Dear Tasuki,
Okay…… let’s start from Volume 4, where Tasuki first came into the series. Tasuki first appeared in Mt. Reikaku, to kidnap Miaka; he thought Miaka was the wife of Eiken, so he stole her so that Eiken would have to battle in order to get Miaka back. So Tasuki took Miaka to a hideout. Just to fool around, he took off his shirt and tilted Miaka’s head up so he could kiss her. To his surprise, Miaka struggled back and punched him.
Volume 5- Back here, Tasuki still cared for Miaka as a little sister. When Chichiri and Tasuki left Miaka to Nakago’s soldiers, Tasuki complained of leaving Miaka there, if something should have happened to her, they will be a bad name for men. Later Tasuki was worried when Miaka went under the tree to wait for Tama. So he and Chichiri went out to get Miaka. Miaka was about to get smashed by Tama’s nam-chuck(how do you spell it?), Tasuki rescued her. He was pissed that Miaka waited for a guy like Tama. Tasuki got really hurt and bandaged because of Miaka. Now let’s skip ahead.
Volume 14- Here now is 2 years later after Miaka had returned back to her world. Once again, Miaka went back to the other world. But this time it was from the mysterious power of the scroll that Suzaku had given her. When Taka and Miaka arrived there, a monster quickly appeared, so out of nowhere, Tasuki came and rescued them. So then he brought them over to his house. At the dinner table: (Miaka):I'm so glad to see you again Tasuki!! (Miaka):Being with Taka like this is all do to you, Chichiri, and the rest of the Suzaku Seishi! (Tasuki):...... Gaji Gaji (Aidou):What? It's not like you to get all bashful, stupid! (Tasuki):Shut the hell up!! Who's getting bashful?...... DOSU This translation is by Tasuki no miko. (Anyways, if my brother thanked me, I wouldn’t blush, I would just boast and say he’s right. And before, in the earlier mangas, Tasuki didn’t act that way toward Miaka when she thanked him when he did something for her.)
Volume 15- When Miaka got pushed from the roof the school, she was transported once again into the book world and she banged Tasuki’s head ^_^. Then an earthquake came and Taitsu-kun transported Chichiri, Tasuki, and Miaka to Konankoku. Miaka fell unconscious. So Tauski dragged her from the pond onto the rock so she could breath. He then gave her the famous, “artificial respiration” ^_^. After he did that, he was very self-conscious, he kept on touching his lips. Then he put his hand on her cheek, “Miaka….” He was blushing also. Then Chichiri came and scared the heck out of Tasuki. And if you want to refer to the OVA, when Taka came and immediately hugged Miaka to ask if she was alright, Tasuki stared at them the whole time, he was very jealous. Then later, after the demon left Boushin’s teddy. Miaka fell and Tasuki immediately used himself as a mat so Miaka won’t get injured. (Hm…… he didn’t rescue her like that before in the anime series….. I wonder why…….? ^_^) The conversation went like this: Sound: crack crack crack Miaka: Aghh Sound: crash Miaka: ...Tasuki! Thanks! Tasuki: It-It was nuthin'. You're heavy, though, so get off me! Sound: thump Chichiri: This chapter you've really been saving Miaka a lot; it's very admirable. But at the pond you also gave her a "kiss." Miaka: Huh? Tasuki: It's called "artificial respiration" ---!! (That was very cute, I thought!) And if you want to refer to the OVA, ok, when Taka and Miaka were about to leave, they were talking happily. As Tasuki stared at them, he scowled. He was jealous.
Volume 16- The conversation went like this on the way to the temple: (Tasuki):...Aren't ya angry? (Miaka):Huh? (Tasuki):Because of whatever happened between Tamahome and that girl Miiru?! (Miaka):! (Tasuki):If ya ask me it's his fault he has a spell on him! (Tasuki):Didn't he go to that girl's place? "I don't remember anything"...isn't that convenient?! Tasuki thinks Taka doesn’t deserve Miaka. But later, he did say he was worried about Taka even like this. After Tasuki was bitten by the snake on his waist, Miaka sucked the poison out. During this whole process, Tasuki was blushing. After that, she took off her shirt o_O, and tore a part of it to wrap around Tasuki’s wound. She said it was in return for the artificial respiration, ^_^. On the way back, Tasuki can barely walk, so Miaka put his arm around her shoulders so she could help him walk While he was walking he couldn’t help but glance down her bra…. The conversation went like this. (Tasuki):...Miaka! It's OK, go on ahead! I'll be fine... Stagger (Miaka):No! You have a really deep wound! You got it protecting me (Tasuki):Y-yeah... Glance (Tasuki):If we come back like this Tamahome's gonna kill me (Miaka):!? (hehe) And then later, when Taka got the poison out. (Taka):Tasukii (Tasuki):Yeah? What is it Tama?! (Taka):What's with that? (Tasuki):WA----------H It's not what you think. It's a long story--------(Taka):What were you doing? Do I have to make you tell me e---verything? Taka was referring to the way Miaka was dressed. She was only wearing a bra and shorts.
