Dear Nuriko,
NURIKO-SAMA NURIKO-SAMA NURIKO-SAMA!!!! Guess what!!! I GOT THE 100% SCHOLARSHIP!! I'm so happy! I'm all paid for! I'm all set! I feel someone who's kinda free!! Dance with me, man, dance!! *dances around* Ok, I'm calm now. Anyway, I'M SO HAPPY!! *runs all over Konan palace in coolness* *runs back and hugs Nuriko and then runs off again*
Dear Inori,
YEA!!!!!!!!!! I KNEW you could do it!!! I'm so happy for you!! *Hugs her hard.* Omedeto gozaimasu!!!!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I'm only moving to the other side of Chibi Nermia. (read: not far, the other end of my hometown of Peterpatch, Ontario)
LUCKY LUCKY ME! I am so cool! I was in charge of dissasembling and packing my computer and within my first hour here I had reconnected the computer AND my beloved stereo and planned how to decorate my room once we get tape and nails and stuff unpacked tomorrow.
I'm gonna paint a mural on my wall of all my favourite anime couples (I can paint over it if I stop liking it too.)
So I have to decorate around one of my walls now though... 6_6:
So I'm a happy girl! Escaflowne starts airing on Fox in English Saturday morning! I can't wait! Wheee! Anime! There will be three Anime shows airing on channels I get this coming season. Escaflowne, Card Captor Sakura (Cardcaptors) and Gundam Wing (sweet!) I love Gundam Wing! Mecha Rules! The Girls of G Wing Need Gundams! Tallgeese for Noin! Taurus for Lady Une! Shenlong for Sally! *goes hyper and hops away smiling*
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
Glad yer happy!! Have wit' yer mural! We wanna see it when yer done!
Dear Nuriko,
I am distanced from him, I'm all the way in Indiana with my best friend (who is also his cousin...and his other cousins are here visiting too.) But i AM distanced from him!
But right now i'm hot and humid and being watched from behind. I still haven't done any homework. i read some of the invisible man, chapters 1-4 were good. but chapter 5 sucks....i wish summer was 4 months long! Oh yeah, and Chris says hi!
Mary in Indiana
Dear Mary,
Who's Chris??? DO YOUR HOMEWORK!! >.<
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
hi. i jus kinda looked at the seishi of the week thingy and... did i miss sumthin? i haven't bin coming for a while so i really don't get that pic of Tamahome. it's very... contraversial. so wut happened??
Dear Mary,
Mary an' Tamahome (wit' Jean's help) switched bodies. An' then she went to th' mall as Tamahome an' started tryin' on clothes! *Falls on floor laughing...*
Dear Tasuki,
i haven't talked to u in a long time.Hi!!!!!!! ::immediately collapses:: that took a lot of energy. phew! i have bin very un-energetic (is dat even a word?)lately. but i'm happy. i'm go'in to da beach tomorrow! Yay! i wanna have an extra good time before school starts. yeah i know it's not until another month but it took 2 months to plan a trip to the beach so i can't really expect much from 1 month can i? do u ever go to the beach or pool even tho u hate water so much? u should try it. not too deep jus relax in the shallow end. that's wut i do. i don't like swimming. it makes me throw up afterword. totally uncool. yeah. ah well. ja ne!
Dear Mary,
I like onsens! Not beaches an' not pools!
Dear Tasuki,
*walks in looking terribly bored* Tasuki, I'm terribly bored! ^^; School has started and so has marching band. *sniffles* That means I can't write to you as often ;-; *hugs Tasuki* Band is so evil, but this year I'm going on yet another trip ^^; on my birthday, May 3rd. I'm going to perform at Disney World again and then we're going to the Bahamas and perform there too. I'm just so busy this year! ^_^
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
Sounds great!! Have fun!!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hiya minna! *huggles* Well, the con is tomorrow! I'm so excited! Yaaay! I'm dying my hair red tonight...^_^ *glomps Nuriko* Ooh, Nuri-kun, I've missed you! Oh, Tamahome, um, that was an interesting choice of bathing suit. ^.~
PS - Tasuki, you have many fans! There's this girl in my Acting class that keeps a picture of you in her folder! ^_^ *huggle*
Dear Rabbit,
COOL!!! Nuriko says hi! An' Tamahome is still fumin' over th' picture of him in th' bikini. Heh-heh-heh... *Fanged grin*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
who had the bright idea of starting the work/school day at 8-9am? why couldn't it start at noon?
