Dear Tasuki,
Oii! You know what, you remind me of a wolf. Hehee...could I use you for 4-H? I wanna use a dog for it, and the dog I'm using is as old as me! *I'm 13 and she's 12* Please?*big sad puppy-dog eyes* Pretty please? You're so kawaii, I just wish I had a dog like that! Hehehee...Byebye bye! *hugs and gives all the Seishi a kiss on the cheek*
Dear Kei-chan,
NO! I ain't no dog or wolf!
Dear Chichiri,
What's it like to be a monk? Don't you ever wish you weren't one? Anything you regret about your choice?
Rain Ayo
Dear Rain Ayo,
It is interesting, no da. I have met a lot of different people in my wanderings, no da. The only regret that I have is the loss of my best friend and my fiancée, no da.
Dear Hotohori,
How the freaking h*ll do you keep all of that hair under a teenny-tiny little hat on your head? And how do you keep it so long and pretty?
Dear Witch,
Quite well, don't you think? *Smiles*
Dear Tasuki,
Hi Tasuki I am sad :cries; I got sick and my senior friend invited me to the Prom and I couldnt go, so would you make me happy and share one dance with me please
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley,
Ano... I ain't nuch of a dancer, but I'll try... *Treis to dance with her and steps on her foot.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
WAA! You guys are invading my dreams!! :| It's weeeeeeeeeeeeird...and it disturbs me! I mean, gawl. Well, its not like you guys haven't done anything weird...but I think I had a dream where I punted one of you guys into the moon...umm...dunno...hope this doesn't scare you guys!!
Dear Kei-chan,
Must have been Tasuki, the kowaii faced man!! Hahahahahahahaha... ITAI! *Fried by Tasuki*
Dear Mitsukake,
*Gasp**Thump**Omni falls at Mitsukake's feet** Stressed out ... Hack, Cough ... Need great healing power. Hit me with your magic juju, Juan, 'cuz I'm beat. I took the SATs, went on a job interview, went to work, and drove for several hours, lost in the back woods of New York. All in 90 degree weather on highways littered by a leaky septic truck thingy. The smell, the heat, the gasoline prices. Do you make intercontinental house calls??
Dear Omni82,
Unfortunately, I can't make house calls to your world. Might I suggest a long relaxing bath, followed by a cup of chamomille tea and a long nap?
Dear Mitsukake,
Hehee! Of all the Suzaku Seishi, you are probably my favorite Seishi. I say you should of kept your long hair. Me an my friend think you should of. I like you cuz you're quiet and sweet! And serious...:) friend said you had a nice body...which I bopped her for thinking like that. :p I think you're cuuuuuuuuute!! Tehee! byebye!
Dear Kei-chan,
Arigato. *Blushes*
Dear Hotohori,
Hotohori....I gots something for you, *hands him a gallon of CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM* thats one of my favorite kind of ice cream...Hope you like it! I made it myself! Yep Yep....HONEST No joke! Dont give any to tamahomae okay? I dont want him having any....please? Anyone can have some but Miaka and Tamahomae? Well actully its up to you...
Dear Sarifu,
Arigato! Oishii desu!
Dear Tasuki,
I've looked for the stuff about me on the message board. I haven't found it yet. Will you tell me what they said or do I have to battle you for the information? I think it would be safer for you to just hand over the info. I have no problem with a good fight, but I wouldn't want Suzaku to be less one seishi.
Dear Kyoto,
Guess it was automatically deleted offa th' Message Board. Yer messages were bein' posted there 'cos they weren't really questions. They were more of a story.
Dear Chichiri,
konnichiwa! gomen for not writing for a lond time. I've been so busy with school, homework,(yes even geometry homework) and friends. I get another FY tape today. YEAH!!!!! I'm so happy, i get to watch you. *SWOON* I acually have a good question for you today insted of my usual babbling. Ok in episode 37(i think) when you are in Tomo's mirage of the city and you say that you couldn't use you magic, didn't that give you a clue that something's wrongs here? I was just wondering and you're so smart and kawaii. I saw this one pic of you and you were holding roses, it was one of the best pictures i have seen of you. I could have sworn that those roses were for me(i wish). I just thought of another question for you. How do you say I love you in japenese? I listen but i can't quite get it. I'll go now but i'll be back. *blows kiss to him* Arigatou Chichiri.
