Dear Chiriko,
Oh, you think so? *blasts at him while he's running* Why would kawaii little Sakura-chan be possesed, hmmmmmmmm? If you can't tell me, then tell me where Lady Infinity is. *We notice that the Nyan Nyan is not so little anymore. Like a teenager. (about 12-14)* *different voice* Why would I be posessed, I just want to get to Infinity.
Dear Sakura,
ITAI!! I don't have any idea WHAT you are talking about!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I think I'm going to tell L-chan how i fell about him. If he freaks its not like i'll see him much any more his leaving for Universary(???) soon and i'm worred if i don't tell him i'll miss out on knowing if he fells the same.I know how to tell E-chan how i fell, i wan't you to guess what my other names on the net are and i'll tell you if your right later( if you don't know then i can tell you).
A Bad Bad Friend
Dear Bad Friend,
Good luck with everyone!! We hope it goes well for all concerned!
Nuriko and Tasuki
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*brings out a HUGE bottle of sake and a cake* Ne, Tasuki... I know it's a little late, but here's your birthday present. *hugs him* Enjoy the sake! Don't forget to flame Tamahome for me! *sees Chichiri and blows him a kiss* Konnichi wa, Chichiri-sama no da! Hope you're doing well too, no da! I love you (yes, I'm talking to that bishounen monk) na no da ^_^ Ne, I had a question for you seishi- what would you do if you ended up in the world outside the book of "The Universe of the Four Gods"? Ja ne!
Dear Jasmine-chan,
Here are your answers:
Tasuki:Try all th' sake!
Tamahome:Get a job so I can earn money!
Hotohori:Be an idol singer.
Nuriko:Go shopping!
Mitsukake:Learn about that world's healing techniques.
Chiriko:Go to the library!
Chichiri:Learn the skills I will need to survive, no da!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Chichiri,
Hello hello! Si vales bene est valeo! (If you are well, it is well, I am well.... that's latin.... I think...) I am writing from far away to inquire about your status as a monk. Are you a Buddhist monk, belonging to a temple somewhere but taking a sabatacle to hang out with the rest of the seishi? Have you devoted your life to the worship of Suzako and, if so, what sort of rituals do you partake in? Or are you perhaps a monk in the spiritual sense instead of the religious and are content to wander the earth with your thoughts while appreciating the wonder and beauty around you? And fish! I would much appreciate any information you could pass on. I find you to be an admirable person and I only wish to find out more about your personal philosophy. Also.....what are your clothes made of? Do you make them yourself? I only ask because they are AWESOME! And so are you!!!!! thank you thank you happy passover and easter
Dear Swardfish,
I am not a monk in the strictest sense of the word, no da. Although I did study under Taiitsu-kun for several years, I do not have a particular belief system (aside from believing in Suzaku)I consider myself just a wanderer, no da. My clothes are made of cloth and I either buy them or barter for them, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
What are you guys' favorite sports?
Dear Moon,
Hmmm... that's an interesting question... Here are your answers:
Tasuki:Drinkin'!! *Chichiri whispers to him...* Whaddya' mean drinkin' AIN'T a sport?!?!?!? (*%#$#$#%^#)___$#$^*!!!!! HMPH! OK, boxin'! Is THAT better?
Nuriko:Weight Lifting (Unhappy that shopping isn't considered a sport...)
Chiriko:Sumo Wrestling
Chichiri:Fishing, no da!
Dear Tamahome,
*frowns* I'm not smothering anybody. I'm just extremely tired. Who the hell would I want to smother anyway?
Dear Nakago,
With you, who knows?? Soi perhaps? *Tosses him a pillow.*
Dear Tamahome,
Happy Easter, Tama-chan! *offers Tama a very kawaii Miaka plushie* Do you like? *huggles her Tamahome plushie* I like mine! *giggles and blushes*
PS- Tell the others I said hello and happy Easter!
Dear Rabbit,
*Hugs his plushie* It's very kawaii!! Arigato and Happy Easter to you! I will give the Seishi your regards.
Dear Chiriko,
Since you were the one to respond to my letter, Chiriko-san, I believe I should respond back to you. Thank you for reading my previous letter and this one. My group would be from the cast of Lunar Silver Star Story Complete if you haven't heard of it, it's a rather good anime video game and if you haven't played it, I'd suggest you do. If you do wish to visit the site(it isn't much since I just now started it), go to And yes, I have seen the Ask the Slayers and Ask the Seiryuu Senshi groups but not the Final Fantasy VIII group yet. Sounds interesting though. Arigatou, Chiriko-san, for taking the time to read my letter.
