Dear Chichiri,
Aw, come on, man. Why not?
Youji Kudou
Dear Playboy-san,
*Glares at Youji* Because she is MY Aisai, no da! What are you not understanding here?
Dear Tamahome,
hey Tamahome i read some of your letters especially that what if "Miaka" fell inlove with "Tasuki" and he proposed to her in one of the series ,haha!that was funny =),but good answer though ok let's just get on with it ok!i'll just ask you one question,ok here we go,what would happen to you if Miaka did fall inlove with someone else let's say "Hotohori"what would you do to get Miaka back?hope you answer my question soon,bye!
Dear Jeula-chan,
I just want Miaka to be happy. So, if she were TRULY happy with Hotohori I would just bow out. But if she weren't, I'd probably fight him for her.
Dear Tasuki,
*sits on the floor rubbing her rump* Anou...a funny reaction, yes...but personally I was hoping for a less painful one. So, that wasn't an 'ACK' of pure disgust, right..? 'Cause if it was, I may just have to take your tessen and beat you unconscious with it.
Good thing 'No Tasuki Bashing Week' is over.
a bruised Katsumi
Dear Katsumi,
Ya' wanted a reaction... Ya' got one!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
cool!i can write to all of you at once.Alright then i was just wondering WHERE AM I GOING TO FIND YOUR ANSWERS?sorry for the capital letter thing,it's just that i've been trying to find your answers but it looks like i can't so if you don't mind i would like to find the answers,anyway i wanted to ask you some questions that you can answer for me,you see i have an enemy lets say that i didn't do anything to her but she's mad at me,can you guys tell me what caused her to hate me so much?and i have some questions for some of you but i'll ask it on his own letter sender thing or whatever.i hope all of you give me some advice or answer my question!Thank you,all of you for reading my letter!see yah!
Dear Jeula,
You can find your answer on the response peeji. We can't tell you what caused her to hate you, only she can tell you that. Have you tried asking her? If she won't speak to you, perhaps she will tell one of your friends what her problem with you is. Good luck!
Dear Tasuki,
Ah, don't worry, you don't get to marry the girl! Tana is from my fic...hehehe, you and her get really close! Anyway, you get to stay "in character" during it, even though you are in love-though you never say it!
The fic got nominated for best overall at this contest site! Ah, it's called "The Universe of Chaos" and by mistake, I was trying to take out Sid 6.7, (think Virtuousity)but Tana came out by mistake and she's searching for you!
So, I had to promise to sell you, but that's ok, you're not sold! She's just running around trying to find you! Go read it...well, it is like 6oo pages might have grey hair by the time you're done reading it!
At least you get something out off all this insanity! *hands him some sake*
Ah, hey Tamahome! Selling bandits makes lots of money! Maybe you can hook me up, and I'll give you a stingy %10 percent or something? I'll keep her money, but you can stay free~just watch out for her, I created her and she's running around here somewhere!? ^_^ See, I'm a nice person....
I make you out to be a cool hero in the fic, and you get some...n**kie.... (don't let anyone hear that:)
Dear AveryJ,
I finished th' first chapter. 600 pages!!!! This readin' thin' may take forever!!!
Dear Tasuki,
*stops being chibi for a bit.* GUESS WHAT GUESS WHAT GUESS WHAT! SPEED EMAILED ME =D HE LIVES! *POUNCE!* I'm so happy =D So happy I could cry because I missed him a lot =D WHEE!!! .^-^.
Oh yeah... going on vacation this Saturday. Won't be back for two weeks.
Anyways! YAAAAAAY! ^-^ Nate'll be happy to hear this too! He's known Speed longer than even I have =D *HUGS!* I'm so happy! I'm actually happy for once! WHEEEEEEE!!!!!! .^-^.
Dear One-chan,
That's great news! I'm really happy fer ya'!!! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
Oh, you really think that fan of yours is cooler than Suboshi-sama's ryuuseisui, which by the way, does NOT look at all like a yo-yo!! I mean, your fan is just a fan...the ryuuseisui is a man's weapon!! *smug grin*
Dear Ai-sensei,
'Che! I never did get th' pleasure of charrin' th' hentai lil' freak! So if it's a "man's weapon", what th' h*ll is HE doin' wit' it? Besides gunnin' down helpless children an' defenseless sick old men???
Dear Tasuki,
I will! I promise! :hugs him: Hey Tasuki Papa, do you know where I can find Yaten Kou? *-* cause he aint at the ask the sailor senshi page ;.; the page is no longer in service.. :cries on his shoudler: -sniffles- soooo! If you can find away to find Yaten S-Sama :drools: for me. Lemme know! Kay? Ja Tasuki Papa :kisses his cheek:
Dear Ashley-Chan,
Gomen, I don't even know who Yaten Kou is!
