Dear Tasuki,
Hey Tasuki! This is Emeric! I'm changing my name to Tasuki no Avery! What do you think? I feel so close to you know! Don't worry, I'm not that obssessed with you! *glops Tasuki and then runs off* See, I let you breathe!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tasuki no Avery
Dear Tasuki no Avery,
Callin' yerself Tasuki's Avery? OK as long as ya' ain't too obssessed! *Fanged grin*
Dear Hotohori,
*Looks at him* Aww, you're no fun. Though that expression on your face right now is priceless. *laughs!* We were just trying to see if we could get you to seems to be a rare event. I guess we should have taken a different approach, "We" being myself and the one who dared me. *sweatdrops* Seeing as it didn't work....ehehehe....*quietly tiptoes out and then makes a run for it*
Dear Hoshi,
Dear Chichiri,
*watches him eat the cookie with a worried look* .....are you dead yet?
Kelli, CNA#2
Dear Kelli,
*Sweatdrops and finishes his milk...* No, no da. Why? Should I be, no da?
Dear Chichiri,
This is my one and ONLY question. Will u marry me?
Dear Anakalia,
Gomen, no da. My answer must be no, no da.
Dear Keiko,
Sugoi!! Good luck with your site!
Dear Chichiri,
Let's see...last time I checked, my brother isn't Amiboshi or Suboshi. If he was Suboshi, I would bash his head in with a baseball bat. Ooo...I am so violent...O.o So, did you an da others like the cookies Chizuko `n me made??
Dear Keiko,
Ano... yes you are, no da! The cookies wre very good, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
*a happy angel wearing a black kimono with blue and green peacocks runs in and jumps into Tasuki's arms* I'm back! look what I bought at Epcot in Japan! *models kimono* Isn't it cute! Oh *giggles* I played the bells for the Magic Music days, nothing big. We played in the Hall of the Presidents. Everyone came up and told us how great we did! ^_^ I might get to go back in two years and play during Christmas and wear Victorian clothing. *hugs Tasuki* I missed everyone again!!!
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
Welcome back!! Ya' look kawaii in yer kimono!
Dear Tamahome,
AH! I noticed that you have almost NO letters!! You poor dear! You're birthday is coming up and I wanted to wish you Omedatou Tanjoubi (hope I spelled that right)! I claim to be your miko..I'm insane, please excuse me.
(*Hana [as in flower]'s brother: HA! Yer cheese slid off yer cracker when you were two! That's when I dropped you on yer head, memeber?
Well, I decided to have MY birthday party on YOUR birthday and put your name on my cake too!! I told all my friends that they could bring me gifts, but money would be far more suitable (unless the gift is more Tamahome memorabilia...or however you spell that)!! I don't suppose you could ditch Miaka for a day and come visit? *'s eyes shine* I won't be dissapointed if you don't, but you'll miss the cake!! My friend made me a Tamahome and Family tee shirt for Christmas, two CDs entitled, "Kimi no Tame"; Tamahome Remix Rendition, and a Tamahome (young) pillow!! Now I have a Tamahome pin to wear and I will have a ball point, blue (WAI my fav color!)pen to put in the shrine and worship! You don't have enough worshippers!
Sou (heheheh..*sweatdrop) Hana
P.S. Ayashi no Ceres's Tooya and Yuuhi DO look alot like you. Tooya could be your big brother...but I think he's only about 9 years old, technically. Yuuhi could be a half brother...if somehow one of your parents bred with one of Tasuki's parents...Scary thought...
Dear Sou Hana,
One of MY parents breed with one of TASUKI's parents??? I DON'T think so!! Anyway, I wish I could come to your party. I hope you have a great time and get lots of okane! *Smiles*
Dear Chichiri,
Konnichiwa! Guess what!?! Well.... I get to go to Nevada tomorrow!! Will you come with me? Please!! *gives a puppy dog face* I'm so happy. You know that FY video that I have wanted forever(in sub not dub(I cannot stand the dub *cringes*)) I'll be watching that video in 2-4 weeks.(YEAH!!!) I had had enough of the waiting for the shipments of the anime(everytime I went back they didn't have it) so I took matters into my own hands. I ordered one(just for me); I payed for it and now i'll I havta is wait. *starts eating Pocky* Yum Yum! Want some? *hands him some Pocky* So are you going to go to Nevada with me? If not, that's ok. I'll write to you everyday(ok, so i'll try to write everyday) I really should ask a question since this is the Ask the Seishi website. *10 min later* Ok I thought of one. Who is your favorite super hero?(Gomen, i know that was really random). I recently got some Buddhist prayer beads, cool huh? I'll be writing you later. *runs over and gives him a hug* Ja ne!
Aenne aka Chichiri no hime
Dear Aenne,
Arigato for the Pocky, no da. Gomen that I can't go to Nevada with you, but I'm sure you'll have fun. My favorite superhero, no da? Freakazoid, no da! *Smiles*
Dear Chiriko,
HIII!! Have you seen "Fantasia 2000" yet?! I saw it, IT WAS GREAT!!! Normally, I don't like instrumental music, but I liked this! I use to have the old version, but the stupid VCR ate it. Also, I'm thinkin` of creating a Ask The Tenchi Cast site. Still thinkin of it though. I did think of creating a Ask the Evangelion Cast,but Tenchi Muyo's better. Heh, well, see ya later!*hugs Chiriko an gives him a kiss on the lips*
Dear Keiko,
No I haven't. Ganbatte kudasai on the website!
Dear Hotohori,
*bows* Hotohori-sama, I am humbled to be in the presence of such a great emperor! I will not lie to you, I have a bent. I have a serious bent. I am obsessed with you marrying Nuriko-sama. So, I have to ask you this, and remember that the wrong answer could bring the wrath of an obsessive dryad otaku down upon you ore someone you hold dear, (I've always found the prospect of torturing the Suzaku no Miko a plesant idea) *ahem* (gets out of psychotic mode) Were Nuriko a woman, would you have married her? (makes big shiny-gooey eyes in wait for your response).
