Dear Tasuki,
:Sniffles: Arigatou Tasuki Papa, I feel a lot better. You know I really don't feel bad abut letting them fail! ^_^ heh heh heh, but does wonderful Tasuki Papa wanna do me a *small* favor, since I am your nicest daughter and I never hurt you. Can you go to the ask the final fantasy page and flame Seifer? ;-; :sniffles: he wont let me be his G/F and I was really really nice to him too! Please Tasuki Papa? *-* there will be lots of Sake as a reward if you do!
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley,
I read yer letter an' his reply an' he wants to be yer friend. That's NOT a bad thin' ya' know! Friends are MORE precious than boyfriends an' ya' can depend on yer friends more than ya' can yer boyfriends most of th' time. So, gomen I can't flame a guy fer bein' upfront wit' ya' and wantin' to be yer friend. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
You are sooooooo cool!! *gives Tasuki a hug*.
Dear Jennie-chan,
Arigato!!! *Hugs her back.*
Dear Tasuki, what would you be doing with that anti-glomp thingie, Tasuki? You're not going to _spray_ that, are you? *big watery eyes* Onegai?
Dear Rabbit,
HAI!! *Starts spraying*
Dear Chiriko,
Ah, GundamW characters. I haven't decided how many, or who yet, but I'm working on it! *grins* Ja ne, Chiriko-san!
Dear Rabbit,
That's cool! Well, you have Heero, Quatre, WuFei, Duo, Trowa, and Relena for starters. Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Tasuki,
woohoo!!! (I'm okay) Alright, I wanna know if you smell like you're a smoker. 'Cause of the tessin and all. Also, how'd you get so cute????? Ja Ne, you little cutie!!!
Dear Chickababe,
Nah, I jus' smell like a guy who starts fires. I was BORN this cute! *Fanged grin*
Dear Tamahome,
why do you love miaka so much? personally, i just don't see it. is it because there really is a connection between the 2 of you? or is it because the book said so? by this, i mean, the book says that the guy with the demon insignia ends up with the suzaku no miko, who just happened to be miaka. if ever someone else entered the book and became the suzaku no miko, would you fall in love with her as well?
Dear kys,
I love her because she is a kind, selfless person. She is also strong willed and somewhat independent. I really don't think I would just fall in love with any miko.
Dear Tasuki,
I'M BACK!!!!! *Hugs Tasuki* Did ya miss me? I had the most wonderful time in Europe! What am I suppose to do then? I can't talk, I can't look *covers eyes* Is that better? *sniffles*
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
Of course ya' can look! *Gives her a hug.* Welcome back!
Dear Mitsukake,
(points to Mitsukake) What're you doing in Sorcerer Hunters?! I swear I saw you in it! Some dude with a white t-shirt an bandana's jes like yers!(nods) You were serving Hotdogs.(nods again) I freaked when I saw it. Or, you might have a twin. -.- Who knows...
Dear Keiko,
Are you certain it wasn't Gateau? I don't sell hotdogs.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I'M BACK!!!!!!!!! *hugs everyone* Thats right! I'm back from Europe. Did you guys miss me? CnA told me to tell you guys all about my trip, so here I go.....In London I didn't get to do much cause we wern't there for that long, but I did see Andrew Llyod Webber's new musical "Whistle Down the Wind". It was funny watching those British try and do a Southern accent. I saw Saint Paul's Cathedral Tell CnA I saw that cafe she told me about, it was pretty cool ^_^ After London I went to Paris, It rained to much in Paris. I saw the Eifel tower and went to the top of it. And I went to the Louvre and saw the Mona Lisa. I also got to see the Notre Dame Cathedral. I spent most of my time in Italy. First we went to Pisa and saw the tower. Then we went to Florence and saw more churches. Then I went to Rome and saw the colosseum and then Vatican City. I saw the ruins of Pompeii, I got to swim in the Mediterranean Sea, and I saw the Blue Grotto underneath the Island of Capri. I had so much fun, but I missed everyone so much!!! *hugs everyone again then clings to Tasuki*
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
It sounds like you had a great time! Welcome back!
