Dear Tasuki,
*stops wailing finally* Did you enjoy your vacation, fang-boy? Anyway, you left before I could tell you what I was looking for...! DONDE ESTAN MIS MANZANAS?!!!=WHERE ARE MY APPLES?!!!! Espero que no estan en los pantalones de Tasuki como mis naranjas...=I hope they aren't in Tasuki's pants like my oranges... TASUKI ES MUY ANTIPATICO!!! QUIERO MIS MANZANAS!!!!=TASUKI IS VERY MEAN!!! I WANT MY APPLES!!!! But, don't worry about it. I already found my apples...I just want my oranges back!
Dear Katsumi,
I ain't got nothin' of yer's in MY pants!!! 'Specially NOT oranges! 'Che! Ya' fangirls are gettin' stranger by th' day...
Dear Suzaku Seishi, any of you remember that "'Twas the Night Before Christmas" parody I wrote a while back? Probably not...but I just thought I'd warn you that a paradoy of Edgar Allan Poe's "The Raven" is on it's way! Hnn...what would Suzaku say if the Raven said "Nevermore"...?
Dear Shuurei,
Hai, no da! We are looking forward to reading it, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
Hi! Havn't written here in a while..Why do you hate girls so much? You keep saying cause of yer sisters, but I know a girl with 6 brothers. SIX! And she doesn't hate guys.
Dear Cally_Kari_Shokka,
Yeah, so? My sisters are all older than me an' they jus' abuse th' *(^% outta me!!!!
Dear Chiriko,
Hey Chiriko! My NEW homepage is finally done^_^. Here is the new adress: To bad that my scanner is broken or else there would have been more pictures-_-; Anyhow, hope that you like it *gives Chiriko a hug*
Dear Annie,
Very nice site! I have added your site to our Links Peeji! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
::walks in all decked out in a long elegant red, white, and blue gown and poses for Genrou:: Hey! Happy (late) 4th of July!!!! So, how'd you celebrate Independence Day? I had a jolly good time exploding home-made firecrackers, champange, yaddayaddayadda, and POKER, lots and lots of POKER with pizza and videos and...and..and!!!!!......::faints and falls into Genrou's arms::
Dear Megara,
*Looks at fainted girl and sweatdrops...* Ano... *Puts her on a nearby sofa* We went to a place called City Walk an' had sushi.
Dear Nuriko,
"Arigato for carrying the basket Nuriko-kun." *Doc-sama smiles gratefully and takes Nuriko's arm again* "Cherry trees!! :) Are these just flowering or do they bear fruit? I can make a wonderful cherry pie." "I've already decided that when I finally become a bride I'm wearing cherry blossoms" *_*" Ano.. speaking of brides, has your Aniki found one yet? He could give you and Kourin namesakes." *Doc-sama giggles* "I can see your niece going after Boushin." "A Cho Kourin becoming Empress, sounds good doesn't it?" *Doc-sama smiles and hugs Nuriko's arm"
Dear Doc-sama,
*Smiles and hugs her.* What a wonderful idea!! I shall have to work on my aniki so he can get a bride and get busy! *Winks*
Dear Chichiri,
You know what? is no more! *.* WAA! I loved that site! I got all my Chichiri pictures from that site...and now its no more...hmph. Doesn't that bite?
Keiko, Tenchi No Aijin
Dear Keiko, Tenchi No Aijin,
I saw, no da! I don't know what happened. Do you, no da? WMC, daredemo, what happened, no da?
Dear Nuriko,
Hii! My little sister and I have been wondering lately (usually out of boredom)..Do you prefer to be called a he or a she? ...or possibly an it? =:>
Dear Cally_Kari_Shokka,
He is just fine, thank you.
Dear Tasuki,
Oi, Genrou! How can you call yourself a bandit, being swarmed helplessly by so many women!? Che'! You must be some kinda 'fancy-lad', like Kouji said!!
The Boys!
