Dear Tasuki,
*elbows him HARD in the gut* BAKA!! How dare you eye Mary's bodice like that over at Ren Faire! And I thought you HATED women!!! *hmph* OH!!! Go here: It's Sound and Fury's webpage!! You know, the three guys who did "Romeo and Juliet, the first draft", "Titus Rectus" and of course, the most wonderful and highly educational, "TESTACLESE AND YE SACK OF ROME!!!" Enjoy!
Dear Jean,
COOL! An' I wasn't doin' no such thin'!
Dear Tasuki,
HELLOOOOO!god i love you so much,but of course i probably just one of your many fans*wink*.i never heard about this page before other wise i would of been here along time ago^_^.now i love you lots but whats up with miaka rape seen.i know you were under a spell but (why would you want to rape her)no offense to miaka or anything but you should of known better boy!well thats all i wanted to ask ya, i love ya lots and lots.
Dear tasukilover2000,
I was under a *^%$#@) evil spell! 'Che!
Dear Nuriko,
Nuri-kun! Nuri-kun! Guess what! My eigth grade dance was last night! It was so fun! So, how are you? I'm fine!
Dear Rabbit,
I'm fine. I hope you had a good time.
Dear Tasuki,
TASUKI-SAN!!!!!! I just got back my interent connection! I am so happy! *dances around with Tasuki* ^_^
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Congrats an' welcome back!!
Dear Tasuki,
Hey there, my fanged friend. Just wonderin' if you wanna nother two dogs. I still say I can drink you under the table. Are you sure you're not a vampire? Oh yeah, I'm sure you get this all the time, but I love you!!
Mother of Supreme Goddess
Dear Mother of Supreme Goddess,
Sure! It ain't sake, but it's good! I AIN'T no vampire!
Dear Tamahome,
Tamahome in the OAV why did Kouji think that you were Nakago and Nakago was you? I mean how can he think that UGLY piece of crap was you?! WHy did he think Tasuki was dead. Also :sniffles: Did Kouji *really* die?
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley,
It was an illusion.
Dear Chichiri,
*pops out of a kasa and sits onto Chichiri's lap* CHICHIRI-KOI!!! Gomen nasai, sumimasen for not writing!! How is the kitten doing? I hope she's being nice to you. Ano, Chichiri-koi, I have a request for you. Some jerk who had offered to take me to prom ditched me at the last minute, so I slapped because I was mad. *poofs into strapless pale blue dress with hoop skirt.* Please, please dance with me*pulls out a hankerchief*!!That guy made me so upset, and if you danced with me, I'd feel a whole lot better. Don't worry, you don't have to change into a tux or anything, you look nice enough as it is,but, oh man, if I ever needed a HUGE hug, it's right now!
C-chan ; _ ;
Dear C-chan,
OK, no da. *Tries to dance with her and gives her a hug.* Mou! Why did you tell Suboshi I was being hentai to you, no da??
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Does the powers of the Seishi come from Taiitsukun or Suzaku?
Dear Emeric,
Dear Tasuki,
Konnichiwa, Tasuki-san! *dicreetly hands him a Tama plushie* So you don't flame the real one...Just let me know when you want one, okay? Could I...*blushes* have a hug and kiss? Please? Arigatou and ja ne!
Dear Rabbit,
Sure... *Gives her a hug and a kiss on the forehead.* But, th' real one is more fun to fry!
Dear Tasuki,
Yo, ya know you are the absolute coolest character !! I'll probably print out your reply and show all my friends, then they'll probably come to this page too and write you all the time. Oh well, my question for you is do you have a girlfriend, or is it true that you don't like girls? Well I hope I'll be able to write you again sometime.Sayonara!
Dear Yukirou,
Thanks!!! I ain't gotta girlfriend 'cos girls are a big pain!
