Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Well, it's one dollar a photo, and tamahome better not get his hands on these. What would be the fun in him getting these? Besides, I sent ahead a little present...hope Tamahome enjoyed that one....^.~
Any other bidders BESIDES Tamahome?
Dear Mary,
We saw!!! *LOL!!!!!!* I look better in a bikini than Tamahome does! Hee-hee... bikini wax anyone... ?
Dear Tasuki,
I thought I did tell you I was training to be a doctor earlier on...never mind...
I'm feeling really depressed now. Most of my friends have left to go back home after graduation (medicine is a long course so I haven't graduated yet), and I'm feeling really lonely here. Just struck me since they've left that I actually don't have any real friends around me anymore...*sigh* And I was completely caught out at a mock exam session today...I wished that I could bury myself in the ground like an ostrich back then! *sigh sigh*
I'm just so glad that you're here to hear me grunt and moan about these things...I feel better now that I've got things off my chest! Thanks Tasuki! *hands over some sake as a gift of gratitude*
Guess I'll get back to writing my new fic now. How do you like the idea of yet another girl falling for you? You won't have kids in this one though, I promise! *winks*
P.S. (To CnA) Glad I was able to help! ^_^
Dear Ayumi,
Gomen! I musta fergot! I'm gettin' used to th' "Girl falls fer Tasuki" fics. Glad there ain't no kids though. Mebbe Doc-sama an' ya' should get together?
Dear Nuriko,
Oi, Nuri-kun, my tomodachi's cousin is annoying the heck out of me. Yet, here, I am, being the diplomat. >_<; She's always IMing me, and asks weird questions. (Maybe she's a stalker!) One time, she even asked me what I had for lunch! *shakes head* She's weird...but I do try to get along, I really do!
Dear Rabbit,
Well, you can block her in AIM or setup your Buddy list so that only people on your list can see you and then make sure she isn't on your list. You can also have your parents talk to her parents. Good luck.
Dear Chichiri,
so ur seishi of the week now huh? I've alwayz looked at u like a big brother sort. wutever. good luck chichiri! that pic with the girls fighting over u? where did that come from?
the Angel from H*ll (Mary/mele)
Dear Mary,
It came from Jean-chan as a present for Kelli-chan, no da. She is the one on the left, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Are you guys ever going to answer my questions?
Dear Yoshi,
Ain't got much patience, d'ya? Try readin' further down th' peeji...
Dear Tasuki,
Hey Tasuki Papa if Kelli Chan is Irvine no Aijin...doesnt that mean she is cheating on Chichiri San? I was thinking about that today, and does Chichiri KNOW about Irvine?
Dear Ashley-Chan,
I don't think he does but he does have Chichiri no Aijin, so he really can't complain.
Dear Nuriko,
Bobby pins!!! Buzzed!! The buzz is too much. I will try the bobby pins. Thanks for the advise.
Chang Wufie
Dear Chang Wufie,
You're welcome! I hope they work for you!
Dear Tasuki,
Hi. i don't know if u remember me but i'm the one who's granny died.thankx for the hug and tissues. ur so nice. u know wut? we've got a lot in common. first of all u've got a bad temper and trust me i do too. i'm known for hurting boys that insult or dare touch my hair. Death glares r my specialty. they don't call me the angel from h*ll for nuthin.another thing, we're both fanged - i'm not kidding. u much better treatment for it though. My friends tease me and becuz i smile a lot they ask me not to smile cuz my teeth freak them out. People stare too. r u teased a lot too? becuz of the water thingy and stuff? personally i'm not real cumfy in water either. i used ta take swimming lessons and the water made it hard for me to breathe. i threw up afterward. i can swim though.
the Angel from H*ll (actually, Mele is just another nickname. my real real name is Mary)
Dear Mele,
Yer welcome! Ya' should be proud of yer fangs! I am! I only get teased by Tamahome an' then I fry him! Heh-heh-heh... *Fanged grin*
Dear Tasuki,
I have no idea how Heero is, O.o;;
but i'm planning to hit him very hard next time i see him! **grins evilly and walks off with her 50 ton mallet**
See ya laters Tasuki!
Dear Relena,
Heh-heh-heh... have fun!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Is there a way to cure stage fright? Or a method that is used to help get over it? No one has been able to help me with this. ^_^;
Dear Hoshi,
Gomen, I don't know, no da. Kelli-chan!!! I need your help, no da!
Dear Nuriko,
Do you think you could beat up 15 sumo wrestlers at the same time?
Dear Yoshi,
Yes, but why would I want to?
Dear Tasuki,
Do you miss being a bandit?
Dear Yoshi,
Whaddya' mean missit??? I still AM a (*)^%$# BANDIT!!!
Dear Mitsukake,
Could you heal a severed limb?
Dear Yoshi,
Perhaps if I have the limb and it was freshly severed. But I have never tried to do that.
