Dear Tasuki,
You don't like girls? Seems to me that you've given out more hugs and kisses to 'em than anyone else in this world. Strange... such conflicting actions and emotions. My mother thought you were sweet, but not as much as that... that monk... she was such a fool. Has she awakened from the deamons spell yet?
Dear Kyoto,
I dunno what yer talkin''bout! But I think there was some weird stuff posted on the message board 'bout ya'. Ya' might wanna check it out.
Dear Nuriko,
Hey Nuriko! I was wondering if you could give me some hair and makeup tips for prom. My dress is a dark purple/red color. (That's becasue the underneath of it is a iridescent red/pink and overtop of that is sheer black.) I have very fair skin, and I don't often wear any makeup besides concealer and occasionally mascara. Some suggestions for eye makeup especially would be appreciated. As for my hair...I have an idea, and I want to know what you think. First of all, my hair is short and layered, and it's naturally curly. (To help you get a better picture, if you've ever seen Vision of Escaflowne, I look EXACTLY like Serena Schezar, only with brown hair.) Here is my idea: I leave my bangs down, wear a headband and somewhat spike it behind the headband. I have a magazine article I found that tells me how to do it, I'm just worried my hair might be a tad bit long to do it. Do you have any backup suggestions? I'll really appreciate the help and I'll send you a picture of me at prom!
Dear Spooky-chan,
Make sure your make up is natural. Your hairstyle sounds nice, too. You might want to consult your hairstylist for more ideas on what to do with your hair. Have fun!
Dear Chichiri,
Ano....Chichiri, what's this about Mitsukake-kun singing "I'm Too Sexy" and dancing on the kitchen table Saturday night??? I heard from Sarlady...and, well, I always thought Mitsukake-kun was so modest!!
C-chan *_*;
Dear C-chan,
He is modest, no da!
Dear Chichiri,
Hey Chichiri, what's up? Besides the flying bandit...anyway, I have a question for you? I was wondering do you you place your fingers under your prayer beads, and hold them when you throw your ki towards an opponent? I thought you did? Correct me if I'm wrong? What is involved in the spell? I was also wondering, is Taiitsukun a man? I thought Grandma showed her true form to you guys after you all defeated that stupid ghost of a bad guy, what's his name--ah...whatever...and he was sealed by the four gods, anyway, is Taiitsukun a man or not? Well, I hope you can answer my questions, excuse me I have to be off, got to kick Tasuki's butt around the matt... (Emeric sees Tasuki and bows to her practice partner. "I'll be the Tori, and you the Uki!" Emeric says grinning slyly. "Ready for some Newaza?" Emeric throws Tasuki across the mat as she gets him into Kesagatami....)
Emeric (f)
Dear Emeric,
Sometimes I do, no da. The "spell" as you call it is just concentration, no da. Taiitsu-kun is both and neither, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Moshi Moshi Minnaaaa!!! ^-^ long time no see! Wahahaha!!! *holds out her report card* An A in PE, an A in TA, an A in English, an A in History, AN A IN ALGEBRA(I'm so proud of myself! ;.;) and.. ahem.. a C in science. *winces* okay, so that one wasn't too good; but i'm working on it! ^_^;; I get to "publish" my book for English class tomorrow. Not really publishing it, but the class is supposed to pretend that we work in a book company. I'm the highest payed employee so far >:D Alrighty, that's all I have to say. Just wanted to pop up! ^-^
Sayonara Minnaaaa,
Fuyu Yuki
Dear Fuyu Yuki,
Congratulations on your good grades!
Dear Nuriko,
Hellooo! Gomen, I haven't written you in a while. I've been really busy. I've been trying to find decent Gundam Wing fics that aren't yaoi. *pouts* There are so many of them! Geez...gomen, I'm just babling now. Oh! I might be getting the first Fushigi Yuugi manga! I'm so happy! Ja ne!
Dear Rabbit,
Good luck on finding non-yaoi Gundam WIng fics!
Dear Tasuki,
*stares for a minute, sighs, then snaps out of it* Gomen! Oh, no, I've screwed up again! Where are my manners? Konnichiwa, Tasuki-san. Gomen, gomen. Ack, I'm so sorry. Um...I was wondering, have you ever liked Miaka? Gomen if you'd rather not answer this...
Dear Rabbit,
I like Miaka as a lil' sister!! That's my story an' I'm stickin' to it!
Dear Tasuki,
Hai! I had a lot of fun. My weekend was kind of boring, though. I had a soccer game ... we lost ... *sniffsniff* Then I saw 'The Last Laugh' and 'Un Chien Andalou' with my aunt. And today I watched some Utena episodes! I'm on like 22 or somewhere around there. Have you noticed that all of the episodes with Nanami are really goofy?
Dear Moon,
Lemme see Nanami is th' bratty lil' sister right? I've only seen th' first 12 episodes so far. Sorry ya' lost yer soccer game. Ya' saw "Un Chien Andalou"??? That's a REALLY weird film!!!
Dear Chiriko,
What is a dogs favorite thing to do?
Dear RS,
Eat and sleep? Or is that a cat?
