Dear Chichiri,
Hihi Chichiri-san! I think it takes a lot of strength to keep everyone happy knowing the painful past that you experienced, and I admire you for your cheerfulness and ability to make others feel good! Now for my question, about the time when you impersonated Hotohori, what exactly do the emperor's robes feel like?! Are they as heavy as I imagine they are???? And is that crown solid gold??? @_@ is that why you were upside down? *giggle*
Dear Nata-chan,
They are heavy and the crown is gold, no da. I was upside down because I was bored, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Oh sorry I forgot you had an aisai already...*mock-hits her own temple with her fist and hands over some more sake for forgiveness*...stupid Ayumi...gomen ne, Iridal! *eyes wide in sudden realization*...But I thought you said you HATED WOMEN!...*wicked grin*...wait till all your fangirls let the information sink in, and be prepared to be swamped by another wave of requests to be your lover/girlfriend/wife...bwahaha...and I thought you had learnt from your previous experience with your "daughters"! ^_^ he he! Oh by the way how are you coping with your lovely daughters? Since your tessen has sharp iron blades, have you ever cut yourself, or other people by accident, with them? Take care and say hi to Kouji and the others for me! Cheers!
Dear Ayumi,
I cope wit' 'em ok. Although Kelli-chan is a HANDFUL!!! I'm careful wit' th' tessen so I don't generally cut someone 'less I mean to!
Dear Chichiri,
Don't worry about not having a good solution to my problem; I felt better after having written to you, knowing that someone would listen to me and understand how I felt. Arigato! What training did you actually receive under Taiitsukun's supervision? Was it tough (especially with the numerous Nyan-Nyans around...^_^)? And when exactly did you realise that you were a Suzaku seishi? Take care!
Dear Ayumi,
Check further down the peeji, no da. Doc-sama actually answered your question! Taiitsu-kun helped me to realize what my destiny was, no da. She trained me in the magical arts, no da.
Dear Hotohori,
Hotohori, was it true you were reborn as a little boy and a little girl?? Cause if you both were... *thinks of the possiblites* Or is that just a rumor?
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley,
Not that I have a recollection of!
Dear Tasuki,
:melodramatic sigh: Yes, I know that I am a good kid. What do you expect though? I have a GREAT father! :kisses his cheek: ^_^ um since your my wonderful you think I can borrow $10.00? Please I will pay you right back but I need it wright now. Please Tasuki Papa?
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley,
*Steals $10.00 from Tamahome and gives it to her.* Sure. Here ya' go but I want it back!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Whee! 'Ello! Jeez! Been such a long time since I was last able to come here! ::kicks school and begs Gen-chan to Rekka Shinen it:: Anyways, just popped by real quick to see how everyone is doing (Hey, now that school's out- it's all good here!!). Also wanted to make sure you all weren't getting into too much trouble ~_^ Ok, it's now 1 am and I'm about to pass out! See you all later, no da!
~Orca (Who is EVER so happy to see summer no da!!!)
Dear Orca,
Welcome back, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
Since everyone is on the subject of sisters and Tasuki's children.... *Grabs a hair stylist and changes hair color to fire red* *Take a fingernail file and sharpens her teeth alike to Tasuki's* *drops the file and buys "The Bandits's guide to bad language" Guide book* *drinks two litters of sake and knocks back both bottles* What else? Okay! I know! *goes to the court house to change her name* Jumps from the bushes and holds up her hands up, drunk still.... "Tasuki! My long lost brother!" Hiccups.... "Meet your new adopted sister, Genroda!" Takes a bow as she falls back out cold from too much Sake (did you notice I could be Chichiri's adopted child? The "Da" at the end of my name! Cool, huh?)
Genroda/ Emeric
Dear Genroda/ Emeric,
*Sweatdrops nad then runs...* I don't WANT more *(^%$#@ sisters!!!!!!!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hello! I was thinking the other day. I thought of which Tenchi Muyo! girl would be most like you. Here's what I came up with: Tasuki = Ryoko Chiriko = Sasami Tamahome = Ayeka Chichiri = Kiyone Mitsukake = Washu Nuriko = Mihoshi Hotohori = Haruna...I guess... Tama-Neko = Ryo-Ohki Lol!!! Bye!
