Dear baka-chan,
Nice artwork! Yer right!
Dear Chichiri,
DAAAAAAA!!! *gives Chichiri a big hug*
I haven't been here in a while! I just wanted to say that I have a new title - it's Kitsune no Miko! (And Houjun no Aijin, if that's not taken *grins*) And as Kitsune no Miko, I get Kurama from Yu Yu Hakusho as well as a certain fox-faced, blue-haired, no da-ing monk.... I don't want to scare you though, it just means that you're popular, ne?
Dear Jasmine-chan,
I suppose, no da! *Blushes*
Dear Nuriko,
*Doc-sama sneaks up on Ryuen and climbs onto his back* Piggyback ride!!!! My system is back online and I'm feeling quite genki. *_* I missed you and everyone else. Miss me?
Dear Doc-sama,
Yes we did!!! WE were all quite worried about you! Welcome back! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
Arigatou!! I promise I will pay you back!! :hugs him: Here is a bottle of sake just for you! :hands him a big bottle of sake: Luv ya Tasuki Papa!! :runs off with the money before Tamahome knows that she has $100 of his:
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley Chan,
Yer welcome! *Takes off before Tamahome sees him...*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi! again. so who's the Daichi guy? yea he's the seishi of the week but who exactly iz he?
Dear Mele/Mary,
He is a friend of Chichiri no Aijin's, no da. I guess she hasn't decided which one of us he reminds her of, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
After writing and looking around this page for a while, I have to say this: You guys are nice! So nice it's scary... Maybe a little Dungeon Keeper 2 will fix my evil craze?
Dear Witch,
I suppose, although I;ve never heard of that game before.
Dear Nuriko,
Hello Nuri-sama !!! I can call you that right???? Anyway I just thought it was really neat of you guys to put up a web page like this! ^_^ *smiles*
Anyway I'm terribly sorry about you little sister Kourin, *bows* I lost a close friend too. *sniff sniff* Yeah well hope you all are doin' ok! say hi to Tasuki for me err....wait i'll save you the trouble, gomen. still sad tho........OK BYE BYE!!
Dear Yume,
We're fine and yes, you may call me Nuri-sama if you wish. I shall give Tasuki your regards. Arigato!!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hiya! yea well it got too tiring giv'in gifts indivisually so i decided ta jus give them all at once. enjoy! o yeah and if u wanna know y i'm giv'in 'em ask tasuki
Nuriko- full length mirror complete with a beauty kit
Tamahome- ok i decided to take u up on the 2 gold ryou thingy. here. ::presents 2 gold ryou::
Mitsukake- ur own doctor's office! and a secretary ta go wit it! hehehe
Hotohori- um... i don't really know wut to give an emperor. any preferences?
Chiriko- sayme here. anything particular?
Dear Mele/Mary,
Arigato for the presents! Chiriko likes books and Hotohori-sama LOVES swords and mirrors.
Dear Chichiri,
Hi! um...::digs thru box, finds hair spray bottle:: Here! how do u keep ur bangs up like that anyway? o and if u wanna know y i gave u the hairspray... jus ask tasuki. ja ne!
Dear Mele/Mary,
Arigato, no da! They are just naturally like that, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
so everybody's happy huh? ok den. i'm gonna keep my promise ta give everybody sumthin. um... ::digs thru box, finds a bag of gelatin snacks:: Here ya go! hope u like it. ^_^
Dear Mele/Mary,
Arigato! These thins' are pretty good! Ya' got any in sake flavor?
Dear Nuriko,
Hey there! Thanks for the massage advice, but i'm not going to do it. I neglected a few details, so i'm gonna end up being mighty guilty....ANWAYS
The reason why i'm writing you is that i have a question. This thursday my family is invited to go to the opening night of one of my mommy's patients photography exhibits. He's REALLY good and travels ALL around the world and i believe he works for national geographic, but i'm not completely sure.
He works for some magazine that requires him to travel a lot.... anyways, this came up cause i was showing my mom my washington d.c. photos (which kick @$$). Well, the invitation was for the whole family, but my siblings are out of town. I asked if i could invite doug instead. And my parents said it was okay, and doug said something last night on the IM that kind of makes me wonder (not only is she beautiful, she can cook too!)
That comment shook me and confused me until i realized jean was IMing me too....ANYWHO! I would like to invite him as a friend (i'm VERY sure about that) and he knows of my interest in photography and all that, do you think it's a good idea to invite him?
Dear Mary,
I don't know... I feel that perhaps you should try to distance yourself a bit from Doug and consider inviting someone else to show. I know you miss him but, I'm afraid that you may only end up hurt again if you continue to see him so soon after becoming just friends. Do what you think is best.
Dear Tasuki,
If you don't not like me, do you love me then???? Tama loves his miko...
