Dear Tasuki,
::sighs:: Why cant people today just stay faithful to ONE ****ing person, and not go and cheat with on them with an INNOCENT person?!?!?! It makes many lives very difficult, ya know??? What is this world coming to?? And what makes everything worse... ::pauses and grabs Sake out of Tasuki's hand, takes a few sips, and gives it back:: ....if two bestfriends get involved it makes everything more ****ING dangerous...incase u cannot tell...i am at the veeeerrrry end of my rope.....this is not my fault right? My only problem is that i am too damn nice for my own good... ::pauses again..starts sobbing::
Dear Allison/Megara,
I take it yer one half of Mary/Mele's matchmakin' an' he's cheatin' on ya'? *Gives her a hug and a tissue.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi you guys, thanks for the advice. But my mom was right, i was an outfall. At first i thought it would be great for me and doug to be 'just friends'. And now that we are, i hate it. I miss him and we've only been friends for 23 hours! I feel like some aura/ protection field of happiness has been taken away from me!
Last week when i wrote you guys, i was so upset with him and really just wanted him gone. But now i don't want that. I want to hold the title 'girlfriend' again. I know it sounds stupid, and the old saying, 'be careful what you wish for' does apply, but i don't want it to!
Now that i'm not 'with him' i'm miserable. When we decided this he was taking me home after my parents allowed me to spend the night at his house. And don't think anything funny happened, if there was such a thing, my mom would win the 'Over-protective Mom of ALL time' award. But anyways, in the car on the way home we were holding hands. Then we started talking about when he goes away to college and how it wouldn't be fair to either one of us and all that good stuff. After we decided on being just friends, he didn't hold my hand or anything. Infact, i think he was afraid to touch me.
I don't know. And when we finally got to my house (traffic sucked!), i said, 'friends, right?' he agreed, and i kissed him lightly on the lips and then hugged him goodbye.
At first i was happy i was single, my mind set on trevor and jean is going to try and set my up with this guy Adam (who goes to our school). I was okay with it and all, i wanted it, at least i thought i did. Now i don't. I want to be with him, and hold that silly title that shouldn't make a difference in how i feel or anything!
And now his 18th birthday is coming up in 5 days, and i really want to go. But i'm not sure if it's as a friend or someone with more friendly intentions. I'm so confused. But thank you for listening to me ramble on and on. And hopefully this whole ordeal won't be the last in the doug saga.
At least i hope it won't.
Utterly Confused,
The depressed Mary
Dear Mary,
Well if it makes you feel any better Chichiri no Aijin and her husband decided to just be friends while he was at college and she was still in high school. Now he did make a point of seeing her when he was in town and they'd still go out on a date. She also kept in touch with him while he was away. They just never told each other about the other people they were dating. It seemed to work for them. Their 9th anniversary is next month.
If you can deal with it go to his birthday. If you think it will hurt too much then at least call him or send him a card or present. You need time to heal and get over the hurt of what has happened.
As far as wanting to hold the title of "Girlfriend", this is the 21st century! Women DO NOT need a man or a title like "Girlfriend" to define themselves! Be your OWN woman and your own "Girlfriend"! You'll feel a lot better for it! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
Who are the veterans of this page, meaning who are the earliest people that came on this page and are still around. I REALLY wanna know.
Dear Mankey,
Before I give out names I wanna know why ya' wanna know so bad.
Dear Tasuki,
How am i baka... sniff... sniff... how am i "turning" on her..? ....sob...
Dear Allison,
I think ya' an' yer friend Mele/Mary need to talk. I duuno why she said that.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
What do ya all want for your birthdays when they come up next? ?.? OOHH! oh yeah! Taaasuukkiiii! Chichiriiii!! Chirikooo! **gets really kawaii-eyed and ect.** Could you three try the food I made! **holds out a plate full of messed up, green cookies**
**Whams Mina with a 50 ton plushie** I don't cook that bad!!!!!!
Relena and her friend behind her (mina's her nickname)
Dear Relena and Mina,
Here's what we'd like for our birthday's:
Tamahome: Okane
Tasuki: Sake
Hotohori: A nice hand mirror
Nuriko: Hotohori! Tee-hee...
