Dear Mitsukake,
Well, we talked about the possibility of her having bullimia(sp?) and she completely and totally denies it...*sigh* I feel so bad...I mean, a lot of stuff happens to her and I wanna be there but......she's in another FREAKING STATE..*ahem* I dont know what to do, I mean...I told her to tell her mom if it keeps up and I dont think she told her mom. She doesnt tell her mom a lot of stuff. And what really sucks is I'm in AZ and my grammy wont let me call OH so I'm screwed...Oooo~ That makes me sooo mad!!! Why'd they have to move away like that?! It already sucked for me to be in TN, but to be there without my best bud?(Dont worry Kosei-chan, I didnt forget you! *hugs* ^_^) That REALLY bites...especially when there's something wrong...
*sigh* I really dont know what to do here...I've talked to her, she doesnt think theres anything to really worry about, she hasnt told her mom, I doubt she ever will, I also doubt they would do anything about it...I dunno. Maybe I'm just worrying too much. I havent talked to her in almost a week...maybe she has gotten better. :( I wanna talk to her...
Dear Kuro,
Can you call her mother from a pay phone? Your friend sounds like she is in denial and her mother needs to be aware of what is going on.
Dear Tasuki,
Hey Suki-kun! Hope you don't mind me callin ya that. >XD Anyways, I really have nothing else better to do so I thought I'd contact the best Suzaku, Tasuki-kun! Really, I'm a huge fan of yours (I know, you hear this all the time) but I feel really silly contacting you like this. I'd rather I talked to you myself. Anyways, enough of my babbling, I've got a question!
Well, Christmas is coming up and I was wondering if you had anything on your mind that you want for Christmas (besides Sake, I'm fresh out.) and if it's true you have a THING for Miaka *wink wink* Hee hee. Sorry, I had to ask that one. I know Kouji and you aren't a couple. I can't believe people would ask such a stupid question, those @^%&$#^#$^!!! >< Grrr...those tarts. Kouji and you? Puh-leaze. Well, gotta run now. My sake is getting warm. Untill I talk to you again, see ya Tasuki-kun! ^^
Dear Alecia-chan,
i ain't got a thin' fer Miaka!! >.< 'Che! I dunno what I wanted fer Christmas but I guess some new boots would have been nice.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey!!! I'm baaack!!! hehehehe *looks at Hotohori and glomps him.* I missed you sooooooo much!!! How do you guys plan to spend your Christmas? Guess what?!!! My friends and I (Tetsuno Tenshi, Hibarrano Tenshi and The girl obsessed with Chichiri sorry I forgot her name!!!) went caroling!!! We sang songs to people around our town. It was cool. Well got to go. Oh yeah glad to see ya getting some letters Tama-kins. (Tetsuno-chan said that!)
The Tenshi
Dear Tenshi,
WE spent it quietly at home with a roasted goose, Chichiri no Aijin, her mother, her husband, her tomodachi Kana-chan, and Kana-chan's family who were visiting from Sapporo, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
*sits next to him and sighs downheartedly* Well, I started sending out grad school applications. Application #1 went out last week, and #2 is getting mailed tomorrow.
I just hope I get into a good university...I don't wanna go to that loser school up (literally) up the street from me... *shudders*
Dear Iridal,
*Gives her a hug and holds her.* I'm sure you'll do jus' fine! Kimi no atama ga ii desu yo!!
Dear Chichiri,
Houjun, eh? I think it works no da ^_^
Houjun: Arigatou na no da! It makes life easier for me when I don't have to get used to a new name no da! Shadra-san's been telling me about some people who call their alternate universe boyfriends 'Fluffy' or something such as that no da ^^;;
Shadra: Wot, Sesshoumaru? Most girls do no da :D
Houjun: ::sweatdrops::
Shadra D
Dear Shadra D,
They do, no da? *Eyes Kelli-chan, Chichiri no Aijin, and Wandering Mage Chichiri nervously...*
Dear Tasuki,
:::watches him unwrap his own necklaces that she took when she hugged him before >) ::: Gomen, I had to do it again no da. ^_^
::giggles strangly:: I really need some sleep no da! BUT I GET MY MANGA TONIGHT NO DA! WOOHOO! ^_^_V ::hugs him and hands him another present:: It's a silk fan no da ^_^ It's magical no da! If you open it and swing it hard enough, you can make the wind blow no da!! >:D ^_^
Shadra D
Dear Shadra D,
Ya' can do that with any fan. But thanks an' stop takin' my *(^%$$@ necklaces! *Grins*
Dear Tasuki,
-skips to Tasuki papa holding 5 large wrapped presants- Merry Christmas Tasuki papa! I got you sake, sake sake, sake, and more sake! :kisses his cheek: have a good Christmas!
