Dear Tasuki,
Hi, I was curious, if you were to have a *cough* girlfriend *cough*, what kind of girl would you want? A tall, slender girl who is evil and wants to whip you to death?(My god that didn't sound right* or a tall slender girl who is nice and just wants someone to love?
Chibi Keiko-chan
Dear Chibi Keiko-chan,
Neither! I don't want no girlfriends!
Dear Chiriko,
Just a curious queastion, do you have a girlfriend? Hehehe...
ChirikoFY*AKA Kei-chan
Dear ChirikoFY*AKA Kei-chan,
No, I don't.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi! I had just a few queastions...1. What's your favorite soda 2. Who's your favorite Seiryu Seishi an 3. Of ALL the Sailor Scouts, whos your favorite? hehe
Supa-Dupa Freak Kei-chan
Dear Kei-chan,
Coca-Cola, The DEAD ones!, Of the Sailor Senshi we have no favorites. They're all annoyin'!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Okay, Supper's up! I got some fried chicken (hands Tasuki back his tessen), borrowed this for dinner...mashed potatoes, greens, peas, fried catfish, cornbread, and we got lots of dessert, so help yourself, folks! And tell that Miaka girl not to be such a stranger... there's a whole table of food over there all for her. Now eat up, y'all! Don't be shy, ain't nothing but good home cooking here. Sorry Fang-boy, but there's no drinking at Big Momma's house, so put that sake away, got it? Y'all can party later...this is family time. Everyone feeling better? Y'all have any requests for dinner next time? Y'all will be helping me cook next time. The first meal's free, but the next one you gotta work for...
Big Momma
Dear Big Momma,
Oishii!!! Arigato!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Konnichiwa! Tee-hee! I made cookies last night, and they're actually edible! No one has died! Please try one. *hands cookies to the seishi* Come on, they're good!
Dear Rabbit,
Arigato, no da!
Dear Nuriko,
*sneaks up on Nuriko and hugs him from behind* Hi, Nuri-papa! *smiles a bit* I've got just a tiny problem that I was hoping you could help me with. I've been getting these monster headaches lately and Mitsu is getting sick of healing them. He wants to go back to his own house now. Do you have any good remedy's for migraines, something herbal maybe? Like a tea..........that tastes like sake? *smiles weakly* Yes, I'm cracking. I can't wait until this baby is born. It feels so weird to wake up without having a monster hangover - not that these headaches don't do their darndest to replace them. *sighs*
Dear Kourin,
Gomen, not really. I'll talk to Mitsukake about staying around longer.
Dear Chiriko,
Ok, ok, Tasuki's off the hook for now. FOR NOW! I trust your judgement, and I hope you've learned your lesson. Now, get back to your studyin' while I fix dinner. But first, give Big Momma a hug...
Big Momma
Dear Big Momma,
OK. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
He may be 13, but I trust Chiriko's judgement. He put in a few good words for you. I just hope you're as good a big brother as he makes you sound. But I'll be watching you, and if you slip up...just know what's coming to you, and what for! Big Momma's always watching, and I got my soap in hand, so behave, all right? Now run along, while I cook some dinner.
Big Momma
Dear Big Momma,
Well, what can I say? Th' kid's got great judgement!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hello it's nice to see you all! Okay I have a question for all of you, what would be the most horrifying thing that could EVER happen to you?
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley,
Eating Miaka's cooking 3 times a day 7 days a week, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
So Kouji is taken? Ah dam'! Why are all the good looking men taken! I'm not saying your not a good looking man, no offense! How did they meet? I must of missed that part in reading the manga....hmmm....that's your sister who throws logs? How do you feel about them being an item? Are a little protective over her? Brothers can be that way sometimes...okay, a lot!
Dear Emeric,
She's a pain but I still love her! I dunno if Aidou an' Kouji are in th' manga in that way.