Chiriko: Books
Mitsukake: A vacation
Chichiri: Peace and quiet, no da.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki-chan, does the phrase "broken record" (or the modern verion, "skippin' CD"mean anything to you?! Baka!
Dear Ai-sensei,
Why? Don't like bein' reminded he's whacko?
Dear Tasuki,
hmph! stop calling my friend names??? u tell HER that. we both call eachother mean names but i guess that's jus us.we play around a lot. she can get annoying though and she probably says the same about me. ah well. do u have a bestfriend?
Dear Mele,
Of course I do, Kouji!
Dear Chichiri,
Yay! he's not cheating anymore! Yippee! okok. so rite after i asked for ur advice he stopped. kinda funny huh?
Dear Mary,
That's great, no da!
Dear Nuriko,
where can i get some of that purple hair dye? ne, what do you look like with green hair...? ^.^V! now how can i set you up with tasuki...?
hota =P
Dear hota,
My hair isn't dyed. That's it's natural color. I have no interest in Tasuki or in dying my hair green.
Dear Tasuki,
Is CNA okay? Did that person hurt her real bad? I hope she's okay. *gives Chichiri no Aijin a hug*
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
She says arigato fer th' hug! She's fine. Although, she was pretty upset about bein' attacked fer no good reason...
Dear Tasuki,
*walks in nervously* Ummmm, Tasukui-chan, do you know how long Lord Misc has been here? *twiddles thumbs*
Just wondering if you've seen the guy with the Mousse complex yet.
Have you met him yet? Hahahahahahaha.... *nervous smile*
Shrinemaiden Keisei
Dear Shrinemaiden Keisei,
About a week. Why? Are ya' his Infini-chan?
Dear Nuriko,
Ohayo gozaimasu, Nuriko-kun! ^_^ I'm so excited, the con I'm going to is only 16 days away! But school starts Monday, I'm hoping to get an anime shirt to wear. And, today I get manga! ^_^ Yaaay! *is happy*
Dear Rabbit-chan,
I'm glad for you! Have fun!
Dear Hotohori,
Wai! I'm so pleased...I got the part of the female lead in the play my Drama club is putting up~! *takes Hotohori's hand and dances around* Oh yeah..about those negatives...*tears them up into little pieces* I'm sorry I was so evil. ^^ No hard feelings..? *holds out a hand for him to shake*
Wenwen (previously Kaiwen)
Dear Wenwen,
Hai! *Shakes her hand* Omedeto gozaimasu! Congratulations on getting the role!
Dear Chichiri,
Well while trying to finish a cel that I had been working on for two days I relized I hadn't watched FY for quite sometime ( however I have been reading the manga ). So I was trying to decide on whether to watch the tape where Tamahome's family gets killed or the tape where Nuriko dies. ( I decided on the tape where Tamahome's family gets killed) Well I as almost done with the cel when the white part I had done the day before began to crack!! I ended up having to trash it!THATS THE THIRD ONE I'VE HAD TO TRASH and TWO WERE BECAUSE OF CRACKING!!(The other one was lack of right paints). Anyway to redeem myself I need to paint another cel. So would you prefer I did a cel of you, Tamahome, Duo, Zelgadis, or one of my own characters?
Dear nodaing,
If the cel is for you, you should paint what pleases you, no da. The paint was applied too thickly and that is why it is cracking. Make sure your paint is mixed well and watered down just a little bit and applied thinly, no da. If you apply the paint thickly it will make the cel ripple, too no da. You can always wait till each layer is dry and then recoat it if it was painted too thin, no da.