Volume 17- In the beginning, it was funny. Miaka suddenly came to the book world, and she saw Hotohori, Chichiri, and Tasuki bathing. When they saw her, they stood up, o_O. Taka got some of the stones taken from him, so Miaka was sad, Tasuki tried to talk to her, but she left him, and he frowned. And then, here comes a really cute scene: (Tasuki):...Why?...When you love someone that much, isn't it supposed to end pain and sorrow? (Tasuki):Why would someone fall in love if it makes them cry and get hurt?...I don't get it! (Hotohori):...Tasuki, when you love someone then you'll understand (Chichiri):Tasuki's finally hit puberty...Really late but (Tasuki):...I don't...get it... And this scene is very important. It later goes back to the tree scene. Then afterwards, Tasuki saw Miaka crying, (Miaka):It calms me being in his warm arms (Miaka):Just like it was with Tamahome... Zaku Zaku (Tasuki):...I still don't get it...If I fell in love with someone?...If I did Pita... (Tasuki):...If I did, would it make me cry like that?... CRY! This also refers to the tree scene later on…… Then later, he saw Taka and Miaka hugging and kissing, he frowned at that. And then comes the scene where Tasuki turns bad by Hikou. (Tasuki):...Tamahome, didn't I tell ya?...If you made Miaka cry again I'd make you sorry for it! (Tasuki):Hmph... ...What? You don't remember that either? Give me a break (Tasuki):You've always made me sick (Tasuki):No matter how much you hurt Miaka, she puts up with it (Taka):...Tasuki...!? (Tasuki):You came here to get all your memories? Don't make me laugh! (Tasuki):You've...never loved Miaka that much!! (Tasuki):I don't know when you'll disappear but I know you'll make Miaka sad again. That's the kind of guy you are!! (Tasuki):I can't stand by and watch anymore----------- I'll (Tasuki):TAKE MIAKA!! In that part, I think Tasuki was half conscious. So later, Tasuki tricked Miaka to the inn…… He offered her drinks and Miaka got drunk. Then he started making silly faces at her to make her laugh Then he takes her up to the room…… (Tasuki):...It's OK. Take it easy, Miaka! It's a dream, a dream! (Miaka):Huff Huff Huff (Miaka):Another...dream?... (Miaka):...Hu...h? Tasuki...where are we?... (Tasuki):An inn above the restaurant! I brought you here cause you were drunk and causing a disturbance laughing by yourself (Miaka):...Where are Taka and Chichiri...? (Tasuki):...Beats me (Miaka):"Beats me"?...But you said they'd be coming soon! (Tasuki):They're not coming Jara... (Tasuki):...Chichiri and Tamahome aren't coming Zoku... Gi (Miaka):Ha...Ah ha ha Oh no...Tasuki, you're drunk too. I'll...I'll go outside to look for them this time! Taka must be there by now... (Miaka):!! Dokun (Tasuki):I told you they're not coming...! Dokun Dokun Dokun (Tasuki):You won't be happy with Tamahome (Tasuki):I won't give you back to him (Miaka)!? Dokun Dokun (Tasuki):You're better off with me...I'll always make you laugh. You'll never cry again (Word Balloon):Puchi (Miaka):No (Miaka)'re acting strange...Wh...what's wrong...----------huh?! (Tasuki):Yeah...I'm acting strange, aren't I? I've always said I hated women've always been different from "women" (Tasuki):Miaka is Miaka (Tasuki):The first time I met you...I thought you were a strange brat but...somehow you're suddenly becoming a "women"...Before long you'll be completely that way (Miaka):What...are you saying?... (Tasuki):Did you notice? (Tasuki):I'm a "man" now too (Miaka):Nmh (Miaka):No... You see, in this part, Tasuki said that he thought she was a little kid at first, but now she’s a “woman” Then later Taka came and Tasuki beat him up. Then Miaka said she loved Taka…… and so on. Then Tasuki realized that he shouldn’t betray his and Taka’s friendship like that. After that, Hikou comes and kidnaps Miaka. (Tasuki):...What...Hikou did to you was the same thing I did to Tamahome......Even so he doesn't blame me...neither does Miaka (Tasuki):Tamahome is important to me. Miaka too...And though I had always thought of her like a little sister (Tasuki):I...I did something like that...! ...As a man...I never thought I'd do such a dirty thing! (Tasuki):I...I don't care if I die...If it's for them then I... ... Kusha... (Chichiri):There...are no perfect humans, so people can't live alone...I understand, Tasuki. The 2 of us will Tasuki meant that he did think of Miaka as a little sister, but not anymore. Then later, they all rescued Miaka and came back to Nuriko’s house. And Chiriko was there. This part was very funny too (Chiriko):By the way, what have you been doing? (Tasuki, Taka, & Miaka):NANI!? (Tasuki) NANI?... Th-that was a failed attempt (Taka):Actually, Tasuki forced me to do it!! (hehe) NOW THE IMPORTANT PART FINALLY COMES!!!!! (Mwahhahahahahha) ^_^; (Tasuki):...How...come you didn't realize it...Tasuki... (Tasuki):You're hurt ...and breaking down...because of her (Tasuki)'s not..."friendship"...Idiot...... Rustle In that part, Tasuki was crying….. and remember what he said previously, (Tasuki):...I still don't get it...If I fell in love with someone?...If I did (Tasuki):...If I did, would it make me cry like that?... (AHA!)
Volume 18- This is the last volume of FY. I will go straight to the fact. On page 109, in here, Taka and Miaka were married in the other world’s way. That thing with the bow. (Tasuki):Miaka's......laughing (Tasuki):I've never seen her...look so happy-------... In this scene, Tasuki looked extremely sad….. but he was happy for Miaka. In the last scene, it was cute also, it was when Miaka and Taka were about to return back to their own world: (Tasuki):Hey Miaka! Become "a really good woman"! (Miaka):Thank you...You too Tasuki "a really good man"! (Tasuki):Don't notice that now, idiot! OKAY! So now, did I prove my point?????? I spend like an hour on this…… sheesh…… So therefore, Tasuki DOES LOVE Miaka as more than a little sister!!!!!!!!! ALSO, ALL OF THESE SCENES ARE TRANSLATED BY TASUKI NO MIKO!
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
It may prove that I care deeply fer her but it DOES NOT prove I was in LOVE wit' her. Gomen, I think we're jus' gonna hafta agree to disagree on this point.