Dear Chichiri,
I'm worried about Kyoto. She seems phsically equal to me in every way, but I'm afraid that with help from that spirit, she might be stronger than you. I don't want to scare you, If she's just my copy, then you have little to worry about. But if she's my mirror image clone, then her personality might also be mirrored to mine. She might be able to use my skills,but also others that I've never had. I don't want to destroy anyone, but I'm afraid i might have to to keep your world safe from her. I can sense energy coming from her, but it's very negative, and she's violent. What should I do? In a way, it would be like killing my daughter, since she was created from me. I don't think i could live with myself if I did that, but I might have to. How can I put my loyalty and my position as as Guardian against my morals? I can't kill...
Shrinemaiden Keisei
Dear Keisei,
Sometimes we have to do things that are distasteful for the greater good, no da. I believe she is dueling Hotohori-sama on the message board, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
Konnichiwa, Nuriko-kun! Guess what! I joined the NFC! *giggles* are you, Nuriko? Good, I hope. Well, ja ne!
Dear Rabbit,
Did you now? Well good for you! I'm fine, thank you.
Dear Tamahome,
Ohayo, Tama-kun! I've been busy reading's really quite inter-uh...cruel what some fangirls do...*giggles* Well, for being so nice to me, here's *grabs bag out of pocket* some ryou! So, how is everyone? I see you've been getting fried by Tasuki a lot lately...*hands him more ryou* well, ja ne!
Dear Rabbit,
Arigato! We're all fine.
Dear Tasuki,
HELLO TASUKI-SAMA! How are you doing? i just set up a club for ThTc! but besides that, i just wanted to say i'm you're no.1 fan. um..can i have a hug? Arigatou! oyeah, who answers your questions?
Dear someone,
A THTC club, eh? COOL! *Gives her a hug.* I answer my own questions! I ain't stupid ya' know!
Dear Mitsukake,
*runs in and lands on him* *SMOOSH* Oops... sorry Mits-sama.... ^^;; Anyway, got any cure for rampaging female hormones? Mine seem to be really out of control... again ^^;;
Dear Jean,
Gomen, other than time there is no known cure.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Might I trouble you for a good hangover treatment? (with the exception of something more painful, such as blows to the head) Thank you kindly.
Dear Dubhscath,
Hmmm... Orange juice, some vitamin B, an' aspirin, Tylenol, or ibuprofin oughtta do th' trick. 'Che! Amateurs!
Dear Tasuki,
-giggles as Tasuki steps on her foot- aww your better then me atleast! Thank you for your well wishes, I just came back from surgery and I feel just fine! :hugs Tasuki: your a great guy ^_^ :hugs her Tasuki plushie: your cutier then this! ^_^ anyway thanks Tasuki! I looove you!
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley,
Heh... Arigato! Glad yer OK!
Dear Tamahome,
I just wanted you to tell your kirei wife Miaka (you two are married now, right?) I wish her a very happy birthday! (And how is 'Happy birthday' said in Nihongo, anyway?) And since we're on the topic of birthdays here, how about a list of other anime charas who share the same birthdays as you guys? First thing's first: Miaka's b-day, May 12. I know of one other May 12 birthday chara: El Hazard's Nanami Jinnai. Very shrewd when it comes to money (just like you), adept at cooking (unlike Miaka, last time I checked... I hope she's gotten better at it), and last but possibly least, the younger sister of that sick, evil, ugly, even-more-megalomaniac-than-Nakago ass#^%* Katsuhiko Jinnai. Next we go to Hotohori's birthday, which is April 2. That's also the birthday for Kanae Ohtori from Shojo Kakumei Utena. She's the supposed fiancee of Akio Ohtori (the apparently really evil guy of that show ~_~). Don't worry, I don't think Ohtori is Akio's real last name....