Dear Tasuki,
I'm glad you like the Kouji league...hehehe, got my co-leaders to do some stuff, and we have our Rei-Rei shrine up now as well with Tasukitty doing the summery. I totaly gave the place a make-over! It looks totaly different than it did! Found this cool graphics place! They had some pretty hot designs and such. Got some people doing some of the work-oi, and a Tasuki fan doing the music. We put up a music area for our Kouji place! We even have a theme song and funny sounds! Of coarse, just need to watch out for the girl who out the site up. ^_ ~ She can be a little crazied over you guy!
She rewrote the song "When a man loves a woman" into.... "When a fangirl loves her bandit" Heheehe, and changed all the words around and there is a song called: "Rocky Mt. Reikaku way" strange...anyway, glad ya likie!
Us Kouji lovers just thought Kouji needs some of the attention! So, we dedicated ourselves and such! Hahaha, anyway, heard you like sake.... *hands Tasuki some imported sake* Bye!
Kora no Kouji
Dear Kora no Kouji,
Arigato fer th' sake!! An' jus' so ya' know, Kouji likes th' site, too!
Dear Tasuki,
Hiya Tasuki! okok no time for pleasantries. i came to give u a major warning ok? so listen up! you know that girl Bianca? the one who has Megara's kimono? yeah well as u already guessed - smart boy - that's Megara's evil twin. How do i know this? well for one Megara happens to be my best friend and for two i've encountered her evil twin a couple of times. it's not pretty. i actually got kinda scared. Imagine! ME the Angel from Hell scared? anyway that just tells u the seriousness of this warning. STAY AWAY FROM HER!!!! i mean it Tasuki! she's... well she's not evil but she's scary just the same. you wanna know y? cuz she belongs in the nuthouse k? so STAY AWAY. yeah? ok! have a nice day! ^_^ OH WAIT!! haha... uh.. jus so u guys don't discard this cuz it don't gotta question in it i'm gunna stick one in.... Wut's your worst nightmare come true? hehe... yeah it's stupid i know but hey it works. Alrite now remember my warning. and if u yell at Megara about it she ain't gunna know jack so be nice k? i mean, ur like her favorite guy (and mine) and she's really sensitive. i'm also kinda protective of her cuz she's had nasty encounters with.... childeren and i specialize in bagg'in and gang'in up. hey they don't call me the angel from h*ll for nuth'in. my temper, pride, sensitivity and influence from ghetto black friends with atitudes kinda takes a toll ya know? ok well jus 'member the waring an' ur fine. ok bi bi and have fun dealing with Bianca! if u need help jus say so in your responses to my Q's. hehe.. okok bi bi!!!
the Angel from H*ll (Mele/Mary)
Dear Mary,
Thanks fer th' warnin', but I'm sure I can handle her. It would be all them yaoi and "Tasuki has kids" fics an' thank Suzaku ain't none of 'em come true!!!
Dear Nuriko,
*takes a deep breath* ...okay. I need your advice, Nuri-chan. Recently, I've finally decided.. I think I'm bi. I do not know how to go about this, or even what to do. I told one friend of mine, and I asked her to PLEASE keep it a secret.. and she went and told this bigmouth friend of hers, and she's telling everyone I know! Thankfully, a friend of mine stopped the secret before it could get to EVERYONE, but I'm really upset that she'd do this to me.
I don't know how to tell anyone now, especially my parents. My mom told me a long time ago that she'd always love me no matter what, but I'm still nervous. I don't want anything to change anymore than it already is. This is such a big battle, and it shouldn't have to be.. I wonder why the world can be so cruel sometimes, you know?
I have some friends OL who support me, and I know I'll always have them. I'm just really afraid and nervous. What should I do? Thanks for listening, Nuri-chan. Hope all is fine with you.
Dear Tasukete,
I think before you make any life altering decisions and come out to your family and friends you might want to talk a counselor and other teens that are in your same situation. If there are no gay/bi teen counseling centers in your area try the Web. Since in your letter you state "I think I'm bi.", I want you to be certain that this is the right thing for you before you tell anyone else. This is not meant to encourage or discourage you. I just want to make sure you are doing what is best for you. Coming out is difficult and you are doing a brave thing. I would recommend that you come out first to the people that you trust the most to stand by you. Good luck! *Hugs*
Dear Hotohori,
Konnichiwa gozaimasu! (Bows respectfully) Did you know that I saw you in my dreams? I was thrilled! I told everyone that I met an emperor. Hope that you don't mind! Can I just tell you something? I think that you're voice is sooo good. Can you sing for me?
Dear Mia,
Ariagto for your kind words. I would be honored to sing for you. What would you like me to sing?