Dear Tamahome,
Is there any other word in you entre vocabular besides "Miaka"? Dakedo, that's all you ever seem to say...I'm gonna go crazy from having to hear you two repeat each others names!! Damnit, I wish Suboshi had really got his ryuuseisui through your chest.
Ai-sensei; aka Suboshi No Aijin
Dear Ai-sensei,
Well gee, aren't YOU just a Little Mary Sunshine!! He got what he deserved.
Dear Tasuki,
So it seems no one is taking your union with Iridal seriously...sadlady. Here, hopefully this'll help out*gives tasuki some 'girl away'* Remember, that's not for use around your aisai.
Dear Saralady,
*Looks at Tana and Avery...* So, do I spray it on me or on them?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I wasn't sure which one of you would know more about this than anyone else, so I decided to ask alla ya: What does it mean when the thyroid is overworked? My doctor said that something like that, and just curious to know what it ment.
Dear Cally_Kari_Shokka,
It means that you have a hyper-active thyroid. You should go online and research your condition.
Dear Chiriko,
Soko Yoko
Dear Soko Yoko,
Have you tried looking at the links on our Links Peeji? If not, you should. Gomen, but we do not send out personal emails. Ano... in the future you really don't need to yell at us...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hiya guys! I'm back in my body!! No thanks to hentai jean or the 'I'm too good for your privacy' Tamahome! But I DO have an offer.....While in Tamahome's body, I wore certain girl clothing and took pictures....Now i know Tasuki HAS to be interested in these...think obake-chan in a lavendar dress, vinal tops, tight girly pants....ahhhh....memories, i'm glad i'm not him! Anyone wanna buy?
Mary in business!
Dear Mary,
I DO!!!! I DO!!!!!!!
Dear Chichiri,
*sighs* Sorry I haven't written lately. The show is getting hectic. VERY hectic. Evita is not a happy show, and it is very taxing on everyone involved, especially the woman playing our Evita.
Ne, should see me when I am all decked out as an Argentinian. Fancy your aisai with short black hair? ^_^
Kelli, CnA#2
Dear Kelli,
It sounds interesting, no da! Do you have any pictures?
Dear Nuriko,
*looks around to make sure no one she knows is here, then sheds the goofy trenchcoat and nose glasses*
Hi-yah. Friend told Shampoo this was good place to look for advice, so I come to talk to one who seem to know lots. I have large problem with laws......
*thinks for a minute* You know, Chinese ne? *breathes in relief and chucks her cr*ppy Japanese out the window*
This is somewhat idiotic but I'm really stuck here - I'm hoping you can help me out.
There's this law in my home village that says that if I am defeated in martial artist's combat by a male from outside my tribe, then I am required to marry him. Now, when this guy Ranma defeated me, I was fine with that. I just chase him down to his home city to try and convince him to follow my laws.(Yeah, nutty isn't it?) It was no big deal for me - but then Mousse showed up.
Mousse has been trying to marry me since we were three years old. He's just nuts over me. I've been trying to get him to leave me alone for fifteen years now. He's blind as a bat without his glasses, clingy and (unfortuately) VERY stubborn. Now this situation goes on quite normally. Mousse acts like a love sick puppy, I whack him and go talk to Ranma - but I swear it's turning on me...
Ranma doesn't want to marry me, in fact he quite despises me. And clingy and stubborn that he is, Mousse is really nice. If I had to pick between the two I'm beginning to think I'd choose Mousse. It's not that I'm not still sick and tired of him sometimes but it's really sort of flattering to think that someone loves me enough to follow me to the ends of the earth trying to convince me of who is the better man.
I think he's getting to me. I'm falling for him - but my laws say I'm supposed to marry Ranma. I can't figure out what to do short of ripping apart the scrolls of my tribes laws. Then there is the added point that Mousse is convinced that I hate him - if I don't hit him three times daily he gets scared and calls a doctor. If I told him I liked him I think the shock would kill him!
I know this is all really complicated and cr*p and it's not an easy question but if you have any sort of suggestions, even just about breaking this to Mousse, I'd be very happy.
Arigatou for reading this very long monolouge
Dear Xian-Puu,
Have you considered asking Ranma to fight Mousse for you and throw the fight in Mousse's favor? Then you can take Mousse back to your village and fight him yourself (allowing him to beat you) and then you and Mousse can be married and everyone should be happy. How does that sound?
Dear Nuriko,
I have a small relationship problem I'm hoping you can help me with.
There is a guy I met at my school last year called David. He's really nice and and absoloutely sweet guy. He'd stop and talk with me and eat lunch with me sometimes. The way he would grin at me sometimes - I honestly think he sort of likes me.