Dear Chichiri,
I've been listening to Mizu Kagami... It's really nice (and the piano part at the beginning's starting to remind me of Tori Amos). Can you tell me the chords? I'm trying to work them out myself, I think it's in B minor, but I can't get anything else. [listens to Mizu Kagami another dozen times] [sniffles] Sad song... sad sad sad... can I give you a hug? Anyone who's ever sounded that anguished deserves a hug.
Dear Katherine,
Gomen, I really don't know what the chords are, no da. Arigato for the hug, no da!
Dear Chichiri,
*pops up in front of Chichiri* DA! How are you, no da? Lately, when I make a mistake, I go DA. It's kinda weird...O.o *giggles* You're so cute!!!*huggles Chichiri*
Dear Keiko,
*Goes SD* DA!
Dear Hotohori,
Well, all the seishi answer questions...but what about Miaka!!?? How come I can't ask her questions...>_< Well, anyway, I think you have very beautiful hair and I draw pictures of you all the time!! ^_~ But I like your eyes especially...*drools*... oh yes...could you put on of the pictures I drew of you on the website??...
Dear Empress_Miaka_Yuuki,
Arigato! Sumimasen ga, this peeji is just for the Seishi. I beleive that Miaka has her own peeji. If you'll send us either the links to your pictures or a .jpg or .gif file we'll do our best to put it up.
Dear Nuriko,
Sorry to interrupt you but you see, I have a big boy PROBLEM! It was first day of school (A week ago) when I noticed two guys with the same faces(Twins) who were staring at me, of course I'll be so thrilled because they are both cute and charming. Anyway, the problem starts here, my friend, whom i;ll just call Miaka, brought the twins to my welcometoschool party to meet more acquaintances, I met both of them because I'm the host of the party, then after a few days, rumours sprang around that they'll be proposing to me and it came true just two hours ago!!!! Hug!Nuriko, I really, really don't know what to do! I might be the cause of their fighting!!! Please! Help Me!!!
Dear Houki,
Perhaps you should just be friends with both of them so they don't fight over you. Either that, or you need to return to the Imperial Palace and your son as soon as possible!
Dear Tasuki,
Grrrrrrr....... I wasn't pestering you. I was just trying to stress the subject to truth. *shrugs* Oh, well. I bet the answer to that topic is ambigious either ways. And I am sorry for making you read all that long essay..... must have been quite boring. Gomen.
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Face it, we jus' ain't gonna agree on this one. OK? *Musses her hair*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*peeved at her dog) Ok, thanks to my dog, Wuppy(Copyright), I can't get the dog I had my hopes set on!! She tried to lunge at her! WAA!! I was planning to name my new dog, Kourin!! But now I can't cuz my stupid dog is always acting like a stupid B**** when she sees other dogs!! She's afraid of them, thats why. (is very upset and could use some hugs,*an kisses:)*)
Sad Keiko
Dear Keiko,
Gomen you weren't able to get another inu. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
*looks at him with puppy eyes and pouts* I was just trying to help... Besides, that pond was shallow enough to where your feet could've touched the bottom w/out you drowning. *pouts again* I'm sorry, I guess that's what I get for trying to teach a bandit how to swim...
C-chan ; _ ;
Dear C-chan ,
Gomen, but I jus' ain't used to swimmin'!
Dear Chiriko,
Hello! I have several questions -- I am very confused about Japanese honorifics. Since I use them in writing, I want to be sure to get them right. You explained them before, I know, but here are some specifics:
1) What if it's a younger girl talking to an older girl she is friends with? Is it still -chan?
2) Same situation, except with boys.
3) What if it's a girl talking to a guy she is friends with? Would she use -kun? Would a guy use -chan in the same situation?