Jessica DeAlkirk
Dear Jessica,
You're very welcome! Good luck with your site! It looks preety good!
Dear Nuriko,
What's your opinion of body glitter? i like to wear some happy sparklie glitter around my eyes, and i was curious as to whether or not you thought it was a good look.
Dear Saralady,
I love body glitter! As long as it is used sparingly it looks very nice. Just be careful not to get any in your eyes!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
HI!! This is for Chichiri and Tasuki. My siter and I were looking at this website. We were looking at the pitures and then we saw you two nude!! (Deserae:Ya'll don't rember the hot springs!!! ^.~)
Doom Day and Deserae
Dear Doom Day and Deserae,
AH! THOSE pictures, no da! *whispers to Tasuki* Oh yeah, THOSE pictures! Why didn't ya' include Hotohori in th' letter? He was in th' hot springs, too! We was jus' takin' a bath! Nothin' hentai goin' on or showin'! 'Che! Ya' really had us wonderin'!
Tasuki and Chichiri
Dear Tamahome,
Me again! Let me tell you, there is no shortage of pencil boards. *sweatdrops* Geez! I was looking on eBay, for some nice anime/manga posters, and there are so many pencil boards! I'm going to go nutso! Sorry, I had to tell someone...arigatou for listening!
PS- I like your nickname of Taka! One of my *sighs* characters has that name...he's based off of a boyfriend...tee-hee! Arigatou again for listening to me babble!
Dear Rabbit,
Glad you also like the name of Taka. I too noticed how may pencilboards there are for sale on eBay!
Dear Chichiri,
*looks slightly pitiful* appears that none of my letters have gotten through to you. So I thought I would say hello, as I haven't talked to you in a long time? *smiles* How are you, itooshi?
Kelli, Chichiri no Aisai
Dear Kelli,
I npticed, no da! I am fine and you, no da? I know your birthday is next week, no da *smiles*
Dear Nuriko,
Konnichiwa, Nuriko! I've almost got the whole FY thing figured only if I could get my hands on some episodes...oh! The reason I wrote to you! You make such a kawaii little bunny! Tee-hee! Tomorrow is Easter! *whispers* Don't tell Tasuki-san, but he makes a kawaii little bunny too!
Dear Rabbit,
Ariagto! You should be able to find our adventures at your local anime or video store. I won't tell him. Tee-hee...
Dear Chiriko,
I'm getting pretty bored with these RPGs. Have you ever played Mah Jong? ^_^
Dear Myrna-chan,
Hai! I especially like the computer versions.
Dear Chiriko,
I want to wish you, the Suzaku seishis and all other Fushigi Yuugi fans a HAPPY EASTER!! Hope that you feel good Chiriko, I know I am^_^ This week i have had a great time and i have bought 5 new manga-animes. So now im broke, very happy but broke^_^ *Gives Chiriko a big hug and a kiss on the cheek*
Dear Annie,
Happy Easter to you, too! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Nuriko,
*Leans over and whispers to Nuriko* Hi! Did you know that the 30th of this month is the birthday of your handmaiden, Inori? ^_^ What are you going to get her??? Tell me! We must celebrate! *Grins*
Dear Hoshi,
Something purple? If I had her email address I would send her an e-card...
Dear Chichiri,
Why do u havta be so darn kawaii? *swoon* But that is a VERY good thing. *daydreaming about you*(5 minutes later) Gomen, but it's just so hard to concentrate when I have pics of you everywhere. I have to start to find something else to do in math. My poor, poor geometry book. Anyway I was thinkin' 'bout what you said about Buddhism and I still want to be one. We studied it this year in Religion class and it had a big (more like huge) impact on me. But the only problem is my brother is being extremly mean to me about the whole Buddhist thing. Oh well, your birthday is like only a month away. YEAH!!! I even have a coutdown for it.(I'm really not pathatic, just obsessed) What would you like for your B-day? I have lots of planning to do for it. Enough of me, you probably have tons more mail to answer. But I'll give you a good bye kiss just 'cuase. *kisses him on the forehead* Arigato!