Dear Tasuki,
A while ago I just got back my report card, and I did not do so well... geeze... in science I got a 74! :( and in Keyboarding a 76..... I was so upset, but yet in other classes, such as World Cultures class, my least favorite class, I got a 90.... and a few 97s' in other classes... *sighs*
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Well, it sounds like yer grades are gettin' better. Jus' study harder in th' other subjects!
Dear Tasuki,
Guess what? I got Genrou Den! Now I can read more about you! *hugs Tasuki* And not only that, but I'm going to my first anime convention this summer and bringing plenty of cameras. I was thinking of doing the karaoke event, but the only songs I know how to sing are "Mizu-Kagami" (Chichiri!), "Otome Ranman" (Nuriko sounds cool in this one ^_^), and possibly "Kachou Fuugetsu" (Chichiri again, notice a pattern?). I wish I could try and sing some of your songs, or even the one that THTC did (all of THTC, not just you and Chichiri-sama), but I'm afraid you sing a bit too fast for me to keep up. But I'm looking forward to going! ^_^ *brings two bottles of sake* Here, Tasuki! I'm feeling great, you can have these too! Enjoy!
Dear Jasmine-chan,
Arigato fer th' sake! Which anime con are ya' goin' to? Chichiri no Aijin an' Kelli-chan are goin' tp Anime Expo 2000. I think Jean an' One-chan are gonna be there, too!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Konnichiwa! Ohayo! Oops, can't say that, it's afternoon already! *sniffles* I have to get my chores done, but I wanted to ask you all: What's your favorite food? Arigatou!
Dear Rabbit,
Chichiri: Fish, no da!; Tamahome: Whopper with cheese; Tasuki: Steak! Char-grilled!; Nuriko: Fruit; Mitsukake: Vegatables and fruits; Chiriko: Green tea ice cream; Hotohori: Chocolate ice cream.
Dear Tasuki,
Ah, Sure I will join you for a drink Tasuki-kun!! Arigatou for the offer! *drinks a bottle of Sake*
Duo Maxwell
Dear Duo,
Kanpai! *Drinks his sake.*
Dear Chiriko,
Konnichi'wa, Chiriko! Long time, no write. (I heard that somewhere...Nykee?) Anyway, I have an actual question, and not an unsane (I heard that word somewhere before, too...) one for you. I'm making out my schedule for my Senior year next year, and I have a bit of a dilemma. I've signed up for AP Spanish, French 2 and 3...and then they go and offer a distance learning Japanese course. The Japanese course is 1.60 credits (for high school AND college), and I need to take the AP Spanish. I dont know if I should still try to take French 2 and 3 and drop Pre-Calculus, or drop French 3. Can you help? I'm being extremely indecisive today.
Dear Shuurei,
Which would be more useful to you? French or Japanese? I think you will be better served by speaking to your guidance counselor about this. Good luck!
Dear Tamahome,
If you had grown up in Nakago's place, do you think you would have been as messed up as he was?
Dear Sue,
Perhaps. Or perhaps I would have risen above the adversity. I really don't know, but I'm glad I don't have to find out!
Dear Nuriko,
Arigatou...I have been talking to my friends and they have been most helpfull! And so have you, thank you so much :hugs him:
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley Chan,
*Hugs her back* You're welcome! I'm glad that things are going better for you!
Dear Tasuki,
*^_^* Arigatou Tasuki!! Heh your such a sweetie. Hmmm :gives him a one of a kind rei rei plushie: this is for you! :kisses his cheek and busily writes her sequal:
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley,
*Blushes and hides the plushie in his coat* Arigato!
Dear Mitsukake,
What do you find the most Soothing Aromatheraputic Herb? Personally I prefer Lavender! Nature's Prozac, I swear. But I was thinking of trying a new scent, and I was wondering which you'd suggest?
Wolfi ^_~
Dear Wolfi,
Gardenia or sandelwood are also soothing. But I too prefer lavender.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi!!! Jez wonderin'...If you guyz were to choose to be with someone from any anime...Who would it be?
Dear Yukina,
Here's yer answers but they may not be what ya' were lookin' fer!
Tasuki:No one! I like bein' single!
Hotohori:Houki of course!
Chichiri:Kourin my late fiancée no da!
Chiriko:Sakura, she is quite kawaii!
Dear Hotohori,
Alright, I won't say I understand the Miaka thing, 'cuz I don't. I find her obnoxious. BUT, what I want to know is, why not give Nuriko a chance? She's (well..he) is quite lovely and has a personality to match. Whereas Miaka....Nevermind, I won't go there.
Wolfi ^_~
Dear Wolfi,
Hmmm... let me see... where to begin... Oh yes, Nuriko is MALE. -_-
Dear Chichiri,
There's a difference for ages with you like pokemon? ^^; Actually, I felt that the manga version was more likable...
Dear Yuri,
Well I am 26 and have no interest in Pokemon, no da. It seems to be a show aimed at young kids, no da. That's why I said that.
Dear Tasuki,
Hey man! Ive heard that you dont like women that much! Come on man! You have got to go out and meet some GOOD ones! Now Im not kidding..there are plenty of babes out there, dude. I can understand if your sisters didnt treat you that well, but believe me, girls abound! Like me, Im totally into women, and I chase them all the time man! If it werent for Tira and Chocolate, Id be in heaven now..
