Dear Tasuki,
Hey, Tasuki!! Can you please ask what is Kouji favorite food and how tall he is? Thank you! ^.~ *gives him a sake*
Dear Deserae,
He's about my height an' he says he likes a good steak!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi!!! EVERYONE!! How tall are you? Also whats your favorite Drink? Sake for Tasuki...
Deserae (Dmiboshi)
Dear Deserae,
Chichiri: 3'-5'8"(depending on the situation, no da), Water, no da!
Hotohori: 6', Green Tea
Tamahome: 5'11", Ramune
Tasuki: 5'10', Sake, what else would I drink?
Nuriko: 5'5", Green Tea
Chiriko: 4'10", Milk
Mitsukake: 6'6", Water
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
*POUNCE!* Oh yeah... If you swear infront of them, Kishi's mother will hunt you down with a frying pan and bar of soap! Have fuuuuun! ^-~ *runs off again*
Desha: *looks up at Tasuki and blinks*
Kishi: IS there something going on between you a Kouji-? Why else would you not want people to ask? You must be hiding something, huh!?
Desha: ... She does have a point you know. *sits and colors*
One-chan and co.
Dear One-chan and co.,
*Glares at the kids* 'Che! Yer as bad as One-chan! There ain't nothin' goin' on between me an' Kouji!
Dear Nuriko,
Nuriko ;-; why did you have to die? I just watched that eposide and I cant stop crying. Also I have a question. Before you were dying and you were thinking about all that stuff with Miaka,going shoping with her, going out to eat with her, driving with her in the moonlight is that what you would do if she was your girlfriend, or even if she was just your best friend? :clings to Nuriko chan still sniffling from seeing him die by that smelly wolf:
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley,
Gomen nasai. *Gives her a hug.* It is what I would have liked to have done had I made it to Miaka's world.
Dear Chichiri,
Hajimemashite, dozo yoroshiku onegaimasu! I'm Ayumi, you might recognize me as I was there briefly at your b-day party on the message board. I hope you had had a good time. So remind me how old you are now? I'm getting confused by the seishis' ages now since I've been reading the latest *spoiler* Eikou Den novels...@_@ I understand that you're very good at controlling your emotions, and I have great respect for your maturity. Can you give me some advice on how to improve myself in this area? I am born a rather emotional person, and I am trying hard not to let this affect my work. You see, I work in hospitals (I think you should be familiar with our vocabulary by now) and I see people die time and again. If I let my emotions take over too much, I can't carry out my other duties as well as I ought to. But on the other hand I don't want to be too detached and lose compassion for my patients. And striking the balance had been a big challenge. I thought you might be able to advise me on this. Thank you in advance for your time! Have a nice day with your numerous female "worshippers"! ^_^
Dear Ayumi,
I'm 26 no da. I realize you must keep a professional distance, yet at the same time you want to have compassion for your patients, no da. While I understand your dilemma, I am at a loss on how to help you with it. Gomen nasai. Ganbatte kudasai, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Hiya! I've been away only for a couple of days, and already your fans are lining up to be your kid! Wahaha! I wonder why anyone would want to be YOUR kid though! Judging from how you've been treating Kelli, I'm sure you're not gonna be the best dad in the world! You just have no patience for kids with that hot temper of yours! Anyway, I wondered whether you'd really like to have kids, should you get married in the future? Remember that you've got to teach them, and raising kids wouldn't be easy with you still being the leader of the Reikaku bandits. And if your answer is still yes, would you prefer your firstborn to be a boy or a girl? Since you've be so kind as to answer all my letters in the past, here's some first class sake from my world, especially for you. Enjoy! Let me know if you liked it, and I'll bring some more next time. I ought to be wary about you wasting your health away with your drinking, but I gather that Mitsukake and the others should've been watching that space, right?
Dear Ayumi,
I already got an aisai an' I don't need another! I don't want no kids! But if I did boys would be my choice! Thanks fer th' sake.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Okay, just wondering, if Gyoshoku is Boushin's GREAT grandson in the first OAV, then how come the Tasuki and Chichiri look soo young? Shouldn't they be like, old by then?