Dear Hotohori,
Hotohori!!!!!!! Your Hair!!!!!!!!!! It's longer than mine!!!!!!!! Waaah!!
Can I have a kiss!!!!!!! Please???(looks at him with big puppy dog eyes)
I'm really glad you're not dead because it would make me sooooo sad!!!!
In case you were wondering who i am, I am ....... you're darling wife Houki!!!!!!! How's our son Boushin doing? did you remember to give him the bottle i left for him? well hugs and kisses my beloved of mine? bye
Dear Houki,
I fed him. He is fine, but you should be here to care for him. *Smiles*
Dear Nuriko,
Hello Nuriko!!!!!!!!!!!!^_^ You have the most beautiful hair how do you do it! and don't let anyone get you down! you're the hunkiest of the suzaku seishi!!!!!! you're the best Nuriko!! Marry me!!!!!!! Please don't break my heart!!! I love you!!!!! my name's miaka...... i have brown hair and i'm 5'2!! I'm a miaka look a like!!! I had a dream about suzaku does that count? if you have to stay on this site i'll you love me???????? YOU ARE THE BEST!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!! Ok bye bye Ryuen oh yes i'm sooooo sorry about kourin,(hug) feel better ne? bye bye
Miaka wagner
Dear Miaka wagner,
I love all my fans, but marriage is out of the question. Gomen. Can we just ve friends?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Well, here is the problem. A group of us have a role-playing game that we are enjoying but it seems one person has kinda taken over. Instead of posting once and waiting until someone else has responded, this person goes and posts again and we end up having to root thru 30 or more novelettes in our mail.
We have tried to limit this by a 15 minute wait (which helped)and then we tried talking to the person about reining in the enthusiasm a bit. All our critisism was done in a polite and constructive way but each time this person felt it to be a personal attack and this person whines and cries about it. Not only that but this person has this character jumping between the sheets with another's character at every opportunity!
Frankly we are getting sick and tired of it and are at the point of just kicking this annoying cry-baby out but then we decided to try talking to you first.
Any ideas before we black-ball this primma donna??
Fed Up
Dear Fed Up,
If you have written guidelines or rules you should make certain that she is aware of them and talk to her again. If you have no real rules or guidelines, you need to write some and post them for all the participants to see.
You should try to gently explain to her again that multiple postings and bedding characters is inappropriate and that this is not a personal attack on her. Also tell her that if she insists on continuing her inappropriate behaviour that you will be forced to ban her from the game and that you really don't wish to do so. You just want her to comply with what is appropriate for your RPG. Good luck.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Uh.......I am baking cookies and bringing Sake for you guys want some? ...and..shall i bring milk for the rest of ya?
Dear Megara,
Hai, milk would be nice. Ariagto!!
Dear Tasuki,
Ahrite ahrite fine! You are officially de-nicknamed Sniggles..sheesh..yer no fun. :P ok, lets b friends now..we'll shake on it. O yea, did u know that i am suffering from an overbearingly active generosity disorder..(that's what i call it, anyway) Some people may call it being bored and desperately needing something to anyway, howabout i make ya some cookies...and..bring milk....I mean...NO! NOT MILK...i! Ok, friend, i'll be rite back.