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley Chan,
Arigato! *Gives her a hug and a kiss on the cheek.*
Dear Tamahome,
*laughs* Well, this is actually the first letter I've written on this it's a little awkward for me. I've heard that the rest of the Tenshi clan likes to loiter here and harass seishi (mainly Tasuki, Chichiri and Hotohori) with sickeningly sweet declarations of love and occasional glomps, so...I thought, what the heck, why not give it a try, right? Hino-chan told me that you weren't getting many letters, Tama-chan (I hope you don't mind the affectionate name;) so I thought I'd drop you a line...this letter has no actual purpose, other than to say 'Hi.' I guess I felt a little obligated, as the unofficial 'leader' of the Tenshi clan (there's no dispute here, ne minna? Hope not...;) to post something...and I also heard that a few of us tenshi made an exclusive appearance on the board...singing carols?! Pardon, I had no control over that...Kageno went a little berserk there *glares at Kageno* Worst part is, I don't even know what she wrote! Something about glomping...I dunno. Although, I'd be honored to serenade YOU with a carol, Tama-chan...*bats eyelashes and smiles softly* 'O Holy Night' is a good one...*giggles uncontrollably* Gomen, I'm not purposely trying to be coy... but it's coming off that way, ne? Tell Miaka I said 'Hello' and...uh, yeah, that's about it. Hi minna. *waves to invisible Tenshi* Don't worry, Tama-chan, I don't find your 'greed' as being selfish at all...well, not completely, anyway. We all know you are as obsessed as you are because you need it to sustain your family, ne? Just remember that this season is about giving...I'm sure you will. Speaking of which...*holds up a sprig of mistletoe and smiles sheepishly* Merry Christmas, minna!
Tetsuno Tenshi
P.S. Are you happy now, Hino-chan? I wrote something!
Dear Tetsuno Tenshi,
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you, too! *Kisses her on the cheek.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Dear Tama Neko,
I know you can't say much but I wanted you to know that I think you are really cute. without you the other seishi would never have gotton out of some messes (like they wouldn't have been able to use you as a communication device and miaka wouldn't have been able to stop the fight) anyway, here is some christmas fish *hands over a 5 lb bag* LOVE YA!
Ina Chan
Dear Ina Chan,
*Tama-neko meows his thanks.* Arigato for the fish for Tama-neko.
Dear Tamahome,
*: throws the 2 gold ryou at him adn hits him in the eye :* I heard that you hate Californians? Is it true?!? You'll be sorry if it is?!?!? *: Socks him in the shoulder :*
Dark Anime Angel
Dear Dark Anime Angel,
Itai! That wasn't very nice! Why would I do that? The Humble Cyber Abode is IN Southern California!
Dear Nuriko,
He is in a group home called Valley Teen Ranch. It is for people who have gotten in trouble for drugs and violence. But he is really nice now and you can't even tell that he was in trouble for any of that! So what should I do if he keeps on staring at my friend? I am really in like LOVE with him! I would marry him if he asked me! Can you get the point? Sooo... pleeezzzeee help me! Tell me what to do? *: breaks down and crys hard on Nuriko's shoulder:*
Dark Anime Angel
Dear Dark Anime Angel,
You need to get a grip on yourself and get to know this boy as a person and a friend before you go any further. Take things slowly. Who knows, once you get to know him well, your feelings might change. Or he might decide that he likes you better than your friend. Take care, go slow and good luck! *Hugs her.*
Dear Chichiri,
*looks confused*
Hey Orien, isn't Keisei his wife?
I do beleive so Orien!
Then why is he so confused?
No clue?
Why thank you, it'll help me think.
Dear Orien,
You must also be an alternate world person, no da. I think you have me confused with YOUR world's Chichiri, no da!
Dear Tamahome,
*keeps picking teeth* Phoenix, canary, no difference to me. Hmmm, I might try some fried lizard next time, the fowl had too much hot sauce.
The Nekojin who ate the big red firey canary
Dear Nekojin,
Hmm... perhaps you'd like to start with a Nakago appetizer?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*looks hurt*
*shiff* I was just hyper and quoting a fan-made Minako-ism.... I'd never wanna hurt Tama-neko-chan!!!
Shrinemaiden Keisei
Dear Shrinemaiden Keisei,
*They all look relieved.* We were worried you had lost your mind, no da! *Hands Tama-neko to her for her to pet...*
Dear Tasuki,
*although she didn't want to...* You /have/ to.. *raises a piece of mistletoe about her head and watches as her faithful enemies laugh* * Yells to them* See?! I'm strong.. *Looks at Tasuki* I have to prove to them that *mumble mumble* Alright, just make it quick, I know you don't like girls...'Specially not me..
Dear Naruke,
*Smiles and gives her a kiss on the cheek.* So, think you'll survive that? An' who said I don't like ya'?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
**Four tenshi walk up singing Silent Night. They see the seishi sitting outside, and with a quick group affirmation, stop and form ranks in front of them.**
**The tall, slightly burnett, slightyly...not, steps forward, indicating the singing troup**
Tetsuno Tenshi: We're traveling far distances to spread the Christmas cheer. Would you kind sirs care to hear a carol, or two?
**The short burnett, who is currently trying to hold back a slightly taller burnett in order to save some dignity which would be undoubtedly removed if she were allowed to go on her intended glomping-of-the-emperor-fest, speaks up from behind Tetsuno Tenshi**
Kageno Tenshi: And, could ya let us in, too? We're freezing our butts off, no da! A nice, warm drink would be good right now, no da.
**The burnett being held back looks up hopefully**
Kosetsuno Tenshi: You mean, like hot chocolate? **singsong voice** I get to drink hot chocolate Hotohori-sama!
**The tall red-head, who so far has just been drooling over Tasuki, looks at the other tenshi incredulously**
Hibarano Tenshi: Hot chocolate? Are you crazy?! I want some warm sake.
