Dear Tamahome,
Hi! i just wanted to say that i went to this website that had a match-making test to see what anime character would be your best match and you were my perfect match... anyway, i just thought i should tell you, thanks for your time!! Ja ne!!
Black Dragon Replica
Dear Black Dragon Replica,
Honto ni? Omoshiroii desu yo! Sumimasen, but I already have my perfect match, Miaka.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Wai! I saw X-men the other day! The movie was soooo cool! I haven't seen X-men, fer like, eight years. O.o But this movie kicked booty! You guys would like it! My cousin didn't like it. He said it sucked cuz ******'s not in it. (the stars is a name, but I won't say it) I think Ryoko liked it...*sweatdrops* She's been bouncing all around the house, acting like Storm...the baka...Same with Ryo-Ohki, thinks she Wolverine.*can't spell* Ugh, I am going to go knock some sense into the two...bye!
Keiko, Tenchi No Aijin
Dear Keiko,
We did see it and we all loved it! Especially Tasuki... *Sweatdrop* I think Wolverine is his new hero...
Dear Tasuki,
If that's the case....... Well..... *punches Tasuki in the guts* *grins*
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
OI!! Knock it off!! Don't ya' know it's "No Abusin' Tasuki Week"???
Dear Hotohori,
What does it take to be a leader?
Dear LiXian,
It takes many things to be a good leader. Among them are a sense of responsibility, love for your country and your people, charisma, and leadership ability.
Dear Mitsukake,
Mitsukake-san, one of my friends has a really bad hangover(yes she's 21). Do you know of a good hangover cure?
Domo arigato gozaimasu,isha!
Dear C-chan,
Orange Juice, Vitamin B, lots of water and some asprin or Tylenol.
Dear Chiriko,
In Team Rocket??? Well, there's you, Jessie, and Meowth. Oh yes, and you Boss, too. You all seem to be the bad guys. Then there is Ash, Mandy (?), and their friends and about 151 Pokemon. They seem to be the good guys...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Well, yuugi is Japanese for either play or game. What else did you need to know about this word?
Dear Tasuki,
*RAZZ* Serves you right.
Keetia: *peeks in* Eh? CHIBI! A CHIBI FUNGI-CHAN! KAWAII!!!!! *picks Tasuki up* How cute! ^-^ *hugs Tasuki and won't let him go*
I guess Keetia is acknowledgin' the no bashing week and being nice o.O;
Keetia: SO CUUUUUUTE! *pinches Tasuki's cheek* ^.^
Chibi One-chan and Keetia
Dear Chibi One-chan and Keetia,
ACK!!!!!!! This is supposed to be NO ABUSIN' TASUKI WEEK!! What th' H*LL ever happened to it?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Dear Tasuki,
*blinks* Keetia isn't abusing you. She's being nice!
Keetia: With malicious intent to annoy! =D
Chibi One-chan and Keetia
Dear Chibi One-chan and Keetia,
*Glares at them...* So I've *(^%$#@ noticed!!
Dear Tasuki,
YAGH!! Chibi-One-chan turned you into Chibi Tasuki????!!!! *cradles chibi-Tasuki and feeds him a baby bottle of sake*
ONE-CHAN!!! CHANGE 'IM BACK!!!!! *pouts*
Dear C-chan,
I CAN drink from a sake cup still, ya' know! 'Che! *Drains the rest of the sake...*
Dear Tasuki,
*is still chibi* *looks at the now Chibi Tasuki* Ooooo! A new playmate!! C'mon! Let's go find somethin' ta play with in my toybox, k? *drags him over to the toychest and starts to rummage through it*! *holds up the Chibi Wand* Think this'll be fun to play with, Tasuki-chan? *a delightfully kawaii (and slightly evil) smile*
Iridal, the Chibi Aisai
Dear Iri-chan,
Ano... Unless yer gonna change us BOTH back... KEEP THAT THIN' AWAY FROM ME!!!
Dear Tasuki,
You fried the server AGAIN? So what was the reason for the fight this time?