Carrot Glace
Dear Carrot,
I've seen yer adventures an' yer lucky that Tira an' Chocolate ain't sent ya' to heaven on a one-way ticket!
Dear Mitsukake,
Anou...I don't really know why I'm writing this to's kind of embarrassing. Demo, can you think of any reasons why I might be getting mysterious bruises? I wake up in the morning and my legs and arms are covered with them. I suppose it could be that I'm just bruising easier than usual, but I don't know why that would be...or I could just forget about hitting myself.
(black & blue) Katsumi
Dear Katsumi,
I suggest you have a physical exam by your own healer and tell him or her about your brusing.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Help me, please!! I'm a bounty huntress (the best there is) and I was hired to kill a bounty hunter by the nme of Llyoden. Llyoden was hired by the same guy to kill me. Well, I met Llyoden, was prepared to kill him, and to make a long story short, we fell in love. So, what do we do now? If we run off together, both of us staying alive, we will be hunted till the end of our lives by every bounty hunter in the world. I asked the Seiryuu Seishi, and their answers were fairly good. Miboshi told me to kill Llyoden and take the money (roughly 3 million dollars) and Suboshi told me I was screwed. Well, I wanted opinions from less... violent ... people as to what I should do. Help ... ? Oh yeah, one more thing. If you ever need a bounty huntress, I'd be happy to be of service ... If I'm still living, of course.
Dear Ascyada,
I say the two of you should run off together and be happy! Tasuki says the two of you need to kill the guy who hired you to kill each other. I disagree. But whatever you choose to do, good luck!
Dear Tasuki,
I'm sorry i couldn't get you anything on your birthday... but i grabbed a bunch of friends and forced them to celebrate it at our school dance that day... >:) ...anyway, just thought you'd like some of this. ::Hands tasuki some sake and kisses his cheek:: ja ne!
Dear Sami-chan,
Arigato! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Chichiri,
are you a hobo?
Dear gijo,
No, I am a wandering monk, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
Well, you said to ask for beauty tips, and since you make a lovely man or woman, why not ask? What Lipstick goes best with Dark Blue silk, Lavender or Mauve? ^_^
Wolfi ^_~
Dear Wolfi,
Arigato! It depends on your coloring. Are you dark or fair skinned? What color are your eyes and hair?
Dear Tasuki,
You and Koji? I don't wanna know. Anywayz, Have to ask, you seem to be a little obsessive about Wolves. (Come on, the fangs, the phantoms, don't bother denying it.) I'm just interested in why you're so wolf-like?! Did you grow up around many of them? As you can see from my nic, I'm a little *ahem* wolfish myself.
Wolfi ^_~
Dear Wolfi,
Nah, I jus' think they're cool.
Dear Chichiri,
Hmm...alrighty, here's a question. Why do you have to serve as Guidance counselor for the Suzaku Seven and their, *cough* priestess? I mean, you're a nice guy and all, but don't you ever get sick of it? Just curious, no da? (Heh heh, had to steal *someone's* catch phrase, might as well be yours! ^_^
Wolfi ^_~
Dear Wolfi,
I am the oldest and well, someone had to, no da.
Dear Mitsukake,
Okay, well friends is good...I need more friends anyway...Ack..High schools almost over. Only one month left. I'm scared to go to college. Did you ever have any formal education? Not just to be a doctor, but do they have any schools in Konan? ^_^ See you later, buddy!
P.S. What's this thing about "Pedro"?
Dear Hime,
In my village there was no formal schooling. As for Pedro, perhaps that comes from the drama CD's.
Dear Nuriko,
Nuriko-san!!! I got my prom dress! *spins around in a nice little pretty poofy light pretty green dress* Would you like a pic of us when i get them back?
Dear Mary,
Hai!!! Have fun!
Dear Tasuki,
I know Lekka Shinen means blazing holy flame, right? but what language is it?
Priest of Genbu
Dear Priest of Genbu,
Dear Tasuki,
How come you have more jewelry than Mr. T?
Chickenhead of Doom
Dear Chickenhead,
Who th' H*LL is Mr. T?? *CnA shows him a picture.* Eh? He's got more jewelry than me! Besides, MY stuff is nicer!
Dear Mitsukake,
I dunno... *puts a video tape in the vcr and hits play. a male figure looking an AWFUL lot like mitsukake is seen dancing on a table, and is heard singing "i shake my little tush, on the catwalk!"* SURE that's not you?
Dear Saralady,
I am positive that that is NOT me!
Dear Hotohori,
What exactly is your seishi power?
Dear Miscellaneous,
Dear Tasuki,
he doesn't get drunk very often but when he does it's soooooooooooo funny i actually get drunk a lot more than darien. isn't that funny i mean i'm under age and all but not where i use to live oh well i got to go hey maybe you and rei, darien and i can all go out for a drink some time well i got to book it ja ne.
bunny (ect)
Dear bunny,
Ya' drink??? Yer too young! It ain't good fer ya'! An' Darrien don't seem th' heavy drinkin' kind.