Dear Chiriko,
Chirikooooo, I'm sad ;_;. I failed my last Algebra test. My one goal for the end of the year was to get an A in Algebra this year. But now I'll never do it:(. *bangs head against wall*STUPID STUPID STUPID! The Seiryuu Seishi invented algebra I swear. They invented it just to make kids mad. It's a conspriracy I tell you. On a lighter note my play went far.
Celestial Starz
Dear Celestial Starz,
Gomen about your test. *Gives her a hug.* But believe me when I tell you that the Seiryuu Seishi are intelligent enough to invent Algebra! Even as a torture device! I am glad to hear that your play is going well. Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Whaddya mean, I canna do nothing!? Does this mean I gotta develop a *&^%@#$% tolerance for Nakago!? Oh well, not yer fault.... --;; Hey, looking forward to Anime Expo this year? *Wonders if she just asked a stupid question. Oh well.*
Nova Strike
Dear Nova Strike,
No ya' don't gotta like him! Jus' put up wit' her till she gets over it. An' of course we're lookin' forward to AX!
Dear Tamahome,
Please dont get mad at Tasuki Papa, I asked him for they money. I would of asked you but you know know me as well as Tasuki Papa, and I thought you would get mad at me if I asked you for some *sniffles* but dont worry every dime I borrowed I paid back to you.
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley,
*Sighs* It's OK, please don't cry. I wouldn't have gotten mad at you. *Smiles at her*
Dear Tasuki,
hmph! well... I used aijin as if i were usin mistake...gomen (but aijin can be used fer males as long as I now ^_^) kanji interpretations ^_^ (on aijin i don't see an otoko nor an onna kanji ^_^ just a person kanji) ne? correct me if I'm wrong as I've only been studying Japanese fer 2 years now and I'm not very good at it T_T really I suck at it... anyway ^_^ I wanted to thank ya fer the card ^_^ *hugs him* give a hug and a kiss to CnA fer me 'k? ^_^ Mou ichido Arigatou Gozaimashita!!! ^_^ see ya Tasu-chan ^_^
Dear Hieisan,
Yer welcome! *Gives her a hug* Yer right 'bout th' kanji but it still refers to onna no hito not to otoko no hito. Ya' can call me otokomae instead! *Fanged grin*
Dear Tasuki,
So...what do you mean that there's linxs that are busted on my site? I checked all da linx an they all work. I am now re-doing one of my image gallerys..there is some good pictures of you!
Dear Keiko,
There were busted links when I was there. Sumimasen... Pictures of ME??? COOL!!!
Dear Nuriko,
Hey, I was Kourin a good name for a dog? Female dog? Cuz, I am probably getting a new dog by next week, and I didn't really think Genrou would work...I was going to use that...but...It's a guy's name! you think it would be good? I'm naming my dog after your little sis if you don't mind. Bye!*hugs Nuriko*
Dear Keiko,
I suppose so. You could call her Miaka...
Dear Tamahome,
*throttles Tamahome* Gimmie. My. Money. BAAAAACK THIEF!!!*takes the money and sticks it in bra* There! Now you can't get to it!! Ha ha!
Dear Keiko,
Hey! That's MY okane!! I earned it!
Dear Tasuki,
Cant you just flame them for me Tasuki Papa? Okies, what will Kelli chan be wearing. The first day I will be Suzaku no Miko. How will I know if it is her, if their are other people dressed in her costume?
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley,
I'd love but can't get to yer world. Kelli-chan will be dressed as Celes Cherie from FF IV. Jus' look fer th' tall, loud, red head wit' Chichiri no Aijin! *Smirks*
Dear Tasuki,
Sorry, I still know your there, my weird side came out, and I was trying to explain my side of my opnion, the best way I could. I was just stating some ideas. I do hope everyone knows I'm not thrashing their opinion, just stateing mine! Sorry.... *takes a swig of sake and chokes to death* What is in this stuff??!!! How do you drink this sh*t! *gags* Sorry Tasuki, I wrote another story about you. You are just so darn cute to make weird stories about! This time its a dark comedy. It is titled "The practical joke: Tasuki's Miracle" Don't hate me! You can call me Emi for short!
Dear Emi,
Why do you hate me so bad??? What have I ever done to YOU???
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Excuse me! *runs up to Tamahome and takes Desha and Kishi back* ^-^ Tasuki is supposed to be the one watching them! *zips off and hands them back to Tasuki* Now now, no shrinking responsiblities! it's YOUR job to take care of them. It's a test to see how good of a parent you'd be and right now you are FAILING miserably. You can dump them on Tamahome AFTER the test is over and Amemiya (Kishi's mom) comes and beats you up for being such a horrible baby sitter!
Desha: *cries*
Kishi: Hmph! *kicks Tasuki's knee again* BUTTHEAD! When my mommy finds out about you she's gonna come beat you up!
Dear One-chan,
Hmph! Fine! Have it YER way! *Picks the kids up and takes them through the palace and into a small room with desks.* Yer kids an' ya' should be in school! Chiriko! They're ALL yers!
Dear Tasuki,
Sure ^_^ I'll teach Kelli San how to be a good kid if I find her at Anime Expo! Oh ya..Tasuki Papa, some boys beat me up at school -.- what should I do about it?
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley,
COOL! I'll make SURE ya' find her! As fer th' boys either ya' need to tell the school authorities or yer parents 'bout what happened so th' punks are punished!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Congratulations!!!!!!!! You've all passed the Keisei Date Testing Syatem!!!!!!! All you're answers were different and perfect for your personalities! Any girl would be happy to go out with you! Okay Chaos-chan, so you're a Fanboys! fan too? Great! Isn't His Lordship the BEST parody writter!?!?!? Have you read Greenbeans'(Beans) "College Life" series yet? She's great too. His Lordship Chaos gave me permission to use them in my fics. (providing he gets to see everything I finish) I'm meeting up with the Fanboys! at Anime North. Do you know any of them?