Dear Tamahome,
How much money do you actually have?
Dear Yoshi,
A lot but it's never enough...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Are any of you ever going to get into ninjitsu?
Dear Yoshi,
Probably not.
Dear Hotohori,
I'm new here and my sister isn't. She told me already but I forgot. How many kids do you have?
Dear Yoshi,
One and his name is Boushin.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Have any of you ever actually gotten into a serious fight with each other where one or the other got hurt seriously?
Dear Yoshi,
Well, not counting all the times Tasuki has fried Tamahome... There was the time Tamahome was under the influence of Kudouku and he dueled with Hotohori. Let's just say that Tamahome was NOT the victor...
Dear Tasuki,
Suboshi has the ryuuseisui because he knows how to use it! And 'sides it a real weapon unlike that fan of yours bishonen fang boy! Another thing, why would you have wanted to hurt him...*pouts indignantly*...I wouldn't hurt you, so why hurt the one I'm an Aijin, Aiyoku and Miko to?! *wimpers* you're not nice Tasuki!! *insert Usagi wail here*
Ai-sensei; aka Suboshi No Aijin
Dear Ai-sensei,
Hmmm... could it be because he's a rotten psycho rat b*st*rd that slaughtered an innocent family includin' th' lil' kids in cold blood?????
Dear Tasuki,
Hey, can I be a bandit too! I can fight, do Judo, I own a sake company and can get you an endless suply of sake?! I even got this handy weapon! *pulls out Chakram* It was Xena's weapon, but she lost it in a drinking contest with me! Hahahaha! Although, I don't know how to handle it too well?
*throws it around and chops off Chichiri's bangs* Oops, I hope those bangs of his were an illusion I just cut off? Hehehe.... *grabs Chakram and hides behind Tasuki 2*
Avery & Tasuki 2
Dear Avery,
Ano... they weren't. Lucky fer ya' he ain't th' violent type! His Aisai on th' other hand...
Dear Tasuki,
Yeah, I have his Born album and then his Drive album, and then the other ones with the numbers, it's OUT OF PRINT! *cries*
Ok, so I got the Itooshii-hito no tameni with Fushigi Yuugi world Cd with Akemi Sato! Hahaha! I love it! If anyone wants a free copy on tape, just ask! That one is out of print, but then I bought one on ebay! And I got some weird tapes with the voice actor's personal interviews and the music videos on tape? Ah, then it has the Hang in there Nakago omake scenes too! Ain't I a lucky gal?! Can't understand a word of what they are saying, and I can still laugh at Nakago! Hahahaha! Oi, did I say free? Ah, my Tamahome personality is wearing off! Anyway...ah, so....
*Tasuki 2 walks in and hands Avery a cup of sake* Want a drink? Some chocolates? Some cheescake? *Tasuki 2 brings all the Seishi cheescake and Chocolates* Ok, now just don't start bouncing off the walls with all this sugar!
I'll just settle with writing fics with you and Tana! *snickers* I caught her and then put her back into my computer! She shouldn't escape and go after you anymore!
Well, Miaka and Taka shouldn't have a problem with you and their cousin? Hey, that means you and Taka should be family now? What does that make you? Hey, Chiriko, do you kow the family tie thing? What would Taka and Tasuki be to each other if Miaka's cousin and Tasuki ended up....
I got to write the sequel now and go torment Chichiri with these fics, and then write another fic about you, and something that happened in your life, that no one really knows too much about! This should be interesting? Hmmm....
^_- that's a secret! I don't think anyone has ever written this idea? *Tasuki 2 hands Tasuki some sake* Enjoy! If you ever need anything! Ask the robot! He can even drive a starship too! *Tasuki 2 beams up Avery on the Enterprise*
Avery and Tasuki 2
Dear Avery,
*Looks at the robot and Avery...* I think I need a drink!! *Chugs down a jug of sake...*
Dear Nuriko,
*twenty eight Chibi Silverbolt's come scrambling in and start climbing on Nuriko like a jungle gym*
*Blackarachnia comes tearing in after them and whips a butterfly net over top of Nuriko - blinkublinku* Gomen nasai. The Chibi's are a little out of control today. Come on now you crazy little guys.
*scoops all the chibis into a sack and lets Nuriko go and walks off*
*One Chibi Silverbolt (a little silver wolfie with wings - very gentle) climbs down from Nuriko's hair and snuggles up on his shoulder and licks him - gives him big puppy eyes (wants to be petted and called kwaaii)*
Blackarachnia and several Chibi Silverbolts
Dear Blackarachnia,
Awww... *pets it* kawaii...
Dear Chiriko,
WAI! Ohayo, Chiri-chan! (Long letter, gomen nasai! I wanted to talk to you!)
1) Do you ever get lonely acause no one asks you questions as much as say ... Tasuke?
