Dear Tasuki,
WAHHHHHHHHH! *looks down on the floor* I didn't mean to be rude. But it was just that WMC was "bragging" about the whole "cultural" thing..... I just got so pissed... Grrrrrr..... They treated me as if I was only just a kid and didn't know nothing. That really hurt. And I'm sorry if I sounded rude...... but...... nobody...... ever in my life.... has called me nasty or rude. Seriously, that really shocked me. People say I'm nice and sweet... but nobody ever called me rude. *_*; Oh, well, guess I deserved it, I have gone a little too far. *shrugs* But out of the whole thing, I just wanted Tasuki to have justice, seriously. I mean.. I didn't want people to misinterpret his passionate feelings for Miaka-san. I love Tasuki that much to go through all this. *sighs* Look what this has all brought us. Nothing. Just plain argument. *groans* *sighs*
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
I don't think she was braggin', she was jus' statin' what she knew. Ya' jus' gotta learn to leggo a little an' let people have their own opinions. Don't worry.. you'll learn.. *Smiles and hugs her.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Oi, Tasuki! I just have to say that are so sugoi! I mean you flamed Tama-kins! Twice! Not that I have anything you Tama-kins, but your SD's were so kawaii! And then you said (dubbed version) "Payback's hell Home." that was just so cool! That's a love-hate relationship if I ever saw one! ^_^ I'm not here for anything in particular, just to ask whatever comes across my mind. Hey, have you ever considered getting back at Aidou for hitting you with those big, nifty logs? Oh, do you mind if i vent on ya for a sec? *seishi nod* okay, well my best buudy in the whole wide world (Kuro-chan. Maybe you've heard of her?) is going to CA in little less than a week and I'm gonna be all by my lonesome.......-_- depressing. And she won't get back until the 4th of July. Oi Nuriko, what does 'Kaze no Uta' translate into? And Chichiri-san? Do you happen to have the translation anywhere for your song 'Mizu Kagami'? It would be awesome if you could send it back in your reply. (you know, a web addy). Oh, and today I got all of you Bishounen on my Bishounen Cards! Yes, even you Chiriko! You're so cute! *squeal* Chiriko no Kawaii! Don't worry, I won't stick you in a Bishoball. You're all too important! Have many have you caught? Nuriiii-chan! I'll bet you have a Hoto-sama card! And I've got some great news! My dog had 8 puppies! they're all black and white and that's funny because she's brown and white. I know that the fathers are a sheep dog and a black lab. She kinda got around, ne? Oi Chichiri-san, why do you have 2 Aijins? And if i remember correctly aijin means wife? And Tasuki? Why are your 'daughters' hitting on you? And that big wet sloppy kiss? That's just wrong.Well, my sugar rush is kinda going down so when I get more soda in my system I'll be back. ja ne! Sayonara! Chow! Peace out! C-ya! And all those good-bye things.
P.S.- Oooooo~ I wrote alot didn't I? ^_^ Gomen!
Dear Kosei,
Tasuki:Nah, she jus' gets more vicious. Gomen yer friend is goin' away, but at least she'd comin' back. Is she goin' to AX? I was jus' tryin' to freak out Kelli an' Iri-chan kissed Kouji an' said we was even!
Nuriko:Kaze no Uta means the song of the wind.
Chichiri:Check out this site, no da! Aisai is wife, no da. Aijin is lover and I have one of each, no da... *Muzukashii... no da...*
Tasuki, Nuriko, and Chichiri
Dear Tasuki,
Yep! That is MUCH better ^_^ Okay I dont think I there will be to many Chichiri's walking around with loud mouth red heads ^_^ :looks at Kelli Chan: DONT HURT ME! Anyway I am out of school and I have a 3.0 GPA that I worked REALLY hard for! Arent ya proud of me!? ^_^ :holds out her yearbook: will you sign it Tasuki Papa! Tell me what you write! I want a nice loooooooong message! I reserved a page JUST for you! :hugs Tasuki Papa and kisses his cheek: Love ya dad ^_^ Happy Father's Day! :hands him a giant sake shaped like him with a big pink bow on it: Just for you! Have a great Father's day!
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley Chan,
Omedeto gozaimashita on yer grades! *Signs her yearbook and gives her a hug.* Arigato fer th' sake!
Dear Tasuki,
*POUNCE!* ;-; You remember Jake? I talked about him before, my aunt's german shepard, the dog I called my oniichan? Well, Bandit, my aunt's last dog has gone blind ;-; He's only a few years younger than me, so he's pretty old. A little 'weiner dog' ;-; He's like, my little brother and he was actually a wedding present to my aunt. *sniffles* They think he's got cancer. *cries*
Dear One-chan,
Gomen... *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tamahome,
I'm ur greatest and number one.i really like ur guts n i wished that i have been miaka so there wud be some1 to save me.Question?Umm... what do u like miaka the most?