Dear Chichiri,
My friend has been telling me about you and all the others. But I do have to say that you are so hot, even with out the mask!!!! (reaches through screen and plants a kiss on forhead.)
Dear AlleyKat,
*Blushes* Arigato, no da!
Dear Tamahome,
Konnichiwa, Tama-kun! Gomen, I haven't had time to write in a, how are you and the other seishi and Miaka? I hope good...*looks at the clock* O my megami! I am sooo late! Gomen, I'll write to you later, Tama!
Dear Rabbit,
We're all fine, thank you!
Dear Tasuki,
NOT 300 STORES!!!! You know how in Internet Explorer it records every page you go to? Well, it recorded 300 places. (Have Chiriko or CnA explain this to you.) Anyway, I had a great day yesterday! It almost made up for Tuesday and Wednesday. First, I only had to go to school for 3 classes, and in the afternoon I went to my new school just to look around, so I got to follow one of my best friends to her classes! When I first got there, we had lunch in the hallway, and after that, we went to drama. (Okay. Just so you know, I can't act. I hate acting. ) It sucked. ^^ Moving on ... then we went to French, and they had a worksheet that I didn't understand at all, but I talked to Pamela and Stevie, and looked up French words in the dictionary. After that was (YAY!) fitness. We walked over to the gym, and I got to watch 3 of my best friends run 2 1/2 miles straight. Heh heh ... and last of all was orchestra! It was great, but the trombones nearly made me deaf. When I finally got home, my package from anime chaos was waiting for me! (I got a douga sketch of you and one of Tomo) And THEN, my best friend and I went to Grave of the Fireflies at our local theatre, heard a discussion about anime by Roger Ebert, and my friend Alisa corrected him on his Japanese pronunciation. Cool, ne?
Dear Moon,
Sounds like a good day! 'Specially when ya' corrected th' critic! Heh-heh-heh...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Who does the background vocals for your songs? To me and my friends, it sounds like Nyan Nyans... *starts listening to 'Mizu Kagami'* *swoon*
Dear Sekhmet,
Background vocalists, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
Hey Tasuki, what do myou mean you don't fight girls? It's not fighting, more like working out, practicing? I just need a partner to practice with. Can I throw you around? Do you do Judo or not? It's not big deal, if your busy drinking sake or something, I can understand*_*
Emeric (F)
Dear Emeric,
OK. But ya' can't cry if ya' get hurt!
Dear Tasuki,
:sits infront of Tasuki: Rei Rei must be important to you ne?? I think that's sweet. :smiles really big at him: anyway just wanted to say that your still my number one bousihen ^_^ Can I have another hug and kiss please?? :smiles big at him:
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley,
She was... *Hugs her and gives her a kiss on the forehead.* Thanks.
Dear Mitsukake,
Oh but you ARE too sexy!! *winkwink*
Kelli, CnA#2
Dear Kelli,
*Looks confused and points to himself.* Me??? Arigato.
Dear Nuriko,
:hugs back: ya I realize that now that real men do not hit women. It's going to be hard though, you know trusting boys and all again, but I am only 15 right? So I have a while before I realy have to worry about that ne??
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley,
I suppose. Perhaps you should take a break from boyfriends for a bit. And get some counseling. It might help you to understand why you stayed with someone who physically abused you. *Gives her a hug*
Dear Chichiri,
*sits down and rests her chin in her hands* You know, itooshi, love is a pain in the #$*...
Kelli, CnA#2
Dear Kelli,
It can be very painful, no da. Gomen. *Hugs her*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
i've recently gotten a C in my math class and my mother thinks that that is a real bad grade when high school math is pretty hard. My question is... how can i convice my mom that i AM trying harder and to let me go to a little school dance?
Royaly screwed
Dear RS,
You could try telling her that you are doing your best. Ask her to get you a tutor to help bring your math grade up. Then ask for permission to go to the dance. Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Chichiri,
You do know that those "no da"s make your words to be taken more lightly most of the time, right? Of course, I think you're kawaii enough *kisses Chichiri* but what would happen if you couldn't say "no da" (or "da" or "na no da") for a whole day?
Dear Jasmine-chan,
Nothing, I suppose.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Here's a bunch of questions for you all to answer: What is you name? (Oops...wrong questions, don't answer that)
1: If you could go anywhere for vacation, where would it be? 2. If you were turned into an animal, what would it be? 3.Whats your favorite season? 4. What's your favorite candy? And my little brother wanted me to add this one (ie: He whined and pleaded and I'm in a good mood) If you had to be a poke'mon, what would it be? (Sorry about that last one)
Rain Cloud
Dear Rain Cloud,
That's a lot of questions! Here are all your answers!
Tasuki:Las Vegas, free drinks!
Tamahome:Washington, D.C. to see the Federal Reserve.
Chichiri:A secluded cabin by a lake that's good for fishing, no da!
Chiriko:The Library of Congress.
Mitsukake:A quiet secluded cabin.
Nuriko:The Mall of America!
Hotohori:The Palace of Versailles. So I can see the Hall of Mirrors.
2. Tasuki:Wolf
Chichiri:A cat, no da.