The evil obsessive otaku girl bent on getting Hotohori and Nuriko together
Dear evil obsessive otaku,
It might have been possible if Nuriko were a REAL woman.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi Minna!!!! I am a big Fushigi Yuugi fan! **grins great big** I must admit **blushes** Chichiri is my fav seishi, followed by Tasuki. Don't get me wrong, I love all of you!**grabs everyone in a big group hug** But I just happen to have a big soft spot for the monk with the catch phrase (does No da really count as a phrase?).I just thought it seemed polite to introduce myself before I ask any real questions. OH! But I will ask this... I am desperatly pining for the FY VHS box sets (yeah... I haven't given in to the attraction of a DVD player... I'm *real* close, but not yet. 'Sides, the boxes for the vids are so dern pretty... ^_^) The first one I know is going to be out here in *days*. Anyone know when the second one is going to be released? Thanks! Ja ne!
Dear Lana-chan,
I think it might be towards the end of this year, no da. Have you checked the Pioneer website, no da?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
::smiles at joe-chan's posting:: before that- joe, yer a goof. love ya! ::giggles:: also, joe i know you have a pic of fruity tasuki doll getting attacked by a wig! for those who don't know the joke- move along, move along, for YOUR safety only :) and if she gets the pics, i'll scan them & distribute them to those who want em, if i get an email address/addresses. ::reads joe's note over & edits more- cuz she knows joe'll get annoyed:: ~_^ heh, i write in more times than just the 10th. n_n lastly, our con page will have reports up later this weekend, or the begining of next week. Hmm, just got an idea.. i want to do more FY pics along that line, using a marine critter with fantasy buuuuut.. I just got a new shipment of pic requests in- which includes 2 full watercolors, oi! I'll try to get done with em soon so i can get the rest of the seishi pics made! and, before i go- if anyone wants to read a REALLY messed up out-of-character fy fic that's rediculously unfinished- go here-- hmm, i'd try to use html but i dunno if it works here or not x.x anyways, the story's title is "Tamahome & Miaka", taken from 'romeo & juliet' and turned into a horridly comedic display of random insanity. hehe, i basically took some of the characters & placed then in situations or personalities completly different from the series. oh my god i just rambled!! O_O uhh gonna let ya go! ja ne no daaaa!!! ~Orca is sorry for the really long letter no daaaa!
Dear Orca,
We visitied both sites, no da. Nice fanart, no da! The stories on that site are interesting but the yaoi is a bit... ummm... disturbing, no da. I will read your's though, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
I am totally outraged. Did you ever see the site Fushigi Yuugi Top 50? I cannot believe that Tasuki no Miko isn't number 1. And what's worse? It isn't even on top 50 at all!!!! And her site is like one of the first Fushigi Yuugi sites made. Maybe ever first. And it contains TONS of details.... *_*;
Dear baka-chan,
I checked the list and her site isn't on it. She needs to submit her site for it to be on the list and put up a banner from Fushigi Yuugi To 50 to get hits. Perhaps she isn't aware of this or she has chosen not to do it.
Dear Tasuki,
Hanazawa Rui....? I don't really like him..... You'll see why as you watch more episodes.. and later on, he gets this kinda ugly hair cut!
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
First, CnA#1 has gotta get more tapes! Then I'll see what I think of him.
Dear Tasuki,
Hi Tasuki Papa! You want some pixy sticks? :hands him two jumbo pixy sticks: Here you go :) Tasuki Papa, my Sailor Neptune costume is almost done, do you wanna see it? Also is one of CnA's friends gonna be dressed up as you? Because I would like to get my picture taken with the almighty powerful Gen Chan!! ^_^ even if it is an imposter to you ^_^ Anyway, just wrote to give you a hug and tell ya how cool and great you are. :kisses his cheek: I love you Tasuki Papa ^_^
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley Chan,
Gomen, none of her friends ever dress liek us. Go figure!! But she always mangages to find SOMEONE dressed like one of us tpo pose wit'! Thanks fer th' pixie stix! *Fanged grin* Sure, I'd like to see yer costume!
Dear Tasuki,
*POUNCE!* Thanks! ^-^ Yes, I'm doing better. I just got paid =) Getting money is a good thing. Getting offered the chance to make MORE money is even better. I'm probably going to end up incharge of LAKC's webpage =) I have to work out a price with my dad if I do. You know what sucks? They gave me TWO radios incase one of them broke... And they BOTH broke. We (the scales peoples) could HEAR what everybody was saying but they couldn't hear us. THEN, oh then the scales broke --; So we lied and gave the racers the same weight as there last weigh in. *sweatdrops* But I've been paid. Being paid is good. *ahem* The next race is July 8th, ya know.... =P *eats her chocolate*
Dear One-chan,
Glad yer feelin' better!! So, Kelli arrives tomorrow... got th' cannon ready? Heh-heh-heh...
Dear Chichiri,
What is real?
Dear nodaing,
That is an excellenmt question, no da! Philosophers have been debating that for ages, no da. Am I real or are you, no da? I suppose it depends on your point of view, no da...
Dear Tamahome,
Well, you've said many times that you would do just about anything as long as you got paid. *ahem* Exactly what does that encompass? *leers* Whoop...well...uhhh...anyway, thanks.
Dear Dokuhana,
*Sweatdrops...* That depends. Even I have MY limits!
Dear Chichiri,
*has wrist bandaged up* You think I should hit my brother over the head for slitting my wrist with his finger nail??? Cuz, it really really really really really hurts!!!!!!!
Dear Keiko,
I think your parents should punish him, no da. By the way his name isn't either Amiboshi or Suboshi is it, no da?
Dear Tamahome,
Ohayo, Tamahome-kun! *sighs* I love "Itooshi Hito no Tameni"'s been on repeat the whole morning, and all afternoon yesterday...*giggles* Your birthday's in *counts* 4 days, ne? is June, and yeah! Four days. Whatcha want, Tama-kun?