It's been quite a while since I last wrote to you...I had such a nice trip in Japan! Obviously you seishis are still popular there, and I had great fun shopping for FY-related merchandise. Bet Tama-chan is fuming now 'cos he could have made GREAT money there...^_^! Yeah, I know, you're popular 'cos you're cool, right? You don't need to stress that too often!
So what have you been up to lately? I'm finally getting started on my site about the seishis, as well as my first FY fic. Would you be kind enough to read it when I've got several parts done? It looks like it's going to be a long story though...
Here, have some sake. I brought them all the way from Japan for you!
P.S. Thanks for the small tessen you and Chichiri made for me. It's been really handy and I'm sleeping very well now. Though I'd be even happier if I could have one with which I could flame real people too! ^_^
Dear Ayumi,
Welcome back! Glad ya' had a nice trip! Arigato fer th' sake! Chichiri no Aijin wants to know th' names of th' stores ya' went shoppin' in fer FY stuff, 'cos she's goin' to Japan in April 2001!
We ain't been doin' much... went to AX2000 an' had Kelli-chan out here fer a visit. It was a lotta fun!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Just posing a question's 'No Tasuki Bashing Week'? Anou...can you make a little exception for me? So I can get him back for dumping a bucket of ice water on me, no da. *glares at Tasuki* Kitty doesn't like water!
Dear Katsumi,
Gomen, no da. You and everyone else *Looks at Nuriko and Tamahome...* will have to wait for tha No Tasuki Bashing Week to end, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*Doc-sama walks up with Ryuen-kun to where Hotohori is sitting* "I see you managed to escape the long-winded ones" *Doc-sama waits to be introduced*
Dear Doc-sama,
Ah, so desu! Hotohori-sama kochira boku no tomodachi Doc-sama desu. Doc-sama kochira waga no koutei Hotohori-sama desu.
Dear Tasuki,
Hey, baby! I'm kinda in the mood to annoy Obake-chan, and i need some help here. Email me some ideas :D
luv u,
Dear Megara,
Gomen we don't send out personal emails. An' I ain't no one's baby! 'Cept my mom's... *Sweatdrops*
Well, fer starters, ya' could call him obake-chan an' not pay him after he answers a question fer ya'...
Dear Tasuki,
Why do you hate girls so much? My sis said it's 'cause you had lots of sisters.
Dragon Girl
Dear Dragon Girl,
Yer sis is right!
Dear Tasuki,
Your live seishi is VERY HOT! Where does CNA meet all these bishounens?
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Heh-heh-heh... ain't he a lucky man? He look jus' like me!! *Fanged grin* They all go to the same school she goes to fer her Japanese classes. 'Cept they're takin' English!
Dear Chiriko,
How old are you? Some people say that your eight and others say that your fourteen. It gets me really confused.
Dragon Girl
Dear Dragon Girl,
I am 13.
Dear Chichiri,
Why do ya always wear a mask? I think that you look cool withought it.
Dragon Girl
Dear Dragon Girl,
Arigato, no da! I wear the mask so that I don't offend anyone with my scarred face.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey you guys! Well, this summer started out GREAT!!! I met this guy (but i DO have a boyfriend) and i'm trying to keep incontact with him and all, only as friends. Besides, he's 3500 miles away, so nanu.
Anyways, the reason why i'm writing you is because i'm so confused and scared all at once. I came back from D.C. this summer with some sort of a sore throat. And that's all i thought it was, but it kept on getting worse and worse. In fact, it's so bad, not even my doctor know's what it is. He thinks that it may be tonsilitis and mono as one, but he said he doesn't know for sure.
They took a blood sample yesterday and we won't get the results in by monday for sure. And last night i stayed up with my parents -(only because during the day i have a sleeping dog as a companion, and i'm too tired to play with her)- and they were talking about the new drug they have me on - Zithromax-. They were saying how everyone is looking at it as a miracle drug (they're dentists), but no one knows if there are any bad side effects (i do, they make my ear drums hurt worse than they already do)
Then they went on to saying that because no one knows what i have, i might be stuck like this until my body fights it off (it's already been 3 weeks, how much longer does it need?). And out of the blue my mom was saying how i might end up in the hospital this weekend to have my tonsils out (one can only hope).