Dear Chantress,
It was all part of Tomo's illusion, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
*Doc-sama pops up by Tasuki-kun with a huge bottle of peach brandy* This for a 1 hour rent of your Tessen. It's to teach a baka Doctor how boredom feels, laying in a bed, with people coming in to scrape your skin, and have lots of needles sticking in ya.. He should know how the girls feel. Please???? He's a really bad A-ho, He needs a really quick flaming. (I know this won't do anything good in real life, but ranting about it burns some steam off. ^^;;)
Dear Doc-sama,
Well, ya' can use it to pound 'im wit' it but it only does th' fire thin' fer me. Arigato fer th' brandy! Let us know when ya' get th' card!
Dear Tasuki,
Hi....I havn't written in quite some time (much to the joy of everyone). I'm so fishy died..... poor Posiedon.....he was such a pretty fish....all blue and red and teal and purple......*sniffs* I'm so upset.....But at least I still have Zeus....I guess
Reikaku no Miko
Dear Reikaku no Miko,
Gomen yer fishy died. *Gives her a handkerchief*
Dear Tasuki,
Heh...wanna know something? *grins to reveal her own fangs* I showed my sister a picture of all the seishi and asked her to pick out the ones who were guys and she pointed to you and said you were a toss-up..... So I DECKED her! Hee hee! ......anyway. I made a tessen the other day out of paper and tried to Rekka Shinen a few incorrigible punklings in my immediate vicinity, and it didn't work very well, so I was wondering, is your tessen made entirely of iron or is it just iron ribbed? ....or is it in fact, iron? Arigato gozaimas!
Dear Swardfish,
Ya' decked her, eh? Eh... heh... *Fanged grin* My tessen is made of iron an' I'M th' only one who can use it fer fire!
Dear Mitsukake,
I have a medical inquiry. Why is it that whenever I eat anything sour, especially citrus, my face gets really hot like I have a fever? What's the MATTER with me? It's WEIRD! Thanks for your time, man.
Dear Swardfish,
You might be somewhat allergic to citrus fruit. You should check with your doctor and let them know about your reaction. Take care.
Dear Tasuki,
..You are you?
Slim Shady
Dear Slim Shady,
Well, yeah. Who th' h*ll else would I be?
Dear Tasuki,
*giggles* Hehee...I'm writing a Fushigi Yuugi fanfic, an it involves *you* falling in luv with a certain someone.*grins* I'm still working on it, but I hope to finish it soon!*kisses Tasuki an hugs him*
Genki Keiko
P.S. Ain't ya glad I'm happy again?
Dear Keiko,
Hai! I wanna read th' fic when yer done wit' it!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I've written several letters but I don't think any have reached!
Dear growly-chan,
Maybe not, but this one did, no da!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Okay, I want an answer from minna-san, wakarimashita?! Okay, Miaka and Yui are working together to organize a 'team work' assignment, and the Seiryuu side is involved, a long with all of you seven, the name drawing is completely random. I want each of you to name the four people you wouldn't mind working with, remember you're only paired up, and the seishi/miko you name can't all be from your side. Arigatou.
Dear Ai-chan,
Chichiri: Tasuki, Mitsukake, Yui, and Amiboshi, no da. Muzukashii, no da!
Tasuki: 'Che! Do we HAFTA pick from those Seiryuu LOSERS?!?!?!?!?!? *grumbles* Tamahome, Chichiri, Mitsukake, an' Ashitare (So I can flame him fer Nuriko! Heh-heh-heh...)
Tamahome: Nuriko, Tasuki, Miaka, and Yui
Mitsukake: Chichiri, Chiriko, Yui, and Tamahome
Nuriko: Hotohori, Tamahome, Tasuki, and Amiboshi
Hotohori: Miaka, Nuriko, Tamahome, Soi
Chiriko: Tasuki, Tamahome, Mitsukake, and Yui
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
(to everyone but Chichiri) Um...guys?...can somebody give Chichiri this?...*holds up a big bouquet of red red roses with a card reading "From your Secret Admirer"*...I would give it to him, but...well...I can't, okay? Just, somebody give this to him. But don't tell him it's from me!!!! I mean, tell him it's from! Don't tell him! ARGH!!!! Just give him the flowers, okay? *hands someone the big bouquet of red red roses with the card reading "From your Secret Admirer" and walks out sweatdropping*
Dear Mari-chan,
Awww, kawaii!! Yasashii desu ne! I'll be happy to give these to him!