Aenne aka Chichiri no hime
Dear Aenne,
I'd like to spend a quiet day with my friends, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Have you ever dyed easter eggs? It's sooo fun!! (I feel so childish.^^) But I love getting messy and making my hands blue & pink & yellow ... ^^;; Mum made 4 dozen eggs this year @_@ ... it's going to take forever to color that many ... plus I have a soccer game tomorrow morning. -_-;; Well, anyway, have a nice Easter weekend, and I'll see you later!
P.S. How was your birthday? (I've been so busy this week ...)
Dear Moon,
I've never dyed Easter eggs! My birthday was GREAT!! (Thanks minna!) Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Greetings again! *gives them all presants* If you could kill any Seryiuu Seishi which one would it be..and how would you kill them? :blows them all a kiss:
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley,
Arigato for the presents! It is a three-way tie between Suboshi, Miboshi, and Nakago. I suppose a painful, yet somewhat quick death would do.
Dear Chiriko,
Okie.... hi there fellow... I'm not going to guess if yer a girl or boy yet, as my friend Sammy tells me, I'm really bad at telling male from female when it comes to anime. Give me a little credit, you anime peeps all look the same... heheh. Moving on, all I wanted to know is why the Suzaku seishi have a six year old hanging with them, yer so little, and isn't yer journey kinda hard on someone yer age?
Dear David,
I am NOT six! I am 13! And I am a boy NOT a girl.
Dear Nuriko,
ACH! Okay I've just read some letters from the peej... yer a guy? Heheh... really? Really? Really? Boy, I've really got to start watching The Mysterious Play. Sorrie, very sorrie about that mistake. Now, that blond girl is a girl rite? The blond that hangs out with the other blond... UHM, NEVERMIND!!
Dear David,
Yes she is.
Dear Chichiri,
And what exactly does CnA's husband think about her being your Aijin?
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
Considering I am an anime character and he is real, he isn't overly concerned, no da.
Dear Chiriko,
Hullo, Chiriko! How are you? Anou...I have a really big question. Do you know how to use frames in HTML? I can't figure out how to write the code so it works. That, and do you think there is a red pickup truck conspiracy? I saw 89 yesterday, and I didn't even go past any car lots!
Dear Katsumi,
I have never used frames in HTML so I am unable to instruct you. Gomen. It is possible that there are just a lot of red pickup trucks in your area.
Dear Hotohori,
:walks up to him with big shiney eyes, and holds out his hands eagerly: Lord Father!! :huggles his daddy's legs in delight:
Dear Boushin,
*Picks him up and hugs him.*
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki SAMA!! Happy Birthday! Gomen for not being able to tell you earlier but I was in las vegas! :hands him a big bottle of Sake: So ya wanna read my fanfic huh? Ya sure? Cause uh I sorta kinda yell at your mommy. And its really sad too! Plus its my first fanfic ever (you should be honored its all about you! ^_^) so I am warning you ahead of time before you read it. Don't let the ending shock you though, their will be a sequal ^_- so if you still wanna read it, go here: *-* heh heh heh ya fall in love with me in this fanfic :goes all dreamy: BEWARE there ARE mistakes in there so beware of that! I also wanted to know one thing, my brother and I got into this huge fight today and he told me he hated me :*( So I wanted to know one thing, you say you hate girls because of your sisters, deep down do you really love your sisters?? Once again Tasuki happy birthday :kisses his cheek:
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley,
Interestin' but sad fic! Of course I love my sisters!! Jus' don't ever tell 'em!
Dear Tamahome,
I just want to know one thing, what was running through your mind when *shudders* Nakago kissed you
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley,
I just tried hard not to throw up!
Dear Tasuki,
Wow, it's your birthday already? ^^;; *shakes his hand and smashes a birthday cake into his face for the heck of it* Ne, have you tried red wine yet? *hands him a good quality one* Just don't try to look like a vampire while drinking that. ^_^
Dear Yuri,
What are ya' nuts or somethin'?? What th' h*ll did ya' do that fer??? *Takes wine...* Thanks...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Don't you guys have your own problems that need solving? Or is CnA a psychiatrist or something?
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
Why do you ask, no da? Do you feel you need one, no da?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I haven't written to you guys in a really long time now, huh? Well, fear not. I have a question. Does anyone have a pillow?
Dear Nakago,
Doushite? Who do plan to smother with it?