Please help! I haven't much to offer in return . . . *looks around, blushing* Um, how about a pencil? Thanks!
Dear Alina,
Well, to answer first and third questions it depends on the people, their relationship, and the situation they are in. Generally if you are writing about people then no, the younger people would not address their elders as -kun or -chan. But it does happen sometimes in real life. In situation #2 the answer is no. Never. Younger men NEVER address their elders as -kun. However, it is common for older men to address younger men as -kun. I hope that helps!
Dear Chichiri,
Hellowee again! Am glad you guys found Pocket Bishonen through me! ^________^
Manille (Keiko no Miko)
Dear Manille,
So are CnA#1 and CnA#2, no da... *Sweatdrop*
Dear Nuriko,
Can I marry you? *_*. pretty please? ;_;. I have lots of nice Hotohori pictures... ^^;;
Dear Sushi,
Gomen, I'm not really looking to get married.
Dear Tasuki,
*glomps him* AISAIKA!!! I had a little bit of free time on my hands, so I thought I'd come and visit my beloved! ^_^ Unfortunately, my employer is working your poor aisai to death with long (crappy) hours. Inventory is tomorrow (and possibly the next day as well), so I have to work 10 hours the one day, and then come in at the butt crack of dawn to finish up inventory for another few hours, and THEN I'm expected to put in my regular hours on top of that. That's all I need...hour after hour of scanning boxes of hideous clothing, super sized undies, and cow print accessories (who the hell would WEAR cow print?! That's what *I* want to know!! O.o) *sigh* Anyway, I'll be like the walking dead for the next week. Oh, another thing that I've been wondering about... *unglomps him* What's this with all the daughters and girls asking to be your wife and lover and such? I turn my back for a second, and they all come out of the woodwork. *eye twitches* You have something to tell me, Gen-chan?
Your Aisai (who still adores you in spite of all those daughters ^_^),
Dear Iri-chan,
Ano... iie itooshi! They jus' love me! That's all! Sorry ya' gotta be workin' so hard! *Gives her a hug and a kiss.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*has a bucket of cold water over Tasuki's head* Should I or shouldn't I??? ^_^
Kelli, CnA#2
Dear Kelli,
Do it! Do it! *Gets glared at by Tasuki...* Oh, gomen... I'm bored and you're easy to torment! ^_^
Chichiri no Aijin
Dear Tasuki,
*Dumps the bucket of freezing water over his head* AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! *ROFL* Tasuki has crappy hair when it is wet! You look like a drowned rat, oyaji!!!
Kelli, CnA#2
Dear Kelli,
ARRRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!! THAT'S IT!!! I'M GONNA KILL TH' BOTH OF YA'!!!!!!! *Takes off running after CnA#1 and CnA#2...*
Dear Chichiri,
*poofs in* Hey honey, I'm home! *laughs* Actually, just thought I'd say hello and aishiteru! *kiss & hug* Ano...Sephiroth says no, he isn't gonna sleep outside!
Kelli, CnA#2
Dear Kelli,
*Hugs and kisses her back.* *Smiles* Want to bet, no da? *Teleports Sephy outside and in to the doghouse.*
Dear Chichiri,
*sweatdrops* You know, dearest, *I* am the one who is going to have to pay for that later...*listens to Sephy's muffled cursing and cringes*
Kelli, CnA#2
Dear Kelli,
Gomen, no da! *Snaps his fingers and the muffled cursing stops...*
Dear Hotohori,
:runs to Hotohori and points to Agent X on the Ask the Seiryuu Peeji: He said your kawaii son Boushin was as ugly and deformed as Miboshi!! :cries: he insluted BOUSHIN!!!!!!