Dear Keiko,
Ano... ok... *All look confused...*
Dear Tasuki,
Wait, this is no fun.... *Genroda sits up as she corrects herself* No, I don't want to hit you with logs all day long? Do you want me to? *Stands as she stumbles* "Meet your new "'Harem Mistess'" in charge of picking out pretty women to serve you sake all your life, and keep you company* (Like that better?) *opens the door as ten pretty ladies walk in with bottles of sake* "Look lively ladies! Give Tasuki a nice back massage and rub his feet! Serve him well!" *Genroda claps her hands as she lines the girls up for Tasuki's inspection* "See anything you like? You break it, you bought it, buster!"
Dear Genroda/Emeric,
Yeah I see somethin' I like!! SAKE!!
Dear Tasuki,
Arigato!!!!! *Doc-sama borrows the Tessen, ambushes the A-ho, and hits him where it really hurts a few times* I feel better now. :) *Doc-sama returns the Tessen, and notices some pained looks from the guys* Gomen, I forget you guys tend to understand what another guy goes through when something like that happens. ^^;;; I'm not vicious. Please believe me. ;_;
Dear Doc-sama,
*Crosses legs, winces, and sweatdrops...* >.<;;
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*Ai-chan steps out of the shadows* Pop quiz time!!
Okay, 1) What would be the biggest sacrifice for each of you to make? (and we're not talking human sacrifice here! And I'm guessing for Tasuki it would be to give up sake...hehehe...(obviously he hasn't seen "Universe of the Four Gods and Truth or Dare" written courtesy of me...Ai-chan!))
2) If you had the chance to experience being someone else for a day, who would you be? (and no saying "yourself")
3) All of you are stuck going to summer school, what subject would you take? (and no, you're not allowed enjoying this Chiriko...just kidding!)
4) For each of you, what's your weapon of choice? (and I'm referring to tangible weapons)
Dear Ai-chan,
Here are all of your answers:
1) Chichiri: Saying "No Da", no da!
Tasuki: Fryin' Tamahome! Heh-heh... Fooled ya'!
Nuriko: Hotohori
Hotohori: Mirrors
Chiriko: Studying
Mitsukake: Singing
Tamahome: Okane
2) Chichiri: Tasuki, no da.
Tasuki: Tamahome
Nuriko: Hotohori
Hotohori: Aya from Weiss Kreuz
Chiriko: Omi from Weiss Kreuz
Mitsukake: Nakago
Tamahome: Zelgadis from Slayers
3) Chichiri: Psychology, no da.
Tasuki: P.E.
Nuriko: Home Economics
Hotohori: Political Science
Chiriko: Physics
Mitsukake: Human Anatomy
Tamahome: Economics
4) Chichiri: My staff, no da. (Tangible to WHO, no da?)
Tasuki: My tessen!
Nuriko: My fists
Hotohori: My sword
Chiriko: My intellect
Mitsukake: Nun-chuks
Tamahome: My fists
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hullo. Thanks for the response about the relative thing. Hotohori, you think you could afford me? *sighs* I actually have a serious question though. You see, at work my boss and best friend were good friends with this guy...I'm not going to use any names here. Anyhow, I kind of knew him, but I had really only been told the bad things about him. I'm going off on a tangent. Yesterday at work we found out that he had been killed in a car accident. My friend and boss were devasted, and I wasn't feeling too hot either. Then other friends of the guy who was killed came up. But they didn't know, and the news was broken to them there. The thing is, I have no idea what to do. I want to help comfort them, but I'm upset about it too. The problem is, because I didn't know him well, they feel I don't have a right to be upset. So I can't tell them about how I feel, or let it out in front of them, and I'm still expected to help them deal with their own feelings. Oh yeah, and I'll my senior buds are graduated now. I thought I could take that, but with this guy's death the night before, it's not going to well. I suppose my question is, how do I make myself act stronger for the sake of my other friends?