Anyways, i was wondering, since i'm treating this like mono, do you know of anything that would be safe for me to eat (not causing pain) or even drink. I'm getting REALLY sick of ice water, and when ever i drink Green Tea i want to throw it up! Agh, i hate being so useless....have a good weekend!
The girl who nobody knows what is wrong with her,
Dear Mary,
Well, I can tell you that Zithromax is a broad spectrum heavy duty antibiotic that should be able to help you. Since they did a throat swab they should be able to treat you better once they get the test results back. You should stick to ice water and popsicles but try to eat some plain bread. Especially eat some bread before you take the Zithromax. It will be easier on your stomach that way. You should also try taking some acidolphullus to boost your immune system, stay away from caffiene (it interacts badly with the Zithromax), and if your parents think the swelling is an allergic reaction to the Zithromax you might want to try taking Benedryll to counteract that. Get lots of bedrest and keep yourself well hydrated. Odaijini! (Get well soon)
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Sory I havent written to you guys in such a long time! I got back from CA about a week ago but I havent had the time to write you yet! Anywho, is it true that the person who ran died? That's so sad! I hope it's not true...I'm kinda havin trouble writing all of my thoughts down today, so I'm gonna go now, Ja ne!
Dear Kuro,
No, no, no, no da! Marron-chan is alive and wornout so she has closed down her site due to lack of time and energy, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
hehehe, I'm a star! *giggles* well my niisan did say he saw me up close on the big screen a lot ^^; I'm glad you had fun! I heard it was 'No bashing Tasuki week', so everyone has to be nice to you. I bet your happy about that ^_^ but I bet Tamahome and Nuirko are bored ^^; *hugs Tasuki* Have a good no bashing week.....or what's left of it!
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
Ariagto!! Chichiri no Aijin figured that if I wasn't bein' abused, I'd stop fryin' stuff!
Dear Tasuki,
hey Tasuki! What's your horse's name?
I'm trying to figure it out, and a little help would be nice.
Um, also, beware of Shrinemaiden Keisei, she got hit with the leftovers of chibi magic when you got hit, and now she's been sugar-shocked.
Oh yea, one more thing, how easily do Nyan Nyans burn?
Dark Lady Charrion
Dear Dark Lady Charrion,
I've been told his name's Bob na' that he has his own shrine. Sheesh!! Go figure! Nyan-Nyan's don't burn easily, they're magical. Pikachu's on th' other hand... heh-heh-heh...
Dear Tasuki,
*Bounces up* Hiya Tasuki-chan!!!!!!!! How's my favorite kawaii bandit-chan doing? Enjoying 'No Bashing Tasuki Week'?
Since we can't torture you, I've decided to just visit you!
Oh, why is Tasuki-chibi-chan pouting? What would help to boost Tasuki-chibi-chan's spirits? Maybe a kawaii party in honour of his special week? Hai hai! That's such a kawaii idea, ne? Ne? ^-^v
*starts zipping around and putting up decorations* Hai hai! A kawaii little party for Tasuki-chibi-chan!!!!!!!!!!
Party for Tasuki-chan! Party for Tasuki-chan!!!!
*glomps him, draging him around with her so he can see the decorations*
Chibi Shrinemaiden Keisei
Dear Keisei,
*Sweatdrops and franticly searches for either a bottle of sake or an escape route!*
Dear Hotohori,
*walks in holding Houki by the arm, who has Boushin, and grins*
OK, prettyboy. Zelgadis Greywords and I have decided to overtake your pitiful little country as the beginning to our quest for world domination. So give over, buckethead!
*draws Masamune and points it threateningly at Houki and Boushin*
Dear Sephiroth,
*Looks at Sephy and raises an eyebrow...*
You MUST be joking! No REAL man hides behind a woman and child!
*Rises from his seat and draws the Deity Sword*
I challenge you to a duel on the Message Board!