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley,
My son looks nothing like that ugly, pathetic freak! Although, after reading Agent X's letters to the Seiryuu Seishi one wonders what has gone so horribly wrong in his life so as to make him such a distasteful person. Poor pitiful creature...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*pops out of nowhere and bows with a bright smile* Konnichiwa! I represent an alter-dimensional company called "Bishounen Unlimited." I have come to offer you a product that has been quite successful in our dimension -- Glomp Repellant. *pulls it out of the bag with a wide flourish* Made from all-natural materials, our Glomp Repellant is safe and non-polluting, approved by the Alter-Dimensional Board of Health. Just spray a little on as you would cologne and voilą! No more crazed fangirls ambushing and glomping you from nowhere! Today and today alone I am prepared to offer this free sample! *hands them a bottle* *pager beeps* I must move on! *bows* Thank you for your time, gentlemen. It was a pleasure! *grins and disappears back through the dimensional door*
the alter-dimensional salesbeing
Dear salesbeing,
*They all look at the bottle and then at each other...* OK! Me first, no da!
Dear Nuriko,
*Doc-sama blushes with happiness* I'm so glad you guys liked it. *Doc-sama finishes filling a flask of cold Harvest tea* Nuriko-kun would you introduce me to Hotohori-kun? I'd like to give him this. It's so hot, he might enjoy the break in politics. Perhaps we can bring a basket of fruit, cheeses, and bread for snacking?
Dear Doc-sama,
Hai! I'm sure he'd appreciate it.
Dear Tasuki,
Oh my goddess ... you look soooooo cute with your hair up!! (and is that from the OVA when you guys crossdressed? I haven't seen it, so I wasn't sure) When I saw you on CnA's new pocket-bishonen page, I just had to catch you, too!! Well, actually ... I caught 13 bishonen! heh heh heh ... that thing is so addicting! Well, see you later!
Dear Moon,
Glad ya' liked it... *grumbles... stupid (^%$#@+ dress...*
Dear Tasuki,
*giggles* Konnichiwa, Tasuki-kun! I see CnA-sama has found Pocket did notice you're in a dress, didn't you? *giggles*, *hands him some sake* to make...up for it...well, ja ne!
Dear Rabbit,
Hai! *... grumbles about the picture...* Arigato fer th' sake.
Dear Chiriko,
*bows* Thank you, Chiriko-san, for answering my letter! *nods* Yes, I know it takes up a _tremendous_ amount of time. And it'll take a while just to get it up...but this idea has been brewing in my head for the longest time, and I wanna do something about it...well, arigatou and ja ne!
Dear Rabbit,
You're welcome! So, what anime characters will be on this peeji?
Dear Nuriko,
Just thought I'd stop by to say 'hi' before I confront my friend. Hi! *holds out a plate of chocolate chip cookies* Want one?
Dear Katsumi,
Confront your friend? Why? *Takes a cookie.* Arigato for the oishii cookie! Good luck!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Thankyou so much for answering my letter!! It was so cool of you guys! Gomen for asking to answer me "exclusively" (I should've known)... Here! As a "token of gratitude"... *blush n' giggles*... a little present for you *adjusts big, blue glasses, presents a huge tupperware filled with chocolate chip cookies to the brim and a cross-stitch of an angel*. I hope you like the cookies. I baked them myself *grins sheepishly*, and in case you don't know what a cross-stitch is, well it's a sort of embroidery... keep the tupperware... I have finished writing my Rei-Genrou fic. You can find it here: There's a Rei-Tasuki shrine maintained by Bluhdy One, and, well... *blush* I do hope you'll enjoy, and tell me what you think of it!! Domo arigatou!!
Dear Willow-chan,
I haven't read the whole story but it is interesting so far. Just to let you know, the links on the bottom of you chapter peejis seem to be broken. I also wasn't able to get your home peeji to come up, but I'll try later. Thanks for sharing your story and peeji with all of us! And arigato for the cookies and pretty cross-stitch!