Dear Megara,
OK!! Sake an' cookies!! One of MY favorites!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Just curious...take the 2 (or 3, or 4) songs that you each sing. Which of them is your favorite? ^_^
Dear Hoshi,
Chichiri: Aoi Jiyuu, Shiroi Nozomi
Tasuki: Setsunakutemo... Zutto
Chiriko: Akai Iitsutae
Tamahome: Shoshite yami no Saki ni
Hotohori: Sadame No Hoshii
Nuriko: Kaze no Uta
Mitsukake: I only ever sang one song... ;_;
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Nuriko,
Nuriiiiiko-sama!! *waves frantically* I'm back and renewed! Guess what! I'm entering college in August...I'm all nervous, man!! >.< Waaaahh!! Now I have to study hard...>.< Nooooooooo... But you'll be proud if I do, ne ne? ^_^!!! So how have you been? Can we go take a walk again pleaaaaase? As a request before I...go off to...*scary music* COLLEGE!!! *big teary eyes*
Dear Inori,
I will!! I bet you graduate at the TOP of your class! *Smiles at her and takes her hand and starts walking...*
Dear Nuriko,
Remember when I told you that my dog had puppies? And that we're keeping one? Well, guess which one was chosen....yours! Here's a picture of her if you'd like to see. Of course, her call name isn't Nuriko, but she has your personality still. ;-)
Dear Hoshi,
She is so KAWAII!!! So, what is her call name?
Dear Tamahome,
how would i be able to have a pic of my choice like you guys and girls do on this site please tell me how to do that e-mail me
Dear odin,
You can send fanart to us at We will do our best to post it. Gomen, but we don't send answers to personal email addresses.
Dear Chiriko,
*sadly* Chirikoooooo...*sniffle* I just saw the episode where you died...*sniffles more* You are so brave, I never would have been able to do least Miboshi went with you...*sniffle* I hated him...he was a deformed little psychopath...*sniffle* I guess Miboshi's little top thingy came in handy, ne? *more sniffling* Gomen, it's just....well...I never realized how COOL you were until you were DEAD!!!
*Mari stops sniffling abruptly and immediately starts being hyper* Hey, what's it like being dead? Is it cool? Have you seen Nuriko around anywhere? Tell him I said hi! Oh, and tell him I think he's cute. And tell Tomo that he's really cute too. (He got killed too, didn't he?) *Mari covers her ears as several Suzaku shichiseishi yell "TOMO??? Gross!"* But he's cute!!! Without his makeup, I mean.
PS: Ask Tamahome what it was like having Nakago KISS HIM...yuck. I mean, nothing against Nakago (except being a sick, sad, manipulative jerk), but that was kind of a yaoi thing to do...
Dear Mari-chan,
It's interesting I suppose, but I wouldn't recommend it! I do see Nuriko a lot and I shall give him your regards. TOMO?!?!? Ano... we don't speak, sorry. Tamahome says taht he considers the Nakago incident to be vile and disgusting.
Dear Chichiri,
hello Chichiri! ur the sweetest one so i'm gonna talk to u more often. no offence tasuki if u can read me.anyway, i'm having sum problems. see, it's like this. i'm like the shrink. in my classroom u could call me the shrink. ppl call me or jus talk to me about really secret stuff and sum of it let me tell u u don't always wanna know. even boys call me sobbing contemplating suicide. i'm not gonna give u any examples cuz that's betraying their trust.
anyway,so here i am the little Korean girl who also happens to b a shrink and i don't always enjoy it. it's become my 'job' to b in everyone else's business. yeah so now i'm stuck in the middle of sumthin i don't wanna b in the middle of. there's a guy and girl who liked eachother and decided to become an 'item'. actually, i made that possible. i guess i'm also a matchmaker.
anyway, they didn't dump eachother before summer came so now they're in an over-summer vacation realationship and their affections r dwindling not to mention the guy is cheating. MAJORLY. I MEAN REALLY REALLY BAD CHEATING. i'll leave u to that. the girl happens to b one of my bestfriends. in fact, both of them happen to b my bestfriends.
the sad part is, the girl the guy is cheating with, doesn't like him and is scared of him becuz of all the private stuff he says to her and naturally she tells me. she's waaaaay too nice to tell him that she doesn't like him. so basically it's up to me. i've tried to make him tell me on his own or jus stop on his own and everything. it doesn't work!!!
so now the girl says i can just tell him that i know cuz she's doesn't care anymore. she said she can't take wut he says. so i'm like hey. wunderful. that's gonna make it much easier but how am gonna tell him and will he stop and wil he b mad at me for knowing and will their relationship last? will our friendship last? Main question : Wut do i do?
a ready to kill theAngelfromHell (Mele/Mary)
Dear Mary,
Take this as a lesson to no longer match people up, no da. I guess you will have to confront your friend with what you know and prepare to deal with the fallout, no da. Including the fact you may lose BOTH of them as friends, no da. *Gives her a hug.* Good luck.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Okay, I was wondering. If each of you HAD to stay in a closet with another one of you, WITHOUT killing eachother or touching eachother--that goes double for you Nuriko!!!