^_^ Now for Nuriko's birthday, March 10. It's the birthday for Virtua Fighter 3's Aoi Umenokoji. I don't really know too much about this high school girl...not even sure what fighting style she used...oh well. Also, it's the birthday for the Saint Seiya chara Pisces Aphrodite...whoever that is... Next, Chichiri's birthday, May 21. All I know is it's the birthday of one Patricia McGlass, who is from one of the Tokimeki Memorial games. I don't really know that much about her either..... Now for Tasuki's birthday, which is April 18. It's also the birthday for some Saint Seiya guy named Deadly Beetle Sutando....I've no idea who this guy is ~_~... and Glycine Bleumaire from Sakura Wars 3..... again, no idea from me..... Then it's Mitsukake's birthday, May 7. I know that's the birthday for the final opponent in Samurai Shodown 2: Mizuki Rashojin. She's some possessed miko with weird magic, an ugly hound-like beast, and a vaguely scary laugh....(the word 'kowai' comes to mind)... Oh, that day's the birthday of another Saint Seiya chara, Sea Horse Baian (don't ask, I have no idea).... Finally, Chiriko's birthday. March 19. As I had stated in one of my earlier posts, that's also To Heart's Multi HMX-12's birthday. Multi is the kawaii, popular housekeeping android. Well, there you have it. An interesting list of charas who have the birthdays of Suzaku's miko and seishi. As for you, Tamahome, gomen nasai for my failure in finding other anime charas with June 28 as their birthday. All I know is it's the birthday of a few voice actors whom I know nothing about....... Well, I guess I've rambled on too much. Anyway, tell Miaka I said happy birthday!
Dear Tonberry,
You say Happy Birthday in Japanese as "Otanjoubi omedeto gozaimasu". Thanks for all the information and I will give Miaka your regards.
Dear Chichiri,
Ne, lookin' forward to me comin' out there to see you? *kiss*
Kelli, CnA#2
Dear Kelli,
Hai! So is Tasuki, no da!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Iiiiiii dunno...*leans closer to the "i'm too sexy" video*... Mits-chan...mymymy....WHOEVER would have thought you were hidng THAT under all those clothes!!! *laughs*
Kelli, CnA#2
Dear Kelli,
Hiding what? Where? *Looks truly confused...*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*POUNCES Tasuki* I don't believe in the whole "liberation (nirvana) from the cycle of rebirth and the suffering brought about by yourself (karma)." but I know about it =P I'm doing some lessons on India in my world cultures class and I had to look up things on the religions there. What I don't believe I don't in I don't take into account for my next life or my death. I'm in the revenge business. Revenege is sweet, Justice is sweeter, and Revenge with Justice is sweetest. NOW STOP TEACHING CHIRIKO TO #*@^! SWEAR! And don't go telling me not to =P I'll swear if I want to, but I don't go teaching people how! Especially innocent childern! *whack!* You don't see me teaching the kids at Van Gogh Elementry school to swear, now do you? No. So stop teaching Chiriko how to swear! If he wants to learn I'm sure he could learn on his own anyways =P Don't make me do something violent and evil! Chichiri- WHY ARE YOU LETTING HIM TEACH CHIRIKO TO SWEAR!?! You're the oldest, show some responsiblity! *thwack!* Somebody has to take care of Chiriko and at this rate, he'll end up a drunk! And why is CnA letting him teach Chiriko how to swear!?!? Everybody else- Somebody teach him something useful! Swearing has limited usefulness =P Especially when people don't care and it's just another word to them! (that would be me.)
Dear One-chan,
I ain't teachin' him to swear!! He's jus' a smart kid an' picks stuff up!! Heh-heh...
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki, why are you such a player? I've seen you hug and kiss like 20 different girls!
annoyed fan boy
Dear annoyed fan boy,
Whasamatta?? Ya' jealous??? *Smirks* If I didn't know better I'd think ya' were Obake-chan or that loser Suboshi! Heh-heh-heh... *Fanged grin*
Dear Tasuki,
Wa-wa-wa n-nani?! I didn't know your birthday was on April 18!!! Someone told me just today and I don't often check this message board... Gomen, hope you had a wonderful birthday Tas-chan! *sniff* Too bad I don't have any sake for you...