Tetsuno Tenshi: **sweatdrop** Wed better sing for you before it gets too out of control. Ok, minna-chan! Let's sing Oh Holy Night.
Kageno, Hibarano, and Kosetsuno Tenshi: **jump back in line and give a solem salute** Hai, sempai!
Kageno Tenshi: no baka.
**the four tenshi sing Oh Holy Night, which is a very pretty song and I'm not sure can give it due justice, though we do try.**
Tetsuno Tenshi: I hope you enjoyed the song. Have a merry Christma...
**She just now notices the other three tenshi have lost control, broken rank, and are now sitting amongst and glomping various seishi, except for Kageno Tenshi, who is only hugging Chichiri, because she said she would try not to glomp him for a month and is attempting to remain true to her words, and Hibarano Tenshi because she was trying to steal Tasuki's necklaces and give them to Chiriko as a Christmas present.**
Tetsuno Tenshi: **sweatdrop**sigh**collects the bothersome tenshi and bows apologeticly to the seishi** Gomen nassai if they were any trouble. We'll be leaving now.
Kageno Tenshi: But, you didn't even say hi to Tama-kans, no da. You know you want to, no da. **evil grin**
Tetsuno Tenshi: **blushblush** uuuuhhh.... ja ne! Merry Christmas! And have a happy New Year! ** runs off dragging her complaining companions with her**
Kosetsuno Tenshi: **reaching melodramaticly towards Hotohori** Goodbye, my love! We shall meet again! I swear it by my whale!
Hibarano Tenshi: HAHA! Look, Tasuki! I still got your necklaces! **throws him a flaming rose and a kiss**
Kageno Tenshi: DAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!
Tetsuno Tenshi, Kageno Tenshi, Hibarano Tenshi, and Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Tetsuno Tenshi, Kageno Tenshi, Hibarano Tenshi, and Kosetsuno Tenshi,
*All the Seishi looked amused.* Arigato minna-san!! Won't you please stay for some hot cocoa, no da?
Dear Hotohori,
Hoto-chan! ^_^ Merry Christmas! Heh...just came back from a one week trip to Tokyo... got off the plane 50 minutes ago. ^^ Ack... I feel dizzy. ^^ want a nice hand held mirror for Christmas? I know where to get them! There's this shop near the Ginza subways which sells makeup and stuff.. I saw this very nice antique one there...^_^ And...just wanted to know....are there many bishounen in Konan? ^^ If so, I would like to go there... haha. I saw 184 bishounen in Tokyo~ I counted! Hahaha... ^^ Ack. I don't know what I'm talking about... ja.
Dear Wenwen,
Tokyo! How wonderful for you! Welcome back! I shall have Chichiri no Aijin check for that store when she goes next year. Arigato for telling us about it.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*Doc walks down into the basement, and after a few minutes carries a small bundle in a blanket up with her*
Remember hon, for the time being I'm your Mama. Your looks run in my family, so you'll be safe for awhile. Just try to sleep a bit, I'll get the guys to hide us somewhere. Shh...
*rubs the back of the little one*
You'll be okay honey :)
*Doc hustles to find a safe place*
Dear Doc-sama,
What's going on, no da?
Dear Tasuki,
Silly Tas-chan! Don't steal, it's bad. Of course so is burning things but you do that anyway...oh well. Guess what! Five days till Christmas and still no gifts to give anyone! Yup, I'm pathetic. I keep saying to myself, "I'll go tomorrow" and I don't go. Oh well. *puts a big silvery bow on Tasuki's head and shoves a candycane in his mouth* There, now you look all bright and shiney and Christmasy! Sorry, the holidays have got me a bit...weird.
Kat Winner
Dear Kat,
Yes, they have... *Sucks on the candy cane...* Oishii! So, if ya' haven't already, get yerself out there an' go shoppin'!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
HI!!! It me again(Dooms Day)and me(Deserae)! We have that you have to qusetions that you have to anwsers!
1.Who do you like more me or Deserae? (and we don't care who you pick)
2.What would you do if you was alone in the forest and a group of bears came in your tent? (you can't use your powers)
3.If you were to get a girlfriend what would she be like?
4.If you were to go on a trip who wouldn't you take?
5.Lastly Which one would you pick? Boxers or a thong?
Dooms Day and Deserae
Dear Dooms Day and Deserae,
Here arew all your answers. Merry Christmas!
1. We have no preference. You both seem very nice.
2. Leave! Quickly!
3. Tamahome - Miaka; Hotohori - Houki; Mitsukake - Shouka; Chichiri - Kouran, no da; Nuriko - Miaka; Chiriko - Yui; Tasuki - Rei-Rei
4. Tamahome - Suboshi; Hotohori - Nakago; Mitsukake - Nakago; Chichiri - Tomo, no da; Nuriko - Ashitare; Chiriko - Miboshi; Tasuki - Miboshi
5. Neither! Fundoshi!
Dear Tasuki,
*pokes her aisaika* So what'cha gettin' me for Christmas, Tasuki? Huh? ^_^ I've got a nice dinner planned for you... *grins*
Dear Iridal,
Ano... *Blushes and whispers in her ear...*
Dear Tasuki,
Greetings from your loving mother and sisters!