*Chichiri no Aijin sneaks behind Sephy and pokes him in the rear with her sword.* Hey Loser!!! BIIIIIIIDAAAAAAA!!!! *Turns to run...*
*Chichiri spirits away Houki and Boushin as Sephy is distracted...* DA!
Dear Chichiri,
Aww, Chichiri-kun, don't be jealous no da. *looks at Iridal* At least your aisai is still full-size...o.O
Kelli, CnA#2
Dear Kelli,
Hai, no da! *Hugs Kelli*
Dear Chichiri,
*smurf kicks his bangs and makes them bounce around* I can't bug Tasuki. I'm bored. *flicks bangs more* La-la-la-la-la-la... *makes Chichiri's bangs flop around and put on a crazy little show*
Taiitsu no Miko (who is bored)
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
*watches his bangs bounce and gets annoyed...* Stop that, no da! This is NOT Abuse the Monk Week, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
*fends off the crowd of kids Kouji brought - hugs Tasuki* Oh no ya don't! He's MY Tasuki-papa! *waves her tessen threatningly*
Kourin (feeling a little jealous today)
Dear Kourin,
Thanks! But in yer condition, don't ya' think ya' should be restin'?
Dear Tamahome,
*gives Tamahome a big squeezable hug and a kiss on the cheek* I'm very sorry.... *looks around* Miaka isn't going to know about this right? *sweatdrop*
Um, can I ask one more teeny question?
Besides you and Miaka, who do you think is the least desputable couple in Fushigi Yuugi? (and I mean non-married couple, we know all about Hotohori and Houki already...)
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
Miaka won't know unless she reads this peeji. Ano, what do you mean by "desputable"?
Dear Tasuki,
Ah...*sweatdrop*...other way around.
If you go to a hockey game a fight usually breaks out. It's truly an 'involved spectators' sport. And the players are great to cheer. A bunch of big fast guys on skates slamming each other into the sideboards and scrambling for the puck like a bunch of nuts. Personally I get bored unless there's alot of action on the ice - there can be slow games - but it's usually pretty good. And you get to boo the referee when he won't call penalty on the opposing team. That's the part my dad seems to like the most. *grin*
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
Lotsa brawlin'!!! Sounds like fun!
Dear Hotohori,
Nice to write to you again! Have you seen the "You Know You Like Hotohori Too Much When" list? I contributed a lot to it!!!YAY!! ^^Oh, since you are the one closest to houki, could you please send me a pic of houki in her imperial clothes? (not the one in episode 48)
Dear houki-chan,
Gomen, but we are unable to send out individual emails. I hope you are able to visit us again so you can see the picture of Houki I scanned for you. Click here to see the picture you requested. By the way, I have not seen the "You Know You Like Hotohori Too Much When" list. What is it's address?
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki!!!! **Heenker hugs him from behind** Long time no talk! I see you have gotten a week of rest from beatings... must be relaxing. I have been soooo busy lately. So much has gone on. First off, I bought another pair of birdies, society finches. They had three babies that are now full grown. (they are soooo cute) I found a male albino parakeet/budgerigar to go with my female albino. Come November I plan to breed them. I had to go to an interview at school having to do with a class I am taking. I am starting to be known as "Bird Lady" by a few. They were happy to have found me. I was appointed the job of attracting wild birds the the school and to teach people about them. They didn't think they were going to find someone so devoted to birds. I'm very happy. I'm glad that all of my school things are turning out alright because work has been a bit horrible.
Back in October one of my managers said that when summer came, he would give me a promotion. Well... summer came and he didn't mention it until he told me they were going to give it to some other girl who had been there only five weeks when I had been there for a year. He had seen me as qualified for the position a long time ago and then he wants to give it over! I let him know that I was angry and he tried to work it out and tell me that I was still under cosideration. I was becoming friends with this girl. She wanted to see what it was like to own birds. (she had fallen in love with my cockatiel that came to work with me) I told her about how I take in birds an care for them until I can find them a new home. I let her know about Popcorn and Kernal. They were a pair of parakeets that were left in the front of the store in a beer box!!!! I took them home with me and was set on giving them a home with lots of love and close attention. She was willing to give them a home and so I le
t her take them in. I always asked how they were doing and missed them. Well anyways, in the end she traded them in to some petshop where they are now living in an aviary and will be used for breeding.