Dear Chiriko,
Hey, did you know you have an evil side? I'm yer evil side...I'm female, 13, and 5''6. hehehheee I wreck havic in this one chatroom...I get drunk and I freak out...*grins evily* Ciao!*or however you spell dat*
ChirikoFY*AKA Kei-chan
Dear ChirikoFY*AKA Kei-chan,
Ano... honto ni? *Sweatdrops*
Dear Tasuki,
*gets into Tasuki an Kouji's hidden supply of sake* ooooo...*hic* sakeeeeeee tastes goooooooood...mmm...*giggles evily* Whaddya goin` to do about it since I found you an Kouji's unlimited suply of sake??? Hmmmm?? I'm to cute to get yelled at! Byebye! *hic*
Chibi Keiko-chan
Dear Chibi Keiko-chan,
OI!! Get outta there!! Yer too young to be drinkin' sake!
Dear Tamahome,
Ah....Sorry to bother you Tama-chan, but I have got to ask you this question. I've been watching the FY OAV's and you know thoughs little clips where they show some Fushigi Yuugi mischief? Well, Do you really wear a wig as Taka? *giggles*
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki! whats going on with you and Kelli? *tears up* Are you really her father??? *cries uncontrolably*
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
We're both redheads with attitude. What do ya' think???
Dear Tasuki,
Oii!!! I think you're SOOOOOOOOOOOO hot Tasuki-san!!!!!!! You and Koji and Tamahome and Hotohori and.. well EVERYONE is my faaavorite!!! *drools* You must come over to my house and... have some tea *cackles nauhgtily*kakakakakaa Oh yes, I wanted to mention I'm that friend of Kei-san's!
Dear Miaka-san,
Dear Tasuki,
Since CnA#2 doesnt appreicate you as a dad, will you be my dad Tasuki? I wanna be just like you in EVERY way possible!!! *-* mmm that's a nice thought!
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley,
Heh-heh... thanks fer th' offer! It's jus' a lotta fun annoyin' Kelli-chan!
Dear Chiriko,
All right Chiriko, we all know you're book smart...but what about trivia knowledge? I've decided to put you to the test! (Bear with me) 1. Will it take more time to bake a batch of cookies in Denver or Boston? 2. Which sport features sculls and shells? 3. Is baklava a meat or pastry dish? (Hey, 50/50!) 4. Around the world, do more people drink cow's milk or goat's milk? 5. When chocolate "blooms", does it turn white, melt, or grow flowers? I'll get back to you with the answers, okay?
Dear Katsumi,
Her are your answers: 1) Denver (It IS the Mile-High CIty.), 2) Rowing, 3) A pastry dish, 4) Goat's Milk, 5) It turns white (It's the cocoa butter coming to the surface.)
Dear Tasuki,
Oi! Long time no contact! I have been so busy for the past how have you been doing? Still drowning in sake? Thought I'd be polite and ask...would it be all right if I write stories about you and other seishis? You know, what they call "fanfics" in our world. I've just finished my assessments, so I thought I might start on something new when I've got some spare time. Can you ask the other seishis whether they'd might me writing too? Cheers! Oh, and for the purpose of my future fics, I'd just like to clarify this (and this question applies to seishis): what would you do if you found that you've fallen in love with someone? I mean would you be daring and go for it, or just be a "secret admirer"? *imagination at work - ideas for fic being formulated - he he ^_^* By the way, Tasuki, do you drink anything apart from sake??
Dear Ayumi,
Sure ya' can write fics 'bout us, but try to NOT make 'em yaoi, onegaishimasu! Lessee... Nuriko, Chiriko, Mitsukake, an' Chichiri would all be secret admirers. Me, Tamahome, an' Hotohori would all go fer it! An' of course I drink stuff other than sake! 'Che!
Dear Chichiri,
*trying to smile through gentle tears* You don't understand... my killing Kyoto would be like you killing Korin or Hikou... only I'd actually have her blood on my hands. What happened to you was an acident... this would be deliberate, and I couldn't stand to kill anyone. That's why Karika stoped training me in the first place. She thought I was too weak in spirit to handle my duties. I'm starting to think she was right...
Shrinemaiden Keisei
Dear Keisei,
Perhaps you should visit her and Hotohori's duel on the Message Board, no da.
Dear Mitsukake,
Oooh... *clutches at stomach* Y'know, you might be right about that... *stumbles off, still giggling a little* Whoo, the trees are waving at me...
Dear Suboshi,
Go lay down!