2) I read some responces and YOU LIKE THE GUNDAMS??? SUGOI!!! My favoritest Gundam is Deathscythe Hell, second is Wing Zero. How 'bout you? By the way, do you like GW fanfiction?
3) psst! Would Mitsukake really wear smiley face boxers? O.o I suddenly became very afraid upon reading that message
4) How long is it usually before a message comes up on this board? Just Curiosity again!
Chibi Sami: I thought I took care of you on the message board!
Neko-Curiosity: *preen* Nope. I dodged your pathetically aimed Chibi-fyed Fireball. You always miss.
Chibi Sami: Why you ... *grr...* Well, can you dodge a Chibi-fyed Draguslave?
Neko-Curoisity: O.o Matta ne.
Gomen, my personalitys sometimes pop out like that. Curiosity didn't know that I can't cast a Draguslave in my currently Chibifyed state.
5) Back to my message, Chiriko-chan. I'm about to start high-school soon! Yipes! (Yes, the world should be afraid. Sami has a new school to demolish. Well, seirously ...)
I'm taking all AP and TAG (Talented and Gifted) courses, and everyone tells me that its going to be a real workload! I'm scared! Plus, I've always made all A's up until now. The TAG AP courses are soo hard that a C counts like an A in my GPA. My parents are expecting all As in my courses! I've tried talking it out with them but they just say they expect all As and anything less is wasting my talent.
6) Not only that, but I'm in math two years ahead of everyone else in my grade. (I'm already taking AP Geometry, a Junior level course, in my Freshman year.) My math classes for three years running always consisted of the same three students (Yes, a three person class) - But the other two are moving away! I'm going to be stuck in a class full of people two years older than me! How can I deal with this? It happened to me four years ago, but I had another person my age in the class as well and this year I'll be the only one! The resentment back then was bad, but now I'll be a Freshman and the scum of the Earth! How can I deal with this??
I'm not sure, but didn't you take high school level courses? (Even if they were in a different universe...)
Gomen for dumping on you Chiri-chan, but I thought you were the best one to deal with academic stuff. Plus I'm Chibi and you're my size (and extra-cute! *blows Chiriko a kiss*)
Ja ne!
-The Slightly Deranged (currently Chibi) Sami-chan
PS This letter reminds me ... perhaps I'll stay Chibi a while longer in case some other dance party comes up ... :) I enjoyed our dance! But I think Chibi Kuro kinda wants to de-chibi-fy from his message. If you read the Fanboys!, the drink used to spike the punch was Panda Brand juice.
Dear Sami-chan,
My you certainly ask a lot of questions! Here are all you answers!
1) Not really. It leaves me a lot of time to study.
2) I don't have a favorite Gundam Wing nor do I read GW fanfic. Sumimasen...
3) I REALLY don't know! Nor do I WANT to!! *Sweatdrops*
4) It depends on how many letters we get and how involved the questions and answers are.
5) All you can do us try to do your best. You may need your teacher or counselor to explain the grading system to your parents. Ganbatte kudasai!
6) Just be nice and respectful of them and hopefully they will treat you accordingly. Just do your best! I did take what would be in your world high school and college courses.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I have a small dillemma here for yall! Does anyone know how to get rid of Chibiness? Christine on the board (helpful soul that she is) told me to check with Chichiri.
The story: I used to be fifeteen, but on the message board at the Dance Party I was attacked by a vengeful fanfiction character! (Relena-sama was angry at me for making fun of her stupid obsession with Hiiro and pairing him up with Duo) She spiked the punch and I along with Kuro got Chibified!
Help me please! Onegai! This Chibiness stuff isn't all that bad but it gets annoying when I can't cast nice big spells.
The Slightly Deranged (currently Chibi) Sami
PS Chiriko-chan, did you enjoy our dance? ^^ I did!
Dear Sami,
I did too! Thank you! It seems the Chibi expert is ONe-chan and she is on a two week vacation... gomen!
Dear Tasuki,
Why are you so damn sexy? And when can I get a chance to rape you? Luv ya fang boy
Dear Aki,
Because I'm so (*^%$#@ COOL!!! An' does th' word NEVER mean anythin' to ya'?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*crying* Have you guys seen my Infi-chan????? I know she's around here with Lady Vortex somewhere!!!!!!!! Please help me!!!!! I miss my Infi-chan!!!!!! She claim she doesn't like me becasue I seem to have a Mousse complex! But I'm not a leach!!!!!!! And if I'm Mousse then she's my Shampoo!!!!!! Help me find her!!!!!!!
Lord Misc
Dear Lord Misc,
Gomen nasai, no da. WE have seen neitehr her nor a Lady Vortex around here at all. We have seen a Xian-Pu though, no da.
