Dear Tasuki,
There's nothing wrong with having a banner that states that I'm your official fangirl. Hmph! :::pouts::: I feel so insulted.... :(
Kat Winner
Dear Kat,
ya' ain't realted to Quate from Gundam Wing are ya'? Anyways, I never said there was anythin' wrong wit' it. But th' fangirls are gonna wanna know where ya; got th' banner from...
Dear Chiriko,
You mean you'd rather believe them than me, Chiriko? O.O
Dear Keiko,
Well, you did pound on them rather severely...
Dear Chiriko,
Okay, your supposed to be really super smart, ne? Okay so do you know if there will ever be an anime con in oregon? ^^; Cause I'm dying to go to one but my parents won't let me go outta state.. @_@ Oh and BTW I pulled off your hair style today even though it was really hard..I think it scared my mom.. ^^;;;
Dear Maki,
I checked with Anime Turnpike and there don't seem to be any conventions slated for Oregon. Gomen.
Dear Nuriko,
Ooh gomen Nuri-sama, they just look very pink to me ^^; Maybe I have eye problems @_o; *wails* I don't wanna be all color-messed up! ;_;
Dear Maki,
Don't be upset! Maybe you just had me confused with Tasuki. No wait... his are bloodshot! Hee-hee...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Are you guys ever going to go to hot springs again?
Psychic Sora
Dear Psychic Sora,
Perhaps... Why, no da?
Dear Tasuki,
did u really love Miaka?oh damn !if that question was too personal ,gomen ne ,gomen ne,gomen neeeeee!
Dear joy-chan,
Just as a lil' sister!
Dear Tamahome,
do you accept any major credit cards? how about checks anyway, whenever i see you, you remind me of a whole buncha characters from all sorts of anime. don't you hate being type casted as the bishounen hero? that's all i have for now. *writes IOU on a piece of paper with signature* there ya go.
Dear AnimeLuva1,
Sumimasen. Okane only! I suppose it beast being typecast as the traumatized freak... *glances at Tomo...*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Guys, I have a reeeeeeeaaaaally big problem with one of my friends, his girlfriend just broke up with him and he's down in the dumps. I've tried everything I could think up, and even used some of Mary's kooky ideas, but I just can't SEEM to cheer him up! He's crying, and I'm close to tears myself because he's so upset...
*gulps hard*
I really don't know what to do for him. He's one of my closest friends, and I don't want him to run away or kill himself or anything! I'm so worried, that I can't keep still anymore! Guys, please help me!
Dear Jean,
Has he hinted that he might run away or hurt himself, no da? What he's going through will take some time for him to heal. All you can really do is be there for him and make sure he knows that if he needs a shoulder to cry on that you will be there. If you can get him to go out and socialize that will be good for him, too no da. Good luck, no da!
Dear Chichiri,
WHEEEEE!!!!!!!!!! I am VERY hyper today!!!!!!!!And I have just Invited a hundred Chichiri-loving Nyan Nyan over! GLOMPFEST!!!!!!!!! *GLOMP* Apologies to CnA; Your Chichiri will be returned slightly squished. Gomen
Psychic (Silly) Sora
Dear Sora,
Oh that's ok, just try not to damage anything important, no da! ^_^
Chichiri no Aijin
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hmm I havent written a letter to all of you yet... HmmmmMmMmmmmmmMMmmmMMm...... HM! I dunno...Lesse........... *thinks* Ok here's a question: How come I can't think of anything to write to all you silly peoples whom I worship and plaster my walls with? ^____^
Dear Maki,
We don't know either. That is a question that only you can answer.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Moshi Moshi Minna! **cry** I need help--desperately. You see, I have a friend who's been depressed for a while now, and I have no idea what to do anymore. I've talked to him lots of times, but it's as if nothing I say is going to get through to him... I 'm so afraid that he's going to hurt himself, or worse. I don't want anything to happen to him--please, if you know anyway that he can get better, I would appreciate knowing! He doesn't have a lot of others to talk to, and i'm scared that time may be running out...
Fuyu Yuki
Dear Fuyu Yuki,
Well the first thing to do is find out WHY he is depressed, no da. Make sure that he knows that you are there for him. If you are very worried that he may try to hurt himself, then you need to get his parents involved, no da. He should go in for some counseling, no da. Good luck, no da!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
It seems this letter didn't get through before. Either that or it just didn't get answered.
i've just come to say that what's been going on between Keisei and me is just a possible plot for one of her stories. We (me and everyone else) decided that the best way to bug her was to have someone play leach to her. It was my idea, so I got the job. She's just one of my friends, nothing more than a close friend. We just kinda got bored with the string once I got turned into that Takeshi guy, so we just decided to call it quits. Just to tell you guys, and apologize for the strain on your nerves.