Shun'u, dear, we were sitting around the table the other day and realized how long it's been since we last saw you! We realize how busy you must be -- saving the world and all -- and that you must lack the time for a visit. Fear not, darling, for we have time to spare. We would love to visit you and to meet all your friends! Goodness, we have so much to catch up on, we may be visiting for a year!
We start out tomorrow and should be arriving within a few days. Unfortunately, your father is unable to come, but he sends his love. All five of your sisters are coming with me -- they leaped at the opportunity to see you again. Isn't that delightful?
So keep an eye out for us, darling! Can't wait to see you!
Your loving mother
Dear 'Kaasan,
@_@;;; ACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Starts packing EVERYTHING he owns and heading for the hills...*
Dear Chichiri,
*walks in*
I'm hoooome!!!
BTW...who the &*^( stole my nickname?! (Kaitou)
Dear Kelli-chan,
Hi, no da! *Gives her a hug and a kiss.* Okaerinasai, no da!!
Dear Tasuki,
Oi, Tasuki! I know I've never written you before, but I'd just thought I'd point out that when Hibarra-chan said that we had to go back to school on January 3rd, she forgot to mention that that date, coincedintialy, happens to be her birthday, no da. Actually ::looks around, then whispers into his ear:: I think she purposefully left the info. out so as not to seem too demanding, no da. ::slaps him on the back:: I think she deserves at least a shout out from you, in light of her consideration, no da. Don't you? JA!
Kageno Tenshi
Dear Kageno Tenshi,
Hai! So, what's her email address? I'll send her a birthday card. *Grins*
Dear Chichiri,
DAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!! ::hugz, not glomp, hugz:: Chichiri-kun, do you realize how happy you just made me? I'm gonna be stuck in la-la land for a LONG while now, no da. DAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!! Hey! You want me to sing a song for you, too? Kosetsuno Tenshi, Hibarano Tenshi, Tetsuno Tenshi, and I have been going 'round town singing Christmas carols to everybody, no da. ::shuffles feet:: We could stop by and sing to y'all, if you want. How much longer are y'all gonna be up, ne?
Kageno Tenshi
Dear Kageno Tenshi,
If you wish to sing to me, I would certainly enjoy it, no da! We have already closed down the letter receiving part of the site and it will go back up after the New Year's holiday, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
do you guys think that you can turn a best friend into a boy friend? i realy like my best friend and he likes me back but i'm not shur it's going to work out. i want it to but he told my friend that he dosen't know how to act around me now. we've been "going out" for 3 days now but it was it the week end and yesterday he totaly avoided me. i realy want this to work but if it dosen't then i want to be he's friend. i think i want to be his frind most of all. what should i do???
The Sister Of
Dear Sister Of,
If you want to be his friend, then by all means, be his friend! If the two of you are menat to have a closer relationship, it will happen it in it's own time. Slow down and just let fate take it's course.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
So, Tasuki, you're takin' on Final Fantasy 8's Ultimate Machine (or Ultima Weapon as it's called in America), eh? Just wait till you try to take on the Omega Weapon, if you can get to it....
Oh, by the way -- A couple times when I played FF7, I renamed the characters to use the seishi's names, as well as Miaka's and Yui's. Here's how I renamed them:
1) Cloud -> Tamahome
2) Tifa -> Miaka
Hey, why not? I mean, Cloud and Tifa make a great couple, and so do Miaka and Tamahome. Isn't that reason enough?
3) Aeris -> Yui
Heh... Sorry, Yui. Of course, if there were some way to rename Sephiroth to Nakago, I'd do just that... I hate them both.
4) Barret -> Hotohori
Both have leadership qualities. That's the ONLY thing they have in common, so it's the ONLY reason for that one.
5) Cid -> Tasuki
Figures, don't it? Both swear and brawl. Except one's a pilot who smokes, and the other's a bandit who drinks. Oh well.
6) Cait Sith -> Chichiri
I don't know... Both can be deemed as somewhat whimsical and quite unpredictable, I guess.
7) Red XIII -> Mitsukake
Both are quiet and serious to a high degree. This makes a bit of sense once you think about it.
8) Yuffie -> Nuriko
Even I don't really know what to say for this one. Or the next one, for that matter, which is....
9) Vincent -> Chiriko
Cuz there ain't no one left. Sorry, Chiriko. So there you have it. The FF7 cast renamed FY style. Any comments?
P.S. Chiriko, if you're reading this, yes, I really do apologize for giving your name to Vincent. But if it makes you feel any better, I've also substituted your name for the name of Zidane, FF9's hero. And I've renamed other FF9 charas with names of other charas your seiyuu portrayed (Garnet/Dagger renamed to Utena, for instance). Sorry, I've been talking too much, haven't I? Ja ne...
Dear Tonberry,
We ain't played FFVII or FFXI, yet. But NOT gettin' killed by Ultimate Machine when yer maxed out at 100 EP an' he's at 160,000 HP is a B*TCH!!!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I can't beleive Kat got to great you guys before I did ^^;;
So how are all ya seishi celebrating Christmas and New Year this season?
Can I help with the preperations?
*Picks up Tama-Neko and starts playing with the kitten. Then looks up at Mitsukake* Can I take him for a short time, while all you are busy with the preperations? pweeeeeeeese??