Dear Tamahome,
*throws Tamahome in a vat of liquid chocolate and sticks him into a giant ice cream cone* You are officially a dip Obake-chan. *scampers off*
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
>.<;;; You know, you can go back to abusing Tasuki anytine you want... *Goes off to take a shower...*
Dear Tasuki,
hiya!Tasuki!how are you?hope your o.k.!and hey,i wasn't insulting you back there you know and i wanted to say sorry,forgive me?*looks down to the ground with Tasuki in front of her anyway i can't stay for long,i just hope that you would forgive me.*cries and walks runs away*bye!
Dear Jeula-chan,
It's ok. Don't cry!
Dear Tasuki,
Hey! I haven't written in awhile due to bein'.....somewhere else.. So...Tasuki....fang-boy.....Genrou...okokok! forget that..i've gotta nickname for you now..and no matter how much ya hate it...there's no way yer gonna get rid of it...ok. your new nickname is...**Sniggles**...kawaii, ne? So, Sniggles? How have u been these days? Wunnerful! Glad to hear it.
k..ja ne! ......and another thing......can u, um.... give meeh your definition of "CPR"???? ::devilish grin::
Dear Megara,
"Sniggles"??? I DON'T think so!! >.< Anyway, CPR is when ya' put yer mouth on someone else's an' breathe into them 'cos they ain't breathin'. Why? What's yer definition?
Dear Nuriko,
Ack!!!!!! Hey, Nuriko, how do I get rid of um, an unwanted ex-boyfriend? I don't want him back because I'll be dead parents don't want me to have a boyfriend yet!!! And besides, as far as I'm concerned...he's just way too good for me and I don't deserve him anyway ><
Dear Yui-chan,
I can understand not wanting him around since your parents don't want you to have a boyfriend. But HE'S too good for YOU and you don't deserve him???? Honey, you have that ALL backwards!! It's supposed to be I'M too good for HIM and HE doesn't deserve ME! Anyway, why not explain to him how your parents feel and then just stay friends with him? Friends are alot of times better to have than boyfriends.
Dear Chichiri,
*runs in screaming and waving her tennis racket about frantically* I WON!!!!!! I WON!!!!!! *calms down instantly*I... won.... *out of breath from running* I... won... first place. *takes a deep breath and tries again* I won frist place in the last tennis tournament!!!! *flashes a victory sign*
And now I only need to win one more tournament to beat the second best scorer! And after that I qualify for the girls doubles team to play in the Browns cup that the neighboring town's club challeged us to! *cackles a la Tomo* And all I have to do to qualify is make sure I drill my team-mates into the ground next tournament and claim first again!!!! Wish me luck!!! *runs out cackling a la Tomo (again)*
Dear Suriel,
Congratulations, no da! *Gives her a hug.* Ganbatte kudasai, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
U know wut? we have stuff in common. first of all u have that flamin temper. and trust me i am not the same pleasant little Korean girl when i'm mad. (i get mad REALLY easily) and i also have a reputation for hurting boys that insult me or touch my hair. anyway, we also both have fangs. u get much better treatment for it. i'm called vampire teeth and since i smile a lot ppl that don't know me stare. i tend to cuss more then my friends too. not too much but still exceptionally. anyway, i wanted to ask this sooo badly, How did anyone trust u with that tessen? i mean seriously? u'll probably fry the nest person that pisses u. Allison (my bestfriend): ::rolls her eyes " and like u wouldn't " ::i smile sheepishly:: anywayz, untill next time tasuki!
The Angel from H*ll (Mele)
Dear Mele,
Nah, all I ever fry is bad guys an' Tamahome! *Fanged grin*
Dear Hotohori,
*dances around* wai! My classmates and I went to Starbucks for coffee a while ago, and it was really fun! The people in my class are so cool! (Not to mention good looking)Erm...I know that was unecessary but hey...It's true! I'm so tired from too much dancing.(sits down on Hotohori's lap) We went to a costume party, and I was *ahem* Houki. I got okane for best costume. 'twas a tie between me n my boyfriend, so we split the money. *sigh* You really think he's a little bit old 4 me? He's 16 and I'm 14...everyone thinks its ok..
My friends are sleeping over and we r gonna drink! Care to join us? We'll play truth or dare~! (stands up n holds Hotohori's hand)Please? for me~~?
Dear houki-chan,
Omedeto on winning! That's really great. However, I must decline your kind invitation as I do not approve of teenagers drinking alcohol. Gomen nasai.
P.S. Tasuki is not a good excuse for you to drink at 14.
Dear Chiriko,
Ano, Chiriko-kun, you think the Gundams in GW are the coolest weapons in all of anime?! *starry eyes* Me too! ^_^'Specially Deathscythe Hell Custom and Wing Gundam Zero Custom. They're so pretty! =^.^= An' Cartoon Network is gonna show Endless Waltz October 20th! *happy dance* Anyway...I have to start school again soon...that means I can't spend most of the day on the internet...*sniff* Well...I will survive...*"I will survive" starts playing in the background* Hey, cut that out! *it stop* Well, ja ne, Chiriko!
