Dear Hotohori,
:) Thanks, Heika-sama. I think she was really pleased with you signing her guestbook. And it's her birthday today. ^_- Oh well. Who's this Lord Misc guy anyway? Heh. He's really devoted, no? Wish I had a boyfriend who was like him. :)
Dear Wenwen,
You're very welcome. Tell your friend I said happy birthday. Lord Misc. Hmmm... devoted or annoying. I suppose that is up to the young lady he is after to decide.
Dear Tamahome,
hi!was up!i was jsut wondering how strong is your love for "Miaka"?you must be really lucky.Can you tell me your e-mail address?i'm a really big fan of all of you (i mean your group)but would you kill each other even if your a Suzaku seishi for Miaka's love?i mean almost all of you are inlove with Miaka.Gotta go,i'll see you later,bye!
Dear Jeula-chan,
My love for Miaka is EXTREMELY strong! I have no email address, gomen. As for the other Seishi, they might die to protect their miko but I doubt that they would kill each other over her.
Dear Chiriko,
Hi! We know that we have shown you our humor website before, but we have been working hard on it and waiting for more people to add suggestions on it. Would you please visit and tell us what you think, and/or consider linking to us?
Inori: We'll do your laundry if you agree!! :-D
Hoshi: You already do Nuriko's...
Inori: We'll give you a discount!
Hoshi: On what...books? Yeah, books!
Inori: From the bookstore!
Hoshi: Okay! ^^;
Inori: Now, go on and laugh with me, Jocko! Laugh with me!!!
Hoshi: *Laughs*
Inori and Hoshi
Dear Inori and Hoshi,
Gomen, I went to your site and no matter what I clicked on Geocities couldn't find the page!
Dear Tasuki,
hi!i see you've met Leia-chan,she's my busmate and we also go to the same school together on weekdays(you know why)she's a really big fan of yours andi know that she's your sister for now because i was the one to right the letter you see i told her about this writing to you and the others so she just told me the question and i would do the rest,are you mad?hope not but tell me do you go to the chatroom?then what's your name there?i have to go,i'll talk to you some other time,bye!
Dear Jeula-chan,
I ain't mad, but I got enough sisters!!! My chatroom name fer OUR chatroom is suzakuseishitasuki. I ain't been on in awhile, but I'll try to be on more.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Wai!! I got a white ribbon and a red ribbon at the fair!! ^_^ Everyone jes loves my dog. WAI!! Happy girl!! Happy dog!! My dog hates it though. She whines and stuff when I'm not at the bench. -.-;; She bit my dog leader. LOL!! It doesn't hurt when my dog bites. It feels so funny when she does! I told her that, and she agreed. I was surprised that she bit someone. LOL!! Hehee! Ja ne!! *hugs everyone and walks off with her dog* *Missy walks up to Nuriko and nuzzles him*
Dear Keiko,
Omedeto gozaimashita!! Congratulations on your ribbons! *All the Seishi give her a congratulatory hug.*
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Hotohori,
*coughs loudly* EXCUSE me?
If you had to pick between living in a place ruled by me, where there are ice milk bars, air conditioning and anime for all or some place-or-other ruled by the actual Kutou emperor(dang, do I wish that guy had a name) which place would you want to live in?
(note: I don't try to lick everyone - just bishie seishi and close friends who are stupid enough to poke me with their feet....)
Taiitsu no Miko - New Empress of Kutou
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
*Looks at her and sweatdrops...*
Dear Tasuki,
I got this song, "Transparence" stuck in my head. *_* It's from Fancy Lala. Anyway, CNA got a new job? What does she do now? School is coming in less than a month, I'm quite upset, I don't really like some of the people from my school. And also, I have to face the blonde, 'member that guy? That one that always bothered me. And you know what? He had the nerve to bother me throughout the summer also. He AIMs me and says really stupid things. *_*; And I didn't wanna block him, 'cause I don't want him to think I'm scared of him or anything. What should I do about him? My little cousin said he would beat him up for me this year when he comes to high school. ^_^! He's a big 14 year old, 6'1. See ya now.
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
She's doin' th' same thin' she's always done... computer tech support. Ya' know, if ya' set yer Buddy List in AIM to only let people on it be th' one's to see ya' an' take him off yer list he can't bother ya' anymore.
If he's still harrassin' ya' mebbe yer parents need to talk to his 'bout this. He don't seem right in th' head to keep buggin' ya'... unless he's in love wit' ya'.
Dear Hotohori,
Hotohori-san...I just got this bad news.. .I'm really worried about my friend...because when she was at summer camp she fell and split her leg open on some rocks...and she can't walk for awhile! Worse! I couldn't visit her while she was at the hospital, and now she's back at her house, and I still can't see her until she gets better! I'm so worried about her! **cries**
Worried Relena ;_;
Dear Relena,
I do not understand why you cannot see your friend. But you can still send her a card or an email or at least call her to wish her well.