Dear mukuro-sama,
There are many things I love about Miaka. I suppose one major thing I love about her is her concern for others above her concern for herself.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey, I was wondering. Is there any way to find out if there are any Anime conventions in Washington? Cuz I would of gone to Sakura-con in April, or when ever it was...but nooooo! We had to go to Canada for Fort Langly's candle light tour.*clamps hand over mouth* My God! I'm starting to act odd again!! -.-;; Ugggghhhh...well...check out my fanart page! I have some really pretty good pictures. I have one of Tasuki in a bathing suit. ^_^ My mom thought Tasuki was gay when I showed her a picture of him, SD, with earings.*laughs* I said, "No Mom. Nuriko is the gay one...I think.." ~.~ Gomen Nuriko-sama. hehehee...(taunting) Tasuki looks like a girl!!(walks away repeating it)
P.S. Gomen, Hotohori-sama. For trying to choke you to death...Geez Nuriko is protective of ya.
Dear Keiko,
Yer pics are pretty good! I ain't gay an' I DON'T look like a girl!! Have ya' tried going Anime Turnpike an' seein' what's on their Convention page?
Dear Nuriko,
*Doc-sama tucks in a soft flannel blanket over the food* "So it'll be protected." :) *Doc-sama concentrates and her clothes change to a Emerald green silk with gold lamé formal gown* "At least this dress matches my hairstyle." "Well, Nuriko-kun since you know the palace better than I, would you lead the way?" *Doc-sama picks up the basket then tucks her arm into Nuriko-kun's* "This is proper behavor I hope?"
Dear Doc-sama,
Hai! OOH!! Kirei gown desu ne!!!
Dear Tasuki,
*looks at him thoughtfully* Hmm...I know I can't stay mad at I will forgive you, Gen-chan. Although... *hauls Kouji over by the collar and gives him a long passionate kiss* *a few minutes pass* There! *pushes the stunned bandit away* _NOW_ we're even. ^_^
Iridal, Tasuki no Aisai ^_^
Dear Iri-chan,
Ya'... ya'... ya' KISSED Kouji?!?!?!?!? *Looks shocked... smacks Kouji...* Stop yer grinnin' aho!!!
Dear Tasuki,
*runs/skips in, leaving a trail of colored sugar and pixie stik wrappers* Long time, no see Tasuki!!! *glomps him* Didja miss me?
Dear Shuurei,
Sure did! Got anymore pixie stix???
Dear Chichiri,
Hi Chichiri-Sama!!! Remember me? *gives him a big hug* Long time no see, ne? How are you? I'm feeling great for once! I'm in such a good mood (odd for me, ne?). I guess my life has finally started to improve. I got my old job back and I'm being paid to teach drawing lessons! I couldn't beleive someone wanted to pay me for what I already do for free! Oh! Guess what!? I volenteered to work at the Vet's Ward at the hospital this Summer and I was accepted! *does her happy dance* I go for floor and wheelchair orientation next week! How impolite of me! What are you up to? How's life been treating you? Well... I guess that's all I wanted to say... Oh yea! *rumages around in her file cabinet* Here, a present for you! *holds out a pair of blue candles and a Blue Tourmaline stone* They are great for meditation! *smiles brightly* Ja ne! *Hugs him again and disappears*
Dear Suriel,
Arigato for the presents, no da! I'm fine thank you. I'm glad that things are looking up for you, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*holds her feet up for everyone to see* Look! I got new Christmas socks!! Aren't they nice and red, and aren't the little snowmen just adorable? At least I'm finally happy daddy always buys me Christmas socks when I'm sad for more than a week...*continues rambling for about 5 more minutes about her small collection of Christmas socks* And no longer am I angry at my friend! We start our cosplay costumes tomorrow! WAI!! We're going to OhayoCon as Yurika and Hikaru (I'd be Hikaru) from NADESICO!! Ja ne!
Dear Katsumi,
I'm glad you and your friend made up, no da!
Dear Chichiri,
Hey Chichiri no da!!!! My friend Slephie-chan and I think you are one of the hottest guys in FY, although we also like Kouji, and she likes Amiboshi and I like Suboshi, but that's not important right now. We love your song Kachou Fugetsu!!! When ever either of us is depressed we listen to it and we are happy again, no da!! And we love the 'no da' on the ends of the sentances!! Question in your song Mizu Kagami, why don't you say 'no da' I think it's a really powerful and sad song, is that why you don't use 'no da', we've also seen the oav that song is played in, we're soooooo sorry you had to go through that Chichiri-sama!!!!!! We were crying the whole episode! I must amit we really liked the scene when you were in bed shirtless and maskless after you got hurt, not that we would ever wnat you to get hurt! Well, kept 'no da'-ing!!!!! See ya *WZeroCustom and Slephie-chan kiss Chichiri-sama, and run off*
P.S. We love your hat no da!!! I have one just like it except I can't dissapear, do you think you can take a look at it? Thanks!!!!
Dear WZeroCustom,
Ariagto for the presents, no da! You're right about why I don't "no da" in Mizu Kagami, no da. Gomen, I can't come to your world to look at your kasa, no da. Besides, in your world they aren't supposed to work like mine does, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Okays, I'm writing to...ano, well, all of you. Baka me. ^_^ Hotohori: You're pretty...*hugs him, then blushes* Excuse me, Hotohori-sama... Nuriko: Probably Miaka as a schoolgirl. ^_^ It'll be easier to make. Chirko: Isn't it cool? I'm so happy! ^_^ Tamahome: You're very sweet! You and Miaka are so kawaii together... Tasuki: You haven't been getting too drunk lately, have you? Oh, well, if you didn't you wouldn't be Tasuki, would you? Chichiri: Da! *giggles* I seem to be saying that a lot lately...^_^; Mitsukake: Um...konban wa...Tama-neko is very are you? That's all of you! Which would make it the first time I've actually talked to all of you...^_^ Um...let's see...what could I ask? Oh well...