Dear Tasuki,
Hey, Tasuki-sama!! It's been a while, ne? School's been horrible. Anyway, I have a question. Have you ever been in school? Or set foot in a school building? Cause, I mean ... well, there weren't very many schools by Mt. Reikaku, were there ...??
Dear Moon,
There were a couple an' I kinda remember goin' fer a while...
Dear Hotohori,
Aww, there's always a catch, isn't there? *lol* Maybe I should just declare myself "Music-person-who-performs-in-empty-chatrooms-every-once-in-awhile"? *Laughs* Well, thank you for listening to me play anyway. *Hugs him, blushes and walks away* (I've always been too shy to do that! ^_~)
Dear Hoshi,
*Gives her a hug* It was wonderful, thank you!
Dear Nuriko,'s 10pm and the kids next door are still screaming every once in awhile...screaming since early this morning. -_- Hotohori-sama was absolutely right, though...I can drown them out when I practice! Heehee...but right now there is a huge fire in their backyard, and very little supervision. I KNOW that is illegal! I'm just a bit afraid of the fire, though, considering there are many trees around here. If by the very slightest chance that their house burned, they'd take down mine as well! Please, Nuriko...have you or one of the other seishi restrain me before I hurt something! *Looks for something to break* You might have to chain me up in a dungeon or cell of some sort. ^_^;;;
Dear Hoshi,
*Holds her back for her own good.* Now calm down...
Dear Tasuki,
*comes in extremely hyper* HI TASUKI-CHAAAAAAAAAN!!!! KAWAAAAAAAIIIIII111 *grabs his face and pinches his cheeks* AWWWWWW SHOOOOOOO CYUUUUUUTEEEEE!! *grabs his tessen and runs like h*ll!*
Dear Jean,
GIMME BACK MY TESSEN!!!!!! *Runs after Jean and catches her.*
Dear Chichiri,
Just you a few weeks I'll be at Chichiri No Aijin's house...and SHE says she is making me cook. FOR ALL OF YOU. And a SPECIAL dish for you, aisaika. What was it again, CnA? Mac n Cheese? *smiles winningly*
Kelli, CnA#2
Dear Kelli,
Ano... *Looks at Chichiri no Aijin pleadingly...* What did I EVER do to YOU, no da???
Dear Tasuki,
*grabs his waistband and collar, lifts him up, and throws him headfirst into the (deep) pond* HA! *points and laughs*
Kelli, CnA#2
Dear Kelli,
*Snarls* Ya' know, yer a rotten kid!!!
Dear Tasuki,
Oii! Lemmie borrow yer tessen for a sec...*takes the tessen an fries all the %^*@ flies in her house* DIE YOU FLYING DEMONS FROM HELL!!*returns tessen* Arigato...Oi! Check out my site please! An sign the guestbook please! I soon am going to add yer guys's link to my page, if ya don't mind.
Genki Keiko
Dear Keiko,
Interestin' site, but ya' gotta work on yer links. Some of 'em are busted or don't lead where ya' think they do. Thanks fer addin' us to yer peeji!
Dear Nuriko,
Hnn...I don't think my last letter made it, Nuriko-kun. Well, *shrugs* didn't say much anyway. Just me babbling about the end of school! Bah! Summer is boring! *sighs* But at least I have the computer so I can talk to you guys, ne? Hai! That makes me feel better! Saa...I don't even have a 'question' to ask...I know! Guess what, Nuri-kun? I joined Glompfest 2000! *runs off to glomp Chichiri...he's the lucky glomp-ee*
Rabbit, a proud member of Glompfest 2000 NO DA!
Dear Rabbit,
Glompfest??? Where and what is that?
Dear Chichiri,
*glomps Chichiri for a few seconds* Gomen nasai, Chichiri-san! It's just...I joined Glompfest 2000, and you're the *thinks for a moment* glomp-ee. Well, ja ne!
Rabbit, a proud member of Glompfest 2000 NO DA!
Dear Rabbit,
Ano... ok, no da. *sweatdrops*
Dear Chichiri,
Hi Chichiri!!! Happy balated b-day *gives him a fish with a yellow flower* Here no da lest I can do.*smiles* Have ever played a game no da? BYB!!
Dear Deserae,
Arigato! What kind of game, no da?