Dear Rabbit,
I like meccha! Endless Waltz? Hmmmm... I hope the rest of the DVDs come out before then. That's how we've been watching it.
Dear Tasuki,
*flies in and glomps Tasuki careful of her leg* Hiya Tasuki! I just got home from camp! It seemed like I was gone for longer than just a week, but I had fun. I learned how to fire a gun! O.o; Scary thought, huh? *looks down at her leg* Oh yeah, I hurt myself too. My leg is all blueish and scratched from triping over a root. Clumsy me! *sniffles* It hurts! ;_; *hugs Tasuki*
Hino Tenshi
PS: There was a concert at the camp, and these three girls that were sitting in front of me all had their hair done like Miaka's! O.o; Now that's scary ^^;
Dear Hino Tenshi,
Nah, that ain't scary. Havin' an appetite like Miaka's... now THAT'S scary!! Be careful when yer walking or I'm gonna start callin' ya' Miaka... heh-heh-heh... *Fanged grin*
Dear Nuriko,
I meant if Mousse wasn't always chasing after me......
Ano, that's a good point. He'd probably jump at the chance to drop a fiance! And then the Violent Girl would stop hitting him quite so much and he'd onky have Spatuala Girl to contend with!
*hugs Nuriko* Thank you so much! You're a huge help!
Dear Xian-Puu,
You're very welcome!!! *Gives her a hug back.*
Dear Chiriko,
WAAAAAAASSUUUUUUUUUUUUP? Heeiy, howe cume you'r sew smarte? Did I misspell something?
Dear Yoshi,
I guess it's genetic. And to answer your second question... Yes, you misspelled pretty much EVERYTHING.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Why are my friends so fr*gging insane?
Leah Jensen
Dear Leah,
Gomen, since I don't know your friends, I can't answer that question, no da?
Dear Tasuki,
i'm so sad. my grandma died yesterday. ::sniff:: have u ever had anyone that u love a lot die? it's horrible! ::breaks down sobbing:: sorry i came and bugged u 'bout this. owell. i guess i jus wanted to talk to the best anime guy in the world. Che! where the f*** did that tissue box go? Damn u Samuel!! tasuki? could i use ur tessen real quick? i wanna fry this @$$ hole. ::throws a deathglare at sam::
the Angel from H*ll (Mele)
Dear Mele,
I'm sorry yer grandma passed away. *Gives her a hug and dries her tears.* I've had lots of people I cared about die on me. An' yer right it sucks. Here... *Hands her a tissue and gives her another hug.* Better?
Dear Tasuki,
hello I just heard about you guys and have absolutely no clue as to what`s going on, so what`s the deal?
Dear salinia,
Ya' might want to check out some of t h' links on our Links Peeji. Especially Th' Chicken of Doom one! It has th' info I think yer lookin' fer. Welcome aboard!
Dear Tasuki,
Yus, Kelli-Sis-Chan is very smart. He is a Sailor Starlight... <3_<3 Yaten is yummy...-ahem- ^^; anyway, thanks for the compilments on the Photo gallery :) We didnt get any at Comic was way to friend and I were the ONLY fushigi yuugi people there! Seriyuu no Miko and Suzaku no Miko (me) so we REALLY felt out of place ;.;
Dear Ashley-Chan,
Gomen... From what I've been told it's really a comic book con an' not an anime con. Oh well, see ya' in October!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey!! I want eveyone to sign my guest book sep for the banit!
Dooms Day
Dear Dooms Day,
OI! Whatcha' got against me???
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*peeks in from packing up the car to go* -.-; This vacation is off to a wonderful start. Mom and I are already fighting. She keeps biting my head off (I should come with a warning label that says Caution- Bites back)! Not to mention I have to do MATH while I'm gone on vacation. WHAT KIND OF VACATION INVOLVES ALGEBRA!?
Oh well. I don't think it will hold water long since my sister will get very mad at okaasan because she has to help me. It's her vacation too after all. I'm off. I'm not sure if I'm off to hell or to heaven. I'll have the answer when I get back =) Right now I'm thinking hell. Especially when I think of having to be stuck in the car with her. Oh well... when hell gets too loud, *puts on her head phones* I'll just turn the volume up. ^-^ Anyways, I'm off! *hugs for all and a POUNCE! for Tasuki* BYES!
One-chan (who is will be long gone by the time you get this)
Dear One-chan,
Heh-heh-heh... Have a safe trip! Try not to kill or bite anyone!