Who would you pick?
The ever curious question asking relena o.o;;
Dear relena,
Tamahome: Mitsukake
Chichiri: Nuriko
Nuriko: Tamahome
Hotohori: Chichiri
Mitsukake: Chiriko
Chiriko: Tasuki
Tasuki: Chichiri
Is this going to be the basis for some hentai yaoi fanfic???
Dear Chichiri,
*crying* Please, do you know where Lady Infinity is? I know her sister's here, Charrion fried me on the MB.
I wish Infi-chan was here! She'd never let Charrion hurt me like that! She was always so sweet! So innocent, so much like a priestess or a shrinemaiden or a nun or something. *sigh* Well, that holy in the 'do unto others' aspect anyways. I miss her so much! Please help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lord Misc.
Dear Lord Misc.,
Gomen, I've never seen her, no da. Perhaps you should seek Lady Charrion's help, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi every one! i hope u all answer this one. or actually, it's not really a question. i wanna b a psychiatrist and people say i can't make it cuz medical skool's so hard. i know it's kinda early to be thinkin about it but i can't help but b worried. wish me luck! u think i can do it? and another thing...have all of u been in luv with Miaka at one point or even thought of it? ::fanged smile:: Ur not the only one with fangs tasuki! u can even ask Allison or Megara - (same person) - i swear i'm not kidding. ja ne!
the Angel from Hell (Mele/Mary - which ever u prefer. i personally like Mary)
Dear Mary,
Only Hotohori, Nuriko and Tamahome were ever in love with Miaka. As to Medical School, ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Tasuki,
i'm planning on going to medical school and becoming a psychiatrist. (i'm only 12 and i'm already thinkin 'bout my future!!) they say medical skool's hard. very very hard. ya think i can make it? Samuel sure doesn't. he's so mean. wut a b*st*rd. well??? ya think?
the Angel from H*ll (Mele/Mary - i prefer Mary. more personal)
Dear Mary,
Well, I hear it's hard an' ya' gotta study Biology, Physics, Chemistry, an' Math. An' ya' gotta get GOOD GRADES!! So I guess it depends on how hard ya' wanna study an' th' grades ya' end up gettin'. Good luck!
Dear Tasuki,
allison is so baka. by the way she's the one who gave u the whole pack of bubblegum. dumb*$$! i wuzn't talkin about u! i wuz talkin about Samuel and if u had cared to read it more carefully maybe u woulda noticed!
allison - "Hmph!" fine then. b like that. see if i care.... ::
runs after allison:: don't be mad!!
::allison grins:: " i'm not. jus actin like it to see wut u do"
o. ok. and about telling the violin teacher, that's not gonna help. he's not really a teacher u see. he's a volunteer and he's not really into telling us to behave and stuff and since it's jus samuel and me...let's jus say he's not gonna be much help. allison is being very...sensitive. and wierdish. not that i should be saying anything. i'm not all there myself. ::fanged smile:: so wut do ya do when a guy u've known for...for ur whole life and ur bestfriend decide to turn on u and make ur life miserable?
the Angel from H*ll (Mele)
Dear Mele,
I think ya' need to stop callin' yer friend names an' talk to both of 'em an' ask 'em what th' [rpblem is.
Dear Chichiri,
Did you know your one of the best singers in Fushigi Yuugi?