Then the problem. I haven't been talking to him all summer and I'm wondering how to approach him next year (assuming he hasn't met anyone or anything) I really like the guy, he's the sweetest person, really.
If he's in a relationship I've got no intention of weaseling in on it but if he's not attatched to anyone and still likes me well...
My biggest problem is that this is basically my first possible relationship of any kind. (Well aside from this frigging notes-in-my-desk-from-someone- who's-not-Colgan fiasco - don't ask - it was just a real embarassing situation --') Anyway - I have a drawn a total blank as to what to say to him or anything else next year. I know, like, nothing about men....
Do you have any suggestions?
Taiitsu no Miko (talking about her actual life - kowaii!)
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
Well, when you next see him you could start with a smile, say Hi, and ask him about his summer. You know, how was it, what did he do, etc. Good luck! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Chiriko,
I don't think I get many choices! >.<;; I do like Ancient Philosophy since I've already read over many of the texts in Latin...even tho' some of them seem to ramble on and on and on...x.x;;
I think next semester my Japanese class was gonna start, so maybe I should have them move it to this semester. ^o^
Someone told me I should just lay back, and not take another class....but I don't want to take 5 years ta' get one little tiny degree! Besides, I think I would become bored with only 4 classes... @_@; Especially if one is a easy math course... and another one a class when they're gonna tell me how I should manage my time... ~.~ *sweatdrops*
My only other choices would be something like biology 102 (which I might already have covered credits wise...^o^)... or some other class about european society they seem to like makin' people take. x_X;
I jus' want ta' be an evil scientist to take over the world, and clone Tasuki-sama so I can have tha' real thing to myself... ^_~
Dear Amy-chan,
Well if you want to clone Tasuki-san, perhaps you SHOULD take Biology! ^^;;; Or you could move your Japanese class up. Is it possible for you to take any Psychology or Anthropology classes?
Dear Tasuki,
~_~;;; *stands there, and blushes, poke-poking her fingers together* I wrote you a letter a few weeks ago... demo...demo...demo... I guess I got looked over....orIforgottoclickthatlittlesendbutton...ah-heh...heh...heh....
*sweatdrops* -_-;
 *runs and glomps Tasuki-sama, and bites his leg lightly* ^_^; I wanted ta' know if Chichiri no Aijin-sama had a good time at tha' con! And how has Tasuki-sama been without meee! And my pictures Mulan draws of him half naked in red silk sheets? Heheh.. ^o^
 My birthday was a month' I got another Tasuki keeki from her by the way. x_x I tried to hold off...but I had ta' eat ya' eventually... *fang grin*
VAnyways... ^o^ Only ten or so more days till Otakon! I hafta go away on vacation with my family to Cape Cod... and then take a bus down to Baltimore at 6:30 in the morning... to meet up with my friends...@_@;;; I'm not much of a mornin' person either. I'm working on my Megumi costume...since were all bein' people from Kenshin-gumi....minus Kenshin.
 Mulan's fallen in love with a guy who went as him last year... cept... this year he's being Sanosuke...and she says I'm not allowed to touch him even if I am Megumi o.O;; ^_^ Thats okay tho' cause I hafta save all my glomps for you, ne Tasuki-sama....? NE?! Ah..heh. ^^
 Tell Chichiri no Aijin ta' drop me a mail if she gets a chance too! o.o
 *breaks out two jugs of sake an' a big keeki* ^o^ Now can we go have a picnic-chan, oneeeegaaaai? ....I need ya ta' pose for a picture for Otakon...later on...^_~
Amy-chan o.o;
Dear Amy-chan,
'Course I missed ya'!! CnA had a great time at AX2000! She's lookin' forward to AX2001. I'll also have her drop ya' a line when she gets a chance. So, yer goin' to Otokon, eh? Say hi to lina fer me! Heh-heh-heh... Sake an' keeki?? Sounds liek a picnic to me! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Chichiri,
So....I hear Kelli is your wife, eh? Hmmm....she seems awfully affectionate to waste on a guy who already had an aijin too. Are you willing to share? *winks*
Youji Kudou
Dear Playboy-san,
*Takes off mask and looks at Youji...* No.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*sweatdrops* Okaaaaaaaaaaay, aside from Tasuki ('cause he's not gonna say anything BUT his Tassen), what's the coolest weapon (other than your own) in all of anime?
Shrinemaiden Keisei (Lady Infinity, Gate Guardian in traning, officiall weapons-maker and dirrector of cons and cosplay for the gate Guardians)
Dear Keisei,
We seem to have a difference of opinion on this subject so we shall list our choices for you.
Chichiri: Xelloss' powers, no da.
Tamahome: Sanosuke's zanba
Hotohori: Gourry's sword of light
Chiriko: All the Gundams in Gundam Wing!