Dear Katsumi,
I would think that you should be able to tell your best friend how you are feeling. If not, perhaps you can talk to your parents about how you feel. That should help you to be stronger for your friend and boss. If you haven't by now, you can always let your friend and boss know that you are there for them if they need a shoulder to cry on. Good luck.
Dear Chichiri,
Chichiri-kun, I can help Ayumi-san. Ayumi-san, being in this profession is never easy. You have to learn how to absorb then let it disperse quickly. For the sake of your other patients, because you will make errors. You'll have time later to really mourn at home. But don't let it take control of your life, it will make you very sick. If you can't do this, there's always transfers. To anyone else reading this. Being a healer means giving of your soul. So many have used up all they can give and have to leave. Watching people suffer takes a toll, then some lose the fight and die. After that, dealing with the person's loved ones. Ayumi-san, if you need to talk get a hold of me. *Doc-sama gives Ayumi a comforting hug* Thanks Chichiri-kun :)
Dear Doc-sama,
Arigato Doc-sama, no da!
Dear Chichiri,
Gomen about that lil' spat in the chatroom...^_^;;; Honestly, he was just sleeping!
Kelli, CnA#2
Dear Kelli,
Hai, hai shinjirushite, no da! Demo, jikai, kare wa kougai nemasu, no da!!!
Dear Tasuki,
Kishi: *razzes Tasuki*
Desha: *sniffles* You don't gotta be so mean about it, mister ;-; I want Koneko-san! *cries* Koneko-san is nice! ;-;
Kishi: You made her cry, you butthead! *runs up and kicks Tasuki's knee.* You're mean!
*POUNCE!* Tsk, tsk! And what do you mean they're as bad as me!? I'm WORSE. ;)
One-chan and co.
Dear One-chan and co.,
Yeah, well ya' can have 'em back! *Hands crying kids to One-chan and leaves.*
Dear Chichiri,
Uh, hi. What should I do about my tessen problem?
Konton no Musume
Dear Konton no Musume,
What tessen problem, no da?
Dear Chichiri,
Soooooooo, you guys are all either old or dead in the OAV's? How do subaru and Tokaki do that age thingy anyways? They'd be at least 300 some odd years old by the time you guys showed up, and even if they were old at the beginning, they still looked young for 300+.
Dear Chantress,
Subaru seems to be able to temporarily reverse the agiing process, no da. They were in their 80's or 90's in the series, no da.
Dear Chiriko,
*lady gasps then glomps*sorry bout glomping, but i just found out you're a fellow Ender's Game fan! YAY! have you read all the books in the series or just the first? and what do you make of the live action movie they're making? i'm still mad they're changing Anderson to a woman and getting that stupid jake lloyd kid to play ender...*sticks her tongue out at hollywood then gives chiriko a lollie pop*
Dear Saralady,
I have read all of the books. I beleive that Anderson was one of the teachers and as such I don't think changing him to a woman will have a huge impact on the story. Arigato for the lollipop!
Dear Tasuki,
Guess what! Since it's summer now, I'm lifeguarding at my pool again. Only, I might have to teach little kids how to swim... I've never done that before, so....I'm going to practice on you! *sticks a pair of floaties on Tasuki's arms and pushes him into the pool* Ready?
Dear Spooky-chan,
ARGHHHHH!!! GET ME OUTTA HERE!!!!!!! NANI?!?!?!?!? I'm floatin'??? How th'...???
Dear Tasuki,
I am so very pissed at this other friend of mine. He always seems so distant from me! When he's talking to other people, especially girls, he pays so much attention to them. He takes me for granted!! He's so weird... sometimes... like when I don't talk to him, he misses me and then comes back. After a while, he gets bored and goes to other people and completely ignores me! SO then... I give him the silent treatment again... and then he comes back... stuff just goes round and round... Grrrrrrrr... *sighs*
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
He's a teenager. Give him a break! He sounds like a he's jus' startin' to discover girls, too.
Dear Nuriko,
Ohayo, Nuriko-kun! Ah, you want to know what Glompfest 2000 is? Well, it's kinda hard to explain, and Celes-san does a much better job, so I'll give you the website, presuming HTML works. And now for the website! It's Glompfest 2000. Sadly, Celes-san hasn't updated in a long time, so I'm not on the list yet. *gives Nuriko a hug and a kiss* Bai bai, Nuriko!