Dear Saralady,
Ummm... Adults??? If it started at noon, who would watch us till then?
Dear Tamahome,
What episode do you get kissed by Nakago?
Dear Alethia,
I don't remember. In fact, I'm doing my best to forget it EVER happened!!
Dear Chiriko,
*gets shoved towards Chiriko by Aeka* (Aeka: Go! Ask him!!) Um...Chiriko, I was wondering. We were wondering if you could add us to your links. If you don't want to, that's alright. *bows and leaves*
Dear Sasami,
Ano... what is your URL?
Dear Tasuki,
.. *hiccup* hey..that was some good sushi and sake.. Glad ya enjoyed it. And thanks for sayin' i look nice.. I guess I'll just have ta wear red more often... ::winks and smiles:: ...and hey, i didn't faint!! ::kisses Tasuki on the ear:: ok..Ja Ne! ;D
Dear Megara,
Yer welcome! Thanks fer th' sake an' th' oishii food!!
Dear Mitsukake,
*runs and hides behind Mitsukake* Help! Keiko is after me! I only touched her computer and it went koo-koo! O.o She's out to get me!!!
Dear Washu,
Ithink you're safe. Right now she's busy with Tenchi.
Dear Tamahome,
*walks in with a teddy bear* Oi, Tama-chan! Have ya seen Tenchi lately? I wanna say sorry fer pushin` im` down the stairs. O.o There he is!! Behind Ryoko!! Ooo..heheee...later!!
Dear Keiko,
Ano, Tenchi now would be a good tiem to start running...
Dear Chichiri,
KONNICHIWA!!!! Wow how long has it been since I talked with you last time? I think about a month. I was having Chichiri withdrawls. But everything is back to normal. The floors were sanded, my room is yet again covered in Fushigi Yuugi stuff, and my computer is working(Finally!). I had lots of fun while I was staying at my friend's house, except she was making fun of me. She kept saying "Well, you are in love with a stupid Buddhist monk!". She shouldn't be talking she's in love with a vampire off of Buffy (There's no difference..... well at least i thonk there isn't). She was just doing that to bug me(and it worked). I'm glad to be back and talking with you. And I do have a question where can I find translations for the manga volumes? That's all for now. Ja ne!
Dear Aenne,
Try here, no da!
Dear Nuriko,
*annoyed* I have been to every FY site I have bookmarked, and none of them have a good picture of you in your blueish outfit!! ARG! I need the picture so me `n my mom can find the colors so we can make my Nuriko-chan outfit! O.O Ugh!! Do you recomend any good sites with good pictures???
Dear Keiko,
Why don't you try Anime Genesis? They have over 100 Fushigi Yuugi pictures on their site. There should be at least one of me in that outfit. Good luck!
Dear Tamahome,
*walks in with a black eye and a ice-pack on his head* Itai...I think Keiko-sama is mad about something...I accidently walked in on her when she was changing...and she kinda pushed me down the stairs...and I think I broke something...Do you know if she will try and kill me?
Dear Tenchi,
I don't know, but it might be wise to hide behind Ryoko for awhile...
Dear Chichiri,
are you in anyway related to seta soujiro from rurouni kenshin. *points at wallet sized picture of soujiro* you both have the same eyes.
