Dear Tamahome,
Hey, Tamahome, how are things right now? I know how you and the other seishi are, well.. uhh... concerned about Miaka's cooking, right? Well, just remember, no matter how bad somebody may be at something, THERE'S ALWAYS SOMEBODY WORSE. Have you or the other seishi ever watched Project A-Ko? Well, the 'somebody worse' in question is C-Ko from Project A-Ko. C-Ko's cooking is capable of making A-Ko sick... and here's the kicker: A-Ko is not a human, but a super-powerful android. I don't think Miaka's cooking is currently capable of poisoning any robots, right??
Dear Tonberry,
We're fine. We have watched some Project A-Ko. We didn't know A-Ko was an android!!! And no, Miaka hasn't killed any robots... yet.
Dear Chichiri,
*sideways glance* Oh, and you are just SO supportive.
Kelli, CnA#2
Dear Kelli,
Gomen, no da! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
*pops to the surface, spluttering* HEY!! WHAT'D YA DO THAT FOR?!!?
Kelli, CnA#2
Dear Kelli,
Because yer bein' a brat!!!!!!
Dear Tasuki,
How much do you like Miaka?
I like her like a lil' sister.
Dear Hotohori,
Bah :P No I am kidding I still love you Hotohori, but watch the ending of Ep 52 where you're all deciding what you should use the last wish on. *micks hotohori* Hotohori: How about we use the last wish for Miaka and I to stay in her world? Nuriko: What are you saying?! but that doesnt matter I was just caught off guard by that! :) I still love ya! Everyone does :kisses his cheek: Ja ne for now Hotohori Sama
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley,
Ano... I thought that was Tamahome's line...
Dear Nuriko,
*Doc-sama offers some chocolate covered cherries to Nuriko* Be careful, they're very juicy and they'll drip all over your clothes if you don't watch for it. *Doc-sama leans back against the tree* I've got a question for you. In the job field I'm in, we tend to trade our training and experiences. Have you considered asking for martial arts training? I know it's a little late, but it'll give you something to do. ;) *Doc-sama shivers,reaches for her backpack, and pulls out two blankets* It's getting a bit cool, you can borrow this blanket if you want.
Dear Doc-sama,
Arigato! *Takes blanket from her.*
Dear Chiriko,
Konnichiwa, Chiriko-san! You have a kawaii voice! Um...I wanted to ask, what does 'itooshi' mean?
Dear Rabbit,
Arigato! Itooshi means dear one or beloved.
Dear Tasuki,
*eyes get all big and innocent* I'm scareing you? I didn't know I had that ability......Am I really scary?
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
It ain't ya'. I think it was what ya' were sayin'.
Dear Hotohori,
Hey sweety, can you give me information of the another two ovas and if you know how i can buy them. im asking because i have the first one and part of the second.
Dear Yani,
Rumor has it that Pioneer may put them out after they have finished with our series. Unfortunately, I know of nowhere to purchase them. Gomen.
Dear Tasuki,
*-* wai...I get to be Tasuki's kid! And the reason why everyone wants to be your kid is because your SO cool! I mean look at you, the fangs, the attitude..the way you 'accidently' flame Tamahome. :listens to THTC over and over: and your voice..and well everything about you! But dont worry I am not gonna be like your other daughter's I wont try to hurt ya..^_^ I may have an attitude but I will NOT use it on the world's hottest bandit. ^_^ woops DAD ^_^ gotta go, my mean teacher is yelling at me to get off this site! ;-; well bye! :kisses his cheek and hugs him:
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley,
Heh-heh-heh... *Sticks his tongue out at Kelli...* See, someone appreciates me!!!
Dear Tasuki,
*looks like she's goin to cry* BAKA Genrou Den Novel scans!! I just had to see that one...*glares at Tasuki* Yer fault! For some reason I blame it on you `n Knock-Knock boy!!*Kouji* *death glare* *gasps and glares at SailorSenshiMiaka* Why did you just stab me in the back? SailorSenshiMiaka: Don't you dare insult my Kouji-san!! Keiko:*falls face first an is sprawled out on the floor* Backstabber...death to your little bandit boy toy.
Dear Keiko,
What th' H*LL are ya' talkin' 'bout?!?!?!?