She used them to get a discount off of a cockatiel. I was so mad when I found this out. She wasn't going to tell me but she said something that didn't sound right so I asked about the pair and then she told me what she had done with them. She couldn't even look me in the eyes. I told her all about them and how much they meant to me, I gave them to her as a gift of friendship, and she gave them away. Sure they are going to be fed in the aviary but they will not get the close interaction with people I believe they deserved. They were abandoned for crying outloud! Well, she ended up quiting and I still have yet to hear of my promotion. My department manager is controled by the other manager who had mentioned my promotion. My department manager sees no reason why there is a delay in my promotion. Both of them are on vacation right now. Grrr...
I can go on with things about that one manager... anyways, school seems like it is going to be good this year. I only hope work goes better once my manager comes back from his vacation. **hangs her head low in despair**
Dear Heenker,
*Hugs her.* Sorry to hear yer work sucks an' that girl was so rotten as to sell yer gift! I hope thins' get fer ya' soon!
Dear Tasuki,
Wai Wai, Tasuki-sama! No-Tasuki-bashing-week is in full effect! That means you can fry all the weird, ryo-grubbing people out there without being retaliated against---especially one certain greedy "little ghost!"
Ah.....this makes life...good!
Since the no-bashing-Tasuki-week is starting, I might as well apologize for trying to teach you how to swim that one time. I'm really sorry about that. So, how 'bout you an me have some sake---I think I'm at the age where I can drink most men under the table. Afterwards, we can attend my town's flame-throwing contest(you'll whoop everyone's butt, of course...)
How 'bout it?
C-chan, one of the great Tasuki-sama's femme drinking buds
Dear C-chan,
Sounds like fun!!! Ya' sure yer old enough to drink???
Dear Chichiri,
Konnichiwa! How are you? I’m glad you got the server thing is fixed. I was worried for a while. Arigatou for getting me to the translations. That is such a beautiful song and I'm so glad you sing it! I have one more question about the songs. Do you know who sings Mizu-Kagami and what's it about? I got another FY tape(Summoning Seiryu) today. It was so sad *sobs*(poor Chiriko)!*cries* *hugs him* But you are so brave! *swoon* Anyway that's about all for now. Wow I didn't write that much either. Have lots of fun. Ja ne!
Aenne aka Chichiri no hime
Dear Aenne,
I or rather my seiyuu Seki Tomokasu sings it, no da. I suppose you could say it is a song about my past, no da.
Dear Chiriko,
*bows before her betters* i have a question and i'm not sure how to solve it ^_^;;
since the term of non existance is so frequently used on peoples lips, i was wondering if it is even possible to not exist? because my reasoning is that if something ceased to exist, then that ceaseing would be multidirectional, otherwise that something would just cease to be. ^_^
and in that case, everything exists, even if not in our you and all your friends would exist too, if in some other place, because you can't NOT exist...
what do you think? can something cease to exist? ^_^;;
*bows, sweatdrops, and calmly eats her spaghetti^^*
Dear houki^^,
*Sweatdrops* Please do not call me your better. Your question is one that both philosophers and physicists have pondered ever since there have been philosophers and physicists! On the one hand, if something dies it can be said to no longer exist. Yet, on the other hand, if a memory remains of that person or thing it can be said to still exist as long as the memory lives on. *Smiles sweetly at her.*
Dear Tasuki,
*Kouji appears, and an odd crowd of little children go chasing after Tasuki*
*he sweatdrops*
Ano, Genrou, bud, what's up with all these kids??
Dear Kouji,
I dunno!! They AIN'T mine!! An' this is no bashin' Tasuki week!! Yer not funny!