Dear The Boys!,
I AM NOT!!!!!!!!!! *Flames The Boys*
Dear Nuriko,
Nuri-kun! Ooh! I changed my mind on my costume! I'm going to go as Asuka from Evangelion! I was looking through the school uniforms at this store near where I live, for something that might help me with my Miaka-costume. But later, when I was looking on eBay, I saw a picture of Asuka's costume and realized they had the exact same thing! ^_^
Dear Rabbit,
Her school uniform or her EVA Plugsuit?
Dear Nuriko,
Hi's and Hello's to you!How are you?I hope you are fine ^_^. Well here's my Q: What made you become more of a man, is it because of Miaka?Hope to hear from you soon with your answer.THANX A LOT!!! HUGS AND KISSES ;P
Dear Carren,
It was because of Miaka. She helped me to get over the trauma of my sister's death.
Dear Tamahome,
Wai! I have your birthday present, Tamahome! ^_^ *pulls out a velvet bag full of ryuu* Um...I think there's 100 there. I raised them all myself! *smiles* Do you like?
Dear Rabbit,
HAI!!! Arigato!!! *Hugs her and then starts counting his okane.*
Dear Chichiri,
*grins* Miss me yet?
Kelli, CnA#2
Dear Kelli,
Ano... I thought you had left me for Dryden and Dilandeau, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Hi's and hello's!!!How are you? I hope everything is fine there.I have one Q for you,(pardon me for being so personal ^_^) do you really like Miaka?I mean besides protecting her because she's the maiden(Darn, I'm such a pathetic girl!!!)Well hope to hear from you soon. Say hello to Nuriko too for me. THANX a LOT. ^_^
Dear Carren,
-_-;; I like her like a lil' sister. Even Watase-sensei said so!
Dear Hotohori,
OOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHH!!!You are soooo gorgeous! My boyfriend looks like you...Oh, he cosplayed as you a couple of times...He doesn't look as good as you do in the imperial regalia...You are the most beautiful man who was ever born!!! I love you...heeheehee..
Dear houki-chan,
Arigato. If your boyfriend looks like me, then you are both very lucky. *Smiles and looks in a hand mirror...*
Dear Nuriko,
Are you jealous of Houki for stealing you beloved Hotohori-sama?!
Dear Tasuki,
Konnichiwa! M'kay, I was just wondering if you #1:Like peaches,#2: need a girlfriend (cause my friend; Kuro REA-LLLLY likes you),#3: play video games????? *turns to face TV camera* That's all for today's issue of "ALL ABOUT TASUKI", I'm in love with Hoto- err I'm Neko, reporting, thak you and goodnight! Ja Ne!!!
Ps. Ya think I could be a reporter???
Dear Neko,
I like peaches, I don't want no girlfriends, an' I ain't really played video games. I guess ya' could be a reporter if ya' keep practicin'.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
hello, call me curious, but when i was reading your letters, you all seem diferent ages (or at least maturity levels) how old are all you seishi? and please don't say your characters ages *backs away slowly with a notepad and pen* -gomen if your old and don't wanna say-
houki^^ who doesn't REALLY wanna be killed
Dear houki^^,
The Seishi asked me to write to you and tell you that they are as old as they are. I think they are trying to say that the only answer they are willing to give is their ages in FY. Gomen.
Chichiri no Aijin
Dear Tasuki,
Hey, Tasuki, do you like Eminem? I think his songs totally rock! heheh. And I guess it's okay you don't like Miaka. I'll "try" to live with that. ^_^; on the message board, I always speak without thinking first. What an idiot I am. Sorry, Tasuki. I still love ya. ^_~ I don't regret loving ya.
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Thanks kiddo! *Gives her a hug.* Nah, I don't like Eminem. I ain't a big rap fan an' well, he's jus' offensive!