Dear Rabbit,
Interesting site! I think I might join! Tee-hee...
Dear Chiriko,
*hugs Chiriko* You're so cute! How come yer so darn adorable? Hehee! You're da cutest boy that's around my age that is cute! I was wondering...would you help me with my math work? I HAAAATE math and I stink at it! Please?
Genki Keiko
Dear Keiko,
I can try, but you should your own schoolwork. Arigato for your kind words.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi everyone, I wasn't really sure which of you to ask about this so I just decided to ask all of you! One of my friends has a problem with stealing and I don't know how to help her stop. She wants to but every time she sees something she likes she takes it. I'm worried she's going to get caught and get in trouble and I really don't want that so I was wondering if any of you have advice for me? Also, I know this is a total change of topic, but which foods do all of you like best? Thanks for your time!
Dear Chaos-chan,
Your friend sounds as if she is suffering from Kleptomania. If she is she needs to get professional help as soon as possible. Here is a list of everyone's favorite foods. Chichiri: Fish, no da!; Tamahome: Whopper with cheese; Tasuki: Steak! Char-grilled!; Nuriko: Fruit; Mitsukake: Vegatables and fruits; Chiriko: Green tea ice cream; Hotohori: Chocolate ice cream.
Dear Nuriko,
Nuri-papa! *hugs him, sniffling* I'm having such a bad day! First I lose my favourite necklace down behind the dresser, then I wrench my shoulder trying to lift the dresser to find it. Then Mitsu informs me that until my baby is born I shouldn't use my seishi powers because their too weak, and then Hotokimi heads out to Kutou with her father for a peace negotiation that she 'can't miss'. So now I've got the whole empty palace to do nothing in, I'm bored out of my mind, I miss Hotiki-chan and I STILL don't have my necklace back! *cries* I need a hug.
Kourin-chan (having a really crappy day)
Dear Kourin-chan,
*Goes to her room, moves dresser, and gives Kourin her necklace.* Better? *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
Gen-chaaaaaaaaaaaan!!!! *jumps to his arms and glomps him* How'r ya doin' daarin? Teehee ^_^ I brought a present for ya *Hands him a bottle of Sake and gets out another bottle* Let's 'ave a little time off work ne?^_~ *hands him a cup full of sake* Kampai Daarin!! *drinks her sake and kisses his forehead* Well after this little break I must leave...T_T anyway remember my B-day is on June 7 ^_^ Don't forget!!! I'm counting on ya ^_^ *pecks his lips and walks away waving* See ya!!!
Dear Hieisan,
I'll try to remember! If ya' send me yer email address I'll try to send ya' a card. Arigato fer th' sake!
Dear Chichiri,
Konnichiwa! School is almost out. YEAH!!! So now I get to spend the whole summer with you. Double YEAH!!! Don't give me those looks! Hey we will have lots of fun, I promise. And just look at this way you won't be bored. I have lots of stuff to work on during the summer. I have a FY fanfic I'm writing and you are in it. Hehehe!(don't worry it's very cute, not hentai) I'll send it to you when I'm done, ok? And i'm also starting a website and of course it's dedicated to everyone's favorite blue haired monk, you! Well I should go back to doing my homework(oh look it's Geometery!) luv ya! Ja ne!
Aenne aka Chichiri no hime
Dear Aenne,
A fanfic website, no da? Arigato, no da!
Dear Mitsukake,
*gives him a big kiss* Hello!
your love: Tenchi
Dear Tenchi,
*Blushes and sweatdrops* My what?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
O.o; Kelli's gonna cook while she's at CnA's??? Should I NOT be visiting for that? ^^; She can't be that bad, can she? (Could she be worse than me? I have enough trouble making mircowavable mac' and cheese.) *boggles* Is she really THAT bad????? I've had some pretty badly cooked stuff before (No, I didn't cook it. I hardly ever cook because I CAN'T =) I doubt her food could be worse than the beef stew I had on the brig Pilgrim (over night field trip when I was in 3rd grade). The student who was head of the cooking crew was.... stupid. It was AVAST, STUPID! NOT STOP! AVAST! D*mn you Aaron! I don't think anybody who took the beef stew got more than two bites before wishing they'd died or taken the veggie stew instead. And we only had one glass of milk to wash it down --; She can't be that bad, right??? It's like, not possible ^^;
Dear One-chan,
No she isn't, no da.