Shrinemaiden Keisei
Dear Keisei,
Arigato! Nice to know we're acceptable, no da. *Smiles*
Dear Tamahome,
:walks up to Tamahome and hands him $10.00: here Tasuki Papa borrowed this from you to give to me. I had to get him an early father's day gift, so here is the money that I really owe you! ^_^ :hugs Tama Chan
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley,
Arigato! Tasuki-papa??? Borrowed??? *Looks confused...* TASUKI!!!!!! Have you "borrowing" okane from me without telling me again???
Dear Hotohori,
How do you get all of your hair into that little hat?
Dear Makona,
Quite well, don't you think? *Smiles*
Dear Mitsukake,
Hi again! Thanks for the advice, I'm not sure my friend is really a Kleptomaniac but I'll see what I can do for her. *Steps to the side to reveal a table piled high with all the foods you guys said you liked* In appreciation I made you this! I am a good cook and I have been told so by many people so don't be afraid of this killing or poisoning you ^_^ I even made you some of my special vegetarian dishes since you like vegetables! Hope you like it! To Shrinemaiden Keisei: No, I'm not His Lordship Chaos, just one of the millions with the nickname of Chaos. However I have read that series and hopefully I'll eventually get around to writing a ficfic for it.
Dear Chaos-chan,
Arigato for the wonderful food! I'm glad we could help you.
Dear Tamahome,
*decides to take her anger from pain on Tama-kins* Here, Tamahome! Catch!*throws a softball an ends up bruising Tamahome's hand* Whoops! Heheh...gomen...I hurt my leg mowing our lawn...and its pretty painful...I can't get off of the floor without screaming. Any suggestions fer a pulled leg muscle? My mom says to take these weird little pills...Oh well...bye!*takes back her eighteen silver ryou she gave Tamahome a while ago* THEIF!!!!!
Dear Keiko,
Try a massage and use warm heat on it to ease the pain. *Takes his 18 ryou back.* Thanks! Odajini!
Dear Tasuki,
I said ya were my aijin, not that i were yer @#$%&!! aijin!!! ya 'r my beloved Gen-chan ^^ teehee an' that won't change ^_^ *hugs Gen-chan + kisses his forehead* ya 'r sooooo cudly *^_^* an' sooo sweet *^_^* *glomps* teehee Jaa ne!!! *kisses 'im an' runs away* got a party to plan!!!!
Dear Hieisan,
I ain't yer AIJIN!!! D'ya even KNOW what th' word means??? It means "lover, as in MISTRESS"!! An' I ain't no woman! So I can't be an aijin. So there. Oh yeah, otanjoubi omedeto gozaimasu! Happy birthday!
Dear Nuriko,
If your really a guy, then why are you in love with the emperor Hotohori?
Dear Makona,
You mean aside from the fact that he's gorgeous, sweet, kind, wealthy, and the Emperor of Konan?
Dear Tasuki,
Heh. What's this, Tasuki has to get a GIRL to stand up for him now? *grin*
Kelli, CnA#2
Dear Kelli,
No I don't!! But at least SHE'S not a BRAT! Unlike some musume I could mention... *grumbles "kimi" under his breath...* Mebbe ya' should take some lessons from Ashley Chan... -_-#
Dear Tasuki,
:runs off with the $10.00 and comes back 10 minutes later with a HUGE bottle of Sake: Happy Early Father's day Tasuki Papa! Your the best :hugs him:
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley,
Yer a good kid. *Gives her a hug* Think ya' can teach that to Kelli?
Dear Tasuki,
*Doc-sama sighs* Okay, Okay..*Doc-sama prepares a cold pack, drapes it over the A-ho's injured area* That'll help with the pain. ^^;; *Doc-sama walks back by Tasuki-kun* Still having sympathetic pains ne? Find a tub of cool water, and sit in it. It'll make you healthier in the summer anyways. *Doc-sama bows to Tasuki-kun and takes her leave* Ja ne.
Dear Doc-sama,
*Tries it* OI! This ain't half bad! Thanks!
Dear Nuriko,
*sobbing* Why did you have to die?? WAH! *sniff* *hiccup* I know its not your fault, but ohhhhh.....But I don't understand that last part in Miaka's world. Were you just dreaming? And if you were, how did you know what it was like? *sniff* *sniff* Would you give me a hug?
(Sad) Psychic Sora
Dear Sora,
Gomen! I'm sorry I made you sad. *Hugs her.* Miaka told me about her world and so what you saw were my last thoughts about her and being there with her.
Dear Tasuki,
Well, maybe this way will be more understandable? Tasuki was concerned that Miaka was unhappy and upset. Even when he saved her life from drowning, he was watching Taka and Miaka get back together, and he was wading in the water. (remember the look on his face?) I think he was feeling sad for her and concerned, that Taka was not really looking after her. After all, Tasuki had to save her life a lot-as you saw, it wasn't Taka. I think Tasuki was concerned and sad that Miaka had to suffer like that. Tasuki could not understand why she was crying, and why Taka was hurting her like that. He even told his fellow seishi that-that he didn't understand. He cared about her and thought if he were Taka, he would not treat her that way-make her sad. (that doesn't mean he is in love with her) Just was saying he could do better than what Taka was doing lately. That don't mean he was in love with the girl. He thought he could do better than the sh*tty job Taka was doing at the time. (I don't mean Taka was doing a poor job, it was that Tasuki thought Taka should be making her happy!) It shows he loved her and cared. He wanted to see her happy, and it was breaking his heart to see her sad. His thoughts were on Miaka at the time because she was suffering. Sad, that Taka wasn't making her happy-he thought. Because at the time, Tasuki saw that Taka wasn't living up to her happiness. He thought that was just wrong that she was sad.