Dear Nuriko,
Gomen ne Ryuen-kun. I need to stop for a few minutes. I've made so many personal errors this week, and I'm pretty shaken up about it. *Doc sits on a rock* Guess it was high time for it. *Wipes tears from her eyes with a hankerchief* Look at me, I'm not presentable to Hotohori anymore.. So many people cover up their pain with anime. And when the wounds are touched, they fight back with such a vengeance. *gets ahold of her emotions again, gets up to dip the hankerchief in the cold water, then washes her face* There all better again, shall we get this food to Hotohori? I'd bet he's bored out of his mind by now from listening to his long-winded advisors.
Dear Doc-sama,
*Gives her a hug.* It's ok. We're all human. Even the Seishi aren't infallible! Ah, look! There's Hotohori on the bench over there! *Waves at Hotohori who waves back and beckons them over...*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
YOU GUYS!!! YOUR BACK! YOUR FRONT! YOU'RE BOTH HERE!! *hops joyfully from to each seishi and gives them each a HUGE HUGE HUGE hug!*
How is minna? I'm so happy! I missed you guys!!! ^_^ Tasuki-chan, I think you have to be careful about what you fry! *lightly knocks him on the forehead*
CnA! ^_^ There's this Japanese guy name Heero in my new Hapkido class! >.< I got moved up to the adult class...... ;_; it's so weird! Everyone so serious! How can I lighten the mood? Well... making a fool out of myself worked.... when I was sparing this dude George, he grabbed my leg, and I had no idea we were allowed to do that! I started shreiking, "AAAHHH!! LEGGO! LEGGO!!" Which of course, everyone erupted in laughter.... -_-;;;
Anyway, I think Heero is about twenty something, a red belt... hmm! I wonder if he knows Eiji-san or Motohisa-san, what are their last names so I can ask him if he does know them? >.< Heero is very reckless, he spared some guy in a kick boxing place without warming up and ended up pulling a muscle! Bad bad Heero! I have secretly dubbed him Heero Yuy, even though he acts more like Quatre.
Oh... AND WHO IS KENGO??? He's cute!! ^_^;; Tell me okay? bye bye!
Dear Jean,
We're glad to be back! *Glares at Tasuki who walks away looking innocent...* If you are in an adult martial arts class you probably SHOULD take it seriously. *Glares at CnA who skipped her Karate class to go see "Scary Movie" who glares at him and kicks him in the shins...* ITAI!! Ahem, anyway the adult class will probably be more focused and so be more serious than you're used to. It might be better NOT to change that.
CnA here! I guess it would depend on what part of Japan he's from as to whether or not he knows Eiji and Motohisa. That's like saying since you live in CA you know Mel Gibson. You don't do you? Just checking... Anyway, their full names in Japanese are Okada Eiji and Okui Motohisa.
As for Kengo he's a new student from last year that is leaving in 3 months to go back home to Japan. On the upside he has a PC AND a Hotmail account! When he gives me his info I'll ask if he'd like a kawaii 16 year old as a pen pal. I first ran into him (literally!) last year when he had red hair and almost died of shock! He's a dead ringer for Tasuki when he has red hair! I guess he's about 18-20. I'll ask next time I see him... ~_^
Tamahome and CnA
Dear Tasuki,
Does this 'No Tasuki Bashing' week mean that for seven days I can only tease the other seishi and I have to be nice to you?
Also, did you like my seishi of the week that I sent in?! *gives him a beer* You really seemed like the 'hockey and alcohol' type.
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
Heh-heh-heh... YEP! *Fanged grin* I LIKE IT! I also liked yer pic. Thanks fer th' beer! So is it true that if ya' go to a fight a hockey game usually breaks out?
Dear Tamahome,
*hugs Tamahome crying loudly*
I never said being a dork was bad! *sniffs*
Some of my bestest friends are dorks, I myself hover inhumanly close to that category in the eyes of the 'non-anime-informed' society. But the important thing is that I'm proud to be who I am - dork or not.
I never said being a dork was bad, Tamahome. I was just wondering why you had chosen to be the resident goodie-guy while your friends became the 'cute and lovables' or the 'brash and droolables'. I mean, the peer pressure must have been imense!