Lord Misc
Dear Lord Misc,
Arigato, no da! Glad to know that you are ok, no da.
Dear Tamahome,
Why do you suck so much? Why do you love a testosterome vampire(Miaka)? I mean in the beginning of the series, you used to have a personality. I mean I actually had a bit of a liking for you, but of course that went flying out of the window when Amiboshi was chased to the river and you had no respect for Suboshi.
Yeah, yeah he killed your family, I know and frankly, I was cheering! You killed his family so he killed yours. Besides, later you found out that Nakago had sent Suboshi, but for some reason you didn't show any reaction to that. No remorse at all.
Well, that's all I have to saw and I await your answer.
Futago no Miko a.k.a Priestess of the twins
Dear Futago no Miko,
Suboshi does not deserve any respect. He still had the choice to NOT follow Nakago's orders. I (or should I say we) never killed Amiboshi. He deliberately fell in that river to escape being a Seiryuu Seishi. And he didn't die! Anyone who is sick enough to condone the evisceration of defenseless children... well... you are miko to a psycho. He basically got the fate that he deserved.
Dear Tasuki,
*glomps him* AISAIKA!!! *continues to latch onto him* I'm back!! And I've missed you!!
College is great so far...even my room is great (all new furniture - talk about WOW!). And best of all, my half of the room is PLASTERED in anime stuff - the centerpieces of which are my animation cel of you and a big-@$$ Vincent Valentine wallscroll!! *_*
*ahem* *backs away a bit* Gomen...didn't mean to overwhelm you. ^^;;; Like I said, classes are fine. In fact, they're all Psych courses, which is a plus. I just started my rat lab for Psych. We've got two rats (who keep trying to poop on me -_-) and we're going to start them on the whole Skinner box thing. (I love behavioralism!).
^_^ So, did ya miss me?
Iridal, your Aisai
Dear Iri-chan,
'Course I missed ya' baka! Glad yer likin' college an' yer courses! *Gives her a hug.* So who's this Vincent Valentine guy??? *Frowns*
Dear Mitsukake,
You said: "Please ask me a question, I'm not as boring as they say I am" I ask: "Who's 'they'?" ^^;; *sweatdrops*
Dear Maki,
You know, the ubiquitous "they".
Dear Hotohori,
But you married Houki because you practically had no chose. So if Nuriko was a woman you probably would have married him! Anyway, when you died, ya said you still love Miaka and all that stuff.
Dear baka-chan,
I married out of obligation, but that does not mean I did not care for Houki or grow to love her after we were wed. I would not marry someone I cared nothing for!
Dear Tasuki,
That's a pretty dumb reason to not like Escaflowne, first of all, if Hitomi wasn't in it, than Van would have died a longgggg time ago! And Gaea would have been totally destroyed. But Hitomi changed the fate, just as Issac had said. And Princess Millerna wouldn't have matured, she'll still act all snobby. And Van found someone he really cared for. But I really don't want to get into an argument. so bye.
Dear baka-chan,
Nonononono. What I meant was Hitomi was so useless as a character that ANYONE (even Miaka) could have taken her place an' she wouldn't have been missed.
Dear Nuriko,
NURIKO-SAMA!!!! I GAVE IN ON MY SUNBURN!!!!! The flaky skin was just too much for me!!!!I peeled some of it off on my nose and cheek bones! And now it burns if i put anything on it!!! AAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!I'M SO WEAK WILLED!!!!!! WHAT DO I DO?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
The Skinless and Weak Willed Mary
Dear Mary,
STOP THAT!!!!!!!!!! Do you WANT to ruin your pretty face???? BAKA!!!!! Start putting aloe gel on your face, even if it hurts. Now, will you START using a sunscreen when you go out to sunbake or do you want to look like Taiitsu-kun by the time you're 20???? You should know that a tan is the skin's cry for help and when you tan alot you end up looking like a piece of beef jerky (brown and wrinkly). When your face has healed I would STRONGLY suggest that you use SPF15 on your face ALL THE TIME. If you insist on being tanned, please try a self-tanner. There are a lot of good ones out there now and it is healthier for your skin. And stop peeling yourself!
Dear Nuriko,
Nuriko-sama! My sun burn is getting better!!! My back looks like normal, but darker, my chest has toned down, but my face!!! The skin is all scrunched together and tight! I just wanna rip it right off! (I won't, the last time i did that it scarred....^^;;) My shoulders are still sore, but now i can sleep on my side. Help me here, and NO vinager!!!