Oh, and are there any festivals in Konan which you guys celebrate? Tell me when each of them take place so that I can wish you guys when they come as well.
Dear Mal,
There are lots of different festivals that go on at different times of the year. But there are too many to list here, gomen. *Leads her to another room where she can play quietly with Tama-neko...*
Dear Chiriko,
Oh, dear Chibi Chiriko-chan, that thing Kat said about me was so sweet. I'd give anything be even slightly like any of the seishi, and she compares me to the sweetest of them all.
Just wanna say that I'm really flattered to be told that I'm like you ^_^
P.S: Marry Christmas and have a GREAT New Year.
Dear Mal,
Arigato for your kind words! *Blushes* You have a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year, too!
Dear Hotohori,
Ni-hao, great Emperor-sama. Thankyou for that link to Legacy, Kat and I have been looking for that song EVERYWHERE. But there's still one problem, we've been to that site and there, to get Legacy it says 'Download page'. Both Kat and I have tried that seperately but it doesn't work. So can you give us the address of another site?...unless you'd like to take the suggesion of singing it yourself ^_^ *grabs Kat from her arm and the two of them stand infront of Hotohori with eager smiles on their faces*
Dear Mal,
You may want to try Anime Turnpike. I tried the link and you're correct that it is a broken link. Gomene nasai.
Dear Tasuki,
Of course I know you're closing down the letters section, why do you ask? I barely write letters nowadays anyways... and you guys need the rest of course ^_^! *hugs all the seishis* Good luck in everything, try not to stress yourself too much!
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
That was also meant for everyone an' not jus' ya'! Ya' have a GREAT holiday, OK? *Hugs her back.*
Dear Mitsukake,
Hai, he seems to be aware of it no da. Also, hai, some medication I take is to reduce motor tics ('cos they were getting to be painful no da x.x). There shouldn't be a problem with medications interacting and doing strange things no da. The memory problem is probably caused by a fuzzy-headedness that disrupts my short-term memory no da. Things go in one ear, stay for a cup of tea long enough for me to think I know them, and then exit out the other one no da o.o;;. The new meds I should start next year should help my concentration no da. We'll see no da... maybe I can actually experience a year in High school and remember most of it ¬_¬;; :::runs off to do some pictures::: Thank you!
Shadra D
Dear Shadra D,
You're very welcome! Take care!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi! I found this great site!! It's called Star Charts and Moon Stations. It shows like the areas for the seishi and the gods. It's really cool!! Ya guyz should check it out! ^_^
Dear Keiko,
Arigato. The peeji is very interesting!
Dear Chichiri,
it's rene again. my friend marlo and i were wondering how you get such a lift on your hair. It'soooooooooooooooooooooo cool!
Marlo is almost jelous, she thinks you are the cutest guy in the world! well,i just thought i'd let ya know.
Dear rene,
Arigato, no da! My hair just does that naturally, unless it's wet, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
*Doc blinks at Kosei* Ryu-chan, I know the difference between being hentai and being in love. As for the aka-chan, that'll come up in it's own time ;) *huggles Ryuen* Ryu-chan, did I tell you that twins run in my family?
Dear Doc-sama,
NANI???? The WHAT???? *Sweatdrops profusely*
Dear Mitsukake,
How are you, Mitsukake-san? I'm writing to ask why you say "I'm not as boring as they say I am" in the link to write you letters. That's just wrong! You're not boring at all! You're one of my favorite seishi because you are so very kind and strong. I think people are just used to the seishi having funny little moments or being randomly crazy like Tamahome and Tasuki for example (also my favorite seishi... not that I don't love all Suzaku Seishi, it's hard not to). Well, I just wanted to say you have a special place in my heart ^_^
Please take care and pet Tama-neko for me!
P.S.: Oh, and don't worry about my name, I only steal things form Tamahome ^_~
Dear Thief,
Arigato for your kind words. They mean a lot to me. I shall give Tama-neko your kind regards.
Dear Chichiri,
oi Chichiri! Guess who I brought with me? I found a discount on sub-particle accelerators and built a trans-dimensional gateway out of that and some old cheese sandwiches I found no da!
::: a Chichiri dressed in a green and yellow sweater and khaki pants enters :::
::Shadra giggles maniacally:: Here's Chichiri from Universal-branch 23A478c! Chichiri of 23A478c: ::looks around warily:: Err... Hi no da? ^^:;;;;;;;
:::laughs again::: I'm a genius no da! .... :::stops and blinks suddenly::: He's staying with me for the rest of winter break... but how am I going to tell you two apart no da?? I think he needs a nickname or something that's shorter than "Nijuusan ei yonhyakunanajuuhachi shii no Chichiri" no da! @_@
any suggestions no da?
Shadra D
Dear Shadra D,
Why not call him Houjun, no da?