Dear AnimeLuva1,
No we are not related, no da. I am a a monk and he's an abused child who was turned into an assassin, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
Hi Nuri-chan!!! I'm back sorry for the delay i've been sick *bows* Anyway thanks for punching those stalkers for me but it turns out it wasn't a stalker! It wa my ex-boyfriend who came back from Kentucky to ask me out again!! *laughs nevously* ^^;; heh hee.....ehem anywy i wanted to ask you about that, i don't know what to do i keep thinkin' that i like him, but everytime i'm with him i find myself avoiding him on porpose. Like there's something about him that isn't right. What do you think? I'm really confused!.........Nuri-chan i don't feel so good....*pouts* this is exsactly why i don't have a boyfriend right now! Help! *pulls blanket over her head* can you give me a hug to cheer me up? i need one right about now. Thank you *is still under blanket* I don't wanna come out, outside is bad! he's outside, yup i DEFINETLY need a hug! *looks at Nuri-sama* Please?
Dear Yume,
*Gives her a hug.* You know if he gives off the vibe that there is something not right about him and he makes you nervous, that's your intuition talking. LISTEN TO IT!!!! Tell him you want nothing to do with him and ask him to go away. There are plenty of guys out there that WON'T give you the creeps!
Dear Nuriko,
Actually, Chichiri-san, Tasuki, Chiriko, and you are my favorite seishi. Mina: WAAIII! NURIKO-SAN KAWAII!!!!!! **swoons**
**Sweatdrops** Umm...Mina's here again ^^;;;;... anyways, I just can find barely any good Nuriko pictures or Chiriko pictures! ^^ But I'm still trying!
Relena, and the swooning Mina o.o;;
Dear Relena and Mina,
I'm glad to hear I'm one of your favorite Seishi! There are lots of Nuriko shrines on the web. I'm surprised you're having such a hard time finding pics of me.
Dear Hotohori,
WAHOO!! **dances around** I called my friend who had her leg hurt and she's getting better! **grabs Hotohori and dances around happily** YAY! YAY! YIPPEEE! WAHAOOOO!!! YAHOOOO!!!!!
Relena! ^-^
Dear Relena,
I am very happy for you and your friend.
Dear Tasuki,
*smiles smuggly* ha! You got hat you deserved! A nice smack from CnA does it. Have ya learned yer lesson, or am I gonna have to initiate the Torture Tasuki Fanfic round?! And believe me, my plans are far worse than most. Lets just say, it involves Tomo and Soi, no Kouji. It won't be a yaoi...but you get nice and tortured.
Dear Ai-sensei,
I wouldn't gloat if I was ya'! Ya' need to read further down th' peeji... I think yer in BIG trouble wit' yer oneesan Doc-sama!!! Heh-heh-heh... *Smirks*
Dear Tasuki,
We all hear that saying-what would yo do for a Klondike bar? What would you do for a bottle of sake?
Dear Avery,
I dunno. Sake is pretty easy to get.
Dear Mitsukake,
Mitsukake....... I don't think you can help me, but do you think that once Misc wakes up, you can cure him of the effects of the Chaos Stone? I mean, it doesn't change the person physically, it changes them mentally.
Could you cure him?
I shouldn't be saying anything too soon, I was the one who said he was a pest, and he might be nicer to be around when he wakes up. But... Misc is Misc. Can't live with him, I can't live without him (as a friend).
Shrinemaiden Keisei (lady Infinity)
Dear Keisei,
I don't know. This is magic and my powers may not work against it. I will try if you want me to. But after you have gotten to kno wthe new Lord Misc. You may find you DO like him better...
Dear Tasuki,
Kimi's will be here soon we hope. Gen-chan was a little early but Kimi's can't be far off. I'll bring him to visit you and Nuri-papa once he gets here. *smiles and cuddles Chibi Gen who's fallen asleep*
I better take him home. He looks all tuckered out. *gives her Tasuki-papa a hug and take Chibi Gen home*
Kourin and Chibi Genrou
Dear Kourin and Chibi Genrou,
OK. We'll be here. Take care!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*sobbity-sob-sob-sob* I'll be gone for a few days! I'm moving, and regardless of wether my computer gets set up soon I may be off the internet for a while.... *huggles all the seishi* I love you guys! Especially Nuriko and Tasuki. *extra hugs* And Tamahome - you're the laugh of my life! *sticks a propeller beanie on Tamahome's head* I'll miss you! *waves bai bai and scampers off to help pack things*
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
Have a safe trip! Where are you moving to?