Nuriko:Persian cat
3.We all agree that we like spring the best, except for Chiriko who likes fall since that's when school starts.
4. Chocolate!
5. We really know very little about the Pokemon so we can't answer this question. Gomen.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Chiriko,
I would just like to thank you for allowing all of us fans to be able to write to all of you HOT, Beautiful, men out there.
Dear AlleyKat,
*Blushes and sweatdrops* Ano... you're welcome. Thank you for your kind compliments.
Dear Tasuki,
I didn't mean that YOU!! would be with tamahome. I ment that you would be with Miaka. And that Miaka would not be with tamahome. (jeeze) N-E-Way. How do you have fands? I mean if you are like part cat or something, I could understand. But if you're all human than I really don't get how you could have fangs. Please explain. Also, I was reading some of the letters that people have writen to you and someone call you a vampire. I think that's mean (Even if you are one, which I'm not sure on yet.)
Dear AlleyKat,
I'm a human bein'! I just happen to have fangs! 'Che!
Dear Mitsukake,
What's this i hear about you singing "I'm Too Sexy" and dancing on the kitchen table last night, hmmm?
Dear Saralady,
NANI???? It wasn't me!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
If you could marry anybody, or be back with anyone you loved again (to get married with them or contuine your realionship with them) who would it be?
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley,
Here are all your answers:
Tasuki:Rei Rei
Tamahome:I'm already with the person I love, but I would like my family back alive and well.
Nuriko:My sister Kouran alive and well.
Chichiri:My fiancee Kourin and my best friend Hikou, no da.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Mitsukake,
hi! can I pet your Tama neko? I think he is cute and reminds me of my kitten who is at the vet getting surgary right now ;-;
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley,
Certainly. I hope your kitten will be alright.
Dear Tasuki,
*is in extreme shock* You've never had a two dogs?!?!?! Two dogs is an alcoholic drink that tastes like lemonade. The best alcohol known to man, I swear. You can drink about 6 bottles without even realizing it!! And it tastes so good!!! *holds up bottles again* So, wanna tip back a bottle with me? I bet I could drink you under the table. Hee hee
Mother of Supreme Goddess
Dear Mother of Supreme Goddess,
Sure! I'll try it!
Dear Tamahome,
Whats your opinion of people making fun of Miaka since you do love her after all? Do you think its fair? Because I dont, it hurts my feelings because my friends tell me I look like Miaka. They make fun of your love and everything! Whats your feeling's on that?
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley,
I don't like it, but I guess they are just jealous.
Dear Chiriko,
*Runs up to Chiriko* Are you okay? Who was that blasting at you anyways? Looked like Sakura, but she was way too old to be a Nyan Nyan!
Spirit: *uh oh, meesa thinks I've been discovered! Time ta get outta here! I'll just posess the kid! He looks very open-minded! One two..... three!*
Keisei: Do you have any clue who that was? *picking the poor kid up* (I know you're 13 Chiriko, but you're kinda small. All that runnning musta tired ya out.) Maybe it was that spirit. But I thought she needed a body to use magic like that.
Spirit: *AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! slow down! Must slow down! Don't was to posess her! I wanna get rid of her! Hit the brakes! Hit the brakes! Too late!!!!!* *Keisei passes out*
Sakura:*no longer posessed and back to normal size* What happened to Lady Kei Chiriko-chan? Whered that ghosti-chan go?
Shrinemaiden Keisei
Dear Keisei,
I think the ghost is in Lady Kei...
Dear Tasuki,
Really? Domo Arigatou Tasuki ^_^ Your quite welcome for the Sake. Glad you like it ^_^ Annnnyway :is happy she is finally free of her abusive ex thanks to Nuriko: Heh Tasuki this is just hypothically I wouldnt force you into this or anything, but how do you think Kouji would react if you ever got married?
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley,
I guess he'd be surprised an' happy fer me.
Dear Tamahome,
Holy sheesh! Are we in a bad mood today Tama-dork? *thinks* Oh! I know what's wrong! *gives him six ryou for the questions he asked* There. Buy something chocolate. It'll help that grumpy additude, always does for me. *smiles*
Dear Nakago,
Thanks! What's up with your cheery attitude?
Dear Chichiri,
Hi Chichiri! I just wanted to know how your are doing, I am sitting at school durning lunch waiting for 6th period to start so I can get out of here! Anyway Chichiri, may I ask you a question. You have so many masks on your face, if one is peeling you pull it off and you have a spare! Doesnt that hurt your face to have sooo many on, and could you take off your mask for me? Cause I think you look *really* cute without it ^_^
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley,
I am doing fine, no da. No, no da. *Pulls off his mask* It's all magic! Arigato, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
Happy Belated Birthday, Tasuki-kun!! As a birthday present *digs through his Gundam's cockpit and pulls out two bottles of sake* would you like some sake?
Duo Maxwell
Dear Duo,
Hai! Wanna join me fer a drink?