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
I like ya' kid. Let's not push it...
Dear Tasuki,
Sure they can put you in the situtaion, but *YOU'RE* the one who get yourself almost totally killed!
Dear Ai-sensei,
*Heavy on the sarcasm...* Yeah, guess I shoulda beat Obake-chan to death instead of listenin' to my Miko! 'Che! See!!! Ya' women ALWAYS get me in trouble!!!
Dear Tasuki,
Is it "Rekka Shinen" or "Lekka Shinen"? Why is it I've seen both used equally on different websites?
Dear Hoshi,
It is translated from Japanese as "Rekka Shienen" but "Lekka Shienen" is also correct. So that is why you see both used.
Dear Nuriko,
Yeah, that's the word! :-) And we think it's a fitting name for the puppy, too. I'm glad you like her. You seem to like animals; ever consider getting a cat or something? *laughs*
Dear Hoshi,
Well there is Tama-neko. He's befriended all of the Seishi.
Dear Mitsukake,
Ano...don't you have two songs? And I like your singing.
Psychic Sora
Dear Psychic Sora,
Two songs? Possibly, but the one I am known for is the one that counts as far as I am concerned.
Dear Tasuki,
Of course, of course. How could I forget? Just because my band director is evil and all my energy is draining away between band camp, work, and my other job doesn't mean I can't find some way to be annoying to you! I'll just complain!!
Well, that, or send in my freshmen that I have to train to annoy you for me. (Freshmen to Katsumi: But we don' waaaaaannaaa do that drill again!!
Katsumi: TOUGH NOOGIES! -_-;;)
I think I'll "borrow" Asuka's EVA and squash my director during camp.
Dear Katsumi,
Sorry yer havin' such a hard time of it. But yer complainin' ain't annoyin' me.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Grrrrr....I hate the opposite sex. I finally find a guy I REALLY like, seriously, and he said he was attracted to me. But he also said that he was afriad to have his (verbatim quote) "heart on a platter". I don't want to hurt him. I won't either, but he doesn't seem to understand. How do I get him to understand that I won't hurt him? Help, onegai?
Dear Christine,
It's quite possible that he has been hurt badly in the past. Perhaps you can start off as friends and date casually and then let the relationship develop from there. Good luck!
Dear Mitsukake,
Hey, you think you can zap this pimple I have on my chin? I've had it for months, and nothing-not even Vitamin A works! I never have any problems with my skin-it's perfect! But darn, this thing just won't go away!
A-J (not the juice)
Dear A-J,
I would like to help you but cannot leave to come to your world. Have you tried Oxy-10?
Dear Chiriko,
(Chibi cabbit with a braid comes scampering in) Meeeeow!!! meow meow!! mreeow meeow meeeeeoooooow mreeow mroow!!! meow meow meow!!! mreeeow?
Dear Duo-Ohki,
Awww... kawaii!!! *Pets the cabbit and gives him a carrot.*
Dear Hotohori,
I gotta question, is that you singing the song that is played during your death? I made a friend of mine, and, who is also a huge fan of yours, listen to it. She was like, "Oooo...Hotohori..." O.o She's kinda on the weird side...Heheh...Oh, ya! (pulls out some cookies) Here, try these! I made them the other night and not sure if they taste good. Well, my brother and sister both liked them...but still...*looks around* Well, gotta jet! Ja ne!
Dear Mikey,
Yes it is. Arigato for the cookies.
Dear Tasuki,
Costume Money..lets see I need a Yaten wig...I need to buy some matterial....oh ya, also some of the money is going towards helping my friend make a cotume, a Tasuki costume!! :D :holds out her hand with a kawaiiness smile: Please Tasuki Papa?
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley Chan,
OK. Chotto matte... *Checks his moneu pouch and then sneaks into Tamahone's room and helps himself to $100. (He IS a bandit after all!!) Here ya' go! Jus' don't ferget to pay me back.
Dear Tasuki,
Gee, you don't like me...pity..then I guess I can go through my "Torture Tasuki" fanfic that my 'mouto didn't want me to compose. And I'm giving Suboshi the leading role in the torturing. hehehe!!
And, how can you say you hate women because they get ya into trouble. Someone else can't get you in, you get yourself in. They can only help, you have control over that part of your fate/destiny.
Dear Ai-sensei,
They Do get me into trouble!! Or at least d*mn near killed!
Dear Tasuki,
Arigatou, Tasuki. With all the responsibilities that have just recently been dumped on my shoulders, I haven't had the energy to be annoying to ya'. But I'm guessing that you would be very grateful to my band director for that.
So, is this message board thing you're talkin' about the Sarah Ma impersonator thing?