Dear Tasuki,
Tell me, Genrou or whatever you like to be called, what kind of girl would you want? 1. *Tamahome appears in a girls bathingsuit* A girl in a one-peice suit? Or 2.*I appear in a rather tight bikini* Me, in a two peice? Hehehee...I'm messing with your guys's minds!
Dear Kei-chan,
Eh? Neither one! *Gives Tamahome pic to Nakago.*
Dear Nuriko,
Heeeey, I need to write a story with certain words in it. An i wanna make is Fushigi Yuugi...but I have NO ideas! Help me, please?*SD and looks like she's going to cry* *looks around suspicously and whispers* Also, can you use HTML tags in these letters? Cuz I was starting to wonder...oh well. Byebye bye Mister. Cross-dresser-wholookslikeagirlandsoundslikeoneallthetimeandwhohasacrushonHotohori.
Dear Kei-chan,
Gomen I have no ideas for you either. You can use HTML tags in your letters to us. Chiriko checks them out to make sure they work.
Dear Tasuki,
*POUNCE!* Crazy is much better because it's true, thank you. *pats Claw on the head* Claw is fire proof, silly. ^-^ Okay, I forgive you (for now). *picks up all her junk and puts it back on her desk*
Dear One-chan,
OK... *Makes note "Prefers to be called crazed rather than demented..."*
Dear Nuriko,
I asked my mom to talk to our neighbors, and all she did was shrug and say "There's nothing I can do about it..." *sigh* Well, the next thing to do is to wait until I graduate and move out. ^_~ Oh, by the way...*walks out of the room and leads a shy Inori back in* I believe your handmaiden here needs something to do...could you put her to work? *Inori blushes slightly and looks up at Nuriko* She's been ignored... ^_^
Dear Hoshi,
Hmmmm... perhaps earplugs will help?
Gomen Inori! How have you been? *Takes her hand and leads her away with him.*
Dear Tasuki,
*POUNCE!* DEMENTED BRAT!?!?!? DEMENTED BRAT!?!?!?!? Now you ARE a punching bag! *thwack whack wham bash clonk!* You stupid jerk! *WHAM!* I can't have my mom talk to my friend's mom. She said she didn't want to be in the middle of it --; I don't think she realizes the extent of the problem. And my dad is not the kind of person who can do that sort of thing and oneesan and I are home alone till sunday night ;p *bash wham clonk thwack whack fwap!* Demented brat my @$$. >=P KEETIA! You know what to do!
Keetia: HAI! 91 BOTTLES OF SAKE TO FLUSH, 91 BOTTLES TO FLUSH! YOU DROP ONE DOWN *drops a bottle in the toilet. SHATTER!* WATCH IT GO ROUND *FLUSH!* 90 BOTTLES OF SAKE TO WASTE! *throws whatever she can find at the desk at Tasuki- 1 comb, some chinese therapy balls and the box they were in, highlighters, a stapler, an empty glass, Firefury's bowl of sunflower seeds and the bowl of the shells, a pen, a tube of oragel, the box for FF8, hole punchers, a pack of paper, a box of disks, and a coffee mug* GRRR! CLAW!!! SPECIAL ATTACK! *a black reploid dragon with purple stripes comes in.*
Claw: Me'sa CLAW! Da black waptow! Pwepawe ta face sa Special 'tack! *runs up to Tasuki, and being the uncivilized dragon he is, bites at Tasuki and then runs off to go play* (^||^) WHO'S A DEMENTED BRAT!?!? *throws sporks at Tasuki*
One-chan, Keetia, and Claw
Dear One-chan, Keetia, and Claw,
*Ducking and flaming flying things and reploied dragons.* Fine yer NOT demented!!! Yer jus' *(^%$#@ CRAZED!!!!!!!!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Okay, everybody, here's the big question. If you were stuck on a desert island with one other seishi, WHO WOULD IT BE, and WHY? *smiles and watches the chaos* I wonder if Tasuki could handle being on an island without sake for three minutes....*smirk*
Dear Mari-chan,
Nuriko: Hotohori!
Hotohori: Nuriko. At least he is almost as beautiful as I am.
Chichiri: Tasuki, no da. At least things wouldn't be dull, no da. And he could cook the fish I caught, no da.
Tamahome: I must be insane for saying this but, Tasuki.