Dear Chichiri,
*shoves Orian in a box and mails her to Baghdad* News from my world Chichiri - your daughter is both married and pregnant. Ignore Orian and her craziness. She assumed you knew what all was going on my me and my friends in the fanfic world of your future. *grins and scampers off*
Dear Kourinish,
My WHAT is WHAT, no da???? Ah! This must be another alternate world, no da. *Looks a bit dizzy...* Try keeping the ice cream on ice, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
:::would pat him on the head if her hands were not wrapped::: don't worry about it no da ^^;;; I'll get him something else ^_^
-_- It's too bad I have to wait 4 more days until I can read my FY manga no da. It's just sitting there in a box and I can't have it until Channukah! daa... ^_- I'm going to work on translating it for Culture Points in my nihongo class. I'm not going to use the translations that are available either no da! ^_^ Maybe I should find myself a daruma no da... ^_^
::glances up at her japanese doll:: daa.. I should fix that umbrella no da! It's all mangled ;_; I'd need to cut my own bamboo slivers to replace the broken ones no da! But the silk is ripped too :/ What a shame! It's such a pretty doll no da! (When I was taking it apart to clean it, I found that it was partially made with old OLD japanese newspapers! It had manga on it no da! :D)
:::hugs him::: Hope you had a nice day no da!
::hands him a wrapped parcel:: Enjoy :)
Shadra D
Dear Shadra D,
Arigato! You too! *Unwraps the parcel she handed him...*
Dear Tamahome,
I'm doing well too, thanks for asking ^_^ You want to hear something sad? I had a dream I found a store that carried your UFO catcher doll... but of course I had to wake up to cruel reality, where there are NO Tama-chan plushies!! Do you know where I could buy one? I'd buy a Tasuki one with it so you two could fight and amuse me (he he he), but the Tasuki one is just too darn ugly (gomen ne Tasuki, it's not your fault they made it weird, at least for my taste). Oh, well. Ja ne!
Dear Thief,
Have you tried eBay or searching the Internet? I know they exist! I've seen them!
Dear Hotohori,
daaa ::pouts:: Can't I keep it no da? I was going to turn it into a new house for my newt no da (he's a japanese firebelly no da! KAWAII DA YO!). :::winks::: Just kidding no da. ::hands it back::
I suppose my nihongo no benkyou would have an effect on me no da. I am indeed very enthusiastic about them. People in class are always asking me for help and stuff no da ^_^. It comes from watching subbed and raw anime and listening to japanese songs all the time no da ^_^_v
My previous language teachers (German, mostly no da) have both said that I tend to grasp languages very well. I suppose it's true no da! ^_^
Thanks for listening no da ^_- ::gives him a big hug:: I need to find some more drawing paper. Baibai!
Shadra D
Dear Shadra D,
You're very welcome. Thank you for returning my crown. *Smiles*
Dear Nuriko,
Hiya! My name's Christi and I really think you're great ^-^ Arigatou for being such a nice person! How's everything going with you? I hope it's going better than my life lately...That's what I wanted to ask you about...Lately I've been feeling really down and I have no one to talk to. My mom is really busy and my dad doesn't live with us anymore and it's just so HARD. I had two whole days off from school last week becasue I was crying uncontrolably. I mean, I'm only 14 and there's already so much pain and stuff that's so hard to deal with...To top THAT off, there's this guy that I used to be friends with, that I REALLY like, but he doesn't even NOTICE me anymore! I just don't know what to do. Is life always going to be this complicated? I just want it to get better and I just want to stop feeling so alone..I want to be HAPPY again. I haven't benn truly happy since before my mom and dad split up. I thought that was the worst things could get...but then I got forsaken by friends, ignored by people I loved...I need a hug...Can I have one please? Sorry to be kind of annoying and dump all my troubles on you and ask you to hug me, but I needed to say something to someone, or I was going to go NUTS! Thank you SO much for listening, Nuriko. Love ya!
Christi (feeling lonely right now)
Dear Christi,
*Gives her a hug.* Arigato for your kind words about me. But I'm sorry that your parents are no longer together. Have you considered talking to a counselor? You are going through some trying times some difficult times right now and talking to a counselor may be very helpful to you. However, I want you know that you are not alone. I'm here for you if you need me.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I love you all!! These questions that may seem very stupid and will take up your time have been bugging me for a while now.
1. What are your meanings of life?
2. What are your meanings of love?
3. Do you have any advice for us?
4. If you were the one to summon Suzaku, what would your three wishes be?
5. What do your signs mean?
6. What are your chinese zodiac signs? Western signs?
Thank you and I wish you all a happy christmas and a happy new year!!
Dear Deyuo,
Here are all your answers!
1. To be happy and to love others and to be loved in return.
2. That it is a very wonderful gift to share with someone.
3. Only when you ask for it.
4. Well, we all agree that we would wish for peace in Konan. Here are the rest of our answers:
Chichiri: I would wish for Kourin and Hikou to be alive, no da.
Tasuki: Rei-Rei alive an' fer sake!!!!!!!!
Tamahome: OKANE! And for my family to be alive again.
Nuriko: To have Ranma's curse and for Hotohori... tee-hee...
Hotohori: To be alive again and for Miaka and Tamahome to always be happy
Chiriko: To be alive again and to pass the government test
Mitsukake: For Shouka to be alive again and some fish and catnip for Tama-neko
5. Tamahome: Ogre or demon; Tasuki: Wings; Nuriko: Willow; Hotohori: Water Snake or Hydra; Mitsukake: Rare Cart; Chichiri: Well, no da; Chiriko: Stretching.