(an exhausted) Katsumi
Dear Katsumi,
Yep, that's what I was talkin' 'bout. Tell yer band director I said thanks! Heh-heh-heh... *Fanged grin.*
Dear Hotohori,
Ohayo gozaimasu, Hotohori-sama. ^_^ How are you this fine morning? Well, I hope? *sighs* I start school again tomorrow, so I'll be writing even _less_ then normal. But at least I'll get to see my friends again. Oh, Hotohori-sama, do you remember how someone had a peeji like this, only for Tenchi and the gang? Well...I was on there the other day, but there was no answer peeji I could see. I'm confused...well, ja ne Hotohori-sama! *hugs*
Dear Rabbit,
I'm sure they will have an answer peeji soon. Ganbatte kudasai.
Dear Chichiri,
How do I get rid of bad luck?! I seem to be having a thing of bad luck lately...first, my internet server busted, but its now fixed, next, I sliced my finger while opening some new contact lenses! It hurt and there was blood everywhere...Then...I realized that the Pierce County Fair is coming up!! That is really bad!! I'm in it with my dog, who is twelve years old!! And she is soo going to have stage fright, I bet!! *sweatdrop* You wouldn't by any chance know any good-luck charms I can get my paws on, do ya? ^_^ I need a good-luck charm by this up-coming thursday...And I can't drive yet, so I hafta get my mom or dad to drive me some place either monday or sunday...*sniffs* I really don't want to show, with that dog. But I can't let my group down...*sniffles* Ja ne...*walks away sniffling*
P.S. I am now known as Mikey...*nods*
Dear Mikey,
The best I can say is believe in yourself and your dog, no da. I have no lucky charms that you can get where you are, no da. *Gives her a hug.* Ganbatte Kudasai, no da!
Dear Nuriko,
Hello again!!! Sorry I scared you before I was just kidding about the marriage thing i was justing wondering if you'd say yes. ANYWAY yeah you're still gonna be my best friend ...right?? ok bye bye
Miaka W
Dear Miaka W,
Of course I'll be your friend!
Dear Hotohori,
Hotohori-sama we all know Nuri-chan Loves you do You Lover her ever thought she's a he? I know that she's kinda your rival cause your both so beautiful I wanted to know love ya Ja Ne
Setsuna Yuy
Dear Setsuna Yuy,
No. I care about him as a friend and a fellow Seishi.
Dear Nuriko,
Nuri-chan I want to know if you some how got into Hoshi's body or were rencarnated in her or was it that your love for Hotohori-sama let you be reborn as a female and your just keeping quiet? Oh and we came up with a good question. If a girl were to fall in love with you would that mean that she's a Lesbian/Bi chick and If a Guy were to fall in love with You would that mean that your beautiful ( which your are )and he's straight or would that mean he's gay/Bi and your beautiful anywayz? cause you are Beautiful Nuri-chan and we Love you ( we would be my friends they know who they are) Ja Ne
Setsuna Yuy
Dear Setsuna Yuy,
No, we are two separate people. I am a man. So any woman that fell for me would be straight and any man that fell for me would be confused. And maybe a bit upset...
Dear Tamahome,
I was just thinking Don't you spend too much Money on "Mibaka". She has got to charge up one h*ll of bills on food and restrants and such things oh and here is 20 gold coins I know it'll only last 1 hour but it's the least I could do JA Ne Tama-chan
Setsuna Yuy
Dear Setsuna Yuy,
Arigato for the okane! I love her so I don't see it that way.
Dear Chichiri,
I gots a presant for you Chichiri!
Lookie! It's Kelli! :D isnt she kawaii?! ^^ she was so awsome to meet. ;-)
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley Chan,
Arigato, no da! I'm glad you liked her, no da! Nice picture!
Dear Tasuki,
-goes and finds whoever was being mean to CnA chan and Lekka Shien's them-:goes back to Tasuki and hands him the Tessen: there we go :) Anyway..Tasuki Papa..can I borrow $100 I *SWEAR* I will pay you back!
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley Chan,
$100.00??? I ain't tight like Tamahome, but what's it fer?
Dear Nuriko,
*giggles when she thinks of Tasuki making Tamahome smoke* Anywho...i'm not looking for the perfect guy...i think i like this single thing again. But a bit of company would do me good. you think this is the time to get trevor to give me a massage? I mean, i do owe him 3 hours of my dexterity...but should i ask for some in return?
Deviously Mary
Dear Mary,
Absloutely!!! Have fun and be good!!
Dear Mitsukake,
I don't feed the dog chocolate. She finds her own source through me and my family...we accidently leave the food down where she can get it. *sweatdrop* The dog in the picture is the dog I use for 4-H, the dog who eats chocolate and is still alive is a vicious dog who won't let any other dog that doesn't live with us near anyone. She actually attacked the pizza-boy once...but she kinda jes nipped him. Tenchi `n the Gang were for some reason up in my room using MY new tv to play video games. Well, later!