Dear Mitsukake,
Lesse...have I written to you yet? No! I haven't! Okay Mitsukake! Prepare! Relena has come to you now! Hehehehehehe. Sooooooooo.....How would you like it if I put you in one of my oh-so-exciting-but-strange-and-NOT-yaoi-or-lemon fanfics? ^-^;; By the way! What would you do if 5 girls ran up to you, and started flirting and asking for your autograph? O.o;;
Relena! Again! ^^
Dear Relena,
Why not? You already wrote me OUT of one of them. I suppose I would sign an autograph for them.
Dear Chichiri,
Chichiri-san! I'm writing to you again! ^^ Hello! I can't stop listening to the song you sang on the singles collection CD *.* Do you know what it's called? **sweatdrops at herself**
Say...was there ever a time in your life with the other Seishi, that you wish time would freeze, so you'd just stay at that time forever, because it was so good? Wonder what the other's would say if I asked them this...^^
And could you tell Tasuki, that i'm not the "insane-over-heero" relena from Gundam Wing? ^^;;; I think that he thinks I am...**coughs** anyways, nice talking to you! Bai!
Dear Relena,
The song's title translates out to "The Wonders of Nature", no da. I suppose it would have been before Nuriko left us. When all 7 of us were together and before we had to qo questing for the shinzaho, no da. I'll let Tasuki know which Relena you are, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Well, y'know that question I asked and you asked if it was going to be used for a yaoi hentai fanfic?
**takes a deep breath** I WOULD NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER WRITE SOMETHING LIKE THAT ABOUT YOU GUYS! I would never ruin you guys' reputation and stuff by doing that ;_; But I HAVE written fanfics on my webpage, one I wrote involuntarily because of a certain begging, more violent friend than me friend of mine who I will not name **'s eyes dart over to Mina,who's known as Sasha in the story, who's right behind her**
my webpage is:
one request, dont read the first FY fanfic..^^;;;...cause Sasha/Mina made me write it..**sweatdrops** So I did, only Sasha made me write more about Tasuki than I wanted to...
Relena, who's writing AGAIN
Dear Relena,
Gomen, we read part of the first fanfic. You have an interesting site. 11 pictures of Tasuki?>!?!?!? Guess we know who YOUR favorite Seishi is! ~_^
Dear Tasuki,
Yeeaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let's hope he (Misc) STAYS comatose!!!!!!!!!! He's a pain in the a** to everyone in our group! I mean, not even CD the hentai hampster is as annoying as him!!!!!!!!!!!
Lady Charrion
Dear Lady Charrion,
OK... guess he stays knocked out...
Dear Tasuki,
I don't know about Infinity, but *I* like him knocked out!!!!
Lady Vortex (Infinity's rightful traveling partner and the one keeping Lord Misc away!)
Dear Lady Vortex,
OK, glad we made someone happy...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I'm baaaack! So what I miss? Hmm? Hmm? No, I didn't kill anybody, but the thought was tempting. No, I didn't bite anybody either. I didn't end up doing too much math, but I still got bugged about it =) I've discovered I'm allergic to tomatoes! Very depressing news... I like tomatoes... ;-; Oh well... I avoided getting sunburned untill to trip home today with my dad. *sweatdrops* My right arm is bright red now @_@; My paint thinner burns have healed and are just discolored patches of skin now. All in all it was a good vacation, but I've had better. Though we did see a lot of reallllllly pretty shooting stars (lotsa wishes for meeeee =) and watched the moon set over the ocean. There were evil fish in the lagoon... hrmph. Anyways, I'M BACK!! (I bet you wish I was still gone, huh? =p) *hugs everybody and pounces Tasuki* It's good to be back, even if it's hot, dry, and all around yucky out... -.-;
Oh yeah... I'd bug CnA about the next kart race, but I'm not sure what day it is or what ()_&*#@ race track it will be held at. We're keep getting CANCELLED by the people who own our usually track. Hrrrrmph! Anyways I'm off to check the message board!
Dear One-chan,
Welcome back, no da! Glad your trip went well, except for the sunburn, no da. Have you tried putting aloe on it? That's supposed to be very good for burns, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
Hiya Nuriko-sama! Last night the art exhibition was great. And having doug there made it bearable. It was great, he got here just after i came back with the dog, so i was clearly not ready. He got to watch me run frantically from one room to the other trying to find hair spray, hair bands, the shirt that i wanted to wear (which my mom put back in the washer even though i just had it washed and wanted it to go in the drier!) and the makeup that i wanted to put on (eye shadow and a little lipstick). But i couldn't find the lipstick i wanted for 5 minutes so i was going crazy, of course i found it and then all was right in the world.
The exhibit itself was really good. The photographs were beautiful and depressing all at once. When we were done looking at the photos and 'smoozing' we went outside and just talked about what we're doing, and what our friends are doing (the ones that we know mutually). We then left to go to dinner at Tony P's. In the car he and my parents bonded, and they were talking politics! It was scary! I sat quietly just listening and occasionally hitting him when i saw an out of state license. hehehe.....