Dear Hotohori,
How come you are having a hard time looking for an empress when you are just so in drop-dead grogeous..I'd also like to know how come you didn't choose me??
Dear Yami-chan,
I wanted a woman who's beauty at least matched if not surpassed my own. I suppose I was being very particular. Gomen nasai.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Konnichiwa, all of you! ^_^ Havn't written in a while.. I'm not too sure which one of you would know more about this kind if thing, so i decided to ask ya all. I've been really really tired every day from about noon onward, and don't really wake up from morning fatigue untill about grades have suffered (summer school! nooo!) due to this insane amount of fatigue battering me day in and day out. Every morning i take echinacea (i know i spelled that wrong..) pills, and eat fruits and vegetables, and even excercize at 8-8:45 in the morning (1st period gym).. Do any of you have any idea why i could possibly be so exhausted? I wake up at 6AM, sometimes 5:30, but go to sleep no later then 9:30 or 10.. Any ideas?
Cally_Kari_Shokka (not three people)
Dear Cally_Kari_Shokka,
I remember you! Welcome back! Perhaps you might need more sleep. Have you gone to your doctor for a complete physical exam? If not, you should. They we would be best suited to diagnosing why you are always so tired. Good luck. Odajini!
Dear Chichiri,
happy belated b-day
Dear nodaing,
Arigato, no da!
Dear Hotohori,
Oh my gosh! I finally get to write to you! I am your biggest fan! Ummm... okay what to write. Okay got it. My name is Kosetsuno Tenshi, you may know about me from Hino Tenshi who is my friend. Anyway I just wanted to tell you how happy I am that you are happily married with a son. It is my wish that you would take a second wife, but I know that you would never do so. You are to nice and gentle to do something like that. The reasons why I like you are simple: you're kind, gentle, handsome, strong, and a follower of Suzaku. I want to wish you success in everything you do. Please tell your wife and son that I wish that they would be happy in everything that they do.
Sincerly your follower and devoted fan, Hugs, Kisses, Cats, and Birds
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
I will give Houki and Boushin your regards. Arigato for your kind words.
Dear Chichiri,
Konnichwa!!! Happy B-day Chichiri!!!(I know it's belated but I was really busy.) I'm so sorry(and I feel real bad) but you still love me(in a friendship way).... right? I pondered on what to get you for the longest time. "Chichiri only deserves the best!"(That's what I told myself.) This probably isn't the best present but you'll enjoy it. *Hands him a box* The wrapping paper is the same design as you kesa.(hehehe) Open it. Do you like it? It's a fishin' hat.(it even has the little fish hooks attached to it) The reason i didn't email you on your b-day was cause I was camping. Boo-Hoo!! I got sunburned, but it does not hurt...too much. I got you another cute little present. It's the walking stick(not the bug) I found it on the beach. *hands him the walking stick with a blue bow on it* Well, I hope you had the coolest,most wonderful, best B-day party with all your friends.(too bad I couldn't be there.) I hatva go now but, like always, i'll be back. *Kisses him on cheek* Ja ne!
Aenne aka Chichiri no Hime
Dear Aenne,
Arigato, no da! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
*smirks* Oh yes you are. And no I am not.
Kelli, CnA#2
Dear Kelli,
That DOES it!! *Picks her up, slings her over his shoulder, and dumps her in the nearest pond.*
Dear Chichiri,
You know, one of these days, I WILL cook a decent meal....*sighs*
Kelli, CnA#2
Dear Kelli,
One can only hope, no da...
Dear Hotohori,
:folds arms in front of chest: you have some explaing to do! You told me you loved Houki! ;-; so what was with "How about Miaka and I staying in this world" hmpth! You mean you would leave Houki and your Kawaii wil baby behind? :sniffles and begins to cry: that's so sad! ;-; Tell me it isnt so Hotohori Sama!!
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley,
I don't remember making such a statement, gomen.