Dear Aenne,
It should have, but we were all being controlled by Tomo, no da. "Aishiteru" is how you say "I love you, no da". *Looks at both Chichiri no Aijin and Chichiri no Aisai gulps and sweatdrops...* I'm just telling her HOW to say it, no da...
Dear Tasuki,
Konnichiwa! I believe that you only like Miaka as a li'l sister. That's, how's everyone's favorite potty-mouthed bandit? I hope good. Well, ja ne, I must go...
Dear Rabbit,
I'm doin' pretty *^%$#@( good! Heh-heh-heh... *fanged grin*
Dear Tamahome,
WAhhhh! Tama-kun, can you believe what they're doing to me? There are only 3 more Gundam Wing episodes! *sniffles* It's depressing...*huggles Tama* least I have FY, right? And they're coming out with new Sailormoon's not that bad...but I won't be able to see my Duo-kun. Not to mention the disk with all my writing on it has gone kaput. I'm hoping I can get it to work without erasing all my fanfics! Sayonara! Ja ne!
Dear Rabbit,
Good luck!
Dear Chiriko,
Since you're at such an impressionable age, do any of the other seishi's "bad points" rub off on you? Like Tamahome's greed, or Hotohori's vanity, or Tasuki's potty mouth? Or are you oblivious and just see them as character flaws? oh, and, ummm...::blush:: I brought you some green tea ice cream...I believe that's what you said you liked. Here...::hands him bowl of ice cream:: Enjoy, k? ::gives Chiriko peck on cheek and scampers off::
Dear Neko-chan,
Arigato. Well, I dunno... I really look up to Tasuki as a big brother! He's pretty *(^%$#@ COOL!!! *Grins*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Alrighty, here's a question: A lot of the fans have been talking about sending you all pics. How does one go about this??? I wanted to send one to Nuriko if I can ever get the blue silk/makeup thing right. Any help would be appreciated.
Wolfi ^_~
Dear Wolfi,
You can send your pictures to
Dear Chichiri,
^^;; Someone e-mailed the Kasa Konnection asking for kasa mail order... do you know any places where there's an online store that sells kasas? Also... is kasa japanese or chinese? From what I know, kasa in Japanese is the little umbrella thing... ^^;; Baaaaad Jean!
Dear Jean,
Kasa actually means both bamboo hat AND umbrella in Japanese, no da! Gomen, I don't know of any mail order places that sell kasas, no da.
Dear Chichiri,
Hey there, my wandering monk. How ya doin'? Keepin' outta trouble I hope. I'm so happy!!! School is almost out for the summer and prom is tomarrow. YAY!!! I can't wait for summer vacation. I'll get to sleep past 6 am and lounge around all day. I'll be like a cat. Lounge around and eat. Hmmm . . . life is good. But anyway. Sorry for the babbling.. Just wanted to tell ya that I love you!!! *hugs Chichiri*
Supreme Goddess Brittay-sama
Dear Brittay-sama,
I'm fine, thank you! Have a nice vacation, no da! *Hugs her*
Dear Tamahome,
Konnichiwa, Tama-kun! I've missed you! *gives Tama a hug* Tee-hee! I might get FY manga! I'm sooo happy! I still have to convince my mommy though...*shrugs* oh, well! *whispers* I've been wonderin'...Tasuki's not...not yaoi, is he? I've been hearing things...rumors. Nasty rumors. I don't wanna ask him 'cause...I'm afraid of gettin' toasted...*regular voice* Well, arigatou, Tama-chan! Ja ne!
Dear Rabbit,
No, Tasuki's NOT yaoi! He's just a big, loud, pain in the ... ITAI!!! *Tasuki fries Tamahome...*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Guess what? I got to do my dance routine with my little sister and her friend. My original partener chickened out a few days in advance, so at least I could teach them the routine. But now, my other little sister's mad at me because she's embarased at me. What should I do?
Dear Chantress,
Apologize to her I suppose. But why is she embarrassed, no da?
Dear Tasuki,
You haven't heard of my yet? My name is Kyoto. I guess you could call me Keisei's daughter. The ghost that's around here tried to "get rid of her", but it slipped somehow and was (I think) destroyed, but for some reason, when the ghost was gone, Keisei somehow split. Now, I'm here. I think the spirit has not yet been destroyed though. I think that if the spirit was truely destroyed, that I would be gone too, since it created me originally as a body for it to posess. Do you think it's still around? I would know if it was in me, I can feel it's presence.