And to then go and choose Miaka to love when there were so many other guys after her - I mean, it was such a risk! You had an emperor and a really nice guy from Kutou out for her too! You were!
You jumped out and went after just what you wanted! That's right in the spirit of a truly proud (or maybe just naive) dork! Really, the both of you are a perfect match....
And I never meant all that 'opposites attract' crap about Nakago. I just wanted to see your face. *innocent blushing grin*
Also, I'm strapped for cash. Will six ryou and a hug be okay?
Taiitsu no Miko (who is inhumanly close to being a dork)
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
*Hugs her and dries her tears.* Gomen, I never meant to make you cry! *Sighs* How about just a hug and you can keep your money? OK?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*looks at the dazed Suzaku Seishi* You've never heard of a pick-up line?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
They're what you'd say if you went up to a girl you'd never met or didn't know very well, and wanted her to talk with you.
And no, 'Hello, my name is........., what's your name?' doesn't qualify!
Ummmm, ask CnA#1 to show you the new Star Wars movie: The Phantom Menace. There's one sceen when Anakin and Padme first meet, he asks her "Are you an angel?"
Something flirty and smooth that you'd say to a girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Come on here! You've gotta have something like that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nyan Nyan Sakura-chan
Dear Sakura-chan,
Gomen, we don't have any lines like that, no da. Perhaps in Konan we don't need them, no da?
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki! *glomps him* I haven't been able to write to you for sooooo long! *sniffles* I missed you! You'll never guess what I did over the fourth! heheh, My band played at the Astros vs. Diamondbacks' game ^^; I'm performing all over the place, aren't I ^^;; what did you do? Did ya have fun? I hope so ^_^
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
So now yer a star, eh? Good fer ya'! We went to a place called City Walk an' ate sushi an' drank sake (MY favorite part!).
Dear Tasuki,
"No Bashing Tasuki Week"?! What does that mean?! I can't smack ya upside yer head? Which, I wouldn't do, cuz its mean. I only do that to my brothers. *evil look* Heheheheh! Oh! I have been goin` to Japanese class, an we learned two little songs in Jap. But...I dun know da translation to it. O.o But, I plan to buy some Ayashi no Ceres manga an translate it! Hehe! Sayonara! *gives Tasuki a hug*
Dear Keiko,
Yeah, it means no smackin' me anywhere! Good luck in yer Japanese class an' wit' translatin' th' manga!
Dear Hotohori,
Will you dress in leather and sing the "Time Warp" for me? PLEEEAASSE?
Dear Witch,
Ano... no.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
WAI WAI WAI WAI WAI WAI!!! SAKURA-CON'S COMIN` BACK TO WASHINGTON!!! ^_^ My daddy says I can go, if we don't have anything planned fer next April. I'm soooo happy! I hope I can go! I'd go as Nuriko, maybe. Sayonara, minna-san!!*hugs all the Seishi**Ryo-Ohki follows Keiko*
Keiko, Tenchi No Aijin
Dear Keiko,
Omedeto gozaimashita! We're very happy for you! I'm sure you'll make a great me!
Dear Tasuki,
*cries* You don't have to yeeeeeelllll! MEANIE! ;-; *whacks Tasuki with the Chibi Wand and turns him into Chibi Tasuki!* Serves you right! ;-; hmph! She can change herself back! I gave her a Chibi Wand! You can just STAY chibi you meanie-poo! ..... Does this count as Tasuki abuse?
Chibi One-chan
Dear Chibi One-chan,
ACK!! Yes it does!!! *Pouts because he's chibi and it's the kawaii thing to do...*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi's and hello's, it's me Carren(again?!). Well Tasuki and Nuriko may have heard from me but here's a Q to all of you: What would your futures be if you weren't a Star Warrior,of course Tamahome gets to meet Miaka in that sense still and Hotohori gets to meet Houki too. So...that's all! Tanx 4 taking time reading my Q.