Nuriko: The Sword of Dios from Utena.
Mitsukake: I do not particularly care for weapons.
Dear Tasuki,
:watches Adam fall to the ground in a lifeless heap: Aww arigatou Tasuki Papa!! That does make me feel a lot better. :hugs him: Arigatou!!!
Dear Ashley-Chan,
Yer welcome! But ya' better be more careful around them hentai fanboys!!!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
When Keisei asked you seven which was the coolest weapon, she said Kesnhin's sword was a zanba, which is incorrect, it's a sakaba. Just thought I'd enlighted you. BTW; Tasuki-chan, your tessen isn't as cool as Suboshi's ryuuseisui! ^.^
Ai-sensei; aka Suboshi No Aijin
Dear Ai-sensei,
Eh-heh... I know that! It's a sakabatou. An' I know th' tessen ain't as cool as psycho yo-yo boy's yo-yos!! IT'S COOLER!!!!!!!! *Fanged grin...*
Dear Tasuki,
Ah, what I meant when I said I sold you, ah is this! I sell bandits for a living! Go check it out! Bandits for Sale!
Dear AveryJ,
Interestin' site but I think my aisai has somethin' to say 'bout ya' tryin' to sell me off...
Dear Tasuki,
*looks slightly confused* You have ANOTHER wife?! (in reference to you being sold) I thought I was your one and only Aisai...;_;
Iridal, Tasuki no Aisai (the 1st!)
Dear Iridal,
Go talk to that Avery chick! I told her I don't wanna be sold! An' yer my only Aisai!
Dear Tasuki,
Ah, that's what you think! *sticks tongue out* She paid good money, and she's waiting! She's out to get ya! Don't you like a pretty woman following you around? *evil distracted look* So, you can't be sold huh? what if I... *backs up truck full of sake* What, if I gave all this sake to you? How many trucks of sake would it take to buy ya? How about just a date? Can you be bought?
Ah, maybe I should say, how many bottles of sake? After you get drunk, you better watch your back! HAHAHAHAHA! I wouldn't get drunk, if I were you! (just kidding, really-really, just kidding really! ^_^)
*Tana pokes her head in*
Tana: Hey, is he drunk yet?
Avery: No, shh...get back into the room! I'll have him for you in no time! Ok, see...I'm nice! Do you want all this sake? ^_^
Dear Avery,
I don't ever get THAT drunk! Send her a plushie!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey, do you read manga? I just wanna know because I am a MAJOR manga nut! Even if they ARE in Japanese or French! (I'm learning both languages at the moment) Oh, and do you guys like the group X-Japan? Just curious. See ya!
Nuriko no hime
Dear Nuriko no hime,
We do read a bit, no da. Although Chichiri no Aijin has the whole Fushigi Yuugi collection, a YuYu Hakusho, Ayashi no Ceres and the 2 Jippan Jump by Watase Yu and does her best to read them when she has time, no da. WE have never heard of a group called X-Japan, no da.
Dear Tamahome,
If you made a video game, what would it be and what would be in it?
Dear Sodina,
I really ddon't know as I don't play video games. Gomen.
Dear Chiriko,
Hey, Chiriko! *jumps in all happy and grabs a cup of orange spice tea* How are ya? I've been okay, I guess. I'm new here. Name's Jennifer Darknight. Nice to meet ya. I've got some questions and I hope you will answer them...
1: Have you ever gotten anything less than a 100 on a test?
2: Can you write poetry?
3: How'd ya learn to sing so well? I love your songs, actually, my friends keep telling me that I should sing Red Legend for a solo in Varsity choir! What do you think?
Jennifer Darknight
Dear Jennifer,
No, yes, and I guess it just came naturally. I have never heard you sing, so I cannot really give you an opinion. If you feel you can sing it, then by all means do so. Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki-chan!! Ai wa suru <3!!! *jumps into his arms and kisses him* *...this reaction should be a good one...^____^*
Yours Always,
Katsumi <3
Dear Katsumi,
ACK!!!!!!!!! *Drops her in shock.*
Dear Hotohori,
Anou...Heika-sama? If the duel between you and Sephiroth has ended in a draw, is it possible that I still might receive my own country to govern? Also, I was only cheering for Sephiroth because of his promise to me. I hope no offense was taken, Heika-sama.
Dear Katsumi,
None taken. But you know you aren't getting any countries either...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*walks into the room holding back her anger* i tried to go to your chat room. I even signed up a new name for me, but when I hit enter IT DOESN'T LET ME IN!!!! This bites! This really, really, really, REALLY bites! By best friend Kuro, is down and out because Neko's gone. And I can't seem to cheer her up and she's .....*sigh* Right now she has the biggest chip on her shoulder I've ever seen. It really makes me mad when all I can do is stand back and watch my best buddy get depressed. I'll bet Tasuki, that you an' Kouji know the feeling? Well, I gotta go, I got lotsa crap I gotta do.