Dear Hotohori,
*sigh* so I wrote to you that my boyfriend thinks I'm unfaithful when I'm not. He likes the idea of keeping our relationship a secret, since I'm only 14 and he's 16. I wonder why he likes it to be like that, When I'd talk to him, he'd say that he doesn't want anyone ranting that we are too young...blah-blah... but my parents see him as my prospect (sweatdrops)
He came by my place today, and we are okay now..not really the way it was (yet) but I'm hoping things will work out. Thanx for your concern and time...that's why I love you...and I guess that's the only thing he has to be jealous obsession for you, Hotohori-sama! (hugs Hotohori)
I luv you!
Dear houki-chan,
Well, if you are 14 and he is 16 he is a bit old for you. But as long as your parents approve... They DO know how old he is, don't they?
I hope he understands that as long as he hides your relationship, other boys will try to court you. *Gives her a hug.* Good luck.
Dear Chichiri,
Hi Chichiri, I'm Mc Neil "Tamahome" of our classroom, how's your life going? Where is your fincee?
Mc Neil Tamahome
Dear Mc Neil Tamahome,
My life is fine, no da. As for my fiancée, she is dead.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Mina!hiya!how are you guys?buy the way Nuriko thanks for the advice but it think should have writed to you earlier cause the next day we were already speaking but thanks anyway and hey Tamahome,glad you got your spirit out for Miaka and told me the truth *pats Tamahome on the arm* Miaka is a lucky girl because she met someone like you and i must say i'm really empressed to see you fighting for her safetyand after all of those injuries a thought you would be a little weak but i was wrong i think,don't you think so guys?anyway,hey Nuriko,are you ever planning to get married with a man or a woman whatever?and will all of you tell me if all of you are the original Fushigi Yuugi cast but if you reall can't answer that question i would undrestand but if you like ,you guys could tell me one good reason for it,oh and that getting to get married thing is not just for Nuriko but that goes to all of you.i' ll look for your answer soon,see yah later,bye!=)
P.S.i changed my name Jeula Therese Agbayani or Jeula to Jeula-chan,bye!
Dear Jeula-chan,
Well, Tamahome and Miaka do end up married. To each other even! Hotohori-sama marries... Houki!! What? You thought I was going to say me??? Hee-hee... The rest of us are single... for now. *Smiles*
Dear Nuriko,
Yes. I have tried gel. My hair is short. It has a tiny pony tial in the back. But it won't stay back some times and I need your help.
Chang Wufie
Dear Chang Wufie,
Well, there's always bobby pins or getting it buzzed like Chichiri's...
Dear Tasuki,
What?! No CPR??!! Nani? *stands up and thanks Mitsukake* I was just kidding...I really am a good swimmer! Oh, then can we settle for being friends? *reaches out to shake Tasuki's hand*
I can teach ya how to swim! And why are you married? Didn't Watase herself state that Tasuki never finds himself a woman? Someone asked her and she said that! Oh well.... So, what's the deal? Don't worry, I got my own version of Tasuki.... *Robot Tasuki walks in the room*
He looks just like you too! He cooks, he cleans, he even washes my clothing! He can even get those pesky stains out of clothing! He even has a metal fan attached to some sort of gasoline tank, and shoots flames when I say Rekka Shinen!
*robot hands Avery a bottle of sake* Want some? Hey, robot Tasuki 2, dance!
*robot Tasuki 2 dances*
AveryJ & Tasuki 2
Dear AveryJ,
*Gapes at her robot...* K-K-kowai!!! We can be friends. *Shakes on it.* But ya' gotta stop tryin' to sell me! Ya' know on my seiyuu Nobutoshi Hayashi's latest album "Born" is a song called "Not for Sale"? Heh-heh-heh...
Dear Tasuki,
I have started the first few pages of the first Harry Potter book, it was really interesting, but then I had to go return the book, hopefully I'll remember to take it out again next time. Did you ever read the book? If you did, did you like it? When I was younger I read a lot of books, but not really any more.... BTW, my computer is getting upgraded that's why I had to use my cousin's, ok, bye now.
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
I ain't read it but Kelli has an' she loved it! Ya' should keep readin'! It's good fer ya'.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Gomen ne Hotohori. I'm waiting for my PC to be repaired, my memory chip burnt out.
A sanctuary would be for some time away from the ceremony of the palace. It would also be a good place to confer with the leaders of the other three countries. It's just an idea. ^^
Sumimasen Hotohori, I have to deal with one of my imoutos...
*Doc-sama bows to Hotohori, gives Ryuen-kun a kiss on the cheek, then takes off after Ai-sensei*
I've been gone for two weeks and you're already in mischief??? *drags Ai-imouto off for some much needed scolding* This is going to take some time....
Dear Doc-sama,
Sorry to hear about your computer. A sanctuary? That is an intriguing idea. Arigato.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi you guys...i have a problem with my boyfriend. I've talked with some of my girlfriends about it and one guy friend of mine. They all agreed that it was time for me to move on. My mom was the only one who advised me 'to let it go because once he goes to college his entire dynamic will change and you will most assuredly be an outfall.'(she dictated this to me, the crazy paranoid nut. asked me a million questions about this letter and who it was going to and then gave me a LONG lecture...oi vey) ANYWAYS!!