Dear Tamahome,
*snicker* Marvelous picture, Tama-kins. *snicker*
Psychic Sora
Dear Psychic Sora,
What picture??? *Looks at index and Seishi of the Week peejis...* MARY!!!!!!!! TASUKI!!!!!!!!!!!! Doko desuka???? *Goes searching for them.*
Dear Tasuki,
..::walks in wearing a deep red kimono ....and.......a white lotus behind ear:: ::holds up tray, and smiles:: Ahrite.. I have every kind of sushi imaginable....some beef and chicken teriyaki, shrimp tempura, and about 7 jugs of Sake.... dig in! ::holds up Sake jug:: Cheers!! ::winks and smiles:: I'll try ta refrain from fainting this time.. :)
Dear Megara,
ALRIGHT!!!!!!! *Digs in and starts eating and drinking.* Ya' look nice, too. Red's good on ya'. *Continues eating and drinking...*
Dear Mitsukake,
You think Keiko-sama would be mad if I re-programed her computer to have a mind of its own, without asking? Cuz I have noticed that her server is rather slow...*grins*
Dear Washu,
More than likely... *Smiles*
Dear Tasuki,
Don't fry the X-Men!! :( You meanie!!
Dear Keiko,
It was only a (*^%$#@ answer to YER question!!! 'CHE!!
Dear Tasuki,
Sumimasen Tasuki-kun... *Doc-sama grabs Ai-imouto by the hand and starts dragging her away* Tasuki-kun is there any way I can borrow the palace's dungeon for a few hours? I need to take Ai to the woodshed. *Manages to control a struggling Ai-sensei* I warned you imouto.. now it's time to pay for not listening to me. *sees the fear of Nee-chantachi on Tasuki's face* They messed you up bad... *drags a kicking and screaming Ai-imouto away*
Dear Doc-sama,
Sure, I guess so. So what are ya' gonna do to her? *Smirks*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
What is the worst thing next to death that an authour has done to each of you?
Taiitsu no Miko (asker of pointless questions)
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
You mean besides just plain BAD fanfic??? *In unison* LEMON HENTAI YAOI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
*laughs* Milk - but I don't nessicarily smother him either. ^^: The sake can wait a few years but I have no qualms about allowing him a rum ball or two one he gets some teeth. *grins and tickles Chibi Genrou*
I'll have to bring the other one in to visit you too once he gets here. Kimi-chan's getting sort of frustrated I think but she can take it from me...they're very worth the effort. *cuddles Chibi Gen*
Kourinish and Chibi Genrou
Dear Kourinish and Chibi Genrou,
Long as ya' don't smother him I guess milk's ok. So, when's th' other one comin'?
Dear Tasuki,
::walks up behind Tasuki and kisses him on the ear:: Hello Fang-boy! ::smiles and winks:: So, how have u been? Good, glad to hear it! My current life has been kinda boring, but ok. ..hey, do u know that u are my favourite person in the whole wide world? Hey, I feel like treatin' ya to somethin' along the lines of a ...Sushi and Sake dinner.... u up for it? .....::grins::
Dear Megara,
Food AN' sake??? H*LL YES!!!!
Dear Chiriko,
school is about to start, and like I need to read books in two weeks. I know it was dumb to put it off, but summer was so fun this year! I learned Japanese!!! I been so great I didnt want to think about school. I am SERIOUSLY considering books on tape. Hellpppp
obaka chan
Dear obaka chan,
Books on tape is a good start. But so is turning off the TV and the computer, getting the books and READING them.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
K!! I got this idea from my brothers. ^_^ Ok, if you, Suzaku Seishi, fought the X-men...Who would win?! My vote would be the X-men! *.* Gomen! I just think that the X-men would win. *looks at the Tenchi gang* Washu votes for you guys, Ryoko votes for the X-men, Sasami votes that Chiriko would go out with her...What?! SASAMI!! Aeka votes for you guys, Kiyone votes for X-men and Mihoshi votes that she hopes that we have pizza fer dinner. *sigh* These are the people that I chose to make a site for. And Tenchi votes for the X-men. ^_^ Wai! Good boy Tenchi!! *glomps Tenchi, then glomps Tasuki* Ja ne!!