Dear Nuriko,
fine fine fine, ill hafta deal with friends *sniff sniff* can we be...*GOOD* friends??? ::hugs nuri-chan:: :)
still urs hunny BUNCH!
Dear zoi-chan,
Ok good friends. But no calling me "hunny bunch", ok?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
HEY MINNA-SAAAAAAAAAN! I head back to school on Saturday (WAIWAI) but my plane leaves at 6 am. (shades of LA, CnA? ^^;;; At least I have my ticket this time!)
So guys, long time no see! Aisaika, miss me? Hoto-sama, hows the family? Nuri-chaaan! *hugs* Oyaji, burned any servers lately? Mits-chan, how is Tama *BTW I'm slated to play you in an RPG...heehee...) and Chiriko, I'm reading Herodotus right now, I highly recommend it! *hugs everyone and kisses Chichiri* BaiBAI!!!
Kelli, CnA#2
Dear Kelli,
Have a safe trip, no da! *Gives her a big hug and a kiss.* Everyone says yoroshiku and ki o tsukete, no da! Call when you get in so we know you're ok, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
... oh, right... *sweatdrops* Well then can you teach me the bandit dance? It looks like FUN! And THEN I'll teach you to swim.
Miss Dream
Dear Miss Dream,
Sure! *Grabs her by the arm and starts swinging her around.*
Dear Tamahome,
*plunks a bunch of complicated armour over him and takes a bunch of pictures* BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! You look like Zagato from Rayearth! Wait till Miaka sees these! You look so evil!
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
What did I do to deserve this????
Dear Nuriko,
Hai hai! Tasuki-papa too! *grins* Funny, this is alot more exciting when I'm not the one in labour... *wry thoughtful look - dashes off and grabs Tasuki* Let's go!!!! *runs*
Kourinish (the very excited)
Dear Kourin,
I bet it's not nearly as painful, either...
Dear Tasuki,
Baka softy eh...the side of you you try and keep well hidden. *Ai smiles weakly* Anyways, thanks for helping me.
Dear Ai-sensei,
Yer welcome. C'mon let's get ya' to Mitsukake.
Dear Tasuki,
Aw fine....Take the stupid makes me look funny anywayz!!... *throws kimono at him* ....o but hey!! what about that offer i made to ya? So are you gonna marry me or what?? It should make Meg-Meg TERRIBLY jealous.....heh...and bein' her evil twin an' all...i'd jus' LOOOVE that.. *giggles*
Dear Bianca,
No I ain't gonna marry ya'! I got an aisai! Iri-chan! *Takes kimono and heads for Megara.*
Dear Tasuki,
::wearing a yellow kimono with blue flowers on it....and The White Lotus:: find red kimono yet... ....sad..very sad...yes......baka twin!!!!.....::sniffles again::
Dear Megara,
Here, I got it back fer ya'. *Hands her the kimono.*
Dear Tasuki,
*still holding the watermelon* Anou...I just need someplace to store this, that's all. So any pants I could borrow? *sweatdrops* Ya' know, these would work quite nicely...*points to the pants Tasuki's wearing*
Dear Katsumi,
I DON'T think so! Here!! *Tosses her a pair of Kouji's pants.*
Dear Nuriko,
Hello i'm back ...again.........sorry for falling asleep on you like that.....*laughs nevously and blushes* ^^;;;; yeah i was really tired from all the climbing! *we went to the beach yeterday* Nuri-chan....*looks up at him with teary eyes* I hurt my foot! I got stung by a bee for the first time yesterday and to hurt!....A LOT! And to top it off when i got home i...somehow hurt my....foot again...*trails off*
Lita: Baka! you ran into your bed, and nearly broke your toe! geeze you make Miaka look good!
Shush! lita you're not supposed to say that part outloud!!!*blushes over her clumbsiness* now i can't walk *limps around house! Nuriko! help me!! I can't walk! *Nearly falls* eep! deskete!!! onegai! Nuri-sama!
Yume (in a lot of pain)
Dear Yume,
I've heard that a paste made of baking soda is good for a bee sting. You should really tyry and stay off your foot! Have Lita help you out for awhile until you're all better.