Dear Rabbit,
Good luck with the costume! The Seishi all send their best!
Dear Tasuki,
Hey!*pops up* (clamps mouth before she can say,"DA!") If ya care or not, I have atleast...four chapters in my one story I told ya `bout. It is very confusing...O.o Well, bye!*hugs Tasuki an collapse on the floor an starts to sleep*
Dear Keiko,
*Looks at strange sleeping girl.* So, when do I get to read this fic?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Howdy all, sorry I haven't written in a while. My life has been pretty good up until a few hours ago. Here's the story. I invited by boyfriend over to my house. He said that he'd be out here at 5:00 p.m.. 5 comes around and does he show? No! 6 roles around, he still hasn't called! I call his house 3 times. on the third call his brother's girlfriend answers the phone and tells me that he is in the barn. It's 7 o'clock, 2 hours AFTER he said he'd be here. Now it's almost 9 o'clock and he hasn't called me back! Here's why i'm more pissed than usual. I'm leaving for 3 weeks to D.C., I took all of my finals, I missed saying goodbye to all of my friends (the first time) to take my finals. Then I missed the Sophomore BBQ, in which I might have gone to say goodbye again. Then, i was invited @ 5:30 to go to the Academy Awards which our school was putting on. Jean was getting an award and presenting a few, and I would have been able to say goodbye to all of the performing arts students. Now it's 10 till 9 and he has just called. I'm still miffed even after his explanation.
Here's another story. During those hours I drove my sister to the iceskating rink and took some movies back to their original owner. On the way my father was being a back seat driver causing me to almost side swip a car next to me in the right lane, hit a pedestrian,and rear end a car. Then when some lady was just sitting a green light for more than 30 seconds, I honked at her. My dad started yelling at me saying I had no right to honk at her because I was a novice and was therefore wrong to do it and should never do it again.
Right now i'm SO miffed I could swear up a storm and use words that I didn't even know existed! If you have any councel on any of these two matters, I would be glad to hear it!
The Miffed Mary
Dear Mary,
I don't blame you for being angry with your boyfriend! He should have called you (if he was able to) as soon as he knew he wasn't able to come over. *Hugs her* As for your honking... well sometimes it is warranted and sometimes not. I guess you just shouldn't honk with your dad in the car unless there is a possibility of danger.
Dear Tasuki,
Are you -sure- Kouji hasn't got a thing for ya? I mean you're like brothers right? But just look at the Boshi twins! They're so close it's scary! But Gods they're hot *drool*.... *wipe*.....*drool*....Oh, yeah you're hot too! Especially when you get mad! Watch out! Would you ever flame Kouji? I mean if he got you really, really, really, really, mad? Oh, and what is Puru Puru? You know... when you were U.I. and you *ahem* got Miaka drunk... well i'm sure you know what it is, because you said: "Mmmm! Puru Puru part 3!" Uh, gotta go! Ja ne! Chow! Sayonara!
Dear Kosei,
Yes, I'm sure Kouji ain't got a thin' fer me! An' them Boshi brothers are jus' SICK! Puru Puru was a joke! It wasn't in th' story even! I think it had somethin' to do wit' peaches...
Dear Hotohori,
Ohayo, Hotohori-sama! *bows* You know, you're soooo pretty! And sweet too...^_^ I think you do an amazingly good job of putting all your hair in that itty bitty little crown thingie. ^_^ Me and my tomodachi were thinking of ways that you do it...^_^
Dear Rabbit,
*Blushes* Arigato for your kind words.
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki *sniffs* I'm leaving on another trip, but this ones not nearly as long. I'm going to Disney World for about four days (poor me!) *giggles* *hugs him* I'm miss everyone... again...
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
Ya' sure travel alot! Have fun an' take care! *Hugs her*
Dear Tasuki,
Hiee! Well, I'm leaving for a week (I don't reeeealy want to, but family and all) and I gotta do something STOP READING IF YOU DON'T WANT TO BE SPOILED FOR TALES OF DESTINY Waaah! Why did they kill Leon? He was my fave character (voiced by Midorikawa Hikaru, no less :) Poor kid... WAAAH! (I do not like him just 'cus he's a bish, I first thought he was 13 when I first played the game. Hey, I rented it! It didn't have a manual!)
P.S. A minion of mine, called the Mistress of Darkness, is running around rampant again. Do you know where she is?
Dear Witch,
Ummm... sorry 'bout Leon. I know yer friend is here somewhere...
Dear Nuriko,
Gomen Nuriko-kun... My monitor fried and I had to wait until my expenses were dealt with before I could buy a new one. *Doc-sama pulls together some fruit, cheeses, and small loaves of bread. She puts them in a big basket with the flask of Harvest Tea* Shall we go Nuriko-kun? I hope he'll enjoy these.