Dear Keiko,
Nah, I'd jus' fry 'em all to ashes! We'd win!!!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Dear Tasuki,
TASUKIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOW COULD YOU BE SO CRUEL?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Charrion: Oh shut up Infinity.
Infinity: And YOU! Zip! How can you use him as a science experiment??????????
Charrion: She likes the hampsters too much to torture them.
Infinity: *glares at Charrion and Zip*
Charrion: What? I thaught it was rhetorical!!!!
Infinity: The other way though!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *starts pulling wires off of Misc, grabs him and hauls him away.* Poor Misc-chan...
Shrinemaiden Keisei (Lady Infinity) and Lady Charrion
Dear Shrinemaiden Keisei (Lady Infinity) and Lady Charrion,
So, did he wake up?? An' why're ya' so worried 'bout him?? Yer th' one who was sayin' he's a pest!
Dear Nuriko,
*Doc-sama blushes bright red* Ne I should get down. *climbs down from where she's being held up* You are definitely a normal male.. ;)
Ano.. I hope I wasn't rude to Hotohori ^^;;; Didn't have much choice but to cut it short. So when do I meet Tamahome and Chiriko? *links her arm with Ryuen's* I need to meet everyone before I can cook that dinner. ;D
Dear Doc-sama,
How about now? *He walks her towards some rooms in the palace...*
Dear Hotohori,
If Tamahome didn't have Miaka, and you could pick, would you rather still have married Houki or would you marry Miaka instead?
Dear baka-chan,
Houki I believe is better qualified to rule than Miaka is.
Dear Tasuki,
If you HAVE to marry a visitor of this website, who would it be?
Dear baka-chan,
Iri-chan!! She's already my aisai!
Dear Tasuki,
Okay, fine, if you have to go out with a visitor from this site, who would it be?
Dear baka-chan,
Iri-chan!!! If I didn't she'd KILL me!!! *Fanged grin*
Dear Tasuki,
(worships the ground you walk on) I love you, however I know it isnt to be. I, unlike most people, do NOT think you should be with Koji, I belive that you and CHichiri or you and Miaka would make one HELLA CUTE COUPLE!! What is your opinion on it?
Dear Lexi,
*Sweatdrops* Me an' Chichiri????? I DON'T THINK SO!!!!!!!!!!! An' Miaka is more like a lil' sister to me.
Dear Tasuki,
Agree to disagree...sure why not. But I'm still right. the problem is you're too damn arrogant and full of it that you're stuck with your head in the fog!!
Dear Ai-sensei,
AM NOT!!! At least I ain't got my head stuck up my ITAI!!!!!!!! *Gets kicked by Chichiri no Aijin* TASUKI!! You be nice to your fans!! *Smacks him with her tessen for good measure*
Dear Tasuki,
He ain't in love with me. He just likes to tease me a lot. I guess he likes seeing my expression when he does stuff. Gr..... stupid guy. I would like to wack him on the head when I see him at school.
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Have ya' jus' tried ignorin' his existence on yer planet?
Dear Chichiri,
Hello love. *hugs and kisses him*
My life is looking up. Although I have been remiss in my letters to you. ^_^ How have you been? You know, you should come with CnA and visit me in NY. ^_^
You beloved wife (aka Kelli)
Dear Kelli,
I'm fine, no da. Chichiri no Aijin is a bit run down from gettimng used to working again and such, no da. Perhaps we will take you up on your suggestion, no da! *Gives her a hug and a kiss.* DA!
Dear Tasuki,
*sneaks up to Tasuki cuddling a 'blanket' and tickles his neck* Hey, Tasuki-papa. *huggles* I have someone for you to meet. Nuri-papa already met him but I'd like to know what you think too.
*hands him her 'blanket'* This is Chibi Genrou. *grins* He's too much like you. I just had to call him that. *tickles the baby's red hair* He likes candles alot and he tried to break my finger. I think he's a bit of a pyro. But he's cute ne? Wadda ya think?