Dinner was great, my parents told us about they're 48 hour vacation...but then they started saying thank god there weren't mirrors on the ceiling and doug and i just got REALLY quite. We quickly changed the subject to siblings and how i love being an only child (even if it is only for 4 days) and my mom was curious about his family life..blah blah blah. Needless to say, I had a great time. And all i did was hug him. We didn't even hold hands, but my parents did right in front of us making me most uncomfortable, but what can you do? Well, thanks for your advice about distancing ourselves, but i really do think friendship suites us.
Before i leave for indiana (on monday morning 8:00 a.m. ugh....) I was thinking of inviting him up and dragging him to the beach or the marina. Some place, i like all of this talking about stuff. I felt no pressure for anything except a conversation, which i love talking so even better!
I did talk with my mom about the relaxer, and she said we'll ask Terri, just not now. But she might actually consider it if Terri says that it won't completely damage my hair to no return.
I was just curious about CnA's relationship with her husband during their years of separation. Were they friends like this, i mean, did it seem that friendship suited but there was a little something extra? I don't know how to phrase that without making her mad. So when you ask I'm sorry if my question about her past personal relationships gets her upset.
Merrily Mary
Dear Mary,
I'm glad everything went well for you!! When they were seperated they stayed in touch as friends (but she KNEW they'd get married) and whenever he came to town to visit they'd go out on a date. They just stayed good friends like that for 10 years! Whenever she was upset she'd call him. If something great happened, she'd call him. So, for his 30th birthday she flew out to L.A. as his birthday present and the rest is history! I don't know why you think your question would upset or anger her. She had no problem answering it.
Dear Hotohori,
Hothori! Lookit this! No more getting your hat and stuff stolen by me! I go my OWN! In BLUE no less!
*Dances around in her blue Hotohori outfit (with wonderful red ducky shoes that don't match but are still great!)*
I blackmailed the country into letting me be Empress of Kutou in the Emperor's wake! Everybody loves me too! It's fantastic!
Isn't this great news!
Taiitsu no Miko - New Empress of Kutou
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
Good new for you and me. I don't know about Kutou though... *Sweatdrops.*
Dear Chichiri,
Hello dear. ^_^ Been awhile hasn't it? Miss me? I've actually been packing to go back to school and such. That, plus Evita and trying to figure out what to get my mum for her birthday....o.O But how are you? ^_^
Kelli, CnA#2
Dear Kelli,
Hai, no da! I'm gald you're well, nod a. It's been busy here, too no da. *Gives her a hug and a kiss.*
Dear Tasuki,
Well, after getting over my sun posioning and getting my voice back, I decided I would come try to annoy ya again. We got fruit for our "treat" at band *grins evilly*
Dear Katsumi,
*Looks at the orange and then at her evil grin.* Ano, no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Dear Tasuki,
I'm so upset.... :( I was just alongside the car with my mom when suddenly, some guy in another car loudly cursed at me. I didn't even know the guy. Wahhhhh.
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
*Gives her a hug.* Gomen, even adults can be morons sometimes >.<
Dear Nuriko,
*comes in very quietly cuddling a blanket and taps Nuriko's shoulder* Hey Nuri-papa...
I haven't got to talk to you the past few days. It got sort of hectic at the palace, since the city began taking in refugees from the outer towns of Hokkan. I had crap loads of forms to sign since I'm in charge when both Heika and Kimi are out of town.
Hotohori got back with Hotiki-chan not two days after I wrote you my letter - thank you by the way for the hug and reassuring. I needed it. Kimi says she's extremely surprised that I managed to act so responsible when she wasn't here to tell me what to do. *grin*
And an top of all this insanity...I'd like you to meet somebody. *puts her 'blanket' in Nuri's arms* This is Genrou Ryuuen Chou. I couldn't resist calling him after you and Tasuki-papa. He's got too much of that crazy red hair. *brushes her hand over his head* And don't let him hold an unsuspecting fingers, he's got quite the grip for being two days old. *grins*
Kourin and Chibi Genrou
Dear Kourin and Chibi Genrou,
Oh my!!! *Grins* KAWAII!!! Whay wasn't I told of this 2 days ago? I would have been there for the birth? *Makes boo-boo face. Then, smiles at the baby and starts cooing at him.*
Dear Tamahome,
Tasuki stole a hundred dollars from you, ya know.
Tattle Tail
Dear Tattle Tail,
He WHAT?!?!?!?!?!? TASUKI!!!!!!!!!!! *Runs off to find him...*
Dear Tasuki,
What Hoshi-sama said was very interesting. I was somewhat pondering the same thing last night, didn't you count your age as 19 or so? But it's ok, it doesn't matter, ^_~! 'cause I know you certainly have a great girlfriend to take care of you now. *elbows Lina and winks* ^_^ But you gotta remember me, okay? We're SO distant lately.