Dear Tasuki,
Ahh! Tasuki-samaaaaa!! Doki doki waku waku *-* In a few weeks um... more like a couple weeks and a day, I get to move into my scary dorm, but I get away from no more nagging kaa-san, so I'm happy about it ^o^ They still couldn't fit in my japanese after I got rid of 8 credits worth of biology though... ;_;
At Otakon there were no Tasuki's... that were male anyways o.O But there was still a cute jo-chan dressed as you, an' she gave me permission to hump her le- ahh o.O Anyways, none of my fan art sold, but I don' care, cause a lot of my friends' stuff didn't sell either.. including Mulan-baka....heh ^______^ I stole her Tasuki one.. cause it was you topless in water.... drinking.. o.O
Here's the one I did of you thooough~ ^-^ You hafta help me and pose next time... ^_~ Tasuki Wings
I also did three really bad sculptures of Dragonfly, Elephant, and um.... you can guess the third one *blushes*. Ehehe, they actually sold, but I'm hoping the person doesn't pay, so I can get them back... cause I never got a picture of them. They were so bad, an' someone was like "uhh at least you can tell their anime characters..." Heh, I had to rush them cause I did them the day before my bus left while I was in Cape Cod with my family... x_x;; The dragonfly one was the best looking one... ;_; I wanted to keep it for myself...
..but I'm more than poor now.. eheheh ^^;; I spent a lot of money on Sano cels, and a Gamlin cel from Macross7 (they didn't have any good Tasuki's or any of Basara at all... T-T... but you know I already have a cel-book full of you! Including one of your eye... o.O And here's one of you punching some big stupid looking blue furry blob! Oh wait..that's Taka's head... gwah hah hah hah!! XD). Plus... they didn't have any FY doujinshi... but I found this one of Basara... *blushes* And well he's a good substitute for you, ne? ^^
Will you come protect me on the subways this year? ;_; *pours him some sake, with a cute little fanged grin* Now that I took up so much letter space....pikunikku waku waku! ^___^
Oh yeah, I'm still waitin' for Chichiri no Aijin-sama to drop me that liiiine!! Maaau! -.-
Dear Amy-chan,
Tnanks fer th' sake!! I'll try to at least be there wit' ya' in spirit! GREAT PICTURE!!!! Chichiri no Aijin says gomen fer not writin' sooner, her schedule is kinda whacked 'cos of her work. (I'll MAKE her do it this weekend!) *Fanged grin and gives her a hug.*
Dear Mitsukake,
Any remedy besides pimple cream to get rid of those annoying zits? ^^; I have this huge red one on the side of my nose...eurghs. ><|
Dear Wenwen,
Gomen, no. Have you tried Oxy 10?
Dear Tasuki,
*glomps him and WONT let go* TASUKI~~~~~!!!!!!! I HAVE TO START SCHOOL TOMORROW!!!! TOMORROW!!! SAVE ME~~!!!! I CANT GO TO SCHOOL!!! BECAUSE...BECAUSE.....*lightbulb* I HURT MY BACK! YES! THAT'S IT! I HURT MY BACK! I really did....and it hurts....d*mn....BUT! I HAVE TO START FREAKIN SCHOOL FREAKIN TOMORROW! *pout* And I cant even go to the same school as Kosei! She has to go to a different one. Instead...I get to go to school with her little brother...*shudders and squeezes tighter* Oh, I'm not choking you, am I? *loosens death-grip* Anywho...*sigh* I dont even know if I passed the test yet...Suzaku! If I didnt pass, I'll...I'll...I DONT KNOW WHAT I'LL DO! BUT IT'LL BE...ummm....not good...and...and...MY BACK HURTS!!! $^&*$$&$@*^&^%$#@!@#$%!!!!!!!! *grumbles* Stupid back...need to get a new one.....baka me...shouldnt have hurt it in the first place.....-_-;;; Oi, Tasuki? Could I have a kiss? Onegai???
a not too happy Kuro who has to start school TOMORROW!!!! ...I'm okay. Really. I am. I just dont seem like it at the moment...*eyebrow twitches*
Dear Kuro,
*Looks a bit disturbed, but gives her a kiss on the cheek so she'll calm down.*
Dear Tasuki,
Hey Gen-chan! *hands him a bottle of sake* long time no talk to.. I'm back for some advice again. ^^; Hope you don't mind..
Okay, well, you see, I had a friend who was really close to me.. and suddenly, everything has changed about him. He's really cruel to me now, and he tells me that I'm very self-centered, and I'm repetitive, and he dislikes talking to me now.. this is really out of the blue, and it really, REALLY hurts. When he talks to me now, he sounds preoccupied, and when I try to bring it up, he starts yelling at me all over again.
I know I tend to bring some of the same things up over and over again, butit's only because of the situation.. I never know what to do because I don't want him upset at me. And I don't want to lose his friendship.. he's very important and I don't want to lose him. What am I doing wrong? I mean, is it me? I care about him very much, and it just seems like I've been cast aside for someone else. Please help me.. I don't want to keep crying anymore. -_-;;
Dear K-chan,
Has he gotten a girlfriend lately? If not, have ya' jus' told him how he's makin' ya' feel an' ask him why he's bein' sucha jerk? If not, try it. You may not like th' answer, but at least you'll know what his problem is. Thanks fer th' sake!