Dear Tasuki,
Daarin!!!! *jumps to his arms+kisses him* admit it ^_^ ya liked it when I kissed ya ^_^ Ya know who I am don't cha? I'm sure ya want another one of those Hieisan special kisses ^_~ *grabs Tas-chan again an' gives him Hieisan's Special kiss* hehehehe Told ya! ya can't hide away from me *LOL* I'm yer Shadow ^_^ oh, my computer crashed so I couldn't kiss ya goodbye ^_^U gomen ne an' remember ya do what I say or ya'll get punished ^_~ *sits down an' offers some sake* oh! I forgot to are ya going on? (after yer daughter kicked ya there *points to the place*) *Passes Tas-cha a barrell of sake* Hai sou da yo ! let's drink Daarin ! *takes a sip* kono sake wa chou umai de !!! maa...*looks arround and sees the other seishi starring* hey ^_^ if ya wanna have some ya just have to ask ^_^ *watches as Tasuki starts to get whirly eyes* maa Daarin daijoubu? *pushes Tasuki's forehead with one finger an sees him fall back* YIKES! I think I better leave now ... he needs a rest .... *covers him with a blanket + kisses his face* Sweet dreams daarin ^_^ I'll come see ya soon ^_^
Dear Hieisan,
Air, need air...
Dear Tamahome,
When are you coming home?
Dear Miaka,
Soon sweetie!
Dear Tasuki,
Hey, if Kelli can be your kid, can I be your wife or lover???? ^_^
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Gomen, yer too young. But friends is OK!
Dear Tasuki,
Tell me Iridal doesn't own you, ok?
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Che! Did that baka Tamahome try to SELL me AGAIN?!?!?!?!?
Dear Tasuki,
ACK! 'ave I just read that ya 'ave a daughter?!?!?!!! How could ya do this to ME! *kick's his a$$* d*mn ya! I 'ate ya daarin!!! but.... *starts cryin'* I can't get to 'ate ya!! T_T *hugs him an' sobs* yewr bad to me....sniff ya don't like me... ya 'ate me.... *kisses him and runs away cryin'* How could ya!!!!
Dear Hieisan,
'Che! Calm down already! She's *(^%$#@ ADOPTED!!!
Dear Nuriko,
do you think your cool
Dear ^-^,
Hmmm... I've never really thought about it...
Dear Tamahome,
*sniffs* Konnichiwa, Tama-kun. Well, as I told Tasuki, I didn't get any awards in my drama class today. Not to mention I had my English final, which fried my brains. 187 questions and an essay-type thing. Oi, my fingers hurt. Luckily I can still type. So how are you and Miaka?
Dear Rabbit,
We're both doing fine, thank you. Gomen about the awards.
Dear Tasuki,
*walks in cring* Well, I didn't get any awards...*hugs Tasuki like a plushie, then notices his face turning blue* Wahh! Gomen, Tasuki-san! I'm sorry! *sniffs* Okay, I'm done, how are you? I hope you're doing better then I am...
Dear Rabbit,
I can breathe again an' that's always a good thin'! Gomen ya' didn't get any awards.
Dear Tasuki,
*rubs wrist* Eh, you think I should, kill myself? I hate my life and stuff...I don't get along with my brothers, school work kills my brain and I get mad at my mom and hardly see me dad.*looks like she's going to cry*
Dear Keiko,
NO!! But I do think ya' need to see a counselor an' also tell yer parents how yer feelin' so they can get ya' some help! Ya' also might wanna check out these sites: Suicide Helpline, Befrienders, Youth Suicide. Take care an' keep in touch. *Gives her a hug*
Dear Hotohori,
How can you get over someone whom you liked for more then 4 years?
Dear Me,
Hmmm... that is very difficult. They do say that time heals all wounds, and I'm sure as you spend more time with your friends and meeting new people you will find that you have grown as a person and that your feelings towards this individual have changed. While they may always be special to you, you may no longer have the strong feelings towards them that you do now. Good luck.
Dear Chichiri,
I know it's late, but I heard it was your birthday, and though I bet yer a little old for this ::brings out fish-shaped cake with HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHICHIRI written in icing:: and...ahem, ::vocie cracking as I sing:: Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Chichi-reeeeee::glass shatters in background:: Happy Birthday to you! Look, I knew all the words! ::hands Chichiri a mysterious ticking package, and runs off to cover her ears:: Ummm...go ahead and open it! I'll just be over here. ::smooches to the birthday boy::
P.S. Hope you enjoy the kitty/fishy alarm clock!