Dear Doc-sama,
Hai! Let's go! I'm glad you're back. *Smiles*
Dear Nuriko,
Ohayo, Nuri-kun! I'm still kinda mad at my baka computer, but for a different reason. I was trying to download a Gundam Wing movie and it keeps freezing. Baka computer...but anyway, I might go as Miaka to the anime convention, unless I get a better idea. ^_^ Ja ne!
Dear Rabbit,
It sounds like your computer may need more memory or hard drive space. So, will you be going as Miaka in her school clothes or as Miaka dressed in her Miko outfit?
Dear Chiriko,
Konnichiwa, Chiriko-san! Guess what? I just checked the page, and the pictures are there! *bounce* I'm so happy! *glomps Chiriko, then un-glomps him* Eep! Sumimasen, Chiriko-san!
Dear Rabbit,
Honto ni??? I'm very happy for you! *Gives her a hug*
Dear Tasuki,
Dude, people are getting *meow* rude in the message board! Geeze...I can't express my opinion now? Anyway...ah, have to settle down, I don't like being called such and such.... Anyway, I hope your weekend was great? You know what, I just read the Summary of the Novel about you and Rei-Rei. That was sad. *gives Tasuki a hug and a bottle of sake* Has she ever come back from the dead to talk to you? What would you do?
Emi~ Avery
Dear Emi~ Avery,
I noticed. *Frowns at GCNM* Everyone is entitled to their own opinion! An' I'm sorry that you were yelled at. But, I'm glad th' yeller apologized. 'Specially since ya' agreed wit' me! *Fanged grin* Chichiri no Aijin plans on Askin' Watase-sensei 'bout this an' that will be th' final say!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Aside from protecting that BAKA Miaka, do you watch anime? And what anime, may I ask? Nuriko: Do you think you look like Misao Makimachi of Rurouni Kenshin?
Yui Ikari
Dear Yui Ikari,
At last count Chichiri no Aijin had over 50 different anime titles in her collection and we have watched them all. That isn't counting what she has borrowed from her tomodachi. And no, I don't look like Makimachi Misao! I'm MUCH prettier!
Dear Chiriko,
I'M SO HAPPY!!! I had some testing done on Wensday & Tuesday, and I did really good! My best was laungage mech. an laungage somethingelse...umm...but I'm happy! I did pretty good in math too..and my daddy let me have a beanie babie he had put away. It's a kawaii terrier dog! Well, ja ne!!*hugs Chiriko*
Dear Keiko,
Omedeto! *Hugs her*
Dear Tamahome,
Uh... I have some love problems. You see, I'm in love with this girl. But she has the soul and mind of a 8 year old child in her. (Loooong story) What should I do?
Uh.... some guy...
Dear some guy,
Wait until she grows up so you don't get arrested.
Dear Hotohori,
HONTO?! arigato gozaimasu! *lady gently brushes hotothori-sama's hair and sighs* this is so relaxing....such pretty hair...*twists it up and secures it with two hairsticks* ever think of wearing your hair like this? it's pretty, AND keeps it outta your face and off your neck!*takes the lovely locks back down and brushes again*
Dear Saralady ,
Interesting, but a bit too feminine for me. Arigato for brushing my hair. It feels very nice.
Dear Tasuki,
:points to Chan: it is Ashley Chan is in Chan meaning friend >.< my last name is *Gags* Brown. and of course I am going to meet you at Anime Expo!!! The first day I am gonna be...Wakaba from Utena cause my friend is dragging me to the Utena pannel..the second day I am gonna be Sailor Neptune..third day I am gonna be Suzaku no Miko and the forth day anything I feel like :) I just got out of my school! WAIIIII! I can write to Tasuki Papa more OFTEN!! :hugs Tasuki Papa: ^_^ :hands him a sake slurpee: I am having a party! Come party with me!
Ashey Chan
Dear Ashey Chan,
Oh, ok. Is this better? Chichiri will be there dressed as Chichiri, with th' staff, kasa, beads, an' we're hoping th' kesa. Kelli-chan will be there, too. As Celes. Ya' can't miss her! Tall redhead... MY attitude... heh-heh... See ya' there!
Dear Chiriko,
Konnichiwa, Chiriko! I've got a question, or two, or three...Anywho, what'r the Japanese translations for how, where, who, and when? Okay, I think that's it. Well, I'll probably have more questions, sooner or later.^_^ Arigato!
Dear Kuro,
How = doyatte sometimes shortened to dou, Where = doko, Who = dare or donata if you're being formal, When = itsu. You may want to try the Japanese/English Dictionary Server.
Dear Mitsukake,
*poofs in from a vortex that suddenly opens up behind Mitsukake.* Oi! ZIP! What's up? Good, you went to Mitsukake to heal Herman. Hey, wait a minute... aren't you supposed to be locked up for a few hundred years still? Don't tell me you broke out! You're going to get into even more trouble if the High Council finds out about this! They might even take your hampsters away from you! They threatened to give them to me when you first got locked up for causeing that inter-reality black out! Larva's realy worried about you ya know. He's been taking care of the other furies and changing their shifts for ya, but he still wants you back.
Dark Lady Charrion: Zip! How'd you get out? I'm sooooo sorry to hear about your hamsters.
Mistress Infinity: What about the hamsters?
DLC: Never mind. Infinity had a few of her bishonen take care of them.