Dear Rabbit,
*Eyes glitter and dollar signs appear in them...* OKANE!!!
Dear Tamahome,
Who is your crush and how old are you ?
Dear Jessica,
Miaka and I am 19 now.
Dear Mitsukake,
*glares* WHO IS SHIKI?! Don't you ever look at your own webpage, Doc!?
Kelli, CnA#2
Dear Kelli,
*Smiles down at Kelli.* Of course I do. He is your boyfriend I believe.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
who would you like a girlfriend? she is 14 has long green hair (sometimes). she is 7 foot and is at the moment ful of child, parent unknow(well she knows she just n't telling). she just broke up with a bandit after 3 mounths (he is not the dad) and is looking for that one good-guy to be a father for her kid. i think she's been on here befor, HER name is Tenchi(tomo said Tenchi was a guys name(well i knew that but my mom's name is Dale so what'shis point)) she is my invention so if she comes by here agian i would like it if you would send her home. you know it's funny i think that you guys know that bandit and it n't Tasuki. were i come from his an object with Nuriko. Chichiri your also married so that leves ever one but you three. so any one want a girlfriend *looks at Mistsukake* anyone at all *still looking at Mist.* just let me know (* o.- (you gessed it at Mist.*)i'm not giving it away am i? TEEEE HEEEE HEEEE!!!
The Cross Dresser From A Galaxy Far Far Away (i love your boxs therey so long and cool!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Dear Cross Dresser,
If we see her we will send her on her way. You come from a really bizarre world don't you?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
`Ello everyone! Heheheh...I was watching Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me, an I laughed at the thought of you guys as the cast. O.o Here is the characters you dudes would be: Dr. Evil=Nakago Mr. Bigglesworth=Tama-neko Mini-Me=Chiriko Austin Powers=Tamahome Frua*the loud lady*=Nuriko Scott=Tasuki No# 2=Chichiri Felicity Shagswell=Soi Vanessa Kensington=Hotohori*lol* Fat B*sterd=Miaka*lol* Um, the head of the agency? The OLD guy=Mitsukake*heh, sorry jes thought you would be god as that dude* Uh...thats all...YES! I am insane! An NO! I do not need to go a clinic! That's what Tomo said. He said I needed to go to a clinic. *sniffles* HE'S SO MEAN!!!!!!*walks away crying*
Dear Keiko,
OK.... Jaa... Tomo is evil and insane and has no fashion sense so I would just ignore him!
Dear Nuriko,
Heh, its creepy...I am very very quiet, like in large groups an at church. But one day, a boy in my sunday school got on my nerves. He was saying, "Go! Choose a name! Hurry! Slowpoke!" I told him to be quiet, but he said, "No! I won't!" So, then my evil wicked side kicked in. I clenched my fist an like, yelled very loud so like, everyone could hear, "SHADDAP!!!!". He actually shut up. And I think I scared everyone else.
And, another creepy thing. Ever since my oldest brother, who is married, said that I was going to be an aunt an my other brothers were goin` to be uncles,*that was a few days ago* we've some what been getting along...O.o Creepy, ne? Siblings are supposed to get along!! ^.~ Well, some of you might disagree, but I'm sure Tasuki might agree...well, maybe not...
Also, my brother who is eighteen,*but doesn't act like it* wrote on a picture I printed out of you. He wrote,"Take that you stupid girl thing who ever you are." Sniff...can you believe it?! You're sooooooooo cute! *grins* An you have a nice body! *blush* I almost cried when you died. There were tears in my eyes! I just didn't want to cry...sniff...I'm somewhat glad you killed Ashitare...but not really...-.-;; Hey! Have you checked out my fanart page? The URL is:
I haven't got any pics of you up yet, but I will! An I am so going to put the best of Nuriko manga pictures! (smiles) Well, ja ne!!
Dear Keiko,
I saw your site. Very nice artwork. Don't worry about the picture. You can always print out another one.
Dear Mitsukake,
sniff...Can you heal my arm? It twitchs like the heck... sniff. WAA! I went to the dude who works with back problems `n stuff. The chyropracter...I think thats what its called. It drives me crazy! I can't get to sleeep cuz it feels weird! An yes, my parents know. -.-;;; It bugs me. I am about to whack someone silly!! Bewaaaaare...O.o hehehehehehee... Ja ne!
Dear Keiko,
If I were abole to come to your world I would. Gomen...
Dear Tasuki,
Is some person named Allison bothering you?
Dear Amy,
Not yet...
Dear Hotohori,
*Is on a dare* Um, Hotohori-samaaaa....are you ticklish? *Pulls out a feather from behind her back and starts to tickle him*
Dear Hoshi,
*Looks at her ... eyebrow twitches...*
Dear Tasuki,
*jumps up and down* Have you ever watch Aka-chan to Boku?? It was such a cute anime! But it's awfully sad often times! But it's a must watch. YOU HAVE TO SEE IT!
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
OK. Why? What's it about?
Dear Tasuki,
why do you hate girls so much? or are you pretending to hate girls? anyways, i think you're so cute and so cool. you the best!
Dear blue,
Two words... MY SISTERS!!!!!!!
Dear Chiriko,
Just a technical question...I know that Miaka could understand y'all as if you spoke Japaneses and y'all could understand as if she spoke Chinese (or whatever dialect it happened to be) and I attribute that to the power of Suzaku. But how, in Suzaku's name, can y'all understand us...from what I understand, I speak (type) English, and I get a response in English. Is there translating somewhere along the way, or did you all learn English? It's been bugging me for some time now....I guess I'm a stickler for details.
Dear c.g.,
Chichiri no Aijn helps us with our letters in the humble cyber-abode. She translates and is helping us learn you language.