Dear Relena,
*Blushes and smiles* Arigato, no da!
Dear Chiriko,
can you help me find where to obtain adamantose and how to avoid malboros bad breath attack on ff8 if you can help me e-mail me.
Dear odin,
I think you need to visit the Ask the FF8 Cast peeji. They might be able to help you. Sumimasen, but we don't do personal emails.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Oi, oi...I've officialy been glomped. *blink* Twice, in the last day. *shrugs* Soooo, how's everything with you guys?
Dear Rabbit,
Glomping kowaii, ne? We're doing fine, thanks for asking.
Dear Tasuki,
Do You like Miaka?
Dear Prana,
She's like a lil' sister to me.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I'm new...... What should I do first?
Dear Zaryx,
Welcome, no da! Read the Letters Peeji and maybe some of the Archives, no da?
Dear Tasuki,
*sniffles* You better not! *glares...*
Besides! My leg really REALLY hurts ;_;
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
Honto ni??? *Takes her to Mitsukake to be healed.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
How would you guys describe yourselves in one word?
Psychic Sora
Dear Psychic Sora,
Tasuki: Cool!
Tamahome: Hero
Hotohori: Beautiful
Chiriko: Smart
Nuriko: Strong
Chichiri: Level
Mitsukake: Quiet
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey guys! Help us, onegai! I have a biiig favor to ask you - we have a flamer bothering us to no end on the message board. Her flames use extremely innapropirate language, make very little sense at all (if not none) and are directed at Chichiri no Aijin, of all people! She accuses CnA of being fat and threatening to eat her (???) and claims she will call the police (!?!). Her latest one attempted to make up for her mistake by saying that CnA started it and we should 'not get too involved with her', and ended with her insulting all of us. We have all asked her to stop and she has not. Her messages are tearing the board apart! I wonder if one of you could get in contact with this rude person and ask her to stop, since she seems to be ignoring all of us.
She's broken rule 1 more than three times in every way possible:
("Please do not post any defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, obscene, profane, offensive sexually oriented, threatening, harassing, racially offensive, or illegal material, or any material that infringes or violates another person's rights. This especially means no flaming other visitors to our site.")
Her info is VERY defamitory, innaccurate (many people on the board including CnA herself have said that CnA is nothing like this person describes her), abusive, extremely obscene and profane using sexually oriented terms, threatening, harassing (I would count three seperate flames on a public message board as harassment), racially offensive (She calls everyone on the board "cocky caucassians"), illegal (This one is a stretch, but is it legal for minors to view those sorts of names?) and absolutely flames other visiters to this site! She also called everyone on the board "possesed anime f*** faces" among other worse terms.
I think one of you should really talk to her or something! She posted her AOL address and a few people have reported her to AOL. I, not being on AOL, unfortunetely cannot but I can ask you guys to do something! She is tearing the board apart - some people support her and others are getting mad at them. This is not fair to anyone. (ESPECIALLY CnA)
I and many others would be willing to forgive her if she apologized and stops posting her derogitory messages. In fact, I think this is really a misunderstanding. I just would like to see something done from a higher level since none of us are getting through to this person. I took apart her message and pointed out why it didn't make sense sentence by sentence, but she didn't seem to notice.
Please help us! Her only remaining and latest message is titled "NEW MESSAGE" by "S-A-R-A-H M-A"
A very worried Chibi Sami on behalf of everyone on the board
P.S. Anyone who disagrees with me, would like to discuss something, or would like to email me about this can do so at "" or "". This includes you, Sarah Ma.
Dear Chibi Sami,
We are quite of the situation and have already deleted her messages twice before. With her third post we decided to let the Message Board speak for itself. And it has quite eloquently I might add.
I have posted to the Message Board and as of this posting we are starting a new message board with better moderating tools. The board we have now has no such tools and that means all we can do is delete her posts and that has become rather tiresome. Once we inquire as to how to dismantle this board we will open the new one and put up an announcement on the index peeji. PLease bear with us and just ignore her.