Dear Tamahome,
Hey, I thought up an alternate ending for a famous proverb. A fool and his money...defines Tamahome. *loud hysterical laughter*
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
>.<';;; You are SO, NOT funny!!!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
You guys seen anything even remotely resembling ectoplasm around here? I've got to avoid Charrion, but stamp out this ghost that's escaped at the same time. Lord Nikos said that the ghost was my first assignment, but now Charrion's trying to take me out and steal my job. So, seen anything parinomal?
Shrinemaiden Keisei
Dear Shrinemaiden Keisei,
You might want to check out Sakura-chan and Chiriko.
Dear Chiriko,
Hey Chiko, *eyes glowing evily* what do you know about ghosts? Keisei said there was one around here, and I need to find her before the thing can *snicker* harm her too much. I wouldn't want it to get there before me, so I must know what the spirit might try to do.
Dear Sakura?,
I know enough to know you're posessed!! *Runs away*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
HI Everybody!!! ^.^ This is really on a short notice but can I have my birthday gift from everyone?? My birthday is on April 28,2000 I'll be turing 13 for the first time and the last! (smiles)^-^ I don't come cheap!! So by something expensive!!! ^.~
Doom Day
Dear Doom Day,
Otanjoubi omedeto gozaimasu, no da! Happy birthday! Gomen there are no gift stores in the humble cyber abode, no da!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Okay, so it's me again. Am I annoying? Sorrie but I know nothing about the series and so I thought that I'd go straight to the source. Answer me questions pls?
1. Ahem.... what's this whole series about?
2. So, why are all teh seishi men? And how come in Sailor Moon all the senshi are woman? I sense a pattern.
3. Why's the leader of yer whole band a Japanese when according to Sammy all this takes place in China?
4. Can I have the number of the cute blond?
5. Is she with that other tall blond guy?
6. In that case what's the name of the really pretty girl with purple hair?
7. So what's with the hair of the guy with the smiley face?
8. What are the seishi's special powers?
9. What's the whole point of following that girl... that girl that you follow?
10. Who's the strongest seishi?
11. Who's the smartest?
12. Who's the funniest seishi?
13. Who's the coolest of them all?
14. Why'd ya open this peej?
15. Who's yer fave bad guy?
I haven't watched any episodes but the guy with the feathers on his head and painted face looks cool... K that's it. I'm gonna go beg someone for your tapes and then check back with youse guys. Hehhe. Laterz
Dear David,
Here's ALL of your answers:
1. Watch our adventures.
2. Because we are, no da.
3. Accident of birth?? (Tasuki)
4. See answer #1.
5. No
6. Yes
7. Nuriko tee-hee...
8. What's wrong with my hair, no da?
9. See answer #1.
10. Nuriko
11. Chiriko
12. Mitsukake
13. Tasuki
14. So we could talk to our fans, no da.
15. The dead ones.
Tomo is a freak!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
Why were you mean to me on the fisrt letter!? By the way I saw one of your picture and you was um... (looking at the picture) YOU DIDN'T EVEYTHING ON!!! ^.~ Yeah baby!! ^.^
Doom Day
Dear Doom Day,
'Che! I'm like that to everyone! Ya' saw WHAT?!?!?!?! WHERE?!?!?!?!?!?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
SSSSUUUUUUUUUUUZZZZZZZAAAAAAAAAKKKKKKKUUUUUUUUUu SEEEEEEEEEEIIIIIIISSHHIII! Hi. Heheh hello this is David here, I heard you guys know where the Anime Expo is! Where? When? How? My friend Sammy told me before but I forgot, you guys have gotta tell me! I think Sammy said that you guys have the answer somewhere in the peej but that's a lot of stuff to go thru so just tell me rite here. *sits* I have all day... Oh and by teh way, Sammy and Chip say sorry about they're long absence. I guess that's why they sent me rite? Hehehhehehehehehehehehe ^^ Didn't I say? IT'S DAVID!
Dear David,
Hyper ain't ya'?? Tell Chip an' Sammy we said Hi! Here's a link to th' info ya' asked fer: Anime Expo 2000
Dear Chichiri,
Hi!! I saw your picture and you didn't have nothing on! ^.~
Doom Day
Dear Doom Day,
NANI?!?!?!?!? Doko, no da? (What???? Where???)