Mituskake: Chichiri
Chiriko: Mitsukake
Tasuki: Chichiri. He ain't too bad. fer a monk. An' yes I can handle bein' on an island fer three minutes wit'out sake!!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I just had an umbilical hernia operation, and they've got me on the GOOD drugs! So... look out! I'm not responsible for my actions! *runs off, giggling hystarically*
Dear Suboshi,
That is pretty serious. Perhaps you should rest instead of running around.
Dear Tasuki,
Don't blame the poor child, and don't change the subject either! What I should worry about is of no concern to you, and don't you talk back to me with that "yeah, yeah" sort of attitude! If I so much as get a hint that you're teaching Chiriko YOUR bad habits, I'll wash your mouth out with soap, got it, bandit boy?
Big Momma
Dear Big Momma,
I ain't teachin' th' kid anythin'! So quit gettin' yer knickers in a knot! 'CHE!
Dear Chiriko,
Okay, okay, stop the bawling ::hands him handkerchief:: And use this, NOT your sleeve, got me buster? Like I said, I don't want to hear any more bad language outta yer mouth. The next time, I'll wash your mouth out with soap...liquid soap. Now, are you done crying? And try to find a better role model, not one who's drunk and uses such vulgar language.
Big Momma
Dear Big Momma,
*Blows his nose* Tasuki is a great role model! He's kind, compassionate, brave, and has a good heart! He's not just some vulgar drunkard! You really don't know him well.
Dear Tasuki,
Thank you for the help with the overabundance of fun I had last weekend. My excuse: it was an SCA event and my persona is Irish (like me). If I didn't have a hangover, I wouldn't be period. (though if someone offers you Pike to the Face, *turn it down*. Even our Baron accused us of trying to assasinate him) Anyway, my new problem is how to tell an ex that I've moved on. I want to let this person down gently, who is unfortunately going through really hard times right now. I don't want to lead this person on, but I don't want to cause any more grief. Help!
Dear Dubhscath,
This is someone that you've already broken up wit'? Ya' need to tell 'em that THEY need to move on an' ferget 'bout ya'. Put it on 'em to leave ya', but stay friends an' be there fer 'em if ya' can since yer sayin' they're goin' through hard times. Good luck!
Dear Hotohori,
Hotohori, in your novel (or the manga) I heard that you, Houki and Nuriko were best friends, and that when Nuriko died :Cries remembering that: Houki felt it, or when someone told her she brust into tears? Was this true? I would like to know! ^_^ Thanks oh beauitful one!!
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley,
Although I felt Nuriko's passing, I do not think that Houki had ever met him. It is possible when she was told of it she grieved for the loss of my friend and fellow Seishi.
Dear Chichiri,
I was thinking yesterday about a few things and, for some reason or another, got to thinking about sight and such. And so, I was just wondering ... Is your sense of depth impaired due to your scar. 'Cuz I always thought that the reason people perceive depth and such is because we are seeing things out from two different places at the same time and they relay the image back to our brain and it shows us both at the same time, allowing us to perceive the depth. So, if one were lacking an eye, would they be able to percieve depth? Also, why is it that when we close only one eye for a while, we still see depth? Hmmm ... Well, I think that's all I want to know for now. I will talk to you again sometime ^_^ *kisses Chichiri's cheek* Luv Ya!!
Dear Brittany-sama,
My depth perception was impaired, but I have learned how to compensate, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Your Welcome! Hey Tasuki, how did Kouji get his scar? Also did you know that there is talk about you nakago and kouji being an item?? :shudders at the thought: Peace and Love to ya! You know that I love ya ^_^
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley,
Kouji got his scar fightin' a demon I think. An' that idea of th' three of us is jus' revoltin'!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Okay, so the Sieshi's powers come from Suzaku, so how did Taiitsukun give you your special things? Did she get that from Suzaku to give to you? Who is more powerful? Suzaku or Taiitsukun? Who is in control of whom? I know Grandma might be the-what did she say, was it creator or controler? Ah, I'm confused now! Help me clear this up! So if Suzaku is more powerful than Grandma, did Suzaku create the universe? Who created the universe? Okay, I'm really lost....any help would do! I thought I knew this...