6. Tamahome: Cancer, Tiger; Tasuki: Aries, Rat; Hotohori: Aries, Dragon; Nuriko: Pisces, Rabbit; Chichiri: Gemini, Monkey, no da; Chiriko: Pisces, Dog; Mitsukake: Taurus, Ox
You're welcome and Merry Christmas!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Nuriko,
Nuriko!!!^_^ I have pretty long hair but I am having doubts about it... Could I please have some advice on how to keep it healthy etc... Also I was wondering if I should cut it all off like you did.
What is your favorite color? Mine are white, black, blue and red.
What is your favorite animal?
Thanx and I wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year!!!!
Dear Deyuo,
Deep conditioning, a healthy, nutritious diet, and regular trimming are the best things for long hair. If you already have a stylist you should also consult with them as to what they think would be good for your hair. My favorite color is purple and my faviorite animals are cats. Merry Christimas!
Dear Tasuki,
I was wondering how you get your hair to stay that way and where you get your clothes. I love both of them.
Dear anamous,
It jus' naturally stays that way an' I got my clothes from a local store in Konan. An' before ya' ask... YES! I BOUGHT them!
Dear Hotohori,
hello Lord Hotohori,emperor of Konan,how are you,hope your doing great.I wanted to ask you a favor,could you go to the chatroom next weekend so you could talk to someone who really is a big fan of yours,next weekend at about 6:00 pm,is it ok?you see,I sort of gave a gift there and told them that their favorite character in FY is going to be there,it's just that they really wanted to talk to their fav seishi but then they were unlucky cause they would only talk to them for about 3 or 4 min.but the others got lucky cause they talked with their fav seishi for 4 to 5 hours,so can you by the way,that GUY that talked to other fans is TASUKI!thank you very much,bye!
FY2 also known as Jeula
Dear Jeula,
I shall do my best to be in the chatroom at 6:00 PM Pacific Time. It will have to be on either Friday (12/22) or Saturday (12/23) as Sunday (12/24) is Chichiri no Aijin's tanjoubi (birthday) and of course Monday is Christmas.
Dear Tasuki,
hello tasuki chan ^^ i am sure it must be a pain for you having to deal with all them people who think you an kouji are together *sigh* we have had people assume that my best friend and i were a couple in college and that was just mean and terribly degrading. I got so mad that finally a thing happened that sparked me off like a raging fire. I think I scared my tomodachi... *pats dragonphoenix on the head* sorry. anyway, i just wanted to wish you a happy holiday and tell you how GLAD I am to be away from those children who like to spread vicious rumors. Well, *hands you a sake shaped wrapped present* enjoy this but don't go to crazy on it. It's the best in the world mixed with friendship and wishes for good health! Ja ne
thunderphoenix (ina-chan)
Dear thunderphoenix,
Arigato fer yer th' sake! I hope ya' guys have a GREAT holiday!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
^_^ Guess what?! Guess what?!
n.n I'm going to write a bunch of fanfics with you guys in it soon!!! Whee!!!! ^^ So just look at the page, and wait for some fanfics to pop up! ^^ hehe!!
Dear Relena,
Nice peeji!! Keep up the good work!
Dear Kurai No Tenshi,
What lovely artwork! We are pleased as well as flattered.
Dear Nuriko,
I felt so sorry after your sister's death,Kourin. You're such a great man who deserves anyone to respect you. I can't believe that nobody likes you in the anime.... But I like you a lot! You're the best senshi ever,you're intelligent. I like you not because of your beauty and fasion and strength,It's because that you're a fun person and so friendly,so nice and you make me laugh off my chair when you're doing something so funny.... You're the best person of all Fushigi Yuugi characters! I also... Felt so sorry after your death.... I was so sad really.... Will you raise from your death one day,please? I will miss you a lot! We love you! *Please I hope someone to raise you from your death to live and continue your sister's life!*
Sailor Uranus
Dear Sailor Uranus,
Arigato for your kind words. I sppose that one day we could both be reincarnated. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Chichiri,
Hello! Chichiri-san, WHAT does 'no-da' mean?! I've been puzzling over it for a long time now, guess I finally decided to ask you outright. I think besides Tasuki and Hori-sama, you're one of the most...brave, I guess, hiding your felings like that. I wish I had a mask like yours to put on in the difficult times!
Anyway, before you open the portal and disappear for the hols, wanted to wish you a Merry Xmas as well.
Okay, bai bai, no da! ^_^ Hahahahahahahah!
Dear Kat-Chan,
Arigato, no da! No da is short for 'n desu' which basically means 'it's obvious'. Although, I guess since I use it a lot it is more of an emphasizer, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Heya Red! *oooooh* I'm reading a MONDO-BIZZARO fic right now, in which you and Koji and NAKAGO *OF ALL PEOPLE!!!* were... Darn. It's not just a lemon, it's a !#&^*@() CITRUS FARM!!! >.<
I shouldn't read it. It'll spoil my image of ya, fanged buddy! ^_^ Nah, you'll still be like me! ^_^ Hot headed, big mouthed and always ready for a fight!
Hmm...are you a Leo? I mean, would you know what your sign is according to western horoscopes? I'm a Leo, that's fer sure, and I'm a fire Ox in Chinese horoscopes...Tell me your sign in both! Happy Noel! ^_^ (now where can I get a tree...hmm...not many pine trees in LAHORE!!! Hahahahahaha!)