Dear Keiko,
You really should try to not leave things where she can eat them. Hmmmm .... her temperment reminds me of Tasuki on a bad day... *Smiles*
Dear Hotohori,
AHHHHH! I just saw volume 15-you were so beautiful! I loved it! It was more like a musical, and I won't say anything else to spoil things-but that tape was my favorite tape! I loved your scene! And the whole bird flying away! Do you know you are soooo perfect and majestic?!
Tasuki is still my favorite, but hey, your cool too1
I didn't know how cool you were until that tape! Ok, so I did think you were cool when you first showed up on the screen, and I got my mother hooked, and she had a heart-attack when she saw you! She totaly fell in love with you when you graced your presence! Ah, my whole family likes Fy-it's a bit strange? My Dad and Mom, and my brother and his wife-and we are all old I suppose? Ok, so 22 is not old-but I just had to write and tell ya!
Dear Avery,
Arigato for your kind words. I'm glad you and your family are enjoying our adventures. You are never too for a good story! *Smiles*
Dear Mitsukake,
lack true...can't sing...well, at least the music and lyrics are nice... mercy kiiling eh?! With what the bird had to live with, it was just putting the d*mn thing outta it's misery.
Dear Ai-sensei,
Same idea...
Dear Tasuki,
Sure you may have an aisai, *but* do you like her?! It doesn't matter whether or not that you have one, what matters is if you like her. And as you said, you hate women, andan aisai is a woman! *insert Tomo cackle here*
Dear Ai-sensei,
Of course I LIKE her!! She wouldn't be my Aisai if I didn't!! YOU on th' other hand are a whole different story... >.<
Dear Tasuki,
*sniffles* I just checked the answers and I'm hurt. I'm not one of the earlier people?? I thought me and Momoko-chan were the earliest that are still around... *sniffles* I came like 2 years ago or more...
Tasuki doesn't like me. Pooh. Oh, and today I watched the first 4 episodes of Ayashi no Ceres and it was AWESOME! I also saw the first 4 episodes of Houshin Engi too. ^_^ I loved it. And you better explain to me why you don't like me.
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
I'm sorry!!! Yer right!!! It was my *(^%$#@ mistake!! An' I never said I don't like ya'!
Dear Tasuki,
Guess wut! i'm feeling nice so i'm gonna do sumthing good for sum1 else. okok. who has been having a hard time or needs sum cheering up? i'll try my best to make them feel better. if no one is feeling down then i guess i'll jus give everyone sumthing. :) ja ne!
Dear Mary,
We're all doin' fine here. I'm glad to hear yer in a good mood!
Dear Tasuki,
Oi, have any `ya guys seen Trigun? I saw the first tape in dubbed, and it rocked!! I think it would of been better if they didn't swear every five minutes. ^_^ I watched the tape three times. bro said he might of liked it, if it wasn't anime. What does he know?! Nothing! All he likes is travel junk and marvel comics. Course, we both like X-Men and Star Wars...heheh, well, catcha later!! Ja ne!*hugs Tasuki and wanders off*
P.S.My mom is worried about me. She's afraid I got back into my cooky outfits. When I say cooky, I mean...baggy-big-men shirts, baggy pants, bandanas, old army uniforms...etc...hehee...I look like a guy though with the outfits. Ha!
Dear Keiko,
We have an' we LOVED it!!! WE have it on DVD an' we've already pre-ordered the next 5 DVDs through DVDExpress.
So, are ya' dressin' like a guy again?? Why do ya' wanna do that?
Dear Tasuki,
Well, at least I actually like members of the oppsoite sex and don't appear gay like...*YOU*! Che! I don't care if Suboshi-sama is a pyscho... you too are a pyscho in your own way...actually, you're what we a pyro.
Dear Ai-sensei,
I ain't no pyro! I only flame things that NEED to be flamed! An' I only hate women 'cos they ALWAYS get me in trouble! I DO have an Aisai ya' know! *Fanged grin*
Dear Nuriko,
Thanks again Nuriko-san. The art college was fun! There were so many guys there that were easy on the eyes...Soho was one of them. I didn't get to meet him, but jean buddied-up with his girlfriend evelyn. But i did get to meet Garret (he wondered how i knew his name and i told him i was a stalker), Jordan, Adrian, David and all these guys. Most of whom, smoked! I was SOOOO upset when i found that out! Phooey!