Dear Kyoto,
I dunno, but I do know yer other letters were posted to th' Message Board 'cos they didn't ask any questions. Guess they fell off. Gomen.
Dear Hotohori,
Hmmmmmmmmmmmm, I guess Keisei was more of a fool than I thought. She loved and respected that weak monk when there was someone like you around. shal we test your strebght? *pulls out a samurai sword and takes a couple test swings.* If you're half as good a swordsman as you look, then you might be worthy to battle me. Don't say anything about me being a girl, or else I'll kill you. I can last as long as Kutou's shogun in battle, so don't hold back, or else you might find yourself the one kind of enemy I will turn my back to. A dead one.
Dear Kyoto,
I sincerely doubt that you can best me in a sword fight. But if you insist on trying...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
ok, everyone, gather around...*lady puts in the "i'm too sexy" tape and hit's play*, try and tell me that's NOT mitsukake! it looks and sounds just like him! and you can even see little tama-neko sitting on the kitchen counter! I SWEAR to you, that's gotta be him!
Dear Saralady,
No it ain't! That guy's bald!!!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki-san, it really seems like we aren't close anymore. boo hoo.. *sniffles* You have too many other girlfriends to talk to instead of talking to me. Like when you respond to my letters, it seems like you don't like me anymore. You respond back too... what's the word for it..... too um... I don't know.... *continues to cry* WAHHHH..... And also, the reason why I don't write you as much anymore is because I STILL DON'T HAVE MY INTERNET BACK YET! Can you believe that? This has continued for way too long. AHH! Oh, yeah, and tommorow, there's gonna be another track relay, wish me luck, okay?
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
IIE!!! Not true! Yer still my good friend! *Gives her a hug and a kiss on the cheek.* Ganbatte kudasai on yer track meet! *Hugs her again.*
Dear Nuriko,
HI! I was wondering if you mind being called "she". ^^; I do it all the time. I just think of you more as a woman than a man. Just wondering about it.
Dear Lamara,
I prefer he to she at this point in time.
Dear Tamahome,
Have you ever seen the movie "Brazil"?
Dear Sue,
I haven't but Chichiri no Aijin has. Seceral times. Why?
Dear Tasuki,
Oh, I KNOW! Esp. when they slit the lady's eye open. I didn't like that film very much... way to surreal. Well, I hope you have a nice weekend, 'cuz I probably won't have time to write. On Saturday I have a soccer game, a piano recital, a party, and a bat mitzvah to go to... busy busy busy!
P.S. Did you know that it's Children's Day in Japan on Friday? (That's what my calender said) I feel loved!! ^_~
Dear Moon,
Hai! Have fun! It was a cow's eye but it was stll gross...
Dear Chiriko,
this isn't a question really... but chiriko is so kawaii, he should get more attention. (not more than hotohori-sama or tamahome-kun tho ^^;
Dear Selenity,
Arigato! *Blushes*
Dear Nuriko,
*hugs Nuriko like a plushie* Hi! I'm back! *sighs* You've got to be the best person to ask advice from (speaking from experience with that turpentine idea) and I have another slight problem with my boyfriend, (lucky me) and I thought you'd be the person to ask. You see I'm considering getting an upgrade, to reformat my body into what's called a Transmetal 2. The procedure to do this is, typically, very dangerous.In fact, it could kill me. Now Silverbolt is probably going to flip when I tell him about this (he's sort of the protective type) and I was wondering if you had any tips on how to break this to him and/or peel him off the ceiling once he's hit it?
Dear Blackarachina,
Hmmm... that's a difficult one! I really don't know. I suppose you could tell him just as you're about to do it or have someone tell him as your having it done. Either way good luck!
Dear Tasuki,
Jasmine-chan: The anime con I'm going to is Otakon. And I'm only going there for one day this year, but thanks for asking! *hugs Tasuki* Does anyone ever tell you just how cool you really are? Chichiri-sama's my personal favorite (CnA and Kelli-chan are SO lucky ^_^) but I'm also a member of the DTFC, believe it or not!
Kouji: *yells from another room* Yeah, she's got the badge up on her site ... and a special with info on ya, Genrou, and a link to Tasuki no Miko's... oi, at least she didn't do a poem on ya like she did your friends Chichiri n' Nuriko! And I'M NOT MENTIONED!! JASMINE-CHAN, YOU OWE ME ONE!!