Dear Hime,
Arigato, no da! *Alarm goes off.* DA! *Drops package and dives under the table.* What was THAT, no da????
Dear Tasuki,
Are you SURE you would be able to survive on a desert island without sake? That's kinda hard to believe. ^_^ You could go nuts or something...oh wait, already there. (ducks flame) Well, anyway, just wondering...don't people find your extreme aversion to having a girlfriend...well...a little weird? But if you ever change your mind, you know at least ten girls to call! (Myself included!...*shuts up*)
Dear Mari-chan,
Yeah, they do I guess. But I don't care! *Fanged grin*
Dear Tasuki,
*sinffles* But we don't look a thing alike.....I have blonde hair and blue eyes (I look kinda like Sailor Venus)......can't I just be a loyal fangirl instead? *hugs Tasuki* You such a great voice *eyes get sparkly* I'm down loading Realplayer right now so I can save your song on my computer *snuggles* I like you too much to be your daughter! *giggles*
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
I'd say that's a relief, but yer scarin' me!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*sneaks into the Konan Palace* Oooo...priceless stuff...*grins* Eh, I gotta question fer ya dudes...*whispers* I already asked Chichiri-san this. Would you guys mind dressing up as thirteen yearold girls and play baseball on my team? I bet Nuriko-san would help...he could help us win! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!!! *turns sane again* Please?
Dear Keiko,
Playing baseball, yes! Dressing up as 13 year old girls, NO!
Dear Tasuki,
*POUNCE!* ^-^ Okie! Oh yeah... Ya know, looking at those letters from people that want YOU to be their dad is... weird. You really, really, really wouldn't make a good father! Bad examples! Bad examples everywhere! It's probably too late for Kelli though... And you've probably tarnished Chiriko's mind forever =P Why on earth would people want you for a dad???? .... Must be because we girls can get you to do almost anything for us, especially if we cry ;p *razz!*
Dear One-chan,
Whaddya' mean I'd be a bad dad???? I'd be GREAT!!!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*Doc-sama takes her leave of Mitsukake-kun and wanders the gardens* Kirei!!! *Doc-sama pulls out a bag of chocolate covered cherries, and finds a shady tree by the koi pond to sit under* I wonder if anyone here has ever eaten these kind of chocolates? *munches on one* hmmm... Traverse City cherries and Sanders chocolate. *_*
Dear Doc-sama,
Chocolate??? Did I hear chocolate? *Smiles*
Dear Tasuki,
Yes I am! I can be just as tempermental and loud mouthed as you!! :holds up a Nuriko speical and downs it without any side affects: See!! See!! So can I be your daughter Tasuki Sama? Pwease?
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley,
Sure... why anyone WANTS to be MY kid is beyond me... *mutter, grumble...*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I'm very upset. You see, this friend of mine is being treated unfairly. At one point in time, she pretended she was male. Now it's come out that she is, in all actuality, female. Anyway, people who were really nice to her when she was a he have totally betrayed her, calling her manipulative and such. Not exactly in those words, but that was the basic gist of the message. Now, these betrayers are trying to destroy her web site! I just don't understand how they could call her manipulative!! Everyone pretends to be something they are not. For instance, Nuriko has pretended to be female, Chichiri has pretended to be the emperor among other things, Hotohori has pretended to be female, Tamahome pretended to want money only for himself when, in fact, he wanted it for his family ... So, if she was manipulative then so are all of you, and so is everyone else... even her betrayers, and so they would have no room to judge her. Don't you agree? What angers me the most is that these people who were friends to her when she seemed to be male, liked her for her wit and humor and all around wonderful personality. Now that she is female and still has the same wit and humor and all around wonderful personality, they decide to no longer be friends with her simply on the basis that she is female and not male. I thought that people were incouraged to look past the outer and to the inner. How can people be so shallow? Any advice would be well appreciated.
The very angry Supreme Goddess Britatny-sama
Dear Britatny-sama,
What is happening to your friend has nothing to do with gender. But it does have everything to do with deception. Face it, no one likes being deceived or made to feel like they were made a fool of.