Dear Nuriko,
HI!!! Nuriko!!! You look so beautiful.... *eyes shines* I saw a picture of you... your hair was all purpule it covered the screen, with butterflys... and your hands were pretty too... *says it in a cute way and blushes* I might make a website about you *looks the other way* Oh yeah and Nuriko I love you for a friend... I would say more but gotta go see yea ^_~
Dear Deserae,
Arigato for your sweet words and the possible website! *Hugs her*
Dear Nuriko,
I haven't written to you in awhile; how has your summer been going? I have an update on my puppies...I did nickname them after all of you according to their personalities (5 people wanted me to do that ^^;;), and we're keeping either the pup named for you or the one named for Heika. ^_^ Here's a pic, even though you seem more of a cat lover than a dog lover! *Shrugs* The big white dog is Lia, their mother. :-) I don't know if the Tasuki pup is in there, but he's the loudest and moodiest of the group, and he grew fangs before anyone else. *Snicker*
Dear Hoshi,
KAWAII koinu!!!!!!!! So Tasuki's koinu is loud, moody, and has fangs??? Tee-hee... sounds JUST like HIM!!!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*pops up an holds up a platter of chocolate chip cookies* HI! Try the cookies! They are gooood!! *watchs as the Seishi are about to eat the cookies* Oh, Chizuko-chan & I first left out the flour...But we put it in while we yelled at eachother for leaving out the flour. But they taste great!!!! Uhhuh!! And we are a better cooks than Miaka is! So, enjooooooooy!!
Keiko & Chizuko
Dear Keiko & Chizuko,
No flour, no da? *Tries a cookie...*
Dear Tasuki,
Familiar? should of read the other was um...*kooky*. But my friend, SailorSenshiMiaka, loved it. She was like, "Maaaan! I love yer story!!! *.*" Um, ya...she's kinda odd...I'm normal compared to her...oh ya! Great news! I'm going to be an auntie! Yay! Its going to be a while though...oh well...-.-
Dear Keiko,
Omedeto gozaimashita on becomin' an aunt!
Dear Nuriko,
Nuriko-papa! *runs in and gives lots of big hugs* Nuri-papa! Guess what! Hotoki-chan came home from this reeeeeally long trip today! I am so happy. I had to let off some steam... *grins* I've really missed her and now we get to have a small party with just us so I'm all excited and way too hyper. And I wanted to know how you are because I've been either too busy or too bored to write you in a long time. I managed not to loose my necklace.. *holds up the beads Nuriko got her from behind the dresser* I forgot to give you this the last time I was here. *gives Nuriko a box with lots of yummy soaps in it* I used to use these alot for my hands and stuff but it started bothering the little one so I had to get rid of them. I thought you might like them. *pats her stomach* God, this gets tedious after a while. I don't mean to complain but I'm getting sort of scared. People tell too many horror stories about babies... *sighs*
Kourinish (with a box of yummy soaps for Nuri!)
Dear Kourin,
Arigato for the soaps! I'm sure you'll be just fine as a mother. *Hugs her*
Dear Hotohori,
*looks after Taiitsu no Miko* ...It's just one indignity after another, ne, Heika-sama? Maybe you should consider a new style Imperial Crown. Pixie stik?
Dear Shuurei,
*Sighs* Hai... arigato. Perhaps we didn't lock her up long enough...
Dear Chichiri,
*hands him some chocolate chip cookies* I made them. You don't have to try if you don't want to, I'd understand. You could give them to Tama-chan *points at Tamahome*.
Kelli, CnA#2
Dear Kelli,
Arigato, no da! *Takes cookie, smiles, and starts eating it.*
Dear Tasuki,
*crawls in on her hands and knees, looking for something* DONDE ESTAN MIS MANZANAS?!!! *starts to get teary-eyed* Espero que no estan en los pantalones de Tasuki como mis naranjas...*wails* TASUKI ES MUY ANTIPATICO!!! QUIERO MIS MANZANAS!!!! *sits back on her heels and wails*
a hysteric, Spanish-speaking Katsumi
Dear Katsumi,
Well, if I had ANY idea what th' h*ll ya' were sayin' I'd help ya'!!!
Dear Tasuki,
What pixie stix?! I don't think I have any left...*pretends to look in her back pocket* Oh, what do you know? I do have some left! I wonder how I could have missed those....*smiles innocently and sweatdrops* Ano..want some? I'm most likely going to spend my summer in English class and insulting you, kowai-faced I better stock up on the sugar. So, what have you and Kouji been up to lately..*winks*
Dear Shuurei,
We ain't been up to much. Drinkin', brwalin'... ya' know, th' usual.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Do any of you like Zechs from Gundam Wing? I don't mean like like as in like, but just like? *Gets conked over the head by her brother* "You talk about him too much!" Gomen Nasai, Tasuki-chan, your'e still my favorite from fy! *Hugs Tasuki* I talk about you a lot, and even memorised the lyrics to "Sesunakutemo...zutto" in japanese. What does the title traslate into, anyway? Don't forget all of your opinions on Zechs!
Dear Sami-chan,
None of us have watched enough Gundam Wing to have much of an opinion of Zechs beyond seeing him as a villan. "Sesunakutemo...zutto" translates out to either "Even Though It's Painful... Always" or "Even Though I'm Sad...Always". You can this and other lyrics on Tasuki no Miko's peeji.
Dear Chichiri,
Ohayooo Chichiri-sama!! ::waves in her bloo miko-suit:: I've been wondering this for awhile, but...exactly how many wives/girlfriends on the web do you think you have??
Otaku no Chichiri, Mariina-chan
Dear Mariina-chan,
I have only one Aisai and one Aijin, no da.
Dear Chiriko,
Do u know ANYWHERE i got perhaps buy, borrow, or rent FY tapes. I missed the series so i've been reading episode scripts which is obviously not the same. I CANT BELIEVE I MISSED THE SERIES!!!!! ......sniff.. thank u much
Dear Miaka-Chan,
It depends on where you live. Most anime and video stores should carry the series. If you have a DVD player you can also checkout They have the boxed set for sale for about 139 dollars.