Dear Mitsukake,
HI! I love that kitty you have! ^.~
Doom Day
Dear Doom Day,
Thank you, so do I. *Pets Tama-neko.*
Dear Tasuki,
hey tasuki. i was wondering if you would like to come to miaka's and my world? well i have a friend named rei and she has a temper and likes fire hey good cualitys for a girl right? well you guys don't have to hook up or anything but you two could become really good friends. actually i have a friend for each of you guys. well like i said you don't have to get together or anything but i owe miaka a favor and she wanted me to bring you guys to this world. ok? well i got to bookit. oh tamahome said he would come, and chichiri said he would think about it so would you think about it to that is all i ask. thanks. hey could you give me a fanged grin? well i got to go see ya.
bunny of the moon (serena (sailor moon (princess serenity)))
Dear bunny,
Mebbe. Ya' got any good sake there?
Dear Chichiri,
Haven't wrote to you in quite a while, Chichiri-sama! ^^; Ogenki desu ka? *hands him a special cookie* Anyway... do you think it's odd for a person to be the 'middle-man' frequently between two parties? Is it like having no real beliefs of your own?
Dear Yuri,
Ore wa genki desu, no da. If you are a mediator that is not the same as having no beliefs of your, no da.
Dear Tamahome,
Whoops... Your apology came too laaaaaaaaaate. ^-^
Dear One-chan,
That's OK. I ignored your previous letter anyway. *Smiles*
Dear Hotohori,
Hey Hoto! Is it alright i call you that? well anyways i got a question, did you really fall in love with Miaka? Because I think you just thought you were Like Yui did Tamahomae...
Dear Sarah,
Please don't call me Hoto - that is not my name. I did fall in love with Miaka because I grew up believing that the Miko would take away my loneliness.
Dear Nuriko,
Thank you! You are very WISE! if i ever need any other help i know who to go to! *Huggles him tightly* You need anything ask me! *smiles*
Dear Renee,
You're welcome! *Gives her a hug back.*
Dear Tasuki,
*looks to Tasuki and blushes* Yea...Well I guess Nuriko is right, I will leave you alone...*turns away and walks off*
Dear Renee,
Ano... ok... *Looks confused*
Dear Nuriko,
I'm 12 Why dija ask? Please tell me what i should do!
Dear Kimika,
Well, your sister is 15 and at 12 you might be a bit young for her crowd. If you want to spend time with your sister why not setup a special time for jsut the two of you to be together?
Dear Tamahome,
Konnichiwa, Tamamhome-san! It's me, Rabbit! Guess what? On AOL, they have this nifty "Who is your anime sweetie?" test and guess who I got? None other! *blushes* I know you're already taken by Miaka, and I realize that you're in love, but could we be friends? Arigatou!
Dear Rabbit,
Of course we can be friends!
Dear Chichiri,
When babies start to talk they always seem to start out by saying "da da" or "ma ma". Were your first words "No da da?"
Just wondering:)
Dear Just wondering:),
*Smiles* Perhaps it was more like "Da da, no da."
Dear Chichiri,
Hi!!! chichiri!! LOOK AT MY SITE!! HOW DO PUT PICTURES ON YOUR SITE!! love yea BYB!!!
Dear Deserae,
It is off ot a good start, no da. Ano... you might want to lose the animated dog, no da. It tires your eyes after awhile, gomen. We upload pictures to our site using an FTP program, no da. Good luck!
Dear Tasuki,
*POUNCE!* But WHY am I so much fun to pick on????? ;-;
Firefury: Because when it comes to boyfriends you take it so well! You look soooo cuuuute when you blush, though yo haven't blushed all that much. It was much more fun picking on you about Speed! ONE AND NATE SITTIN' IN A TREE! F-L-U-F-F-I-NG!
Firefury: Okay... H-U-G-G-I-N-G! AND YOU CAN'T DENY THAT PART!
Noooo! Shut up, shut up, shut up!!!
Firefury: Yer blushing, Imoutosan!
One-chan and Firefury
Dear One-chan and Firefury,
Heh-heh-heh... 'nuff said!
Dear Tasuki,
Hi, My friend believes that you would be better with Miaka tham Tamahome. I want to know what you think. You can tell her for yourself. She sign's her name as, Bunny of the Moon. Thank you very much, and I just like to say that guy's with fang's are HOT!!!!!!