Well, i am getting a lot better at handling my emotions. For now, instead of learning about the 13 colonies between 1700-1775 (which i normally wouldn't), i'm reading Anita Loos' 'Gentlemen prefer Blondes'. It's very well writen, i just want to smack the c#@$ out of Lorelei! She is such a ditz! Ten times as worse as Gwenevere in the 'Mists of Avalon'! I can't wait to finish the first half of the book and get on with 'But Marry Brunettes', i'm hoping there's a character in there i can relate to better than dorothy (the unreformable who just doesn't know how to behave in the presence of a gentleman.) Sheesh. Have a nice weekend!
Normally Mary
Dear Mary,
I'm glad you're getting back to your old self! *Smiles* Sorry that all those guys smoke. It IS a disgusting habit! Although Tamahome smokes occasionally... but that's only when Tasuki flames him with his tessen! Don't worry, you find your perfect guy soon enough!
Dear Tasuki,
*sneaks up behind Tasuki and sighs* Gomen, but I've just been feeling the need for hugs lately. Better than that homicidal urge've you been?
Dear Katsumi,
I've been OK. Jus' a bit ticked about all this message board garbage... *Gives her a hug.* So, better?
Dear Chichiri,
Thank you for the advice, Chichiri! I've tried to reason with our ghost, and he's still around...but he's cut back on the creepy occurences. I think I can live with not being allowed to go by the basement.
Dear Shuurei,
I'm glad I was able to help, no da. It is possible that he died in the basement and his remains are still there, no da. Have you researched the building's history, no da? You might want to.
Dear Mitsukake,
Hehehe...I know what you mean about the bird...hehehe, Nakago the masochitsic dictator killed his canery...poor bird never had a chance
Dear Ai-sensei,
I believe that Tasuki called the bird's death a mercy killing. Considering Nakago's singing talent... Or lack thereof...
Dear Tasuki,
TASUKI!!!! *hugs* oh, I haven't talked to you for sssssooooooo long! I have 2 questions:
1. Tomorrow is my birthday, so will you give me a kiss? pleeeeaaaasssseee?
2. Okay, this is going to be really long. For my birthday, I got a lot of cash. So earlier today, we went to the pet store to get stuff for our other pets, and we saw a beige chinchilla there. Now, I already have 2 other ones, but not a beige one. So I called my mum over and was showing her how cute it was. Then we were talking to my dad and brother, and mum's like, "Well, you have the money, so you could get it ..." and aniki and mum keep talking about what I could name it, and that I'd have to put together a cage, and vet visits, etc. etc. *rolls eyes* So, how could I refuse? I mean, the were talking like it was the most natural thing for me to cough up $100 for this thing. (and it IS really cute.) Well, anyway, I got the chinchilla. Now it's at home, sitting in it's cage that I put together. I ... well, I don't think it likes me. It won't let me hold it and it won't let me take it out of it's cage. And I don't think I like it either. I feel so bad now. Did I do a really stupid thing? I mean, do you think it will like me better later, or have I wasted all of that money just for something that will make me work extra?
P.S. Do you have any suggestions for a name? ^^;; It's a girl.
Dear Moon,
Sure. Otanjoubi omedeto gozaimasu! *Gives her a kiss on the cheek.* I think mebbe ya' gotta let it get used to ya' an' to it's new home. Jus' be patient an' kind to it an' it should come 'round to ya'. If it's REALLY that ornery mebbe ya' can call it Aidou! Heh-heh-heh... Or if ya' want it to be sweet ya' could call it Miaka, but it might eat ya' outta house an' home! Good luck an' happy birthday!
Dear Tasuki,
Well.. *_*; I wanna know because I'm a curious mankey.. is that a crime? So now can you tell tell me? *jumps up and down*
Dear Mankey,
It ain't a crime. I'm jus' protective of alla th' people that hang out here. Th' ones that still seem to be here are Lina, Jeanie, Mary, Momoko-chan, an' sometimes Peach an'Kiwi. At least those are th' ones I can think of off th' top of my head.
Dear Tamahome,
Mina!hi!*hands Tamahome 2 peices of gold*wait a minute,your really kind of brave and Taitskun didn't give you anything as a reward so i'll give you5 peices of gold,does that make you feel better?so do you have your own website of all of you?if yuou do ,why don't you tell me when your ready to answer alright.How's everyone?hope their o.k. it's really fun talking to you guys i mean you guys can give some advice and you answer questions that some other people can't answer for you.i was just wondering if who was your most favorite or bestfriend among all of you?hope you answer my question*gives Tamahome a good,long hug and says goodbye*bye!
Dear Jeula-chan,
We have MANY websites. You might want to check our Links Peeji as well as Anime Turnpike.
I guess even thought he tends to fry me every chance I get I would say out of all the Seishi I consider Tasuki to be my best friend. Arigato for the okane!