Dear Tasuki,
Ahhh it goes to Prove once again that I am the good child :a yellow holy light bears down on her a hallo on her head and holy music plays: ahem! ^^; Anyway just wanted to say hi again, and give you hugs. -.- school starts in a month and 3 days blechie >.< But hey arent you happy? Watase Sama said herself that your relationship with Miaka is just sisterly love? Now you can pin that on everyone who says that you love Miaka like Obake Chan does!
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley Chan,
An' I do every chance I get!!
Dear Tasuki,
I... CAN'T... TAKE IT...ANYMORE!!! *storms in with an angry look on her face*
*stomps around the room*
*looks hurt*
I worked so hard on it... I was so proud of it and I was sure he would get off my back because it looked good... and now I have to alter it if I want to get my "A". I hate this class... thank God it's the last week... and I have only one last class left.
^_^;; Sorry if I scared you Tasuki... I have to go back to class now and ruin my drawing...
a very upset Jeanie
Dear Jeanie,
*@_@;;;* *Holds out chocolate to calm her down.* Ano... welcome to college??
Dear Tasuki,
No,but I want the other to sign like you did! Can you make them!?
Dooms Day
Dear Dooms Day,
I'll ask. What's yer URL?
Dear Tasuki,
I don't have any patience Tasuki.
Dear Yoshi,
I noticed. *Smirks*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
What are all of your Zodiacs?
Dear Yoshi,
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
Okay, if you're such a man, then why do you have a stupid toy called the what...that dumb iron fan of yours...the tessen, and not a ryuuseisui... and if you really are a man, then why teh hell did ya put up with abuse from your sisters eh?! *mutters* wuss!
Dear Ai-sensei,
'Cause a REAL man don't hit women!! An' he don't slaughter innocent kids either! Oh yeah, Suboshi DID that! Guess he ain't a man...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
This may come as no surprise, but I'm confused. I leave here for a week or two due to work, and there are eighty million new people here!!
But about work, I had a question. How would you deal with a ghost? The theatre I work with is haunted, and right now our ghost isn't too happy that we've been nosing around. Could it be because we're taking pictures of the places he usually frequents?
If the stuff he does keeps up, I may just quit...
Dear Shuurei,
Have you tried asking the ghost what he or she wants, no da? Personally, I would send them on their way to the next life, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
*confused* What was all that flaming on the message board about?
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
'Che! Some *(^%$#@ bakayarou came on th' message board an' started attackin' Chichiri no Aijin an' anyone who defended her. Everytime we'd delete her she'd just come back an' be nastier an' more obscene! Hidoi!!
Dear Mitsukake,
May I barrow Tama-Neko? Because I have a fig tree planted in my back-yard and the mockingbirds have decided that it belongs to them. *sigh* They're a pain...
Psychic Sora
Dear Psychic Sora,
I would, but he, like us, is unable to come into your world. Gomen.
Dear Hotohori,
bwahahahaha! Hi there! Have you seen my houki-chan around? I'm new here and I really don't know if this is supposed to be normal but I like this place...Hotohori-sama, how much sleep do ya get to keep eyebags from appearing? *drinks sake* to join us here n have a drink?
*hiccup* wonder what you are like when you are drunk. would you sleep with a friend (girl) of mine? I'll letcha skip the drink if you do so...(hentai grin)
Dear rakou-sama,
No, I haven't seen YOUR zhouki-chan. I get at least 8 hours of sleep and NO I will NOT sleep with any of your friends!
Dear Hotohori,
Mina!hi!i'm just going to ask you one question for now alright?i'm was just going to ask you,do you even love Nuriko just a little bit because you already know he feels about you you know,tha's my question and i'll excpect an answer,bye!
Dear Jeula-chan,
How does he feel about me?? I care about him like a brother and fellow Seishi, but that is all.
