to yer world (an' Iri-chan let me outta her room *grin*) I'd go to Homecomin' wit' ya'.
Dear Tasuki,
*comes in and sits down next to him on a big fluffy couch* *sighs and cuddles up to him* Hello Aisaika...gomen if I'm bothering you, but I need a diversion. I had a MIND-NUMBING day!
Work was boring, lab was boring, lunch and dinner were boring. And the adults in my night class feel compelled to share EVERYTHING about their lives every class. Does anyone really need to know about what happened to them when they were 8? Especially when it's we're discussing the differences between spirituality and recovery? *sighs again*
Oh well...the only fun thing I did today (besides talking to you, of course Gen-chan) was in the email FY character gets to flirt and do all sorts of interesting things with a grown up Boushin...who's also looking for a wife. ^_^ And to think I would just be a backwoods seeress who mumbles mystical mumbo-jumbo...
Iridal the Aisai
Dear Iri-chan,
*Hugs her* Flirtin' wit' a grown-up Boushin??? Hmmmm... This is JUST a game, right?
Dear Mitsukake,
Hi Mitsukake!!! I missed you so much. Did you miss me? *hugs him* I love you Mitsukake! I thought you like too hear that. *smiles* Can I see Tama~neko please? Bye Bye ~*~
Dear Deserae,
Arigato. I missed you, too. *Let's her pet Tama-neko.* So, have you seen a doctor about your back?
Dear Tasuki,
TASUKI!!!!!! *runs in and hides from mother and homework* Evil! It's all evil! *sniffles* It's already been over three weeks of school for me and I'm sick and tired of it all *hugs Tasuki* and my English class is the worst! All we do is write essays, and we're about to read this really long book I've already read and didn't like ;-; and besides *shy smile* I'm not doing to well in that class ^^;
Hino Tenshi
PS: I'm gona try and draw the best picture of you I've ever drawn before, K? *gives Tasuki a kiss and runs away from homework again*
Dear Hino Tenshi,
Well, if ya' already read th' book then yer way ahead of th' rest of th' class! Quit yer bellyachin' an' write a good essay! Thanks fer doin' th' picture of me but ya' need to do yer homework! *Grabs and sits her in front of her homework.*
Dear Nuriko,
Hi Nuriko!! missed you. Did you miss me?
Dear Deserae,
Yes I did.
Dear Tasuki, want some sake? I can give you that. But you can't have any fried raven. *gives Tasuki five crates filled with ten bottles of sake each* Now, don't drink this all at once. It may make you sick. @.@ There are only four FY characters in the story. You, Obake-chan, Kouji appears once, and ReiRei. Me `n my friend Mitsuki are in it, only ta keep you guys sane so you won't go on a murderous rampage. Hehee...
Dear Keiko,
Domo fer th' sake! So, we get to see this thin' when yer done, right?
Dear Chiriko,
Hi!! Chiriko I messed you *hugs him* Did you miss me?
Dear Deserae,
*Hugs her back* Hai! So, how have you been?
Dear Tamahome,
Hi Tamahome!!! I wrote a poem about food do you think I should write one about money? heheh
Dear Deserae,
Sure! It's one of MY favorite things!
Dear Tasuki,
I suppose school ain't that bad.... But I got these BORING teachers! I swear!!! They're all like really old and boring. Geeze, no excitment at all. And most of the them gives you stupid assigned seats, and I HATE those! Thank god there's only 2 more days left in this week. But next week is a full week though...
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Ah, you'll get used to it! Ganbatte!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*Hands each seishi a piece of paper and pencil* Hi! I'm bored, and curious; can any of you draw? What would you draw if you tried? I know many of your fans are talented artists and writers. Even if you only can draw stick figures, I wanna see! ^_^ *Sits and watches*
Dear Hoshi,
None of really draw all that well. But if we did, here's what we would draw:
Tamahome:Okane or Miaka
Chichiri:Smiley faces, no da.
Tasuki:Mountains or sake bottles
Nuriko:Hotohori... tee-hee...
Hotohori:Myself. Is there a more beautiful subject for a portrait?
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
I did read the Hotohori + Houki novel a few months ago actually. But I didn't like it. I think Watase messes up the original story with her novels. It just totally changes the impression of the characters. Why couldn't she have just stopped when she was done with Volume 18? You don't see Watsuki Nobuhiro writing novels after he was done with RK, he just wanted to leave the same good impression on people, he didn't want to change that. And also, you don't like Rei-rei, seriously you don't, you only liked her as a friend or as a little sis, you even tried to get her with Kouji. At the end, when she was *ahem* dying, you still looked at her as a little sister.