Dear Hotohori,
Hi! *hugs* Have you ever heard the Carmen Suites by Bizet? How about Pines of Rome by Resphigi? I performed those this year and at camp, among other things. I wish you could have been there to hear...not to brag, but we sounded professional! Would you like to hear a clip of us from I highly recommend listening to Pines of Rome from a professional cd, though. *laughs* I just wanted to write that...bye! ;-)
Dear Hoshi,
I haven't heard of those pieces, but I would love to hear your MP3!
Dear Nuriko,
You like her? ^_^ Her call name is Dolce (the breed is Italian, so we pick Italian you know how that name is pronounced?) It translates to mean "sweet" or "sweetly". But her nickname can be Nuriko.
Dear Hoshi,
Hai! Like "La Dolce Vita", ne?
Dear Tasuki,
Yay! I have some of my picture devoloped from a few weeks ago! I have an updated picture of me! I don't look cute though, but my dog Missy does.
If you can't tell us apart, I'm the human, Meg, and the black thing is my dog Missy, the one I have been doing 4-H with. Ja ne!
Dear Keiko,
Cute dog! So where's Tenchi an' his gang?
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki Papa! Who attacked CnA chan?! WHO?! :takes out Tasuki's tessen: just point me in their direction adn they will DIEEEE! And why did they attack her?!
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley Chan,
Someone usin' th' (stolen) name an' email address of someone named Sarah Ma was sayin' all kinda rude an' vulgar stuff 'bout Chichiri no Aijin an' th' people on th' Message Board. We don't know why. We guess they were jus' bored.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
(comes in looking happy) I'M BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK!!!!!!!!!! ^_^ I came home on July 29, but my internet server was busted! -.-;; WAI! The store where I rent my anime, now has all the FY TV series!! I only have one left!! Yay!! I'm happy!! I got two other girls into FY! They love likes Hotohori an one likes Tamahome...They asked me which one I liked out of two and I told them possibly Tamahome. It was kinda funny to watch them act like zombies. Lol! The food was good at camp, and the counslers were cool. I head-butted one by accident, and the other hit me on the head by accident with a ball the size of a giant beachball, only heavier. I had a headache fer a while. But, it was fun.
Ya know what? I have this one dog, who I mention is fat-beyond-fat!, who has eaten atleast three pounds of chocolate through her life, and she still is alive!!! (sweatdrop) She is so mean though...
Well, see ya!!(hugs all the seishi)
Dear Keiko,
Welcome back! Stop feeding your poor dog chocolate. It's really bad for her. Is she the cute one in the picture you sent us?
Dear Tasuki,
Hey you guys! Long time, no see! Anyway, I'm back bearing gifts. This one is for Tasuki. Hope you like! Burning Desire by Moonsong
Dear Moonsong,
Great story!! Chichiri no Aijin an' alla us loved it!! Thanks!
Dear Tasuki,
Arigatou for the hug and tissue.. ::smiles:: ::hugs him again:: Tasuki is my very favourite in the whole wide world!
Dear Megara,
Yer welcome! *Looks at his musume Kelli..* See!!! Somebody loves me!!! *Fanged grin*
Dear Tasuki,
Maybe... why do you wanna know?
Shrinemaiden Keisei
Dear Keisei,
This guy Lord Misc. seems to REALLY be in love wit' Infini-chan an' I jus' wanna help him out.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Okaaay. I'm back ::walks in with a tray of assorted cookies, two cartons of milk, and a jug of Sake:: Kay, here are the cookies promised ::smiles:: Enjoy! I'll be going to San francisco in a few days. So this will be my going-away treat. :) Ja Ne!
Luv ya,
Dear Megara,
Arigato! Have a fun and safe trip! Try going to Nihon-machi while you're there. They have a Kinokuniya mall (place to get manga and art books) and a store called Mikado Music where Chichiri no Aijn found some of our character single CDs.
Dear Nuriko,
*hugs her Nuriko-papa*
Nuri-papa! My life is ruined! *starts to sob*
Hotokimi's been away for about a week visting one of her brothers in the Hokkan and this morning we started getting a thousand messengers all over the city warning about a snowstorm that's been burying whole cties up north!
Hotokimi's snowed at the Hokkan capitol as far as I know. The whole place is cut off! She might have gotten into an avalanche or been trapped on the roads or anything!
*cries even more* I'm so worried! I don't know what I'm going to do! I want to go and get her myself but I'm too close to my baby's birth and Mitsu-san won't let me leave the palace. Hotohori's already headed out with his guard but I...I just want to do something. Anything! *buries her head in Nuriko's shoulder sobbing*
(a very very worried Kourinish)
Dear Kourin,
The best thing you can do now is stay here and stay calm. Hotohori-sama will take care of everything! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
It's not that I don't mind (in fact, that's why I prefer him over you...~.^ I did have a page shrine for you, Chichiri and the twins, but I took it down), it's just that you can't find a unique way of sayin the same g*dd*mn thing over and over and over and over...etc...baka-yarou...hehehe...