Dear Tasuki,
Woo! I went to Otakon, Gen-chan! My first anime convention! I got pictures of lots of Tasukis! Heehee! And I went as Miaka.*hands him some sake* How have you been? My birthday was August 4! I guess I've been okay. =) A friend of mine bought me Tasuki earrings! So now I have earrings that look just like yours! And you know.. out of all the anime I've seen, My favorite character will always be you. Not only because you're so cute, but your personality is very wonderful.. you have such a big heart. I wish I knew guys who were like you.
I guess my puppy wants to say hi, since she's trying to climb into my computer chair! X_x
Kelsie: *tackles Tasuki and gives him slobbery kisses*
Oy, she's so huge! She's like a big cow. I wanted to name her after your nickname, "Genrou", when we first got her, but my mom wanted the name she picked out, and Kelsie is a pretty name.. ah well, enough of my rambling! Also, I've added a link to your page on mine! I don't know if you've ever seen my webpage before,so I'll give you the address, okay?
Take care of yourself.. it's always nice talking to you. ^_^
Dear Reddie,
I'm glad ya' had a good time at th' con! Cute dog ya' got there. *Pets Kelsie* Nice peeji, too! Thanks fer addin' a link to us!
Dear Chichiri,
konichiwa Chichiri!!! just wanted to tell you that I LOVE YOU!!!! you are just soooo kawaii!!! neways, here's my question: When or how did you start saying that cute "no da.." thinggy of yours?????
*hugs and kisses for Chichiri*
Dear Nui-chan,
Arigato for your kind words, no da! I have always said "no da" for as long as I can remember, no da.
Dear Chiriko,
Hello, little brother. ::smiles warmly and gives him a tight hug:: How are you? I brought ya some brownies and milk.. enjoy!
ok, ja ne....and dont forget ta eat your vegtables and wash behind your ears! ::giggles::
Your big sister, (i just love the sound of that) Mimi Kiss
Dear Oneesan,
Ariagto! Oishii desu! *Hugs her back.*
Dear Nuriko,
*grabs Nuriko's arm* Nuri-papa! *Kourin is standing there grinning with Chibi Gen on her shoulder* You have to come with me! *starts dragging Nuriko off* I'm going to be a papa! I wanted to bring you with me this time! Come on! Or we'll miss everything! *starts running*
Kourinish (the very excited)
Dear Kourin,
Hai hai!!! But we need to get Tasuki, too!
Dear Tasuki,
I have come for your soul... aw cr*p my favorite show is on. Could you just wait there?
Dear Death,
*Walks away laughing at Death as usual...*
Dear Chiriko,
What is the square root of 0
Dr. Pepper
Dear Dr. Pepper,
Dear Hotohori,
I think that your son is adorable. ^_^ He must get it from his father.
Dear Keiko,
*Bows to her* Arigato for your kind compliment.
Dear Tasuki,
Heeelllooo, Tasuki baby....How r u doin', sweety? Quick question: Will u marry me? Please?? ::bats eye lashes:: I happen to think that we'd make an adorable couple.. ::clings to him and snuggles:: Tasuki...please???
.......and hey!! doncha think this RED KIMONO looks absolutely gorgeous on me? It really brings out the color in my eyes....heh..
Dear Bianca,
Ano... no. OI!! That's Megaera's kimono!! Give it back to her!! Ya' mus' be that evil twin she was talki' 'bout!
Dear Tasuki,
*Ai chained up, left in nothing but her bra and unddies...eep! turns to Tasuki, and with her lips twisted into a thin sneer, she said,* Gee, I thought you found me annoying and everything, you seemed thrilled when Neesan took me down here, what did ya change your mind...<<**note the sarcasm**>>
Dear Ai-sensei,
*Covers her with his coat and unchains her.* I guess when it comes to women, I'm jus' a baka softy! Even if th' woman is an annoyin' pain in my butt! Ya' still don't deserve to be beat! *Fanged grin*
Dear Chichiri,
My Onni-sama! *giggle* or it okay if I dubb you my onni-sama? You listen to problems ne? Please listen to mine then!
Sensei always gets really mad that I don't know how to do the math. I don't find it fair. He's mean, and we always get into arguments. I was ready to punch his lights out in class one day but my friends stopped me. *luckily* his face would have had two black eyes. He was ready to fight me too. I can't quit his class cuz then I'll fail - he'll fail me. So what do I do?