I felt extreme guilt over my sister's death and dressed as a female to give her a second chance at life through me. Chichiri imitated the Emperor and Nakago to help both Hotohori and Miaka and to make sure that Miaka was safe and protected. Hotohori allowed the bandits to perceive him as female so that he and I could be with Miaka and keep an eye on her. As for Tamahome I think he didn't wanted people to know he was so poor or so kind hearted.
Now, were your friend's intentions as lofty when she deceived these people? I understand it was role playing and all in fun and that there was no intention of people getting hurt, it just happened that way. Everyone needs to be careful when it comes to role playing. We all need to realize the difference between reality and fantasy and learn to separate the two.
We want ALL of you to know that while we weren't happy with her either, what's done is done. We're over it and she will ALWAYS be welcomed here.
To the fans that you say are out to revenge themselves on her through her website we have this to say: WE DO NOT CONDONE ANYONE HARMING HER SITE!! STOP IT RIGHT NOW! IT IS UNCALLED FOR AND WE WILL NOT FORGIVE YOU FOR DOING IT!!
Dear Tasuki,
Oi oi oi! It's Yui in da *looks around* page! (oh geez that sounded really stupid!) Hi! Wheeeeeewwww! Yes I'm happy and hyper because I have NO MORE SCHOOL! Hehehehe! Do you like apples? I do! Hey are apples suppose to be blue? Hmmm *eats a blue apple* Ew! TASUKI! Stop watching that la blue girlz! How icky! Eeeeewwwwwwwwwiiiieeeee! MWAHAHA! I got a job yay now I get money! Woohoo! More randomness coming soon! I can't wait till that X-men movie comes out!
Dear Yui,
I ain't watchin' La Blue Girl!!! HENTAI!! By th' way, welcome back!!! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Thanks all for answering my nutty question. But now I have the results in...drum roll please.....Tamahome, Tasuki and Mitsukake were all right. I went with my gut feeling in Taiwan and I'm happy for it! Thanks for going along with it.
Mary the happy
Dear Mary,
*They ALL look confused.* You're welcome!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
*pops out of her kasa* Hi Tasuki-kun! I just came from a party... and was ready to leave (I've got finals coming and two of my teachers are leaving! Yesssss! *quiets down*) but I was wondering... can I hang around you for a while? Chichiri-sama's already got CnA and Kelli-chan around him, and as much as I want to be around.... *sighs* Oi, is there any chance I can be a Mt. Reikaku bandit? I'm one of Chichiri's seishi (*cough* One of the many out there *cough*) but I'm sure I can help! Onegai, Tasuki? *holds two of the largest bottles of sake just out of reach*
Dear Jasmine-chan,
We don't usually let girls become bandits. Ya' gotta outbrawl an' outdrink us ALL first! If ya' want, ya' can hang wit' me. *Takes sake* Thanks fer th' sake!!
Dear Tasuki,
*waves* Konnichiwa, Tasuki-san! (*&%, it's hot! *pulls out li'l halisen* Oh, that's the word, isn't it? My brain's fried. I have exams all this week! Today was easy, but it gets harder! *sniffs* But on the bright side, we have an awards ceremony-thingie tomorrow in Acting. I hope I get something! If not, you'll be hearing from me! But then, on the other hand, if I do get something you'll be hearing from me! Or maybe I'll just stop buggin' you and bother Tama-kun or Nuriko...ja ne!
Dear Rabbit,
Good luck!
Dear Chiriko,
Add my fanart shrine to the links peeji? O.O *picks Chiriko up and hugs him* That would be sugoi!!!!! Please do! *kisses his cheek and disappears* (I do have something with disappearing in one mysterious way or the other, ano... whatever)
Dear Shinyi,
*Blushes* Ano... you're welcome! Check our Links Peeji, it's on it now.
Dear Hotohori,
Hi. Could you tell Kaiwen Hsu that yeah I am Soi in her FYRPG. Say, have any of the seishi tried playing in any RPG's yet? The FY one I'm in is over e-mail.
Taiitsu no Miko (who is also Soi-Sauce w/ Rice)
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
I shall.
Dear Tasuki,
Erm, just you know just how GOOD looking you are?