Dear Hotohori,
Hi Hotohori! I haven't written to you in awhile ^_^ Ano since that girl stole your crown, please note people its not a bucket. I got you a new one! :holds it out to him: Here you go! But I personally think you look even MORE beauitful with your hair down *-* heh ^_^ anyone, ja ne Hotohori Sama!! :kisses his cheek:
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley,
Arigato! *Puts his hair in the crown and fixes it in place on his head.*
Dear Chiriko,
Your smart, you tell me something. Okay I just broke up with my boyfriend cause he hit and abused me (ask Nuriko he knows the story) but WHY do some boys have to be such creeps? WHY did he have to hit me?!
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley,
Because he is immature and has emotional problems would be my guess. Please remember that not ALL boys are like that.
Dear Nuriko,
Arigatou Nuriko, I did what you said, my parents freaked out, and so did his parents...since we are only teens he is going to Juvvy for awhile. This will teach me to fall in love at a young age. :sniffs: I wish that real people were as sweet and kind as Anime people. Arigatou for the advice, I feel much better now. Heh ^_^ Tell Tasuki I wish he was my boyfriend since I am too scared to tell him myself, he is a REAL man, so are you and the other Suzaku Seishi, you all know a *real* man doesnt hit a woman. Once again Nuriko, arigatou!! :hugs:
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley,
You're welcome! *Gives her a hug.* I'm glad that you are OK now. Just remember that REAL men do NOT hit women! Take care.
Dear Hotohori,
:seem's pleased enough with his answer for a 4 year old: ^_^ okay Lord Father! :huggles him: I tells mama you said hi okay?
Dear Boushin,
OK. *Hugs him.*
Dear Chichiri,
*hugs* Arigato for the birthday cake, itooshi. It kinda...cheered me up.
Kelli, CnA#2
Dear Kelli,
You're welcome, no da! Otanjoubi omedeto gozaimasu, no da! *Hugs and kisses her back.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hullo minna! Merry 123rd day after Christmas!! I felt like writing to you all to ask an opinion on something. At my school, a guy was arrested (at school, mind you) for raping 5 of the female students there. And you know how many people at school knew about it? 6 +faculty...the guy, and the 5 girls he raped. Where did everybody else find out about it? THE NEWS!!! Don't you think it would have been nice if the faculty had told the student body about it? A rapist in our school, and nothing...but if there is a lesser sex offender moving into the neighborhood about 5 miles away from school, everybody immediately gets a letter warning us. Do you think that the school should have told the students?
Dear Katsumi,
Hai!n And they should have told your parents, too! By not telling you they were putting you in danger.
Dear Tasuki,
I was SHOPPING. I went to all of my favorite online stores, and when I go there, I look at EVERYTHING. Hmph. Well, I've majorly cut down my surfing. Yesterday I only went to 20 sites! Oh, and I was right about this being a bad week . . . yesterday was absolutely dreadful. I don't feel like talking about it. Everything just went wrong, and I don't think today will be any better. I hate school.
Dear Moon,
300 stores!!!!! 'Che! You an' Nuriko should get together an' go shoppin'!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hello, Suzaku Seishi! I've never written here before, but my sis (who's only read stuff here, not actually written) told me about this place. ^_^ I have some good stuff to share, and bad stuff to share. Good stuff is that i got 2 Jap Fushigi Yuugi videos at Chinatown! ;D I'm sooo happy! Only cost me ten bucks. :D Also got 3 Fushigi Yuugi group posters for my room. Not much room on my walls for it, though..=:) Bad stuff. I'm very worried bout my upcoming report card. I was suposto hand in a folder of my work before the spring vacation, but i got sick the day before the vacation, and couldn't hand it in! My english teacher said she'd fail those that don't get the folder in! I didn't even tell my parents that i needed the folder..I'm afraid of my report card, now..;_; I really need to do well in school! I already failed too much in these past two years due to stupid program card changes. I currently work in a full 1-9 schedule, with no lunch and no launguage! I'm trippling on english, doubling on math, have both ROTC and gym (altho i'm going to get a medical excuse soon for that)...And i want to get into a good college. ;_; What do i do?
Dear Donna-A-K,
Tell your parents immediately! They can discuss the situation with your teacher and explain what happened so she won't fail you. Good luck! Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Do you know any websites with -really- good Fushigi Yuugi fanfic? ^_-
Dear Tasuki,
***Hey Tasuki, I heard you know Judo? I was in Judo for 12 years and my father opened his own club about ten or so years ago, and we taught many people! I taught for a few years but retired after I broke my collar bone and sprained my neck when this guy threw me wrong!! I wish I had Mitsukake at the time! Maybe we can get together and practice sometime? I hope you don't mind throwing a girl around? Or doing some Kata or pin holds? Some mat work? It would be an honor to work out with you! So we can kick some sreious Seiryuu butt! Oh, I forgot, they are like all dead now, right?
Emeric (F)
Dear Emeric,
They are an' I don't fight girls!