Dear Emeric,
Taiitsu-kun is the Creatrix/Creator of the Universe. In that sense Taiistu-kun would be more powerful. I believe that Taiitsu-kun is more of an observer than an active particpant where that Gods are concerned.
Dear Tasuki,
TASUKI!!! Tis Heenker! Long time no write! I'm soooooo sorry I haven't written to ya in so long. I've been real busy with school, work, and the attempt of befriending someone before he leaves for college. I dropped by the page and realized that your birthday was last month! I'M SO SORRY I MISSED IT! All I have to offer right now is this bottle of sake and this apple pie that was baked last night. **hands over the sake and apple pie** I wish I had more to give. I guess I'll drop by later with more when I get more. Just last weekend was my school prom. A few of my friends went, but I didn't get asked nor did I get the courage to ask the guy I wanted to take. Of course I won't let him get away that easy. He is the one my friends and I are trying to befriend before he goes to college. We have gotten him to talk to us when he sees us in the halls, now we are working on getting him over to watch... FY! My friends want to take me to a club and want me to ask him to join us, as a "group thing". I have yet to see if I will have the courage to do so. I'm quite a pathetic person when it comes to these types of things. (I'm feeling the need for a hug)Well, that is enough stray talk from me. Enjoy the sake and apple pie!
Dear Heenker,
Gomen ya' didn't get to go to yer prom. *Gives her a hug.* Thanks fer th' pie an' sake. Now get some backbone an' ask him to join ya' guys! Good luck! Jus' remember ya' never get anythin' in this world wit'out askin' fer it!
Dear Tasuki,
*POUNCE!* You're a bad influence for Chiriko! *whack!* Don't swear infront of him! *thwack!* Don't make be start wasting sake again! I've still go 91 bottles to use for this! And I'm not dropping them on the ground anymore so you can get a straw and drink it ;p THEY'LL GO DOWN THE TOILET.
And Kelli's so meeeeean ^^; She's going to get me in June for saying what she'd do with two husbands (The same thing Irvine would do with two wives =P) even though I'm actually going to give her a nice surprise while she's heeeeeeeeere! ;-; Waaaah! ^^; *ahem*
Be afraid. Oneesan and I are being left home alone for about four days ;p But more importantly, I have to call my friend's (You people should be able to figure out who this friend is, I've asked CnA for adivce on what to do about something this friend did before.) mom for her because she's been so depressed and she showed my one of her journal enteries. She can't bring herself to talk to her parents about it so I told her I would but I'm really worried about her because I know depression runs in her family because her older sister had it and tried to kill herself and I'm afraid she might try too. She hides it really well from people though. *cries*
Dear One-chan,
ITAI!! Stop beatin' on me ya' demented brat!!! 'Che! Yeah, well of course Kelli's mean! She takes after her Aunt Aidou! As fer yer friend, ya' need to talk to her parents ASAP! If yer afraid she might try to hurt herself ya' can't wait. If yer afraid to do it have yer mom or dad do it fer ya'. Good luck an' STOP POUNDIN' ON ME!! Do I LOOK like a freakin' punchin' bag????? *Fanged grin.*
Dear Chichiri,
Hi!!!Chichiri!!! Question! I was wondering no da,in your temple did you have any girl monk's no da? (or in the temple no da???)GUESS WHAT!!!?? Well.. I have to draw piture for my friend no da (and i have a headake) But I go to MSPAP!!!*scream's then smile's* (but the good thing is no HOMEWORK) YEA NO DA, /0/ sorry I got carryed away,*yawn's* tired.... *fall's to sleep*
Dear Deserae,
I don't have temple, no da. If your are referring to Taiitsu-kun's palace, there are Nyan-Nyan in it, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Kelli, CnA#2
Dear Kelli,
OI! Ya' (*^%$#@ BRAT!!! That ain't no way to talk to yer Otou-san!!! *Deflects her sword with his tessen, grabs her, puts her over his knee, and spanks her with the tessen.* I'm gonna teach ya' some )*(^%$# manners!!! AND STOP GRINNIN'!!!!!!!!
Dear Chichiri,
Oooo! You are so cuuuute! Tehehee! I love it when you go, "No da!"! You sound soooo cute when you giggle! :) I own the tape when you make your first appearence! And, I was wondering. Do you like any other sport besides fishing? I think you would do great at baseball. *grins and steps over towards you* I was thinking, would you want to help out my team? We're called the "Vikings". We could use the help. Hehehee! Bye, no da!