Being the gallant brave and loyal man he is, Tasuki thought he could help by looking after Miaka while Taka was going through his "issues" Miaka needed all the help she could get because as you saw, Tasuki had to rescue her a few times.... That is why I believe he went after Miaka on horse back. Someone had to watch and protect Miaka! Did you see Taka there? No! Taka wasn't there, so Tasuki, caring for both of them, looked after her for Taka. Wondering why Tasuki was there? I think because he loved Taka and Miaka so much the same, and was sad and concerned for her safety. Taka wasn't there to protect her!:) I think he loved Taka and Miaka in the same manner. That is why Tasuki and Taka became even closer after that trial. Tasuki was watching and could see that Miaka needed to be looked after. That is why he did so! He was upset for what what Taka was doing to her, and the bad guy pulled those caring thougths out and used them for his perverted evilness....etc...
That is why Taka and Miaka were trying to explain to Tasuki, to bring him back to his good side, that Miaka was crying because she was happy. That she cried because they were in love-which Tasuki could never understand that. (why would they need to explain that she was happy because she loved Taka? Because Tasuki needed to see Miaka was happy/ Tasuki was under that bad guy's control too!) Tasuki thought Taka wasn't being "a man" when he was evil. So, he thought he could be that man for her, that don't mean he was madly in love with her. Just shows that he cared about her and Taka. He thought he could make Miaka happy, because Taka wasn't. But that caring was preverted by water-boy. Tasuki said he always thought Miaka like a sister, and I believe so. Water-boy just perverted that caring for Miaka into something dirty. Tasuki could never get why they had to suffer so much, and being the loyal friend he was tried to make her happy, and was angry at Taka. That is why he was beating the sh*t out of his best friend, because he was upset and disapointed in Taka. Taka was not doing his duty to Miaka, Tasuki thought. That is why Taka and Miaka were trying to explain it to Tasuki, so he could understand.
*If Tasuki ever said it was more than friendship, I believe that could mean anything! More than friendship doesn't mean in love! There are so many different kinds of relationships, and Tasuki NEVER said it is more than friendship-I'm in with her? So there is no proof to that he was meaning I love her, at that time in that scene. Of coarse she was his Miko too! They share a strong bond, as with her and everyone else! Except her and Taka share a deeper bond, they are in love. Which Tasuki couldn't get in the OAV.
EXTRA thought: Tasuki's last thoughts in OAV I on Tamahome and Miaka were unhappy because he didn't see why Suzaku wouldn't let two love-birds stay together. I don't think he would be able to start having feelings after Miaka leaves for her. One, she is gone, and two, he wanted them to be together. He anted them together, so it would be very hard and not logic for him to start developing "I'm in love with the girl" the two years he is gone. Okay, I hope this is understandable? I just think Tasuki has been through a lot! I was just kidding about that sister-harem thing Tasuki *hands Tasuki a bottle of sake* Care if I join you?
Dear Emeric,
Sure! Thanks fer th' sake! But why are ya' talkin' 'bout me like I ain't here?
Dear Tasuki,
It's alright if you don't agree with me.... But I bet there are like 50-75% of people out there who does, especially Tasuki no Miko!
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Ya' all can think what ya' want! I DON'T love Miaka THAT way!
Dear Tasuki,
*POUNCE!* Oh no, I'm not taking care of kids after what I've been through over the weekend and monday. *hands Kishi and Desha back* This is a test of YOUR parenting skills, NOT mine. Besides, they'd get soaked under my storm cloud which has been hanging around over my head lately, which wouldn't be good for them. Now then, have fun and be grateful beyond words that they aren't like my cousin Dennis. Also be thankful I'm not in my chibi form and making you watch me as well!! *hides inside her storm cloud* Kishi: You meanie! *kicks Tasuki's knee again* You mean, kowai faced man! Desha: *cries and runs off to find a nicer seishi since Tasuki is so mean!*
One-chan and co.
Dear One-chan and co.,
ITAI!!!!! Rotten brats!!! *Hands them over to Tamahome, who actually LIKES kids*
Dear Tasuki,
If Tasuki thought of Miaka more of a sister, why did he say he thought of her as a sister and not more Gen-chan? I didn't say Tasuki would do that just to anyone, I was saying Tasuki told Chichiri he had dirty thoughts, and he had to thoses to begin with. Those thoughts already in his mind, I didn't say he would do that with just anyone. But I don't know, he is a bandit, and Kouji did take him to that brothel. You have to remember too, Tasuki was being under control. He had lost his reason, and those thoughts were brought out.
Yes, he cared for Miaka, he wanted her to forget, but he tried to do that in the only way he knew how to do. That is why he blammed his dirty mind, which I believe was with him before he met Miaka. That doesn't mean he is in love with the girl. Just becuase he wanted to show Miaka that he loved her, does not mean he is "in love" with her. Love comes in many forms, and as Tasuki told Chichiri, he always thought of Miaka like a little sister, he had never thought more than that. That is what he said. He might have been using the only method he knows how to show a woman he loves her, but that still don't mean he was "in love" with her. I know about his experience with the brothel, and that OAV 1 was not written in the manga. The fact he teased Chichiri with the pretty girl thing was part of his personality. They might have made it up, but Tasuki is like that. He was probably drinking sake with a pretty woman the first night of his man-hood-when Kouji took him to that brothel. (The truth is said in just sometimes) We have to be careful what we say when we joke around, the truth can come out. I think he would like it very much if a pretty girl served him sake, and took care of him, without anyone knowing of coarse, that he would enjoy it. Da*n, what flesh and blood man would not? Just because he says he hates women, or now that he told Miaka, he would stop saying that...that don't mean he wouldn't drink sake and party with the pretty ladies.