Dear Tasuki,
heyhey. first of all lemme say that i think u are HoT..and i think u r absolutely *adorable* inside and out. If this is annoyin' ya dats too bad cos i'm not finished yet. k where was i....? yes! u remind me of every single person i have fallen 4 excluding the tessen, lekka shien, etc. ..u stay as u r; the girls luv it. OKAY. now i have a queston. You've probably read most of your fanfics. Do you have a favourite?
-luv u,
Dear Alekona,
I don't have any favorites. I like a lot of 'em!
Dear Tasuki,
*shrugs* It's alright I guess..... I'll just find another guy to like...from an anime series that is! heheh Domyouji-san is pretty cute, ne?
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
That ugly loser!!!!!!!!!!!! At least ya' could like Hanazawa Rui!
Dear Mitsukake,
*sweatdrops as Lady Zip runs off* hehehe, she doesn't come here often. *realizes that her Guardian transformation outfit is a cross between a girl from neo Ranga with a bit of Cardcaptor sakura's numerous poofy dresses. (basic Neo Ranga with wing-like poofs of fabric from CCS)* Ummmmmmm, don't ask about the outfit. At first I thought it was cute and exotic, but now I wish I'd got a sailor fuku or something else. Do you want me to explain all this guardian stuff too you?
Shrinemaiden Keisei (Mistress Infinity, Guardian of the life gate)
Dear Keisei,
If you wish. However, you should do it on the Message Board so that everyone can understand.
Dear Nuriko,
I guess it's very noticeable that I'm a healer ne? I had to try, I didn't mean for you to misunderstand me. *Doc-sama sighs* Is it much farther Nuriko-kun? This basket is starting to get heavy. I packed for more than one person.
Dear Doc-sama,
Don't give it a second thought! *Smiles* Here, let me take that! *Takes basket and leads her down some stairs into a beautiful garden.* We're almost there! Shinpaii shinai!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Oh, no silly! Kuro isn't going to perform there. She's going for just fun with her bro. (Riley) and maybe her sis.(Sharon)! I'm a bit jealous though. I've only been to Six-flags and that was when I was just a baby! We still can't find those darn pups! And I nearly had heart-attack the other day because Mom sat me down and I knew it was bad news and it was. My dog had been shot but, she's okay now. Talk about a close call! But she's still her kawaii, baka self. Did I ever say how many pups she had? Well she had eight. Yes, I said eight. Kuro is leaving in 8 days and she said she'll miss me and I don't know what I'll do without her. Ooo! And she's bringing me back a souveneir (sp?) from her trip! I just hope it isn't one of those dead chickens they hang up in the shop windows in JapanTown. *shudder* I can't stand the site of dead animals, much less chickens. Well, I've gotta go make my Dad some coffee (he works the night shift). Ja ne!
P.S.- Have you ever noticed how Tooya and Yuuhi from Ayashi no Ceres look -alot- like you Tama-kins? ^_^ Very kawaii, huh? Hee hee! C-ya!
Dear Kosei,
I haven't really read Ayashi no Ceres, but I'll check it out. Gomen your puppies are missing and your dog was shot. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Mitsukake,
Hi!!! Mitsukake!!! sorry for not writeing you probaley dont remeber me.Is your cute kitty tama-neko there? *blushes then smiles* I dont know why but I can't look at you in the eyes. *blushes then looks down* well gotta go bye bye... *sweatdrops*
Dear Deserae,
It could be because I'm 6'6". *Lets her pet Tama-neko.*
Dear Tasuki,
*sits and twitches* FIRST Bandit goes blind. THEN my family gets mad at me again. THEN I'm up all night. Then Alemany won't take most of our books back. Then I'm out walking in the heat all day. And THEN an IRC op starts harassing me about something between Neontiger and Emerald that happened in a chat room I don't go to hardly at all ESPECIALLY IF NEON IS ON! He kicks our poor IRC bot of the server for a few, thus I have to talk to him and thus my dinner turns to ice thus ruining what little of dinner I had putting me in a baaaaad mood and all I have left is some chocolate and.... ARRRRGH! I AM EVEN DEPRIVED OF MY CHOCOLATE! this stinks... *ahem* on the bright side I saw some of my old teachers and classmates from middle school and I actually didn't have to 'SNEAK' on campus to do so. We all actually got VISTOR'S PASSES! Yay! ^^; But whee! I told my old English teacher about my poem being put on CD and she wants a copy and that'll be spiffy and all ^-^ (Okay... so first we did have to 'sneak' on campus but after we got vistor's passes. Friends in high places Mwhahah.) And now that I've let all this out, other than the fact I'm tired, annoyed, hungry, and deprived of chocolate I'm in a fairly GOOD bad mood. And how are you? ^-^
Dear One-chan,
*Hands her chocolate and backs away slowly...* I'm fine. Ya' doin' any better?
Dear Nuriko,
Hi!!! Nuriko!!!! sorry for not writeing *hugs him and smileing* how you doing? I need dont need beauty tips I need hair tips... I want diffrent stlyes... like for black hair thats medieum(middle)hair thats kinda tough. heheh gotta go bye *_~
Dear Deserae,
You can wear it lots of different ways depending on how you part it or curl it or straighten it. You can wear it in a bun, pig tails, or in a pony tail. You might want to check out the latest edition of Mode magazine. It has a godd hair article in it!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
::pulls up a chair & plops down in it, smirking:: hehe, 3am. First off, thankies to Chichiri-sama for the welcome back ::hug:: :) secondly, now that i have most of the commissions i'm doing out of the way, i can spend more time bug--errr.. spending time with you fine people no da! ^^; ::gets sat on by a friend of hers & is asked a question:: .. -_-;; Stupid hentai! I'll have Gen-chan flame you! don't think i wont! And he'll do it for me too, wont ya Tasuki? Please? ^_^ ..Well if not then Chichiri can just "no da" you to death! ha! Err, my pc is about to demand a reboot :P be back later no da!!