Dear Mitsukake,
Konnichi Wa, Mitsukake-san!!*pulls out a pound of catnip and a pendit that has Mitsukake's name on it* Da...the catnip's fer Tama-neko...jes as long as he doesn't rip it to some other cat I know! *glares at her cat who isn't in the room* I spent 50 cents on this bag of catnip fer him! Da meany...>.< Thats kinda one reason why I'd rather have another dog than a cat...Da...not saying that I don't like Tama-neko...*whispers* Though, I kinda hafta admit he's alittle weird sometimes...Oh ya!*gives Mitsukake his pendit* Hope ya like it!*gives Mitsukake a kiss on the cheeck and Tama a pat on the head* Bye!!
Genki Keiko
Dear Keiko,
Arigato for the presents.
Dear Nuriko,
Nuri-chan! I got my grad dress! (NOW I'm not worried about not getting a nice one, but that I'll gain too much weight in the next month and a half to make it fit right.) I was wondering what likd of make-up I should wear with it? It's a pale irridescent purple backless with reaaaaaaaaly skinny straps. It's WAY long, you can barely see my feet unless I'm walking. Any ideas for make-up?
Shrinemaiden Keisei
Dear Keisei,
It sounds lovely. So, what is your coloring? Eyes, hair, skintone, etc.
Dear Tasuki,
Ooooh......Sorry then. I could just sit here and be quiet, if you don't want me to talk like that anymore *sits down and just stares at Tasuki....*
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
Geez!! Ya' don't gotta stare at me either! So, heard yer goin' on a trip! Have a great time!
Dear Nuriko,! *looks REALLY pissed off - then coughs* Well, not that I would ever hit a lady, such as yourself, but it's still very unnerving to be told that the love of your life is dead, only to have her return and save your rear format from a sadistic crab that doesn't know the meaning of the word 'die'. Why did you tell her not to SAY anything to me!?!
(one VERY razzled) Silverbolt
Dear Silverbolt,
I gave her several suggestions. She chose the one she felt the most comfortable with. Gomen nasai, but it does seem that things did work out OK.
Dear Tasuki,
Yesterday, my friend was really mean to me. You see, it was a half-day at school, so we planned to go out somewhere after school. So I waited by her locker after school. She wasn't there. So I looked everywhere for her. While I was looking for her, I saw Lance, but I didn't even say hi to him 'cause I was in a hurry to look for my friend. Then I saw Kate, and she told me that she left! She ditched me! Can you believe that? I was so mad. Grrrrrrrrr... And I KNOW she has nothing better to do after school then going home.
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Gomen, but stuff happens! Try not to hold a grudge or at least try an' find out why she did it. Good luck!
Dear Tasuki,
Don't LIE! We all know you love Miaka, and not just as a little sister!!!!
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
I DO NOT!!!!!!!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi!!!*waves* A few odd questions! 1. What is the stupidist thing you've ever done? 2. If you could, would you come to my house to hang out in my hottub? 3. Did it take you a while to get used to Miaka's whiney self? Hehee...wanna know the stupidist thing I've ever done? Blame it on popsicles! I have a scar on my leg about a centimeter long!*SD* I tried to open some popsicles with a knife, and I stabbed myself in the leg...But it didn't really hurt, ya know! Well, bye!*kisses all the S.S. a kiss on the lips and a plushie of themselves*
Genki Keiko
P.S. You all look scary in the plushie-style! Mitsukake, you look evil, Tamahome looks scary, and the rest are just odd looking, no offense! Chiriko is the only normal looking one! Cuz, he's the youngest and he's adorable!! Bye!!!
Dear Keiko,
Here are all of your answers:
1) Chichiri: Fighting my best friend over my fiancée, no da.
Tasuki: Tasuki doesn't do well when he has too many choices, no da.
Tamahome: Thinking I could EVER make enough okane to feed Miaka!
Hotohori: Fighting Nakago without my Seishi powers.
Nuriko: Revealing I was a man BEFORE I could marry Hotohori.
Mitsukake: Not being there for Shouka when she was ill.
Chiriko: Dying before I could enter puberty.
2) If it were possible yes, we would visit you.
3) Whiney? Miaka's whiney??? Ever watch Sailor Moon, no da?