Dear Tasuki,
:falls in Tasuki's papa's lap and cries: Tasuki Papa, I have all these finals, and for my final in English I have a huge Romeo and Juliet project, and I have to work with a group. Well the group dumped the whole project on MY shoulders and expect ME to show up at school for 10 hours tomorrow because they decided to get off their @$$ the weekend before it's due, when I have tried to meet with them EVERYDAY! :cries on Tasuki Papa: I am so stressed, what do I do Tasuki Papa?!
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley,
*Hugs her* Well, since yer grade comes outta this project do yer best an' make sure th' teacher know that yer group is jus' a buncha slackers an' ya' did all th' work yerself if that's th' case. Either way, ganbatte kudasai! *Gives her a kiss on the forehead.
Dear Tasuki,
Hello. *looks at a HUGE butcher knife* Didya know that this knife isn't sharp at all? I once put it on my thumb an pressed down, but nothing happened. I'm so bored!!!! I have nothing else to do!! :( WAA!! I'm going insane!!!!! HELP!!!!
Dear Keiko,
Well might I suggest ya' don't start wit' cuttin' yerself! *Takes knife away fom her.* Go outside, read a book, go swimmin', go to a movie or th' mall! See there's LOTS ya' can do!
Dear Tasuki,
Sorry about all that long writing Tasuki! Anyway, I can't come up with any ways of tormenting any of the other Seishi. I'm thinking about tormenting Nakago. He seems an easy one to torment as well. Tormenting you just comes so easy to my mind? I don't know...don't take it personal! Your devoted, but not obssessed fangirl...(meaning I won't glop you, I'll give you your space) Emi.
Dear Emeric,
Yeah, ya' an' everyone else seem to like to torment me. 'Che! Try tormentin' Nakago or Suboshi fer a change, eh?
Dear Hotohori,
How can you say Hotohori is second?! Well, I think Tasuki is first, the best looking seishi, then it would have to be Hotohori! Sorry, I guess I put you second too?
Dear Emeric,
*Looks stunned* Nuriko I could understand as he is almost as beautiful as I. But TASUKI?!?!?!?!?!? A BANDIT???? *Faints*
Dear Nuriko,
It does sound pwetty.... would it make me look like one of those Chinese girls from anime series?
Dear Jean,
It might! I think you'd look beautiful!
Dear Mitsukake,
Well sir, your image shrine is now up at Chicken Nuggets I would have liked to do one with you and Shoka, but I can't seem to find any good pictures. Ah well, here's my own humble effort.
Dear Goshikku,
Domo arigato gozaimasu! It was very sweet of you to create it. *Smiles*
Dear Mitsukake,
*a little kitten sees Mitsukake an pounces on his foot* Mew!*a little kid `bout five comes and kicks Mitsukake in the shin by mistake* Whoops! My kitty!! Hey Mister, where's da nearest bandit?
Chibi Keiko
Dear Chibi Keiko,
I think he's at the local inn drinking...
Dear Tasuki,
Daarin!!!! *hugs Tasu* ya 'r atashi no otto!!!! ^_^ *grabs Tasu's arm and introduces her goshujin to her parents* teehee ^-^ one of my friends saw yer pic and he said ya' r an okama ... I told 'im that envy is a @#$%!! bad thing to 'ave!!! teehee ^o^ .... otokomae? whassthat? guess I'll just keep on callin' ya Gen-chan or Tasu-chan or Daarin ^_^ *looks around and see Yukinasan making faces at a Tasu-chan pic* (to Yukinasan)- Yukinasan no BAKA!!!! Yamero!!! (to Tasu) well Daarin I'll leave ya now ^_~ I've gotta throw my twin outta the room ^_^ *kisses Tasu's forehead* I'll come sometime fer a cup o' sake ^_~ Jaa ne !!!