Infinity: Wow, nice lookin' world ya found here. *looks around at the various seishi and gods all over the place.* OOOOOOOOOOH! Who are those little cuties?!?!?! *points to Nyan Nyans* They're just so adorable!!!!!!!!!!!! I love chibi!!!!!!!!
Mistress Infinity
Dear Mistress Infinity,
*Sweatdrops and looks confused...* Ano... arigato.
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki DEAR, your Aisai would like a word with you... It has come to my attention that you were caught kissing your own "daughter" quite passionately. ;_; Et tu, Tasuki? It's definate proof that she is adopted, I suppose...How could you betray your own Aisai like this? *sniffles* *hurt look* *picks up her bags and sniffles again* Sayonara, Tasuki-san. *hangs head and turns to leave*
Iridal, the (ex?) Tasuki no Aisai ;_;
Dear Iri-chan,
*Glares at Kelli... "Ya' gotta BIG MOUTH! In more ways than one!"*
Gomen nasai Iri-chan, I did it to freak her out and shut her up. I didn't think she'd tell ya'! I wouldn't hurt ya', ya' know that! She was bein' a brat an'... I'm sorry. *Looks at her with hopeful eyes...*
Dear Chiriko,
I didn't tell you the weird thing though! I saved after I put every picture up...that's why I'm so mad at my baka, baka computer. ^_^ So how are things with you, Chiriko-san?
Dear Rabbit,
If you saved your work, it should still be there. Try searching your hard drive(s) for the filenames that you are missing. Good luck!
Dear Mitsukake,
*runs and glops Mitsukake* I thought you might want to be glopped? No one knows your greatness! You're one of my fav. characters. Just stopped in to say high~ I might look like Tasuki, but I'm not! It's one of Tomo's illusions! How's it going? Heal anyone lately?
Dear Emeric,
It's going just fine. The only thing I have healed so far (besides Tasuki's hangovers) is a hamster called Herman. Thanks you for your kind words and for asking.
Dear Tamahome,
I'm no hentai!! ^_^ Well...hehehe...(takes a picture of all the Seishi) Ok, I have a picture of all ya. Now I'm happy.*course, I have tons of pictures of you favorite is one with Tasuki...he doesn't have a shirt on* (giggles) Later Tama-kins!!
Dear Keiko,
And I DON'T wear women's bathing suits, either! Sukebe...
Dear Tasuki,
I'm so happy to be back!! *gives him a hug* I've been totally deprived of anime for TWO LONG WEEKS!!! Though....uh....I did see Dragonball Z in Italian ^^; I missed minna! Did ya miss me?
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
Hai! Welcome back! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tamahome,
You look like a super saiyan-jin when you get mad, ya know that? In case you don't know a SSJ is when a saiyan(from Dragon Ball Z) gets mad and powers up a lot. His hair turn all yellow and his eyes turn green. Although you turn more red*_*. Have you watched the FY dub at all? If you did what did you think of it? I thought it was evil and scaryO_o. I vowed to never buy one again. I'm sticking to subs. Ja ne
Celestial Starz
Dear Celestial Starz,
I have been told that I resemble a super saiyan-jin when I am EXTREMELY angry. I suppose that it's true. Chichiri no Aijin has the DVD set and we all agree that the dub is evil!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Ack! Help...My family and I just went on a vacation for 5 days, leaving my best friend to housesit for us (we have a dog, cat, and rabbit, as well as plants that needed caretaking). I told her that yes, she could have a few people over, just to clean up after herself. Well, 2 days after we left, she invited a mutual friend, one of HIS friends, and a guy that she's like so in love with. The guy she likes, we'll call him C, had her call her mother, who's a really easy going lady, and buy them some wine coolers, a case of ZIMA (an alcoholic drink), and a bottle of tequila. They all got drunk, in MY house, and one of the guys threw up on the carpet in my PARENTS room.
Also, they moved the furniture noticably, left shot glasses in the dishwasher, and C's paystub was in my parents room. There's a huge pink stain on the floor, one of the lamps in thier room broke, and they're extremely mad.
I talked to one of the guys, the one I'm mutual friends with, and I'm not mad at him, just disappointed. How should I deal with my friend? She said she'd pay for all the damage, but she and C got to making out and more too, and she seems to be pretty proud of the hickey on her neck, and it bothers me. Also, they took pictures of them taking shots and stuff with a digital camera, then left it at my house. I was lucky enough to find and erase all the bad pics before my family saw it. How should I deal with her? I feel angry, and hurt, but I guess the feeling that most comes up is betrayal. What should I do? Help!
Dear C.M.,
Well your friend did betray your trust in her, no da. She should pay for the damages and you will have to decide if you ever wish to trust her with this kind of responsibility again, no da. Even though it bothers you that she did what she did with C it is her business. The best you can do in that situation is talk to her about using protection and also let her know that her bragging is doing nothing for her reputation except dragging it through the mud, no da. Good luck, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
BAAAAAAAAAAAKA! PFFT! Demo, atashi wa warugaki desu. HONTO. I admit this. *winks*
Kelli, CnA#2
Dear Kelli,
*Sighs...* Ya' know ya' REALLY remind me of yer Obasan Aidou...