~Orca, no da!
Dear Orca,
You're welcome, no da! Hope your PC is OK, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Oi, Minna-san! Ogenki desu ka? This is my first time writing you guys so I really have no clue what to write about and am probably gonna ramble. >d First of all, I'd like to say that my friends and I were at ACen2k in Chicago this year.. It's not a big con, this was it's third annual year.. But it's really good and always has really good cosplayers! This year we went as the you guys! I went as Tasuki and my friends went as Miaka as Suzaku no Miko, Tamahome(that's Orca, she's written you guys in the week of June 10th), Kouji, Nuriko, Hotohori, Chichiri, and Miaka from the OVA(though no one recognized her..). We had a Chiriko, but it kinda fell through with her.. ._.; But during the costume contest, aka the Masquerade, we won Best Group! :D Not bad for a bunch for 15 and 16 year olds, ne? ^_~
Orca and I have a (unfinished) peeji up for our trip to the con We have to get the rest of the pictures up, but it's roughly finished. ^_^ (We were at the con last year, too, but as Sailor Senshi ;P) I'd also ramble that I like to make dolls. ^^ So far I've made a Nuriko(who's big.. about 2'8") and an unfinished Tasuki doll, who's only about 7", and... gomen ne.. still bald.. I really don't know if he'll be finished, he's turned into a joke among my friends, known as "The Fruity Tasuki Doll". It was cause he was dressed in a kimono as a joke, and forgotten for about a month.. ^^;; But soon I know I'll have to make more dolls for birthday presents(I'll have to make two Chichiris and a Kouji). Blaaah. ^^; I'll stop buggin' you guys, but if you'd like to see some of the fanart I've made, go to Ja matta ne!
Joe-chan, Kou Shun'u no Koibito
Dear Joe-chan,
Omedeto gozaimashita on winnin'!!!!!! Nice site! Chichiri no Aijin might be interested in buyin' some dolls from ya'. Got any pics of yer finished dolls? She said she wanted a doll of Chichiri, Yer's Truly *fanged grin* an' that idiot Mazoku Xelloss! Why she'd want HIM when she has US, I jus' dunno... Yer fanart' is pretty nice, too! Keep it up!
Dear Tasuki,
Ohayo, Tasuki-san! Did ya miss me? *hugs him* I've missed you! I've been busy reading fanfics at's addicting...all those fanfics...^_^; So how are you, Gen-chan? Ja ne!
Dear Rabbit,
Interestin' site. I'm fine. How're ya' doin'?
Dear Nuriko,
Do you prefer guys more or girls?
Dear baka-chan,
I prefer women.
Dear Chiriko,
*bounce* I'm still happy, Chiriko-kun! ^_^ Whee...and kinda happy too...I gets money Saturday! *giggles* That means I can get more anime! *sighs* I hope that weird guy isn't there...there was this guy that kept asking us questions and he was scary...*shudders* ja ne, Chiriko!
Dear Rabbit,
Good for you! *Smiles*
Dear Mitsukake,
Do you think you are better looking or is Shiki?
Dear baka-chan,
Who is Shiki?
Dear Hotohori,
If it's your choice, and Tamahome isn't involved with Miaka. Would you have married Miaka or Houki?
Dear baka-chan,
Houki.She is much better suited to being my empress.
Dear Tasuki,
*lets go of Tasuki and puts her hands behind her back* Ano........I think I ate all the pixie stiks!!! *peeks to make sure they're still there* Well, "kowai-faced man", how've you been?! I've been waaaaaaaay too busy with work and school...I think they're seriously afraid of me there. They even hide the sugar. I can't imagine why...
Dear Shuurei,
If yer gonna insult me at least gimme th' pixie stix yer hidin' behind yer back!
Dear Chichiri,
You know, it is very boring at work. I do not know if CnA told you, but I am now working three - count 'em, three - jobs. -_- But this one is the boring-est. ^^;;; All day at a desk, with no Chichiri in sight. Sephy is on guard, looking for my boss,and if he sees him, he thwacks me over the head with his sword.... *sighs* 5 more days till CA....oh how I long for it...
Kelli, CnA#2
Dear Kelli,
Hai! WE are looking forward to seeing you, too no da! Although I think Little Tokyo and Chinatown are quaking in fear, no da!
Dear Mitsukake,
*hugs you and is very happy* Oh thank you thank you thank you, Mitsukake! *snuggles Herman* Now let me see if I can explain that with more sense....... I am a gate guardian. Keisei is now guarding the gate of life, right? While I'm Lady Zip and I guard the Gate of Energy. Now the Gate of Energy provides electricity for all the other gates (like ontario hydro!) be means of hampsters running on wheels. The hampsters go in shifts, trading spots between tired hampsters and rested hampsters and hampsters on vacation so that the power flow never stops! Herman is the leading hampster on my first shift, like a cox for a boat-full of rowers. The other hampsters stop when he's not there and that means there's a blackout. And when there's no power people say that I'M being lazy and irrisponsible and they seal me up in a lightbulb for a thousand years. (I'm a minor demi-goddess so they can do that ya know.) Herman is my favourite because he gives me a break from motivating the hampsters my self. Four shifts in a row is a tad much.... ^^; *hugs some more* Oh, thank you so much for making him better Mistukake. I love you forever! *kisses you on the cheek and hold up Herman so he can lick your nose* Herman says thank you too! *the lights go out* Crap! We have to get home Herman! Thank you Mistuakake! *scampers out*
Lady Zip (and healthy Herman)
Dear Lady Zip,
*Still looks confused...* Arigato for your ... explanation.