Dear baka-chan,
Well, Watase-sensei didn't write th' novels, someone else did! She helped wit' some info on us and did th' pictures, but that's all. So don't say she messed us up! We was already messed up!
Dear Chichiri,
Hi!! Chichiri!! I messed you no da... did you miss me no da? My back hurt's too no da
Dear Deserae,
Have you seen a doctor about your back? Yes, I missed you, no da.
Dear Chichiri,
Waaaaaaiiiiiiii!!!!! *glomp* Chichiri! I just finished my second day of High School!!!!!!! I love it!!!!!! I made a 3 new friends, and met up with a guy I haven't seen since grade 4!!!!!!!!!!!! It's awsome!!!!!! I'll just recap some stuff that happened!
1) I sat around talking to my desk partner for science all first period. (Don't worry, we were filling out textbook deposits all day and we were both done.) *1 new friend made: Malinda*
2) I had geography class, and met up with a guy i haven't seen since grade 4!!!!!!
me: Riley/ Riley Wilcox?
Riley: Yeah... why?
Me: Riley, great to see you again! It's Rachel!
Riley: Rachel!!!!!!!!!! I can't beleive it! I haven't seen you in so long!!! How's your sister?
It's awsome! It turns out that he's a hard-core Evangelion fan too!!!! A great guy and a fellow otaku all in one!!!!!!!
It's amazing how things happen, how people grow. I mean, Riley and Sarah left me at around the same time (moved away)
and when I saw Sarah again last year (she moved back and was in my class again) she'd changed so much that we barely talked all year. I see Riley yesterday and in about 30 seconds we're best buddies again!
How come I seem to have to work harder to make friends with girls than guys? It seems weird to me. Most people have an easier time making friends within their own gender, ne?
Shrinemaiden Keisei
Dear Keisei,
I'm glad that you're enjoying high school, making new friends, and meeting old ones as well, no da. Perhaps you, like Chichiri no Aijin, just get along better with boys. This is not a bad thing, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
Oi, you know the poem, "The Raven"? Well, I'm writing a spoof on it fer my mom to read. Hehehee...You kinda go mental in a few parts. As soon as I'm finished with it, and put it on my webpage, I'll let you guys read it, if ya want.
Dear Keiko,
Of course I wanna read it! So, do I end up wit' a bucket of fried raven an' some sake? Heh-heh-heh... *Fanged grin*
Dear Nuriko,
Nuriko-san!!! I have a problem!!! Do you remember how over the summer i liked this guy named Adam who lived ALL the way in Maine. Well, i've only called him twice or three times, and him me once.
Anyways...this morning someone called me at 6:15 was his girlfriend! I thought that he said he broke up with her, but i didn't wanna say anything to upset her. She called and asked if anything happened in D.C. for me to call him up and warn him that i had mono (i gave him some of my pasta one day and shared a coke with him! that's all!). She also asked about the last night dance (when adam was saving me from scruffy *shudder*) and who this 'Precious' was. I told her that she had nothing to worry about because adam isn't the cheating kind. He also isn't the talking kind and that's why she called me: why hadn't adam mentioned talking to me before?
So now i KNOW adam will be upset with me, and she doesn't want me to tell him, and i'm not gonna tell him unless he asks me. My mom and dad think that she's REALLY insecure and the jealous type, which i can agree with. She said that she's been cheated on before and doesn't want it to happen again. Like i'm gonna do that with someone in MAINE!!! *pulls out her hair*
Please help me with this overly-concerned girlfriend of his.
Oh yeah, being a junior sucks! I wanna stay a freshman/sophomore forever! Physics puts you to sleep, my spanish teacher talks like she has cotton balls in her mouth (she's from spain), and my history teacher is TOO peppy. It's scary! I hate homework!!
The Stalked Mary
Dear Mary,
I have one question for you... If she didn't know about you and he told you they had broken up, how did she get your name and phone number? If you can answer that question you will know what to do about both of them.
Dear Tasuki,
*walks in, smiling evilly* Ya' know, Tasuki, you seem a little wound up. Ya' know, stressed. You could probably use something to really help you relax...maybe it would help protect some of those virgin ears out there. So, what do you say? I'm suuuuure I could get you to relax.