Dear Chichiri,
*mournful, disembodied voice* It really isn't FAIR, you know. It just ISN'T! You kill one stupid little flowergirl and everyone thinks you are the bad guy. What's WRONG with world domination, Hm? NOTHING! And I get sent to limbo by an effeminate monk for being myself. Hmph.
Dear Sephiroth,
You have threatened my aisai and my aijin. I can't forgive that, no da!
Dear Hotohori,
you know what sucks? lady's hotmail account was down for the past 5 days. it wasn't until today that i managed to get into it, and when i did...i discovered that they had deleted ALL of my messages! so now i've lost links to a buncha fun places, and some pictures, and some stories friends sent me, and TONS of email addresses! i'm SO not happy with hotmail right now*sighs heavily* know what'd make me feel better, though? if ya let me brush your hair. it's just so dern pretty! ...course...asking the emperor to let you brush his hair is probably treason....*sweatdrops*heh...
Dear Saralady,
Certainly you may brush my hair if you wish. Just please be gentle. Have you perhaps considered a mail account?
Dear Chiriko,
Are you really a guy?
Dear Megan,
*Eyebrow twitches...* Last time I looked... -_-
Dear Chichiri, over! I didn't do anything WRONG! And the cop pulled me over!!!! *lip quivers* You know I can't wait for CA...
Kelli, CnA#2
Dear Kelli,
Daijoubu desuka, no da? *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Nuriko,
*walks in looking disoriented* Um, excuse me, miss! Have you seen a tanned, red haired girl walk by? Or a greenish brown haired girl dressed in green? They're my companions, you see...We were supposed to see the Emperor of Konan, but we got separated...Have you seen either of them?
Miz Mishtal
Dear Miz Mishtal,
Sumimasen, I haven't. What is your business with the Emperor?
Dear Tasuki,
Daarin... I said otto .... not Ototo!!! not the same!!! ¬_¬ nah nah nah Bad boy Tasu-kun!! see ya later ^_~ bye
Dear Hieisan,
Otto?? Who th' h*ll is Otto??
Dear Hotohori,
How would you feel about having another wife? Or a girlfriend? *sigh* Okay, okay, a no. 1 fan...But I think you're sooo gorgeous!!! *drools* Well, I guess I better stop flirting with you or Houki's mad at me. Ja ne!
Dear Neko,
Gomen, but I am very happy with Houki.
Dear Chichiri,
You realize that as soon as you are gone, I am dealing with Kelli's impertinence.
Dear Sephiroth,
*Takes his mask off and glares at Sephy* You do realize that I'm NOT leaving! YOU ARE! *Snaps fingers and Sephy disappears.*
Dear Chichiri,
M'kay, Chich, we just wanna know...exactly how much hair spray does it take to do that three-inch-in-the-air thingy with your blue-sprout? And! Your 'no da's are so contagious...people are always lookin at us weird cause it slipps out every once in a while. *smiles* No da! Anywho, we love you Chichiri! Ja ne!
Neko & Kuro
Dear Neko & Kuro,
Arigato! I don't use hairspray, no da! It just grows that way, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
Atashi no oyaji wa sanshikisumire desu ne! *thumbs nose* BIIIIIIIIDA!
Kelli, CnA#2
Dear Kelli,
JINNAI!!! Omae wa warugaki desu yo!!! *Sticks his tongue out at her...* BIIIIIDAAAAAAA!!!!!!!
Dear Nuriko,
Konnichiwa, Nuri-chan!!! You'resocuteyou'resocute!!!!! *ahem* I'm okay...No! I'm not!! *squeals, making everyone cover their ears* Nuriko no kawaiiiiiii!!!!!!! Okay, -now- I'm okay. Anywho, I dont really have any questions for ya. I'm just writing to you 'cause you're so CUTE!!! Well, I think I'll go write Tas-chan now! Ja ne!
Dear Kuro,
Arigato for your sweet words! *Smiles*
Dear Tasuki,
Konnichiwa!!! I just wanna tell ya that your my absolute fav. seishi!!! *cooes* You're so gorgeous...
Dear Kuro,
I am?? COOL! Heh-heh-heh... *Fanged grin*
Dear Tasuki,
That's okay Tasuki papa, I love you anyways!! Just one more day and I dont have school until September!! WAI!! *-* anyway Tasuki Papa, how come you dont call me Ashley Chan? ;-; am I not important enough to be a Chan?? :sniffles:
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley,
We always thought yer las' name WAS Chan! Ya' mean it ain't??? So, ya' gonna meet us at AX?
Dear Chiriko,
Wah! Chiriko-san, guess what? I had gotten all the pilots on the page, and my computer went. Just -poof-. Now they're all gone! Maybe...I'll have to check again. Arigatou for all the help. *hugs Chiriko*
Dear Rabbit,
Sumimasen! That's why you need to save your work often. Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Tasuki,
I couldn't..... he wasn't in school the whole week.... *sniffles* Honor seniors don't have to take the finals.... and today is the last day of school, hopefully I can go to his graduation. *needs a hug*
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
I hope so, too! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Nuriko,
Wahhh! Nuri-kun, I was working on my webpage, adding the pictures and all, when my computer screwed up, right? Well, I shut it down and restart, and I look at it, and it's gone! *sniffs* It's so sad, and I'm really mad at my baka computer right now...