Dear Kosei,
Gomen ne, but we tried it an' it's workin' fer us. You may wish to contact the nice people at an' see if they can help ya' as it is their chatroom. Good luck! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Hotohori,
Oh, Hotohori-sama, I have gone too long without seeing you! ^_^ *blush* Oh, dear. How is everything in Konan? Er, wait...uh...never mind. So, didja miss me? I missed everything! Let me tell you, there is nothing to do in Pennsylvania. And - this might scare you Hotohori - there were no mirrors on the way up! *giggles and hands him an antique mirror*
Dear Rabbit,
Arigato for the mirror! I have been dueling Sephiroth but it seems to have ended in a draw.
Dear Chiriko,
Konnichiwa, Chiriko-san! How are you? Good, I hope. Well, the time has come for me to finally show you my webpage. It's not very fancy I'm afraid, as the HTML kinda grated my nerves. I swear, it would not work right! Ask the Gundam Pilots
Heh, I'm sure you missed me while I was gone...*sweatdrop*
Dear Rabbit,
Of course we did. Nice site! Good luck with it!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
if you HAD to speand the whole day with me and my friends or jump off the CN tower what would you do????????????????
The Crossdresser from a galaxy Far Far Away, a.k.a. Soy Bean, / Tenchi / Cherry Tree, / The Female Nuriko, /Nuriko_Solo / Conundrum / loving Tasuki / puzzle_girl_13 / Con-chan / Min-chan( if you call me that i will killl you!) / Fuzzy Wazzy the Bear / Fuzzy / Tugs ( ~_~ that's all i can think of for now!)
Dear Crossdresser,
I suppose we would spend the day with you and your many personalities...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Okay! I'm taking votes!
What's the coolest weapon ever?
1) a zanba sword (Kenshin)
2) ryusesuis
3) any sword from Magic Knight Rayearth
4) The Bless Blade from Slayers
5) Bonbori (Shampoo-chan's from Ranma 1/2)
I'm open to other sudgestions, but I'm asking because it appears that I have become an artican (weapons maker) for my group, and I'm debationg on my first project.
Shrinemaiden Keisei
Dear Keisei,
Tamahome:*Sweatdrops* You saw THAT coming now didn't you?
Tasuki and Tamahome
Dear Hotohori,
*scorched* knew I'd be fried for staying too long online.Che^...but there's no helping it. I like FY so much...I'm proud to say the first name in FY I was able to say was "Hotohori". *blush* (and I ain't called Houki-chan for nothing!) Oh, BTW, my boyfriend's name is Andy (hee-hee) and he ain't gay but he really likes you...WE WORSHIP YOU!!! If given the chance, I'd be your priestess! I'd probably write my version of the book of the four Gods and I'll make you a God~! Won't that be nice?!?
And since I'm writing to you, I'd ask for advice. My boyfriend thinks that I'm unfaithful when I'm not~! He just found a letter from a guy in our French class and he calls me unfaithful!?!!? I don't think anything is wrong with that!(Unless you read the contents, It says he's gonna court me, blah, blah...)Well, I don't blame the guy who gave me the letter 'cause me and my boyfriend don't want to tell the whole world about our relationship. (due to personal reasons)and how in the world will I let him know I'm sooo~~faithful when he doesn't even want to talk to me? *tears roll down cheeks*
Dear houki-chan,
Arigato for your kind words. As for your boyfriend, if the two of you wish to hide your realtionship from the rest of the world, then he will have to deal with the fact that other boys wish to court you. He will have to learn to trust you or he may risk losing you to someone less secretive. You can keep telling him that you are faithful but it IS up to him to choose to believe you or not. By the way, just why are you two hiding your relationship?
Dear Tasuki,
Do you know I sold you to Tana, your wife for about 400,000 gold coins, ah, actually I gave you to her for free! Hehehe, you have no clue what I'm talking about, do you? Feel, confused? You've been sold!
Dear AveryJ,
Ya' don't own me so ya' can 't seel or give me away! So there! *Sticks his tongue out at her.* BIIIIIIDAAAAAA...
Dear Tasuki,
Hehehha... O hi bandit,laugs some more. Tasuki... you must like Lina if ya keep messing with her.Looks like you like Lina to me. Kisses kises =0P heheha Tasuki in love with Lina hehe
Dear Deserae,
Nah, I jus' like messin' wit' her!
Dear Tasuki,
*runs out for a second and lights a little fuse*
Hehehehehehehehehehe...... *notices nothing's happening.*
Umm, don't move.