Dear Katsumi,
Got sake?
Dear Chiriko,
Since your the school whiz, I thought I'd ask you this question: is it wrong to play poker in Biology class? Also, do think being an officer in H.E.R.O., Thespians, and Marching Band is enough for a good college application? I'm majorly stressing over those. Do you know how long an essay generally has to be?
Dear Katsumi,
Yes, it is wrong to play poker in your Biology class. What is H.E.R.O.? Is it like a service club like Key or Anchor? If so, that should be just fine. Colleges like that sort of thing. They also like student government involvement. Don't worry, I'm sure you'll do just fine. Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Tasuki,
:( School totally sucked!!!! But atleast the blonde is not in any of my classes!!!!!!
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Well, if he wasn't in any of yer of classes then it couldn't of sucked THAT bad! Right? *Fanged grin*
Dear Tamahome,
Why are you in love with Miaka? You would look so much better with someone like, oh i dunno, Nakago.
Dear Mariko,
Into that yaoi stuff, eh? >.<
Dear Mitsukake,
You are sooo cool Mitsukake! I drew a picture of you and Shoka-san, but i dun have a scanner...Anyway, you are my favorite seishi (after Chiriko...see my other letter..:::blushes::::
PS. Don't be sad, and you are NOT boring!!!! And please say Hi to Tama-neko chan for me, i love cats, i have 5.
Dear becky-chan,
Arigato for your kind words. I shall say hi to Tama-neko and give him a pet from you and your 5 cats.
Dear Chiriko,
::::runs up to Chiriko, twirls him around, and gives him a passionate kiss::::blushes madly::::: Gomen....
Dear becky-chan,
*Blushes, sweatdrops, and faints!*
Dear Chichiri,
konnichi waaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!
hmm, well ok i don't have much to say. i don't really know what to say anyway except for i'm not looking forward to next hour. okies ja!
Dear hotaru-chan,
Why? What happens next hour, no da?
Dear Tasuki,
HIYA!!!!!!!!!! Um, well, I'm in my school's comp. lab right now ... ^^;; (this class is so boring) But anyway, I had to tell you about my chinchilla. Ok, you know that I was having trouble naming it, right? So anyway, I didn't have a name by the time we took it to the vet. But when they checked it over, they said it was a GUY!!!! ACK!!!!!!! My poor chinchilla was supposed to be a girl and it's MALE!! sniffsniff so I couldn't name it Aidou. ^^;; I named it Willow, after Nuriko-sama! (hee hee) Well, just thought you might like to know that, even if you don't really. um, yeah. wait, I do have a question! Do you know when they plan to release the OVA's?
Dear Moon,
Ya' thought it was a girl an' it turns out to be a guy, so ya' named it after Nuriko? *Busts up laughing* That jus' somehow seems right!!! I dunno when th' OVA's are comin' out. Ya' might wanna check th' Pioneer peeji.
Dear Chichiri,
Did you miss me? It's been so long!!! Your poor aisai has been moving all over the place! I am in NY now. Our apartment is...interesting. Not decorated yet. We need to work on that. But my room has already been anime-fied. Big FY wallscroll, a couple of pics of you, Youji, and Irvine...and Dryden. ^_^ *kiss* I have to go to class now! Aishiteru!
Kelli, CnA#2
Dear Kelli,
DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! I missed you, no da! *Gives her a hug and a kiss.* So, now that you have a kitchen, are you cooking, no da? I heard you were going to be making Japanese food. What will you be making, no da?
Dear Tamahome,
*tosses a small bag of money* What would you do for oh...*counts the money* 50 silver ryu? ^_^ And you hafta do somethin`! Ya can't steal it again!! *grins evily* *pulls out a small camera* And what ever you do, I get a picture of it! actually have three choices of what to do.
#1: Kiss Nakago
#2: Streak in the chat.
#3: Give me a kiss on the cheek.
Well, Obake-chan, it's yer choice. Heheee..bye bye!! =^..^=
Dear Keiko,
Tasuki put you up to this right? *Grabs money and kisses her on the cheek. Then takes off before she can get a picture.* Arigato!
Dear Tasuki,
Meow!! Meow! Mrow!! Meow meow!!*hops onto Tasuki's shoulder and purrs while nuzzling his cheek* purr...