Dear Shinyi,
S'ok!!! Don't cry!!! Please!!
Dear Chiriko,
AHH! Sorry i havent been able to write to you earlier but i have been terribly busy with LOTS of homeworks*sob*. Here have some candy i brought it for you ^_^ hope that you like it. *sigh* Gotta go again....*gives Chiriko a hug and slowly walk away*
Dear Annie,
Arigato! That's ok, I understand. *Hugs her back.*
Dear Chichiri,
ou have been my mentor for a while now! And I associate you a lot with Himura Kenshin, if you even know who he is, of course. But anyway, oh wise one, have you any words of wisdom for us humble people?
Princess Lee Ann
Dear Princess Lee Ann,
Ano... me, no da? A mentor, no da? You want me to make a speech, no da?? *Blushes and sweatdrops* Daaaaaa...
Dear Mitsukake,
Ah, that's ok. You're allowed to have a wild side, y'know...Just don't be a bad impression on Chiriko, like Tasuki is. So, I heard you had a B-day? How old now? What do you want for a belated present? ^_^
Dear Hime,
I'm 24 and you really do not need to get me anything. Arigato!
Dear Tasuki,
Look, I'm sorry that the only way I even heard of you is through my best friend. I'm sorry that you can't seem to see past you ego and realize that your little group of friends are not the main point in every teen-age girl's life. I don't have time to watch you adventures. All I about you is from the first two books that have come out. I'm waiting for the third. If you write to people and answer their questions you should at least realize that not all of them are pscyho-crazed fans!!!!!! The only reason I'm here writing to you is because my friend does. I also think that it's pretty cool that you can write to a character and have them write back. (sorry if this is insulting in any way. but I go to St. Mary Acadamy in Portland, OR, and after awhile you start to say what you want with out really thinking.)
Dear AlleyKat,
'Che! Yer jus' a big ol' ray of sunshine ain't ya'?? Who got ya' up on th' wrong side of th' bed???
Dear Chiriko,
I have been thinking about a career in cartooning and I was wondering if you could give me the URLs to sites that sell Screentones.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
How would you eat a Reeses peanut butter cup? ^_^
Dear Hoshi,
Hotohori:*Slices it thinly with his sword.*
Tasuki:I'd wash it down with sake!
Tamahome:Eat it??? It's from the other world!! I'd sell it!!
Chichiri:Like I'd eat any other food, no da.
Mitsukake:Candy? I don't generally eat candy.
Nuriko:Candy?? OISHII!!! *Eats it up!*
Chiriko:*Takes a big bite.* Oishii!!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
Hiya Tasuki-sama ... how are you? I should be happy ... school's almost out! (YES!!!) But my compulsiveness has made a fool of me. *sigh* I feel so stupid ... but I don't want to talk about it. I WILL be optimistic!! *immediately sweatdrops as her CD starts to skip* Oh, goddess ... my favorite song ... I can't believe I messed up my Utena CD! Ahhhhhhhhhhh! ;_; Please excuse me while I go sit in the corner and sulk.
P.S. I do have one question! ^^ Okay, here's a quote I found in Manga MAXX magazine: "Little boys grow up and they put away their childish things, such as comic books and movies like Princess Mononoke." -Daniel Neman, Richmond Times Dispatch, Virginia I just want to know your reaction.
Dear Moon,
I'm fine! Sorry yer day sucked! I think th' guy that made that quote is wrong. Ain't nothin' wrong wit' comics! An' Mononoke Hime is a classic! Whatta baka!