Kourinish and Chibi Genrou
Dear Kourinish and Chibi Genrou,
Cute kid ya' got there! Kinda looks like me when I was a baby! So, does he drink milk or sake? Heh-heh-heh... *Fanged grin*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hullo minna...anou, I hate to actually bug ya, but I have a small problem. Ya see, my two closest friends in the whole wide world (I've known them both for 9 years) used to date. Then they broke up...but the break up didn't go so well. The girl started spreading rumours that the guy had forced her into having oral sex. And I know them both well enough that the actual event just wouldn't have happened. Especially considering they were never alone together for more than 5 minutes at a time. The problem is that half of my group of friends went over to her side of the argument and now hate him, and the other took his side and hate her. But I don't want to have to give up my friendship with one for the other. My friends who have taken sides either think of me as a traitor, or respect that...although all I hear them doing anymore is whine, b*tch, and complain about the other one. It's even worse when I know they are telling outright lies. Should I stick to my guns and let them know that I will remain friends with both of them, or cave and choose a side? It's very confusing...
On another note, I seem to have caught some sort of flu which has been causing me to get sick about every 15 minutes. I hurt really bad, but I can't take any aspirin...any suggestions?
(a troubled) Katsumi
Dear Katsumi,
I would try to stay friends with both of them and not take sides. Although I would try to convince the girl to recant her lies, as they really don't do anyone any good. And may eventually come back to haunt her. As for your health, GO SEE A DOCTOR!!
Dear Tasuki,
*sees Tasuki get all panicked because she's crying and hasitly wipes her tears*
No no no!! ^^;; It's not you!! I just miss home.... in Korea, you *HAVE* to be more self-concious, and people are more aware of other peoples' opinions, which I think is BAD. Anyway, I was just upset because..... *turns BRIGHT RED*
Well..... I went to the mall to find a dress for my cousin's party, and *turns a darker red* not even the largest dress size in the teen department fits me. Well, that's not the whole truth, it just didn't fit me around the bust ^^;;;;;
Then, I went up to the Adult department, and the dresses were too big... and my mom wanted me to try on a lime green dress, LIME GREEN!! Then she asked me in front of EVERYONE if I would take it! And of course I said no, but then I made the salespeople who helped me upset. -_- I hate being put in that position..... argh...... *sighs*
-.-;; That's what I *DON'T* like about Korea.
But hey, I'm over that now ^_^ I just came back from Kyung-ju, the capitol during the Silla Dynasty (we're staying at my cousins' house in Taejon) and........I SAW TWO OF MY FAVORITE SINGING GROUPS!!! ITYM AND ROOLA!!! WHOO HOOO!!! And I saw a taping of my favorite TV show, Dream Team, where famous actors compete against atheletes. MY FAVORITE ACTOR WAS THERE!!! I MET HIM IN FRONT OF THE BATHROOM!!! NO ONE BELIEVES ME THAT I'M FROM AMERICA!!! ^^;;
The Hyper Jean
Dear Jean,
Heh... glad ya' got to yer favorite idols! Sounds like yer havin' a good time!
Dear Tasuki,
uh....gomen... i seem to faint..alot.... have ya noticed..? hehehehe..AND NO i was not drinking anything!!! Just excited to be back....... ::smiles:: so's great to b back... "stuff" seems to have occured while i was do i know that? well, i dont seem to have a damn clue about what some people are sayin' around here.. ah'rite.. ja ne! ::winks and smiles::
Dear Megara,
That's ok, sometimes neither do I...
Dear Nuriko,
Do you really love Miaka? o-0;;;
Dear Rini,
Yes, but I love her enough to let her be happy with Tamahome. They make such a cute couple...
Dear Chiriko,
have you ever read any of the "last herald-mage" books by Mercedes Lackey? lady just finished the last book and wants the world to know how great the books were! they're full of magic and swordfighting (and even some romance that didn't make lady sick!) lots of happy fun!
Dear Saralady,
No, I haven't read the books. But Ihave heard of the author.