Dear Ryo-Ohki,
*Smiles, pets Ryo-Ohki and gives her a carrot.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
who does tasuki love?
Dear Anon,
His aisai?
Dear Mitsukake,
I have a strange problem. I absolutely love that cat Tama. Is there any way that Miaka could send him here? I would take such good care of him! I know you'd miss him but you have all your Suzaku friends now. I really need to see that cat. Thanks.
Kitty-kurry Kat
Dear Kitty-kurry Kat,
Unfortunately, like us, Tama-neko cannot travel to your world. Gomen.
Dear Tasuki,
School's starting next Wednesday. :(
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Ganbatte kudasai!!! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Nuriko,
Aaiiiieee! *glomps Nuriko* You know, I was reading letters and saw that some person had asked for you to say what Pokemon/Sailor senshi you'd be. You said Sailoruranus. The weird thing is, that I once had an idea for a bishonen/Sailor Moon crossover type thing. I made you Sailoruranus and Hotohori Sailorneptune...creepy...
Dear Rabbit,
Honto ni??? Creepy! But all things considered the choices I guess made sense...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey! You guys have any bloody animes? I actually got my two odd-ball brothers liking anime! Well, my 18 yr old brother likes Trigun, and the 16 yr old likes Trigun and asked to watch FY. I told he couldn't cuz it was the last tape. But he asked me if I knew any good bloody animes. I told him these animes: Ghost in the Shell, Record of Loddos War, Serial Experimants Lain...and that's all that my brain could think of! I know others like that, but I forgot. O.o If you do know any other animes like these, please tell me! ^_^ Bye!
Dear Keiko,
Ok, how about these? Neon Genesis Evangelion, Ruroni Kenshin (Samurai X for the dub), Akira, Hakkenden, Ninja Scroll, and Fist of the North Star. How's that for a start?
Dear Chichiri,
where did you buy your mask?
Dear kay,
I didn't. It's magical, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
What happened to my answer TAMAHOME!!!!!!!!!!! I want to know aht happened with you and Nakago you kissed he when exactly?!!!?!?!? Chichiri Tasuki Hotohori Miaka one of you guys has to help me i need to know what happened? and when? why? Ya know OH and question who is your least fav of the Suzaku seishi each of you tell please? and who is your fav of the Suzaku seshi Oh and same questions about your view on the Seeryue guys least and fav if you had ta pick Ya know! ^.^
F.R. No Miko
P.S. is Tasuki avialble???
Dear F.R. No Miko,
You need to watch the tapes, no da! Nakago kissed Tamahome and that angered Tamahome (disgusted him too I think), no da. We have no least or best favorites amongst us, no da. (Although I do believe that Nuriko DOES favor Hotohori over all of us, no da *sweatdrops*). The least favcorite of all the Seiryuu Seishi is a toss-up between Nakago and Suboshi. I woudl say our favorite is Amiboshi, as he did truly try to mend his ways and live a peacful life, no da. Is Tasuki available for what, no da?
Dear Mitsukake,
Question, would you be willing to go along with a practical joke two of us are playing on Tasuki??
Dear Ai-sensei,
*Smiles* Perhaps... May I hear more about it?
Dear Tamahome,
Tamahomo-chan!! So, you say Suboshi-sama doesn't deserve respect, it's you that doesn't!! You and your limited vocabulary "Miaka..." "...Miaka..." "...Miaka..." etc. C'mon, how can anyone respect some that has such a limited range of words??!!
BTW, we've delat before, you said I was cynical. I'm Suboshi No Miko (as well as Suboshi No Aijin). Care to go at it Mr. "Personality" of the year?? You have the personality of that plate you were eating when Miaka left you!! At least Suboshi-sama has personality even if he is a psyhco! I like my guys cute, and pyshotic!! Futago No Miko isn't the only one!!
Suboshi No Miko
Dear Suboshi No Miko,
*Rolls eyes...* Sheesh, not ANOTHER one!!! Look he's nuts and he murdered innocent children. If you feel that strongly, perhaps you would be better served by going here Ask the Seiryuu Seishi (This one is run by Suboshi) or here Ask the Seiryuu Seishi (This one is run by Tsutsuji).
Dear Nuriko,
Nuriko-san! Now my chest is peeling! What do i do? I'm not peeling it like my face, i swear! But what should i do? I've been puting my 'ultra healing' lotion on it, and some aloe vera gel too! Help me!!!