Dear AlleyKat,
Glad ya' like th' fangs! 'Che! I think I'd be better off paired wit' Miaka then paired wit' Tamahomne, too! Stupid *(^%$#@ hentai yaoi fan fic writers!!!!!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Do any of you guys play chess/xiangqi(Chinese chess)?
Tim =^-^=
Dear Tim,
If it is the same as Chinese Checkers, hai no da!
Dear Tasuki,
Are you usually wasted when you write back to your adoring public? Not that it's a bad thing or anything, it's just that that slurred speach sets people to wondering. *hands Tasuki a bottle of Sake* Here. Sorry if I offended you. Anyway, how's life at 21? I hope you're enjoying it. Did you get lots of cool stuff for your birthday? Sorry I couldn't get you a motorcycle. Oh, well. *gives Tasuki another bottle* Anyway, happy birthday again. By the way, can I have a hug and kiss? I'm on spring break right now, and once I have to go back to school, I probably won't have anymore time for e-mail until the summer. Please?
P.S. Moon says hi.
Dear Caitlin,
nah, it's jus' how I talk! *Gives her a hug and a kiss on the forehead.* Tell Moon I said Hi back!
Dear Hotohori,
*blinks at Hotohori, then starts snickering* Did I just hear you talk to yourself in Chichiri's voice. That hat must keep your brain warm of something. Ha ha! *grabs the hat, again and pulls out a ray gun* You try and take this one more time and you're going to have an evil doppleganger of you wreaking havoc on this whole board! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
No, no da! You heard me, no da! *Poofs in and takes the crown and her gun away fom her and then disappears.*
Dear Tasuki,
Fine. Since it's your b-day (or whenever this is answered) I'll be nice. *grumbles* Happy b-day baka.... *holds out hand* Truce?
Reikaku no Miko
Dear Reikaku no Miko,
Sure. *Shakes her hand.*
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki!!!!!!!*runs in and hugs him* Did ya have a nice Birthday? *reads responses* Hey! I was partying in the MB, but I'm not Hentai, *sniffles* am I? Tasuki! Kelli called me a baka, I'm not a baka!! ;_; Please be nice to RnM's plushies *hugs one**giggles* They are nice to people who think they are cute!
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
It was a GREAT birthday!! Thanks minna-san!!!
Dear Chichiri,
what does Konnichiwa minna mean?
Dear Suzaku-sama,
I'm surprised you don't know, no da. It means "Hello everyone", no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I've only got three questions for you.
1) *holds up box of Klondike bars* What would you do for a Klondike bar?
2) How many licks does it take to get to the tootsie roll center of a tootsie pop?
3) Who wants to be a millionaire? . . . Is that your final answer? Arigatou!!!
Dear Brittany-sama,
Here are your answers:
1) What's a Klondike Bar?
2) Approximately 1500.
3) Tamahome!
Dear Tasuki,
Just out of idle curiosity, what's with the fangs? Are you a vampire? I've never seen anyone with fangs like that except for the vampire Lestat, who is EXTREMELY sexy. Just curious.
Mother of Supreme Goddess
Dear Mother of Supreme Goddess,
I ain't no vampire!! They're jus' my *(^%$#@ TEETH!!!
Dear Tasuki,
Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Tasuki! Happy birthday to you! HAPPY B-DAY!!! how old are you today? I got you a gift. *hands Tasuki a HUGE box,bigger than himself* open it. Do u like it? It's the biggest bottle of sake I could find. Just promise not to drink it all at once. Anyway have the best birthday ever!
Dear Aenne,
ALRIGHT!!! Arigato!!! *Starts chugging sake...*
Dear Tasuki,
Hi! *waves* Happy Birthday! *hands Tasuki a BIG bottle of sake and a box of Tessen-polish(TM)* I was gonna have a party for you but no one could come... BUT that was OK because it was YOUR birthday and that means it's a happy day! BUT it didn't turn out to be a happy day! It was a bad day! When I was decorating my page for your birthday last night (Ureshinamida -shameless plug-) my mom got mad and yelled at me for hogging the computer. I almost RUINED Hoshi-sama's film in Photography, almost fell asleep during my Economics test, didn't have my English homework, and TOTALLY lost it and had a big, (I guess you could call it a fight) with She-who-mustn't-be-named, (Hoshi and I wrote to you about her once...) And I was really MEAN! I always thought I was a nice person... But I ended the "friendship" (it was more of a pity thing) and I don't feel at all sad... AGGGHHH GIVE ME BACK MY HAPPY DAY!!! *has some sort of breakdown* WHAAAAAAA!!!! Sorry for bugging you with my problems on your birthday.. I just needed to vent...... Sorry sorry sorry!!! *give Tasuki more sake* Here, I hope this makes up for it. Happy Birthday! *turns to leave* ....... *runs back and kisses Tasuki on the cheek, blushes profusely and runs out of the room*
Dani-chan *^_^*
Dear Dani-chan,
Arigato fer th' great presents! I signed yer guest book, too! Sorry yer day sucked. So what's a crayon??