Dear Hieisan,
Let's get a few thins' straight! One, I ain't yer lil' brother! An' I ain't yer husband either! I also ain't no okama!!! Heh-heh... that's Nuriko! *Gets flattened by Nuriko.* ITAI! An' otokomae means handsome man! *Fanged grin*
Dear Hotohori,
Ano...did you insult me?*eye twitches in anger* Whaddya mean I don't understand yer guys's humor??*throttles Hotohori*
Dear Keiko,
OI! Hands of my Emperor!!! *Lifts her up and away from Hotohori.*
Dear Tasuki,
I wonder why all the aposhtaphy...... grrrr...... how do you spell it... well, why did all of them turn to question marks?
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
What are ya' talkin' 'bout??? Do I LOOK like a freakin' Question Mark Fairy or somethin'???
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Okay, what's the weirdest and/or most favorite question people have asked you guys? A response from each of you please.
Shrinemaiden Keisei
Dear Keisei,
That's kind of difficult, as we get lots of letters. And quite a few of the them have been fairly strange. Gomen ne.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hello! My name is Manille and I'm relatively new to the Fushigi Yuugi world, but since I saw Tamahome's eyes and green locks, I got hooked. ^^ Hehe! But of course, I love all of yah, especially Nuriko when you ditched the lipstick. ^_^ But I think you looked a lot prettier than Suzaku no Miko herself when you pretended you were a girl in the first part of the anime. Gomen if I offended anyone. ^^; This is a really really cool site (and remind me to put it in the links page next time I update the site! ^_^) Anyway, for the questions!
1. Tasuki, my fave sport is swimming. What say you and all the seishi go with me to the beach? Pretty hot in here these days...
2. Ei Nuriko, how do you *really* feel towards Miaka?
3. What's everybody's fave songs or kind of music?
4. What do you guys think of the Pocket Bishonen site where peeps who just love you catch you and put you in a Pokeball for them (oops, US) to train?
5. If you guys were in another anime, where would you be? (And please don't say you wanna be in FY, this is just a curious question. ^^)
BTW, if you're interested, my homepage is at Arigatou gozaimasu for all your time!!!!!!!!!! *Gives everyone a hug* Say hi to Miaka for me! ^_____________^
Dear Manille,
Here are your answers:
1) Tasuki: I'll join ya' but I ain't gettin' in th' water!
2) Nuriko: I love her. But more like a sister I think.
3) Well, SMAP and TM Revolution come to mind. They are both J-Pop (Japanese popular) groups. I have been told that Da Pump, Glay, KinKi Kids, and Shazna (more J-Pop) are also quite good, as well as B'z which is more like Japanese rock. We hardly listen to the radio, we just generally listen to Chichiri no Aijin's CD's. So we listen to what she listens to and so far it is pretty good!
4) *All the Seishi sweatdrop.* We find it to be a bit... ano... disturbing, no da. But Chichiri no Aijin and Chichiri no Aisai seemed to enjoy it, no da.
5) Tasuki: Flames of Recca
Nuriko: Revolutionary Girl Utena
Hotohori: Ruroni Kenshin
Chiriko: MegaMan
Tamahome: DragonBall
Mitsukake: Tenchi Muyo
Chichiri: Slayers Try, no da.
Dear Chichiri,
*poofs beside Chichiri wearing polka-dotted pjs* Oha..yo gozaimasu, Chichiri-chan! HUG! Would you like to play a game of checkers with me? I brought you some fried fish!
Dear C-chan,
Hai! Sounds like fun, no da!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I'm sorry that I haven't writen in a long time. I had to go to Californis for a week and I'm gonna have to take my finals soon. I wouls like to apologize to some of you. I wrote some very rude letters. I didn't mean it but I was really stressed out and I wasn't thinking. Sorry...
Dear AlleyKat,
That's Ok. If they were terribly rude, disturbing or bizarre, they were read and deleted, no da. We hope you're feeling better, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Guys, quit pestering Tasuki-san! I'm surprised he hasn't sent a Hakuroen or Rekka Shinen after all of you.