And i'm on my 5th essay today! I've only got 3 left to write! Take that for under stress!
Peelingly Mary
Dear Mary,
DON'T PEEL IT!!! Aloe vera is good and so is calendula cream (you can find it at a homeopathic drugstore) YAY!! You only have 3 more essays left!!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey once a couple of days ago, I wrote 2 letters, a letter ta Hoto and and letter ta Tama, but they didnt get responded to with the others ;__; *pouts* I don't even remeber what I wrote..exactly... @_o;
Dear Maki,
Gomen ne. We are getting over 20 letters a day. So, if someone writes in a bunch of letters, some may not get answered so that a person who may have only written one letter gets theirs answered. It also helps to keep us from getting burnt out on letters. We hope you understand.
Dear Tasuki,
*clears her throat a bit while still hugging him*
Um...well...Vincent is a bishounen from Final Fantasy VII. He dresses in black and intelligent and all around great, but he's kinda depressing (kinda meaning ALOT) and is always sighing over his 'Lucrecia' all the time.
He's nice and all, but he's NOTHING compared to you, Aisaika! Now Reno on the other hand...he's like your hair, smart mouth, likes booze, really big...weapon...
*notices his frown* *ahem*
Anyway, Vincent's just there for decoration. ^^;;;;
Forever yours,
Iridal, Aisai of the All-Wonderous Tasuki ^^;;;
Dear Iri-chan,
Ok... as long as yer still MY Aisai...
Dear Tamahome,
u know wut? i jus saw 3 more tapes of the FY series and it's not the subtitled version. i was totally rite. u've got the sharpest mouth outta all of 'em. in fact, ur the only one who has cussed at all troughout all 5 of the tapes i've seen so far. tasuki hasn't cussed once!! there's sumth'in fishy about this...
Dear mary,
You MUST be watching the dubbed version! I know for a fact that Tasuki is worse! THAT'S what he's known for!
Dear Tasuki,
hi 'tauski'. that's how they pronounce ur name in the FY series. funny... it's not the subtitled version either. and u don't have an accent either as much as meg insists that u do. u cuss less than tama for god's sake. i mean seriously, all u say is 'cripes' and 'shucks' and other lame stuff. (no offence) totally not wut i expected. does that change later on or wut? u talk the way i expected but u don't even say 'damn' once in a while. in fact, tamahome is the only one who cussed at all in all 5 of the tapes i've seen so far!!! wut's go'in on?? but i must say this, ur as cute as ever. u make me laugh tasuki. so ur the 'coolest' and the 'handsomest' huh? well i must say i agree with u altho tamahome and Hotohori look pretty hot... alrite alrite i'm stopping. ok well tell me if that's how yer suppose'd ta act! ja ne...
Dear JeeYun/Mary,
I guess yer watchin' th' dubbed version. Believe me in th' original version I curse FAR MORE than Obake-chan does!
Dear Chichiri,
hi chichiri! i actually came in hopes that this so called 'Jean' who had this terrible problem would read this. who r u 'Jean'?? if i really don't know u i'm terribly sorry but i have reason to believe that u know me becuz that problem of urs is strikingly similar to mine and u did mention my name... yes but again i am terribly sorry if this is not correct! chichiri? the subtitled version of FY is in Japanese rite? ja ne!
Jee Yun/Mary
Dear Jee Yun/Mary,
Well, she is not a "so called Jean", no da. She really IS Jean! And yes, the subtitled version of Fushigi Yuugi is in Japanese and subtitled in English, no da.
Dear Hotohori,
But when u married houki, u didn't care for her like how you care for Miaka.
Dear baka-chan,
I did care for her very much when I married her. Perhaps you should refer to A-J's letter further down the peeji...
Dear Chiriko,
Hey~ I've got a word that I want to know if YOU know what it means... (I've always wanted to be smart, and if I can outsmart a genius, I would be happy!) It was in Hideki's Japanese/English dictionary... and it's an ENGLISH word, no less. SO... Holus bolus.
What does that mean? ~_^
Dear Aoi,
Holus-bolus... It is an adverb, dated from around 1857. It means "all at once".
Dear Tasuki,
I don't think so. And you shouldn't use Miaka as an example. Miaka is a GREAT person even though she is clumsy at times! So is Hitomi, and i don't think just "anyone" could have took her place.