Jasmine-chan: *sweatdrops* Gomen, Kouji... Forgot about that... if you wanna see it, Tasuki-kun, it's at .... um, here! *gives another bottle of sake with a little Reirei topper* Ja ne!
Jasmine-chan (and Kouji!)
Dear Jasmine-chan (and Kouji!),
Cool peeji! Thanks fer th' special info on me! *Sticks his tongue out at Kouji.*
Dear Tasuki,
Hey, what are you doing going around posing as me! I'm the real TASUKI!
*Tasuki, the great*
Dear Fake Tasuki,
Ya' ain't th' real thin'!! I AM!!!!
Dear Mitsukake,
I don't think that I have writen to you yet. But if you are as good looking as the others than I guess you're okay. (Smiles and winks!)+
Dear AlleyKat,
Dear Tasuki,
Who's Koji??!!!
Dear AlleyKat,
Ya' ain't watched much of our adventures, have ya'? He's my best friend!
Dear Hotohori,
Its been years since I've got this wild obssession to a cartoon character. Nevertheless, I really love the story and I really, really , really love you hotohori... You represent my lon lost love to myself as well as others. Before, I was really alone and I dont to want to mingle with others because... Im happy that way and make sense most of my friends like me because they gain something from me... It really hurts.. But when I found you I finally have a friend. I just really wish you'll be a real one and make me happy as i make yours.. Before anything else thank you so much just for being there... I love you and wish that you may come true.
Dear Frances,
Arigato for your kind words! *Hugs her* Gomen, but I don't think I can ever be what you want.
Dear Tasuki,
I just realized that I missed your Birthday! Sorry about that!!!! (Better late than never eh? ^_^) I suppose I'd better give you a belated gift. Hmmm...Well, since you've had quite a bit of Sake, how 'bout somethin' different? *Hands him a bottle of Chartreuse* It's green, it's French, it's made with 130 different herbs, and it's 110 proof. And if you knock it I'll hurt you, 'cuz it's my fave liquor. ;-) ENJOY!!! So you're 21 now, eh? You need to come party with me and my pack Now that you're old enough! (hee hee) Love Ya!
Wolfi ^_~
Dear Wolfi,
*Drinks some* Not bad! Arigato!
Dear Chichiri,
Chichiri, what would you do if someone stole your prayer beads? What would happen? Would you loose some of your powers? Are they that important? Have you ever thought about bleaching your hair? I think you and Tasuki would look good in white blond hair! Maybe Nuriko can color it for you? What do you think Nuriko?
Dear Emeric,
Well, if they were the beads that Taiistu-kun gave to me I would be rather angry, no da. I would not lose any powers but I think the beads may amplify my powers, no da. In the manga my hair is described as the color of the wind so I suppose it is already blonde, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Alrighty then, here's a bizzare question. (It's late, I'm drugged on painkillers, so just leave me alone and don't laugh, K?) Here we go: Which of the 7 Deadly Sins would be applied to each Seiryuu Seishi? I told ya it was weird, so don't say I didn't warn you!
Wolfi ^_~
Dear Wolfi,
Gomen that you aren't feeling well. Why are you on painkillers? Well, here are the answers to your questions, they may not be exactly what you were looking for. Gomen.
Lust = Tomo or Soi
Greed = Nakago
Envy = Yui
Pride = Nakago
Gluttony = Miaka (was THAT obvious or what?)
Sloth = No lazy Seishi here!
Anger = Suboshi
Dear Mitsukake,
*takes a look at the video Sarlady whipped out* Oh dear Lord... ano, Mitsukake-sama, he does look an awful lot like you *looks a bit closer*, still, I dunno, there's something fishy about this. Well, only one way to find out *pulls out an ink pad and paper* Fingerprints, please. A blood sample might help as well. I'll probably end up going double overtime on the image enhancer, but this should work. I'll see what I can do with the blood samples, hmm, that lab dude over at UAB ought to be able to run this through a few tests and find out your BAC(Blood Alcohol Count). If you were drunk Saturday and didn't know it, there is an incredibly slim chance that SOME of that alcohol might still be in your bloodstream(highly unlikely, but, what the heck!). See ya! *hugs him* Greet Tama-neko for me! bai bai!