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Don't tease the Lina!! She's dangerous when riled! An' 19 or so would be 20... I won't ever ferget ya'! Ok? *Fanged grin*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*walks in in a Tuxedo Kamen outfit.*
Infi-chan, I'd like to apologize. I didn't know you hated me that much.
So, I got a chaos stone off of lady Zip. It will change my personality, and maybe then you'll like me better. *Puts the stone around a chain on his neck.* I hope you like me better this way. *faints.*
Lord Misc
Dear Keisei,
So, ya' like him better this way???
Dear Mitsukake,
*staggers in and collapses*
Hot...... need.... aguaa....... >.< and now, my scalp is probably damanged because of all the gunk they put in my hair... it feels.... dry ^^;;; and icky..... I could go into more details but I don't want to make you guys sick ^^;; How can I make my scalp un-damanaged?
Dear Jeanie,
*Hands her a bottle of chilled water.* Use a good conditioner for color treated or dry/damaged hair.
Dear Tasuki,
*bounces in* Lookit!! Now I'm a _real_ bandit leader!! *swishes her red hair around* ^_^ Look! Does it look good? Hee hee hee!!!
I wanna go home.... I miss everyone and everything about America. Korea isn't as cool and fun as I thought it would be...
Dear Jean,
It does!! Ya' look jus' like me!! *Sees that Jeanie is all sad and teary-eyed...* What?? Did I say somethin' wrong??
Dear Tasuki,
Yeah, the only thing my family would watch is the dubs-but I am a dub person-I don't like reading and watching at the same time-I have nothing against the Fushigi Yuugi dubs-some voices are actually very good-like Nakago's voice-hello! He's got a majorly great voice-Miaka is okay-Tetsuya and Keiskake-very good...Kouji is okay...Tasuki...he sounded like John Wayne in the begining, but Hayashi is better...Chichiri is okay-Seki is awesome! His naked mind CD ROCKS!
But for some reason, the Seishi's voices get weird later on in the series, and *swallows* Miaka's voice actually improved-but I guess what mostly a person starts watching first-they get hooked on-it's just I got all weird when your muppet dubbed voice actor screamed out "Kouji!" And you guys did that little dance- Tasuki said "How's it hanging Kouji!" I about lost my supper! Talk about scary! I about passed out-it was sooooo funky! Talk about freaky! I'm going to have nightmares now....
It's just that Hayashi has this fire about his voice-ah, so perfect...only if he'd learn English.... I just hope when they dub the OAV's-oh, they find a great Tasuki voice just seems they are trying TOO hard. They need to relax a bit-something I got to say about Japan-they sure do pick great voices for their anime!! ^_^ Ah, they really do!
Thanks for fanning me...hehehe, the air should come on tommarow...but I'm sitting here in a pool of sweat! AHHHH! I don't like it at all! *hands him more sake*
Ah, got a shipment of this stuff in. You can drink or hot or cold right? Which do you prefer? Are there any good sites on Kouji? I'm going to write this long fic about Kouji! He gets his own adventure!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
hi!guys *feeling a little disappointed* i'm so unlucky having this kind of life everyday when i go to school.I mean sometimes i hear people saying things about me like i'm over reacting and other stuff but some of them don't know that i'm very sensitive when i hear those words and that i just leave them alone and that i always start over.If someone or a group could give me a hug and tell m,e that i'm nice,maybe just maybe i would be a bit happy but the truth i just want a lot of people to talk to me not like a left-over trash just lying on a side not knowing that i'm really sad to be like this,but i think you guys don't really know about these things d you?it's really deppresing when you think about it *about to cry but loses her hanky* and i've never had a bestfriend or a group to hang out with in my hole life.Well i better go but before that can you give me some advice about my least Tasuki has a group even thow your funny and all the things that make people laugh,no offense it's just that you guys are so lucky.Thanks anyway for listening to me,bye *turns back and walks away*
Jeula-chan come you guys take a long time to answer the letters?
Dear Jeula-chan,
If people say things that hurt and upset you, you should tell them so they don't continue to do that, no da. You sound depressed. Have you ever considered talking to a counselor about school and how your classmates are making you feel? You should, no da. You seem like a nice person, no da. *Gives her a hug.*
P.S. There are 7 of us an 1 computer, no da. Chichiri no Aijin has a job now and so cannot be around all the time, no da.
Dear Chichiri,
Hehee! Hello!! Today, 8/10/00, was my first fair day! I have a show, and me `n my dog did great!! We got a red ribbon! If we had gotten a few more points, we would of gotten a blue. It was fun! Except...sitting on the bench fer hours upon hours isn't the greatest. Some of the dogs got annoyed `n started to howl and whine. -.-;; Well, seeing how it is about 9:48 p.m., I should probably get a shower and get to bed. Night!! *hugs Chichiri and leaves*
Dear Keiko,
Omedeto gozaimasu, no da! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Nuriko,
Thanks for the sound advice Nuriko, and yes, Terri is a licensed cosmotologist. But i'm not sure anymore if i even want to ask 'cause all i ever do with my hair is stick it in a pony tail. Nanu.