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I was just curious... do you guys prefer boxers or briefs? ^_~
Dear JessChan,
Have you tried our new Search Engine on the Archive peeji? Check the Archive for 09/05/98 pg.2 for your answer.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I'm really impressed by your site and I've been wanting to do something like this for some time now. Would you mind if I did something like this for my group? I would, of course, give all credit to your site for the inspiration and so forth. Thank you for taking your time to read my letter and respond. Good day.
Jessica DeAlkirk
P.S. Who gets the most letters..? It seems like Tasuki-san does.
Dear Jessica,
Domo arigato gozaimashita!!!! Tasuki does get the most letters of all of us. Then Chichiri is next as far as volume of letters received. You're doing a similar peeji for your group would be fine with us. So, what is your group? You do know there are already an Ask the Slayers, Final Fantasy VIII Cast, and Seiryuu Seishi peejis? Good luck! Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Tasuki,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, TASUKI-SAMA!*hugs bandit* i hope it's a great one! i baked you a pie...couldn't think of any presents you'd like. hope you enjoy the pie, and have a wonderful day!
Dear Saralady,
Arigato! Oishii pie!
Dear Chichiri,
*hugs Chichiri then backs away, blushing* Gomen. You looked like you needed a hug. *is silent for a moment, then kisses his cheek* You needed a kiss, too. That's all I came to do. BYE. I love you!!
Supreme Goddess Brittany-sama
Dear Brittany-sama,
*Blushes* Yasashii, no da! Arigato, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki-sama!! Congradualtions!! Once again you get to be a proud contestant in Ai-chan's Round of 20 Pointless Questions! What do you have to say?! Okay, on to the game!
First question: which of your five sister would you, if you were trapped in Kutou-koku's dungeon, work with to escape and safely return to Konan-koku?
You're stranded on a deserted island, and you have to stay with the following three people, which other three would you stay with? a) Miboshi, Nakago and Aidou b) Soi, Eiken and Ashitare c) Yui, Suboshi and your mother
Okay, you're at a party, and you have to make an ass of yourself in order to make Tamahome look even stupider than you, which of these three things would you do? a) sing Blue Eyes...Blue b) fight Nuriko and let Nuriko win c) have a cooking contest with Miaka and have to do better than her
Now, you're assigned to be a body guard, but then you find out it's someone you hate, but fortunately the job offers you a choice to chose who you can guard, they give you the following three options, who do you chhose? a) Tomo b) Eiken c) Soi
you're trapped in a room for 72 hours, with no escape, you have three things to amuse you, which of the three do you choose? a) torturing Tamahome b) playing "Guess Who" c) drinking sake
Now, Hotohori gives you a mission, but you're devasted to find out what it is, how do you get out of it? a) grovel on your hands and knees in front of him until he gives in b) try and tell him that Tamahome is the better man for the job, even though you are more competeant than Tamahome is c) just give in and do the bloody thing, and d it half-assed and risk getting your ass whipped.
You're tied down and subjected to a horrid fate, but fortuntealy your abductor gives you the choice of choosing one of the three a) being subjected to being the taste tester for Miaka's cooking b) being a lab-rat c) having to listening to Amiboshi's music, remember, he only knows four tunes...
What is your worst nightmare? a) haing to relive your childhood over and over b) having to live with Aidou for the rest of your life, with no way of commiting homocide or suicide, and the only way out is natural death c) having to be Nakago's whip-boy, in other words, you are the person that nakago whips for fun
You've committed an autrcity against Konan-koku, and because you're a seishi, Hotohori is being nice to you, he gives the three following things to choose from in order to pay your debt to the community a) becoming Tamahome's slave for the next 6 months b) having to be a model for the women's latest fashions c) having to do 240 hours of community service
last question of this round, you're fighting the Seiryuu side, and you throw a dagger, who of the folowing three people do you hope you don't kill? a) Suboshi b) Miboshi c) Nakago
now, on to commercial break, we'll be back right after this...