Dear Nuriko,
What do I give as a parting gift to my sister who is moving to an apartment far, far away to pursue her dream of becoming a lawyer? We are very close but I'm stumped on what to give. It's pretty impossible to give her Mel Gibson tied up in a bow. I'd probably keep him myself too. Do you guys watch movies? If you do, you need to see The Patriot. It was so kawaii!! Even the bad guy was cute. Legends of the Fall cute. Just a suggestion.
Dear Omni82,
I have several suggestions. A nice picture frame with a nice picture of the two of you, a pre-paid phone card so she can call you, or a book on law to help her with her studies. I hope these were helpful...
Dear Chiriko,
hello, probably no-one remembers me, but i was here for about a month in Jan. i'd just like to ask, did you make this page?
Dear houki^^,
This site was created using HomeSite by Allaire and with help from a friend that taught Chichiri no Aijin and me HTML.
Dear Tasuki,
Can Lady Conundrum babysit you? We'll pay you to let her.
Infi and Zippy
Dear Infi and Zippy,
NO! *Looks down at other letters...* So is it "Abuse Obake-chan Week"? Heh-heh-heh... Jus' gotta love it... *Fanged grin*
Dear Tamahome,
Hey, if opposites attract, shouldn't you and Nakago be married by now?
Curious Dead Person
Dear Curious Dead Person,
*Starts to go Super-Oni...* You know, it's a good thing you're already dead...
Dear Tamahome,
Why are you such a dork when most of your friends (well, minus Chichiri) and even your worst enemy (my georgeous Nakago-sama) are so cool?
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
Tasuki put you up to this didn't he??? *Frowns* You know, that was a very obnoxious question. Boku no kokoro ga itai desu yo!!! That will be 10 gold ryou... *Holds hand out...*
Dear Chichiri,
CHICHIRI!!!!!!! We have the same favorite superhero! What do you think of the Tick?
Dear Swardfish,
I like him, too no da!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
What are your favorite candies? And don't cheat by telling me there was no candy in ancient China! And if it really is ancient China, then why is your world fictional? Wouldn't it be history? And how come your world is fictional; wasn't the Suzaku no Miko written about in a book too? Wouldn't she technically be a fictional character in your world? I believe that the universe is a place where anything that could happen has, will, and is happening. So, in that definition, you definitely exist somewhere out there and so every time someone uses there imagination and thinks of something, it has already happened so there are no original thoughts. Take this theory based on the idea that time rotates as does the universe in a cyclic pattern. It's an interesting theory. Even better, for all those who write fanfics, somewhere they are true and you really are living the experiences you make up on paper. Gotta love that. If I were some of you seishi, I'd run. People can be odd at times...
Dear Omni82,
We've noticed, no da! We all seem to like chocolates, no da!
Dear Mitsukake,
I love you, Juan!! I thought you might like to hear that.
Dear Omni82,
Arigato. *Smiles*
Dear Tamahome,
Does Obake-Chan actually mean Little Ghost or did the dub mess up again?
Dear Omni82,
*Grumbles...* That's a fair translation of it. You could also translate chan to mean dear or darling. As in "Isn't he JUST darling?" I prefer to be called Tamahome.
Dear Tasuki,
I'm a really BIG fan (punny !_!) of you and the THTC. Yer singing is the best! Also, could you suggest a web-site where I might read the full translation of Genrou-Den? At the Tasuki no Miko's site, she only translated to Chapter 6 and I actually own the book but can't read Japanese. My Korean's not bad; why didn't I buy the book in that language? *Sigh* I wish I had thought a little. One more thing, when you call Kouji 'Aniki', what exactly does that mean? Is that his name or is it a term of respect? Cool beans!
Angel 82
Dear Angel 82,
Glad ya' like my singin'! I dunno 'bout a website that has translated all of Genrou Den. Minna??? Any of ya' seen somethin' like that??? Lemme know!!! I call Kouji aniki 'cos he's 2 years older than me an' it means big brother.
Dear Chiriko,
How do you say, big sister/little sister, in Japanese? Also, I think you're a really great seishi who needs more press. Have you ever thought of getting an agent?