Dear Rabbit,
Gomen... *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Chichiri,
*teleports in* What do you THINK you are doing? You think you can defeat the Great Sephiroth!?
Dear Sephiroth,
*Looks at Sephy and smiles* So does that mean I should pay no attention to the man behind the curtain, no da?
Dear Chiriko,
*Runs up to Chiriko and hugs him*! It's summertime! I cannot believe that I'm actually an upperclassman now. One thing I'd like to ask, there such a thing as overstudying? Today was my Chemistry and Spanish exams, and I studied REALLY hard for them all of this week along with my others...I think I aced them both, but I had this tired, sick feeling before I went to bed last night. What's your recommendation for study times, or do you have a good study plan?
Dear Hoshi,
Try to study for 2 hours then take a 15-20 minute break. Go back and review what you just studied and then continue from there.
Dear Tamahome,
What's between you and Nakago? I know you seem to hate each other, but he sure seemed to enjoy kissing/licking you...I'm just curious about what really went on when you were in Kutou.
Miss Slash
Dear Miss Slash,
There is NOTHING between us! He is just a disgusting pervert!
Dear Chichiri,
Ei, do you guys know that there's this chapter in Yu Yu Hakusho where they had to fight the four evil gods -- hear hear, Genbu, Byakko, Seiryuu and Suzaku -- who plan to dominate the human world with their evil schemes? But of *course* they're different gods. Heheh, if you don't know what I'm talking about here, it's like this. As I had said, they wanted to dominate the human world so Yusuke, Kuwabara, Hiei and Kurama had to get them first. Hiei killed Seiryuu very easily -- heck, Seiryuu's the worst even in YYH! (Seiryuu killed Byakko 'cuz Kuwabara won over him.) >_< Suzaku is their leader, and he used Keiko (Yusuke's girlfriend) to make things more complicated. Well, he lost to Yusuke, but what the heck. Just a random, there weren't any mikos or seishis...although Suzaku could split into seven...
Dear Manille,
Honto ni, no da? Very interesting, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki, I found some from from the creator herself saying it! About certain feelings for Miaka! See.... I posted this up on the message board, but I thought I'd let you know? I was reading Hotohori's novel summary~ go figure, and it said something at the end~ go figure ~ If you haven't seen this already, go and do so. Now, no one can say otherwise now about how you see Miaka~ Either link should do. It says at the end of the Hotohori summary of his novel, a few things Watase pointed out in the free talk! ~in the freetalk, watase said some interesting things about the "love" in fushigi yuugi. she said that the love between tamahome and miaka was "renai" (this is written with the 2 kanji for love, "koi"[romantic love], and "ai" [pure love]), but she did NOT consider tasuki's, nuriko's, or amiboshi's love for miaka that kind of love; but a little bit off (more towards romantic or more towards pure, or more towards brotherly.) she ALSO said something that should make all "possessive" tasuki fans happy; that she thinks the lyrics of "setsunakutemo...zutto" (tasuki's song from teh ova) does NOT fit his love towards miaka adn fit yuuhi's love towards aya! (her ayashi no ceres characters). i agree!!! ah, watase's cool >: )= Now, I'm going to get some authors just took over the Suzaku Seishi Fanfiction review board, and we have more planning ahead~ I know, we are teamed up with Tomo, but he's stopped wearing the make up and the weird clothing, and he's a really nice guy too! Excuse my appearance at the moment, Tomo made me look like YOU so no one would be sucpicious! Don't tell anyone! Hehehe.... It's good to be the bandit!
Dear Emeric,
It sure is!! Thanks! *Fanged grin*
Dear Tamahome,
*Gasps* So you guys *do* answer us! I was getting a tad worried that you didn't received my questions. Anyway, I've got a prob. My monthly 'Net bill is so high but our classes are suspended till the 23rd so I don't have any allowance to pay for my bills!!! Ahh, whatta do?!? I don't have any Green Gum to sell eh. (Pointless question, ne? >_<)
Dear Manille,
Gomen, I don't know what to tell you besides get a job.
Dear Chichiri,
Can I borrow that wonderful hat of your's so I can disapear tomorrow durning finals? :Begs with tears in eyes: pleaseeee?
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley,
I wish I could, no da. *Gives her a hug.* Ganbatte kudasai, no da!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Ano...I think the Tamahome & Nuriko's linx are busted...^.- Oh ya!! Great news! I might of found another dog! It's a kawaii cocker spaniel puppy!! We can't get it yet...but we might! *happy!!* If we get him, I'll send u a pic of him, if u want...Also, I have a picture that took me two hours to has Suzaku & Seiryuu me `n my two buddies...When I scan it in, I can jes send it to your Webmistress, right? Well, bye!!!*huggles everyone an bops Tamahome again for taking her money*
P.S. Tamahome, I gave Nakago a picture of you, in a little girls bathing suit...hehee...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Dear Keiko,
We checked the links and they are fine. Omedeto on your possible new puppy! Yes, youcan pictures to Chichiri no Aijin at You gave Nakago what??? HENTAI!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
When do you think the "Ask the Slayers" page will be reopened?
Psychic Sora
Dear Psychic Sora,
Sore wa himitsu desu!
Dear Psychic Sora,
OI!! What th' H*LL is HE doin' HERE???