*turns to Tasuki, hugs him* Don't worry about them *poofs the two of them into a pond* Tasuki-san, don't freak! I'm gonna teach you how to swim so that you can get back at Tama whenever he tries to throw you in the water. *grabs Tasuki's arm, guides him around in the water* It's okay, I took a lifeguarding class once, now*slowly turns him over onto his back*just stay still, you'll be okay! Relax and stretch your arms out on the water*miraculously enough, Tasuki is floating* Wai wai! It's working! *turns him over to his chest(remember, this pond is shallow, so it's okay)* Stroke with your arms, and kick with your legs....
Dear C-chan,
I'm in water!!!! ARRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! *Starts flailing instead of listening...*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I'm writing to everyone, because I am bored. I'm thinking of making a website like this, if that's okay with CnA. I'll only do it with your permission of course. Which domain do you think is the easiest to build a page on? Arigatou! *glomps Tasuki, Tamahome, and Nuriko and waves to the others* Ja ne!
Dear Rabbit,
It is, as long as you understand that it is a big responsibility and takes up ALOT of your time! As to domains, we are lucky enough to get free webhosting from a friend of a friend so we really have no opinion on that matter. Minna-san, does anyone out there have any recommendations for domains?
Dear Hotohori,
Hotohori-sama! *shakes him* Oh, please don't go into terminal shock from the letter Genki Keiko wrote you about the beautiful anime men. You might be second on her list, but you're always 1st on my list! It's not the end of the world---we still love you.
C-chan your tomodachi
Dear C-chan,
Arigato for your kind words and support! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Mitsukake,
Hi again. *sniff* My friend got caught stealing. I'm really feeling awful now and I'm blaming it all on myself! I guess I just didn't get her help in time. ;_; We're hoping they'll drop the charges against her if she apologizes and offers to do work for them but they might not. She's having so much trouble at home and school that she's thinking of moving to her Dad's house which is a long long way away now! The only upside to this is that it's scared her enough to make her stop stealing but all the rest of her friends and I can do is stand by and help when we can. Um, Could I have a hug please? It'd make me feel a bit better at least. Thanks for putting up with my pathetic self! ^_^;
Btw, Keisei, yeah I've been reading collage life. It's another one of the few things that can cheer me up a little bit. Lord Chaos is an awesome writer. I'm a bit jealous of you for going to Anime North, I've never actually met any of them but I have talked with Mayhem over internet. I kinda feel bad taking up the Seishi's space like this though (Gomen nasai, Mitsukake!) so how 'bout you e-mail me at I'd like to see your fics too.
Dear Chaos-chan,
Gomen that your friend is in trouble, but perhaps if she needs help she will be able to get it now. And if this has scared her enough to stop then at least something positive will have come out of this, ne? *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Chichiri,
Long time no write, otou-sama! *hugs Chichiri* I passed my finals... I only have two more to go, then I'm done! And then I get to go to Otakon later this summer! I'm chou genki! *smiles* Ne, this is for everyone... *holds out big bowl of udon* Hope you guys like udon... but there's toasted rice cakes too, if anyone wants it! I have to get back to updating several dozen things on my websites and the HTML often messes up on me *sighs* Oh well.... enjoy!
Dear Jasmine-chan,
That's OK, no da. I understand. Omedeto on passing your finals, no da! Arigato for the food and ganbatte kudasai on your finals, no da!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Finally! After a year of working, I have finally finished our (me and my friends) Fushigi Yuugi website! Most of the site is dedicated to you and your profiles are pretty long. Please tell me what you think! The address is The only name I could come up during that time was "Ribbons." ;^^ Most probablt because I was seeing a lot of ribbons in many FY artworks. :) Thank you so much in advance!
Dear Jill,
SUGOII!!!!!!! SUBARASHII!!!!! WOW!!!! We REALLY loved it! You have been aded to our Links peeji.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
I DON'T HATE YOU Tasuki! You're my favorite seishi Tasuki! That is why I write stories about you. You are just so darn cute! I can start writing weird ones about the others, if you want me to? I have to find my brain first and think of something I can write. Anyway, it's funny!