Dear Tasuki,
Mina!hi!i'm new around here so i would like you to concider me as one of your friends if you mind?i would like to ask you some questions o.k. i'll start right now,can i be your sister if you can concider me as what i ask?what's your rael name?these are my questions for now,hope you answer them!bye!
Dear Leia-chan,
My full name is Kou Shun'u, but I prefer Tasuki or Genrou. Ya' can be my friend. I already got 5 sisters!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Say, what's each of your favourite love songs? Right now mine is'Then You Look At Me' from Celine Dion's Decade of Song Album.
*dances around singing - 'and you say you see, when you look at me, the reason you love life so... ' (isn't that a beautiful line!?!)
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
Gomen, we don't listen to enough of your music to have a favorite song, no da. We do like the songs we sing. BUt I don't think any of then are really love songs, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
ohayo tasuki! thanx for the hug and the tissue. i feel a lot better. ur so nice. ::hugs him:: have u been through any tragedies and need comforting?
u r so lucky. people don't tease about ur teeth. why can't they treat me the same way? Mr. Superior (samuel) called me vampire teeth today at violin practice. DAMN HIM!!!!! DAMN HIM I TELL U!!!!!! it is times like those that i really really wish i had ur tessen. if i asked u to burn him to a crisp for me would u do it? would ya?
The Angel from H*ll (mele/mary)
Dear Mele,
I have, but it was a long time ago...
No, but ya' can tell th' teacher he's buggin' ya' an' ya' can't practice because of it. Good luck!
Dear Tasuki,
CALL ME MIAKA?!?!?!?! O.o;;; I'm not THAT clumsy! --; Besides I was chaseing someone during a game; it wasn't my fault! You wouldn't really call me "Miaka", would you? *sniffles* meanie...
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
Heh-heh-heh... no.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
HELP! I've got a friend who is SO annoying! She won't leave me alone~! HELP! What should I do? She calls Nuriko gay, Tamahome a fruit, Chiriko girly, and doesn't even see their good points! She also calls me CRAZY!!! What should I DO?
Jennifer Darknight
Dear Jennifer Darknight,
Even if we dislike what she calls us, she is entitled to her opinion, no da. Have you tried telling her how she upsets you by acting the way she does, no da?
Dear Mitsukake,
Firstly, I dont think u are boring. You are very very nice...also. could ya do meeh a favour and heal my goldfish? It seems to be swimming in a most peculiar way at the surface....hahahahahaha..jus' kiddin' are so cute. Luv ya! ::winks:: o yea...may i please have a hug? Doumo Arigatou!
Missy Lenai
Dear Missy Lenai,
*Gives her a hug.* Gomen, but I can't bring back the dead.
Dear Tasuki,
I dont now what Mele is talking about..what reason would u have to fry me? Of all people. And WHY would i piss u off? ::searches pockets and finds a pack of bubble gum:: OK HERE! Have some gum! Ya know what? Just take the whole pack!!! See? How very generous i am! Ok. have a nice day..
::smiles delicately:: Ja ne.
Dear Allison,
Arigato! I'm confused why would I be mad at ya'? I don't even know ya'!
Dear Tamahome,
*grabs Tamahome* Here! Lemme wash you off! *hurls him fully clothed into a bucket of water a scrubs him clean, then let's him sit there, sopping wet* Now you're officially a DRIP! Better?
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
I dry ya' off!!! LEKKA SHIENEN!!!!! Heh-heh-heh...
Dear Tasuki,
Hey! Whatsup, Sniggles? ...heeheehee... first of all, just what is wrong with the name "Sniggles"? i happen to think that it is the most adorable nickname for such a kawaii bandit.. ::grin:: If it makes u feel any better..I'll let ya make up an embarassing/insulting nickname for meeh. I've already gots plenty of 'em.
Dear Megara,
That's OK! But why not stick wit' Genrou? That's what I like!
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