I finally decided i should talk to you and get all of YOUR opinions. Over the last 8 months i've written to you about doug and all the relationship stuff, this might be a final chapter in that book.
The Problem: he ALWAYS breaks his promises. He hasn't been up to see me (remember he lives ~50 miles away) since February, i've ALWAYS gone down there. Completely NOT spontaneous, IS predictable as sin, arrogant and VERY charasmatic! And one of the things that pissed the hell out of me this afternoon was that....okay, he PROMISED to come and see me this friday night, over the INTERNET, he IM's me and tells me that he can't come up and then he gets off line! He doesn't even call me! I'm terribly pissed off!
I think i want to break up with him. But i don't want to be the bad guy. I hate it, i hate confrontation and i hate making people feel bad. But he REALLY pisses me off, he makes me come to no no...he makes my parents bring me to him. And his 18th b-day is coming up, he's gonna invite me down, i'm gonna go down, have a terrible time, he's gonna put on that charm and all will be forgiven. I hate that! God! I know this is a one sided complaint, and i'm sure there are more well grounded facts to consider that i can't think up with my mom telling my father what a nice boy doug is and all that good stuff....
Then there's my jealousy complex thing. I know i'm jealous, and i feel bad about it. But it's not with other girls, well, it kind is. He lost his wallet (i.e. his license) and wouldn't come out to see me, even when i was sick with my mono (which ISN'T contagious!) But the kicker is he still drives out to go see his friends and relatives and everyone else in the world but me. My mom says that's responsible, but she also brings up the arguement that 'you're telling me a 17 year old boy isn't driving for 3 weeks?'
But do you think i should most definitely wait until he starts school, should i be the bad guy, or am i just being to demanding? I don't know. Is this jealousy thing clouding my mind? Am i just making to much out of his flakiness? Oh, please help! His birthday is on the 8th!
The Sad, Depressed, Confused, Angry, and Everything else in the world Mary
Dear Mary,
We all agree that if you haven't discussed this with Doug and told him how he is making you feel, you should. If he is still indifferent to your feelings after your talk, then by all means drop him! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*pout* I got chibified! It's not faiw! And-Oooo~! *starts petting Tama-neko* I like kitties! They'we cute! An' I like doggies too! An' I like...I like all aminals! They'we cute! *huggles Tama-neko, suddenly remembers something* Ooooo~ Tama-chan! They'we selling pictuwes of yoo on the message boawd! An' thewe's a evil guy bein' mean, too! Weally mean... Uh, oh! It's my chibi bedtime I gotta go! Bye bye! Wuv yoo all!
Chibi Kuro (is it that obvious?)
Dear Chibi Kuro,
I already know about the pictures... *Sweatdrops* Why don't you see if One-chan can help you? Sees a Chibi expert!
Dear Tasuki,
WAI!!!!!!! TASU-CHAN! *runs in from nowhere and tackles poor bandit-boy* Tasu-chan, Tasu-chan, GUESS WHAT?! *waits for him but his responce takes too long* August 2 is my birthday and then I'll be 19, and legal to drink (in Canada [where I live] ;) *gets big glimmering eyes while holding Tasu-chan down and sitting on his chest* You're going to drink with me until we can't see straight and such, ne? Koji says he'll be there too! Tasu-chan, you can't miss it... *sniffle sniffle* *eyes glimmer more so* ONEGAI?!!!
Dear Nykee-chan,
SAKE???? HAI!!!!!!! Otanjoubi omedeto gozaimasu!!!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Oh come on Seishi! I don't have any bidders for these WONDERFULLY tastful photographs of Tamahome?
Mary the Blackmailer from Heaven
Dear Nabiki,
I said I'd buy them!
Dear Tasuki,
well, i've seen the 'girl away' sewn into clothing, but i suppose you could just tie it around your wrists or neck or something, then tuck it away some place safe when iridal's around. hope it works for ya!
Dear saralady,
Thanks! I hope so, too!
Dear Tasuki,
I feel like I'm dead! I've been so busy this week that I'd hardly had time to sleep! And all this reading I've still got to do...*sigh* Anyway, it was fun delivering babies...
How are you getting on though? The "no bashing" week's over, so I've heard. Are you prepared for more action? *fires light attacks at Tasuki, but he managed to avoid getting hit* Che, seems like I'll have to work on my attacks then...
I was just wondering, just how many wives do you have? You seem to have more than is necessary, huh? And how many kids do you have? Seems like everyone's calling you papa here...
Oh by the way, what did your father do for a living? I don't think it was ever explained clearly in the original story. Would you have taken after his occupation (whatever it is) had you not become a bandit?
Ja ne!