Dear C-chan,
*Looks confused but complies.*
Dear Chiriko,
You said if you could be with ANY anime chara, it would be Sakura? Which Sakura? Probably the Card Captor...if not for those two locks of hair and that negative-gravity ponytail which you possess, you and Miss Kinomoto would look at least halfway to identical! You would...^_^
Dear Tonberry,
Yes, it was Cardcaptor Sakura-san!
Dear Tasuki,
AWWW!!! Lookit that! The bandit has a little pushie doll....isn't that just kawaii?!
Dear Miscellaneous,
*Glares at Miscellaneous* SHHHHHHHH...!!!
Dear Mitsukake,
Arigatou for the advice, Mitsukake! And, otanjoubi omedeto gozaimasu! *gives you a hug and a pad of post-it notes* How old? Is it just me, or have there been a lot of birthdays this past week? ^_^;
Dear Katsumi,
Arigato and you are welcome for the advice. Yes, there do seem to be a lot of birthdays so far.
Dear Tasuki,
*walks in and stands infront of Tasuki* Your in trouble!! You didn't answer my last letter yet!!!! I went to all that trouble to hit my friend with the chalk-board eraser for what she said about you too! Oh well......*hugs Tasuki* Guess what!!! Today was my birthday ^-^ Yup I'm one year older today!!! Are ya gona give me a present? ^_~ I gave you sake on your b-day!!! *holds out her hands for a gift.......*
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
Gomen! What letter was that? Otanjoubi omedeto gozaimasu! *Gives her a hug and a kiss on the cheek.*
Dear Nuriko,
Nuriko I got something for you!!!!! :hands her a biiiiiiig purple Nuriko sucker: they made a candy with your face on it!! it's a very tasty treat! Grape Flavor. :licks her orange flavored Tasuki one: *-* mmm its Tas-a-rffic *^_^* ahem, anyway here take this one too :hands her a strawberry flavored Hotohori one: Enjoy!!
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley,
*Looks around to make sure Hotohori is no where in sight... Licks the Hotohori lollipop and smiles.* Oishii!!! Arigato!
Dear Tasuki,
:jumps up and down happily: Tasuki *I'm* going to anime expo 2000 too!! First day I am dressing up as your beloved Suzaku no Miko, second day I will be performing in the cosplay with my friend as Uranus and Neptune, doing a duo song ^_^ Third day I am going as Wakaba in her school uniform from Utena..and the last day I am dressing up as black rose duelist Wakaba!! So I will look for all the others who are there...heh if that is even possible since there are millions upon millions of people who go there. Ya know, too bad you are just an anime man, I really like you, considering the fact that you hate women, you are really nice to me! Thanks Tasuki :hugs him and kisses his cheek:
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley,
Well, CnA will be wearin' Chichiri's beads an' kasa an' carryin' his staff. Kelli is doin' some chick outta Final Fantasy VII Seles or Celas or somethin'. We'll look fer ya'!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hiya! I was just wondering...... what are your favorite songs from our world? I was just asking because there's a tallent show comming up at my school, and I started thinking about songs, and what I liked, and just wondered. Ask CnA to show you some songs if you don't know. Favorite artist and band, I want an answer from alla ya! I like "Like A Prayer" by Madonna, but I can't exactly dance to it, and my voice doesn't quite fit ti sing it. I'm gonna do "Rainy DAy Man" from the Sailor Moon soundtrack, because it's easy vocals. If my partner doesn't chicken out on my that is. What should I do? duct tape her to the stage and make her sing by threatening to only program the Yamhead (Chibi-Usa. Rini for those who aren't farmiliar with the Japanese version.) in as choices for her when we play the the Sailor Moon fighting game I have? Threat of a dozen Monoka's? What's the best way to torture sonone and stand by your morals at the same time? As in, just be annoying, not actually harmful.
Dear Chantress,
Perhaps it would be better to find a new and more willing partner, no da. All Chichiri no Aijin listens to is Japanese Pop, no da. So SMAP, Glay, Shazana, Da Pump, KinKi Kids, and TM Revolution is all we generally hear, no da. We have heard some of your music but don't know all the groups. But we'll try to answer your question, no da!