*waits for a few more minutes, thens uddenly jumps out of the way*
KA-BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMM!!!!!! *thousands of fireworks go off, aimed right at Tasuki*
Dark Lady Charrion
Dear Dark Lady Charrion,
LEKKA SHIENEN!!!!!!!!!!!! *Blasts them all to ashes.* Heh-heh-heh... *smirks*
Dear Tasuki,
*sigh* You're sooooo cute Tasuki!!! I wish you lived in my world. Aishiteru!!! Oi, gomen! My crazed fangirl personality kicked in ^_^;;. Anyways, I saw this pic of you kissing Miaka. Now I haven't seen all of Fushigi Yuugi but, last time I checked Miaka was with Tamahome. I mean trust me I really (REALLY!) wish I could be Miaka in that pic but, why are you kissing her? Someone told me you were doing CPR but, it sure didn't look like CPR to me. Ja, koi ^.~!
Dear Mari-chan,
I WAS givin' her CPR!!!
Dear Chichiri,
Konnichi wa koibito!!! Hahahaha, just kidding. Besides Chihaya is my koi already ^_^!!! I mean you're really hot but, Chihaya got me first. Okay here's my questions:
1. Where can I get get a really cool hat like yours that'll transport me places?
2. How do you get your bangs to stay up like that?
Okay, gomen, those were really dumb questions but, i just had to act like a fangirl for a moment. Okay here's the real question. When me and my boyfriend broke up (sometime in May) we still stayed friends. I didn't like him anymore (romantically) but, he says he's still in love with me. Then he starts to buy me stuff and act all sweet like he's trying to get me back. I told him in plain english that I just wanted to be friends and thats it but he still doesn't get the picture. How do I tell him off where I we can still be friends but he'll quit giving me stuff and hitting on me? If you have any advice it would be much appreciated. Ja Ne!!! (Oh, yeah I think you and Tasuki are the hottest seishi but, tell the others that ^.~!!!)
Dear Mari-chan,
Well, for your first question I do the teleporting, not my kasa, no da. As for my hair, it just grows that way, no da. Sumimasen, but I must ask why you broke up. My answer will depend on your answer, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi there! Okay, I just wanted to clear something up about Neko's mom, here...Kosei made her sound like some kind of evil female Nakago or something like that and that's not true. I mean, yeah, it is a crock of B.S. that she thinks FY is 'evil', and moving to Ohio was very unfortunate for Kosei, Kichigai(another one of my strange friends), Neko AND me. But, Ohio is the better place for them to be right now. I'm NOT taking Neko's mom's side, though, 'cause making Neko give back the manga that I gave to her is UNFORGIVABLE! Kay, I'm not sure that cleared up anything at all, but I needed something to do. ^_^ And arigatou for taking the time to listen to me even if I'm not making sense!(which happens a lot...) *hugs and kisses* Ja ne!
Dear Kuro,
You made perfect sense, no da. Arigato! It is a shame that she thinks our adventures are evil, but there are lots of narrow-minded people out there that just can't deal with anything that is unfamiliar to them, no da. I'm sure if Neko is able to visit you, you will let her read your manga and watch your videos, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
-walks up with tears in eyes dragging a guy named Adam behind her: Tasuki Papa this guy sexually harrased me at Comic Con..and if my friend had not showed up in time he would of done A LOT worse to me. Can you please punish him SOMEHOW?! Please if my friend hadn't been there he probably would of tried to rape me ;.; please Tasuki Papa??
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley Chan,
Kisama!!! Ya' can't go 'round treatin' women like THAT!!! *Smacks Adam with his tessen.*
Dear Chichiri,
Chichiri-san, I know you're a monk and everything, but I'm running a fanfic challenge wherein the challenge is to create the oddest couple possible. How do you feel about being paired with Soi, 'cause it's been done, as a fanfic for my challenge.
Ai-sensei, aka Suboshi No Aijin
Dear Ai-sensei,
I'd rather NOT be paired with anyone, no da! Ano... what about Subaru, no da?
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki-chan, how would you feel about being paired with Soi for my next fanfic when I get bored (it won't take long for me to get bored 'cause I'm almost finished writing "The Inside sorty")
Ai-sensei, aka Suboshi No Aijin
Dear Ai-sensei,
Do I get to kill her again? Heh-heh-heh...
Dear Tasuki,
Omae o koruse.
Dear Heero,
Heh, that's right yer th' psycho one!
Dear Nuriko,
I wonder why you always act like you're the big brother of everyone in the cast. I mean, why do you always give them advices? And why are you so sweet and loving and kind and everything I like in a guy? I love you!