Pues, mis padres van a vener a casa ahora. Ellos estan en Santa Barbara para dos dias. (enough spanish rememberance!) Anywho, they come home this afternoon and all i've done is minimumly clean the house (not the dishes, though), harvest vegies in the garden, water the front and back of the house and give the dog her medicine. I did not even look at the essays i was supposed to write! I am soooo bad, and i leave for indiana on monday and return a week before school starts. This is NOT good. I was going to do them yesterday, but i got this fascination with Shanghai and wanted to download it, but it wouldn't down load with activision, so i killed activision and spent an hour downloading a demo which sucks and now i'm stuck playing taipei on a disk! But the upside is i also got blackjack and ski off of the disk! I love neighbors!
But how do i buckle down and study when all i want to do is procrastinate?
The All-Americaned Out Mary
Dear Mary,
Might I suggest that you do your essays BEFORE you leave for Indiana or at least take your materials with you and do them there. Perhaps the subject matter is a bit dry and boring. Maybe you can find an interesting angle to write about. Ganbatte kudasai. You're welcome for the advice!
Dear Nuriko,
I'm BACK!!!!!!! *smiles* did ya miss me?? Anyway! how have you been Nuri-chan?? been having fun writing back to your fans? hope so! ^_^ why are guys such perverts??? (that is except you seishi..... i hope) I mean a girl can't even walk to the bus stop with recieving about a dozen whistles from complete strangers!! *shivers* Nuriko!!! make them go away!!!! *hides behind Nuriko* But that's enough of my problems! you guys ok?? you can e-mail me ya know, you can count on me as a friend! (ok yeah i can't set up a link right now gomen) well keep in touch and make the per- eekk!!! they're downstairs!!!!! stalkers!!!! help!!! *hides behind stuffed animal bunny*
Ja ne! ^_^ *waves from behind bunny*
Dear Yume,
I'm fine. Welcome back! Sorry about the rude men... *Punches stalkers thriugh the wall...* Better?
Dear Nuriko,
I'm BACK!!!!!!! *smiles* did ya miss me?? Anyway! how have you been Nuri-chan?? been having fun writing back to your fans? hope so! ^_^ why are guys such perverts??? (that is except you seishi..... i hope) I mean a girl can't even walk to the bus stop with recieving about a dozen whistles from complete strangers!! *shivers* Nuriko!!! make them go away!!!! *hides behind Nuriko* But that's enough of my problems! you guys ok?? you can e-mail me ya know, you can count on me as a friend! (ok yeah i can't set up a link right now gomen) well keep in touch and make the per- eekk!!! they're downstairs!!!!! stalkers!!!! help!!! *hides behind stuffed animal bunny*
Ja ne! ^_^ *waves from behind bunny*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
HELLO!!!! again. anyway, I'M MOV'IN!!! that's not necessarilly good. i'll be leaving the city i grew up in and all my friends. i'll still go to the same skool but still it's not the same. ::pout:: i'm also gonna hafta wake up a whole hour earlier cuz it takes such a long time to get to skool. Where? Cypress. goody goody Cypress. ah well. the good part is we're gonna get a big house. YAY! we've got 3 computers crammed in this wee little house. my room is more than 2/3 covered by my humongus desk,bed,computer. i also came ta tell ya'll that i'm leav'in for about a week for a church conference. i have a feeling it's not gonna be fun. o well. yeah well wish me luck cuz i gotta play in the orchestra. yup that's rite. i went from 6th grade intermediate orchestra to playing Mozart wit a whole buncha college students in a matter of days. it has not bin fun. okok enough with my complaints. i'm gonna miss all of u. since i don't have time to give out gifts jus consider my previous ones as going away gifts. when i come back i promise i'll make up for it. ok. here comes the good-bye part.::sniff:: o alrite! bai bai! :(
Dear Mary,
Have fun at your conference!! Ganbatte kudasai!!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
i'm so sorry i didn't hurry up and give these out to chiriko and Hotohori but this piece o' techno sh*t wuzn't able ta connect. i have no idea y. anywayz, here u go! and tasuki? u know about the sake-flavored belatin snacks? don't gots any. sorry! maybe next time i'll find sum!
::hands Hotohori a full length mirror larger than Nuriko's:: sorry, swords aren't really common here in Long Beach.
::hands Chiriko a large box:: these are the Narnia chronicles. hope u havn't read 'em yet! i have. they're pretty good. ^_- ja ne!
Dear Mary,
Ariagto for the presents! They are wonderful!!
Chiriko and Hotohori
Dear Tasuki,
You know something, when you use the word "always" you're implying that every single moment of every single day a girl is around you and no matter what you do that backfires, it's her fault. Care to explain how if *we* aren't always around baka? I mean it's easy to say always, but judging by teh connotation and denotation of the word in that particular context in which you have used it, it sets up a certain implication, which can lead to several different interpretations. So, therefore, the correction meaning which you may be trying to disperse will be lost due to the immense number of possibilities to the connotation and denotations hich come from the phrasing. You should take teh time to check what you write so it sends the right message.