Dear Tasuki,
Hey Tasuki, sorry about freaking you out there with that fanfic about you having children! Are you not glad it was only a story? Just stay clear from Kouji for a while, okay? Is Kouji still single by the way? Does he like silvery white blond hair and blue eyed girls? I'm Miaka's cousin by the way, Tana. Everyone calls me Emeric, but anyway, you can come out of the bed now! So, one more question, I need to be sure because I'm writting my story, and want to be correct! Were you in love with Rei-Rei, or was it just a nice sister type of relationship between you and her? I heard you cared about her, but when you met Miaka and joined her party, you said you hated girls, so I suspect you cared for Rei-Rei like a sister? And have your sisters stopped beating you up yet? Don't they hear all the great things you've done? They know you have the tessen, although, I know you wouldn't hurt them, and that probably wouldn't stop them from beating you up. Are you the youngest of the family? Miaka says hi! Is Kouji single, are you single? Can you tell him about me? I'm 22, good age! Tell him to mail me in the message board room! *Miaka bonks Tana on the head, and drags her away from computer*
Emeric...a.k.a. Tana
Dear Tana,
Kouji's still kinda single, but I think he an' my sister Aidou are a kinda an item. I'm still single an' yes I'm glad it was only a story!! Ya' ask a lotta questions don't ya'???
Dear Mitsukake,
happy (late) birthday! i got you some herbal teas, figure everyone likes herbal tea. hope your birthday was great fun!
Dear Saralady,
Arigato. It was a good birthday.
Dear Chichiri,
Hi!!! Just wondering...what's your favorite flavor of ice-cream? I like strawberry,'s just yummy! Ask the other seishi too...oh wait, if I wanted EVERYONE to answer, I shoulda ASKED everyone...^^;;
Dear Mari-chan,
I like green tea and plum ice creams, no da.
Dear Hotohori, were between miaka and tamahome. you loved her just as tamahome did. willing to give your life even. tomodachi is torn cause she has two guys she cares about and doesn't know what to do. the poor thing is stressed out and I feel bad. i have somehow got stuck in the middle of this and feel resonsible for things that go on and I can't take much more. Please wise emperor..I need some advice to give her. Thank you! ::hugs::
Ina Chan
Dear Ina Chan,
Perhaps she should list her likes and dislikes of each young man to help her decide which one she will seriously date. Or she should just listen to her heart and it should tell her who is right for her. Good luck.
Dear Nuriko,
What do you do when you live in a very quiet, peaceful neighborhood, and new neighbors move in next door? Not to mention these neighbors have many little kids who are homeschooled and run around outside screaming at the top of their lungs whenever they get a chance to play? (Once every few hours). -_-;; Most of our windows are open because it's springtime. ^_^; You wouldn't believe how even shouting echoes over here...
Dear Hoshi,
Perhaps your parents could talk to the parents of the noisy kids and work towards a resolution. Good luck!
Dear Tasuki,
Heh... *hugs Tasuki* It's so sad.... I missed the relay on Saturday and the meet today 'cause I'm sick... I got some sort of pox or something... nothing serious.... and it's not contaigious... it's alright though I guess... 'cause my right leg is still a little sore. *shrugs* and HEY, I MISS YOU A LOT! gotta go now. Sorry I whined so much before...
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
S'ok. Jus' feel better!
Dear Chiriko,
Forever young as a favorite song? I think N Sync did a remake of that, I could be wrong though. My partner chickened out on me, so I ended up going up with my little sister and her friend! (think about it. She's 8, I am going into high school next year! Embarassing? HAI!) *pours herself some green tea* Would you like some? Herbal stuff is much beter than that booze Tasuki drinks, ne? I hope he's got an exceptionally strong liver.
Dear Chantress,
I don't know about a remake, gomen ne. I would love some ocha! Arigato!
Dear Nuriko,
*thinks* I could do that, I suppose. Or I could maybe just do it while he's out and surprise him. I can get Rattrap and Optimus to drag him somewhere, maybe. I don't know.... Hmmm, I like the idea of not giving him time to argue though. Thanks Nuriko. *hands him a really cool purple hat* You can have this by the way. It was Megatron's - although why it was his I have fully no idea. I thought it would look good on you* Arigatou!