Dear Yeisu,
Arigato for your kind words! I suppose it's just in my nature. *Smiles*
Dear Tamahome,
Someone who falls in love with YOU has good taste?
Death Wish-Chan
Dear Death Wish-Chan,
*I* think so! *Smiles*
Dear Tasuki,
Can you suggest something for me to do over the summer? ^_~
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Hmmmm, I dunno. Have ya' read all th' Harry Potter books yet?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi's and hello's again. It's me Carren (again?!).Well anyway, I didn't get to see your respond to my Q which was: what would your futures be if you didn't become a Star Warrior? Please, just e-mail your respond to ----> Thanx!!!
Carren a.k.a. Hibari
P.S. Isn't my fave seishi obvious? ^_^
Dear Carren,
Gomen ne, that isn't an email address. And even if it was, we don not respond personally to email. However, if you go to the Archives Peeji and use the Search Engine and search for your name, I'm certain you will find your answer!
Dear Tasuki,
Ora Tasuki! Genki da ne? Watashi wa daijobu! Watashi tachi mo biichi kudasai! Tokidoki to biiru soshite, wo puri manju o onegai shimasu? Kitto sore wa totemo tanoshii.
Shiteru boku wa
Dear Shiteru boku wa,
OI! Boku wa genki desu! I'm gonna answer ya' in English so th' rest of th' people gotta clue what yer askin'. Some of it didn't seem to make much sense though... It sounds like yer askin' me to go to th' beach wit' ya' (biichi) an' have some beer an' steamed yeast buns (biiru, manju). Th' plan (kito, not kitto which is raw silk thread) sound like fun to me, too!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*Kosei bounces into the room with her black calico cat in her arms* HI! This is Demeter, one of my cats. *holds up her cat* My little brother torturises both of my cats! Did I spell "torturises" right? *shrugs and puts Demeter down on the floor. The small cat starts sniffing around* And Mitsukake? Its my giga pet that's sick! See? *holds the giga pet in his face and he goes cross-eyed trying to look at it.* Hee hee! Silly-willy goose! *looks at her cat that has found Tama-neko and has started playing with him* Hey Taaaaaas-chan! "No Tasuki Bashing Week" is over right? *rubs her hand together* Hee hee hee!
*N'SYNC starts playing on the radio and Kosei gets side tracked* Heeeeeeey! Tamahome! Did you hear they're coming out with *N'SYNC Chapstick? Mmmmmm,... Chris flavor.... Hee hee hee!
Well, you remember when I was talking about Ayashi no Ceres? And I said that some of you looked alot like Yuuhi and Tooya? And there is a guy on there, Chichiri. His name is Alec! *squeals* Alec no Kawaii! He's got really neat boots too. Anywho's, your voice actor Chichiri, is going to be his voice actor. Ummm, what was his name? Sa-Saki Tomodachi? Something like that. Well, just though you would like to know that. *grabs Demeter and shoves her in Tasuki's face* Isn't she the sweetest neko in the world? *Demeter hisses at Tasuki* Uh, sometimes anyway. Maxis, my other tabby calico cat, is much sweeter than her.
Ya know what?! I am so peeved at my friend Neko's mom!! You wanna know why?! I'll tell you why! Because her older sister Tammy moved away to Ohio!! Fr*ggin' OHIO! And Pat, Neko's mom, went there to visit and then Pat decided she wanted to stay because their families so *beeping* close!!!
And you know what else is very wrong?!?! Pat is making Neko throw away all her FY stuff because she's afirad that she might start worshiping Suzaku which is the biggest f*cking load of rotting b*llsh*t that I ever heard!!!!!!!!! It pisses me off so much!!!!! I gotta go before I really pop my cork. Ja ne!
Dear Kosei,
Wow! That was quite a letter, no da! My Seiyuu is Seki Tomokasu, no da. I do hope your brother just plays with your cats and doesn't phyically hurt them, no da. If he does hurt them then you should yell your parents so they can get him some counseling. I'm sorry your friend's mother is so narrow-minded. But unfortunately ignorance and fear of things that are different sometimes drives people to so bizarre things, no da. I'm sure when your friend is able to see you, you'll let her watch your tapes, no da.
Dear Mitsukake,
I do not come from a Bizarre world.... i come from this one!!!!! i haven't been on lately so that was the last time i was on. iu geuss Cherry Treee (tenchi) hasn't been on> i still can't find her and it's hard to put her in a fic if i cant find her.
the crossdresser from a galaxy far far away!! !!!!!!how far dose this thing go
Dear crossdresser,
It actually went quite far but was edited for space considerations.
Dear Tasuki,
When exactly did you start drinking?
Dear Sodina,
When I was 15 an' ran away from home an' my rotten sisters.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
hehe, I quickly pulled a small Kirei(my pics) page together. I'll fix it up as soon as my main page gets it's makeover! Ja no daaaa!!!
hmm, forget html ;P
~Orca, no da!