Dear Mia,
Your oniisan, no da? You want me to be your big brother? OK, no da. Don't fight with your sensei, no da! If you are having problems in class why not ask one of your fellow students to tutor you, no da? If not, then perhaps your parents can arrange for a math tutor for you, no da. Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Chiriko,
I need help. I'm not sure when to use the Katakana form. I use the hiragana and I'm struggling with the impossible Kanji. I know Katakana and Hiragana but I'm still not sure when to use it. Since you're so smart, I was wondering if you could help me?
Dear Mia,
Katakana is used for foreign borrow words such as computer or ice cream.
Dear Nuriko,
Hi hi Nuriko! Anata wa Kawaii!!!
I love you! You're my idol. Did you know that I have posters of you everywhere in my room? Well, you know... everyone says that you're favorite color is purple. Is it really? Or is it because of your hair? Ano...I was wondering, when was it that you actually started falling in love with Miaka? And ano...I just wanna say that I thought you looked better with your braid. It was sad when you cut it. Anyway! I gotta go now! Bye bye! *Blows a kiss*
Dear Mia,
Ariagto for your kind words! Posters of me everywhere? *Smiles* Purple is my favorite color because it looks good on me. I guess I sort of fell in love with her when she discovered my secret and then tried to kill herself to protect us from the mirror monster.
Dear Nuriko,
I know, I know....but i've done all of the outlines for the essays, and i'm waiting so i can work with my mom on them. But i'm reading The Invisible Man...i'm on page 200+ of 600-...i think that's pretty good. And i'm doing it all while tanning my belly and my back.
Emily started school today and has the most anal teacher i've ever met! You can only take notes on the right side of the note book. If you take notes on the left side, points will be taken off! On the left side, you do creative thinking projects, charts, diagrams and other things that will help you understand the unit more. And to top it all off, you have to put it all in the Table of Contents. This is REALLY weird to me and this guy really needs to get out and learn to have a little fun. Oh well, i'm going to go see if i can watch Young Americans before going to bed....
and a few quick things... did you know that the last time this peeji was updated was 12/37/69? why did you decide to finally post my things why i'm away? and... doug IMed his cousin and wondered if i was still here, then he wanted to know if we could talk, but instead, i did my hair and sang to N'SYNC. How's that for distance?
T.V. Deprived Mary
Dear Mary,
Pretty good for distance! I'm glad that you are finally starting your homework. Well, your pictures were there and Daichi-san went back to Japan... so... Anyway, in IE5.0 the date shows up correctly. What browser and version are you using? Emily's teacher sounds like he needs therapy! @_@;;
Dear Chichiri,
*looks behind her* Uh...I think you upset Kiyone. She's bashing her head into Keiko-sama's brother's car. O.o
Dear Keiko,
Why is she doing that? It HAS to hurt, no da!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*Looks up* Misc-chan..... I mean, Takeshi. Nice to meet you, sorry. It's just, one of my friends was sick for a while, that's why i was crying. He's better now. Don't you remember me, Misc-chan? The Guardians? Anything? We're in Konan.
Shrinemaiden Keisei
Dear Takeshi,
So? Do ya' remember anythin'???
Dear Nuriko,
*Doc-sama trips over something small* Itai!! :blinks: Golden eyes, brown hair, and royal robes. Oops.. *Doc-sama picks up the young emperor and looks him over* You'll be alright little one, shh.. don't cry. :) Go find your mama ;) *Doc-sama puts Boushin on the ground, dusts him off, and gives him a pat on the back to help him along* He's very sweet.
*Doc takes Ryuen's arm again* I was thinking about this dinner.. How about some very good camp type food? We can cook it outside and I can teach you some cooking secrets. :) How does that sound?
Dear Doc-sama,
Bar-b-que??? That sounds oishii!!!
Dear Tamahome,
^_^ So, you hate it when Nakki*Nakago* kisses ya? I bet he doesn't mind. *remembers something, then bops Obake-chan with the teddy bear* Oi, baka okabe-chan! Why did ya tell Tenchi to hide?! Now he's scared to death of me! Hmph! Meanie!!
Dear Keiko,
He should be!! I saw the condition you left him and Washu in!
Dear Tasuki,
^_^ I know you probably get this a lot, demou.... will you teach me to swear like a mountain bandit? I already swear but not with the finesse you have when you do it.
If you want something in return, I can teach you how to swim so that baka Tamahome can't try and throw you in the water anymore, and if he does, then pull him in with you and drown the f@*!&r!! *evil laugh*
Atashi wa Miss Dream
Dear Miss Dream,
Mebbe... But, I'd say from yer last sentence that ya' already KNOW how to curse like a bandit!
Dear Chiriko,
why the fudge did ya kill ur self baka? i mean. the oompa loompa that posessed you wasnt THAT bad fer god sake..and besides, i think i could care less if Miaka died...