Dear Mitsukake,
Hiya Mitsukake! Are you in the market for a female companion? I know that it hurt when Shouka passed, but I was wondering if you were ready to go on with your life. Gomen for bringing up such a sad subject. Want a lollipop? ::holds out Tootsie Pop for Mitsukake:: It's chocolate, and it's got a Tootsie Roll in the center and the chocolate are my favorite flavor. ^_^ See you later. ::Gives Mitsukake peck on the cheek::
Dear Hime,
Arigato for your kind offer. However, I am just interested in having friends for now.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Sorry, I had to ask another question! I was wondreng about the clothing you wear? And what they are called? For Hotohori: Is this what you wear... CALLED: "The pien-fu" An ancient two-piece ceremonial costume, including a tunic-like top extending to the knees, and a skirt reaching to the ankles; one had to wear a skirt on certain occasions in order to be properly dressed. A pien is a cylindrical ceremonial cap; pien-fu later came to refer to the whole suit of ceremonial clothes. But most of the time, everyone wears a "shen-i" falls somewhere between the pien-fu and the long robe in its construction. The shen-i was made in two sections, tunic and skirt, much like the pien-fu; but the two were sewn together, so it is similar to the long robe in appearance. It has very large cut and deep folds, which draped generously over the body. This is, in fact, the origin of its name, which literally means "deep clothing." The sheni was the most widely worn of the three different types; it was the "Sunday best" of the common people, and moderately formal attire for government officials and scholars, appropriate for both men of letters and warriors. Ah...okay, so is that what you guys wear? I saw a picture of these types of clothing, and it kind of looks like what you wear? I was just making sure! Any help would be great! A kiss for all of you guys! Or do you want me to kick the Seiryuu's butt? Except for Amiboshi of coarse, or are they all dead?
Emeric (F)
P.s...the (F) in my name means name sounds like a man's name that's why! Everyone calls me Avery many names!
Dear Emeric,
It does sound similar to what I wear at the Imperial Court. Don't worry about ny of the aSeiryuu Seishi. they have all been taken care of.
Dear Tasuki,
we don't call it sake but we do have alababer slamers and other stuff that will get you drunk really fast umm you could ask darien about it when you get here he is older than i am.
bunny of the moon (ect. ect.)
Dear bunny,
OK. Mebbe he an' I will go out drinkin' together.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I have another question, I have been busy, but this one will be short and simple hopefully! what is your beliefs on reincarnation? Do the dead people get reborn in a new body? New place in time? Is it possible that they could be reincarnated in the same body? Same features? For Hotohori that would be nice, because no one can be as sexy and hansom as he was in his own body, than if he got a new one?
Emeric (F)
Dear Emeric,
We do believe in reincarnation, no da. We believe that it would be in a new place and time and that sometimes they do look like their old selves, no da.
Dear Tamahome,
*wanders in grumbling from the 'Ask the Seiryuu Seishi' page* Tamakins!!!! How much okane would I have to pay you to go melt Nakago again? He's not taking me seriously about my parrot, and now he's *sniff* saying mean things about Suboshi...don't get me wrong...Suboshi is not the nicest of the twins but he has a few redeeming qualities. Such as...he was smart enough to realize that his Aniki would be much happier with his 'family' in Makan Village. Not to mention that kawaii grin when you melted Nakago's shoulder the first time. This time got to melt him good, make him suffer!!!
Dear Kamea,
Sure... I'll think about it.
Dear Chichiri,
Is it bad to start liking pokemon? O_o Or maybe I need help.
Dear Yuri,
Depends, no da. Are you 10 or 20 years old, no da?
Dear Tasuki,
(grin) Hey Tasu-chan, long time no write ^_^ Just wanted to show you a new webpage I've started building.... Akugi Archive still under major construction.. but, don'tcha just love the picture? (grins widely) I know Kouji sure did! (cackles and runs off) (Kouji walks in) Tsk tsk tsk... Gen-chan... I was all wrong for calling you a scary faced man... you're A SCARY FACED WOMAN! BWA HAHAHAHAHA!!
Nykee-chan & Kouji
Dear Nykee-chan & Kouji,
YER NOT FUNNY!!!! But th' peeji is cool.
Dear Nuriko,
Ohayo! ^_^ I'm not sure if my friend has written you here or not (probably just watched) but she's obsessed with you and I thought I'd point out her website to you.... Fushigi Yuugi: Destiny Wish Upon a Star Ja!
Nurikosama's friend
Dear Nurikosama's friend,
It's an interesting site! Very pretty pictures of me!
Dear Tasuki,
Hey there, Tas'ki-chan.. how are you doing? Happy belated birthday.. I'm sorry I missed it. I hope it was a good one.. and, I'm sorry I don't really have anything to give you, but I'd be more than willing to draw something for you.. maybe a wolf..? Let me know if you want me to, okay? *hugs him* Thanks for letting me hug you.. I mean, I know there's millions of girls that drool over you and I know you're probably hounded daily.
Dear Reddie-chan,
Arigato! It was a good birthday. *Hugs her back.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
okay. 1) A klondike bar is a square piece of icecream covered in chocolate. Very good. So, *holds up klondike bars again* What would you do for a klondike bar?
2) Is the 1500 a rough estimate or actually true? Did you even test that out? *glares in skepticism*
3) Is that your final answer?
Supreme Goddess Brittany-sama
Dear Brittany,
1. Sounds tasty. I guess I would politely ask for one.
2. I did rearch on the 'Net and found that someone had published an article on this subject. Their experiment yielded roughly 1500 licks.