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
:) everyone loves ya dad, Kelli is just too over-exicted having you as a father that she doesnt know how to she is that way. Wow now since your like my dad you have total control over my life! ^_^ creepie! I better not tell ya bout my boyfriends when I get them, ya might flame them to death! ^_^ anyway I was wondering what I have to do now that I am your kid? :) love ya dad! :hugs:
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley,
Nothin' much. Jus' try not to torment me th' way Kelli-chan does! *Fanged grin*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*growls in frustration* I need to clear something up. Someone has written the Suzaku Seishi a letter and signed it using my name. I do know the person that they were talking about when they wrote the letter in my name (BTW: I met her when she was a he and was shocked when I found out she was a she, but got over it and now enjoy her conversational skills!! ^_^), but I would never write anything like that. They didn't even get my personality right!! Geez! If you're gonna be me, at least be me. I just thought that needed to be cleared up. Oh yes, and to the imposter, if I find out who you are, you will be forced to ************** then suck the devil's toes. And you don't want that to happen. And, if I command it, the Great Goddess might help me!! ^_^ Well, now that THAT'S been cleared up, may you all feel the power of Mike Beck soaring through you. Do you feel the power?
The REAL Supreme Goddess Brittany-sama
Dear Brittany-sama,
Thank you for clearing that up, no da. Gomen nasai, we can only go by what a person signs, no da. Minna-san please do not use someone else's name without their permission, no da. Sumimasen, we did have to censor some of your language, no da. Ano... who is Mike Beck, no da?
Dear Tasuki,
Gen-chan...Gotta question fer you...since you can't swim...*makes a spell an Tasuki appears on a boat during a storm* What would you do if you fell over board? There are no life jackets on board...and you are the only one on the boat.*Tasuki appears out of the boat* If you want...I'm sure some of your female friends,*not meaning girlfriends, but fans* will help you. Including me! :) *genki again*
Dear Keiko,
ARRRGGGHHHHHH!!!!!! Are ya' nuts?!?!?!?!? GET ME BACK ON DRY LAND!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
So as long as the seishi (read: Tasuki) are collecting relatives...who wants me for one? ^___^ Actually, I suppose the question would be who would give the biggest allowance...^_^;;;
Dear Katsumi,
Ya' better count Tamahome out of this one! He's too cheap! Heh-heh-heh... Mebbe Hotohori can afford ya'.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*holds up a shiney penny* See?!?! This is one heck of a lucky penny! I told my softball team that it was, but they didn't beleive me...But! We won our first softball game of da season!!*shows it to the Suzaku Seishi* Seeeeee...if you touch it, you will have good luck from now on...! *hugs Tasuki till he can't breathe* Wai! Love yer advice! I'll stick with it!
Genki Keiko
Dear Keiko,
Ya' better keep that penny away from Tamahome! Since it's okane, he'll want it! Yer welcome fer th' advice! Glad I was able to help!
Dear Hotohori,
Nope! The voice was yours, and yours alone! I can regonzie sexy voice's when I hear them! Nuriko wouldnt of questioned it if was Tamahome, after all Nuriko SUGGESTED she wished for Tamahome and Miaka to be together. ^_^ but that's okay if you asked for that, hell if I had wishes I would probably wish to live with ya ^_^ Teehee, ANYWAY I wanted to ask you a question. If you could have the chance to see Boushin and Houki again knowing you cannot hold them, you cannot touch them because you have no one's body to use, would you still take the chance to see them again? Or would you rather not put any pain upon yourself and them knowing you cannot hold them??
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley,
As painful as it is, I do visit and watch over them so I know that they are safe.
Dear Tasuki,
Hmm... so I'd have to best all the bandits in brawling and drinking... *sighs* It was a good idea while it lasted. ^_^ *looks at Tasuki and smiles* Ne, oyaji, I brought some more sake and some toasted rice cakes for you! And I'm switching your tessen for a halisen when you get too drunk, just in case you mistake Chichiri for Nakago or something... And I've got a package for Chichiri-sama... *gives a box wrapped in blue paper along with a brand-new shakujou* The box has a book of spells that'll work in your world, and a good luck charm! You can add the charm to your beads if you want - you can't have too much good luck, 'specially with Tasuki flaming stuff ^_^
Dear Jasmine-chan,
Thanks fer th' sake an' rice cakes, but I'm KEEPIN' my tessen!
Arigato for the charm, book, and shakujou, no da! But if you're worried about Tasuki setting things on fire here, *hands her a fire extinguisher* this is what CnA uses on him, no da.