Dear Blackarachnia,
You're welocme! Thank you for the hat!
Dear Tamahome,
So I hear you want to be a millionaire... *waves a million bucks under his nose* You can have this if you'll go kiss Nakago on the Seiryuu Board.
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
Hmmm... OK! *Grabs the money out of her hand and runs off to the Ask the Seiryuu Seishi peeji...*
Dear Tasuki,
I finally updated my fanfiction site, and I heard that you read the new stories... *grins* So, what'd you think? You think you could take me to that inn more often? The service was excellent there... Please aisaika? *kisses him, then scampers off* JA! I've got tests to study for!!
Iridal, your Aisai
Dear Iridal,
I read yer "special" site stories. *Blushes* Glad ya' liked th' service at th' inn... *sniffs the air...* Hmmmm... it's a bit citrusy in here... *fanged grin*
Dear Tasuki,
CELES! *fwapfwap* FINAL FANTASY SIX, NOT SEVEN! *fwapfwap*
Kelli, CnA #2
Dear Kelli,
Celes, Selas... FF6, FF7... Who th' *^%$ cares???
Dear Tasuki,
Yay!!! You wrote me back!!!*hugs him* The letter......uh......Oh yeah, my "friend" was saying something really mean about you, and it made me mad cause I would never say anthing mean about her favorite seishi, Hotohori (he is just to nice to say anything mean about him), so I hit her with a chalk-board eraser ^_^;;; Thank you!! I had a wonderful brithday!! Unlike every other brithday in my past, this one was great! I got eighty dollars to spend on anime!! Yay!!! Beware anime stores!!!! *giggles* Oh yeah, I have a friend who says she can copy all of FY for me, I'm so happy!!! ^-^
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
COOL!! Glad ya' had a great day!
Dear Chichiri,
Sorry about the Pokemon thing, sweetie, I was just getting offended for no good reason, I do that a lot. No need to apologize just 'cuz it isn't your thing! ^_^ Anyhoo, I just had my brother Gmork pose the 7 sins question to the Seiryuu seishi, and which they'd apply to you guys, and they came up with Wrath for you! Do you see that as true? I'm just curious. (Curiosity killed the cat...yeah I know, but satisfaction brought him back!)
Wolfi ^_~
Dear Wolfi,
Wrath, no da? I think that is more Tasuki's forte, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Excuse me! I am the REAL Origonal TASUKI!!! You GOOFBALL!
*Tasuki, the great*
Dear Gansaku,
*Flames imposter*
Dear Tasuki,
Hi!!! Tasuki!!!!!!!!!!!You lil' banit!!*kiss on the lips* Its been a long time!!^-^ Did you miss me?! *gives him a sake* I missed you! *is about to cry* I wish there was a way that we can talk face-to-face instead over the internet. *put her finger on her lips* Paece Love Banit!!!!!!!!!!
Doom Day
Dear Doom Day,
*Looks confused* Arigato fer th' sake!
Dear Chichiri,
Hi!!! Chichiri!! Sorry, I've have'nt wrote you in a long time. So how you been doing Chichiri *smileing* Want me to cook some fish Chichiri.( micewave of course no da!!)I was wondering Chichiri how does your hair stick up like that?(even in water) When you was looking at my site how long was you looking at that dog?! *hugs Chichiri* I missed you Chichiri! *snifel* Chichiri I missrd you so much.... *sigh* BYB!!
Dear Deserae,
I'm fine, no da. When my hair is wet it does hang in my face, no da. *Hugs her back*
Dear Nuriko,
THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP! It turns out great. The blue silk I was speaking of is a dark blue silk shirt, and I was wearing some really kewl silver tights and a black skirt with it, plus the brown lipstick and matching eyeshadow, looked Perfect! Arigatou! ^_^ The Chinese Silk dress is a deep red with a high neck, (I don't wear lowcut things very often.) and has traces of yellow and black on it. I'm thinking for jewelry probably a brown illusion feather necklace, or pearls. (Simple is good.) But about my hair, it's to my shoulders and undershaved, (too thick.) So I'm lost. Any ideas??? How do I send you a pic of these outfits?