Dear Tasuki,
*yawns* Hello...I am still recovering from the fair that I spent four %&$&%@* days at. O.o Wai! Wensday, I'm getting my kawaii puppy! ^_^ I'll make sure that he won't have yer attitude...and if he does...I'll blame you for no reason. :) We are only worried about one thing for the puppy. *dun dun dun* My blab!! The basset-lab we own that hates other dogs and pizza-boys!! *grins* The dog actually chased the pizza boy out to his car once...which was rather funny now that I remember it. *giggles and hugs Tasuki* Ja ne!
Dear Keiko,
Gooid luck!! Yeah, go ahead an' blame me... everybody else does... *grumbles...*
Dear Chiriko,
You know, Geocities has been very evil lately. -_- My bookmark to our site doesn't even work! But here is another *Grrr* Geocities address you can try: Thank you!!
Dear Hoshi,
Thank you! All the links worked! It's a very nice site!
Dear Tasuki,
*runs in screaming and grabs Misc* Aaaah! What have you done!?!?! *sticks a bunch of sensors on Misc and hooks them to her laptop* Geez, I get one chance to measure the effects of my chaos stones on a single person and no one calls me? *grumbles some more and starts reading the relays from her sensors*
Lady Zip
Dear Lady Zip,
Heh-heh... so what happens if I dump a bucket of water on him now?
Dear Chiriko,
I have a question. What does "kinky" mean? 'cause I seriously have no clue what it means. Please help.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Konnichiwa, seishi! *huggles all around* Anyone miss me? *sigh* I've been busy with school, and working for my mom. Hee, the anime convention is this weekend! I can't wait...^_^ How's everything with you guys? Any interesting adventures?
Dear Rabbit,
Yes we did, no da! Have fun at the convention, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
This is EXTREMELY old news, but just wanted to make sure that you guys got the facts straight. Hayashi Nobutoshi's name is changed to Canna Nobutoshi on January 9, 2000. Canna is his new last name now. It means um... rough pencil sharpener... *_*; he wanted to have a new beginning for the new millenium. But in kanji, the first character is god, but Canna said that it had nothing to do with that. He just didn't want to have a simple name like Hayashi, but he still considers this name he has now is also simple. Okay, bye now.
Canna's fan
Dear Canna's fan,
Thanks fer clearin' that up!
Dear Chiriko,
Hi Chiriko*HUUUG* Im so sorry i havent been able to write to you lately...Its just that im so busy all the time*sigh* Here, i brought you a fantasy book*gives him the book* I hope that you like fantasy books. I love to read fantasy^_^ Well, see ya! *gives him another hug*
Dear Annie,
Arigato!! *Hugs her back* PLease don't worry about being busy, I understand. *Smiles*
Dear Tasuki,
I had a nightmare last night... I was at school, and none of my friends was talking to me. Do you think it just might come true?
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Nah, I think ya' jus' got th' jitters.
Dear Tamahome,
*a cat comes falling out of nowhere and claws up Tamahome's face and shirt into little teeny shreds - blinku blinku*
*girl runs up and grabs the cat of Tamahome's pant leg* Oooh....I hope you're that seishi who can heal things...
Girl and Fallen Cat
Dear Girl and Fallen Cat,
*Before Tamahome can open his mouth to answer...* Nah, he's th' greedy one! Th' one ya' want is over there! *Points at Mitsukake.* By th' way, I'M th' COOL one!! *Fanged grin*
Dear Tasuki,
*looks at Misc laying unconcious on the ground.* WAAAAAIIIIII!!!!!!!!! MISC! SPEAK TO ME!!!!!!!!!! SPEAK TO INFI-CHAN!!!!!!!!
Shrinemaiden Keisei (Lady Infinity)
Dear Lord Misc,
*Dumps a bucket of cold water on him.* Lessee if this will wake ya' up!