Dear Ayumi,
Chichiri no Aijin says gomen nasai for not writin' back to ya' to say thanks fer th' list! She's got it stored away fer her trip next year! *Grins*
Yer a doc? I didn't know that! I'm doin' OK. Heh-heh-heh... missed me! I got Iri-chan as my Aisai and' I adopted Kelli-chan (to annoy her) an' Ashley-chan (she asked... go figure) as my kids. My dad was like a farmer an' I didn't want to do that!
Dear Nuriko,
*snaps her fingers* That's a great idea! Only two problems with it -
One - It takes a h*lluva lot to convince Ranma to throw a fight. He's a proud son-of-a-panda. I think if he spent more time training than running after me Mousse would be able to whip him - but he's just not that way...
The other thing is that Mousse won't hurt me. He can't bring himself to touch me with intent to damag. Even if I held back I would beat him. He can't even throw a decent punch in my presence!
And I'm having such problems trying to tell him I like him! I tried to write him a note - but I was too chicken to leave it for him to find...
*groans* I wonder how much Ranma would throw a fight for?
Dear Xian-Puu,
Ano... I think Ranma spends his time running AWAY FROM you not AFTER you. But that is neither here nor there. Ranma would probably throw the fight if you promised to marry Mousse and leave him alone. And Mousse doesn't HAVE to hurt you! YOU just have to throw the fight. Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Nuriko,
*huggles Nuri-chan back* Thankies! You are so good at advice. You know, this is the first letter I can remember writing to you about something that is actually happening in my real life! Whoa!
Taiitsu no Miko (who has surprisingly little life)
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
You're very welcome! I'm glad I was able to help! ^_^
Dear Tasuki,
:almost faints: you...dont...know...? ;.; Oh...well I guess that's okay ^^ Anyway did you like our photo gallery?? :-) we had fun taking those pictures! :D
Dear Ashley-Chan,
Yer sister Kelli says he's a Sailor Starlight. That's all I know. Yer photo gallery was cool!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Boxers or briefs?
The Stinky Cheese Lady
Dear Stinky Cheese Lady,
After consulting with Miaka as to what boxers and briefs are, I would have to say... neither! In our world men wear fundoshi (breechcloths) under our clothes. I suppose if we were to wear clothes from the Miko's world that would be different. So here's what I imagine everyone would wear (I'm answering this because the others are too embarrassed... heehee...):
Tasuki - Red briefs with polka dots or little flames on them
Mitsukake - Boxers with smiley faces on them
Tamahome - Briefs with hearts on them
Chiriko - White Briefs
Chichiri - Kesa patterned bikini briefs
Hotohori - Black briefs
and as for me... I'd wear silk!
Dear Tasuki,
Can I borrow your tessen?
Chrisy Chan
Dear Chrisy Chan,
Dear Dooms Day,
I went an' signed yer guest book.
Dear Tasuki,
Hey, I found you! *jumps Tasuki* I can't help it! I'm programed to love you! Ah, where did my creator go? *looks around*
Ah, Avery? *looks below at cliff and to the water* What did you do to Avery?
Tana 6.7
Dear Tana 6.7,
Nothin'! She jumped. Mitsukake's gonna heal her an' she'll be OK. *Waves "Girl Away" at Tana...*
Dear Tasuki,
Married? Ah, I didn't know Fang boy could be tamed? Ah, keep reading, it gets interesting...hehehe, just don't let Tamahome see it.
'gives tasuki some 'girl away'????????
Nani? We are not pests! Come on! *sulks in corner in tears* So, that's what you think about me? *eyes tear up* I'll go.... *walks away depressed* Fine, I'll go! Fine! Bye! And I'm never coming back! *jumps off cliff and into lake* Just know I loved you too!! TAAAASSSSSSSUUUUUKIIIIII!!!!!
(don't try this at home, kids ^_^;;)
(disclaimer: No animals or men were hurt in the making of this cliff scene)
Avery X___X
Dear Avery,
Nope! Sorry! Guilt jus' ain't gonna work! *Pulls her from the lake and has Mitsukake heal her.*
Dear Mitsukake,
who r u? i've only recently run into fushigi yuugi on one of my nite anime raids and i'm surprised cuz it's so famous. anyway i don't know hoo u r. hope ur not offended! ::gives my best smile::
Miri - (real name Mary)
Dear Mary,
I am a Suzaku Seishi. You will see me eventually.
Dear Tasuki,
you're so sweet to a lot of the girls u respind to! and i thought u hated women? ::smirks:: i only wish u were that sweet to me. anyway...::gives a devilish smile:: i wuz jus wunder'in...and i wanted ta ask ya... Are u sure that wuz cpr? hehehe.and don't say anything mean man! i love u ya know! *blush* oops! did i say that?
Mele - (real name-Mary)
Dear Mary,
Yes! It was CPR!! 'CHE!
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