You know what!!!! I was on my sisters SN, and i saw doug come on, then i transfered to my SN, and he wasn't on my buddy list! He blocked me!!! I found this out yesterday morning while trying to write my english essays! I could NOT concentrate! Why did that bastard do that to me?!?!?!!? What is up with him? I feel like strangling him! *pulls out a doug dollie and sticks needles in his eyes and his nether region* I wanna yell at him SO badly, but i won't. I really wont. I'm just upset that he wouldn't want to even talk to me, or even tell my that he doesn't want to talk to me. What's up with that Nuriko? And i shouldn't even care because i'm focusing on trevor! I went to the beach with JAMM and a few friends and i accidentily made trevor jealous according to jean by holding chris's hand after seaweed brushed against my legs (i have a phobia...) and then trevor began flirting with love life is going to shambles! And i called up trevor to appologize, but he wasn't home. And everything is going wrong! And to top it off i wasn't here when my friend sean called here. I don't have his number and he's moving to Santa Ana (from L.V., Nevada) this weekend and can't call me for a
while....everything sucks!
But i did do some of my homework! I watched all of the movies and wrote the papers for them, and i have -100 pages to read until I'm done with the Invisible Man! All i have to do is write the 8 essays in 5 days! 3 days preferably, but there is so much clouding my mind. I'm going nutz and i can't tell my parents because my mom forbid trevor from talking to me because she over heard him swear! She wants me to date a guy who doesn't even know those bad words exists! Where am i going to find that? No where! And if i told her i still talk with him and really like him, she'd skin me alive before i turn 16!!! Help me Nuriko-sama! I hate being in a pickle! I wanna cucumber!!!! *breaks down crying*
The Emotionally disterbed Mary
Dear Mary,
*sighs...* So much for distance... Anyway, you should use more aloe on your face and DON'T PEEL IT!! You really need to put Doug out of your mind as it is only hurting you to get so upset. Get on with your life girl! I'm glad that you're doing your homework.
So, is there anyway for your mom to meet Trevor when he is on his best behavior? Maybe she'll change her mind about him. I'd hug you but I'm afraid I'd hurt you! Gomen.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Do any of you know why the 4th track of your original soundtrack is called "Winner"? Considering what's happening as that song is played in the tv series. >_<; That title has been driving me nuts! Nice track, though, huh?
Dear Hoshi,
If it's the one I'm thinking of it's about overcoming obstacles/winning.
Dear Chiriko,
Hey Chiriko! I kno ur the brains of this group so I'll ask u this question... Did u finish the WHOLE series of Evangelion?? I did and it confused me greatly... Could u or ne other seishi that watched this classic explain it 2 me?? Thanks MUCHO!!
Hecka Confused
Dear Hecka Confused,
Don't feel bad! It made no sense to US either!
Dear Tamahome,
I want you to be mine eather you come peacefuly or i'll get mean *Pulls out net and club* yes i am super strong so don't get any idea's I love you and if you don't comply with my demands i'll get Nakago to help do you really want Nakago? Anyway your the best if you are married to Miaka get a devorice or i'll make you a widower HAHAHAHA!!!!!! If your not then don't get any idea's AND what's this about you kissing Nakago???!?!!?!? Anyway love you *Hugs and kiss Tamahome*
F.R. No Miko
Dear F.R. No Miko,
I am not going anywhere with you nor am I leaving Miaka. Sorry.
Dear Tasuki,
*Ai sighs* damnit, why does everything back fire on me??
Dear Ai-sensei,
*Mitsukake bends over her* It's ok, just lay back and relax. Tasuki left and now I will heal you. *Opens his hand and his palm starts to glow as she is bathed in a soothing light...*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Oi, I may seem nice, but I am really mean if I hafta be!*Tenchi: Ya, right* Zip it! O.o Ano...*sweatdrops* If you go into the chat and see someone tap dancing or doin` the chicken and I have nothing to do with it!! O.o Even if it says
A question! If you had the choice of being a Pokemon or a Sailor Scout, which one would you choose? You hafta atleast choose one Pokemon/Sailor Scout.*grins and pulls out some measuring tape and a sewing kit* Hehehee... ^_^
Washu: And I don't see how someone can be scared of such a cute kid!*pinches Keiko's cheek*
Tenchi: Ya! She's adorable!!
Keiko: offense, but sometimes...I worry about you two...*sweatdrops*
Keiko, Tenchi, and Washu
Dear Keiko, Tenchi, and Washu,
Here are you're answers... they are probably as strange as your question...
Tasuki: Charizard!
Tamahome: Hitmonlee
Nuriko: Sailor Uranus... tee-hee...
Chichiri: Abra, no da!
Chiriko: Raichu
Hotohori: Sailor Neptune... she is ALMOST as beautiful as I.
Mitsukake: Wigglytuff
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Nuriko,
*Doc sits up and eats the beef jerky*
Arigato.. I always keep a snack on me at work. I just forgot at home ^^;; *giggles at the thought of measuring the guys* I better not, the pants would turn out very baggy in the crotch. Now if you don't mind me measuring you, I'd be glad to. ;D *pulls out some heavy needles from her sewing kit*
Here's an idea for type of pants.. of course a few extra pockets and loops are needed on the legs, for tools and stuff.