Dear Omni82,
Oneesan is big sister and imouto is little sister in Japanese. I already have an agent. Perhaps I should get a new one...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
If you couldn't be born as yourselves but had to be a seishi, who would you be and why? (i.e. Chiriko would chose to be Suboshi so he could play with the yo-yos or Tamahome would be Tasuki because he still wanted to be really cool.) Arigato!!
Dear Omni82,
Here are your answers:
Tamahome: Tasuki, so I could see what it's like to be a flaming baka!
Chiriko: Amiboshi, he was the nicest of all the Seiryuu Seishi.
Nuriko: Hotohori-sama, tee-hee...
Chichiri: Tasuki, as it would be an interesting experience, no da.
Mitsukake: Chichiri, as I would like to better understand him.
Hotohori: Nuriko, because he is almost as beautiful as I am.
Tasuki: Tamahome, so I could see what it's like to be a greedy obake-chan!!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Nuriko,
I think that needs to update their site. Cuz I went to the site and looked at the convention list. Well, they had the Sakura-con, which was in Washington, happy as can be, I told my mom. An when I looked at the date, it said it was already passed! *death glare* And if there ever is a anime convention, a buddy `n I are going to be Miaka `n Nuriko. *I'd be Nuriko `n she'd be Miaka* ^_^ Sorry, I just think you're hot! *huggles Nuriko* Bye!*Ryo-Ohki jumps on Nuriko's head, meowing*
Keiko, Tenchi No Aijin
Dear Keiko,
*Looks up at Ryo-Ohki* KAWAII!!! Gomen that the date had passed. You might want to write to Anipike and let them know that they need to update their con listings. Ano... I think your soap idea for Tasuki backfired...
Dear Tasuki,
*walks up to Tasuki an puts a bar of soap in his mouth* You potty-mouth bandit! I own an Animerica Extra, and the one I got recently has the part where you make the scene. But, of course all you do is swear! Now, since I can't find it, I bet my mom or dad took it and tore it up! -.-;; Oh well. You hafta stop swearing! It is a very very very very very bad habit. And I think you should stop. *nods head* *walks away with Ryo-Ohki behind* *Tenchi pops up*
Tenchi:'re that bandit that Keiko-sama talks about. Well...*pulls out Keiko-sama's manga that she lost* You should keep this before she whacks me again with it. Please?!
Keiko `n The Tenchi Gang
Dear Keiko,
*Spits out soap and glares at Keiko...* I'll *^(%$#@ curse if I ^*(_#@^ WANNA!!!!!!!!
Dear Tasuki,
Yo! Tasuki Papa! I just got back from Anime Expo. Well I got back Mon, but recovering and catching on sleep ya :) It was great! CnA and Kelli Chan are cool. I told Kelli Chan to be nice to ya, but she said no, so I tried! I only saw one person dressed up as you, and that was a woman. I dressed up as Suzaku no Miko and got my pics taken with Cna and lots of other Fushigi Yuugi peeps. The Watase Pannel was great. I Asked Watase Sama why Nakago (:Gags:) was her favorite charcter and she said it was because of his Tragic past. When we were in the masq as Uranus and Neptune, our group got lots of hoots and cheers when we kissed ^_- I guess its becase we are supposed to be "cousins" but we didnt take him any prizes :( but it said we would of won for best kiss catogory if their was such an award :D I made a lot of friends at Anime Expo, and look forward to seeing them next year! Too bad Anime Expo is only once a year :sighs: anyway I look forward to next year at anime expo's ten year aniversarry! My friends and I will be going as the 3 Lights :D I almost have our picture gallery done, as soon as it's up, would you like to see the pictures of me at Anime Expo?? :Hugs: it was great seeing you Tasuki Papa!
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley Chan,
HAI!! I'd love to see th' gallery an' yer Anime Expo pics! Ya' know Chichiri no Aijin has her pics up an' workin'! *Gets fwapped by CnA.* ITAI!! 'Che! Anyway, glad to hear ya' had a good time. CnA says "hi"!