Dear Honou,
No, how good looking am I? *Fanged grin*
Dear Mitsukake,
Sorry to sound rude, but about my kidney thing, BEEN THERE, DONE THAT. I've had chronic stones for 6 years now and the docs haven't helped a bit, so I'm doing it on my own. Don't worry, I have quite an extensive knowlege of herbalism, so calm down. ^_~ The only thing I have had trouble finding is info on herbs for the kidney areas, I've found things from headaches to bad circulation, but no kidney info! WAH! *_* And I know about Dragon's Blood too. (*To the kids at home!*) You should be careful of ALL essential oils when using them topically. I know this. But when you use a base like Lotus oil and dilute it with Shea butter, chances are it won't hurt you, and besides, I have somewhat of a strange immunity to essential oils. I use clove oil straight directly on my skin all the time and it doesn't hurt me, though it might bother someone else. Anyway, Thank you for your advice about the uva ursi and dandelion, I am thinking of making a tea with the two and trying that. We shall see...
Wolfi ^_~
Dear Wolfi,
I still say you should contact your physician first or at least go to a homeopathic doctor and consult with them before you self-treat yourself. Good luck.
Dear Chichiri,
HAPPY Birthday Chichiri! Sorry I missed it! I was sick or I wouldn't have! Anyway, many belated well-wishes! ^_^
Wolfi ^_~
Dear Wolfi,
Arigato, no da! I hope you're feeling better, no da!
Dear Chichiri,
THAT is more like it... *kisses him and slips a takeout menu in his back pocket while she does so*
Kelli, CnA#2
Dear Kelli,
*Reaches into his back pocket and pulls out menu. Smiles.* Ah, thank Suzaku, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
*smiles sweetly* Better than being a baka tetsubun-atama...
Kelli, CnA#2
Dear Kelli,
IRON-HEAD?!?!?!? I ain't no iron-head! Lissen here jo-san! Yer jus' as bad as me!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I was curious...lets say, a girl comes outta nowhere and becomes the Suzaku no Miko. But...would you still protect her if she is trying to kill you all, cuz she thought you killed her bestfriend?*referring to Tama-kins*
Dear Keiko,
It is our duty as Seishi to protect our Miko.
Dear Chichiri,
Chichiri-sama!!! Happy Birthday!!! I almost forgot! Well, I hope you have a nice birthday, and don't celebrate too late, or get drunk, k? *gives him a hug and a kiss*
Dear Moon,
Arigato! I won't, no da! *Gives her a hug and a kiss on the cheek.*
Dear Tasuki,
*POUNCE!* I.... I have a confession to make! And I feel so guilty about it, guilty, but astoundingly happy! I am starting a harem! I am an unloyal fangirl now! (Gomen nasai, but I thought it would be a good idea to tell you =) It's just... now that I've been playing FF8... the guys are so CUTE! ^^; 'Cept Seifer..... he should be taken out and shot... between the legs. But Squall, Laguna, and Irvine (DON'T KILL ME KELLI! Pleeeeeeeease don't kill me, please please please don't.) are so cute =D I'm confessing.. I shouldnt' be smiling, should I? ^^; Oh well.... But you're still number one, okie? *glomps Tasuki, steals his coat, and runs off since her oneesan is booting her* I'll only pounce you and Speed though! ^^; *GONE... with the coat.*
Dear One-chan,
S'ok, long as I'm STILL number 1! Heh-heh-heh... *Fanged grin*
Dear Tasuki,
No yaoi fics then? That shouldn't be a problem. When you first started out on Mt. Reikaku, were the conditions and "excursions" very difficult to get used to? Or were you just so f&^*ing great that you proved your worth as the future "star" of the bandits in no time? ^_^ (Oops, sorry about the swearing! Hope Chiriko's not around...) I've been reading the archives and I see you care quite a lot about Reirei. Tell me, did you love Reirei as a brother loves his sister, or was it something more?
Dear Ayumi,
They were but I'm TOUGH! I'm not really sure...
Dear Hotohori,
Hee~! Konnichiwa Heika-sama! *bows*..I want to ask you, who do you think would most likely win a beauty contest? 1. Nuriko 2. Soi and Nakago together 3. You..^_^;; Heheh..I'm asking coz there's this Seishi Talent Show or something like that happening in the RPG I'm in...and I play^^ BTW, Taiitsu no Miko...are you the one who RPs as Soi in the FYRPG?