Just becuase he said it wasn't friendship, this is....that don't mean he was "in love" with her like I said. He might have realized how much he loved her, but that could be in different forms. I have a brother, and I love him. I have friends, male friends yes, that I love dearly, and see more as friends-but as family, but that don't mean I am "in love" with them. I will say I love them-but that kind of love is still strong! I believe that he loves her too, but I was making a point that love comes in different ways. Why does eveyone think he's madly "in love" with her? He just wasn't acting like that in the manga or in the anime. They might have shown it up close and personal, before he had fallen under that water, how his emotion was, but that doesn't mean that. Those were my points, and I strongly believe that he did love her. Tasuki can love her, care for her, have his thoughts on how to make her happy, try to make her feel better, save her life, etc.... he can be all like that, but isn't a father or mother the same way? Or a brother to a sister? Or vise versa? ( not all families, but....) I care about my brothers and sisters like that, we are a tight family. so you can't throw that fact out the window that a mother or family member would try to make their family member happy, or take care of them to make them forget their pain? My family and friends have done that a lot for me, when I needed it, that don't mean they are madly "in love" with me. I have felt that way towards friends who needed comfort and help, who were in pain. I have felt that way about friends, and thought of ways to end their pain, but that don't mean I'm in love with them. Both are different. There is "in love" (like Miaka and Taka) And there is "loving someone" (like Nuriko, how he said he loved everyone, including Miaka)
There just wasn't anymore evidence to show that Tasuki was "in love" with Miaka. Not in that way! And how can someone fall in love with someone when they haven't been around them in 2 years? He hadn't spent anymore time with her, so he falls in love with her? Doesn't make sense. He wasn't having feelings for her before she left, and all of a sudden he develops them for her after she leaves? With no signs of feelings before she left? That doesn't seem right. Or logic. He felt a connection to her, because his Miko is connected to the warriors, so I think they all love her like family. I think Tasuki loved her like his very own sister who didn't throw logs at him. He loved her very much, but not sexually or in love with her. Just like I said, the bad guy took advantage of that feeling towards Miaka, and perverted it, made Tasuki act out on his dirty side, so he could disrupt the warriors. Evil is always perverting something good. Is it not?? That is what happened to him. And yes, he didn't know how to show it, so he tried his best. (Since at the time, Tasuki was starting to realize how much he cared for Miaka. He cared for her yes-but that don't mean he is in love with her. I think he was shocked on how much or what he would do to protect her as well.)
Dear Emeric,
Well, I understood that! However, I do believe that some of you may just have to agree to disagree.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Recently, a friend of mine and I were hanging out at her house when I bring some of my anime stuff, and she saw Nakago and went Nakago crazy, and won't listen when I EXPLAIN that Nakago is BAD, Nakago must DIE. She even wants to see him without his *$%^& armor! Any ideas of how to get it through her warped, twisted skull that Nakago is BAD? o.O
Nova Strike
Dear Nova Strike,
You can't. Face it, he's Watase-sensei's favorite character, too. What can I say, there is simply no accounting for taste.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hello!! Since I couldnt' think of which one of you to ask a question, I decided to ask all of you a few questions....
1) for all of you: Whats your favorite video game?
2) Hotohori: Is it stressful ruleing an entire empire? Do you ever get some time to yourself?
3) Chiriko: Can you help me with my math? I'm not to good at it....(^.^)*
4) Tasuki: How come you never learned how to swim?
5) Chichiri: why do you say "No Da" after every sentence?(just wondering...)
6) Nuriko: Do you get annoyed when people mistake you for a woman?
7) Tamahome: Do you know that when you get angry, you remind me of a Super Sai-jin?
8) Mitsukake: How come you don't have many lines?
Well, thats it for now, thank all of you for your time. Oh yeah, I think that all of you are soooooooo adorable!!!! (especially when your S.D.)!!!!
Rina (^.^)v
Dear Rina,
Here are all of your answers:
1: The only video game we have played was Bushido Blade. And we LIKED it!
2: Yes, and it is lonely, too. I do get time to myself, though.
3: I can try, but you should do your own work.
4: I lived in th' *(^%$#@ MOUNTAINS!
5: It is just how I speak, no da.
6: Sometimes...
7: A what???
8: I guess I didn't have a very good agent...
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Are "combs" a lost technology on your world?
Mistress of Darkness
P.S. Don't tell my slave driver Witch I'm here!
Dear Mistress of Darkness,
Combs??? What th' h*ll's a a comb???
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*Doc-sama comes home after a very long day and looks in her mailbox* Wai Wai!!!! It's here!!! *does a quick genki dance* Knowing the girls like I do, they'll want to send gifts back. I'll try to keep them simple okay? *gives all the seishi a hug and a kiss on the cheek, and gives CnA a quick glomp* This will be given to them the first chance I get. *_*
Dear Doc-sama,
Glad we could help, no da!
Dear Tamahome,
Nobody's writin' to you, Tama-kun! I feel bad...I haven't written in a while. But I'm back! And since school is out, I can write more often! *glomps Tamahome* Wai! Well, I have to go pull weeds, so I'll write more later. Ja ne!
Dear Rabbit,
Have fun!