3. Yes.
Dear Tasuki,
I'm sorry for calling you a vampire, Tasuki-san, it's just you have fangs, and ... nevermind. Well, as a gift of apology, I tried to get you some sake, but couldn't find any. Would you like to join me in drinking a two dogs? *holds up two two dogs, one for Tasuki and one for herself* They're really good.
Mother of Supreme Goddess
Dear Mother of Supreme Goddess,
Ano, what's in this?
Dear Chiriko,
Do you know where Tokyo is?
Dear Ryuuen,
Hai! Japan.
Dear Tamahome,
Dear Nakago,
Hmmm... you mean besides the fact that you're a cold-hearted, rat-b*st*rd that only cares about himself and a pathetic excuse for a human being??
Dear Hotohori,
:looks at his daddy and huggles him: i missed you lord father! Can you come back to mommy and I now?
Dear Boushin,
*Looks at him with tears in his eyes.* I will always be with the both of you. *Hugs him*
Dear Tasuki,
You've never dyed eggs? Porr Tasuki. This is going to be a bad week. I can tell already. Tonight, mum checked the history on my browser. And it just happened that I have been to 300 sites in 3 days. Boy, was she mad!!! So now, because I'm such a good child (HA!) I've restricted myself to 20 sites a day. Plus I have a checklist so I don't start wandering ... I hate punishing myself.
Dear Moon,
300 sites!!! 'Che!! What th' h*ll were ya' lookin' fer???
Dear Nuriko,
Happy Easter, Nuriko-san! *offers a very kawaii Hotohori plushie* You like? *huggles her Tamahome plushie* I hope you do! Well, enjoy!
Dear Rabbit,
KAWAII!!! *Hugs the plushie.*
Dear Nuriko,
sits in front of Nuriko crying: Nuriko I have a problem and maybe you can help me out with it. I have been dating my boyfriend now for over a year. And he keeps smacking me and hitting me, telling me what to do as if he owns me, but I love him dispite all that (yes I know I am a fool) and I dont know what to do, I have asked him to stop hitting me and it hasnt worked! What should I do Nuriko?
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley,
Tell your parents what he is doing! NOW!!! Then call the police and press charges against him for abusing and hitting you. Then drop the bakayarou!!! No one deserves that kind of treatment! *Hugs her*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi!!! This is for Chichiri and Tasuki. Nani,Deserae,and I was passing out you two pictures to our friends. was not me or Deserae. It was Nani!!! She give out you two pictures.
Deserae: It got out of hand and they said---
Nani: HEY!!! What are you two doing here!!!!????
Doom Day and Deaserae: HHHHHHHHHHHEEEEEELLLLLLLPPPPPPPPP!!!!! She trying to KILL us!!!!!!!!!
Doom Day,Deserae and Nani
Dear Doom Day,Deserae and Nani,
*Look at each other confused...* Do you what they are talking about, no da? Nah, not a *(^%$#@ word of it!
Chichiri and Tasuki
Dear Tamahome,
You poor thing! :huggles Tamahome and hands him tons of mouthwash called 'Nakago Germ Killer': if he kisses you again...use the whole bottle! :hands him 40 ryou: here you got extra for being so nice to me ^_^ dont let Miaka waste it all on food now. Happy Easter Tamahome Sama!
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley,
Arigato! I'll make sure to save it!
Dear Tasuki,
Okay, I wont tell your sisters you love them. Awwwww Tasuki really can be a sweetie pie ^_^ heh dont hit me. Yes, I know my fanfic is gave me nightmares o.o; Anyway, I am making a sequal. ^_^ We live this time dun worry, and Riko lives too. (and we kick some major @$$ :gasp: you got me talking like YOU!), when I am done with that would you like to read it Tasuki Sama? Anyway happy easter! :kisses his cheek and gives him a bottle of sake shapped like an easter bunny: Anyway Tasuki, wo ai ni, and dont get too drunk ^_^
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley,
Sure I'll read it! Arigato fer th' sake!
Dear Mitsukake,
You know, Mitsukake-san, I find you incredibly ineteresting. You and I could actually have an INTELLIGENT conversation...unike flameboy over there. ^_^
Kelli, CnA #2
Dear Kelli,
Now, now... Tasuki is quite intelligent once you get to know him...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
How do you become Seishi of the Week? I'm putting up my FY fan art gallery and I'd like to give it a try. *hopes she doesn't sound arrogant* I just want to know what others will think of it.
Dear Shinyi,
You send in a scan of your artwork or the link to it to As long as it isn't hentai or offensive it generally gets posted.
Dear Chiriko,
Aw, Chiriko-kun, Mah Jong is BORING compared to Final Fantasy. You get to blow up things and stuff in that, no da! *grins*
Kelli, CnA#2
Dear Kelli,
Ano... I think you have me confused with Tasuki...
Dear Chichiri,
*blushes* Do you? Yes, it is. Was hoping to get a new sword...just kidding. ^_^ I already have run out of wall space to hang them up...@_@ What with my CHichiri posters and cel. *blows a kiss*
Kelli, CnA#2
Dear Kelli,
Posters and cels of me, no da?? Awww... *blushes and hugs her.* Yasashii desu yo, no da!
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