Kaiwen Hsu
Dear Kaiwen Hsu,
Me of course!
Dear Tasuki,
*cries some more* Tasuki doesn't like me anymore, and just cause I didn't know Kelli-chan had red hair!!!!!!! *sniffles* I got to borrow a CD and hear you sing this weekend and I finely got my friends to admit that you are cool!!!*cries again* But Tasuki doesn't like me anymore!!!!*hugs Tasuki and cries on his shirt*
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
*Hugs her* Don't cry! Of course I like ya' ya' baka! Ya' really wanna be my kid, ya' can be my kid!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I just wanna know something, you any of you cry at movies? And what is you all's favorite movie?
Dear Witch,
We've never really seen any movies, but I bet Tasuki would cry at one if it was sad.
Dear Mitsukake,
Hi! Nice to meet you, finally. ^_^ What's the best way to treat poor circulation in hands and fingers? *Looks at her hands* knuckles can't be healthy.
Dear Hoshi,
Perhaps massage therapy would help. You should see your personal physician and have them diagnose and treat you.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*Walks in after not writing in quite awhile*......GAAAAAAAH!!!! WHAT AM I GOING TO DO??? There is around 123 letters to be answered! and read for that matter!!! And SOMEONE isn't answering his!! we've already shut down the letters section! but! but! *breaths into a paper bag.* I'm losing my MIND! @_@ (if you say I have nothing to lose, or it was gone a long time ago I'll kill you.) *deep breathe* *deep breathe.* *falls over.*
Dear Lina,
What can I say? Yer jus' hangin' wit' th' wrong kinda "men"! That's if a Mazoku an' a Chimera can be considered REAL men! Heh-heh-heh... Anyways, CnA an' Kelli-chan have volunteered to take up th' slack fer Zelgadis an' Xelloss. Kelli-chan said she'd do Zel's letter's an' CnA said she'd do Xelloss. *Gets FWAPPED by CnA!* What th' H*LL was THAT fer??? Oh... ahem... letters. CnA will do Xelloss' letters. *Looks at CnA... "Better?"*
Dear Nuriko,
Hello If you could marry anyone in the world, who would it be? And don't tell me Miaka. One plate is bad enough...
Dear Hikage,
Hotohori! Tee-hee...
Dear Tasuki,
Ohayo, Tasuki-san! I've heard someone's gettin' on yer case for teachin' Chiriko for swearin'. Nuttin wrong with swearing. *thinks...* Hmmm...mebbe I've been hangin' around you too much...not that that's a bad thing! Um...want some sake? *offers Tasuki a very large bottle of sake*
Dear Rabbit-chan,
Arigato fer th' sake an' fer sidin' wit' me!
Dear Nuriko,
Ohayo, Nuriko-kun! Sorry I haven't written in a long time...I've been busy, cooking cookies and such. I took them to a party, and everyone ate them up! I felt so proud. *offers Nuriko a cookie* Want one? *eats a cookie* milk? Just kidding! It's a commercial...well, ja ne!
Dear Rabbit-chan,
Hai! Arigato! Oishii desu!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
no... *sweatdrop* Remember the link I send you to my FY Fanart Shrine? I thought I finished it but... (ainiku) I found out the links didn't work! Now I've updated and fixed all the links in the shrine Gomen!
Dear Shinyi,
It is very nice! We will add it to our Links Peeji if you wish.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Okay, dinner's over...Mitsukake and Chiriko, y'all clear the table, Hotohori and Nuriko, you two clean the kitchen, and Tamahome and Tasuki, wash and dry the dishes, Chichiri, put them away. And I don't want to hear any guff! Get to work, kids! ::sits in chair and relaxes, putting feet up:: I'm gonna rest now. And y'all never answered me...what do you want next week for dinner?
Big Momma
Dear Big Momma,
Anythin' ya' wanna cook is fine wit' us!