Chichiri -_-;;
Dear Nuriko,
My colours? Oh, I've got brown hair and blue eyes, I'm planning to get a nice tan before grad. (Mom says I look like a mushroom now because I've been on the computer so long. ^-^;;) I'm not too plae. I don't look like a vampire, but I don't look like I spend my weekends lying in the sun either.
Shrinemaiden Keisei
Dear Keisei,
You really shouldn't get a tan. It is the skin's cry for help! Tanning has been proven to cause skin cancer and premature wrinkles, too! Perhaps you could use a good self-tanner instead.
I would use makeup that is natural looking. You could use light mauve or plum on your eyes to bring out their color.
Dear Chichiri,
Iie, aisaika, I love you too much to subject you to my cooking.... *looks depressed*
Kelli, CNA#2
Dear Kelli,
Gomen, no da... *kisses her*
Dear Tasuki,
*is squeezing the water out of the hem of her shirt* Hey, like you said, I'm just like my father. *grins* And Suzaku knows YOU are rotten.
Kelli, CnA#2
Dear Ichijo,
I ain't rotten!!! I'm a *(^%$#@ HERO!!!!!! *Dumps her back in the pond*
Dear Chichiri,
Hi again, no da! *hugs Chichiri happily* Question time again! Suzaku Seishi - 1) If you could dress up like anyone/anything for Halloween (which is a holiday in our world with costumes and candy), what would you dress up as? 2) If you could have a single wish of your own, what would it be? 3) Chichiri-sama: Can you adopt me, no da? Onegai na no da? I won't be a pain, I promise ^_^
Dear Jasmine-chan,
Halloween costumes? Hmmm.. The only one of us that came up with anything was Chiriko, no da. He wants to go as Mega-Man, no da!
Here are the rest of your answers, no da:
Chichiri: To have my fiancee and my best friend both alive, no da.
Nuriko: To have my beloved sister alive again!
Tamahome: To have my family alive and well again!
Hotohori: To live long enough to see Boushin rule Konan.
Tasuki: To have Rei-Rei alive again.
Chiriko: To live long enough to see my brother's children grow old.
Mitsukake: To have Shouka alive and well again.
I really am not ready for children adopted or otherwise, no da. Gomen, no da. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Mitsukake,
*goes over to Mitsu-san and Chiriko* Since no one's talking to you two, I might as well... *pets Tama-neko and smiles* I like cats, Mitsu-san, and you have such a nice and loyal one.. if a little, ah, strange... Oi! I finally figured out why people thought you were doing weird things, Mitsu-san! It was Pedro-san doing them, not you! *smiles* Ne, Chiriko-kun, I have finals starting this week... wish me luck, OK? Especially on my algebra and biology finals! *finds an Encyclopedia Britannica volume and gives it to Chiriko* Here's a research book from our world, hope you enjoy it ^_^
Dear Jasmine-chan,
Pedro-san? Who's that? Chiriko says arigato for the book. Ganbatte kudasai on your finals!
Dear Nuriko,
*glomps nuriko*I saw it! The episode I'd been dreading! Why? Why you nuriko-sama?! I'm gonna be depressed over this for the longest time*lady sniffles, then sweatdrops* ano...gomen nasai, I think in my haste to glomp, I wrinkled your pretty clothes.