Dear Tasuki,
TASUKI-CHAN!! I've got some good news for you! firstly, don't worry, I won't become your sister...I'd rather by Suboshi no Neechan or Suboshi No 'Mouto. Anyway, I'm writing a new fanfic, and you have the leading part in it! There are only two other seishi in Chiriko and Chichiri, and that's because of how I'm setting up the plot. Anyway, you end up getting married. Kakakakakakakaka....of course not before you find...I won't say anything else...I'll send the link later!! kakakakakaa!! (*Tomo protests,standing with Suboshi behind Ai-sensei* HEY! That's my line!)
Ai-sensei, aka Tokaki No Koibito
Dear Ai-sensei,
Thanks!! I don't need no more sisters! Five's MORE than enough!! I wanna read yer story when yer done!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Tasuki-san, Chichiri-san, Chiriko-sama, Hotohori-san, Nuriko-san, Mitsukake, and Tamahome, I need an opinion on this; in terms of sort of "the odd couple" style of fanfics, which of these macth-ups would you say is the strangest and which is most plausible, (note, two of these I've actually written, others I've read) - Nakago/Tomo/Kouji/Tasuki - Hotohori/Nuriko/Tasuki - Hotohori/Nuriko/Tasuki/Tomo - Soi/Tomo - Soi/Chiriko (this is one of mine) - Tomo/Nakago - Nyan-Nyan/Nuriko/Ashitare - Suboshi/Miaka (also one of mine) - Tamahome/Suboshi - Chiriko/Amiboshi - Tomo/Nuriko - Tomo/Amiboshi - Amiboshi/Suboshi (yes, this has been done, more than once) - Amiboshi/Miaka (one of mine...but not like the others) - Tomo/Tamahome - Soi/Ashitare that's all the ones I could think of in terms of "odd couple"...can you give me your opinion please. It'll be interesting to hear them...
Ai-chan, aka Tokaki No Koibito
Dear Ai-chan,
They are ALL strange, no da! Although, we all agree that the most likely would be Amiboshi and Miaka, no da.
Dear Hotohori,
I like you so much!!! If only you were a real person and you wont have to be married to that girl who actually looks like nuriko!!! And if only you didnt have to die!!! I would make sure that you would be happy with me!! If only I was miaka, I surely dump tamahome and be with you and only you!!!!! I LUV YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kyirl Cordeņo
Dear Kyirl Cordeņo,
*Sweatdrops* Ano... arigato!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hiya guys! If Lady-Kei catches me here I'm grounded, but here goes........
1) What do you guys look for in a girl? Not just personality, physical traits too please.
2) What are your best pick-up lines?
Lady-Kei's trying to figure this out for a fanfic she's writting, but she's been to busy with her guardian training. She's training with Taiitsu Kun too now! And you if you guys still want her to. You should see her funny lookin' costume! She said she looked like she hopped out of Neo Ranga. Where's Neo Ranga? *turns into a kawai little bubble* Bai-bei!
Nyan Nyan Sakura-chan
Dear Sakura-chan,
Pick up lines, no da??? *All the Seishi look confused...*
Here are your other answers:
Tamahome: I already have my perfect woman... Miaka!
Tasuki: I ain't lookin'!!!
Chichiri: I'm not looking either, no da. But if I ever find her, I'll let you know, no da.
Mitsukake: Shouka is my perfect woman.
Chiriko: I don't know! I'm ONLY 13!
Nuriko: Someone like Hotohori-sama... tee-hee...
Hotohori: Houki is my perfect woman.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tamahome,
*points to Tamahome, takes a deep breath, and yells...* KOWAI OBAKAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-CHAN *passes out* *needs CPR ^_^*
Keiko, Tenchi no Aijin
Dear Keiko,
Tasuki put you up to this, didn't he? *Starts to give her CPR.*
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