*Pulls out Manga 14 turns to chapters 81 and 82* Remember what Taka was wearing when he dropped back in Konan? It's loose enough for everyone... Lemme see 4 pieces..since you don't have zippers, we'll have to fake a button fly.. hmmm...
Dear Doc-sama,
Well you can see in the manga he's wearing a belt, I can do a drawstring waist instead. How does that sound?
Dear Hotohori,
how could you love Houki? When you married her, you barely knew her! But ya just had to get a child to success after you so you married her.
Dear baka-chan,
As she grew to love me, I too grew to love her.
Dear Tasuki,
Heh heh heh...if you could play an instrument..what would you play? and what would the other seishi play? @_@
Dear Maki,
Good question! I'd play drums, Nuriko would play harp, Hotohori would play piano, Tamahome would play electric guitar, Chiriko would play flute, Mitsukake would play saxaphone, and Chichiri would play a lute.
Dear Chichiri,
Hey ya know what "peeji" means? cause I sure dont an' people keep sayin' it.
Dear Maki,
Peeji means page, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
EXCUSE ME? (Red battle aura)
The extremly pissed off Witch
Dear Witch,
Nani??? Oh yeah, Escaflowne. I jus' wasn't all that impressed by it. Sumimasen.
Dear Chiriko,
Tasuki's always saying "Kowaii" and I don't know what it means. Could you please explain?
Dear Lunee,
It means scary.
Dear Tasuki,
hello tasuki... ::in deep thought:: ya know i wus think'in... Mitsukake's the best in healing, tama's a martial arts champ, chichiri's a shrink and a magician, chiriko's extremely intelligent, hotohori yatta yatta yatta. wut about u? i mean besides ur fan thingy wut r u good for? hey no offense! i'm jus say'in my mind. ur the best outta all of 'em but... wut r u the best at? there's sumth'in about speed in it rite? i think... ok get back to meeh soon!
Jee Yun/mary
Dear mary,
I'm th' coolest of th' Seishi an' th' MOST handsome!! Heh-heh-heh... *Fanged grin*
Dear Tamahome,
gee i'm sorry tamahome... ::rereads tama's answer... thinks about it...reknown temper kicks in:: well ESCUSE me. for ur information i haven't HEARD tasuki yet thanku very much!!! ... a-hem... i really must controll that temper of mine... y u so mad about it anyway? sheesh u'd think i said u were wear'in pink polka-dotted pantie hose or sum'thin... yeah well i guess my reaction woulda bin worse... unfortunately...anyways, i said i'm sorry so accept it now before i change my mind. yeah. so ur suppos'd ta be the seishi good at martial arts rite? can u beat ANYBODY?? i mean like if u were put up against anybody in ur world u could beat 'em? i'll be waiting...
jee yun/mary
Dear mary,
I suppose I could. I know that Tasuki and I are fairly well matched fighting-wise. Thank you for the apology.
Dear Chiriko,
Yer so kawaii!!! Could you help me with my exams this school year? I'd love it if you stopped by to help me! *hugs* ja ne!
Dear Maki,
Arigato! Ano... maybe...
Dear Nuriko,
Oh Nuri yer soooooooo perty! *hugs him* I wanna look just like you cept female. Cause I think yer soooooooo perty! Ok, so, how come your eyes are that beautiful pink color? It doesnt seem natural.. But its very perty anyway! *more hugs* Love ya, ja ne!
Dear Maki,
Arigato for your kind words! *Hugs back* Pink?? I always thought they were purple or violet. Do you have me confused with Chibi-Usa???
Dear Tasuki,
Hey, I was wonderin'...How come you guys speak modern japanese if its supposed to be like ancient china in yer world? I mean..It doesnt make very much sense.. *shrugs* Oh and I dooo sooooo love yer accent *eyes turn to stars and hearts* *snaps out of it* *ahem* Uh gomen ^^; *hands him a bottle of sake and kisses him on the cheek* love ya, ja ne ^_^
Dear Maki,
How else would th' Miko understand us??? It's magic!!
Dear Chichiri,
You so kawaii, I was your hair naturally blue or did you dye it? and how do you make it stick up like that? Its so kawaii *rambles on for hours about how kawaii your hair is* I plaster my walls with you ^^ I worship you too ^^ is zat ok with you? :)
Dear Maki-chan,
It's naturally blue and sticks up that way, no da. Worship, no da??? *Blushes and goes SD.*
Dear Tasuki,
no accent huh? well i jus talked ta meggie and she found a recording of ur voice. she says it's gotta 'indescribable accent'. yeah wutever. ok bi.
jee yun/mary
Dear jee yun/mary,
I speak Kansai-ben, if that's what she means.