Dear Ai-sensei,
Ya' mean ya' like him 'cos he IS a derranged psycho murderer??? 'Che! Onna no hito... go figure...
Dear Mitsukake,
Poor you...only one song...wel granted you can't least you're better than Nakago is...take consulation in that small insignifican fact...
Ai-sensei (the war at war with Tasuki)
Dear Ai-sensei,
I do. At least no innocent birds were ever killed by MY singing...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hello again. I wrote to you just a couple of days ago and arigato for that quick response:) I was the one with the problem person in the rpg. Well, I did what you advised, we all got together and tried to talk to her again. To make a long story short...she blew up!! She used the worse language she could think of, called us all kinds of names and then left. I mean she just left our rpg, saying she will make her own.
But the problem is of the other players is her best friend and she says she will also leave if I don't email her personally with an apology and ask to have her back. I really don't see what I should apologize for. All I wanted to do was get up a rpg to have some fun. How can I prevent something like this from happening again?????
Still Fed-Up
Dear Still Fed-Up,
One, you need to write up guidlines or rules and post them where everyone can see them so this doesn't happen in the future.
The second thing you can do is write to her and tell her you're sorry she feels the way she does and that she is welcome to stay AS LONG AS SHE ABIDES BY THE RPG RULES AND GUIDELINES. At that point the onus is on her to return and comply with your rules.
Dear Nuriko,
Thanks Nuriko-sama. Reading that put a smile on my face. Well, I'm glad that it worked out with CnA and her husband and their nine years anniversary is coming up soon. I guess it gives me hope, but i'm not quite sure....
You see, Doug is going to U.C. San Diego and i'll be stuck where i'm stuck. And i never go down to San Diego unless my parents want to visit friends...and that hasn't happened in 2 years...and then there's when i go away to college. I think i want to go to an east coast school. But we'll just see how the future works out.
As for the title of Girlfriend...I know! Before doug i was like, "Who cares. I don't want to 'belong' to anyone!" a healthy attitude of the single. And now i'm pathetic. It's sad really. My dating perspective is all thrown up in a cirlce of feelings. I'm completely depressed and only jean has really picked up on it. I think my parents think it's the mono keeping my fatigued, which i really don't think it is, my mind is just on other things~i tried doing my history homework, far from done!
Anyways, my problem with his birthday party isn't whether i'll be able to keep control of myself. I think seeing him will lighten my spirits, i hope, unless he's there flirting with someone else...*sweatdrop*....My problem is whether or not he'll invite me. Plus, i already got him a gift, a new cell phone cover for his damnable contraption (I HATE cell phones!)
Oh, i don't know. I hate hormones. Why did there have to be Adam and Eve? Why can't we all just assexually reproduce...i'm beginning to like Foz's view on life...i must tell her about my revelation and let her rub it in my face for a while...then, once self control and my former attitude on titles has returned...she'll be sorry....*rubs her hands maliciously*
*realizes she's still typing and not thinking to herself* ^^;;; Hi! Anyways.....thank's nuriko for all of your help! Now, i'm off to watch Port Charles, All My Children and then off to see Jean and (hopefully) CnA at her art exhibition! Ja!
The Still Hormonally Depressed/Challenged, Mary
Dear Mary,
*Gives her a hug.* You'll be ok. You just need sometime to get over this. If you're truly worried that he'll be flirting with some other girl or girls at his party, well he wasn't much of a boyfriend to get over you that quickly so you're better off with out him and two just send him his gift with your regrets. I'm sure you'll be fine. If Jeanie hasn't yet, have her introduce you to Soho ~_^!
Dear Nuriko,
I thought i'd be nice and write a letter to you...umm...umm...what to say what to say... Lovely weather I'm having **looks out at the storm through her window** EEK! THUNDER! O.O **hides behind Nuriko** I HATE thunder...
Relena the thunder hater O.o
Dear Relena,
*Holds her.* It's OK. Are you sure that's thunder? It might be Heero paying you a visit.
Dear Tamahome,
Do you think I'd live if I ate Tasuki's Tessen? **Can eat anything y'know..o.o;;** Wonder what would happen if I did...
Dear Relena,
If like a lot of Japanese war-fans it's made of iron, you'd never be anemic! Or you could end up with heartburn...
Dear Chiriko,
*sniff sniff* This is sooo nice! That was one of the first fanart pics I've ever drawn and it was sooo nice to see someone liked it! WAI WAI! Its even on a page! How totally cool! A sequel comes soon ... lets just say that you and I share a commen intrest, Chiriko! :) I like to study too. Really! Ask my friends! I HATE history (mostly because of my incredibly boring teacher), but I love science, English (writing is fun!), and *gasp* MATH! Yes, I like math! It makes sense, unlike boring history. I LOVE stuff that makes sense. Can't wait to take Abstract Algebra AP in Junior year. Well, history will be better in high school. Ah, but I rant.