Dear Tasuki,
:pouts: so you *cant* be my dad? :sniffles:
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley,
I dunno. Are ya' a tall, loud, attitudenal red-head?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Ok... *takes in deep breath, whispers* I'm so intimidated by the presence of the Suzaku... *normal voice* ahem: Ok, Tamahome, don't get mad at this question, and well, please control any violent reactions: What if Miaka wasn't the one who got the book, but instead, Rei Hino (as in Sailormars) did...
1. Would you still protect her?
2. Do you think she's worthy of being Suzaku no Miko (when you see her incredible powers, I guess you can judge for yourself ^^)?
3. Tasuki: What do you think of her (I'm asking that in particular to you, bec. you have so much in common: b-day, sign, powers, color-combination, opposite sex hater...)?
4. Nuriko: not much of a question, but I would like to say that I really admire you!! You're just so cool!! Would you consider Rei as a friend?
5. Tamahome: *Hands him 5 gold pieces and a pack of bubble-gum* Um... actually, I just wanted to give that to you... *shrugs* Ok... Would you fall in love with Rei like you did with Miaka?
6. Chichiri: Where did you get that "no da!" expresion?... Oh! Cool hairstyle you've got there!
7. Chiriko: Do you know how much your name sounds like a cross between Chichiri and Nuriko? Nothing between the lines...
8. Mitsukake: would you like Sailorsaturn to help you out?
9. Hotohori: I think I already know the answer, but -- would you consider Rei as a loved one? Sorry! I was just too curious! I'm writing a fic 'bout Gen-chan and Rei-chan, so... Thanks anyway!
PS.One last thing: can you email me when you have answered my questions? You don't have to mail the answers, but, just tell me? That would be so nice of you!!
Dear Willow-chan,
Gomen, we don't email individuals. Hopefully you check our peeji on a regular basis. Here are your answers!
1. She is the Miko, so yes.
2. Suzaku thought she was worthy, so who are we to question his judgement?
3. I guess she is OK.
4. I don't know. I haven't met her.
5. I don't know.
6. Arigato! It's just how people in my village talk, no da.
7. Interesting...
8. No, that's ok.
9. I don't know.
Dear Chichiri,
*glares* How about THIS, o my darling aisaika? If you don't stop talking about my DAD, and start giving me love, I'll make you DINNER tonight. AND I WILL MAKE YOU EAT IT.
Kelli, CnA#2
Dear Kelli,
ITOOSHI, NO DA!!!! SABISHII, NO DA!!!!!!! *Gives her a hug and a kiss. Prays they go OUT for dinner...*
Dear Tasuki,
*sighs and rolls her eyes, making believe the spanking really hurts* Oh, itai. Oh, that hurts. Yep. *checks her watch*
Kelli, CnA#2
Dear Kelli,
*Stops spanking her.* Hmph! Have it yer way "tetsubun ketsu"! Heh-heh-heh...
Dear Hotohori,
*runs in circles around Hotohori* I've been having the best month!!! A new top-notch oboe AND a brand new English horn that I've been waiting for during the past 2 years! They're mine, and all in these past 2 weeks! *ahem* Now for the question I've been waiting to ask you (and others have pestered me to ask you)...what does it take to become one of your palace musicians? Is there a position open? *laughs* You might have guessed that was coming sooner or later, right? I have lots of experience...and it'd be an honor to perform for you! If not, I'll stop being pesty. ^_~
Dear Hoshi,
I would love to have you perform at Court, but I have no way to get you here. Gomen nasai. On the bright side, you can drown out the noisy children when you practice.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I know this is going to sound bizarre. But you each of you guys pick China or Taiwan. This has absolutely NO relation to the countries. They're just code names. Anyways, please just pick one and satisfy my bizarre curiosity.
Mary the nutty
Dear Mary the nutty,
Interesting yet apt nom de plume...
Taiwan: Tamahome, Tasuki, Mitsukake.
China: Chichiri, Chiriko, Nuriko, Hotohori.
Dear Mitsukake,
Mitsukake-san I hope you won't mind this. I've just started my one week vacation from my Hospital, and I was wondering if I could stay here in Konan for a few days. I need to do something mindless, to keep the screams out of my head for at least a little while. To give you an idea of where I work at this is the peeji I work in the BICU, that means Burn Intensive Care Unit. arigato gozaimasu.
Dear Doc-sama,
Irasshai! Please stay as long as you need to.
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