Tasuki and Chichiri
Dear Tasuki,
*POUNCE!* A "great" dad???? *falls over laughing* You'd be a HORRIBLE example! And nobody would listen to you if you even tried to show some parental authority! You'd be more like a friend or brother (or partner in crime =P) than a father! You'd be a very bad example! As a test, I will leave two kids with you, and if I find Trunks and Goten around I'll leave them with you too! This is Desha, she's the quiiiiiet one. Kishi.... the elfish looking one... isn't.
Dear One-chan,
OI OI OI !!!! I don't WANT no more kids!!! Get back here!!! *Looks at two cute kids One has left him and sighs...*
Dear Chiriko,
Ah... thanX again for putting me up at the links peeji! But um... you misspelled my name... ^^;; Doesn't matter, making little mistakes is what makes us human, ne? :) Also, I was wondering if you could give me the seishi's birthday dates? I discovered that I also missed Chichiri's... *slaps head* Gomen nasai Chichiri-chan! Oh and I almost forgot... please wish me luck for my tests at school, I could need that... *shivers* Maths... Physics... French... that's no so bad though... Dutch (hai, I'm from Holland!^^ Well actually from Taiwan but... bother)... History... Cultural History... *goes nuts as she thinks about all the tests* Itaii!!!!!
Dear Shinyi,
Our birthdates are as follows:
Nuriko: March 10
Chiriko: March 19
Hotohori: April 2
Tasuki: April 18
Mitsukake: May 7
Chichiri: May 21
Tamahome: June 28
I also corrected your name on our Links peeji. Gomen nasai. Ganbatte kudasai on your tests!
Dear Nuriko,
NURIKO-SAMA! ^_^! See? See?? I have many kids now! It's an empire! And it's catching on! Oh, families are spurting everywhere! Even Tasuki has kids now! Wahahaha!!! I should patent this or something....See? ^_^!! Waiwaiwai! *hugs* You're soo cool!! Wai!! Oh...but I have a delinquent son too...But it'll work out! Wai! *drags him away and tells him lots stories*
Dear Inori,
I'm cool?? I thought that was Tasuki! Thank you! *Gives her a hug.* So, tell me ALL about this family of yours...
Dear Chichiri,
Konnichiwa Chichiri-san! How are you? You're very kawaii when you're superdeformed! *sighs* I'm bored. But, I downloaded a sound and your voice is so kawaii! Oh, boy, I'm babbling now...gomen, Chichiri-san! Ja ne!
Dear Rabbit,
I am, no da? Arigato, no da!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Konnichi wa, minna-san! ^_^ I have some questions for ya!
1) If you could be in any book other than The Universe of the Four Gods, what would it be?
2) Where would you most want to go on vacation?
3) What's the most annoying thing you can possibly think of?
4) If you had to switch bodies with a Seiryuu Seishi (yeah, like THAT'S gonna happen xX;;), who would it be?
5) If you could have a different Seishi power, what would it be?
6) Tasuki, there is a shrine to your HORSE. ^^;; Can you believe it?
That's all I can think for now. Dewa mata! ^-^
KelseyML, The Boshi no Miko
Dear KelseyML,
Here are all your answers:
1) Chichiri: A Wrinkle in Time, no da!
Tamahome: Les Meserables
Tasuki: Firestarter! Heh-heh-heh...
Mitsukake: Dr. Doolittle
Chiriko: Ender's Game
Nuriko: Pygmalion
Hotohori: The Three Musketeers
2) Chichiri: San Francisco, no da!
Tasuki: Las Vegas!
Mitsukake: Vienna
Chirikio: The Library of Alexandra if it still existed. Otherwise the Smithsonian and the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C.
Tamahome: Washington, D.C. to visit the Federal Reserve
Nuriko: London for a shopping spree!
Hotohori: Paris
3) Seiryuu Seishi!
4) Why would we WANT to do THAT???
5) We're all happy with the powers we have, no da.
6) Yes! *grumble... baka uma... grumble...*
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Nuriko,
I don't know what to do! See, I have this boy I like and he hates the fact I have acne. What should I do? How can I get rid of the acne, and fast?
Dear Kate,
Ask your doctor for a recommendation to a dermatologist.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Shrinemaiden Keisei
Dear Keisei,
Ano, Keisei I don't think you are responsible for her state of mind, no da. But thank you for your concern. I'm sure she appreciates it, no da.
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