Dear Chichiri,
u mean it's NOT ancient china? then where the h*ll is it?!?! oops. sorry. ::sigh:: i'm try'in ta stop cuss'in.... okok so then y does Miaka say it's anicient china?? and if it's not, y is there a place that resembles it in there? oh forget it. don't answer those questions. i can rpro'lly figure 'em out if i get off my lazy butt and think. anyway, thanx.
Dear JeeYun/Mary,
IN the series Miaka says that it LOOKS like a movie of ancient China, no da.
Dear Chiriko,
I don't scare Tenchi and the gang! They scare me!! It's true!!
Dear Keiko,
That's not what THEY say!
Dear Nuriko,
*runs in and hugs Nuriko* My life is all screwed up! *hugs hard and looks very sad* I am taking every little thing that happens to me very hard lately. Like, if I forget a rather unimportant telephone message for my Dad, and he chews me out (cause he's a little stressed lately) I take it harder and/or more personally than usual. I don't know why everything is taking on new weight or wether I'm just noticing it because I AM screwing up more, but I'm just very upheaved right now and I could use a huge hug and a kiss and some calming type words.... *sniffles*
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
*Hugs her and holds her.* I think it will be ok. YOu sound like your just haveing some emotional growing pains so to speak. *Gives her a gentle kiss on the forehead.* Now take a deep breath and calm yourself. I'm sure everything will turn out alright.
Dear Mitsukake, were so cute when you were five! ^_^ I saw a manga picture of you at the age of five, Shouka at ten, and Tasuki was uh...?? It was in one of them novels. Eikou Den.*stands up on a stool and pinches Mitsukake's cheek lightly* Kawaii!! You still are cute!! ^_^ *gives Mitsukake a kiss on the cheek*
Dear Keiko,
Arigato. *Blushes*
Dear Tasuki,
What do you have against Escaflowne so much?
Dear baka-chan,
Nothin' 'cept th' story was so-so, th' endin' I hated, an' Hitomi was so useless why was she even in there???
But, Van was cool an' Dilandeau was jus' bizarre beyond words! He was pretty cool fer a *^%$#@+ up nut case! I liked Mearl, too! (Gomen Kelli-chan, Dryden jus' didn't make much of an impression on me.)
Dear Tasuki,
*_* My birthday is tomorrow... August 29th.
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Honto ni??? Otanjoubi omedeto gozaimasu!! *Gives her a hug and a kiss on the cheek.*
Dear Nuriko,
Konichiwa Nuriko-sama! guess what I just got back from Disneyland!! It was fun!! lookie lookie! I brought you back something *pulls out stuffed animal of mickey mouse* Isn't it cute? (i didn't know what else to get you gomen) I am soooo tired!! I hope you like the present! ^_^ how have you guys been? Taking care of yourselves? I hope so. I'm excited I start high school in three days! wish me luck! how bout a hug for good luck??? ^^ ok you don't have to. ^_^ *smiles* okies i better go! Ja ne!
Dear Yume,
I'm fine! Arigato for the kawaii plushie! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
*pouts* fine! don't kill the bees, I'll do it! *walks to a big rock and picks it up* *chucks it at the bee hive* did I get it????? *looks at Tasuki* Don't worry I'm not mad cuz ya didn't help me! ^^ I guess you're not stupid maybe I should have asked Tama...??? *no sign of bees* WHOOHOO i got them! MUHAHAHAHAHA..... ok i'm gonna go away now thanks anyway Tasuki! ^_^ take care of yourself!
Dear Yume,
*Runs as surviving bees start to swarm.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Oi, do any of you know when there will be an anime convention in TN? I looked in, but I couldnt find anything...^_^;;; Of course, maybe Ive been looking in the wrong place...
Dear Kuro,
There was going to be one in TN but it was cancelled. Gomen.
Dear Tasuki,
Oh, yeah, I forgot to say...Arigatou for the kiss! ^_^
Dear Kuro,
Heh-heh... yer welcome.
Dear Tasuki,
*takes off green toe-nails polish*
I can paint red flames on your toenails? What do you think? *continues to massage Tasuki's feet*
Dear Avery,
No more polish! Th' massage is great but, I can do wit'out th' polish.
Dear Mitsukake,
*sigh* Washington. What a strange, dangerous state. O.o There is always somethin` happening in Seattle!! I really wanna move out of Washington, the place where I was born and probably goin to die!! : | Kowaii State...There is either a murder or a bank robbery happening SOMEWHERE in this little odd state. And Tacoma is a weird city. No, I'm not dissing the people in Tacoma, but come on! I would love to leave and check out Japan!! Hehee! But that costs lots of okane. Da...ja ne!