Dear Saralady,
Daijoubu! Gomen, that I made you sad. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
Oh come on Gen-chan no Miko, give Tasuki a break:) Okay, this has to be explained a bit.... I have an opinion on this, and if you were listening clearly Tasuki told Chichiri and I qoute: "I always thought of Miaka like a little sister...I've never thought that much...(meaning, I never thought that much/more of her!)...but I'm a man and I can be dirty...." It takes a brave man to tell your friend or just admit to that! Sorry I had to quote that, but I think that was very gallant of you and strong! He did love her like a little sister, and that proves it because he said that for one. Chichiri's friend said his feathers made people loose their reason, and pulls out their evil side, and it seems also his water can show what truely lies deep in one's heart.... If you think about it, all this confuses one, based on what he said.... But in my opinion-what he meant by this is that is a man and yadda yadda...(sorry, I majored in psychology)...he was speaking of his-how should I put this? He said he was a man and he can be dirty. You could see some sort of wheels were turning inside his head after he saved her and it looks like what maybe 30-45% of fans think, oh he loves her (not as a little sister but more) right? I don't think so.
So I think he thought of her like a little sister, never thinking that much of sexual things or more towards her at all, but he was suprised by his actions later on. Furthermore, a part of himself deep inside was dirty already, and he just was being a man/sexual thoughts-yes! (being human) But that side of him had nothing to do with Miaka directly, but with all women in general! He had those thoughts inside him before he even met Miaka of coarse. Men have lots of those thoughts, even women do! (hormones, human urges baby!) But something about Miaka, made him care for her like a little sister, because she was different. He did care for her like a little sister! There was something about Miaka that made him care for her like a little sister- When Chichiri's friend did that to him at the time he was starting to feel/care for her like a little sister...that dude's feathers brought out his evil side...yadda yadda yadda.... I hope you understand what I am saying, but to put this all together.... That fact that he had dirty thoughts in his mind already, made him react that way towards Miaka, not because he felt that way towards her, but he felt that way towards every woman-his mind was already thinking like that, with those thoughts.
Think back to the OAV I, and how he was thinking of a drink with a pretty girl. Was Miaka in the picture-no! So that proves that those thoughts were there already, even without Miaka being present! This evil manipulation took over Tasuki and made him act on what his "dirty thoughts" he had already inside him-that he already had to begin with. So thoughts are already in mind.... He acted that way towards Miaka, who he never thought that way of! He was just acting out his dirty manly side, which will always be with him, because he said he is a man and can have those thoughts. Thoughts in mind already + caring for Miaka starting to effect him + bad guy's feathers = this action. Do you understand this? My Final Thought.... He was a man, and anyone can think sexual things/thoughts. This side of him had nothing to do with Miaka personaly, but with women all together. These two merged somehow together because at the time, it hurt him to see Miaka all sad. His thoughts were on her and how to make her happy! He could never understand this/on why they had to be sad. Why are they sad, if they love each other? Why is Taka doing this? Miaka was sad at the time, and hurting! During all those scenes when they showed Tasuki saving her, etc...(close ups on his worried face etc) ....that was his love fore her caring for her! His sisterly love for her! Love comes in different ways! Why does everyone have to think love is just in one aspect? Not just sexual or "in love" But his love for her was sisterly, he cared for her-yes! But what already was inside him made him act that way towards Miaka when he was manipulated. That water-duded used Tasuki's dirty side to make him act that way towards Miaka! (no offense Tasuki:)
His dirty thoughts would be there if he met Miaka or not. They will always be there, and nothing can change that, and there is nothing wrong with thoughts like that. Tasuki is being a human being! We all have sexual needs and thoughts. Water-dude was just using those thoughts of women to act that way towards Miaka, which Tasuki in the end, said he would not betray his friend! Sorry, but that had to be said. Sorry Tasuki, for getting all presonal and such. Now leave Tasuki alone about that, poor guy has been through a lot already. And i'm just stating my opinion, so don't bite my head off folks! That's all I have to say.
Dear Emeric,
WOW! I dunno if I understood alla what ya' said but thanks!
Dear Nuriko,
Hi Nuri-chan! Just wanna ask u a 3 questions! First, why did you really fell in love with Emperor Hotohori? Second, do you belive that Yui really love Miaka in the inside of her heart? and lastly, did you fell in love with Miaka? That's all! For the answers, email me Thanks! BYE!