Dear Hotohori,
*runs in looking around for something, walks up to you* I need a cup. *grabs your hat and fills it with chocolate milk* Thanks, heika. My thermos was leaking. You're so generous. *walks off drinking chocolate milk out of the imperial bucket hat*
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
*Shakes his head and stares at her in disbelief...* I suppose this is somewhat better than her trying to lick all of us... *sighs and pulls out another Imperial Crown...*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*sigh* Konnichiwa, minna. And how are all of you? I'm not so good. This year has been really caotic for me. It all started out with my mom...looong, painful story. And now I find myself being whisked away to CA for a while, then whisked back home, and then going to AZ, then coming back home...and...and, I cant think right's, like, midnight, and I cant get to sleep. That's been happening a lot lately. Anywho, I-*jumps as my stupid clock dings twelve times* ...That was, um, unexpected... *blink blink* Where was I? ARGH! That stupid thing made me lose my train of thought! Okay...geez, I'm stressed! And, even though I have family all around me, I feel like I'm being ignored! I mean, nobody's ever listening to what I have to say. I guess they still look at me like a child...*sighs again* I could really use a hug...
Dear Kuro,
We're all fine, no da! Gomen this past has been a hard one for you, no da. *Hugs her*
Dear Nuriko,
*Doc-sama smiles brightly at Nuriko-kun and starts walking with him* "These palace gardens are quite beautiful. I have a few ancestors who were good farmers, there are quite a few family members who have inherited that talent. I'm only fair at it unfortunately." *Doc-sama tucks her arm under Nuriko-kun's again, then looks at him in the eyes and grins* "No one will be able to call you an okama ever again, if you keep looking at me like that." *Doc-sama touches Nuriko's flushed face* " Ryuen-kun, would you like me to help you to come back? It will take some time, but it's possible."
Dear Doc-sama,
Arigato Doc-sama. Demo, I am happy being who I am already. *Kisses her cheek and smiles* Shall we continue onto Hotohori-sama?
Dear Nuriko,
*Doc-sama blushes with shame* "Gomennasai Nuriko-kun... Please let's keep going" "Oh two of my girls went home today" *Doc-sama shifts the weight of the basket* " We had a party for them, there were lots of hugs and tears." *Doc-sama tries to sound normal as she waits for her embarrassment to die down*
Dear Doc-sama,
Gomennasai Doc-sama! That was not my intention! *Gives her a hug* Two of your girls went home? YATTA!! I'm so happy for you! *Gives her a second hug and a kiss on the cheek.*
Dear Tasuki,
My webpage URL is: jes checkie out da fanfic page `n stuff...the reason I fell asleep is cuz I was at a sleepover the other night...well...we didn't get much sleep. -.-;; I woke up at 2:30 am from the sound of peakocks. THOSE BIRDS ARE CREEPY!!!!! I was attacked by one when I was only 4 yearsold...O.o Well, later!
Dear Keiko,
Interestin' story but fer some reason it seems a bit familiar... *Fanged grin...*
Dear Tasuki,
I deeply... and do i mean DEEPLY regret missing the Fushigi Yuugi anime series. So i was wonderin' when the series might be replayed on tv?
Dear Alyson,
I duuno if it ever will be rerun. It was never on American TV only Japanese. Mebbe ya' can borrow tapes from a friend.
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki-san...... today was finally the senior graduation. I just came back from it. Let me tell you everything. Okay, I'll start from the beginning. On the way to my friend's(so we could go to the graduation together), I bought a nice pink rose for "ya know who." It was kinda fun at the graduation, after it, I tried to find him to give the rose to him.... but I could not find him anywhere. I searched for about half an hour... but he was nowhere to be seen. I was really heart broken. At that time, I knew that i would never see him again. Has God fated all this? The Monday I was supposed to sign his yearbook, I had to go some place with my dad so I couldn't go to school. So the week after that, I was hoping to see him. But he didn't have to take the finals. And today, at the graduation, i didn't see him...
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Gomen ya' didin't see him. *Hugs her.* Mebbe yer right an' it's jus' not meant to be. I dunno...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
NANI?!?! She kissed Kouji? *pout* No fair! How come she gets ta kiss Kouji and I don't? He's one of my favorite, that is aside from
all of you guys. And you know something you could do to keep Aidou from throwin' those big nasty logs? Flame 'em! .... Well, no, then she'd just be throwing -flaming- logs at you then wouldn't she? Ouch! That would hurt.
Oi Chichiri-san? Isn't your wife the teeniest bit jealous that you have a girlfriend?
Oh, and I've got some bad news.. Brace yourselves, they've dissappeared. The pups are gone.*glares at the two bandits* You wouldn't happen to know if some one stole them would ya? Or maybe that fat pig Eiken ate 'em? *shudder* I hate Eiken. I really do. He's... disgusting! Ewww!
Okay, off the bad vibes and onto the good. Just in case you didn't notice I've been drinking a 2 liter of carbonated sugar all day.
*holds up empty bottle* Hmm... wonder where it went? ^_^ Arigatou Chichiri-san for giving me the addy of that site! It came in real handy! Oi, Mitsukake? Do you mind if i hold Tama-neko while I am here? *tama-neko jumps imto her lap* Awww! Such a cutey pie! *Tama-neko meows* He's so Kawaii! You know I have two kitty cats. Their both girls. Demeter and Maxis. ya know what? I think I'm gonna get another cat (if I can persuade the 'rents). Which I doubt is possible.
And no, my friend isn't going to AX though I wish we could. She's going to CA to Disney World and then JapanTown and then a couple other places. I forget where but I -know- she's going to AZ and CA. hey, do you guys know if there are any Conventoins in TN? Gods! I hate living out in the boonstickies!
Grrr~ Frustrating! *beanbag poofs up out of nowhere; Kosei plops down in it* Boy, i do write alot. Well, it must be because I talk alot. ^_^;; I got in trouble at school for that. Well, I didn't get to everything that I wanted to blab about. I'll chat later. Ja ne! *steals a kiss from Kouji be fore she leaves*
Dear Kosei,
She isn't jealous, since Chichiri no Aijin has been with me for years. Chichiri no Aisai became my Aisai recently, no da. You might want to try Anime Turnpike for Anime Convention information, no da. I do hope you find your puppies, no da! By the way, where will your friend be performing at Disneyland in CA, no da? Chichiri no Aijin and Chichiri no Aisai will be there on the 29th of this month, no da!