AAA! My TAB button doesn't work! Agh! I'm being attacked left and right by bunnies drinking beer!! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!! Oo...dead little duckies...*Kiyone and Kamedake sweatdrop and carry Keiko off at her own will* WAIT!! It's true! I see bunnies! I am Sailor Chibi Usagi!!! Hahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! O.o
Dear Keiko,
*Sweatdrops...* Poor child. Another Sailor Moon overdose victim...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Does my crazy friend Kieko seem nice. Some people say shes a little on the wierd side. But trust me, once you get to know her she'll be all right.
Dear Kiara,
She seems very nice to us. But, I think she scares Tenchi and his gang.
Dear Tasuki,
Hi hi! Guess what! I'm your official fangirl! I got the banner to prove it too. Heh, don't worry, I'm not *too* insane. *blows a kiss* Ja ne!
Kat Winner
Dear Kat,
A banner...??? KOWAII!!! @_@;;;
Dear Tasuki,
*giggles* Yay! ^-^ You guessed right! Here's your prize! *hands him some sake* ^^;;
So how have you been Tasuki? I'm gona be auditioning for a play in a few hours. I hope I get a good part --. Wish me luck, Ok ^^ *gives Tasuki a hug and runs off to get ready*
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
Arigato fer th' sake! I've been good! An audition, eh? Gnabatte kudasai!
Dear Tasuki,
hey tasuki! is it true that u have a accent in the FY series? i'm dying to see wut ur voice sounds like! but alas, i must wait. ::pout:: oh well. it's cool. Meg's look'in forward to it too. it better be worth it tasuki! i didn't tolerate Meg's kid sister's ranting and screaming and jumping and yatta yatta yatta for nuth'in. it took all of my self control to not dump her in the toilet along with her barbie and 'bookies'. she's worse than MY little sister and that's say'in sumth'in! well do u have an accent or not? get back to me soon!
Dear Mary,
An accent??? Not in th' subtitled version! My voice in th' dub stinks! But at least it ain't as bad as Chichiri's!
Dear Tasuki,
*Surfaces SD and spits out water.* Whatever baka! *sticks her tongue out at him and get out of the water. Pushing him in during the process.* The slayers page is open again and the letters have been updated, just so you know. By the way, watch out for that bandit eating gator I've heard so much about...he COULD be right behind you.
*a large dark figure moving closer can be seen from the waters surface*
Dear Lina,
OI! No fair!! Ya' know I can't swim!!! *Looks behind him and sees the figure... pounds it in the head and flames it. Only to find that it's... GOURRY!!!* Ahhhh, no harm done. He ain't too bright to begin wit'. Thanks fer lettin' us know yer peeji is back up! I think CnA snuck over to pester Xelloss. Hmph... better him than me... *Gets out of the lake and picks Lina up and tosses her at Gourry...* INCOMIN'!!!! *Fanged grin*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Awwwwww man! y can't u jus be nice and tell me wut happens?!?! ::more whining:: this is SO unfair!!! it's becuz of wut i said about miaka isn't it?!?! i said sorry! oh phooey. (i know it's a stupid word but i'm try'in ta stop cussing even a little bit. it kinda... scares ppl when it comes from a girl) this totally sucks. ::exasperated sigh:: fine then. BE LIKE DAT!! c if i care. hmph! i'll jus hafta find out fer myself! and another thing, tamahome, u have a baaaaaaaaad mouth in those tapes. sumbody gotta wash it out wit soap. i haven't seen tasuki yet tho. he's worse huh? yeah ok. i guess u guys r do'in me a favor by not tell'in meeh. ::grumbles:: ok well bai minna.
JeeYun/Mary (my Korean name!!!)
Dear Mary,
I have a bad mouth??? What translation are YOU watching??? Tasuki is 100 times worse than I could EVER be!
Dear Chichiri,
hey chichiri. gee i'm sorry about ur bestfriend and fiance and stuff. i shouldn't have brot up the subject in the 1st place huh? gomen... uh... i won't talk about that anymore. ok changing subject.... hey how come the FY series takes place in Ancient China? Shouldn't it be Ancient Japan? bi bi! and i hope i didn't raise any bad memories! :(
Dear Mary,
That's OK, no da. It takes place in Konan, a place that RESEMBLES ancient China. We never said it WAS ancient China, no da.
Dear Mitsukake,
Maybe leather will keep the puppy off our pants. Keiko's okaasan has plenty of it!!
Dear Washu,
*Sweatdrops* Well, that is true, however, rawhide chews are a far better choice.
Dear Nuriko,
Hey Nuriko... there's this really cute guy I see walking around campus. He has gorgous brown hair, deep-dark eyes, and a smile to die for. He always seems to be hanging around the main collage library. So, after English class I usually walk passed the library to see if he's there (and to sneak a peak at him!). One day I pointed him out to a friend and she thinks he's cute too, and worth giving a try! I really wanna meet this guy, but how do I approach him?