Dear Sarah,
Gomen Sarah but we don't do personal emails. I hope you check the peeji, as here are your answers:
1) Just look at him! He's sweet and gorgeous! Plus, since I was living for my sister, who wouldn't want their sister married to the Emperor?
2) Yes
3) Yes
Dear Chiriko,
Hi! Can I ask you some questions about the TV Series and the OAVs? (SPOILER ALERT!!!!!) The questions are:
1. Through out the whole series did Nakago of the Seriyuu Seven actually lied to Yui? about the whole thing that Miaka betrayed her, and Miaka did'nt really care about her from the begining.
2. How did Hotohori, Chiriko, and Mitsukake died?
3. Did Amiboshi of the Seriyuu Seven as Kaika had a crush on Miaka?
4. When did that happened? and why did Amiboshi let go of the flute when he was about to be rescued by the Suzaku Seven?
5. In the OAV did Yui really had a boyfriend, and that was Tetsuya?
6. What episode will Suboshi of the Seriyuu Seven die? That's all for the questions. For the answers, email me. Thanks!! BYE!!
Dear Sarsy,
Gomen Sarsy but we don't do personal emails. I hope you check the peeji, as here are your answers. By the way minna there are serious SPOILERS in here!!:
1) Yes
2) Hotohori died at Nakago's hands, in a sense Miboshi killed me, and Mitsukake gave his life to save villagers and soldiers alike.
3) Yes
4) It happened around the middle of the story. He let go of the flute because he didn't want to be a Seiryuu Seishi anymore.
5) Yes
6) It will happen in an episode close to the end of the series.
Dear Tasuki,
Okay, that is not a problem I wont bother you just tell you how great you are and ask you for advice when its needed. Deal? ^_^
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley,
Sure! Yer a good kid! *Fanged grin*
Dear Hotohori,
That is very admirable Hotohori Sama. I hope things work out for you someday. Prehaps someday you will be able to hold them again. I hope things work out for you
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley,
So do I. Arigato.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hee hee...sorry about the language...I'll try to be more careful in the future. But anyway. I'm surprised that you have not yet been informed of the powers of Mike Beck. Mike Beck is just a friend of mine....the person doesn't hold the power, the name does. The name is positively the coolest name in the world. It's just so fun to say. Rolls easily off the tounge. that you know the name, you must feel the power. To feel the power, simply repeat the name Mike Beck as fast as you can many times. *waits patiently while the task is completed* Done? Good. Now, do you feel the power of Mike Beck soaring through you?
Supreme Goddess Brittany-sama
Dear Brittany-sama,
No, not really. But it is an interesting name.
Dear Hotohori,
How did you get to be sooooo gorgeous?
Dear Kat,
Dear Chiriko,
how are you? Can I ask u some questions? My questions are:
1st, do u really want to be a goverment official leader?
2nd, do u like the other Suzaku Seishis? and who's your favorite?
3rd, do u think that Yui the Maiden of Seriyuu has nothing to do with the death of Kishuku "Tamahome" Kou's Family?
4th, did u feel lonely, or sad, when nuriko died in episode 33?
and lastly, do u think that Nakago is the real enemy?
Thanks! BYE!!
Dear Sarah,
Here are all your answers:
1) Yes
2) Yes, Tasuki
3) I think she was never told of Nakago's plans because he knew she would not approve of them.
4) Yes
5) Yes
Dear Tasuki,
How was your day???? And guess what? I think I'm beginning to lose interest in Lance... *shrugs* Oh well. So.. tell me your first impression of Miaka, like when you first met her. What did you think of her? And what do you think of her now.. ^_~ hehe! And also, that stupid blonde would NOT stop bothering me in class... he keeps on saying stupid stuff! Gosh, I kept on smacking him with my book and he continues to be annoying. And then, he gets all his other friends to bother me. Grrrrrrrr... I know they're just playing, but sometimes it really annoys me...
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
I thought she was a bit stupid since she wasn't actin' like a hostage! Heh-heh... Mebbe th' blonde guy has a crush on ya'...
Dear Tasuki,
MY LONGGGGGG LOST TWIN! How I've miss you! ^_~ Tasuki-chan!
Dear Tasukete,
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