Wolfi ^_~
Dear Wolfi,
Even better would be a nice yet simple gold chain since it is a high neck dress. I'm not certain what undershaved hair looks like so you might be better served going to your stylist for suggestions. You can always send pictures to:
Dear Tasuki,
*beats up the fake tasuki* GRRR your not the real tasuki!!!!! So Shud Up! *pats the real tasuki on the back* See this cute guy herE? Hes the real one! so dont go saying you are!
Dear Kao,
Eh, heh... Thanks! *Fanged grin*
Dear Chiriko,
YAY! You like Clive Barker Too eh? He is such a wonderful writer, isn't he? I don't know anyone who can write in that much rich detail and keep you spellbound during the whole story. He's great. YOU Don't have a favorite philosopher? That truly surprises me! You seem to be a deep thinker, maybe you should check out works by Aristotle, Plato and Nietzche, I bet you'd find them intriguing! ;-)
Wolfi ^_~
Dear Wolfi,
I actually find all of them interesting, as well as Lao Tse and Confucious.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Arigatou (sp?) For not laughing at my question about the 7 deadly sins! ;-) I'm happy you took the time to answer, and yes Gluttony was rather obvious, wasn't it? ^_^; As for the Painkillers, I have chronic kidney stones. Yippee, so I was a little out of it on Lortab. Heck, I was just hoping the question was coherent to someone besides me! Thank you for answering! How 'bout this one, Of all the Seishi, (ALL, as in Genbu, Byakko and Seiryuu too.) which powers do each of you envy the most? (Hey, I personally would like to have Chichiri's powers, but the only mage/werewolf I know that comes close is my bud Shaggy, and unfortunately, I don't think my powers will ever be that strong! WAH!) ^_^ Sorry This Letter Was So Long!
Wolfi ^_~
Dear Wolfi,
We don't envy any of the others powers. However, we did think you would be amused by this:
Seven Deadly Sins Suzaku-Style:
Pride: Hotohori
Greed: Tamahome
Gluttony: Miaka
Anger: Tasuki
Lust: Nuriko
Envy: Yui
Sloth: Still no lazy Seishi!
Gomen about the kidney stones. Have you tried changing your diet and drinking more water? You also might want to check out this website Good luck!
Dear Chichiri,
*runs in crying* One week left... I only have one more week as a Mary's Islander! I was packing up all my Mary's Islanders stuff and a little under half of it filled two boxes.... I can't believe how much of my life was devoted to that woman.... *sits down and sobs* I haven't even been able to get to practice becuase everytime I try to go in I end up outside crying on the steps... I can't let her see me this way. One of our rules is even if we are unhappy we have to smile. I can't smile! I wanna dance... (oi... did that sound childish). I'm gonna loose all my friends... *sighs* *cries harder* And I have to make a presentation onstage at my final performance! I want my old life back!
Dear Suriel,
Have you told your parents how unhappy you are, no da? *Gives her a big hug.* I wish there was more I could do for you, no da.
Dear Tamahome,
Tama-kins! I got a deal fer you! Ok, if I pay you eighteen silver ryou, would you beat up my soon-to-be-eighteen year old brother for me? He really gets on my nerves!! And, hehee, would you kiss me for ten silver ryou?*blushes* Please? I'll even through in a beautiful iron tessen that Tasuki gave me! Tasuki: I did NOT give you my tessen, stupid chick! *sweatdrop* Oh well, sooooooooooo wanna beat up my brother? REPLY Please!
Dear Kei-chan,
I will not beat up your brother. Gomen. *Takes money anyway* *Gives her a kiss on the cheek* Arigoto for the okane!