That is the end of my brief English lesson for you...and I'm guessing that's totally over your head, which is why I'm not surprised, since you're under educated!! And this is where I add, ha! Woman are smarter than you, which is what you can't stand, therefore you blame them for all your problems bubba!! It's all because of your ego problem, typical male arrogance.
What, you didn't understand what I said, then consult with the more intelligent ones, Chichiri and Chiriko, they could help.
Dear Ai-sensei,
Not really. I wrote "always" an' I MEANT it!! Here's a few examples:Aidou tossin' logs at me, Miaka beggin' me to hold back when I fought Tamahome at Nakago's compound (d*mn near killed me...), Soi jumping in front of Nakago jus' as I was gonna kill him! So SHE gets th' sword in th' chest instead of Nakago. I think I made my point!
Dear Chichiri,
Uh...Chichiri-san it wasn't mine, it was just the won that someone else had entered in the contest...*hugs back anyway*
Dear Ai-sensei,
Gomen. It was still a touching story, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
YES!!!!!! Tasuki, you're right!
If he wasn't counted as one of my traveling partners (he's tempororay) I'd call him a stalker!!!!!! Tell him off! make him leave me alone!!!!! I guess I'd miss him, but a leach is not nice! I want a traveling partner and someone to talk to, *not* a leach!!!!!
Shrinemaiden Keisei
Dear Lord Misc,
Hear that??? She don't want ya' stalkin' her!!! So knock it off!!
Dear Hotohori,
Heika-sama!! *runs into the room* Can I be your personal maid or something?? My mom says I can't do any housework, and I *WANT* to prove to her that I can! What better way to prove my housekeeping abilities than to work for the Emperor?? ^^ Oh...before I forget..visit my friend's page?
Sign her guestbook too..please? It'll make her so happy..she likes you so much..hahahah!!!
Dear Wenwen,
Very interesting site your friend has there. I did sign her guestbook.
Dear Tasuki,
Ah, I'm dieing here! The air conditiner broke in my house and I'm without air until FRIDAY!! I can't breath in here! It's like 90 degrees in this room! Can you get Nuriko to carry over a huge block of ice for me?
*passes out* I'm fine really, just hard to breath, and the computer has to be shut down at night-oi, I'm not used to that, indeed, I am not!
Oi, have you seen tthe Kenshin tapes? I've been watching the dubs, yes indeed I have! Hehehe, so I'm hooked! Kenshin has one of the best dubbed voices I've heard-very nice!
Do you know what happened to your dubbed voice in volume 15? You sound like a muppet when talking to Kouji! Your voice got all high-pitched and shrilly! Your dubbed voice sounded good in the begining, but now it's sort of weird! I love the dubs, but then again, the only person who can do you voice excellent is Hayashi-the dubbed guy I think they changed him? I heard he was the same person who did the "Bast***" dubbed voice of someone? I think that's right?
Anyhow, got to go-this heat here is making me all sleepy! All I did the other day was sleep, and I couldn't even get a chance to write anything...ah.... *sigh* Hope your doing well! *hands him some alcohol from Earth* A present.... ^_-
Dear Avery,
Thanks fer th' sake!! *Fans her with the tessen.* Better?? We got Kenshin on DVD as well as our adventures. But we hate th' dub of our stuff!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Ah, concerning ages...Tasuki says he is 20 now. However, if a fan comes to this site who has only seen a bit of your series, are you all still 17, 18, ect. when you talk to him/her? ;-) It's rather confusing, as I also see Nuriko with a long braid rather than short hair (also depending on what video I last saw). Are you still counting your ages? If Fushigi Yuugi came out in 1995 or whenever it did, you would all be far older than 20, right? With the exception of Chiriko, of course...
(And my apologies to CnA, I wrote a pointless letter (sort of like this one, huh?)! Argh, I broke my promise!! ^^;;; Allow me to punish myself now...
Dear Hoshi,
Well, time does work differently fro us than it does for you. Your letter isn't pointless, it's just difficult to answer.
Dear Chichiri,
* in shock* you actually'm surprise, the last time there was something about the same level of biarrity...never mind...the link...*checks her files*
here it is!! It wasn't that bad... Tasuki with Soi...*gets an evil idea* thanks Chichir-san...that'll teach Tasuki to say women always get him in trouble...I cam blackmail!!! *deranged laughter*
Dear Ai-sensei,
*Blushing* Arigato, no da! It was a beautiful story, no da!! *Gives her a hug*
Dear Tasuki,
*WE* always get *YOU* into I said before bubba, it's your choice about whether or not you fight in those instinces, and since you choose to, it's your own damn fault!! And care to explain how it's *ALWAYS* even if *WE* aren't around Tasuki-chan?!