Dear Ai-chan,
Here's alla yer answers!
1. Aidou
2. C
3. C
4. C
5. C
6. C
7. C - 'Che! Anythin' is better than Miaka's cookin'!!
8. B
9. C
10. None of 'em!!
An' that was only 10 NOT 20 questions! 'Che! even I can count THAT high!
Dear Tasuki,
Hey, Tasuki, happy birthday, man! I got a birthday dinner here for you... a flame-broiled rib-eye steak (I hope you like it medium-rare) and a bottle of sake! See you later..
Dear Tonberry,
Arigato!!! OISHII!!!!!!!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
What does the "Aijin" (oops, did i spell that right?) in "Chichiri no Aijin" mean?
Dear curious,
"Ai" means love and "jin" is another word (besides hito) for person, no da. So it means lover, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey dude, I recently wrote a letter asking about the time difference in Miaka's world and the other... I think I got it figured out! For every 4 days in Miaka's world, a year has passin the universe of the four Gods? I thought about this some, especially when Miaka went away for like only a night to her own world to recover, and when she got back, Three months had passed already! I did the math...I hope I'm right!
Emeric (F)
Dear Emeric,
Sounds good to me!
Dear Nuriko,
Hiya Nuriko-sama. Maybe you can answer this for me: Why are teenage guys so obsessed with looks? Why don't they see past superficial things? ARGH!
Dear Hime,
*Sweatdrops* Gomen I don't really know. But I do know that some of us NEVER grow out of it!
Dear Tasuki,
Konnichiwa, Tasuki, my tomodachi!! Happy Birthday my man! *presents him with about 5 HUGE jugs of sake, plus a C-chan Special(twice as strong as a Nuriko Special, made especially for my pyromaniac bud!). Hands him a 'Salty Dog.'* Tasuki, you've GOT to try the Salty Dog! Be careful, though, it'll screw you royally if you aren't careful! *pours two cups of sake* To Tasuki! A little healthy pyromania never hurt anybody! I've got a present for you!*Hands him a bunch of Tamahome dolls* they're for The Ritualistic Burning of the Tamahome Dolls Ceremony! *grins* Well, I've got to go in a moment! Anyone up for a drinking contest, a game of poker(no, not strip!)maybe? *Drags Chichiri in, pours him a C-chan Special* Chichiri, it's about time you had some REAL booze! (please, Chichiri, for me? just this once?) bai bai(hic)
C-chan ~_~.
Dear C-chan,
Hic da! Hic da! What's in this, no da? Tasuki: *Burns Tamahome dolls* Heh-heh-heh...
Chichiri and Tasuki
Dear Tasuki,
Happy birthday! You're gonna' be 21, right? Well, that's great, isn't it. Now you can get totally wasted, and it's perfectly legal, in the U.S. anyways. Hey, I have a question about Evangelion. How many movies are there? I think two, but I'm not sure. I just saw the first four eps, and I'm totally hooked. Well, anyway, happy birthday! Chug a few for me, will ya?
Caitlin & Moon
P.S. Moon: He shouldn't have a problem with that, Caitlin. He LOVES sake. Heh heh heh . . . But don't get too drunk, Tasuki-sama. The Drooling Tasuki Fanclub will probably be after you . . .^^ Ja ne!
Dear Caitlin & Moon,
I think there were two movies. I watched th' whole series. Hated th' endin'!! Thanks fer th' birthday wishes!
Dear Tamahome,
Mwahahahah! This is your last chance! APLOGIZE FOR PICKING ON ME ABOUT NATE OR YOU SHALL PAY! (And NO, I will NOT pay you to apologize to me!!!)
Keetia: *giggles* I'd listen to her. Cause I know what she plans to do yo you if you DON'T. Heheheh... Just be glad she's only asking for an apology and not demanding you beg for her forgiveness ^.~
*glares at Essence* If you have something to say, write your OWN letter, demmit! *glare*
One-chan and co.
Dear One-chan and co.,
When did I pick on you?? *sighs* Fine, gomen nasai.
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