Living Daylights ... do be doo .... Living Daylights! *sings to J-pop song* I LOVE TWO MIX! Coolest J-pop group ever! (They did all the theme songs for GWing) Opps, better stop singing ... its 1:37 am in Dallas and I have Summer Band tommorow (I also like music, I play oboe and vibraphone and keyboard and piano and recorder ... :)
Well, back to the piccyture ... I drew it late at night when this idea would NOT get out of my head, then colored it a few days later and decided to scan it ... Well, I do all my best work at midnight and later! All three fanfics I wrote (Gundam Wing on Acid I, II and III. Yes, you should be afraid. ^_^) were written at strange and weird hours of the night. Ah, but I rant. Again. ~_~
Guess what? Mary (nice kind and wonderful person that she is :) made me an anti-chibiness potion. But I realized I like being Chibi better than un-Chibi! So the potion is saved for vital times (Like when I'm chasing Tasuke on the MB, venting my anger on Fang-boy ^_^) and I'm Chibi Sami for good! ^^
(copy of what happened when the Monsterous Peaceloving One of the Scary and Absoulutely Disgusting Pinkmobile (aka Relena) found out that I LIKED my Chibi situation)
Relena: No! My plan backfired! I meant to disable you of your evil, destruction-causing magic and bad habits, but you are happy! You can date your favorite Seishi now! NOOO!!! Now how can I search for COMPLETE PEACE and promote TOTAL PACIFISM with a maniac like you running around?
Chibi Sami: Heh heh, you can try! And I'll still write Duo/Hiiro fanfiction! *pauses to drool at the kawaii couple* And make fun of your obbsession with Hiiro! And prove using logic that your relationship with Hiiro NEVER would work!
Relena: You evil twisted yaoi fangirl!
Chibi Sami: *takes a bow* Yaoi, yes. Evil, kind of. Twisted, gundammed straight. Fangirl, yup. Sane, not on your life.
Relena: I will have my revenge! AND my Hiiro! MY Hiiro! MINE MINE MINE! We share a deep love that you will never understand! *stalks off*
Chibi Sami: Bad Relena! No cookie for you! Hiiro is not yours! He never will be! Make me barf, why don't you. *turns to audience* Now kids, don't try this at home. This is why even if I can't use BIG BLACK magic, I can still put my fanfic characters in line. *Turns to Relena* DIL BRAND!
*Relena, along with a fourty foot radius of earth, gets blown
faaar into the sky*
HA HA HA ... gomen, force of habit. ~_^ I probably should've thanked her for Chibifying me, but ... ah well! I'll smite her with a titanium crowbar next time I see her instead of a kitchen knife. See? All better!
(end flashback)
She (Relena) annoys me to no end ... seeing as she trys to split up my bestest friend (Duo - with my personality, it makes sense, ne?) and his boyfriend. And she wears PINK! Gomen, if you like pink, Chiriko, but I NEVER wear the color ... it is EEEVIL, EEVIL I tell you, EEEEEEVIL! Dark green is nice, red too ... and black ... and sometimes blue or purple, but never PINK.
Uh oh, do I hear my mom in the hall? Oops, my spontanious karioke and Evil Monster smiting must have awakened the slavedriver! Back to my cardboard box! G'night, Chiriko!
*Chibi Sami hides laptop under piled of various burned things (that wern't burned before she got to them ^^) and crawls into small room ... about 4x4x4 ft my room is ^^ ... humming a c.4@ful tune of "Last Impression", followed by "Just Communication", and then "Tokimeki"*
Chibi Sami (Ahh ... feels good to smite the Pink One ... a smiting a day keeps Chibi Sami nice and genki :)
PS Gomen if my messages are too long ... I like talking to you! And I don't like posting pointless one-liner messages.
PPS Tell Hotohori thanks for his message on the MB. Turns out the vulgar poster was a fake - she stole this girls name and posted as her, complete with email address and all! The REAL girl got on the MB after getting nasty emails from us, and was really mad at the imposter! The situation is stable now ... Thank Kami-sama. Bad imposter! Bad girl! No cookie for you!
Dear Chibi Sami,
It was a great picture! *Sweatdrops over her treatment of Relena...*
Dear Chichiri,
You know aisaika, I've been feeling really depressed lately. Like nothing goes right.
I can't really explain, I just feel down and Eeyoreish.
Kelli, CnA#2
Dear Kelli,
*Looks concerned* I thought your show was doing well, no da. And you got an apartment for next year in college, ne? So, what's REALLY wrong, no da? *Gives her a hug and holds her.*
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