Dear baka-chan,
Hitomi was a cipher. An' fer an anime character she was very two-dimensional. *Grins at his pun.*
Dear Nuriko,
Nuriko-samaa! My children are having a civil war or somethiiing! What will the Great Council of Mothers from the Big Families Bureau say?! I have failed!! What should I doo???! *shakes Nuriko slightly* ;_; Should I just...jump off a cliff? ;_; *wails* I cannot face them! The shame is too great!
Dear Inori,
Kids fight, it's just part of being a kid. Let them go at it for long enough and they'll soon get tired of it. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Hotohori,
I thought I read a message saying you didn't know Houki? I thought from the novel....
I'm not going to spoil much of anything, but I thought your novel explains how you two met and you fell in love with Houki? That's what I thought, so you did love her, did you not? You at least spent some time with her, did you not before you wed her, and so you must have cared for her some?
Just want to point that out!
Dear A-J,
Well not everyone has read the novels, so I did not wan to give too much away. But you are correct.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hullo minna! I hope you all are having dandy days! And in advance, I wish you all a happy September!!
*sighs* However, I did come in search of advice. My friends won't get off my back because I don't eat lunch at school. I've tried to explain to them that I'm saving all the money I can for my student exchange trip to Spain coming up, but they just don't believe me. Hell, one of them even wants me to go to counseling for anorexia! *sweatdrops* If you took a good look at me, you'd hardly mistake me for an anorexic. *sweatdrops more* Anyhow, I tell them that I eat when I get home from school (which I do!), but as a section leader in the band, vice president of HERO, a thespian, prop/costume head of the drama productions, and a currently employed high school student...I sometimes don't get home until anywhere between 5 and 10 o'clock. I guess my question is: how do I get them to get off my case?!
Dear Katsumi,
I hope you realize how lucky you are to have friends that care so much about you! Try brown bagging it and bring your own lunch to school. Besides you really shouldn't skip lunch and then eat so late at night. It's not healthy!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
*points to Tasuki* Kowai! O.o Too true! Scary! I wake up and I see ya! I have six posters and one wall scroll of the Suzaku Seishi and they are all by my bed. So like, 24 hours a day I see you. Oh ya! I am not going to blame you for anything since my puppy aint vicous like ya! He's sweet like Nuriko! Hehee! But the weird thing is that he loves to play alot and he barks at my one evil meanie dog! He's so kawaii when he barks! He is extremly funny too! Kinda like you...^_^ *gives Tasuki a hug and so does Ryo-Ohki* Ja ne!!
Chibi Keiko
Dear Chibi Keiko,
OK... *Smiles at Ryo-Ohki...*
Dear Nuriko, the picture I drew of you? ^_^ Oh ya! I forgot! *starts to give Nuriko-sama a back massage* Sorry. Forgot that I was going to give ya one. Heheh, I actually gave eleven different people back massages in one night. O.o It was at camp. I was bored so I starts to give my counseler, Abe, a massage. Cuz he always wants one. O.o he's kinda odd...and cute. ^_^ But so are you!! *grins*
You know what? My brother freaked out cuz I was at some Nuriko shrine. He saw a picture of you and said. "Who's that?" I told him that it was you, Nuriko. He said;"That's what you named your puppy after?! He's a cross-dresser! So your puppy a cross-dresser?!?" He's a little odd. But he likes Trigun, thanks to me. ^_^ Jaaaa ne!!!*gives Nuriko a kiss on the cheek and glomps him*
Dear Keiko,
I do! Arigato for the backrub. Tell your brother to get over it. It could be worse...
Dear Chichiri,
DAAAAAA!!! DA? DA!! I'm gonna be you for halloween no da ^___^ Can you help me do my hair na no da? I need some blue hair dye too no da. And lots of gel no da! =) Heeheehee! *hugs him* Arigatoo Chichiri! ja ne
Dear Maki,
Well, I would suggest finding a spray-in haircolor that will wash out the same evening, no da. You should be able to find it at a costume store, no da. Then super strenghth gel and freezing spray should do the trick for my bangs, no da. Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Tasuki,
TASUKI!! First! A present. ^^ *hands him a bottle of sake* Second! A favor. ^^ Would you give me a kiss? Onegai? *teary eyes* I've had a bad day. ;_;
a sad and depressed Maki whose had a not-so-good day..
Dear Maki,
Arigato fer th' sake! *Gives her a kiss on the cheek.*
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