Dear Kei-chan,
Arigato for your kind words, no da. I basically just enjoy fishing, no da.
Dear Tamahome,
My god...*looks at the "Ask Seiryuu" page and snickers*...I can't believe you kissed Nakago for 1 million bucks. ^^; about kissing Nakago AND Tomo for 2 million??
Dear Xue,
Hmmmm... nah, not worth it with Tomo. And I have ALREADY kissed Nakago... *rinses his mouth out with Listerne.*
Dear Chichiri,
*sideways glance* I didn't ask if HE was lookin' forward to it...
Kelli, CnA#2
Dear Kelli,
What can I say, no da? Your father does miss you, no da...
Dear Tasuki,
Hey Tasuki, my Hayashi "Born" Cd just came in! You sing great! But I have to sell it now, no offense, (money is important to me) and I ordered 2 by mistake! But the album is awesome! How did you ever learn to sing? I created a cool web site if you all want to see it? I have two shrines to Genro-Tasuki and one for Kouji as well! His little own oasis! Plust still working on the other seishi profiles! Chichiri, I created a place just about you! It's called Chichiri's universe! What do you all think? They are all here! I host fanfiction as well!
Dear Tana,
Interestin' site ya' got there! Still needs some work... looks like ya' got two or three sites mixed in together. Who's James Cameron an' Leonardo DiCaprio? What's a Titanic? Glad ya' liked my seiyuu's album!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hiya! Just to tell you, the person who's going on here under the name 'Kei-chan' is NOT me! I'm not gonna kill the person for using it, but it does sound close to my name, just don't get confused please. It's not me who's going after Tamahome.
Sakura: Hai! Lady kei here's in love with Chichiri-chan!
Keisei: *blush* You realy didn't need to bring that up agin Sakura.
Sakura: *looking puzzled, blink blink* Why not, Lady Kei?
Keisei: *whispering* Sakura, he's already got an ajin and an aisai! I don't think he'd want anyhting to do with me! Oh look, this leter's gotten completely off track! Just don't confue us, okeday?
Shrinemaiden Keisei
Dear Keisei,
Don't worry 'bout it! Besides, Chichiri does like ya' as a friend! So why not be his friend?
Dear Mitsukake,
Hey, I just wanted to let you know I found a GREAT cure for bad circulation!!! Mix the essential oils: Ginger, Clove, Lavender, (of course! ^_^) and Dragon's Blood with ground cinnamon, one whole clove, a bit of spanish moss, and put it in a base of Lotus oil and vitamin E, then dilute a little with shea butter and rub on the affected area! Works great!!! K, on to my question: Which do you think is the most healing herb for the kidney area? I've heard uva ursi is good, but it's not working for me apparently. Any suggestions?
Wolfi ^_~
Dear Wolfi,
Let me start by saying, "Please consult your family physican regarding your chronic kidney stones!" Ask him/her if he/she feels Uva Ursi and Dandelion Leaf capsules as well as Dandelion Leaf extract would help you. Now, I would also be careful with ANY topical application of Dragon's Blood. It actually makes a better incense than ointment/poultice. Let me reiterate, the MOST IMPORTANT thing is to see your doctor and have him/her evaluate you and your condition onegaishimasu!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I have a question? I am currently writting a fanfic so I need to try to figure this out. I don't know very much on Ancient Chinese Culture, but I have been researching the databases on the net. I was wondering these questions: 1. What period of time is the story based in? You know like, year? Time period? Dynasty? EXAMPLE: Chinese civilization, as described in mythology, begins with Pangu the creator of the universe, and a succession of legendary sage-emperors and culture heroes (among them are Huang Di , Yao, and Shun) who taught the ancient Chinese to communicate and to find sustenance, clothing, and shelter. The first prehistoric dynasty is said to be Xia, from about the twenty-first to the sixteenth century B.C. Don't want to confuse you, but I am basically wondering what time period, and Dyanasty? 2. This question is for Chiriko...have you heard of the different philosophies that developed during the late Spring and Autumn and early Warring States periods that the era is often known as that of the "Hundred Schools of Thought"? Do I have the wrong era? Am I off coarse here? From the Hundred Schools of Thought came many of the great classical writings on which Chinese practices were to be based for the next two and one-half millennia. Many of the thinkers were itinerant intellectuals who, besides teaching their disciples, were employed as advisers to one or another of the various state rulers on the methods of government, war, and diplomacy. Because I know that you wer studying for that exam...I can't spell it, but that exam you were studyig for. I have also heard of another strain of thought dating to the Warring States Period is the school of yin-yang and the five elements. The theories of this school attempted to explain the universe in terms of basic forces in nature, the complementary agents of yin (dark, cold, female, negative) and yang (light, hot, male, positive) and the five elements (water, fire, wood, metal, and earth). In later periods these theories came to have importance both in philosophy and in popular belief. I am just givng examples on certain belief systems here and was wondering what is happening in your time period? Which Dyansty, beliefs sysytems, etc... Sorry, I can be a real brainiac too! I need to know!! Please, help me out f you can! Thanks!