Chichiri:Magic Man by Heart
:Burning Down the House by Talking Heads
Tamahome:Money by Pink Floyd
Hotohori:You Are So Beautiful by Joe Cocker
Nuriko:Dude Looks Like a Lady by Aerosmith
Mitsukake:Doctor My Eyes by Jackson Browne
Chiriko:Forever Young by Rod Stewart
Dear Chiriko,
Hey there cutie! How ya doin'? I was just curious, Who is your favorite Artist and Author?? (Philosophers can be included here too.) For the record, mine are: Artist: Jean-Michel Basquiat Author: Clive Barker Philosopher: Frederich Nietzche "Do you know the Terror of he who falls asleep? To the very toes he is terrified, for the ground gives way underneath him, and the Dream begins...." ~Nietzche He's weird like me, that's why I like the guy.
Wolfi ^_~
Dear Wolfi,
Well since I've been in the humble cyber abode, Chichiri no Aijin has intorduced me to some fascinating artist and authors. My two favorite artists of your world are Margitte and Salvador Dali and the two authors are Harlan Ellison and Clive Barker. I don't really have a favorite philospher, gomen.
Dear Nuriko,
Hey there! ;-) Sorry to write so often, but you're the only Seishi so far that's been able to put a smile on my face, soooo....I'm gonna keep writing! ^_^ I do have a question. Do you prefer to be referred to as she or he? I just didn't want to offend you by using the wrong term! Talk to ya soon!
Wolfi ^_~
Dear Wolfi,
He onegaishimasu.
Dear Tasuki,
Hey Tasuki, do you know what osaka comedy is? Since Kouji is busy talking to doors most of the time, I heard he likes osaka comedy. What exactly is it? He talks to himself and answers? I heard it was a team comedy act thing? Does he only go into his routine/talk to doors, when entering a room? Or does he do it more often out of the blue?
Dear Emeric,
It's a kinda comedy routine from Osaka that involves knockin' on th' door an' then answerin' it fer yerself, too. He does it when he goes into a room so he can invite himself in.
Dear Tasuki,
hey buddy how ya been?? anyway i was just wondering how you would suggest to quitting a bad habit. I have tried to give it up (it's kinda embarassing so i dun wanna say just what it is) but everytime i say..oh yeah this is the last time i always find myself doing it again. i am sure ya don't have ta know exactly what it is...just how to kill a habit in general. i dunno maybe you can flame me everytime....okay that's silly. well any advive would be helpful. thanks tasuki!
ina chan
Dear ina chan,
Depends on th' habit I guess... But if something bad or unpleasant happens to ya' when ya' do it ya' finally learn to stop doin' it.
Dear Chichiri,
*walks in looking rather flirtatious* Hey itooshi....wanna come see my birthday presents? ^_~
Kelli, CnA#2
Dear Kelli,
*Blushes and sweatdrops...* Ano, ok no da...
Dear Tasuki,
Hey Tasuki, what was that thing between you and Miaka? I couldn't figure it out! Do you love her? Kind of like how Nuriko loves her? Just wondering...okay, it's driving me nuts! I have to know! It seems you care for her like a little sister. Which all of you guys seem to do anyway.
Dear Jellybean,
I DO care fer her like a lil' sister!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I have a few questions and commenys: 1) Who is Rei Rei? I don't know, but maybe you could fill me in Tasuki? **I thought you all might want to read this comedy about Tasuki? Hope you don't get mad at me Tasuki, hehehe...but it had to be written. This short story might scare Tasuki...but...check it out! Anyway, I think you're pretty gallant Tasuki*_* 2) If you guys had a wish, what would it be? If you could live in Miaka's world, would you? What would you do for a living, if you did live in Miaka's world?
Dear Emeric,
Here are all your answers:
1. Rei Rei is a girl that Tasuki met earlyon in his bandit career that he cared a lot about. I believe she died in his arms. We read your satory and found it quite funny! Tasuki, on the other hand, was not amused and is still hiding under the bed in fear of it... hee-hee...
Chichiri: To have my fiancee and my best friend both alive, no da.
Nuriko: To have my beloved sister alive again!
Tamahome: To have my family alive and well again!
Hotohori: To live long enough to see Boushin rule Konan.
Tasuki: To have Rei-Rei alive again.
Chiriko: To live long enough to see my brother's children grow old.
Mitsukake: To have Shouka alive and well again.
I don't think we would be happy living in Miaka's world as it is too foreign to us.
Dear Chiriko,
what year was Fushigi Yuugi created??
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley,
The manga was published in 1992 and the anime came out in 1995.