Dear Tira,
Perhaps... But I cared! I did my duty as a Suzaku Seishi and was proud to do so!
Dear Nuriko,
will you marry me? who cares that ur *technically* dead...i still LOVE YOU MAN! MARRY ME AND BE MY BISHIE FOR EVER AND EVER!!!! :)
ur future wife,Zoi-chan
Dear Zoi-chan,
Arigato for the offer, but I must decline. How about just being friends?
Dear Nuriko,
Hello nuri-chan! ^_^ thank you for the advice it helped a lot! i finally told him to well you know shoo, but he looked sooo sad. Am i a horrible person?? i dunno oh well i'm kinda sleepy! but yeah thanks for the hug to! that really made me feel better!^^ (yawns) *hugs Nuriko* *falls asleep on his shoulder* zzzzzzz
Dear Yume,
No you aren't. If he made you feel uncomfortable then you are better off without him.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*both Washu and Tenchi walk in with several bruises and ice packs on their heads*
Washu: She's insane! I didn't mean to kill her computer!
Tenchi: I didn't mean to walk in when she was dressing!!
Both: Help us!!!!
Washu and Tenchi
Dear Washu and Tenchi,
I say you should out of her way for awhile, no da!
Dear Mitsukake,
Heeeeeeeeeeeey, you're the doctor, right? Why is it sometimes I have a horrible pain in my left side? The other day I had it when I was walking home from a store with my friend. I woke up at 5:00 a.m. with it just killing me. I was still up when my dad got up and 5:30a.m.! ARG! You got any suggestions on how to ease the pain if I get it again?
Dear Keiko,
Perhaps you have a pulled or spasming muscle. You would be best served by seeing your personal physician.
Dear Hotohori,
*smiles and gives Hotohori a hug* ^_^ Hi! How have you been? I haven't talked to you in SO long! The last time I wrote you a letter was like.... *_* last year... Sumimasen!! But I really adore you though. You are very gentle, nice, kind, handsome, and just cool! But of course, you knew that already. ^_^
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Ariagto for your kind words. *Smiles*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
well, if the day doesn't start till noon...then we can sleep until then!*grins* we can go to bed at like...3 or 4 am, get up at noon, and go about the day. by the gods above that would be a beautiful world*sighs* that sounds like a good idea, doesn't it?
Dear Saralady,
I suppose... But I prefer to get up early and get things done.
Dear Tasuki,
Ok, does you mountain bandit paradise palace start with an R or an L? Mt. Leikak...ok, can't remember how to spell it, but you get the idea, right? If it starts with an R, did they name the place after Rei-Rei? Just a thought. I'm working on my Kouji epic fic-hehehe, and I created a Kouji club! It's called: "The Sexy Kouji Lover's Romantic League"
Want to check it out? I got some pics of you too! I put up the stuff, but it still needs some work done, but anyway, we have a pledge area where us fangirls pledge our loyalty and devotion to Kouji, and maybe you too, whatever. We also have a "You know you've been talking to doors way too much when...." Hehehe, surprising how many of those I came up with! Check it out! *in Keiskake's insane volume 15 voice*
Hahaha, I've talked to you before, but I got me a code name! Hahaha! Sorry, Kouji sort of took your place this week for some reason? Hehehee, so you have to stay second for a while until I recover! Hahaha, Kouji's got charm!
Kora no Kouji
Dear Kora no Kouji,
COOL PEEJI!!!!!!!!!! It starts wit' an "R" since th' Japanese language ain't got no "L". It wasn't named after ReiRei, but that's a nice thought. Don't worry 'bout yer Kouji thin'... I'm used to it. *Rolls his eyes...*
Dear Chichiri,
Alright! Washu changed the site! ^_^ Happy! She put one of those things. She's happy, Keiko-sama's happy and yet still mad at her, and everyone is happy. It may get a bit more people at the site. And Washu also put a msg board on! It's a cool!! ^_^ Ja ne!
Dear Kiyone,
Why are you yelling at me, no da? I never said she should do that, no da. *Looks confused...*
Dear Hotohori,
why are you in love with Miaka are a good don't need her. She has Tamahome you know. Oh do you get jealous when you see them together. Anywase i think your cute...does your long hair get in the way. i heard you love Miaka more then your wife. You are so mean ... hahah...just kidding. Anywase gotta go...write back soon.
Kana Lee
Dear Kana Lee,
I do not love Miaka like that, nor do I feel jealous when I see them together. I keep my hair tied back and I love Houki more than I loved Miaka.
Dear Tamahome,
i was wondering why you fell in love with Miaka after all, when you said you will be like a brother to her.