Emeric (F)
Dear Emeric,
As you may recall Miaka stated that Konan LOOKED like ancient China, however, neither she nor we ever said it WAS ancient China. As for your second question, I find that there are elements of Zen, Taoist, and Confusionist beliefs woven throughout the series. I hope this has helped you.
Dear Chiriko,
Hiya Chiriko! It's one of my good friend's birthdays today (the 16th) and she thinks yer the coolest! Wish her a happy b-day please! Her name's (nicknakes) Jelly! (not the JellyBean on the message board)
Shrinemaiden Keisei
Dear Keisei,
Hai! Jelly-san, otanjoubi omedeto gozaimasu!
Dear Tasuki,
*evil look* You realize that I could kill you and have no regrets.
Kelli, CnA#2
Dear Kelli,
Now ya' know ya' wouldn't kill yer own dad, right? Yer my own flesh an' blood! Same temper, same hair, same fangs, an' same good looks! *Looks at her closely...* Eh, heh... OK, I'M better lookin' but that's how it should be! *Fanged grin*
Dear Tasuki,
Hey!! I just like your song "Heart ni Kiraboshi Sakashitare"!! ^_^ I've listened to it for like about...what...10 times?? And right now I'm still listening to it...^^ Heh. Just dropping by to say you did a great job with that song!
Dear lalala,
Arigato!! *Fanged grin*
Dear Tasuki,
Hiya Tasuki! Ya know what? I';ve found someone with more sisters that you! His name's Quatre Raberba Winner, and (from what I've been told) he's got 29 sisters! Takes it a little more gracefully that a certain bandit I know, ne?
Dear Chantress,
29 sisters?!?!?!? 'Che! Poor guy!
Dear Chiriko,
I haven't writen to you very much, in fact, I've only writen to you once, before. So I would just like to say, even though you are young, you are still HOT!!!!
Dear AlleyKat,
Ano... *Blushes* Arigato. But I am only 13 you know.
Dear Chichiri,
I don't know if you've answered this before or not, but I haven't asked it before, so bear with me. The Beast Gods in and of themselves aren't evil or good right? What I mean is, Say that Yui summoned Seiryuu and asked for world peace, then that wish would be granted right? So Seiryuu itself isn't evil, just the God's followers right? Sorry for the super deep question, but that has been bothering me for some time, and I thought that as much of a spiritualist as you are you'd be able to answer it for me! Arigatou in advance for your answer!
Drew ^_^
Dear Drew,
You're correct, no da!
Dear Chiriko,
Give me your hand...::takes Chiriko's hand, and bops it with a ruler:: Bad! I would think YOU of all the seishi, would have enough sense not to use that sort of language! Now where's that Tasuki, I've got a few words for HIM, all right!
Big Momma
Dear Big Momma ,
ITAI!!! *Starts to cry...*
Dear Tasuki,
I just yelled at Chiriko for being potty-mouthed, and if I hear those words come from his mouth again, YOU're gonna get it. Got me, buster? And I don't want to hear any of that fan-frying junk, either, I don't care.
Big Momma
Dear Big Momma,
Yeah, yeah... I can't help it of he's a quick study an' picks stuff up! Ain't ya' got the Spooner Continent and Zaha Torte to worry about?
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