Dear Mitsukake,
AND dancing on tables!?!?! ^_^;;; And I thought you were the shy one of the group...
Dear Hime,
I am! I don't know who this imposter is...
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki-kun, you were in love with Rei Rei? Oh, how sweet. I'm sorry that you two aren't together anymore!*weeps. pulls out a plushie of Rei Rei* I keep plushies of everybody with me; I hope you feel better now. *pats him on the back* So, you wanna go to the local bar with me and order a Salty Dog or two?(a Salty Dog is an extremely strong alcoholic drink, you'd like it!)
Dear C-chan,
Sure! Arigato!
Dear Hotohori,
Hi! I haven't written to you in some have you been? The funny thing is, I was about to ask you about your seishi power myself. I know that swordsmanship is a given, but that doesn't explain your other powers. (I'm thinking about the river scene and saving Miaka...that was amazing. *_*) What would you call that power? Before I saw that, I didn't know that you could glow, either. *smiles* ^_~
Dear Hoshi,
I think that was just an extreme rise in chi.
Dear Tasuki,
*would POUNCE! but is too busy cracking up. Emerald was sent a picture of NeonTiger and Em sent it to her* MY ARCHENEMY LOOKS LIKE AN IDIOT! (Or at least she does in this picture! Heehee!) Oh this is RICH. Now all I need is a real life picture of her friend Yuki and things will be perfect! Ya seeeee, my (well, Fury's and mine) page used to have a TABLOID section, and now that we're reconstructing our page we're going to bring it back with a story on Neon and Yuki. A TRUE STORY! MWAHAHAH! We have witnesses, and a copy of the log from the chat, direct from a witness! Ah, I love the revenge business! *POUNCE!* Is it not a delightfully evil way of extracting revenge!? What's even better is it isn't a lie, it's the truth! Mwahah. Who knew Yuki and Neon were, er, so close? Mwahahahah! Even though they probably didn't mean it and were just joking around, the tabloids shall know! I MUST CELEBRATE! And do you know what's bound to happen if she finds out?? She'll get mad and attack us on IRC, and thus we can get her killed from the server being as what is done and said off IRC cannot be used as evidence for IRC ops. So she'll just be getting mad, and since she's under warning already, the ops will KILL HER FROM THE SERVER! DO YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS!?!?! IT MEANS VICTORY! *cheers and flashes a victory sign*
A very evil, hyper, happy One-chan
Dear One-chan,
I think it's it's a bad idea!! But I know you'll do what ya' wanna do anyway!
Dear Chichiri,
You really shouldn't be so down on Pokemon. I and my boyfriend AND my 2 best friends are all into it, (And might I add that we are all in our early twenties.) It's not about age, it's about open-mindedness. There are adults who like disney movies right? Same dif. Sorry if this sounded mean, but this thread's been going for a while and I was really getting annoyed! W.W.J.D. (What Would Jigglypuff Do?)
Wolfi ^_~
Dear Wolfi,
Gomen nasai. It just seems to aimed at a very young audience, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
Thanx for answering! Alright let's see, I'm VERY fair skinned. (Think Vampish.) And I have Green eyes and dyed black hair. I find that the colors that I like the best as far as lipstick are Brown, (Cinnamon type brown.) Purple, (any shade) Dark Red and Orangish shades. But like I said when it comes to blue silk I'm kinda lost. (I could use my black or blue lipstick, but I'm really not going for the punk look in this particular instance.) So what do you think??? Also, what kind of jewelry goes with red Chinese silk? EEP! I don't think my dog collar will do it! ^_^ Thank you in advance for the help!
Wolfi ^_~
Dear Wolfi,
No dog collar! Brown or red lipstick would be good, I think. As far as the red Chinese silk, it depends on the cut type of dress, neckline, etc.
Dear Tasuki,
*walks up to him sniffling* You know, I'll be going home for the summer soon, and that means I won't be able to talk to you much on here...*sigh* Will you miss me? Or would you go right back into bachelor life without a single thought about your devoted Aisai? *bursts into tears and grabs him in a hug* And I'll be stuck in a stock room unpacking weirdo clothes for 4 months straight!! I *fear* most of those clothes!! I'll have nightmares every night, I know it!! *sobs*
Iridal, your sad Aisai ;_;
Dear Iridal,
*Hugs her back and kisses her.* I'll miss ya' too Iri-chan!
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