Dear Kat-Chan,
I'm a Rat in th' Chinese Astrology an' I'm Aries in Western Astrology. How old are ya'? Ya' probably shouldn't be readin' that stuff! Shame on ya'! *Grins* Merry Christmas!
Dear Tamahome,
Why do you always insist on doing 'it' with Miaka? You could luv without it y'know! Boy, do you need a new hobby...
*walks off muttering*
Dear Evilinn,
We ARE married, you know!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Mrrw! Could you change the link to Reploid Productions Studios to and the link to A New Era to
Originally, everything was linked directly to the server, but Nate's changing servers soon. So we're linking using the domain name since it won't be changed ^^; Thanks!
Dear One-chan,
Consider it done!
Dear Tamahome,
HIIIIIIIIIIII!!! I got you a nice *modified* wallet for Christmas, buddy! Wanna know what the modification is? IT DOES'NT ALLOW ANYTHING TO BE TAKEN OUT, ONLY PUT IN!!! ^______^ HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Now I KNOW how much you'd like that, huh? ^_^ Thoughtful me! *buff, buff*
So...I guess I should expect SOMETHING back from you, hmm?
Nah! >;P
Ooooh, Christmas is such a nice time of year, you Grinch you, start giving people their presents!!! And PLEASE...make sure they ain't OBVIOUSLY cheap! Hahahaha!
Anyway...before I babble myself into oblivion, let me just wish you a Happy Noel and get it over with, okay? ^_^*
Take care! *of your money, that is!* Hehehehehe, couldn't resist a last wisecrack!!! ^__^;;;
Dear Kat-Chan,
*Sweatdrops...* Thanks... Merry Christmas to you, too.
Dear Nuriko,
Hiya Nuriko! I'm back fresh and early in the morning to get back to my Christmas messages to you guys! ^_^ See what a loyal kitty I am? ^_^ Hmm...I was dad's birthday is also on Christmas, and so is Mal's dad's...should I give him the usual of clothes with my mom, or new software (he's a comp. programmer...)Ah well, I'm sure I'll think of something! ^_^;;;
Merry Christmas, you purple haired Samson!
Dear Kat-Chan,
Arigato! Merry Christmas to you, too!! Perhaps you can get him a book on programming or a nice tie.
Dear Nuriko,
Ok...there is this guy that I like from a group home that comes to my church. One night he was staring at me non-stop then the next week he was staring at my freind....what should I do?!!? HELP ME!?!?
Love ya' Always
*:kisses him on the cheek:*
Dark Anime Angel
Dear Dark Anime Angel,
What type of group home is he from?
Dear Mitsukake,
*:Walks up with a bullet hole in side bleeding extremly lots:*
"I don'"
*:Falls on the floor unconsious:*
Dark Anime Angel
Dear Dark Anime Angel,
*Removes bullet and heals her.*
Dear Mitsukake,
(smiles brightly) Konnichiwa, Mitsukake-san! It's been a while, ne? Sigh ...
I was thinking about what you said -- about Tasuki petting a cat instead of brawling. (pictures Tasuki pausing in a brawl with Tamahome to pet a cat and chuckles) I'm not sure it's possible, but maybe we should try an experiment ... :) Don't worry; I'm not considering anything Ranma-esque! Any suggestions?
Dear Alina,
Well, I suppose I could loan him Tama-neko for a bit and see what happens...
Dear Tasuki,
(glances around furtively) Message from Kouji, Genrou. Crazed fangirls with mistletoe spotted in the foothills heading this way. I'd take to th' basement if I was you. (slinks away)
Kaitou, Mt. Reikaku bandit
Dear Kaitou,
ACK!!!!!!!! *Runs for cover!*
Dear Chichiri,
Konichiwa! *grabs Chichiri and does a happy dance* Boy.... do I miss ya a lot.... so how have you been all this time? I've been busy..... yah.... demo, now I'm free..... free..... Bwahahaha! *grabs Chichiri and does another happy dance*
Yah.... 6 months of freedom..... *takes a deep breath* Ah...... the feeling of freedom is so sugoi ne..... Hehe! =P Hey.... you know wat.... I'm getting a puppy this coming week..... yes! A puppy of my own..... *cries tears of joy and gives Chichiri a hug* Finally...... haha! But, *suddenly goes serious again* that's where the problem starts.... cos I have no experience in caring for one..... Do you own a pet, Chichiri? If so, wat type? I've only owned tortoises up till now..... so I really need help on this issue lol..... So please enlighten me...... *looks at Chichiri with dear-like eyes* O_O Also, wat should I call it? It's gonna be a male black puppy.... and I haven thought of a name for it yet..... Any suggestions?
Yah.... so you take care k? The weather's been pretty cold over here in Singapore with the constant raining recently cos of the monsoon winds..... ^^;;; (kudos to my Geography knowledge back in Sec 3 and Sec 4.... hehe!) How's the weather like over at ur place? Take goody care of yourself and see to it that u dun fall ill..... cos Christmas is just round the corner and u gotta be in the pink of health to enjoy it..... =o) Yah.... hope to see ur reply soon then.... bye for now!
Baby Gwing ^o^
Dear Baby Gwing,
It's very windy here but the temperature has been rather mild, no da. So, you got a puppy? Hmmm... I suppose you could name it Kouji, no da. Just remember that the puppy's name will shape it's personality, no da.
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