Dear kana,
The better I got to know her, the more I fell in love with her. Besides, when I told her I'd be her big brother for free I was ALREADY in love with her.
Dear Chiriko,
You are so adorable... Will you b my little brother? Please? I'd ask Tasuki, but he's not younger than me, and poor Fang Boy's already got plenty of sisters...
Mimi Kiss
Dear Mimi Kiss,
OK *Smiles*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*blink blink* Where am I? Who am I?... I can't remember... *see's Keisei sitting nearby, crying slightly* What's wrong M'lady? Why should a beauty such as you shed such tears? *lifts her face up and starts to wipe away the tears*
There, I think that's better. Now, please, tell me what's wrong. Gentle souls shouldn't have to be so sad. May I introduce myself. I'm *thinks of a name fast* Takeshi. *hands her a flower, a calla-lily* Maybe you can help me too. I can't seem to remember where I am.
Takeshi (Lord Misc)
Dear Takeshi,
Well, Keisei it seems it is up to yo to help him, no da. Are you up to it, no da?
Dear Tasuki,
*smiles* Thanks for the coat, Tasuki! ^_^ Hey, do you wanna know why I was exhausted? Well, yesterday was my brother's birthday, so we went out to eat, then we went to church, then got home to change for this wedding party, and I had a little wine there, but it was just a toast for the newlyweds of course, and it tasted like... apple juice, it makes your inside all warm and stuff. I didn't really like the taste, so I washed it down with a glass of coke. But a lot of the teenagers from my table kept right on drinking the wine, 'cause we were unsupervised. But I, of course, didn't drink anymore. But then when I got home, I had a stomach *_*; Hey, Tasuki, tell me, how is the taste of wine different than sake? *still holding onto Tasuki's coat and will NOT let go*
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
It depends on th' wine an' th' sake. Wine (to me) tastes kinda bitter/sour an' sake seems to have less of a bitter edge to it when it's hot. Th' cold sakes can be good, too. I tried one once that tasted like peaches! But ya' can't have any 'cos yer too young!
Dear Hotohori,
I was wondering, could I borrow some of that shampoo you use, Your Highness? I have a huge wad of gum in my hair! Thanks to Ryoko! ~*glares at where Ryoko is*~ She spit gum in my hair! For no reason! (Ryoko: You put my bra on Keiko-sama's father's car atena!) Hmph!
Dear Aeka,
Actually, ice works better. It freezes the gum and then you can just crack it off.
Dear Tasuki,
*Doc drags Ai-imouto into the palace dungeons and locks her up* Okay.. where is that weeping willow tree.. Here it is..*Doc cuts off a branch and strips the leaves* You may wanna stay out here Tasuki-kun, this isn't going to be pretty..
*Doc walks back into the dungeon, chains Ai-imouto up, and rips her clothes to expose her back*
NEE-SAN!!!! NNNNNOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*sounds of a willow branch hitting it's mark, and screams are heard*
Dear Doc-sama,
*Runs in when he hears the screams. Sees what Doc-sama is doing and grabs her hand and pulls the switch out of it.*
Are ya' nuts???? What th' H*LL are ya' doin' to her???? I know she's a pain an' annoyin' an' she argues all th' time but she don't deserve THIS!!!! YAMETTE!!!!
Dear Tasuki,
::wearing jeans and an 'I Love New York' t-shirt:: ....sob...i still cant find my kimono....sob.. but.. i think i have a pretty good idea of who's stolen it...did i ever tell ya that i got an evil twin? well i do.. I should *really* introduce you two one day.. ::smiles:: ...:starts sobbing again: .....this is too much stress...i need....Sake.. sniff..
..hey. by the way, do i in anyway possess any character traits of ..Space Pirate Ryoko? ...
Dear Megara,
Well, th' sake thin' sounds like her...
Dear Tasuki,
I am VERY tired. *falls asleep on Tasuki's shoulder*
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
*Cuddles her and then lays her down gently on a couch and covers her with his coat.*
Dear Hotohori,
What shampoo do you use? And what condioner? And am I the only person in the world without a DVD player? And what where the creators of Lain on and where can I get some?
The frantic Witch
Dear Witch,
Gomen my haircare products are made especially for me at the Imperial Palace in Konan. I do believe that there are a few people out there that still don't have any DVD players. I have no idea what they were on but WHY would you want any???