Dear Kuno-baby,
Why not walk past him next time and smile at him. See what his reaction is. If he smiles back, then the next time try smiling and saying hi. Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Nuriko,
:blinks: ._.
Gomen ne... I was hoping to make the guys some work clothes..
*feels very small and considers finding a rock to hide under*
*sits on the ground with tears in her eyes*
my sugar is dropping... CnA has the same problem ask her..
*passes out from using too much energy at once*
Dear Doc-sama,
*Catches her and pats her gently on the cheeks to wake her up* OH! Don't be upset! It's my mistake! Please don't cry! *Gives her a hug and some beef jerky.* I'll start making those clothes right away! And of course you can help if you want. *Winks at her and smiles* So, want to measure inseams??
Dear Hotohori,
(Hope this isn't a spoiler for some people) Hotohori-san... do you REALLY love your wife, or do you still have "feelings" for Mrs. Miaka?
Dear Kuno-baby,
Yes, I really do love Houki.
Dear Tasuki,
Good, I'm I'm not at your mercy anymore!! *Ai sighs* We shouldn't be here...wrong place! Er...uh..yeah, that's right...
Dear Ai-sensei,
Ya never were! Why shouldn't we be here? Yer hurt an' Mitsukake can heal ya'! *Turns to Mitsukake...* Right Mitsukake?
Dear Chiriko,
I feel that because of your "gift" that I should ask you an intelligent question. So I sat down, observed you carefully, and came up with the perfect question to ask my kawaii Chiriko...
How do you manage to keep that pony-tail of yours to stick straight up in the air like that? Hair tips please!!
Dear Kuno-baby,
I have very thick hair and I use a wide band to put it up. The ponytail is not tight to my head either.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Not to offend Tasuki or anything, but why is everyone only writing him? And how does Tasuki feel about being almost every girl's favourite?
Dear Aoi,
We don't know why either, no da! I think he's flattered, although he will NEVER admit it, no da!
Dear Chichiri,
What does your Kasa look like inside? Give me a vivid description.
Dear Kuno-baby,
The same as it does outside, no da. The pattern is the same all over my kesa, no da.
Dear Chichiri,
I made a lot of great friends over the summer, but the problem is, I probably won't see any of them ever again. I have email with most of them, including one I probably shouldn't. See, I became really good friends with this guy and had the HUGEST crush on him *blushes furiously* and one of my friends gave me his email, but he didn't give it to me and he doesn't have mine, so... should I email him? I'll probably never see him again, as probably neither of us are going back (to where we met) he lives thousands of miles away from me, and I don't know if he knows that I like him. So, what should I do? Sorry for the stupid letter.
And you sing really good. I think you should know that. ^_-
Dear n.c.c.,
Arigato, no da! Why don't you send him a friendly "Hi, how are you? Remember me?" email and see where it goes from there, no da. Good luck, no da!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Do any of you guys like General Tos Chicken? That's my fave chinese dish! If not, tell me what your favorite dish is.
Dear Kuno-baby,
General Tso's Chicken is very good and we all like it but, the chicken that Hotohori's cooks make is GREAT!!
Dear Mitsukake,
What's the most exciting thing you've done?
Tasuki's Jiggly Puff
Dear Jiggly Puff,
Become a Suzaku Seishi.
Dear Chichiri,
Konnichiwa Chichiri! *places FY cd in my boom box* How has your summer gone? Did ya go on any fun fishin’ trips? *walks over to the fridge and pulls out green tea ice cream* *sings* "Meccha hajikete guts tobashite" Gomen, but I love that song. *finds two spoons* Here have some. *hands him a spoon* Yummy, yummy ice cream! How can you be so cute and so hot at the same time? Anyway I just wanted to let ya know I’m almost done with my fanfic and you get to read it. (Yeah!) *takes the last scoop of ice cream* Arigatou for eating ice cream with me. Ja ne!
Dear Aenne,
Arigato! Oishii, no da! Summer was fun, no da. I did a little fishing but didn't catch anything. I'm looking forward to reading it, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hello minna-san!! guess wut?!?! meg got the whole FY series on tape!!!!!! YAY!!!! NOW I CAN ACTUALLY SEE THE SERIES AND STOP GUESSING WUT ACTUALLY HAPPENED!!! isn't it wunderful? i can see all of u in action! so far i've saw the first tape when Miaka first becomes the Suzaku priestess and stuff... uh... no offence miaka if u read this and anybody who loves miaka... her voice is kinda... weeell... not wut i expected...? and is Nuriko are u a guy or a girl in the tapes? it's weird cuz the narrator or wutever says ur a gurl and then later says ur a guy and then... yeah. so is the narrator confused or sumthin? that'd actually be kinda funny if i wuzn't so mad at the narrator person for mak'in it so hard to understand... yeah... don't be mad nuriko! i didn't mean anything bad! oh yeah! hey i wanted ta know how they find tasuki! and mitsukake! and Chiriko! i know it's cheating to ask u guys but i'm dying ta know! and Hotohori? ur beautiful. especially in dat tape... ok well, ja ne!