Dear Mitsukake,
*runs in crying with Herman in her arms* Mitsukake! You're the only person I thought to come to. Herman's sick! I'm afraid he's going to die! You've gotta help! Herman is my lead power-generating-hampster and if he stops running on his wheel for too long then the other hampsters get tired and stop running and there's a blackout all over the celestial gates. And then everyone yells at me for not shifting the hampster's and letting them get tired and then the Great Counicl will seal me up for another thousand years for being irresponsible, which I'm not.....well at the moment. *whistles innocently* Plus Herman's my favourite! I reeeally LOVE him! Can you help him please? *hugs you with big sad watery eyes* I'd love you forever!
Lady Zip (and a very sick and innocent little Herman the power-generating-hampster)
Dear Lady Zip,
While you aren't making much sense, I hate to see any creature suffer... *Heals Herman* Now, take better care of your pets!
Dear Tasuki,
Aw, shuddup, ya pansy. *stops, puts her hands on her hips and thumbs her nose*
Kelli, CnA#2
Dear Kelli,
PANSY?!?!?!?!? What th' H*LL do I look like?!?!?!? A *(^%$#@ FLOWER?????????
Dear Chiriko,
HI! Its me again^_^ Cant keep me away from you*smile* I must say that your voice is great! I really like your songs to. Im still working on my homepage and hoping it to be ready soon. I will be pretty busy this week so maybe i will have it ready till next week. Well, See ya!*gives Chiriko a hug*
Dear Annie,
Arigato! I look forward to seeing it. Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Chichiri,
*eyes widen* Well well....*sweatdrop*....guess we have no more interruptions...^_^;;;
Kelli, CnA#2
Dear Kelli,
Hai, no da! *Smiles*
Dear Mitsukake,
*shakes head* No, it was not Gaetue*or whatever his name is* It was some dude who looked so much like you I said, "My God! Mitsukake's in Sorcerer Hunters! That's Creepy!!" O.o
Dear Keiko,
Gomen, it really wasn't me.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Wai! There's an anime convention near where I live! Waiwaiwai! I'm so excited. Saaa...I need ideas for costumes...any? Guys? Onegai?
Dear Rabbit,
I don't know... go as one of the Magic Knights Rayearth girls? What charatcers do you like?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hmmmmmmm, so far I think one of my best buddies Taiitsu no Miko's been the weirdest with those 'licking' questions a while back. *sniff.* That smells very farmiliar, and it's not fangirl repelant. *gets gwishy/stary eyed* Nope, definitely not glomp-repelant. Sorry to tell ya this, but if i were you, I'd start running. That stuff's better at attracting girls than getting rid of them. *glomps Chichiri* (to everyone else.) It's too late for the monk, but if you don't start running, you're ginna be trampled in the fangirl stampede that's probably heading this way right now.
Shrinemaiden Keisei
Dear Keisei,
Uh-oh!! Tasuki just used it, too!! But I think you're right about your friend. She does win for strangest question!
Dear Tasuki,
Well, I am trying to torment Suboshi! Well, I'm busy taking over the "Suzaku Seishi Fanfiction Review" message board with Tomo and the other authors. Tomo actually ditched his make up! Wow! Tasuki, you're still my number 1 seishi though! Suboshi won't cut me any slack! How can I torture Suboshi? I need him to tell me something! Any suggestions? I can't think of a story. I thought of him having another brother, but I was thinking of having you as his brother, then you can beat him up? But I don't want to hurt the hansom twin! Maybe I'll just keep on torturing you? Sorry for making you pregnant Tasuki. Did I tell you that I wrote about your Miracle? Hehehe...I'm gearing up to write a third part-sorry! It just happened!!!! I said you were easy! To write about!
Dear Emeric,
Ya' could have Yui ask him or use her as a threat to make him work wit' ya'. An' I don't need to be his brother to beat him up! *... grumbles ...* Thanks.
Dear Tasuki,
You're not the only one who can't swim. I cannot swim either. Being under water just freaks me out.... *shudders* Oh, and today, I took the gym finals and Spanish 1 finals. The gym one had 100 questions and 5 essay questions and the Spanish had 200 QUESTIONS!!!!!! and also, you have to translate 2 essays and they also gives you a picture and you have to write a story about it in Spanish!!!!!!! I just finished the Spanish with a spare 1 sec. left, that was close. They only give you 1 and a half hour, I was totally shaking after the test, literally. And it was really weird when I was walking home, I suddenly felt sort of lonely.... I don't really know why..... my friends were talking to me and all...... but I felt so alone.... is it because a particular senior is leaving? And that I may never see him again.....?
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
It could be. Why not ask him if ya' can keep in touch wit' him?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I can't catch some Pocket Bishounen I want! WAAAH!!! I don't know enough about the anime or something and I don't have any patience to go look through summaries. Plus anime is expensive darn it! I do actually have a question though. In THTC which person sings which(like baritone, bass,etc) cuz I'm having trouble picking out voices. Also what does Metcha Hajikete Gattsu Tobashite mean? I love that song but have no money to buy a CD with;_;
Celestial Starz
Dear Celestial Starz,
Tamahome and Chichiri are tenors. Tasuki and I are baritones. The title translates out to "Fired Up and Shooting Guts". Don't ask, we didn't write it.
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