Dear Nuriko,
I AM doing my homework (no shes not)....emily says hi too. But I AM! I rewrote those complicated definitions (hyperbole- a phrase, used often, to signify an extravigant exageration in order to make a definition of hyperbole- extreme see what i mean?) and i've made outlines for all of my history essays i'm supposed to write. And since everyone here in this house starts school tomorrow, i'll be home with their mom doing my work and working on tanning my little white belly. (doug and tim made fun of it =( )
Oh! And at home, we got a new doggy! His name is Orion and he's kind of old, we don't know how old because he's a stray (b/c of the DNC, they were killing all the strays, and we got him from some neighbors) but he's the nicest dog that you will ever meet! Even nicer than a woman when she's got her chocolate! (hyperbole in motion! muwhahah!) And artemis (our 1.5 year old female great dane) LOVES him. The cats are okay with the idea, they won't get within 1 ft of him though, and he loves this green ball and LOVES to play fetch. But my mommy said he was still odd looking and she said that our neighbor took one look at him and said, 'you've gotta be a saint to adopt that dog.' That was mean! but all of her relatives are staying with her for one month (and sleeping in her bed!) for a month, so i can understand that....but all my sister's friends think that he's adorable!
for clarifications of people...
chris= emily's youngest brother
emily= the best friend i came to see
tim= emily's cousin and doug's 2nd youngest brother
any more...
And i'm trying to do my homework!! but school doesn't start for 2 weeks!
Procrastinatingly/Happily Mary
Dear Mary,
*Shakes his head and tsks at her...* If you don't do your homework it will only be more painful when you have to do it in a crunch... But, I am glad you're enjoying yourself. *Smiles*
Dear Tasuki,
*walks in carrying a watermelon* Ne, you have a pair of pants I could borrow?
Dear Katsumi,
*Looks at her and sweatdrops.* Why???
Dear Chiriko,
Chiriiiiiiiiikoooooooo...would you do me an eensy-weensy little favour? Would you go to school for me?! We start on Tuesday and my senior year looks to be not so good...French, A.P. Spanish, Statistics, Literature, Senior Project, Biology...then Marching Band and work. Pleeeeeeeeeeeease go to school for me!! *sweatdrops* I'll give you a cookie!
Dear Katsumi,
Hmmmm... Let me think about this... NO! You will not learn anything if I go in your place. Gomen, you must go to school for yourself.
Dear Sasami,
I have added your site to our links peehi. Good luck!!
Dear Tasuki,
Ahhhhhhh nooooooooo... I cant- I...... ::faints:: ::regains conciousness a few minutes later:: ::while still lying on the ground:: Tasuki!!!!!! I misplaced my red kimono...!!!!!!! I still have my signature white lotus, though... (sigh)...but the Kimono!! The Red One!!! The very essence of my recognizable clothing features... this is terrible..
Dear Megara,
*Averts his eyes just in case and tosses her a sheet.*
Dear Tasuki,
You...are cool...I Hey!! Ya wanna hear all my nicknames? ah-kay..
-Ali-kat (meow)
-Ryoko (i'd rather not say how i got nicknamed that)
-Manx (she's a character form Weiss Kreuz)
-Duckie (I dont remember what connection i have with the nickname 'duckie')
-Mulan ( father thinks i look like her... (?) )
-Asuka (character from Evangelion)
-Coppertone (my cousins and i went to the beach..everyone else got badly sunburned...i just got a pretty tan...maybe theres sumthin' wrong with me ?)
-Mihoshi (i have some evil cousins who nicknamed me that)
-Catherine (i can do the voice of Catherine from Gundam Wing)
..uh ok i think that's it.. lovely, ne? hehehe...
Dear Megara,
Thanks! Interestin' buncha' names ya' got there!
Dear Tasuki,
You hate women, and you're not gay - so does this mean you're a virgin?
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
Heh-heh-heh... now if I won't kiss an' tell what makes ya' think I'd do THAT an' tell??? *Smirks*
Dear Nuriko,
Does it make me some sort of sick freak to like my mother? I enjoy my Mom's company. I like spending evenings watching a movie with her or taking her to the mall and looking at clothes while we talk about stuff.
My friends are embarrased to be seen in public with their Moms. Am I weird for liking to spend time with my mom or are my friends jaded by being in that sick twisted thing known as the cannabalistic-grade-school-food-chain too long?
Taiitsu no Miko (who likes her Mom)
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
NO!! I think it's wonderful that you and your mother get along so well!
Dear Mitsukake,
I only wrote you outta that fanfic so you wouldn't have a fangirl over your head. I thought I was being nice!! **Stomps off**
Dear Relena,
Gomen, I didn't mean to upset you.
Dear Tasuki,
The h*ll I'm in troble with her! She'd never do anything to me!! *turns in time to see Doc-sama coming over* EEP!! *Ai-sensei'a draged off* kuso!! futare!! This is all your fault!! Koitsume!!
Dear Ai-sensei,
Yeah, right! It was YER decision to argue wit' ME. Heh-heh-heh...
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