Dear Mary,
Nope, gomen! We won't give away plot points and spoilers! You just need to watch the tapes.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
:comes back in with $100.00: here is the money I owe you Tasuki Papa. Sorry it took so long I havent been feeling well latly. I just hope Obake san didnt notice his money was gone.
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley Chan,
Ariagto! He did but he got over it... *Walks over to a singed Tamahome and hands him the money.*
Dear Nuriko,
I hope you got the bolts of cloth, the dark heavy cloth is called denim. It's a coarse heavy cotton, which is used for durability in clothes. The lighter cottons are for shirts, they're white with a light color tint. *pulls out two bolts from the stack and shows them to Ryuen* The denim is blackberry and the shirt material has a light purple tint. I tried to get all the guys colors, they should be close. Oh I've got thread :) *brings out some heavy duty thread in a bag* This thread is in the middle of each group of colors.
So any luck on getting permission to build? I don't think Houki will have a problem, if she gets to come too. She'll be able to call Hotohori "Hori" like Watase-sensei does instead of Heika. I think she can be convinced to help cook. Hmmm.. salads and fruits for lunch, and BBQ for dinner. :D
Hate to tell you this Ryuen, but to pull this off and make him relax. You'll have to call him Hotohori-kun instead of-sama. That means he gets to do hard labor like the rest of you guys. ;) Everyone will feel much cleaner inside, I've seen it happen before. The food will taste much better too. ;D *puts the cloth and thread back on the stack* So who do I meet next? Tamahome or Chiriko?
Dear Doc-sama,
Ano, I'm not certain... but first, a question... What am I to do with all this fabric?
Dear Chichiri,
hello!!! so it'd be nice to have sum1 listen to u huh? yeah well i would but it'd be kinda public wit every1 reading ur response and stuff so it wouldn't work out. so sad... :( but i'm sure u'll find a sumbody understanding! oh yeah and.. y'd u become a monk in the first place??
Dear Mary,
I became a monk after my best friend and fiancée died.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I can see the future! Would you like me to read yours?
Dear Anletia,
No thank you. Some things are better left unknown.
Dear Tasuki,
Yo, Tasuki! You wanna kill the guys who dubbed Vision of Escaflowne. One word of warning though, I get first dibs on Dilandu's voice actor.
The pissed off Witch
Dear Witch,
Nah, Escaflowne ain't worth my time.
Dear Mitsukake,
You like animals, right? Is it normal for a 3 month old puppy to chew on pants? And to sleep almost half the day? And to wake people up at 2:30 a.m.??!?!?! I hope you can answer atleast one of these questions!! Also, is it normal for Nuriko-inu to chew on vests? O.o
Dear Washu,
It is normal for a puppy to chew on what ever it can sink it's teeth into. Perhaps if you play with the puppy during the day you will tire him out and he will sleep through the night. Good luck!
Dear Tasuki,
Argh! School starts in two weeks. Well, college. I call it school. ^^; It's all the same to me. You're lucky you don't have to go to school, Gen-chan! But then again, I couldn't take up the job of a bandit in this day and age. It's definitely not a good career choice! Heehee.
You know, since we're on the subject of school, what kind of classes would you take if you could go? All the seishi could answer this too if they want to.. I hope it hasn't already been asked. ^^; I guess that's all. I get kinda shy when I write these letters, even though we're not really face to face. ^^; it's weird.. then again, I'M weird. Well, ja!
Dear Reddie-chan,
I'd take Phys. Ed., Mitsukake would take Biology, Obake-chan would take Accountin' an' Economics, Chichiri would take Philosophy an' Psych., Nuriko would take Home Ec., Hotohori would take Political Science, an' Chiriko would take everythin'!
Dear Tasuki,
No, don't like red toe nail polish?
*takes it off and puts on Neon green color* You like more modern stuff right? Ok, how about a foot massage? *massages Tasuki's feet* Sorry, but I feel like torturing you for today! ^_^
Dear Avery,
That feels great!! Now, can ya' get this green stuff offa my toenails???
Dear Hotohori,
Hey, do you think Miaka could wish you here? I'd love to see you or Tasuki in a tux!
Kat Winner
Dear Kat Winner,
Unfortunately, she has used her 3 wishes up already. However, we do have some very talented fan artists out there. Minna-san, anyone up for drawing us in tuxedoes?
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