Dear Ai-sensei,
Yer always around!!! Like a bad rash!!! Wit' yer screamin' an' yer cryin' an' what not! 'Che! A guy could get himself killed!!! An' I almost did!!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*sigh* Konban wa, minna-san. How are you all recently? I've been pretty busy with high school and I have a killer English teacher. She actually echoes in the halls...but it seems just like middle school, only tougher. *huggles the seishi* Well, ja ne, minna!
Dear Rabbit,
We're fine thank you. Ganbatte kudasai! I'm sure you'll get to love high school!
Dear Tasuki,
We KNOW ya love Lina. *smirk*
Dear baka-chan,
DO NOT!!!!!!!!
Dear Nuriko,
Thanks for the doug advice, and the hair advice.
I'm sorry, but i've already completely disregard your advice. I invited him yesterday afternoon. I was so nervous asking him, but he sounded as if he really wanted to go. BTW, the exhibit is on the Uighurs of China. Well, i called him tonight (his b-day) and he said he did want to go, but on the phone he sounded upset and distanced. So i don't know. I think i should have waited for your response *hits herself for being impatient*. But there is a VERY good chance of him cancelling on us. So, now you've made me kind of leary...oh my, this isn't good.....
Thanks for the hair advice. David Butow's,the photographer who's show i'm going to thursday night, girlfriend Terri, does my mother's hair and mine when ever i need it done (which is almost NEVER). Anywhoo, i was thinking when i could get a chance to talk with my mom about it (which i really can't because she's leaving town with my dad for the next two days. which is also why i don't want the massage thing, i'd feel guilty) and if she agrees, i'll beg her and see if i could talk to Terri about it....hmmm...
Thanks for the hug, but my Sweet Sixteen is still 1 month and 4 days away from today. Ugh, but i just found out an interesting fact from Jean tonight, in Korea, I'm considered 16 already! I'm sooooo happy! It's all ligit from here!
Have a good week Nuriko-sama! I get to spend mine writing 10 essays on American History, fun ne?
The All Americaned-Out Mary
Dear Mary,
Is Terri a licxensed comotologist? If not, you should consider going to one for a consultation on getting your hair relaxed. The chemicals are quite harsh and can burn your scalp and damage your hair if not used properly. Ganbatte kudasai on your essays!!
Dear Tasuki,
Mou... don't call me kid. I'm turning 15 in 20 days. Oh, and yeah, do you remember what you said last year? ^_^ You said you would consider about going out with me when I'm 15, and you said maybe, 'member???? I BET you forgot!
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Well, since I'm 20 now it jus' don't seem right to date a 15 year old. But we can still be friends!! *Ruffles her hair.*
Dear Tasuki,
Guess what happened to me? I have a friend that I met in school who had moved to Canada from Korea in the beginning of second semster. Her name is Christine and we sort of lost touch over the beginning of the summer because she went back to her home country for summer vacation.
Well yesterday...she PHONED me! From KOREA! At ONE IN THE MORNING!(over there)
I couldn't believe she called me! I felt so bad that I hadn't been able to make contact with her sooner! She really misses me.(Which I can understand because she didn't seem to have alot of English speaking friends at my school - we were always paired up in gym and I was so sad to say bye at the years end! -_-*sniff*)
She's going to see if she can call me again today so I'm excited to talk to her and see if the e-mail I sent her last night went through! It's so nice to know she still thinks about me but gosh! Long distance call from KOREA at ONE AM!?! I felt sort of bad....
But just so this letter has a question related to my genki little phone call story - How do you and Kouji keep in touch when you're off doing seishi stuff? I mean - ancient China doesn't have e-mail...
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
We don't unless we run into mutual friends or send messengers. An' quit annoyin' th' Emperor.
Dear Hotohori,
Hey Hotohori-sama. I got something that will beat your sword anyday! THE GOODIE-GIRL SLINGSHOT OF DOOOM! *shoots his hat off his head with a brick* MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!! *scambers hellbent for anywhere in SD mode*
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
*Picks up his Imperial Crown and looks at her rather annoyed...*
Dear Tasuki,
Then if my complaining isn't annoying ya, I'll take that as I can complain to ya! In fact, it's probably a better choice, because then I don't get smacked by my other friends.
The only real thing to complain about: my schedule. It is band, work, sleep. And with my fair skin and red hair, I have a complexion equal to a lobster's! Then I lost my voice, someone smacked me in the gut with a trombone, and it is about 90 degrees out! My freshmen won't do what I say so then I'm yelled at by my director. And yet I'm still supposed to read the field charts, find their spots, my spot, march those spots, call people, set up sectionals, drill the freshmen (with a voice!), and organize uniform issue. Then there's work on top of that.
Was THAT complaining enough to annoy ya?
Dear Katsumi,
Nah, ya' didn't even begin to scratch th' surface. This is good trainin' fer ya'! It'll build character. BTW, wear lotsa sunscreen. Ya' don't wanna damage yer skin!! Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Tamahome,
Tamahome, if you had to be locked in a room with say......Soi for three hours and you had to talk about three things with you were there - what would you talk to her about. (Note all powers are present so if you diss Nakkie-boy she can hurt you)
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
Hmmm... killing Tomo, the weather, and money.