Dear Nuriko,
Well Nuriko-sama, it was a personal question so i didn't know if she would take it personally or not. But it must be said that i've had some of the strangest dreams involving doug recently. I drempt that we were married. And then while doing my history essays, i fell asleep and drempt that he married someone else, i told him that i loved him and always will, with his wife there, and told her if ever he needed anyone i was there, and i told his wife the same, and if she ever need any material to tease doug with, i'd be there for her. And i started to have a glorious relationship with the wife. I think i had one cause i watched Gone with the Wind last night....well. Enough of the dreams, I'm leaving for Indiana tomorrow morning! I'm gone for a week and i rang up the phone bill tonight. I called up Trevor to talk for an hour (local), i talked on the phone with matt for 15 minutes (texas), i talked with mandy for 1 hour (local) and i talked with adam for ~45 minutes (maine!). And i promised trevor i'd call him back too. I'm SO glad i don't have a source of income, or else my parents would make me pay for the calls....i'm gonna hate living on my own i just know it.....well, this might be my last letter for the next week.
Have fun at home, i'm off to gather spending money for my journey to the mid-west!
Greedily/Tamahomily Mary
Dear Mary,
Have fun! I still think you need emotional distance from Doug...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
well its over. Pioneer finally released all the FY tapes. Of course now I have to re-buy the whole series on DVD... Anyway I was a bit dissapointed with the ending -those little boxes piss me off & they bearly showed Taka!! It was a split second pic of him then a zoom in on the stupid ring. The funny part though was that I cried more for when Nakago died then I did for Mitskake.
In a sword fight between Inu-Yasha & Kenshin who do you think would win?
The Almighty nodaing
Dear nodaing,
Kenshin. He is an excellent swordsman. We too await the arrival of the Seiryuu DVD Boxed Set.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
i'm back. from the church conference. it wuz fun... i guess. i am so dying here. or should i say baking. runn'in up'n'down two stair cases at a time the whole day in the sun i think u would b too. i'm even 2 tired to use my occasional foul language. i think another reason i'm tired is cuz i slept less than 3 hours every nite i wuz there and still wuz half awake even then. it is impossible to sleep in this heat!!! anyway, i met lots of ppl. most of whom were at least 4 years older than meeh but they were cool. they accepted me. we 'cliqued' together i guess. i hadda pretend ta be a rapper. it probably looked pretty funny cuz i wuz still in concert dress - u know fer da orchestra. but i of course did my all famous death glare which immediately shut'em up. hehehe... any of u ppl play pool or freezball? we played lots of that and sherrades. yeah, well i feel better now since i'm thinking of positive things. jus dis d*mn heat dats all. ^_-
Mele/Mary please use Mary . i jus add my nickname so u can identify me from the other mary that submits.
Dear Mary,
I'm glad you had a good time. We've never played either of those games, sorry.
Dear Tasuki,
I can understand why you say "always" in your phrases involving Aidou. However, Soi, she blocked teh sword because she loves Nakago and didn't want him killed. She didn't do it to thwart your plans, it was to protect the one she loved.
Miaka...well that one time was a little too much, but granted she wanted you to stop beause this was hurting her to see you do that to Tama-homo. Now, The time yoyu fell overboard off the boat on the way to Hokkan that was your own fault, the time you let Miaka see your taoist cards, the time you chose to go to Kutou...(no one asked you to!!) it was your fault. What else...the time you insulted Miaka's cooking. Yep, you had it coming to you. What else...well, I'll be nice and shut up for now and give you a chance to rebuke.
Dear Ai-sensehi,
Of course Soi did it on purpose!!! Ya' know this is all a matter of perception! Yer gonna see thins' yer way an' I'm gonna see 'em MY way! So I say we agree to disagree.
Dear Tasuki,
Hi-hi, Tasuki! I jus' got back from my trip to San Francisco.. It was pretty fun! I went to about EVERY anime store imaginable..and the Nikaku Animart, and blahblahblah.. SO!!! Glad ya enjoyed the cookies and sake ...Oh! HEY!!!! Ya like the outfit? (babyblue kimono, manicured fingernails painted dark red, and a white lotus behind ear) ::spins around and poses:: ......:hiccup:... um.... ::faints::
Dear Megara,
*Catches her* What th' H*LL were ya' drinkin'??? Well at least ya' look nice. *Puts her on the couch and leaves.*
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