Carren ;p
Dear Carren,
I suppose those of us who died would still be alive and those of us who were alone would still be alone and lonely, no da. Tasuki would be the leader of the bandits, I would continue my wanderings, Nuriko might go back to his family's business, Chiriko would take his government exam, and Mitsukake would continue to live a hermit-like existence, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
*looks at Tasuki strangely* Anou...who said anything about being a fangirl? If ever there was a fan of was not me! You just have my oranges, 'cause I kind of "borrowed" a pair of pants and...left my oranges there. *sweatdrops A LOT* On another note...Zelgadis and Sephiroth are being selfish. They're planning to rule the world, and they won't let me have even ONE li'l ol' country. How rude....*gets an idea* Say, can I borrow your tessen for a little while...?
Katsumi (bent on world domination and getting her oranges back)
Dear Katsumi,
You "borrowed" a pair of my pants to put oranges in??? *Digs around and finds the "borrowed" pair. Tosses oranges at her.* Here's yer oranges! An' no, ya' can't borrow th' tessen, either.
Dear Tasuki,
After listening to your wunnerful, wunnerful song, "Setsunakutemo...Zutto", I wondered, and am still wondering...have you somehow fallen in love with Miaka?
Dear Manille,
Nah, it was jus' a nice song to sing. Glad ya' liked it!
Dear Tamahome,
*grins* Ah, Tamahome. As much as I'm sure Tasuki would like to claim it as his own, it was all my personal genius.
*bows and 'thank you's to the crowd*
Now, a question. Just what the heck did you say to me in Japanese and why do I owe you ten ryou?
Also, you do know that your girlfriend is a dork too, right? Thank you Tamahome!
Taiitsu no Miko~*~
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
Did anyone ever tell you it's not nice to call people names??? I said to you in Japanese that you had hurt my feelings. You now owe me 12 ryou (4 for the two questions and 8 because you're so mean). Miaka is NOT a dork!!! She may be klutzy and a bit of a glutton but she is NOT a DORK!
Dear Tasuki,
*has been turned chibi by the ever wonderous Chibi Wand* Hi Tasuki-chan!! *is running circles around him* Whatcha doin'? Huh? Huh? Huh? I'm bored...wanna play a game? *latches onto his leg with a supercute chibi smile and doesn't let go* I like you. Can I be your friend?
Iridal, the now-chibi Aisai
Dear Iridal,
*Yells into the air...* ONE-CHAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Didja' whack my aisai wit' yer stupid Chibi-wand an' do this to her??????????? CHANGE HER BACK! NOW!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear Chichiri,
*runs to chichiri and throws herself into his arms sobbing* It's not fair! Why did the girl at have to die? She seemed so nice and her page was so beautiful.... it's not fair! It's not fair!! Dammit... I can never deal with death... *cries*
Dear Jean,
*Gives her a hug and a kesa patterned handkerchief.* How do you know this is true, no da? CnA has sent an email to her last known address asking for confirmation of this rumour, no da. AS soon as we know anything we will post it, no da.
Dear Chichiri,
Konnichiwa!!! I'm back from my trip to Nevada. I missed you so much! Did ya miss me? It was my b-day on July 3rd. YEAH!! Now I'm 16! What did you get me? I had a cool birthday. I finally got the FY tape(poor you, Miaka hit you. *runs over and gives him a hug*), a FY artbook, volumes 8 and 9 of the manga, and a FY cd.(Your are the best singer!) There is this one song with just you and Tasuki signing (you're singing to me right?); do you know where to get translations of that? I had a Fushigi Yuugi filled Birthday. I only wish you could have been there. How was your fourth of July? I met a whole bunch of people and we all went to see fireworks we had lots of fun.(like I said I wish you were there) I'm gonna go watch my new FY tape again. Talk to ya later. Ja ne!
Aenne aka Chichiri no Hime
Dear Aenne,
Otanjoubi omedeto gozaimashita, no da! *Gives her a birthday hug.* I'm glad you had a nice birthday, no da. Arigato for your sweet comment on my singing, no da. We spent July 4th window shopping with Chichiri no Aijin and Kelli-chan. Try here for the lyrics to "Aoi Jyuu, Shiroi Nozomi", no da! Arigato to Chichiri-chan for the translation, no da!
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