Dear Emeric,
I'm glad I'm yer favorite! So how 'bout tormentin' th' rest of th' Seishi... hmmmm??? I put th' rest of yer letter on the message board since this seems to ba an ongoin' discussion an' this ain't th' peeji fer that!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*Doc-sama pops in from the kitchens* Nuriko-kun wanted to try my cooking, so I whipped a few things up. Starting with: Potato cheese soup; some sweet corn muffins with apple butter; green salad with a light apple cider vinegarette; Seasoned Salmon steaks with lemon-pepper vegetables. There will be Harvest tea to drink. (Sake will ruin the taste of the food.) And a huge Apple Strudel for dessert. *Doc-sama bows to minna-san, then waves the servants in with the food* There is enough food that even Miaka-chan would leave leftovers ;D Enjoy :D (I have the recipes if anyone wants them)
Dear Doc-sama,
Arigato! Oishii desu ne!!! Chichiri loved the salmon steaks and Mitsukake thought the vegatables were fantastic! Gomen ne Doc-sama but Tasuki did get into the sake. But he said it mixed well with your Harvest Tea. Gochisousamadeshita!
Dear Hotohori,
Yes, you ARE second! If you stop acting vain and saying, "I'm so beautiful!" and "I'm way more beautiful than her." Then I would move you up to first of my list! Ok?
Genki Keiko
Dear Keiko,
*Gazes at himself in the mirror.* Poor child just does not understand our sense of humour...
Dear Hotohori,
-hugs Hotohori- don't worry hotohori I dont think your second! Your first in my book! Very handsome! Prince Demando comes into a close second, but you are first
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley,
Arigato for your kind words! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Why, yes...I have seen Sailor Moon...(in response to that one letter I've sent you guys) And it is boring...but Sailor Saturn and Sailor Uranus rock! Hehee...Kunzite's beautiful...OOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO!!! Heheheh...Yes, my list of Beautiful Anime Dudes: 1.) Trunks from DBZ 2.)Hotohori from FY 3.)Marron from Sorcerer Hunters 4.)Kunzite from SM Yes, Hotohori, you're second...well, bye!!!
Genki Keiko
Dear Keiko,
Second?? I-I-I CAN'T believe it!
Dear Chiriko,
How old are you? Some people say your nine and others say you're fourteen. It just gets me confused.
Dear Kitty,
I'm thirteen. I just look young for my age.
Dear Chichiri,
*sob sob* Hello Chichiri; I'm sooooo upset. I am having the worst week possible. WAHHHHHHHH!!!! *starts crying* Gomen, but I'm just so sad. My mommy is being really, really, mean to me (long story so I won't bore you with it) and my best friend is angry with me AND I have to study for finals! It's horrible! And on top of everything else I still have not gotten the next Fushigi Yuugi tape. Boo-Hoo!! Your still in Tomo's little illusion and he's killing you. *cries harder* And now my other friend, Marc says I have a sad, sad life(sad as in pathetic). I don't have a pathetic life, do I? I don't know if anything will cheer me up. Ok, so I can be cheered up. Just looking at you makes me happier. Your such a good friend to me, I just hope your having a much better week than me. Just in case you are having a bad week here's a flower for you. *hands him a small white daisy* Arigatou for listening to me. Ja ne!
Aenne aka Chichiri no hime
Dear Aenne,
Gomen, no da! I hope things get better for you soon, no da! Arigato for the flower, no da. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
If Suzaku and Sireu (I have no idea how to spell his name) are only two gods who are the other two?
Dear Kitty,
They are Byakko and Genbu. And it is spelled Seiryuu.
Dear Tasuki,
I hope you don't mind me asking, but who the h*ll is Koji?
Dear Kalisto,
Kouji is my best friend!
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