Dear Orca,
Nice fan art, no da!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
How many licks does it take to get to the Tootsie roll center of a Tootsie pop? **gives a Tootsie pop to all of the Suzaku seishi**
Ai shiteru,
Dear Lina,
*Licks it 3 times and then bites into it.* 3!!!!!!! Aishiteru, eh Lina-chan??? I knew ya' couldn't resist my charm! Heh-heh-heh... *Fanged grin*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Well, Sayonara Seishi! I am going to camp! When you print this letter, I'll probably be at camp, swimming or somethin` like that. *gives all the Seishi a hug and a kiss on the cheek* Bye!!
Dear Keiko,
Have a great summer, no da!
Dear Chiriko,
Chiriko-chan, how would you feel about being paired up with Seiryuu Shichiseishi Soi in a fanfic wherein you're both trapped in an abandoned cabin and there's a fierce blizzard outside...
Ai-sensei, aka Suboshi No Aijin
Dear Ai-sensei,
Safer than if I was stuck with Tomo...
Dear Hotohori,
Is it true in what my friend tells me, that you stare into the mirror 12 hours a day? **blinks curiously**
A Silly girl who knows NOTHING about Hotohori
Dear Silly girl,
It is not! I only glance into mirrors. I don't stare. *Smiles*
Dear Nuriko,
Hi Nuriko, I'm in a pickle! I am going as the OAV Tasuki to this convention, and have no clue what or how to do with the materials I have! I even got a real hair wig, and the only thing I know how to do is color and cut it, thank God, but I can barely sew!
I got lots of this pretty shinny material to make into a Tasuki vest! But then I found this jacket that would be a great vest too! But now I can't decide what to do! Should I just make the vest out of the light weight material, which is thin and like spandex or something? It might be better for this season than walking around in a warm jacket looking thing? Or should I merge the shinny material over the jacket? The material I got is thin and nice and pretty, and this jacket is like just plain. Is it better to make a costume in something more shinny and noticable than a old jacket? I have that cosplay tape, but i'm still confused! Ah, what do you think? I'm leaning towards in just forgetting that jacket and just stick with the nice easy shinny material. Ah, and i have to sew by hand too! Ah, but it's worth it! Hey, maybe Tasuki can let me borrow his clothing, so I don't have to do all this work? ^_^
Dear AveryJ,
Gomen, tasuki just doesn't loan his clothes out. You want the costume to look like clothing that Tasuki would wear usingthe cloth that would be availbale in Konan. What you should try for is a costume that looks like natural clothing for that character and not like a costume. Does that make sense?
Dear Tasuki,
People really ask hentai questions about you and Kouji?! Why the h*ll do so many people think you and him are like that anyways?! Those evil people!
Dear Relena,
Because they're obnoxious an' like to annoy me? How's Heero doin'?
Dear Tamahome,
This is just a what if question, but would you kick Tasuki's butt if he ever tried to propose to Miaka in the series?
A curious weirdo
Dear curious weirdo,
Nah. She has far better taste in men than to hook up with Tasuki! She fell in love with me, right?
Dear Mitsukake,
Discovering boys at age thirteen? Heck, I was acting like a boy at age four. I still do. I get mens clothes at Old Navy. And me `n my bro are practicly the same size, and he's twenty one. Course, he's a few inches taller, and a bit chubby. Hahahaha...and acts like a little kid most of the time. He's a child at heart...ok, back to the subject. I nearly try and attack boys when they get on my nerves!! I yelled shutup at some boy in my sunday school cuz he was bugging me. It was sooo silent, you could hear a pin drop. *grins* I never talk there, so everyone was surprised. And I have three oniisans! And they are all weird!! So I don't understand men and boys, and probably never will! That's why I sometimes don't really undertand you guys, but hey. I still like ya guys.
Dear Keiko,
That's OK, men and boys don't understand women and girls well either!
Dear Hotohori,
*Bows down* Heika-sama, gomen nasai for disturbing you but I have a problem and it's only you who can tell me what to do.
It's like this, my friend has this precious little stone...maybe an inch wide(or maybe smaller)just like mine, the only diference is that my gem is colored red and hers is green. (That gem was given to me by my mom).
One day, she just came inside the house screaming frantically and searching every corner of the house just to find that stone. I was so worried about her that I gave her(temporarily) my gem. And she calmed down.
After a few weeks, I noticed that she wasn't even thinking of giving it back to me. What will I do???
Ai Shiteru....=)
Dear Houki,
Have you considered asking her for it back nicely? Perhaps if you can find a repalcement for her stone she would be more willing to give you back yours. Good luck!
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