Dear Tamahome,
hey tama-chan, you don't mind me callin you that do you?? ^_^ I wanted to ask that have you ever questions miaka's love for you. Also you already what happen in the end of the 2oav of fushigi yuugi. How do you feel that even if both you and taka appear infront of her miaka would rather choose taka(i really hate him even if u guys r the same person i like you more ^_^) over you?? oh yeah! i 4got ** give tamahome 400ryos** I hope i don't upset you or somethin. I'm just curious and upset about what miaka did. If i did upset you gomen-ne tamahome. Ja-ne
Dear yui-sama,
Actually I prefer Tamahome. Tama-chan is the cat. I never questioned Miaka's love for me. At the point she picked Taka over me, he essentially WAS me!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey! Whatz hanging?! I was just wondering....If their was a cross over between Fushigi Yuugi and Sailor Moon who would you guys want to get with? And Tasuki! dont say no one you like being single...pick one....cuz i really wanna are their names if you dont know Haruka,Michiru,Setsuna,ChibiUsa,Usagi/pig,hotaru,Ami,Reye,Mako-chan,Minako, Thanks!!!!!
Dear Sarah,
It's not very nice calling poor Usagi-chan a pig. Anyway, Tamahome already has Miaka, Chichiri and Mitsukake say they are all too young and Hotohori-sama has Houki. So, I see Tasuki with Reye, Nuriko with Haruka, and myself with Ami (although she's a bit old for me).
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
We all think of each other as friends and brothers. We would all put our lives on the line for each other.
Dear Hotohori,
I know that i'm not welcome to be here. You suzaku seishis would not be happy to see but today i come in peace. I have somethin 2 ask you. To me in the 2oav you seem 2 love yur empress houki a lot. So who do you have feelin for more now yur love for miaka or houki??
Dear yui-sama,
You are certainly welcome here. You are the friend of of our Miko. The one I love the most now is Houki.
Dear Chichiri,
Why do you say 'no da'? Is it because it's fun, because it is, no da...
Dear Mari-chan,
It's just the way I speak, no da.
Dear Chichiri,
I was looking @ your picture and then the question hit me. Do you use gel to hold up that piece of hair that sticks out in front of you?
Dear paranoid,
It just grows that way, no da.
Dear Chichiri,
NA NO DA!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love your song Kachou Fuugetsu!!!!!!!!! NO DA!!!!!!!!!!!!! *giggles* *hugs Chichiri* NO DA!!!!!! *pulls put her own magic hat* *poof* BYE BYE NA NO DA!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear Miko,
*Sweatdrops* Arigato, no da!
Dear Mitsukake,
Happy Birthday! *hands him an aloe with a yellow bow* How old are you now?
Dear Sora,
Arigato. I'm 24 now.
Dear Tamahome,
*walks in crying* Wahhh! Poor Miaka! Stupid Miaka-bashers! Some people are just so rude, ne, Tama-chan? Just because she eats a lot *sweatdrop* and gets bishounen is no reason to hate her! *sniffs* Tell Miaka I'm sorry people are so mean...*leaves, still crying*
Dear Rabbit,
Please don't cry! I'll tell her for you!
Dear Tasuki,
*hugs Tasuki* OH! You are so sweet to Miaka! (I just got to see tape 13) Even though you did't mean to insult her cooking...
Rain Cloud
Dear Rain Cloud,
Eh, heh... arigato.
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki Chan ;-; I found out this friday (the 12th) I am going in for surgery! Can I have a good luck hug and kiss please?
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley,
Hai! I hope it ain't nothin' serious! *Gives her a big hug and a kiss on the forehead.* Take care!
Dear Tasuki,
*POUNCE!* .... bad idea? *blinks and ponders this* Why on earth would it be a bad idea?
Dear One-chan,
Bad karma! Now go eat yer cauliflower!
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