Dear Nuriko,
*Doc-sama blushes as Nuriko-kun looks her over* "Ano...Are you drooling?" "If you keep this up, you'll start refering to yourself as Boku and Ore again." "At least around me anyways." ;) *Doc-sama kisses Nuriko-kun on the cheek then walks out the door* "Now where is that room?" *Doc-sama starts wandering around...*
Dear Doc-sama,
*Runs and catches up to her...* You really shouldn't wander around by yourself! I certainly don't mind being your escort... *Smiles*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey, I finished part of a very very long long epic-fic! It has mystery, action, romance-adventure~and more action! It has the story of Tasuki's relationship~ but I can not say anything more~ I tried to make it realistic~ It is like 300 hundred pages long, and part of it is up at my home page! REad a little and tell me what you all think? Just click on the flaming chaos sign about heaven and Earth! I'm still formating it, but the first two volumes is up! Tell me what you all think?? Anyway~ Do any of you seishi know how to bake? Which one out of all you is the best cook? Best fighter, and best kisser?
Avery~ Emi
Dear Avery,
It looks very interesting. I reada bit of the first chapter. I would have to say that Nuriko is the best cook and baker amongst us. If it is swordsmanship you are looking for I would be the best. But, if you mean basic fighting and martial arts then it is a toss-up between Tasuki and Tamahome. As for the bes kisser... I leave that to YOUR imagination.
Dear Tasuki,
*pouts* No I don't! That trip to Europe was my first time out of the country, and this is my first trip to Disney World! ^_^ I'm
going to be preforming there, thats the only reason I get to go. *Hugs Tasuki* I'll miss everyone!! I'm leaving tomarrow *gives Tasuki a kiss on the cheek* See ya!
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
Yer gonna perform??? COOL!!! As what??? Have a great trip!!!
Dear Nuriko,
Ne, Nuriko-kun, are you gonna go shopping at to the spa with CnA and I? ^_^ Since your fashion sense is so impeccable, I thought you may want to come along!
Kelli, CnA#2
Dear Kelli,
Shopping??? Spa??? *Looks at Chichiri no Aijin...* Why wasn't I told about this???
Dear Chichiri,
*is idly brushing her hair* Only six more days... ^_^ Excited yet?
Kelli, CnA#2
Dear Kelli,
Hai, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
Daarin!!! *jumps to Gen-chan's arms* otto is a familiar way of sayin husband *LOL* Itai! *realizes she's just hit her arm when jumping* my arm is not ok... some people tried to steal my money on Sunday... , I got a cut on my arm, I had to have it stitched...also I got a broken finger...but at least it wasn't worse ^_^ *rubs her arm* but at least the @#$%!! didn't get MY okane. Anyway, they've been dealt with ^^ the police took them away ^^ Not every bandit is as nice as ya r'. I'm Ok though ^^ nuthin' to worry 'bout. Gotta leave now *kisses Gen-chan's forehead* Jaa ne ^^
Dear Hieisan,
Take care of yerself! I'm glad they caught 'em! Look, I ain't YER husband!! I'm Iri-chan's aisaika! So stop callin' me that!!!!!!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I'm mad at Cartoon Network. THEY ARE BRINGIN` ONE OF DA GOSH-DARN BEST ANIMES OUT THERE!! Can you believe they are bringin` Tenchi Muyo! to a kids network?!!? That's...that's not right! It's in apropriate for kids under 13*i think anyway*. Cuz Ryoko seems to want to seduce Tenchi alot...^.^ And, a while back, I heard that they are going to bring Wrath of the Ninja...but that was like, in January or somethin`...well..bye
Dear Keiko,
I'm sure they will rate as such. And besides, they tend to hack and butcher anime when it is brought over for American audiences. It is also possible that it will be on at a later time like the uncensored Gundam Wing is.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi everyone! I wanted you to see my pictures as Suzaku no Miko!! This is what I will be dressed like for the fist part of Saturday so I can go to the Watase Pannel and on Monday. Tell me what you think of the costume!
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley,
SUGOI!!!! I can't wait to see them at AX!!!
Dear Nuriko,
Nuriko-sama!! Is it true you signed the Anti Bishounen Slavery Law?!?! *looks at him with big teary eyes* Tell me it's not true!! Tell me Trowa lied!!! *glomps Nuriko's arm and won't let go*
Dear Inori,
How could I have signed it? I don't even know what it is!
Dear Tasuki,
Whew! Seems like quite a lot has happened here recently, and I've been away from the net for only a week! I'm having a good time at home right now, and I'll be going to Japan next week! I'm really excited about this coming trip! Anyway, how are things going? Any more hard times with your daughters? ^_^ You've got to be patient with them, you know? GIrls are easier to manage if you're gentle with them. Oops...sorry for going off track...but I wanted to ask you...have you ever had really bad nightmares? If you did, what were they about? I've been having really bad ones lately and I'm not sleeping well @_@ Can you fry the monsters in my dreams for me???
Dear Ayumi,
Sure I can help ya'! *Gives her a small tessen.* Chichiri an' me made this fer ya'. Ya' take it into yer dreams to protect ya' an' fry yer monsters. It only works in th' dreamworld. No fryin' people who annoy ya' in th' real world! *smiles* Have fun in Japan!!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Can everyone sign my yearbook for me? *smiles*
Dooms Day
Dear Dooms Day,
HAI! *All the Seishi gather around and sign her yearbook.*
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Nuriko,
Who was your very first kiss? I assume it wasn't Tama...... *_*;
Dear Baka-chan,
It wasn't. But, I don't kiss and tell... tee-hee...
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