Dear Chichiri,
*Feels the tears well up in her eyes. Feels the stuffy feeling in her nose that every one feels when they are about to cry. Sniffles quietly. Tears begin to fall from her eyes. She dries them carelessly with the sleeve of her dress. Tybus walkes into the room and places a comforting hand on her shoulder.* Anything I can help with? *He wipes the tears away with the thumb of his right hand. Shakes her head at him and smiles weakly* I'll be okay, Tybus. *Tybus smiles at her and pats her shoulder then walkes away.* *continues crying. Kymra comes into the room. She sees the tears and frowns* What's wrong? *Looks down. Kymra gaze follows, and when she sees the cause of the tears, she nods her head in understanding. She gives a reassuring smile, and walks out* *eyes burn and her cheeks are wet with tears. Tries to blink them away, but they refuse to leave. Doesn't want to cry....Drops her used knife into a tub of water and dumps the onions into the boiling soup. Pours the soup into a bowl and offers it to Chichiri, drying the tears caused by the smell of the onion* Want some soup? ^_^
Dear Ascyada,
Hai! Arigato, no da! *Drys her tears with his kesa.*
Dear Chiriko,
You wouldn't believe how hard math is fer me! Once, it took me like, three hours to do five pages of 4th grade math! And I'm going into 8th grade! *Shall I say, I'm homeschooled?* Grrr...*takes all the mathbooks in da whole world an steals Tasuki's tessen and roasts the books into a HUGE bonfire* BWAHAHAHAA!!!
Genki Keiko
Dear Keiko,
That won't solve anything. Why not see if your parents can get you a math tutor?
Dear Nuriko,
I really need some advice on what to do with my hair!! ^^;; I have bangs, it's shoulder length and I have streaks in it... and there's a costume ball coming up at my church!! It's formal so I'm going to be wearing my best dress which is one of those Chinese style dresses (black). But I don't know what to do with my hair! And also, I have to help set up... darn it... So how should I wear it?
Dear Jeanie,
Why not put it up in a nice chignon and let some curled tendrils frame your face. How does that sound?
Dear Nuriko,
Ah, well Nuriko-sama, I have many children now! But that Quatre is a handful...@_@ Apparently he has learned well cause he finds it fun to blackmail me too...-.- *shakes a fist* But I'm so proud stiiill!! *sniffles with pride* ^_^! At least I'll never be bored! Although I could have an early death...o.o
Dear Inori,
Quatre??? From Gundam Wing??? Her seemed so sweet...
Dear Nuriko,
I don't think my mom's gonna let me avoid daylight for the rest of my life because of a threat of skin cancer. She says I need to get a tan because I look mushroomy. I do not look like a mushroom! The makeup ideas sound great! After grad, should I hem my dress up? It's way to long as it is now for me to wear it to anything else without looking to dressy. "But it's a princess dress! You can't hem up a princess dress!" (a quote from my friend when I told her about hemming it up at church today)
Shrinemaiden Keisei
Dear Keisei,
Well at least use SPF15 and try not to fry yourself too badly. As for the dress, I agree with your friend. Save it for another special occasion.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I've got a few questions, but they aren't all relevant to each other. 1)If you liked a girl, how would you let her know? (I doubt that even you wonderful seshi could be so brave as to just go right up to her and say you had a crush on her.) I want an answer from all of you. And this one isn't for you. Is the person who went on as Chaos-chan the same person who wrote the Cursed Fanboys! series?
Shrinemaiden Keisei
Dear Keisei,
We don't know 'bout Chaos-chan. As fer th' other question, here's yer answers:
Chiriko: I don't know... talk to her?
Mitsukake: Take her on a picnic.
Nuriko: Go shopping with her.
Hotohori: Give her presents.
Chichiri: Ask her on a date, no da?
Tamahome: Protect her and spend money on her.
Tasuki: Take her out fer a drink.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Chiriko,
*HUGGIE HUGGIE* Sorry i havent writed to you lately. You see, i have started to redo my homepage and i will move it when it is finished. That will be in a few weeks or so. I will have alot of new stuff in there^_^. I promise that i will give you the new adress when its ready. See you! ^_^
Dear Annie,
Ok! I look forward to hearing from you!
Dear Tasuki,
*glomps Gen-chan!* I'm baaaaaaaaaack!! Dakara, I know there is a fanfic review site, but I still request to know your humble and modest opinion about something I wrote. Arigatou Gen-chan!
Dear Ai-chan,
It was interestin' but a bit outta character, don't ya' think? I think usin' Seishi as chips fer bettin' would have been interestin'!
Dear Chichiri,
Can I call you "otousama", though? *hugs Chichiri back*
Dear Jasmine-chan,
*Smiles* I suppose so, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
*Hugs Nuri tight* You're so great Nuri-papa. Thank you. I needed that. *puts on her necklace and wipes* Of course I'm being totally inconsiderate .... how are you? Any weird letters lately? Someone new writing to you or something? *hugs Nuriko more* I haven't talked to you much lately. I missed you.
Kourin-chan (considerably calmed down)
Dear Kourin-chan,
I've missed you, too. I'm fine. I haven't gotten too many letters but I have enough to keep busy. So, how have you been?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
...Just wanted to thank you for taking time out of your busy days to answer our every inquiry and demand! WE LOVE YOU FOR IT!!!!!! DOMO ARIGATO GOZAIMASU!!!!!! ...If you ever need anything, just ask!
Assorted hugs, kisses, hair-ruffles, and wild glomps,
You're all very welcome!
Dear Chichiri,
Hallooo. Do you prefer salmon or cod? You like it fried? Grilled? Sushi-like? Toasted over an open fire, maybe?
Dear Swardfish,
Salmon, no da! Grilled, no da!
Dear Hotohori,
Hey! I just read a letter sent in by Ai-chan asking you to pick 4 from Suzaku and Seiryuu (is that the correct spelling?) that you'd most like to be teamed up with. You picked Soi!? Out of all the Seiryuu, you preffer Soi?! But..*realises she can't really word out a rational question on the topic, so goes simple*..Why Soi?! Soi scared me, honastly. =:P She was weird.
Cally_Kari_Shokka, currently happy before going to Chinatown
Dear Cally_Kari_Shokka,
She was the least offensive to look at...
Dear Tasuki,
I'm your long lost twin BROTHER! Not a sister! Anyway, how's everybody? Did you miss me?