Dear Nuriko,
I need som real good advice Nuriko. I am having a huge problem with a friend of mine.
A group of my friends (including me) are collaborating on a story where the characters are based on us. My char is Lady Zip and her special powers are probably the most insane of the bunch. One of the powers I wanted to have was for Lady Zip to be able to summon a character from a non-anime show and have them smite someone (for example - the cooler members of the cast of Beast Wars).
Now my best friend is the one WRITING the story - she is the self appointed head authouress while the rest of the group are character basis, suggestion women and writers of Self Centered Omake Theatre fics.
Now when I first introduced my 'Non-Anime Havoc Characters' idea my friend (head authouress) said alright. She TOLD me I could have them. Then on a trip to a friend's cottage last weekend she took it back. We were talking about smitings in our story and I mentioned my non-anime havoc characters.
She went - What? No way! I'm head authouress so I have to approve! Nothing non-anime! She went and took back everything she said! Right to my face! She said I had selective memory and then went and started critizing my taste in music - when she has the gall to be so narrow minded as to call everything I like that isn't anime 'a crappy show' - just cause she doesn't like it.
She didn't even sound like herself. Either this 'head authouress' thing has gone to her head or she's being a real jerk for no reason I can understand.
Later on (because we are using some other peoples characters as major players in the fic) she pulled this whole 'I'm the one who has permission to use so-and-so in MY fic. No yooou.' Then when I said 'fine, give me their e-mail adresses so I can ask them myself' (cause i'm writing an omake fic) she sat there with this grin on her face like 'i was first and you can have them'.
I yelled at her a bit for it and then she just lowered the visibility of her smirk to a 'say all you want, I'm not giving you anything'. You wouldn't believe how bad I wanted to launch myself across the room and slap her black and blue for being so snotty to me!
What's the worst is that this girl is my best friend and has been for almost as long as I can remember. We had a blast on the same trip last year and this year all I wanted to do was smack her upside the head! I was so dissapointed and I wanted it to be like last year instead of so crappy for me. By the time it was over I couldn't WAIT to go home. I needed a hug from my Mom and a night that I didn't think forever about how mad I was at Rachel before I got to sleep.
I have GOT to settle this with her. I don't want to loose her as a friend, but it is so hard to approach her when I'm so mad I don't think I could get through the conversation without screaming and crying. I need some suggestions on how to talk to her without making a huge scene.
Have any advice you could give me? Or possibly a hug?
Taiitsu no Miko (the upset friend of Rachel)
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
*Gives her a hug.* Well unfortunately people do change over the years and not always for the better. Have you tried to just tell her how bad she made you feel? Perhaps you can show her this letter if you can't being yourself to speak to her. Or write her a letter yourself and let her know that she has really upset you and that the two of you need to resolve this as you obviously value her friendship. Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Nuriko,
Hi Nuriko! I have a question about my hair (and NOT guys) for once!!!
Anywho, i was reading Seventeen yesterday and i usually just pass up the hair stuff, cause i hate mine and i refuse to do ANYTHING with it. You know what i mean, you've seen it. Bushy, frizzy, poofy and brown!. Anywho,
i saw that Alliyah has hair just like mine, but she uses a relaxer on her hair. What exactly is a 'relaxer' for your hair. I know it makes it straight (what i want!), but is it really bad for my hair? I read you've got to use conditioner (which i already used tons of just to brush it!), but other than that what else bad could happen?
I'm just asking cause my 16th birthday is coming up and this is what i might ask for along with my newly pierced ears. Thanks!
Oh and guess what! I'm starting to learn how to french braid my hair! Right now i'm braiding along the side of my face, but soon, THE WORLD!!!!
Relaxed Mary?
Dear Mary,
Congratulations on learning French Braiding! That's very difficult to do! A relaxer is generally quite harsh on your hair. You should consult your beautician about it and whether it is right for your hair. Happy Sweet 16!! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Chichiri,
Chichiri-san, I just ran a fanfic contest for people to submit their fanfics that had the oddest couple possible in it...the winning fanfic was "Anything But Alonely". You're probably wondering why I'm telling you...well the strange thing is the odd couple is you and Soi.
Dear Ai-sensei,
Really, no da??? Thank Suzaku it wasn't Tasuki, no da!! When do I get to read it, no da?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Why'd you change your name? Why'd you not return my phone calls? Why'd you never go out with me?????????????
*gwishy eyes* Pleeeaaaase Infi-chan!!!! Tell me!!!!!
BTW, I love the new name anyways! it's different, but I love the name Keisei. It means 'beautiful woman', ne? That describes you perfectly!!!!!!!!
Lord Misc
Dear Lord Misc,
Ya' know yer startin' to sound like a *^)%$#@ stalker!!! Get a grip man!!!
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