Dear Tasukete,
A brother?!?!?!?!? Since when do I have a brother??? 'Che! Oh well... Ya' wanna gang up on Aidou??
Dear Mitsukake,
You of all people should know who Pedro is. But I guess you'll need THIS! *pulls out the OAV mini-album "Sensitive Mind" and plays the Sequential Stories when Tetsuya and Keisuke are discovering the seishi reincarnations (er, that'd be in Miaka's world, not the one in Eikou Den...)* By the way, tell Chiriko I had green tea ice cream the first time today! And it wasn't bad at all! *smiles*
Dear Jasmine-chan,
Ah, right! I shall relay your message to Chiriko. *Smiles*
Dear Tasuki,
Daarin!!! *hugs* ya said ya'd try to send me a card ^v^ ^_^ who said ya 'r rotten...?? *looks around and sees Kelli* Be respectful to yer dad!!! My aijin!!! As ya can see we 'r 3 red-heads with an attitude!!! ^v^ Don't we look like the perfect family? Teehee!! I got a new tattoo now ^_^ Aku (bad) Kanji ^_^ I'm getting Tsubasa (wing) Kanji next Saturday ^v^ *the little Youkai seems really pleased* ^V^ *hands aijin Gen-chan a cup o' sake* geez, these nowadays kids show no respect!!!! lets dump them into tha pond -Again-!!! Daddy Gen-chan an' Mommy Hieisan luv sake ^__^ and little Kelli is a large potty mouth as both of us ^_^ (she'll luv sake when tha time comes!!) *kisses Gen-chan* C ya!!!
Dear Hieisan,
AIJIN?????? Since when did I become ANYONE'S AIJIN?????????? Iri-chan!! It ain't true!! An' Kelli-chan ain't nowhere as big a potty mouth as me!!! Yet! Heh-heh-heh...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Anyone going to Anime Expo? Yu Watase herself is gonna be there, which makes it worthwile, even if I *am* going to miss West An Tir War. *sigh" The sacrifices one must make...
Dear Dubhscath,
Hai, no da! Chichiri no Aijin, Kelli-chan (Chichiri no Aisai), One-chan, Firefury, and Ashley Chan will all be there, no da. As will Nova Strike, and I have heard that Yui-sama will be there, too no da. We hope to see you there, no da.
Dear Tamahome,
Hello! I'd like to know what you think about a "graphic shrine" I've created for you and Miaka, which is at (I think it still needs a bit of work, but maybe I'm being a bit too critical of myself) I'm looking to create these for a webpage I'm making, and the "shrines" will be the only graphic on the page. Whatever you'd like to see as a graphic, let me know! Arigatou!
Dear Goshikku,
Arigato! Cool site!! I hope you'll consider doing the same for the rest of the Suzaku Seishi.
Dear Tasuki,
*pops to the surface and lazily floats on her back, grinning* Hero? Hm, that isn't how *I* would describe you. Hotheaded, temperamental, emotionally unstable, a horrible father, a non-swimmer...THESE are what you are. *evil grin*
Kelli, CnA#2
Dear Kelli,
I think you're being a bit hard on Tasuki I'll give you hotheaded, tempermental and non-swimmer, along with potty-mouthed. But they're also some of the qualities that make him just so darn loveable! So cut the poor guy some slack! By the way, I want Chichiri for a night or two. Quit hogging him! ~_^
Chichiri no Aijin
Dear Tasuki,
I totally disagree with Emeric. At the beginnnign, Tasuki DID thought of Miaka-san as a little sister. But then, after the two years has gone by without seeing her, he realized his TRUE feelings towards her. And I REALLY STRONGLY don't believe that Tasuki would do something like this to just anyone. Part of his doing, is to try to make Miaka to forget about Taka, so she can be happy. Another part is that he loves her. He wants to show Miaka how he loves her. And being as inexperienced as he is already. The only way he could come up with to show how he cares, he tried to make love to her. He thought making love to Miaka could show her how he feels and that she would love him. He thought of this, 'cause of his experience in a brothel back when he was only 15. That is the only experience he had with women. I got all this from the free talks in FY volume #17.... and from previous volumes. Also, OVA 1 does NIT count. It is made only in the anime. And he was just saying that he would like to drink with a girl to tease Chichiri. Also, in volume #17, I don't know if you read it or not, Emeric, but Tasuki said, "Baka, why didn't you realize this before..... this isn't friendship.... this is....." And he was crying..... So to say this, I am strongly pissed! I really believed that he loves her. I may not have wrote this very cleary, but I hope all of you might understand.
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
I dunno... I thin kI still agree wit' Emeric. Gomen!
Dear Tasuki,
My friend also thinks the blonde likes me, but i don't really think so. I think he's just weird or something...
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
I dunno... I tend to agree wit' yer tomodachi.
Dear Nuriko,
*Takes a deep breath* You know, I've been feeling better lately...I'll just try not to let myself get annoyed by those kids. Besides, something really exciting happened... *Runs out and comes back with a one-day-old white puppy* Isn't he adorable??? *Holds the puppy up to Nuriko's face* Yes, my dog is a mother, and this puppy has 7 brothers and sisters. ^_^ *Puppy yawns and whines a bit* What should I call them? They don't have names yet. ^_~
Dear Hoshi,
7 ko-inu... 7 Suzaku Seishi... Omedeto!!
Dear Tasuki,
Hihi Tasuki-san! I think you've got a great personality, even if you don't particularly find women interesting, actually that was what was so likeable about you, Especially your strange affinity to peaches @_@ (the Puru Puru thing), but I won't go there! heehee. I wanted to ask you if it was painful for you when you got your ears pierced *ducks behind the couch* I know I know! It's a weird question but indulge me! I know you didn't have eargun things in those times, so...
Dear Nata-chan,
It hurt, but I'm tough!!!!!
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